80_FR_57148 80 FR 56966 - Membership of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Performance Review Board

80 FR 56966 - Membership of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Performance Review Board

National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 182 (September 21, 2015)

Page Range56966-56966
FR Document2015-23703

In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4), NOAA announces the appointment of members who will serve on the NOAA Performance Review Board (PRB). The NOAA PRB is responsible for reviewing performance appraisals and ratings of Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level (SL), and Scientific and Professional (ST) members and making written recommendations to the appointing authority on retention and compensation matters, including performance-based pay adjustments, awarding of bonuses, and reviewing recommendations for potential Presidential Rank Award nominees. The appointment of members to the NOAA PRB will be for a period of two (2) years.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 182 (Monday, September 21, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 182 (Monday, September 21, 2015)]
[Page 56966]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-23703]



National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration

Membership of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
Performance Review Board

AGENCY: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 
Department of Commerce (DOC).

ACTION: Notice of membership of the NOAA Performance Review Board.


SUMMARY: In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4), NOAA announces the 
appointment of members who will serve on the NOAA Performance Review 
Board (PRB). The NOAA PRB is responsible for reviewing performance 
appraisals and ratings of Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level 
(SL), and Scientific and Professional (ST) members and making written 
recommendations to the appointing authority on retention and 
compensation matters, including performance-based pay adjustments, 
awarding of bonuses, and reviewing recommendations for potential 
Presidential Rank Award nominees. The appointment of members to the 
NOAA PRB will be for a period of two (2) years.

DATES: Effective Date: The effective date of service of the eight 
appointees to the NOAA Performance Review Board is September 30, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christine Nalli, Director, Executive 
Resources Division, Workforce Management Office, NOAA, 1305 East-West 
Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, (301) 713-6301.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The names and positions of the members for 
the 2015 NOAA PRB are set forth below:
Jason A. Donaldson, Chair
     Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer, Office of 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
John D. Murphy, Co-Chair
    Chief Operating Officer, National Weather Service
Ciaran M. Clayton
    Director of Communications, Office of the Under Secretary
Michael E. Phelps
    Director, Office of Budget, Office of the Secretary, U.S. 
Department of Commerce
RDML Anita L. Lopez
    Deputy Director for Operations, OMAO and Deputy Director, NOAA 
Corps, Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
Louisa Koch
    Director, Office of Education, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary
Paul N. Doremus
    Deputy Assistant Administrator for Operations, National Marine 
Fisheries Service
Russell F. Smith, III
    Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Fisheries, Office of 
the Deputy Under Secretary

    Dated: August 31, 2015.
Kathryn D. Sullivan,
Under Secretary of Commerce, for Oceans and Atmosphere.
[FR Doc. 2015-23703 Filed 9-18-15; 8:45 am]

                                               56966                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 182 / Monday, September 21, 2015 / Notices

                                               Agenda                                                  Coast Guard, the Atlantic States Marine               Presidential Rank Award nominees. The
                                                                                                       Fisheries Commission, the New England                 appointment of members to the NOAA
                                               Tuesday, October 6, 2015
                                                                                                       and South Atlantic Fishery Council’s                  PRB will be for a period of two (2) years.
                                                 The Council will hold a Habitat                       liaisons, and the Council’s Executive                 DATES: Effective Date: The effective date
                                               Workshop on Tuesday to discuss                          Director. The Council will also receive               of service of the eight appointees to the
                                               potential strategies to more fully                      a Science Report, Executive and SSC                   NOAA Performance Review Board is
                                               integrate habitat into the Ecosystem                    Committee reports and discuss any                     September 30, 2015.
                                               Approach to Fisheries Management                        continuing and/or new business.                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                               process.                                                   Although other non-emergency issues
                                                 During the afternoon session, the                                                                           Christine Nalli, Director, Executive
                                                                                                       not contained in this agenda may come                 Resources Division, Workforce
                                               Council will continue with the Habitat                  before this Council for discussion, those
                                               Workshop. The Blueline Tilefish                                                                               Management Office, NOAA, 1305 East-
                                                                                                       issues may not be the subjects of formal              West Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland
                                               Amendment will be discussed to                          action during this meeting. Council
                                               approve a range of alternatives. The                                                                          20910, (301) 713–6301.
                                                                                                       action will be restricted to those issues
                                               Council will review the Scientific and                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                                                                       specifically listed in this notice and any
                                               Statistical Committee’s (SSC)                           issues arising after publication of this              names and positions of the members for
                                               Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC)                       notice that require emergency action                  the 2015 NOAA PRB are set forth below:
                                               recommendations, as well as the                         under section 305(c) of the Magnuson-                 Jason A. Donaldson, Chair
                                               Monitoring Committee and Advisory                       Stevens act, provided that the public                   Chief Financial Officer/Chief
                                               Panel recommendations and                               has been notified of the Council’s intent                  Administrative Officer, Office of
                                               recommend 2016–18 Spiny Dogfish                         to take final action to address the                        Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
                                               Specifications and associated                                                                                 John D. Murphy, Co-Chair
                                               management measures. The Council                                                                                Chief Operating Officer, National
                                               will then receive an update on recent                   Special Accommodations                                     Weather Service
                                               activities from the Bureau of Ocean                       This meeting is physically accessible               Ciaran M. Clayton
                                               Energy Management.                                      to people with disabilities. Requests for               Director of Communications, Office of
                                                                                                       sign language interpretation or other                      the Under Secretary
                                               Wednesday, October 7, 2015                                                                                    Michael E. Phelps
                                                                                                       auxiliary aids should be directed to
                                                  The Executive Committee will meet to                 M. Jan Saunders, (302) 526–5251, at                     Director, Office of Budget, Office of
                                               review the 2015 Implementation Plan                     least 5 days prior to the meeting date.                    the Secretary, U.S. Department of
                                               and to discuss and review the 2016                                                                                 Commerce
                                               Implementation Plan. The Council will                     Dated: September 16, 2015.                          RDML Anita L. Lopez
                                               then review and approve the 2016–20                     Jeffrey N. Lonergan,                                    Deputy Director for Operations,
                                               Five-Year Comprehensive Research                        Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable              OMAO and Deputy Director, NOAA
                                               Priority Plan. The Council will also                    Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.              Corps, Office of Marine and
                                               identify research priorities for near-term              [FR Doc. 2015–23625 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]                Aviation Operations
                                               cooperative research projects for the                   BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                Louisa Koch
                                               Council Cooperative Research Plan.                                                                              Director, Office of Education, Office of
                                                  During the afternoon session, the                                                                               the Deputy Under Secretary
                                               Council will review the SSC report                      DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                Paul N. Doremus
                                               regarding data limited methods for                                                                              Deputy Assistant Administrator for
                                               recommending black sea bass ABC and                     National Oceanic And Atmospheric                           Operations, National Marine
                                               revise the 2016–17 black sea bass catch                 Administration                                             Fisheries Service
                                               limit recommendations, if appropriate.                                                                        Russell F. Smith, III
                                                                                                       Membership of the National Oceanic                      Deputy Assistant Secretary for
                                               The New England Fishery Management                      and Atmospheric Administration
                                               Council’s Framework for Surfclams and                                                                              International Fisheries, Office of the
                                                                                                       Performance Review Board                                   Deputy Under Secretary
                                               Ocean Quahogs, which includes clam
                                               dredge exemption areas on Georges                       AGENCY: National Oceanic and                            Dated: August 31, 2015.
                                               Bank and Nantucket shoals areas, will                   Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    Kathryn D. Sullivan,
                                               be presented. The Council will then                     Department of Commerce (DOC).                         Under Secretary of Commerce, for Oceans
                                               receive a summary of scoping comments                   ACTION: Notice of membership of the                   and Atmosphere.
                                               and identify the next steps regarding                   NOAA Performance Review Board.                        [FR Doc. 2015–23703 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]
                                               Unmanaged Forage followed by an                                                                               BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                               update on the progress for the summer                   SUMMARY:  In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
                                               flounder sex-specific model.                            4314(c)(4), NOAA announces the
                                                                                                       appointment of members who will serve
                                               Thursday, October 8, 2015                               on the NOAA Performance Review                        BUREAU OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL
                                                  The Council will identify preferred                  Board (PRB). The NOAA PRB is                          PROTECTION
                                               alternatives for public hearings for the                responsible for reviewing performance
                                                                                                                                                             Credit Union Advisory Council Meeting
                                               Industry Funded Observer Amendment                      appraisals and ratings of Senior
                                               followed by a review of the NOAA Draft                  Executive Service (SES), Senior Level                 AGENCY:  Bureau of Consumer Financial
                                               Policy Statement on Ecosystem Based                     (SL), and Scientific and Professional                 Protection.
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                               Fishery Management. The day will                        (ST) members and making written                       ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
                                               conclude with brief reports from the                    recommendations to the appointing
                                               National Marine Fisheries Service’s                     authority on retention and                            SUMMARY:   This notice sets forth the
                                               Greater Atlantic Regional Office and the                compensation matters, including                       announcement of a public meeting of
                                               Northeast Fisheries Science Center,                     performance-based pay adjustments,                    the Credit Union Advisory Council
                                               NOAA’s Office of General Counsel and                    awarding of bonuses, and reviewing                    (CUAC or Council) of the Consumer
                                               Office of Law Enforcement, the U.S.                     recommendations for potential                         Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau).

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:14 Sep 18, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00007   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\21SEN1.SGM   21SEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:39:05
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:39:05
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of membership of the NOAA Performance Review Board.
ContactChristine Nalli, Director, Executive Resources Division, Workforce Management Office, NOAA, 1305 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, (301) 713-6301.
FR Citation80 FR 56966 

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