80_FR_58087 80 FR 57901 - Sunshine Act Meeting

80 FR 57901 - Sunshine Act Meeting


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 186 (September 25, 2015)

Page Range57901-57902
FR Document2015-24547

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 186 (Friday, September 25, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 186 (Friday, September 25, 2015)]
[Pages 57901-57902]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-24547]



Sunshine Act Meeting

    Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of the 
Government in the Sunshine Act, Public Law 94-409, that the Securities 
and Exchange Commission will hold a conference commemorating the 75th 
Anniversary of the Investment Company Act and the Investment Advisers 
Act on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 from 9:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., in the 
Auditorium, Room L-002.
    The event will include remarks from SEC Chair Mary Jo White and 
fellow commissioners, as well as a series of panel discussions 
featuring industry pioneers, former SEC chairmen and division 
directors, academics and other distinguished leaders to discuss 
significant ideas and themes in the history of the asset management 
    The conference will be held at SEC headquarters at 100 F Street NE. 
in Washington, DC. The roundtable will be webcast on the Commission's 
Web site at www.sec.gov and will be archived for later viewing. Seating 
for the public will be available.
    For further information, please contact: The Office of the 
Secretary at (202) 551-5400.

[[Page 57902]]

    Dated: September 22, 2015.
Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2015-24547 Filed 9-23-15; 4:15 pm]

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 186 / Friday, September 25, 2015 / Notices                                                57901

                                                  trustee or Sponsor of the Investing                     appropriate, the institution of                       Fund in which the Investing
                                                  Trust, other than any advisory fees paid                procedures designed to ensure that                    Management Company may invest.
                                                  to the Fund of Funds Adviser, or trustee                purchases of securities in Affiliated                 These findings and their basis will be
                                                  or Sponsor of an Investing Trust, or its                Underwritings are in the best interest of             fully recorded in the minute books of
                                                  affiliated person by the Fund, in                       shareholders of the Fund.                             the appropriate Investing Management
                                                  connection with the investment by the                      8. Each Fund will maintain and                     Company.
                                                  Fund of Funds in the Fund. Any Fund                     preserve permanently in an easily                        11. Any sales charges and/or service
                                                  of Funds Sub-Adviser will waive fees                    accessible place a written copy of the                fees charged with respect to shares of a
                                                  otherwise payable to the Fund of Funds                  procedures described in the preceding                 Fund of Funds will not exceed the
                                                  Sub-Adviser, directly or indirectly, by                 condition, and any modifications to                   limits applicable to a fund of funds as
                                                  the Investing Management Company in                     such procedures, and will maintain and                set forth in NASD Conduct Rule 2830.
                                                  an amount at least equal to any                         preserve for a period of not less than six               12. No Fund will acquire securities of
                                                  compensation received from a Fund by                    years from the end of the fiscal year in              an investment company or company
                                                  the Fund of Funds Sub-Adviser, or an                    which any purchase in an Affiliated                   relying on section 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of
                                                  affiliated person of the Fund of Funds                  Underwriting occurred, the first two                  the Act in excess of the limits contained
                                                  Sub-Adviser, other than any advisory                    years in an easily accessible place, a                in section 12(d)(1)(A) of the Act, except
                                                  fees paid to the Fund of Funds Sub-                     written record of each purchase of                    to the extent the Fund acquires
                                                  Adviser or its affiliated person by the                 securities in Affiliated Underwritings                securities of another investment
                                                  Fund, in connection with the                            once an investment by a Fund of Funds                 company pursuant to exemptive relief
                                                  investment by the Investing                             in the securities of the Fund exceeds the             from the Commission permitting the
                                                  Management Company in the Fund                          limit of section 12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act,           Fund to acquire securities of one or
                                                  made at the direction of the Fund of                    setting forth from whom the securities                more investment companies for short-
                                                  Funds Sub-Adviser. In the event that the                were acquired, the identity of the                    term cash management purposes.
                                                  Fund of Funds Sub-Adviser waives fees,                  underwriting syndicate’s members, the
                                                  the benefit of the waiver will be passed                terms of the purchase, and the                          For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                  through to the Investing Management                     information or materials upon which                   Investment Management, under delegated
                                                  Company.                                                the Board’s determinations were made.
                                                     6. No Fund of Funds or Fund of                          9. Before investing in a Fund in                   Robert W. Errett,
                                                  Funds Affiliate (except to the extent it                excess of the limit in section                        Deputy Secretary.
                                                  is acting in its capacity as an investment              12(d)(1)(A), a Fund of Funds and the                  [FR Doc. 2015–24446 Filed 9–24–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  adviser to a Fund) will cause a Fund to                 applicable Trust will execute a FOF                   BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                  purchase a security in any Affiliated                   Participation Agreement stating,
                                                  Underwriting.                                           without limitation, that their respective
                                                     7. The Board of a Fund, including a                  boards of directors or trustees and their             SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
                                                  majority of the non-interested Board                    investment advisers, or trustee and                   COMMISSION
                                                  members, will adopt procedures                          Sponsor, as applicable, understand the
                                                  reasonably designed to monitor any                      terms and conditions of the order, and                Sunshine Act Meeting
                                                  purchases of securities by the Fund in                  agree to fulfill their responsibilities
                                                                                                                                                                   Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
                                                  an Affiliated Underwriting, once an                     under the order. At the time of its
                                                                                                                                                                the provisions of the Government in the
                                                  investment by a Fund of Funds in the                    investment in Shares of a Fund in
                                                                                                                                                                Sunshine Act, Public Law 94–409, that
                                                  securities of the Fund exceeds the limit                excess of the limit in section
                                                                                                                                                                the Securities and Exchange
                                                  of section 12(d)(1)(A)(i) of the Act,                   12(d)(1)(A)(i), a Fund of Funds will
                                                                                                                                                                Commission will hold a conference
                                                  including any purchases made directly                   notify the Fund of the investment. At
                                                                                                                                                                commemorating the 75th Anniversary of
                                                  from an Underwriting Affiliate. The                     such time, the Fund of Funds will also
                                                                                                                                                                the Investment Company Act and the
                                                  Board will review these purchases                       transmit to the Fund a list of the names
                                                  periodically, but no less frequently than               of each Fund of Funds Affiliate and                   Investment Advisers Act on Tuesday,
                                                  annually, to determine whether the                      Underwriting Affiliate. The Fund of                   September 29, 2015 from 9:15 a.m. to
                                                  purchases were influenced by the                        Funds will notify the Fund of any                     4:15 p.m., in the Auditorium, Room
                                                  investment by the Fund of Funds in the                  changes to the list of the names as soon              L–002.
                                                  Fund. The Board will consider, among                    as reasonably practicable after a change                 The event will include remarks from
                                                  other things: (i) Whether the purchases                 occurs. The Fund and the Fund of                      SEC Chair Mary Jo White and fellow
                                                  were consistent with the investment                     Funds will maintain and preserve a                    commissioners, as well as a series of
                                                  objectives and policies of the Fund; (ii)               copy of the order, the FOF Participation              panel discussions featuring industry
                                                  how the performance of securities                       Agreement, and the list with any                      pioneers, former SEC chairmen and
                                                  purchased in an Affiliated Underwriting                 updated information for the duration of               division directors, academics and other
                                                  compares to the performance of                          the investment and for a period of not                distinguished leaders to discuss
                                                  comparable securities purchased during                  less than six years thereafter, the first             significant ideas and themes in the
                                                  a comparable period of time in                          two years in an easily accessible place.              history of the asset management
                                                  underwritings other than Affiliated                        10. Before approving any advisory                  industry.
                                                  Underwritings or to a benchmark such                    contract under section 15 of the Act, the                The conference will be held at SEC
                                                  as a comparable market index; and (iii)                 board of directors or trustees of each                headquarters at 100 F Street NE. in
                                                                                                                                                                Washington, DC. The roundtable will be
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  whether the amount of securities                        Investing Management Company
                                                  purchased by the Fund in Affiliated                     including a majority of the disinterested             webcast on the Commission’s Web site
                                                  Underwritings and the amount                            directors or trustees, will find that the             at www.sec.gov and will be archived for
                                                  purchased directly from an                              advisory fees charged under such                      later viewing. Seating for the public will
                                                  Underwriting Affiliate have changed                     contract are based on services provided               be available.
                                                  significantly from prior years. The                     that will be in addition to, rather than                 For further information, please
                                                  Board will take any appropriate actions                 duplicative of, the services provided                 contact: The Office of the Secretary at
                                                  based on its review, including, if                      under the advisory contract(s) of any                 (202) 551–5400.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:58 Sep 24, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00119   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25SEN1.SGM   25SEN1

                                                  57902                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 186 / Friday, September 25, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Dated: September 22, 2015.                            (15 U.S.C. 636 (b)(1). DHS/FEMA’s legal               FEMA and SBA disaster survivors. By
                                                  Brent J. Fields,                                        authority contained at § 312(a) of the                the nature of the sequence of delivery as
                                                  Secretary.                                              Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and                outlined in FEMA Regulation, 44 CFR
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–24547 Filed 9–23–15; 4:15 pm]             Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C.                   206.191, survivors that register with
                                                  BILLING CODE 8011–01–P
                                                                                                          5155), mandates DHS/FEMA not to                       DHS/FEMA for possible grant
                                                                                                          duplicate assistance provided by                      assistance, and meet SBA’s minimum
                                                                                                          another agency or similar source.                     income requirements, are automatically
                                                  SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                              SBA is allowed to share information                referred to SBA for possible loan
                                                                                                          with DHS/FEMA pursuant to routine                     assistance. For example, DHS/FEMA
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                  uses (f) and (g) of SBA–020 Disaster                  received 548,953 registrations in
                                                  SECURITY                                                Loan Case Files system of records, 74 FR              response to hurricane Sandy, and
                                                                                                          14911 (April 1, 2009). DHS/FEMA is                    referred 241,282 of those registrations to
                                                  Federal Emergency Management                            allowed to share information with SBA                 SBA. More recently, in FY 2013 and
                                                  Agency                                                  pursuant to routine uses H.1. and R. of               2014, DHS/FEMA received 775,089
                                                                                                          DHS/FEMA–008 Disaster Recovery                        registrations and referred 337,619
                                                  Privacy Act; Computer Matching                          Assistance Files, 78 FR 25282 (April 30,              registrations to SBA. The computer
                                                  Agreement                                               2013) (DHS/FEMA–008 SORN). The                        match will also reveal instances where
                                                                                                          Computer Matching and Privacy                         the same disaster survivor has
                                                  I. Introduction                                         Protection Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100–                  submitted applications to both DHS/
                                                     The Small Business Administration                    503), as amended, (5 U.S.C. 552a(o)–(u))              FEMA and SBA, which could result in
                                                  (SBA) and the Department of Homeland                    establishes procedural requirements for               a duplication of benefits. Since FY
                                                  Security, Federal Emergency                             agencies to follow when engaging in                   2010,1 the use of the CMA has identified
                                                  Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) have                       computer-matching activities.                         224,878 instances where the same
                                                  entered into this Computer Matching                                                                           disaster survivor submitted applications
                                                                                                          III. Justification and Expected Results
                                                  Agreement (Agreement) pursuant to                                                                             to both agencies, a yearly average of
                                                  section (o) of the Privacy Act of 1974 (5               A. Justification                                      40,157. Over that same period, SBA
                                                  U.S.C. 552a), as amended by the                            As required by law, SBA and DHS/                   approved 83,313 loans to homeowners
                                                  Computer Matching and Privacy                           FEMA will not provide duplicative                     and renters, who also received
                                                  Protection Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100–                    disaster assistance to individuals, and               assistance from FEMA. This is a yearly
                                                  503), and as amended by the Computer                    businesses including Private-Not-for                  average of 14,877 files identified with a
                                                  Matching Privacy Protection Act                         Profits (PNPs) for the same disaster. To              potential DOB.
                                                  Amendments of 1990 (Pub. L. 101–508,                    accomplish this, SBA and DHS/FEMA
                                                  5 U.S.C. 552a(p) (1990)). For purposes of                                                                     IV. Records Description
                                                                                                          will participate in a computer-matching
                                                  this Agreement, both SBA and DHS/                       program to share data and financial/                  A. Systems of Records and Estimated
                                                  FEMA are the recipient agency and the                   benefits award decisions of individuals,              Number of Records Involved
                                                  source agency as defined in 5 U.S.C.                    businesses and/or other entities to
                                                  552a(a)(9) and (11). For this reason, the               prevent duplicative aid from being                       DHS/FEMA accesses records from its
                                                  financial and administrative                            provided in the same disaster                         Disaster Recovery Assistance Files
                                                  responsibilities will be evenly                         declaration.                                          system of records, as provided by the
                                                  distributed between SBA and DHS/                           It is also recognized that the programs            DHS/FEMA–008 SORN, through its
                                                  FEMA unless otherwise set forth in this                 covered by this Agreement are part of a               National Emergency Management
                                                  agreement.                                              Government-wide initiative, Executive                 Information System-Individual
                                                                                                          Order 13411—Improving Assistance for                  Assistance (NEMIS–IA), and matches
                                                  II. Purpose and Legal Authority
                                                                                                          Disaster Victims (August 29, 2006). This              them to the records that SBA provides
                                                  A. Purpose of the Matching Program                      order mandates DHS/FEMA to identify                   from its SBA–020 Disaster Loan Case
                                                    The purpose of this Agreement is to                   and prevent duplication of benefits                   Files, 74 FR 14911 (April 1, 2009)
                                                  establish a framework and procedures                    received by individuals, businesses, or               system of records. SBA uses its Disaster
                                                  governing the Computer Matching                         other entities for the same disaster. That            Credit Management System (DCMS) to
                                                  program between SBA and DHS/FEMA.                       initiative and this matching program are              access records from its Disaster Loan
                                                  The Computer Matching program seeks                     consistent with Office of Management                  Case Files system of records, and match
                                                  to ensure that applicants for SBA                       and Budget (OMB) guidance on                          them to the records that DHS/FEMA
                                                  Disaster Loans and DHS/FEMA                             interpreting the provisions of the                    provides from its Disaster Recovery
                                                  Individuals and Households Program,                     Computer Matching and Privacy                         Assistance Files system of records.
                                                  which provides Other Needs Assistance                   Protection Act of 1988, 54 FR 25818                   Under this agreement, DHS/FEMA and
                                                  (ONA) and Housing Assistance (HA), do                   (June 19, 1989); and OMB Circular A–                  SBA exchange data to: (1) Check for
                                                  not receive a duplication of benefits for               130, Appendix I, ‘‘Federal Agency                     initial registrations, (2) check for the
                                                  the same disaster. This will be                         Responsibilities for Maintaining                      duplication of benefits, and (3) update
                                                  accomplished by matching specific                       Records about Individuals.’’                          the SBA Loan Status.
                                                  DHS/FEMA disaster applicant data with                                                                            A definitive answer cannot be given
                                                                                                          B. Expected Results
                                                  SBA disaster loan application and                                                                             as to how many records will be matched
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  decision data for a declared disaster, as                 The matching program is to ensure                   as it will depend on the number of
                                                  set forth in this Agreement.                            that benefits provided to disaster                    individuals, businesses or other entities
                                                                                                          survivors by DHS/FEMA and SBA are                     that suffer damage from a declared
                                                  B. Legal Authority                                      not duplicated. By way of the DHS/                    disaster and that ultimately apply for
                                                     SBA’s legal authority for undertaking                FEMA disaster registration                            Federal disaster aid.
                                                  its disaster loan program without                       identification (ID) number, DHS/FEMA
                                                  duplicating benefits is contained in                    and SBA are able to identify the                        1 The SBA data period is from October 1, 2009

                                                  section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act               applications received from mutual DHS/                through May 11, 2015.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:58 Sep 24, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00120   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\25SEN1.SGM   25SEN1

Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:19:25
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:19:25
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 57901 

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