80_FR_58877 80 FR 58688 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status for the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake

80 FR 58688 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status for the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 189 (September 30, 2015)

Page Range58688-58701
FR Document2015-24780

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to list the eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus), a rattlesnake species found in 10 States and 1 Canadian Province, as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (Act). If we finalize this rule as proposed, it would extend the Act's protections to this species. We have also determined that the designation of critical habitat for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is not prudent.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 189 (Wednesday, September 30, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 189 (Wednesday, September 30, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 58688-58701]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-24780]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 17

[Docket No. FWS-R3-ES-2015-0145;4500030113]
RIN 1018-BA98

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species 
Status for the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Proposed rule.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to 
list the eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus), a 
rattlesnake species found in 10 States and 1 Canadian Province, as a 
threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (Act). If we 
finalize this rule as proposed, it would extend the Act's protections 
to this species. We have also determined that the designation of 
critical habitat for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is not prudent.

DATES: We will accept comments received or postmarked on or before 
November 30, 2015. Comments submitted electronically using the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES, below) must be received by 11:59 
p.m. Eastern Time on the closing date. We must receive requests for 
public hearings, in writing, at the address shown in FOR FURTHER 
INFORMATION CONTACT by November 16, 2015.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by one of the following methods:
    (1) Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. In the Search box, enter FWS-R3-ES-2015-0145, 
which is the docket number for this rulemaking. Then click on the 
Search button. On the resulting page, in the Search panel on the left 
side of the screen, under the Document Type heading, click on the 
Proposed Rules link to locate this document. You may submit a comment 
by clicking on ``Comment Now!''
    (2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail or hand-delivery to: Public 
Comments Processing, Attn: FWS-R3-ES-2015-0145, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, MS: BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.
    We request that you send comments only by the methods described 
above. We will post all comments on http://www.regulations.gov. This 
generally means that we will post any personal information you provide 
us (see Public Comments, below, for more information).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Louise Clemency, Field Supervisor, 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Chicago Ecological Services Field 
Office, 1250 S. Grove Ave., Suite 103, Barrington, IL 60010-5010; by 
telephone 847-381-2253. Persons who use a telecommunications device for 
the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 


Executive Summary

    Why we need to publish a rule. Under the Act, if a species is 
determined to be an endangered or threatened species throughout all or 
a significant portion of its range, we are required to promptly publish 
a proposal in the Federal Register and make a determination on our 
proposal within 1 year. Critical habitat shall be designated, to the 
maximum extent prudent and determinable, for any species determined to 
be an endangered or threatened species under the Act. Listing a species 
as an endangered or threatened species and designations and revisions 
of critical habitat can only be completed by issuing a rule. We have 
determined that designating critical habitat is not prudent for the 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake.
    This rule proposes the listing of the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake as a threatened species. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
is a candidate species for which we have on file sufficient information 
on biological vulnerability and threats to support preparation of a 
listing proposal, but for which development of a listing rule has been 
precluded by other higher priority listing activities. This rule 
reassesses all available information regarding status of and threats to 
the eastern massasauga rattlesnake.
    The basis for our action. Under the Act, we can determine that a 
species is an endangered or threatened species based on any of five 
factors: (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) overutilization for 
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C) 
disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of existing regulatory 
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors affecting its 
continued existence. Although there are several factors that are 
affecting the species' status, the loss of habitat was historically, 
and continues to be, the primary threat, either through development or 

[[Page 58689]]

changes in habitat structure due to vegetative succession.
    We will seek peer review. We will seek comments from independent 
specialists to ensure that our designation is based on scientifically 
sound data, assumptions, and analyses. We will invite these peer 
reviewers to comment on our listing proposal. Because we will consider 
all comments and information we receive during the comment period, our 
final determination may differ from this proposal.
    A Species Status Assessment (SSA) team prepared an SSA report for 
the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. The SSA team was composed of U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service biologists, in consultation with other 
species experts. The SSA represents a compilation of the best 
scientific and commercial data available concerning the status of the 
species, including the impacts of past, present, and future factors 
(both negative and beneficial) affecting the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake. The SSA underwent independent peer review by 21 scientists 
with expertise in eastern massasauga rattlesnake biology, habitat 
management, and stressors (factors negatively affecting the species) to 
the species. The SSA and other materials relating to this proposal can 
be found on the Midwest Region Web site at http://www.fws.gov/midwest/Endangered/ and at http://www.regulations.gov under docket number FWS-

Information Requested

Public Comments

    We intend that any final action resulting from this proposed rule 
will be based on the best scientific and commercial data available and 
be as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, we request 
comments or information from other concerned governmental agencies, 
Native American tribes, the scientific community, industry, or any 
other interested parties concerning this proposed rule. We particularly 
seek comments concerning:
    (1) The eastern massasauga rattlesnake's biology, range, and 
population trends, including:
    (a) Biological or ecological requirements of the species, including 
habitat requirements for feeding, breeding, and sheltering;
    (b) Genetics and taxonomy;
    (c) Historical and current range, including distribution patterns;
    (d) Historical and current population levels, and current and 
projected trends; and
    (e) Past and ongoing conservation measures for the species or its 
    (2) Factors that may affect the continued existence of the species, 
which may include habitat modification or destruction, overutilization, 
disease, predation, the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms, 
or other natural or manmade factors.
    (3) Biological, commercial trade, or other relevant data concerning 
any threats (or lack thereof) to this species and existing regulations 
that may be addressing those threats.
    (4) Whether designating critical habitat is prudent for this 
species and, if so, the reasons why any habitat should or should not be 
determined to be critical habitat for the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake as provided by section 4 of the Act, including physical or 
biological features within areas occupied or specific areas outside of 
the geographic area occupied that are essential for the conservation of 
the species.
    Please include sufficient information with your submission (such as 
scientific journal articles or other publications) to allow us to 
verify any scientific or commercial information you include.
    Please note that submissions merely stating support for or 
opposition to the action under consideration without providing 
supporting information, although noted, will not be considered in 
making a determination, as section 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that 
determinations as to whether any species is an endangered or threatened 
species must be made ``solely on the basis of the best scientific and 
commercial data available.''
    You may submit your comments and materials concerning this proposed 
rule by one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES section. We request 
that you send comments only by the methods described in the ADDRESSES 
    If you submit information via http://www.regulations.gov, your 
entire submission--including any personal identifying information--will 
be posted on the Web site. If your submission is made via a hardcopy 
that includes personal identifying information, you may request at the 
top of your document that we withhold this information from public 
review. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. We 
will post all hardcopy submissions on http://www.regulations.gov.
    Comments and materials we receive, as well as supporting 
documentation we used in preparing this proposed rule, will be 
available for public inspection on http://www.regulations.gov, or by 
appointment, during normal business hours, at the U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service, Chicago Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR 

Public Hearing

    Section 4(b)(5) of the Act provides for one or more public hearings 
on this proposal, if requested. Requests must be received within 45 
days after the date of publication of this proposed rule in the Federal 
Register (see DATES, above). Such requests must be sent to the address 
shown in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section. We will schedule 
public hearings on this proposal, if any are requested, and announce 
the dates, times, and places of those hearings, as well as how to 
obtain reasonable accommodations, in the Federal Register and local 
newspapers at least 15 days before the hearing.

Peer Review

    In accordance with our joint policy on peer review published in the 
Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), we will seek the expert 
opinions of appropriate and independent specialists regarding this 
proposed rule. The purpose of peer review is to ensure that our listing 
determination is based on scientifically sound data, assumptions, and 
analyses. The peer reviewers have expertise in eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake biology, habitat management, climate change, and other 
stressors to the species. We previously conducted peer review on the 
SSA, which informs our determination as discussed below. We invite 
comment from the peer reviewers during this public comment period.

Previous Federal Actions

    We identified the eastern massasauga rattlesnake as a Category 2 
species in the December 30, 1982, Review of Vertebrate Wildlife for 
Listing as Endangered or Threatened Species (47 FR 58454). Category 2 
candidates were defined as species for which we had information that 
proposed listing was possibly appropriate, but conclusive data on 
biological vulnerability and threats were not available to support a 
proposed rule at the time. The species remained so designated in 
subsequent candidate notices of review (CNORs) for animal species (50 
FR 37958, September 18, 1985; 54 FR 554, January 6, 1989; 56 FR 58804, 
November 21, 1991; 59 FR 58982, November 15, 1994). In the February 28, 
1996, CNOR (61 FR 7596), we discontinued the designation of Category 2 
species as candidates; therefore, the eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
was no longer a candidate species.
    Subsequently, in 1999, the eastern massasauga rattlesnake was added 
to the

[[Page 58690]]

candidate list (64 FR 57534; October 25, 1999) through the Service's 
internal candidate review process. Candidates are those fish, wildlife, 
and plants for which we have on file sufficient information on 
biological vulnerability and threats to support preparation of a 
listing proposal, but for which development of a listing regulation is 
precluded by other higher priority listing activities. The eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake was included in all of our subsequent CNORs (66 
FR 54808, October 30, 2001; 67 FR 40657, June 13, 2002; 69 FR 24876, 
May 4, 2004; 70 FR 24870, May 11, 2005; 71 FR 53756, September 12, 
2006; 72 FR 69034, December 6, 2007; 73 FR 75176, December 10, 2008; 74 
FR 57804, November 9, 2009; 75 FR 69222, November 10, 2010; 76 FR 
66370, October 26, 2011; 77 FR 69994, November 21, 2012; 78 FR 70104, 
November 22, 2013; 79 FR 72450, December 5, 2014). On May 11, 2004, we 
were petitioned to list the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, although no 
new information was provided in the petition. Because we had already 
found the species warranted listing through our internal candidate 
assessment process and it was already a candidate species, no further 
action was taken on the petition. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
has a listing priority number of 8, which reflects a species with 
threats that are imminent and of moderate to low magnitude.


    A thorough background and review of the ecology, life history, and 
taxonomy of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake can be found in the 
Species Status Assessment for the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake 
(Szymanski et al. 2015, entire) available at http://www.fws.gov/midwest/Endangered/ and at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. 
FWS-R3-ES-2015-0145. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake is a pitviper 
with a small (0.6 to 1 meter (2 to 3 feet)) but heavy body, heart-
shaped head, and vertical pupils. As a pitviper, eastern massasaugas 
have an extrasensory ``pit'' located on each side of the head between 
the eyes and the nares (nostrils). Adult eastern massasaugas have gray 
or light brown coloration with large brown to black blotches encircled 
in lighter edges (these blotches are smaller on their sides). Tipped by 
gray-yellow keratinized (containing the fibrous protein called keratin) 
rattles, eastern massasauga tails have several dark brown rings. 
Younger snakes are distinguished from adults only by paler versions of 
the same markings and bright yellow tails that grow darker with age. 
This species can be distinguished from the closely related western 
massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus tergeminus) by the number of ventral 
(belly) scales, the ventral coloration and pattern, the number of and 
shape of dorsal blotches, and markings and patterns on the nape of the 
neck and head (Gloyd 1940, pp. 36, 38-40, 42-44, 46-49, 52-55; Evans 
and Gloyd 1948, pp. 3-6).
    First described by Rafinesque in 1818, the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake is known by several locally used common names: Eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake, eastern massasauga prairie rattlesnake, spotted 
rattler, and swamp rattler (Glody 1940, p. 44; Minton 1972, p. 315). 
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake was previously recognized by the 
Service as a subspecies (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) of a wider-
ranging species (Conant and Collins 1998, pp. 231-232) (Sistrurus 
catenatus), but in 2011, was categorized as a distinct species based on 
published scientific information on the phylogenetic relationships of 
massasaugas (Kubatko et al. 2011, p. 13; Gibbs et al. 2011, pp. 433-
439). The historical range documented for eastern massasauga 
rattlesnakes included western New York, western Pennsylvania, the lower 
peninsula and on Bois Blanc Island in Michigan, the northern two-thirds 
of Ohio and Indiana, the northern three-quarters of Illinois, the 
southern half of Wisconsin, extreme southeast Minnesota, east-central 
Missouri, the eastern third of Iowa, and far southwestern Ontario, 
Canada. Currently, the eastern massasauga rattlesnake's range still 
reflects this distribution, although the range is now more restricted 
than at the time the eastern massasauga rattlesnake was first 
identified as a candidate species in 1999, because populations in 
central and western Missouri have since been reclassified as western 
massasauga rattlesnakes (Kubatko et al. 2011, p. 404; Gibbs et al. 
2011, pp. 433-439).
    Eastern massasauga rattlesnakes hibernate in the winter and are 
active in spring, summer, and fall. The type of habitat used during the 
active season generally consists of higher, drier habitats, open canopy 
wetlands, and adjacent upland areas (Sage 2005, p. 32; Lipps 2008, p. 
1). Active season habitat use varies regionally (Reinert and Kodrich 
1982, p. 169; Johnson et al 2000, p. 3), and individual snakes can be 
found in a wide variety of habitats, including old fields (Reinert and 
Kodrich 1982, p. 163; Mauger and Wilson 1999, p. 111), bogs, fens 
(Kingsbury et al 2003, p. 2; Marshall et al. 2006, p. 142), shrub 
swamps, wet meadows, marshes (Wright 1941, p. 660; Sage 2005, p. 32), 
moist grasslands, wet prairies (Siegel 1986, p. 334), sedge meadows, 
peatlands (Johnson and Leopold 1998, p. 84), forest edge, scrub shrub 
forest (DeGregorio et al. 2011, p. 378), floodplain forests (Moore and 
Gillingham 2006, p. 745), and coniferous forests (Harvey and 
Weatherhead 2006, p. 207). During the active season, snakes 
thermoregulate (regulate body temperature) through basking in order to 
perform physiological functions like shedding, digestion, movement, and 
gestation (process of carrying young in the uterus). Basking sites are 
generally open, sunny areas in higher and drier habitats than those 
used for hibernation.
    While there is regional variation, in general, after using higher, 
drier habitats during the active season, the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake moves to lower, wet areas for overwintering or hibernation 
(Reinert and Kodrich 1982, pp. 164, 169; Johnson et al. 2000, p. 3; 
Harvey and Weatherhead 2006, p. 214; Mauger and Wilson 1999, p. 117). 
Hibernation sites provide insulated and moist subterranean spaces below 
the frost line where individuals can avoid freezing and dehydration 
(Sage 2005, p. 56). These hibernation sites can occur in wetland, 
wetland edges, wet prairie, closed canopy forests with mossy substrates 
(DeGregorio 2008, p. 20), wet grassland, and sedge meadow (Mauger and 
Wilson 1999, p. 116).
    The availability of retreat sites is important to the snake at all 
times of the year. Retreat sites are generally used by the snake to 
hide from potential predators, but are also important to gain shelter 
from extreme temperatures, because these sites are more thermally 
stable than surface habitat (Shoemaker 2007, pp. 9-10). Retreat sites 
can be hibernacula, rock crevices, hummocks, live or dead tree root 
systems, mammal holes, crayfish burrows, shrubs, boards, burn piles 
before burning, or any structure that a snake can crawl into or under.
    Adult eastern massasauga rattlesnakes forage by ambushing prey, 
which are primarily small mammals (voles (Microtus spp.), deer mice 
(Peromyscus spp.), and short-tailed shrew (Blarina spp.)), that vary 
according to whatever prey species is most readily available within the 
habitat. Juvenile eastern massasaugas also prey on small mammals, but 
feed occasionally on other species of snakes (e.g., brown snakes, 
Storeria dekayi). Neonates, born near the end of summer with a short 
active season before hibernation, feed mainly on snakes, perhaps due to 
the size of their mouth openings

[[Page 58691]]

(VanDeWalle and VanDeWalle 2008, p. 358; Shepard et al. 2004, p. 365).
    Eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (both males and females) reach 
sexual maturity at roughly 2 years of age and are ovoviviparous (the 
females give birth to broods of live young) ranging from 3 to 20 in 
number, with an average brood size of 9 but varying throughout the 
range (Anton 2000, p. 248; Bielma 1973, p. 46; Aldridge et al. 2008, p. 
404; Jellen 2005, p. 47). Both annual and biennial reproductive cycles 
have been reported (Reinert 1981, pp. 383-384; Johnson 1995, p. 109). 
Those individuals that do reproduce annually most likely mate in the 
spring and bear young in the late summer or autumn. Conversely, 
biennially reproductive females probably mate in the autumn and either 
store sperm until the following spring (Johnson 1992, p. 52) or suspend 
embryo development over winter and bear young the next summer (Prior 
1991). Mating is most prevalent in the summer or early autumn and 
occasionally in spring (Aldridge and Duvall 2002, p. 6; Aldridge et al. 
2008, p. 405; Jellen 2005, p. 41; Johnson 1995, p. 109; Johnson 2000, 
p. 189; Reinert 1981, pp. 383-384; Swanson 1933, p. 37). Male eastern 
massasaugas tend to occur in higher ratios than receptive females, 
because the most common female condition (biennial reproduction) 
essentially results in two female reproductive populations, whereas 
males can breed every year. Because of the higher ratio of males, males 
intensely compete for mates and face prolonged periods of mate 
searching, longer daily movements, and defensive female polygyny 
(having multiple mates) during the mating season (Jellen 2005, p. 9; 
Johnson 2000, p. 189).

Summary of Biological Status and Threats

    The Act directs us to determine whether any species is an 
endangered species or a threatened species because of any factors 
affecting its continued existence. We completed a comprehensive 
assessment of the biological status of the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake, and prepared the SSA report, which provides a thorough 
description of the species' overall viability. We define viability as 
the ability of the species to maintain multiple, self-sustaining 
populations across the full gradient of genetic and ecological 
diversity of the species. We used the conservation biology principles 
of resiliency, representation, and redundancy in our analysis. Briefly, 
resiliency is the ability of the species to withstand stochasticity; 
redundancy is the ability of the species to withstand catastrophic 
events; and representation is the ability of the species to adapt over 
time to long-term changes in the environment. In general, the more 
redundant, representative, and resilient a species is, the more likely 
it is to sustain populations over time, even under changing 
environmental conditions. Using these principles, we considered the 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake's needs at the individual, population, 
and species scales. We also identified the beneficial and risk factors 
influencing the species' viability. We considered the degree to which 
the species' ecological needs are met both currently and as can be 
reliably forecasted into the future, and assessed the consequences of 
any unmet needs as they relate to species viability. In this section, 
we summarize the conclusions of the SSA, which can be accessed at 
http://www.fws.gov/midwest/Endangered/ and at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R3-ES-2015-0145.
    For survival and reproduction at the individual level, the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake requires appropriate habitat, which varies 
depending on the season and its life stage (see Background section, 
above). During the winter (generally October through March), they 
occupy hibernacula, such as crayfish burrows. Intact hydrology at 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake sites is important in maintaining 
conditions, such as crayfish burrows with high enough water levels to 
support the survival of hibernating eastern massasauga rattlesnakes. 
During their active season (after they emerge from hibernacula), they 
require low canopy cover and sunny areas (intermixed with shaded areas) 
for thermoregulation (basking and retreat sites), abundant prey 
(foraging sites), and the ability to escape predators (retreat sites). 
Habitat structure, including early successional stage and low canopy 
cover, appears to be more important for eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
habitat than plant community composition or soil type. Maintaining such 
habitat structure may require periodic management of most habitat types 
occupied by the eastern massasauga rattlesnake.
    At the population level, the eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
requires sufficient population size, population growth, survivorship 
(the number of individuals that survive over time), recruitment (adding 
individuals to the population through birth or immigration), population 
structure (the number and age classes of both sexes), and size. 
Populations also require a sufficient quantity of high-quality 
microhabitats with intact hydrology and ecological processes that 
maintain suitable habitat, and connectivity among these microhabitats. 
In the SSA, a self-sustaining population of eastern massasauga 
rattlesnakes is defined as one that is demographically, genetically, 
and physiologically robust (a population with 50 or more adult females 
and a stable or increasing growth rate), with a high level of 
persistence (a probability of persistence greater than 0.9) given its 
habitat conditions and the risk or beneficial factors operating on it.
    We relied on a population-specific model developed by Faust et al. 
(2011, entire) (hereafter referred to as the Faust model) to assess the 
health of populations across the eastern massasauga rattlesnake's 
range. Faust and colleagues developed a generic, baseline model for a 
hypothetical, healthy (growing) eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
population. Using this baseline model and site-specific information, 
including population size estimate, risk factors operating at the site, 
and potential future management changes that might address those 
factors, the Faust model forecasted the future condition of 57 eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake populations over three different time spans (10, 
25, and 50 years) (for more details on the Faust model, see pp. 4-6 in 
the SSA report). We extrapolated the Faust model results and 
supplemental information gathered since 2011 to forecast the future 
conditions of the other (non-modeled; n=331) eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake populations.
    At the species level, the eastern massasauga rattlesnake requires 
multiple (redundant), self-sustaining (resilient) populations 
distributed across areas of genetic and ecological diversity 
(representative). Using the literature on distribution of genetic 
diversity across the range of this species, we identified three 
geographic ``analysis units'' corresponding to ``clumped'' genetic 
variation patterns across the eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
populations (Figure 1). A reasonable conclusion from the composite of 
genetic studies that exist (Gibbs et al. 1997, entire; Andre 2003, 
entire; Chiucchi and Gibbs 2010, entire; Ray et al. 2013, entire) is 
that there are broad-scaled genetic differences across the range of the 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake, and within these broad units, there is 
genetic diversity among populations comprising the broad units. Thus, 
we assume these genetic variation patterns represent areas of unique 
adaptive diversity. We subsequently use these analysis units (eastern, 
central, and

[[Page 58692]]

western) to structure our analysis of viability.

Species' Current Condition

    As a result of the risk factors acting on eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake populations, the resiliency of the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake across its range and within each of the three analysis 
units has declined from its historically known condition. Rangewide, 
there are 581 known historical eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
populations, of which 267 are known to still be extant, 163 are likely 
extirpated or known extirpated, and 121 are of unknown status. For the 
purposes of our assessment, we considered all populations with extant 
or unknown status as currently extant (referred to as presumed extant, 
n=388). Of those 388 populations presumed extant, 40 percent are likely 
quasi-extirpated (i.e., have 25 or fewer adult females).
    The number of presumed extant populations has declined from the 
number that was known historically rangewide by 33 percent (and 31 
percent of the presumed extant populations have unknown status). Of 
those populations presumed extant, 156 (40 percent) are presumed to be 
quasi-extirpated while 99 (26 percent) are presumed to be 
demographically, genetically, and physiologically robust (Table 1). Of 
these presumed demographically, genetically, and physiologically robust 
populations, 29 (7 percent) are presumed to have conditions suitable 
for maintaining populations over time (risk factors affecting the 
species at those populations are nonexistent or of low impact) and, 
thus, are self-sustaining. The greatest declines in resiliency occurred 
in the western analysis unit, where only 21 populations are presumed 
extant, and of these, only 1 is presumed to be self-sustaining. 
Although to a lesser degree, loss of resiliency has occurred in the 
central and eastern analysis units, where 22 and 6 populations, 
respectively, are presumed to be self-sustaining.

         Table 1--The Number of Populations by Status Rangewide
        [DGP = demographically, genetically, and physiologically]
                                                           Percentage of
                                             Number of       presumed
                 Status                     populations       extant
                                             rangewide      populations
Presumed Extant.........................             388  ..............
Quasi-extirpated........................             156              40
DGP robust (self-sustaining)............         99 (29)          26 (7)

    The degree of representation, as measured by spatial extent of 
occurrence, across the range of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, has 
declined as noted by the northeasterly contraction in the range and by 
the loss of area occupied within the analysis units (see pp. 52-55 in 
the SSA report). Overall, there has been more than a 46 percent 
reduction of extent of occurrence rangewide (Table 2). This loss has 
not been uniform, with the western analysis unit encompassing most of 
this decline (69 percent reduction in extent of occurrence in the 
western analysis unit). However, losses of 43 percent and 32 percent of 
the extent of occurrence in the central analysis unit and eastern 
analysis unit, respectively, are notable as well. The results are not a 
true measure of area occupied by the species, but rather a coarse 
evaluation to make relative comparison among years. The reasons for 
this are twofold: (1) The calculations are done at the county, rather 
than the population, level; and (2) if at least one population was 
projected to be extant, the entire county was included in the analysis, 
even if other populations in the county were projected to be 
extirpated. Assuming that loss of range equates to loss of adaptive 
diversity, the degree of representation of the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake has declined since historical conditions.

 Table 2--The Percent Reduction in Extent of Occurrence From Historical
                             to Present Day
[WAU = western analysis unit, CAU = central analysis unit, EAU = eastern
                             analysis unit]
                    Analysis unit                      Percent reduction
WAU..................................................                 69
CAU..................................................                 43
EAU..................................................                 32
Rangewide............................................                 46

[[Page 58693]]

    The redundancy of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake has also 
declined since historical conditions. Potential catastrophic events 
relevant to eastern massasauga rattlesnake populations include disease, 
flooding, and drought. We were unable to find sufficient information on 
the likelihood of disease outbreaks, the factors that affect disease 
spread, and the magnitude of impact on eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
populations to assess the risk from a catastrophic disease outbreak. 
Similarly, we were unable to assess flooding as a catastrophic risk, 
but we did consider the impacts of flooding and disease as general 
factors affecting the species in our assessment. We assess the 
vulnerability of unit-wide extirpation due to varying drought 
intensities below. Extreme fluctuations in the water table may 
negatively affect body condition for the following active season, cause 
early emergence, or cause direct mortality (Harvey and Weatherhead 
2006, p. 71; Smith 2009, pp. vii, 33, 38-39). Changes in water levels 
under certain circumstances can cause mortality to individuals, 
particularly during hibernation (Johnson et al. 2000, p. 26; Kingsbury 
2002, p. 38) when the snakes are underwater. The water in the 
hibernacula protects the eastern massasauga rattlesnake from 
dehydration and freezing, and, therefore, dropping the levels in the 
winter leaves the snakes vulnerable to both (Kingsbury 2002, p. 38; 
Moore and Gillingham 2006, p. 750; Smith 2009, p. 5). Because 
individual eastern massasauga rattlesnakes often return to the same 
hibernacula year after year, dropping water levels in hibernacula could 
potentially decimate an entire population if the majority of 
individuals in that population hibernate in the same area.
    The Drought Monitor (a weekly map of drought conditions that is 
produced jointly by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the National 
Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln) 
classifies general drought areas by intensity, with D1 being the least 
intense drought and D4 being the most intense drought. For the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake, the risk of unit-wide extirpation due to a 
catastrophic drought varies by analysis unit and by the level of 
drought considered. Experts believe drought intensities of magnitude D2 
or higher are likely to make the species more vulnerable to overwinter 
mortality and cause catastrophic impacts to eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake populations. In the central and eastern analysis units, the 
annual frequency rate for a D3 or D4 drought is zero, so there is 
little to no risk of unit-wide extirpation regardless of how broadly 
dispersed the species is within the unit. In the eastern analysis unit, 
the annual frequency rate for a D2 drought is also zero. Portions of 
the central analysis unit are at risk of a D2-level catastrophic 
drought; populations in the southern portion of the central analysis 
unit and scattered portions in the north are at risk from such a 
drought. In the western analysis unit, the risk of unit-wide 
extirpation based on the frequency of a D3 drought is low, but the risk 
of losing clusters of populations within the western analysis unit is 
notable; 5 of the 8 population clusters are vulnerable to a 
catastrophic drought. The probability of unit-wide extirpation in the 
western analysis unit is notably higher with D2 frequency rates; 7 of 
the 8 clusters of populations are at risk of D2-level catastrophic 
drought. Thus, the probability of losing most populations within the 
western analysis unit due to a catastrophic drought is high.

Assessment of Threats and Conservation Measures

    The most prominent risk factors affecting the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake include habitat loss and fragmentation, especially through 
development and vegetative succession, road mortality, hydrologic 
alternation resulting in drought or flooding, persecution, collection, 
and mortality of individuals as a result of post-emergent (after 
hibernation) prescribed fire and mowing. Habitat loss includes direct 
habitat destruction of native land types (e.g., grassland, swamp, fen, 
bog, wet prairie, sedge meadow, marshland, peatland, floodplain forest, 
coniferous forest) due to conversion to agricultural land, development, 
and infrastructure associated with development (roads, bridges). 
Because eastern massasauga rattlesnake habitat varies seasonally and 
also varies over its range, the destruction of even a portion of a 
population's habitat (e.g., hibernacula or gestational sites) causes a 
negative effect to individual snakes, thus reducing the numbers of 
individuals in a population and, in turn, reducing the viability of 
that population. Habitat is also lost due to fragmentation, succession, 
exotic species invasion, dam construction, fire suppression, water 
level manipulation, and other incompatible habitat modifications 
(Jellen 2005, p. 33). These non-development-related habitat losses 
continue even in publicly held areas protected from development.
    Vegetative succession is a major contributor to habitat loss 
(Johnson and Breisch 1993, pp. 50-53; Reinert and Buskar 1992, pp. 56-
58). The open vegetative structure, typical of eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake habitat, provides the desirable thermoregulatory areas, 
increases prey densities by enhancing the growth of sedges and grasses, 
and provides retreat sites. Degradation of eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake habitat typically happens through woody vegetation 
encroachment or the introduction of nonnative plant species. These 
events alter the structure of the habitat and make it unsuitable for 
the eastern massasauga rattlesnake by reducing and eventually 
eliminating thermoregulatory and retreat areas. Fire suppression has 
led to the widespread loss of open canopy habitats through succession 
(Kingsbury 2002, p. 37). Alteration in habitat structure and quality 
can also affect eastern massasauga rattlesnakes by reducing the forage 
for the species' prey base (Kingsbury 2002, p. 37).
    An effective tool for controlling vegetative succession is the use 
of prescribed fire, which kills or temporarily sets back the growth of 
woody vegetation, retards the growth of undesirable species, and 
stimulates the response of prairie species (Johnson et al. 2000, p. 
25). Mowing and herbicide application are two additional strategies, 
often used in conjunction with prescribed burning, to control woody 
vegetation and invasive species encroachment. However, direct mortality 
of snakes can result from exposure to fire or mowers, if these 
activities occur when the snakes are out of their hibernacula (post-
emergent fire) (Cross 2009, pp. 18, 19, 24; Cross et al. 2015, p. 355; 
Dreslik 2005, p. 180; Dreslik et al. 2011, p. 22; Durbian 2006, p. 
    Roads, bridges, and other structures constructed in eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake habitat fragment the snakes' habitat and impact 
the species both through direct mortality as snakes are killed trying 
to cross these structures (Shepard et al. 2008b, p. 6), as well as 
indirectly through the loss of access to habitat components necessary 
for the survival of the snakes.
    Because of the fear and negative perception of snakes, many people 
have a low interest in snakes or their conservation and consequently 
large numbers of snakes are deliberately killed (Whitaker and Shine 
2000, p. 121; Alves et al. 2014, p. 2). Human-snake encounters 
frequently result in the death of the snake (Whitaker and Shine 2000, 
pp. 125-126). Given the species' site fidelity and ease of capture once 
located, the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is particularly susceptible 

[[Page 58694]]

collection. Poaching and unauthorized collection of the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake for the pet trade is a factor contributing to 
declines that has significant impact on this species (e.g., Jellen 
2005, p. 11; Baily et al. 2011, p. 171).
    Assessing the occurrence of the above-mentioned risk factors, we 
found that 97 percent of the presumed extant eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake populations have at least one risk factor (with some degree 
of impact on the species) currently affecting the site. Unmanaged 
vegetative succession is the most commonly occurring risk factor, with 
75 percent of sites being impacted by succession. Vegetative succession 
makes eastern massasauga rattlesnake habitat unsuitable by reducing or 
eliminating thermoregulatory and retreat areas. Post-emergent fire is 
the second most common risk factor (69 percent of sites), and 
fragmentation is the third most common factor (67 percent of sites). 
Some form of habitat loss or modification is occurring at 52 percent of 
the sites; 17 percent of these sites are at risk of total habitat loss 
(all habitat at the site being destroyed or becoming unusable by the 
species). Among the other risk factors considered, water fluctuation, 
collection or persecution, and road mortality occur at 38 percent, 35 
percent, and 15 percent of the sites, respectively.
    We also considered the magnitude of impact of the various risk 
factors. The Faust model indicates that the risk factors most likely to 
push a population to quasi-extirpation within 25 years (high magnitude 
risk factors) are late-stage vegetative succession, high habitat 
fragmentation, moderate habitat fragmentation, total habitat loss, and 
moderate habitat loss or modification. Our analysis shows that 84 
percent of eastern massasauga rattlesnake populations are impacted by 
at least one high magnitude risk factor, and 63 percent are affected by 
multiple high magnitude risk factors. These risk factors are chronic 
and are expected to continue with a similar magnitude of impact into 
the future, unless ameliorated by increased implementation of 
conservation actions. Furthermore, these multiple factors are not 
acting independently, but are acting together, which can result in 
cumulative effects that lower the overall viability of the species.
    In addition to the above risk factors, other factors may be 
affecting individuals. Disease (whether new or currently existing at 
low levels but increasing in prevalence) is another emerging and 
potentially catastrophic stressor to eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
populations. For example, snake fungal disease (SFD) is an emerging 
disease found in populations of wild snakes in the eastern and 
midwestern United States, and the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is one 
of the species that has recently been diagnosed with SFD (Sleeman 2013, 
p. 1; Allender et al. 2011, p. 2383). However, we do not have 
sufficient information on the emergence and future spread of SFD or 
other diseases to reliably model this stressor for forecasting future 
conditions for the rattlesnake. Our quantitative modeling analysis also 
does not consider two other prominent risk factors, road mortality and 
persecution, due to a lack of specific information on the magnitude of 
impacts from these factors. Additionally, this species is vulnerable to 
the effects of climate change through increasing intensity of winter 
droughts and increasing risk of summer floods, particularly in the 
southwest part of its range (Pomara et al., undated; Pomara et al. 
2014, pp. 95-97). Thus, while we acknowledge and considered that 
disease, road mortality, persecution/collection, and climate changes 
are factors that affect the species, and which may increase or 
exacerbate existing threats in the future, our viability assessment 
does not include a quantitative analysis of these stressors.
    Of the 267 sites with extant eastern massasauga populations, 64 
percent (171) occur on land (public and private) that is considered 
protected from development; development may result in loss or 
fragmentation of habitat. Signed candidate conservation agreements with 
assurances (CCAAs) with the Service exist for two of these populations. 
These CCAAs include actions to mediate the stressors acting upon the 
populations and provide management prescriptions to perpetuate eastern 
massasauga rattlesnakes on these sites. For example, at an additional 
22 sites, habitat restoration or management, or both, is occurring. 
Information is not available for these sites to know if habitat 
management has mediated the current risk factors acting upon the 
populations; the Faust model, however, included these activities in the 
projections of trends, and, thus, our future condition analyses 
considered these activities and assumed that ongoing restoration would 
continue into the future. Lastly, another 18 populations have 
conservation plans in place. Although these plans are intended to 
manage for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, sufficient site-specific 
information is not available to assess whether these restoration or 
management activities are currently ameliorating the stressors acting 
upon the population. Thus, we were unable to include the potential 
beneficial impacts into our quantitative analyses.

Species' Projected Future Condition

    To assess the future resiliency, representation, and redundancy of 
the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, we used the Faust model results to 
predict the number of self-sustaining populations likely to persist 
over the next 10, 25, and 50 years, and extrapolated those proportions 
to the remaining presumed extant populations to forecast the number of 
self-sustaining populations likely to persist at the future time 
scales. We then predicted the change in representation and redundancy.
    The projected future resiliency (the number of self-sustaining 
populations) varies across the eastern massasauga rattlesnake's range. 
In the western analysis unit, 83 percent of the modeled populations are 
projected to have a declining trajectory and 94 percent of the 
populations a low probability of persistence (i.e., the probability of 
remaining above the quasi-extirpated threshold of 25 adult females; 
p(P)<0.90) by year 25, and, thus, the number of forecasted populations 
likely to be extant declines over time. By year 50, 17 of the 21 
presumed extant populations are projected to be extirpated (i.e., no 
individuals remain; n=15) or quasi-extirpated (n=2), with only 1 
population projected to be self-sustaining. The resiliency of the 
western analysis unit is forecasted to decline over time. The situation 
is similar in the central and eastern analysis units, but to a lesser 
degree. In the central analysis unit, 70 percent of the modeled 
populations are projected to have a declining trajectory and 78 percent 
a low probability of persistence, and thus, by year 50, 196 of the 294 
presumed extant populations are projected to be extirpated (n=174) or 
quasi-extirpated (n=22), and 54 populations to be self-sustaining. In 
the eastern analysis unit, 83 percent of the modeled populations are 
projected to have a declining trajectory and 92 percent of the 
populations are projected to have a low probability of persistence, 
and, thus, by year 50, 61 of the 73 presumed extant populations are 
projected to be extirpated (n=55) or quasi-extirpated (n=6), and 6 to 
be self-sustaining. Rangewide, 61 (16 percent) of the 388 populations 
that are currently presumed to be extant will be self-sustaining by 
year 50.
    We calculated the future extent of occurrence (representation) for 
the 57 modeled populations (Faust model) and

[[Page 58695]]

for the populations forecasted to persist at years 10, 25, and 50 by 
using the counties occupied by populations to evaluate the proportions 
of the range falling within each analysis unit and the change in 
spatial distribution within each analysis unit. Our results indicate 
that eastern massasauga rattlesnake populations are likely to persist 
in all three analysis units; however, the distribution of the range is 
predicted to contract northeasterly, and the geographic area occupied 
will decline within each analysis unit over time. The results project a 
65 percent reduction of the area occupied by the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake rangewide by year 50, with the western analysis unit 
comprising most of the decline (83 percent reduction within the unit). 
These projected declines in extent of occurrence across the species' 
range and within the analysis units suggest that loss of adaptive 
diversity is likely to occur.
    We assessed the ability of eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
populations to withstand catastrophic events (redundancy) by predicting 
the number of self-sustaining populations in each analysis unit and the 
spatial dispersion of those populations relative to future drought 
    The future redundancy (the number and spatial dispersion of self-
sustaining populations) across the eastern massasauga rattlesnake's 
range varies. In the western analysis unit, the risk of analysis-unit-
wide extirpations from either a D2 or D3 catastrophic drought is high, 
given the low number of populations forecasted to be extant. Coupling 
this with a likely concurrent decline in population clusters (reduced 
spatial dispersion), the risk of analysis-unit-wide extirpation is 
likely even higher. Thus, the level of redundancy in the western 
analysis unit is projected to decline into the future.
    Conversely, in the eastern analysis unit, there is little to no 
risk of a D2- or D3-level drought, and consequently the probability of 
unit-wide extirpation due to a catastrophic drought is very low. Thus, 
redundancy, from a catastrophic drought perspective, is not expected to 
decline over time in the eastern analysis unit.
    Similarly, in the central analysis unit, there is little to no risk 
of a D3 catastrophic drought. The southern and northern portions of the 
central analysis unit, however, are at risk of a D2-level catastrophic 
drought. Losses of populations in these areas may lead to portions of 
the central analysis unit being extirpated and will also increase the 
probability of analysis-unit-wide extirpation. However, the risk of 
analysis-unit-wide extirpation will likely remain low given the 
presumed persistence of multiple populations scattered throughout low 
drought risk areas. Thus, from a drought perspective, the level of 
redundancy is not likely to be noticeably reduced in the central 
analysis unit (see Figure 4.3 (p. 60) in the SSA report for a detailed 
map). A caveat to this conclusion, however, is that the forecasted 
decline in extent of occurrence suggests our data are too coarse to 
tease out whether the forecasted decline in populations will lead to 
substantial losses in spatial distribution, and, thus, the risk of 
analysis-unit-wide extirpation might be higher than predicted. 
Therefore, the future trend in the level of redundancy in the central 
analysis unit is less clear than for either the western analysis unit 
or the eastern analysis unit.
    Given the loss of populations to date, portions of the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake's range are in imminent risk of extirpation in 
the near term. Specifically, our analysis suggests there is a high risk 
of extirpation of the western analysis unit and southern portions of 
the central and eastern analysis units within 10 to 25 years. Although 
self-sustaining populations are expected to persist, loss of 
populations within the central and eastern analysis units are expected 
to continue as well, and, thus, those populations are at risk of 
extirpation in the future. These losses have led to reductions in 
resiliency and redundancy across the range and may lead to 
irreplaceable loss of adaptive diversity across the range of the 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake, thereby leaving the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake less able to adapt to a changing environment into the 
future. Thus, the viability of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake has 
and is projected to continue to decline over the next 50 years.
    The reader is directed to the SSA for a more detailed discussion of 
our evaluation of the biological status of the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake and the influences that may affect its continued existence. 
Our conclusions are based upon the best available scientific and 
commercial data.


Standard for Review

    Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533), and its implementing 
regulations at 50 CFR part 424, set forth the procedures for adding 
species to the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and 
Plants. Under section 4(a)(1) of the Act, we may list a species based 
on (A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) overutilization for 
commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes; (C) 
disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of existing regulatory 
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors affecting its 
continued existence. Listing actions may be warranted based on any of 
the above threat factors, singly or in combination.
    Until recently, the Service has presented its evaluation of 
information under the five listing factors in an outline format, 
discussing all of the information relevant to any given factor and 
providing a factor-specific conclusion before moving to the next 
factor. However, the Act does not require findings under each of the 
factors, only an overall determination as to status (e.g., threatened, 
endangered, not warranted). Ongoing efforts to improve the efficiency 
and efficacy of the Service's implementation of the Act have led us to 
present this information in a different format that we believe leads to 
greater clarity in our understanding of the science, its uncertainties, 
and the application of our statutory framework to that science. 
Therefore, while the presentation of information in this rule differs 
from past practice, it differs in format only. We have evaluated the 
same body of information that we would have evaluated under the five 
listing factors outline format, we are applying the same information 
standard, and we are applying the same statutory framework in reaching 
our conclusions.


    We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial data 
available regarding the past, present, and future threats to the 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake and how those threats are affecting the 
species now and into the future. The species faces an array of threats 
that have and will likely continue (often increasingly) to contribute 
to declines at all levels (individual, population, and species). The 
loss of habitat was historically, and continues to be, the threat with 
greatest impact to the species (Factor A), either through development 
or through changes in habitat structure due to vegetative succession. 
Disease, new or increasingly prevalent, is another emerging and 
potentially catastrophic threat to eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
populations (Factor C). As population sizes decrease, localized 
impacts, such as collection and persecution of individuals, also 
increases the risk of extinction (Factor B). These risk factors are 
chronic and are expected to

[[Page 58696]]

continue with a similar magnitude of impact into the future. 
Additionally, this species is vulnerable to the effects of climate 
change through increasing intensity of winter droughts and increasing 
risk of summer floods (Factor E), particularly in the southwest part of 
its range (Pomera et al., undated; Pomera et al. 2014, pp. 95-97). Some 
conservation actions (e.g., management of invasive species and woody 
plant encroachment, timing prescribed fires to avoid the active season) 
are currently in place, which provide protection and enhancement to 
some eastern massasauga rattlesnake populations. However, our analysis 
projects that eastern massasauga rattlesnake populations will continue 
to decline even if current conservation measures are continued into the 
future. As a result of these factors, the numbers and health of eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake populations are anticipated to decline across 
the species' range, and particularly in the southwestern portions of 
the range, which have already experienced large losses relative to 
historical conditions. Further, the reductions in eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake population numbers, distribution, and health forecast in 
the SSA report represent the best case scenario for the species, and 
future outcomes may be worse than predicted. Because of the type of 
information available to us, the analysis assumes that threat magnitude 
and pervasiveness remains constant into the future, while it is more 
likely that the magnitude of threats will increase into the future 
throughout the range of the species, or that novel threats may arise. 
In addition, some currently identified threats are not included in the 
quantitative analysis (e.g., disease, road mortality, persecution/
collection, and climate changes), because we lack specific, 
quantitative information on how these factors may affect the species in 
the future. These factors and their potential effects on the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake were discussed and considered as part of the 
    The species' viability is also affected by losses of populations 
from historical portions of its range, which may have represented 
unique genetic and ecological diversity. The species is extirpated from 
Minnesota and Missouri, and many populations have been lost in the 
western part of the species' range. Rangewide, the extent of occurrence 
is predicted to decline by 65 percent by year 50. Actual losses in 
extent of occurrence will likely be greater than estimated because of 
the methodology used in our analysis, as discussed above.
    The Act defines an endangered species as any species that is ``in 
danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its 
range'' and a threatened species as any species that is ``likely to 
become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout 
all or a significant portion of its range.'' A key statutory difference 
between an endangered species and a threatened species is the timing of 
when a species may be in danger of extinction, either now (endangered 
species) or in the foreseeable future (threatened species). Based on 
the biology of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake and the degree of 
uncertainty of future predictions, we find that the ``foreseeable 
future'' for the species is best defined as 50 years. Forecasting to 50 
years, the current threats are still reliably foreseeable at the end of 
that time span based on models, available information on threats 
impacting the species, and other analyses; however, we cannot 
reasonably predict future conditions for the species beyond 50 years. 
Our uncertainty in forecasting the status of the species beyond 50 
years is also increased by our methodology of extrapolating from a 
subset of modeled populations to all extant or potentially extant 
    We find that the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is likely to become 
endangered throughout its entire range within the foreseeable future 
based on the severity and pervasiveness of threats currently impacting 
the species. We find that the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is likely 
to be on the brink of extinction within the foreseeable future due to 
the projected loss of populations rangewide (loss of resiliency and 
redundancy) and the projected loss of its distribution within large 
portions of its range. This loss in distribution could represent a loss 
of genetic and ecological adaptive diversity, as well as a loss of 
populations from parts of the range that may provide future refugia in 
a changing climate. Furthermore, many remaining populations are 
currently experiencing high magnitude threats. Although these high 
magnitude threats are not currently pervasive rangewide, they are 
likely to become pervasive in the foreseeable future as they expand and 
impact additional populations throughout the species' range. Therefore, 
on the basis of the best available scientific and commercial data, we 
propose listing the eastern massasauga rattlesnake as a threatened 
species in accordance with sections 3(20) and 4(a)(1) of the Act.
    We find that an endangered species status is not appropriate for 
the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. In assessing whether the species is 
in danger of extinction, we used the plain language understanding of 
this phrase as meaning ``presently in danger of extinction.'' We 
considered whether extinction is a plausible condition as the result of 
the established, present condition of the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake. Based on the species' present condition, we find that the 
species is not currently on the brink of extinction. The timeframe for 
conditions that render the species on the brink of extinction is beyond 
the present. While the magnitude of threats affecting populations is 
high, threats are not acting at all sites at a sufficient magnitude to 
result in the species presently being on the brink of extinction. 
Additionally, some robust populations still exist, and we anticipate 
they will remain self-sustaining.
    The SSA results represent the best-case scenario for this species. 
For example, the analysis treated populations of unknown status as if 
they were all extant, likely resulting in an overestimate of species' 
viability. Thus, we considered whether treating the populations with an 
``unknown'' status as currently extant in the analysis had an effect on 
the status determination. We examined whether the number of self-
sustaining populations would change significantly over time if we 
instead assumed that all populations with an ``unknown'' status were 
extirpated. The results are a more severe projected decline in eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake's status than our analysis projects when we 
assign the unknown status populations to the ``extant'' category, but 
not to the extent that we would determine the species to be currently 
in danger of extinction.
    Under the Act and our implementing regulations, a species may 
warrant listing if it is an endangered or threatened species throughout 
all or a significant portion of its range. Because we have determined 
that eastern massasauga rattlesnake is threatened throughout all of its 
range, no portion of its range can be ``significant'' for purposes of 
the definitions of ``endangered species'' and ``threatened species.'' 
See the Final Policy on Interpretation of the Phrase ``Significant 
Portion of Its Range'' in the Endangered Species Act's Definitions of 
``Endangered Species'' and ``Threatened Species'' (79 FR 37578; July 1, 

[[Page 58697]]

Critical Habitat

Prudency Determination

    Critical habitat is defined in section 3(5)(A) of the Act as: (i) 
The specific areas within the geographic area occupied by a species, at 
the time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found 
those physical or biological features (I) Essential to the conservation 
of the species and (II) that may require special management 
considerations or protection; and (ii) specific areas outside the 
geographic area occupied by a species at the time it is listed, upon a 
determination that such areas are essential for the conservation of the 
    Conservation is defined in section 3(3) of the Act as the use of 
all methods and procedures that are necessary to bring any endangered 
or threatened species to the point at which listing under the Act is no 
longer necessary.
    Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as amended, and implementing 
regulations (50 CFR 424.12), require that, to the maximum extent 
prudent and determinable, we designate critical habitat at the time the 
species is determined to be an endangered or threatened species. Our 
regulations (50 CFR 424.12(a)(1)) state that the designation of 
critical habitat is not prudent when one or both of the following 
circumstances exist: (1) The species is threatened by taking or other 
human activity, and identification of critical habitat can be expected 
to increase the degree of threat to the species, or (2) such 
designation of critical habitat would not be beneficial to the species. 
We have determined that both circumstances apply to the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake. This determination involves a weighing of the 
expected increase in threats associated with a critical habitat 
designation against the benefits gained by a critical habitat 
designation. An explanation of this ``balancing'' evaluation follows.
Increased Threat to the Taxon by Designating Critical Habitat
    Poaching and unauthorized collection (Factor B) of the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake for the pet trade is a factor contributing to 
declines, and remains a threat with significant impact to this species, 
commanding high black market value. For example, an investigation into 
reptile trafficking reports documented 35 eastern massasauga 
rattlesnakes (representing nearly one entire wild source population) 
collected in Canada and smuggled into the United States, most destined 
for the pet trade (Thomas 2010, unpaginated). Snakes in general are 
known to be feared and persecuted by people, and venomous species even 
more so (Ohman and Mineka 2003, p. 7; Whitaker and Shine 2000, p. 121). 
As a venomous snake, the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is no 
exception, with examples of roundups or bounties for them persisting 
through the mid-1900s (Bushey 1985, p. 10; Vogt 1981; Wheeling, IL, 
Historical Society Web site accessed 2015), and more recent examples of 
persecution in Pennsylvania (Jellen 2005, p. 11) and Michigan (Baily et 
al. 2011, p. 171). The process of designating critical habitat would 
increase human threats to the eastern massasauga rattlesnake by 
increasing the vulnerability of this species to unauthorized collection 
and trade through public disclosure of its locations. Designation of 
critical habitat requires the publication of maps and a specific 
narrative description of critical habitat in the Federal Register. The 
degree of detail in those maps and boundary descriptions is far greater 
than the general location descriptions provided in this proposal to 
list the species as a threatened species. Furthermore, a critical 
habitat designation normally results in the news media publishing 
articles in local newspapers and special interest Web sites, usually 
with maps of the critical habitat. We have determined that the 
publication of maps and descriptions outlining the locations of this 
species would further facilitate unauthorized collection and trade, as 
collectors would know the exact locations where eastern massasauga 
rattlesnakes occur. While eastern massasauga rattlesnakes are cryptic 
in coloration, they can still be collected in high numbers during 
certain parts of their active seasons (e.g., spring egress from 
hibernation or summer gestation). Also, individuals of this species are 
often slow moving and have small home ranges. Therefore, publishing 
specific location information would provide a high level of assurance 
that any person going to a specific location would be able to 
successfully locate and collect specimens, given the species' site 
fidelity and ease of capture once located. Due to the threat of 
unauthorized collection and trade, a number of biologists working for 
State and local conservation agencies that manage populations of 
eastern massasauga rattlesnakes have expressed to the Service serious 
concerns with publishing maps and boundary descriptions of occupied 
habitat areas that could be associated with critical habitat 
designation (Redmer 2015, pers. comm.). In addition, when providing us 
with data on the current status of populations across the range of the 
species, one State agency redacted site-specific information, while 
others who provided the information expressed strong concerns that we 
should not disclose sensitive locality information. We, therefore, find 
that designating critical habitat could negate the efforts of State and 
local conservation agencies to restrict access to location information 
that could significantly affect future efforts to control the threat of 
unauthorized collection and trade of eastern massasauga rattlesnakes.
Benefits to the Species From Critical Habitat Designation
    Section 7(a)(2) of the Act requires Federal agencies, including the 
Service, to ensure that actions they fund, authorize, or carry out are 
not likely to destroy or adversely modify critical habitat. Under the 
statutory provisions of the Act, we determine destruction or adverse 
modification on the basis of whether, with implementation of the 
proposed Federal action, the affected critical habitat would remain 
functional (or retain those physical and biological features that 
relate to the ability of the area to periodically support the species) 
to serve its intended conservation role for the species. Critical 
habitat only provides protections where there is a Federal nexus, that 
is, those actions that come under the purview of section 7 of the Act. 
Critical habitat designation has no application to actions that do not 
have a Federal nexus. Section 7(a)(2) of the Act mandates that Federal 
agencies, in consultation with the Service, evaluate the effects of 
their proposed actions on any designated critical habitat. Similar to 
the Act's requirement that a Federal agency action not jeopardize the 
continued existence of listed species, Federal agencies have the 
responsibility not to implement actions that would destroy or adversely 
modify designated critical habitat. Critical habitat designation alone, 
however, does not require that a Federal action agency implement 
specific steps toward species recovery. Eastern massasauga rattlesnakes 
primarily occur on non-Federal lands. The eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake does occur on land managed by the Service (Wisconsin), 
National Park Service (Indiana), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Illinois 
and Wisconsin), and U.S. Forest Service (Michigan). We anticipate that 
some actions on non-Federal lands will have a Federal nexus (for 
example, requirement for a permit to discharge dredge and fill material 
from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) for an action that may adversely 

[[Page 58698]]

the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. There is also the potential that 
some proposed actions by the Federal agencies listed above may 
adversely affect the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. In those 
circumstances where it has been determined that a Federal action 
(including actions involving non-Federal lands) may affect the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake, the action would be reviewed under section 
7(a)(2) of the Act. We anticipate that the following Federal actions 
are some of the actions that could adversely affect the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake: certain direct or indirect (e.g., funded 
through Federal grants) habitat management activities such as post-
emergent mowing or prescribed fire, regional flood control activities, 
or discharging fill material (or associated activities) into 
jurisdictional waters of the United States. Under section 7(a)(2) of 
the Act, project impacts would be analyzed and the Service would 
determine if the Federal action would jeopardize the continued 
existence of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. The designation of 
critical habitat would ensure that a Federal action would not result in 
the destruction or adverse modification of the designated critical 
habitat. Consultation with respect to critical habitat would provide 
additional protection to a species only if the agency action would 
result in the destruction or adverse modification of the critical 
habitat but would not jeopardize the continued existence of the 
species. If we list the species but do not designate critical habitat, 
areas that support the eastern massasauga rattlesnake would continue to 
be subject to conservation actions implemented under section 7(a)(1) of 
the Act and to the regulatory protections afforded by the section 
7(a)(2) jeopardy standard, as appropriate. If we list the species, 
Federal actions affecting the eastern massasauga rattlesnake even in 
the absence of designated critical habitat areas would still benefit 
from consultation pursuant to section 7(a)(2) of the Act and could 
still result in jeopardy findings.
    Another potential benefit to the eastern massasauga rattlesnake 
from designating critical habitat is that such a designation serves to 
educate landowners, State and local governments, and the public 
regarding the potential conservation value of an area. Generally, 
providing this information helps focus and promote conservation efforts 
by other parties by clearly delineating areas of high conservation 
value for the affected species. However, simply publicizing the 
proposed listing of the species also serves to notify and educate 
landowners, State and local governments, and the public regarding 
important conservation values. Furthermore, we have worked with State 
conservation agencies and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums 
(Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Species Survival Plan) to develop 
outreach and education materials that target a diverse audience, 
including public and private landowners, organizations, and the media. 
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake outreach actions implemented to date 
include producing and distributing brochures and informational Web 
sites, working with media outlets (newspaper and television) on eastern 
massasauga stories, and giving presentations to conservation agencies 
or the public. In addition, the Service provides a staff advisor to the 
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Species Survival Plan, which provides a 
unique opportunity to help frame messaging about this species to many 
thousands of visitors to North American zoos. Due to the extensive 
outreach and conservation efforts already underway that benefit the 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake, we find that the designation of 
critical habitat would provide limited additional outreach value.
Increased Threat to the Species Outweighs the Benefits of Critical 
Habitat Designation
    Upon reviewing the available information, we have determined that 
the designation of critical habitat would increase the threat to 
eastern massasauga rattlesnakes from persecution, unauthorized 
collection, and trade. We find that the risk of increasing this threat 
to a significant degree by publishing location information in a 
critical habitat designation outweighs the benefits of designating 
critical habitat. A limited number of U.S. species listed under the Act 
have commercial value in trade. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake is 
one of them. Due to the market demand and willingness of individuals to 
collect eastern massasauga rattlesnakes without authorization, and the 
willingness of others to kill them out of fear or wanton dislike, we 
have determined that any action that publicly discloses the location of 
eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (such as critical habitat) puts the 
species in further peril. Many populations of the eastern massasauga 
rattlesnake are small, and the life history of the species makes it 
vulnerable to additive loss of individuals (for example, loss of 
reproductive adults in numbers that would exceed those caused by 
predation and other non-catastrophic natural factors), requiring a 
focused and comprehensive approach to reducing threats. Several 
measures are currently being implemented to address the threat of 
persecution and unauthorized collection and trade of eastern massasauga 
rattlesnakes, and additional measures will be implemented if the 
species is listed under the Act. One of the basic measures to protect 
eastern massasauga rattlesnakes from unauthorized collection and trade 
is restricting access to information pertaining to the location of the 
species' populations. Publishing maps and narrative descriptions of 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake critical habitat would significantly 
affect our ability to reduce the threat of persecution, as well as 
unauthorized collection and trade. Therefore, based on our 
determination that critical habitat designation would increase the 
degree of threat to the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, and, at best, 
provide nominal benefits for this taxon, we find that the increased 
threat to the eastern massasauga rattlesnake from the designation of 
critical habitat significantly outweighs any benefit of designation.
Summary of Prudency Determination
    We have determined that the designation of critical habitat would 
increase persecution, unauthorized collection, and trade threats to the 
eastern massasauga rattlesnake. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake is 
highly valued in the pet trade, and that value is likely to increase as 
the species becomes rarer, and as a venomous species, it also is the 
target of persecution. Critical habitat designation may provide some 
benefits to the conservation of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, for 
example, by identifying areas important for conservation. We have 
determined, however, that the benefits of designating critical habitat 
for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake are minimal. We have concluded 
that, even if some benefit from designation may exist, the increased 
threat to the species from unauthorized collection and persecution 
outweighs any benefit to the species. A determination to not designate 
critical habitat also supports the measures taken by the States to 
control and restrict information on the locations of the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake and to no longer make location and survey 
information readily available to the public. We have, therefore, 
determined in accordance with 50 CFR 424.12(a)(1) that it is not 
prudent to designate critical habitat for

[[Page 58699]]

the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. However, we seek public comment on 
our determination that designation of critical habitat is not prudent 
(see ADDRESSES, above, for instructions on how to submit comments).

Available Conservation Measures

    Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
threatened species under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
practices. Recognition through listing results in public awareness, and 
conservation by Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies, private 
organizations, and individuals. The Act encourages cooperation with the 
States and other countries and calls for recovery actions to be carried 
out for listed species. The protection required by Federal agencies and 
the prohibitions against certain activities are discussed, in part, 
    The primary purpose of the Act is the conservation of endangered 
and threatened species and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The 
ultimate goal of such conservation efforts is the recovery of these 
listed species, so that they no longer need the protective measures of 
the Act. Subsection 4(f) of the Act calls for the Service to develop 
and implement recovery plans for the conservation of endangered and 
threatened species. The recovery planning process involves the 
identification of actions that are necessary to halt or reverse the 
species' decline by addressing the threats to its survival and 
recovery. The goal of this process is to restore listed species to a 
point where they are secure, self-sustaining, and functioning 
components of their ecosystems.
    Recovery planning includes the development of a recovery outline 
concurrently or shortly after a species is listed and preparation of a 
draft and final recovery plan. The recovery outline guides the 
immediate implementation of urgent recovery actions and describes the 
process to be used to develop a recovery plan. Revisions of the plan 
may be done to address continuing or new threats to the species, as new 
substantive information becomes available. The recovery plan also 
identifies recovery criteria for review of when a species may be ready 
for downlisting or delisting, and methods for monitoring recovery 
progress. Recovery plans also establish a framework for agencies to 
coordinate their recovery efforts and provide estimates of the cost of 
implementing recovery tasks. Recovery teams (composed of species 
experts, Federal and State agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and 
stakeholders) are often established to develop recovery plans. When 
completed, the recovery outline, draft recovery plan, and the final 
recovery plan will be available on our Web site (http://www.fws.gov/endangered), or from our Chicago Ecological Services Field Office (see 
    Implementation of recovery actions generally requires the 
participation of a broad range of partners, including other Federal 
agencies, States, Tribes, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, 
and private landowners. Examples of recovery actions include habitat 
restoration (e.g., restoration of native vegetation) and management, 
research, captive propagation and reintroduction, and outreach and 
education. The recovery of many listed species cannot be accomplished 
solely on Federal lands because their range may occur primarily or 
solely on non-Federal lands. To achieve recovery of these species 
requires cooperative conservation efforts on private, State, and Tribal 
lands. If this species is listed, funding for recovery actions will be 
available from a variety of sources, including Federal budgets, State 
programs, and cost share grants for non-Federal landowners, the 
academic community, and nongovernmental organizations. In addition, 
pursuant to section 6 of the Act, the States of Illinois, Indiana, 
Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and 
Wisconsin would be eligible for Federal funds to implement management 
actions that promote the protection or recovery of the eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake. Information on our grant programs that are 
available to aid species recovery can be found at: http://www.fws.gov/grants.
    Although the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is only proposed for 
listing under the Act at this time, please let us know if you are 
interested in participating in recovery efforts for this species. 
Additionally, we invite you to submit any new information on this 
species whenever it becomes available and any information you may have 
for recovery planning purposes (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
    Section 7(a) of the Act requires Federal agencies to evaluate their 
actions with respect to any species that is proposed or listed as an 
endangered or threatened species and with respect to its critical 
habitat, if any is designated. Regulations implementing this 
interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR 
part 402. Section 7(a)(4) of the Act requires Federal agencies to 
confer with the Service on any action that is likely to jeopardize the 
continued existence of a species proposed for listing or result in 
destruction or adverse modification of proposed critical habitat. If a 
species is listed subsequently, section 7(a)(2) of the Act requires 
Federal agencies to ensure that activities they authorize, fund, or 
carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the 
species or destroy or adversely modify its critical habitat. If a 
Federal action may affect a listed species or its critical habitat, the 
responsible Federal agency must enter into consultation with the 
    Federal agency actions within the species' habitat that may require 
conference or consultation or both as described in the preceding 
paragraph include management and any other landscape-altering 
activities on Federal lands administered by the Service (Upper 
Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Wisconsin), U.S. Forest 
Service (Huron-Manistee National Forest, Michigan), National Park 
Service (Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana), or military lands 
administered by branches of the Department of Defense (Fort Grayling, 
Michigan); flood control projects (Lake Carlyle, Illinois) and issuance 
of section 404 Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) permits by the 
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; construction and maintenance of roads or 
highways by the Federal Highway Administration; construction and 
maintenance of pipelines or rights-of-way for transmission of 
electricity, and other energy related projects permitted or 
administered by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
    Under section 4(d) of the Act, the Service has discretion to issue 
regulations that we find necessary and advisable to provide for the 
conservation of threatened species. The Act and its implementing 
regulations set forth a series of general prohibitions and exceptions 
that apply to threatened wildlife. The prohibitions of section 9(a)(1) 
of the Act, as applied to threatened wildlife and codified at 50 CFR 
17.31, make it illegal for any person subject to the jurisdiction of 
the United States to take (including harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, 
wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect; or to attempt any of these) 
threatened wildlife within the United States or on the high seas. In 
addition, it is unlawful to import; export; deliver, receive, carry, 
transport, or ship in interstate or foreign commerce in the course of 
commercial activity; or sell or offer for sale in interstate or foreign 
commerce any listed species. It is also illegal to

[[Page 58700]]

possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, or ship any such wildlife 
that has been taken illegally. Certain exceptions apply to employees of 
the Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service, other Federal land 
management agencies, and State conservation agencies.
    We may issue permits to carry out otherwise prohibited activities 
involving threatened wildlife under certain circumstances. Regulations 
governing permits are codified at 50 CFR 17.32. With regard to 
threatened wildlife, a permit may be issued for the following purposes: 
For scientific purposes, to enhance the propagation or survival of the 
species, for economic hardship, for zoological exhibition, for 
educational purposes, and for incidental take in connection with 
otherwise lawful activities. There are also certain statutory 
exemptions from the prohibitions, which are found in sections 9 and 10 
of the Act.
    It is our policy, as published in the Federal Register on July 1, 
1994 (59 FR 34272), to identify to the maximum extent practicable at 
the time a species is listed, those activities that would or would not 
constitute a violation of section 9 of the Act. The intent of this 
policy is to increase public awareness of the effect of a proposed 
listing on proposed and ongoing activities within the range of the 
species proposed for listing. Based on the best available information, 
the following actions are unlikely to result in a violation of section 
9, if these activities are carried out in accordance with existing 
regulations and permit requirements; this list is not comprehensive:
    (1) Pre-emergent fire: Prescribed burns to control vegetation 
occurring prior to eastern massasauga rattlesnake emergence from 
hibernacula (typically in late March to early April); and
    (2) Pre-emergent mowing: Mowing of vegetation prior to eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake emergence from hibernacula.
    Based on the best available information, the following activities 
may potentially result in a violation of section 9 of the Act; this 
list is not comprehensive:
    (1) Development of land or the conversion of native land to 
agricultural land, including the construction of any related 
infrastructure (e.g., roads, bridges, railroads, pipelines, utilities) 
in occupied eastern massasauga rattlesnake habitat;
    (2) Certain dam construction: In an area where the dam alters the 
habitat from native land types (e.g., grassland, swamp, fen, bog, wet 
prairie, sedge meadow, marshland, peatland, floodplain forest, 
coniferous forest) causing changes in hydrology at hibernacula or where 
the dam causes fragmentation that separates snakes from hibernacula or 
gestational sites;
    (3) Post-emergent prescribed fire: Prescribed burns to control 
vegetation that are conducted after snakes have emerged from their 
hibernacula and are thus exposed to the fire;
    (4) Post-emergent mowing: Mowing of vegetation after snakes have 
emerged from hibernacula can cause direct mortality by contact with 
blades or being run over by tires on mower;
    (5) Certain pesticide use;
    (6) Water level manipulation: Flooding or hydrologic drawdown 
affecting eastern massasauga rattlesnake individuals or habitat, 
particularly hibernacula;
    (7) Certain research activities: Collection and handling of eastern 
massasauga rattlesnake individuals for research that may result in 
displacement or death of the individuals; and
    (8) Poaching or collecting individuals.
    Questions regarding whether specific activities would constitute a 
violation of section 9 of the Act should be directed to the Chicago 
Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).

Required Determinations

Clarity of the Rule

    We are required by Executive Orders 12866 and 12988 and by the 
Presidential Memorandum of June 1, 1998, to write all rules in plain 
language. This means that each rule we publish must:
    (1) Be logically organized;
    (2) Use the active voice to address readers directly;
    (3) Use clear language rather than jargon;
    (4) Be divided into short sections and sentences; and
    (5) Use lists and tables wherever possible.
    If you feel that we have not met these requirements, send us 
comments by one of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES section. To 
better help us revise the rule, your comments should be as specific as 
possible. For example, you should tell us the numbers of the sections 
or paragraphs that are unclearly written, which sections or sentences 
are too long, the sections where you feel lists or tables would be 
useful, etc.

National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)

    We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental 
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National 
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not be 
prepared in connection with listing a species as an endangered or 
threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. We published a 
notice outlining our reasons for this determination in the Federal 
Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).

References Cited

    A complete list of references cited in this rulemaking is available 
on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov and upon request from the 
Chicago Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 


    The primary authors of this proposed rule are the staff members of 
the Chicago Ecological Services Field Office.

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17

    Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.

Proposed Regulation Promulgation

    Accordingly, we propose to amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter 
I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:


1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; 4201-4245, unless 
otherwise noted.

2. In Sec.  17.11(h), add an entry for ``Rattlesnake, eastern 
massasauga'' to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife in 
alphabetical order under REPTILES to read as set forth below:

Sec.  17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.

* * * * *
    (h) * * *

[[Page 58701]]

                        Species                                                    Vertebrate
--------------------------------------------------------                        population where                                  Critical     Special
                                                            Historic range       endangered or         Status      When listed    habitat       rules
           Common name                Scientific name                              threatened
                                                                      * * * * * * *
             REPTILES              ....................  ...................  ...................  ..............  ...........  ...........  ...........
                                                                      * * * * * * *
Rattlesnake, eastern massasauga..  Sistrurus catenatus.  U.S.A. (IL, IN, IA,  Entire.............  T               ...........           NA           NA
                                                          MI, MN, MO, NY,
                                                          OH, PA, WI);
                                                          Canada (Ontario).
                                                                      * * * * * * *

* * * * *

    Dated: September 11, 2015.
 James W. Kurth,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-24780 Filed 9-29-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    58688             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 189 / Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    warbler provided these activities abide                 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            information you provide us (see Public
                                                    by the conservation measures set forth                                                                        Comments, below, for more
                                                    in this paragraph and are conducted in                  Fish and Wildlife Service                             information).
                                                    accordance with applicable State,                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    Federal, and local laws and regulations:                50 CFR Part 17                                        Louise Clemency, Field Supervisor, U.S.
                                                       (i) The conversion of sun-grown                      [Docket No. FWS–R3–ES–2015–                           Fish and Wildlife Service, Chicago
                                                    coffee to shade-grown coffee plantations                0145;4500030113]                                      Ecological Services Field Office, 1250 S.
                                                    by the restoration and maintenance (i.e.,               RIN 1018–BA98                                         Grove Ave., Suite 103, Barrington, IL
                                                    removal of invasive, exotic, and feral                                                                        60010–5010; by telephone 847–381–
                                                    species; shade and coffee tree seasonal                 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                    2253. Persons who use a
                                                    pruning; shade and coffee tree planting                 and Plants; Threatened Species Status                 telecommunications device for the deaf
                                                    and replacement; coffee bean harvest by                 for the Eastern Massasauga                            (TDD) may call the Federal Information
                                                    hands-on methods; and the use of                        Rattlesnake                                           Relay Service (FIRS) at 800–877–8339.
                                                    standard pest control methods and                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                            AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,
                                                    fertilizers within the plantations) of                  Interior.                                             Executive Summary
                                                    shade-grown coffee plantations and                      ACTION: Proposed rule.                                   Why we need to publish a rule. Under
                                                    native forests associated with this type                                                                      the Act, if a species is determined to be
                                                    of crop. To minimize disturbance to                     SUMMARY:    We, the U.S. Fish and                     an endangered or threatened species
                                                    elfin-woods warbler, shade and coffee                   Wildlife Service (Service), propose to                throughout all or a significant portion of
                                                    tree seasonal pruning must be                           list the eastern massasauga rattlesnake               its range, we are required to promptly
                                                    conducted outside the peak of the elfin-                (Sistrurus catenatus), a rattlesnake                  publish a proposal in the Federal
                                                    woods warbler’s breeding season (i.e.,                  species found in 10 States and 1                      Register and make a determination on
                                                    July through February). The Service                     Canadian Province, as a threatened                    our proposal within 1 year. Critical
                                                    considers the use of pest control                       species under the Endangered Species                  habitat shall be designated, to the
                                                    methods (e.g., pesticides, herbicides)                  Act (Act). If we finalize this rule as                maximum extent prudent and
                                                    and fertilizers ‘‘standard’’ when it is                 proposed, it would extend the Act’s                   determinable, for any species
                                                    used only twice a year during the                       protections to this species. We have also             determined to be an endangered or
                                                    establishment period of shade and                       determined that the designation of                    threatened species under the Act.
                                                                                                            critical habitat for the eastern                      Listing a species as an endangered or
                                                    coffee trees (i.e., the first 2 years). Once
                                                                                                            massasauga rattlesnake is not prudent.                threatened species and designations and
                                                    the shade-grown coffee system reaches
                                                                                                            DATES: We will accept comments                        revisions of critical habitat can only be
                                                    its functionality and structure (i.e., 3 to
                                                    4 years), little or no chemical fertilizers,            received or postmarked on or before                   completed by issuing a rule. We have
                                                                                                            November 30, 2015. Comments                           determined that designating critical
                                                    herbicides, or pesticides may be used.
                                                                                                            submitted electronically using the                    habitat is not prudent for the eastern
                                                       (ii) Riparian buffer establishment                   Federal eRulemaking Portal (see                       massasauga rattlesnake.
                                                    though the planting of native vegetation                ADDRESSES, below) must be received by                    This rule proposes the listing of the
                                                    and selective removal of exotic species.                11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the closing                eastern massasauga rattlesnake as a
                                                       (iii) Reforestation and forested habitat             date. We must receive requests for                    threatened species. The eastern
                                                    enhancement projects within secondary                   public hearings, in writing, at the                   massasauga rattlesnake is a candidate
                                                    forests (i.e., young and mature) that                   address shown in FOR FURTHER                          species for which we have on file
                                                    promote the establishment or                            INFORMATION CONTACT by November 16,                   sufficient information on biological
                                                    improvement of habitat conditions for                   2015.                                                 vulnerability and threats to support
                                                    the species by the planting of native                   ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                    preparation of a listing proposal, but for
                                                    trees, selective removal of native and                  by one of the following methods:                      which development of a listing rule has
                                                    exotic trees, seasonal pruning of native                   (1) Electronically: Go to the Federal              been precluded by other higher priority
                                                    and exotic trees, or a combination of                   eRulemaking Portal: http://                           listing activities. This rule reassesses all
                                                    these.                                                  www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,               available information regarding status of
                                                                                                            enter FWS–R3–ES–2015–0145, which is                   and threats to the eastern massasauga
                                                    *       *    *      *     *                             the docket number for this rulemaking.                rattlesnake.
                                                      Dated: September 17, 2015.                            Then click on the Search button. On the                  The basis for our action. Under the
                                                    Stephen Guertin,                                        resulting page, in the Search panel on                Act, we can determine that a species is
                                                                                                            the left side of the screen, under the                an endangered or threatened species
                                                    Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                                    Service.                                                Document Type heading, click on the                   based on any of five factors: (A) The
                                                                                                            Proposed Rules link to locate this                    present or threatened destruction,
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–24775 Filed 9–29–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                            document. You may submit a comment                    modification, or curtailment of its
                                                    BILLING CODE 4310–55–P
                                                                                                            by clicking on ‘‘Comment Now!’’                       habitat or range; (B) overutilization for
                                                                                                               (2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail              commercial, recreational, scientific, or
                                                                                                            or hand-delivery to: Public Comments                  educational purposes; (C) disease or
                                                                                                            Processing, Attn: FWS–R3–ES–2015–                     predation; (D) the inadequacy of
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                            0145, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,                 existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)
                                                                                                            MS: BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls                   other natural or manmade factors
                                                                                                            Church, VA 22041–3803.                                affecting its continued existence.
                                                                                                               We request that you send comments                  Although there are several factors that
                                                                                                            only by the methods described above.                  are affecting the species’ status, the loss
                                                                                                            We will post all comments on http://                  of habitat was historically, and
                                                                                                            www.regulations.gov. This generally                   continues to be, the primary threat,
                                                                                                            means that we will post any personal                  either through development or through

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:54 Sep 29, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00053   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\30SEP1.SGM   30SEP1

                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 189 / Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          58689

                                                    changes in habitat structure due to                        (2) Factors that may affect the                    Field Office (see FOR FURTHER
                                                    vegetative succession.                                  continued existence of the species,                   INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                                       We will seek peer review. We will seek               which may include habitat modification
                                                    comments from independent specialists                                                                         Public Hearing
                                                                                                            or destruction, overutilization, disease,
                                                    to ensure that our designation is based                 predation, the inadequacy of existing                    Section 4(b)(5) of the Act provides for
                                                    on scientifically sound data,                           regulatory mechanisms, or other natural               one or more public hearings on this
                                                    assumptions, and analyses. We will                      or manmade factors.                                   proposal, if requested. Requests must be
                                                    invite these peer reviewers to comment                     (3) Biological, commercial trade, or               received within 45 days after the date of
                                                    on our listing proposal. Because we will                other relevant data concerning any                    publication of this proposed rule in the
                                                    consider all comments and information                   threats (or lack thereof) to this species             Federal Register (see DATES, above).
                                                    we receive during the comment period,                   and existing regulations that may be                  Such requests must be sent to the
                                                    our final determination may differ from                 addressing those threats.                             address shown in the FOR FURTHER
                                                    this proposal.                                             (4) Whether designating critical                   INFORMATION CONTACT section. We will
                                                       A Species Status Assessment (SSA)                    habitat is prudent for this species and,              schedule public hearings on this
                                                    team prepared an SSA report for the                     if so, the reasons why any habitat                    proposal, if any are requested, and
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake. The                     should or should not be determined to                 announce the dates, times, and places of
                                                    SSA team was composed of U.S. Fish                      be critical habitat for the eastern                   those hearings, as well as how to obtain
                                                    and Wildlife Service biologists, in                     massasauga rattlesnake as provided by                 reasonable accommodations, in the
                                                    consultation with other species experts.                section 4 of the Act, including physical              Federal Register and local newspapers
                                                    The SSA represents a compilation of the                 or biological features within areas                   at least 15 days before the hearing.
                                                    best scientific and commercial data                     occupied or specific areas outside of the             Peer Review
                                                    available concerning the status of the                  geographic area occupied that are
                                                    species, including the impacts of past,                                                                          In accordance with our joint policy on
                                                                                                            essential for the conservation of the                 peer review published in the Federal
                                                    present, and future factors (both                       species.
                                                    negative and beneficial) affecting the                                                                        Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270),
                                                                                                               Please include sufficient information              we will seek the expert opinions of
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake. The
                                                                                                            with your submission (such as scientific              appropriate and independent specialists
                                                    SSA underwent independent peer
                                                                                                            journal articles or other publications) to            regarding this proposed rule. The
                                                    review by 21 scientists with expertise in
                                                                                                            allow us to verify any scientific or                  purpose of peer review is to ensure that
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake biology,
                                                                                                            commercial information you include.                   our listing determination is based on
                                                    habitat management, and stressors
                                                    (factors negatively affecting the species)                 Please note that submissions merely                scientifically sound data, assumptions,
                                                    to the species. The SSA and other                       stating support for or opposition to the              and analyses. The peer reviewers have
                                                    materials relating to this proposal can be              action under consideration without                    expertise in eastern massasauga
                                                    found on the Midwest Region Web site                    providing supporting information,                     rattlesnake biology, habitat
                                                    at http://www.fws.gov/midwest/                          although noted, will not be considered                management, climate change, and other
                                                    Endangered/ and at http://                              in making a determination, as section                 stressors to the species. We previously
                                                    www.regulations.gov under docket                        4(b)(1)(A) of the Act directs that                    conducted peer review on the SSA,
                                                    number FWS–R3–ES–2015–0145.                             determinations as to whether any                      which informs our determination as
                                                                                                            species is an endangered or threatened                discussed below. We invite comment
                                                    Information Requested                                   species must be made ‘‘solely on the                  from the peer reviewers during this
                                                    Public Comments                                         basis of the best scientific and                      public comment period.
                                                                                                            commercial data available.’’
                                                      We intend that any final action                          You may submit your comments and                   Previous Federal Actions
                                                    resulting from this proposed rule will be               materials concerning this proposed rule                 We identified the eastern massasauga
                                                    based on the best scientific and                        by one of the methods listed in the                   rattlesnake as a Category 2 species in the
                                                    commercial data available and be as                     ADDRESSES section. We request that you                December 30, 1982, Review of
                                                    accurate and as effective as possible.                  send comments only by the methods
                                                    Therefore, we request comments or                                                                             Vertebrate Wildlife for Listing as
                                                                                                            described in the ADDRESSES section.                   Endangered or Threatened Species (47
                                                    information from other concerned
                                                                                                               If you submit information via http://              FR 58454). Category 2 candidates were
                                                    governmental agencies, Native
                                                                                                            www.regulations.gov, your entire                      defined as species for which we had
                                                    American tribes, the scientific
                                                                                                            submission—including any personal                     information that proposed listing was
                                                    community, industry, or any other
                                                                                                            identifying information—will be posted                possibly appropriate, but conclusive
                                                    interested parties concerning this
                                                                                                            on the Web site. If your submission is                data on biological vulnerability and
                                                    proposed rule. We particularly seek
                                                                                                            made via a hardcopy that includes                     threats were not available to support a
                                                    comments concerning:
                                                      (1) The eastern massasauga                            personal identifying information, you                 proposed rule at the time. The species
                                                    rattlesnake’s biology, range, and                       may request at the top of your document               remained so designated in subsequent
                                                    population trends, including:                           that we withhold this information from                candidate notices of review (CNORs) for
                                                      (a) Biological or ecological                          public review. However, we cannot                     animal species (50 FR 37958, September
                                                    requirements of the species, including                  guarantee that we will be able to do so.              18, 1985; 54 FR 554, January 6, 1989; 56
                                                    habitat requirements for feeding,                       We will post all hardcopy submissions                 FR 58804, November 21, 1991; 59 FR
                                                                                                            on http://www.regulations.gov.                        58982, November 15, 1994). In the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    breeding, and sheltering;
                                                      (b) Genetics and taxonomy;                               Comments and materials we receive,                 February 28, 1996, CNOR (61 FR 7596),
                                                      (c) Historical and current range,                     as well as supporting documentation we                we discontinued the designation of
                                                    including distribution patterns;                        used in preparing this proposed rule,                 Category 2 species as candidates;
                                                      (d) Historical and current population                 will be available for public inspection               therefore, the eastern massasauga
                                                    levels, and current and projected trends;               on http://www.regulations.gov, or by                  rattlesnake was no longer a candidate
                                                    and                                                     appointment, during normal business                   species.
                                                      (e) Past and ongoing conservation                     hours, at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife                    Subsequently, in 1999, the eastern
                                                    measures for the species or its habitat.                Service, Chicago Ecological Services                  massasauga rattlesnake was added to the

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                                                    58690             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 189 / Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    candidate list (64 FR 57534; October 25,                age. This species can be distinguished                meadows, marshes (Wright 1941, p. 660;
                                                    1999) through the Service’s internal                    from the closely related western                      Sage 2005, p. 32), moist grasslands, wet
                                                    candidate review process. Candidates                    massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus                     prairies (Siegel 1986, p. 334), sedge
                                                    are those fish, wildlife, and plants for                tergeminus) by the number of ventral                  meadows, peatlands (Johnson and
                                                    which we have on file sufficient                        (belly) scales, the ventral coloration and            Leopold 1998, p. 84), forest edge, scrub
                                                    information on biological vulnerability                 pattern, the number of and shape of                   shrub forest (DeGregorio et al. 2011, p.
                                                    and threats to support preparation of a                 dorsal blotches, and markings and                     378), floodplain forests (Moore and
                                                    listing proposal, but for which                         patterns on the nape of the neck and                  Gillingham 2006, p. 745), and
                                                    development of a listing regulation is                  head (Gloyd 1940, pp. 36, 38–40, 42–44,               coniferous forests (Harvey and
                                                    precluded by other higher priority                      46–49, 52–55; Evans and Gloyd 1948,                   Weatherhead 2006, p. 207). During the
                                                    listing activities. The eastern                         pp. 3–6).                                             active season, snakes thermoregulate
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake was included in                     First described by Rafinesque in 1818,             (regulate body temperature) through
                                                    all of our subsequent CNORs (66 FR                      the eastern massasauga rattlesnake is                 basking in order to perform
                                                    54808, October 30, 2001; 67 FR 40657,                   known by several locally used common                  physiological functions like shedding,
                                                    June 13, 2002; 69 FR 24876, May 4,                      names: Eastern massasauga rattlesnake,                digestion, movement, and gestation
                                                    2004; 70 FR 24870, May 11, 2005; 71 FR                  eastern massasauga prairie rattlesnake,               (process of carrying young in the
                                                    53756, September 12, 2006; 72 FR                        spotted rattler, and swamp rattler                    uterus). Basking sites are generally
                                                    69034, December 6, 2007; 73 FR 75176,                   (Glody 1940, p. 44; Minton 1972, p.                   open, sunny areas in higher and drier
                                                    December 10, 2008; 74 FR 57804,                         315). The eastern massasauga                          habitats than those used for hibernation.
                                                    November 9, 2009; 75 FR 69222,                          rattlesnake was previously recognized                    While there is regional variation, in
                                                    November 10, 2010; 76 FR 66370,                         by the Service as a subspecies (Sistrurus             general, after using higher, drier habitats
                                                    October 26, 2011; 77 FR 69994,                          catenatus catenatus) of a wider-ranging               during the active season, the eastern
                                                    November 21, 2012; 78 FR 70104,                         species (Conant and Collins 1998, pp.                 massasauga rattlesnake moves to lower,
                                                    November 22, 2013; 79 FR 72450,                         231–232) (Sistrurus catenatus), but in                wet areas for overwintering or
                                                    December 5, 2014). On May 11, 2004,                     2011, was categorized as a distinct                   hibernation (Reinert and Kodrich 1982,
                                                    we were petitioned to list the eastern                  species based on published scientific                 pp. 164, 169; Johnson et al. 2000, p. 3;
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake, although no                     information on the phylogenetic                       Harvey and Weatherhead 2006, p. 214;
                                                    new information was provided in the                     relationships of massasaugas (Kubatko                 Mauger and Wilson 1999, p. 117).
                                                    petition. Because we had already found                  et al. 2011, p. 13; Gibbs et al. 2011, pp.            Hibernation sites provide insulated and
                                                    the species warranted listing through                   433–439). The historical range                        moist subterranean spaces below the
                                                    our internal candidate assessment                       documented for eastern massasauga                     frost line where individuals can avoid
                                                    process and it was already a candidate                  rattlesnakes included western New                     freezing and dehydration (Sage 2005, p.
                                                    species, no further action was taken on                 York, western Pennsylvania, the lower                 56). These hibernation sites can occur in
                                                    the petition. The eastern massasauga                    peninsula and on Bois Blanc Island in                 wetland, wetland edges, wet prairie,
                                                    rattlesnake has a listing priority number               Michigan, the northern two-thirds of                  closed canopy forests with mossy
                                                    of 8, which reflects a species with                     Ohio and Indiana, the northern three-                 substrates (DeGregorio 2008, p. 20), wet
                                                    threats that are imminent and of                        quarters of Illinois, the southern half of            grassland, and sedge meadow (Mauger
                                                    moderate to low magnitude.                              Wisconsin, extreme southeast                          and Wilson 1999, p. 116).
                                                                                                            Minnesota, east-central Missouri, the                    The availability of retreat sites is
                                                    Background                                              eastern third of Iowa, and far                        important to the snake at all times of the
                                                       A thorough background and review of                  southwestern Ontario, Canada.                         year. Retreat sites are generally used by
                                                    the ecology, life history, and taxonomy                 Currently, the eastern massasauga                     the snake to hide from potential
                                                    of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake                   rattlesnake’s range still reflects this               predators, but are also important to gain
                                                    can be found in the Species Status                      distribution, although the range is now               shelter from extreme temperatures,
                                                    Assessment for the Eastern Massasauga                   more restricted than at the time the                  because these sites are more thermally
                                                    Rattlesnake (Szymanski et al. 2015,                     eastern massasauga rattlesnake was first              stable than surface habitat (Shoemaker
                                                    entire) available at http://www.fws.gov/                identified as a candidate species in                  2007, pp. 9–10). Retreat sites can be
                                                    midwest/Endangered/ and at http://                      1999, because populations in central                  hibernacula, rock crevices, hummocks,
                                                    www.regulations.gov under Docket No.                    and western Missouri have since been                  live or dead tree root systems, mammal
                                                    FWS–R3–ES–2015–0145. The eastern                        reclassified as western massasauga                    holes, crayfish burrows, shrubs, boards,
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake is a pitviper                    rattlesnakes (Kubatko et al. 2011, p. 404;            burn piles before burning, or any
                                                    with a small (0.6 to 1 meter (2 to 3 feet))             Gibbs et al. 2011, pp. 433–439).                      structure that a snake can crawl into or
                                                    but heavy body, heart-shaped head, and                     Eastern massasauga rattlesnakes                    under.
                                                    vertical pupils. As a pitviper, eastern                 hibernate in the winter and are active in                Adult eastern massasauga rattlesnakes
                                                    massasaugas have an extrasensory ‘‘pit’’                spring, summer, and fall. The type of                 forage by ambushing prey, which are
                                                    located on each side of the head                        habitat used during the active season                 primarily small mammals (voles
                                                    between the eyes and the nares                          generally consists of higher, drier                   (Microtus spp.), deer mice (Peromyscus
                                                    (nostrils). Adult eastern massasaugas                   habitats, open canopy wetlands, and                   spp.), and short-tailed shrew (Blarina
                                                    have gray or light brown coloration with                adjacent upland areas (Sage 2005, p. 32;              spp.)), that vary according to whatever
                                                    large brown to black blotches encircled                 Lipps 2008, p. 1). Active season habitat              prey species is most readily available
                                                    in lighter edges (these blotches are                    use varies regionally (Reinert and                    within the habitat. Juvenile eastern
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                                                    smaller on their sides). Tipped by gray-                Kodrich 1982, p. 169; Johnson et al                   massasaugas also prey on small
                                                    yellow keratinized (containing the                      2000, p. 3), and individual snakes can                mammals, but feed occasionally on
                                                    fibrous protein called keratin) rattles,                be found in a wide variety of habitats,               other species of snakes (e.g., brown
                                                    eastern massasauga tails have several                   including old fields (Reinert and                     snakes, Storeria dekayi). Neonates, born
                                                    dark brown rings. Younger snakes are                    Kodrich 1982, p. 163; Mauger and                      near the end of summer with a short
                                                    distinguished from adults only by paler                 Wilson 1999, p. 111), bogs, fens                      active season before hibernation, feed
                                                    versions of the same markings and                       (Kingsbury et al 2003, p. 2; Marshall et              mainly on snakes, perhaps due to the
                                                    bright yellow tails that grow darker with               al. 2006, p. 142), shrub swamps, wet                  size of their mouth openings

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                                                    (VanDeWalle and VanDeWalle 2008, p.                     the ability of the species to withstand               microhabitats with intact hydrology and
                                                    358; Shepard et al. 2004, p. 365).                      catastrophic events; and representation               ecological processes that maintain
                                                       Eastern massasauga rattlesnakes (both                is the ability of the species to adapt over           suitable habitat, and connectivity among
                                                    males and females) reach sexual                         time to long-term changes in the                      these microhabitats. In the SSA, a self-
                                                    maturity at roughly 2 years of age and                  environment. In general, the more                     sustaining population of eastern
                                                    are ovoviviparous (the females give                     redundant, representative, and resilient              massasauga rattlesnakes is defined as
                                                    birth to broods of live young) ranging                  a species is, the more likely it is to                one that is demographically, genetically,
                                                    from 3 to 20 in number, with an average                 sustain populations over time, even                   and physiologically robust (a population
                                                    brood size of 9 but varying throughout                  under changing environmental                          with 50 or more adult females and a
                                                    the range (Anton 2000, p. 248; Bielma                   conditions. Using these principles, we                stable or increasing growth rate), with a
                                                    1973, p. 46; Aldridge et al. 2008, p. 404;              considered the eastern massasauga                     high level of persistence (a probability
                                                    Jellen 2005, p. 47). Both annual and                    rattlesnake’s needs at the individual,                of persistence greater than 0.9) given its
                                                    biennial reproductive cycles have been                  population, and species scales. We also               habitat conditions and the risk or
                                                    reported (Reinert 1981, pp. 383–384;                    identified the beneficial and risk factors            beneficial factors operating on it.
                                                    Johnson 1995, p. 109). Those                            influencing the species’ viability. We                   We relied on a population-specific
                                                    individuals that do reproduce annually                  considered the degree to which the                    model developed by Faust et al. (2011,
                                                    most likely mate in the spring and bear                 species’ ecological needs are met both                entire) (hereafter referred to as the Faust
                                                    young in the late summer or autumn.                     currently and as can be reliably                      model) to assess the health of
                                                    Conversely, biennially reproductive                     forecasted into the future, and assessed              populations across the eastern
                                                    females probably mate in the autumn                     the consequences of any unmet needs as                massasauga rattlesnake’s range. Faust
                                                    and either store sperm until the                        they relate to species viability. In this             and colleagues developed a generic,
                                                    following spring (Johnson 1992, p. 52)                  section, we summarize the conclusions                 baseline model for a hypothetical,
                                                    or suspend embryo development over                      of the SSA, which can be accessed at                  healthy (growing) eastern massasauga
                                                    winter and bear young the next summer                   http://www.fws.gov/midwest/                           rattlesnake population. Using this
                                                    (Prior 1991). Mating is most prevalent in               Endangered/ and at http://                            baseline model and site-specific
                                                    the summer or early autumn and                          www.regulations.gov under Docket No.                  information, including population size
                                                    occasionally in spring (Aldridge and                    FWS–R3–ES–2015–0145.                                  estimate, risk factors operating at the
                                                    Duvall 2002, p. 6; Aldridge et al. 2008,                   For survival and reproduction at the               site, and potential future management
                                                    p. 405; Jellen 2005, p. 41; Johnson 1995,               individual level, the eastern massasauga              changes that might address those
                                                    p. 109; Johnson 2000, p. 189; Reinert                   rattlesnake requires appropriate habitat,
                                                                                                                                                                  factors, the Faust model forecasted the
                                                    1981, pp. 383–384; Swanson 1933, p.                     which varies depending on the season
                                                                                                                                                                  future condition of 57 eastern
                                                    37). Male eastern massasaugas tend to                   and its life stage (see Background
                                                                                                                                                                  massasauga rattlesnake populations over
                                                    occur in higher ratios than receptive                   section, above). During the winter
                                                                                                                                                                  three different time spans (10, 25, and
                                                    females, because the most common                        (generally October through March), they
                                                                                                                                                                  50 years) (for more details on the Faust
                                                    female condition (biennial                              occupy hibernacula, such as crayfish
                                                                                                                                                                  model, see pp. 4–6 in the SSA report).
                                                    reproduction) essentially results in two                burrows. Intact hydrology at eastern
                                                                                                                                                                  We extrapolated the Faust model results
                                                    female reproductive populations,                        massasauga rattlesnake sites is
                                                                                                                                                                  and supplemental information gathered
                                                    whereas males can breed every year.                     important in maintaining conditions,
                                                                                                                                                                  since 2011 to forecast the future
                                                    Because of the higher ratio of males,                   such as crayfish burrows with high
                                                    males intensely compete for mates and                   enough water levels to support the                    conditions of the other (non-modeled;
                                                    face prolonged periods of mate                          survival of hibernating eastern                       n=331) eastern massasauga rattlesnake
                                                    searching, longer daily movements, and                  massasauga rattlesnakes. During their                 populations.
                                                    defensive female polygyny (having                       active season (after they emerge from                    At the species level, the eastern
                                                    multiple mates) during the mating                       hibernacula), they require low canopy                 massasauga rattlesnake requires
                                                    season (Jellen 2005, p. 9; Johnson 2000,                cover and sunny areas (intermixed with                multiple (redundant), self-sustaining
                                                    p. 189).                                                shaded areas) for thermoregulation                    (resilient) populations distributed across
                                                                                                            (basking and retreat sites), abundant                 areas of genetic and ecological diversity
                                                    Summary of Biological Status and                                                                              (representative). Using the literature on
                                                                                                            prey (foraging sites), and the ability to
                                                    Threats                                                                                                       distribution of genetic diversity across
                                                                                                            escape predators (retreat sites). Habitat
                                                      The Act directs us to determine                       structure, including early successional               the range of this species, we identified
                                                    whether any species is an endangered                    stage and low canopy cover, appears to                three geographic ‘‘analysis units’’
                                                    species or a threatened species because                 be more important for eastern                         corresponding to ‘‘clumped’’ genetic
                                                    of any factors affecting its continued                  massasauga rattlesnake habitat than                   variation patterns across the eastern
                                                    existence. We completed a                               plant community composition or soil                   massasauga rattlesnake populations
                                                    comprehensive assessment of the                         type. Maintaining such habitat structure              (Figure 1). A reasonable conclusion
                                                    biological status of the eastern                        may require periodic management of                    from the composite of genetic studies
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake, and prepared                    most habitat types occupied by the                    that exist (Gibbs et al. 1997, entire;
                                                    the SSA report, which provides a                        eastern massasauga rattlesnake.                       Andre 2003, entire; Chiucchi and Gibbs
                                                    thorough description of the species’                       At the population level, the eastern               2010, entire; Ray et al. 2013, entire) is
                                                    overall viability. We define viability as               massasauga rattlesnake requires                       that there are broad-scaled genetic
                                                    the ability of the species to maintain                  sufficient population size, population                differences across the range of the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    multiple, self-sustaining populations                   growth, survivorship (the number of                   eastern massasauga rattlesnake, and
                                                    across the full gradient of genetic and                 individuals that survive over time),                  within these broad units, there is
                                                    ecological diversity of the species. We                 recruitment (adding individuals to the                genetic diversity among populations
                                                    used the conservation biology principles                population through birth or                           comprising the broad units. Thus, we
                                                    of resiliency, representation, and                      immigration), population structure (the               assume these genetic variation patterns
                                                    redundancy in our analysis. Briefly,                    number and age classes of both sexes),                represent areas of unique adaptive
                                                    resiliency is the ability of the species to             and size. Populations also require a                  diversity. We subsequently use these
                                                    withstand stochasticity; redundancy is                  sufficient quantity of high-quality                   analysis units (eastern, central, and

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                                                    58692             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 189 / Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    western) to structure our analysis of

                                                    Species’ Current Condition                              populations over time (risk factors                                  loss has not been uniform, with the
                                                       As a result of the risk factors acting on            affecting the species at those                                       western analysis unit encompassing
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake                          populations are nonexistent or of low                                most of this decline (69 percent
                                                    populations, the resiliency of the                      impact) and, thus, are self-sustaining.                              reduction in extent of occurrence in the
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake across its               The greatest declines in resiliency                                  western analysis unit). However, losses
                                                    range and within each of the three                      occurred in the western analysis unit,                               of 43 percent and 32 percent of the
                                                    analysis units has declined from its                    where only 21 populations are                                        extent of occurrence in the central
                                                    historically known condition.                           presumed extant, and of these, only 1 is                             analysis unit and eastern analysis unit,
                                                    Rangewide, there are 581 known                          presumed to be self-sustaining.                                      respectively, are notable as well. The
                                                    historical eastern massasauga                           Although to a lesser degree, loss of                                 results are not a true measure of area
                                                                                                            resiliency has occurred in the central                               occupied by the species, but rather a
                                                    rattlesnake populations, of which 267
                                                                                                            and eastern analysis units, where 22 and                             coarse evaluation to make relative
                                                    are known to still be extant, 163 are
                                                                                                            6 populations, respectively, are                                     comparison among years. The reasons
                                                    likely extirpated or known extirpated,
                                                                                                            presumed to be self-sustaining.                                      for this are twofold: (1) The calculations
                                                    and 121 are of unknown status. For the
                                                    purposes of our assessment, we                                                                                               are done at the county, rather than the
                                                    considered all populations with extant
                                                                                                                TABLE 1—THE NUMBER OF                                            population, level; and (2) if at least one
                                                    or unknown status as currently extant                   POPULATIONS BY STATUS RANGEWIDE                                      population was projected to be extant,
                                                    (referred to as presumed extant, n=388).                   [DGP = demographically, genetically, and                          the entire county was included in the
                                                                                                                          physiologically]                                       analysis, even if other populations in
                                                    Of those 388 populations presumed
                                                    extant, 40 percent are likely quasi-                                                                                         the county were projected to be
                                                                                                                                                      Percentage of
                                                                                                                                    Number of                                    extirpated. Assuming that loss of range
                                                    extirpated (i.e., have 25 or fewer adult                                                            presumed
                                                                                                                  Status            populations
                                                    females).                                                                       rangewide             extant                 equates to loss of adaptive diversity, the
                                                       The number of presumed extant                                                                                             degree of representation of the eastern
                                                    populations has declined from the                       Presumed Extant                  388      ........................   massasauga rattlesnake has declined
                                                    number that was known historically                      Quasi-extirpated ..              156                          40     since historical conditions.
                                                                                                            DGP robust (self-
                                                    rangewide by 33 percent (and 31                           sustaining) .......         99 (29)                   26 (7)
                                                    percent of the presumed extant                                                                                                 TABLE 2—THE PERCENT REDUCTION
                                                    populations have unknown status). Of                      The degree of representation, as                                      IN EXTENT OF OCCURRENCE FROM
                                                    those populations presumed extant, 156                  measured by spatial extent of                                           HISTORICAL TO PRESENT DAY
                                                    (40 percent) are presumed to be quasi-                  occurrence, across the range of the
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                                                                                                                                                                                  [WAU = western analysis unit, CAU = central
                                                    extirpated while 99 (26 percent) are                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake, has                                    analysis unit, EAU = eastern analysis unit]
                                                    presumed to be demographically,                         declined as noted by the northeasterly
                                                    genetically, and physiologically robust                 contraction in the range and by the loss                                      Analysis unit                 Percent reduction
                                                    (Table 1). Of these presumed                            of area occupied within the analysis
                                                    demographically, genetically, and                       units (see pp. 52–55 in the SSA report).                             WAU ...............................                   69
                                                                                                                                                                                 CAU ................................                  43
                                                    physiologically robust populations, 29                  Overall, there has been more than a 46
                                                                                                                                                                                 EAU ................................                  32
                                                    (7 percent) are presumed to have                        percent reduction of extent of                                       Rangewide ......................                      46
                                                                                                            occurrence rangewide (Table 2). This

                                                    conditions suitable for maintaining

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                                                       The redundancy of the eastern                        and eastern analysis units, the annual                Breisch 1993, pp. 50–53; Reinert and
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake has also                         frequency rate for a D3 or D4 drought is              Buskar 1992, pp. 56–58). The open
                                                    declined since historical conditions.                   zero, so there is little to no risk of unit-          vegetative structure, typical of eastern
                                                    Potential catastrophic events relevant to               wide extirpation regardless of how                    massasauga rattlesnake habitat, provides
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake                          broadly dispersed the species is within               the desirable thermoregulatory areas,
                                                    populations include disease, flooding,                  the unit. In the eastern analysis unit, the           increases prey densities by enhancing
                                                    and drought. We were unable to find                     annual frequency rate for a D2 drought                the growth of sedges and grasses, and
                                                    sufficient information on the likelihood                is also zero. Portions of the central                 provides retreat sites. Degradation of
                                                    of disease outbreaks, the factors that                  analysis unit are at risk of a D2-level               eastern massasauga rattlesnake habitat
                                                    affect disease spread, and the magnitude                catastrophic drought; populations in the              typically happens through woody
                                                    of impact on eastern massasauga                         southern portion of the central analysis              vegetation encroachment or the
                                                    rattlesnake populations to assess the                   unit and scattered portions in the north              introduction of nonnative plant species.
                                                    risk from a catastrophic disease                        are at risk from such a drought. In the               These events alter the structure of the
                                                    outbreak. Similarly, we were unable to                  western analysis unit, the risk of unit-              habitat and make it unsuitable for the
                                                    assess flooding as a catastrophic risk,                 wide extirpation based on the frequency               eastern massasauga rattlesnake by
                                                    but we did consider the impacts of                      of a D3 drought is low, but the risk of               reducing and eventually eliminating
                                                    flooding and disease as general factors                 losing clusters of populations within the             thermoregulatory and retreat areas. Fire
                                                    affecting the species in our assessment.                western analysis unit is notable; 5 of the            suppression has led to the widespread
                                                    We assess the vulnerability of unit-wide                8 population clusters are vulnerable to               loss of open canopy habitats through
                                                    extirpation due to varying drought                      a catastrophic drought. The probability               succession (Kingsbury 2002, p. 37).
                                                    intensities below. Extreme fluctuations                 of unit-wide extirpation in the western               Alteration in habitat structure and
                                                    in the water table may negatively affect                analysis unit is notably higher with D2               quality can also affect eastern
                                                    body condition for the following active                 frequency rates; 7 of the 8 clusters of               massasauga rattlesnakes by reducing the
                                                    season, cause early emergence, or cause                 populations are at risk of D2-level                   forage for the species’ prey base
                                                    direct mortality (Harvey and                            catastrophic drought. Thus, the                       (Kingsbury 2002, p. 37).
                                                    Weatherhead 2006, p. 71; Smith 2009,                    probability of losing most populations                   An effective tool for controlling
                                                    pp. vii, 33, 38–39). Changes in water                   within the western analysis unit due to               vegetative succession is the use of
                                                    levels under certain circumstances can                  a catastrophic drought is high.                       prescribed fire, which kills or
                                                    cause mortality to individuals,                                                                               temporarily sets back the growth of
                                                                                                            Assessment of Threats and                             woody vegetation, retards the growth of
                                                    particularly during hibernation (Johnson                Conservation Measures
                                                    et al. 2000, p. 26; Kingsbury 2002, p. 38)                                                                    undesirable species, and stimulates the
                                                                                                               The most prominent risk factors                    response of prairie species (Johnson et
                                                    when the snakes are underwater. The
                                                                                                            affecting the eastern massasauga                      al. 2000, p. 25). Mowing and herbicide
                                                    water in the hibernacula protects the
                                                                                                            rattlesnake include habitat loss and                  application are two additional
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake from
                                                                                                            fragmentation, especially through                     strategies, often used in conjunction
                                                    dehydration and freezing, and,
                                                                                                            development and vegetative succession,                with prescribed burning, to control
                                                    therefore, dropping the levels in the
                                                                                                            road mortality, hydrologic alternation                woody vegetation and invasive species
                                                    winter leaves the snakes vulnerable to
                                                                                                            resulting in drought or flooding,                     encroachment. However, direct
                                                    both (Kingsbury 2002, p. 38; Moore and                  persecution, collection, and mortality of             mortality of snakes can result from
                                                    Gillingham 2006, p. 750; Smith 2009, p.                 individuals as a result of post-emergent              exposure to fire or mowers, if these
                                                    5). Because individual eastern                          (after hibernation) prescribed fire and               activities occur when the snakes are out
                                                    massasauga rattlesnakes often return to                 mowing. Habitat loss includes direct                  of their hibernacula (post-emergent fire)
                                                    the same hibernacula year after year,                   habitat destruction of native land types              (Cross 2009, pp. 18, 19, 24; Cross et al.
                                                    dropping water levels in hibernacula                    (e.g., grassland, swamp, fen, bog, wet                2015, p. 355; Dreslik 2005, p. 180;
                                                    could potentially decimate an entire                    prairie, sedge meadow, marshland,                     Dreslik et al. 2011, p. 22; Durbian 2006,
                                                    population if the majority of individuals               peatland, floodplain forest, coniferous               p. 333).
                                                    in that population hibernate in the same                forest) due to conversion to agricultural                Roads, bridges, and other structures
                                                    area.                                                   land, development, and infrastructure                 constructed in eastern massasauga
                                                       The Drought Monitor (a weekly map                    associated with development (roads,                   rattlesnake habitat fragment the snakes’
                                                    of drought conditions that is produced                  bridges). Because eastern massasauga                  habitat and impact the species both
                                                    jointly by the National Oceanic and                     rattlesnake habitat varies seasonally and             through direct mortality as snakes are
                                                    Atmospheric Administration, the U.S.                    also varies over its range, the                       killed trying to cross these structures
                                                    Department of Agriculture, and the                      destruction of even a portion of a                    (Shepard et al. 2008b, p. 6), as well as
                                                    National Drought Mitigation Center                      population’s habitat (e.g., hibernacula or            indirectly through the loss of access to
                                                    (NDMC) at the University of Nebraska-                   gestational sites) causes a negative effect           habitat components necessary for the
                                                    Lincoln) classifies general drought areas               to individual snakes, thus reducing the               survival of the snakes.
                                                    by intensity, with D1 being the least                   numbers of individuals in a population                   Because of the fear and negative
                                                    intense drought and D4 being the most                   and, in turn, reducing the viability of               perception of snakes, many people have
                                                    intense drought. For the eastern                        that population. Habitat is also lost due             a low interest in snakes or their
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake, the risk of unit-               to fragmentation, succession, exotic                  conservation and consequently large
                                                    wide extirpation due to a catastrophic                  species invasion, dam construction, fire              numbers of snakes are deliberately
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                                                    drought varies by analysis unit and by                  suppression, water level manipulation,                killed (Whitaker and Shine 2000, p. 121;
                                                    the level of drought considered. Experts                and other incompatible habitat                        Alves et al. 2014, p. 2). Human-snake
                                                    believe drought intensities of magnitude                modifications (Jellen 2005, p. 33). These             encounters frequently result in the
                                                    D2 or higher are likely to make the                     non-development-related habitat losses                death of the snake (Whitaker and Shine
                                                    species more vulnerable to overwinter                   continue even in publicly held areas                  2000, pp. 125–126). Given the species’
                                                    mortality and cause catastrophic                        protected from development.                           site fidelity and ease of capture once
                                                    impacts to eastern massasauga                              Vegetative succession is a major                   located, the eastern massasauga
                                                    rattlesnake populations. In the central                 contributor to habitat loss (Johnson and              rattlesnake is particularly susceptible to

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                                                    collection. Poaching and unauthorized                   rattlesnake populations. For example,                 management activities are currently
                                                    collection of the eastern massasauga                    snake fungal disease (SFD) is an                      ameliorating the stressors acting upon
                                                    rattlesnake for the pet trade is a factor               emerging disease found in populations                 the population. Thus, we were unable to
                                                    contributing to declines that has                       of wild snakes in the eastern and                     include the potential beneficial impacts
                                                    significant impact on this species (e.g.,               midwestern United States, and the                     into our quantitative analyses.
                                                    Jellen 2005, p. 11; Baily et al. 2011, p.               eastern massasauga rattlesnake is one of              Species’ Projected Future Condition
                                                    171).                                                   the species that has recently been
                                                       Assessing the occurrence of the                      diagnosed with SFD (Sleeman 2013, p.                     To assess the future resiliency,
                                                    above-mentioned risk factors, we found                  1; Allender et al. 2011, p. 2383).                    representation, and redundancy of the
                                                    that 97 percent of the presumed extant                  However, we do not have sufficient                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake, we used
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake                          information on the emergence and                      the Faust model results to predict the
                                                    populations have at least one risk factor               future spread of SFD or other diseases                number of self-sustaining populations
                                                    (with some degree of impact on the                      to reliably model this stressor for                   likely to persist over the next 10, 25,
                                                    species) currently affecting the site.                  forecasting future conditions for the                 and 50 years, and extrapolated those
                                                    Unmanaged vegetative succession is the                  rattlesnake. Our quantitative modeling                proportions to the remaining presumed
                                                    most commonly occurring risk factor,                    analysis also does not consider two                   extant populations to forecast the
                                                    with 75 percent of sites being impacted                 other prominent risk factors, road                    number of self-sustaining populations
                                                    by succession. Vegetative succession                    mortality and persecution, due to a lack              likely to persist at the future time scales.
                                                    makes eastern massasauga rattlesnake                    of specific information on the                        We then predicted the change in
                                                    habitat unsuitable by reducing or                       magnitude of impacts from these factors.              representation and redundancy.
                                                    eliminating thermoregulatory and                        Additionally, this species is vulnerable                 The projected future resiliency (the
                                                    retreat areas. Post-emergent fire is the                                                                      number of self-sustaining populations)
                                                                                                            to the effects of climate change through
                                                    second most common risk factor (69                                                                            varies across the eastern massasauga
                                                                                                            increasing intensity of winter droughts
                                                    percent of sites), and fragmentation is                                                                       rattlesnake’s range. In the western
                                                                                                            and increasing risk of summer floods,
                                                    the third most common factor (67                                                                              analysis unit, 83 percent of the modeled
                                                                                                            particularly in the southwest part of its
                                                    percent of sites). Some form of habitat                                                                       populations are projected to have a
                                                                                                            range (Pomara et al., undated; Pomara et
                                                    loss or modification is occurring at 52                                                                       declining trajectory and 94 percent of
                                                                                                            al. 2014, pp. 95–97). Thus, while we
                                                    percent of the sites; 17 percent of these                                                                     the populations a low probability of
                                                                                                            acknowledge and considered that
                                                    sites are at risk of total habitat loss (all                                                                  persistence (i.e., the probability of
                                                                                                            disease, road mortality, persecution/
                                                    habitat at the site being destroyed or                                                                        remaining above the quasi-extirpated
                                                                                                            collection, and climate changes are
                                                    becoming unusable by the species).                                                                            threshold of 25 adult females;
                                                                                                            factors that affect the species, and which            p(P)<0.90) by year 25, and, thus, the
                                                    Among the other risk factors considered,                may increase or exacerbate existing
                                                    water fluctuation, collection or                                                                              number of forecasted populations likely
                                                                                                            threats in the future, our viability                  to be extant declines over time. By year
                                                    persecution, and road mortality occur at                assessment does not include a
                                                    38 percent, 35 percent, and 15 percent                                                                        50, 17 of the 21 presumed extant
                                                                                                            quantitative analysis of these stressors.             populations are projected to be
                                                    of the sites, respectively.
                                                       We also considered the magnitude of                     Of the 267 sites with extant eastern               extirpated (i.e., no individuals remain;
                                                    impact of the various risk factors. The                 massasauga populations, 64 percent                    n=15) or quasi-extirpated (n=2), with
                                                    Faust model indicates that the risk                     (171) occur on land (public and private)              only 1 population projected to be self-
                                                    factors most likely to push a population                that is considered protected from                     sustaining. The resiliency of the western
                                                    to quasi-extirpation within 25 years                    development; development may result                   analysis unit is forecasted to decline
                                                    (high magnitude risk factors) are late-                 in loss or fragmentation of habitat.                  over time. The situation is similar in the
                                                    stage vegetative succession, high habitat               Signed candidate conservation                         central and eastern analysis units, but to
                                                    fragmentation, moderate habitat                         agreements with assurances (CCAAs)                    a lesser degree. In the central analysis
                                                    fragmentation, total habitat loss, and                  with the Service exist for two of these               unit, 70 percent of the modeled
                                                    moderate habitat loss or modification.                  populations. These CCAAs include                      populations are projected to have a
                                                    Our analysis shows that 84 percent of                   actions to mediate the stressors acting               declining trajectory and 78 percent a
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake                          upon the populations and provide                      low probability of persistence, and thus,
                                                    populations are impacted by at least one                management prescriptions to perpetuate                by year 50, 196 of the 294 presumed
                                                    high magnitude risk factor, and 63                      eastern massasauga rattlesnakes on                    extant populations are projected to be
                                                    percent are affected by multiple high                   these sites. For example, at an                       extirpated (n=174) or quasi-extirpated
                                                    magnitude risk factors. These risk                      additional 22 sites, habitat restoration or           (n=22), and 54 populations to be self-
                                                    factors are chronic and are expected to                 management, or both, is occurring.                    sustaining. In the eastern analysis unit,
                                                    continue with a similar magnitude of                    Information is not available for these                83 percent of the modeled populations
                                                    impact into the future, unless                          sites to know if habitat management has               are projected to have a declining
                                                    ameliorated by increased                                mediated the current risk factors acting              trajectory and 92 percent of the
                                                    implementation of conservation actions.                 upon the populations; the Faust model,                populations are projected to have a low
                                                    Furthermore, these multiple factors are                 however, included these activities in the             probability of persistence, and, thus, by
                                                    not acting independently, but are acting                projections of trends, and, thus, our                 year 50, 61 of the 73 presumed extant
                                                    together, which can result in cumulative                future condition analyses considered                  populations are projected to be
                                                    effects that lower the overall viability of             these activities and assumed that                     extirpated (n=55) or quasi-extirpated
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                                                    the species.                                            ongoing restoration would continue into               (n=6), and 6 to be self-sustaining.
                                                       In addition to the above risk factors,               the future. Lastly, another 18                        Rangewide, 61 (16 percent) of the 388
                                                    other factors may be affecting                          populations have conservation plans in                populations that are currently presumed
                                                    individuals. Disease (whether new or                    place. Although these plans are                       to be extant will be self-sustaining by
                                                    currently existing at low levels but                    intended to manage for the eastern                    year 50.
                                                    increasing in prevalence) is another                    massasauga rattlesnake, sufficient site-                 We calculated the future extent of
                                                    emerging and potentially catastrophic                   specific information is not available to              occurrence (representation) for the 57
                                                    stressor to eastern massasauga                          assess whether these restoration or                   modeled populations (Faust model) and

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                                                    for the populations forecasted to persist               analysis-unit-wide extirpation will                   modification, or curtailment of its
                                                    at years 10, 25, and 50 by using the                    likely remain low given the presumed                  habitat or range; (B) overutilization for
                                                    counties occupied by populations to                     persistence of multiple populations                   commercial, recreational, scientific, or
                                                    evaluate the proportions of the range                   scattered throughout low drought risk                 educational purposes; (C) disease or
                                                    falling within each analysis unit and the               areas. Thus, from a drought perspective,              predation; (D) the inadequacy of
                                                    change in spatial distribution within                   the level of redundancy is not likely to              existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)
                                                    each analysis unit. Our results indicate                be noticeably reduced in the central                  other natural or manmade factors
                                                    that eastern massasauga rattlesnake                     analysis unit (see Figure 4.3 (p. 60) in              affecting its continued existence. Listing
                                                    populations are likely to persist in all                the SSA report for a detailed map). A                 actions may be warranted based on any
                                                    three analysis units; however, the                      caveat to this conclusion, however, is                of the above threat factors, singly or in
                                                    distribution of the range is predicted to               that the forecasted decline in extent of              combination.
                                                    contract northeasterly, and the                         occurrence suggests our data are too                     Until recently, the Service has
                                                    geographic area occupied will decline                   coarse to tease out whether the                       presented its evaluation of information
                                                    within each analysis unit over time. The                forecasted decline in populations will                under the five listing factors in an
                                                    results project a 65 percent reduction of               lead to substantial losses in spatial                 outline format, discussing all of the
                                                    the area occupied by the eastern                        distribution, and, thus, the risk of                  information relevant to any given factor
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake rangewide by                     analysis-unit-wide extirpation might be               and providing a factor-specific
                                                    year 50, with the western analysis unit                 higher than predicted. Therefore, the                 conclusion before moving to the next
                                                    comprising most of the decline (83                      future trend in the level of redundancy               factor. However, the Act does not
                                                    percent reduction within the unit).                     in the central analysis unit is less clear            require findings under each of the
                                                    These projected declines in extent of                   than for either the western analysis unit             factors, only an overall determination as
                                                    occurrence across the species’ range and                or the eastern analysis unit.                         to status (e.g., threatened, endangered,
                                                    within the analysis units suggest that                     Given the loss of populations to date,             not warranted). Ongoing efforts to
                                                    loss of adaptive diversity is likely to                 portions of the eastern massasauga                    improve the efficiency and efficacy of
                                                    occur.                                                  rattlesnake’s range are in imminent risk              the Service’s implementation of the Act
                                                       We assessed the ability of eastern                   of extirpation in the near term.                      have led us to present this information
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake populations to                   Specifically, our analysis suggests there             in a different format that we believe
                                                    withstand catastrophic events                           is a high risk of extirpation of the                  leads to greater clarity in our
                                                    (redundancy) by predicting the number                   western analysis unit and southern                    understanding of the science, its
                                                    of self-sustaining populations in each                  portions of the central and eastern                   uncertainties, and the application of our
                                                    analysis unit and the spatial dispersion                analysis units within 10 to 25 years.                 statutory framework to that science.
                                                    of those populations relative to future                 Although self-sustaining populations                  Therefore, while the presentation of
                                                    drought risk.                                           are expected to persist, loss of                      information in this rule differs from past
                                                       The future redundancy (the number                    populations within the central and                    practice, it differs in format only. We
                                                    and spatial dispersion of self-sustaining               eastern analysis units are expected to                have evaluated the same body of
                                                    populations) across the eastern                         continue as well, and, thus, those                    information that we would have
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake’s range varies. In               populations are at risk of extirpation in             evaluated under the five listing factors
                                                    the western analysis unit, the risk of                  the future. These losses have led to                  outline format, we are applying the
                                                    analysis-unit-wide extirpations from                    reductions in resiliency and redundancy               same information standard, and we are
                                                    either a D2 or D3 catastrophic drought                                                                        applying the same statutory framework
                                                                                                            across the range and may lead to
                                                    is high, given the low number of                                                                              in reaching our conclusions.
                                                                                                            irreplaceable loss of adaptive diversity
                                                    populations forecasted to be extant.
                                                                                                            across the range of the eastern                       Determination
                                                    Coupling this with a likely concurrent
                                                                                                            massasauga rattlesnake, thereby leaving                  We have carefully assessed the best
                                                    decline in population clusters (reduced
                                                                                                            the eastern massasauga rattlesnake less               scientific and commercial data available
                                                    spatial dispersion), the risk of analysis-
                                                                                                            able to adapt to a changing environment               regarding the past, present, and future
                                                    unit-wide extirpation is likely even
                                                                                                            into the future. Thus, the viability of the           threats to the eastern massasauga
                                                    higher. Thus, the level of redundancy in
                                                                                                            eastern massasauga rattlesnake has and                rattlesnake and how those threats are
                                                    the western analysis unit is projected to
                                                                                                            is projected to continue to decline over              affecting the species now and into the
                                                    decline into the future.
                                                       Conversely, in the eastern analysis                  the next 50 years.                                    future. The species faces an array of
                                                    unit, there is little to no risk of a D2- or               The reader is directed to the SSA for              threats that have and will likely
                                                    D3-level drought, and consequently the                  a more detailed discussion of our                     continue (often increasingly) to
                                                    probability of unit-wide extirpation due                evaluation of the biological status of the            contribute to declines at all levels
                                                    to a catastrophic drought is very low.                  eastern massasauga rattlesnake and the                (individual, population, and species).
                                                    Thus, redundancy, from a catastrophic                   influences that may affect its continued              The loss of habitat was historically, and
                                                    drought perspective, is not expected to                 existence. Our conclusions are based                  continues to be, the threat with greatest
                                                    decline over time in the eastern analysis               upon the best available scientific and                impact to the species (Factor A), either
                                                    unit.                                                   commercial data.                                      through development or through
                                                       Similarly, in the central analysis unit,             Determination                                         changes in habitat structure due to
                                                    there is little to no risk of a D3                                                                            vegetative succession. Disease, new or
                                                    catastrophic drought. The southern and                  Standard for Review                                   increasingly prevalent, is another
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                                                    northern portions of the central analysis                 Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533),              emerging and potentially catastrophic
                                                    unit, however, are at risk of a D2-level                and its implementing regulations at 50                threat to eastern massasauga rattlesnake
                                                    catastrophic drought. Losses of                         CFR part 424, set forth the procedures                populations (Factor C). As population
                                                    populations in these areas may lead to                  for adding species to the Federal Lists               sizes decrease, localized impacts, such
                                                    portions of the central analysis unit                   of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                 as collection and persecution of
                                                    being extirpated and will also increase                 and Plants. Under section 4(a)(1) of the              individuals, also increases the risk of
                                                    the probability of analysis-unit-wide                   Act, we may list a species based on (A)               extinction (Factor B). These risk factors
                                                    extirpation. However, the risk of                       The present or threatened destruction,                are chronic and are expected to

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                                                    continue with a similar magnitude of                    methodology used in our analysis, as                     We find that an endangered species
                                                    impact into the future. Additionally,                   discussed above.                                      status is not appropriate for the eastern
                                                    this species is vulnerable to the effects                  The Act defines an endangered                      massasauga rattlesnake. In assessing
                                                    of climate change through increasing                    species as any species that is ‘‘in danger            whether the species is in danger of
                                                    intensity of winter droughts and                        of extinction throughout all or a                     extinction, we used the plain language
                                                    increasing risk of summer floods (Factor                significant portion of its range’’ and a              understanding of this phrase as meaning
                                                    E), particularly in the southwest part of               threatened species as any species that is             ‘‘presently in danger of extinction.’’ We
                                                    its range (Pomera et al., undated;                      ‘‘likely to become an endangered                      considered whether extinction is a
                                                    Pomera et al. 2014, pp. 95–97). Some                    species within the foreseeable future                 plausible condition as the result of the
                                                    conservation actions (e.g., management                  throughout all or a significant portion of            established, present condition of the
                                                    of invasive species and woody plant                     its range.’’ A key statutory difference               eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Based
                                                    encroachment, timing prescribed fires to                between an endangered species and a                   on the species’ present condition, we
                                                    avoid the active season) are currently in               threatened species is the timing of when              find that the species is not currently on
                                                    place, which provide protection and                     a species may be in danger of extinction,             the brink of extinction. The timeframe
                                                    enhancement to some eastern                             either now (endangered species) or in
                                                                                                                                                                  for conditions that render the species on
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake populations.                     the foreseeable future (threatened
                                                                                                                                                                  the brink of extinction is beyond the
                                                    However, our analysis projects that                     species). Based on the biology of the
                                                                                                                                                                  present. While the magnitude of threats
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake                          eastern massasauga rattlesnake and the
                                                                                                            degree of uncertainty of future                       affecting populations is high, threats are
                                                    populations will continue to decline                                                                          not acting at all sites at a sufficient
                                                    even if current conservation measures                   predictions, we find that the
                                                                                                            ‘‘foreseeable future’’ for the species is             magnitude to result in the species
                                                    are continued into the future. As a result                                                                    presently being on the brink of
                                                    of these factors, the numbers and health                best defined as 50 years. Forecasting to
                                                                                                            50 years, the current threats are still               extinction. Additionally, some robust
                                                    of eastern massasauga rattlesnake                                                                             populations still exist, and we
                                                    populations are anticipated to decline                  reliably foreseeable at the end of that
                                                                                                            time span based on models, available                  anticipate they will remain self-
                                                    across the species’ range, and
                                                                                                            information on threats impacting the                  sustaining.
                                                    particularly in the southwestern
                                                    portions of the range, which have                       species, and other analyses; however,                    The SSA results represent the best-
                                                    already experienced large losses relative               we cannot reasonably predict future                   case scenario for this species. For
                                                    to historical conditions. Further, the                  conditions for the species beyond 50                  example, the analysis treated
                                                    reductions in eastern massasauga                        years. Our uncertainty in forecasting the             populations of unknown status as if
                                                    rattlesnake population numbers,                         status of the species beyond 50 years is              they were all extant, likely resulting in
                                                    distribution, and health forecast in the                also increased by our methodology of                  an overestimate of species’ viability.
                                                                                                            extrapolating from a subset of modeled                Thus, we considered whether treating
                                                    SSA report represent the best case
                                                                                                            populations to all extant or potentially
                                                    scenario for the species, and future                                                                          the populations with an ‘‘unknown’’
                                                                                                            extant populations.
                                                    outcomes may be worse than predicted.                                                                         status as currently extant in the analysis
                                                    Because of the type of information                         We find that the eastern massasauga                had an effect on the status
                                                    available to us, the analysis assumes                   rattlesnake is likely to become
                                                                                                                                                                  determination. We examined whether
                                                    that threat magnitude and pervasiveness                 endangered throughout its entire range
                                                                                                                                                                  the number of self-sustaining
                                                    remains constant into the future, while                 within the foreseeable future based on
                                                                                                            the severity and pervasiveness of threats             populations would change significantly
                                                    it is more likely that the magnitude of                                                                       over time if we instead assumed that all
                                                    threats will increase into the future                   currently impacting the species. We find
                                                                                                            that the eastern massasauga rattlesnake               populations with an ‘‘unknown’’ status
                                                    throughout the range of the species, or                                                                       were extirpated. The results are a more
                                                                                                            is likely to be on the brink of extinction
                                                    that novel threats may arise. In addition,                                                                    severe projected decline in eastern
                                                                                                            within the foreseeable future due to the
                                                    some currently identified threats are not                                                                     massasauga rattlesnake’s status than our
                                                                                                            projected loss of populations rangewide
                                                    included in the quantitative analysis                                                                         analysis projects when we assign the
                                                                                                            (loss of resiliency and redundancy) and
                                                    (e.g., disease, road mortality,                                                                               unknown status populations to the
                                                                                                            the projected loss of its distribution
                                                    persecution/collection, and climate                                                                           ‘‘extant’’ category, but not to the extent
                                                                                                            within large portions of its range. This
                                                    changes), because we lack specific,                                                                           that we would determine the species to
                                                                                                            loss in distribution could represent a
                                                    quantitative information on how these
                                                                                                            loss of genetic and ecological adaptive               be currently in danger of extinction.
                                                    factors may affect the species in the
                                                                                                            diversity, as well as a loss of                          Under the Act and our implementing
                                                    future. These factors and their potential
                                                                                                            populations from parts of the range that              regulations, a species may warrant
                                                    effects on the eastern massasauga
                                                                                                            may provide future refugia in a                       listing if it is an endangered or
                                                    rattlesnake were discussed and                          changing climate. Furthermore, many
                                                    considered as part of the determination.                                                                      threatened species throughout all or a
                                                                                                            remaining populations are currently
                                                       The species’ viability is also affected                                                                    significant portion of its range. Because
                                                                                                            experiencing high magnitude threats.
                                                    by losses of populations from historical                                                                      we have determined that eastern
                                                                                                            Although these high magnitude threats
                                                    portions of its range, which may have                                                                         massasauga rattlesnake is threatened
                                                                                                            are not currently pervasive rangewide,
                                                    represented unique genetic and                          they are likely to become pervasive in                throughout all of its range, no portion of
                                                    ecological diversity. The species is                    the foreseeable future as they expand                 its range can be ‘‘significant’’ for
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                                                    extirpated from Minnesota and                           and impact additional populations                     purposes of the definitions of
                                                    Missouri, and many populations have                     throughout the species’ range.                        ‘‘endangered species’’ and ‘‘threatened
                                                    been lost in the western part of the                    Therefore, on the basis of the best                   species.’’ See the Final Policy on
                                                    species’ range. Rangewide, the extent of                available scientific and commercial                   Interpretation of the Phrase ‘‘Significant
                                                    occurrence is predicted to decline by 65                data, we propose listing the eastern                  Portion of Its Range’’ in the Endangered
                                                    percent by year 50. Actual losses in                    massasauga rattlesnake as a threatened                Species Act’s Definitions of
                                                    extent of occurrence will likely be                     species in accordance with sections                   ‘‘Endangered Species’’ and ‘‘Threatened
                                                    greater than estimated because of the                   3(20) and 4(a)(1) of the Act.                         Species’’ (79 FR 37578; July 1, 2014).

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                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 189 / Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                          58697

                                                    Critical Habitat                                        States, most destined for the pet trade               comm.). In addition, when providing us
                                                                                                            (Thomas 2010, unpaginated). Snakes in                 with data on the current status of
                                                    Prudency Determination
                                                                                                            general are known to be feared and                    populations across the range of the
                                                    Background                                              persecuted by people, and venomous                    species, one State agency redacted site-
                                                       Critical habitat is defined in section               species even more so (Ohman and                       specific information, while others who
                                                    3(5)(A) of the Act as: (i) The specific                 Mineka 2003, p. 7; Whitaker and Shine                 provided the information expressed
                                                    areas within the geographic area                        2000, p. 121). As a venomous snake, the               strong concerns that we should not
                                                                                                            eastern massasauga rattlesnake is no                  disclose sensitive locality information.
                                                    occupied by a species, at the time it is
                                                                                                            exception, with examples of roundups                  We, therefore, find that designating
                                                    listed in accordance with the Act, on
                                                                                                            or bounties for them persisting through               critical habitat could negate the efforts
                                                    which are found those physical or
                                                                                                            the mid-1900s (Bushey 1985, p. 10; Vogt               of State and local conservation agencies
                                                    biological features (I) Essential to the
                                                                                                            1981; Wheeling, IL, Historical Society                to restrict access to location information
                                                    conservation of the species and (II) that
                                                                                                            Web site accessed 2015), and more                     that could significantly affect future
                                                    may require special management
                                                                                                            recent examples of persecution in                     efforts to control the threat of
                                                    considerations or protection; and (ii)
                                                                                                            Pennsylvania (Jellen 2005, p. 11) and                 unauthorized collection and trade of
                                                    specific areas outside the geographic
                                                                                                            Michigan (Baily et al. 2011, p. 171). The             eastern massasauga rattlesnakes.
                                                    area occupied by a species at the time
                                                    it is listed, upon a determination that                 process of designating critical habitat               Benefits to the Species From Critical
                                                    such areas are essential for the                        would increase human threats to the                   Habitat Designation
                                                    conservation of the species.                            eastern massasauga rattlesnake by
                                                                                                                                                                     Section 7(a)(2) of the Act requires
                                                       Conservation is defined in section                   increasing the vulnerability of this                  Federal agencies, including the Service,
                                                    3(3) of the Act as the use of all methods               species to unauthorized collection and                to ensure that actions they fund,
                                                    and procedures that are necessary to                    trade through public disclosure of its                authorize, or carry out are not likely to
                                                    bring any endangered or threatened                      locations. Designation of critical habitat            destroy or adversely modify critical
                                                    species to the point at which listing                   requires the publication of maps and a                habitat. Under the statutory provisions
                                                    under the Act is no longer necessary.                   specific narrative description of critical            of the Act, we determine destruction or
                                                       Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as                       habitat in the Federal Register. The                  adverse modification on the basis of
                                                    amended, and implementing regulations                   degree of detail in those maps and                    whether, with implementation of the
                                                    (50 CFR 424.12), require that, to the                   boundary descriptions is far greater than             proposed Federal action, the affected
                                                    maximum extent prudent and                              the general location descriptions                     critical habitat would remain functional
                                                    determinable, we designate critical                     provided in this proposal to list the                 (or retain those physical and biological
                                                    habitat at the time the species is                      species as a threatened species.                      features that relate to the ability of the
                                                    determined to be an endangered or                       Furthermore, a critical habitat                       area to periodically support the species)
                                                    threatened species. Our regulations (50                 designation normally results in the                   to serve its intended conservation role
                                                    CFR 424.12(a)(1)) state that the                        news media publishing articles in local               for the species. Critical habitat only
                                                    designation of critical habitat is not                  newspapers and special interest Web                   provides protections where there is a
                                                    prudent when one or both of the                         sites, usually with maps of the critical              Federal nexus, that is, those actions that
                                                    following circumstances exist: (1) The                  habitat. We have determined that the                  come under the purview of section 7 of
                                                    species is threatened by taking or other                publication of maps and descriptions                  the Act. Critical habitat designation has
                                                    human activity, and identification of                   outlining the locations of this species               no application to actions that do not
                                                    critical habitat can be expected to                     would further facilitate unauthorized                 have a Federal nexus. Section 7(a)(2) of
                                                    increase the degree of threat to the                    collection and trade, as collectors would             the Act mandates that Federal agencies,
                                                    species, or (2) such designation of                     know the exact locations where eastern                in consultation with the Service,
                                                    critical habitat would not be beneficial                massasauga rattlesnakes occur. While                  evaluate the effects of their proposed
                                                    to the species. We have determined that                 eastern massasauga rattlesnakes are                   actions on any designated critical
                                                    both circumstances apply to the eastern                 cryptic in coloration, they can still be              habitat. Similar to the Act’s requirement
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake. This                            collected in high numbers during                      that a Federal agency action not
                                                    determination involves a weighing of                    certain parts of their active seasons (e.g.,          jeopardize the continued existence of
                                                    the expected increase in threats                        spring egress from hibernation or                     listed species, Federal agencies have the
                                                    associated with a critical habitat                      summer gestation). Also, individuals of               responsibility not to implement actions
                                                    designation against the benefits gained                 this species are often slow moving and                that would destroy or adversely modify
                                                    by a critical habitat designation. An                   have small home ranges. Therefore,                    designated critical habitat. Critical
                                                    explanation of this ‘‘balancing’’                       publishing specific location information              habitat designation alone, however,
                                                    evaluation follows.                                     would provide a high level of assurance               does not require that a Federal action
                                                                                                            that any person going to a specific                   agency implement specific steps toward
                                                    Increased Threat to the Taxon by                        location would be able to successfully                species recovery. Eastern massasauga
                                                    Designating Critical Habitat                            locate and collect specimens, given the               rattlesnakes primarily occur on non-
                                                      Poaching and unauthorized collection                  species’ site fidelity and ease of capture            Federal lands. The eastern massasauga
                                                    (Factor B) of the eastern massasauga                    once located. Due to the threat of                    rattlesnake does occur on land managed
                                                    rattlesnake for the pet trade is a factor               unauthorized collection and trade, a                  by the Service (Wisconsin), National
                                                    contributing to declines, and remains a                 number of biologists working for State                Park Service (Indiana), U.S. Army Corps
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                                                    threat with significant impact to this                  and local conservation agencies that                  of Engineers (Illinois and Wisconsin),
                                                    species, commanding high black market                   manage populations of eastern                         and U.S. Forest Service (Michigan). We
                                                    value. For example, an investigation                    massasauga rattlesnakes have expressed                anticipate that some actions on non-
                                                    into reptile trafficking reports                        to the Service serious concerns with                  Federal lands will have a Federal nexus
                                                    documented 35 eastern massasauga                        publishing maps and boundary                          (for example, requirement for a permit
                                                    rattlesnakes (representing nearly one                   descriptions of occupied habitat areas                to discharge dredge and fill material
                                                    entire wild source population) collected                that could be associated with critical                from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
                                                    in Canada and smuggled into the United                  habitat designation (Redmer 2015, pers.               for an action that may adversely affect

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                                                    58698             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 189 / Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    the eastern massasauga rattlesnake.                     the proposed listing of the species also              reproductive adults in numbers that
                                                    There is also the potential that some                   serves to notify and educate                          would exceed those caused by predation
                                                    proposed actions by the Federal                         landowners, State and local                           and other non-catastrophic natural
                                                    agencies listed above may adversely                     governments, and the public regarding                 factors), requiring a focused and
                                                    affect the eastern massasauga                           important conservation values.                        comprehensive approach to reducing
                                                    rattlesnake. In those circumstances                     Furthermore, we have worked with                      threats. Several measures are currently
                                                    where it has been determined that a                     State conservation agencies and the                   being implemented to address the threat
                                                    Federal action (including actions                       Association of Zoos and Aquariums                     of persecution and unauthorized
                                                    involving non-Federal lands) may affect                 (Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake                       collection and trade of eastern
                                                    the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, the                 Species Survival Plan) to develop                     massasauga rattlesnakes, and additional
                                                    action would be reviewed under section                  outreach and education materials that                 measures will be implemented if the
                                                    7(a)(2) of the Act. We anticipate that the              target a diverse audience, including                  species is listed under the Act. One of
                                                    following Federal actions are some of                   public and private landowners,                        the basic measures to protect eastern
                                                    the actions that could adversely affect                 organizations, and the media. The                     massasauga rattlesnakes from
                                                    the eastern massasauga rattlesnake:                     eastern massasauga rattlesnake outreach               unauthorized collection and trade is
                                                    certain direct or indirect (e.g., funded                actions implemented to date include                   restricting access to information
                                                    through Federal grants) habitat                         producing and distributing brochures                  pertaining to the location of the species’
                                                    management activities such as post-                     and informational Web sites, working                  populations. Publishing maps and
                                                    emergent mowing or prescribed fire,                     with media outlets (newspaper and                     narrative descriptions of eastern
                                                    regional flood control activities, or                   television) on eastern massasauga                     massasauga rattlesnake critical habitat
                                                    discharging fill material (or associated                stories, and giving presentations to                  would significantly affect our ability to
                                                    activities) into jurisdictional waters of               conservation agencies or the public. In               reduce the threat of persecution, as well
                                                    the United States. Under section 7(a)(2)                addition, the Service provides a staff                as unauthorized collection and trade.
                                                    of the Act, project impacts would be                    advisor to the Eastern Massasauga                     Therefore, based on our determination
                                                    analyzed and the Service would                          Rattlesnake Species Survival Plan,                    that critical habitat designation would
                                                    determine if the Federal action would                   which provides a unique opportunity to                increase the degree of threat to the
                                                    jeopardize the continued existence of                   help frame messaging about this species               eastern massasauga rattlesnake, and, at
                                                    the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. The                 to many thousands of visitors to North                best, provide nominal benefits for this
                                                    designation of critical habitat would                   American zoos. Due to the extensive                   taxon, we find that the increased threat
                                                    ensure that a Federal action would not                  outreach and conservation efforts                     to the eastern massasauga rattlesnake
                                                    result in the destruction or adverse                    already underway that benefit the                     from the designation of critical habitat
                                                    modification of the designated critical                 eastern massasauga rattlesnake, we find               significantly outweighs any benefit of
                                                    habitat. Consultation with respect to                   that the designation of critical habitat              designation.
                                                    critical habitat would provide                          would provide limited additional
                                                                                                                                                                  Summary of Prudency Determination
                                                    additional protection to a species only                 outreach value.
                                                                                                                                                                     We have determined that the
                                                    if the agency action would result in the                Increased Threat to the Species                       designation of critical habitat would
                                                    destruction or adverse modification of                  Outweighs the Benefits of Critical                    increase persecution, unauthorized
                                                    the critical habitat but would not                      Habitat Designation                                   collection, and trade threats to the
                                                    jeopardize the continued existence of                     Upon reviewing the available                        eastern massasauga rattlesnake. The
                                                    the species. If we list the species but do              information, we have determined that                  eastern massasauga rattlesnake is highly
                                                    not designate critical habitat, areas that              the designation of critical habitat would             valued in the pet trade, and that value
                                                    support the eastern massasauga                          increase the threat to eastern                        is likely to increase as the species
                                                    rattlesnake would continue to be subject                massasauga rattlesnakes from                          becomes rarer, and as a venomous
                                                    to conservation actions implemented                     persecution, unauthorized collection,                 species, it also is the target of
                                                    under section 7(a)(1) of the Act and to                 and trade. We find that the risk of                   persecution. Critical habitat designation
                                                    the regulatory protections afforded by                  increasing this threat to a significant               may provide some benefits to the
                                                    the section 7(a)(2) jeopardy standard, as               degree by publishing location                         conservation of the eastern massasauga
                                                    appropriate. If we list the species,                    information in a critical habitat                     rattlesnake, for example, by identifying
                                                    Federal actions affecting the eastern                   designation outweighs the benefits of                 areas important for conservation. We
                                                    massasauga rattlesnake even in the                      designating critical habitat. A limited               have determined, however, that the
                                                    absence of designated critical habitat                  number of U.S. species listed under the               benefits of designating critical habitat
                                                    areas would still benefit from                          Act have commercial value in trade. The               for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake
                                                    consultation pursuant to section 7(a)(2)                eastern massasauga rattlesnake is one of              are minimal. We have concluded that,
                                                    of the Act and could still result in                    them. Due to the market demand and                    even if some benefit from designation
                                                    jeopardy findings.                                      willingness of individuals to collect                 may exist, the increased threat to the
                                                       Another potential benefit to the                     eastern massasauga rattlesnakes without               species from unauthorized collection
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake from                     authorization, and the willingness of                 and persecution outweighs any benefit
                                                    designating critical habitat is that such               others to kill them out of fear or wanton             to the species. A determination to not
                                                    a designation serves to educate                         dislike, we have determined that any                  designate critical habitat also supports
                                                    landowners, State and local                             action that publicly discloses the                    the measures taken by the States to
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                                                    governments, and the public regarding                   location of eastern massasauga                        control and restrict information on the
                                                    the potential conservation value of an                  rattlesnakes (such as critical habitat)               locations of the eastern massasauga
                                                    area. Generally, providing this                         puts the species in further peril. Many               rattlesnake and to no longer make
                                                    information helps focus and promote                     populations of the eastern massasauga                 location and survey information readily
                                                    conservation efforts by other parties by                rattlesnake are small, and the life                   available to the public. We have,
                                                    clearly delineating areas of high                       history of the species makes it                       therefore, determined in accordance
                                                    conservation value for the affected                     vulnerable to additive loss of                        with 50 CFR 424.12(a)(1) that it is not
                                                    species. However, simply publicizing                    individuals (for example, loss of                     prudent to designate critical habitat for

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                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 189 / Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           58699

                                                    the eastern massasauga rattlesnake.                     and State agencies, nongovernmental                   Service on any action that is likely to
                                                    However, we seek public comment on                      organizations, and stakeholders) are                  jeopardize the continued existence of a
                                                    our determination that designation of                   often established to develop recovery                 species proposed for listing or result in
                                                    critical habitat is not prudent (see                    plans. When completed, the recovery                   destruction or adverse modification of
                                                    ADDRESSES, above, for instructions on                   outline, draft recovery plan, and the                 proposed critical habitat. If a species is
                                                    how to submit comments).                                final recovery plan will be available on              listed subsequently, section 7(a)(2) of
                                                                                                            our Web site (http://www.fws.gov/                     the Act requires Federal agencies to
                                                    Available Conservation Measures
                                                                                                            endangered), or from our Chicago                      ensure that activities they authorize,
                                                       Conservation measures provided to                    Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR             fund, or carry out are not likely to
                                                    species listed as endangered or                         FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                         jeopardize the continued existence of
                                                    threatened species under the Act                           Implementation of recovery actions                 the species or destroy or adversely
                                                    include recognition, recovery actions,                  generally requires the participation of a             modify its critical habitat. If a Federal
                                                    requirements for Federal protection, and                broad range of partners, including other              action may affect a listed species or its
                                                    prohibitions against certain practices.                 Federal agencies, States, Tribes,                     critical habitat, the responsible Federal
                                                    Recognition through listing results in                  nongovernmental organizations,                        agency must enter into consultation
                                                    public awareness, and conservation by                   businesses, and private landowners.                   with the Service.
                                                    Federal, State, Tribal, and local                       Examples of recovery actions include                     Federal agency actions within the
                                                    agencies, private organizations, and                    habitat restoration (e.g., restoration of             species’ habitat that may require
                                                    individuals. The Act encourages                         native vegetation) and management,                    conference or consultation or both as
                                                    cooperation with the States and other                   research, captive propagation and                     described in the preceding paragraph
                                                    countries and calls for recovery actions                reintroduction, and outreach and                      include management and any other
                                                    to be carried out for listed species. The               education. The recovery of many listed                landscape-altering activities on Federal
                                                    protection required by Federal agencies                 species cannot be accomplished solely                 lands administered by the Service
                                                    and the prohibitions against certain                    on Federal lands because their range                  (Upper Mississippi National Wildlife
                                                    activities are discussed, in part, below.               may occur primarily or solely on non-                 and Fish Refuge, Wisconsin), U.S.
                                                       The primary purpose of the Act is the                Federal lands. To achieve recovery of                 Forest Service (Huron-Manistee
                                                    conservation of endangered and                          these species requires cooperative                    National Forest, Michigan), National
                                                    threatened species and the ecosystems                   conservation efforts on private, State,               Park Service (Indiana Dunes National
                                                    upon which they depend. The ultimate                    and Tribal lands. If this species is listed,          Lakeshore, Indiana), or military lands
                                                    goal of such conservation efforts is the                funding for recovery actions will be                  administered by branches of the
                                                    recovery of these listed species, so that               available from a variety of sources,                  Department of Defense (Fort Grayling,
                                                    they no longer need the protective                      including Federal budgets, State                      Michigan); flood control projects (Lake
                                                    measures of the Act. Subsection 4(f) of                 programs, and cost share grants for non-              Carlyle, Illinois) and issuance of section
                                                    the Act calls for the Service to develop                Federal landowners, the academic                      404 Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et
                                                    and implement recovery plans for the                    community, and nongovernmental                        seq.) permits by the U.S. Army Corps of
                                                    conservation of endangered and                          organizations. In addition, pursuant to               Engineers; construction and
                                                    threatened species. The recovery                        section 6 of the Act, the States of                   maintenance of roads or highways by
                                                    planning process involves the                           Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan,                    the Federal Highway Administration;
                                                    identification of actions that are                      Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio,                  construction and maintenance of
                                                    necessary to halt or reverse the species’               Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin would be                  pipelines or rights-of-way for
                                                    decline by addressing the threats to its                eligible for Federal funds to implement               transmission of electricity, and other
                                                    survival and recovery. The goal of this                 management actions that promote the                   energy related projects permitted or
                                                    process is to restore listed species to a               protection or recovery of the eastern                 administered by the Federal Energy
                                                    point where they are secure, self-                      massasauga rattlesnake. Information on                Regulatory Commission.
                                                    sustaining, and functioning components                  our grant programs that are available to                 Under section 4(d) of the Act, the
                                                    of their ecosystems.                                    aid species recovery can be found at:                 Service has discretion to issue
                                                       Recovery planning includes the                       http://www.fws.gov/grants.                            regulations that we find necessary and
                                                    development of a recovery outline                          Although the eastern massasauga                    advisable to provide for the
                                                    concurrently or shortly after a species is              rattlesnake is only proposed for listing              conservation of threatened species. The
                                                    listed and preparation of a draft and                   under the Act at this time, please let us             Act and its implementing regulations set
                                                    final recovery plan. The recovery                       know if you are interested in                         forth a series of general prohibitions and
                                                    outline guides the immediate                            participating in recovery efforts for this            exceptions that apply to threatened
                                                    implementation of urgent recovery                       species. Additionally, we invite you to               wildlife. The prohibitions of section
                                                    actions and describes the process to be                 submit any new information on this                    9(a)(1) of the Act, as applied to
                                                    used to develop a recovery plan.                        species whenever it becomes available                 threatened wildlife and codified at 50
                                                    Revisions of the plan may be done to                    and any information you may have for                  CFR 17.31, make it illegal for any person
                                                    address continuing or new threats to the                recovery planning purposes (see FOR                   subject to the jurisdiction of the United
                                                    species, as new substantive information                 FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                         States to take (including harass, harm,
                                                    becomes available. The recovery plan                       Section 7(a) of the Act requires                   pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap,
                                                    also identifies recovery criteria for                   Federal agencies to evaluate their                    capture, or collect; or to attempt any of
                                                    review of when a species may be ready                   actions with respect to any species that              these) threatened wildlife within the
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                                                    for downlisting or delisting, and                       is proposed or listed as an endangered                United States or on the high seas. In
                                                    methods for monitoring recovery                         or threatened species and with respect                addition, it is unlawful to import;
                                                    progress. Recovery plans also establish                 to its critical habitat, if any is                    export; deliver, receive, carry, transport,
                                                    a framework for agencies to coordinate                  designated. Regulations implementing                  or ship in interstate or foreign
                                                    their recovery efforts and provide                      this interagency cooperation provision                commerce in the course of commercial
                                                    estimates of the cost of implementing                   of the Act are codified at 50 CFR part                activity; or sell or offer for sale in
                                                    recovery tasks. Recovery teams                          402. Section 7(a)(4) of the Act requires              interstate or foreign commerce any
                                                    (composed of species experts, Federal                   Federal agencies to confer with the                   listed species. It is also illegal to

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                                                    possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, or               (2) Certain dam construction: In an                sections or paragraphs that are unclearly
                                                    ship any such wildlife that has been                    area where the dam alters the habitat                 written, which sections or sentences are
                                                    taken illegally. Certain exceptions apply               from native land types (e.g., grassland,              too long, the sections where you feel
                                                    to employees of the Service, the                        swamp, fen, bog, wet prairie, sedge                   lists or tables would be useful, etc.
                                                    National Marine Fisheries Service, other                meadow, marshland, peatland,
                                                                                                                                                                  National Environmental Policy Act (42
                                                    Federal land management agencies, and                   floodplain forest, coniferous forest)
                                                                                                                                                                  U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)
                                                    State conservation agencies.                            causing changes in hydrology at
                                                       We may issue permits to carry out                    hibernacula or where the dam causes                      We have determined that
                                                    otherwise prohibited activities                         fragmentation that separates snakes                   environmental assessments and
                                                    involving threatened wildlife under                     from hibernacula or gestational sites;                environmental impact statements, as
                                                    certain circumstances. Regulations                         (3) Post-emergent prescribed fire:                 defined under the authority of the
                                                    governing permits are codified at 50                    Prescribed burns to control vegetation                National Environmental Policy Act
                                                    CFR 17.32. With regard to threatened                    that are conducted after snakes have                  (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not
                                                    wildlife, a permit may be issued for the                emerged from their hibernacula and are                be prepared in connection with listing
                                                    following purposes: For scientific                      thus exposed to the fire;                             a species as an endangered or
                                                    purposes, to enhance the propagation or                    (4) Post-emergent mowing: Mowing of                threatened species under the
                                                    survival of the species, for economic                   vegetation after snakes have emerged                  Endangered Species Act. We published
                                                    hardship, for zoological exhibition, for                from hibernacula can cause direct                     a notice outlining our reasons for this
                                                    educational purposes, and for incidental                mortality by contact with blades or                   determination in the Federal Register
                                                    take in connection with otherwise                       being run over by tires on mower;                     on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
                                                    lawful activities. There are also certain                  (5) Certain pesticide use;
                                                                                                               (6) Water level manipulation:                      References Cited
                                                    statutory exemptions from the
                                                    prohibitions, which are found in                        Flooding or hydrologic drawdown                         A complete list of references cited in
                                                    sections 9 and 10 of the Act.                           affecting eastern massasauga rattlesnake              this rulemaking is available on the
                                                                                                            individuals or habitat, particularly                  Internet at http://www.regulations.gov
                                                       It is our policy, as published in the
                                                                                                            hibernacula;                                          and upon request from the Chicago
                                                    Federal Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR
                                                                                                               (7) Certain research activities:                   Ecological Services Field Office (see FOR
                                                    34272), to identify to the maximum
                                                                                                            Collection and handling of eastern                    FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                                    extent practicable at the time a species
                                                                                                            massasauga rattlesnake individuals for
                                                    is listed, those activities that would or                                                                     Authors
                                                                                                            research that may result in displacement
                                                    would not constitute a violation of
                                                                                                            or death of the individuals; and                        The primary authors of this proposed
                                                    section 9 of the Act. The intent of this
                                                                                                               (8) Poaching or collecting individuals.            rule are the staff members of the
                                                    policy is to increase public awareness of
                                                                                                               Questions regarding whether specific               Chicago Ecological Services Field
                                                    the effect of a proposed listing on
                                                                                                            activities would constitute a violation of            Office.
                                                    proposed and ongoing activities within
                                                                                                            section 9 of the Act should be directed
                                                    the range of the species proposed for                                                                         List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
                                                                                                            to the Chicago Ecological Services Field
                                                    listing. Based on the best available
                                                                                                            Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                     Endangered and threatened species,
                                                    information, the following actions are
                                                                                                            CONTACT).                                             Exports, Imports, Reporting and
                                                    unlikely to result in a violation of
                                                    section 9, if these activities are carried              Required Determinations                               recordkeeping requirements,
                                                    out in accordance with existing                                                                               Transportation.
                                                                                                            Clarity of the Rule
                                                    regulations and permit requirements;                                                                          Proposed Regulation Promulgation
                                                    this list is not comprehensive:                            We are required by Executive Orders
                                                                                                            12866 and 12988 and by the                              Accordingly, we propose to amend
                                                       (1) Pre-emergent fire: Prescribed burns                                                                    part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title
                                                    to control vegetation occurring prior to                Presidential Memorandum of June 1,
                                                                                                            1998, to write all rules in plain                     50 of the Code of Federal Regulations,
                                                    eastern massasauga rattlesnake                                                                                as set forth below:
                                                    emergence from hibernacula (typically                   language. This means that each rule we
                                                    in late March to early April); and                      publish must:
                                                                                                                                                                  PART 17—[AMENDED]
                                                                                                               (1) Be logically organized;
                                                       (2) Pre-emergent mowing: Mowing of
                                                                                                               (2) Use the active voice to address                ■ 1. The authority citation for part 17
                                                    vegetation prior to eastern massasauga
                                                                                                            readers directly;                                     continues to read as follows:
                                                    rattlesnake emergence from hibernacula.
                                                                                                               (3) Use clear language rather than
                                                       Based on the best available                          jargon;                                                 Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
                                                    information, the following activities                      (4) Be divided into short sections and             1544; 4201–4245, unless otherwise noted.
                                                    may potentially result in a violation of                sentences; and                                        ■  2. In § 17.11(h), add an entry for
                                                    section 9 of the Act; this list is not                     (5) Use lists and tables wherever                  ‘‘Rattlesnake, eastern massasauga’’ to
                                                    comprehensive:                                          possible.                                             the List of Endangered and Threatened
                                                       (1) Development of land or the                          If you feel that we have not met these             Wildlife in alphabetical order under
                                                    conversion of native land to agricultural               requirements, send us comments by one                 REPTILES to read as set forth below:
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    land, including the construction of any                 of the methods listed in the ADDRESSES
                                                    related infrastructure (e.g., roads,                    section. To better help us revise the                 § 17.11 Endangered and threatened
                                                    bridges, railroads, pipelines, utilities) in            rule, your comments should be as                      wildlife.
                                                    occupied eastern massasauga rattlesnake                 specific as possible. For example, you                *       *    *    *    *
                                                    habitat;                                                should tell us the numbers of the                         (h) * * *

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 189 / Wednesday, September 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                                                              58701

                                                                          Species                                                                         Vertebrate popu-                                                      Critical              Special
                                                                                                                         Historic range                 lation where endan-                 Status   When listed                habitat                rules
                                                        Common name                 Scientific name                                                     gered or threatened

                                                             *                            *                                *                                *                               *                         *                               *
                                                          REPTILES              .................................   .................................   .................................            ....................   ....................   ....................

                                                             *                         *                                *                                 *                                 *                         *                               *
                                                    Rattlesnake, eastern        Sistrurus catenatus                 U.S.A. (IL, IN, IA,                 Entire ......................       T        ....................                  NA                     NA
                                                      massasauga.                                                     MI, MN, MO, NY,
                                                                                                                      OH, PA, WI);
                                                                                                                      Canada (Ontario).

                                                               *                          *                                *                               *                                *                         *                               *

                                                    *      *       *       *      *                                      Dated: September 11, 2015.
                                                                                                                       James W. Kurth,
                                                                                                                       Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
                                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2015–24780 Filed 9–29–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 4310–55–P
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Document Created: 2015-12-15 09:31:18
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 09:31:18
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule.
DatesWe will accept comments received or postmarked on or before November 30, 2015. Comments submitted electronically using the Federal
ContactLouise Clemency, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Chicago Ecological Services Field Office, 1250 S. Grove Ave., Suite 103, Barrington, IL 60010-5010; by telephone 847-381-2253. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339.
FR Citation80 FR 58688 
RIN Number1018-BA98
CFR AssociatedEndangered and Threatened Species; Exports; Imports; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Transportation

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