80_FR_64592 80 FR 64387 - Notice of Determination of the Classical Swine Fever, Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Rinderpest, and Swine Vesicular Disease Status of Croatia

80 FR 64387 - Notice of Determination of the Classical Swine Fever, Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Rinderpest, and Swine Vesicular Disease Status of Croatia

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 205 (October 23, 2015)

Page Range64387-64392
FR Document2015-27092

We are adding Croatia to the lists of regions that are considered free of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, and swine vesicular disease, and to the list of regions considered free or low risk for classical swine fever. We are taking this action because we have determined that this region is free of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, and swine vesicular disease, and is low risk for classical swine fever. This action establishes the disease status of Croatia with regard to foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, swine vesicular disease, and classical swine fever while continuing to protect the United States from an introduction of those diseases.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 205 (Friday, October 23, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 205 (Friday, October 23, 2015)]
[Pages 64387-64392]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-27092]



Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

[Docket No. APHIS-2014-0042]

Notice of Determination of the Classical Swine Fever, Foot-and-
Mouth Disease, Rinderpest, and Swine Vesicular Disease Status of 

AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: We are adding Croatia to the lists of regions that are 
considered free of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, and swine 
vesicular disease, and to the list of regions considered free or low 
risk for classical swine fever. We are taking this action because we 
have determined that this region is free of foot-and-mouth disease, 
rinderpest, and swine vesicular disease, and is low risk for classical 
swine fever. This action establishes the disease status of Croatia with 
regard to foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, swine vesicular disease, 
and classical swine fever while continuing to protect the United States 
from an introduction of those diseases.

DATES: Effective November 23, 2015.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Donald Link, Import Risk Analyst, 
Regionalization Evaluation Services, National Import Export Services, 
Veterinary Services, APHIS, 920 Main Campus Drive, Suite 200, Raleigh, 
NC 27606; (919) 855-7731; Donald.B.Link@aphis.usda.gov.



    The regulations in 9 CFR part 94 (referred to below as the 
regulations) govern the importation of certain animals and animal 
products into the United States to prevent the introduction of various 
animal diseases, including classical swine fever (CSF), foot-and-mouth 
disease (FMD), rinderpest, and swine vesicular disease (SVD). The 
regulations prohibit or restrict the importation of live ruminants and 
swine, and products from these animals, from regions where these 
diseases are considered to exist.
    Within part 94, Sec.  94.1 contains requirements governing the 
importation of ruminants and swine from regions where rinderpest or FMD 
exists and the importation of the meat of any ruminants or swine from 
regions where rinderpest or FMD exists to prevent the introduction of 
either disease into the United States. We consider rinderpest and FMD 
to exist in all regions except those listed in accordance with 
paragraph (a) of that section as free of rinderpest and FMD. Section 
94.9 contains requirements governing the importation of pork and pork 
products from regions where CSF exists. Section 94.10 contains 
importation requirements for swine from regions where CSF is considered 
to exist and designates the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 
(APHIS)-defined European CSF region as a single region of low-risk for 
CSF. Section 94.31 contains requirements governing the importation of 
pork, pork products, and swine from the APHIS-defined European CSF 
region. We consider CSF to exist in all regions of the world except 
those listed in accordance with paragraph (a) of Sec.  94.9 as free of 
the disease.
    Section 94.11 of the regulations contains requirements governing 
the importation of meat of any ruminants or swine from regions that 
have been determined to be free of rinderpest and FMD, but that are 
subject to certain restrictions because of their proximity to or 
trading relationships with rinderpest- or FMD-affected regions. Such 
regions are listed in accordance with paragraph (a) of that section.
    Section 94.12 of the regulations contains requirements governing 
the importation of pork or pork products from regions where SVD exists. 
We consider SVD to exist in all regions of the world except those 
listed in accordance with paragraph (a) of that section as free of SVD.
    Section 94.13 contains importation requirements governing the 
importation of pork or pork products from regions that have been 
declared free of SVD as provided in Sec.  94.12(a) but supplement their 
national pork supply by the importation of fresh (chilled or frozen) 
meat of animals from regions where SVD is considered to exist, or have 
a common border with such regions, or have trade practices that are 
less restrictive than are acceptable to the United States. Such regions 
are listed in accordance with paragraph (a) of Sec.  94.13.
    Section 94.14 states that no swine which are moved from or transit 
any region in which SVD is known to exist may be imported into the 
United States except wild swine imported in accordance with Sec.  
    The regulations in 9 CFR part 92, Sec.  92.2, contain requirements 
for requesting the recognition of the animal health status of a region 
(as well as for the approval of the export of a particular type of 
animal or animal product to the United States from a foreign region). 
If, after review and evaluation of the

[[Page 64388]]

information submitted in support of the request, APHIS believes the 
request can be safely granted, APHIS will make its evaluation available 
for public comment through a document published in the Federal 
    In accordance with that process, on February 3, 2015, we published 
in the Federal Register (80 FR 5728-5729, Docket No. APHIS-2014-0042) a 
notice \1\ announcing the availability for review and comment of our 
risk evaluation of the CSF, FMD, rinderpest, and SVD status of Croatia. 
Based on this evaluation, we determined that that the animal disease 
surveillance, prevention, and control measures implemented by Croatia 
are sufficient to minimize the likelihood of introducing CSF, FMD, 
rinderpest, and SVD into the United States via imports of species or 
products susceptible to these diseases.

    \1\ To view the notice of availability, risk evaluation, 
environmental assessment, and comments we received, go to http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=APHIS-2014-0042.

    In addition, we determined in our evaluation that Croatia is low 
risk for CSF and therefore eligible to be added to the APHIS-defined 
European CSF region. This region is subject to the conditions in Sec.  
94.31 for pork, pork products, and swine and Sec.  98.38 for swine 
semen. We also determined that the provisions of Sec.  94.11 for import 
conditions for meat or meat products from ruminants or swine from FMD-
free regions, and Sec.  94.13 for import conditions for pork or pork 
products from SVD-free regions, are applicable to Croatia.
    With respect to rinderpest, the global distribution of the disease 
has diminished significantly in recent years as a result of the Food 
and Agriculture Organization Global Rinderpest Eradication Program. The 
last known cases of rinderpest worldwide occurred in the southern part 
of the ``Somali pastoral ecosystem'' consisting of southern Somalia, 
eastern Kenya, and southern Ethiopia. In May 2011, the World 
Organization for Animal Health (OIE) announced its recognition of 
global rinderpest freedom.
    We solicited comments on the notice of availability for 60 days 
ending on April 6, 2015. We received two comments by that date, both 
from national pork industry associations. Both commenters raised 
specific concerns about disease risks regarding our proposed action to 
recognize Croatia as being free of FMD, rinderpest, and SVD, and low 
risk for CSF, as this action would allow for the importation into the 
United States of swine, pork, and pork products from Croatia subject to 
the regulations. The comments are discussed below.

Smuggling of Prohibited Articles

    The commenters noted that international passenger traffic was 
identified in the APHIS evaluation as a key risk factor for the 
introduction of the disease hazards. The commenters stated that limited 
data exists to determine the quantity of prohibited products smuggled 
into Croatia and that APHIS obtained estimates of international 
passenger traffic from 2006 data that is no longer current. The 
commenters requested that we require Croatia to provide updated 
information on passenger traffic in order to determine if the risk 
evaluation needs to be modified.
    We agree with the commenter that limited data exists regarding 
smuggling of prohibited products into Croatia. Such data is by its 
nature limited because the intent of smuggling is to avoid disclosure, 
documentation, or inspection. We also acknowledge the volume of 
international passenger traffic into Croatia and agree that the 
introduction of prohibited products into Croatia could play a role in 
the transmission of animal diseases. As the commenters requested, we 
have provided more recent data for passenger traffic into Croatia.
    Data available from the World Bank indicates that 9,111,000, 
9,927,000, and 10,369,000 international inbound tourists (overnight 
visitors) entered Croatia in 2010, 2011, and 2012, respectively.\2\ 
Additional data published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation 
and Development (OECD) \3\ (see Table 1) indicates total inbound 
tourism and primary countries of origin for arriving passengers.

    \2\ http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/ST.INT.ARVL. The data on 
inbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals, not to the number 
of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a 
country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival.
    \3\ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 
(2014), ``Croatia'', in OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2014, OECD 
Publishing. (Data cited by OECD was sourced from Croatian Bureau of 
Statistics data on tourism: http://www.dzs.hr/default_e.htm.)

          Table 1--Inbound Tourism: Total Arrivals and Primary Countries of Origin, Croatia, 2008-2012
                                       2008            2009            2010            2011            2012
Total Intl Arrivals (x1000).....           8,665           8,694           9,111           9,927          10,369
Top Markets (x1000).
    Germany.....................           1,405           1,463           1,525           1,661           1,853
    Slovenia....................             985             963           1,017           1,100           1,054
    Italy.......................           1,009           1,058           1,018           1,150           1,051
    Austria.....................             692             776             810             892             946
    Czech Republic..............             589             579             606             638             647

    While the above data indicates that Croatia has seen an increase in 
the number of international arrivals over the period indicated, the 
data does not change our conclusions in the risk evaluation. The 
updated number of arrivals does not differ substantially from the 2006 
number we used in the risk evaluation. Additionally, the primary 
countries of origin listed in Table 1 for arriving passengers are other 
European Union (EU) Member States that APHIS recognizes to be free of 
FMD and rinderpest and low risk for CSF. Germany, Slovenia, Austria, 
and the Czech Republic are also free of SVD, as are several regions of 
Italy. We determined in the Croatia risk evaluation and previous swine 
disease status assessments of the EU and individual Member States that 
the animal health rules governing trade and travel between Member 
States mitigate the risk of contagious animal disease transmission 
through international passenger traffic.
    We conclude that the risk of virus introduction into Croatia via 
the pathway of intentionally smuggled or unintentionally carried 
prohibited products is effectively mitigated by implementing EU-level 
and Croatian national policies regarding commodities for personal 
consumption and by the interdiction efforts of Croatia's Border 
Veterinary Inspection and International

[[Page 64389]]

Trade (BVIITS) and Customs departments. As described in the risk 
analysis, BVIITS and Customs are the Croatian authorities responsible 
for the inspection and confiscation and disposal of prohibited animal 
products at Croatia's points of entry. Furthermore, in addition to 
border controls, we determined in our risk assessment that Croatia has 
systems in place for surveillance and early detection of CSF, FMD, SVD, 
and rinderpest should any of these diseases be introduced via incoming 
passenger traffic into Croatia or any other pathway.

Disease Detection and Surveillance

    The commenters stated concerns over the ability of commercial swine 
operations in Croatia to conduct surveillance for and detect foreign 
animal diseases. As evidence, the commenters cited in the risk 
evaluation a reference to an interview we conducted with the operator 
of a company-owned swine fattening farm, in which the operator seemed 
more aware of potential production impacts than on the clinical signs 
that would accompany an outbreak of CSF or SVD. The commenters asked if 
APHIS is confident that the level of awareness of swine operations in 
Croatia is sufficient for early detection of trade-limiting foreign 
animal diseases of swine. They recommended that prior to announcing a 
decision on Croatia's disease status, we should require Croatia to 
provide us with verification that the industry has been provided with 
the training or educational materials necessary to assist in active 
disease surveillance.
    We reply that APHIS is confident in the level of awareness for 
swine diseases in Croatia's commercial swine operations. This 
particular commercial fattening farm represents Croatia's high 
intensity, high biosecurity, vertically integrated production and 
marketing system. Given the advanced swine husbandry standards, 
premises monitoring by company veterinarians, swine disease training, 
awareness and sampling, APHIS considers it highly likely that a trade-
limiting swine disease in Croatia would be quickly detected and 
contained. Additionally, we consider Croatia's commercial swine 
production system to be the most likely source of pork or pork products 
for export to the United States, and consider the risk of undetected 
CSF-, FMD-, or SVD-contaminated products being sourced from this 
production chain to be low.
    Regarding this particular commercial farm and farm operator, 
despite the observation the commenters cited in the risk evaluation, 
the same farm operator seemed knowledgeable of farm operations, company 
procedures, and Croatian veterinary and legal requirements. As noted on 
page 43 of the risk evaluation, we also observed evidence of strong 
operational, biosecurity, and recordkeeping practices on that farm, as 
well as strong veterinary oversight. State veterinary authorities 
reported that the farm receives educational information distributed by 
Croatia's Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Development 
(MAFRD) and that company officials have attended swine disease symposia 
organized by the MAFRD Veterinary Directorate, which is the central 
competent authority for animal health and veterinary services in 
Croatia. In addition, a company veterinarian visits the premises every 
2 weeks on average or when called to provide veterinary care. We also 
observed that the authorized veterinarian for this farm visits 
regularly to issue health certificates and movement documents.
    Overall, our Croatia risk evaluation determined that Croatia has an 
effective surveillance system in place for detection of swine diseases, 
including surveillance strategies for the commercial swine sector. We 
agree with the commenters that early disease detection is a core 
element of all trade-participating countries and we saw no evidence 
that Croatia was lacking in this regard.

Small Farms and Backyard Premises

    The commenters noted that we considered the disease risk posed by 
the small, family-operated breeding farm we visited (and backyard 
premises in general) to be different from that of vertically integrated 
commercial swine production systems, particularly with respect to 
animal disease traceability, animal sampling, and biosecurity. The 
commenters recommended that, before making a decision on Croatia's 
disease status, we require Croatia to provide a plan for risk reduction 
for small farms and backyard premises that addresses improving pre-
harvest traceability, disease and biosecurity awareness, and disease 
sampling strategies that aid in early detection of trade-limiting 
foreign animal diseases.
    In reply, we do consider the disease risk posed by small family-
operated breeding farms and backyard premises to differ from the risk 
associated with Croatia's vertically integrated commercial swine 
production systems. However, we also observed measures that mitigate 
the risks associated with the small family-operated breeding farm we 
visited, including satisfactory operational, husbandry, and biosecurity 
standards. The farm controlled and catalogued on- and off-farm 
movements of animals, people, and supplies, and satisfied animal 
disease traceability requirements. Additionally, this farm was included 
in Croatia's swine disease surveillance program, as are other small 
farms in Croatia.
    Regarding risk reduction plans, we note that Croatia does have such 
a plan in place for CSF in the form of legislation that places 
additional restrictions on swine, pork, and pork products produced in 
or moving from the counties of Vukovar-Srijem, Sisak-Moslavina, 
Karlovac, and Brod-Posavina, which are considered higher risk for CSF 
due to past serological events for CSF in feral swine. The family-
operated breeding farm visited by APHIS was in Karlovac County and thus 
subject to these additional restrictions. As noted in the risk 
evaluation,\4\ the additional risk reduction measures include specific 
biosecurity requirements such as cleaning and disinfection of vehicles 
and equipment. Additional measures also require that domestic swine 
from premises situated in the higher-risk counties can be marketed 
within Croatia if they undergo clinical examination and sampling 
procedures prior to movement from the premises of origin. The swine 
must also test negative for CSF within the 7 days prior to movement, 
and no swine must have been introduced to the premises within 30 days 
prior to movement. Domestic swine from higher-risk counties must be 
accompanied by a health certificate that includes the number of swine, 
place of origin, date of clinical examination, and disease sampling and 
diagnostic test results.

    \4\ Section 4, ``Active Disease Control Programs,'' page 19.

    The additional risk reduction measures stipulate that fresh meat, 
meat preparations, or meat products consisting of or containing meat of 
swine originating from premises in Karlovac, Vukovar-Srijem, and Sisak-
Moslavina Counties may be marketed and sold outside of these counties 
only if no evidence of CSF has been recorded in the previous 12 months 
on the premises and the premises is located outside a protection or 
surveillance zone. The swine are required to have resided for at least 
90 days on the premises, and no swine are permitted to have been 
introduced into the premises within the previous 30 days before 
dispatch to slaughter. Under the additional risk reduction measures, 
Croatia also requires each premises to be

[[Page 64390]]

inspected by an authorized veterinarian, including appropriate clinical 
examination and sampling of animals, twice per year. If swine are moved 
directly to slaughter, the animals are required to be clinically 
examined and sampled by an authorized veterinarian, culminating in a 
signed health certificate. Finally, the additional restrictions prevent 
semen, ova, and embryos from swine from these higher-risk counties from 
being marketed outside of those counties.

Animal Movement Safeguards

    The commenters stated concern about the movement of swine within 
Croatia, noting that swine can be kept in livestock markets for no more 
than 12 hours and must be returned to the premises if not sold in that 
time. The commenters noted that commingling of swine outside of a 
production system or premises of origin at a market presents an 
elevated risk of disease transmission. For this reason, the commenters 
asked APHIS to clarify what, if any, regulations apply to reporting 
that animal movement back to the premises of origin and if there are 
any quarantine or movement restrictions or disease monitoring placed on 
that animal. The commenters recommended that APHIS ensure that 
reporting takes place for animal movement back to the premises of 
origin, that there are quarantine or movement restrictions as 
necessary, and that official monitoring for disease be in place and 
verified by Croatia.
    We agree with the commenters that commingling of potentially 
infected but undetected swine in markets could contribute to rapid 
transmission and spread of contagious swine diseases. We acknowledged 
on page 46 of our risk evaluation that backyard premises with a single 
pig are exempt from most of Croatia's premises and animal registration 
requirements and that this presents a gap in animal disease 
traceability. We also acknowledged that backyard premises may present a 
biosecurity gap as some may not always conduct animal disease sampling 
or collect, analyze, and respond to changes in production data.
    However, we consider it unlikely that animals/products from small 
farms or backyard premises will enter the export chain, as the movement 
and marketing patterns of Croatia's small farms and family premises are 
local and domestic in scope. Additionally, we concluded from our risk 
evaluation that the risk of disease transmission in small farm and 
backyard premises is mitigated at the premises and market levels. 
Although these premises are exempt from entry in the Croatian 
Agricultural Agency's Farm Register database, they must report the 
purchase of any pig to the competent veterinary organization at the 
time of delivery. Moreover, as the pig is most likely fed and fattened 
for personal consumption, we consider it unlikely that the pig would be 
moved off of a single- or double-swine backyard premises. Any swine 
that do move from a small premises require a movement permit and 
corresponding health certificate, and would most likely enter the local 
livestock market and be subject to the regulations enforced there. 
Livestock market regulations include the requirement that each animal 
consignment arriving to the market must be accompanied by a veterinary 
health certificate, issued within 30 days prior to movement, indicating 
veterinary inspection was performed prior to animals leaving the 
premises, as well as a travel document indicating that the transport 
vehicle underwent cleaning and disinfection.
    Finally, the risk associated with an infected animal arriving at an 
animal market and being sent back to the premises of origin is also 
mitigated by veterinary inspection and corresponding documentation 
prior to animals moving to the market, as well as by the requirement 
that transport vehicles be disinfected.
    Disease risk is further mitigated by other control measures that 
can be implemented in the event that a contagious animal disease is 
suspected or confirmed. The measures we observed included disinfection 
wheelbaths for vehicles and footbaths for people, and requiring that 
employees don personal protective clothing prior to entering the sale 
and transfer part of the market. Animal disease awareness educational 
pamphlets and contingency plans were on display in the market office, 
and the market has participated in disease outbreak simulation 
    Overall, we determined that Croatia has a sufficient infrastructure 
in place for reporting movement of pigs, including livestock markets, 
and concluded that disease monitoring took place at all critical points 
of Croatia's movement and marketing channels.

Surveillance for African Swine Fever

    The commenters noted that Croatia conducts active surveillance for 
CSF, SVD, and FMD. However, they asked if we could determine whether 
active or passive surveillance is conducted for African swine fever 
(ASF), and whether the veterinary authority in Croatia rules out ASF in 
swine that present for inspection with case-compatible lesions.
    We do not currently consider Croatia affected with ASF and did not 
conduct an evaluation of Croatia's ASF status. Thus, as the commenters 
acknowledged, passive and active surveillance for ASF are not 
specifically related to the risk assessment, which was conducted 
specifically for CSF, FMD, SVD, and rinderpest. However, we did 
conclude that Croatia maintains effective CSF and FMD emergency 
response plans, so if a disease investigation was triggered by case-
compatible lesions we consider it highly likely that ASF would be 
appropriately confirmed or ruled out by Croatian veterinary officials.
    We acknowledge that ASF has been a concern in the EU and in areas 
adjacent to the EU. The EU has laid down prevention and control 
measures \5\ to be applied where ASF is suspected or confirmed, either 
in agricultural establishments or in wild boars. As an EU Member State, 
Croatia is required to implement EU-mandated prevention and control 
measures for all swine diseases, including ASF. APHIS continues to 
monitor the ASF situation in the EU, and Croatia would be subject to 
any restrictive action that APHIS takes towards the EU or individual 
Member States to mitigate the risk of introduction of ASF.

    \5\ http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:02002L0060-20080903:EN:NOT.

CSF Testing Methods

    The commenters stated that the methods of investigation and testing 
in Croatia for suspected cases of CSF included in the risk evaluation 
appear to be inconsistent with the laboratory methods conducted in the 
United States that ensure rapid detection of CSF from samples submitted 
from a farm. The commenters suggested that this inconsistency could 
result in a significant delay in confirming the presence of CSF on 
farms in Croatia with case-compatible lesions and recommended that the 
competent veterinary authority of Croatia be required to improve 
laboratory detection methods so they are equivalent to those used in 
the United States.
    Under OIE guidelines, APHIS import risk analyses are required to 
assess whether the end result of a sanitary measure or standard, in 
this case CSF detection methodology and disease confirmation, is 
equivalent to the end result of the importing country's measure or 
standard. While Croatia's CSF investigation and testing procedures may 
diverge slightly from U.S. protocols, we concluded from information 
gathered during the site visit that Croatia's CSF diagnostic

[[Page 64391]]

testing protocols are in accordance with international standards and 
their end result would be rapid detection of CSF. We determined that 
Croatia's laboratory system was capable of quickly and accurately 
receiving, processing, and completing diagnostic tests on samples 
received. We also determined that these labs were able to accurately 
diagnose CSF, FMD, and SVD, distinguish them from differential 
diagnoses, and quickly communicate test results to the Croatian 
Veterinary Directorate and back to the field. Finally, we determined 
that Croatia's epidemiological investigations will capably trigger an 
appropriate surveillance response that would result in timely and 
accurate diagnosis of CSF.

Contaminated Food Waste

    The commenters questioned our determination that contaminated food 
waste from Croatia poses a low disease risk to swine in the United 
States, noting that the risk findings we cited to help support this 
determination were conducted in 1995 and 2001 and do not reflect 
current risks to the U.S. pork industry.
    One risk the commenters cited was the increased interstate trade of 
swine from States that allow the regulated feeding of garbage. The 
commenters recommended that the 1995 assessment be repeated using more 
recent data.
    To the commenter's point, if contaminated meat products were 
imported from Croatia and managed to make it into plate waste, U.S. 
garbage feeding regulations will mitigate that risk. In 1995, we 
conducted a pathway analysis to estimate the likelihood of exposing 
domestic swine to infected waste. With 95 percent confidence, we 
estimated that 0.023 percent or less of plate and manufacturing waste 
would be inadequately processed prior to feeding to swine. Based on 
this percentage, less than 1 part in 4,300 of imported beef fed to 
swine as plate or manufacturing waste is likely to be inadequately 
cooked. The findings of a 2001 APHIS survey, which showed a substantial 
reduction in waste-feeding operations, further indicated that the risk 
of FMD exposure via feeding of contaminated waste to swine was 
continuing to decline.
    Treatment of food waste to be fed to swine is covered under the 
Swine Health Protection Act \6\ (SHPA) regulations in 9 CFR part 166 
and supported by APHIS' Veterinary Service (VS) Swine Health Program 
(SHP). Under the regulations, waste feeder operations must be licensed 
and regularly inspected by APHIS inspectors. In addition to other 
safeguards, the licensing process requires that producers adequately 
cook the waste fed to swine using methods designed to destroy foreign 
animal disease agents.

    \6\ 7 U.S.C. 3801.

    We acknowledge that waste feeding continues to be a potential 
pathway for transmission of swine diseases and that interstate trade 
patterns are subject to change. We maintain, however, that the 1995 and 
2001 risk findings, combined with existing SHPA requirements, indicate 
to us a low likelihood of exposure of domestic swine to CSF, FMD, SVD, 
and rinderpest from food waste originating from Croatia.

Verification of Garbage Heating Requirements

    The commenters noted that the SHPA requires licensed facilities to 
have quarterly or bi-yearly temperature checks of garbage-cooking 
equipment for a minimum of two and a maximum of four temperature checks 
each fiscal year. The commenters asked how many of the licensed garbage 
feeders actually were temperature checked twice in 2014 by a regulatory 
official. They indicated concerns with the records licensed facilities 
maintain to verify that they are meeting cooking time and temperature 
requirements on days they are not inspected, and recommended that we 
determine what records licensed facilities maintain in order to provide 
such verification to State and Federal animal health officials.
    While we require that licensed U.S. garbage-feeding facilities 
observe all garbage heating requirements under the SHPA regulations, 
cooking temperature and treatment requirements are outside the scope of 
this risk evaluation. Regulations addressing these practices are 
contained in 9 CFR part 166 and include provisions for inspection of 
heating equipment and records. Garbage-feeding facilities suspected of 
violating the regulations for storing and heating garbage for feeding 
are subject to license suspension or revocation.

Unlicensed Garbage Feeders

    The commenters presented data from APHIS-VS reports to the U.S. 
Animal Health Association's Transmissible Diseases of Swine Committee 
indicating that, from 2009 to 2013, the number of non-licensed garbage 
feeders found by State and Federal animal health authorities in 
searches for non-licensed feeders was 104, 142, 68, 125, and 160, 
respectively. The commenters asked if APHIS has any supporting 
information on estimates of the number of unlicensed garbage-feeding 
facilities. Citing the disease risk posed by unlicensed garbage-feeding 
operations, the commenters expressed concern with our level of 
confidence that foreign animal diseases can be detected promptly in 
unlicensed garbage-feeding operations and asked if our emphasis on 
finding non-licensed feeders increased or decreased over the past 
couple of years. Procedures for the handling, processing, and feeding 
of food waste to swine in the United States are subject to our swine 
health protection regulations in 9 CFR part 166. Compliance with the 
regulations has improved in recent years, thereby reducing the 
probability of survival of FMD virus in the food waste. Searches for 
non-licensed garbage feeding facilities are regularly conducted using 
several different techniques as part of the duties of APHIS animal 
health staff, as well as State animal health and other State agency 
staff. During fiscal year 2014, animal health and other inspectors 
conducted 28,774 searches for non-licensed garbage feeding facilities 
with 122 documented non-licensed facilities identified, which indicates 
that unlicensed activity is infrequent.
    When unlicensed garbage feeding facilities are identified, the 
unauthorized activity is documented, and the facility is brought into 
compliance. Depending on the State, all swine on such premises may be 
quarantined and tested for foreign animal diseases. Information on the 
number of inspections conducted to detect unlicensed garbage feeding 
facilities, the number of unlicensed facilities identified, and 
resolution of cases resulting from such identification are captured at 
the State level and evaluated by APHIS on a regular basis. Given the 
regular monitoring of these facilities and their relatively small 
number, we stand by the conclusions we reached in our 1995 risk 
analysis cited above.

SHPA Budget

    The commenters stated a concern that budget cuts to APHIS-VS and 
State animal health officials have negatively affected the ability to 
effectively carry out the regulatory activities supporting the SHPA. 
They also expressed concern that the reduction in such activities has 
reduced the number of inspection and searches for unlicensed garbage-
feeding operations to a level that is lower than what was indicated in 
the 1995 risk analysis.
    Budget cuts to APHIS have necessitated a reordering of priorities 
in relation to SHPA-related activities. We have deemphasized or passed 
on to State partners or other cooperators lower-yield activities, such 
as visiting

[[Page 64392]]

restaurants to inquire about garbage-disposal methods, in favor of 
allowing inspectors to spend more time interacting with and educating 
swine producers and conducting inspections. The regular presence of 
APHIS inspectors in U.S. garbage feeding facilities provides 
opportunities to educate operators on disease signs and reporting 
requirements and to conduct direct observation of animals for signs of 
illness. APHIS believes, therefore, that the presence of animal 
products infected with FMD or other reportable conditions entering the 
United States would be detected more quickly in these types of premises 
than in other, unregulated premises.

Environmental Assessment

    The commenters noted that the environmental assessment (EA) 
provided with this rulemaking was the May 2011 EA for the importation 
of swine and swine commodities from Slovakia. They also noted that 
APHIS provided a supporting document that was an amended finding of no 
significant impact (FONSI) from importation of swine and swine 
commodities from Croatia that uses the EA from Slovakia as the basis 
for the amended finding related to Croatia. The commenters requested 
that APHIS expand on how it is justifiable to use an EA prepared for 
other countries and apply it to Croatia.
    APHIS has conducted animal health status evaluations for multiple 
EU Member States for swine diseases. Since 2006 we have recognized the 
CSF, FMD, SVD, and/or rinderpest status for EU Member States Latvia, 
Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, and 
Hungary, and for certain countries that have entered into agricultural 
equivalence agreements with the EU. In each case, we determined that 
measures are in place to mitigate the risk of CSF, SVD, FMD, and/or 
rinderpest introduction into the United States through importation of 
swine, swine commodities, ruminants, and ruminant commodities from 
countries or regions that we recognize as low risk for CSF and free of 
SVD, FMD, and rinderpest.
    Given that the EU applies and ensures enforcement of the same 
disease mitigation requirements across all EU Member States, we 
recognized that the single-state evaluations we were conducting were 
redundant and thus unnecessary with respect to meeting the requirements 
of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). After we consulted 
with Agency specialists on NEPA, we did an environmental impact 
analysis comparison of the 2011 Slovakia EA analysis in regards to the 
proposed action of this notice for the EU Member State Croatia and 
determined that the environmental analyses of the Slovakia EA were 
similar and sufficient to cover the proposed action for Croatia. The 
2011 Slovakia EA stated that for any like/similar future 
regionalization actions proposed for EU Member States, APHIS would 
incorporate the Slovakia EA by reference in a new FONSI issued for a 
proposed new action for an EU Member State. That is what we have done 
for this proposed action for Croatia.
    Additionally, we determined that future proposed actions of this 
nature pose negligible environmental impacts to each EU Member State or 
country that has entered into an agricultural equivalency agreement 
with the EU, provided that a disease assessment finds them to be free 
of or a low risk for relevant diseases. As Croatia is an EU Member 
State and because we have determined that Croatia is free of SVD, FMD, 
and rinderpest, and at low risk for CSF, we believe that the ``like/
similar action'' environmental analyses approach as presented in the 
2011 Slovakia EA/FONSI is appropriate to use for the proposed action 
for Croatia.
    Based on the evaluation and the reasons given in this document in 
response to comments, we are recognizing Croatia as free of FMD, 
rinderpest, and SVD, and low risk for CSF. The lists of regions 
recognized as free or at low risk of these diseases can be found by 
visiting the APHIS Web site at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/wps/portal/aphis/ourfocus/importexport and following the link to ``Animal or 
Animal Product.'' Copies of the lists are also available via postal 
mail, fax, or email upon request to the Regionalization Evaluation 
Services, National Import Export Services, Veterinary Services, Animal 
and Plant Health Inspection Service, 4700 River Road Unit 39, 
Riverdale, Maryland 20737.

    Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701-7772, 7781-7786, and 8301-8317; 21 
U.S.C. 136 and 136a; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4.

    Done in Washington, DC, this 19th day of October 2015.
Kevin Shea,
Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-27092 Filed 10-22-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 2015 / Notices                                          64387

                                                  received on the pest risk analysis; (2)                 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                             those listed in accordance with
                                                  the comments on the pest risk analysis                                                                        paragraph (a) of that section as free of
                                                  revealed that no changes to the pest risk               Animal and Plant Health Inspection                    rinderpest and FMD. Section 94.9
                                                  analysis were necessary; or (3) changes                 Service                                               contains requirements governing the
                                                  to the pest risk analysis were made in                  [Docket No. APHIS–2014–0042]
                                                                                                                                                                importation of pork and pork products
                                                  response to public comments, but the                                                                          from regions where CSF exists. Section
                                                  changes did not affect the overall                      Notice of Determination of the                        94.10 contains importation
                                                  conclusions of the analysis and the                     Classical Swine Fever, Foot-and-Mouth                 requirements for swine from regions
                                                  Administrator’s determination of risk.                  Disease, Rinderpest, and Swine                        where CSF is considered to exist and
                                                     In accordance with that process, we                  Vesicular Disease Status of Croatia                   designates the Animal and Plant Health
                                                  published a notice 1 in the Federal                                                                           Inspection Service (APHIS)-defined
                                                  Register on April 28, 2015 (80 FR                       AGENCY:  Animal and Plant Health                      European CSF region as a single region
                                                  23497, Docket No. APHIS–2015–0012),                     Inspection Service, USDA.                             of low-risk for CSF. Section 94.31
                                                  in which we announced the availability,                 ACTION: Notice.                                       contains requirements governing the
                                                  for review and comment, of a pest risk                                                                        importation of pork, pork products, and
                                                  assessment (PRA) that evaluated the                     SUMMARY:    We are adding Croatia to the              swine from the APHIS-defined
                                                  risks associated with the importation                   lists of regions that are considered free             European CSF region. We consider CSF
                                                  into the continental United States of                   of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest,                to exist in all regions of the world
                                                  fresh pitahaya fruit from Israel and a                  and swine vesicular disease, and to the               except those listed in accordance with
                                                  risk management document (RMD)                          list of regions considered free or low                paragraph (a) of § 94.9 as free of the
                                                  prepared to identify phytosanitary                      risk for classical swine fever. We are                disease.
                                                  measures that could be applied to the                   taking this action because we have                       Section 94.11 of the regulations
                                                  commodities to mitigate the pest risk.                  determined that this region is free of                contains requirements governing the
                                                     We solicited comments on the PRA                     foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, and               importation of meat of any ruminants or
                                                  and RMD for 60 days ending on June 29,                  swine vesicular disease, and is low risk              swine from regions that have been
                                                  2015. We did not receive any comments                   for classical swine fever. This action                determined to be free of rinderpest and
                                                  by that date.                                           establishes the disease status of Croatia             FMD, but that are subject to certain
                                                     Therefore, in accordance with                        with regard to foot-and-mouth disease,                restrictions because of their proximity to
                                                  § 319.56–4(c)(2)(ii), we are announcing                 rinderpest, swine vesicular disease, and              or trading relationships with rinderpest-
                                                  our decision to authorize the                           classical swine fever while continuing                or FMD-affected regions. Such regions
                                                  importation of fresh pitahaya fruit from                to protect the United States from an                  are listed in accordance with paragraph
                                                  Israel into the continental United States               introduction of those diseases.                       (a) of that section.
                                                                                                          DATES: Effective November 23, 2015.                      Section 94.12 of the regulations
                                                  subject to the following phytosanitary
                                                                                                                                                                contains requirements governing the
                                                  measures:                                               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                                                                                                                                                importation of pork or pork products
                                                     • The pitahaya must be imported into                 Donald Link, Import Risk Analyst,                     from regions where SVD exists. We
                                                  the continental United States in                        Regionalization Evaluation Services,                  consider SVD to exist in all regions of
                                                  commercial consignments only.                           National Import Export Services,                      the world except those listed in
                                                     • Each consignment of pitahaya must                  Veterinary Services, APHIS, 920 Main                  accordance with paragraph (a) of that
                                                  be accompanied by a phytosanitary                       Campus Drive, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC                  section as free of SVD.
                                                  certificate issued by the national plant                27606; (919) 855–7731; Donald.B.Link@                    Section 94.13 contains importation
                                                  protection organization of Israel.                      aphis.usda.gov.                                       requirements governing the importation
                                                     • Each consignment of pitahaya is                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            of pork or pork products from regions
                                                  subject to inspection upon arrival at the                                                                     that have been declared free of SVD as
                                                  port of entry to the United States.                     Background
                                                                                                                                                                provided in § 94.12(a) but supplement
                                                     These conditions will be listed in the                  The regulations in 9 CFR part 94                   their national pork supply by the
                                                  Fruits and Vegetables Import                            (referred to below as the regulations)                importation of fresh (chilled or frozen)
                                                  Requirements database (available at                     govern the importation of certain                     meat of animals from regions where
                                                  http://www.aphis.usda.gov/favir). In                    animals and animal products into the                  SVD is considered to exist, or have a
                                                  addition to these specific measures,                    United States to prevent the                          common border with such regions, or
                                                  fresh pitahaya fruit from Israel will be                introduction of various animal diseases,              have trade practices that are less
                                                  subject to the general requirements                     including classical swine fever (CSF),                restrictive than are acceptable to the
                                                  listed in § 319.56–3 that are applicable                foot-and-mouth disease (FMD),                         United States. Such regions are listed in
                                                  to the importation of all fruits and                    rinderpest, and swine vesicular disease               accordance with paragraph (a) of
                                                  vegetables.                                             (SVD). The regulations prohibit or                    § 94.13.
                                                    Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701–7772, and               restrict the importation of live                         Section 94.14 states that no swine
                                                  7781–7786; 21 U.S.C. 136 and 136a; 7 CFR                ruminants and swine, and products                     which are moved from or transit any
                                                  2.22, 2.80, and 371.3.                                  from these animals, from regions where                region in which SVD is known to exist
                                                    Done in Washington, DC, this 19th day of              these diseases are considered to exist.               may be imported into the United States
                                                  October 2015.                                              Within part 94, § 94.1 contains                    except wild swine imported in
                                                  Kevin Shea,                                             requirements governing the importation                accordance with § 94.14(b).
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Administrator, Animal and Plant Health                  of ruminants and swine from regions                      The regulations in 9 CFR part 92,
                                                  Inspection Service.                                     where rinderpest or FMD exists and the                § 92.2, contain requirements for
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–27097 Filed 10–22–15; 8:45 am]            importation of the meat of any                        requesting the recognition of the animal
                                                  BILLING CODE 3410–34–P
                                                                                                          ruminants or swine from regions where                 health status of a region (as well as for
                                                                                                          rinderpest or FMD exists to prevent the               the approval of the export of a particular
                                                    1 To view the notice, PRA, and RMD, go to http://     introduction of either disease into the               type of animal or animal product to the
                                                  www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=APHIS-             United States. We consider rinderpest                 United States from a foreign region). If,
                                                  2015-0012.                                              and FMD to exist in all regions except                after review and evaluation of the

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                                                  64388                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 2015 / Notices

                                                  information submitted in support of the                                     With respect to rinderpest, the global               determine the quantity of prohibited
                                                  request, APHIS believes the request can                                   distribution of the disease has                        products smuggled into Croatia and that
                                                  be safely granted, APHIS will make its                                    diminished significantly in recent years               APHIS obtained estimates of
                                                  evaluation available for public comment                                   as a result of the Food and Agriculture                international passenger traffic from 2006
                                                  through a document published in the                                       Organization Global Rinderpest                         data that is no longer current. The
                                                  Federal Register.                                                         Eradication Program. The last known                    commenters requested that we require
                                                     In accordance with that process, on                                    cases of rinderpest worldwide occurred                 Croatia to provide updated information
                                                  February 3, 2015, we published in the                                     in the southern part of the ‘‘Somali                   on passenger traffic in order to
                                                  Federal Register (80 FR 5728–5729,                                        pastoral ecosystem’’ consisting of                     determine if the risk evaluation needs to
                                                  Docket No. APHIS–2014–0042) a                                             southern Somalia, eastern Kenya, and                   be modified.
                                                  notice 1 announcing the availability for                                  southern Ethiopia. In May 2011, the                       We agree with the commenter that
                                                  review and comment of our risk                                            World Organization for Animal Health                   limited data exists regarding smuggling
                                                  evaluation of the CSF, FMD, rinderpest,                                   (OIE) announced its recognition of                     of prohibited products into Croatia.
                                                  and SVD status of Croatia. Based on this                                  global rinderpest freedom.                             Such data is by its nature limited
                                                  evaluation, we determined that that the                                     We solicited comments on the notice
                                                  animal disease surveillance, prevention,                                                                                         because the intent of smuggling is to
                                                                                                                            of availability for 60 days ending on
                                                  and control measures implemented by                                                                                              avoid disclosure, documentation, or
                                                                                                                            April 6, 2015. We received two
                                                  Croatia are sufficient to minimize the                                                                                           inspection. We also acknowledge the
                                                                                                                            comments by that date, both from
                                                  likelihood of introducing CSF, FMD,                                                                                              volume of international passenger traffic
                                                                                                                            national pork industry associations.
                                                  rinderpest, and SVD into the United                                                                                              into Croatia and agree that the
                                                                                                                            Both commenters raised specific
                                                  States via imports of species or products                                                                                        introduction of prohibited products into
                                                                                                                            concerns about disease risks regarding
                                                  susceptible to these diseases.                                                                                                   Croatia could play a role in the
                                                                                                                            our proposed action to recognize Croatia
                                                     In addition, we determined in our                                                                                             transmission of animal diseases. As the
                                                                                                                            as being free of FMD, rinderpest, and
                                                  evaluation that Croatia is low risk for                                                                                          commenters requested, we have
                                                                                                                            SVD, and low risk for CSF, as this action
                                                  CSF and therefore eligible to be added                                                                                           provided more recent data for passenger
                                                                                                                            would allow for the importation into the
                                                  to the APHIS-defined European CSF                                                                                                traffic into Croatia.
                                                                                                                            United States of swine, pork, and pork
                                                  region. This region is subject to the                                     products from Croatia subject to the                      Data available from the World Bank
                                                  conditions in § 94.31 for pork, pork                                      regulations. The comments are                          indicates that 9,111,000, 9,927,000, and
                                                  products, and swine and § 98.38 for                                       discussed below.                                       10,369,000 international inbound
                                                  swine semen. We also determined that                                                                                             tourists (overnight visitors) entered
                                                  the provisions of § 94.11 for import                                      Smuggling of Prohibited Articles                       Croatia in 2010, 2011, and 2012,
                                                  conditions for meat or meat products                                        The commenters noted that                            respectively.2 Additional data published
                                                  from ruminants or swine from FMD-free                                     international passenger traffic was                    by the Organisation for Economic
                                                  regions, and § 94.13 for import                                           identified in the APHIS evaluation as a                Cooperation and Development (OECD) 3
                                                  conditions for pork or pork products                                      key risk factor for the introduction of                (see Table 1) indicates total inbound
                                                  from SVD-free regions, are applicable to                                  the disease hazards. The commenters                    tourism and primary countries of origin
                                                  Croatia.                                                                  stated that limited data exists to                     for arriving passengers.

                                                              TABLE 1—INBOUND TOURISM: TOTAL ARRIVALS AND PRIMARY COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN, CROATIA, 2008–2012
                                                                                                                                                2008                  2009           2010               2011               2012

                                                  Total Intl Arrivals (x1000) .....................................................                  8,665               8,694              9,111            9,927            10,369
                                                  Top Markets (x1000).
                                                      Germany .......................................................................                1,405               1,463              1,525            1,661             1,853
                                                      Slovenia ........................................................................                985                 963              1,017            1,100             1,054
                                                      Italy ...............................................................................          1,009               1,058              1,018            1,150             1,051
                                                      Austria ...........................................................................              692                 776                810              892               946
                                                      Czech Republic .............................................................                     589                 579                606              638               647

                                                     While the above data indicates that                                    that APHIS recognizes to be free of FMD                transmission through international
                                                  Croatia has seen an increase in the                                       and rinderpest and low risk for CSF.                   passenger traffic.
                                                  number of international arrivals over the                                 Germany, Slovenia, Austria, and the                       We conclude that the risk of virus
                                                  period indicated, the data does not                                       Czech Republic are also free of SVD, as                introduction into Croatia via the
                                                  change our conclusions in the risk                                        are several regions of Italy. We                       pathway of intentionally smuggled or
                                                  evaluation. The updated number of                                         determined in the Croatia risk                         unintentionally carried prohibited
                                                  arrivals does not differ substantially                                    evaluation and previous swine disease                  products is effectively mitigated by
                                                  from the 2006 number we used in the                                       status assessments of the EU and                       implementing EU-level and Croatian
                                                  risk evaluation. Additionally, the                                        individual Member States that the                      national policies regarding commodities
                                                  primary countries of origin listed in                                     animal health rules governing trade and                for personal consumption and by the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Table 1 for arriving passengers are other                                 travel between Member States mitigate                  interdiction efforts of Croatia’s Border
                                                  European Union (EU) Member States                                         the risk of contagious animal disease                  Veterinary Inspection and International
                                                    1 To view the notice of availability, risk                                 2 http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/ST.              3 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

                                                  evaluation, environmental assessment, and                                 INT.ARVL. The data on inbound tourists refer to the    Development (2014), ‘‘Croatia’’, in OECD Tourism
                                                  comments we received, go to http://www.                                   number of arrivals, not to the number of people        Trends and Policies 2014, OECD Publishing. (Data
                                                  regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=APHIS-2014-                              traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to    cited by OECD was sourced from Croatian Bureau
                                                  0042.                                                                     a country during a given period is counted each        of Statistics data on tourism: http://www.dzs.hr/
                                                                                                                            time as a new arrival.                                 default_e.htm.)

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 2015 / Notices                                                   64389

                                                  Trade (BVIITS) and Customs                              risk evaluation, the same farm operator               operational, husbandry, and biosecurity
                                                  departments. As described in the risk                   seemed knowledgeable of farm                          standards. The farm controlled and
                                                  analysis, BVIITS and Customs are the                    operations, company procedures, and                   catalogued on- and off-farm movements
                                                  Croatian authorities responsible for the                Croatian veterinary and legal                         of animals, people, and supplies, and
                                                  inspection and confiscation and                         requirements. As noted on page 43 of                  satisfied animal disease traceability
                                                  disposal of prohibited animal products                  the risk evaluation, we also observed                 requirements. Additionally, this farm
                                                  at Croatia’s points of entry.                           evidence of strong operational,                       was included in Croatia’s swine disease
                                                  Furthermore, in addition to border                      biosecurity, and recordkeeping practices              surveillance program, as are other small
                                                  controls, we determined in our risk                     on that farm, as well as strong veterinary            farms in Croatia.
                                                  assessment that Croatia has systems in                  oversight. State veterinary authorities                  Regarding risk reduction plans, we
                                                  place for surveillance and early                        reported that the farm receives                       note that Croatia does have such a plan
                                                  detection of CSF, FMD, SVD, and                         educational information distributed by                in place for CSF in the form of
                                                  rinderpest should any of these diseases                 Croatia’s Ministry of Agriculture,                    legislation that places additional
                                                  be introduced via incoming passenger                    Fisheries, and Rural Development                      restrictions on swine, pork, and pork
                                                  traffic into Croatia or any other                       (MAFRD) and that company officials                    products produced in or moving from
                                                  pathway.                                                have attended swine disease symposia                  the counties of Vukovar-Srijem, Sisak-
                                                                                                          organized by the MAFRD Veterinary                     Moslavina, Karlovac, and Brod-
                                                  Disease Detection and Surveillance                                                                            Posavina, which are considered higher
                                                                                                          Directorate, which is the central
                                                     The commenters stated concerns over                  competent authority for animal health                 risk for CSF due to past serological
                                                  the ability of commercial swine                         and veterinary services in Croatia. In                events for CSF in feral swine. The
                                                  operations in Croatia to conduct                        addition, a company veterinarian visits               family-operated breeding farm visited
                                                  surveillance for and detect foreign                     the premises every 2 weeks on average                 by APHIS was in Karlovac County and
                                                  animal diseases. As evidence, the                       or when called to provide veterinary                  thus subject to these additional
                                                  commenters cited in the risk evaluation                 care. We also observed that the                       restrictions. As noted in the risk
                                                  a reference to an interview we                          authorized veterinarian for this farm                 evaluation,4 the additional risk
                                                  conducted with the operator of a                        visits regularly to issue health                      reduction measures include specific
                                                  company-owned swine fattening farm,                     certificates and movement documents.                  biosecurity requirements such as
                                                  in which the operator seemed more                          Overall, our Croatia risk evaluation               cleaning and disinfection of vehicles
                                                  aware of potential production impacts                   determined that Croatia has an effective              and equipment. Additional measures
                                                  than on the clinical signs that would                   surveillance system in place for                      also require that domestic swine from
                                                  accompany an outbreak of CSF or SVD.                    detection of swine diseases, including                premises situated in the higher-risk
                                                  The commenters asked if APHIS is                        surveillance strategies for the                       counties can be marketed within Croatia
                                                  confident that the level of awareness of                commercial swine sector. We agree with                if they undergo clinical examination
                                                  swine operations in Croatia is sufficient               the commenters that early disease                     and sampling procedures prior to
                                                  for early detection of trade-limiting                   detection is a core element of all trade-             movement from the premises of origin.
                                                  foreign animal diseases of swine. They                  participating countries and we saw no                 The swine must also test negative for
                                                  recommended that prior to announcing                    evidence that Croatia was lacking in this             CSF within the 7 days prior to
                                                  a decision on Croatia’s disease status,                 regard.                                               movement, and no swine must have
                                                  we should require Croatia to provide us                                                                       been introduced to the premises within
                                                  with verification that the industry has                 Small Farms and Backyard Premises
                                                                                                                                                                30 days prior to movement. Domestic
                                                  been provided with the training or                         The commenters noted that we                       swine from higher-risk counties must be
                                                  educational materials necessary to assist               considered the disease risk posed by the              accompanied by a health certificate that
                                                  in active disease surveillance.                         small, family-operated breeding farm we               includes the number of swine, place of
                                                     We reply that APHIS is confident in                  visited (and backyard premises in                     origin, date of clinical examination, and
                                                  the level of awareness for swine                        general) to be different from that of                 disease sampling and diagnostic test
                                                  diseases in Croatia’s commercial swine                  vertically integrated commercial swine                results.
                                                  operations. This particular commercial                  production systems, particularly with                    The additional risk reduction
                                                  fattening farm represents Croatia’s high                respect to animal disease traceability,               measures stipulate that fresh meat, meat
                                                  intensity, high biosecurity, vertically                 animal sampling, and biosecurity. The                 preparations, or meat products
                                                  integrated production and marketing                     commenters recommended that, before                   consisting of or containing meat of
                                                  system. Given the advanced swine                        making a decision on Croatia’s disease                swine originating from premises in
                                                  husbandry standards, premises                           status, we require Croatia to provide a               Karlovac, Vukovar-Srijem, and Sisak-
                                                  monitoring by company veterinarians,                    plan for risk reduction for small farms               Moslavina Counties may be marketed
                                                  swine disease training, awareness and                   and backyard premises that addresses                  and sold outside of these counties only
                                                  sampling, APHIS considers it highly                     improving pre-harvest traceability,                   if no evidence of CSF has been recorded
                                                  likely that a trade-limiting swine disease              disease and biosecurity awareness, and                in the previous 12 months on the
                                                  in Croatia would be quickly detected                    disease sampling strategies that aid in               premises and the premises is located
                                                  and contained. Additionally, we                         early detection of trade-limiting foreign             outside a protection or surveillance
                                                  consider Croatia’s commercial swine                     animal diseases.                                      zone. The swine are required to have
                                                  production system to be the most likely                    In reply, we do consider the disease               resided for at least 90 days on the
                                                  source of pork or pork products for                     risk posed by small family-operated                   premises, and no swine are permitted to
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  export to the United States, and                        breeding farms and backyard premises                  have been introduced into the premises
                                                  consider the risk of undetected CSF-,                   to differ from the risk associated with               within the previous 30 days before
                                                  FMD-, or SVD-contaminated products                      Croatia’s vertically integrated                       dispatch to slaughter. Under the
                                                  being sourced from this production                      commercial swine production systems.                  additional risk reduction measures,
                                                  chain to be low.                                        However, we also observed measures                    Croatia also requires each premises to be
                                                     Regarding this particular commercial                 that mitigate the risks associated with
                                                  farm and farm operator, despite the                     the small family-operated breeding farm                 4 Section 4, ‘‘Active Disease Control Programs,’’

                                                  observation the commenters cited in the                 we visited, including satisfactory                    page 19.

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                                                  64390                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 2015 / Notices

                                                  inspected by an authorized veterinarian,                Register database, they must report the                  We do not currently consider Croatia
                                                  including appropriate clinical                          purchase of any pig to the competent                  affected with ASF and did not conduct
                                                  examination and sampling of animals,                    veterinary organization at the time of                an evaluation of Croatia’s ASF status.
                                                  twice per year. If swine are moved                      delivery. Moreover, as the pig is most                Thus, as the commenters acknowledged,
                                                  directly to slaughter, the animals are                  likely fed and fattened for personal                  passive and active surveillance for ASF
                                                  required to be clinically examined and                  consumption, we consider it unlikely                  are not specifically related to the risk
                                                  sampled by an authorized veterinarian,                  that the pig would be moved off of a                  assessment, which was conducted
                                                  culminating in a signed health                          single- or double-swine backyard                      specifically for CSF, FMD, SVD, and
                                                  certificate. Finally, the additional                    premises. Any swine that do move from                 rinderpest. However, we did conclude
                                                  restrictions prevent semen, ova, and                    a small premises require a movement                   that Croatia maintains effective CSF and
                                                  embryos from swine from these higher-                   permit and corresponding health                       FMD emergency response plans, so if a
                                                  risk counties from being marketed                       certificate, and would most likely enter              disease investigation was triggered by
                                                  outside of those counties.                              the local livestock market and be subject             case-compatible lesions we consider it
                                                                                                          to the regulations enforced there.                    highly likely that ASF would be
                                                  Animal Movement Safeguards
                                                                                                          Livestock market regulations include                  appropriately confirmed or ruled out by
                                                     The commenters stated concern about                  the requirement that each animal                      Croatian veterinary officials.
                                                  the movement of swine within Croatia,                   consignment arriving to the market must                  We acknowledge that ASF has been a
                                                  noting that swine can be kept in                        be accompanied by a veterinary health                 concern in the EU and in areas adjacent
                                                  livestock markets for no more than 12                   certificate, issued within 30 days prior              to the EU. The EU has laid down
                                                  hours and must be returned to the                       to movement, indicating veterinary                    prevention and control measures 5 to be
                                                  premises if not sold in that time. The                  inspection was performed prior to                     applied where ASF is suspected or
                                                  commenters noted that commingling of                    animals leaving the premises, as well as              confirmed, either in agricultural
                                                  swine outside of a production system or                 a travel document indicating that the                 establishments or in wild boars. As an
                                                  premises of origin at a market presents                 transport vehicle underwent cleaning                  EU Member State, Croatia is required to
                                                  an elevated risk of disease transmission.               and disinfection.                                     implement EU-mandated prevention
                                                  For this reason, the commenters asked                                                                         and control measures for all swine
                                                                                                             Finally, the risk associated with an
                                                  APHIS to clarify what, if any,                                                                                diseases, including ASF. APHIS
                                                                                                          infected animal arriving at an animal
                                                  regulations apply to reporting that                                                                           continues to monitor the ASF situation
                                                                                                          market and being sent back to the
                                                  animal movement back to the premises                                                                          in the EU, and Croatia would be subject
                                                                                                          premises of origin is also mitigated by
                                                  of origin and if there are any quarantine                                                                     to any restrictive action that APHIS
                                                                                                          veterinary inspection and corresponding
                                                  or movement restrictions or disease                                                                           takes towards the EU or individual
                                                  monitoring placed on that animal. The                   documentation prior to animals moving
                                                                                                          to the market, as well as by the                      Member States to mitigate the risk of
                                                  commenters recommended that APHIS                                                                             introduction of ASF.
                                                  ensure that reporting takes place for                   requirement that transport vehicles be
                                                  animal movement back to the premises                    disinfected.                                          CSF Testing Methods
                                                  of origin, that there are quarantine or                    Disease risk is further mitigated by                  The commenters stated that the
                                                  movement restrictions as necessary, and                 other control measures that can be                    methods of investigation and testing in
                                                  that official monitoring for disease be in              implemented in the event that a                       Croatia for suspected cases of CSF
                                                  place and verified by Croatia.                          contagious animal disease is suspected                included in the risk evaluation appear
                                                     We agree with the commenters that                    or confirmed. The measures we                         to be inconsistent with the laboratory
                                                  commingling of potentially infected but                 observed included disinfection                        methods conducted in the United States
                                                  undetected swine in markets could                       wheelbaths for vehicles and footbaths                 that ensure rapid detection of CSF from
                                                  contribute to rapid transmission and                    for people, and requiring that employees              samples submitted from a farm. The
                                                  spread of contagious swine diseases. We                 don personal protective clothing prior to             commenters suggested that this
                                                  acknowledged on page 46 of our risk                     entering the sale and transfer part of the            inconsistency could result in a
                                                  evaluation that backyard premises with                  market. Animal disease awareness                      significant delay in confirming the
                                                  a single pig are exempt from most of                    educational pamphlets and contingency                 presence of CSF on farms in Croatia
                                                  Croatia’s premises and animal                           plans were on display in the market                   with case-compatible lesions and
                                                  registration requirements and that this                 office, and the market has participated               recommended that the competent
                                                  presents a gap in animal disease                        in disease outbreak simulation                        veterinary authority of Croatia be
                                                  traceability. We also acknowledged that                 exercises.                                            required to improve laboratory detection
                                                  backyard premises may present a                            Overall, we determined that Croatia                methods so they are equivalent to those
                                                  biosecurity gap as some may not always                  has a sufficient infrastructure in place              used in the United States.
                                                  conduct animal disease sampling or                      for reporting movement of pigs,                          Under OIE guidelines, APHIS import
                                                  collect, analyze, and respond to changes                including livestock markets, and                      risk analyses are required to assess
                                                  in production data.                                     concluded that disease monitoring took                whether the end result of a sanitary
                                                     However, we consider it unlikely that                place at all critical points of Croatia’s             measure or standard, in this case CSF
                                                  animals/products from small farms or                    movement and marketing channels.                      detection methodology and disease
                                                  backyard premises will enter the export                                                                       confirmation, is equivalent to the end
                                                                                                          Surveillance for African Swine Fever
                                                  chain, as the movement and marketing                                                                          result of the importing country’s
                                                  patterns of Croatia’s small farms and                     The commenters noted that Croatia                   measure or standard. While Croatia’s
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                                                  family premises are local and domestic                  conducts active surveillance for CSF,                 CSF investigation and testing
                                                  in scope. Additionally, we concluded                    SVD, and FMD. However, they asked if                  procedures may diverge slightly from
                                                  from our risk evaluation that the risk of               we could determine whether active or                  U.S. protocols, we concluded from
                                                  disease transmission in small farm and                  passive surveillance is conducted for                 information gathered during the site
                                                  backyard premises is mitigated at the                   African swine fever (ASF), and whether                visit that Croatia’s CSF diagnostic
                                                  premises and market levels. Although                    the veterinary authority in Croatia rules
                                                  these premises are exempt from entry in                 out ASF in swine that present for                       5 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.

                                                  the Croatian Agricultural Agency’s Farm                 inspection with case-compatible lesions.              do?uri=CELEX:02002L0060-20080903:EN:NOT.

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                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 2015 / Notices                                          64391

                                                  testing protocols are in accordance with                 inspectors. In addition to other                      unlicensed garbage-feeding operations,
                                                  international standards and their end                    safeguards, the licensing process                     the commenters expressed concern with
                                                  result would be rapid detection of CSF.                  requires that producers adequately cook               our level of confidence that foreign
                                                  We determined that Croatia’s laboratory                  the waste fed to swine using methods                  animal diseases can be detected
                                                  system was capable of quickly and                        designed to destroy foreign animal                    promptly in unlicensed garbage-feeding
                                                  accurately receiving, processing, and                    disease agents.                                       operations and asked if our emphasis on
                                                  completing diagnostic tests on samples                      We acknowledge that waste feeding                  finding non-licensed feeders increased
                                                  received. We also determined that these                  continues to be a potential pathway for               or decreased over the past couple of
                                                  labs were able to accurately diagnose                    transmission of swine diseases and that               years. Procedures for the handling,
                                                  CSF, FMD, and SVD, distinguish them                      interstate trade patterns are subject to              processing, and feeding of food waste to
                                                  from differential diagnoses, and quickly                 change. We maintain, however, that the                swine in the United States are subject to
                                                  communicate test results to the Croatian                 1995 and 2001 risk findings, combined                 our swine health protection regulations
                                                  Veterinary Directorate and back to the                   with existing SHPA requirements,                      in 9 CFR part 166. Compliance with the
                                                  field. Finally, we determined that                       indicate to us a low likelihood of                    regulations has improved in recent
                                                  Croatia’s epidemiological investigations                 exposure of domestic swine to CSF,                    years, thereby reducing the probability
                                                  will capably trigger an appropriate                      FMD, SVD, and rinderpest from food                    of survival of FMD virus in the food
                                                  surveillance response that would result                  waste originating from Croatia.                       waste. Searches for non-licensed
                                                  in timely and accurate diagnosis of CSF.                 Verification of Garbage Heating                       garbage feeding facilities are regularly
                                                                                                           Requirements                                          conducted using several different
                                                  Contaminated Food Waste
                                                                                                                                                                 techniques as part of the duties of
                                                     The commenters questioned our                            The commenters noted that the SHPA                 APHIS animal health staff, as well as
                                                  determination that contaminated food                     requires licensed facilities to have                  State animal health and other State
                                                  waste from Croatia poses a low disease                   quarterly or bi-yearly temperature                    agency staff. During fiscal year 2014,
                                                  risk to swine in the United States,                      checks of garbage-cooking equipment                   animal health and other inspectors
                                                  noting that the risk findings we cited to                for a minimum of two and a maximum                    conducted 28,774 searches for non-
                                                  help support this determination were                     of four temperature checks each fiscal                licensed garbage feeding facilities with
                                                  conducted in 1995 and 2001 and do not                    year. The commenters asked how many                   122 documented non-licensed facilities
                                                  reflect current risks to the U.S. pork                   of the licensed garbage feeders actually              identified, which indicates that
                                                  industry.                                                were temperature checked twice in 2014                unlicensed activity is infrequent.
                                                     One risk the commenters cited was                     by a regulatory official. They indicated                 When unlicensed garbage feeding
                                                  the increased interstate trade of swine                  concerns with the records licensed                    facilities are identified, the
                                                  from States that allow the regulated                     facilities maintain to verify that they are           unauthorized activity is documented,
                                                  feeding of garbage. The commenters                       meeting cooking time and temperature                  and the facility is brought into
                                                  recommended that the 1995 assessment                     requirements on days they are not                     compliance. Depending on the State, all
                                                  be repeated using more recent data.                      inspected, and recommended that we                    swine on such premises may be
                                                     To the commenter’s point, if                          determine what records licensed                       quarantined and tested for foreign
                                                  contaminated meat products were                          facilities maintain in order to provide               animal diseases. Information on the
                                                  imported from Croatia and managed to                     such verification to State and Federal                number of inspections conducted to
                                                  make it into plate waste, U.S. garbage                   animal health officials.                              detect unlicensed garbage feeding
                                                  feeding regulations will mitigate that                      While we require that licensed U.S.                facilities, the number of unlicensed
                                                  risk. In 1995, we conducted a pathway                    garbage-feeding facilities observe all                facilities identified, and resolution of
                                                  analysis to estimate the likelihood of                   garbage heating requirements under the                cases resulting from such identification
                                                  exposing domestic swine to infected                      SHPA regulations, cooking temperature                 are captured at the State level and
                                                  waste. With 95 percent confidence, we                    and treatment requirements are outside                evaluated by APHIS on a regular basis.
                                                  estimated that 0.023 percent or less of                  the scope of this risk evaluation.                    Given the regular monitoring of these
                                                  plate and manufacturing waste would                      Regulations addressing these practices                facilities and their relatively small
                                                  be inadequately processed prior to                       are contained in 9 CFR part 166 and                   number, we stand by the conclusions
                                                  feeding to swine. Based on this                          include provisions for inspection of                  we reached in our 1995 risk analysis
                                                  percentage, less than 1 part in 4,300 of                 heating equipment and records.                        cited above.
                                                  imported beef fed to swine as plate or                   Garbage-feeding facilities suspected of
                                                  manufacturing waste is likely to be                      violating the regulations for storing and             SHPA Budget
                                                  inadequately cooked. The findings of a                   heating garbage for feeding are subject to               The commenters stated a concern that
                                                  2001 APHIS survey, which showed a                        license suspension or revocation.                     budget cuts to APHIS–VS and State
                                                  substantial reduction in waste-feeding                                                                         animal health officials have negatively
                                                                                                           Unlicensed Garbage Feeders                            affected the ability to effectively carry
                                                  operations, further indicated that the
                                                  risk of FMD exposure via feeding of                        The commenters presented data from                  out the regulatory activities supporting
                                                  contaminated waste to swine was                          APHIS–VS reports to the U.S. Animal                   the SHPA. They also expressed concern
                                                  continuing to decline.                                   Health Association’s Transmissible                    that the reduction in such activities has
                                                     Treatment of food waste to be fed to                  Diseases of Swine Committee indicating                reduced the number of inspection and
                                                  swine is covered under the Swine                         that, from 2009 to 2013, the number of                searches for unlicensed garbage-feeding
                                                  Health Protection Act 6 (SHPA)                           non-licensed garbage feeders found by                 operations to a level that is lower than
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                                                  regulations in 9 CFR part 166 and                        State and Federal animal health                       what was indicated in the 1995 risk
                                                  supported by APHIS’ Veterinary Service                   authorities in searches for non-licensed              analysis.
                                                  (VS) Swine Health Program (SHP).                         feeders was 104, 142, 68, 125, and 160,                  Budget cuts to APHIS have
                                                  Under the regulations, waste feeder                      respectively. The commenters asked if                 necessitated a reordering of priorities in
                                                  operations must be licensed and                          APHIS has any supporting information                  relation to SHPA-related activities. We
                                                  regularly inspected by APHIS                             on estimates of the number of                         have deemphasized or passed on to
                                                                                                           unlicensed garbage-feeding facilities.                State partners or other cooperators
                                                    67   U.S.C. 3801.                                      Citing the disease risk posed by                      lower-yield activities, such as visiting

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                                                  64392                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 2015 / Notices

                                                  restaurants to inquire about garbage-                   comparison of the 2011 Slovakia EA                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                  disposal methods, in favor of allowing                  analysis in regards to the proposed
                                                  inspectors to spend more time                           action of this notice for the EU Member               International Trade Administration
                                                  interacting with and educating swine                    State Croatia and determined that the                 [A–570–928]
                                                  producers and conducting inspections.                   environmental analyses of the Slovakia
                                                  The regular presence of APHIS                           EA were similar and sufficient to cover               Uncovered Innerspring Units From the
                                                  inspectors in U.S. garbage feeding                      the proposed action for Croatia. The                  People’s Republic of China:
                                                  facilities provides opportunities to                    2011 Slovakia EA stated that for any                  Affirmative Preliminary Determination
                                                  educate operators on disease signs and                  like/similar future regionalization                   of Circumvention of the Antidumping
                                                  reporting requirements and to conduct                                                                         Duty Order
                                                                                                          actions proposed for EU Member States,
                                                  direct observation of animals for signs of
                                                                                                          APHIS would incorporate the Slovakia                  AGENCY:   Enforcement and Compliance,
                                                  illness. APHIS believes, therefore, that
                                                  the presence of animal products                         EA by reference in a new FONSI issued                 International Trade Administration,
                                                  infected with FMD or other reportable                   for a proposed new action for an EU                   Department of Commerce.
                                                  conditions entering the United States                   Member State. That is what we have                    SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce
                                                  would be detected more quickly in these                 done for this proposed action for                     (‘‘the Department’’) preliminarily
                                                  types of premises than in other,                        Croatia.                                              determines that uncovered innerspring
                                                  unregulated premises.                                      Additionally, we determined that                   units (‘‘innersprings units’’) completed
                                                                                                          future proposed actions of this nature                or assembled in Malaysia by Goldon
                                                  Environmental Assessment
                                                                                                          pose negligible environmental impacts                 Bedding Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.
                                                    The commenters noted that the                         to each EU Member State or country that               (‘‘Goldon’’) using components from the
                                                  environmental assessment (EA)                                                                                 People’s Republic of China (‘‘PRC’’), and
                                                                                                          has entered into an agricultural
                                                  provided with this rulemaking was the                                                                         exported to the United States, are
                                                                                                          equivalency agreement with the EU,
                                                  May 2011 EA for the importation of                                                                            circumventing the antidumping duty
                                                  swine and swine commodities from                        provided that a disease assessment finds
                                                                                                          them to be free of or a low risk for                  order on innersprings from the PRC, as
                                                  Slovakia. They also noted that APHIS                                                                          provided in section 781(b) of the Tariff
                                                  provided a supporting document that                     relevant diseases. As Croatia is an EU
                                                                                                          Member State and because we have                      Act of 1930, as amended (‘‘the Act’’).1
                                                  was an amended finding of no
                                                                                                          determined that Croatia is free of SVD,               DATES: Effective Date: October 23, 2015.
                                                  significant impact (FONSI) from
                                                  importation of swine and swine                          FMD, and rinderpest, and at low risk for              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  commodities from Croatia that uses the                  CSF, we believe that the ‘‘like/similar               Susan Pulongbarit, AD/CVD Operations,
                                                  EA from Slovakia as the basis for the                   action’’ environmental analyses                       Office V, Enforcement and Compliance,
                                                  amended finding related to Croatia. The                 approach as presented in the 2011                     International Trade Administration,
                                                  commenters requested that APHIS                         Slovakia EA/FONSI is appropriate to                   U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th
                                                  expand on how it is justifiable to use an               use for the proposed action for Croatia.              Street and Constitution Avenue NW.,
                                                  EA prepared for other countries and                                                                           Washington, DC 20230; telephone:
                                                                                                             Based on the evaluation and the                    (202) 482–4031.
                                                  apply it to Croatia.
                                                                                                          reasons given in this document in                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                    APHIS has conducted animal health
                                                  status evaluations for multiple EU                      response to comments, we are
                                                                                                          recognizing Croatia as free of FMD,                   Background
                                                  Member States for swine diseases. Since
                                                  2006 we have recognized the CSF, FMD,                   rinderpest, and SVD, and low risk for                   On December 31, 2014, the
                                                  SVD, and/or rinderpest status for EU                    CSF. The lists of regions recognized as               Department initiated an
                                                  Member States Latvia, Lithuania,                        free or at low risk of these diseases can             anticircumvention inquiry on imports of
                                                  Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia,                   be found by visiting the APHIS Web site               innersprings from the PRC exported by
                                                  Slovenia, Estonia, and Hungary, and for                 at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/wps/                     Goldon.2 On January 12, 2015, the
                                                  certain countries that have entered into                portal/aphis/ourfocus/importexport and                Department issued a circumvention
                                                  agricultural equivalence agreements                     following the link to ‘‘Animal or Animal              inquiry questionnaire.3 On January 22,
                                                  with the EU. In each case, we                           Product.’’ Copies of the lists are also               2015, we placed information on the
                                                  determined that measures are in place to                available via postal mail, fax, or email              record confirming Goldon’s receipt of
                                                  mitigate the risk of CSF, SVD, FMD,                     upon request to the Regionalization                   the questionnaire.4 The Department has,
                                                  and/or rinderpest introduction into the                 Evaluation Services, National Import
                                                                                                                                                                   1 See Uncovered Innerspring Units from the
                                                  United States through importation of                    Export Services, Veterinary Services,                 People’s Republic of China: Notice of Antidumping
                                                  swine, swine commodities, ruminants,                    Animal and Plant Health Inspection                    Duty Order, 74 FR 7661 (February 19, 2009)
                                                  and ruminant commodities from                           Service, 4700 River Road Unit 39,                     (‘‘Order’’).
                                                  countries or regions that we recognize as               Riverdale, Maryland 20737.                               2 See Uncovered Innerspring Units From the

                                                  low risk for CSF and free of SVD, FMD,                                                                        People’s Republic of China: Initiation of
                                                  and rinderpest.                                           Authority: 7 U.S.C. 450, 7701–7772, 7781–           Anticircumvention Inquiry on Antidumping Duty
                                                                                                          7786, and 8301–8317; 21 U.S.C. 136 and                Order, 79 FR 78792 (December 31, 2014)
                                                    Given that the EU applies and ensures                                                                       (‘‘Initiation’’).
                                                  enforcement of the same disease                         136a; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and              3 See Letter from the Department, to Goldon,
                                                  mitigation requirements across all EU                   371.4.                                                regarding ‘‘Uncovered Innerspring Units from the
                                                  Member States, we recognized that the                     Done in Washington, DC, this 19th day of            People’s Republic of China: Circumvention Inquiry
                                                                                                                                                                Questionnaire,’’ dated January 12, 2015
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  single-state evaluations we were                        October 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                (‘‘Circumvention Questionnaire’’).
                                                  conducting were redundant and thus                      Kevin Shea,                                              4 See Memo to the File, through Scot T. Fullerton,
                                                  unnecessary with respect to meeting the                 Administrator, Animal and Plant Health                Program Manager, Office V, AD/CVD Operations,
                                                  requirements of the National                            Inspection Service.                                   Enforcement and Compliance, from Steven
                                                  Environmental Protection Act (NEPA).                                                                          Hampton, International Trade Compliance Analyst,
                                                                                                          [FR Doc. 2015–27092 Filed 10–22–15; 8:45 am]          Office V, AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and
                                                  After we consulted with Agency                                                                                Compliance, regarding ‘‘Uncovered Innerspring
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 3410–34–P
                                                  specialists on NEPA, we did an                                                                                Units from the People’s Republic of China:
                                                  environmental impact analysis                                                                                 Anticircumvention Inquiry Questionnaire:

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 15:32:40
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 15:32:40
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesEffective November 23, 2015.
ContactMr. Donald Link, Import Risk Analyst, Regionalization Evaluation Services, National Import Export Services, Veterinary Services, APHIS, 920 Main Campus Drive, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27606; (919) 855-7731; [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 64387 

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