80_FR_65428 80 FR 65222 - Proposed Agency Information Collection

80 FR 65222 - Proposed Agency Information Collection

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 206 (October 26, 2015)

Page Range65222-65223
FR Document2015-27202

The Department of Energy (DOE) invites public comment on a proposed collection of information that DOE is developing for submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 206 (Monday, October 26, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 206 (Monday, October 26, 2015)]
[Pages 65222-65223]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-27202]



Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Proposed Agency Information Collection

AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. 
Department of Energy.

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE) invites public comment on a 
proposed collection of information that DOE is developing for 
submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether 
the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper 
performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the 
information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the 
agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions 
used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the 
collection of information on respondents, including through the use of 
automated collection techniques or other forms of information 

DATES: Comments regarding this proposed information collection must be 
received on or before November 10, 2015. If you anticipate difficulty 
in submitting comments within that period, contact the person listed in 
ADDRESSES as soon as possible.

ADDRESSES: Written comments may be sent to Mr. Chris Early, U.S. 
Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office, Mail Stop EE-5B, 
Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-
0121 or by fax at 202-586-4617 or by email at Chris.Early@ee.doe.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or 
copies of the information collection instrument and instructions should 
be directed to Mr. Chris Early, U.S. Department of Energy, Building 
Technologies Office, Mail Stop EE-5B, Forrestal Building, 1000 
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This information collection request 
contains: (1) OMB No. New; (2) Information Collection Request Title: 
Programs for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings (3) 
Type of Request: New; (4) Purpose: The proposed collection will enable 
DOE to understand the universe of organizations participating in four 
voluntary programs: Zero Energy Ready Home Program, the Better 
Buildings Residential Network, the Home Energy Score, and the Home 
Performance with ENERGY STAR Program (HPwES). The DOE published a 
notice and request for comments for 60 days related to this current 
request to collect information on May 15, 2014 (79 FR 27867) and 
received no comments. That notice asked for comments for four voluntary 
programs at DOE, three of which are the same as for this current 
request for clearance and one is different. The DOE decided not to 
collect information for one of the four programs that was part of that 
May 15, 2014 request for comments, the Building America Program. The 
DOE, however, is adding the HPwES program to this current request for 
comments. The purpose of this 15 day notice and request for comments is 
to again request public comments on the three programs that were in the 
earlier 60 day notice and request for comments and also request 
comments on the HPwES program which was not included in that earlier 60 
day FR notice. Through these four programs DOE encourages and assists 
the people and organizations that volunteer to participate in them to 
build and renovate new and existing houses to use less energy. The 
program partners who voluntarily participate in the programs consist of 
most of the actors in the home building industry including home owners, 
home builders, home builder tradesman and associations, home design 
professionals, students in architecture and related building 
construction industries, home energy raters, home energy auditors, home 
inspectors, building consultants, manufacturers of building products, 
professional trainers, utility companies, home building and 
manufacturing industry associations, consumer and home building 
industry advocacy organizations, financial institutions, non-profit 
organizations, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, 
energy program administrators and implementers, Home Performance with 
ENERGY STAR sponsors, state or local government energy offices or 
agencies, clean energy non-profits with existing residential energy 
programs and other organizations who believe peer sharing will help 
them improve their effectiveness in encouraging homeowners to complete 
energy upgrades. DOE proposes to collect information about the 
participants such as their names and addresses, their evaluations of 
training they received about the programs, descriptions of their 
qualifications to conduct training for the programs, their plans to get 
people to participate in the programs, their certifications describing 
how they can assess homes, estimates of how many homes they can get to 
participate in the programs, and information about the homes. The 
collected information will help DOE understand the participating 
partners' activities and progress toward achieving scheduled milestones 
enabling DOE to make decisions about the best way to run the programs 
and respond to partners' needs to improve their operations and actions 
to lower energy consumption. The portion of the HPwES Program for which 
DOE is requesting comments was run by EPA. The operation of part of the 
HPwES program is to be transferred to the DOE from the Environmental 
Protection Agency (EPA). The DOE intends to operate HPwES substantially 
similarly to the way EPA operates the program. The difference in 
estimates of numbers of responses, number of respondents, burden hours, 
and costs to respond between the HPwES that was approved by OMB for EPA 
and the one requested to be approved by DOE are minor. The OMB did give 
the EPA clearance for collection of information in the HPwES program on 
August 14, 2014. OMB gave it the ICR Control Number 2060-0586. EPA did 
not receive any comments in either the 30 or 60 day Federal Register 
Notices for that collection of information; (5) Annual Estimated Number 
of Respondents: 11,585. (6) Annual Estimated Number of Total Responses: 
46,909. (7) Annual Estimated Number of Burden Hours:

[[Page 65223]]

22,926. (8) Annual Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: 
zero dollars. DOE estimates that there are no additional costs to 
respondents associated with the surveys other than the costs associated 
with the burden hours.

    Statutory Authority:  The U.S. Code, Title 42, Chapter 149, 
Subchapter IX, Part A, Section 16191--Energy Efficiency.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on October 2, 2015.
Roland J. Risser,
Director, Building Technologies Office, Energy Efficiency and Renewable 
[FR Doc. 2015-27202 Filed 10-23-15; 8:45 am]

                                                    65222                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 206 / Monday, October 26, 2015 / Notices

                                                                                APPENDIX—DOE/FE ORDERS GRANTING IMPORT/EXPORT AUTHORIZATIONS—Continued
                                                    3717 ...................................   15–103–LNG ....             09/25/15    Freeport LNG Develop-         Order granting blanket authority to export pre-
                                                                                                                                         ment, L.P.                    viously imported LNG by vessel.

                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–27193 Filed 10–23–15; 8:45 am]                   Department of Energy, Building                        industry associations, consumer and
                                                    BILLING CODE 6450–01–P                                         Technologies Office, Mail Stop EE–5B,                 home building industry advocacy
                                                                                                                   Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence                 organizations, financial institutions,
                                                                                                                   Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585–                     non-profit organizations, educational
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                           0121. Chris.Early@ee.doe.gov.                         institutions, nonprofit organizations,
                                                                                                                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This                       energy program administrators and
                                                    Office of Energy Efficiency and                                                                                      implementers, Home Performance with
                                                    Renewable Energy                                               information collection request contains:
                                                                                                                   (1) OMB No. New; (2) Information                      ENERGY STAR sponsors, state or local
                                                    Proposed Agency Information                                    Collection Request Title: Programs for                government energy offices or agencies,
                                                    Collection                                                     Improving Energy Efficiency in                        clean energy non-profits with existing
                                                                                                                   Residential Buildings (3) Type of                     residential energy programs and other
                                                    AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and                        Request: New; (4) Purpose: The                        organizations who believe peer sharing
                                                    Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of                           proposed collection will enable DOE to                will help them improve their
                                                    Energy.                                                        understand the universe of                            effectiveness in encouraging
                                                    ACTION: Notice and request for                                 organizations participating in four                   homeowners to complete energy
                                                    comments.                                                      voluntary programs: Zero Energy Ready                 upgrades. DOE proposes to collect
                                                                                                                   Home Program, the Better Buildings                    information about the participants such
                                                    SUMMARY:    The Department of Energy                                                                                 as their names and addresses, their
                                                    (DOE) invites public comment on a                              Residential Network, the Home Energy
                                                                                                                   Score, and the Home Performance with                  evaluations of training they received
                                                    proposed collection of information that                                                                              about the programs, descriptions of their
                                                    DOE is developing for submission to the                        ENERGY STAR Program (HPwES). The
                                                                                                                   DOE published a notice and request for                qualifications to conduct training for the
                                                    Office of Management and Budget
                                                                                                                   comments for 60 days related to this                  programs, their plans to get people to
                                                    (OMB) pursuant to the Paperwork
                                                                                                                   current request to collect information on             participate in the programs, their
                                                    Reduction Act of 1995. Comments are
                                                                                                                   May 15, 2014 (79 FR 27867) and                        certifications describing how they can
                                                    invited on: (a) Whether the proposed
                                                                                                                   received no comments. That notice                     assess homes, estimates of how many
                                                    collection of information is necessary
                                                                                                                   asked for comments for four voluntary                 homes they can get to participate in the
                                                    for the proper performance of the
                                                                                                                   programs at DOE, three of which are the               programs, and information about the
                                                    functions of the agency, including
                                                                                                                   same as for this current request for                  homes. The collected information will
                                                    whether the information shall have
                                                                                                                   clearance and one is different. The DOE               help DOE understand the participating
                                                    practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
                                                                                                                   decided not to collect information for                partners’ activities and progress toward
                                                    agency’s estimate of the burden of the
                                                                                                                   one of the four programs that was part                achieving scheduled milestones
                                                    proposed collection of information,
                                                                                                                   of that May 15, 2014 request for                      enabling DOE to make decisions about
                                                    including the validity of the
                                                                                                                   comments, the Building America                        the best way to run the programs and
                                                    methodology and assumptions used; (c)
                                                                                                                   Program. The DOE, however, is adding                  respond to partners’ needs to improve
                                                    ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                                                                                   the HPwES program to this current                     their operations and actions to lower
                                                    clarity of the information to be
                                                                                                                   request for comments. The purpose of                  energy consumption. The portion of the
                                                    collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
                                                                                                                   this 15 day notice and request for                    HPwES Program for which DOE is
                                                    burden of the collection of information
                                                                                                                   comments is to again request public                   requesting comments was run by EPA.
                                                    on respondents, including through the
                                                                                                                   comments on the three programs that                   The operation of part of the HPwES
                                                    use of automated collection techniques
                                                                                                                   were in the earlier 60 day notice and                 program is to be transferred to the DOE
                                                    or other forms of information
                                                                                                                   request for comments and also request                 from the Environmental Protection
                                                                                                                   comments on the HPwES program                         Agency (EPA). The DOE intends to
                                                    DATES: Comments regarding this                                 which was not included in that earlier                operate HPwES substantially similarly
                                                    proposed information collection must                           60 day FR notice. Through these four                  to the way EPA operates the program.
                                                    be received on or before November 10,                          programs DOE encourages and assists                   The difference in estimates of numbers
                                                    2015. If you anticipate difficulty in                          the people and organizations that                     of responses, number of respondents,
                                                    submitting comments within that                                volunteer to participate in them to build             burden hours, and costs to respond
                                                    period, contact the person listed in                           and renovate new and existing houses to               between the HPwES that was approved
                                                    ADDRESSES as soon as possible.                                 use less energy. The program partners                 by OMB for EPA and the one requested
                                                    ADDRESSES: Written comments may be                             who voluntarily participate in the                    to be approved by DOE are minor. The
                                                    sent to Mr. Chris Early, U.S. Department                       programs consist of most of the actors in             OMB did give the EPA clearance for
                                                    of Energy, Building Technologies Office,                       the home building industry including                  collection of information in the HPwES
                                                    Mail Stop EE–5B, Forrestal Building,                           home owners, home builders, home                      program on August 14, 2014. OMB gave
                                                    1000 Independence Avenue SW.,                                  builder tradesman and associations,                   it the ICR Control Number 2060–0586.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    Washington, DC 20585–0121 or by fax at                         home design professionals, students in                EPA did not receive any comments in
                                                    202–586–4617 or by email at                                    architecture and related building                     either the 30 or 60 day Federal Register
                                                    Chris.Early@ee.doe.gov.                                        construction industries, home energy                  Notices for that collection of
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                               raters, home energy auditors, home                    information; (5) Annual Estimated
                                                    Requests for additional information or                         inspectors, building consultants,                     Number of Respondents: 11,585. (6)
                                                    copies of the information collection                           manufacturers of building products,                   Annual Estimated Number of Total
                                                    instrument and instructions should be                          professional trainers, utility companies,             Responses: 46,909. (7) Annual
                                                    directed to Mr. Chris Early, U.S.                              home building and manufacturing                       Estimated Number of Burden Hours:

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014       18:53 Oct 23, 2015      Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00028   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26OCN1.SGM   26OCN1

                                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 206 / Monday, October 26, 2015 / Notices                                                65223

                                                    22,926. (8) Annual Estimated Reporting                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT                       and special condition 29 in O1669 are
                                                    and Recordkeeping Cost Burden: zero                     section to view copies of the final Order,            improper; and (8) The proposed permits
                                                    dollars. DOE estimates that there are no                petitions, and other supporting                       must clarify that credible evidence may
                                                    additional costs to respondents                         information. You may view the hard                    be used by citizens to enforce the terms
                                                    associated with the surveys other than                  copies Monday through Friday, from                    and conditions of the permits. The
                                                    the costs associated with the burden                    9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., excluding                     claims are described in detail in Section
                                                    hours.                                                  Federal holidays. If you wish to                      IV of the Order.
                                                      Statutory Authority: The U.S. Code, Title             examine these documents, you should                     Pursuant to sections 505(b) and 505(e)
                                                    42, Chapter 149, Subchapter IX, Part A,                 make an appointment at least 24 hours                 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7661d(b)
                                                    Section 16191—Energy Efficiency.                        before the visiting day. Additionally, the            and (e)) and 40 CFR 70.7(g) and 70.8(d),
                                                                                                            final September 24, 2015 Order is                     the Texas Commission on
                                                      Issued in Washington, DC, on October 2,
                                                    2015.                                                   available electronically at: http://                  Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has 90
                                                                                                            www2.epa.gov/title-v-operating-permits/               days from the receipt of the
                                                    Roland J. Risser,
                                                                                                            order-responding-2014-petition-                       Administrator’s order to resolve the
                                                    Director, Building Technologies Office,
                                                                                                            requesting-administrator-object-deer-                 objections identified in Claims 2., 3.B.,
                                                    Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
                                                                                                            park.                                                 3.C., and 6. of the Order and submit a
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–27202 Filed 10–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      proposed determination or termination,
                                                    BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                                                                            Aimee Wilson at (214) 665–7596, email                 modification, or revocation and
                                                                                                            address: wilson.aimee@epa.gov or the                  reissuance of the Shell Deer Park title V
                                                                                                            above EPA, Region 6 address.                          permits in accordance with EPA’s
                                                    ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                                                                      objections. The Order issued on
                                                    AGENCY                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The CAA
                                                                                                            affords EPA a 45-day period to review,                September 24, 2015 responds to the
                                                    [FRL–9936–18—Region 6]                                  and object, as appropriate, to a title V              Petitions and explains the basis for
                                                                                                            operating permit proposed by a state                  EPA’s decisions.
                                                    Clean Air Act Operating Permit                          permitting authority. Section 505(b)(2)                 Dated: October 15, 2015.
                                                    Program; Petition for Objection to                      of the CAA authorizes any person to                   Samuel Coleman,
                                                    State Operating Permits for Shell                       petition the EPA Administrator, within
                                                    Chemical LP Deer Park Chemical Plant                                                                          Acting Regional Administrator, Region 6.
                                                                                                            60 days after the expiration of this                  [FR Doc. 2015–27161 Filed 10–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    and Shell Oil Company Deer Park                         review period, to object to a title V
                                                    Refinery in Texas                                       operating permit if EPA has not done so.
                                                                                                                                                                  BILLING CODE 6560–50–P

                                                    AGENCY: Environmental Protection                        Petitions must be based only on
                                                    Agency (EPA).                                           objections to the permit that were raised             ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                    ACTION: Notice of final action.                         with reasonable specificity during the                AGENCY
                                                                                                            public comment period provided by the
                                                    SUMMARY:    Pursuant to Clean Air Act                   state, unless the petitioner demonstrates             [FRL 9936–15–OA]
                                                    (CAA) Section 505(b)(2) and 40 CFR                      that it was impracticable to raise such
                                                    70.8(d), the EPA Administrator signed                   objections during the comment period                  Notification of a Public Teleconference
                                                    an Order, dated September 24, 2015,                     or unless the grounds for the objection               of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory
                                                    granting in part and denying in part two                arose after this period.                              Committee Secondary National
                                                    petitions asking EPA to object to                          The Petitioners maintain that the                  Ambient Air Quality Standards Review
                                                    operating permits issued by the Texas                   Shell Deer Park title V operating permits             Panel for Oxides of Nitrogen and
                                                    Commission on Environmental Quality                     are inconsistent with the Act based on                Sulfur
                                                    for Shell Chemical LP’s Deer Park                       the following contentions: (1) The
                                                    Chemical Plant and Shell Oil                            proposed permits’ incorporation by                    AGENCY: Environmental Protection
                                                    Company’s Deer Park Refinery (Title V                   reference of minor NSR authorizations                 Agency (EPA).
                                                    operating permit numbers O1668 and                      fails to assure compliance; (2) The                   ACTION: Notice.
                                                    O1669). The EPA’s September 24, 2015                    proposed permits’ incorporation by
                                                    Order responds to the two petitions,                    reference of permits by rule fails to                 SUMMARY:   The Environmental Protection
                                                    dated May 19, 2014, submitted by the                    assure compliance; (3) The proposed                   Agency (EPA) Science Advisory Board
                                                    Environmental Integrity Project (EIP),                  permits fail to require monitoring,                   (SAB) Staff Office announces a public
                                                    Sierra Club, and Air Alliance Houston.                  recordkeeping, and reporting sufficient               teleconference of the Clean Air
                                                    Sections 307(b) and 505(b)(2) of the                    to assure compliance with applicable                  Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)
                                                    CAA provide that a petitioner may ask                   requirements; (4) The proposed permit                 Secondary National Ambient Air
                                                    for judicial review by the United States                for the Deer Park Refinery                            Quality Standards (NAAQS) Review
                                                    Court of Appeals for the appropriate                    impermissibly uses the permit shield                  Panel for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur
                                                    circuit of those portions of the Order                  provisions; (5) The proposed permits                  to peer review EPA’s Integrated Review
                                                    that deny issues raised in the petition.                fail to require Shell to obtain SIP-                  Plan (IRP) for the Secondary (welfare-
                                                    Any petition for review shall be filed                  approved authorizations for qualified                 based) National Ambient Air Quality
                                                    within 60 days from the date this notice                facilities changes; (6) The proposed                  Standards for Oxides of Nitrogen and
                                                    appears in the Federal Register,                        permit for the Chemical Plant fails to                Oxides of Sulfur.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    pursuant to section 307(b) of the CAA.                  address Shell’s non-compliance with 30                DATES: The CASAC Secondary NAAQS
                                                    ADDRESSES: You may review copies of                     Texas Administrative Code section                     Review Panel for Oxides of Nitrogen
                                                    the final Order, the petition, and other                116.116(d), which requires PBRs for                   and Sulfur will hold a teleconference on
                                                    supporting information at EPA Region 6,                 previously permitted facilities to be                 Tuesday December 1, 2015 from 1:00
                                                    1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202–                  incorporated into existing permits on                 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard
                                                    2733.                                                   renewal or amendment; (7) The                         Time).
                                                      EPA requests that if at all possible,                 Executive Director’s revision to draft                  Location: The public teleconference
                                                    you contact the individual listed in the                permits’ special condition 28 in O1668                will take place by telephone only.

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:53 Oct 23, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00029   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\26OCN1.SGM   26OCN1

Document Created: 2018-02-27 08:56:12
Document Modified: 2018-02-27 08:56:12
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice and request for comments.
DatesComments regarding this proposed information collection must be received on or before November 10, 2015. If you anticipate difficulty in submitting comments within that period, contact the person listed in
ContactRequests for additional information or copies of the information collection instrument and instructions should be directed to Mr. Chris Early, U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office, Mail Stop EE-5B, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-0121. [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 65222 

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