80_FR_60247 80 FR 60055 - Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2016 Rates; Revisions of Quality Reporting Requirements for Specific Providers, including Changes Related to the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program; Extensions of the Medicare-Dependent, Small Rural Hospital Program and the Low-Volume Payment Adjustment for Hospitals; Correction

80 FR 60055 - Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2016 Rates; Revisions of Quality Reporting Requirements for Specific Providers, including Changes Related to the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program; Extensions of the Medicare-Dependent, Small Rural Hospital Program and the Low-Volume Payment Adjustment for Hospitals; Correction

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 192 (October 5, 2015)

Page Range60055-60069
FR Document2015-25269

This document corrects technical and typographical errors in the final rule and interim final rule with comment period that appeared in the Federal Register on August 17, 2015 titled ``Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2016 Rates; Revisions of Quality Reporting Requirements for Specific Providers, including Changes Related to the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program; Extensions of the Medicare- Dependent, Small Rural Hospital Program and the Low-Volume Payment Adjustment for Hospitals.''

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 192 (Monday, October 5, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 192 (Monday, October 5, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 60055-60069]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-25269]



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

42 CFR Part 412

RIN 0938-AS41

Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems 
for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective 
Payment System Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2016 Rates; Revisions of 
Quality Reporting Requirements for Specific Providers, including 
Changes Related to the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program; 
Extensions of the Medicare-Dependent, Small Rural Hospital Program and 
the Low-Volume Payment Adjustment for Hospitals; Correction

AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.

ACTION: Final rule and interim final rule with comment period; 


SUMMARY: This document corrects technical and typographical errors in 
the final rule and interim final rule with comment period that appeared 
in the Federal Register on August 17, 2015 titled ``Medicare Program; 
Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals 
and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System Policy 
Changes and Fiscal Year 2016 Rates; Revisions of Quality Reporting 
Requirements for Specific Providers, including Changes Related to the 
Electronic Health Record Incentive Program; Extensions of the Medicare-
Dependent, Small Rural Hospital Program and the Low-Volume Payment 
Adjustment for Hospitals.''

DATES: This document is effective October 1, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Donald Thompson, (410) 786-4487.


I. Background

    In FR Doc. 2015-19049 which appeared in the August 17, 2015 Federal 
Register, titled ``Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective 
Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care 
Hospital Prospective Payment System Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2016 
Rates; Revisions of Quality Reporting Requirements for Specific 
Providers, including Changes Related to the Electronic Health Record 
Incentive Program; Extensions of the Medicare-Dependent, Small Rural 
Hospital Program and the Low-Volume Payment Adjustment for Hospitals'' 
(hereinafter referred to as the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule), 
there were a number of technical and typographical errors that are 
identified and corrected in section IV. of this correcting document. 
The provisions in this correction document are effective as if they had 
been included in the document that appeared in the August 17, 2015 
Federal Register. Accordingly, the corrections are effective October 1, 

II. Summary of Errors

A. Summary of Errors in the Preamble

    On page 49412, we made a typographical error with regards to an MS-
DRG code. We made inadvertent and technical errors related to the 
employment cost index (ECI) used in the wage index, the MS-DRG 
reclassification and recalibration budget neutrality adjustment factor 
(as discussed in section II.B. of this correcting document), and the 
MGCRB reclassification status of certain providers (as discussed in 
section II.B. of this correcting document), each of which resulted in 
additional conforming corrections. Specifically, on page 49492, we 
inadvertently miscalculated the estimated percentage change in the ECI 
for compensation for the 30-day increment after March 14, 2013 and 
before April 15, 2013 for private industry hospital workers from the 
Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS') ``Compensation and Working 
Conditions.'' The ECI is used to adjust a hospital's wage data to 
calculate the wage index, and is based on the midpoint of a cost 
reporting period.
    On page 49498, we are making conforming changes to the number of 
hospitals in New Jersey that will be receiving the imputed rural floor 
and to the FY 2016 rural floor value for Nevada as a result of 
correcting the ECI error, the technical error in the calculation of the 
MS-DRG reclassification and recalibration budget neutrality adjustment 
factor (discussed in section II.B. of this correcting document), and 
the error in the reclassification status of 50 providers (discussed in 
section II.B. of this correcting document).
    On page 49619, consistent with the conforming corrections to the 
IPPS outlier fixed-loss cost threshold for FY 2016 discussed in section 
II.B. of this correcting document, we are making further conforming 
corrections to the FY 2016 outlier fixed-loss amount for site neutral 
cases in the context of our discussion regarding LTCH PPS high-cost 

B. Summary of Errors in the Addendum

    On page 49776, we are correcting the MS-DRG reclassification and

[[Page 60056]]

recalibration budget neutrality adjustment factor as a result of a 
technical error made in the calculation of this factor. We are also 
making conforming changes to the affected rates and factors on pages 
49787, 49788 and 49790 as a result of this error.
    In addition, as discussed in section II.A. of this correcting 
document, we inadvertently miscalculated the percentage change in the 
ECI. The correction to the ECI necessitated recalculation of the pre-
reclassified unadjusted and occupational-mix adjusted wage indexes and 
Geographic Adjustment Factors (GAFs) of certain core-based statistical 
areas (CBSAs). As a result of the corrections to the ECI and the MS-DRG 
reclassification and recalibration budget neutrality adjustment factor, 
on page 49776, we recalculated the wage index budget neutrality 
adjustment and are making conforming changes to the tables on pages 
49787 and 49788.
    On pages 49776, we recalculated the reclassification hospital 
budget neutrality adjustment because the reclassification status in the 
FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule did not properly reflect one of the 
following for 50 providers:
     Withdrawal or termination of a Medicare Geographic 
Classification Review Board (MGCRB) reclassification for FY 2016.
     Assignment to the reclassified CBSA approved by the MGCRB 
or CMS Administrator.
    As a result of the MS-DRG reclassification and recalibration budget 
neutrality adjustment factor error, the ECI error, and reclassification 
error, we are making conforming technical changes to tables on pages 
49787 and 49788. The technical errors discussed previously (the 
percentage change in the ECI error, MS-DRG reclassification and 
recalibration budget neutrality adjustment factor error, and 
reclassification error) directly affected and required the 
recalculation of the wage index, the recalculation of certain budget 
neutrality adjustments, and also indirectly resulted in errors to other 
factors and rates. Specifically, on pages 49777, 49778, 49787, and 
49788, we are making conforming corrections to the following:
     The rural floor budget neutrality adjustment.
     The wage index transition budget neutrality adjustment.
     The Rural Community Hospital Demonstration program budget 
neutrality adjustment.
    In addition, as discussed in section II.D. of this correcting 
document, we are making corrections to the uncompensated care payments. 
As a result of these errors (the percentage change in the ECI error, 
MS-DRG reclassification and recalibration budget neutrality adjustment 
factor error, reclassification error, and uncompensated care error) and 
conforming corrections, on page 49785, we are making conforming 
corrections to the calculation of the outlier fixed-loss cost threshold 
and the national and Puerto Rico-specific outlier budget neutrality 
factors. We are making further conforming corrections to the tables on 
pages 49787 and 49788 as a result of these changes, including 
conforming corrections in the calculation of the national and Puerto 
Rico specific operating standardized amounts, as a result of the 
conforming corrections to the operating IPPS budget neutrality factors 
and outlier threshold described previously.
    On pages 49791, 49793, 49794, and 49795, in our discussion of the 
determination of the Federal hospital inpatient capital related 
prospective payment rate update, we are making conforming corrections 
to the national GAF/MS-DRG budget neutrality adjustment factor (due to 
the errors in our calculation of the GAFs, which are computed from the 
wage index) and to the outlier threshold, and outlier budget neutrality 
adjustment factors (as discussed previously).
    Also, as a result of these errors, on page 49794, we are making 
conforming corrections in the table showing the comparison of factors 
and adjustments for the FY2015 capital Federal rate and FY 2016 capital 
Federal rate and in the table showing the comparison of factors and 
adjustments for the proposed FY 2016 capital Federal rate and final FY 
2016 capital Federal rate.
    On page 49804, in our discussion regarding LTCH PPS high-cost 
outlier payments for site neutral payment rate cases, we are making 
conforming corrections in the FY 2016 fixed-loss amount for site 
neutral cases, due to the conforming correction to the IPPS outlier 
fixed-loss cost threshold for FY 2016 (as discussed previously).
    On page 49808, we are correcting the information on how to access 
the LTCH PPS tables for the FY 2016 final rule on the CMS Web Site.
    On page 49809, we are making conforming corrections to the national 
and Puerto Rico specific operating standardized amounts and capital 
standard Federal payment rates in Tables 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D as a result 
of the corrections to certain budget neutrality factors and the outlier 
threshold (as described previously).

C. Summary of Errors in the Appendices

    On page 49809, we are correcting our estimate of the increase in FY 
2016 operating payments and capital payments as a result of the 
technical errors that led to corrections to certain budget neutrality 
factors and the outlier threshold (as described previously). On pages 
49813 through 49821, 49823, 49828 through 49830, and 49840, in our 
regulatory impact analyses, we are making conforming corrections in the 
discussion of the analysis of the changes in operating and capital IPPS 
payments for FY 2016 and the effects of certain budget neutrality 
factors as a result of the technical errors (as discussed previously) 
that lead to conforming corrections to the calculation of the operating 
and capital IPPS budget neutrality factors, outlier threshold, 
operating standardized amounts, and capital Federal rates.
    On page 49823, in the table titled ``Modeled Disproportionate Share 
Hospital Payments for Estimated FY 2016 DSH Hospitals by Hospital Type: 
Model DSH $ (In Millions) From FY 2015 To FY 2016'' and the 
accompanying discussion, we made technical and formatting errors in the 
estimated impacts resulting from inadvertent errors in the calculation 
of Factor 3 for certain hospitals.
    On pages 49829 through 49830, we are making conforming corrections 
to Table III--Comparison of Total Payments Per Case (FY 2015 Payments 
Compared to FY 2016 Payments).
    On page 49841, we are making conforming corrections to the 
accounting statements and tables for acute care hospitals that arose 
from the corrections of errors as described in section II.B. of this 
correcting document.

D. Summary of Errors in and Corrections to Files and Tables Posted on 
the CMS Web site

1. Errors and Corrections to IPPS and LTCH PPS Tables
    We are correcting the errors in the following IPPS tables that are 
listed on page 49808 of the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule and are 
available on the Internet on the CMS Web Site at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/AcuteInpatientPPS/FY2016-IPPS-Final-Rule-Home-Page.html:
    Table 2--Final Case-Mix Index and Wage Index Table by CCN, because 
of the ECI error discussed in section II.A. of this correction 
document, we are correcting the values in the columns titled FY 2016 
Wage Index, Average Hourly Wage FY 2016, and 3-Year Average Hourly Wage 
(2014, 2015,

[[Page 60057]]

2016) for 4 providers located in CBSAs 04, 20, and 12620. Because the 
average hourly wage changed for these four providers which affects the 
area wage index, we are also correcting the FY 2016 wage indexes for 
other providers geographically located in, or reclassified into, CBSAs 
04, 20, and 12620.
    As discussed in section II.B. of this correcting document, we are 
also correcting the reclassification status of 50 providers. Thus, we 
are correcting the FY 2016 wage index values for these providers to 
reflect assignment to their geographic CBSAs or reclassified CBSAs, as 
    Furthermore, because we are revising the national rural floor 
budget neutrality adjustment as discussed in section II.B. of this 
correcting document, the wage index values for numerous providers in 
Table 2 are corrected as well.
    Table 3--Final Wage Index Table by CBSA, by correcting the ECI 
error, we are making corresponding changes to the wage indexes and GAFs 
of CBSAs 04, 20, and 12620 listed in Table 3. Specifically, we are 
correcting the values in the columns titled FY 2016 Average Hourly 
Wage, 3-Year Average Hourly Wage (2014, 2015, 2016), Wage Index, 
Reclassified Wage Index, GAF, and Reclassified GAF, for CBSAs 04, 20, 
and 12620.
    Also, by correcting Table 2 to properly indicate the withdrawal, 
termination, or reclassification status of the 50 providers, we are 
making corresponding changes to the wage indexes and GAFs listed in 
Table 3. Specifically, we are correcting the values in the columns 
titled Wage Index, Reclassified Wage Index, GAF, and Reclassified GAF. 
Furthermore, because we are revising the national rural floor budget 
neutrality adjustment as discussed in section II.B. of this correcting 
document, we are making corrections to the wage index values for 
numerous CBSAs in Table 3 as well.
    Table 5--List of Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Groups (MS-
DRGs), Relative Weighting Factors, and Geometric and Arithmetic Mean 
Length of Stay--FY 2016, in the column labeled 'TYPE', to be consistent 
with previous fiscal years, we are revising the entries labeled 'P' to 
SURG and the entries labeled 'M' to MED.
    Table 10--New Technology Add-On Payment Thresholds for Applications 
for FY 2017. We are correcting the thresholds in this table as a result 
of the corrections to the operating standardized amounts discussed in 
section II.B. of this correcting document.
    Table 11--MS-LTC-DRGs, Relative Weights, Geometric Average Length 
of Stay, Short Stay Outlier (SSO) Threshold, and ''IPPS Comparable 
Threshold'' for LTCH PPS Discharges Occurring from October 1, 2015 
through September 30, 2016. We are correcting this table by correcting 
typographical errors for certain MS-LTC-DRGs in the columns titled 
``Relative Weight,'' ``Geometric Average Length of Stay,'' ``Short-Stay 
Outlier (SSO) Threshold,'' and ``IPPS Comparable Threshold.''
    Table 12A--LTCH PPS Wage Index for Urban Areas for Discharges 
Occurring From October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. We are 
correcting this table by correcting the values in the column titled 
``LTCH PPS Wage Index'' as result of the error in the miscalculation 
percentage change in the ECI, which affected the wage data for CBSA 
12620, as discussed in section II.A. of this correcting document.
    Table 12B--LTCH PPS Wage Index for Rural Areas for Discharges 
Occurring From October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. We are 
correcting this table by correcting the values in the column titled 
``LTCH PPS Wage Index'' as result of the technical error in the 
percentage change in the ECI, which affected the wage data for CBSAs 04 
and 20, as discussed in section II.A. of this correcting document.
    Table 14--List of Hospitals with Fewer Than 1,600 Medicare 
Discharges Based on the March 2015 Update of the FY 2014 MedPAR File 
and Potentially Eligible Hospitals for the FY 2016 Low-Volume Hospital 
Payment Adjustment (Eligibility for the low-volume hospital payment 
adjustment is also dependent upon meeting the mileage criteria 
specified at Sec.  412.101(b)(2)(ii)). We are correcting this table by 
correcting typographical and technical errors for certain hospitals in 
the column titled ``FY 2016 Low-Volume Payment Adjustment (Percentage 
    Table 18--FY 2016 Medicare DSH Uncompensated Care Payment Factor 3 
and Projected DSH Eligibility. For the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final 
rule, we published a list of hospitals that we identified to be 
subsection (d) hospitals and subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals 
eligible to receive empirically justified Medicare DSH payment 
adjustments and uncompensated care payments for FY 2016. We also 
published, in the Supplemental Medicare DSH File located in the FY 2016 
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule data files page at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/AcuteInpatientPPS/FY2016-IPPS-Final-Rule-Home-Page-Items/FY2016-IPPS-Final-Rule-Data-Files.html, 
the data used to calculate each hospital's Factor 3, total 
uncompensated care payment, and uncompensated care payment per 
discharge. Shortly after the publication of the FY2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS 
final rule, we discovered that in calculating Factor 3 of the 
uncompensated care payment methodology, we inadvertently excluded the 
Medicaid days from the most recently available 2012 or 2011 cost report 
for certain providers that were projected to receive Medicare DSH in FY 
2016. As a result, these providers had no Medicaid days included in the 
calculation of Factor 3. In order to correct these errors, we have 
Factor 3 for all hospitals to incorporate the changes to the data for 
these providers whose Medicare hospital cost report data were 
inadvertently excluded. These corrections to the uncompensated care 
payments impacted the calculation of the outlier fixed-loss cost 
threshold for outlier payments.
    In addition, we discovered that we had--
     Inadvertently calculated Factor 3 for several providers 
using Medicaid days from a cost report that was less than a full year 
when a cost report that was a full year or closer to being a full year 
was available;
     Erroneously provided Factor 3 values for certain new 
providers; and
     Calculated a Factor 3 for a hospital that has ceased 
    We are revising Factor 3 for all hospitals to correct these errors; 
however, unlike the error in which Medicaid days for certain providers 
were excluded, the impacts of these three errors (specified in the 
bulleted list) are too small to change other aspects of the IPPS 
ratesetting, such as the calculation of the fixed-loss threshold for 
outlier payments.

III. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking and Delay in Effective Date

    We ordinarily publish a notice of proposed rulemaking in the 
Federal Register to provide a period for public comment before the 
provisions of a rule take effect in accordance with section 553(b) of 
the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553(b)). However, we 
can waive this notice and comment procedure if the Secretary finds, for 
good cause, that the notice and comment process is impracticable, 
unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest, and incorporates a 
statement of the finding and the reasons therefore in the notice.
    Section 553(d) of the APA ordinarily requires a 30-day delay in 
effective date of final rules after the date of their publication in 
the Federal Register. This 30-day delay in effective date can be 
waived, however, if an agency finds for good cause that the delay is 
impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary

[[Page 60058]]

to the public interest, and the agency incorporates a statement of the 
findings and its reasons in the rule issued.
    We believe that this correcting document does not constitute a rule 
that would be subject to the APA notice and comment or delayed 
effective date requirements. This correcting document corrects 
technical and typographic errors in the preamble, addendum, payment 
rates, tables, and appendices included or referenced in the FY 2016 
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule but does not make substantive changes to the 
policies or payment methodologies that were adopted in the final rule. 
As a result, this correcting document is intended to ensure that the 
information in the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule accurately reflects 
the policies adopted in that final rule.
    In addition, even if this were a rule to which the notice and 
comment procedures and delayed effective date requirements applied, we 
find that there is good cause to waive such requirements. Undertaking 
further notice and comment procedures to incorporate the corrections in 
this document into the final rule or delaying the effective date would 
be contrary to the public interest because it is in the public's 
interest for providers to receive appropriate payments in as timely a 
manner as possible, and to ensure that the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final 
rule accurately reflects our policies. Furthermore, such procedures 
would be unnecessary, as we are not altering our payment methodologies 
or policies, but rather, we are simply implementing correctly the 
policies that we previously proposed, received comment on, and 
subsequently finalized. This correcting document is intended solely to 
ensure that the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule accurately reflects 
these payment methodologies and policies. Therefore, we believe we have 
good cause to waive the notice and comment and effective date 

IV. Correction of Errors

    In FR Doc. 2015-19049 of August 17, 2015 (80 FR 49325), we are 
making the following corrections:

A. Corrections of Errors in the Preamble

    1. On page 49412, first column, third bulleted paragraph, the 
phrase ``MS-DRG 007'' is corrected to read ``MS-DRG 207''.
    2. On page 49492, first column, after the first partial paragraph, 
in the table titled ``Midpoint of Cost Reporting Period'', last entry 
(After 03/14/2013) is corrected to read as follows:

                    Midpoint of Cost Reporting Period
         After                    Before             Adjustment factor
       03/14/2013               04/15/2013                 0.99851

    3. On page 49498, first column, second full paragraph, line 9, the 
figure ``21'' is corrected to read ``19''.
    3. On page 49498, second column, first partial paragraph, line 13, 
the figure ``1.0194'' is corrected to read ``1.0190''.
    4. On page 49619, third column, third full paragraph, line 4, the 
figure ``22,544'' is corrected to read ``22,539''.

B. Correction of Errors in the Addendum

    1. On page 49776:
    a. First column:
    (1) Fourth full paragraph, line 3, the figure ``0.998399'' is 
corrected to read ``0.998405''.
    (2) Fourth full paragraph, line 8, the figure ``0.998399'' is 
corrected to read ``0.998405''.
    (3) Fifth full paragraph, line 16, the figure ``0.998399'' is 
corrected to read ``0.998405''.
    b. Second column, third full paragraph:
    (1) Line 9, the figure ``0.998749'' is corrected to read 
    (2) Line 13, the figure ``0.998399'' is corrected to read 
    (3) Line 15, the figure ``0.998749'' is corrected to read 
    (4) Line 21, the figure ``0.997150'' is corrected to read 
    c. Third column, third full paragraph, line 12, the figure 
``0.987905'' is corrected to read ``0.988168''.
    2. On page 49777, second column, last paragraph, line 3, the figure 
``0.990298'' is corrected to read ``0.989859''.
    3. On page 49778:
    a. First column, second full paragraph:
    (1) Line 3, the figure ``0.999996'' is corrected to read 
    (2) Line 6, the figure ``0.999996'' is corrected to read 
    b. Third column, last paragraph, line 36, the figure ``0.999861'' 
is corrected to read ``0.999837''.
    4. On page 49785:
    a. Top third of the page, second column, first full paragraph, last 
line, the figure ``22,544'' is corrected to read ``22,539''.
    b. Middle of the page, the untitled table, is corrected to read as 

                                        standardized    Capital  Federal
                                           amounts            rate
National............................          0.948999          0.936503
Puerto Rico.........................          0.935570          0.919204

    5. On pages 49787 and 49788, the table titled ``Comparison of FY 
2015 Standardized Amounts to the FY 2016 Standardized Amounts'', is 
corrected to read as follows:

                 Comparison of FY 2015 Standardized Amounts to the FY 2016 Standardized Amounts
                                                      Hospital submitted   Hospital did NOT    Hospital did NOT
                                  Hospital submitted   quality data and     submit quality      submit quality
                                   quality data and        is NOT a          data and is a     data and is NOT a
                                    is a meaningful     meaningful EHR      meaningful EHR      meaningful EHR
                                       EHR user              user                user                user
FY 2015 Base Rate after
    1. FY 2015 Geographic         If Wage Index is    If Wage Index is    If Wage Index is    If Wage Index is
     Reclassification Budget       Greater Than        Greater Than        Greater Than        Greater Than
     Neutrality (0.990429)         1.0000: Labor       1.0000: Labor       1.0000: Labor       1.0000: Labor
                                   (69.6%):            (69.6%):            (69.6%):            (69.6%):
                                   $4,324.23           $4,324.23           $4,324.23           $4,324.23
                                   Nonlabor (30.4%):   Nonlabor (30.4%):   Nonlabor (30.4%):   Nonlabor (30.4%):
                                   $1,888.74.          $1,888.74.          $1,888.74.          $1,888.74.

[[Page 60059]]

    2. FY 2015 Rural Community
     Hospital Demonstration
     Program Budget Neutrality
    3. Cumulative FY 2008, FY     If Wage Index is    If Wage Index is    If Wage Index is    If Wage Index is
     2009, FY 2012, FY 2013 and    less Than or        less Than or        less Than or        less Than or
     FY 2014, FY 2015              Equal to 1.0000:    Equal to 1.0000:    Equal to 1.0000:    Equal to 1.0000:
     Documentation and Coding      Labor (62%):        Labor (62%):        Labor (62%):        Labor (62%):
     Adjustment as Required        $3,852.04           $3,852.04           $3,852.04           $3,852.04
     under Sections 7(b)(1)(A)     Nonlabor (38%):     Nonlabor (38%):     Nonlabor (38%):     Nonlabor (38%):
     and 7(b)(1)(B) of Pub. L.     $2,360.93.          $2,360.93.          $2,360.93.          $2,360.93.
     110-90 and Documentation
     and Coding Recoupment
     Adjustment as required
     under Section 631 of the
     American Taxpayer Relief
     Act of 2012 (0.9329)
    4. FY 2015 Operating Outlier
     Offset (0.948999)
    5. FY 2015 New Labor Market
     Delineation Wage Index
     Transition Budget
     Neutrality Factor
FY 2016 Update Factor...........  1.017.............  1.005.............  1.011.............  0.999.
FY 2016 MS-DRG Recalibration and  0.997145..........  0.997145..........  0.997145..........  0.997145.
 Wage Index Budget Neutrality
FY 2016 Reclassification Budget   0.988168..........  0.988168..........  0.988168..........  0.988168.
 Neutrality Factor.
FY 2016 Rural Community           0.999837..........  0.999837..........  0.999837..........  0.999837.
 Demonstration Program Budget
 Neutrality Factor.
FY 2016 Operating Outlier Factor  0.948999..........  0.948999..........  0.948999..........  0.948999.
Cumulative Factor: FY 2008, FY    0.9255............  0.9255............  0.9255............  0.9255.
 2009, FY 2012, FY 2013, FY
 2014, FY 2015 and FY 2016
 Documentation and Coding
 Adjustment as Required under
 Sections 7(b)(1)(A) and
 7(b)(1)(B) of Pub. L. 110-90
 and Documentation and Coding
 Recoupment Adjustment as
 required under Section 631 of
 the American Taxpayer Relief
 Act of 2012.
FY 2016 New Labor Market          0.999997..........  0.999997..........  0.999997..........  0.999997.
 Delineation Wage Index 3-Year
 Hold Harmless Transition Budget
 Neutrality Factor.
National Standardized Amount for  Labor: $3,805.30..  Labor: $3,760.40..  Labor: $3,782.85..  Labor: $3,737.95.
 FY 2016 if Wage Index is         Nonlabor:           Nonlabor:           Nonlabor:           Nonlabor:
 Greater Than 1.0000; Labor/Non-   $1,662.09.          $1,642.48.          $1,652.28.          $1,632.67.
 Labor Share Percentage (69.6/
National Standardized Amount for  Labor: $3,389.78..  Labor: $3,349.79..  Labor: $3,369.78..  Labor: $3,329.78.
 FY 2016 if Wage Index is less    Nonlabor:           Nonlabor:           Nonlabor:           Nonlabor:
 Than or Equal to 1.0000; Labor/   $2,077.61.          $2,053.09.          $2,065.35.          $2,040.84.
 Non-Labor Share Percentage (62/

    6. On page 49788, in the center of the page, the table titled 
``Comparison of FY 2015 Puerto Rico-Specific Payment Rate to the FY 
2016 Puerto Rico-Specific Payment Rate'' is corrected to read as 

 Comparison of FY 2015 Puerto Rico-Specific Payment Rate to the FY 2016
                    Puerto Rico-Specific Payment Rate
                                      Update (1.7         Update (1.7
                                    percent); Wage      percent); Wage
                                   index is greater   index is less than
                                  than 1.0000; Labor/     or equal to
                                    Non-Labor Share   1.0000; Labor/Non-
                                   Percentage (63.2/      Labor Share
                                         36.8)        Percentage (62/38)
FY 2015 Puerto Rico Base Rate,    Labor: $1,758.02..  Labor: $1,724.64
 after removing:                  Nonlabor:           Nonlabor:
                                   $1,023.66..         $1,057.04.
    1. FY 2015 Geographic
     Reclassification Budget
     Neutrality (0.990429).
    2. FY 2015 Rural Community
     Hospital Demonstration
     Program Budget Neutrality
    3. FY 2015 Puerto Rico
     Operating Outlier Offset
    4. FY 2015 New Labor Market
     Delineation Wage Index
     Transition Budget
     Neutrality Factor
FY 2016 Update Factor...........  1.017.............  1.017.

[[Page 60060]]

FY 2016 MS[dash]DRG               0.998405..........  0.998405.
 Recalibration Budget Neutrality
FY 2016 Reclassification Budget   0.988168..........  0.988168.
 Neutrality Factor.
FY 2016 Rural Community Hospital  0.999837..........  0.999837.
 Demonstration Program Budget
 Neutrality Factor.
FY 2016 New Labor Market          0.999997..........  0.999997.
 Delineation Wage Index 3-Year
 Hold Harmless Transition Budget
 Neutrality Factor.
FY 2016 Puerto Rico Operating     0.935570..........  0.935570.
 Outlier Factor.
Puerto Rico[dash]Specific         Labor: $1,650.00..  Labor: $1,618.68
 Payment Rate for FY 2016.        Nonlabor: $960.77.  Nonlabor: $992.09.

    7. On page 49790, first column, last paragraph, line 15, the figure 
``0.998399'' is corrected to read ``0.998405''.
    8. On page 49791, third column, first full paragraph, line 6, the 
figure ``0.85'' is corrected to read ``0.87''.
    9. On page 49793:
    a. Second column:
    (1) First full paragraph:
    (a) Line 16, the figure ``0.9979'' is corrected to read ``0.9982''.
    (b) Line 19, the figure ``0.9864'' is corrected to read ``0.9866''.
    (2) Second full paragraph, line 17, the figure ``0.9858'' is 
corrected to read ``0.9860''.
    b. In third column:
    (1) Second full paragraph:
    (a) Line 2, the figure ``0.9973'' is corrected to read ``0.9976''.
    (b) Line 4, the figure ``0.9979'' is corrected to read ``0.9982''.
    (2) Third full paragraph:
    (a) Line 9, the figure ``438.65'' is corrected to read ``438.75''.
    (b) Line 19, the figure ``0.9973'' is corrected to read ``0.9976''.
    10. On page 49794:
    a. Third column, first partial paragraph:
    (1) Line 3, the figure ``0.27'' is corrected to read ``0.24''.
    (2) Line 10, the figure ``0.85'' is corrected to read ``0.87''.
    b. The table titled entitled ``Comparison of Factors and 
Adjustments: FY 2015 Capital Federal Rate and FY 2016 Capital Federal 
Rate'' is corrected to read as follows:

      Comparison of Factors and Adjustments: FY 2015 Capital Federal Rate and FY 2016 Capital Federal Rate
                                                      FY 2015         FY 2016         Change          change
Update Factor \1\...............................          1.0150          1.0130          1.0130             1.3
GAF/DRG Adjustment Factor \1\...................          0.9993          0.9976          0.9976           -0.24
Outlier Adjustment Factor \2\...................          0.9382          0.9365          0.9982           -0.18
Capital Federal Rate............................         $434.97         $438.75          1.0087            0.87
\1\ The update factor and the GAF/DRG budget neutrality adjustment factors are built permanently into the
  capital Federal rates. Thus, for example, the incremental change from FY 2015 to FY 2016 resulting from the
  application of the 0.9976 GAF/DRG budget neutrality adjustment factor for FY 2016 is a net change of 0.9976
  (or -0.24 percent).
\2\ The outlier reduction factor is not built permanently into the capital Federal rate; that is, the factor is
  not applied cumulatively in determining the capital Federal rate. Thus, for example, the net change resulting
  from the application of the FY 2016 outlier adjustment factor is 0.9365/0.9382, or 0.9982 (or -0.18 percent).

    c. The table titled entitled ``Comparison of Factors and 
Adjustments: Proposed FY 2016 Capital Federal Rate and Final FY 2016 
Capital Federal Rate'' is corrected to read as follows:

 Comparison of Factors and Adjustments: Proposed FY 2016 Capital Federal Rate and Final FY 2016 Capital Federal
                                                    Proposed FY
                                                       2016        Final FY 2016      Change      Percent change
Update Factor...................................          1.0130          1.0130          1.0000            0.00
GAF/DRG Adjustment Factor.......................          0.9976          0.9976          1.0000            0.00
Outlier Adjustment Factor.......................          0.9357          0.9365          1.0008            0.08
Capital Federal Rate............................         $438.40         $438.75          1.0008            0.08

    11. On page 49795, first column:
    a. First paragraph, line 7, the figure ``212.56'' is corrected to 
read ``212.55''.
    b. Third paragraph, line 21, the figure ``22,544'' is corrected to 
read ``22,539''.
    12. On page 49804, second column, first full paragraph:
    a. Line 16, the figure ``22,544'' is corrected to read ``22,539''.
    b. Line 27, the figure ``22,544'' is corrected to read ``22,539''.
    13. On page 49808, third column, first full paragraph, lines 6 and 
7, the phrase ``index.html under the list item for Regulation Number'' 
is corrected to read ``index.html. Click on the link on the left side 
of the screen titled, ``LTCHPPS Regulations and Notices'' and select 
the list item for Regulation Number CMS-1632-F. ``.
    13. On page 49809:
    a. Table 1A titled ``National Adjusted Operating Standardized 

[[Page 60061]]

Labor/Nonlabor (69.6 Percent Labor Share/30.4 Percent Nonlabor Share if 
Wage Index is Greater than 1)--FY 2016'' is corrected to read as 

    Table 1A--National Adjusted Operating Standardized Amounts, Labor/Nonlabor (69.6 Percent Labor Share/30.4 Percent Nonlabor Share If Wage Index Is
                                                                Greater Than 1)--FY 2016
Hospital submitted quality data and is  Hospital did NOT submit quality data   Hospital submitted quality data and  Hospital did NOT submit quality data
  a meaningful EHR user (update = 1.7   and is a meaningful EHR user (update  is NOT a meaningful EHR user (update    and is NOT a meaningful EHR user
               percent)                            = 1.1 percent)                        = 0.5 percent)                    (update = -0.1 percent)
       Labor             Nonlabor             Labor             Nonlabor            Labor             Nonlabor            Labor             Nonlabor
       $3,805.30           $1,662.09          $3,782.85          $1,652.28          $3,760.40          $1,642.48          $3,737.95          $1,632.67

    b. Table 1B titled ``National Adjusted Operating Standardized 
Amounts, Labor/Nonlabor (62 Percent Labor Share/38 Percent Nonlabor 
Share if Wage Index is Less than or Equal TO 1)--FY 2016'' is corrected 
to read as follows:

 Table 1B--National Adjusted Operating Standardized Amounts, Labor/Nonlabor (62 Percent Labor Share/38 Percent Nonlabor Share If Wage Index Is Less Than
                                                                 or Equal to 1)--FY 2016
Hospital submitted quality data and is  Hospital did NOT submit quality data   Hospital submitted quality data and  Hospital did NOT submit quality data
  a meaningful EHR user (update = 1.7   and is a meaningful EHR user (update  is NOT a meaningful EHR user (update    and is NOT a meaningful EHR user
               percent)                            = 1.1 percent)                        = 0.5 percent)                    (update = -0.1 percent)
       Labor             Nonlabor             Labor             Nonlabor            Labor             Nonlabor            Labor             Nonlabor
       $3,389.78           $2,077.61          $3,369.78          $2,065.35          $3,349.79          $2,053.09          $3,329.78          $2,040.84

    c. Table 1C titled ``Adjusted Operating Standardized Amounts for 
Puerto Rico, Labor/Nonlabor (National: 62 Percent Labor Share/38 
Percent Nonlabor Share Because Wage Index is Less than or Equal to 1; 
Puerto Rico: 63.2 Percent Labor Share/36.8 Percent Nonlabor Share if 
Wage Index is Greater Than 1 or 62 Percent Labor Share/38 Percent 
Nonlabor Share if Wage Index is Less than or Equal to 1--FY 2016'' is 
corrected to read as follows:

  Table 1C--Adjusted Operating Standardized Amounts for Puerto Rico, Labor/Nonlabor (National: 62 Percent Labor
 Share/38 Percent Nonlabor Share Because Wage Index Is Less Than or Equal to 1; Puerto Rico: 63.2 Percent Labor
 Share/36.8 Percent Nonlabor Share If Wage Index Is Greater Than 1 or 62 Percent Labor Share/38 Percent Nonlabor
                             Share If Wage Index Is Less Than or Equal to 1--FY 2016
                                        Rates if wage index is greater than 1       Rates if wage index is less
                                   ----------------------------------------------       than or equal to 1
        Standardized amount                                                      -------------------------------
                                            Labor                 Nonlabor             Labor         Nonlabor
National \1\......................  Not Applicable.......  Not Applicable.......       $3,389.78       $2,077.61
Puerto Rico.......................  $1,650.00............  $960.77..............        1,618.68          992.09
\1\ For FY 2016, there are no CBSAs in Puerto Rico with a national wage index greater than 1.

    d. Table 1D titled ``Capital Standard Federal Payment Rates--FY 
2016'' is corrected as follows:

        Table 1D--Capital Standard Federal Payment Rates--FY 2016
National................................................         $438.75
Puerto Rico.............................................          212.55

C. Corrections of Errors in the Appendices

    1. On page 49809, third column, first full paragraph:
    a. Line 10, the figure ``$378'' is corrected to read ``$391''.
    b. Line 12, the figure ``$187'' is corrected to read ``$188''.
    2. On pages 49813 through 49815, the table titled ``Impact Analysis 
of Changes to the IPPS for Operating Costs for FY 2016'' is corrected 
to read as follows:

[[Page 60062]]

                                                         Table I--Impact Analysis of Changes to the Ipps for Operating Costs for FY 2016
                                                                                                                                                         Rural and
                                                                                         FY 2016 Wage data                                             imputed floor
                                                     Hospital rate     FY 2016 Weights     under new CBSA   FY 2016 DRG, Rel.                               with        Application of
                                       Number of       update and      and DRG changes   designations with   wts., wage index      FY 2016 MGCRB       application of    the frontier    All FY
                                       hospitals   documentation and   with application    application of   changes with wage    Reclassifications     national rural   wage index and    2016
                                          \1\      coding adjustment   of recalibration     wage budget     and recalibration                           and imputed     out-migration    changes
                                                                      budget neutrality      neutrality     budget neutrality                           floor budget      adjustment
                                      ...........         (1) \ 2\           (2) \ 3\           (3) \ 4\           (4) \ 5\               (5) \ 6\         (6) \ 7\         (7) \ 8\    (8) \ 9\
All Hospitals.......................        3,369                0.9                0                  0                  0                      0                0                0.1       0.4
By Geographic Location:
    Urban hospitals.................        2,533                0.9                0                  0                  0.1                   -0.1              0                0.1       0.4
    Large urban areas...............        1,393                0.9                0.1                0.1                0.2                   -0.3              0                0.1       0.4
    Other urban areas...............        1,140                0.9                0                 -0.1               -0.2                    0.1              0.1              0.2       0.4
    Rural hospitals.................          836                1.3               -0.2               -0.3               -0.5                    1.4             -0.3              0.1       0.2
Bed Size (Urban):
    0-99 beds.......................          668                0.9               -0.3               -0.2               -0.4                   -0.6              0.1              0.3       0.2
    100-199 beds....................          778                0.9               -0.1                0.1                0.1                    0                0.3              0.2       0.4
    200-299 beds....................          445                0.9                0                  0                  0                      0.1              0.1              0.1       0.4
    300-499 beds....................          428                0.9                0                  0                  0                     -0.2              0.1              0.2       0.4
    500 or more beds................          214                0.9                0.1                0.1                0.2                   -0.2             -0.2              0.1       0.4
Bed Size (Rural):
    0-49 beds.......................          329                1.3               -0.2               -0.3               -0.5                    0.3             -0.2              0.3      -0.1
    50-99 beds......................          297                1.4               -0.3               -0.2               -0.5                    0.8             -0.2              0.1       0.2
    100-149 beds....................          121                1.4               -0.2               -0.2               -0.4                    1.7             -0.3              0.2       0.4
    150-199 beds....................           48                1.2               -0.2               -0.4               -0.5                    1.9             -0.3              0.1       0.3
    200 or more beds................           41                1.1               -0.1               -0.5               -0.5                    2.5             -0.2              0         0.1
Urban by Region:
    New England.....................          120                0.9                0                  0.7                0.8                    0.9              2                0.1       0
    Middle Atlantic.................          318                0.9                0.1                0.2                0.3                    0.8             -0.4              0.2       1
    South Atlantic..................          407                0.9                0                  0.1                0.1                   -0.5             -0.4              0.1       0.2
    East North Central..............          396                0.9                0                  0                  0.1                   -0.3             -0.6              0         0.5
    East South Central..............          150                0.9                0                 -0.4               -0.4                   -0.6             -0.4              0.1      -0.4
    West North Central..............          166                0.9                0                 -0.6               -0.5                   -0.8             -0.5              0.8       0.3
    West South Central..............          384                0.9                0                 -0.5               -0.4                   -0.6             -0.5              0        -0.4
    Mountain........................          161                1                 -0.1               -0.3               -0.3                    0               -0.1              0.2       0.2
    Pacific.........................          380                0.9                0                  0.4                0.3                   -0.2              1.7              0.1       1
    Puerto Rico.....................           51                1                  0.1               -0.9               -0.7                   -1                0.1              0.1      -1.9
Rural by Region:
    New England.....................           22                1.2               -0.1               -0.6               -0.7                    1.7             -0.4              0        -0.1
    Middle Atlantic.................           55                1.4               -0.1                0.2                0                      0.8             -0.2              0.2       0.2
    South Atlantic..................          128                1.2               -0.2               -0.1               -0.3                    2.4             -0.2              0.1       0.6
    East North Central..............          116                1.4               -0.2               -0.1               -0.4                    1               -0.2              0.1       0.9
    East South Central..............          164                0.9                0                 -0.7               -0.7                    2.5             -0.5              0.1      -1
    West North Central..............          101                1.7               -0.4               -0.2               -0.5                    0.2              0                0.3       0.8
    West South Central..............          165                1.2               -0.1               -0.9               -0.9                    1.5             -0.3              0.1      -0.8
    Mountain........................           61                1.4               -0.3               -0.1               -0.4                    0.2             -0.1              0.2       0.7
    Pacific.........................           24                1.4               -0.4                0.1               -0.3                    0.7             -0.2              0         1.5
By Payment Classification:
    Urban hospitals.................        2,476                0.9                0                  0                  0.1                   -0.1              0                0.1       0.4
    Large urban areas...............        1,386                0.9                0.1                0.1                0.2                   -0.3              0                0.1       0.4
    Other urban areas...............        1,090                0.9                0                 -0.1               -0.1                    0.1              0.1              0.2       0.4
    Rural areas.....................          893                1.3               -0.2               -0.3               -0.4                    1.2             -0.2              0.3       0.3
Teaching Status:
    Nonteaching.....................        2,326                1                 -0.1               -0.1               -0.1                    0.1              0.2              0.1       0.3
    Fewer than 100 residents........          794                0.9                0                 -0.1               -0.1                   -0.1              0                0.2       0.4
    100 or more residents...........          249                0.9                0.2                0.1                0.3                    0               -0.2              0.1       0.4
Urban DSH:
    Non-DSH.........................          653                0.9               -0.2                0.1               -0.1                   -0.1              0.1              0.2       1.1
    100 or more beds................        1,593                0.9                0.1                0                  0.1                   -0.1              0                0.1       0.3
    Less than 100 beds..............          328                0.9               -0.1                0                 -0.1                   -0.7              0                0.3       0.3
Rural DSH:
    SCH.............................          260                1.6               -0.3                0                 -0.4                    0                0                0         0.7
    RRC.............................          347                1.3               -0.2               -0.3               -0.4                    1.6             -0.2              0.4       0.4
    100 or more beds................           31                0.7                0.1               -0.6               -0.5                    2.4             -0.6              0.1      -0.9
    Less than 100 beds..............          157                0.8                0                 -0.7               -0.6                    1.7             -0.6              0.6      -1.2
Urban teaching and DSH:
    Both teaching and DSH...........          855                0.9                0.1                0                  0.1                   -0.1             -0.2              0.1       0.4
    Teaching and no DSH.............          122                0.9               -0.1                0                 -0.1                    0.5              0.4              0.1       1.3
    No teaching and DSH.............        1,066                0.9                0                  0                 -0.1                   -0.1              0.4              0.1       0.2
    No teaching and no DSH..........          433                0.9               -0.2                0.1               -0.1                   -0.4             -0.1              0.2       1.1

[[Page 60063]]

Special Hospital Types:
    RRC.............................          189                0.9               -0.1               -0.6               -0.6                    2.2             -0.4              0.6      -0.4
    SCH.............................          327                1.6               -0.3               -0.1               -0.3                   -0.1             -0.1              0         0.8
    MDH.............................          150                1.3               -0.3               -0.2               -0.4                    0.3             -0.2              0.2       0.6
    SCH and RRC.....................          126                1.6               -0.3               -0.1               -0.4                    0.4              0                0         0.9
    MDH and RRC.....................           13                1.5               -0.3                0                 -0.4                    0.2             -0.2              0         0.6
Type of Ownership:
    Voluntary.......................        1,934                0.9                0                  0                  0                      0.1              0                0.2       0.5
    Proprietary.....................          879                0.9                0                 -0.1               -0.1                   -0.1              0.1              0.1      -0.1
    Government......................          529                0.9                0.1               -0.1                0                     -0.2              0.1              0.1       0
Medicare Utilization as a Percent of
 Inpatient Days:
    0-25............................          533                0.9                0.1               -0.1                0                     -0.3              0.2              0        -0.6
    25-50...........................        2,134                0.9                0                  0                  0                      0                0                0.2       0.5
    50-65...........................          571                1                 -0.1                0.1                0                      0.6              0                0.2       0.8
    Over 65.........................           97                1.1               -0.1               -0.2               -0.4                   -0.3              0.3              0.1       0.4
FY 2016 Reclassifications by the
 Medicare Geographic Classification
 Review Board:
    All Reclassified Hospitals......          789                1                  0                 -0.1               -0.1                    2.4             -0.1              0         0.8
    Non-Reclassified Hospitals......        2,580                0.9                0                  0                  0.1                   -0.9              0                0.2       0.2
    Urban Hospitals Reclassified....          509                0.9                0                 -0.1               -0.1                    2.4             -0.1              0.1       0.9
    Urban Nonreclassified Hospitals.        1,967                0.9                0                  0.1                0.1                   -0.9              0.1              0.1       0.2
    Rural Hospitals Reclassified              280                1.2               -0.2               -0.3               -0.5                    2.3             -0.3              0         0.4
     Full Year......................
    Rural Nonreclassified Hospitals           503                1.4               -0.3               -0.3               -0.5                   -0.3             -0.2              0.3       0
     Full Year......................
    All Section 401 Reclassified               64                1.4               -0.3                0                 -0.2                   -0.4             -0.1              1.4       0.6
    Other Reclassified Hospitals               53                1                 -0.1               -0.5               -0.6                    3.4             -0.5              0        -0.4
     (Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the
Specialty Hospitals
    Cardiac Specialty Hospitals.....           14                0.9                0.2               -0.9               -0.6                   -1.1              0                0.9       0.7
\1\ Because data necessary to classify some hospitals by category were missing, the total number of hospitals in each category may not equal the national total. Discharge data are from FY
  2014, and hospital cost report data are from reporting periods beginning in FY 2013 and FY 2012.
\2\ This column displays the payment impact of the hospital rate update and the documentation and coding adjustment including the 1.7 percent adjustment to the national standardized amount and
  hospital-specific rate (the estimated 2.4 percent market basket update reduced by the 0.5 percentage point for the multifactor productivity adjustment and the 0.2 percentage point reduction
  under the Affordable Care Act) and the -0.8 percent documentation and coding adjustment to the national standardized amount.
\3\ This column displays the payment impact of the changes to the Version 33 GROUPER, the changes to the relative weights and the recalibration of the MS-DRG weights based on FY 2014 MedPAR
  data in accordance with section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act. This column displays the application of the recalibration budget neutrality factor of 0.998405 in accordance with section
  1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act.
\4\ This column displays the payment impact of the update to wage index data using FY 2012 cost report data and the OMB labor market area delineations based on 2010 Decennial Census data. This
  column displays the payment impact of the application of the wage budget neutrality factor, which is calculated separately from the recalibration budget neutrality factor, and is calculated
  in accordance with section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act. The wage budget neutrality factor is 0.998738.
\5\ This column displays the combined payment impact of the changes in Columns 2 through 3 and the cumulative budget neutrality factor for MS-DRG and wage changes in accordance with section
  1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act and section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act. The cumulative wage and recalibration budget neutrality factor of 0.997145 is the product of the wage budget neutrality
  factor and the recalibration budget neutrality factor.
\6\ Shown here are the effects of geographic reclassifications by the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board (MGCRB) along with the effects of the continued implementation of the new
  OMB labor market area delineations on these reclassifications. The effects demonstrate the FY 2016 payment impact of going from no reclassifications to the reclassifications scheduled to be
  in effect for FY 2016. Reclassification for prior years has no bearing on the payment impacts shown here. This column reflects the geographic budget neutrality factor of 0.988168.
\7\ This column displays the effects of the rural floor and imputed floor based on the continued implementation of the new OMB labor market area delineations. The Affordable Care Act requires
  the rural floor budget neutrality adjustment to be 100 percent national level adjustment. The rural floor budget neutrality factor (which includes the imputed floor) applied to the wage
  index is 0.989859. This column also shows the effect of the 3-year transition for hospitals that were located in urban counties that became rural under the new OMB delineations or hospitals
  deemed urban where the urban area became rural under the new OMB delineations, with a budget neutrality factor of 0.999997.
\8\ This column shows the combined impact of the policy required under section 10324 of the Affordable Care Act that hospitals located in frontier States have a wage index no less than 1.0 and
  of section 1886(d)(13) of the Act, as added by section 505 of Pub. L. 108-173, which provides for an increase in a hospital's wage index if a threshold percentage of residents of the county
  where the hospital is located commute to work at hospitals in counties with higher wage indexes. These are nonbudget neutral policies.
\9\ This column shows the changes in payments from FY 2015 to FY 2016. It reflects the impact of the FY 2016 hospital update and the adjustment for documentation and coding. It also reflects
  changes in hospitals' reclassification status in FY 2016 compared to FY 2015. It incorporates all of the changes displayed in Columns 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, (the changes displayed in Columns 2
  and 3 are included in Column 4). The sum of these impacts may be different from the percentage changes shown here due to rounding and interactive effects.

[[Page 60064]]

    3. On page 49816:
    a. First column, last paragraph, line 6, the figure ``0.998399'' is 
corrected to read ``0.998405''.
    b. Third column, first partial paragraph, line 16, the figure 
``0.998749'' is corrected to read ``0.998738''.
    4. On page 49817:
    a. First column, first full paragraph:
    (1) Line 9, the figure ``0.998749'' is corrected to read 
    (2) Line 11, the figure ``0.998399'' is corrected to read 
    (3) Line 18, the figure ``0.997150'' is corrected to read 
    b. Second column, first full paragraph, line 6, the figure 
``0.987905'' is corrected to read ``0.988168''.
    c. Third column:
    (1) First partial paragraph, line 7, the figure ``21'' is corrected 
to read ``19''.
    (2) First full paragraph, line 8, the figure ``0.990298'' is 
corrected to read ``0.989859''.
    (3) Last paragraph:
    (a) Line 1, the figure ``371'' is corrected to read ``375''.
    (b) Line 3, the figure ``2,998'' is corrected to read ``2,994''.
    (c) Line 6, the figure ``0.990298'' is corrected to read 
    (d) Line 8, the figure ``0.2'' is corrected to read ``0.3''.
    5. On page 49818:
    a. First column, first partial paragraph:
    (1) Line 10, the figure ``1.6'' is corrected to read ``2.0''.
    (2) Line 16, the figure ``0.990298'' is corrected to read 
    (3) Line 17, the figure ``$98'' is corrected to read ``$115''.
    (4) Line 19, the figure ``3.1'' is corrected to read ``3.6''.
    b. Second column, first full paragraph:
    (1) Line 1, the figure ``21'' is corrected to read ``19''.
    (2) Line 7, the figure ``0.990298'' is corrected to read 
    (3) Line 9, the figure ``$27'' is corrected to read ``$29''.
    (4) Line 10, the figure ``$9'' is corrected to read ``$10''.
    (5) Line 18, the figure ``$4.5'' is corrected to read ``$4.3''.
    (6) Line 19, the figure ``$2.6'' is corrected to read ``$2.3''.
    c. Third column, first partial paragraph, line 15, the figure 
``0.999996'' is corrected to read ``0.999997''.
    6. On pages 49818 and 49819, the table titled ``FY 2016 IPPS 
Estimated Payments Due to Rural Floor and Imputed Floor with National 
Budget Neutrality'' is corrected to read as follows:

      FY 2016 IPPS Estimated Payments Due to Rural Floor and Imputed Floor With National Budget Neutrality
                                                                                  Percent change
                                                                    Number of    in payments due
                                                                 hospitals that  to  application
                                                    Number of     will receive    of rural floor  Difference (in
                     State                          hospitals       the rural      and imputed       millions)
                                                                    floor or        floor with
                                                                  imputed floor       budget
                                                            (1)             (2)            (3)            (4)
Alabama........................................              86               3             -0.4          $-7.08
Alaska.........................................               6               1             -0.3           -0.53
Arizona........................................              55               5             -0.3           -6
Arkansas.......................................              46               0             -0.5           -4.66
California.....................................             303             203              2.2          218.44
Colorado.......................................              47               5              0.4            4.25
Connecticut....................................              31               7             -0.5           -8.49
Delaware.......................................               6               0             -0.6           -2.54
Washington, D.C................................               7               0             -0.5           -2.48
Florida........................................             170              14             -0.3          -19.9
Georgia........................................             105               0             -0.5          -12.47
Hawaii.........................................              12               1             -0.4           -1.16
Idaho..........................................              14               0             -0.4           -1.21
Illinois.......................................             127               2             -0.6          -25.22
Indiana........................................              91               0             -0.5          -12.1
Iowa...........................................              35               0             -0.5           -4.33
Kansas.........................................              53               0             -0.4           -3.67
Kentucky.......................................              65               1             -0.4           -7.05
Louisiana......................................              99               3             -0.5           -6.67
Maine..........................................              20               0             -0.5           -2.36
Massachusetts..................................              61              39              3.6          114.58
Michigan.......................................              96               0             -0.5          -22.38
Minnesota......................................              50               0             -0.3           -6.33
Mississippi....................................              64               0             -0.5           -4.94
Missouri.......................................              78               0             -0.4           -9.98
Montana........................................              12               2              0.1            0.15
Nebraska.......................................              26               0             -0.4           -2.53
Nevada.........................................              24               3              0.2            1.63
New Hampshire..................................              13               9              1.2            5.91
New Jersey.....................................              64              19              0.3           10.01
New Mexico.....................................              25               0             -0.3           -1.41
New York.......................................             156               2             -0.6          -45.17
North Carolina.................................              84               0             -0.4          -14.6
North Dakota...................................               6               0             -0.3           -0.83
Ohio...........................................             132               6             -0.5          -17.56
Oklahoma.......................................              86               4             -0.4           -4.47

[[Page 60065]]

Oregon.........................................              34               0             -0.5           -4.85
Pennsylvania...................................             153               3             -0.5          -22.99
Puerto Rico....................................              51              10              0.1            0.14
Rhode Island...................................              11               4              0.6            2.29
South Carolina.................................              56               5             -0.2           -3.02
South Dakota...................................              19               0             -0.3           -1.02
Tennessee......................................              99              10             -0.5          -10.2
Texas..........................................             318               3             -0.5          -30.68
Utah...........................................              34               2             -0.4           -2.02
Vermont........................................               6               0             -0.3           -0.6
Virginia.......................................              78               1             -0.4          -11.68
Washington.....................................              49               6              0              0.93
West Virginia..................................              29               2              0.1            0.89
Wisconsin......................................              66               0             -0.5           -8.19
Wyoming........................................              11               0             -0.2           -0.23

    7. On page 49819:
    a. Second column, last paragraph, line 18, the figure ``336'' is 
corrected to read ``367''.
    b. Third column, first partial paragraph, line 8, the figure 
``$45'' is corrected to read ``$55''.
    8. On pages 49820 and 49821, the table titled ``Table II--Impact 
Analysis of Changes for FY 2016 Acute Care Hospital Operating 
Prospective Payment System (Payments per Discharge)'' is corrected as 

    Table II--Impact Analysis of Changes for FY 2016 Acute Care Hospital Operating Prospective Payment System
                                            [Payments per discharge]
                                                                    Estimated       Estimated
                                                    Number of      average FY      average FY
                                                    hospitals     2015 payment    2016 payment   FY 2016 changes
                                                                  per discharge   per discharge
                                                            (1)             (2)             (3)            (4)
All Hospitals..................................           3,369          11,329          11,372              0.4
By Geographic Location:
    Urban hospitals............................           2,533          11,680          11,725              0.4
    Large urban areas..........................           1,393          12,434          12,484              0.4
    Other urban areas..........................           1,140          10,766          10,806              0.4
    Rural hospitals............................             836           8,424           8,442              0.2
Bed Size (Urban):
    0-99 beds..................................             668           9,254           9,276              0.2
    100-199 beds...............................             778           9,863           9,902              0.4
    200-299 beds...............................             445          10,589          10,636              0.4
    300-499 beds...............................             428          11,927          11,973              0.4
    500 or more beds...........................             214          14,285          14,340              0.4
Bed Size (Rural):
    0-49 beds..................................             329           7,048           7,043             -0.1
    50-99 beds.................................             297           7,972           7,989              0.2
    100-149 beds...............................             121           8,290           8,325              0.4
    150-199 beds...............................              48           9,109           9,132              0.3
    200 or more beds...........................              41           9,996          10,006              0.1
Urban by Region:
New England....................................             120          12,850          12,853              0
    Middle Atlantic............................             318          13,156          13,283              1
    South Atlantic.............................             407          10,387          10,410              0.2
    East North Central.........................             396          10,950          11,009              0.5
    East South Central.........................             150           9,998           9,958             -0.4
    West North Central.........................             166          11,438          11,469              0.3
    West South Central.........................             384          10,590          10,548             -0.4
    Mountain...................................             161          12,013          12,035              0.2

[[Page 60066]]

    Pacific....................................             380          14,889          15,039              1
    Puerto Rico................................              51           7,648           7,504             -1.9
Rural by Region:
    New England................................              22          11,441          11,432             -0.1
    Middle Atlantic............................              55           8,545           8,565              0.2
    South Atlantic.............................             128           7,868           7,918              0.6
    East North Central.........................             116           8,775           8,853              0.9
    East South Central.........................             164           7,524           7,449             -1
    West North Central.........................             101           9,280           9,351              0.8
    West South Central.........................             165           7,218           7,159             -0.8
    Mountain...................................              61           9,730           9,796              0.7
    Pacific....................................              24          11,500          11,671              1.5
By Payment Classification:
    Urban hospitals............................           2,476          11,700          11,745              0.4
    Large urban areas..........................           1,386          12,440          12,490              0.4
    Other urban areas..........................           1,090          10,771          10,811              0.4
    Rural areas................................             893           8,687           8,710              0.3
Teaching Status:
    Nonteaching................................           2,326           9,450           9,480              0.3
    Fewer than 100 residents...................             794          10,999          11,043              0.4
    100 or more residents......................             249          16,424          16,494              0.4
Urban DSH:
    Non-DSH....................................             653           9,946          10,057              1.1
    100 or more beds...........................           1,593          12,080          12,115              0.3
    Less than 100 beds.........................             328           8,526           8,548              0.3
Rural DSH:
    SCH........................................             260           8,859           8,918              0.7
    RRC........................................             347           9,023           9,056              0.4
    100 or more beds...........................              31           7,544           7,476             -0.9
    Less than 100 beds.........................             157           6,774           6,695             -1.2
Urban teaching and DSH:
    Both teaching and DSH......................             855          13,217          13,262              0.4
    Teaching and no DSH........................             122          11,161          11,305              1.3
    No teaching and DSH........................           1,066           9,878           9,895              0.2
    No teaching and no DSH.....................             433           9,415           9,516              1.1
Special Hospital Types:
    RRC........................................             189           9,449           9,409             -0.4
    SCH........................................             327           9,951          10,034              0.8
    MDH........................................             150           6,968           7,011              0.6
    SCH and RRC................................             126          10,591          10,691              0.9
    MDH and RRC................................              13           8,621           8,673              0.6
Type of Ownership:
Voluntary......................................           1,934          11,498          11,560              0.5
    Proprietary................................             879           9,997           9,986             -0.1
    Government.................................             529          12,240          12,244              0
Medicare Utilization as a Percent of Inpatient
    0-25.......................................             533          14,719          14,625             -0.6
    25-50......................................           2,134          11,265          11,322              0.5
    50-65......................................             571           9,180           9,252              0.8
    Over 65....................................              97           6,883           6,910              0.4
FY 2016 Reclassifications by the Medicare
 Geographic Classification Review Board:
    All Reclassified Hospitals.................             789          11,209          11,297              0.8
    Non-Reclassified Hospitals.................           2,580          11,374          11,400              0.2
    Urban Hospitals Reclassified...............             509          11,877          11,982              0.9
    Urban Nonreclassified Hospitals............           1,967          11,643          11,669              0.2
    Rural Hospitals Reclassified Full Year.....             280           8,829           8,861              0.4
    Rural Nonreclassified Hospitals Full Year..             503           7,931           7,933              0
    All Section 401 Reclassified Hospitals:....              64          10,427          10,492              0.6
    Other Reclassified Hospitals (Section                    53           7,855           7,828             -0.4
     1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act).................
Specialty Hospitals
    Cardiac Specialty Hospitals................              14          12,640          12,723              0.7

[[Page 60067]]

    9. On page 49823:
    a. Top of the page:
    (1) First column, second partial paragraph, line 1 the figure 
``2,418'' is corrected to read ``2,408''.
    (2) Second column, first partial paragraph, lines 1 and 2, the 
phrase, ``It did not include hospitals in the Rural Community Hospital 
Demonstration,'' is corrected to read ``It did not include new 
hospitals, hospitals in the Rural Community Hospital Demonstration,''.
    b. Lower three-fourths of the page, the table titled ``Modeled 
Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments for Estimated FY 2016 DSH 
Hospitals by Hospital Type: Model DSH $ (In Millions) From FY 2015 to 
FY 2016'' is corrected as follows:

Modeled Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments for Estimated FY 2016 DSH Hospitals by Hospital Type: Model DSH
                                     $ (In Millions) From FY 2015 to FY 2016
                                                     Number of
                                                   estimated FY       FY 2015         FY 2016       Percentage
                                                     2016 DSH      estimated DSH   estimated DSH     change **
                                                     hospitals          $ *             $ *
                                                             (1)             (2)             (3)             (4)
Total...........................................           2,408         $10,993          $9,733           -11.5
By Geographic Location:
    Urban Hospitals.............................           1,886          10,453           9,258           -11.4
        Large Urban Areas.......................           1,019           6,629           5,855           -11.7
        Other Urban Areas.......................             867           3,823           3,403           -11.0
    Rural Hospitals.............................             522             540             475           -12.1
Bed Size (Urban):
    0 to 99 Beds................................             323             211             186           -11.7
    100 to 249 Beds.............................             825           2,514           2,195           -12.7
    250 to 499 Beds.............................             738           7,728           6,877           -11.0
Bed Size (Rural):
    0 to 99 Beds................................             388             235             208           -11.3
    100 to 249 Beds.............................             120             246             211           -14.5
    250 to 499 Beds.............................              14              59              56            -5.6
Urban by Region:
    East North Central..........................             307           1,421           1,268           -10.8
    East South Central..........................             131             649             572           -11.8
    Middle Atlantic.............................             230           1,804           1,603           -11.2
    Mountain....................................             115             504             447           -11.3
    New England.................................              86             440             388           -11.9
    Pacific.....................................             298           1,649           1,455           -11.8
    Puerto Rico.................................              39             108             101            -7.3
    South Atlantic..............................             315           2,012           1,770           -12.0
    West North Central..........................             104             507             455           -10.2
    West South Central..........................             261           1,357           1,198           -11.7
Rural by Region:
    East North Central..........................              66              55              49           -10.9
    East South Central..........................             146             174             151           -12.9
    Middle Atlantic.............................              27              40              34           -14.5
    Mountain....................................              22              18              16           -13.1
    New England.................................              10              17              15           -13.7
    Pacific.....................................              10               6               8            35.3
    South Atlantic..............................              88             107              96            -9.5
    West North Central..........................              37              27              21           -20.1
    West South Central..........................             116              97              84           -13.6
By Payment Classification:
    Urban Hospitals.............................           1,854          10,448           9,204           -11.9
        Large Urban Areas.......................           1,016           6,640           5,853           -11.9
        Other Urban Areas.......................             838           3,809           3,351           -12.0
    Rural Hospitals.............................             554             545             529            -2.8
Teaching Status:
    Nonteaching.................................           1,539           3,578           3,111           -13.0
    Fewer than 100 residents....................             629           3,585           3,190           -11.0
    100 or more residents.......................             240           3,831           3,432           -10.4
Type of Ownership:
    Voluntary...................................           1,382           6,770           6,025           -11.0
    Proprietary.................................             539           1,904           1,660           -12.8
    Government..................................             485           2,290           2,021           -11.7
    Unknown.....................................               2              30              27           -10.4
Source: Dobson DaVanzo analysis of 2011-2012 Hospital Cost Reports, 2015 Provider of Services File, FY 2015 IPPS
  Final Rule CN Impact File, and FY 2016 NPRM Impact File.
* Dollar DSH calculated by [0.25 * estimated section 1886(d)(5)(F) payments] + [0.75 * estimated section
  1886(d)(5)(F) payments * Factor 2 * Factor 3]. When summed across all hospitals projected to receive DSH
  payments, the estimated DSH is $10,993 million in FY 2015 and $9,733 million in FY 2016.
** Percentage change is determined as the difference between Medicare DSH payments modeled for the FY 2016 IPPS/
  LTCH PPS final rule (column 3) and Medicare DSH payments modeled for the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
  (column 2) divided by Medicare DSH payments modeled for the FY 2015 final rule (column 3) times 100 percent.

[[Page 60068]]

    10. On page 49828, in third column, last paragraph, line 4, the 
figure ``0.9973'' is corrected to read ``0.9976''.
    11. On page 49829:
    a. Second column, last paragraph:
    (1) Line 4, the figure ``3.1'' is corrected to read ``3.2''
    (2) Line 5, the figure ``1.1'' is corrected to read ``1.3''
    b. Third column; last paragraph, last line, the figure ``1.1'' is 
corrected to read ``1.2''.
    12. On pages 49829 and 49830, table titled ``Table III.--Comparison 
of Total Payments Per Case [FY 2015 Payments Compared To FY 2016 
Payments]'' is corrected to read as follows:

                                Table III--Comparison of Total Payments per Case
                                 [FY 2015 payments compared to FY 2016 payments]
                                                                    Average FY      Average FY
                                                     Number of    2015 payments/  2016 payments/      Change
                                                     hospitals         case            case
By Geographic Location:
    All hospitals...............................           3,369             871             890             2.3
    Large urban areas (populations over 1                  1,393             963             987             2.5
    Other urban areas (populations of 1 million            1,140             833             851             2.1
     of fewer)..................................
    Rural areas.................................             836             591             599             1.4
    Urban hospitals.............................           2,533             904             925             2.4
        0-99 beds...............................             668             736             751             1.9
        100-199 beds............................             778             788             806             2.2
        200-299 beds............................             445             825             844             2.3
        300-499 beds............................             428             920             943             2.4
        500 or more beds........................             214           1,080           1,106             2.4
    Rural hospitals.............................             836             591             599             1.4
        0-49 beds...............................             329             490             497             1.5
        50-99 beds..............................             297             549             558             1.7
        100-149 beds............................             121             591             598             1.2
        150-199 beds............................              48             645             652             1.0
        200 or more beds........................              41             706             715             1.3
By Region:
    Urban by Region.............................           2,533             904             925             2.4
        New England.............................             120             996           1,009             1.3
        Middle Atlantic.........................             318           1,001           1,032             3.1
        South Atlantic..........................             407             805             823             2.2
        East North Central......................             396             868             889             2.3
        East South Central......................             150             768             780             1.6
        West North Central......................             166             887             902             1.6
        West South Central......................             384             817             835             2.1
        Mountain................................             161             936             956             2.1
        Pacific.................................             380           1,150           1,187             3.2
        Puerto Rico.............................              51             403             408             1.4
    Rural by Region.............................             836             591             599             1.4
        New England.............................              22             822             828             0.7
        Middle Atlantic.........................              55             580             582             0.3
        South Atlantic..........................             128             554             567             2.3
        East North Central......................             116             616             626             1.6
        East South Central......................             164             536             542             1.1
        West North Central......................             101             635             643             1.3
        West South Central......................             165             524             524             0.1
        Mountain................................              61             660             674             2.1
        Pacific.................................              24             768             791             3.0
By Payment Classification:
    All hospitals...............................           3,369             871             890             2.3
    Large urban areas (populations over 1                  1,386             964             988             2.5
    Other urban areas (populations of 1 million            1,090             837             855             2.2
     of fewer)..................................
    Rural areas.................................             893             608             615             1.1
Teaching Status:
    Non-teaching................................           2,326             739             754             2.1
    Fewer than 100 Residents....................             794             848             866             2.2
    100 or more Residents.......................             249           1,227           1,259             2.6
    Urban DSH:
        100 or more beds........................           1,593             928             950             2.4
        Less than 100 beds......................             328             662             677             2.2
    Rural DSH:
        Sole Community (SCH/EACH)...............             260             576             580             0.7
        Referral Center (RRC/EACH)..............             347             639             647             1.2
        Other Rural:
            100 or more beds....................              31             575             572            -0.5
            Less than 100 beds..................             157             504             512             1.7
    Urban teaching and DSH:
        Both teaching and DSH...................             855           1,003           1,028             2.5
    Urban teaching and DSH:
        Both teaching and DSH...................             855           1,003           1,028             2.5

[[Page 60069]]

        Teaching and no DSH.....................             122             899             920             2.3
        No teaching and DSH.....................           1,066             780             797             2.3
        No teaching and no DSH..................             433             797             816             2.4
    Rural Hospital Types:
        Non special status hospitals............           2,562             904             926             2.4
        RRC/EACH................................             189             729             737             1.1
        SCH/EACH................................             327             665             672             1.1
        SCH, RRC and EACH.......................             126             721             733             1.6
Hospitals Reclassified by the Medicare
 Geographic Classification Review Board:
    FY 2016 Reclassifications:
        All Urban Reclassified..................             551             923             949             2.8
        All Urban Non-Reclassified..............           1,925             902             922             2.2
        All Rural Reclassified..................             279             623             634             1.8
        All Rural Non-Reclassified..............             504             545             551             1.2
        Other Reclassified Hospitals (Section                 46             600             589            -1.9
         1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act)..............
    Type of Ownership:
        Voluntary...............................           1,934             884             904             2.3
        Proprietary.............................             879             785             803             2.3
        Government..............................             529             917             938             2.4
    Medicare Utilization as a Percent of
     Inpatient Days:
        0-25....................................             533           1,046           1,074             2.7
        25-50...................................           2,134             876             896             2.3
        50-65...................................             571             717             731             2.0
        Over 65.................................              97             523             534             2.1

    13. On page 49840, third column, third paragraph:
    a. Line 11, the figure ``$378'' is corrected to read ``$391''.
    b. Line 23, the figure ``$75'' is corrected to read ``$88''.
    c. Line 33, the figure ``$75'' is corrected to read ``$88''.
    d. Line 34, the figure ``$85'' is corrected to read ``$98''.
    e. Line 39, the figure ``$187'' is corrected to read ``$188''.
    f. Line 43, the figure ``$272'' is corrected to read ``$285''.
    14. On page 49841, first column:
    a. Third paragraph, line 3, the figure ``$272'' is corrected to 
read ``$285''.
    b. In the table titled ``Table V--Accounting Statement: 
Classification of Estimated Expenditures Under the IPPS From FY 2015 to 
FY 2016'', the first entry is corrected as follows:

 Table V--Accounting Statement: Classification of Estimated Expenditures
                 Under the IPPS From FY 2015 to FY 2016
                 Category                             Transfers
Annualized Monetized Transfers............  -$285 million.

    Dated: September 30, 2015.
Madhura Valverde,
Executive Secretary to the Department, Department of Health and Human 
[FR Doc. 2015-25269 Filed 9-30-15; 4:15 pm]

                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                 60055

                                                                                           TABLE 1—WASTES EXCLUDED FROM NON-SPECIFIC SOURCES
                                                               Facility                      Address                                                         Waste description

                                                        *                 *                                 *                           *                       *                      *              *
                                                John Deere Des Moines       Ankeny, IA.
                                                  Works of Deere Company.

                                                           *                        *                       *                        *                  *                    *                     *
                                                                                                                1. Delisting Levels: (A) The WWTS Filter Cake shall not exhibit any of the ‘‘Characteristics of
                                                                                                                  Hazardous Waste’’ in 40 CFR part 261, subpart C. (B) All TCLP leachable concentrations
                                                                                                                  (40 CFR 261.24(a)) for the following constituents must not exceed the following levels
                                                                                                                  (mg/L for TCLP): Nickel—32.4. (C) Reserved. (D) All total concentrations for the following
                                                                                                                  constituents must not exceed the following levels (mg/kg): Cadmium—25.5; Chromium
                                                                                                                  (total)—51,000; Chromium (hexavalent)—41; Copper—2877; Nickel—3030; Zinc—10,170;
                                                                                                                  Cyanide—9, Oil and Grease—64,500.

                                                           *                        *                       *                           *                       *                      *              *

                                                *      *       *          *   *                           Related to the Electronic Health Record                    reclassification and recalibration budget
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–24459 Filed 10–2–15; 8:45 am]               Incentive Program; Extensions of the                       neutrality adjustment factor (as
                                                BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                    Medicare-Dependent, Small Rural                            discussed in section II.B. of this
                                                                                                          Hospital Program and the Low-Volume                        correcting document), and the MGCRB
                                                                                                          Payment Adjustment for Hospitals.’’                        reclassification status of certain
                                                DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                  DATES: This document is effective                          providers (as discussed in section II.B.
                                                HUMAN SERVICES                                            October 1, 2015.                                           of this correcting document), each of
                                                                                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                           which resulted in additional conforming
                                                Centers for Medicare & Medicaid                           Donald Thompson, (410) 786–4487.                           corrections. Specifically, on page 49492,
                                                Services                                                                                                             we inadvertently miscalculated the
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                     estimated percentage change in the ECI
                                                42 CFR Part 412                                           I. Background                                              for compensation for the 30-day
                                                                                                             In FR Doc. 2015–19049 which                             increment after March 14, 2013 and
                                                [CMS–1632–CN]                                                                                                        before April 15, 2013 for private
                                                                                                          appeared in the August 17, 2015
                                                RIN 0938–AS41                                             Federal Register, titled ‘‘Medicare                        industry hospital workers from the
                                                                                                          Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective                    Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS’)
                                                Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient                      Payment Systems for Acute Care                             ‘‘Compensation and Working
                                                Prospective Payment Systems for                           Hospitals and the Long-Term Care                           Conditions.’’ The ECI is used to adjust
                                                Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-                        Hospital Prospective Payment System                        a hospital’s wage data to calculate the
                                                Term Care Hospital Prospective                            Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2016                        wage index, and is based on the
                                                Payment System Policy Changes and                         Rates; Revisions of Quality Reporting                      midpoint of a cost reporting period.
                                                Fiscal Year 2016 Rates; Revisions of                      Requirements for Specific Providers,                          On page 49498, we are making
                                                Quality Reporting Requirements for                        including Changes Related to the                           conforming changes to the number of
                                                Specific Providers, including Changes                     Electronic Health Record Incentive                         hospitals in New Jersey that will be
                                                Related to the Electronic Health                          Program; Extensions of the Medicare-                       receiving the imputed rural floor and to
                                                Record Incentive Program; Extensions                      Dependent, Small Rural Hospital                            the FY 2016 rural floor value for Nevada
                                                of the Medicare-Dependent, Small                          Program and the Low-Volume Payment                         as a result of correcting the ECI error,
                                                Rural Hospital Program and the Low-                       Adjustment for Hospitals’’ (hereinafter                    the technical error in the calculation of
                                                Volume Payment Adjustment for                             referred to as the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH                       the MS–DRG reclassification and
                                                Hospitals; Correction                                     PPS final rule), there were a number of                    recalibration budget neutrality
                                                                                                          technical and typographical errors that                    adjustment factor (discussed in section
                                                AGENCY:  Centers for Medicare &                                                                                      II.B. of this correcting document), and
                                                Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.                             are identified and corrected in section
                                                                                                          IV. of this correcting document. The                       the error in the reclassification status of
                                                ACTION: Final rule and interim final rule                                                                            50 providers (discussed in section II.B.
                                                                                                          provisions in this correction document
                                                with comment period; correction.                          are effective as if they had been                          of this correcting document).
                                                                                                                                                                        On page 49619, consistent with the
                                                SUMMARY:   This document corrects                         included in the document that appeared
                                                                                                                                                                     conforming corrections to the IPPS
                                                technical and typographical errors in                     in the August 17, 2015 Federal Register.
                                                                                                                                                                     outlier fixed-loss cost threshold for FY
                                                the final rule and interim final rule with                Accordingly, the corrections are
                                                                                                                                                                     2016 discussed in section II.B. of this
                                                comment period that appeared in the                       effective October 1, 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                     correcting document, we are making
                                                Federal Register on August 17, 2015                       II. Summary of Errors                                      further conforming corrections to the FY
                                                titled ‘‘Medicare Program; Hospital                                                                                  2016 outlier fixed-loss amount for site
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                                                Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems                     A. Summary of Errors in the Preamble
                                                                                                                                                                     neutral cases in the context of our
                                                for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-                      On page 49412, we made a                                 discussion regarding LTCH PPS high-
                                                Term Care Hospital Prospective                            typographical error with regards to an                     cost outliers.
                                                Payment System Policy Changes and                         MS–DRG code. We made inadvertent
                                                Fiscal Year 2016 Rates; Revisions of                      and technical errors related to the                        B. Summary of Errors in the Addendum
                                                Quality Reporting Requirements for                        employment cost index (ECI) used in                          On page 49776, we are correcting the
                                                Specific Providers, including Changes                     the wage index, the MS–DRG                                 MS–DRG reclassification and

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                                                60056             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                recalibration budget neutrality                         uncompensated care payments. As a                     C. Summary of Errors in the Appendices
                                                adjustment factor as a result of a                      result of these errors (the percentage                  On page 49809, we are correcting our
                                                technical error made in the calculation                 change in the ECI error, MS–DRG                       estimate of the increase in FY 2016
                                                of this factor. We are also making                      reclassification and recalibration budget             operating payments and capital
                                                conforming changes to the affected rates                neutrality adjustment factor error,                   payments as a result of the technical
                                                and factors on pages 49787, 49788 and                   reclassification error, and                           errors that led to corrections to certain
                                                49790 as a result of this error.                        uncompensated care error) and                         budget neutrality factors and the outlier
                                                   In addition, as discussed in section                 conforming corrections, on page 49785,                threshold (as described previously). On
                                                II.A. of this correcting document, we                   we are making conforming corrections                  pages 49813 through 49821, 49823,
                                                inadvertently miscalculated the                         to the calculation of the outlier fixed-              49828 through 49830, and 49840, in our
                                                percentage change in the ECI. The                       loss cost threshold and the national and              regulatory impact analyses, we are
                                                correction to the ECI necessitated                      Puerto Rico-specific outlier budget                   making conforming corrections in the
                                                recalculation of the pre-reclassified                   neutrality factors. We are making further             discussion of the analysis of the changes
                                                unadjusted and occupational-mix                         conforming corrections to the tables on               in operating and capital IPPS payments
                                                adjusted wage indexes and Geographic                    pages 49787 and 49788 as a result of                  for FY 2016 and the effects of certain
                                                Adjustment Factors (GAFs) of certain                    these changes, including conforming                   budget neutrality factors as a result of
                                                core-based statistical areas (CBSAs). As                corrections in the calculation of the                 the technical errors (as discussed
                                                a result of the corrections to the ECI and              national and Puerto Rico specific                     previously) that lead to conforming
                                                the MS–DRG reclassification and                         operating standardized amounts, as a                  corrections to the calculation of the
                                                recalibration budget neutrality                         result of the conforming corrections to               operating and capital IPPS budget
                                                adjustment factor, on page 49776, we                    the operating IPPS budget neutrality                  neutrality factors, outlier threshold,
                                                recalculated the wage index budget                      factors and outlier threshold described               operating standardized amounts, and
                                                neutrality adjustment and are making                    previously.                                           capital Federal rates.
                                                conforming changes to the tables on                       On pages 49791, 49793, 49794, and                     On page 49823, in the table titled
                                                pages 49787 and 49788.                                  49795, in our discussion of the                       ‘‘Modeled Disproportionate Share
                                                   On pages 49776, we recalculated the                  determination of the Federal hospital                 Hospital Payments for Estimated FY
                                                reclassification hospital budget                        inpatient capital related prospective                 2016 DSH Hospitals by Hospital Type:
                                                neutrality adjustment because the                       payment rate update, we are making                    Model DSH $ (In Millions) From FY
                                                reclassification status in the FY 2016                  conforming corrections to the national                2015 To FY 2016’’ and the
                                                IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule did not                        GAF/MS–DRG budget neutrality                          accompanying discussion, we made
                                                properly reflect one of the following for               adjustment factor (due to the errors in               technical and formatting errors in the
                                                50 providers:                                           our calculation of the GAFs, which are                estimated impacts resulting from
                                                   • Withdrawal or termination of a                     computed from the wage index) and to                  inadvertent errors in the calculation of
                                                Medicare Geographic Classification                      the outlier threshold, and outlier budget             Factor 3 for certain hospitals.
                                                Review Board (MGCRB) reclassification                   neutrality adjustment factors (as                       On pages 49829 through 49830, we
                                                for FY 2016.                                            discussed previously).                                are making conforming corrections to
                                                   • Assignment to the reclassified
                                                                                                          Also, as a result of these errors, on               Table III—Comparison of Total
                                                CBSA approved by the MGCRB or CMS
                                                                                                        page 49794, we are making conforming                  Payments Per Case (FY 2015 Payments
                                                                                                        corrections in the table showing the                  Compared to FY 2016 Payments).
                                                   As a result of the MS–DRG
                                                                                                        comparison of factors and adjustments                   On page 49841, we are making
                                                reclassification and recalibration budget
                                                                                                        for the FY2015 capital Federal rate and               conforming corrections to the
                                                neutrality adjustment factor error, the
                                                                                                        FY 2016 capital Federal rate and in the               accounting statements and tables for
                                                ECI error, and reclassification error, we
                                                                                                        table showing the comparison of factors               acute care hospitals that arose from the
                                                are making conforming technical
                                                                                                        and adjustments for the proposed FY                   corrections of errors as described in
                                                changes to tables on pages 49787 and
                                                                                                        2016 capital Federal rate and final FY                section II.B. of this correcting document.
                                                49788. The technical errors discussed
                                                previously (the percentage change in the                2016 capital Federal rate.                            D. Summary of Errors in and
                                                ECI error, MS–DRG reclassification and                    On page 49804, in our discussion                    Corrections to Files and Tables Posted
                                                recalibration budget neutrality                         regarding LTCH PPS high-cost outlier                  on the CMS Web site
                                                adjustment factor error, and                            payments for site neutral payment rate
                                                                                                        cases, we are making conforming                       1. Errors and Corrections to IPPS and
                                                reclassification error) directly affected                                                                     LTCH PPS Tables
                                                and required the recalculation of the                   corrections in the FY 2016 fixed-loss
                                                wage index, the recalculation of certain                amount for site neutral cases, due to the                We are correcting the errors in the
                                                budget neutrality adjustments, and also                 conforming correction to the IPPS                     following IPPS tables that are listed on
                                                indirectly resulted in errors to other                  outlier fixed-loss cost threshold for FY              page 49808 of the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH
                                                factors and rates. Specifically, on pages               2016 (as discussed previously).                       PPS final rule and are available on the
                                                49777, 49778, 49787, and 49788, we are                    On page 49808, we are correcting the                Internet on the CMS Web Site at https://
                                                making conforming corrections to the                    information on how to access the LTCH                 www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-
                                                following:                                              PPS tables for the FY 2016 final rule on              for-Service-Payment/
                                                   • The rural floor budget neutrality                  the CMS Web Site.                                     AcuteInpatientPPS/FY2016-IPPS-Final-
                                                adjustment.                                               On page 49809, we are making                        Rule-Home-Page.html:
                                                   • The wage index transition budget                   conforming corrections to the national                   Table 2—Final Case-Mix Index and
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                                                neutrality adjustment.                                  and Puerto Rico specific operating                    Wage Index Table by CCN, because of
                                                   • The Rural Community Hospital                       standardized amounts and capital                      the ECI error discussed in section II.A.
                                                Demonstration program budget                            standard Federal payment rates in                     of this correction document, we are
                                                neutrality adjustment.                                  Tables 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D as a result of              correcting the values in the columns
                                                   In addition, as discussed in section                 the corrections to certain budget                     titled FY 2016 Wage Index, Average
                                                II.D. of this correcting document, we are               neutrality factors and the outlier                    Hourly Wage FY 2016, and 3-Year
                                                making corrections to the                               threshold (as described previously).                  Average Hourly Wage (2014, 2015,

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                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                         60057

                                                2016) for 4 providers located in CBSAs                  Threshold, and ’’IPPS Comparable                      discharge. Shortly after the publication
                                                04, 20, and 12620. Because the average                  Threshold’’ for LTCH PPS Discharges                   of the FY2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
                                                hourly wage changed for these four                      Occurring from October 1, 2015 through                rule, we discovered that in calculating
                                                providers which affects the area wage                   September 30, 2016. We are correcting                 Factor 3 of the uncompensated care
                                                index, we are also correcting the FY                    this table by correcting typographical                payment methodology, we inadvertently
                                                2016 wage indexes for other providers                   errors for certain MS–LTC–DRGs in the                 excluded the Medicaid days from the
                                                geographically located in, or reclassified              columns titled ‘‘Relative Weight,’’                   most recently available 2012 or 2011
                                                into, CBSAs 04, 20, and 12620.                          ‘‘Geometric Average Length of Stay,’’                 cost report for certain providers that
                                                   As discussed in section II.B. of this                ‘‘Short-Stay Outlier (SSO) Threshold,’’               were projected to receive Medicare DSH
                                                correcting document, we are also                        and ‘‘IPPS Comparable Threshold.’’                    in FY 2016. As a result, these providers
                                                correcting the reclassification status of                  Table 12A—LTCH PPS Wage Index                      had no Medicaid days included in the
                                                50 providers. Thus, we are correcting                   for Urban Areas for Discharges                        calculation of Factor 3. In order to
                                                the FY 2016 wage index values for these                 Occurring From October 1, 2015                        correct these errors, we have Factor 3 for
                                                providers to reflect assignment to their                through September 30, 2016. We are                    all hospitals to incorporate the changes
                                                geographic CBSAs or reclassified                        correcting this table by correcting the               to the data for these providers whose
                                                CBSAs, as applicable.                                   values in the column titled ‘‘LTCH PPS                Medicare hospital cost report data were
                                                   Furthermore, because we are revising                 Wage Index’’ as result of the error in the            inadvertently excluded. These
                                                the national rural floor budget neutrality              miscalculation percentage change in the               corrections to the uncompensated care
                                                adjustment as discussed in section II.B.                ECI, which affected the wage data for                 payments impacted the calculation of
                                                of this correcting document, the wage                   CBSA 12620, as discussed in section                   the outlier fixed-loss cost threshold for
                                                index values for numerous providers in                  II.A. of this correcting document.                    outlier payments.
                                                Table 2 are corrected as well.                             Table 12B—LTCH PPS Wage Index for                     In addition, we discovered that we
                                                   Table 3—Final Wage Index Table by                    Rural Areas for Discharges Occurring                  had—
                                                CBSA, by correcting the ECI error, we                   From October 1, 2015 through                             • Inadvertently calculated Factor 3
                                                are making corresponding changes to                     September 30, 2016. We are correcting                 for several providers using Medicaid
                                                the wage indexes and GAFs of CBSAs                      this table by correcting the values in the            days from a cost report that was less
                                                04, 20, and 12620 listed in Table 3.                    column titled ‘‘LTCH PPS Wage Index’’                 than a full year when a cost report that
                                                Specifically, we are correcting the                     as result of the technical error in the               was a full year or closer to being a full
                                                values in the columns titled FY 2016                    percentage change in the ECI, which                   year was available;
                                                Average Hourly Wage, 3-Year Average                     affected the wage data for CBSAs 04 and                  • Erroneously provided Factor 3
                                                Hourly Wage (2014, 2015, 2016), Wage                    20, as discussed in section II.A. of this             values for certain new providers; and
                                                Index, Reclassified Wage Index, GAF,                    correcting document.                                     • Calculated a Factor 3 for a hospital
                                                and Reclassified GAF, for CBSAs 04, 20,                    Table 14—List of Hospitals with                    that has ceased operations.
                                                and 12620.                                              Fewer Than 1,600 Medicare Discharges                     We are revising Factor 3 for all
                                                   Also, by correcting Table 2 to                       Based on the March 2015 Update of the                 hospitals to correct these errors;
                                                properly indicate the withdrawal,                       FY 2014 MedPAR File and Potentially                   however, unlike the error in which
                                                termination, or reclassification status of              Eligible Hospitals for the FY 2016 Low-               Medicaid days for certain providers
                                                the 50 providers, we are making                         Volume Hospital Payment Adjustment                    were excluded, the impacts of these
                                                corresponding changes to the wage                       (Eligibility for the low-volume hospital              three errors (specified in the bulleted
                                                indexes and GAFs listed in Table 3.                     payment adjustment is also dependent                  list) are too small to change other
                                                Specifically, we are correcting the                     upon meeting the mileage criteria                     aspects of the IPPS ratesetting, such as
                                                values in the columns titled Wage                       specified at § 412.101(b)(2)(ii)). We are             the calculation of the fixed-loss
                                                Index, Reclassified Wage Index, GAF,                    correcting this table by correcting                   threshold for outlier payments.
                                                and Reclassified GAF. Furthermore,                      typographical and technical errors for
                                                                                                        certain hospitals in the column titled                III. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
                                                because we are revising the national
                                                                                                        ‘‘FY 2016 Low-Volume Payment                          and Delay in Effective Date
                                                rural floor budget neutrality adjustment
                                                as discussed in section II.B. of this                   Adjustment (Percentage Add-on).                          We ordinarily publish a notice of
                                                correcting document, we are making                         Table 18—FY 2016 Medicare DSH                      proposed rulemaking in the Federal
                                                corrections to the wage index values for                Uncompensated Care Payment Factor 3                   Register to provide a period for public
                                                numerous CBSAs in Table 3 as well.                      and Projected DSH Eligibility. For the                comment before the provisions of a rule
                                                   Table 5—List of Medicare Severity                    FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we                  take effect in accordance with section
                                                Diagnosis-Related Groups (MS–DRGs),                     published a list of hospitals that we                 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure
                                                Relative Weighting Factors, and                         identified to be subsection (d) hospitals             Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553(b)). However,
                                                Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length                    and subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals              we can waive this notice and comment
                                                of Stay—FY 2016, in the column labeled                  eligible to receive empirically justified             procedure if the Secretary finds, for
                                                ’TYPE’, to be consistent with previous                  Medicare DSH payment adjustments                      good cause, that the notice and
                                                fiscal years, we are revising the entries               and uncompensated care payments for                   comment process is impracticable,
                                                labeled ’P’ to SURG and the entries                     FY 2016. We also published, in the                    unnecessary, or contrary to the public
                                                labeled ’M’ to MED.                                     Supplemental Medicare DSH File                        interest, and incorporates a statement of
                                                   Table 10—New Technology Add-On                       located in the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS                  the finding and the reasons therefore in
                                                Payment Thresholds for Applications                     final rule data files page at https://                the notice.
                                                for FY 2017. We are correcting the                      www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-                       Section 553(d) of the APA ordinarily
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                                                thresholds in this table as a result of the             for-Service-Payment/                                  requires a 30-day delay in effective date
                                                corrections to the operating                            AcuteInpatientPPS/FY2016-IPPS-Final-                  of final rules after the date of their
                                                standardized amounts discussed in                       Rule-Home-Page-Items/FY2016-IPPS-                     publication in the Federal Register.
                                                section II.B. of this correcting document.              Final-Rule-Data-Files.html, the data                  This 30-day delay in effective date can
                                                   Table 11—MS–LTC–DRGs, Relative                       used to calculate each hospital’s Factor              be waived, however, if an agency finds
                                                Weights, Geometric Average Length of                    3, total uncompensated care payment,                  for good cause that the delay is
                                                Stay, Short Stay Outlier (SSO)                          and uncompensated care payment per                    impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary

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                                                60058                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                to the public interest, and the agency                                      subsequently finalized. This correcting                                         a. First column:
                                                incorporates a statement of the findings                                    document is intended solely to ensure                                           (1) Fourth full paragraph, line 3, the
                                                and its reasons in the rule issued.                                         that the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final                                         figure ‘‘0.998399’’ is corrected to read
                                                   We believe that this correcting                                          rule accurately reflects these payment                                       ‘‘0.998405’’.
                                                document does not constitute a rule that                                    methodologies and policies. Therefore,                                          (2) Fourth full paragraph, line 8, the
                                                would be subject to the APA notice and                                      we believe we have good cause to waive                                       figure ‘‘0.998399’’ is corrected to read
                                                comment or delayed effective date                                           the notice and comment and effective                                         ‘‘0.998405’’.
                                                requirements. This correcting document                                      date requirements.                                                              (3) Fifth full paragraph, line 16, the
                                                corrects technical and typographic                                          IV. Correction of Errors                                                     figure ‘‘0.998399’’ is corrected to read
                                                errors in the preamble, addendum,                                                                                                                        ‘‘0.998405’’.
                                                                                                                              In FR Doc. 2015–19049 of August 17,                                           b. Second column, third full
                                                payment rates, tables, and appendices
                                                                                                                            2015 (80 FR 49325), we are making the                                        paragraph:
                                                included or referenced in the FY 2016
                                                                                                                            following corrections:                                                          (1) Line 9, the figure ‘‘0.998749’’ is
                                                IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule but does not
                                                make substantive changes to the policies                                    A. Corrections of Errors in the Preamble                                     corrected to read ‘‘0.998738’’.
                                                or payment methodologies that were                                             1. On page 49412, first column, third                                        (2) Line 13, the figure ‘‘0.998399’’ is
                                                adopted in the final rule. As a result,                                     bulleted paragraph, the phrase ‘‘MS–                                         corrected to read ‘‘0.998405’’.
                                                this correcting document is intended to                                     DRG 007’’ is corrected to read ‘‘MS–                                            (3) Line 15, the figure ‘‘0.998749’’ is
                                                ensure that the information in the FY                                       DRG 207’’.                                                                   corrected to read ‘‘0.998738’’.
                                                2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule                                                  2. On page 49492, first column, after                                        (4) Line 21, the figure ‘‘0.997150’’ is
                                                accurately reflects the policies adopted                                    the first partial paragraph, in the table                                    corrected to read ‘‘0.997145’’.
                                                in that final rule.                                                         titled ‘‘Midpoint of Cost Reporting                                             c. Third column, third full paragraph,
                                                   In addition, even if this were a rule to                                 Period’’, last entry (After 03/14/2013) is                                   line 12, the figure ‘‘0.987905’’ is
                                                which the notice and comment                                                corrected to read as follows:                                                corrected to read ‘‘0.988168’’.
                                                procedures and delayed effective date                                                                                                                       2. On page 49777, second column, last
                                                requirements applied, we find that there                                            MIDPOINT OF COST REPORTING                                           paragraph, line 3, the figure ‘‘0.990298’’
                                                is good cause to waive such                                                                   PERIOD                                                     is corrected to read ‘‘0.989859’’.
                                                requirements. Undertaking further                                                                                                                           3. On page 49778:
                                                notice and comment procedures to                                                                                                  Adjustment                a. First column, second full
                                                                                                                                    After                   Before
                                                incorporate the corrections in this                                                                                                 factor               paragraph:
                                                document into the final rule or delaying                                                                                                                    (1) Line 3, the figure ‘‘0.999996’’ is
                                                                                                                               03/14/2013               04/15/2013                  0.99851
                                                the effective date would be contrary to                                                                                                                  corrected to read ‘‘0.999997’’.
                                                the public interest because it is in the                                       3. On page 49498, first column,                                              (2) Line 6, the figure ‘‘0.999996’’ is
                                                public’s interest for providers to receive                                  second full paragraph, line 9, the figure                                    corrected to read ‘‘0.999997’’.
                                                appropriate payments in as timely a                                         ‘‘21’’ is corrected to read ‘‘19’’.                                             b. Third column, last paragraph, line
                                                manner as possible, and to ensure that                                         3. On page 49498, second column,                                          36, the figure ‘‘0.999861’’ is corrected to
                                                the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule                                        first partial paragraph, line 13, the figure                                 read ‘‘0.999837’’.
                                                accurately reflects our policies.                                           ‘‘1.0194’’ is corrected to read ‘‘1.0190’’.                                     4. On page 49785:
                                                Furthermore, such procedures would be                                          4. On page 49619, third column, third                                        a. Top third of the page, second
                                                unnecessary, as we are not altering our                                     full paragraph, line 4, the figure                                           column, first full paragraph, last line,
                                                payment methodologies or policies, but                                      ‘‘22,544’’ is corrected to read ‘‘22,539’’.                                  the figure ‘‘22,544’’ is corrected to read
                                                rather, we are simply implementing                                                                                                                       ‘‘22,539’’.
                                                correctly the policies that we previously                                   B. Correction of Errors in the Addendum                                         b. Middle of the page, the untitled
                                                proposed, received comment on, and                                            1. On page 49776:                                                          table, is corrected to read as follows:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Operating            Capital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           standardized         Federal rate

                                                National ............................................................................................................................................................            0.948999            0.936503
                                                Puerto Rico ......................................................................................................................................................               0.935570            0.919204

                                                  5. On pages 49787 and 49788, the                                          Standardized Amounts’’, is corrected to
                                                table titled ‘‘Comparison of FY 2015                                        read as follows:
                                                Standardized Amounts to the FY 2016

                                                                        COMPARISON OF FY 2015 STANDARDIZED AMOUNTS TO THE FY 2016 STANDARDIZED AMOUNTS
                                                                                                                                                                    Hospital submitted                     Hospital did NOT                 Hospital did NOT
                                                                                                                            Hospital submitted                      quality data and is                   submit quality data              submit quality data
                                                                                                                           quality data and is a                    NOT a meaningful                      and is a meaningful             and is NOT a mean-
                                                                                                                           meaningful EHR user                          EHR user                               EHR user                     ingful EHR user
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                FY 2015 Base Rate after removing:
                                                    1. FY 2015 Geographic Reclassification                                If Wage Index is                       If Wage Index is                       If Wage Index is              If Wage Index is
                                                      Budget Neutrality (0.990429)                                           Greater Than                           Greater Than                           Greater Than                  Greater Than
                                                                                                                             1.0000: Labor                          1.0000: Labor                          1.0000: Labor                 1.0000: Labor
                                                                                                                             (69.6%): $4,324.23                     (69.6%): $4,324.23                     (69.6%): $4,324.23            (69.6%): $4,324.23
                                                                                                                             Nonlabor (30.4%):                      Nonlabor (30.4%):                      Nonlabor (30.4%):             Nonlabor (30.4%):
                                                                                                                             $1,888.74.                             $1,888.74.                             $1,888.74.                    $1,888.74.

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                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                              60059

                                                          COMPARISON OF FY 2015 STANDARDIZED AMOUNTS TO THE FY 2016 STANDARDIZED AMOUNTS—Continued
                                                                                                                                                      Hospital submitted                   Hospital did NOT                   Hospital did NOT
                                                                                                                   Hospital submitted                 quality data and is                 submit quality data                submit quality data
                                                                                                                  quality data and is a               NOT a meaningful                    and is a meaningful               and is NOT a mean-
                                                                                                                  meaningful EHR user                     EHR user                             EHR user                       ingful EHR user

                                                     2. FY 2015 Rural Community Hospital
                                                        Demonstration Program Budget Neu-
                                                        trality (0.999313)
                                                     3. Cumulative FY 2008, FY 2009, FY                          If Wage Index is less              If Wage Index is less               If Wage Index is less              If Wage Index is less
                                                        2012, FY 2013 and FY 2014, FY 2015                          Than or Equal to                   Than or Equal to                    Than or Equal to                   Than or Equal to
                                                        Documentation and Coding Adjust-                            1.0000: Labor                      1.0000: Labor                       1.0000: Labor                      1.0000: Labor
                                                        ment as Required under Sections                             (62%): $3,852.04                   (62%): $3,852.04                    (62%): $3,852.04                   (62%): $3,852.04
                                                        7(b)(1)(A) and 7(b)(1)(B) of Pub. L.                        Nonlabor (38%):                    Nonlabor (38%):                     Nonlabor (38%):                    Nonlabor (38%):
                                                        110–90 and Documentation and Cod-                           $2,360.93.                         $2,360.93.                          $2,360.93.                         $2,360.93.
                                                        ing Recoupment Adjustment as re-
                                                        quired under Section 631 of the Amer-
                                                        ican Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012
                                                     4. FY 2015 Operating Outlier Offset
                                                     5. FY 2015 New Labor Market Delinea-
                                                        tion Wage Index Transition Budget
                                                        Neutrality Factor (0.998854)
                                                FY 2016 Update Factor .................................          1.017 ..........................   1.005 ..........................    1.011 ..........................   0.999.
                                                FY 2016 MS–DRG Recalibration and Wage                            0.997145 ....................      0.997145 ....................       0.997145 ....................      0.997145.
                                                  Index Budget Neutrality Factor.
                                                FY 2016 Reclassification Budget Neutrality                       0.988168 ....................      0.988168 ....................       0.988168 ....................      0.988168.
                                                FY 2016 Rural Community Demonstration                            0.999837 ....................      0.999837 ....................       0.999837 ....................      0.999837.
                                                  Program Budget Neutrality Factor.
                                                FY 2016 Operating Outlier Factor .................               0.948999 ....................      0.948999 ....................       0.948999 ....................      0.948999.
                                                Cumulative Factor: FY 2008, FY 2009, FY                          0.9255 ........................    0.9255 ........................     0.9255 ........................    0.9255.
                                                  2012, FY 2013, FY 2014, FY 2015 and FY
                                                  2016 Documentation and Coding Adjust-
                                                  ment as Required under Sections
                                                  7(b)(1)(A) and 7(b)(1)(B) of Pub. L. 110–
                                                  90 and Documentation and Coding
                                                  Recoupment Adjustment as required under
                                                  Section 631 of the American Taxpayer Re-
                                                  lief Act of 2012.
                                                FY 2016 New Labor Market Delineation                             0.999997 ....................      0.999997 ....................       0.999997 ....................      0.999997.
                                                  Wage Index 3-Year Hold Harmless Transi-
                                                  tion Budget Neutrality Factor.
                                                National Standardized Amount for FY 2016 if                      Labor: $3,805.30 ........          Labor: $3,760.40 ........           Labor: $3,782.85 ........          Labor: $3,737.95.
                                                  Wage Index is Greater Than 1.0000;                             Nonlabor: $1,662.09 ..             Nonlabor: $1,642.48 ..              Nonlabor: $1,652.28 ..             Nonlabor: $1,632.67.
                                                  Labor/Non-Labor Share Percentage (69.6/
                                                National Standardized Amount for FY 2016 if                      Labor: $3,389.78 ........          Labor: $3,349.79 ........           Labor: $3,369.78 ........          Labor: $3,329.78.
                                                  Wage Index is less Than or Equal to                            Nonlabor: $2,077.61 ..             Nonlabor: $2,053.09 ..              Nonlabor: $2,065.35 ..             Nonlabor: $2,040.84.
                                                  1.0000; Labor/Non-Labor Share Percent-
                                                  age (62/38).

                                                  6. On page 49788, in the center of the                           2015 Puerto Rico-Specific Payment Rate                                Payment Rate’’ is corrected to read as
                                                page, the table titled ‘‘Comparison of FY                          to the FY 2016 Puerto Rico-Specific                                   follows:

                                                                                                                                                     Update (1.7 percent); Wage index                      Update (1.7 percent); Wage index
                                                                                                                                                    is greater than 1.0000; Labor/Non-                      is less than or equal to 1.0000;
                                                                                                                                                      Labor Share Percentage (63.2/                        Labor/Non-Labor Share Percent-
                                                                                                                                                                   36.8)                                               age (62/38)

                                                FY 2015 Puerto Rico Base Rate, after removing:                                                      Labor: $1,758.02 ...........................           Labor: $1,724.64
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                                                                                                                    Nonlabor: $1,023.66. .....................             Nonlabor: $1,057.04.
                                                    1. FY 2015 Geographic Reclassification Budget Neutrality
                                                    2. FY 2015 Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Program
                                                      Budget Neutrality (0.999313)
                                                    3. FY 2015 Puerto Rico Operating Outlier Offset (0.926334)
                                                    4. FY 2015 New Labor Market Delineation Wage Index Transition
                                                      Budget Neutrality Factor (0.998854)
                                                FY 2016 Update Factor ...........................................................................   1.017 ..............................................   1.017.

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                                                60060                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                                                                            Update (1.7 percent); Wage index                   Update (1.7 percent); Wage index
                                                                                                                                                           is greater than 1.0000; Labor/Non-                   is less than or equal to 1.0000;
                                                                                                                                                             Labor Share Percentage (63.2/                     Labor/Non-Labor Share Percent-
                                                                                                                                                                          36.8)                                            age (62/38)

                                                FY 2016 MS-DRG Recalibration Budget Neutrality Factor ....................                                 0.998405 ........................................   0.998405.
                                                FY 2016 Reclassification Budget Neutrality Factor ................................                         0.988168 ........................................   0.988168.
                                                FY 2016 Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Program Budget                                              0.999837 ........................................   0.999837.
                                                  Neutrality Factor.
                                                FY 2016 New Labor Market Delineation Wage Index 3-Year Hold                                                0.999997 ........................................   0.999997.
                                                  Harmless Transition Budget Neutrality Factor.
                                                FY 2016 Puerto Rico Operating Outlier Factor ......................................                        0.935570 ........................................   0.935570.
                                                Puerto Rico-Specific Payment Rate for FY 2016 ...................................                          Labor: $1,650.00 ...........................        Labor: $1,618.68
                                                                                                                                                           Nonlabor: $960.77. ........................         Nonlabor: $992.09.

                                                   7. On page 49790, first column, last                                    (2) Second full paragraph, line 17, the                               10. On page 49794:
                                                paragraph, line 15, the figure                                          figure ‘‘0.9858’’ is corrected to read                                   a. Third column, first partial
                                                ‘‘0.998399’’ is corrected to read                                       ‘‘0.9860’’.                                                           paragraph:
                                                ‘‘0.998405’’.                                                              b. In third column:
                                                   8. On page 49791, third column, first                                   (1) Second full paragraph:                                            (1) Line 3, the figure ‘‘0.27’’ is
                                                full paragraph, line 6, the figure ‘‘0.85’’                                (a) Line 2, the figure ‘‘0.9973’’ is                               corrected to read ‘‘0.24’’.
                                                is corrected to read ‘‘0.87’’.                                          corrected to read ‘‘0.9976’’.                                            (2) Line 10, the figure ‘‘0.85’’ is
                                                   9. On page 49793:                                                       (b) Line 4, the figure ‘‘0.9979’’ is                               corrected to read ‘‘0.87’’.
                                                   a. Second column:                                                    corrected to read ‘‘0.9982’’.
                                                   (1) First full paragraph:                                               (2) Third full paragraph:                                             b. The table titled entitled
                                                   (a) Line 16, the figure ‘‘0.9979’’ is                                   (a) Line 9, the figure ‘‘438.65’’ is                               ‘‘Comparison of Factors and
                                                corrected to read ‘‘0.9982’’.                                           corrected to read ‘‘438.75’’.                                         Adjustments: FY 2015 Capital Federal
                                                   (b) Line 19, the figure ‘‘0.9864’’ is                                   (b) Line 19, the figure ‘‘0.9973’’ is                              Rate and FY 2016 Capital Federal Rate’’
                                                corrected to read ‘‘0.9866’’.                                           corrected to read ‘‘0.9976’’.                                         is corrected to read as follows:

                                                                                                                                                                      FY 2015                  FY 2016              Change           change

                                                Update Factor 1 ................................................................................................             1.0150                  1.0130                1.0130           1.3
                                                GAF/DRG Adjustment Factor 1 ........................................................................                         0.9993                  0.9976                0.9976         ¥0.24
                                                Outlier Adjustment Factor 2 ..............................................................................                   0.9382                  0.9365                0.9982         ¥0.18
                                                Capital Federal Rate ........................................................................................               $434.97                 $438.75                1.0087          0.87
                                                  1 The update factor and the GAF/DRG budget neutrality adjustment factors are built permanently into the capital Federal rates. Thus, for exam-
                                                ple, the incremental change from FY 2015 to FY 2016 resulting from the application of the 0.9976 GAF/DRG budget neutrality adjustment factor
                                                for FY 2016 is a net change of 0.9976 (or ¥0.24 percent).
                                                  2 The outlier reduction factor is not built permanently into the capital Federal rate; that is, the factor is not applied cumulatively in determining
                                                the capital Federal rate. Thus, for example, the net change resulting from the application of the FY 2016 outlier adjustment factor is 0.9365/
                                                0.9382, or 0.9982 (or ¥0.18 percent).

                                                   c. The table titled entitled                                         Adjustments: Proposed FY 2016 Capital                                 Federal Rate’’ is corrected to read as
                                                ‘‘Comparison of Factors and                                             Federal Rate and Final FY 2016 Capital                                follows:

                                                       COMPARISON OF FACTORS AND ADJUSTMENTS: PROPOSED FY 2016 CAPITAL FEDERAL RATE AND FINAL FY 2016
                                                                                           CAPITAL FEDERAL RATE
                                                                                                                                                                   Proposed FY                                                       Percent
                                                                                                                                                                                           Final FY 2016            Change
                                                                                                                                                                       2016                                                          change

                                                Update Factor ..................................................................................................             1.0130                  1.0130                1.0000           0.00
                                                GAF/DRG Adjustment Factor ..........................................................................                         0.9976                  0.9976                1.0000           0.00
                                                Outlier Adjustment Factor ................................................................................                   0.9357                  0.9365                1.0008           0.08
                                                Capital Federal Rate ........................................................................................               $438.40                 $438.75                1.0008           0.08

                                                   11. On page 49795, first column:                                        a. Line 16, the figure ‘‘22,544’’ is                               ‘‘index.html. Click on the link on the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                   a. First paragraph, line 7, the figure                               corrected to read ‘‘22,539’’.                                         left side of the screen titled, ‘‘LTCHPPS
                                                ‘‘212.56’’ is corrected to read ‘‘212.55’’.                                b. Line 27, the figure ‘‘22,544’’ is                               Regulations and Notices’’ and select the
                                                                                                                        corrected to read ‘‘22,539’’.                                         list item for Regulation Number CMS–
                                                   b. Third paragraph, line 21, the figure                                                                                                    1632–F. ‘‘.
                                                ‘‘22,544’’ is corrected to read ‘‘22,539’’.                                13. On page 49808, third column, first
                                                                                                                        full paragraph, lines 6 and 7, the phrase                                13. On page 49809:
                                                   12. On page 49804, second column,                                    ‘‘index.html under the list item for                                     a. Table 1A titled ‘‘National Adjusted
                                                first full paragraph:                                                   Regulation Number’’ is corrected to read                              Operating Standardized Amounts,

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                                 60061

                                                Labor/Nonlabor (69.6 Percent Labor                                           Wage Index is Greater than 1)—FY
                                                Share/30.4 Percent Nonlabor Share if                                         2016’’ is corrected to read as follows:

                                                                SHARE/30.4 PERCENT NONLABOR SHARE IF WAGE INDEX IS GREATER THAN 1)—FY 2016
                                                   Hospital submitted quality data                          Hospital did NOT submit quality                           Hospital submitted quality data                          Hospital did NOT submit quality
                                                   and is a meaningful EHR user                             data and is a meaningful EHR                              and is NOT a meaningful EHR                              data and is NOT a meaningful
                                                      (update = 1.7 percent)                                              user                                                     user                                                   EHR user
                                                                                                                (update = 1.1 percent)                                    (update = 0.5 percent)                                  (update = ¥0.1 percent)
                                                        Labor                     Nonlabor                        Labor                     Nonlabor                        Labor                     Nonlabor                        Labor                 Nonlabor

                                                    $3,805.30                    $1,662.09                    $3,782.85                    $1,652.28                    $3,760.40                    $1,642.48                    $3,737.95                 $1,632.67

                                                  b. Table 1B titled ‘‘National Adjusted                                     Share/38 Percent Nonlabor Share if                                           1)—FY 2016’’ is corrected to read as
                                                Operating Standardized Amounts,                                              Wage Index is Less than or Equal TO                                          follows:
                                                Labor/Nonlabor (62 Percent Labor

                                                            38 PERCENT NONLABOR SHARE IF WAGE INDEX IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1)—FY 2016
                                                   Hospital submitted quality data                          Hospital did NOT submit quality                           Hospital submitted quality data                          Hospital did NOT submit quality
                                                   and is a meaningful EHR user                             data and is a meaningful EHR                              and is NOT a meaningful EHR                              data and is NOT a meaningful
                                                      (update = 1.7 percent)                                              user                                                     user                                                   EHR user
                                                                                                                (update = 1.1 percent)                                    (update = 0.5 percent)                                  (update = ¥0.1 percent)
                                                        Labor                     Nonlabor                        Labor                     Nonlabor                        Labor                     Nonlabor                        Labor                 Nonlabor

                                                    $3,389.78                    $2,077.61                    $3,369.78                    $2,065.35                    $3,349.79                    $2,053.09                    $3,329.78                 $2,040.84

                                                  c. Table 1C titled ‘‘Adjusted Operating                                    Because Wage Index is Less than or                                           or 62 Percent Labor Share/38 Percent
                                                Standardized Amounts for Puerto Rico,                                        Equal to 1; Puerto Rico: 63.2 Percent                                        Nonlabor Share if Wage Index is Less
                                                Labor/Nonlabor (National: 62 Percent                                         Labor Share/36.8 Percent Nonlabor                                            than or Equal to 1—FY 2016’’ is
                                                Labor Share/38 Percent Nonlabor Share                                        Share if Wage Index is Greater Than 1                                        corrected to read as follows:

                                                    RICO: 63.2 PERCENT LABOR SHARE/36.8 PERCENT NONLABOR SHARE IF WAGE INDEX IS GREATER THAN 1 OR 62
                                                    PERCENT LABOR SHARE/38 PERCENT NONLABOR SHARE IF WAGE INDEX IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1—FY 2016
                                                                                                                                       Rates if wage index is greater than 1                                                        Rates if wage index is less
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        than or equal to 1
                                                           Standardized amount
                                                                                                                                  Labor                                                    Nonlabor                                     Labor               Nonlabor

                                                National 1 ........................................        Not Applicable ................................            Not Applicable ................................                    $3,389.78            $2,077.61
                                                Puerto Rico .....................................          $1,650.00 .......................................          $960.77 ..........................................                  1,618.68               992.09
                                                   1 For   FY 2016, there are no CBSAs in Puerto Rico with a national wage index greater than 1.

                                                  d. Table 1D titled ‘‘Capital Standard
                                                Federal Payment Rates—FY 2016’’ is
                                                corrected as follows:

                                                                                                TABLE 1D—CAPITAL STANDARD FEDERAL PAYMENT RATES—FY 2016

                                                National ................................................................................................................................................................................................       $438.75
                                                Puerto Rico ..........................................................................................................................................................................................           212.55
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                                                C. Corrections of Errors in the                                                a. Line 10, the figure ‘‘$378’’ is                                           2. On pages 49813 through 49815, the
                                                Appendices                                                                   corrected to read ‘‘$391’’.                                                  table titled ‘‘Impact Analysis of Changes
                                                  1. On page 49809, third column, first                                        b. Line 12, the figure ‘‘$187’’ is                                         to the IPPS for Operating Costs for FY
                                                full paragraph:                                                              corrected to read ‘‘$188’’.                                                  2016’’ is corrected to read as follows:

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                                                                                        TABLE I—IMPACT ANALYSIS OF CHANGES TO THE IPPS FOR OPERATING COSTS FOR FY 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rural and im-

                                                                                                                                                     FY 2016 Wage         FY 2016 DRG,
                                                                                                                             FY 2016 Weights                                                                         puted floor with      Application of
                                                                                                        Hospital rate up-                            data under new       Rel. wts., wage
                                                                                                                            and DRG changes                                                                           application of        the frontier      All FY
                                                                                         Number of      date and docu-                               CBSA designa-        index changes        FY 2016 MGCRB Re-

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                                                                                                                            with application of                                                                       national rural      wage index and      2016
                                                                                         hospitals 1     mentation and                             tions with applica-   with wage and re-        classifications
                                                                                                                            recalibration budg-                                                                       and imputed          out-migration     changes
                                                                                                       coding adjustment                          tion of wage budg-     calibration budget
                                                                                                                               et neutrality                                                                           floor budget         adjustment
                                                                                                                                                       et neutrality          neutrality                                 neutrality
                                                                                                            (1)   2              (2)   3               (3)   4                (4)   5               (5)   6              (6)   7             (7)   8         (8)   9

                      All Hospitals ................................................           3,369                  0.9                   0                     0                      0                     0                    0                  0.1             0.4
                      By Geographic Location:

16:55 Oct 02, 2015
                           Urban hospitals ....................................                2,533                  0.9                   0                     0                      0.1                  ¥0.1                  0                  0.1             0.4
                           Large urban areas ...............................                   1,393                  0.9                   0.1                   0.1                    0.2                  ¥0.3                  0                  0.1             0.4
                           Other urban areas ...............................                   1,140                  0.9                   0                    ¥0.1                   ¥0.2                   0.1                  0.1                0.2             0.4
                           Rural hospitals .....................................                 836                  1.3                  ¥0.2                  ¥0.3                   ¥0.5                   1.4                 ¥0.3                0.1             0.2
                      Bed Size (Urban):
                           0–99 beds ............................................                668                  0.9                  ¥0.3                  ¥0.2                   ¥0.4                  ¥0.6                  0.1                0.3             0.2

Jkt 238001
                           100–199 beds ......................................                   778                  0.9                  ¥0.1                   0.1                    0.1                   0                    0.3                0.2             0.4
                           200–299 beds ......................................                   445                  0.9                   0                     0                      0                     0.1                  0.1                0.1             0.4
                           300–499 beds ......................................                   428                  0.9                   0                     0                      0                    ¥0.2                  0.1                0.2             0.4
                           500 or more beds ................................                     214                  0.9                   0.1                   0.1                    0.2                  ¥0.2                 ¥0.2                0.1             0.4
                      Bed Size (Rural):

PO 00000
                           0–49 beds ............................................                329                  1.3                  ¥0.2                  ¥0.3                   ¥0.5                   0.3                 ¥0.2                0.3         ¥0.1
                           50–99 beds ..........................................                 297                  1.4                  ¥0.3                  ¥0.2                   ¥0.5                   0.8                 ¥0.2                0.1          0.2
                           100–149 beds ......................................                   121                  1.4                  ¥0.2                  ¥0.2                   ¥0.4                   1.7                 ¥0.3                0.2          0.4
                           150–199 beds ......................................                    48                  1.2                  ¥0.2                  ¥0.4                   ¥0.5                   1.9                 ¥0.3                0.1          0.3
                           200 or more beds ................................                      41                  1.1                  ¥0.1                  ¥0.5                   ¥0.5                   2.5                 ¥0.2                0            0.1
                      Urban by Region:

Frm 00036
                           New England .......................................                   120                  0.9                   0                     0.7                    0.8                   0.9                  2                  0.1          0
                           Middle Atlantic .....................................                 318                  0.9                   0.1                   0.2                    0.3                   0.8                 ¥0.4                0.2          1
                           South Atlantic ......................................                 407                  0.9                   0                     0.1                    0.1                  ¥0.5                 ¥0.4                0.1          0.2
                           East North Central ...............................                    396                  0.9                   0                     0                      0.1                  ¥0.3                 ¥0.6                0            0.5
                           East South Central ..............................                     150                  0.9                   0                    ¥0.4                   ¥0.4                  ¥0.6                 ¥0.4                0.1         ¥0.4

Fmt 4700
                           West North Central ..............................                     166                  0.9                   0                    ¥0.6                   ¥0.5                  ¥0.8                 ¥0.5                0.8          0.3
                           West South Central .............................                      384                  0.9                   0                    ¥0.5                   ¥0.4                  ¥0.6                 ¥0.5                0           ¥0.4
                           Mountain ..............................................               161                  1                    ¥0.1                  ¥0.3                   ¥0.3                   0                   ¥0.1                0.2          0.2
                           Pacific ..................................................            380                  0.9                   0                     0.4                    0.3                  ¥0.2                  1.7                0.1          1
                           Puerto Rico ..........................................                 51                  1                     0.1                  ¥0.9                   ¥0.7                  ¥1                    0.1                0.1         ¥1.9

Sfmt 4700
                      Rural by Region:
                           New England .......................................                    22                  1.2                  ¥0.1                  ¥0.6                   ¥0.7                   1.7                 ¥0.4                0           ¥0.1
                           Middle Atlantic .....................................                  55                  1.4                  ¥0.1                   0.2                    0                     0.8                 ¥0.2                0.2          0.2
                           South Atlantic ......................................                 128                  1.2                  ¥0.2                  ¥0.1                   ¥0.3                   2.4                 ¥0.2                0.1          0.6
                           East North Central ...............................                    116                  1.4                  ¥0.2                  ¥0.1                   ¥0.4                   1                   ¥0.2                0.1          0.9
                           East South Central ..............................                     164                  0.9                   0                    ¥0.7                   ¥0.7                   2.5                 ¥0.5                0.1         ¥1
                           West North Central ..............................                     101                  1.7                  ¥0.4                  ¥0.2                   ¥0.5                   0.2                  0                  0.3          0.8
                           West South Central .............................                      165                  1.2                  ¥0.1                  ¥0.9                   ¥0.9                   1.5                 ¥0.3                0.1         ¥0.8
                           Mountain ..............................................                61                  1.4                  ¥0.3                  ¥0.1                   ¥0.4                   0.2                 ¥0.1                0.2          0.7
                           Pacific ..................................................             24                  1.4                  ¥0.4                   0.1                   ¥0.3                   0.7                 ¥0.2                0            1.5
                      By Payment Classification:

                           Urban hospitals ....................................                2,476                  0.9                   0                     0                      0.1                  ¥0.1                  0                  0.1             0.4
                           Large urban areas ...............................                   1,386                  0.9                   0.1                   0.1                    0.2                  ¥0.3                  0                  0.1             0.4
                           Other urban areas ...............................                   1,090                  0.9                   0                    ¥0.1                   ¥0.1                   0.1                  0.1                0.2             0.4
                           Rural areas ..........................................                893                  1.3                  ¥0.2                  ¥0.3                   ¥0.4                   1.2                 ¥0.2                0.3             0.3
                      Teaching Status:

                           Nonteaching .........................................               2,326                  1                    ¥0.1                  ¥0.1                   ¥0.1                   0.1                  0.2                0.1             0.3
                           Fewer than 100 residents ....................                         794                  0.9                   0                    ¥0.1                   ¥0.1                  ¥0.1                  0                  0.2             0.4
                           100 or more residents .........................                       249                  0.9                   0.2                   0.1                    0.3                   0                   ¥0.2                0.1             0.4
                      Urban DSH:
                           Non-DSH .............................................                 653                  0.9                  ¥0.2                   0.1                   ¥0.1                  ¥0.1                  0.1                0.2             1.1
                           100 or more beds ................................                   1,593                  0.9                   0.1                   0                      0.1                  ¥0.1                  0                  0.1             0.3
                           Less than 100 beds .............................                      328                  0.9                  ¥0.1                   0                     ¥0.1                  ¥0.7                  0                  0.3             0.3
                      Rural DSH:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                           SCH .....................................................             260                  1.6                  ¥0.3                   0                     ¥0.4                   0                    0                  0            0.7
                           RRC .....................................................             347                  1.3                  ¥0.2                  ¥0.3                   ¥0.4                   1.6                 ¥0.2                0.4          0.4
                           100 or more beds ................................                      31                  0.7                   0.1                  ¥0.6                   ¥0.5                   2.4                 ¥0.6                0.1         ¥0.9
                           Less than 100 beds .............................                      157                  0.8                   0                    ¥0.7                   ¥0.6                   1.7                 ¥0.6                0.6         ¥1.2
                      Urban teaching and DSH:
                           Both teaching and DSH .......................                         855                  0.9                   0.1                   0                      0.1                  ¥0.1                 ¥0.2                0.1             0.4
                           Teaching and no DSH .........................                         122                  0.9                  ¥0.1                   0                     ¥0.1                   0.5                  0.4                0.1             1.3
                           No teaching and DSH .........................                       1,066                  0.9                   0                     0                     ¥0.1                  ¥0.1                  0.4                0.1             0.2
                           No teaching and no DSH ....................                           433                  0.9                  ¥0.2                   0.1                   ¥0.1                  ¥0.4                 ¥0.1                0.2             1.1

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                      Special Hospital Types:
                           RRC .....................................................     189       0.9                ¥0.1                 ¥0.6                  ¥0.6                       2.2               ¥0.4                 0.6      ¥0.4
                           SCH .....................................................     327       1.6                ¥0.3                 ¥0.1                  ¥0.3                      ¥0.1               ¥0.1                 0         0.8
                           MDH .....................................................     150       1.3                ¥0.3                 ¥0.2                  ¥0.4                       0.3               ¥0.2                 0.2       0.6
                           SCH and RRC .....................................             126       1.6                ¥0.3                 ¥0.1                  ¥0.4                       0.4                0                   0         0.9

VerDate Sep<11>2014
                           MDH and RRC ....................................               13       1.5                ¥0.3                  0                    ¥0.4                       0.2               ¥0.2                 0         0.6
                      Type of Ownership:
                           Voluntary ..............................................     1,934      0.9                  0                   0                     0                         0.1                 0                  0.2       0.5
                           Proprietary ...........................................        879      0.9                  0                  ¥0.1                  ¥0.1                      ¥0.1                 0.1                0.1      ¥0.1
                           Government .........................................           529      0.9                  0.1                ¥0.1                   0                        ¥0.2                 0.1                0.1       0
                      Medicare Utilization as a Percent of Inpa-
                        tient Days:
                           0–25 .....................................................     533      0.9                 0.1                 ¥0.1                   0                        ¥0.3                 0.2                0        ¥0.6
                           25–50 ...................................................    2,134      0.9                 0                    0                     0                         0                   0                  0.2       0.5

16:55 Oct 02, 2015
                           50–65 ...................................................      571      1                  ¥0.1                  0.1                   0                         0.6                 0                  0.2       0.8
                           Over 65 ................................................        97      1.1                ¥0.1                 ¥0.2                  ¥0.4                      ¥0.3                 0.3                0.1       0.4
                      FY 2016 Reclassifications by the Medicare
                        Geographic Classification Review Board:
                           All Reclassified Hospitals ....................                789      1                   0                   ¥0.1                  ¥0.1                       2.4               ¥0.1                 0          0.8

Jkt 238001
                           Non-Reclassified Hospitals ..................                2,580      0.9                 0                    0                     0.1                      ¥0.9                0                   0.2        0.2
                           Urban Hospitals Reclassified ..............                    509      0.9                 0                   ¥0.1                  ¥0.1                       2.4               ¥0.1                 0.1        0.9
                           Urban Nonreclassified Hospitals .........                    1,967      0.9                 0                    0.1                   0.1                      ¥0.9                0.1                 0.1        0.2
                           Rural Hospitals Reclassified Full Year                         280      1.2                ¥0.2                 ¥0.3                  ¥0.5                       2.3               ¥0.3                 0          0.4

PO 00000
                           Rural Nonreclassified Hospitals Full
                              Year ..................................................    503       1.4                ¥0.3                 ¥0.3                  ¥0.5                      ¥0.3               ¥0.2                 0.3        0
                           All Section 401 Reclassified Hospitals:                        64       1.4                ¥0.3                  0                    ¥0.2                      ¥0.4               ¥0.1                 1.4        0.6
                           Other Reclassified Hospitals (Section
                              1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act) ..................                53       1                  ¥0.1                 ¥0.5                  ¥0.6                        3.4              ¥0.5                 0        ¥0.4
                      Specialty Hospitals

Frm 00037
                           Cardiac Specialty Hospitals .................                  14       0.9                  0.2                ¥0.9                  ¥0.6                      ¥1.1                 0                  0.9        0.7
                         1 Because   data necessary to classify some hospitals by category were missing, the total number of hospitals in each category may not equal the national total. Discharge data are from FY 2014, and hospital cost
                      report data are from reporting periods beginning in FY 2013 and FY 2012.

Fmt 4700
                         2 This column displays the payment impact of the hospital rate update and the documentation and coding adjustment including the 1.7 percent adjustment to the national standardized amount and hospital-specific
                      rate (the estimated 2.4 percent market basket update reduced by the 0.5 percentage point for the multifactor productivity adjustment and the 0.2 percentage point reduction under the Affordable Care Act) and the
                      ¥0.8 percent documentation and coding adjustment to the national standardized amount.
                         3 This column displays the payment impact of the changes to the Version 33 GROUPER, the changes to the relative weights and the recalibration of the MS–DRG weights based on FY 2014 MedPAR data in ac-
                      cordance with section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act. This column displays the application of the recalibration budget neutrality factor of 0.998405 in accordance with section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act.

Sfmt 4700
                         4 This column displays the payment impact of the update to wage index data using FY 2012 cost report data and the OMB labor market area delineations based on 2010 Decennial Census data. This column dis-
                      plays the payment impact of the application of the wage budget neutrality factor, which is calculated separately from the recalibration budget neutrality factor, and is calculated in accordance with section
                      1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act. The wage budget neutrality factor is 0.998738.
                         5 This column displays the combined payment impact of the changes in Columns 2 through 3 and the cumulative budget neutrality factor for MS–DRG and wage changes in accordance with section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii)
                      of the Act and section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act. The cumulative wage and recalibration budget neutrality factor of 0.997145 is the product of the wage budget neutrality factor and the recalibration budget neutrality fac-
                         6 Shown here are the effects of geographic reclassifications by the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board (MGCRB) along with the effects of the continued implementation of the new OMB labor market
                      area delineations on these reclassifications. The effects demonstrate the FY 2016 payment impact of going from no reclassifications to the reclassifications scheduled to be in effect for FY 2016. Reclassification for
                      prior years has no bearing on the payment impacts shown here. This column reflects the geographic budget neutrality factor of 0.988168.
                         7 This column displays the effects of the rural floor and imputed floor based on the continued implementation of the new OMB labor market area delineations. The Affordable Care Act requires the rural floor budget
                      neutrality adjustment to be 100 percent national level adjustment. The rural floor budget neutrality factor (which includes the imputed floor) applied to the wage index is 0.989859. This column also shows the effect of

                      the 3-year transition for hospitals that were located in urban counties that became rural under the new OMB delineations or hospitals deemed urban where the urban area became rural under the new OMB delinea-
                      tions, with a budget neutrality factor of 0.999997.
                         8 This column shows the combined impact of the policy required under section 10324 of the Affordable Care Act that hospitals located in frontier States have a wage index no less than 1.0 and of section
                      1886(d)(13) of the Act, as added by section 505 of Pub. L. 108–173, which provides for an increase in a hospital’s wage index if a threshold percentage of residents of the county where the hospital is located com-
                      mute to work at hospitals in counties with higher wage indexes. These are nonbudget neutral policies.

                         9 This column shows the changes in payments from FY 2015 to FY 2016. It reflects the impact of the FY 2016 hospital update and the adjustment for documentation and coding. It also reflects changes in hospitals’
                      reclassification status in FY 2016 compared to FY 2015. It incorporates all of the changes displayed in Columns 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, (the changes displayed in Columns 2 and 3 are included in Column 4). The sum of
                      these impacts may be different from the percentage changes shown here due to rounding and interactive effects.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                60064                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                   3. On page 49816:                                                            (2) First full paragraph, line 8, the                              (1) Line 1, the figure ‘‘21’’ is corrected
                                                   a. First column, last paragraph, line 6,                                  figure ‘‘0.990298’’ is corrected to read                           to read ‘‘19’’.
                                                the figure ‘‘0.998399’’ is corrected to                                      ‘‘0.989859’’.                                                         (2) Line 7, the figure ‘‘0.990298’’ is
                                                read ‘‘0.998405’’.                                                              (3) Last paragraph:                                             corrected to read ‘‘0.989859’’.
                                                                                                                                (a) Line 1, the figure ‘‘371’’ is
                                                   b. Third column, first partial                                            corrected to read ‘‘375’’.                                            (3) Line 9, the figure ‘‘$27’’ is
                                                paragraph, line 16, the figure                                                  (b) Line 3, the figure ‘‘2,998’’ is                             corrected to read ‘‘$29’’.
                                                ‘‘0.998749’’ is corrected to read                                            corrected to read ‘‘2,994’’.                                          (4) Line 10, the figure ‘‘$9’’ is
                                                ‘‘0.998738’’.                                                                   (c) Line 6, the figure ‘‘0.990298’’ is                          corrected to read ‘‘$10’’.
                                                   4. On page 49817:                                                         corrected to read ‘‘0.989859’’.
                                                                                                                                (d) Line 8, the figure ‘‘0.2’’ is                                  (5) Line 18, the figure ‘‘$4.5’’ is
                                                   a. First column, first full paragraph:                                                                                                       corrected to read ‘‘$4.3’’.
                                                                                                                             corrected to read ‘‘0.3’’.
                                                   (1) Line 9, the figure ‘‘0.998749’’ is                                                                                                          (6) Line 19, the figure ‘‘$2.6’’ is
                                                                                                                                5. On page 49818:
                                                corrected to read ‘‘0.998738’’.                                                 a. First column, first partial                                  corrected to read ‘‘$2.3’’.
                                                   (2) Line 11, the figure ‘‘0.998399’’ is                                   paragraph:                                                            c. Third column, first partial
                                                corrected to read ‘‘0.998405’’.                                                 (1) Line 10, the figure ‘‘1.6’’ is                              paragraph, line 15, the figure
                                                   (3) Line 18, the figure ‘‘0.997150’’ is                                   corrected to read ‘‘2.0’’.                                         ‘‘0.999996’’ is corrected to read
                                                corrected to read ‘‘0.997145’’.                                                 (2) Line 16, the figure ‘‘0.990298’’ is
                                                   b. Second column, first full                                              corrected to read ‘‘0.989859’’.
                                                                                                                                (3) Line 17, the figure ‘‘$98’’ is                                 6. On pages 49818 and 49819, the
                                                paragraph, line 6, the figure ‘‘0.987905’’                                                                                                      table titled ‘‘FY 2016 IPPS Estimated
                                                                                                                             corrected to read ‘‘$115’’.
                                                is corrected to read ‘‘0.988168’’.                                                                                                              Payments Due to Rural Floor and
                                                                                                                                (4) Line 19, the figure ‘‘3.1’’ is
                                                   c. Third column:                                                          corrected to read ‘‘3.6’’.                                         Imputed Floor with National Budget
                                                   (1) First partial paragraph, line 7, the                                     b. Second column, first full                                    Neutrality’’ is corrected to read as
                                                figure ‘‘21’’ is corrected to read ‘‘19’’.                                   paragraph:                                                         follows:

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Percent change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in payments
                                                                                                                                                                                              Number of               due to
                                                                                                                                                                                           hospitals that
                                                                                                                                                                           Number of                             application of    Difference
                                                                                                     State                                                                                 will receive the
                                                                                                                                                                            hospitals                           rural floor and   (in millions)
                                                                                                                                                                                             rural floor or      imputed floor
                                                                                                                                                                                            imputed floor          with budget

                                                                                                                                                                               (1)               (2)                 (3)              (4)

                                                Alabama .......................................................................................................                       86                   3               ¥0.4         $¥7.08
                                                Alaska ..........................................................................................................                      6                   1               ¥0.3          ¥0.53
                                                Arizona .........................................................................................................                     55                   5               ¥0.3          ¥6
                                                Arkansas ......................................................................................................                       46                   0               ¥0.5          ¥4.66
                                                California ......................................................................................................                    303                 203                2.2          218.44
                                                Colorado ......................................................................................................                       47                   5                0.4            4.25
                                                Connecticut ..................................................................................................                        31                   7               ¥0.5          ¥8.49
                                                Delaware ......................................................................................................                        6                   0               ¥0.6          ¥2.54
                                                Washington, D.C. .........................................................................................                             7                   0               ¥0.5          ¥2.48
                                                Florida ..........................................................................................................                   170                  14               ¥0.3         ¥19.9
                                                Georgia ........................................................................................................                     105                   0               ¥0.5         ¥12.47
                                                Hawaii ..........................................................................................................                     12                   1               ¥0.4          ¥1.16
                                                Idaho ............................................................................................................                    14                   0               ¥0.4          ¥1.21
                                                Illinois ...........................................................................................................                 127                   2               ¥0.6         ¥25.22
                                                Indiana .........................................................................................................                     91                   0               ¥0.5         ¥12.1
                                                Iowa .............................................................................................................                    35                   0               ¥0.5          ¥4.33
                                                Kansas .........................................................................................................                      53                   0               ¥0.4          ¥3.67
                                                Kentucky ......................................................................................................                       65                   1               ¥0.4          ¥7.05
                                                Louisiana ......................................................................................................                      99                   3               ¥0.5          ¥6.67
                                                Maine ...........................................................................................................                     20                   0               ¥0.5          ¥2.36
                                                Massachusetts .............................................................................................                           61                  39                3.6          114.58
                                                Michigan .......................................................................................................                      96                   0               ¥0.5         ¥22.38
                                                Minnesota ....................................................................................................                        50                   0               ¥0.3          ¥6.33
                                                Mississippi ....................................................................................................                      64                   0               ¥0.5          ¥4.94
                                                Missouri ........................................................................................................                     78                   0               ¥0.4          ¥9.98
                                                Montana .......................................................................................................                       12                   2                0.1            0.15
                                                Nebraska ......................................................................................................                       26                   0               ¥0.4          ¥2.53
                                                Nevada .........................................................................................................                      24                   3                0.2            1.63
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                New Hampshire ...........................................................................................                             13                   9                1.2            5.91
                                                New Jersey ..................................................................................................                         64                  19                0.3           10.01
                                                New Mexico .................................................................................................                          25                   0               ¥0.3          ¥1.41
                                                New York .....................................................................................................                       156                   2               ¥0.6         ¥45.17
                                                North Carolina ..............................................................................................                         84                   0               ¥0.4         ¥14.6
                                                North Dakota ................................................................................................                          6                   0               ¥0.3          ¥0.83
                                                Ohio .............................................................................................................                   132                   6               ¥0.5         ¥17.56
                                                Oklahoma .....................................................................................................                        86                   4               ¥0.4          ¥4.47

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                                                                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                60065

                                                            FY 2016 IPPS ESTIMATED PAYMENTS DUE TO RURAL FLOOR AND IMPUTED FLOOR WITH NATIONAL BUDGET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Percent change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in payments
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Number of                due to
                                                                                                                                                                                               hospitals that
                                                                                                                                                                         Number of                                    application of     Difference
                                                                                                    State                                                                                      will receive the
                                                                                                                                                                          hospitals                                  rural floor and    (in millions)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 rural floor or       imputed floor
                                                                                                                                                                                                imputed floor           with budget

                                                                                                                                                                             (1)                     (2)                  (3)               (4)

                                                Oregon .........................................................................................................                        34                    0                  ¥0.5          ¥4.85
                                                Pennsylvania ................................................................................................                          153                    3                  ¥0.5         ¥22.99
                                                Puerto Rico ..................................................................................................                          51                   10                   0.1           0.14
                                                Rhode Island ................................................................................................                           11                    4                   0.6           2.29
                                                South Carolina .............................................................................................                            56                    5                  ¥0.2          ¥3.02
                                                South Dakota ...............................................................................................                            19                    0                  ¥0.3          ¥1.02
                                                Tennessee ...................................................................................................                           99                   10                  ¥0.5         ¥10.2
                                                Texas ...........................................................................................................                      318                    3                  ¥0.5         ¥30.68
                                                Utah .............................................................................................................                      34                    2                  ¥0.4          ¥2.02
                                                Vermont .......................................................................................................                          6                    0                  ¥0.3          ¥0.6
                                                Virginia .........................................................................................................                      78                    1                  ¥0.4         ¥11.68
                                                Washington ..................................................................................................                           49                    6                   0             0.93
                                                West Virginia ................................................................................................                          29                    2                   0.1           0.89
                                                Wisconsin .....................................................................................................                         66                    0                  ¥0.5          ¥8.19
                                                Wyoming ......................................................................................................                          11                    0                  ¥0.2          ¥0.23

                                                   7. On page 49819:                                                          b. Third column, first partial                                        of Changes for FY 2016 Acute Care
                                                   a. Second column, last paragraph, line                                   paragraph, line 8, the figure ‘‘$45’’ is                                Hospital Operating Prospective Payment
                                                18, the figure ‘‘336’’ is corrected to read                                 corrected to read ‘‘$55’’.                                              System (Payments per Discharge)’’ is
                                                                                                                              8. On pages 49820 and 49821, the                                      corrected as follows:
                                                                                                                            table titled ‘‘Table II—Impact Analysis
                                                                                                                                            [Payments per discharge]

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Estimated av-        Estimated av-
                                                                                                                                                                          Number of             erage FY 2015        erage FY 2016       FY 2016
                                                                                                                                                                           hospitals             payment per          payment per        changes
                                                                                                                                                                                                   discharge            discharge

                                                                                                                                                                                 (1)                  (2)                  (3)              (4)

                                                All Hospitals ...................................................................................................                      3,369               11,329            11,372                 0.4
                                                By Geographic Location:
                                                     Urban hospitals .......................................................................................                           2,533               11,680            11,725                 0.4
                                                     Large urban areas ..................................................................................                              1,393               12,434            12,484                 0.4
                                                     Other urban areas ..................................................................................                              1,140               10,766            10,806                 0.4
                                                     Rural hospitals ........................................................................................                            836                8,424             8,442                 0.2
                                                Bed Size (Urban):
                                                     0–99 beds ...............................................................................................                          668                 9,254             9,276                 0.2
                                                     100–199 beds .........................................................................................                             778                 9,863             9,902                 0.4
                                                     200–299 beds .........................................................................................                             445                10,589            10,636                 0.4
                                                     300–499 beds .........................................................................................                             428                11,927            11,973                 0.4
                                                     500 or more beds ...................................................................................                               214                14,285            14,340                 0.4
                                                Bed Size (Rural):
                                                     0–49 beds ...............................................................................................                          329                 7,048             7,043               ¥0.1
                                                     50–99 beds .............................................................................................                           297                 7,972             7,989                0.2
                                                     100–149 beds .........................................................................................                             121                 8,290             8,325                0.4
                                                     150–199 beds .........................................................................................                              48                 9,109             9,132                0.3
                                                     200 or more beds ...................................................................................                                41                 9,996            10,006                0.1
                                                Urban by Region:
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                New England .................................................................................................                           120                12,850            12,853                0
                                                     Middle Atlantic ........................................................................................                           318                13,156            13,283                1
                                                     South Atlantic .........................................................................................                           407                10,387            10,410                0.2
                                                     East North Central ..................................................................................                              396                10,950            11,009                0.5
                                                     East South Central .................................................................................                               150                 9,998             9,958               ¥0.4
                                                     West North Central .................................................................................                               166                11,438            11,469                0.3
                                                     West South Central ................................................................................                                384                10,590            10,548               ¥0.4
                                                     Mountain .................................................................................................                         161                12,013            12,035                0.2

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                                                60066                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                                                                                                           [Payments per discharge]

                                                                                                                                                                                           Estimated av-      Estimated av-
                                                                                                                                                                     Number of            erage FY 2015      erage FY 2016      FY 2016
                                                                                                                                                                      hospitals            payment per        payment per       changes
                                                                                                                                                                                             discharge          discharge

                                                                                                                                                                            (1)                (2)                (3)             (4)

                                                     Pacific .....................................................................................................                 380           14,889             15,039               1
                                                     Puerto Rico .............................................................................................                      51            7,648              7,504              ¥1.9
                                                Rural by Region:
                                                     New England ..........................................................................................                         22           11,441             11,432              ¥0.1
                                                     Middle Atlantic ........................................................................................                       55            8,545              8,565               0.2
                                                     South Atlantic .........................................................................................                      128            7,868              7,918               0.6
                                                     East North Central ..................................................................................                         116            8,775              8,853               0.9
                                                     East South Central .................................................................................                          164            7,524              7,449              ¥1
                                                     West North Central .................................................................................                          101            9,280              9,351               0.8
                                                     West South Central ................................................................................                           165            7,218              7,159              ¥0.8
                                                     Mountain .................................................................................................                     61            9,730              9,796               0.7
                                                     Pacific .....................................................................................................                  24           11,500             11,671               1.5
                                                By Payment Classification:
                                                     Urban hospitals .......................................................................................                      2,476          11,700             11,745                0.4
                                                     Large urban areas ..................................................................................                         1,386          12,440             12,490                0.4
                                                     Other urban areas ..................................................................................                         1,090          10,771             10,811                0.4
                                                     Rural areas .............................................................................................                      893           8,687              8,710                0.3
                                                Teaching Status:
                                                     Nonteaching ............................................................................................                     2,326           9,450              9,480                0.3
                                                     Fewer than 100 residents .......................................................................                               794          10,999             11,043                0.4
                                                     100 or more residents ............................................................................                             249          16,424             16,494                0.4
                                                Urban DSH:
                                                     Non-DSH ................................................................................................                       653           9,946             10,057                1.1
                                                     100 or more beds ...................................................................................                         1,593          12,080             12,115                0.3
                                                     Less than 100 beds ................................................................................                            328           8,526              8,548                0.3
                                                Rural DSH:
                                                     SCH ........................................................................................................                  260               8,859              8,918            0.7
                                                     RRC ........................................................................................................                  347               9,023              9,056            0.4
                                                     100 or more beds ...................................................................................                           31               7,544              7,476           ¥0.9
                                                     Less than 100 beds ................................................................................                           157               6,774              6,695           ¥1.2
                                                Urban teaching and DSH:
                                                     Both teaching and DSH ..........................................................................                               855          13,217             13,262                0.4
                                                     Teaching and no DSH ............................................................................                               122          11,161             11,305                1.3
                                                     No teaching and DSH ............................................................................                             1,066           9,878              9,895                0.2
                                                     No teaching and no DSH .......................................................................                                 433           9,415              9,516                1.1
                                                Special Hospital Types:
                                                     RRC ........................................................................................................                  189            9,449              9,409              ¥0.4
                                                     SCH ........................................................................................................                  327            9,951             10,034               0.8
                                                     MDH ........................................................................................................                  150            6,968              7,011               0.6
                                                     SCH and RRC ........................................................................................                          126           10,591             10,691               0.9
                                                     MDH and RRC .......................................................................................                            13            8,621              8,673               0.6
                                                Type of Ownership:
                                                Voluntary ........................................................................................................                1,934          11,498             11,560               0.5
                                                     Proprietary ..............................................................................................                     879           9,997              9,986              ¥0.1
                                                     Government ............................................................................................                        529          12,240             12,244               0
                                                Medicare Utilization as a Percent of Inpatient Days:
                                                     0–25 ........................................................................................................                  533          14,719             14,625              ¥0.6
                                                     25–50 ......................................................................................................                 2,134          11,265             11,322               0.5
                                                     50–65 ......................................................................................................                   571           9,180              9,252               0.8
                                                     Over 65 ...................................................................................................                     97           6,883              6,910               0.4
                                                FY 2016 Reclassifications by the Medicare Geographic Classification Re-
                                                  view Board:
                                                     All Reclassified Hospitals .......................................................................                             789          11,209             11,297               0.8
                                                     Non-Reclassified Hospitals .....................................................................                             2,580          11,374             11,400               0.2
                                                     Urban Hospitals Reclassified ..................................................................                                509          11,877             11,982               0.9
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                     Urban Nonreclassified Hospitals ............................................................                                 1,967          11,643             11,669               0.2
                                                     Rural Hospitals Reclassified Full Year ...................................................                                     280           8,829              8,861               0.4
                                                     Rural Nonreclassified Hospitals Full Year ..............................................                                       503           7,931              7,933               0
                                                     All Section 401 Reclassified Hospitals: ..................................................                                      64          10,427             10,492               0.6
                                                     Other Reclassified Hospitals (Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act) ...........                                                     53           7,855              7,828              ¥0.4
                                                Specialty Hospitals
                                                     Cardiac Specialty Hospitals ....................................................................                               14           12,640             12,723                0.7

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                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                     60067

                                                  9. On page 49823:                                                          did not include hospitals in the Rural                          Share Hospital Payments for Estimated
                                                  a. Top of the page:                                                        Community Hospital Demonstration,’’ is                          FY 2016 DSH Hospitals by Hospital
                                                  (1) First column, second partial                                           corrected to read ‘‘It did not include                          Type: Model DSH $ (In Millions) From
                                                paragraph, line 1 the figure ‘‘2,418’’ is                                    new hospitals, hospitals in the Rural                           FY 2015 to FY 2016’’ is corrected as
                                                corrected to read ‘‘2,408’’.                                                 Community Hospital Demonstration,’’.                            follows:
                                                  (2) Second column, first partial                                             b. Lower three-fourths of the page, the
                                                paragraph, lines 1 and 2, the phrase, ‘‘It                                   table titled ‘‘Modeled Disproportionate

                                                                        TYPE: MODEL DSH $ (IN MILLIONS) FROM FY 2015 TO FY 2016
                                                                                                                                                                           Number of         FY 2015           FY 2016
                                                                                                                                                                            estimated                                           Percentage
                                                                                                                                                                                             estimated         estimated
                                                                                                                                                                          FY 2016 DSH                                            change **
                                                                                                                                                                                              DSH $ *           DSH $ *

                                                                                                                                                                               (1)              (2)               (3)              (4)

                                                Total .................................................................................................................              2,408      $10,993             $9,733           ¥11.5
                                                By Geographic Location:
                                                    Urban Hospitals ........................................................................................                         1,886        10,453                9,258        ¥11.4
                                                           Large Urban Areas ............................................................................                            1,019         6,629                5,855        ¥11.7
                                                           Other Urban Areas ............................................................................                              867         3,823                3,403        ¥11.0
                                                    Rural Hospitals .........................................................................................                          522           540                  475        ¥12.1
                                                Bed Size (Urban):
                                                    0 to 99 Beds .............................................................................................                        323               211               186        ¥11.7
                                                    100 to 249 Beds .......................................................................................                           825             2,514             2,195        ¥12.7
                                                    250 to 499 Beds .......................................................................................                           738             7,728             6,877        ¥11.0
                                                Bed Size (Rural):
                                                    0 to 99 Beds .............................................................................................                        388              235               208         ¥11.3
                                                    100 to 249 Beds .......................................................................................                           120              246               211         ¥14.5
                                                    250 to 499 Beds .......................................................................................                            14               59                56          ¥5.6
                                                Urban by Region:
                                                    East North Central ....................................................................................                           307             1,421             1,268        ¥10.8
                                                    East South Central ...................................................................................                            131               649               572        ¥11.8
                                                    Middle Atlantic ..........................................................................................                        230             1,804             1,603        ¥11.2
                                                    Mountain ...................................................................................................                      115               504               447        ¥11.3
                                                    New England ............................................................................................                           86               440               388        ¥11.9
                                                    Pacific .......................................................................................................                   298             1,649             1,455        ¥11.8
                                                    Puerto Rico ...............................................................................................                        39               108               101         ¥7.3
                                                    South Atlantic ...........................................................................................                        315             2,012             1,770        ¥12.0
                                                    West North Central ...................................................................................                            104               507               455        ¥10.2
                                                    West South Central ..................................................................................                             261             1,357             1,198        ¥11.7
                                                Rural by Region:
                                                    East North Central ....................................................................................                            66               55                49         ¥10.9
                                                    East South Central ...................................................................................                            146              174               151         ¥12.9
                                                    Middle Atlantic ..........................................................................................                         27               40                34         ¥14.5
                                                    Mountain ...................................................................................................                       22               18                16         ¥13.1
                                                    New England ............................................................................................                           10               17                15         ¥13.7
                                                    Pacific .......................................................................................................                    10                6                 8          35.3
                                                    South Atlantic ...........................................................................................                         88              107                96          ¥9.5
                                                    West North Central ...................................................................................                             37               27                21         ¥20.1
                                                    West South Central ..................................................................................                             116               97                84         ¥13.6
                                                By Payment Classification:
                                                    Urban Hospitals ........................................................................................                         1,854        10,448                9,204        ¥11.9
                                                           Large Urban Areas ............................................................................                            1,016         6,640                5,853        ¥11.9
                                                           Other Urban Areas ............................................................................                              838         3,809                3,351        ¥12.0
                                                    Rural Hospitals .........................................................................................                          554           545                  529         ¥2.8
                                                Teaching Status:
                                                    Nonteaching ..............................................................................................                       1,539            3,578             3,111        ¥13.0
                                                    Fewer than 100 residents .........................................................................                                 629            3,585             3,190        ¥11.0
                                                    100 or more residents ..............................................................................                               240            3,831             3,432        ¥10.4
                                                Type of Ownership:
                                                    Voluntary ...................................................................................................                    1,382            6,770             6,025        ¥11.0
                                                    Proprietary ................................................................................................                       539            1,904             1,660        ¥12.8
                                                    Government ..............................................................................................                          485            2,290             2,021        ¥11.7
                                                    Unknown ...................................................................................................                          2               30                27        ¥10.4
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                                                   Source: Dobson DaVanzo analysis of 2011–2012 Hospital Cost Reports, 2015 Provider of Services File, FY 2015 IPPS Final Rule CN Impact
                                                File, and FY 2016 NPRM Impact File.
                                                   * Dollar DSH calculated by [0.25 * estimated section 1886(d)(5)(F) payments] + [0.75 * estimated section 1886(d)(5)(F) payments * Factor 2 *
                                                Factor 3]. When summed across all hospitals projected to receive DSH payments, the estimated DSH is $10,993 million in FY 2015 and $9,733
                                                million in FY 2016.
                                                   ** Percentage change is determined as the difference between Medicare DSH payments modeled for the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
                                                (column 3) and Medicare DSH payments modeled for the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (column 2) divided by Medicare DSH payments
                                                modeled for the FY 2015 final rule (column 3) times 100 percent.

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                                                60068                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                   10. On page 49828, in third column,                                      (2) Line 5, the figure ‘‘1.1’’ is                            12. On pages 49829 and 49830, table
                                                last paragraph, line 4, the figure                                       corrected to read ‘‘1.3’’                                    titled ‘‘Table III.—Comparison of Total
                                                ‘‘0.9973’’ is corrected to read ‘‘0.9976’’.                                 b. Third column; last paragraph, last                     Payments Per Case [FY 2015 Payments
                                                   11. On page 49829:                                                                                                                 Compared To FY 2016 Payments]’’ is
                                                   a. Second column, last paragraph:                                     line, the figure ‘‘1.1’’ is corrected to read
                                                                                                                         ‘‘1.2’’.                                                     corrected to read as follows:
                                                   (1) Line 4, the figure ‘‘3.1’’ is
                                                corrected to read ‘‘3.2’’

                                                                                                         TABLE III—COMPARISON OF TOTAL PAYMENTS PER CASE
                                                                                                                    [FY 2015 payments compared to FY 2016 payments]

                                                                                                                                                                                       Average             Average
                                                                                                                                                                    Number of          FY 2015             FY 2016      Change
                                                                                                                                                                     hospitals      payments/case       payments/case

                                                By Geographic Location:
                                                    All hospitals ..............................................................................................            3,369                871              890            2.3
                                                    Large urban areas (populations over 1 million) .......................................                                  1,393                963              987            2.5
                                                    Other urban areas (populations of 1 million of fewer) .............................                                     1,140                833              851            2.1
                                                    Rural areas ...............................................................................................               836                591              599            1.4
                                                    Urban hospitals .........................................................................................               2,533                904              925            2.4
                                                         0–99 beds ..........................................................................................                 668                736              751            1.9
                                                         100–199 beds ....................................................................................                    778                788              806            2.2
                                                         200–299 beds ....................................................................................                    445                825              844            2.3
                                                         300–499 beds ....................................................................................                    428                920              943            2.4
                                                         500 or more beds ..............................................................................                      214              1,080            1,106            2.4
                                                    Rural hospitals ..........................................................................................                836                591              599            1.4
                                                         0–49 beds ..........................................................................................                 329                490              497            1.5
                                                         50–99 beds ........................................................................................                  297                549              558            1.7
                                                         100–149 beds ....................................................................................                    121                591              598            1.2
                                                         150–199 beds ....................................................................................                     48                645              652            1.0
                                                         200 or more beds ..............................................................................                       41                706              715            1.3
                                                By Region:
                                                    Urban by Region ......................................................................................                  2,533                904              925            2.4
                                                         New England .....................................................................................                    120                996            1,009            1.3
                                                         Middle Atlantic ...................................................................................                  318              1,001            1,032            3.1
                                                         South Atlantic ....................................................................................                  407                805              823            2.2
                                                         East North Central .............................................................................                     396                868              889            2.3
                                                         East South Central ............................................................................                      150                768              780            1.6
                                                         West North Central ............................................................................                      166                887              902            1.6
                                                         West South Central ...........................................................................                       384                817              835            2.1
                                                         Mountain ............................................................................................                161                936              956            2.1
                                                         Pacific ................................................................................................             380              1,150            1,187            3.2
                                                         Puerto Rico ........................................................................................                  51                403              408            1.4
                                                    Rural by Region ........................................................................................                  836                591              599            1.4
                                                         New England .....................................................................................                     22                822              828            0.7
                                                         Middle Atlantic ...................................................................................                   55                580              582            0.3
                                                         South Atlantic ....................................................................................                  128                554              567            2.3
                                                         East North Central .............................................................................                     116                616              626            1.6
                                                         East South Central ............................................................................                      164                536              542            1.1
                                                         West North Central ............................................................................                      101                635              643            1.3
                                                         West South Central ...........................................................................                       165                524              524            0.1
                                                         Mountain ............................................................................................                 61                660              674            2.1
                                                         Pacific ................................................................................................              24                768              791            3.0
                                                By Payment Classification:
                                                    All hospitals ..............................................................................................            3,369               871              890             2.3
                                                    Large urban areas (populations over 1 million) .......................................                                  1,386               964              988             2.5
                                                    Other urban areas (populations of 1 million of fewer) .............................                                     1,090               837              855             2.2
                                                    Rural areas ...............................................................................................               893               608              615             1.1
                                                Teaching Status:
                                                    Non-teaching ............................................................................................               2,326                739              754            2.1
                                                    Fewer than 100 Residents .......................................................................                          794                848              866            2.2
                                                    100 or more Residents .............................................................................                       249              1,227            1,259            2.6
                                                    Urban DSH:
                                                         100 or more beds ..............................................................................                    1,593               928              950             2.4
                                                         Less than 100 beds ...........................................................................                       328               662              677             2.2
                                                    Rural DSH:
                                                         Sole Community (SCH/EACH) ..........................................................                                 260               576              580             0.7
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                                                         Referral Center (RRC/EACH) ............................................................                              347               639              647             1.2
                                                         Other Rural:
                                                              100 or more beds .......................................................................                         31               575              572        ¥0.5
                                                              Less than 100 beds ...................................................................                          157               504              512         1.7
                                                    Urban teaching and DSH:
                                                         Both teaching and DSH ....................................................................                           855              1,003            1,028            2.5
                                                    Urban teaching and DSH:
                                                         Both teaching and DSH ....................................................................                           855              1,003            1,028            2.5

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 192 / Monday, October 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                             60069

                                                                                             TABLE III—COMPARISON OF TOTAL PAYMENTS PER CASE—Continued
                                                                                                                    [FY 2015 payments compared to FY 2016 payments]

                                                                                                                                                                                       Average             Average
                                                                                                                                                                    Number of          FY 2015             FY 2016      Change
                                                                                                                                                                     hospitals      payments/case       payments/case

                                                         Teaching and no DSH .......................................................................                          122               899              920             2.3
                                                         No teaching and DSH .......................................................................                        1,066               780              797             2.3
                                                         No teaching and no DSH ..................................................................                            433               797              816             2.4
                                                    Rural Hospital Types:
                                                         Non special status hospitals ..............................................................                        2,562               904              926             2.4
                                                         RRC/EACH ........................................................................................                    189               729              737             1.1
                                                         SCH/EACH ........................................................................................                    327               665              672             1.1
                                                         SCH, RRC and EACH .......................................................................                            126               721              733             1.6
                                                Hospitals Reclassified by the Medicare Geographic Classification Review
                                                    FY 2016 Reclassifications:
                                                         All Urban Reclassified .......................................................................                       551               923              949         2.8
                                                         All Urban Non-Reclassified ...............................................................                         1,925               902              922         2.2
                                                         All Rural Reclassified ........................................................................                      279               623              634         1.8
                                                         All Rural Non-Reclassified .................................................................                         504               545              551         1.2
                                                         Other Reclassified Hospitals (Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act) ......                                                46               600              589        ¥1.9
                                                    Type of Ownership:
                                                         Voluntary ...........................................................................................              1,934               884              904             2.3
                                                         Proprietary .........................................................................................                879               785              803             2.3
                                                         Government .......................................................................................                   529               917              938             2.4
                                                    Medicare Utilization as a Percent of Inpatient Days:
                                                         0–25 ...................................................................................................             533              1,046            1,074            2.7
                                                         25–50 .................................................................................................            2,134                876              896            2.3
                                                         50–65 .................................................................................................              571                717              731            2.0
                                                         Over 65 ..............................................................................................                97                523              534            2.1

                                                   13. On page 49840, third column,                                        Dated: September 30, 2015.                                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                third paragraph:                                                         Madhura Valverde,                                            Sharon Ventura, (410) 786–1985.
                                                   a. Line 11, the figure ‘‘$378’’ is                                    Executive Secretary to the Department,                       HospicePolicy@cms.hhs.gov.
                                                                                                                         Department of Health and Human Services.                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                corrected to read ‘‘$391’’.
                                                                                                                         [FR Doc. 2015–25269 Filed 9–30–15; 4:15 pm]
                                                   b. Line 23, the figure ‘‘$75’’ is                                                                                                  I. Background
                                                                                                                         BILLING CODE 4120–01–P
                                                corrected to read ‘‘$88’’.                                                                                                              In FR Doc. 2015–19033 of August 6,
                                                   c. Line 33, the figure ‘‘$75’’ is                                                                                                  2015 (80 FR 47142), there were a
                                                corrected to read ‘‘$88’’.                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                     number of technical errors that are
                                                   d. Line 34, the figure ‘‘$85’’ is                                     HUMAN SERVICES                                               identified and corrected in the
                                                corrected to read ‘‘$98’’.                                                                                                            Correction of Errors section below. The
                                                                                                                         Centers for Medicare & Medicaid                              provisions in this correction document
                                                   e. Line 39, the figure ‘‘$187’’ is                                    Services                                                     are effective as if they had been
                                                corrected to read ‘‘$188’’.                                                                                                           included in the document published
                                                   f. Line 43, the figure ‘‘$272’’ is                                    42 CFR Part 418                                              August 6, 2015. Accordingly, the
                                                corrected to read ‘‘$285’’.                                              [CMS–1629–CN]
                                                                                                                                                                                      corrections are effective October 1,
                                                   14. On page 49841, first column:
                                                                                                                         RIN 0938–AS39
                                                   a. Third paragraph, line 3, the figure                                                                                             II. Summary of Errors
                                                ‘‘$272’’ is corrected to read ‘‘$285’’.                                  Medicare Program; FY 2016 Hospice                               On page 47182, we inadvertently
                                                   b. In the table titled ‘‘Table V—                                     Wage Index and Payment Rate Update                           listed the incorrect hourly rate for
                                                Accounting Statement: Classification of                                  and Hospice Quality Reporting                                continuous home care. We listed $38.67
                                                Estimated Expenditures Under the IPPS                                    Requirements; Correction                                     instead of $38.59. On page 47203, we
                                                From FY 2015 to FY 2016’’, the first                                                                                                  referenced Table H1 instead of Table 29.
                                                                                                                         AGENCY:  Centers for Medicare &
                                                                                                                                                                                      In addition, on page 47205, we
                                                entry is corrected as follows:                                           Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
                                                                                                                                                                                      referenced Table H2 instead of Table 30.
                                                                                                                         ACTION: Final rule; correction.                              This notice corrects theses errors.
                                                   TABLE V—ACCOUNTING STATEMENT:
                                                   CLASSIFICATION OF ESTIMATED EX- SUMMARY: This document corrects                                                                    III. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking
                                                   PENDITURES   UNDER THE IPPS technical errors that appeared in the                                                                    We ordinarily publish a notice of
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                                   FROM FY 2015 TO FY 2016         final rule published in the Federal                                                                proposed rulemaking in the Federal
                                                                                                                         Register on August 6, 2014 entitled                          Register to provide a period for public
                                                                 Category                            Transfers           ‘‘Medicare Program; FY 2016 Hospice                          comment before the provisions of a rule
                                                                                                                         Wage Index and Payment Rate Update                           take effect in accordance with section
                                                Annualized Monetized Transfers                     ¥$285 mil-            and Hospice Quality Reporting                                553(b) of the Administrative Procedure
                                                                                                    lion.                Requirements.’’                                              Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553(b)). However,
                                                                                                                         DATES:      Effective Date: October 1, 2015.                 we can waive this notice and comment

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Document Created: 2015-12-15 08:53:07
Document Modified: 2015-12-15 08:53:07
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule and interim final rule with comment period; correction.
DatesThis document is effective October 1, 2015.
ContactDonald Thompson, (410) 786-4487.
FR Citation80 FR 60055 
RIN Number0938-AS41

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