80_FR_58654 80 FR 58466 - Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Meeting

80 FR 58466 - Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Meeting

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 188 (September 29, 2015)

Page Range58466-58467
FR Document2015-24676

This notice sets forth the proposed schedule and agenda of a forthcoming meeting of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee (MAFAC). The members will discuss and provide advice on issues outlined under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION below.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 188 (Tuesday, September 29, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 188 (Tuesday, September 29, 2015)]
[Pages 58466-58467]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-24676]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XE175

Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Meeting

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of open public meeting.


SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the proposed schedule and agenda of a 
forthcoming meeting of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee (MAFAC). 
The members will discuss and provide advice on issues outlined under 

DATES: The meeting will be held October 13-15, 2015, from 8:30 a.m. to 
5 p.m.

ADDRESS: The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Silver Spring Hotel, 
8777 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910; 301-589-0800.

Director; (301) 427-8004; email: [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As required by section 10(a)(2) of the 
Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, notice is hereby given 
of a meeting of MAFAC. The MAFAC was established by the Secretary of 
Commerce (Secretary), and, since 1971,

[[Page 58467]]

advises the Secretary on all living marine resource matters that are 
the responsibility of the Department of Commerce. The complete charter 
and summaries of prior meetings are located online at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ocs/mafac/.

Matters To Be Considered

    This meeting time and agenda are subject to change.
    The meeting is convened to hear presentations and discuss policies 
and guidance on the following topics: NOAA Fisheries Climate Science 
Strategy and its implementation, coastal resiliency, improving recovery 
of protected resources, implementation of the recreational fisheries 
policy, recreational bait and tackle economic survey and upcoming 
surveys, the Office of Aquaculture Draft Strategic Plan FY 2016-2020, 
and the budget outlook for FY2016. The meeting will include discussion 
of various MAFAC administrative and organizational matters and may 
include meetings of the standing subcommittees.

Special Accommodations

    The meeting is physically accessible to people with disabilities. 
Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids 
should be directed to Heidi Lovett; 301-427-8034 by October 2, 2015.

    Dated: September 21, 2015.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-24676 Filed 9-28-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    58466                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 188 / Tuesday, September 29, 2015 / Notices

                                                    design, create and inspect micro and                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                Company, the Netherlands. Intended
                                                    nano-scale functional prototype devices                                                                       Use: See notice at 80 FR 44936–38, July
                                                    and create 3D Nanoprototyping with a                    International Trade Administration                    28, 2015.
                                                    DualBeam, sharp, refined and charge-                                                                             Comments: None received. Decision:
                                                    free contrast obtained from up to 6                     Oregon State University, et al.; Notice               Approved. No instrument of equivalent
                                                    integrated in-column and below-the-                     of Consolidated Decision on                           scientific value to the foreign
                                                    lens detectors, can mill difficult                      Applications for Duty-Free Entry of                   instrument, for such purposes as this
                                                    charging samples with charge                            Electron Microscope                                   instrument is intended to be used, is
                                                    neutralizer.                                              This is a decision consolidated                     being manufactured in the United States
                                                                                                            pursuant to Section 6(c) of the                       at the time the instrument was ordered.
                                                       Docket Number: 15–034. Applicant:
                                                                                                            Educational, Scientific, and Cultural                 Reasons: Each foreign instrument is an
                                                    Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
                                                                                                            Materials Importation Act of 1966 (Pub.               electron microscope and is intended for
                                                    47907. Instrument: Diode-Pumped
                                                                                                            L. 89–651, as amended by Pub. L. 106–                 research or scientific educational uses
                                                    Solid-State Laser. Manufacturer:
                                                                                                            36; 80 Stat. 897; 15 CFR part 301).                   requiring an electron microscope. We
                                                    Edgewave GmbH, Germany. Intended                                                                              know of no electron microscope, or any
                                                    Use: See notice at 80 FR 44936–37, July                 Related records can be viewed between
                                                                                                            8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in Room 3720,                 other instrument suited to these
                                                    28, 2015. Comments: None received.                                                                            purposes, which was being
                                                    Decision: Approved. We know of no                       U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th and
                                                                                                            Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,                  manufactured in the United States at the
                                                    instruments of equivalent scientific                                                                          time of order of each instrument.
                                                    value to the foreign instruments                        DC.
                                                    described below, for such purposes as                     Docket Number: 15–019. Applicant:                   Gregory W. Campbell,
                                                    this is intended to be used, that was                   Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR                Director, Subsidies Enforcement Office,
                                                    being manufactured in the United States                 97331–2104. Instrument: Electron                      Enforcement and Compliance.
                                                                                                            Microscope. Manufacturer: FEI
                                                    at the time of order. Reasons: The                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–24466 Filed 9–28–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                            Company, Czech Republic. Intended
                                                    instrument will be used to enhance the                                                                        BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P
                                                                                                            Use: See notice at 80 FR 44936, July 28,
                                                    fundamental understanding of
                                                    propellant combustion so that safer and
                                                                                                              Docket Number: 15–021. Applicant:                   DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                    higher performance solid propellants                    The City University of New York, New
                                                    can be designed and developed. The                      York, NY 10017. Instrument: Electron                  National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                    instrument is to be used for the                        Microscope. Manufacturer: FEI                         Administration
                                                    measurement of flame radical species in                 Company, Japan. Intended Use: See
                                                    propellant flames in real-time, using                   notice at 80 FR 44936, July 28, 2015.                 RIN 0648–XE175
                                                    high-frame-rate (10–40kHz) imaging of                     Docket Number: 15–023. Applicant:
                                                    the flame radical OH, produced in the                                                                         Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee
                                                                                                            Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls,               Meeting
                                                    reaction zone. The OH distribution is                   ID 83415. Instrument: Focused Ion
                                                    used to determine the burning mode for                  Beam (FIB) Microscope. Manufacturer:                  AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                    the propellant, and the laser system will               FEI, Czech Republic. Intended Use: See                Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                    give the capability to obtain high-frame-               notice at 80 FR 44936, July 28, 2015.                 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                    rate images of other propellants. The                     Docket Number: 15–025. Applicant:                   Commerce.
                                                    primary technique is high-frame-rate                    The Rockefeller University, New York,                 ACTION: Notice of open public meeting.
                                                    planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF)                NY 10065. Instrument: Electron
                                                    imaging. The UV laser from a Credo dye                  Microscope. Manufacturer: FEI                         SUMMARY:  This notice sets forth the
                                                    laser, pumped by the Edgewave DPSS                      Company, the Netherlands. Intended                    proposed schedule and agenda of a
                                                    laser, is formed into a focused sheet                   Use: See notice at 80 FR 44936–37, July               forthcoming meeting of the Marine
                                                    using a combination of spherical and                    28, 2015.                                             Fisheries Advisory Committee
                                                    cylindrical lenses. The frequency of the                  Docket Number: 15–026. Applicant:                   (MAFAC). The members will discuss
                                                    UV beam is then tuned to a resonance                    University of Delaware, Newark, DE                    and provide advice on issues outlined
                                                    transition for the OH radical and the OH                19716. Instrument: Electron Microscope.               under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
                                                    radical is pumped from the ground state                 Manufacturer: FEI Company, Brno,                      below.
                                                    to an excited electronic state by                       Czech Republic. Intended Use: See                     DATES:  The meeting will be held
                                                    absorbing a photon from the laser sheet.                notice at 80 FR 44936–37, July 28, 2015.              October 13–15, 2015, from 8:30 a.m. to
                                                    Once in the excited state, the OH radical                 Docket Number: 15–028. Applicant:                   5 p.m.
                                                    can decay by emitting a photon                          University of California, Irvine, Irvine,
                                                    (fluorescence). The fluorescence light is                                                                     ADDRESS: The meeting will be held at
                                                                                                            CA 92697–2575. Instrument: Electron
                                                    imaged using a high-frame-rate                          Microscope. Manufacturer: JEOL, Ltd.,                 the Sheraton Silver Spring Hotel, 8777
                                                    intensified CMOS camera to produce an                   Japan. Intended Use: See notice at 80 FR              Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910;
                                                    image of the OH distribution in the laser               44936–47, July 28, 2015.                              301–589–0800.
                                                    sheet, providing both time-and space-                     Docket Number: 15–030. Applicant:                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    resolved information on the laser                       Washington State University, Pullman,                 Jennifer Lukens, MAFAC Executive
                                                    process. No domestic instruments have                   WA 99164–1020. Instrument: MSM400                     Director; (301) 427–8004; email:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    the required power, rep rate, and pulse                 Yeast Tetrad Dissection Microscope.                   Jennifer.Lukens@noaa.gov.
                                                    length on the order of 10 nanoseconds.                  Manufacturer: Singer Instruments,                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As
                                                                                                            United Kingdom. Intended Use: See                     required by section 10(a)(2) of the
                                                    Gregory W. Campbell,                                    notice at 80 FR 44936–37, July 28, 2015.              Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5
                                                    Director, Subsidies Enforcement Office,                   Docket Number: 15–033. Applicant:                   U.S.C. App. 2, notice is hereby given of
                                                    Enforcement and Compliance.                             Battelle Memorial Institute, Richland,                a meeting of MAFAC. The MAFAC was
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–24468 Filed 9–28–15; 8:45 am]             WA 99354. Instrument: Electron                        established by the Secretary of
                                                    BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P                                  Microscope. Manufacturer: FEI                         Commerce (Secretary), and, since 1971,

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:54 Sep 28, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00005   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\29SEN1.SGM   29SEN1

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 188 / Tuesday, September 29, 2015 / Notices                                                 58467

                                                    advises the Secretary on all living                     ADDRESSES:     You may submit comments,               consumer complaint information
                                                    marine resource matters that are the                    identified by the title of the information            sharing between the Bureau and State
                                                    responsibility of the Department of                     collection, OMB Control Number (see                   and Federal agencies (‘‘Agencies’’) and
                                                    Commerce. The complete charter and                      below), and docket number (see above),                for consumer complaint sharing and
                                                    summaries of prior meetings are located                 by any of the following methods:                      reporting to Congress. To fulfill these
                                                    online at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/                        • Electronic: http://                              mandates, the Bureau has developed
                                                    ocs/mafac/.                                             www.regulations.gov. Follow the                       separate portals for Agencies and
                                                                                                            instructions for submitting comments.                 Congressional users as part of its secure
                                                    Matters To Be Considered
                                                                                                               • OMB: Office of Management and                    web portal offerings (the ‘‘Government
                                                      This meeting time and agenda are                      Budget, New Executive Office Building,                Portal’’ and the ‘‘Congressional Portal,’’
                                                    subject to change.                                      Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503 or
                                                      The meeting is convened to hear                                                                             respectively).
                                                                                                            fax to (202) 395–5806. Mailed or faxed
                                                    presentations and discuss policies and                  comments to OMB should be to the                         Through the portals, Agencies and
                                                    guidance on the following topics:                       attention of the OMB Desk Officer for                 Congressional offices can view
                                                    NOAA Fisheries Climate Science                          the Bureau of Consumer Financial                      consumer submitted complaint data in a
                                                    Strategy and its implementation, coastal                Protection.                                           user-friendly format that allows easy
                                                    resiliency, improving recovery of                          Please note that comments submitted                identification of complaints currently
                                                    protected resources, implementation of                  after the comment period will not be                  active in the Bureau’s process,
                                                    the recreational fisheries policy,                      accepted. In general, all comments                    complaints referred to a prudential
                                                    recreational bait and tackle economic                   received will become public records,                  federal regulator and other closed/
                                                    survey and upcoming surveys, the                        including any personal information                    archived complaints. The portals
                                                    Office of Aquaculture Draft Strategic                   provided. Sensitive personal                          include features for Agencies and
                                                    Plan FY 2016–2020, and the budget                       information, such as account numbers                  Congressional offices to export selected
                                                    outlook for FY2016. The meeting will                    or social security numbers, should not                complaint data and search by company,
                                                    include discussion of various MAFAC                     be included.                                          consumer name, consumer financial
                                                    administrative and organizational                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      product and more. They also allow
                                                    matters and may include meetings of the                 Documentation prepared in support of                  Agencies and Congressional offices to
                                                    standing subcommittees.                                 this information collection request is                identify whether a named company has
                                                    Special Accommodations                                  available at www.reginfo.gov (this link               responded to a complaint and view the
                                                                                                            active on the day following publication               company closure response category.
                                                       The meeting is physically accessible                 of this notice). Select ‘‘Information
                                                    to people with disabilities. Requests for               Collection Review,’’ under ‘‘Currently                   Request for Comments: The CFPB
                                                    sign language interpretation or other                   under review,’’ use the dropdown menu                 issued a 60-day Federal Register notice
                                                    auxiliary aids should be directed to                    ‘‘Select Agency’’ and select ‘‘Consumer               on June 25, 2015, (80 FR 36519).
                                                    Heidi Lovett; 301–427–8034 by October                   Financial Protection Bureau’’ (recent                 Comments were solicited and continue
                                                    2, 2015.                                                submissions to OMB will be at the top                 to be invited on: (a) Whether the
                                                      Dated: September 21, 2015.                            of the list). The same documentation is               collection of information is necessary
                                                    Samuel D. Rauch III,                                    also available at http://                             for the proper performance of the
                                                    Deputy Assistant Administrator for                      www.regulations.gov. Requests for                     functions of the Bureau, including
                                                    Regulatory Programs, National Marine                    additional information should be                      whether the information will have
                                                    Fisheries Service.                                      directed to the Consumer Financial                    practical utility; (b) The accuracy of the
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–24676 Filed 9–28–15; 8:45 am]             Protection Bureau, (Attention: PRA                    Bureau ’s estimate of the burden of the
                                                    BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                  Office), 1700 G Street NW., Washington,               collection of information, including the
                                                                                                            DC 20552, (202) 435–9575, or email:                   validity of the methods and the
                                                                                                            PRA@cfpb.gov. Please do not submit                    assumptions used; (c) Ways to enhance
                                                    BUREAU OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL                            comments to this email box.                           the quality, utility, and clarity of the
                                                    PROTECTION                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            information to be collected; and (d)
                                                                                                               Title of Collection: Consumer                      Ways to minimize the burden of the
                                                    [Docket No: CFPB–2015–0040]
                                                                                                            Response Government and                               collection of information on
                                                    Agency Information Collection                           Congressional Boarding Forms.                         respondents, including through the use
                                                    Activities: Submission for OMB                             OMB Control Number: 3170–XXXX.                     of automated collection techniques or
                                                    Review; Comment Request                                    Type of Review: New collection                     other forms of information technology.
                                                                                                            (Request for a new OMB Control                        Comments submitted in response to this
                                                    AGENCY:  Bureau of Consumer Financial                   Number).                                              notice will be summarized and/or
                                                    Protection.                                                Affected Public: State, Local, and                 included in the request for Office of
                                                    ACTION: Notice and request for comment.                 Tribal Governments; Federal
                                                                                                                                                                  Management and Budget approval. All
                                                    SUMMARY:  In accordance with the                                                                              comments will become a matter of
                                                                                                               Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                                                                               public record.
                                                    (PRA), the Consumer Financial                              Estimated Total Annual Burden                        Dated: September 16, 2015.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Protection Bureau (Bureau) is proposing                 Hours: 41.                                            Linda F. Powell,
                                                    a new information collection titled,                       Abstract: The Consumer Financial                   Chief Data Officer, Bureau of Consumer
                                                    ‘‘Consumer Response Government and                      Protection Act of 2010 (the ‘‘Act’’)                  Financial Protection.
                                                    Congressional Boarding Forms.’’                         directs the Bureau to facilitate the                  [FR Doc. 2015–24340 Filed 9–28–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    DATES: Written comments are                             coordinated collection, monitoring, and
                                                                                                                                                                  BILLING CODE 4810–AM–P
                                                    encouraged and must be received on or                   response to consumer complaints
                                                    before October 29, 2015 to be assured of                regarding certain financial products and
                                                    consideration.                                          services. The Act further provides for

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:46:38
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:46:38
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of open public meeting.
DatesThe meeting will be held October 13-15, 2015, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
ContactJennifer Lukens, MAFAC Executive Director; (301) 427-8004; email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 58466 
RIN Number0648-XE17

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