80_FR_58501 80 FR 58314 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission to OMB for Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection, Credit Union Service Organizations; Comment Request

80 FR 58314 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission to OMB for Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection, Credit Union Service Organizations; Comment Request


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 187 (September 28, 2015)

Page Range58314-58315
FR Document2015-24478

The NCUA intends to submit the following information collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). This information collection is published to obtain comments from the public. NCUA previously amended its credit union service organization (CUSO) regulation to increase transparency and address certain safety and soundness concerns. The final rule extends certain requirements of the CUSO regulation to federally insured, state-chartered credit unions and imposes new requirements on federally insured credit unions (FICUs). Under the amended rule, FICUs with an investment in, or loan to, a CUSO must obtain a written agreement with the CUSO addressing accounting, financial statements, audits, reporting, and legal opinions. The rule limits the ability of a ``less than adequately capitalized'' FICU to recapitalize an insolvent CUSO. All CUSOs are required to annually provide basic profile information to NCUA and the appropriate state supervisory authority (SSA). CUSOs engaging in certain complex or high-risk activities are also required to report more detailed information, including audited financial statements and customer information.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 187 (Monday, September 28, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 187 (Monday, September 28, 2015)]
[Pages 58314-58315]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-24478]



Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission to OMB for 
Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection, Credit Union 
Service Organizations; Comment Request

AGENCY: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).

ACTION: Request for comment.


SUMMARY: The NCUA intends to submit the following information 
collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and 
clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 
U.S.C. Chapter 35). This information collection is published to obtain 
comments from the public. NCUA previously amended its credit union 
service organization (CUSO) regulation to increase transparency and 
address certain safety and soundness concerns. The final rule extends 
certain requirements of the CUSO regulation to federally insured, 
state-chartered credit unions and imposes new requirements on federally 
insured credit unions (FICUs). Under the amended rule, FICUs with an 
investment in, or loan to, a CUSO must obtain a written agreement with 
the CUSO addressing accounting, financial statements, audits, 
reporting, and legal opinions. The rule limits the ability of a ``less 
than adequately capitalized'' FICU to recapitalize an insolvent CUSO. 
All CUSOs are required to annually provide basic profile information to 
NCUA and the appropriate state supervisory authority (SSA). CUSOs 
engaging in certain complex or high-risk activities are also required 
to report more detailed information, including audited financial 
statements and customer information.

DATES: Comments will be accepted until October 28, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments to 
the NCUA Contact and the OMB Reviewer listed below:

NCUA Contact: Joy Lee, National Credit Union Administration, 1775 Duke 
Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3428, Fax No. 703-837-2861, Email: 
OMB Reviewer: Office of Management and Budget, ATTN: Desk Officer for 
the National Credit Union Administration, Office of Information and 
Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC 20503.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information, a 
copy of the information collection request, or a copy of submitted 
comments should be directed to:

NCUA Contact: Joy Lee, National Credit Union Administration, 1775 Duke 
Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3428, Fax No. 703-837-2861, Email: 


I. Abstract and Request for Comments

    NCUA is revising the currently approved collection of information, 
OMB Control Number, 3133-0149, to reflect amendments to 12 CFR part 
712. Part 712 implements authority in the Federal Credit Union Act \1\ 
relating to FICU lending or investment activity with a CUSO. The rule 
addresses NCUA's safety and soundness concerns for activities conducted 
by CUSOs and imposes certain recordkeeping obligations on FICUs that 
have investment or lending relationships with, or conduct operations 
through, CUSOs. Certain reporting obligations are imposed on natural 
person credit union CUSOs and corporate CUSOs as a result of the rule.

    \1\ 12 U.S.C. 1756, 1757(5)(D), 1757(7)(I), 1766, 1782, 1785, 
and 1786.

    Specifically, under the amended rule, FICUs with an investment in, 
or loan to, a CUSO must obtain a written agreement with the CUSO (or 
revise any current agreement the FICU has with a CUSO) to provide that 
the CUSO will: (1) Account for all its transactions in accordance with 
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP); (2) prepare quarterly 
financial statements and obtain an annual financial statement audit of 
its financial statements by a licensed certified public accountant; (3) 
provide complete access to the books and records of the CUSO; and (4) 
annually report directly to NCUA and the appropriate state supervisory 
authority (SSA) certain financial and other information prescribed by 
the rule. 12 CFR 712.3(d).
    The report (CUSO Registry) must contain basic registration 
information, including the CUSO's name and address, point of contact, 
services offered, the names and charter numbers of credit unions 
investing in, lending to, or receiving services from the CUSO, and 
investor and subsidiary information. In addition, for any CUSO engaged 
in complex or high-risk activities, as defined in the rule, the report 
must contain additional, enhanced, more detailed information, including 
audited financial statements and more specific customer information. 12 
CFR 712.3(d)(4). NCUA plans to implement secure online technology for 
the CUSOs' direct submission of financial and other reports. 
Development of the CUSO Registry is underway, which will provide fully 
electronic reporting by CUSOs.
    A FICU and a CUSO must be operated in a manner that demonstrates to 
the public the separate corporate existence of the FICU and the CUSO. 
Section 712.4(b) requires that prior to investing in a CUSO, the FICU 
must obtain a written legal opinion confirming the CUSO is established 
in a legally sufficient way to limit the FICU's exposure to loss of its 
loans or investments in the CUSO. 12 CFR 712.4(b).
    The amendments also require that a FICU that is, or as a result of 
recapitalizing an insolvent CUSO, will become less than adequately 
capitalized must, under certain circumstances, obtain NCUA (or SSA, if 
applicable) approval to recapitalize a CUSO that has become insolvent. 
12 CFR 712.2(d).
    NCUA previously requested comments in response to a notice on 
``Information Collection Activities: Submission to OMB for Revision of 
a Currently Approved Information Collection, Credit Union Service 
Organizations'' due September 4, 2015. (80 FR 38475, July 6, 2015). 
NCUA received a few comments in response to this sixty-day notice. 
Staff carefully reviewed and considered these comments.
    In particular, with regard to concern about confidentiality, the 
rule addresses documents, such as an agreement

[[Page 58315]]

between a credit union and its CUSO, and legal opinions, which are and 
would remain credit union property. There is no requirement that the 
documents be made public. CUSO reports may contain or consist of trade 
secrets and commercial or financial information which relate to the 
business, personal, or financial affairs of a person or organization, 
are furnished to NCUA, and are privileged or confidential. With regard 
to concern of data security measures, at a minimum NCUA information 
systems adhere to the National Institute of Standards and Technology 
(NIST) security controls and guidelines at the moderate level. In 
addition, with regard to concern about duplication, currently, NCUA 
collects CUSO related information on the NCUA Form 5300 Call Report and 
the NCUA Form 4501A Online CU Profile (OMB Control No. 3133-0004). Upon 
successful implementation of the CUSO Registry, NCUA plans to eliminate 
the duplicate information collected on the Call Report and Online CU 
    In summary, Part 712 contains the following information collection 
(IC) requirements:
    (IC 1.) Obtain Written Agreement. Before making a loan to, or 
investment in, a CUSO, a FICU must obtain a written agreement from the 
CUSO (or revise any current agreement the FICU has with a CUSO) that 
the CUSO will: Follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP); 
prepare financial statements at least quarterly and obtain an annual 
opinion audit from a licensed certified public accountant; provide 
access to its books and records to NCUA and the appropriate SSA; and 
file financial and other reports directly with NCUA and the appropriate 
    (IC 2.) Obtain Written Legal Opinion. A FICU must obtain a written 
legal opinion confirming the CUSO is established in a legally 
sufficient way to limit the credit union's exposure to loss of its 
loans to, or investments in, the CUSO;
    (IC 3.) Obtain Regulatory Approval. Any FICU that is or, as a 
result of recapitalizing an insolvent CUSO will become, less than 
adequately capitalized, must seek NCUA approval before recapitalizing 
an insolvent CUSO; and
    (IC 4.) CUSO Reporting. A CUSO with an investment or loan from a 
FICU must annually submit a report directly to NCUA and the appropriate 
SSA that contains financial and other information prescribed in the 
rule. All CUSOs are required to provide basic profile information to 
NCUA and the appropriate SSA. CUSOs engaging in certain complex or 
high-risk activities are also required to report more detailed 
information, including audited financial statements and customer 
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number.
    NCUA requests that you send any comments on the information 
collection requirements for Credit Union Service Organizations, 12 CFR 
part 712, to the locations listed in the ADDRESSES section. Your 
comments should address: (a) The necessity of the information 
collection for the proper performance of NCUA, including whether the 
information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of our 
estimate of the burden (hours and cost) of the collection of 
information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions 
used; (c) ways we could enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected; and (d) ways we could minimize the 
burden of the collection of the information on the respondents such as 
through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of 
information technology. It is NCUA's policy to make all comments 
available to the public for review.

II. Data

    Title: Credit Union Service Organizations, 12 CFR part 712.
    OMB Number: 3133-0149.
    Form Number: None.
    Type of Review: Revision to a currently approved collection.
    Description: NCUA amended Part 712 to increase transparency and 
address safety and soundness concerns about activities conducted by 
CUSOs and imposes certain recordkeeping obligations on FICUs that have 
investment or lending relationships with, or conduct operations 
through, CUSOs.\2\ The final rule extends certain requirements of the 
CUSO regulation to federally insured, state-chartered credit unions and 
imposes new requirements on FICUs. Under the amended rule, a FICU with 
an investment in, or loan to, a CUSO must obtain a written agreement 
with the CUSO addressing accounting, financial statements, audits, 
reporting, and legal opinions. The rule limits the ability of a ``less 
than adequately capitalized'' FICU to recapitalize an insolvent CUSO. 
All CUSOs are required to annually provide basic profile information to 
NCUA and the appropriate SSA. CUSOs engaging in certain complex or 
high-risk activities are also required to report more detailed 
information, including audited financial statements and customer 
information. These reporting obligations are imposed on natural person 
credit union CUSOs and corporate credit union CUSOs as a result of the 

    \2\ 78 FR 72537 (Dec. 3, 2013).

    Respondents: Federally insured credit unions and credit union 
service organizations.
    Estimated No. of Respondents: 4,116.
    Frequency of Response: One-time, on occasion, and annual.
    Estimated Burden Hours per Response: Varies based on type and 
frequency of response.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 11,558.5 hours.
    Estimated Total Annual Cost: $76,177.2

    By the National Credit Union Administration on September 22, 
Gerard Poliquin,
Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2015-24478 Filed 9-25-15; 8:45 am]

                                              58314                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 187 / Monday, September 28, 2015 / Notices

                                                                     Topic                                       MCC Reporting/data source                               Published documents

                                              •   Other relevant investors/investments
                                              •   Other donors/programming
                                              •   Status of related reforms
                                              •   Trajectory of private sector involvement
                                                  going forward

                                              [FR Doc. 2015–24490 Filed 9–25–15; 8:45 am]               Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314–                 supervisory authority (SSA) certain
                                              BILLING CODE 9211–03–P                                    3428, Fax No. 703–837–2861, Email:                  financial and other information
                                                                                                        OCIOPRA@ncua.gov.                                   prescribed by the rule. 12 CFR 712.3(d).
                                                                                                      OMB Reviewer: Office of Management                       The report (CUSO Registry) must
                                              NATIONAL CREDIT UNION                                     and Budget, ATTN: Desk Officer for                  contain basic registration information,
                                              ADMINISTRATION                                            the National Credit Union                           including the CUSO’s name and
                                                                                                        Administration, Office of Information               address, point of contact, services
                                              Agency Information Collection                             and Regulatory Affairs, Washington,                 offered, the names and charter numbers
                                              Activities: Submission to OMB for                         DC 20503.                                           of credit unions investing in, lending to,
                                              Revision of a Currently Approved                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      or receiving services from the CUSO,
                                              Information Collection, Credit Union                    Requests for additional information, a                and investor and subsidiary
                                              Service Organizations; Comment                          copy of the information collection                    information. In addition, for any CUSO
                                              Request                                                 request, or a copy of submitted                       engaged in complex or high-risk
                                                                                                      comments should be directed to:                       activities, as defined in the rule, the
                                              AGENCY:  National Credit Union                                                                                report must contain additional,
                                              Administration (NCUA).                                  NCUA Contact: Joy Lee, National Credit
                                                                                                        Union Administration, 1775 Duke                     enhanced, more detailed information,
                                              ACTION: Request for comment.                                                                                  including audited financial statements
                                                                                                        Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314–
                                              SUMMARY:    The NCUA intends to submit                    3428, Fax No. 703–837–2861, Email:                  and more specific customer information.
                                              the following information collection to                   OCIOPRA@ncua.gov.                                   12 CFR 712.3(d)(4). NCUA plans to
                                              the Office of Management and Budget                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                            implement secure online technology for
                                              (OMB) for review and clearance under                                                                          the CUSOs’ direct submission of
                                                                                                      I. Abstract and Request for Comments                  financial and other reports.
                                              the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                              (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35).                    NCUA is revising the currently                     Development of the CUSO Registry is
                                              This information collection is published                approved collection of information,                   underway, which will provide fully
                                              to obtain comments from the public.                     OMB Control Number, 3133–0149, to                     electronic reporting by CUSOs.
                                              NCUA previously amended its credit                      reflect amendments to 12 CFR part 712.                   A FICU and a CUSO must be operated
                                              union service organization (CUSO)                       Part 712 implements authority in the                  in a manner that demonstrates to the
                                              regulation to increase transparency and                 Federal Credit Union Act 1 relating to                public the separate corporate existence
                                              address certain safety and soundness                    FICU lending or investment activity                   of the FICU and the CUSO. Section
                                              concerns. The final rule extends certain                with a CUSO. The rule addresses                       712.4(b) requires that prior to investing
                                              requirements of the CUSO regulation to                  NCUA’s safety and soundness concerns                  in a CUSO, the FICU must obtain a
                                              federally insured, state-chartered credit               for activities conducted by CUSOs and                 written legal opinion confirming the
                                              unions and imposes new requirements                     imposes certain recordkeeping                         CUSO is established in a legally
                                              on federally insured credit unions                      obligations on FICUs that have                        sufficient way to limit the FICU’s
                                              (FICUs). Under the amended rule, FICUs                  investment or lending relationships                   exposure to loss of its loans or
                                              with an investment in, or loan to, a                    with, or conduct operations through,                  investments in the CUSO. 12 CFR
                                              CUSO must obtain a written agreement                    CUSOs. Certain reporting obligations are              712.4(b).
                                                                                                      imposed on natural person credit union                   The amendments also require that a
                                              with the CUSO addressing accounting,
                                                                                                      CUSOs and corporate CUSOs as a result                 FICU that is, or as a result of
                                              financial statements, audits, reporting,
                                                                                                      of the rule.                                          recapitalizing an insolvent CUSO, will
                                              and legal opinions. The rule limits the
                                                                                                         Specifically, under the amended rule,              become less than adequately capitalized
                                              ability of a ‘‘less than adequately
                                                                                                      FICUs with an investment in, or loan to,              must, under certain circumstances,
                                              capitalized’’ FICU to recapitalize an
                                                                                                      a CUSO must obtain a written                          obtain NCUA (or SSA, if applicable)
                                              insolvent CUSO. All CUSOs are
                                                                                                      agreement with the CUSO (or revise any                approval to recapitalize a CUSO that has
                                              required to annually provide basic
                                                                                                      current agreement the FICU has with a                 become insolvent. 12 CFR 712.2(d).
                                              profile information to NCUA and the                                                                              NCUA previously requested
                                              appropriate state supervisory authority                 CUSO) to provide that the CUSO will:
                                                                                                      (1) Account for all its transactions in               comments in response to a notice on
                                              (SSA). CUSOs engaging in certain                                                                              ‘‘Information Collection Activities:
                                              complex or high-risk activities are also                accordance with generally accepted
                                                                                                      accounting principles (GAAP); (2)                     Submission to OMB for Revision of a
                                              required to report more detailed                                                                              Currently Approved Information
                                              information, including audited financial                prepare quarterly financial statements
                                                                                                      and obtain an annual financial                        Collection, Credit Union Service
                                              statements and customer information.                                                                          Organizations’’ due September 4, 2015.
                                                                                                      statement audit of its financial
                                              DATES: Comments will be accepted until                                                                        (80 FR 38475, July 6, 2015). NCUA
                                                                                                      statements by a licensed certified public
                                              October 28, 2015.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                      accountant; (3) provide complete access               received a few comments in response to
                                              ADDRESSES: Interested parties are                       to the books and records of the CUSO;                 this sixty-day notice. Staff carefully
                                              invited to submit written comments to                   and (4) annually report directly to                   reviewed and considered these
                                              the NCUA Contact and the OMB                            NCUA and the appropriate state                        comments.
                                              Reviewer listed below:                                                                                           In particular, with regard to concern
                                              NCUA Contact: Joy Lee, National Credit                    1 12 U.S.C. 1756, 1757(5)(D), 1757(7)(I), 1766,     about confidentiality, the rule addresses
                                                 Union Administration, 1775 Duke                      1782, 1785, and 1786.                                 documents, such as an agreement

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:19 Sep 25, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00084   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\28SEN1.SGM   28SEN1

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 187 / Monday, September 28, 2015 / Notices                                                   58315

                                              between a credit union and its CUSO,                    are also required to report more detailed              statements and customer information.
                                              and legal opinions, which are and                       information, including audited financial               These reporting obligations are imposed
                                              would remain credit union property.                     statements and customer information.                   on natural person credit union CUSOs
                                              There is no requirement that the                           An agency may not conduct or                        and corporate credit union CUSOs as a
                                              documents be made public. CUSO                          sponsor, and a person is not required to               result of the rule.
                                              reports may contain or consist of trade                 respond to, a collection of information                   Respondents: Federally insured credit
                                              secrets and commercial or financial                     unless it displays a currently valid OMB               unions and credit union service
                                              information which relate to the                         control number.                                        organizations.
                                              business, personal, or financial affairs of                NCUA requests that you send any                        Estimated No. of Respondents: 4,116.
                                              a person or organization, are furnished                 comments on the information collection                    Frequency of Response: One-time, on
                                              to NCUA, and are privileged or                          requirements for Credit Union Service                  occasion, and annual.
                                              confidential. With regard to concern of                 Organizations, 12 CFR part 712, to the                    Estimated Burden Hours per
                                              data security measures, at a minimum                    locations listed in the ADDRESSES                      Response: Varies based on type and
                                              NCUA information systems adhere to                      section. Your comments should address:                 frequency of response.
                                              the National Institute of Standards and                 (a) The necessity of the information                      Estimated Total Annual Burden
                                              Technology (NIST) security controls and                 collection for the proper performance of               Hours: 11,558.5 hours.
                                              guidelines at the moderate level. In                    NCUA, including whether the                               Estimated Total Annual Cost:
                                              addition, with regard to concern about                  information will have practical utility;               $76,177.2
                                              duplication, currently, NCUA collects                   (b) the accuracy of our estimate of the                  By the National Credit Union
                                              CUSO related information on the NCUA                    burden (hours and cost) of the collection              Administration on September 22, 2015.
                                              Form 5300 Call Report and the NCUA                      of information, including the validity of              Gerard Poliquin,
                                              Form 4501A Online CU Profile (OMB                       the methodology and assumptions used;
                                                                                                                                                             Secretary of the Board.
                                              Control No. 3133–0004). Upon                            (c) ways we could enhance the quality,
                                                                                                                                                             [FR Doc. 2015–24478 Filed 9–25–15; 8:45 am]
                                              successful implementation of the CUSO                   utility, and clarity of the information to
                                              Registry, NCUA plans to eliminate the                   be collected; and (d) ways we could                    BILLING CODE 7535–01–P

                                              duplicate information collected on the                  minimize the burden of the collection of
                                              Call Report and Online CU Profile.                      the information on the respondents such
                                                 In summary, Part 712 contains the                    as through the use of automated                        NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE
                                              following information collection (IC)                   collection techniques or other forms of                ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES
                                              requirements:                                           information technology. It is NCUA’s
                                                 (IC 1.) Obtain Written Agreement.                    policy to make all comments available                  National Endowment for the Arts
                                              Before making a loan to, or investment                  to the public for review.
                                              in, a CUSO, a FICU must obtain a                                                                               National Council on the Arts 186th
                                              written agreement from the CUSO (or                     II. Data                                               Meeting
                                              revise any current agreement the FICU                      Title: Credit Union Service                         AGENCY:  National Endowment for the
                                              has with a CUSO) that the CUSO will:                    Organizations, 12 CFR part 712.                        Arts, National Foundation on the Arts
                                              Follow generally accepted accounting                       OMB Number: 3133–0149.                              and Humanities.
                                              principles (GAAP); prepare financial                       Form Number: None.
                                                                                                                                                             ACTION: Notice of meeting.
                                              statements at least quarterly and obtain                   Type of Review: Revision to a
                                              an annual opinion audit from a licensed                 currently approved collection.                         SUMMARY:   Pursuant to section 10(a)(2) of
                                              certified public accountant; provide                       Description: NCUA amended Part 712                  the Federal Advisory Committee Act
                                              access to its books and records to NCUA                 to increase transparency and address                   (Pub. L. 92–463), as amended, notice is
                                              and the appropriate SSA; and file                       safety and soundness concerns about                    hereby given that a meeting of the
                                              financial and other reports directly with               activities conducted by CUSOs and                      National Council on the Arts will be
                                              NCUA and the appropriate SSA;                           imposes certain recordkeeping                          held at Constitution Center, 400 7th St.
                                                 (IC 2.) Obtain Written Legal Opinion.                obligations on FICUs that have                         SW., Washington, DC 20506. Agenda
                                              A FICU must obtain a written legal                      investment or lending relationships                    times are approximate.
                                              opinion confirming the CUSO is                          with, or conduct operations through,
                                                                                                                                                             DATES: Friday, October 30, 2015 from
                                              established in a legally sufficient way to              CUSOs.2 The final rule extends certain
                                                                                                      requirements of the CUSO regulation to                 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Conference
                                              limit the credit union’s exposure to loss
                                                                                                      federally insured, state-chartered credit              Rooms A and B (This session will be
                                              of its loans to, or investments in, the
                                                                                                      unions and imposes new requirements                    open and also will be webcast).
                                                 (IC 3.) Obtain Regulatory Approval.                  on FICUs. Under the amended rule, a                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Any FICU that is or, as a result of                     FICU with an investment in, or loan to,                Office of Public Affairs, National
                                              recapitalizing an insolvent CUSO will                   a CUSO must obtain a written                           Endowment for the Arts, Washington,
                                              become, less than adequately                            agreement with the CUSO addressing                     DC 20506, at 202/682–5570.
                                              capitalized, must seek NCUA approval                    accounting, financial statements, audits,              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                              before recapitalizing an insolvent                      reporting, and legal opinions. The rule                meeting on October 30th will be open to
                                              CUSO; and                                               limits the ability of a ‘‘less than                    the public on a space available basis.
                                                 (IC 4.) CUSO Reporting. A CUSO with                  adequately capitalized’’ FICU to                       The tentative agenda is as follows: The
                                              an investment or loan from a FICU must                  recapitalize an insolvent CUSO. All                    session will begin at 9:00 a.m. with
                                              annually submit a report directly to                    CUSOs are required to annually provide                 opening remarks and voting on
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              NCUA and the appropriate SSA that                       basic profile information to NCUA and                  recommendations for funding and
                                              contains financial and other information                the appropriate SSA. CUSOs engaging                    rejection and guidelines, followed by
                                              prescribed in the rule. All CUSOs are                   in certain complex or high-risk activities             updates from the Chairman. There also
                                              required to provide basic profile                       are also required to report more detailed              will be the following presentations
                                              information to NCUA and the                             information, including audited financial               (times are approximate): from 9:30 a.m.
                                              appropriate SSA. CUSOs engaging in                                                                             to 10:00 a.m.—Presentation on 50th
                                              certain complex or high-risk activities                   2 78   FR 72537 (Dec. 3, 2013).                      Anniversary Web Resources (Jessamyn

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Document Created: 2018-02-26 10:21:53
Document Modified: 2018-02-26 10:21:53
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionRequest for comment.
DatesComments will be accepted until October 28, 2015.
ContactRequests for additional information, a copy of the information collection request, or a copy of submitted comments should be directed to:
FR Citation80 FR 58314 

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