80_FR_58060 80 FR 57874 - Webinar Meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice

80 FR 57874 - Webinar Meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice

Office of Justice Programs

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 186 (September 25, 2015)

Page Range57874-57874
FR Document2015-24427

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has scheduled a meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice (FACJJ). Dates and Location: The meeting will take place on Monday, October 19, 2015 from 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Tuesday, October 20, 2015 from 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The meeting is scheduled at the Office of Justice Programs at 810 7th St. NW., in the Main 3rd floor Conference Room in Washington, DC.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 186 (Friday, September 25, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 186 (Friday, September 25, 2015)]
[Page 57874]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-24427]



Office of Justice Programs

[OJP (OJJDP) Docket No. 1697]

Webinar Meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile 

AGENCY: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, DOJ.

ACTION: Notice of meeting.


SUMMARY: The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 
(OJJDP) has scheduled a meeting of the Federal Advisory Committee on 
Juvenile Justice (FACJJ).
    Dates and Location: The meeting will take place on Monday, October 
19, 2015 from 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Tuesday, October 20, 2015 from 
9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The meeting is scheduled at the Office of Justice 
Programs at 810 7th St. NW., in the Main 3rd floor Conference Room in 
Washington, DC.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Scott Pestridge, Acting Designated 
Federal Official, OJJDP, Scott.Pestridge@ojp.usdoj.gov or (202) 514-
5655. [This is not a toll-free number.]

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile 
Justice (FACJJ), established pursuant to section 3(2)A of the Federal 
Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 2), will meet to carry out its 
advisory functions under section 223(f)(2)(C-E) of the Juvenile Justice 
and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002. The FACJJ is composed of 
representatives from the states and territories. FACJJ member duties 
include: Reviewing Federal policies regarding juvenile justice and 
delinquency prevention; advising the OJJDP Administrator with respect 
to particular functions and aspects of OJJDP; and advising the 
President and Congress with regard to state perspectives on the 
operation of OJJDP and Federal legislation pertaining to juvenile 
justice and delinquency prevention. More information on the FACJJ may 
be found at www.facjj.org.
    Meeting Agenda: The proposed agenda will include: (1) 
Introductions/Welcome of New Members; (2) Remarks from and FACJJ 
discussion with Robert Listenbee, OJJDP Administrator; (3) FACJJ 
Subcommittee Meetings (Legislation; Expungement/Sealing of Juvenile 
Court Records; Research/Publications) with Reports to Full Committee; 
(4) FACJJ Administrative Business; (5) Next Steps; and Meeting 
Adjournment. Note: Subcommittee working meetings, anticipated to take 
place on Monday, October 19th in the afternoon, will not be open to the 
    Registration: To attend as an observer, members of the public must 
pre-register online. Interested persons must link to the web 
registration through www.facjj.org no later than Wednesday, October 14, 
2015. Should problems arise with web registration, please contact Scott 
Peton, Senior Meeting Planner at (240) 432-3014. Please include name, 
title, organization or other affiliation, full address and phone, fax, 
and email information and send to his attention either by fax to 866-
854-6619 or by email speton@aeioonline.com. Note that these are not 
toll-free telephone numbers. Also, photo identification will be 
required for admission to the meeting. Additional identification 
documents may be required. Meeting space is limited.
    Written Comments: Interested parties may submit written comments by 
email message in advance of the meeting to Scott Pestridge, Acting 
Designated Federal Official, at Scott.Pestridge@ojp.usdoj.gov no later 
than Wednesday, October 14, 2015. In the alternative, interested 
parties may fax comments to (202) 353-9093 and contact Marshall D. 
Edwards at (202) 514-0929 to ensure that they are received. [These are 
not toll-free numbers.]

Robert L. Listenbee,
Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2015-24427 Filed 9-24-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  57874                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 186 / Friday, September 25, 2015 / Notices

                                                  plants, and to perform supplemental                        Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice                these are not toll-free telephone
                                                  environmental projects valued                              (FACJJ).                                              numbers. Also, photo identification will
                                                  collectively at $4.23 million.                                Dates and Location: The meeting will               be required for admission to the
                                                    The publication of this notice opens                     take place on Monday, October 19, 2015                meeting. Additional identification
                                                  a period for public comment on the                         from 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and Tuesday,                 documents may be required. Meeting
                                                  consent decree. Comments should be                         October 20, 2015 from 9:30 a.m.–3:00                  space is limited.
                                                  addressed to the Assistant Attorney                        p.m. The meeting is scheduled at the                    Written Comments: Interested parties
                                                  General, Environment and Natural                           Office of Justice Programs at 810 7th St.             may submit written comments by email
                                                  Resources Division, and should refer to                    NW., in the Main 3rd floor Conference                 message in advance of the meeting to
                                                  United States v. Bayer CropScience LP,                     Room in Washington, DC.                               Scott Pestridge, Acting Designated
                                                  D.J. Ref. No. 90–5–2–1–10802. All                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      Federal Official, at Scott.Pestridge@
                                                  comments must be submitted no later                        Scott Pestridge, Acting Designated                    ojp.usdoj.gov no later than Wednesday,
                                                  than thirty (30) days after the                            Federal Official, OJJDP, Scott.Pestridge@             October 14, 2015. In the alternative,
                                                  publication date of this notice.                           ojp.usdoj.gov or (202) 514–5655. [This is             interested parties may fax comments to
                                                  Comments may be submitted either by                        not a toll-free number.]                              (202) 353–9093 and contact Marshall D.
                                                  email or by mail:                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        Edwards at (202) 514–0929 to ensure
                                                                                                             Federal Advisory Committee on                         that they are received. [These are not
                                                  To submit                                                                                                        toll-free numbers.]
                                                                       Send them to:                         Juvenile Justice (FACJJ), established
                                                                                                             pursuant to section 3(2)A of the Federal              Robert L. Listenbee,
                                                  By e-mail ......     pubcomment-ees.enrd@                  Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.                 Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and
                                                                         usdoj.gov.                          2), will meet to carry out its advisory               Delinquency Prevention.
                                                  By mail .........    Assistant Attorney General            functions under section 223(f)(2)(C–E)                [FR Doc. 2015–24427 Filed 9–24–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                       U.S. DOJ—ENRD                         of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
                                                                       P.O. Box 7611                                                                               BILLING CODE 4410–18–P
                                                                                                             Prevention Act of 2002. The FACJJ is
                                                                       Washington, D.C. 20044–
                                                                                                             composed of representatives from the
                                                                                                             states and territories. FACJJ member
                                                                                                             duties include: Reviewing Federal                     DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
                                                    During the public comment period,
                                                  the consent decree may be examined                         policies regarding juvenile justice and               Office of the Secretary
                                                  and downloaded at this Justice                             delinquency prevention; advising the
                                                  Department Web site: http://                               OJJDP Administrator with respect to                   Establishing a Minimum Wage for
                                                  www.justice.gov/enrd/consent-decrees.                      particular functions and aspects of                   Contractors, Notice of Rate Change in
                                                  We will provide a paper copy of the                        OJJDP; and advising the President and                 Effect as of January 1, 2016;
                                                  consent decree upon written request                        Congress with regard to state                         Correction
                                                  and payment of reproduction costs.                         perspectives on the operation of OJJDP
                                                                                                             and Federal legislation pertaining to                 AGENCY: Wage and Hour Division,
                                                  Please mail your request and payment
                                                                                                             juvenile justice and delinquency                      Department of Labor.
                                                  to: Consent Decree Library, U.S. DOJ—
                                                  ENRD, P.O. Box 7611, Washington, DC                        prevention. More information on the                   ACTION: Notice; correction.
                                                  20044–7611.                                                FACJJ may be found at www.facjj.org.
                                                                                                                Meeting Agenda: The proposed                       SUMMARY: On September 16, 2015, the
                                                    Please enclose a check or money order
                                                                                                             agenda will include: (1) Introductions/               Department of Labor (the Department)
                                                  for $43.25 (25 cents per page
                                                                                                             Welcome of New Members; (2) Remarks                   published a notice to announce the
                                                  reproduction cost) payable to the United
                                                                                                             from and FACJJ discussion with Robert                 applicable minimum wage rate to be
                                                  States Treasury. For a paper copy
                                                                                                             Listenbee, OJJDP Administrator; (3)                   paid to workers performing work on or
                                                  without the exhibits and signature
                                                                                                             FACJJ Subcommittee Meetings                           in connection with Federal contracts
                                                  pages, the cost is $10.00.
                                                                                                             (Legislation; Expungement/Sealing of                  covered by Executive Order 13658 (the
                                                  Maureen Katz,                                              Juvenile Court Records; Research/                     Executive Order), beginning January 1,
                                                  Assistant Section Chief, Environmental                     Publications) with Reports to Full                    2016. See 80 FR 55646. The published
                                                  Enforcement Section, Environment and                       Committee; (4) FACJJ Administrative                   notice omitted Appendix A and
                                                  Natural Resources Division.                                Business; (5) Next Steps; and Meeting                 Appendix B. Accordingly, this notice
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–24401 Filed 9–24–15; 8:45 am]                Adjournment. Note: Subcommittee                       corrects the September 16, 2015 notice
                                                  BILLING CODE 4410–15–P                                     working meetings, anticipated to take                 by publishing Appendix A and
                                                                                                             place on Monday, October 19th in the                  Appendix B. Both documents, along
                                                                                                             afternoon, will not be open to the                    with the original notice, are also
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE                                      public.                                               available on the Wage and Hour
                                                                                                                Registration: To attend as an observer,            Division (WHD) Web site at: http://
                                                  Office of Justice Programs                                                                                       www.dol.gov/whd/flsa/eo13658/.
                                                                                                             members of the public must pre-register
                                                  [OJP (OJJDP) Docket No. 1697]                              online. Interested persons must link to               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                             the web registration through                          Robert Waterman, Acting Director,
                                                  Webinar Meeting of the Federal                             www.facjj.org no later than Wednesday,                Division of Regulations, Legislation, and
                                                  Advisory Committee on Juvenile                             October 14, 2015. Should problems arise               Interpretation, Wage and Hour Division,
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                             with web registration, please contact                 U.S. Department of Labor, Room S–
                                                  AGENCY: Office of Juvenile Justice and                     Scott Peton, Senior Meeting Planner at                3502, 200 Constitution Avenue NW.,
                                                  Delinquency Prevention, DOJ.                               (240) 432–3014. Please include name,                  Washington, DC 20210; telephone: (202)
                                                  ACTION: Notice of meeting.                                 title, organization or other affiliation,             693–0406 (this is not a toll-free
                                                                                                             full address and phone, fax, and email                number). Copies of this notice may be
                                                  SUMMARY: The Office of Juvenile Justice                    information and send to his attention                 obtained in alternative formats (Large
                                                  and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has                     either by fax to 866–854–6619 or by                   Print, Braille, Audio Tape, or Disc),
                                                  scheduled a meeting of the Federal                         email speton@aeioonline.com. Note that                upon request, by calling (202) 693–0023

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014      19:58 Sep 24, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00092   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25SEN1.SGM   25SEN1

Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:20:04
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:20:04
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of meeting.
ContactScott Pestridge, Acting Designated Federal Official, OJJDP, [email protected] or (202) 514- 5655. [This is not a toll-free number.]
FR Citation80 FR 57874 

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