80_FR_57349 80 FR 57166 - Pesticides; Revised Fee Schedule for Registration Applications

80 FR 57166 - Pesticides; Revised Fee Schedule for Registration Applications


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 183 (September 22, 2015)

Page Range57166-57178
FR Document2015-24064

EPA is publishing a revised list of pesticide registration service fees applicable to specified pesticide applications and tolerance actions. Under the Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act, the registration service fees for covered pesticide registration applications received on or after October 1, 2015, increase by 5% rounding up to the nearest dollar from the fees published for fiscal year 2015. The new fees for FY'2016 become effective on October 1, 2015.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 183 (Tuesday, September 22, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 183 (Tuesday, September 22, 2015)]
[Pages 57166-57178]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-24064]



[EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0614; FRL-9933-75]

Pesticides; Revised Fee Schedule for Registration Applications

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: EPA is publishing a revised list of pesticide registration 
service fees applicable to specified pesticide applications and 
tolerance actions. Under the Pesticide Registration Improvement 
Extension Act, the registration service fees for covered pesticide 
registration applications received on or after October 1, 2015, 
increase by 5% rounding up to the nearest dollar from the fees 
published for fiscal year 2015. The new fees for FY'2016 become 
effective on October 1, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Caulkins (7501P), Immediate 
Office, Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone 
number: (703) 305-6550; fax number: (703) 308-4776; email address: 


I. General Information

A. Does this action apply to me?

    You may be potentially affected by this action if you register 
pesticide products under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Potentially affected entities may include, but 
are not limited to:
     Agricultural pesticide manufacturers (NAICS code 32532).
     Antimicrobial pesticide manufacturers (NAICS code 32561).
     Antifoulant pesticide manufacturers (NAICS code 32551).
     Wood preservative manufacturers (NAICS code 32519).
    This listing is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides 
a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this 
action. Other types of entities not listed in this unit could also be 
affected. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) 
codes have been provided to assist you and others in determining 
whether this action might apply to certain entities. To determine 
whether you or your business may be affected by this action, you should 
carefully examine the applicability provisions in the notice and in 
FIFRA section 33. If you have any questions regarding the applicability 
of this action to a particular entity, consult the person listed under 

B. How can I get copies of this document and other related information?

    The docket for this action, identified by docket identification 
(ID) number EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0614, is available at http://www.regulations.gov or at the Office of Pesticide Programs Regulatory 
Public Docket (OPP Docket) in the Environmental Protection Agency 
Docket Center (EPA/DC), EPA West Bldg., Rm. 3334, 1301 Constitution 
Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001. The Public Reading Room is open 
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is (202) 
566-1744, and the telephone number for the OPP Docket is (703) 305-
5805. Please review the visitor instructions and additional

[[Page 57167]]

information about the docket available at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.

II. Background

A. What action is the agency taking?

    The Pesticide Registration Improvement Act of 2003 established a 
new section 33 of FIFRA creating a registration service fee system for 
certain types of pesticide applications, establishment of tolerances, 
and certain other regulatory decisions under FIFRA and the Federal 
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). Section 33 also created a 
schedule of decision review times for applications covered by the 
service fee system. The Agency began administering the registration 
service fee system for covered applications received on or after March 
23, 2004.
    On September 28, 2012, the Pesticide Registration Improvement 
Extension Act was signed by the President, revising, among other 
things, FIFRA section 33. The new law reauthorized the service fee 
system through fiscal year 2017 and established fees and review times 
for applications received during fiscal years 2013 through 2017. As 
required by section 33(b)(6)(A) of FIFRA, the registration service fees 
for covered pesticide registration applications received on or after 
October 1, 2015, increase by 5% rounding up to the nearest dollar from 
the fees published in the September 26, 2013, ``Pesticides: Fee 
Schedule for Registration Applications,'' FRN Vol. 78. No. 187 pp. 

B. What is the agency's authority for taking this action?

    The publication of this fee schedule is required by section 
33(b)(6)(C) of FIFRA as amended.

III. Elements of the Fee Schedule

    This unit explains how to read the fee schedule tables, and 
includes a key to terminology published with the table.

A. The Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act Fee Schedule

    The fee schedule published in the Pesticide Registration 
Improvement Extension Act of September 28, 2012, identifies the 
registration service fees and decision times and is organized according 
to the organizational units of the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) 
within EPA. Thereafter, the categories within the organizational unit 
sections of the table are further categorized according to the type of 
application being submitted, the use patterns involved, or, in some 
cases, upon the type of pesticide that is the subject of the 
application. The fee categories differ by Division. Not all application 
types are covered by, or subject to, the fee system.

B. Fee Schedule and Decision Review Times

    In today's notice, EPA has retained the format of the tables 
included in the Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 
September 28, 2012. The schedules are presented as 19 tables, organized 
by OPP Division and by type of application or pesticide subject to the 
fee. Unit IV presents fee tables for the Registration Division (RD) (6 
tables), the Antimicrobials Division (AD) (4 tables), the Biopesticides 
and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD) (7 tables), Inert Ingredients 
(1 table), Miscellaneous (1 table).

C. How To Read the Tables

    1. Each table consists of the following columns:
     The column titled ``EPA No.'' assigns an EPA identifier to 
each fee category. There are 189 categories spread across the 3 
Divisions. There are 63 RD categories, 39 AD categories, 69 BPPD 
categories, 10 inert categories, and 8 miscellaneous categories. For 
tracking purposes, OPP has assigned a 3-digit identifier to each 
category, beginning with RD categories, followed by AD, BPPD, inert and 
miscellaneous categories. The categories are prefaced with a letter 
designation indicating which Division of OPP is responsible for 
applications in that category (R=Registration Division, 
A=Antimicrobials Division, B=Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention 
Division, I=inert ingredients, M=miscellaneous).
     The column titled ``CR No.'' cross-references the current 
Congressional Record category number for convenience. However, EPA will 
be using the categories as numbered in the ``EPA No.'' column in its 
tracking systems.
     The column titled ``Action'' ' describes what registration 
actions are covered by each category.
     The column titled ``Decision Time'' lists the decision 
times in months for each type of action.
     The column titled ``FY' 2016/17 Registration Service Fee 
($)'' lists the registration service fee for the action for fiscal year 
2016 (October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016) and fiscal year 2017 
(October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017).
     Footnote text has been removed to save on Federal Register 
costs but remains unchanged from what was published in FY' 2013. The 
tables and footnote text will be available in full after October 1, 
2015 at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/regulating/fees/tool/category-table.html.
    2. The following acronyms are used in some of the tables:
     DART--Dose Adequacy Response Team.
     DNT--Developmental Neurotoxicity.
     HSRB--Human Studies Review Board.
     GW/SW--Ground Water/Surface Water.
     PHI-Pre--Harvest Interval.
     PPE--Personal Protective Equipment.
     REI--Restricted Entry Interval.
     SAP--FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel.

IV. PRIA Fee Schedule Tables--Effective October 1, 2015

A. Registration Division (RD)

    The Registration Division of OPP is responsible for the processing 
of pesticide applications and associated tolerance petitions for 
pesticides that are termed ``conventional chemicals,'' excluding 
pesticides intended for antimicrobial uses. The term ``conventional 
chemical'' is a term of art that is intended to distinguish synthetic 
chemicals from those that are of naturally occurring or non-synthetic 
origin, synthetic chemicals that are identical to naturally occurring 
chemicals and microbial pesticides. Tables 1 through 6 cover RD 

                             Table 1--Registration Division--New Active Ingredients
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
R010.............................               1  New Active Ingredient, Food                24         627,568
R020.............................               2  New Active Ingredient, Food                18         627,568
                                                    use; reduced risk.

[[Page 57168]]

R040.............................               3  New Active Ingredient, Food                18         462,502
                                                    use; Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; establish
                                                    temporary tolerance;
                                                    submitted before application
                                                    for registration; credit 45%
                                                    of fee toward new active
                                                    ingredient application that
R060.............................               4  New Active Ingredient, Non-                21         436,004
                                                    food use; outdoor.
R070.............................               5  New Active Ingredient, Non-                16         436,004
                                                    food use; outdoor; reduced
R090.............................               6  New Active Ingredient, Non-                16         323,690
                                                    food use; outdoor;
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; submitted
                                                    before application for
                                                    registration; credit 45% of
                                                    fee toward new active
                                                    ingredient application that
R110.............................               7  New Active Ingredient, Non-                20         242,495
                                                    food use; indoor.
R120.............................               8  New Active Ingredient, Non-                14         242,495
                                                    food use; indoor; reduced
R121.............................               9  New Active Ingredient, Non-                18         182,327
                                                    food use; indoor;
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; submitted
                                                    before application for
                                                    registration; credit 45% of
                                                    fee toward new active
                                                    ingredient application that
R122.............................              10  Enriched isomer(s) of                      18         317,128
                                                    registered mixed-isomer
                                                    active ingredient.
R123.............................              11  New Active Ingredient, Seed                18         471,861
                                                    treatment only; includes
                                                    agricultural and non-
                                                    agricultural seeds; residues
                                                    not expected in raw
                                                    agricultural commodities.
R125.............................              12  New Active Ingredient, Seed                16         323,690
                                                    treatment; Experimental Use
                                                    Permit application;
                                                    submitted before application
                                                    for registration; credit 45%
                                                    of fee toward new active
                                                    ingredient application that

                                    Table 2--Registration Division--New Uses
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
R130.............................              13  First food use; indoor; food/              21         191,444
                                                    food handling.
R140.............................              14  Additional food use; Indoor;               15          44,672
                                                    food/food handling.
R150.............................              15  First food use...............              21         264,253
R160.............................              16  First food use; reduced risk.              16         264,253
R170.............................              17  Additional food use..........              15          66,124
R175.............................              18  Additional food uses covered               10          66,124
                                                    within a crop group
                                                    resulting from the
                                                    conversion of existing
                                                    approved crop group(s) to
                                                    one or more revised crop
R180.............................              19  Additional food use; reduced               10          66,124
R190.............................              20  Additional food uses; 6 or                 15         396,742
                                                    more submitted in one
R200.............................              21  Additional food use; 6 or                  10         396,742
                                                    more submitted in one
                                                    application; reduced risk.
R210.............................              22  Additional food use;                       12          48,986
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; establish
                                                    temporary tolerance; no
                                                    credit toward new use
R220.............................              23  Additional food use;                        6          19,838
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; crop destruct
                                                    basis; no credit toward new
                                                    use registration.
R230.............................              24  Additional use; non-food;                  15          26,427
R240.............................              25  Additional use; non-food;                  10          26,427
                                                    outdoor; reduced risk.
R250.............................              26  Additional use; non-food;                   6          19,838
                                                    outdoor; Experimental Use
                                                    Permit application; no
                                                    credit toward new use
R251.............................              27  Experimental Use Permit                     8          19,838
                                                    application which requires
                                                    no changes to the
                                                    tolerance(s); non-crop
                                                    destruct basis.
R260.............................              28  New use; non-food; indoor....              12          12,764
R270.............................              29  New use; non-food; indoor;                  9          12,764
                                                    reduced risk.
R271.............................              30  New use; non-food; indoor;                  6           9,725
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; no credit
                                                    toward new use registration.
R273.............................              31  Additional use; seed                       12          50,445
                                                    treatment; limited uptake
                                                    into raw agricultural
                                                    commodities; includes crops
                                                    with established tolerances
                                                    (e.g., for soil or foliar
                                                    application); includes food
                                                    and/or non-food uses.
R274.............................              32  Additional uses; seed                      12         302,663
                                                    treatment only; 6 or more
                                                    submitted in one
                                                    application; limited uptake
                                                    into raw agricultural
                                                    commodities; includes crops
                                                    with established tolerances
                                                    (e.g., for soil or foliar
                                                    application); includes food
                                                    and/or non-food uses.

                           Table 3--Registration Division--Import and Other Tolerances
                                                                                                    FY '16/17--
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
R280.............................              33  Establish import tolerance;                21         319,072
                                                    new active ingredient or
                                                    first food use.

[[Page 57169]]

R290.............................              34  Establish Import tolerance;                15          63,816
                                                    Additional new food use.
R291.............................              35  Establish import tolerances;               15         382,886
                                                    additional food uses; 6 or
                                                    more crops submitted in one
R292.............................              36  Amend an established                       11          45,341
                                                    tolerance (e.g., decrease or
                                                    increase); domestic or
                                                    import; applicant-initiated.
R293.............................              37  Establish tolerance(s) for                 12          53,483
                                                    inadvertent residues in one
                                                    crop; applicant-initiated.
R294.............................              38  Establish tolerances for                   12         320,894
                                                    inadvertent residues; 6 or
                                                    more crops submitted in one
                                                    application; applicant-
R295.............................              39  Establish tolerance(s) for                 15          66,124
                                                    residues in one rotational
                                                    crop in response to a
                                                    specific rotational crop
                                                    application; applicant-
R296.............................              40  Establish tolerances for                   15         396,742
                                                    residues in rotational crops
                                                    in response to a specific
                                                    rotational crop petition; 6
                                                    or more crops submitted in
                                                    one application; applicant-
R297.............................              41  Amend 6 or more established                11         272,037
                                                    tolerances (e.g., decrease
                                                    or increase) in one
                                                    petition; domestic or
                                                    import; applicant-initiated.
R298.............................              42  Amend an established                       13          58,565
                                                    tolerance (e.g., decrease or
                                                    increase); domestic or
                                                    import; submission of
                                                    amended labels (requiring
                                                    science review) in addition
                                                    to those associated with the
                                                    amended tolerance; applicant-
R299.............................              43  Amend 6 or more established                13         285,261
                                                    tolerances (e.g., decrease
                                                    or increase); domestic or
                                                    import; submission of
                                                    amended labels (requiring
                                                    science review) in addition
                                                    to those associated with the
                                                    amended tolerance; applicant-

                                  Table 4--Registration Division--New Products
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
R300.............................              44  New product; or similar                     4           1,582
                                                    combination product (already
                                                    registered) to an identical
                                                    or substantially similar in
                                                    composition and use to a
                                                    registered product;
                                                    registered source of active
                                                    ingredient; no data review
                                                    on acute toxicity, efficacy
                                                    or CRP--only product
                                                    chemistry data; cite-all
                                                    data citation, or selective
                                                    data citation where
                                                    applicant owns all required
                                                    data, or applicant submits
                                                    specific authorization
                                                    letter from data owner
                                                    Category also includes 100%
                                                    re-package of registered end-
                                                    use or manufacturing-use
                                                    product that requires no
                                                    data submission nor data
R301.............................              45  New product; or similar                     4           1,897
                                                    combination product (already
                                                    registered) to an identical
                                                    or substantially similar in
                                                    composition and use to a
                                                    registered product;
                                                    registered source of active
                                                    ingredient; selective data
                                                    citation only for data on
                                                    product chemistry and/or
                                                    acute toxicity and/or public
                                                    health pest efficacy, where
                                                    applicant does not own all
                                                    required data and does not
                                                    have a specific
                                                    authorization letter from
                                                    data owner.
R310.............................              46  New end-use or manufacturing-               7           5,301
                                                    use product with registered
                                                    source(s) of active
                                                    ingredient(s); includes
                                                    products containing two or
                                                    more registered active
                                                    ingredients previously
                                                    combined in other registered
                                                    products; requires review of
                                                    data package within RD only;
                                                    includes data and/or waivers
                                                    of data for only: Product
                                                    chemistry and/or acute
                                                    toxicity and/or public
                                                    health pest efficacy and/or
                                                    child resistant packaging.
R314.............................              47  New end use product                         8           6,626
                                                    containing two or more
                                                    registered active
                                                    ingredients never before
                                                    registered as this
                                                    combination in a formulated
                                                    product; new product label
                                                    is identical or
                                                    substantially similar to the
                                                    labels of currently
                                                    registered products which
                                                    separately contain the
                                                    respective component active
                                                    ingredients; requires review
                                                    of data package within RD
                                                    only; includes data and/or
                                                    waivers of data for only:
                                                    Product chemistry and/or
                                                    acute toxicity and/or public
                                                    health pest efficacy and/or
                                                    child resistant packaging.
R315.............................              48  New end-use non-food animal                 9           8,820
                                                    product with submission of
                                                    two or more target animal
                                                    safety studies; includes
                                                    data and/or waivers of data
                                                    for only: Product chemistry
                                                    and/or acute toxicity and/or
                                                    public health pest efficacy
                                                    and/or animal safety studies
                                                    and/or child resistant
R320.............................              49  New product; new physical                  12          13,226
                                                    form; requires data review
                                                    in science divisions.
R331.............................              50  New product; repack of                      3           2,530
                                                    identical registered end-use
                                                    product as a manufacturing-
                                                    use product; same registered
                                                    uses only.

[[Page 57170]]

R332.............................              51  New manufacturing-use                      24         283,215
                                                    product; registered active
                                                    ingredient; unregistered
                                                    source of active ingredient;
                                                    submission of completely new
                                                    generic data package;
                                                    registered uses only;
                                                    requires review in RD and
                                                    science divisions.
R333.............................              52  New product; MUP or End use                10          19,838
                                                    product with unregistered
                                                    source of active ingredient;
                                                    requires science data
                                                    review; new physical form;
                                                    etc Cite-all or selective
                                                    data citation where
                                                    applicant owns all required
R334.............................              53  New product; MUP or End use                11          19,838
                                                    product with unregistered
                                                    source of the active
                                                    ingredient; requires science
                                                    data review; new physical
                                                    form; etc Selective data

                           Table 5--Registration Division--Amendments to Registration
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
R340.............................              54  Amendment requiring data                    4           3,988
                                                    review within RD (e.g.,
                                                    changes to precautionary
                                                    label statements).
R345.............................              55  Amending non-food animal                    7           8,820
                                                    product that includes
                                                    submission of target animal
                                                    safety data; previously
R350.............................              56  Amendment requiring data                    9          13,226
                                                    review in science divisions
                                                    (e.g., changes to REI, or
                                                    PPE, or PHI, or use rate, or
                                                    number of applications; or
                                                    add aerial application; or
                                                    modify GW/SW advisory
R351.............................              57  Amendment adding a new                      8          13,226
                                                    unregistered source of
                                                    active ingredient.
R352.............................              58  Amendment adding already                    8          13,226
                                                    approved uses; selective
                                                    method of support; does not
                                                    apply if the applicant owns
                                                    all cited data.
R371.............................              59  Amendment to Experimental Use               6          10,090
                                                    Permit; (does not include
                                                    extending a permit's time

                                  Table 6--Registration Division--Other Actions
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (Months)           ($)
R124.............................              60  Conditional Ruling on                       6           2,530
                                                    Preapplication Study
                                                    Waivers; applicant-initiated.
R272.............................              61  Review of Study Protocol                    3           2,530
                                                    excludes DART, pre-
                                                    registration conference,
                                                    Rapid Response review, DNT
                                                    protocol review, protocol
                                                    needing HSRB review.
R275.............................              62  Rebuttal of agency reviewed                 3           2,530
                                                    protocol, applicant
R370.............................              63  Cancer reassessment;                       18         198,250

B. Antimicrobials Division (AD)

    The Antimicrobials Division of OPP is responsible for the 
processing of pesticide applications and associated tolerances for 
conventional chemicals intended for antimicrobial uses, that is, uses 
that are defined under FIFRA section 2 (mm)(1)(A), including products 
for use against bacteria, protozoa, non-agricultural fungi, and 
viruses. AD is also responsible for a selected set of conventional 
chemicals intended for other uses, including most wood preservatives 
and antifoulants. Tables 7 through 10 cover AD actions.

                            Table 7--Antimicrobials Division--New Active Ingredients
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (Months)           ($)
A380.............................              64  New Active Ingredient Food                 24         114,867
                                                    use, establish tolerance
A390.............................              65  New Active Ingredient Food                 24         191,444
                                                    use, establish tolerance.
A400.............................              66  New Active Ingredient, Non-                18          95,724
                                                    food use, outdoor, FIFRA
                                                    Sec.   2 (mm) uses.
A410.............................              67  New Active Ingredient Non-                 21         191,444
                                                    food use, outdoor, uses
                                                    other than FIFRA Sec.
A420.............................              68  New Active Ingredient Non-                 18          63,816
                                                    food use, indoor, FIFRA Sec.
                                                      2(mm) uses.

[[Page 57171]]

A430.............................              69  New Active Ingredient, Non-                20          95,724
                                                    Food Use Indoor, uses other
                                                    than FIFRA Sec.   2(mm) uses.
A431.............................              70  New Active Ingredient, Non-                12          66,854
                                                    food use; indoor; low-risk;
                                                    low-toxicity food grade
                                                    active ingredient(s);
                                                    efficacy testing for public
                                                    health claims required under
                                                    GLP and following DIS/TSS or
                                                    AD-approved study protocol.

                                   Table 8--Antimicrobials Division--New Uses
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (Months)           ($)
A440.............................              71  New Use, First Food Use,                   21          31,910
                                                    establish tolerance
A450.............................              72  New use, First food use,                   21          95,724
                                                    establish tolerance.
A460.............................              73  New use, additional food use;              15          12,764
                                                    establish tolerance
A470.............................              74  New use, additional food use,              15          31,910
                                                    establish tolerance.
A471.............................              75  Additional food uses;                      15         191,452
                                                    establish tolerances; 6 or
                                                    more submitted in one
A480.............................              76  New use, Additional use, non-               9          19,146
                                                    food, outdoor; FIFRA Sec.
                                                    2(mm) uses.
A481.............................              77  Additional non-food outdoor                 9         114,870
                                                    uses; FIFRA Sec.   2(mm)
                                                    uses; 6 or more submitted in
                                                    one application.
A490.............................              78  New use, additional use, non-              15          31,910
                                                    food, outdoor, uses other
                                                    than FIFRA Sec.   2(mm).
A491.............................              79  Additional non-food; outdoor;              15         191,452
                                                    uses other than FIFRA Sec.
                                                    2(mm); 6 or more submitted
                                                    in one application.
A500.............................              80  New use, additional use, non-               9          12,764
                                                    food, indoor FIFRA Sec.
                                                    2(mm) uses.
A501.............................              81  Additional non-food; indoor;                9          76,583
                                                    FIFRA Sec.   2(mm) uses; 6
                                                    or more submitted in one
A510.............................              82  New use, additional use, non-              12          12,764
                                                    food, indoor, other than
                                                    FIFRA Sec.   2(mm).
A511.............................              83  Additional non-food; indoor;               12          76,583
                                                    uses other than FIFRA Sec.
                                                    2(mm); 6 or more submitted
                                                    in one application.

                          Table 9--Antimicrobials Division-New Products and Amendments
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (Months)           ($)
A530.............................              84  New product, identical or                   4           1,278
                                                    substantially similar in
                                                    composition and use to a
                                                    registered product; no data
                                                    review or only product
                                                    chemistry data; cite all
                                                    data citation or selective
                                                    data citation where
                                                    applicant owns all required
                                                    data; or applicant submits
                                                    specific authorization
                                                    letter from data owner.
                                                    Category also includes 100%
                                                    re-package of registered end-
                                                    use or manufacturing use
                                                    product that requires no
                                                    data submission nor data
A531.............................              85  New product; identical or                   4           1,824
                                                    substantially similar in
                                                    composition and use to a
                                                    registered product;
                                                    registered source of active
                                                    ingredient: Selective data
                                                    citation only for data on
                                                    product chemistry and/or
                                                    acute toxicity and/or public
                                                    health pest efficacy, where
                                                    applicant does not own all
                                                    required data and does not
                                                    have a specific
                                                    authorization letter from
                                                    data owner.
A532.............................              86  New product; identical or                   5           5,107
                                                    substantially similar in
                                                    composition and use to a
                                                    registered product;
                                                    registered active
                                                    ingredient; unregistered
                                                    source of active ingredient;
                                                    cite-all data citation
                                                    except for product
                                                    chemistry; product chemistry
                                                    data submitted.
A540.............................              87  New end use product; FIFRA                  5           5,107
                                                    Sec.   2(mm) uses only (2)
A550.............................              88  New end-use product; uses                   7           5,107
                                                    other than FIFRA Sec.
                                                    2(mm); non-FQPA product.
A560.............................              89  New manufacturing use                      12          19,146
                                                    product; registered active
                                                    ingredient; selective data
A570.............................              90  Label amendment requiring                   4           3,831
                                                    data review.
A572.............................              91  New Product or amendment                    9          13,226
                                                    requiring data review for
                                                    risk assessment by Science
                                                    Branch (e.g., changes to
                                                    REI, or PPE, or use rate).

[[Page 57172]]

              Table 10--Antimicrobials Division--Experimental Use Permits and Other Type of Actions
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (Months)           ($)
A520.............................              92  Experimental Use Permit                     9           6,383
                                                    application, non-food use.
A521.............................              93  Review of public health                     3           2,482
                                                    efficacy study protocol
                                                    within AD, per AD Internal
                                                    Guidance for the Efficacy
                                                    Protocol Review Process;
                                                    Code will also include
                                                    review of public health
                                                    efficacy study protocol and
                                                    data review for devices
                                                    making pesticidal claims;
                                                    applicant-initiated; Tier 1.
A522.............................              94  Review of public health                    12          12,156
                                                    efficacy study protocol
                                                    outside AD by members of AD
                                                    Efficacy Protocol Review
                                                    Expert Panel; Code will also
                                                    include review of public
                                                    health efficacy study
                                                    protocol and data review for
                                                    devices making pesticidal
                                                    claims; applicant-initiated;
                                                    Tier 2..
A523.............................             101  Review of protocol other than               9          12,156
                                                    a public health efficacy
                                                    study (i.e., Toxicology or
                                                    Exposure Protocols).
A524.............................              95  New Active Ingredient,                     18         153,156
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; Food Use
                                                    Requires Tolerance. Credit
                                                    45% of fee toward new active
                                                    ingredient application that
A525.............................              96  New Active Ingredient,                     18          92,163
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; Food Use
                                                    Requires Tolerance
                                                    Exemption. Credit 45% of fee
                                                    toward new active ingredient
                                                    application that follows.
A526.............................              97  New Active Ingredient,                     15          95,724
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; Non-Food,
                                                    Outdoor Use. Credit 45% of
                                                    fee toward new active
                                                    ingredient application that
A527.............................              98  New Active Ingredient,                     15          63,945
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; Non-Food,
                                                    Indoor Use. Credit 45% of
                                                    fee toward new active
                                                    ingredient application that
A528.............................              99  Experimental Use Permit                    15          22,337
                                                    application, Food Use;
                                                    Requires Tolerance or
                                                    Tolerance Exemption.
A529.............................             100  Amendment to Experimental Use               9          11,429
                                                    Permit; requires data review
                                                    or risk assessment.
A571.............................             102  Science reassessment: Cancer               18          95,724
                                                    risk, refined ecological
                                                    risk, and/or endangered
                                                    species; applicant-initiated.

C. Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD)

    The Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division of OPP is 
responsible for the processing of pesticide applications for 
biochemical pesticides, microbial pesticides, and plant-incorporated 
protectants (PIPs).
    The fee tables for BPPD actions are presented by type of pesticide 
rather than by type of action: Microbial and biochemical pesticides, 
straight chain lepidopteran pheromones (SCLPs), and PIPs. Within each 
table, the types of application are the same as those in other 
divisions. Tables 11 through 17 cover BPPD actions.

   Table 11--Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division--Microbial and Biochemical Pesticides; New Active
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
B580.............................             103  New active ingredient; food                19          51,053
                                                    use; petition to establish a
B590.............................             104  New active ingredient; food                17          31,910
                                                    use; petition to establish a
                                                    tolerance exemption.
B600.............................             105  New active ingredient; non-                13          19,146
                                                    food use.
B610.............................             106  New active ingredient;                     10          12,764
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; petition to
                                                    establish a temporary
                                                    tolerance or temporary
                                                    tolerance exemption.
B611.............................             107  New active ingredient;                     12          12,764
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; petition to
                                                    establish permanent
                                                    tolerance exemption.
B612.............................             108  New active ingredient; no                  10          17,550
                                                    change to a permanent
                                                    tolerance exemption.
B613.............................             109  New active ingredient;                     11          17,550
                                                    petition to convert a
                                                    temporary tolerance or a
                                                    temporary tolerance
                                                    exemption to a permanent
                                                    tolerance or tolerance
B620.............................             110  New active ingredient;                      7           6,383
                                                    Experimental Use Permit
                                                    application; non-food use
                                                    including crop destruct.

[[Page 57173]]

    Table 12--Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division--Microbial and Biochemical Pesticides; New Uses
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
B630.............................             111  First food use; petition to                13          12,764
                                                    establish a tolerance
B631.............................             112  New food use; petition to                  12          12,764
                                                    amend an established
B640.............................             113  New food use; petition to                  19          19,146
                                                    amend an established
B642.............................             115  First food use; indoor; food/              12          31,910
                                                    food handling.
B643.............................             114  New Food use; petition to                  10          12,764
                                                    amend tolerance exemption.
B644.............................             116  New use, no change to an                    8          12,764
                                                    established tolerance or
                                                    tolerance exemption.
B650.............................             117  New use; non-food............               7           6,383

  Table 13--Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division--Microbial and Biochemical Pesticides; New Products
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
B652.............................             118  New product; registered                    13          12,764
                                                    source of active ingredient;
                                                    requires petition to amend
                                                    established tolerance or
                                                    tolerance exemption;
                                                    requires (1) submission of
                                                    product specific data; or
                                                    (2) citation of previously
                                                    reviewed and accepted data;
                                                    or (3) submission or
                                                    citation of data generated
                                                    at government expense; or
                                                    (4) submission or citation
                                                    of scientifically-sound
                                                    rationale based on publicly
                                                    available literature or
                                                    other relevant information
                                                    that addresses the data
                                                    requirement; or (5)
                                                    submission of a request for
                                                    a data requirement to be
                                                    waived supported by a
                                                    rationale explaining why the
                                                    data requirement does not
B660.............................             119  New product; registered                     4           1,278
                                                    source of active
                                                    ingredient(s); identical or
                                                    substantially similar in
                                                    composition and use to a
                                                    registered product; no
                                                    change in an established
                                                    tolerance or tolerance
                                                    exemption No data review, or
                                                    only product chemistry data;
                                                    cite-all data citation, or
                                                    selective data citation
                                                    where applicant owns all
                                                    required data or
                                                    authorization from data
                                                    owner is demonstrated
                                                    Category includes 100% re-
                                                    package of registered end-
                                                    use or manufacturing-use
                                                    product that requires no
                                                    data submission or data
                                                    matrix For microbial
                                                    pesticides, the active
                                                    ingredient(s) must not be re-
B670.............................             120  New product; registered                     7           5,107
                                                    source of active
                                                    ingredient(s); no change in
                                                    an established tolerance or
                                                    tolerance exemption;
                                                    requires: (1) Submission of
                                                    product specific data; or
                                                    (2) citation of previously
                                                    reviewed and accepted data;
                                                    or (3) submission or
                                                    citation of data generated
                                                    at government expense; or
                                                    (4) submission or citation
                                                    of a scientifically-sound
                                                    rationale based on publicly
                                                    available literature or
                                                    other relevant information
                                                    that addresses the data
                                                    requirement; or (5)
                                                    submission of a request for
                                                    a data requirement to be
                                                    waived supported by a
                                                    rationale explaining why the
                                                    data requirement does not
B671.............................             121  New product; unregistered                  17          12,764
                                                    source of active
                                                    ingredient(s); requires a
                                                    petition to amend an
                                                    established tolerance or
                                                    tolerance exemption;
                                                    requires: (1) Submission of
                                                    product specific data; or
                                                    (2) citation of previously
                                                    reviewed and accepted data;
                                                    or (3) submission or
                                                    citation of data generated
                                                    at government expense; or
                                                    (4) submission or citation
                                                    of a scientifically-sound
                                                    rationale based on publicly
                                                    available literature or
                                                    other relevant information
                                                    that addresses the data
                                                    requirement; or (5)
                                                    submission of a request for
                                                    a data requirement to be
                                                    waived supported by a
                                                    rationale explaining why the
                                                    data requirement does not
B672.............................             122  New product; unregistered                  13           9,118
                                                    source of active
                                                    ingredient(s); non-food use
                                                    or food use with a tolerance
                                                    or tolerance exemption
                                                    previously established for
                                                    the active ingredient(s);
                                                    requires: (1) Submission of
                                                    product specific data; or
                                                    (2) citation of previously
                                                    reviewed and accepted data;
                                                    or (3) submission or
                                                    citation of data generated
                                                    at government expense; or
                                                    (4) submission or citation
                                                    of a scientifically-sound
                                                    rationale based on publicly
                                                    available literature or
                                                    other relevant information
                                                    that addresses the data
                                                    requirement; or (5)
                                                    submission of a request for
                                                    a data requirement to be
                                                    waived supported by a
                                                    rationale explaining why the
                                                    data requirement does not
B673.............................             123  New product MUP/EP;                        10           5,107
                                                    unregistered source of
                                                    active ingredient(s);
                                                    citation of Technical Grade
                                                    Active Ingredient (TGAI)
                                                    data previously reviewed and
                                                    accepted by the Agency
                                                    Requires an Agency
                                                    determination that the cited
                                                    data supports the new
B674.............................             124  New product MUP; Repack of                  4           1,278
                                                    identical registered end-use
                                                    product as a manufacturing-
                                                    use product; same registered
                                                    uses only.

[[Page 57174]]

B675.............................             125  New Product MUP; registered                10           9,118
                                                    source of active ingredient;
                                                    submission of completely new
                                                    generic data package;
                                                    registered uses only.
B676.............................             126  New product; more than one                 13           9,118
                                                    active ingredient where one
                                                    active ingredient is an
                                                    unregistered source; product
                                                    chemistry data must be
                                                    submitted; requires: (1)
                                                    Submission of product
                                                    specific data, and (2)
                                                    citation of previously
                                                    reviewed and accepted data;
                                                    or (3) submission or
                                                    citation of data generated
                                                    at government expense; or
                                                    (4) submission or citation
                                                    of a scientifically-sound
                                                    rationale based on publicly
                                                    available literature or
                                                    other relevant information
                                                    that addresses the data
                                                    requirement; or (5)
                                                    submission of a request for
                                                    a data requirement to be
                                                    waived supported by a
                                                    rationale explaining why the
                                                    data requirement does not
B677.............................             127  New end-use non-food animal                10           8,820
                                                    product with submission of
                                                    two or more target animal
                                                    safety studies; includes
                                                    data and/or waivers of data.

   Table 14--Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division--Microbial and Biochemical Pesticides; Amendments
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
B621.............................             128  Amendment; Experimental Use                 7           5,107
                                                    Permit; no change to an
                                                    established temporary
                                                    tolerance or tolerance
B622.............................             129  Amendment; Experimental Use                11          12,764
                                                    Permit; petition to amend an
                                                    established or temporary
                                                    tolerance or tolerance
B641.............................             130  Amendment of an established                13          12,764
                                                    tolerance or tolerance
B680.............................             131  Amendment; registered source                5           5,107
                                                    of active ingredient(s); no
                                                    new use(s); no changes to an
                                                    established tolerance or
                                                    tolerance exemption Requires
                                                    data submission.
B681.............................             132  Amendment; unregistered                     7           6,079
                                                    source of active
                                                    ingredient(s) Requires data
B683.............................             133  Label amendment; requires                   6           5,107
                                                    review/update of previous
                                                    risk assessment(s) without
                                                    data submission (eg.,
                                                    labeling changes to REI,
                                                    PPE, PHI).
B684.............................             134  Amending non-food animal                    8           8,820
                                                    product that includes
                                                    submission of target animal
                                                    safety data; previously

    Table 15--Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division--Straight Chain Lepidopteran Pheromones (SCLPS)
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
B690.............................             135  New active ingredient; food                 7           2,554
                                                    or non-food use.
B700.............................             136  Experimental Use Permit                     7           1,278
                                                    application; new active
                                                    ingredient or new use.
B701.............................             137  Extend or amend Experimental                4           1,278
                                                    Use Permit.
B710.............................             138  New product; registered                     4           1,278
                                                    source of active
                                                    ingredient(s); identical or
                                                    substantially similar in
                                                    composition and use to a
                                                    registered product; no
                                                    change in an established
                                                    tolerance or tolerance
                                                    exemption No data review, or
                                                    only product chemistry data;
                                                    cite-all data citation, or
                                                    selective data citation
                                                    where applicant owns all
                                                    required data or
                                                    authorization from data
                                                    owner is demonstrated
                                                    Category includes 100% re-
                                                    package of registered end-
                                                    use or manufacturing-use
                                                    product that requires no
                                                    data submission or data
B720.............................             139  New product; registered                     5           1,278
                                                    source of active
                                                    ingredient(s); requires: (1)
                                                    Submission of product
                                                    specific data; or (2)
                                                    citation of previously
                                                    reviewed and accepted data;
                                                    or (3) submission or
                                                    citation of data generated
                                                    at government expense; or
                                                    (4) submission or citation
                                                    of a scientifically-sound
                                                    rationale based on publicly
                                                    available literature or
                                                    other relevant information
                                                    that addresses the data
                                                    requirement; or (5)
                                                    submission of a request for
                                                    a data requirement to be
                                                    waived supported by a
                                                    rationale explaining why the
                                                    data requirement does not
B721.............................             140  New product; unregistered                   7           2,676
                                                    source of active ingredient.

[[Page 57175]]

B722.............................             141  New use and/or amendment;                   7           2,477
                                                    petition to establish a
                                                    tolerance or tolerance
B730.............................             142  Label amendment requiring                   5           1,278
                                                    data submission.

                    Table 16--Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division--Other Actions
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
B614.............................             143  Conditional Ruling on                       3           2,530
                                                    Preapplication Study
                                                    Waivers; applicant-initiated.
B615.............................             144  Rebuttal of agency reviewed                 3           2,530
                                                    protocol, applicant
B682.............................             145  Protocol review; applicant                  3           2,432
                                                    initiated; excludes time for
                                                    HSRB review.

        Table 17--Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division--Plant Incorporated Protectants (PIPS)
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
B740.............................             146  Experimental Use Permit                     6          95,724
                                                    application; no petition for
                                                    exemption. Includes: Non-
                                                    food/feed use(s) for a new
                                                    or registered PIP; food/feed
                                                    use(s) for a new or
                                                    registered PIP with crop
                                                    destruct; food/feed use(s)
                                                    for a new or registered PIP
                                                    in which an established
                                                    exemption exists for the
                                                    intended use(s).
B750.............................             147  Experimental Use Permit                     9         127,630
                                                    application; with a petition
                                                    to establish a temporary or
                                                    permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption for the
                                                    active ingredient. Includes
                                                    new food/feed use for a
                                                    registered PIP.
B770.............................             148  Experimental Use Permit                    15         191,444
                                                    application; new PIP; with
                                                    petition to establish a
                                                    temporary tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption for the
                                                    active ingredient; credit
                                                    75% of B771 fee toward
                                                    registration application for
                                                    a new active ingredient that
                                                    follows; SAP review.
B771.............................             149  Experimental Use Permit                    10         127,630
                                                    application; new PIP; with
                                                    petition to establish a
                                                    temporary tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption for the
                                                    active ingredient; credit
                                                    75% of B771 fee toward
                                                    registration application for
                                                    a new active ingredient that
B772.............................             150  Application to amend or                     3          12,764
                                                    extend an Experimental Use
                                                    Permit; no petition since
                                                    the established tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption for the
                                                    active ingredient is
B773.............................             151  Application to amend or                     5          31,910
                                                    extend an Experimental Use
                                                    Permit; with petition to
                                                    extend a temporary tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption for the
                                                    active ingredient.
B780.............................             152  Registration application; new              12         159,537
                                                    PIP; non-food/feed.
B790.............................             153  Registration application; new              18         223,351
                                                    PIP; non-food/feed; SAP
B800.............................             154  Registration application; new              12         255,324
                                                    PIP; with petition to
                                                    establish permanent
                                                    exemption for the active
                                                    ingredient based on an
                                                    existing temporary tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption.
B810.............................             155  Registration application; new              18         319,072
                                                    PIP; with petition to
                                                    establish permanent
                                                    exemption for the active
                                                    ingredient based on an
                                                    existing temporary tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption. SAP
B820.............................             156  Registration application; new              15         319,072
                                                    PIP; with petition to
                                                    establish or amend a
                                                    permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption of an
                                                    active ingredient.
B840.............................             157  Registration application; new              21         382,886
                                                    PIP; with petition to
                                                    establish or amend a
                                                    permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption of an
                                                    active ingredient. SAP
B851.............................             158  Registration application; new               9         127,630
                                                    event of a previously
                                                    registered PIP active
                                                    ingredient(s); no petition
                                                    since permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption is
                                                    already established for the
                                                    active ingredient(s).
B870.............................             159  Registration application;                   9          38,290
                                                    registered PIP; new product;
                                                    new use; no petition since a
                                                    permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption is
                                                    already established for the
                                                    active ingredient(s).

[[Page 57176]]

B880.............................             160  Registration application;                   9          31,910
                                                    registered PIP; new product
                                                    or new terms of
                                                    registration; additional
                                                    data submitted; no petition
                                                    since a permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption is
                                                    already established for the
                                                    active ingredient(s).
B881.............................             161  Registration application;                  15          95,724
                                                    registered PIP; new product
                                                    or new terms of
                                                    registration; additional
                                                    data submitted; no petition
                                                    since a permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption is
                                                    already established for the
                                                    active ingredient(s). SAP
B883.............................             162  Registration application; new               9         127,630
                                                    PIP, seed increase with
                                                    negotiated acreage cap and
                                                    time-limited registration;
                                                    with petition to establish a
                                                    permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption for the
                                                    active ingredient based on
                                                    an existing temporary
B884.............................             163  Registration application; new              12         159,537
                                                    PIP, seed increase with
                                                    negotiated acreage cap and
                                                    time-limited registration;
                                                    with petition to establish a
                                                    permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption for the
                                                    active ingredient.
B885.............................             164  Registration application;                   9          95,724
                                                    registered PIP, seed
                                                    increase; breeding stack of
                                                    previously approved PIPs,
                                                    same crop; no petition since
                                                    a permanent tolerance/
                                                    tolerance exemption is
                                                    already established for the
                                                    active ingredient(s).
B890.............................             165  Application to amend a seed                 9          63,816
                                                    increase registration;
                                                    converts registration to
                                                    commercial registration; no
                                                    petition since permanent
                                                    exemption is already
                                                    established for the active
B891.............................             166  Application to amend a seed                15         127,630
                                                    increase registration;
                                                    converts registration to a
                                                    commercial registration; no
                                                    petition since a permanent
                                                    exemption already
                                                    established for the active
                                                    ingredient(s); SAP review.
B900.............................             167  Application to amend a                      6          12,764
                                                    registration, including
                                                    actions such as extending an
                                                    expiration date, modifying
                                                    an IRM plan, or adding an
                                                    insect to be controlled.
B901.............................             168  Application to amend a                     12          76,578
                                                    registration, including
                                                    actions such as extending an
                                                    expiration date, modifying
                                                    an IRM plan, or adding an
                                                    insect to be controlled. SAP
B902.............................             169  PIP Protocol review..........               3           6,383
B903.............................             170  Inert ingredient tolerance                  6          63,816
                                                    exemption; e.g., a marker
                                                    such as NPT II; reviewed in
B904.............................             171  Import tolerance or tolerance               9         127,630
                                                    exemption; processed
                                                    commodities/food only (inert
                                                    or active ingredient).

                                           Table 18--Inert Ingredients
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
I001.............................             172  Approval of new food use                   12          19,845
                                                    inert ingredient.
I002.............................             173  Amend currently approved                   10           5,513
                                                    inert ingredient tolerance
                                                    or exemption from tolerance;
                                                    new data.
I003.............................             174  Amend currently approved                    8           3,308
                                                    inert ingredient tolerance
                                                    or exemption from tolerance;
                                                    no new data.
I004.............................             175  Approval of new non-food use                8          11,025
                                                    inert ingredient.
I005.............................             176  Amend currently approved non-               8           5,513
                                                    food use inert ingredient
                                                    with new use pattern; new
I006.............................             177  Amend currently approved non-               6           3,308
                                                    food use inert ingredient
                                                    with new use pattern; no new
I007.............................             178  Approval of substantially                   4           1,654
                                                    similar non-food use inert
                                                    ingredients when original
                                                    inert is compositionally
                                                    similar with similar use
I008.............................             179  Approval of new polymer inert               5           3,749
                                                    ingredient, food use.
I009.............................             180  Approval of new polymer inert               4           3,087
                                                    ingredient, non food use.
I010.............................             181  Petition to amend a tolerance               6           1,654
                                                    exemption descriptor to add
                                                    one or more CASRNs; no new

[[Page 57177]]

                                         Table 19--Miscellaneous Actions
                                                                                                     FY '16/17
                                                                                     Decision      registration
             EPA No.                 New CR No.                Action               review time     service fee
                                                                                     (months)           ($)
M001.............................             182  Study protocol requiring                    9           7,938
                                                    Human Studies Review Board
                                                    review as defined in 40 CFR
                                                    Part 26 in support of an
                                                    active ingredient.
M002.............................             183  Completed study requiring                   9           7,938
                                                    Human Studies Review Board
                                                    review as defined in 40 CFR
                                                    Part 26 in support of an
                                                    active ingredient.
M003.............................             184  External technical peer                    12          63,945
                                                    review of new active
                                                    ingredient, product, or
                                                    amendment (e.g.,
                                                    consultation with FIFRA
                                                    Scientific Advisory Panel)
                                                    for an action with a
                                                    decision timeframe of less
                                                    than 12 months. Applicant
                                                    initiated request based on a
                                                    requirement of the
                                                    Administrator, as defined by
                                                    FIFRA Sec.   25(d), in
                                                    support of a novel active
                                                    ingredient, or unique use
                                                    pattern or application
                                                    technology. Excludes PIP
                                                    active ingredients.
M004.............................             185  External technical peer                    18          63,945
                                                    review of new active
                                                    ingredient, product, or
                                                    amendment (e.g.,
                                                    consultation with FIFRA
                                                    Scientific Advisory Panel)
                                                    for an action with a
                                                    decision timeframe of
                                                    greater than 12 months.
                                                    Applicant initiated request
                                                    based on a requirement of
                                                    the Administrator, as
                                                    defined by FIFRA Sec.
                                                    25(d), in support of a novel
                                                    active ingredient, or unique
                                                    use pattern or application
                                                    technology. Excludes PIP
                                                    active ingredients.
M005.............................             186  New Product: Combination,                   9          22,050
                                                    Contains a combination of
                                                    active ingredients from a
                                                    registered and/or
                                                    unregistered source;
                                                    conventional, antimicrobial
                                                    and/or biopesticide.
                                                    Requires coordination with
                                                    other regulatory divisions
                                                    to conduct review of data,
                                                    label and/or verify the
                                                    validity of existing data as
                                                    cited. Only existing uses
                                                    for each active ingredient
                                                    in the combination product.
M006.............................             187  Request for up to 5 letters                 1             277
                                                    of certification (Gold Seal)
                                                    for one actively registered
M007.............................             188  Request to extend Exclusive                12           5,513
                                                    Use of data as provided by
                                                    FIFRA Section 3(c)(1)(F)(ii).
M008.............................             189  Request to grant Exclusive                 10           1,654
                                                    Use of data as provided by
                                                    FIFRA Section 3(c)(1)(F)(vi)
                                                    for a minor use, when a
                                                    FIFRA Section 2(ll)(2)
                                                    determination is required.

V. How To Pay Fees

    Applicants must submit fee payments at the time of application, and 
EPA will reject any application that does not contain evidence that the 
fee has been paid. EPA has developed a Web site at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/fees/tool/index.htm to help applicants identify the fee 
category and the fee. All fees should be rounded up to the whole 
dollar. Due to changes mandated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, 
checks, bank drafts and money orders are no longer acceptable as of 
September 30, 2015. Credit card payments are only acceptable for 
amounts less than or equal to $25,000. All payments above $25,000 can 
be made by electronic funds transfer via www.pay.gov.

A. Online

    You may pay electronically through the government payment Web site 
    1. From the pay.gov home page, under ``Find Public Forms.''
    2. Select ``search by Agency name.''
    3. On the A-Z Index of Forms page, select ``E.''
    4. Select ``Environmental Protection Agency.''
    5. From the list of forms, select ``Pre-payment of Pesticide 
Registration Improvement Act Fee.''
    6. Complete the form entering the PRIA fee category and fee.
    7. Keep a copy of the pay.gov acknowledgement of payment. A copy of 
the acknowledgement must be printed and attached to the front of the 
application to assure that EPA can match the application with the 

VI. How To Submit Applications

    Submissions to the Agency should be made at the address given in 
Unit VII. The applicant should attach documentation that the fee has 
been paid which in most cases will be pay.gov payment acknowledgement. 
If the applicant is applying for a fee waiver, the applicant should 
provide sufficient documentation as described in FIFRA section 33(b)(7) 
and http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/fees/questions/waivers.htm. The fee 
waiver request should be easy to identify and separate from the rest of 
the application and submitted with documentation that at least 25% of 
the fee has been paid.
    If evidence of fee payment (electronic acknowledgement) is not 
submitted with the application, EPA will reject the application and 
will not process it further.
    After EPA receives an application and payment, EPA performs a 
screen on the application to determine that the category is correct and 
that the proper fee amount has been paid. If either is incorrect, EPA 
will notify the applicant and require payment of any additional amount 
due. A refund will be provided in case of an overpayment. EPA will not 
process the application further until the proper fee has been paid for 
the category of application or a request for a fee waiver accompanies 
the application and the appropriate portion of the fee has been paid.
    EPA will assign a unique identification number to each covered 
application for which payment has been made. EPA notifies the applicant 
of the unique identification number. This information is sent by email 
if EPA has either an email address on file or an email address is 
provided on the application.

VII. Addresses for Applications

    New covered applications should be identified in the title line 
with the mail code REGFEE.
     By U.S. Postal Service mail. Document Processing Desk 
(REGFEE), Office of Pesticide Programs (7504P), U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460-

[[Page 57178]]

     By courier. Document Processing Desk (REGFEE), Office of 
Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Room S-4400, 
One Potomac Yard (South Bldg.), 2777 S. Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 
    Couriers and delivery personnel must present a valid picture 
identification card to gain access to the building. Hours of operation 
for the Document Processing Desk are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday 
through Friday, excluding Federal holidays.

List of Subjects

    Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 

    Dated: September 15, 2015.
Marty Monell,
Acting Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.
[FR Doc. 2015-24064 Filed 9-21-15; 8:45 am]

                                              57166                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices

                                              DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                         Filed Date: 9/10/15.                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                           Accession Number: 20150910–5137.                                 Peter Caulkins (7501P), Immediate
                                              Federal Energy Regulatory                    Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 10/1/15.                                 Office, Office of Pesticide Programs,
                                              Commission                                   Docket Numbers: ER15–2640–000.                                   Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
                                                                                           Applicants: New York Independent                                 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington,
                                              Combined Notice of Filings #2                                                                                 DC 20460–0001; telephone number:
                                                                                        System Operator, In.
                                                 Take notice that the Commission           Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:                               (703) 305–6550; fax number: (703) 308–
                                              received the following electric rate      NYISO 205 filing of tariff revision to                              4776; email address: caulkins.peter@
                                              filings:                                  implement external CTS with ISO–NE                                  epa.gov.
                                                 Docket Numbers: ER13–521–002;          to be effective 12/31/9998.                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              ER13–520–002; ER13–1442–002; ER13–           Filed Date: 9/10/15.
                                              1441–002; ER13–1273–002; ER13–1272–          Accession Number: 20150910–5138.                                 I. General Information
                                              002; ER13–1271–002; ER13–1270–002;           Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 10/1/15.                                 A. Does this action apply to me?
                                              ER13–1269–002; ER13–1268–002;                The filings are accessible in the                                   You may be potentially affected by
                                              ER13–1267–002; ER13–1266–003;             Commission’s eLibrary system by                                     this action if you register pesticide
                                              ER12–21–013; ER12–1626–003; ER10–         clicking on the links or querying the                               products under the Federal Insecticide,
                                              3246–003; ER10–2605–006; ER10–2475– docket number.
                                                                                                                                                            Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
                                              006; ER10–2474–006; EL15–22–000.             Any person desiring to intervene or
                                                 Applicants: Nevada Power Company,                                                                          (FIFRA). Potentially affected entities
                                                                                        protest in any of the above proceedings                             may include, but are not limited to:
                                              Sierra Pacific Power Company,             must file in accordance with Rules 211                                 • Agricultural pesticide
                                              PacifiCorp, Agua Caliente Solar, LLC,     and 214 of the Commission’s                                         manufacturers (NAICS code 32532).
                                              Pinyon Pines Wind I, LLC, Pinyon Pines Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and
                                                                                                                                                               • Antimicrobial pesticide
                                              Wind II, LLC, Solar Star California XIX,  385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern                             manufacturers (NAICS code 32561).
                                              LLC, Solar Star California XX, LLC,       time on the specified comment date.                                    • Antifoulant pesticide manufacturers
                                              Topaz Solar Farms LLC, CalEnergy,         Protests may be considered, but                                     (NAICS code 32551).
                                              LLC, CE Leathers Company, Del Ranch       intervention is necessary to become a                                  • Wood preservative manufacturers
                                              Company, Elmore Company, Fish Lake        party to the proceeding.                                            (NAICS code 32519).
                                              Power LLC, Salton Sea Power                  eFiling is encouraged. More detailed                                This listing is not intended to be
                                              Generation Company, Salton Sea Power information relating to filing                                           exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
                                              L.L.C., Vulcan/BN Geothermal Power        requirements, interventions, protests,                              for readers regarding entities likely to be
                                              Company, Yuma Cogeneration                service, and qualifying facilities filings                          affected by this action. Other types of
                                              Associates, MidAmerican Energy            can be found at: http://www.ferc.gov/                               entities not listed in this unit could also
                                              Company, Bishop Hill Energy II LLC,       docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For                             be affected. The North American
                                              Cordova Energy Company LLC, Power         other information, call (866) 208–3676                              Industrial Classification System
                                              Resources, Ltd., Saranac Power Partners, (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.                           (NAICS) codes have been provided to
                                              L.P.                                                                                                          assist you and others in determining
                                                 Description: Supplemental Filing of       Dated: September 10, 2015.
                                                                                        Nathaniel  J. Davis, Sr.,
                                                                                                                                                            whether this action might apply to
                                              WorkPapers of the BHE MBR Sellers.                                                                            certain entities. To determine whether
                                                 Filed Date: 9/8/15.                    Deputy Secretary.
                                                                                                                                                            you or your business may be affected by
                                                 Accession Number: 20150909–0026.       [FR Doc. 2015–23982 Filed 9–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                 Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 9/29/15.                                                                           this action, you should carefully
                                                                                        BILLING CODE 6717–01–P                                              examine the applicability provisions in
                                                 Docket Numbers: ER15–2338–001.
                                                 Applicants: Midcontinent                                                                                   the notice and in FIFRA section 33. If
                                              Independent System Operator, Inc.,                                                                            you have any questions regarding the
                                                                                        ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                            applicability of this action to a
                                              Ameren Transmission Company of
                                                                                        AGENCY                                                              particular entity, consult the person
                                                 Description: Tariff Amendment:                                                                             listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
                                                                                        [EPA–HQ–OPP–2015–0614; FRL–9933–75]
                                              2015–09–10_ATXI Supplemental                                                                                  CONTACT.
                                              Depreciation Rate Filing to be effective  Pesticides; Revised Fee Schedule for                                B. How can I get copies of this document
                                              10/1/2015.                                Registration Applications                                           and other related information?
                                                 Filed Date: 9/10/15.
                                                 Accession Number: 20150910–5110.       AGENCY: Environmental Protection                                       The docket for this action, identified
                                                 Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 9/17/15.       Agency (EPA).                                                       by docket identification (ID) number
                                                 Docket Numbers: ER15–2638–000.         ACTION  : Notice.                                                   EPA–HQ–OPP–2015–0614, is available
                                                 Applicants: Louisville Gas and                                                                             at http://www.regulations.gov or at the
                                              Electric Company.                         SUMMARY: EPA is publishing a revised                                Office of Pesticide Programs Regulatory
                                                 Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:     list of pesticide registration service fees                         Public Docket (OPP Docket) in the
                                              Modifications to Attachment C to be       applicable to specified pesticide                                   Environmental Protection Agency
                                              effective 11/10/2015.                     applications and tolerance actions.                                 Docket Center (EPA/DC), EPA West
                                                 Filed Date: 9/10/15.                   Under the Pesticide Registration                                    Bldg., Rm. 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.
                                                 Accession Number: 20150910–5112.       Improvement Extension Act, the                                      NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001. The
                                                 Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 10/1/15        registration service fees for covered                               Public Reading Room is open from 8:30
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                 Docket Numbers: ER15–2639–000.         pesticide registration applications                                 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
                                                 Applicants: CenterPoint Energy         received on or after October 1, 2015,                               Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
                                              Houston Electric, LLC.                    increase by 5% rounding up to the                                   telephone number for the Public
                                                 Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing: TFO nearest dollar from the fees published                              Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and
                                              Tariff Interim Rate Revision to Conform for fiscal year 2015. The new fees for                                the telephone number for the OPP
                                              with PUCT-Approved ERCOT Rate to be FY’2016 become effective on October 1,                                    Docket is (703) 305–5805. Please review
                                              effective 8/17/2015.                      2015.                                                               the visitor instructions and additional

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:39 Sep 21, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00022   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22SEN1.SGM   22SEN1

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices                                                                 57167

                                              information about the docket available                          the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP)                           ‘‘EPA No.’’ column in its tracking
                                              at http://www.epa.gov/dockets.                                  within EPA. Thereafter, the categories                           systems.
                                                                                                              within the organizational unit sections                             • The column titled ‘‘Action’’ ’
                                              II. Background
                                                                                                              of the table are further categorized                             describes what registration actions are
                                              A. What action is the agency taking?                            according to the type of application                             covered by each category.
                                                The Pesticide Registration                                    being submitted, the use patterns                                   • The column titled ‘‘Decision Time’’
                                              Improvement Act of 2003 established a                           involved, or, in some cases, upon the                            lists the decision times in months for
                                              new section 33 of FIFRA creating a                              type of pesticide that is the subject of                         each type of action.
                                              registration service fee system for                             the application. The fee categories differ                          • The column titled ‘‘FY’ 2016/17
                                              certain types of pesticide applications,                        by Division. Not all application types                           Registration Service Fee ($)’’ lists the
                                              establishment of tolerances, and certain                        are covered by, or subject to, the fee                           registration service fee for the action for
                                              other regulatory decisions under FIFRA                          system.                                                          fiscal year 2016 (October 1, 2015
                                              and the Federal Food, Drug, and                                                                                                  through September 30, 2016) and fiscal
                                                                                                              B. Fee Schedule and Decision Review
                                              Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). Section 33 also                                                                                            year 2017 (October 1, 2016 through
                                              created a schedule of decision review                                                                                            September 30, 2017).
                                              times for applications covered by the                             In today’s notice, EPA has retained                               • Footnote text has been removed to
                                              service fee system. The Agency began                            the format of the tables included in the                         save on Federal Register costs but
                                              administering the registration service                          Pesticide Registration Improvement                               remains unchanged from what was
                                              fee system for covered applications                             Extension Act of September 28, 2012.                             published in FY’ 2013. The tables and
                                              received on or after March 23, 2004.                            The schedules are presented as 19                                footnote text will be available in full
                                                On September 28, 2012, the Pesticide                          tables, organized by OPP Division and                            after October 1, 2015 at http://
                                              Registration Improvement Extension Act                          by type of application or pesticide                              www.epa.gov/pesticides/regulating/fees/
                                              was signed by the President, revising,                          subject to the fee. Unit IV presents fee                         tool/category-table.html.
                                              among other things, FIFRA section 33.                           tables for the Registration Division (RD)                           2. The following acronyms are used in
                                              The new law reauthorized the service                            (6 tables), the Antimicrobials Division                          some of the tables:
                                              fee system through fiscal year 2017 and                         (AD) (4 tables), the Biopesticides and                              • DART—Dose Adequacy Response
                                              established fees and review times for                           Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD) (7                          Team.
                                              applications received during fiscal years                       tables), Inert Ingredients (1 table),                               • DNT—Developmental
                                              2013 through 2017. As required by                               Miscellaneous (1 table).                                         Neurotoxicity.
                                              section 33(b)(6)(A) of FIFRA, the                                                                                                   • HSRB—Human Studies Review
                                                                                                              C. How To Read the Tables
                                              registration service fees for covered                                                                                            Board.
                                              pesticide registration applications                               1. Each table consists of the following                           • GW/SW—Ground Water/Surface
                                              received on or after October 1, 2015,                           columns:                                                         Water.
                                              increase by 5% rounding up to the                                 • The column titled ‘‘EPA No.’’                                   • PHI-Pre—Harvest Interval.
                                              nearest dollar from the fees published in                       assigns an EPA identifier to each fee                               • PPE—Personal Protective
                                              the September 26, 2013, ‘‘Pesticides: Fee                       category. There are 189 categories                               Equipment.
                                              Schedule for Registration Applications,’’                       spread across the 3 Divisions. There are                            • REI—Restricted Entry Interval.
                                              FRN Vol. 78. No. 187 pp. 59347–59359.                           63 RD categories, 39 AD categories, 69                              • SAP—FIFRA Scientific Advisory
                                                                                                              BPPD categories, 10 inert categories, and                        Panel.
                                              B. What is the agency’s authority for
                                              taking this action?                                             8 miscellaneous categories. For tracking                         IV. PRIA Fee Schedule Tables—
                                                                                                              purposes, OPP has assigned a 3-digit                             Effective October 1, 2015
                                                The publication of this fee schedule is                       identifier to each category, beginning
                                              required by section 33(b)(6)(C) of FIFRA                        with RD categories, followed by AD,                              A. Registration Division (RD)
                                              as amended.                                                     BPPD, inert and miscellaneous                                       The Registration Division of OPP is
                                              III. Elements of the Fee Schedule                               categories. The categories are prefaced                          responsible for the processing of
                                                 This unit explains how to read the fee                       with a letter designation indicating                             pesticide applications and associated
                                              schedule tables, and includes a key to                          which Division of OPP is responsible for                         tolerance petitions for pesticides that
                                              terminology published with the table.                           applications in that category                                    are termed ‘‘conventional chemicals,’’
                                                                                                              (R=Registration Division,                                        excluding pesticides intended for
                                              A. The Pesticide Registration                                   A=Antimicrobials Division,                                       antimicrobial uses. The term
                                              Improvement Extension Act Fee                                   B=Biopesticides and Pollution                                    ‘‘conventional chemical’’ is a term of art
                                              Schedule                                                        Prevention Division, I=inert ingredients,                        that is intended to distinguish synthetic
                                                The fee schedule published in the                             M=miscellaneous).                                                chemicals from those that are of
                                              Pesticide Registration Improvement                                • The column titled ‘‘CR No.’’ cross-                          naturally occurring or non-synthetic
                                              Extension Act of September 28, 2012,                            references the current Congressional                             origin, synthetic chemicals that are
                                              identifies the registration service fees                        Record category number for                                       identical to naturally occurring
                                              and decision times and is organized                             convenience. However, EPA will be                                chemicals and microbial pesticides.
                                              according to the organizational units of                        using the categories as numbered in the                          Tables 1 through 6 cover RD actions.

                                                                                            TABLE 1—REGISTRATION DIVISION—NEW ACTIVE INGREDIENTS
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Decision     registration
                                                  EPA No.            New CR No.                                                          Action                                                    review time    service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                    (months)          ($)

                                              R010 ...............                    1     New Active Ingredient, Food use ....................................................................             24        627,568
                                              R020 ...............                    2     New Active Ingredient, Food use; reduced risk ..............................................                     18        627,568

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014     17:39 Sep 21, 2015       Jkt 235001   PO 00000      Frm 00023     Fmt 4703    Sfmt 4703     E:\FR\FM\22SEN1.SGM         22SEN1

                                              57168                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices

                                                                                TABLE 1—REGISTRATION DIVISION—NEW ACTIVE INGREDIENTS—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                                Action                                                           review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (months)             ($)

                                              R040 ...............                      3     New Active Ingredient, Food use; Experimental Use Permit application; es-                                                     18           462,502
                                                                                                tablish temporary tolerance; submitted before application for registration;
                                                                                                credit 45% of fee toward new active ingredient application that follows.
                                              R060 ...............                      4     New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; outdoor ...............................................                                  21           436,004
                                              R070 ...............                      5     New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; outdoor; reduced risk .........................                                          16           436,004
                                              R090 ...............                      6     New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; outdoor; Experimental Use Permit                                                         16           323,690
                                                                                                application; submitted before application for registration; credit 45% of
                                                                                                fee toward new active ingredient application that follows.
                                              R110 ...............                      7     New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; indoor .................................................                                 20           242,495
                                              R120 ...............                      8     New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; indoor; reduced risk ...........................                                         14           242,495
                                              R121 ...............                      9     New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; indoor; Experimental Use Permit ap-                                                      18           182,327
                                                                                                plication; submitted before application for registration; credit 45% of fee
                                                                                                toward new active ingredient application that follows.
                                              R122 ...............                  10        Enriched isomer(s) of registered mixed-isomer active ingredient ..................                                            18           317,128
                                              R123 ...............                  11        New Active Ingredient, Seed treatment only; includes agricultural and non-                                                    18           471,861
                                                                                                agricultural seeds; residues not expected in raw agricultural commodities.
                                              R125 ...............                  12        New Active Ingredient, Seed treatment; Experimental Use Permit applica-                                                       16           323,690
                                                                                                tion; submitted before application for registration; credit 45% of fee to-
                                                                                                ward new active ingredient application that follows.

                                                                                                           TABLE 2—REGISTRATION DIVISION—NEW USES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                                Action                                                           review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (months)             ($)

                                              R130   ...............                13        First food use; indoor; food/food handling ......................................................                             21           191,444
                                              R140   ...............                14        Additional food use; Indoor; food/food handling .............................................                                 15            44,672
                                              R150   ...............                15        First food use ..................................................................................................             21           264,253
                                              R160   ...............                16        First food use; reduced risk ............................................................................                     16           264,253
                                              R170   ...............                17        Additional food use .........................................................................................                 15            66,124
                                              R175   ...............                18        Additional food uses covered within a crop group resulting from the conver-                                                   10            66,124
                                                                                                 sion of existing approved crop group(s) to one or more revised crop
                                              R180   ...............                19        Additional food use; reduced risk ...................................................................                         10            66,124
                                              R190   ...............                20        Additional food uses; 6 or more submitted in one application .......................                                          15           396,742
                                              R200   ...............                21        Additional food use; 6 or more submitted in one application; reduced risk ...                                                 10           396,742
                                              R210   ...............                22        Additional food use; Experimental Use Permit application; establish tem-                                                      12            48,986
                                                                                                 porary tolerance; no credit toward new use registration.
                                              R220 ...............                  23        Additional food use; Experimental Use Permit application; crop destruct                                                           6         19,838
                                                                                                 basis; no credit toward new use registration.
                                              R230 ...............                  24        Additional use; non-food; outdoor ...................................................................                         15            26,427
                                              R240 ...............                  25        Additional use; non-food; outdoor; reduced risk .............................................                                 10            26,427
                                              R250 ...............                  26        Additional use; non-food; outdoor; Experimental Use Permit application; no                                                     6            19,838
                                                                                                 credit toward new use registration.
                                              R251 ...............                  27        Experimental Use Permit application which requires no changes to the tol-                                                         8         19,838
                                                                                                 erance(s); non-crop destruct basis.
                                              R260 ...............                  28        New use; non-food; indoor ..............................................................................                      12            12,764
                                              R270 ...............                  29        New use; non-food; indoor; reduced risk ........................................................                               9            12,764
                                              R271 ...............                  30        New use; non-food; indoor; Experimental Use Permit application; no credit                                                      6             9,725
                                                                                                 toward new use registration.
                                              R273 ...............                  31        Additional use; seed treatment; limited uptake into raw agricultural com-                                                     12            50,445
                                                                                                 modities; includes crops with established tolerances (e.g., for soil or foliar
                                                                                                 application); includes food and/or non-food uses.
                                              R274 ...............                  32        Additional uses; seed treatment only; 6 or more submitted in one applica-                                                     12           302,663
                                                                                                 tion; limited uptake into raw agricultural commodities; includes crops with
                                                                                                 established tolerances (e.g., for soil or foliar application); includes food
                                                                                                 and/or non-food uses.

                                                                                    TABLE 3—REGISTRATION DIVISION—IMPORT AND OTHER TOLERANCES
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FY ’16/17—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                                Action                                                           review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (months)             ($)

                                              R280 ...............                  33        Establish import tolerance; new active ingredient or first food use ................                                          21           319,072

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices                                                      57169

                                                                         TABLE 3—REGISTRATION DIVISION—IMPORT AND OTHER TOLERANCES—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                       FY ’16/17—
                                                                                                                                                                                       Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.            New CR No.                                                  Action                                              review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                      (months)             ($)

                                              R290 ...............                34     Establish Import tolerance; Additional new food use .....................................             15            63,816
                                              R291 ...............                35     Establish import tolerances; additional food uses; 6 or more crops sub-                               15           382,886
                                                                                           mitted in one petition.
                                              R292 ...............                36     Amend an established tolerance (e.g., decrease or increase); domestic or                              11            45,341
                                                                                           import; applicant-initiated.
                                              R293 ...............                37     Establish tolerance(s) for inadvertent residues in one crop; applicant-initi-                         12            53,483
                                              R294 ...............                38     Establish tolerances for inadvertent residues; 6 or more crops submitted in                           12           320,894
                                                                                           one application; applicant-initiated.
                                              R295 ...............                39     Establish tolerance(s) for residues in one rotational crop in response to a                           15            66,124
                                                                                           specific rotational crop application; applicant-initiated.
                                              R296 ...............                40     Establish tolerances for residues in rotational crops in response to a spe-                           15           396,742
                                                                                           cific rotational crop petition; 6 or more crops submitted in one application;
                                              R297 ...............                41     Amend 6 or more established tolerances (e.g., decrease or increase) in                                11           272,037
                                                                                           one petition; domestic or import; applicant-initiated.
                                              R298 ...............                42     Amend an established tolerance (e.g., decrease or increase); domestic or                              13            58,565
                                                                                           import; submission of amended labels (requiring science review) in addi-
                                                                                           tion to those associated with the amended tolerance; applicant-initiated).
                                              R299 ...............                43     Amend 6 or more established tolerances (e.g., decrease or increase); do-                              13           285,261
                                                                                           mestic or import; submission of amended labels (requiring science re-
                                                                                           view) in addition to those associated with the amended tolerance; appli-

                                                                                                TABLE 4—REGISTRATION DIVISION—NEW PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                                                                       Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.            New CR No.                                                  Action                                              review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                      (months)             ($)

                                              R300 ...............                44     New product; or similar combination product (already registered) to an                                    4           1,582
                                                                                           identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered
                                                                                           product; registered source of active ingredient; no data review on acute
                                                                                           toxicity, efficacy or CRP—only product chemistry data; cite-all data cita-
                                                                                           tion, or selective data citation where applicant owns all required data, or
                                                                                           applicant submits specific authorization letter from data owner Category
                                                                                           also includes 100% re-package of registered end-use or manufacturing-
                                                                                           use product that requires no data submission nor data matrix.
                                              R301 ...............                45     New product; or similar combination product (already registered) to an                                    4           1,897
                                                                                           identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a registered
                                                                                           product; registered source of active ingredient; selective data citation
                                                                                           only for data on product chemistry and/or acute toxicity and/or public
                                                                                           health pest efficacy, where applicant does not own all required data and
                                                                                           does not have a specific authorization letter from data owner.
                                              R310 ...............                46     New end-use or manufacturing-use product with registered source(s) of ac-                                 7           5,301
                                                                                           tive ingredient(s); includes products containing two or more registered
                                                                                           active ingredients previously combined in other registered products; re-
                                                                                           quires review of data package within RD only; includes data and/or waiv-
                                                                                           ers of data for only: Product chemistry and/or acute toxicity and/or public
                                                                                           health pest efficacy and/or child resistant packaging.
                                              R314 ...............                47     New end use product containing two or more registered active ingredients                                  8           6,626
                                                                                           never before registered as this combination in a formulated product; new
                                                                                           product label is identical or substantially similar to the labels of currently
                                                                                           registered products which separately contain the respective component
                                                                                           active ingredients; requires review of data package within RD only; in-
                                                                                           cludes data and/or waivers of data for only: Product chemistry and/or
                                                                                           acute toxicity and/or public health pest efficacy and/or child resistant
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                                              R315 ...............                48     New end-use non-food animal product with submission of two or more tar-                                   9           8,820
                                                                                           get animal safety studies; includes data and/or waivers of data for only:
                                                                                           Product chemistry and/or acute toxicity and/or public health pest efficacy
                                                                                           and/or animal safety studies and/or child resistant packaging.
                                              R320 ...............                49     New product; new physical form; requires data review in science divisions                             12            13,226
                                              R331 ...............                50     New product; repack of identical registered end-use product as a manufac-                              3             2,530
                                                                                           turing-use product; same registered uses only.

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                                              57170                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices

                                                                                         TABLE 4—REGISTRATION DIVISION—NEW PRODUCTS—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                      Action                                                 review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                               (months)             ($)

                                              R332 ...............                  51     New manufacturing-use product; registered active ingredient; unregistered                                    24           283,215
                                                                                             source of active ingredient; submission of completely new generic data
                                                                                             package; registered uses only; requires review in RD and science divi-
                                              R333 ...............                  52     New product; MUP or End use product with unregistered source of active                                       10            19,838
                                                                                             ingredient; requires science data review; new physical form; etc Cite-all
                                                                                             or selective data citation where applicant owns all required data.
                                              R334 ...............                  53     New product; MUP or End use product with unregistered source of the ac-                                      11            19,838
                                                                                             tive ingredient; requires science data review; new physical form; etc Se-
                                                                                             lective data citation.

                                                                                        TABLE 5—REGISTRATION DIVISION—AMENDMENTS TO REGISTRATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                      Action                                                 review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                               (months)             ($)

                                              R340 ...............                  54     Amendment requiring data review within RD (e.g., changes to pre-                                                 4           3,988
                                                                                            cautionary label statements).
                                              R345 ...............                  55     Amending non-food animal product that includes submission of target ani-                                         7           8,820
                                                                                            mal safety data; previously registered.
                                              R350 ...............                  56     Amendment requiring data review in science divisions (e.g., changes to                                           9         13,226
                                                                                            REI, or PPE, or PHI, or use rate, or number of applications; or add aerial
                                                                                            application; or modify GW/SW advisory statement).
                                              R351 ...............                  57     Amendment adding a new unregistered source of active ingredient .............                                    8         13,226
                                              R352 ...............                  58     Amendment adding already approved uses; selective method of support;                                             8         13,226
                                                                                            does not apply if the applicant owns all cited data.
                                              R371 ...............                  59     Amendment to Experimental Use Permit; (does not include extending a                                              6         10,090
                                                                                            permit’s time period).

                                                                                                  TABLE 6—REGISTRATION DIVISION—OTHER ACTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                      Action                                                 review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                               (Months)             ($)

                                              R124 ...............                  60     Conditional Ruling on Preapplication Study Waivers; applicant-initiated .......                                  6           2,530
                                              R272 ...............                  61     Review of Study Protocol applicant-initiated; excludes DART, pre-registra-                                       3           2,530
                                                                                             tion conference, Rapid Response review, DNT protocol review, protocol
                                                                                             needing HSRB review.
                                              R275 ...............                  62     Rebuttal of agency reviewed protocol, applicant initiated ..............................                      3             2,530
                                              R370 ...............                  63     Cancer reassessment; applicant-initiated .......................................................             18           198,250

                                              B. Antimicrobials Division (AD)                               intended for antimicrobial uses, that is,                      viruses. AD is also responsible for a
                                                The Antimicrobials Division of OPP is                       uses that are defined under FIFRA                              selected set of conventional chemicals
                                              responsible for the processing of                             section 2 (mm)(1)(A), including                                intended for other uses, including most
                                              pesticide applications and associated                         products for use against bacteria,                             wood preservatives and antifoulants.
                                              tolerances for conventional chemicals                         protozoa, non-agricultural fungi, and                          Tables 7 through 10 cover AD actions.

                                                                                          TABLE 7—ANTIMICROBIALS DIVISION—NEW ACTIVE INGREDIENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                      Action                                                 review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                               (Months)             ($)
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                                              A380   ...............                64     New Active Ingredient Food use, establish tolerance exemption ..................                             24           114,867
                                              A390   ...............                65     New Active Ingredient Food use, establish tolerance ....................................                     24           191,444
                                              A400   ...............                66     New Active Ingredient, Non-food use, outdoor, FIFRA § 2 (mm) uses ..........                                 18            95,724
                                              A410   ...............                67     New Active Ingredient Non-food use, outdoor, uses other than FIFRA                                           21           191,444
                                                                                             § 2(mm).
                                              A420 ...............                  68     New Active Ingredient Non-food use, indoor, FIFRA § 2(mm) uses ..............                                18            63,816

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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices                                                           57171

                                                                               TABLE 7—ANTIMICROBIALS DIVISION—NEW ACTIVE INGREDIENTS—Continued
                                                                                                                                                                                              Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                     Action                                                review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                             (Months)             ($)

                                              A430 ...............                  69     New Active Ingredient, Non-Food Use Indoor, uses other than FIFRA                                          20            95,724
                                                                                             § 2(mm) uses.
                                              A431 ...............                  70     New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; indoor; low-risk; low-toxicity food                                   12            66,854
                                                                                             grade active ingredient(s); efficacy testing for public health claims re-
                                                                                             quired under GLP and following DIS/TSS or AD-approved study protocol.

                                                                                                      TABLE 8—ANTIMICROBIALS DIVISION—NEW USES
                                                                                                                                                                                              Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                     Action                                                review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                             (Months)             ($)

                                              A440   ...............                71     New Use, First Food Use, establish tolerance exemption .............................                       21            31,910
                                              A450   ...............                72     New use, First food use, establish tolerance .................................................             21            95,724
                                              A460   ...............                73     New use, additional food use; establish tolerance exemption .......................                        15            12,764
                                              A470   ...............                74     New use, additional food use, establish tolerance .........................................                15            31,910
                                              A471   ...............                75     Additional food uses; establish tolerances; 6 or more submitted in one ap-                                 15           191,452
                                              A480 ...............                  76     New use, Additional use, non-food, outdoor; FIFRA § 2(mm) uses ...............                                 9         19,146
                                              A481 ...............                  77     Additional non-food outdoor uses; FIFRA § 2(mm) uses; 6 or more sub-                                           9        114,870
                                                                                             mitted in one application.
                                              A490 ...............                  78     New use, additional use, non-food, outdoor, uses other than FIFRA                                          15            31,910
                                                                                             § 2(mm).
                                              A491 ...............                  79     Additional non-food; outdoor; uses other than FIFRA § 2(mm); 6 or more                                     15           191,452
                                                                                             submitted in one application.
                                              A500 ...............                  80     New use, additional use, non-food, indoor FIFRA § 2(mm) uses ..................                                9         12,764
                                              A501 ...............                  81     Additional non-food; indoor; FIFRA § 2(mm) uses; 6 or more submitted in                                        9         76,583
                                                                                             one application.
                                              A510 ...............                  82     New use, additional use, non-food, indoor, other than FIFRA § 2(mm) .........                              12            12,764
                                              A511 ...............                  83     Additional non-food; indoor; uses other than FIFRA § 2(mm); 6 or more                                      12            76,583
                                                                                             submitted in one application.

                                                                                  TABLE 9—ANTIMICROBIALS DIVISION–NEW PRODUCTS AND AMENDMENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                              Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                     Action                                                review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                             (Months)             ($)

                                              A530 ...............                  84     New product, identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a                                    4           1,278
                                                                                             registered product; no data review or only product chemistry data; cite all
                                                                                             data citation or selective data citation where applicant owns all required
                                                                                             data; or applicant submits specific authorization letter from data owner.
                                                                                             Category also includes 100% re-package of registered end-use or manu-
                                                                                             facturing use product that requires no data submission nor data matrix.
                                              A531 ...............                  85     New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a                                    4           1,824
                                                                                             registered product; registered source of active ingredient: Selective data
                                                                                             citation only for data on product chemistry and/or acute toxicity and/or
                                                                                             public health pest efficacy, where applicant does not own all required
                                                                                             data and does not have a specific authorization letter from data owner.
                                              A532 ...............                  86     New product; identical or substantially similar in composition and use to a                                    5           5,107
                                                                                             registered product; registered active ingredient; unregistered source of
                                                                                             active ingredient; cite-all data citation except for product chemistry; prod-
                                                                                             uct chemistry data submitted.
                                              A540 ...............                  87     New end use product; FIFRA § 2(mm) uses only (2) (3) ...............................                        5             5,107
                                              A550 ...............                  88     New end-use product; uses other than FIFRA § 2(mm); non-FQPA product                                        7             5,107
                                              A560 ...............                  89     New manufacturing use product; registered active ingredient; selective data                                12            19,146
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                                              A570 ...............                  90     Label amendment requiring data review ........................................................                 4          3,831
                                              A572 ...............                  91     New Product or amendment requiring data review for risk assessment by                                          9         13,226
                                                                                             Science Branch (e.g., changes to REI, or PPE, or use rate).

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                                              57172                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices

                                                                TABLE 10—ANTIMICROBIALS DIVISION—EXPERIMENTAL USE PERMITS AND OTHER TYPE OF ACTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FY’16/17 reg-
                                                                                                                                                                                                Decision re-       istration serv-
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                      Action                                                    view time             ice fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Months)                 ($)

                                              A520 ...............                  92     Experimental Use Permit application, non-food use ......................................                            9            6,383
                                              A521 ...............                  93     Review of public health efficacy study protocol within AD, per AD Internal                                          3            2,482
                                                                                             Guidance for the Efficacy Protocol Review Process; Code will also in-
                                                                                             clude review of public health efficacy study protocol and data review for
                                                                                             devices making pesticidal claims; applicant-initiated; Tier 1.
                                              A522 ...............                  94     Review of public health efficacy study protocol outside AD by members of                                        12              12,156
                                                                                             AD Efficacy Protocol Review Expert Panel; Code will also include review
                                                                                             of public health efficacy study protocol and data review for devices mak-
                                                                                             ing pesticidal claims; applicant-initiated; Tier 2..
                                              A523 ...............                101      Review of protocol other than a public health efficacy study (i.e., Toxicology                                      9           12,156
                                                                                             or Exposure Protocols).
                                              A524 ...............                  95     New Active Ingredient, Experimental Use Permit application; Food Use Re-                                        18            153,156
                                                                                             quires Tolerance. Credit 45% of fee toward new active ingredient appli-
                                                                                             cation that follows.
                                              A525 ...............                  96     New Active Ingredient, Experimental Use Permit application; Food Use Re-                                        18              92,163
                                                                                             quires Tolerance Exemption. Credit 45% of fee toward new active ingre-
                                                                                             dient application that follows.
                                              A526 ...............                  97     New Active Ingredient, Experimental Use Permit application; Non-Food,                                           15              95,724
                                                                                             Outdoor Use. Credit 45% of fee toward new active ingredient application
                                                                                             that follows.
                                              A527 ...............                  98     New Active Ingredient, Experimental Use Permit application; Non-Food, In-                                       15              63,945
                                                                                             door Use. Credit 45% of fee toward new active ingredient application that
                                              A528 ...............                  99     Experimental Use Permit application, Food Use; Requires Tolerance or Tol-                                       15              22,337
                                                                                             erance Exemption.
                                              A529 ...............                100      Amendment to Experimental Use Permit; requires data review or risk as-                                              9           11,429
                                              A571 ...............                102      Science reassessment: Cancer risk, refined ecological risk, and/or endan-                                       18              95,724
                                                                                             gered species; applicant-initiated.

                                              C. Biopesticides and Pollution                                 pesticide applications for biochemical                          biochemical pesticides, straight chain
                                              Prevention Division (BPPD)                                     pesticides, microbial pesticides, and                           lepidopteran pheromones (SCLPs), and
                                                                                                             plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs).                          PIPs. Within each table, the types of
                                                The Biopesticides and Pollution                                The fee tables for BPPD actions are                           application are the same as those in
                                              Prevention Division of OPP is                                  presented by type of pesticide rather                           other divisions. Tables 11 through 17
                                              responsible for the processing of                              than by type of action: Microbial and                           cover BPPD actions.

                                                                                          ACTIVE INGREDIENTS

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Decision           FY’16/17
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                      Action                                                   review time         service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                 (months)               ($)

                                              B580   ...............              103      New active ingredient; food use; petition to establish a tolerance .................                            19              51,053
                                              B590   ...............              104      New active ingredient; food use; petition to establish a tolerance exemption                                    17              31,910
                                              B600   ...............              105      New active ingredient; non-food use ..............................................................              13              19,146
                                              B610   ...............              106      New active ingredient; Experimental Use Permit application; petition to es-                                     10              12,764
                                                                                             tablish a temporary tolerance or temporary tolerance exemption.
                                              B611 ...............                107      New active ingredient; Experimental Use Permit application; petition to es-                                     12              12,764
                                                                                             tablish permanent tolerance exemption.
                                              B612 ...............                108      New active ingredient; no change to a permanent tolerance exemption .......                                     10              17,550
                                              B613 ...............                109      New active ingredient; petition to convert a temporary tolerance or a tem-                                      11              17,550
                                                                                             porary tolerance exemption to a permanent tolerance or tolerance ex-
                                              B620 ...............                110      New active ingredient; Experimental Use Permit application; non-food use                                            7            6,383
                                                                                             including crop destruct.
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                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices                                                                        57173

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                          Action                                                        review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (months)             ($)

                                              B630   ...............              111     First food use; petition to establish a tolerance exemption ............................                                 13            12,764
                                              B631   ...............              112     New food use; petition to amend an established tolerance ...........................                                     12            12,764
                                              B640   ...............              113     New food use; petition to amend an established tolerance ...........................                                     19            19,146
                                              B642   ...............              115     First food use; indoor; food/food handling ......................................................                        12            31,910
                                              B643   ...............              114     New Food use; petition to amend tolerance exemption .................................                                    10            12,764
                                              B644   ...............              116     New use, no change to an established tolerance or tolerance exemption ....                                                8            12,764
                                              B650   ...............              117     New use; non-food ..........................................................................................              7             6,383

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                          Action                                                        review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (months)             ($)

                                              B652 ...............                118     New product; registered source of active ingredient; requires petition to                                                13            12,764
                                                                                            amend established tolerance or tolerance exemption; requires (1) sub-
                                                                                            mission of product specific data; or (2) citation of previously reviewed
                                                                                            and accepted data; or (3) submission or citation of data generated at
                                                                                            government expense; or (4) submission or citation of scientifically-sound
                                                                                            rationale based on publicly available literature or other relevant informa-
                                                                                            tion that addresses the data requirement; or (5) submission of a request
                                                                                            for a data requirement to be waived supported by a scientifically-sound
                                                                                            rationale explaining why the data requirement does not apply.
                                              B660 ...............                119     New product; registered source of active ingredient(s); identical or substan-                                                4           1,278
                                                                                            tially similar in composition and use to a registered product; no change in
                                                                                            an established tolerance or tolerance exemption No data review, or only
                                                                                            product chemistry data; cite-all data citation, or selective data citation
                                                                                            where applicant owns all required data or authorization from data owner
                                                                                            is demonstrated Category includes 100% re-package of registered end-
                                                                                            use or manufacturing-use product that requires no data submission or
                                                                                            data matrix For microbial pesticides, the active ingredient(s) must not be
                                              B670 ...............                120     New product; registered source of active ingredient(s); no change in an es-                                                  7           5,107
                                                                                            tablished tolerance or tolerance exemption; requires: (1) Submission of
                                                                                            product specific data; or (2) citation of previously reviewed and accepted
                                                                                            data; or (3) submission or citation of data generated at government ex-
                                                                                            pense; or (4) submission or citation of a scientifically-sound rationale
                                                                                            based on publicly available literature or other relevant information that
                                                                                            addresses the data requirement; or (5) submission of a request for a
                                                                                            data requirement to be waived supported by a scientifically-sound ration-
                                                                                            ale explaining why the data requirement does not apply.
                                              B671 ...............                121     New product; unregistered source of active ingredient(s); requires a petition                                            17            12,764
                                                                                            to amend an established tolerance or tolerance exemption; requires: (1)
                                                                                            Submission of product specific data; or (2) citation of previously reviewed
                                                                                            and accepted data; or (3) submission or citation of data generated at
                                                                                            government expense; or (4) submission or citation of a scientifically-
                                                                                            sound rationale based on publicly available literature or other relevant in-
                                                                                            formation that addresses the data requirement; or (5) submission of a re-
                                                                                            quest for a data requirement to be waived supported by a scientifically-
                                                                                            sound rationale explaining why the data requirement does not apply.
                                              B672 ...............                122     New product; unregistered source of active ingredient(s); non-food use or                                                13              9,118
                                                                                            food use with a tolerance or tolerance exemption previously established
                                                                                            for the active ingredient(s); requires: (1) Submission of product specific
                                                                                            data; or (2) citation of previously reviewed and accepted data; or (3) sub-
                                                                                            mission or citation of data generated at government expense; or (4) sub-
                                                                                            mission or citation of a scientifically-sound rationale based on publicly
                                                                                            available literature or other relevant information that addresses the data
                                                                                            requirement; or (5) submission of a request for a data requirement to be
                                                                                            waived supported by a scientifically-sound rationale explaining why the
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                            data requirement does not apply.
                                              B673 ...............                123     New product MUP/EP; unregistered source of active ingredient(s); citation                                                10              5,107
                                                                                            of Technical Grade Active Ingredient (TGAI) data previously reviewed
                                                                                            and accepted by the Agency Requires an Agency determination that the
                                                                                            cited data supports the new product.
                                              B674 ...............                124     New product MUP; Repack of identical registered end-use product as a                                                         4           1,278
                                                                                            manufacturing-use product; same registered uses only.

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                                              57174                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                                                                              FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                             Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                    Action                                                review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                            (months)             ($)

                                              B675 ...............                125     New Product MUP; registered source of active ingredient; submission of                                     10              9,118
                                                                                            completely new generic data package; registered uses only.
                                              B676 ...............                126     New product; more than one active ingredient where one active ingredient                                   13              9,118
                                                                                            is an unregistered source; product chemistry data must be submitted; re-
                                                                                            quires: (1) Submission of product specific data, and (2) citation of pre-
                                                                                            viously reviewed and accepted data; or (3) submission or citation of data
                                                                                            generated at government expense; or (4) submission or citation of a sci-
                                                                                            entifically-sound rationale based on publicly available literature or other
                                                                                            relevant information that addresses the data requirement; or (5) submis-
                                                                                            sion of a request for a data requirement to be waived supported by a sci-
                                                                                            entifically-sound rationale explaining why the data requirement does not
                                              B677 ...............                127     New end-use non-food animal product with submission of two or more tar-                                    10              8,820
                                                                                            get animal safety studies; includes data and/or waivers of data.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                             Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                    Action                                                review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                            (months)             ($)

                                              B621 ...............                128     Amendment; Experimental Use Permit; no change to an established tem-                                           7           5,107
                                                                                            porary tolerance or tolerance exemption.
                                              B622 ...............                129     Amendment; Experimental Use Permit; petition to amend an established or                                    11            12,764
                                                                                            temporary tolerance or tolerance exemption.
                                              B641 ...............                130     Amendment of an established tolerance or tolerance exemption ..................                            13            12,764
                                              B680 ...............                131     Amendment; registered source of active ingredient(s); no new use(s); no                                     5             5,107
                                                                                            changes to an established tolerance or tolerance exemption Requires
                                                                                            data submission.
                                              B681 ...............                132     Amendment; unregistered source of active ingredient(s) Requires data sub-                                      7           6,079
                                              B683 ...............                133     Label amendment; requires review/update of previous risk assessment(s)                                         6           5,107
                                                                                            without data submission (eg., labeling changes to REI, PPE, PHI).
                                              B684 ...............                134     Amending non-food animal product that includes submission of target ani-                                       8           8,820
                                                                                            mal safety data; previously registered.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                             Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.              New CR No.                                                    Action                                                review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                            (months)             ($)

                                              B690   ...............              135     New active ingredient; food or non-food use ..................................................                 7           2,554
                                              B700   ...............              136     Experimental Use Permit application; new active ingredient or new use ......                                   7           1,278
                                              B701   ...............              137     Extend or amend Experimental Use Permit ...................................................                    4           1,278
                                              B710   ...............              138     New product; registered source of active ingredient(s); identical or substan-                                  4           1,278
                                                                                            tially similar in composition and use to a registered product; no change in
                                                                                            an established tolerance or tolerance exemption No data review, or only
                                                                                            product chemistry data; cite-all data citation, or selective data citation
                                                                                            where applicant owns all required data or authorization from data owner
                                                                                            is demonstrated Category includes 100% re-package of registered end-
                                                                                            use or manufacturing-use product that requires no data submission or
                                                                                            data matrix.
                                              B720 ...............                139     New product; registered source of active ingredient(s); requires: (1) Sub-                                     5           1,278
                                                                                            mission of product specific data; or (2) citation of previously reviewed
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                            and accepted data; or (3) submission or citation of data generated at
                                                                                            government expense; or (4) submission or citation of a scientifically-
                                                                                            sound rationale based on publicly available literature or other relevant in-
                                                                                            formation that addresses the data requirement; or (5) submission of a re-
                                                                                            quest for a data requirement to be waived supported by a scientifically-
                                                                                            sound rationale explaining why the data requirement does not apply.
                                              B721 ...............                140     New product; unregistered source of active ingredient ..................................                       7           2,676

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices                                                        57175

                                                                                                                                                                                                          FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                         Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.            New CR No.                                                   Action                                               review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                        (months)             ($)

                                              B722 ...............              141     New use and/or amendment; petition to establish a tolerance or tolerance                                     7           2,477
                                              B730 ...............              142     Label amendment requiring data submission .................................................                  5           1,278

                                                                         TABLE 16—BIOPESTICIDES AND POLLUTION PREVENTION DIVISION—OTHER ACTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                         Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.            New CR No.                                                   Action                                               review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                        (months)             ($)

                                              B614 ...............              143     Conditional Ruling on Preapplication Study Waivers; applicant-initiated .......                              3           2,530
                                              B615 ...............              144     Rebuttal of agency reviewed protocol, applicant initiated ..............................                     3           2,530
                                              B682 ...............              145     Protocol review; applicant initiated; excludes time for HSRB review .............                            3           2,432

                                                                                                                                                                                                          FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                         Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.            New CR No.                                                   Action                                               review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                        (months)             ($)

                                              B740 ...............              146     Experimental Use Permit application; no petition for tolerance/tolerance ex-                                 6         95,724
                                                                                          emption. Includes: Non-food/feed use(s) for a new or registered PIP;
                                                                                          food/feed use(s) for a new or registered PIP with crop destruct; food/feed
                                                                                          use(s) for a new or registered PIP in which an established tolerance/tol-
                                                                                          erance exemption exists for the intended use(s).
                                              B750 ...............              147     Experimental Use Permit application; with a petition to establish a tem-                                     9        127,630
                                                                                          porary or permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption for the active ingre-
                                                                                          dient. Includes new food/feed use for a registered PIP.
                                              B770 ...............              148     Experimental Use Permit application; new PIP; with petition to establish a                               15           191,444
                                                                                          temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption for the active ingredient; credit
                                                                                          75% of B771 fee toward registration application for a new active ingre-
                                                                                          dient that follows; SAP review.
                                              B771 ...............              149     Experimental Use Permit application; new PIP; with petition to establish a                               10           127,630
                                                                                          temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption for the active ingredient; credit
                                                                                          75% of B771 fee toward registration application for a new active ingre-
                                                                                          dient that follows.
                                              B772 ...............              150     Application to amend or extend an Experimental Use Permit; no petition                                       3         12,764
                                                                                          since the established tolerance/tolerance exemption for the active ingre-
                                                                                          dient is unaffected.
                                              B773 ...............              151     Application to amend or extend an Experimental Use Permit; with petition                                     5         31,910
                                                                                          to extend a temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption for the active ingre-
                                              B780 ...............              152     Registration application; new PIP; non-food/feed ...........................................             12           159,537
                                              B790 ...............              153     Registration application; new PIP; non-food/feed; SAP review ......................                      18           223,351
                                              B800 ...............              154     Registration application; new PIP; with petition to establish permanent tol-                             12           255,324
                                                                                          erance/tolerance exemption for the active ingredient based on an exist-
                                                                                          ing temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption.
                                              B810 ...............              155     Registration application; new PIP; with petition to establish permanent tol-                             18           319,072
                                                                                          erance/tolerance exemption for the active ingredient based on an exist-
                                                                                          ing temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption. SAP review.
                                              B820 ...............              156     Registration application; new PIP; with petition to establish or amend a per-                            15           319,072
                                                                                          manent tolerance/tolerance exemption of an active ingredient.
                                              B840 ...............              157     Registration application; new PIP; with petition to establish or amend a per-                            21           382,886
                                                                                          manent tolerance/tolerance exemption of an active ingredient. SAP re-
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              B851 ...............              158     Registration application; new event of a previously registered PIP active in-                                9        127,630
                                                                                          gredient(s); no petition since permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption is
                                                                                          already established for the active ingredient(s).
                                              B870 ...............              159     Registration application; registered PIP; new product; new use; no petition                                  9         38,290
                                                                                          since a permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption is already established
                                                                                          for the active ingredient(s).

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                                              57176                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.             New CR No.                                                           Action                                                        review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (months)             ($)

                                              B880 ...............               160     Registration application; registered PIP; new product or new terms of reg-                                                    9         31,910
                                                                                           istration; additional data submitted; no petition since a permanent toler-
                                                                                           ance/tolerance exemption is already established for the active ingre-
                                              B881 ...............               161     Registration application; registered PIP; new product or new terms of reg-                                                15            95,724
                                                                                           istration; additional data submitted; no petition since a permanent toler-
                                                                                           ance/tolerance exemption is already established for the active ingre-
                                                                                           dient(s). SAP review.
                                              B883 ...............               162     Registration application; new PIP, seed increase with negotiated acreage                                                      9        127,630
                                                                                           cap and time-limited registration; with petition to establish a permanent
                                                                                           tolerance/tolerance exemption for the active ingredient based on an ex-
                                                                                           isting temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption.
                                              B884 ...............               163     Registration application; new PIP, seed increase with negotiated acreage                                                  12           159,537
                                                                                           cap and time-limited registration; with petition to establish a permanent
                                                                                           tolerance/tolerance exemption for the active ingredient.
                                              B885 ...............               164     Registration application; registered PIP, seed increase; breeding stack of                                                    9         95,724
                                                                                           previously approved PIPs, same crop; no petition since a permanent tol-
                                                                                           erance/tolerance exemption is already established for the active ingre-
                                              B890 ...............               165     Application to amend a seed increase registration; converts registration to                                                   9         63,816
                                                                                           commercial registration; no petition since permanent tolerance/tolerance
                                                                                           exemption is already established for the active ingredient(s).
                                              B891 ...............               166     Application to amend a seed increase registration; converts registration to a                                             15           127,630
                                                                                           commercial registration; no petition since a permanent tolerance/toler-
                                                                                           ance exemption already established for the active ingredient(s); SAP re-
                                              B900 ...............               167     Application to amend a registration, including actions such as extending an                                                   6         12,764
                                                                                           expiration date, modifying an IRM plan, or adding an insect to be con-
                                              B901 ...............               168     Application to amend a registration, including actions such as extending an                                               12            76,578
                                                                                           expiration date, modifying an IRM plan, or adding an insect to be con-
                                                                                           trolled. SAP review.
                                              B902 ...............               169     PIP Protocol review .........................................................................................                 3          6,383
                                              B903 ...............               170     Inert ingredient tolerance exemption; e.g., a marker such as NPT II; re-                                                      6         63,816
                                                                                           viewed in BPPD.
                                              B904 ...............               171     Import tolerance or tolerance exemption; processed commodities/food only                                                      9        127,630
                                                                                           (inert or active ingredient).

                                                                                                                    TABLE 18—INERT INGREDIENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.             New CR No.                                                           Action                                                        review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (months)             ($)

                                              I001 ................              172     Approval of new food use inert ingredient ......................................................                          12            19,845
                                              I002 ................              173     Amend currently approved inert ingredient tolerance or exemption from tol-                                                10             5,513
                                                                                           erance; new data.
                                              I003 ................              174     Amend currently approved inert ingredient tolerance or exemption from tol-                                                    8           3,308
                                                                                           erance; no new data.
                                              I004 ................              175     Approval of new non-food use inert ingredient ...............................................                                 8         11,025
                                              I005 ................              176     Amend currently approved non-food use inert ingredient with new use pat-                                                      8          5,513
                                                                                           tern; new data.
                                              I006 ................              177     Amend currently approved non-food use inert ingredient with new use pat-                                                      6           3,308
                                                                                           tern; no new data.
                                              I007 ................              178     Approval of substantially similar non-food use inert ingredients when origi-                                                  4           1,654
                                                                                           nal inert is compositionally similar with similar use pattern.
                                              I008 ................              179     Approval of new polymer inert ingredient, food use .......................................                                    5           3,749
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              I009 ................              180     Approval of new polymer inert ingredient, non food use ................................                                       4           3,087
                                              I010 ................              181     Petition to amend a tolerance exemption descriptor to add one or more                                                         6           1,654
                                                                                           CASRNs; no new data.

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices                                                 57177

                                                                                                        TABLE 19—MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  FY ’16/17
                                                                                                                                                                                 Decision        registration
                                                  EPA No.           New CR No.                                                Action                                           review time       service fee
                                                                                                                                                                                (months)             ($)

                                              M001 ..............              182     Study protocol requiring Human Studies Review Board review as defined in                              9           7,938
                                                                                         40 CFR Part 26 in support of an active ingredient.
                                              M002 ..............              183     Completed study requiring Human Studies Review Board review as defined                                9           7,938
                                                                                         in 40 CFR Part 26 in support of an active ingredient.
                                              M003 ..............              184     External technical peer review of new active ingredient, product, or amend-                       12            63,945
                                                                                         ment (e.g., consultation with FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel) for an ac-
                                                                                         tion with a decision timeframe of less than 12 months. Applicant initiated
                                                                                         request based on a requirement of the Administrator, as defined by
                                                                                         FIFRA § 25(d), in support of a novel active ingredient, or unique use pat-
                                                                                         tern or application technology. Excludes PIP active ingredients.
                                              M004 ..............              185     External technical peer review of new active ingredient, product, or amend-                       18            63,945
                                                                                         ment (e.g., consultation with FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel) for an ac-
                                                                                         tion with a decision timeframe of greater than 12 months. Applicant initi-
                                                                                         ated request based on a requirement of the Administrator, as defined by
                                                                                         FIFRA § 25(d), in support of a novel active ingredient, or unique use pat-
                                                                                         tern or application technology. Excludes PIP active ingredients.
                                              M005 ..............              186     New Product: Combination, Contains a combination of active ingredients                                9         22,050
                                                                                         from a registered and/or unregistered source; conventional, antimicrobial
                                                                                         and/or biopesticide. Requires coordination with other regulatory divisions
                                                                                         to conduct review of data, label and/or verify the validity of existing data
                                                                                         as cited. Only existing uses for each active ingredient in the combination
                                              M006 ..............              187     Request for up to 5 letters of certification (Gold Seal) for one actively reg-                        1             277
                                                                                         istered product.
                                              M007 ..............              188     Request to extend Exclusive Use of data as provided by FIFRA Section                              12              5,513
                                              M008 ..............              189     Request to grant Exclusive Use of data as provided by FIFRA Section                               10              1,654
                                                                                         3(c)(1)(F)(vi) for a minor use, when a FIFRA Section 2(ll)(2) determina-
                                                                                         tion is required.

                                              V. How To Pay Fees                                         6. Complete the form entering the                   application to determine that the
                                                 Applicants must submit fee payments                   PRIA fee category and fee.                            category is correct and that the proper
                                              at the time of application, and EPA will                   7. Keep a copy of the pay.gov                       fee amount has been paid. If either is
                                              reject any application that does not                     acknowledgement of payment. A copy                    incorrect, EPA will notify the applicant
                                              contain evidence that the fee has been                   of the acknowledgement must be                        and require payment of any additional
                                              paid. EPA has developed a Web site at                    printed and attached to the front of the              amount due. A refund will be provided
                                              http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/fees/                      application to assure that EPA can                    in case of an overpayment. EPA will not
                                              tool/index.htm to help applicants                        match the application with the                        process the application further until the
                                              identify the fee category and the fee. All               payment.                                              proper fee has been paid for the category
                                              fees should be rounded up to the whole                   VI. How To Submit Applications                        of application or a request for a fee
                                              dollar. Due to changes mandated by the                                                                         waiver accompanies the application and
                                                                                                         Submissions to the Agency should be                 the appropriate portion of the fee has
                                              U.S. Department of the Treasury,
                                                                                                       made at the address given in Unit VII.                been paid.
                                              checks, bank drafts and money orders
                                                                                                       The applicant should attach
                                              are no longer acceptable as of September                                                                          EPA will assign a unique
                                                                                                       documentation that the fee has been
                                              30, 2015. Credit card payments are only                                                                        identification number to each covered
                                              acceptable for amounts less than or                      paid which in most cases will be
                                                                                                                                                             application for which payment has been
                                              equal to $25,000. All payments above                     pay.gov payment acknowledgement. If
                                                                                                                                                             made. EPA notifies the applicant of the
                                              $25,000 can be made by electronic                        the applicant is applying for a fee
                                                                                                                                                             unique identification number. This
                                              funds transfer via www.pay.gov.                          waiver, the applicant should provide
                                                                                                                                                             information is sent by email if EPA has
                                                                                                       sufficient documentation as described
                                              A. Online                                                                                                      either an email address on file or an
                                                                                                       in FIFRA section 33(b)(7) and http://
                                                                                                                                                             email address is provided on the
                                                 You may pay electronically through                    www.epa.gov/pesticides/fees/questions/
                                              the government payment Web site                          waivers.htm. The fee waiver request
                                              www.pay.gov.                                             should be easy to identify and separate               VII. Addresses for Applications
                                                 1. From the pay.gov home page, under                  from the rest of the application and
                                                                                                       submitted with documentation that at                    New covered applications should be
                                              ‘‘Find Public Forms.’’
                                                                                                       least 25% of the fee has been paid.                   identified in the title line with the mail
                                                 2. Select ‘‘search by Agency name.’’
                                                                                                                                                             code REGFEE.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                 3. On the A–Z Index of Forms page,                      If evidence of fee payment (electronic
                                              select ‘‘E.’’                                            acknowledgement) is not submitted                       • By U.S. Postal Service mail.
                                                 4. Select ‘‘Environmental Protection                  with the application, EPA will reject the             Document Processing Desk (REGFEE),
                                              Agency.’’                                                application and will not process it                   Office of Pesticide Programs (7504P),
                                                 5. From the list of forms, select ‘‘Pre-              further.                                              U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
                                              payment of Pesticide Registration                          After EPA receives an application and               1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.,
                                              Improvement Act Fee.’’                                   payment, EPA performs a screen on the                 Washington, DC 20460–0001.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014    17:39 Sep 21, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00033   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22SEN1.SGM   22SEN1

                                              57178                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 183 / Tuesday, September 22, 2015 / Notices

                                                • By courier. Document Processing                     DATES:  Written comments on the                       consent decree from persons who were
                                              Desk (REGFEE), Office of Pesticide                      proposed consent decree must be                       not named as parties or intervenors to
                                              Programs, U.S. Environmental                            received by October 22, 2015.                         the litigation in question. EPA or the
                                              Protection Agency, Room S–4400, One                     ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,                      Department of Justice may withdraw or
                                              Potomac Yard (South Bldg.), 2777 S.                     identified by Docket ID number EPA–                   withhold consent to the proposed
                                              Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202–                     HQ–OGC–2015–0636, online at                           consent decree if the comments disclose
                                              4501.                                                   www.regulations.gov (EPA’s preferred                  facts or considerations that indicate that
                                                Couriers and delivery personnel must                  method); by email to oei.docket@                      such consent is inappropriate,
                                              present a valid picture identification                  epa.gov; by mail to EPA Docket Center,                improper, inadequate, or inconsistent
                                              card to gain access to the building.                    Environmental Protection Agency,                      with the requirements of the Act. Unless
                                              Hours of operation for the Document                     Mailcode: 2822T, 1200 Pennsylvania                    EPA or the Department of Justice
                                              Processing Desk are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,                Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001;                  determines that consent to this consent
                                              Monday through Friday, excluding                        or by hand delivery or courier to EPA                 decree should be withdrawn, the terms
                                              Federal holidays.                                       Docket Center, EPA West, Room 3334,                   of the decree will be affirmed.
                                              List of Subjects                                        1301 Constitution Ave. NW.,                           II. Additional Information About
                                                                                                      Washington, DC, between 8:30 a.m. and                 Commenting on the Proposed Consent
                                                Environmental protection,                             4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday,                      Decree
                                              Administrative practice and procedure,                  excluding legal holidays. Comments on
                                              Pesticides.                                             a disk or CD–ROM should be formatted                  A. How can I get a copy of the consent
                                               Dated: September 15, 2015.                             in Word or ASCII file, avoiding the use               decree?
                                              Marty Monell,                                           of special characters and any form of                    The official public docket for this
                                              Acting Director, Office of Pesticide Programs.          encryption, and may be mailed to the                  action (identified by Docket ID No.
                                                                                                      mailing address above.                                EPA–HQ–OGC–2015–0636) contains a
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–24064 Filed 9–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: M.                   copy of the proposed consent decree.
                                              BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                      Lea Anderson, Air and Radiation Law                   The official public docket is available
                                                                                                      Office (2344A), Office of General                     for public viewing at the Office of
                                              ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                Counsel, U.S. Environmental Protection                Environmental Information (OEI) Docket
                                              AGENCY                                                  Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,                   in the EPA Docket Center, EPA West,
                                                                                                      Washington, DC 20460; telephone: (202)                Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.
                                                                                                      564–5571; fax number (202) 564–5603;                  NW., Washington, DC. The EPA Docket
                                              [EPA–HQ–OGC–2015–0636; FRL–9934–48–
                                              OGC]                                                    email address: anderson.lea@epa.gov.                  Center Public Reading Room is open
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
                                              Proposed Consent Decree, Clean Air                                                                            through Friday, excluding legal
                                                                                                      I. Additional Information About the                   holidays. The telephone number for the
                                              Act Citizen Suit
                                                                                                      Proposed Consent Decree                               Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744,
                                              AGENCY:  Environmental Protection                          On October 30, 2012, EPA partially                 and the telephone number for the OEI
                                              Agency (EPA).                                           disapproved a revision to the Utah SIP                Docket is (202) 566–1752.
                                              ACTION: Notice of proposed consent                      intended to address the regional haze                    An electronic version of the public
                                              decree; request for public comment.                     requirements of the Clean Air Act. 77                 docket is available through
                                                                                                      FR 74355 (Dec. 14, 2012). When EPA                    www.regulations.gov. You may use
                                              SUMMARY:    In accordance with section                  disapproves a SIP submission in whole                 www.regulations.gov to submit or view
                                              113(g) of the Clean Air Act, as amended                 or in part, section 110(c) of the Act                 public comments, access the index
                                              (‘‘CAA’’ or the ‘‘Act’’), notice is hereby              requires EPA to promulgate a FIP within               listing of the contents of the official
                                              given of a proposed consent decree to                   two years unless the State corrects the               public docket, and to access those
                                              address a lawsuit filed by WildEarth                    deficiency and EPA approves the plan                  documents in the public docket that are
                                              Guardians, HEAL Utah, National Parks                    revision. On July 22, 2015, Plaintiffs                available electronically. Once in the
                                              Conservation Association, and Sierra                    filed an amended consolidated                         system, key in the appropriate docket
                                              Club (collectively, ‘‘Plaintiffs’’):                    complaint in the United States District               identification number then select
                                              Wildearth Guardians, et al. v. EPA, No.                 Court for the Northern District of                    ‘‘search’’.
                                              1:15–cv–00630 (D. CO). In 2012, EPA                     Colorado alleging that EPA had failed to                 It is important to note that EPA’s
                                              issued a rule partially disapproving a                  promulgate a FIP for Utah as required by              policy is that public comments, whether
                                              revision to a state implementation plan                 the Clean Air Act.                                    submitted electronically or in paper,
                                              (SIP) submitted by Utah to address the                     The proposed consent decree would                  will be made available for public
                                              State’s ‘‘best available retrofit                       resolve the lawsuit filed by Plaintiffs by            viewing online at www.regulations.gov
                                              technology’’ (‘‘BART’’) determination                   establishing that EPA must take                       without change, unless the comment
                                              for Units 1 and 2 of the Hunter power                   proposed action by November 19, 2015                  contains copyrighted material, CBI, or
                                              plant and Units 1 and 2 of the                          and final action by March 31, 2016, to                other information whose disclosure is
                                              Huntingdon power plant. In its lawsuit,                 address the deficiencies in Utah’s SIP                restricted by statute. Information
                                              Plaintiffs alleged that EPA has failed to               revision regarding the State’s BART                   claimed as CBI and other information
                                              meet the requirement of the Clean Air                   determination for Units 1 and 2 of the                whose disclosure is restricted by statute
                                              Act that the Agency promulgate a                        Hunter power plant and Units 1 and 2                  is not included in the official public
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              federal implementation plan (FIP)                       of the Huntingdon power plant. See the                docket or in the electronic public
                                              within two years of partially                           proposed consent decree for the specific              docket. EPA’s policy is that copyrighted
                                              disapproving a SIP, in whole or in part.                details.                                              material, including copyrighted material
                                              The proposed consent decree                                For a period of thirty (30) days                   contained in a public comment, will not
                                              establishes proposed and final deadlines                following the date of publication of this             be placed in EPA’s electronic public
                                              for EPA to take action to meet its                      notice, the Agency will accept written                docket but will be available only in
                                              obligations with respect to Utah.                       comments relating to the proposed                     printed, paper form in the official public

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:35:36
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:35:36
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactPeter Caulkins (7501P), Immediate Office, Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone
FR Citation80 FR 57166 

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