80_FR_57187 80 FR 57005 - Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting

80 FR 57005 - Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee; Notice of Meeting

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 182 (September 21, 2015)

Page Range57005-57006
FR Document2015-23550

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 182 (Monday, September 21, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 182 (Monday, September 21, 2015)]
[Pages 57005-57006]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-23550]



Food and Drug Administration

[Docket No. FDA-2015-N-0001]

Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee; 
Notice of Meeting

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


    This notice announces a forthcoming meeting of a public advisory 
committee of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The meeting will 
be open to the public.
    Name of Committee: Vaccines and Related Biological Products 
Advisory Committee.
    General Function of the Committee: To provide advice and 
recommendations to the Agency on FDA's regulatory issues.
    Date and Time: The meeting will be held on November 13, 2015, from 
8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    Location: FDA White Oak Campus, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 31 
Conference Center, the Great Room (Rm. 1503), Silver Spring, MD, 20993-
0002. For those unable to attend in person, the meeting will also be 
Webcast and will be available at the following link https://
collaboration.fda.gov/vrbpac1115/. Answers to commonly asked questions 
including information regarding special accommodations due to a 
disability, visitor parking, and transportation may be accessed at: 
    Contact Person: Sujata Vijh or Denise Royster, Center for Biologics 
Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New 
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71, Rm. 6128, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002, 240-
402-7107 or 240-402-8158, or FDA Advisory Committee Information Line, 
1-800-741-8138 (301-443-0572 in the Washington, DC area). A notice in 
the Federal Register about last minute modifications that impact a 
previously announced advisory committee meeting cannot always be 
published quickly enough to provide timely notice. Therefore, you 
should always check the Agency's Web site at http://www.fda.gov/AdvisoryCommittees/default.htm and scroll down to the appropriate 
advisory committee meeting link, or call the advisory committee 
information line to learn about possible modifications before coming to 
the meeting.
    Agenda: On November 13, 2015, the committee will meet in open 
session to discuss considerations for evaluation of the safety and 
effectiveness of vaccines administered to pregnant women to protect the 
infant. FDA intends to make background material available to the public 
no later than 2 business days before the meeting. If FDA is unable to 
post the background material on its Web site prior to the meeting, the 
background material will be made publicly available at the location of 
the advisory committee meeting, and the background material will be 
posted on FDA's Web site after the meeting. Background material is 
available at http://www.fda.gov/AdvisoryCommittees/Calendar/default.htm. Scroll down to the appropriate advisory committee meeting 
    Procedure: Interested persons may present data, information, or 
views, orally or in writing, on issues pending before the committee. 
Written submissions may be made to the contact person on or before 
October 29, 2015. Oral presentations from the public will be scheduled 
between approximately 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Those individuals 
interested in making formal oral presentations should notify the 
contact person and submit a brief statement of the general nature of 
the evidence or arguments they wish to present, the names and addresses 
of proposed participants, and an indication of the approximate time

[[Page 57006]]

requested to make their presentation on or before October 21, 2015. 
Time allotted for each presentation may be limited. If the number of 
registrants requesting to speak is greater than can be reasonably 
accommodated during the scheduled open public hearing session, FDA may 
conduct a lottery to determine the speakers for the scheduled open 
public hearing session. The contact person will notify interested 
persons regarding their request to speak by October 22, 2015.
    Persons attending FDA's advisory committee meetings are advised 
that the Agency is not responsible for providing access to electrical 
    FDA welcomes the attendance of the public at its advisory committee 
meetings and will make every effort to accommodate persons with 
disabilities. If you require accommodations due to a disability, please 
contact Sujata Vijh at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
    FDA is committed to the orderly conduct of its advisory committee 
meetings. Please visit our Web site at http://www.fda.gov/AdvisoryCommittees/AboutAdvisoryCommittees/ucm111462.htm for procedures 
on public conduct during advisory committee meetings.
    Notice of this meeting is given under the Federal Advisory 
Committee Act (5 U.S.C. app. 2).

    Dated: September 15, 2015.
Jill Hartzler Warner,
Associate Commissioner for Special Medical Programs.
[FR Doc. 2015-23550 Filed 9-18-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 182 / Monday, September 21, 2015 / Notices                                           57005

                                               benefit-risk determinations, device                     business and/or home address,                         asked questions including information
                                               labeling, unmet clinical needs, available               telephone number, and email address if                regarding special accommodations due
                                               alternatives, patient reported outcomes                 available. Nominations should specify                 to a disability, visitor parking, and
                                               and device-related quality of life or                   the advisory committee for which the                  transportation may be accessed at:
                                               health status issues are among the topics               nominee is recommended within 30                      http://www.fda.gov/
                                               that may be considered by the                           days of publication of this document                  AdvisoryCommittees/
                                               Committee. Members are knowledgeable                    (see DATES). In addition, nominations                 AboutAdvisoryCommittees/
                                               in areas such as clinical research,                     should also acknowledge that the                      ucm408555.htm.
                                               primary care patient experience, health                 nominee is aware of the nomination,                      Contact Person: Sujata Vijh or Denise
                                               care needs of patient groups in the                     unless self-nominated. FDA will                       Royster, Center for Biologics Evaluation
                                               United States, or are experienced in the                forward all nominations to the                        and Research, Food and Drug
                                               work of patient and health professional                 organizations expressing interest in                  Administration, 10903 New Hampshire
                                               organizations, methodologies for                        participating in the selection process for            Ave., Bldg. 71, Rm. 6128, Silver Spring,
                                               eliciting patient preferences, and                      the Committee. Only interested industry               MD 20993–0002, 240–402–7107 or 240–
                                               strategies for communicating benefits,                  organizations participate in the                      402–8158, or FDA Advisory Committee
                                               risks and clinical outcomes to patients                 selection process. Persons who                        Information Line, 1–800–741–8138
                                               and research subjects. The                              nominate themselves as nonvoting                      (301–443–0572 in the Washington, DC
                                               Commissioner of Food and Drugs (the                     industry representatives will not                     area). A notice in the Federal Register
                                               Commissioner), or designee, shall have                  participate in the selection process.                 about last minute modifications that
                                               the authority to select from a group of                    This notice is issued under the                    impact a previously announced
                                               individuals nominated by industry to                    Federal Advisory Committee Act (5                     advisory committee meeting cannot
                                               serve temporarily as nonvoting members                  U.S.C. app. 2) and 21 CFR part 14,                    always be published quickly enough to
                                               who are identified with industry                        relating to advisory committees.                      provide timely notice. Therefore, you
                                               interests. The number of temporary                                                                            should always check the Agency’s Web
                                                                                                          Dated: September 15, 2015.
                                               members selected for a particular                                                                             site at http://www.fda.gov/
                                                                                                       Jill Hartzler Warner,                                 AdvisoryCommittees/default.htm and
                                               meeting will depend on the meeting
                                               topic(s).                                               Associate Commissioner for Special Medical            scroll down to the appropriate advisory
                                                                                                       Programs.                                             committee meeting link, or call the
                                               II. Selection Procedure                                 [FR Doc. 2015–23522 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]           advisory committee information line to
                                                  Any industry organization interested                 BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                learn about possible modifications
                                               in participating in the selection of an                                                                       before coming to the meeting.
                                               appropriate nonvoting member to                                                                                  Agenda: On November 13, 2015, the
                                               represent industry interest must send a                 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                              committee will meet in open session to
                                               letter stating that interest to the FDA                 HUMAN SERVICES                                        discuss considerations for evaluation of
                                               contact (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                                                                          the safety and effectiveness of vaccines
                                               CONTACT) within 30 days of publication
                                                                                                       Food and Drug Administration
                                                                                                                                                             administered to pregnant women to
                                               of this document (see DATES). Within the                [Docket No. FDA–2015–N–0001]                          protect the infant. FDA intends to make
                                               subsequent 30 days, FDA will send a                                                                           background material available to the
                                               letter to each organization that has                    Vaccines and Related Biological                       public no later than 2 business days
                                               expressed an interest, attaching a                      Products Advisory Committee; Notice                   before the meeting. If FDA is unable to
                                               complete list of all such organizations;                of Meeting                                            post the background material on its Web
                                               and a list of all nominees along with                   AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,              site prior to the meeting, the background
                                               their current resumes. The letter will                  HHS.                                                  material will be made publicly available
                                               also state that it is the responsibility of                                                                   at the location of the advisory
                                                                                                       ACTION:   Notice.
                                               the interested organizations to confer                                                                        committee meeting, and the background
                                               with one another and to select a                          This notice announces a forthcoming                 material will be posted on FDA’s Web
                                               candidate or candidates (to serve in a                  meeting of a public advisory committee                site after the meeting. Background
                                               pool of individuals, with varying areas                 of the Food and Drug Administration                   material is available at http://
                                               of expertise), to represent industry                    (FDA). The meeting will be open to the                www.fda.gov/AdvisoryCommittees/
                                               interest for the Committee, within 60                   public.                                               Calendar/default.htm. Scroll down to
                                               days after the receipt of the FDA letter.                 Name of Committee: Vaccines and                     the appropriate advisory committee
                                               The interested organizations are not                    Related Biological Products Advisory                  meeting link.
                                               bound by the list of nominees in                        Committee.                                               Procedure: Interested persons may
                                               selecting a candidate or candidates.                      General Function of the Committee:                  present data, information, or views,
                                               However, if no individual is selected                   To provide advice and                                 orally or in writing, on issues pending
                                               within 60 days, the Commissioner will                   recommendations to the Agency on                      before the committee. Written
                                               select temporary nonvoting members (or                  FDA’s regulatory issues.                              submissions may be made to the contact
                                               pool of individuals) to represent                         Date and Time: The meeting will be                  person on or before October 29, 2015.
                                               industry interests.                                     held on November 13, 2015, from 8:45                  Oral presentations from the public will
                                                                                                       a.m. to 4 p.m.                                        be scheduled between approximately
                                               III. Nomination Procedure                                 Location: FDA White Oak Campus,                     10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Those
                                                  Individuals may self nominate and/or                 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 31                    individuals interested in making formal
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                               an organization may nominate one or                     Conference Center, the Great Room (Rm.                oral presentations should notify the
                                               more individuals to serve as a                          1503), Silver Spring, MD, 20993–0002.                 contact person and submit a brief
                                               temporary nonvoting industry                            For those unable to attend in person, the             statement of the general nature of the
                                               representative. Nominations should                      meeting will also be Webcast and will                 evidence or arguments they wish to
                                               include a cover letter and a current,                   be available at the following link                    present, the names and addresses of
                                               complete resume or curriculum vitae for                 https://collaboration.fda.gov/                        proposed participants, and an
                                               each nominee, including a current                       vrbpac1115/. Answers to commonly                      indication of the approximate time

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:14 Sep 18, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00046   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\21SEN1.SGM   21SEN1

                                               57006                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 182 / Monday, September 21, 2015 / Notices

                                               requested to make their presentation on                    Date and Time: The meeting will be                 before the committee. Written
                                               or before October 21, 2015. Time                        held on December 9, 2015, from 8 a.m.                 submissions may be made to the contact
                                               allotted for each presentation may be                   to 5 p.m.                                             person on or before November 24, 2015.
                                               limited. If the number of registrants                      Location: FDA White Oak Campus,                    Oral presentations from the public will
                                               requesting to speak is greater than can                 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 31                    be scheduled between approximately 1
                                               be reasonably accommodated during the                   Conference Center, the Great Room (Rm.                p.m. and 2 p.m. Those individuals
                                               scheduled open public hearing session,                  1503), Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002.                  interested in making formal oral
                                               FDA may conduct a lottery to determine                  Answers to commonly asked questions                   presentations should notify the contact
                                               the speakers for the scheduled open                     including information regarding special
                                                                                                                                                             person and submit a brief statement of
                                               public hearing session. The contact                     accommodations due to a disability,
                                                                                                                                                             the general nature of the evidence or
                                               person will notify interested persons                   visitor parking, and transportation may
                                                                                                       be accessed at: http://www.fda.gov/                   arguments they wish to present, the
                                               regarding their request to speak by                                                                           names and addresses of proposed
                                               October 22, 2015.                                       AdvisoryCommittees/
                                                                                                       AboutAdvisoryCommittees/                              participants, and an indication of the
                                                  Persons attending FDA’s advisory
                                                                                                       ucm408555.htm.                                        approximate time requested to make
                                               committee meetings are advised that the
                                               Agency is not responsible for providing                    Contact Person: Cindy Hong, Center                 their presentation on or before
                                               access to electrical outlets.                           for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food                November 16, 2015. Time allotted for
                                                  FDA welcomes the attendance of the                   and Drug Administration, 10903 New                    each presentation may be limited. If the
                                               public at its advisory committee                        Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 31, Rm. 2417,                   number of registrants requesting to
                                               meetings and will make every effort to                  Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 301–                    speak is greater than can be reasonably
                                               accommodate persons with disabilities.                  796–9001, FAX: 301–847–8533,                          accommodated during the scheduled
                                               If you require accommodations due to a                  PADAC@fda.hhs.gov, or FDA Advisory                    open public hearing session, FDA may
                                               disability, please contact Sujata Vijh at               Committee Information Line, 1–800–                    conduct a lottery to determine the
                                               least 7 days in advance of the meeting.                 741–8138 (301–443–0572 in the                         speakers for the scheduled open public
                                                  FDA is committed to the orderly                      Washington, DC area). A notice in the                 hearing session. The contact person will
                                               conduct of its advisory committee                       Federal Register about last minute                    notify interested persons regarding their
                                               meetings. Please visit our Web site at                  modifications that impact a previously                request to speak by November 17, 2015.
                                               http://www.fda.gov/                                     announced advisory committee meeting
                                                                                                       cannot always be published quickly                       Persons attending FDA’s advisory
                                               AdvisoryCommittees/                                                                                           committee meetings are advised that the
                                               AboutAdvisoryCommittees/                                enough to provide timely notice.
                                                                                                       Therefore, you should always check the                Agency is not responsible for providing
                                               ucm111462.htm for procedures on                                                                               access to electrical outlets.
                                               public conduct during advisory                          Agency’s Web site at http://
                                                                                                       www.fda.gov/AdvisoryCommittees/                          FDA welcomes the attendance of the
                                               committee meetings.
                                                                                                       default.htm and scroll down to the                    public at its advisory committee
                                                  Notice of this meeting is given under
                                                                                                       appropriate advisory committee meeting                meetings and will make every effort to
                                               the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
                                                                                                       link, or call the advisory committee                  accommodate persons with disabilities.
                                               U.S.C. app. 2).
                                                                                                       information line to learn about possible              If you require accommodations due to a
                                                  Dated: September 15, 2015.                           modifications before coming to the
                                               Jill Hartzler Warner,
                                                                                                                                                             disability, please contact Cindy Hong at
                                                                                                          Agenda: The committee will discuss                 least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
                                               Associate Commissioner for Special Medical
                                               Programs.                                               biologics license application 761033,                    FDA is committed to the orderly
                                               [FR Doc. 2015–23550 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]             reslizumab for injection, submitted by                conduct of its advisory committee
                                               BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                  Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.,                 meetings. Please visit our Web site at
                                                                                                       for the proposed indication to reduce                 http://www.fda.gov/
                                                                                                       exacerbations, relieve symptoms, and                  AdvisoryCommittees/
                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                improve lung function in adults and                   AboutAdvisoryCommittees/
                                               HUMAN SERVICES                                          adolescents 12 years of age and above,                ucm111462.htm for procedures on
                                                                                                       with asthma and elevated blood                        public conduct during advisory
                                               Food and Drug Administration                            eosinophils, who are inadequately                     committee meetings.
                                                                                                       controlled on inhaled corticosteroids.
                                               [Docket No. FDA–2015–N–0001]                                                                                     Notice of this meeting is given under
                                                                                                          FDA intends to make background
                                                                                                       material available to the public no later             the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
                                               Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory                                                                              U.S.C. app. 2).
                                               Committee; Notice of Meeting                            than 2 business days before the meeting.
                                                                                                       If FDA is unable to post the background                  Dated: September 15, 2015.
                                               AGENCY:    Food and Drug Administration,                material on its Web site prior to the                 Jill Hartzler Warner,
                                               HHS.                                                    meeting, the background material will
                                                                                                                                                             Associate Commissioner for Special Medical
                                               ACTION:   Notice.                                       be made publicly available at the                     Programs.
                                                                                                       location of the advisory committee
                                                                                                                                                             [FR Doc. 2015–23556 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 This notice announces a forthcoming                   meeting, and the background material
                                               meeting of a public advisory committee                  will be posted on FDA’s Web site after                BILLING CODE 4164–01–P
                                               of the Food and Drug Administration                     the meeting. Background material is
                                               (FDA). The meeting will be open to the                  available at http://www.fda.gov/
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                               public.                                                 AdvisoryCommittees/Calendar/
                                                 Name of Committee: Pulmonary-                         default.htm. Scroll down to the
                                               Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee.                       appropriate advisory committee meeting
                                                 General Function of the Committee:                    link.
                                               To provide advice and                                      Procedure: Interested persons may
                                               recommendations to the Agency on                        present data, information, or views,
                                               FDA’s regulatory issues.                                orally or in writing, on issues pending

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:14 Sep 18, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00047   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 9990   E:\FR\FM\21SEN1.SGM   21SEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:39:22
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:39:22
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 57005 

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