80_FR_64225 80 FR 64021 - Advisory Committee on Veterans' Employment, Training and Employer Outreach (ACVETEO): Meeting

80 FR 64021 - Advisory Committee on Veterans' Employment, Training and Employer Outreach (ACVETEO): Meeting


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 204 (October 22, 2015)

Page Range64021-64022
FR Document2015-26800

This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a forthcoming meeting of the ACVETEO. The ACVETEO will discuss the DOL core programs and services that assist veterans seeking employment and raise employer awareness as to the advantages of hiring veterans. There will be an opportunity for individuals or organizations to address the committee. Any individual or organization that wishes to do so should contact Mr. Gregory Green at 202-693-4734. Individuals who will need accommodations for a disability in order to attend the meeting (e.g., interpreting services, assistive listening devices, and/or materials in alternative format) should notify the Advisory Committee no later than Friday, November 6, 2015 by contacting Mr. Gregory Green at 202-693-4734. Requests made after this date will be reviewed, but availability of the requested accommodations cannot be guaranteed. The meeting site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. This Notice also describes the functions of the ACVETEO. Notice of this meeting is required under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This document is intended to notify the general public.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 204 (Thursday, October 22, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 204 (Thursday, October 22, 2015)]
[Pages 64021-64022]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-26800]



Advisory Committee on Veterans' Employment, Training and Employer 
Outreach (ACVETEO): Meeting

AGENCY: Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS), Department of 

ACTION: Notice of open meeting.


SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a 
forthcoming meeting of the ACVETEO. The ACVETEO will discuss the DOL 
core programs and services that assist veterans seeking employment and 
raise employer awareness as to the advantages of hiring veterans. There 
will be an opportunity for individuals or organizations to address the 
committee. Any individual or organization that wishes to do so should 
contact Mr. Gregory Green at 202-693-4734.
    Individuals who will need accommodations for a disability in order 
to attend the meeting (e.g., interpreting services, assistive listening 
devices, and/or materials in alternative format) should notify the 
Advisory Committee no later than Friday, November 6, 2015 by contacting 
Mr. Gregory Green at 202-693-4734. Requests made after this date will 
be reviewed, but availability of the requested accommodations cannot be 
guaranteed. The meeting site is accessible to individuals with 
disabilities. This Notice also describes

[[Page 64022]]

the functions of the ACVETEO. Notice of this meeting is required under 
Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This document 
is intended to notify the general public.

DATES: Tuesday November 17, 2015 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 
approximately 4:00 p.m. (EST).

ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place at the U.S. Department of Labor, 
Frances Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 
20210, C-5515 Conference Room C. Members of the public are encouraged 
to arrive early to allow for security clearance into the Frances 
Perkins Building.
    Security Instructions: Meeting participants should use the 
visitors' entrance to access the Frances Perkins Building, one block 
north of Constitution Avenue at 3rd and C Streets NW. For security 
purposes meeting participants must:
    1. Present a valid photo ID to receive a visitor badge.
    2. Know the name of the event being attended: the meeting event is 
the Advisory Committee on Veterans' Employment, Training and Employer 
Outreach (ACVETEO).
    3. Visitor badges are issued by the security officer at the Visitor 
Entrance located at 3rd and C Streets NW. When receiving a visitor 
badge, the security officer will retain the visitor's photo ID until 
the visitor badge is returned to the security desk.
    4. Laptops and other electronic devices may be inspected and logged 
for identification purposes.
    5. Due to limited parking options, Metro's Judiciary Square station 
is the easiest way to access the Frances Perkins Building.
    Notice of Intent to Attend the Meeting: All meeting participants 
are being asked to submit a notice of intent to attend by Friday, 
November 6, 2015, via email to Mr. Gregory Green at 
green.gregory.b@dol.gov, subject line ``September 2015 ACVETEO 

Designated Federal Official for the ACVETEO, (202) 693-4734.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The ACVETEO is a Congressionally mandated 
advisory committee authorized under Title 38, U.S. Code, Section 4110 
and subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, as 
amended. The ACVETEO is responsible for: Assessing employment and 
training needs of veterans; determining the extent to which the 
programs and activities of the U.S. Department of Labor meet these 
needs; assisting to conduct outreach to employers seeking to hire 
veterans; making recommendations to the Secretary, through the 
Assistant Secretary for VETS, with respect to outreach activities and 
employment and training needs of Veterans; and carrying out such other 
activities necessary to make required reports and recommendations. The 
ACVETEO meets at least quarterly.


9:00 a.m. Welcome and remarks, Teresa W. Gerton, Acting Assistant 
Secretary for Veterans Employment and Training Service
9:15 a.m. Administrative Business, Gregory Green, Assistant Designated 
Federal Official
9:20 a.m. Outreach Subcommittee Briefing and Discussion on Fiscal Year 
2015 recommendations
10:00 a.m. Focused Populations Subcommittee Briefing and Discussion on 
Fiscal Year 2015 recommendations
10:40 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. Transition Subcommittee briefing and discussion on Fiscal 
Year 2015 recommendations
11:40 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Finalize work on Fiscal Year 2015 recommendations
2:30 p.m. Briefing on status of Fiscal Year 2014 recommendations
3:30 p.m. Public Forum, Gregory Green Assistant Designated Federal 
4:00 p.m. Adjourn

    Signed in Washington, DC, this 14th day of October, 2015.
Teresa W. Gerton,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training 
[FR Doc. 2015-26800 Filed 10-21-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 204 / Thursday, October 22, 2015 / Notices                                               64021

                                              continued use, without change, in                       The DOL has prescribed forms to enable                  • Minimize the burden of the
                                              accordance with the Paperwork                           SWAs to obtain this necessary                         collection of information on those who
                                              Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), 44 U.S.C.                  information. A SWA may customize                      are to respond, including through the
                                              3501 et seq. Public comments on the                     these model forms, as needed, to collect              use of appropriate automated,
                                              ICR are invited.                                        the necessary information required to                 electronic, mechanical, or other
                                              DATES: The OMB will consider all                        operate the UCFE program. Federal                     technological collection techniques or
                                              written comments that agency receives                   Unemployment Compensation Act                         other forms of information technology,
                                              on or before November 23, 2015.                         section 6(b) authorizes this information              e.g., permitting electronic submission of
                                              ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with                      collection. See 5 U.S.C. 8506(b).                     responses.
                                              applicable supporting documentation;                      This information collection is subject                Agency: DOL–ETA.
                                              including a description of the likely                   to the PRA. A Federal agency generally                  Title of Collection: Unemployment
                                              respondents, proposed frequency of                      cannot conduct or sponsor a collection                Compensation for Federal Employees.
                                              response, and estimated total burden                    of information, and the public is                       OMB Control Number: 1205–0179.
                                              may be obtained free of charge from the                 generally not required to respond to an                 Affected Public: Individuals or
                                              RegInfo.gov Web site at http://                         information collection, unless it is                  Households and State, Local, and Tribal
                                              www.reginfo.gov/public/do/                              approved by the OMB under the PRA                     Governments.
                                              PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=201508-1205-006                      and displays a currently valid OMB                      Total Estimated Number of
                                              (this link will only become active on the               Control Number. In addition,                          Respondents: 47,342.
                                              day following publication of this notice)               notwithstanding any other provisions of                 Total Estimated Number of
                                              or by contacting Michel Smyth by                        law, no person shall generally be subject             Responses: 296,123.
                                                                                                      to penalty for failing to comply with a                 Total Estimated Annual Time Burden:
                                              telephone at 202–693–4129, TTY 202–
                                                                                                      collection of information that does not               23,120 hours.
                                              693–8064, (these are not toll-free
                                                                                                      display a valid Control Number. See 5                   Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
                                              numbers) or by email at DOL_PRA_
                                                                                                      CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6. The DOL                     Burden: $0.
                                                 Submit comments about this request                   obtains OMB approval for this                           Dated: October 13, 2015.
                                              by mail or courier to the Office of                     information collection under Control                  Michel Smyth,
                                              Information and Regulatory Affairs,                     Number 1205–0179.                                     Departmental Clearance Officer.
                                              Attn: OMB Desk Officer for DOL–ETA,                       OMB authorization for an ICR cannot
                                                                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–26815 Filed 10–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                              Office of Management and Budget,                        be for more than three (3) years without
                                                                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 4510–FW–P
                                              Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW.,                        renewal, and the current approval for
                                              Washington, DC 20503; by Fax: 202–                      this collection is scheduled to expire on
                                              395–5806 (this is not a toll-free                       October 31, 2015. The DOL seeks to
                                                                                                                                                            DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
                                              number); or by email: OIRA_                             extend PRA authorization for this
                                              submission@omb.eop.gov. Commenters                      information collection for three (3) more             Advisory Committee on Veterans’
                                              are encouraged, but not required, to                    years, without any change to existing                 Employment, Training and Employer
                                              send a courtesy copy of any comments                    requirements. The DOL notes that                      Outreach (ACVETEO): Meeting
                                              by mail or courier to the U.S.                          existing information collection
                                              Department of Labor-OASAM, Office of                    requirements submitted to the OMB                     AGENCY: Veterans’ Employment and
                                              the Chief Information Officer, Attn:                    receive a month-to-month extension                    Training Service (VETS), Department of
                                              Departmental Information Compliance                     while they undergo review. For                        Labor.
                                              Management Program, Room N1301,                         additional substantive information                    ACTION: Notice of open meeting.
                                              200 Constitution Avenue NW.,                            about this ICR, see the related notice
                                                                                                      published in the Federal Register on                  SUMMARY:   This notice sets forth the
                                              Washington, DC 20210; or by email:
                                                                                                      April 16, 2015 (80 FR 20508).                         schedule and proposed agenda of a
                                                                                                        Interested parties are encouraged to                forthcoming meeting of the ACVETEO.
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                                                                              The ACVETEO will discuss the DOL
                                              Michel Smyth by telephone at 202–693–                   send comments to the OMB, Office of
                                                                                                      Information and Regulatory Affairs at                 core programs and services that assist
                                              4129, TTY 202–693–8064, (these are not                                                                        veterans seeking employment and raise
                                              toll-free numbers) or by email at DOL_                  the address shown in the ADDRESSES
                                                                                                      section within thirty (30) days of                    employer awareness as to the
                                              PRA_PUBLIC@dol.gov.                                                                                           advantages of hiring veterans. There
                                                                                                      publication of this notice in the Federal
                                                 Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D).                  Register. In order to help ensure                     will be an opportunity for individuals or
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     This ICR                 appropriate consideration, comments                   organizations to address the committee.
                                              seeks to extend PRA authority for the                   should mention OMB Control Number                     Any individual or organization that
                                              Unemployment Compensation for                           1205–0179. The OMB is particularly                    wishes to do so should contact Mr.
                                              Federal Employees information                           interested in comments that:                          Gregory Green at 202–693–4734.
                                              collection. The Federal Unemployment                      • Evaluate whether the proposed                       Individuals who will need
                                              Compensation Act, 5 U.S.C. 8501, et                     collection of information is necessary                accommodations for a disability in order
                                              seq., requires a State Workforce Agency                 for the proper performance of the                     to attend the meeting (e.g., interpreting
                                              (SWA) to administer the Unemployment                    functions of the agency, including                    services, assistive listening devices,
                                              Compensation for Federal Employees                      whether the information will have                     and/or materials in alternative format)
                                              (UCFE) Program in accordance with the                   practical utility;                                    should notify the Advisory Committee
                                              same terms and provisions of the paying                   • Evaluate the accuracy of the                      no later than Friday, November 6, 2015
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              State’s unemployment insurance law                      agency’s estimate of the burden of the                by contacting Mr. Gregory Green at 202–
                                              that apply to unemployed claimants                      proposed collection of information,                   693–4734. Requests made after this date
                                              who worked in the private sector. Each                  including the validity of the                         will be reviewed, but availability of the
                                              SWA must be able to obtain certain                      methodology and assumptions used;                     requested accommodations cannot be
                                              information (wage and separation data)                    • Enhance the quality, utility, and                 guaranteed. The meeting site is
                                              about each claimant for UCFE benefits                   clarity of the information to be                      accessible to individuals with
                                              to enable an eligibility determination.                 collected; and                                        disabilities. This Notice also describes

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:05 Oct 21, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00065   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22OCN1.SGM   22OCN1

                                              64022                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 204 / Thursday, October 22, 2015 / Notices

                                              the functions of the ACVETEO. Notice                    employers seeking to hire veterans;                   ADDRESSES:   Interested parties should
                                              of this meeting is required under                       making recommendations to the                         provide comments at the following link:
                                              Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory                Secretary, through the Assistant                      https://a130.cio.gov.
                                              Committee Act. This document is                         Secretary for VETS, with respect to                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms.
                                              intended to notify the general public.                  outreach activities and employment and                Carol Bales, OMB at a130@omb.eop.gov.
                                              DATES: Tuesday November 17, 2015                        training needs of Veterans; and carrying              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Office
                                              beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at                    out such other activities necessary to                of Management and Budget (OMB) is
                                              approximately 4:00 p.m. (EST).                          make required reports and                             proposing to revise Circular No. A–130,
                                              ADDRESSES: The meeting will take place                  recommendations. The ACVETEO meets                    Managing Information as a Strategic
                                              at the U.S. Department of Labor, Frances                at least quarterly.                                   Resource, to incorporate new statutory
                                              Perkins Building, 200 Constitution                      Agenda                                                requirements and enhanced
                                              Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210,                                                                             technological capabilities, as well as
                                              C–5515 Conference Room C. Members                       9:00 a.m. Welcome and remarks, Teresa                 address current and evolving technical
                                              of the public are encouraged to arrive                      W. Gerton, Acting Assistant                       and personnel security threats. Circular
                                              early to allow for security clearance into                  Secretary for Veterans Employment                 No. A–130 establishes general policy for
                                              the Frances Perkins Building.                               and Training Service                              the acquisition and management of
                                                 Security Instructions: Meeting                       9:15 a.m. Administrative Business,                    information technology personnel,
                                              participants should use the visitors’                       Gregory Green, Assistant                          equipment, funds, and other resources.
                                              entrance to access the Frances Perkins                      Designated Federal Official                       It also includes a discussion of agency
                                              Building, one block north of                            9:20 a.m. Outreach Subcommittee                       responsibilities for managing personally
                                              Constitution Avenue at 3rd and C                            Briefing and Discussion on Fiscal                 identifiable information, provides
                                              Streets NW. For security purposes                           Year 2015 recommendations                         guidance to support the use of
                                              meeting participants must:                              10:00 a.m. Focused Populations                        electronic transactions, and discusses
                                                 1. Present a valid photo ID to receive                   Subcommittee Briefing and                         policy on protecting Federal
                                              a visitor badge.                                            Discussion on Fiscal Year 2015                    information resources as appendices.
                                                 2. Know the name of the event being                      recommendations
                                                                                                                                                            Tony Scott,
                                              attended: the meeting event is the                      10:40 a.m. Break
                                                                                                                                                            Administrator, Office of the Federal Chief
                                              Advisory Committee on Veterans’                         11:00 a.m. Transition Subcommittee
                                                                                                                                                            Information Officer.
                                              Employment, Training and Employer                           briefing and discussion on Fiscal
                                                                                                                                                            Howard Shelanski,
                                              Outreach (ACVETEO).                                         Year 2015 recommendations
                                                                                                      11:40 p.m. Lunch                                      Administrator, Office of Information and
                                                 3. Visitor badges are issued by the
                                                                                                                                                            Regulatory Affairs.
                                              security officer at the Visitor Entrance                1:00 p.m. Finalize work on Fiscal Year
                                                                                                                                                            Anne Rung,
                                              located at 3rd and C Streets NW. When                       2015 recommendations
                                              receiving a visitor badge, the security                 2:30 p.m. Briefing on status of Fiscal                Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement
                                              officer will retain the visitor’s photo ID                  Year 2014 recommendations
                                                                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–26939 Filed 10–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                              until the visitor badge is returned to the              3:30 p.m. Public Forum, Gregory Green
                                              security desk.                                              Assistant Designated Federal                      BILLING CODE P

                                                 4. Laptops and other electronic                          Official
                                              devices may be inspected and logged for                 4:00 p.m. Adjourn
                                              identification purposes.                                                                                      NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND
                                                                                                        Signed in Washington, DC, this 14th day of
                                                 5. Due to limited parking options,                   October, 2015.
                                                                                                                                                            SPACE ADMINISTRATION
                                              Metro’s Judiciary Square station is the                 Teresa W. Gerton,                                     [Notice: 15–095]
                                              easiest way to access the Frances
                                                                                                      Acting Assistant Secretary for Veterans’
                                              Perkins Building.                                       Employment and Training Service.                      Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel;
                                                 Notice of Intent to Attend the Meeting:                                                                    Charter Renewal
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–26800 Filed 10–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                              All meeting participants are being asked
                                              to submit a notice of intent to attend by               BILLING CODE 4510–79–P                                AGENCY: National Aeronautics and
                                              Friday, November 6, 2015, via email to                                                                        Space Administration (NASA).
                                              Mr. Gregory Green at green.gregory.b@                                                                         ACTION: Notice of renewal and
                                              dol.gov, subject line ‘‘September 2015                                                                        amendment of the charter of the
                                                                                                      OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND                              Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel.
                                              ACVETEO Meeting.’’
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.                                                                          SUMMARY:   Pursuant to sections 14(b)(1)
                                              Gregory Green, Assistant Designated                     Request for Comments on Circular No.                  and 9(c) of the Federal Advisory
                                              Federal Official for the ACVETEO, (202)                 A–130, Managing Information as a                      Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463), and
                                              693–4734.                                               Strategic Resource                                    after consultation with the Committee
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                                                                                Management Secretariat, General
                                              ACVETEO is a Congressionally                            AGENCY: Office of Management and                      Services Administration, the NASA
                                              mandated advisory committee                             Budget.                                               Administrator has determined that
                                              authorized under Title 38, U.S. Code,                   ACTION: Notice.                                       renewal and amendment of the charter
                                              Section 4110 and subject to the Federal                                                                       of the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel
                                              Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App.                   SUMMARY:   The Office of Management                   (ASAP) is in the public interest in
                                                                                                      and Budget is seeking public comment
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              2, as amended. The ACVETEO is                                                                                 connection with the performance of
                                              responsible for: Assessing employment                   on draft revisions to Circular No. A–130,             duties imposed on NASA by law. The
                                              and training needs of veterans;                         Managing Information as a Strategic                   renewed charter is for a two-year period
                                              determining the extent to which the                     Resource.                                             ending August 26, 2017. It is identical
                                              programs and activities of the U.S.                     DATES:  Interested parties may submit                 to the previous charter in all respects
                                              Department of Labor meet these needs;                   comments and feedback by the deadline                 except that it updates the reference to
                                              assisting to conduct outreach to                        listed on https://a130.cio.gov.                       legal authority.

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 15:33:47
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 15:33:47
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of open meeting.
DatesTuesday November 17, 2015 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at approximately 4:00 p.m. (EST).
ContactMr. Gregory Green, Assistant Designated Federal Official for the ACVETEO, (202) 693-4734.
FR Citation80 FR 64021 

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