80_FR_57204 80 FR 57022 - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Meeting of The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal; Notice of Meeting

80 FR 57022 - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Meeting of The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal; Notice of Meeting


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 182 (September 21, 2015)

Page Range57022-57023
FR Document2015-23687

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 182 (Monday, September 21, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 182 (Monday, September 21, 2015)]
[Pages 57022-57023]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-23687]



Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Meeting of The 
ACRS Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal; Notice of Meeting

    The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal will hold a meeting 
on September 23, 2015, Room T-2B1, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, 
    The meeting will be open to public attendance.
    The agenda for the subject meeting shall be as follows:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015--8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

    The Subcommittee will review the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) 
associated with the staff's review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power 
Station License Renewal Application. The Subcommittee will hear 
presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC 
staff, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company, and other interested 
persons regarding this matter. The Subcommittee will gather 
information, analyze relevant issues and facts, and formulate proposed 
positions and actions, as appropriate, for deliberation by the Full 
    Members of the public desiring to provide oral statements and/or 
written comments should notify the Designated Federal Official (DFO), 
Kent Howard (Telephone 301-415-2989 or Email: Kent.Howard@nrc.gov) five 
days prior to the meeting, if possible, so that appropriate 
arrangements can be made. Thirty-five hard copies of each presentation 
or handout should be provided to the DFO thirty minutes before the 
meeting. In addition, one electronic copy of each presentation should 
be emailed to the DFO one day before the meeting. If an electronic copy 
cannot be provided within this timeframe, presenters should provide the 
DFO with a CD containing each presentation at least thirty minutes 
before the meeting. Electronic recordings will be permitted only during 
those portions of the meeting that are open to the public. Detailed 
procedures for the conduct of and participation in ACRS meetings were 
published in the Federal Register on October 1, 2014 (79 FR 59307).
    Detailed meeting agendas and meeting transcripts are available on 
the NRC Web site at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/acrs. 
Information regarding topics to be discussed, changes to the agenda, 
whether the meeting has been canceled or rescheduled, and the time 
allotted to present oral statements can be obtained from the Web site 
cited above or by contacting the identified DFO. Moreover, in view of 
the possibility that the schedule for ACRS meetings may be adjusted by 
the Chairman as necessary to facilitate the conduct of the meeting, 
persons planning to attend should check with these references if such 
rescheduling would result in a major inconvenience.
    If attending this meeting, please enter through the One White Flint 
North building, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD. After registering 
with security, please contact Mr. Theron Brown (Telephone 240-888-9835) 
to be escorted to the meeting room.

[[Page 57023]]

    Dated: September 8, 2015.
Mark L. Banks,
Chief, Technical Support Branch, Advisory Committee on Reactor 
[FR Doc. 2015-23687 Filed 9-18-15; 8:45 am]

                                               57022                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 182 / Monday, September 21, 2015 / Notices

                                               under the Antarctic Conservation Act of                 Antarctic Conservation Act at Title 45                associated with the staff’s review of the
                                               1978, Public Law 95–541.                                Part 670 of the Code of Federal                       Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
                                                                                                       Regulations. This is the required notice              License Renewal Application. The
                                               SUMMARY:    The National Science                        of a requested permit modification and                Subcommittee will hear presentations
                                               Foundation (NSF) is required to publish                 permit issued.                                        by and hold discussions with
                                               a notice of requests to modify permits                                                                        representatives of the NRC staff,
                                                                                                       DATES: September 16, 2015 to August
                                               issued to conduct activities regulated
                                                                                                       31, 2017.                                             FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating
                                               and permits issued under the Antarctic
                                                                                                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Li                   Company, and other interested persons
                                               Conservation Act of 1978. NSF has
                                                                                                       Ling Hamady, ACA Permit Officer,                      regarding this matter. The
                                               published regulations under the
                                                                                                       Division of Polar Programs, Rm. 755,                  Subcommittee will gather information,
                                               Antarctic Conservation Act at Title 45
                                               Part 670 of the Code of Federal                         National Science Foundation, 4201                     analyze relevant issues and facts, and
                                               Regulations. This is the required notice                Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230.                formulate proposed positions and
                                               of a requested permit modification and                  Or by email: ACApermits@nsf.gov.                      actions, as appropriate, for deliberation
                                               permit issued.                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        by the Full Committee.
                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Li                     Foundation issued a permit (ACA 2013–                    Members of the public desiring to
                                               Ling Hamady, ACA Permit Officer,                        019) to Celia Lang, Lockheed Martin                   provide oral statements and/or written
                                               Division of Polar Programs, Rm. 755,                    IS&GS on October 15, 2012. The issued                 comments should notify the Designated
                                               National Science Foundation, 4201                       permit allows the applicant to enter                  Federal Official (DFO), Kent Howard
                                               Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230.                  various ASPAs for environmental                       (Telephone 301–415–2989 or Email:
                                               Or by email: ACApermits@nsf.gov                         reasons.                                              Kent.Howard@nrc.gov) five days prior to
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                             A recent modification to this permit,              the meeting, if possible, so that
                                               Foundation issued a permit (ACA 2016–                   dated November 11, 2014, permitted the                appropriate arrangements can be made.
                                               003) to Celia Lang, Lockheed Martin                     applicant to enter Cape Hallett in                    Thirty-five hard copies of each
                                               IS&GS on August 11, 2015. The issued                    November 2014.                                        presentation or handout should be
                                               permit allows the applicant to enter                       Now the applicant proposes a                       provided to the DFO thirty minutes
                                               specifically named McMurdo area                         modification to the permit to add the                 before the meeting. In addition, one
                                               ASPAs to support NSF funded USAP                        following ASPAs to the list for possible              electronic copy of each presentation
                                               science operations. Now the applicant                   entry to: Barwick Valley (123), Lowe                  should be emailed to the DFO one day
                                               proposes a modification to the permit to                Taylor Glacier and Blood Falls (172),                 before the meeting. If an electronic copy
                                               add ASPA 175 High Altitude                              Cape Hallett (106), Cape Shirreff (149),              cannot be provided within this
                                               Geothermal Sites of the Ross Sea Region                 Litchfield Island (113), and Biscoe Point             timeframe, presenters should provide
                                               to the list for possible entry. The                     (139). The Environmental Officer has                  the DFO with a CD containing each
                                               Environmental Officer has reviewed the                  reviewed the modification request and                 presentation at least thirty minutes
                                               modification request and has                            has determined that the amendment is                  before the meeting. Electronic
                                               determined that the amendment is not                    not a material change to the permit, and              recordings will be permitted only
                                               a material change to the permit, and it                 it will have a less than a minor or                   during those portions of the meeting
                                               will have a less than a minor or                        transitory impact.The permit                          that are open to the public. Detailed
                                               transitory impact.                                      modification was issued on September                  procedures for the conduct of and
                                                                                                       16, 2015.                                             participation in ACRS meetings were
                                               DATES: August 11, 2015 to August 31,
                                               2020.                                                   Nadene G. Kennedy,                                    published in the Federal Register on
                                                  The permit modification was issued                   Polar Coordination Specialist, Division of            October 1, 2014 (79 FR 59307).
                                               on September 16, 2015.                                  Polar Programs.                                          Detailed meeting agendas and meeting
                                               Nadene G. Kennedy,                                      [FR Doc. 2015–23570 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]           transcripts are available on the NRC
                                               Polar Coordination Specialist, Division of              BILLING CODE 7555–01–P                                Web site at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-
                                               Polar Programs.                                                                                               rm/doc-collections/acrs. Information
                                               [FR Doc. 2015–23569 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                             regarding topics to be discussed,
                                                                                                       NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                    changes to the agenda, whether the
                                               BILLING CODE 7555–01–P
                                                                                                       COMMISSION                                            meeting has been canceled or
                                                                                                                                                             rescheduled, and the time allotted to
                                               NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION                             Advisory Committee on Reactor                         present oral statements can be obtained
                                                                                                       Safeguards (ACRS) Meeting of The                      from the Web site cited above or by
                                               Notice of Permit Modification Received                  ACRS Subcommittee on Plant License                    contacting the identified DFO.
                                               Under the Antarctic Conservation Act                    Renewal; Notice of Meeting                            Moreover, in view of the possibility that
                                               of 1978                                                                                                       the schedule for ACRS meetings may be
                                                                                                          The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant                     adjusted by the Chairman as necessary
                                               AGENCY: National Science Foundation.                    License Renewal will hold a meeting on                to facilitate the conduct of the meeting,
                                               ACTION: Notice of Permit Modification                   September 23, 2015, Room T–2B1,                       persons planning to attend should check
                                               Request Received and Permit Issued                      11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville,                      with these references if such
                                               under the Antarctic Conservation Act of                 Maryland.                                             rescheduling would result in a major
                                               1978, Public Law 95–541.                                   The meeting will be open to public
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                               SUMMARY:   The National Science                            The agenda for the subject meeting                    If attending this meeting, please enter
                                               Foundation (NSF) is required to publish                 shall be as follows:                                  through the One White Flint North
                                               a notice of requests to modify permits                                                                        building, 11555 Rockville Pike,
                                               issued to conduct activities regulated                  Wednesday, September 23, 2015—8:30                    Rockville, MD. After registering with
                                               and permits issued under the Antarctic                  a.m. until 5:00 p.m.                                  security, please contact Mr. Theron
                                               Conservation Act of 1978. NSF has                         The Subcommittee will review the                    Brown (Telephone 240–888–9835) to be
                                               published regulations under the                         Safety Evaluation Report (SER)                        escorted to the meeting room.

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:14 Sep 18, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00063   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\21SEN1.SGM   21SEN1

                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 182 / Monday, September 21, 2015 / Notices                                                  57023

                                                 Dated: September 8, 2015.                                Detailed meeting agendas and meeting               analyze relevant issues and facts, and
                                               Mark L. Banks,                                          transcripts are available on the NRC                  formulate proposed positions and
                                               Chief, Technical Support Branch, Advisory               Web site at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-               actions, as appropriate, for deliberation
                                               Committee on Reactor Safeguards.                        rm/doc-collections/acrs. Information                  by the Full Committee.
                                               [FR Doc. 2015–23687 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]             regarding topics to be discussed,
                                                                                                                                                                Members of the public desiring to
                                               BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                  changes to the agenda, whether the
                                                                                                                                                             provide oral statements and/or written
                                                                                                       meeting has been canceled or
                                                                                                       rescheduled, and the time allotted to                 comments should notify the Designated
                                                                                                       present oral statements can be obtained               Federal Official (DFO), Maitri Banerjee
                                               NUCLEAR REGULATORY
                                               COMMISSION                                              from the Web site cited above or by                   (Telephone 301–415–6973 or Email:
                                                                                                       contacting the identified DFO.                        Maitri.Banerjee@nrc.gov) five days prior
                                               Advisory Committee on Reactor                           Moreover, in view of the possibility that             to the meeting, if possible, so that
                                               Safeguards (Acrs) Meeting of The Acrs                   the schedule for ACRS meetings may be                 appropriate arrangements can be made.
                                               Subcommittee on Radiation Protection                    adjusted by the Chairman as necessary                 Thirty-five hard copies of each
                                               and Nuclear Materials; Notice of                        to facilitate the conduct of the meeting,             presentation or handout should be
                                               Meeting                                                 persons planning to attend should check               provided to the DFO thirty minutes
                                                                                                       with these references if such                         before the meeting. In addition, one
                                                  The ACRS Subcommittee on                             rescheduling would result in a major                  electronic copy of each presentation
                                               Radiation Protection and Nuclear                        inconvenience.                                        should be emailed to the DFO one day
                                               Materials will hold a meeting on                           If attending this meeting, please enter            before the meeting. If an electronic copy
                                               September 25, 2015, Room T–2B1,                         through the One White Flint North                     cannot be provided within this
                                               11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville,                        building, 11555 Rockville Pike,                       timeframe, presenters should provide
                                               Maryland.                                               Rockville, MD. After registering with                 the DFO with a CD containing each
                                                  The meeting will be open to public                   security, please contact Mr. Theron                   presentation at least thirty minutes
                                               attendance.                                             Brown (Telephone 240–888–9835) to be                  before the meeting. Electronic
                                                  The agenda for the subject meeting                   escorted to the meeting room.                         recordings will be permitted only
                                               shall be as follows:                                      Dated: September 9, 2015.                           during those portions of the meeting
                                               Friday, September 25, 2015—8:30 a.m.                    Mark L. Banks,                                        that are open to the public. Detailed
                                               Until 12:00 p.m.                                        Chief, Technical Support Branch, Advisory             procedures for the conduct of and
                                                                                                       Committee on Reactor Safeguards.                      participation in ACRS meetings were
                                                 The Subcommittee will review and                      [FR Doc. 2015–23671 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]           published in the Federal Register on
                                               discuss the status of the Revised Fuel                  BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                October 1, 2014 (79 FR 59307).
                                               Cycle Oversight Process (RFCOP)
                                               Cornerstones. The Subcommittee will                                                                              Detailed meeting agendas and meeting
                                               hear presentations by and hold                          NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                    transcripts are available on the NRC
                                               discussions with the NRC staff. The                     COMMISSION                                            Web site at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-
                                               Subcommittee will gather information,                                                                         rm/doc-collections/acrs. Information
                                               analyze relevant issues and facts, and                  Advisory Committee on Reactor                         regarding topics to be discussed,
                                               formulate proposed positions and                        Safeguards (ACRS); Meeting of the                     changes to the agenda, whether the
                                               actions, as appropriate, for deliberation               ACRS Subcommittee on Radiation                        meeting has been canceled or
                                               by the Full Committee.                                  Protection and Nuclear Materials;                     rescheduled, and the time allotted to
                                                 Members of the public desiring to                     Notice of Meeting                                     present oral statements can be obtained
                                               provide oral statements and/or written                     The ACRS Subcommittee on                           from the Web site cited above or by
                                               comments should notify the Designated                   Radiation Protection and Nuclear                      contacting the identified DFO.
                                               Federal Official (DFO), Girija Shukla                   Materials will hold a meeting on                      Moreover, in view of the possibility that
                                               (Telephone 301–415–6855 or Email:                       September 22, 2015, Room T–2B1,                       the schedule for ACRS meetings may be
                                               Girija.Shukla@nrc.gov) five days prior to               11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville,                      adjusted by the Chairman as necessary
                                               the meeting, if possible, so that                       Maryland.                                             to facilitate the conduct of the meeting,
                                               appropriate arrangements can be made.                      The meeting will be open to public                 persons planning to attend should check
                                               Thirty-five hard copies of each                         attendance with the exception of                      with these references if such
                                               presentation or handout should be                       portions that may be closed to protect                rescheduling would result in a major
                                               provided to the DFO thirty minutes                      information that is propriety pursuant to             inconvenience.
                                               before the meeting. In addition, one                    5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(4). The agenda for the
                                               electronic copy of each presentation                                                                             If attending this meeting, please enter
                                                                                                       subject meeting shall be as follows:
                                               should be emailed to the DFO one day                                                                          through the One White Flint North
                                               before the meeting. If an electronic copy               Tuesday, September 22, 2015—8:30                      building, 11555 Rockville Pike,
                                               cannot be provided within this                          a.m. Until 5:00 p.m.                                  Rockville, MD. After registering with
                                               timeframe, presenters should provide                      The Subcommittee will review and                    security, please contact Mr. Theron
                                               the DFO with a CD containing each                       discuss the SHINE construction permit                 Brown (Telephone 240–888–9835) to be
                                               presentation at least thirty minutes                    application for a Mo99 medical                        escorted to the meeting room.
                                               before the meeting. Electronic                          radioisotopes production facility under                 Dated: September 9, 2015.
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                               recordings will be permitted only                       10 CFR part 50 (Chapters 11, 12 [Quality              Mark L. Banks,
                                               during those portions of the meeting                    Assurance only], 6b, and 13b). The
                                               that are open to the public. Detailed                   Subcommittee will hear presentations                  Chief, Technical Support Branch, Advisory
                                                                                                                                                             Committee on Reactor Safeguards.
                                               procedures for the conduct of and                       by and hold discussions with the NRC
                                               participation in ACRS meetings were                     staff, and other interested persons                   [FR Doc. 2015–23685 Filed 9–18–15; 8:45 am]
                                               published in the Federal Register on                    regarding this matter. The                            BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                               October 1, 2014 (79 FR 59307).                          Subcommittee will gather information,

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   15:14 Sep 18, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00064   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 9990   E:\FR\FM\21SEN1.SGM   21SEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:38:44
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:38:44
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 57022 

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