80_FR_64609 80 FR 64404 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Sacramento River Flood Control Project, California, General Reevaluation

80 FR 64404 - Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Sacramento River Flood Control Project, California, General Reevaluation

Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 205 (October 23, 2015)

Page Range64404-64405
FR Document2015-27032

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District (Corps), intends to prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the general reevaluation of the Sacramento River Flood Control Project, California. The Corps will serve as the lead agency for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The general reevaluation is assessing opportunities to restore ecosystem function along the Sacramento River and improve flood risk reduction capabilities of the flood conveyance system originally constructed in 1917. The system is located along the Sacramento River, from Elder Creek near Tehama to its confluence with the San Joaquin River in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta near Collinsville. System features are also located along a number of tributaries, sloughs, and bypass channels, including the Feather River, American River, Sutter Bypass, and Yolo Bypass.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 205 (Friday, October 23, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 205 (Friday, October 23, 2015)]
[Pages 64404-64405]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-27032]



Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers

Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact 
Statement for the Sacramento River Flood Control Project, California, 
General Reevaluation

AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.

ACTION: Notice of intent.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District (Corps), 
intends to prepare a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for 
the general reevaluation of the Sacramento River Flood Control Project, 
California. The Corps will serve as the lead agency for compliance with 
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The general reevaluation 
is assessing opportunities to restore ecosystem function along the 
Sacramento River and improve flood risk reduction capabilities of the 
flood conveyance system originally constructed in 1917. The system is 
located along the Sacramento River, from Elder Creek near Tehama to its 
confluence with the San Joaquin River in the Sacramento-San Joaquin 
Delta near Collinsville. System features are also located along a 
number of tributaries, sloughs, and bypass channels, including the 
Feather River, American River, Sutter Bypass, and Yolo Bypass.

DATES: Written comments regarding the scope of the general reevaluation 
and DEIS should be received by the Corps on or before November 23, 

ADDRESSES: Send written comments and suggestions concerning this 
general reevaluation and DEIS to Mr. Dan Artho, U.S. Army Corps of 
Engineers, Sacramento District, Attn: Planning Division (CESPK-PD), 
1325 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 or via email at 
daniel.f.artho@usace.army.mil. Requests to be placed on the mailing 
list should also be sent to this address.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Dan Artho via telephone at (916) 
557-7723, email at daniel.f.artho@usace.army.mil, or fax at (916) 557-
7856. Study information will also be posted periodically on the 
internet at http://bit.ly/sacrivergrr.

    1. Proposed Action. The Corps, in cooperation with its non-Federal 
sponsors (The Central Valley Flood Protection Board and the State of 
California Department of Water Resources), is reevaluating the 
Sacramento River Flood Control Project to identify opportunities to 
restore the function and processes of the Sacramento River's aquatic 
ecosystem as well as improve the project's flood risk reduction 
performance. The general reevaluation is authorized pursuant with the 
Flood Control Act, Public Law 64-367, Sec.  2, 39 Stat. 948 (1917) as 
amended and modified by subsequent Acts of Congress and as modified by 
Flood Control Act, Public Law 86-654, Sec.  203, 74 Stat. 498 (1960), 
as supplemented by the River Basin Monetary Authorization Act, Public 
Law 93-252, Sec.  202, 88 Stat. 49 (1974), and the Continuing 
Appropriations Resolution, Public Law 97-377, Sec.  140, 96 Stat. 1916 
(1982), and the Water Resources Development Act, Public Law 110-114, 
Sec.  3031, 121 Stat. 1113 (2007).
    2. Alternatives. The general reevaluation will assess a combination 
of one or more ecosystem restoration and flood risk management measures 
including widening existing bypasses,

[[Page 64405]]

modifying existing weirs, optimizing weir operations, constructing 
setback levees, developing floodplain management plans, restoring 
riverine aquatic and riparian habitat, removing barriers to fish 
passage, and restoring natural geomorphic processes, among others. 
Changes or modifications to the Sacramento River Flood Control Project 
may include updates or revisions to the operation and maintenance 
manuals in affected areas. In addition, a no action alternative will be 
assessed. Mitigation measures for any significant adverse effects on 
environmental resources will be identified and incorporated into the 
alternatives in compliance with various Federal and State statutes.
    3. Scoping Process:
    a. Public scoping meetings will be held on November 3rd, 2015, from 
3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the City of West Sacramento, 1110 W. Capitol 
Ave., West Sacramento, California 95691, and November 9th, 2015 from 
3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Yuba County Board of Supervisors, 915 
Eighth Street, Marysville, California 95901. An overview of the study 
and the NEPA process will be presented, and an opportunity will be 
afforded to all interested parties to provide comments regarding the 
scope of the draft general reevaluation and DEIS analysis as well as 
potential alternatives.
    b. Issues that will be analyzed in depth in the DEIS include 
effects on hydrology and hydraulics, vegetation and wildlife, special-
status species, water quality, air quality, socioeconomic conditions, 
transportation, agricultural resources, hazardous materials, and 
cultural resources. Other issues may include geology, soils, 
topography, noise, esthetics, climate and recreation. This is a large 
geographic extent with many technical, physical, biological, and social 
complexities associated with it.
    c. The Corps will consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
and the National Marine Fisheries Service to comply with the Endangered 
Species Act and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. The Corps will 
also consult with the State Historic Preservation Officer to comply 
with the National Historic Preservation Act and coordinate with the 
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs to establish consultation requirements 
with tribes having trust assets and tribal interests that could be 
affected by the general reevaluation's outcome.
    d. A 45-day review period will be allowed for all interested 
agencies and individuals to review and comment on the DEIS. All 
interested persons are encouraged to respond to this notice and provide 
a current address if they wish to be contacted about the DEIS.
    4. Availability. The DEIS is scheduled to be available for public 
review and comment in the Spring of 2017.

    Dated: October 16, 2015.
Michael J. Farrell,
Colonel, U.S. Army, District Commander.
[FR Doc. 2015-27032 Filed 10-22-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  64404                         Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 2015 / Notices

                                                  research, disease/injury prevention,                      Individuals desiring to provide                     Sacramento River and improve flood
                                                  health promotion, and healthcare                        comments to the DHB may do so by                      risk reduction capabilities of the flood
                                                  delivery.                                               submitting a written statement to the                 conveyance system originally
                                                                                                          DHB Designated Federal Officer (DFO)                  constructed in 1917. The system is
                                                                                                          (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).                located along the Sacramento River,
                                                    Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b, as                         Written statements should not be longer               from Elder Creek near Tehama to its
                                                  amended, and 41 CFR 102–3.140                           than two type-written pages and address               confluence with the San Joaquin River
                                                  through 102–3.165 and subject to                        the following details: the issue,                     in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
                                                  availability of space, the DHB meeting is               discussion, and a recommended course                  near Collinsville. System features are
                                                  open to the public from 9:30 a.m. to                    of action. Supporting documentation                   also located along a number of
                                                  11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.                  may also be included, as needed, to                   tributaries, sloughs, and bypass
                                                  on November 9, 2015. The DHB                            establish the appropriate historical                  channels, including the Feather River,
                                                  anticipates deliberating a decision                     context and to provide any necessary                  American River, Sutter Bypass, and
                                                  briefing from the Neurological/                         background information.                               Yolo Bypass.
                                                  Behavioral Health Subcommittee                            If the written statement is not                     DATES: Written comments regarding the
                                                  regarding Population Normative Values                   received at least five (5) business days              scope of the general reevaluation and
                                                  for Post-Concussive Computerized                        prior to the meeting, the DFO may                     DEIS should be received by the Corps
                                                  Neurocognitive Assessments. In                          choose to postpone consideration of the               on or before November 23, 2015.
                                                  addition, information briefings will be                 statement until the next open meeting.                ADDRESSES: Send written comments and
                                                  presented on mental health treatment                      The DFO will review all timely                      suggestions concerning this general
                                                  collaboration with the James A. Haley                   submissions with the DHB President                    reevaluation and DEIS to Mr. Dan Artho,
                                                  Veterans’ Hospital, Sustained Medical                   and ensure they are provided to                       U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
                                                  and Readiness Training (SMART),                         members of the DHB before the meeting                 Sacramento District, Attn: Planning
                                                  medical evaluation boards, an update on                 that is subject to this notice. After                 Division (CESPK–PD), 1325 J Street,
                                                  the work of the Joint Committee to                      reviewing the written comments, the                   Sacramento, CA 95814 or via email at
                                                  Create a National Policy to Enhance                     President and the DFO may choose to                   daniel.f.artho@usace.army.mil. Requests
                                                  Survivability from Intentional Mass-                    invite the submitter to orally present                to be placed on the mailing list should
                                                  Casualty and Active Shooter Events, and                 their issue during an open portion of                 also be sent to this address.
                                                  medical implications of anti-access/area                this meeting or at a future meeting. The              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr.
                                                  denial.                                                 DFO, in consultation with the DHB                     Dan Artho via telephone at (916) 557–
                                                  Public’s Accessibility to the Meeting                   President, may allot time for members of              7723, email at daniel.f.artho@
                                                                                                          the public to present their issues for                usace.army.mil, or fax at (916) 557–
                                                     Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b, as                        review and discussion by the Defense
                                                  amended, and 41 CFR 102–3.140                                                                                 7856. Study information will also be
                                                                                                          Health Board.                                         posted periodically on the internet at
                                                  through 102–3.165 and subject to
                                                                                                            Dated: October 20, 2015.                            http://bit.ly/sacrivergrr.
                                                  availability of space, this meeting is
                                                  open to the public. Seating is limited                  Morgan F. Park,                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  and is on a first-come basis. All                       Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison                   1. Proposed Action. The Corps, in
                                                  members of the public who wish to                       Officer, Department of Defense.                       cooperation with its non-Federal
                                                  attend the public meeting must contact                  [FR Doc. 2015–27011 Filed 10–22–15; 8:45 am]          sponsors (The Central Valley Flood
                                                  Ms. Kendal Brown at the number listed                   BILLING CODE 5001–06–P                                Protection Board and the State of
                                                  in the section FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                                                                        California Department of Water
                                                  CONTACT no later than 12:00 p.m. on                                                                           Resources), is reevaluating the
                                                  Friday, October 30, 2015 to register and                DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                 Sacramento River Flood Control Project
                                                  must provide their driver’s license                                                                           to identify opportunities to restore the
                                                                                                          Department of the Army, Corps of                      function and processes of the
                                                  number and social security number to
                                                                                                          Engineers                                             Sacramento River’s aquatic ecosystem as
                                                  Ms. Brown. Public attendees enter
                                                  MacDill AFB through the Dale Mabry                                                                            well as improve the project’s flood risk
                                                                                                          Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft                   reduction performance. The general
                                                  Gate. Attendees should allow one hour                   Environmental Impact Statement for
                                                  for the security check and travel to                                                                          reevaluation is authorized pursuant
                                                                                                          the Sacramento River Flood Control                    with the Flood Control Act, Public Law
                                                  meeting location. Additional details will               Project, California, General
                                                  be provided to all registrants.                                                                               64–367, § 2, 39 Stat. 948 (1917) as
                                                                                                          Reevaluation                                          amended and modified by subsequent
                                                  Special Accommodations                                  AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S.                  Acts of Congress and as modified by
                                                    Individuals requiring special                         Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.                         Flood Control Act, Public Law 86–654,
                                                  accommodations to access the public                     ACTION: Notice of intent.                             § 203, 74 Stat. 498 (1960), as
                                                  meeting should contact Ms. Kendal                                                                             supplemented by the River Basin
                                                  Brown at least five (5) business days                   SUMMARY:   The U.S. Army Corps of                     Monetary Authorization Act, Public
                                                  prior to the meeting so that appropriate                Engineers, Sacramento District (Corps),               Law 93–252, § 202, 88 Stat. 49 (1974),
                                                  arrangements can be made.                               intends to prepare a draft                            and the Continuing Appropriations
                                                                                                          Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)                 Resolution, Public Law 97–377, § 140,
                                                  Written Statements
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                          for the general reevaluation of the                   96 Stat. 1916 (1982), and the Water
                                                    Any member of the public wishing to                   Sacramento River Flood Control Project,               Resources Development Act, Public Law
                                                  provide comments to the DHB may do                      California. The Corps will serve as the               110–114, § 3031, 121 Stat. 1113 (2007).
                                                  so in accordance with 41 CFR 102–                       lead agency for compliance with the                      2. Alternatives. The general
                                                  3.105(j) and 102–3.140 and section                      National Environmental Policy Act                     reevaluation will assess a combination
                                                  10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory                        (NEPA). The general reevaluation is                   of one or more ecosystem restoration
                                                  Committee Act, and the procedures                       assessing opportunities to restore                    and flood risk management measures
                                                  described in this notice.                               ecosystem function along the                          including widening existing bypasses,

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                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 205 / Friday, October 23, 2015 / Notices                                          64405

                                                  modifying existing weirs, optimizing                    and provide a current address if they                 PCAST is consulted about and provides
                                                  weir operations, constructing setback                   wish to be contacted about the DEIS.                  analyses and recommendations
                                                  levees, developing floodplain                             4. Availability. The DEIS is scheduled              concerning a wide range of issues where
                                                  management plans, restoring riverine                    to be available for public review and                 understandings from the domains of
                                                  aquatic and riparian habitat, removing                  comment in the Spring of 2017.                        science, technology, and innovation
                                                  barriers to fish passage, and restoring                   Dated: October 16, 2015.                            may bear on the policy choices before
                                                  natural geomorphic processes, among                                                                           the President. PCAST is co-chaired by
                                                                                                          Michael J. Farrell,
                                                  others. Changes or modifications to the                                                                       Dr. John P. Holdren, Assistant to the
                                                                                                          Colonel, U.S. Army, District Commander.
                                                  Sacramento River Flood Control Project                                                                        President for Science and Technology,
                                                  may include updates or revisions to the                 [FR Doc. 2015–27032 Filed 10–22–15; 8:45 am]          and Director, Office of Science and
                                                  operation and maintenance manuals in                    BILLING CODE 3720–58–P                                Technology Policy, Executive Office of
                                                  affected areas. In addition, a no action                                                                      the President, The White House; and Dr.
                                                  alternative will be assessed. Mitigation                                                                      Eric S. Lander, President, Broad
                                                  measures for any significant adverse                    DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                  Institute of the Massachusetts Institute
                                                  effects on environmental resources will                                                                       of Technology and Harvard.
                                                  be identified and incorporated into the                 Meeting; President’s Council of                         Type of Meeting: Open and Closed.
                                                  alternatives in compliance with various                 Advisors on Science and Technology                      Proposed Schedule and Agenda: The
                                                  Federal and State statutes.                                                                                   President’s Council of Advisors on
                                                                                                          AGENCY:  Office of Science, Department                Science and Technology (PCAST) is
                                                     3. Scoping Process:
                                                     a. Public scoping meetings will be                   of Energy.                                            scheduled to meet in open session on
                                                  held on November 3rd, 2015, from 3:00                   ACTION: Notice of partially-closed                    November 20, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to
                                                  p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the City of West                   meeting.                                              12:00 p.m.
                                                  Sacramento, 1110 W. Capitol Ave., West                                                                          Open Portion of Meeting: During this
                                                  Sacramento, California 95691, and                       SUMMARY:   This notice sets forth the                 open meeting, PCAST is scheduled to
                                                  November 9th, 2015 from 3:00 p.m. to                    schedule and summary agenda for a                     discuss its study on private sector
                                                  7:00 p.m. at the Yuba County Board of                   partially-closed meeting of the                       activities for adaptation and resilience
                                                  Supervisors, 915 Eighth Street,                         President’s Council of Advisors on                    to climate change and its letter report on
                                                  Marysville, California 95901. An                        Science and Technology (PCAST), and                   hearing technologies. They will also
                                                  overview of the study and the NEPA                      describes the functions of the Council.               hear from speakers who will remark on
                                                  process will be presented, and an                       The Federal Advisory Committee Act                    nanotechnology and who will discuss
                                                  opportunity will be afforded to all                     (Pub. L. 92–463, 86 Stat. 770) requires               new regulatory frameworks for research.
                                                  interested parties to provide comments                  that public notice of these meetings be               Additional information and the agenda,
                                                  regarding the scope of the draft general                announced in the Federal Register.                    including any changes that arise, will be
                                                  reevaluation and DEIS analysis as well                  DATES: November 20, 2015, 9:00 a.m. to                posted at the PCAST Web site at:
                                                  as potential alternatives.                              12:00 p.m.                                            http://whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast.
                                                     b. Issues that will be analyzed in                   ADDRESSES: National Academy of                          Closed Portion of the Meeting: PCAST
                                                  depth in the DEIS include effects on                    Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue                    may hold a closed meeting of
                                                  hydrology and hydraulics, vegetation                    NW., Washington, DC in the Lecture                    approximately 1 hour with the President
                                                  and wildlife, special-status species,                   Room.                                                 on November 20, 2015, which must take
                                                  water quality, air quality,                                                                                   place in the White House for the
                                                                                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  socioeconomic conditions,                                                                                     President’s scheduling convenience and
                                                  transportation, agricultural resources,                 Information regarding the meeting                     to maintain Secret Service protection.
                                                  hazardous materials, and cultural                       agenda, time, location, and how to                    This meeting will be closed to the
                                                  resources. Other issues may include                     register for the meeting is available on              public because such portion of the
                                                  geology, soils, topography, noise,                      the PCAST Web site at: http://                        meeting is likely to disclose matters that
                                                  esthetics, climate and recreation. This is              whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast. A live video               are to be kept secret in the interest of
                                                  a large geographic extent with many                     webcast and an archive of the webcast                 national defense or foreign policy under
                                                  technical, physical, biological, and                    after the event are expected to be                    5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(1).
                                                  social complexities associated with it.                 available at http://whitehouse.gov/ostp/                Public Comments: It is the policy of
                                                     c. The Corps will consult with the                   pcast. The archived video will be                     the PCAST to accept written public
                                                  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the                  available within one week of the                      comments of any length, and to
                                                  National Marine Fisheries Service to                    meeting. Questions about the meeting                  accommodate oral public comments
                                                  comply with the Endangered Species                      should be directed to Ms. Jennifer                    whenever possible. The PCAST expects
                                                  Act and the Fish and Wildlife                           Michael at jmichael@ostp.eop.gov, (202)               that public statements presented at its
                                                  Coordination Act. The Corps will also                   395–2121. Please note that public                     meetings will not be repetitive of
                                                  consult with the State Historic                         seating for this meeting is limited and               previously submitted oral or written
                                                  Preservation Officer to comply with the                 is available on a first-come, first-served            statements.
                                                  National Historic Preservation Act and                  basis.                                                  The public comment period for this
                                                  coordinate with the U.S. Bureau of                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        meeting will take place on November
                                                  Indian Affairs to establish consultation                President’s Council of Advisors on                    20, 2015 at a time specified in the
                                                  requirements with tribes having trust                   Science and Technology (PCAST) is an                  meeting agenda posted on the PCAST
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  assets and tribal interests that could be               advisory group of the nation’s leading                Web site at http://whitehouse.gov/ostp/
                                                  affected by the general reevaluation’s                  scientists and engineers, appointed by                pcast. This public comment period is
                                                  outcome.                                                the President to augment the science                  designed only for substantive
                                                     d. A 45-day review period will be                    and technology advice available to him                commentary on PCAST’s work, not for
                                                  allowed for all interested agencies and                 from inside the White House, cabinet                  business marketing purposes.
                                                  individuals to review and comment on                    departments, and other Federal                          Oral Comments: To be considered for
                                                  the DEIS. All interested persons are                    agencies. See the Executive Order at                  the public speaker list at the meeting,
                                                  encouraged to respond to this notice                    http://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast.                 interested parties should register to

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 15:32:48
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 15:32:48
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of intent.
DatesWritten comments regarding the scope of the general reevaluation and DEIS should be received by the Corps on or before November 23, 2015.
ContactMr. Dan Artho via telephone at (916) 557-7723, email at [email protected], or fax at (916) 557- 7856. Study information will also be posted periodically on the internet at http://bit.ly/sacrivergrr.
FR Citation80 FR 64404 

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