80_FR_59411 80 FR 59221 - In the Matter of the Designation of Rustam Aselderov, aka Abu Mukhammad al-Kadar, aka Abu Mukhammad Kadarsky, aka Abu Mukhammad Kadarskiy, aka Abu Mohammad al-Qadari, aka Abu Muhammad al-Kadarskii, aka Rustam Asildarov, aka Rustam Aseldarov as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as Amended

80 FR 59221 - In the Matter of the Designation of Rustam Aselderov, aka Abu Mukhammad al-Kadar, aka Abu Mukhammad Kadarsky, aka Abu Mukhammad Kadarskiy, aka Abu Mohammad al-Qadari, aka Abu Muhammad al-Kadarskii, aka Rustam Asildarov, aka Rustam Aseldarov as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as Amended


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 190 (October 1, 2015)

Page Range59221-59222
FR Document2015-25043

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 190 (Thursday, October 1, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 190 (Thursday, October 1, 2015)]
[Pages 59221-59222]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-25043]



[Public Notice: 9304]

In the Matter of the Designation of Rustam Aselderov, aka Abu 
Mukhammad al-Kadar, aka Abu Mukhammad Kadarsky, aka Abu Mukhammad 
Kadarskiy, aka Abu Mohammad al-Qadari, aka Abu Muhammad al-Kadarskii, 
aka Rustam Asildarov, aka Rustam Aseldarov as a Specially Designated 
Global Terrorist Pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as 

    Acting under the authority of and in accordance with section 1(b) 
of Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, as amended by Executive 
Order 13268 of July 2, 2002, and Executive Order 13284 of January 23, 
2003, I hereby determine that the individual known as Rustam Aselderov, 
also known as Abu Mukhammad al-Kadar, also known as Abu Mukhammad 
Kadarsky, also known as Abu Mukhammad Kadarskiy, also known as Abu 
Mohammad al-Qadari, also known as Abu Muhammad al-Kadarskii, also known 
as Rustam Asildarov, also known as Rustam Aseldarov, committed, or 
poses a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism that threaten 
the security of U.S. nationals or the national security, foreign 
policy, or economy of the United States.
    Consistent with the determination in section 10 of Executive Order 
13224 that ``prior notice to persons determined to be subject to the 
Order who might have a constitutional presence in the United

[[Page 59222]]

States would render ineffectual the blocking and other measures 
authorized in the Order because of the ability to transfer funds 
instantaneously,'' I determine that no prior notice needs to be 
provided to any person subject to this determination who might have a 
constitutional presence in the United States, because to do so would 
render ineffectual the measures authorized in the Order.
    This notice shall be published in the Federal Register.

    Dated: September 22, 2015.
John F. Kerry,
Secretary of State.
[FR Doc. 2015-25043 Filed 9-30-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 190 / Thursday, October 1, 2015 / Notices                                                 59221

                                                   record. Before including any detailed                   Order 13284 of January 23, 2003, I                    the national security, foreign policy, or
                                                   personal information, you should be                     hereby determine that the entity known                economy of the United States.
                                                   aware that your comments as submitted,                  as Jund al-Khilafah in Algeria, also                     Consistent with the determination in
                                                   including your personal information,                    known as Jak-A, also known as Jund al-                section 10 of Executive Order 13224 that
                                                   will be available for public review.                    Khalifa fi Ard al-Jazayer, also known as              ‘‘prior notice to persons determined to
                                                                                                           Jund al-Khilafah fi Ard al-Jaza’ir, also              be subject to the Order who might have
                                                   Abstract of Proposed Collection                                                                               a constitutional presence in the United
                                                                                                           known as Soldiers of the Caliphate in
                                                      The purpose of the information                       Algeria, also known as Caliphate                      States would render ineffectual the
                                                   collection is to determine whether a                    Soldiers of Algeria, also known as                    blocking and other measures authorized
                                                   U.S. citizen/national parent has met the                Soldiers of the Caliphate in the Land of              in the Order because of the ability to
                                                   statutory physical presence or residence                Algeria, also known as Jund al Khalifa-               transfer funds instantaneously,’’ I
                                                   requirements to transmit U.S.                           Algeria, also known as Jund al-Khalifa,               determine that no prior notice needs to
                                                   citizenship to his or her child born                    also known as Jund al-Khilafa Group                   be provided to any person subject to this
                                                   abroad or in the United States for U.S.                 committed, or poses a significant risk of             determination who might have a
                                                   noncitizen nationality; to establish                    committing, acts of terrorism that                    constitutional presence in the United
                                                   parentage of the child; and to fulfill the              threaten the security of U.S. nationals or            States, because to do so would render
                                                   requirements of 8 U.S.C. 1409(a), which                 the national security, foreign policy, or             ineffectual the measures authorized in
                                                   permits acknowledgment of paternity                     economy of the United States.                         the Order.
                                                   under oath and requires the U.S. citizen                   Consistent with the determination in                  This notice shall be published in the
                                                   father’s written agreement to provide                   section 10 of Executive Order 13224 that              Federal Register.
                                                   financial support for his child born                    ‘‘prior notice to persons determined to                 Dated: September 24, 2015.
                                                   abroad out of wedlock. The affidavit                    be subject to the Order who might have                John F. Kerry,
                                                   may also be submitted by the U.S.                       a constitutional presence in the United
                                                                                                                                                                 Secretary of State.
                                                   citizen parent(s) to explain why a local                States would render ineffectual the
                                                                                                                                                                 [FR Doc. 2015–25039 Filed 9–30–15; 8:45 am]
                                                   birth certificate is unavailable and to                 blocking and other measures authorized
                                                   state the facts that are relevant to the                                                                      BILLING CODE 4710–AD–P
                                                                                                           in the Order because of the ability to
                                                   birth abroad.                                           transfer funds instantaneously,’’ I
                                                                                                           determine that no prior notice needs to
                                                   Methodology                                                                                                   DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                                                                                                           be provided to any person subject to this
                                                     The information is collected in person                determination who might have a                        [Public Notice: 9304]
                                                   or by mail. The form may be accessed                    constitutional presence in the United
                                                   online, completed electronically,                       States, because to do so would render                 In the Matter of the Designation of
                                                   printed, and signed; or it may be                       ineffectual the measures authorized in                Rustam Aselderov, aka Abu
                                                   downloaded, printed, and filled out                     the Order.                                            Mukhammad al-Kadar, aka Abu
                                                   manually. The Bureau of Consular                           This notice shall be published in the              Mukhammad Kadarsky, aka Abu
                                                   Affairs is currently exploring options to               Federal Register.                                     Mukhammad Kadarskiy, aka Abu
                                                   make this information collection                                                                              Mohammad al-Qadari, aka Abu
                                                                                                             Dated: September 24, 2015.
                                                   available electronically.                                                                                     Muhammad al-Kadarskii, aka Rustam
                                                                                                           John F. Kerry,                                        Asildarov, aka Rustam Aseldarov as a
                                                     Dated: September 14, 2015.                            Secretary of State.                                   Specially Designated Global Terrorist
                                                   Michelle Bernier-Toth,                                  [FR Doc. 2015–25004 Filed 9–30–15; 8:45 am]           Pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive
                                                   Managing Director, Bureau of Consular                   BILLING CODE 4710–AD–P                                Order 13224, as Amended
                                                   Affairs, Department of State.
                                                   [FR Doc. 2015–24997 Filed 9–30–15; 8:45 am]                                                                      Acting under the authority of and in
                                                   BILLING CODE 4710–06–P                                  DEPARTMENT OF STATE                                   accordance with section 1(b) of
                                                                                                                                                                 Executive Order 13224 of September 23,
                                                                                                           [Public Notice: 9305]                                 2001, as amended by Executive Order
                                                   DEPARTMENT OF STATE                                     In the Matter of the Designation of                   13268 of July 2, 2002, and Executive
                                                                                                           Nasser Muthana, aka Abu Muthanna al-                  Order 13284 of January 23, 2003, I
                                                   [Public Notice 9307]
                                                                                                           Yemeni, aka Abu Muthanna al Yemeni,                   hereby determine that the individual
                                                   In the Matter of the Designation of                     aka Abu Muthana Al Yemeni as a                        known as Rustam Aselderov, also
                                                   Jund al-Khilafah in Algeria, aka Jak-A,                 Specially Designated Global Terrorist                 known as Abu Mukhammad al-Kadar,
                                                   aka Jund al-Khalifa fi Ard al-Jazayer,                  Pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive                 also known as Abu Mukhammad
                                                   aka Jund al-Khilafah fi Ard al-Jaza’ir,                 Order 13224, as Amended                               Kadarsky, also known as Abu
                                                   aka Soldiers of the Caliphate in                                                                              Mukhammad Kadarskiy, also known as
                                                   Algeria, aka Caliphate Soldiers of                        Acting under the authority of and in                Abu Mohammad al-Qadari, also known
                                                   Algeria, aka Soldiers of the Caliphate                  accordance with section 1(b) of                       as Abu Muhammad al-Kadarskii, also
                                                   in the Land of Algeria, aka Jund al                     Executive Order 13224 of September 23,                known as Rustam Asildarov, also
                                                   Khalifa-Algeria, aka Jund al-Khalifa,                   2001, as amended by Executive Order                   known as Rustam Aseldarov,
                                                   aka Jund al-Khilafa Group as a                          13268 of July 2, 2002, and Executive                  committed, or poses a significant risk of
                                                   Specially Designated Global Terrorist                   Order 13284 of January 23, 2003, I                    committing, acts of terrorism that
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES6

                                                   Pursuant to Section 1(b) of Executive                   hereby determine that the individual                  threaten the security of U.S. nationals or
                                                   Order 13224, as Amended                                 known as Nasser Muthana, also known                   the national security, foreign policy, or
                                                                                                           as Abu Muthanna al-Yemeni, also                       economy of the United States.
                                                     Acting under the authority of and in                  known as Abu Muthanna al Yemeni,                         Consistent with the determination in
                                                   accordance with section 1(b) of                         also known as Abu Muthana Al Yemeni,                  section 10 of Executive Order 13224 that
                                                   Executive Order 13224 of September 23,                  committed, or poses a significant risk of             ‘‘prior notice to persons determined to
                                                   2001, as amended by Executive Order                     committing, acts of terrorism that                    be subject to the Order who might have
                                                   13268 of July 2, 2002, and Executive                    threaten the security of U.S. nationals or            a constitutional presence in the United

                                              VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:04 Sep 30, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00089   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\01OCN1.SGM   01OCN1

                                                   59222                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 190 / Thursday, October 1, 2015 / Notices

                                                   States would render ineffectual the                     ineffectual the measures authorized in                http://www.regulations.gov, as
                                                   blocking and other measures authorized                  the Order.                                            described in the system of records
                                                   in the Order because of the ability to                    This notice shall be published in the               notice (DOT/ALL–14 FDMS), which can
                                                   transfer funds instantaneously,’’ I                     Federal Register.                                     be reviewed at http://www.dot.gov/
                                                   determine that no prior notice needs to                   Dated: September 22, 2015.                          privacy.
                                                   be provided to any person subject to this               John F. Kerry,
                                                                                                                                                                   Docket: Background documents or
                                                   determination who might have a                                                                                comments received may be read at
                                                                                                           Secretary of State.
                                                   constitutional presence in the United                                                                         http://www.regulations.gov at any time.
                                                                                                           [FR Doc. 2015–25046 Filed 9–30–15; 8:45 am]
                                                   States, because to do so would render                                                                         Follow the online instructions for
                                                   ineffectual the measures authorized in                  BILLING CODE 4710–AD–P                                accessing the docket or go to the Docket
                                                   the Order.                                                                                                    Operations in Room W12–140 of the
                                                      This notice shall be published in the                                                                      West Building Ground Floor at 1200
                                                   Federal Register.                                       DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                          New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,
                                                     Dated: September 22, 2015.                                                                                  DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
                                                                                                           Federal Aviation Administration                       through Friday, except Federal holidays.
                                                   John F. Kerry,
                                                   Secretary of State.                                     [Summary Notice No. 2015–55]                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                   [FR Doc. 2015–25043 Filed 9–30–15; 8:45 am]                                                                   Sandra K. Long (202) 267–4714, Office
                                                                                                           Petition for Exemption; Summary of                    of Rulemaking, Federal Aviation
                                                   BILLING CODE 4710–AD–P
                                                                                                           Petition Received; Marco Epifanio                     Administration, 800 Independence
                                                                                                                                                                 Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591,
                                                                                                           AGENCY: Federal Aviation
                                                   DEPARTMENT OF STATE                                                                                           Sandra.long@faa.gov.
                                                                                                           Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                                                                                                                                                   This notice is published pursuant to
                                                   [Public Notice: 9303]                                   ACTION: Notice.                                       14 CFR 11.85.
                                                   In the Matter of the Designation of                     SUMMARY:   This notice contains a                       Issued in Washington, DC, on September
                                                   Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant—                   summary of a petition seeking relief                  25, 2015.
                                                   Caucasus Province, Also Known as                        from specified requirements of Title 14               Lirio Liu,
                                                   Vilayat Kavkaz, Also Known as Wilayat                   of the Code of Federal Regulations. The               Director, Office of Rulemaking.
                                                   Qawqaz, Also Known as Wilayah                           purpose of this notice is to improve the
                                                                                                                                                                 Petition for Exemption
                                                   Qawkaz, Also Known as Caucasus                          public’s awareness of, and participation
                                                   Wilayah, Also Known as Caucasus                         in, the FAA’s exemption process.                        Docket No.: FAA–2015–3416.
                                                   Province as a Specially Designated                      Neither publication of this notice nor                  Petitioner: Marco Epifanio.
                                                   Global Terrorist Pursuant to Section                    the inclusion or omission of information                Section(s) of 14 CFR Affected:
                                                   1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as                       in the summary is intended to affect the              § 61.73(c).
                                                   Amended                                                 legal status of the petition or its final               Description of Relief Sought:
                                                                                                           disposition.                                          Petitioner seeks relief to allow eligibility
                                                      Acting under the authority of and in                                                                       for a Commercial Pilot Certificate based
                                                   accordance with section 1(b) of                         DATES:  Comments on this petition must
                                                                                                                                                                 on training completed as a military pilot
                                                   Executive Order 13224 of September 23,                  identify the petition docket number and
                                                                                                                                                                 of the Armed Forces of a foreign
                                                   2001, as amended by Executive Order                     must be received on or before October
                                                                                                                                                                 contracting State assigned to pilot duties
                                                   13268 of July 2, 2002, and Executive                    21, 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                 for flight training with the U.S. Military.
                                                   Order 13284 of January 23, 2003, I                      ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
                                                                                                                                                                 [FR Doc. 2015–24825 Filed 9–30–15; 8:45 am]
                                                   hereby determine that the entity known                  by docket number FAA–2015–3416
                                                                                                                                                                 BILLING CODE 4910–13–P
                                                   as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant—                using any of the following methods:
                                                   Caucasus Province, also known as                          • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
                                                   Vilayat Kavkaz, also known as Wilayat                   http://www.regulations.gov and follow                 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                   Qawqaz, also known as Wilayah                           the online instructions for sending your
                                                   Qawkaz, also known as Caucasus                          comments electronically.                              Federal Aviation Administration
                                                   Wilayah, also known as Caucasus                           • Mail: Send comments to Docket
                                                   Province, committed, or poses a                         Operations, M–30; U.S. Department of                  [AC 187–1J]
                                                   significant risk of committing, acts of                 Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey
                                                                                                                                                                 Schedule of Charges Outside the
                                                   terrorism that threaten the security of                 Avenue SE., Room W12–140, West
                                                                                                                                                                 United States
                                                   U.S. nationals or the national security,                Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC
                                                   foreign policy, or economy of the United                20590–0001.                                           AGENCY: Federal Aviation
                                                   States.                                                   • Hand Delivery or Courier: Take                    Administration (FAA), DOT.
                                                      Consistent with the determination in                 comments to Docket Operations in                      ACTION: Notice of availability.
                                                   section 10 of Executive Order 13224 that                Room W12–140 of the West Building
                                                   ‘‘prior notice to persons determined to                 Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey                       SUMMARY:   The Federal Aviation
                                                   be subject to the Order who might have                  Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9                 Administration (FAA) is announcing the
                                                   a constitutional presence in the United                 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through                       availability of Advisory Circular (AC)
                                                   States would render ineffectual the                     Friday, except Federal holidays.                      187–1J, which transmits an updated
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES6

                                                   blocking and other measures authorized                    • Fax: Fax comments to Docket                       schedule of charges for services of FAA
                                                   in the Order because of the ability to                  Operations at 202–493–2251.                           Flight Standards aviation safety
                                                   transfer funds instantaneously,’’ I                       Privacy: In accordance with 5 U.S.C.                inspectors (ASI) outside the United
                                                   determine that no prior notice needs to                 553(c), DOT solicits comments from the                States. The AC has been updated in
                                                   be provided to any person subject to this               public to better inform its rulemaking                accordance with the procedures listed
                                                   determination who might have a                          process. DOT posts these comments,                    in Title 14 of the Code of Federal
                                                   constitutional presence in the United                   without edit, including any personal                  Regulations (14 CFR) part 187,
                                                   States, because to do so would render                   information the commenter provides, to                Appendix A.

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 08:41:18
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 08:41:18
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 59221 

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