80_FR_61701 80 FR 61504 - Excepted Service

80 FR 61504 - Excepted Service


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 197 (October 13, 2015)

Page Range61504-61507
FR Document2015-25897

This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from June 1, 2015, to June 30, 2015.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 197 (Tuesday, October 13, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 197 (Tuesday, October 13, 2015)]
[Pages 61504-61507]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-25897]



Excepted Service

AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing 
authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or 
revoked from June 1, 2015, to June 30, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Senior Executive Resources Services, 
Senior Executive Services and Performance Management, Employee 
Services, 202-606-2246.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 5 CFR 213.103, Schedule 
A, B, and C appointing authorities available for use by all agencies 
are codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Schedule A, B, 
and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency are not 
codified in the CFR, but the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) 
publishes a notice of agency-specific authorities established or 
revoked each month in the Federal Register at www.thefederalregister.org/fdsys/. OPM 
also publishes an annual notice of the consolidated listing of all 
Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities, current as of June 30, in 
the Federal Register.

Schedule A

75. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Sch. A, 213.3175)

    (a) One Asian Studies Program Administrator, one International 
Security Studies Program Administrator, one Latin American Program 
Administrator, one Russian Studies Program Administrator, two Social 
Science Program Administrators, one Middle East Studies Program 
Administrator, one African Studies Program Administrator, one Global 
Sustainability and Resilience Program Administrator, one Canadian 
Studies Program Administrator; one China Studies Program Administrator, 
one Science, Technology and Innovation Program Administrator, and one 
Population, Environmental Change, and Security Administrator.

Schedule B

    No Schedule B Authorities to report during June 2015.

Schedule C

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were approved 
during June 2015.

           Agency name             Organization name    Position title       Authorization No.    Effective date
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.......  Office of the       Deputy White House  DA150147..............        6/9/2015
                                   Secretary.          Liaison.
                                  Office of           Deputy Press        DA150148..............        6/9/2015
                                   Communications.     Secretary.
                                                      Senior Advisor for  DA150151..............        6/9/2015
                                                      Deputy Director...  DA150157..............       6/25/2015
                                                      Press Secretary...  DA150158..............       6/25/2015
                                                      Scheduler.........  DA150159..............       6/30/2015
                                  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DA150150..............        6/9/2015
                                   Under Secretary
                                   for Rural
                                  Office of Under     Senior Advisor....  DA150152..............       6/11/2015
                                   Secretary for
                                   Natural Resources
                                   and Environment.
                                  Rural Housing       State Director--    DA150156..............       6/25/2015
                                   Service.            Massachusetts.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE..........  Assistant           Senior Advisor....  DC150111..............        6/1/2015
                                   Secretary for
                                   Industry and

[[Page 61505]]

                                                      Deputy Director,    DC150112..............        6/4/2015
                                                       Office of
                                                       Industry and
                                  Office of the       Director of         DC150115..............       6/23/2015
                                   Chief of Staff.     Advance and
                                                       Protocol and
                                                       Senior Advisor
                                                       for Strategic
COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING         Commodity Futures   Policy Advisor....  CT150001..............       6/23/2015
 COMMISSION.                       Trading
CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY           Office of           Staff Assistant...  PS150005..............       6/25/2015
 COMMISSION.                       Commissioners.
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE...........  Office of the       Confidential        DD150135..............        6/2/2015
                                   Secretary.          Assistant.
                                  Office of           Speechwriter......  DD150137..............       6/16/2015
                                   Secretary of
                                   Defense (Public
                                  Washington          Defense Fellow (3)  DD150138..............       6/16/2015
                                                                          DD150139..............       6/17/2015
                                                                          DD150143..............       6/29/2015
                                  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DD150141..............       6/25/2015
                                   Secretary of
                                  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DD150148..............       6/26/2015
                                   Secretary of
                                   Security Affairs).
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.........  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DB150089..............        6/1/2015
                                                      Confidential        DB150095..............       6/12/2015
                                                      Director of         DB150100..............       6/29/2015
                                                       Scheduling and
                                  Office of the       Deputy Chief of     DB150090..............        6/1/2015
                                   Deputy Secretary.   Staff.
                                  Office of           Confidential        DB150091..............       6/11/2015
                                   Legislation and     Assistant.
                                  Office of           Special Assistant.  DB150092..............       6/12/2015
                                   Evaluation and
                                                      Policy Advisor (2)  DB150103..............       6/30/2015
                                                                          DB150104..............       6/30/2015
                                  Office of           Confidential        DB150093..............       6/12/2015
                                   Elementary and      Assistant.
                                  Office for Civil    Confidential        DB150094..............       6/12/2015
                                   Rights.             Assistant.
                                  Office of           Deputy Chief of     DB150096..............       6/19/2015
                                   Postsecondary       Staff.
                                  Office of           Deputy Director of  DB150098..............       6/23/2015
                                   Innovation and      Science,
                                   Improvement.        Technology,
                                                       Engineering and
                                                      Confidential        DB150102..............       6/30/2015
                                  Office of Special   Special Assistant.  DB150099..............       6/29/2015
                                   Education and
                                  Office of Career    Confidential        DB150101..............       6/29/2015
                                   Technical and       Assistant.
                                   Adult Education.
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY............  Office of Public    Director of         DE150086..............        6/2/2015
                                   Affairs.            Strategic
                                                       and Messaging.
                                                      Assistant Press     DE150095..............       6/25/2015
                                                      Deputy Press        DE150099..............       6/25/2015
                                                       Secretary and
                                                       Advisor for
                                                       Broadcast Media.
                                  Under Secretary     Senior Advisor....  DE150085..............       6/12/2015
                                   for Science.
                                  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DE150093..............       6/17/2015
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.  Office of the       Deputy Associate    EP150043..............       6/29/2015
                                   Associate           Administrator for
                                   Administrator for   Policy.
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS            Office of           Director, Office    FC150010..............       6/24/2015
 COMMISSION.                       Legislative         of Legislative
                                   Affairs.            Affairs.
FEDERAL MEDIATION AND             Federal Mediation   Executive           FM150002..............       6/23/2015
 CONCILIATION SERVICE.             and Conciliation    Assistant.
GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION.  Office of the       White House         GS150036..............        6/9/2015
                                   Administrator.      Liaison.
                                                      Senior Advisor (2)  GS150039..............       6/11/2015
                                                                          GS150043..............       6/25/2015
                                  Office of           Chief of Staff....  GS150042..............       6/25/2015
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN    Health Resources    Special Assistant   DH150143..............        6/2/2015
 SERVICES.                         and Services        (2).
                                   Office of the
                                                                          DH150142..............        6/4/2015
                                  Office of the       Confidential        DH150157..............       6/17/2015
                                   Secretary.          Assistant.
                                  Office of Health    Policy Analyst....  DH150146..............       6/23/2015
                                  Office of           Enrollment          DH150160..............       6/30/2015
                                   Intergovernmental   Coordinator.
                                   and External
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DM150181..............       6/18/2015

[[Page 61506]]

                                  United States       Senior Advisor....  DM150185..............       6/30/2015
                                   Immigration and
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN   Office of the       Chief of Staff/     DU150061..............        6/4/2015
 DEVELOPMENT.                      General Counsel.    Senior Counsel.
                                  Office of the       Senior Policy       DU150063..............       6/30/2015
                                   Secretary.          Advisor.
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR......  Office of           Deputy Director     DI150026..............       6/15/2015
                                   Congressional and   for Congressional
                                   Legislative         and Legislative
                                   Affairs.            Affairs.
                                  Secretary's         Special Assistant.  DI150099..............       6/19/2015
                                   Immediate Office.
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE...........  Office of the       Special Assistant   DJ150082..............        6/5/2015
                                   Attorney General.   and Scheduler.
                                                      Deputy White House  DJ150090..............       6/26/2015
                                                      Director of         DJ150095..............       6/26/2015
                                                       Scheduling and
                                  Office of           Attorney Advisor..  DJ150088..............       6/25/2015
                                  Office of Legal     Researcher........  DJ150092..............       6/26/2015
                                  Office of Public    Chief Speechwriter  DJ150093..............       6/26/2015
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR.............  Office of the       Policy Advisor....  DL150066..............       6/19/2015
                                  Office of           Legislative         DL150067..............       6/19/2015
                                   Congressional and   Officer.
                                  Office of Public    Special Assistant.  DL150071..............       6/25/2015
                                  Employment and      Deputy Chief of     DL150069..............       6/26/2015
                                   Training            Staff.
NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY    Office of Board     Special Assistant.  TB150005..............       6/15/2015
 BOARD.                            Members.
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH    Occupational        Confidential        SH150004..............        6/1/2015
 REVIEW COMMISSION.                Safety and Health   Assistant.
                                   Review Commission.
                                  Office of           Counsel...........  SH150005..............       6/29/2015
OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL   Office of           Program Support     QQ150003..............       6/11/2015
 POLICY.                           Legislative         Specialist
                                   Affairs.            (Correspondence).
OFFICIAL RESIDENCE OF THE VICE    Official Residence  Deputy Residence    RV150002..............       6/30/2015
 PRESIDENT.                        of the Vice         Manager.
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE           Office of the       Writer-Editor.....  SE150004..............        6/2/2015
 COMMISSION.                       Chairman.
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION...  Office of Faith-    Assistant           SB150036..............        6/4/2015
                                   Based and           Administrator for
                                   Community           Public Engagement.
                                  Office of           Associate           SB150037..............       6/12/2015
                                   Intergovernmental   Administrator for
                                   Affairs.            Intergovernmental
                                  Office of           Speechwriter......  SB150038..............       6/26/2015
                                   and Public
                                  Office of           Deputy Associate    SB150040..............       6/26/2015
                                   Congressional and   Administrator for
                                   Legislative         Congressional and
                                   Affairs.            Legislative
DEPARTMENT OF STATE.............  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DS150080..............        6/2/2015
                                  Office of the       Senior Advisor....  DS150083..............        6/5/2015
                                   Under Secretary
                                   for Economic
                                   Growth, Energy,
                                   and the
                                  Office of the       Staff Assistant     DS150090..............        6/5/2015
                                   Secretary.          (2).
                                                                          DS150095..............       6/25/2015
                                  Bureau of           Deputy Assistant    DS150096..............       6/12/2015
                                   Democracy, Human    Secretary.
                                   Rights and Labor.
                                  Bureau of Economic  Special Assistant.  DS150077..............       6/15/2015
                                   and Business
                                  Office of the       Senior Advisor....  DS150098..............       6/25/2015
                                   Under Secretary
                                   for Arms Control
                                   and International
                                   Security Affairs.
                                  Bureau of           Legislative         DS150099..............       6/25/2015
                                   Legislative         Management
                                   Affairs.            Officer.
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY......  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DY150100..............        6/2/2015
                                   (Economic Policy).
                                  Office of the       Counselor.........  DY150101..............        6/2/2015
                                   Secretary (Public
                                                      Spokesperson......  DY150111..............       6/26/2015
                                  Office of the       Senior Advisor....  DY150102..............        6/4/2015
                                   Under Secretary
                                   for International
                                  Office of the       Director of         DY150103..............       6/11/2015
                                   Secretary.          Scheduling,
                                                       Advance and
UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL       Office of           Staff Assistant     TC150002..............       6/11/2015
 TRADE COMMISSION.                 Commissioner        (Confidential)
                                   Schmidtlein.        Legal.
DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS..  Office of the       Special Assistant.  DV150042..............       6/12/2015
                                   Secretary for
                                   Congressional and

[[Page 61507]]

    The following Schedule C appointing authorities were revoked during 
June 2015.

           Agency name             Organization name     Position title      Authorization No.      Vacate date
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.......  Office of            Deputy Director...  DA150041.............       6/13/2015
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE..........  Office of the        Deputy Chief Data   DC150020.............       6/12/2015
                                   Deputy Secretary.    Officer.
                                  Office of Assistant  Deputy Director,    DC150024.............       6/13/2015
                                   Secretary for        Office of
                                   Industry and         Advisory
                                   Analysis.            Committees,
                                                        Industry and
                                                       Senior Advisor....  DC150111.............       6/26/2015
                                  Office of Public     Deputy Press        DC120042.............       6/19/2015
                                   Affairs.             Secretary.
                                  Office of Chief of   Director of         DC150043.............       6/22/2015
                                   Staff.               Advance and
                                  Office of Under      Senior Advisor to   DC140151.............       6/27/2015
                                   Secretary.           the Under
                                                        Secretary for
                                                        Oceans and
                                  Office of Deputy     Associate Director  DC150003.............       6/27/2015
                                   Assistant            for Oversight.
                                   Secretary for
                                   Legislative and
COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING         Office of the        Executive           CT140002.............       6/27/2015
 COMMISSION.                       Chairperson.         Assistant.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.........  Office of the        Special Assistant.  DB140051.............        6/1/2015
                                   Deputy Secretary.
                                  Office of Planning,  Special Assistant.  DB130064.............       6/13/2015
                                   Evaluation and
                                   Policy Development.
                                  Office of            Confidential        DB140010.............       6/13/2015
                                   Legislation and      Assistant.
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY............  Office of Science..  Special Advisor...  DE130041.............       6/13/2015
GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION.  Office of the        Special Assistant   GS130004.............       6/13/2015
                                   Administrator.       to the
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN    Office of the        Chief of Staff....  DH150102.............        6/9/2015
 SERVICES.                         Assistant
                                   Secretary for
                                  Office of the        Confidential        DH140103.............       6/19/2015
                                   Assistant            Assistant.
                                   Secretary for
                                   Public Affairs.
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.  Office of the        Attorney-Advisor..  DM140194.............       6/12/2015
                                   General Counsel.
                                  Office of the        Special Assistant   DM140126.............       6/27/2015
                                   Secretary.           to the Senior
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN   Office of            Congressional       DU120011.............       6/27/2015
 DEVELOPMENT.                      Congressional and    Relations Officer.
                                  Office of Fair       Chief of Staff/     DU150003.............       6/29/2015
                                   Housing and Equal    Senior Advisor.
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR......  Bureau of            Advisor...........  DI150007.............       6/12/2015
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE...........  Office of the        Special Assistant.  DJ140088.............       6/27/2015
                                   Attorney General.
                                  Office of the        Senior Counsel (2)  DJ140129.............       6/19/2015
                                   Associate Attorney
                                                                           DJ140130.............       6/27/2015
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR.............  Office of            Chief of Staff....  DL130024.............        6/4/2015
                                   Employment Policy.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE.............  Bureau of Economic   Special Assistant.  DS110131.............       6/13/2015
                                   and Business
                                  Office of the        Staff Assistant...  DS130100.............       6/13/2015
                                  Bureau of East       Staff Assistant...  DS140025.............       6/27/2015
                                   Asian and Pacific
                                  Bureau of            Legislative         DS140006.............       6/27/2015
                                   Legislative          Management
                                   Affairs.             Officer.
                                  Bureau of Political  Staff Assistant...  DS150002.............       6/27/2015
                                   and Military
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY......  Office of the        Senior Advisor....  DY140082.............        6/1/2015
                                   Secretary (Public

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 
Comp., p. 218.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Beth F. Cobert,
Acting Director.
[FR Doc. 2015-25897 Filed 10-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  61504                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 197 / Tuesday, October 13, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Commission (NRC) (Part 2) (Closed—Ex.                   need this meeting notice or the                                 Schedule A, B, and C appointing
                                                  1 & 3)To be held at FERC Headquarters,                  transcript or other information from the                        authorities available for use by all
                                                  888 First Street NE., Washington, DC.                   public meetings in another format (e.g.                         agencies are codified in the Code of
                                                                                                          braille, large print), please notify                            Federal Regulations (CFR). Schedule A,
                                                  Week of October 26, 2015—Tentative
                                                                                                          Kimberly Meyer, NRC Disability                                  B, and C appointing authorities
                                                    There are no meetings scheduled for                   Program Manager, at 301–287–0727, by                            applicable to a single agency are not
                                                  the week of October 26, 2015.                           videophone at 240–428–3217, or by                               codified in the CFR, but the Office of
                                                  Week of November 2, 2015—Tentative                      email at Kimberly.Meyer-Chambers@                               Personnel Management (OPM)
                                                                                                          nrc.gov. Determinations on requests for                         publishes a notice of agency-specific
                                                    There are no meetings scheduled for                   reasonable accommodation will be                                authorities established or revoked each
                                                  the week of November 2, 2015.                           made on a case-by-case basis.                                   month in the Federal Register at
                                                  Week of November 9, 2015—Tentative                         Members of the public may request to                         www.gpo.gov/fdsys/. OPM also
                                                                                                          receive this information electronically.                        publishes an annual notice of the
                                                    There are no meetings scheduled for
                                                                                                          If you would like to be added to the                            consolidated listing of all Schedule A,
                                                  the week of November 9, 2015.
                                                                                                          distribution, please contact the Nuclear                        B, and C appointing authorities, current
                                                  Week of November 16, 2015—Tentative                     Regulatory Commission, Office of the                            as of June 30, in the Federal Register.
                                                  Tuesday, November 17, 2015                              Secretary, Washington, DC 20555 (301–
                                                                                                          415–1969), or email                                             Schedule A
                                                    9:00 a.m. Briefing on the Status of                   Brenda.Akstulewicz@nrc.gov or                                   75. Woodrow Wilson International
                                                  Lessons Learned from the Fukushima                      Patricia.Jimenez@nrc.gov.                                       Center for Scholars (Sch. A, 213.3175)
                                                  Dia-Ichi Accident (Public Meeting)
                                                                                                            Dated: October 7, 2015.
                                                  (Contact: Gregory Bowman: 301–415–                                                                                        (a) One Asian Studies Program
                                                  2939).                                                  Glenn Ellmers,                                                  Administrator, one International
                                                    This meeting will be webcast live at                  Policy Coordinator, Office of the Secretary.                    Security Studies Program
                                                  the Web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.                    [FR Doc. 2015–26041 Filed 10–8–15; 11:15 am]                    Administrator, one Latin American
                                                  Thursday, November 19, 2015
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 7590–01–P                                          Program Administrator, one Russian
                                                                                                                                                                          Studies Program Administrator, two
                                                     9:00 a.m. Hearing on Combined                                                                                        Social Science Program Administrators,
                                                  Licenses for South Texas Project, Units                 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL                                             one Middle East Studies Program
                                                  3 and 4: Section 189a. of the Atomic                    MANAGEMENT                                                      Administrator, one African Studies
                                                  Energy Act Proceeding (Public Meeting)                                                                                  Program Administrator, one Global
                                                  (Contact: Tom Tai: 301–415–8484).                       Excepted Service                                                Sustainability and Resilience Program
                                                     This meeting will be webcast live at                                                                                 Administrator, one Canadian Studies
                                                  the Web address—http://www.nrc.gov/.                    AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel
                                                                                                          Management (OPM).                                               Program Administrator; one China
                                                     The schedule for Commission
                                                                                                                                                                          Studies Program Administrator, one
                                                  meetings is subject to change on short                  ACTION: Notice.
                                                                                                                                                                          Science, Technology and Innovation
                                                  notice. For more information or to verify
                                                                                                          SUMMARY:   This notice identifies                               Program Administrator, and one
                                                  the status of meetings, contact Glenn
                                                                                                          Schedule A, B, and C appointing                                 Population, Environmental Change, and
                                                  Ellmers at 301–415–0442 or via email at
                                                                                                          authorities applicable to a single agency                       Security Administrator.
                                                     The NRC Commission Meeting                           that were established or revoked from                           Schedule B
                                                  Schedule can be found on the Internet                   June 1, 2015, to June 30, 2015.
                                                  at: http://www.nrc.gov/public-involve/                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                  No Schedule B Authorities to report
                                                  public-meetings/schedule.html.                          Senior Executive Resources Services,                            during June 2015.
                                                     The NRC provides reasonable                          Senior Executive Services and                                   Schedule C
                                                  accommodation to individuals with                       Performance Management, Employee
                                                  disabilities where appropriate. If you                  Services, 202–606–2246.                                           The following Schedule C appointing
                                                  need a reasonable accommodation to                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In                                   authorities were approved during June
                                                  participate in these public meetings, or                accordance with 5 CFR 213.103,                                  2015.

                                                             Agency name                               Organization name                                 Position title                                            Effective date

                                                  DEPARTMENT             OF        AGRI-     Office of the Secretary ..................   Deputy White House Liaison ........                DA150147 ........          6/9/2015
                                                                                             Office of Communications .............       Deputy Press Secretary ................            DA150148 ........          6/9/2015
                                                                                                                                          Senior Advisor for Strategic Com-                  DA150151 ........          6/9/2015
                                                                                                                                          Deputy Director .............................      DA150157   ........       6/25/2015
                                                                                                                                          Press Secretary ............................       DA150158   ........       6/25/2015
                                                                                                                                          Scheduler ......................................   DA150159   ........       6/30/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Under Secretary for            Special Assistant ...........................      DA150150   ........        6/9/2015
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                               Rural Development.
                                                                                             Office of Under Secretary for Nat-           Senior Advisor ...............................     DA150152 ........         6/11/2015
                                                                                               ural Resources and Environ-
                                                                                             Rural Housing Service ..................     State Director—Massachusetts ....                  DA150156 ........         6/25/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ..                  Assistant Secretary for Industry             Senior Advisor ...............................     DC150111 .......           6/1/2015
                                                                                               and Analysis.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:23 Oct 09, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00171    Fmt 4703     Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\13OCN1.SGM            13OCN1

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 197 / Tuesday, October 13, 2015 / Notices                                                                  61505

                                                             Agency name                               Organization name                                   Position title                                            Effective date

                                                                                                                                            Deputy Director, Office of Advisory                DC150112 .......           6/4/2015
                                                                                                                                              Committees, Industry and Anal-
                                                                                             Office of the Chief of Staff ............      Director of Advance and Protocol                   DC150115 .......          6/23/2015
                                                                                                                                              and Senior Advisor for Strategic
                                                  COMMODITY FUTURES TRAD-                    Commodity Futures Trading Com-                 Policy Advisor ...............................     CT150001 ........         6/23/2015
                                                   ING COMMISSION.                             mission.
                                                  CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY                    Office of Commissioners ...............        Staff Assistant ...............................    PS150005 ........         6/25/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ......               Office of the Secretary ..................     Confidential Assistant ...................         DD150135 .......           6/2/2015
                                                                                             Office of Assistant Secretary of               Speechwriter .................................     DD150137 .......          6/16/2015
                                                                                               Defense (Public Affairs).
                                                                                             Washington Headquarters Serv-                  Defense Fellow (3) ........................        DD150138 .......          6/16/2015
                                                                                                                                                                                               DD150139 .......          6/17/2015
                                                                                                                                                                                               DD150143 .......          6/29/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Assistant Secretary              Special Assistant ...........................      DD150141 .......          6/25/2015
                                                                                               of Defense (Legislative Affairs).
                                                                                             Office of the Assistant Secretary              Special Assistant ...........................      DD150148 .......          6/26/2015
                                                                                               of Defense (International Secu-
                                                                                               rity Affairs).
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ..                 Office of the Secretary ..................     Special Assistant ...........................      DB150089 ........          6/1/2015
                                                                                                                                            Confidential Assistant ...................         DB150095 ........         6/12/2015
                                                                                                                                            Director of Scheduling and Ad-                     DB150100 ........         6/29/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Deputy Secretary .....           Deputy Chief of Staff ....................         DB150090 ........          6/1/2015
                                                                                             Office of Legislation and Congres-             Confidential Assistant ...................         DB150091 ........         6/11/2015
                                                                                               sional Affairs.
                                                                                             Office of Planning, Evaluation and             Special Assistant ...........................      DB150092 ........         6/12/2015
                                                                                               Policy Development.
                                                                                                                                            Policy Advisor (2) ..........................      DB150103 ........         6/30/2015
                                                                                                                                                                                               DB150104 ........         6/30/2015
                                                                                             Office of Elementary and Sec-                  Confidential Assistant ...................         DB150093 ........         6/12/2015
                                                                                               ondary Education.
                                                                                             Office for Civil Rights ....................   Confidential Assistant ...................         DB150094 ........         6/12/2015
                                                                                             Office of Postsecondary Education              Deputy Chief of Staff ....................         DB150096 ........         6/19/2015
                                                                                             Office of Innovation and Improve-              Deputy Director of Science, Tech-                  DB150098 ........         6/23/2015
                                                                                               ment.                                          nology, Engineering and Mathe-
                                                                                                                                              matics Initiatives.
                                                                                                                                            Confidential Assistant ...................         DB150102 ........         6/30/2015
                                                                                             Office of Special Education and                Special Assistant ...........................      DB150099 ........         6/29/2015
                                                                                               Rehabilitative Services.
                                                                                             Office of Career Technical and                 Confidential Assistant ...................         DB150101 ........         6/29/2015
                                                                                               Adult Education.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ........              Office of Public Affairs ..................    Director of Strategic Communica-                   DE150086 ........          6/2/2015
                                                                                                                                              tions and Messaging.
                                                                                                                                            Assistant Press Secretary .............            DE150095 ........         6/25/2015
                                                                                                                                            Deputy Press Secretary and Advi-                   DE150099 ........         6/25/2015
                                                                                                                                              sor for Broadcast Media.
                                                                                             Under Secretary for Science ........           Senior Advisor ...............................     DE150085 ........         6/12/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Secretary ..................     Special Assistant ...........................      DE150093 ........         6/17/2015
                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                   Office of the Associate Adminis-               Deputy Associate Administrator for                 EP150043 ........         6/29/2015
                                                    AGENCY.                                    trator for Policy.                             Policy.
                                                  FEDERAL      COMMUNICATIONS                Office of Legislative Affairs ...........      Director, Office of Legislative Af-                FC150010 ........         6/24/2015
                                                    COMMISSION.                                                                               fairs.
                                                  FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CON-                 Federal Mediation and Conciliation             Executive Assistant .......................        FM150002 .......          6/23/2015
                                                    CILIATION SERVICE.                         Service.
                                                  GENERAL SERVICES ADMINIS-                  Office of the Administrator ............       White House Liaison .....................          GS150036 .......           6/9/2015
                                                                                                                                            Senior Advisor (2) .........................       GS150039    .......       6/11/2015
                                                                                                                                                                                               GS150043    .......       6/25/2015
                                                                                             Office of Administrative Services ..           Chief of Staff .................................   GS150042    .......       6/25/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                   Health Resources and Services                  Special Assistant (2) .....................        DH150143    .......        6/2/2015
                                                   HUMAN SERVICES.                             Administration Office of the Ad-
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                               DH150142    .......        6/4/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Secretary ..................     Confidential Assistant ...................         DH150157    .......       6/17/2015
                                                                                             Office of Health Reform ................       Policy Analyst ................................    DH150146    .......       6/23/2015
                                                                                             Office of Intergovernmental and                Enrollment Coordinator .................           DH150160    .......       6/30/2015
                                                                                               External Affairs.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                     Office of the Secretary ..................     Special Assistant ...........................      DM150181 .......          6/18/2015

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:23 Oct 09, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000    Frm 00172    Fmt 4703      Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\13OCN1.SGM            13OCN1

                                                  61506                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 197 / Tuesday, October 13, 2015 / Notices

                                                             Agency name                               Organization name                                  Position title                                              Effective date

                                                                                             United States Immigration and                 Senior Advisor ...............................      DM150185 .......           6/30/2015
                                                                                               Customs Enforcement.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING                      Office of the General Counsel ......          Chief of Staff/Senior Counsel .......               DU150061 .......            6/4/2015
                                                   AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT.
                                                                                             Office of the Secretary ..................    Senior Policy Advisor ....................          DU150063 .......           6/30/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT         OF    THE     INTE-     Office of Congressional and Legis-            Deputy Director for Congressional                   DI150026 .........         6/15/2015
                                                   RIOR.                                       lative Affairs.                               and Legislative Affairs.
                                                                                             Secretary’s Immediate Office ........         Special Assistant ...........................       DI150099 .........         6/19/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ........             Office of the Attorney General ......         Special Assistant and Scheduler ..                  DJ150082 ........           6/5/2015
                                                                                                                                           Deputy White House Liaison ........                 DJ150090 ........          6/26/2015
                                                                                                                                           Director of Scheduling and Ad-                      DJ150095 ........          6/26/2015
                                                                                             Office of Legislative Affairs ...........     Attorney Advisor ............................       DJ150088    ........       6/25/2015
                                                                                             Office of Legal Policy ....................   Researcher ....................................     DJ150092    ........       6/26/2015
                                                                                             Office of Public Affairs ..................   Chief Speechwriter ........................         DJ150093    ........       6/26/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ...........            Office of the Secretary ..................    Policy Advisor ...............................      DL150066    ........       6/19/2015
                                                                                             Office of Congressional and Inter-            Legislative Officer .........................       DL150067    ........       6/19/2015
                                                                                               governmental Affairs.
                                                                                             Office of Public Affairs ..................   Special Assistant ...........................       DL150071 ........          6/25/2015
                                                                                             Employment and Training Admin-                Deputy Chief of Staff ....................          DL150069 ........          6/26/2015
                                                  NATIONAL  TRANSPORTATION                   Office of Board Members ..............        Special Assistant ...........................       TB150005 ........          6/15/2015
                                                   SAFETY BOARD.
                                                  OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND                    Occupational Safety and Health                Confidential Assistant ...................          SH150004 ........           6/1/2015
                                                   HEALTH REVIEW COMMIS-                      Review Commission.
                                                                                             Office of Commissioners ...............       Counsel .........................................   SH150005 ........          6/29/2015
                                                  OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG                    Office of Legislative Affairs ...........     Program Support Specialist (Cor-                    QQ150003 .......           6/11/2015
                                                   CONTROL POLICY.                                                                           respondence).
                                                  OFFICIAL RESIDENCE OF THE                  Official Residence of the Vice                Deputy Residence Manager .........                  RV150002 ........          6/30/2015
                                                   VICE PRESIDENT.                             President.
                                                  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                    Office of the Chairman ..................     Writer-Editor ..................................    SE150004 ........           6/2/2015
                                                  SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRA-                 Office of Faith-Based and Com-                Assistant Administrator for Public                  SB150036 ........           6/4/2015
                                                   TION.                                       munity Initiatives.                           Engagement.
                                                                                             Office of Intergovernmental Affairs           Associate Administrator for Inter-                  SB150037 ........          6/12/2015
                                                                                                                                             governmental Affairs.
                                                                                             Office of Communications and                  Speechwriter .................................      SB150038 ........          6/26/2015
                                                                                               Public Liaison.
                                                                                             Office of Congressional and Legis-            Deputy Associate Administrator for                  SB150040 ........          6/26/2015
                                                                                               lative Affairs.                               Congressional and Legislative
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF STATE ............           Office of the Counselor .................     Special Assistant ...........................       DS150080 ........           6/2/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Under Secretary for             Senior Advisor ...............................      DS150083 ........           6/5/2015
                                                                                               Economic Growth, Energy, and
                                                                                               the Environment.
                                                                                             Office of the Secretary ..................    Staff Assistant (2) .........................       DS150090 ........           6/5/2015
                                                                                                                                                                                               DS150095 ........          6/25/2015
                                                                                             Bureau of Democracy, Human                    Deputy Assistant Secretary ..........               DS150096 ........          6/12/2015
                                                                                               Rights and Labor.
                                                                                             Bureau of Economic and Business               Special Assistant ...........................       DS150077 ........          6/15/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Under Secretary for             Senior Advisor ...............................      DS150098 ........          6/25/2015
                                                                                               Arms Control and International
                                                                                               Security Affairs.
                                                                                             Bureau of Legislative Affairs .........       Legislative Management Officer ...                  DS150099 ........          6/25/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF THE TREAS-                   Office of the Assistant Secretary             Special Assistant ...........................       DY150100 ........           6/2/2015
                                                   URY.                                        (Economic Policy).
                                                                                             Office of the Assistant Secretary             Counselor ......................................    DY150101 ........           6/2/2015
                                                                                               (Public Affairs).
                                                                                                                                           Spokesperson ...............................        DY150111 ........          6/26/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Under Secretary for             Senior Advisor ...............................      DY150102 ........           6/4/2015
                                                                                               International Affairs.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                             Office of the Secretary ..................    Director of Scheduling, Advance                     DY150103 ........          6/11/2015
                                                                                                                                             and Administration.
                                                  UNITED    STATES  INTER-                   Office     of            Commissioner         Staff Assistant (Confidential) Legal                TC150002 ........          6/11/2015
                                                   NATIONAL TRADE COMMIS-                      Schmidtlein.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS                     Office of the Assistant Secretary             Special Assistant ...........................       DV150042 ........          6/12/2015
                                                   AFFAIRS.                                    for Congressional and Legisla-
                                                                                               tive Affairs.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 197 / Tuesday, October 13, 2015 / Notices                                                                     61507

                                                    The following Schedule C appointing
                                                  authorities were revoked during June

                                                             Agency name                               Organization name                                      Position title                                             Vacate date

                                                  DEPARTMENT     OF  AGRI-                   Office of Communications .............           Deputy Director ..............................        DA150041 .......        6/13/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ..                  Office of the Deputy Secretary ......            Deputy Chief Data Officer .............               DC150020 ......         6/12/2015
                                                                                             Office of Assistant Secretary for                Deputy Director, Office of Advisory                   DC150024 ......         6/13/2015
                                                                                               Industry and Analysis.                           Committees, Industry and Anal-
                                                                                                                                              Senior Advisor ...............................        DC150111    ......      6/26/2015
                                                                                             Office of Public Affairs ...................     Deputy Press Secretary ................               DC120042    ......      6/19/2015
                                                                                             Office of Chief of Staff ...................     Director of Advance and Protocol                      DC150043    ......      6/22/2015
                                                                                             Office of Under Secretary ..............         Senior Advisor to the Under Sec-                      DC140151    ......      6/27/2015
                                                                                                                                                retary for Oceans and Atmos-
                                                                                             Office of Deputy Assistant Sec-                  Associate Director for Oversight ...                  DC150003 ......         6/27/2015
                                                                                               retary for Legislative and Inter-
                                                                                               governmental Affairs.
                                                  COMMODITY FUTURES TRAD-                    Office of the Chairperson ..............         Executive Assistant .......................           CT140002 .......        6/27/2015
                                                   ING COMMISSION.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ..                 Office of the Deputy Secretary ......            Special Assistant ...........................         DB140051 .......         6/1/2015
                                                                                             Office of Planning, Evaluation and               Special Assistant ...........................         DB130064 .......        6/13/2015
                                                                                               Policy Development.
                                                                                             Office of Legislation and Congres-               Confidential Assistant ....................           DB140010 .......        6/13/2015
                                                                                               sional Affairs.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ........              Office of Science ...........................    Special Advisor ..............................        DE130041 .......        6/13/2015
                                                  GENERAL SERVICES ADMINIS-                  Office of the Administrator .............        Special Assistant to the Adminis-                     GS130004 ......         6/13/2015
                                                   TRATION.                                                                                     trator.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                   Office of the Assistant Secretary                Chief of Staff ..................................     DH150102 ......          6/9/2015
                                                   HUMAN SERVICES.                             for Health.
                                                                                             Office of the Assistant Secretary                Confidential Assistant ....................           DH140103 ......         6/19/2015
                                                                                               for Public Affairs.
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                     Office of the General Counsel .......            Attorney-Advisor ............................         DM140194 ......         6/12/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Secretary ..................       Special Assistant to the Senior                       DM140126 ......         6/27/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING                      Office of Congressional and Inter-               Congressional Relations Officer ....                  DU120011 ......         6/27/2015
                                                   AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT.                      governmental Relations.
                                                                                             Office of Fair Housing and Equal                 Chief of Staff/Senior Advisor .........               DU150003 ......         6/29/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF THE INTE-                    Bureau of Reclamation ..................         Advisor ...........................................   DI150007 ........       6/12/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ........             Office of the Attorney General ......            Special Assistant ...........................         DJ140088 .......        6/27/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Associate Attorney                 Senior Counsel (2) ........................           DJ140129 .......        6/19/2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                    DJ140130 .......        6/27/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ...........            Office of Disability Employment                  Chief of Staff ..................................     DL130024 .......         6/4/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF STATE ............           Bureau of Economic and Business                  Special Assistant ...........................         DS110131 .......        6/13/2015
                                                                                             Office of the Secretary ..................       Staff Assistant ................................      DS130100 .......        6/13/2015
                                                                                             Bureau of East Asian and Pacific                 Staff Assistant ................................      DS140025 .......        6/27/2015
                                                                                             Bureau of Legislative Affairs .........          Legislative Management Officer ....                   DS140006 .......        6/27/2015
                                                                                             Bureau of Political and Military Af-             Staff Assistant ................................      DS150002 .......        6/27/2015
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF THE TREAS-                   Office of the Assistant Secretary                Senior Advisor ...............................        DY140082 .......         6/1/2015
                                                   URY.                                        (Public Affairs).

                                                    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O.                OFFICE OF PERSONNEL                                                  SUMMARY:   This notice identifies
                                                  10577, 3 CFR, 1954–1958 Comp., p. 218.                   MANAGEMENT                                                           Schedule A, B, and C appointing
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  U.S. Office of Personnel Management.                                                                                          authorities applicable to a single agency
                                                  Beth F. Cobert,
                                                                                                           Excepted Service                                                     that were established or revoked from
                                                                                                                                                                                July 1, 2015, to July 31, 2015.
                                                  Acting Director.                                         AGENCY:U.S. Office of Personnel
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–25897 Filed 10–9–15; 8:45 am]              Management (OPM).                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  BILLING CODE P                                                                                                                Senior Executive Resources Services,
                                                                                                           ACTION:     Notice.                                                  Senior Executive Services and

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:23 Oct 09, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000    Frm 00174     Fmt 4703      Sfmt 4703     E:\FR\FM\13OCN1.SGM             13OCN1

Document Created: 2018-02-27 08:47:47
Document Modified: 2018-02-27 08:47:47
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactSenior Executive Resources Services, Senior Executive Services and Performance Management, Employee Services, 202-606-2246.
FR Citation80 FR 61504 

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