80_FR_65901 80 FR 65694 - Streamlining Summary Level 070 Tables in the 5-Year American Community Survey

80 FR 65694 - Streamlining Summary Level 070 Tables in the 5-Year American Community Survey

Bureau of the Census

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 207 (October 27, 2015)

Page Range65694-65695
FR Document2015-27280

The Census Bureau hereby announces that it will streamline the production and release of American Community Survey (ACS) Summary Level 070 tables (state/county/county subdivision/place remainder (or part)) to the 15 tables necessary for the delineation of metropolitan, micropolitan, and related statistical areas as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The ACS collects detailed demographic, social, economic, and housing data from about 3.5 million addresses in the United States and 36,000 in Puerto Rico each year. Annual data products are released in the form of 1-Year and 5-Year estimates with 5-Year estimates being produced for over 578,000 geographies by 87 different summary levels. Most summary levels and their corresponding geographies are then produced for approximately 1,000 detailed tables. As a cost-saving measure and to improve the usability of the estimates, the Census Bureau has decided to streamline the production and release of Summary Level 070 tables to the 15 tables necessary for delineation. Based on data user analytics, customer feedback, and responses from an earlier Federal Register Notice (June 5, 2015; 80 FR 32084) soliciting comments on the streamlining of the summary level, we believe that the streamlining of this summary level will not have a significant impact to our data users. Therefore, beginning in December 2015, the Census Bureau will be tabulating and releasing only those 15 tables for Summary Level 070 that are necessary for the delineation of metropolitan, micropolitan, and related statistical areas (particularly for identification of New England City and Town Area principal cities), commuting analysis, and basic demographic and housing analysis.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 207 (Tuesday, October 27, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 207 (Tuesday, October 27, 2015)]
[Pages 65694-65695]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-27280]



Bureau of the Census

[Docket Number 151008932-5932-01]

Streamlining Summary Level 070 Tables in the 5-Year American 
Community Survey

AGENCY: Bureau of the Census, Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of Final Program.


SUMMARY: The Census Bureau hereby announces that it will streamline the 
production and release of American Community Survey (ACS) Summary Level 
070 tables (state/county/county subdivision/place remainder (or part)) 
to the 15 tables necessary for the delineation of metropolitan, 
micropolitan, and related statistical areas as defined by the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB). The ACS collects detailed demographic, 
social, economic, and housing data from about 3.5 million addresses in 
the United States and 36,000 in Puerto Rico each year. Annual data 
products are released in the form of 1-Year and 5-Year estimates with 
5-Year estimates being produced for over 578,000 geographies by 87 
different summary levels. Most summary levels and their corresponding 
geographies are then produced for approximately 1,000 detailed tables. 
As a cost-saving measure and to improve the usability of the estimates, 
the Census Bureau has decided to streamline the production and release 
of Summary Level 070 tables to the 15 tables necessary for delineation. 
Based on data user analytics, customer feedback, and responses from an 
earlier Federal Register Notice (June 5, 2015; 80 FR 32084) soliciting 
comments on the streamlining of the summary level, we believe that the 
streamlining of this summary level will not have a significant impact 
to our data users. Therefore, beginning in December 2015, the Census 
Bureau will be tabulating and releasing only those 15 tables for 
Summary Level 070 that are necessary for the delineation of 
metropolitan, micropolitan, and related statistical

[[Page 65695]]

areas (particularly for identification of New England City and Town 
Area principal cities), commuting analysis, and basic demographic and 
housing analysis.

DATES: This Notice will be effective on December 10, 2015.

Bureau, Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division, Washington, 
DC 20233, by phone at 301-763-3493 or via email at 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Beginning with the 2010-2014 ACS 5-Year 
tables, the Census Bureau will streamline the production and release of 
Summary Level 070 tables (state/county/county subdivision/place 
remainder (or part)) to the 15 tables necessary for the delineation of 
metropolitan, micropolitan, and related statistical areas (particularly 
for identification of New England City and Town Area principal cities) 
by OMB, for other commuting analysis, and for basic demographic and 
housing analysis. The Census Bureau conducts the ACS program under 13 
U.S.C. Sections 141 and 193. Streamlining the tables in this summary 
level will save the Census Bureau over $100,000 over a 5-Year period.
    The Census Bureau has been reviewing and documenting the utility of 
releasing Summary Level 070 for all 1,000 tables for several years. In 
our last release, this summary level was produced for 69,939 unique 
geographies for about 1,000 tables with approximately 70 percent of all 
estimates produced as zero since place parts in county subdivisions 
represent very small areas. Not only is the data quality insufficient 
for many of the individual geographies, but very few data users are 
accessing the tables on American FactFinder or the summary files on the 
Census File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site. Further, based on user 
feedback, we have increasing concern that data users may be using the 
summary level incorrectly, mistaking these place parts in county 
subdivisions for place-level geographies.
    Since the ACS was created as the replacement for the Census long-
form, the ACS began by producing the same summary levels that were 
produced in Census 2000. The purpose of Summary Level 070 (state/
county/county subdivision/place remainder (or part)) is for the 
delineation of metropolitan, micropolitan, and related statistical 
areas under OMB standards. However, not all of the 1,000 detailed 
tables being produced for this summary level are needed for 
delineation. The Census Bureau has identified ten commuting tables 
necessary for the delineation process and for other commuting analysis, 
and five basic demographic and housing tables necessary for the 
tabulation of the summary level.
    The 15 tables available for Summary Level 070 include:
    1. B01001--Sex by Age
    2. B01003--Total Population
    3. B02001--Race
    4. B08007--Sex of Workers by Place of Work--State and County Level
    5. B08008--Sex of Workers by Place of Work--Place Level
    6. B08009--Sex of Workers by Place of Work--Minor Civil Division 
Level for 12 Selected States (CT, ME, MA, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, 
    7. B08301--Means of Transportation to Work
    8. B08302--Time Leaving Home to Go to Work
    9. B08303--Travel Time to Work
    10. B08601--Means of Transportation to Work for Workplace Geography
    11. B08602--Time Arriving at Work from Home for Workplace Geography
    12. B08603--Travel Time to Work for Workplace Geography
    13. B08604--Worker Population for Workplace Geography
    14. B25001--Housing Units
    15. B25003--Tenure
    Due to limited resources available to produce the full product 
package and limited user need, the Census Bureau has concluded that it 
will only produce the 15 tables above for Summary Level 070. If 
additional estimates are needed from this summary level, data users are 
encouraged to use block group or tract-level data, which will continue 
to be available on American FactFinder, the Census Application 
Programming Interface (API), and the summary files on the FTP site. 
Data are available at: http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml.

Summary of Comments Received and the Response of the Census Bureau

    The Census Bureau published a Notice and Request for Comments on 
streamlining tables for Summary Level 070 in the Federal Register on 
June 5, 2015 (80 FR 32084). In response to the notice, the Census 
Bureau received only one comment. The comment was from a data user 
requesting that all tables currently produced for this summary level 
continue to be made available. The data user argued that this summary 
level provided useful estimates for those incorporated villages in the 
12 minor civil divisions in New York state that are dependent within 
towns, but not necessarily contained completely within a single town 
and can cross town boundaries. For those incorporated villages, 
estimates would not be available. These estimates could be helpful to 
local governments that include place parts in county subdivisions. 
However, individual local governments have not expressed any interest 
in keeping these estimates available.
    In response to the commenter, the Census Bureau explained that due 
to budgetary constraints to the ACS, we could not continue to produce 
all tables for a summary level with so many geographies that so few 
people were using when the majority of the estimates were zero. 
However, 15 tables will continue to be produced for that summary level, 
which will provide basic demographic, housing, and commuting analysis 
as well as those tables necessary for the delineation of metropolitan, 
micropolitan, and related statistical areas (particularly for 
identification of New England City and Town Area principal cities) by 
OMB. Based on the singular user response, the Census Bureau determined 
that the need for this summary level was not substantial enough to 
warrant expenditure of the resources needed to produce it. Therefore, 
the Census Bureau determined that the original 15 tables selected to 
continue to be produced in Summary Level 070 were sufficient, and no 
other tables were added.
    The Census Bureau believes that these tables are sufficient for 
data user needs for this summary level. For data users who are 
accustomed to using Summary Level 070 tables, the Census Bureau 
suggests using block group or tract-level data, which will continue to 
be released annually through American FactFinder, Census API, and the 
summary files on the FTP site. By releasing only a few key demographic, 
social, and housing tables for this summary level, the Census Bureau 
believes that we are still meeting the true purpose, and maintaining 
the integrity, of Summary Level 070 tables while substantially reducing 
resources needed for the full production of the product.

    Dated: October 20, 2015.
John H. Thompson,
Director, Bureau of the Census.
[FR Doc. 2015-27280 Filed 10-26-15; 8:45 am]

                                              65694                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 207 / Tuesday, October 27, 2015 / Notices

                                              Rural Utilities Service                                 (OMB) Circular A–129, Policies for                     Number of Respondents: 1.
                                                 Title: Lien Accommodations and                       Federal Credit Programs and Non-tax                    Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
                                              Subordinations 7 CFR part 1717,                         Receivable, states that agencies must                 On occasion.
                                                                                                      base on a review of a loan application                 Total Burden Hours: 2.
                                              subparts R and S.
                                                 OMB Control Number: 0572–0100.                       determine that an applicant complies                  Charlene Parker,
                                                 Summary of Collection: The Rural                     with statutory, regulatory, and
                                                                                                                                                            Departmental Information Collection
                                              Electrification Act (RE Act) of 1936, 7                 administrative eligibility requirements               Clearance Officer.
                                              U.S.C. 901 et seq., as amended,                         for loan assistance.
                                                                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2015–27285 Filed 10–26–15; 8:45 am]
                                              authorizes and empowers the                                Need and Use of the Information:
                                                                                                      RUS will collect information to                       BILLING CODE 3410–15–P
                                              Administrator of the Rural Utilities
                                              Service (RUS) to make loans in the                      streamline procedures and allow
                                              several States and Territories of the                   borrowers the flexibility to meet new
                                                                                                      business challenges and opportunities.                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                              United States for rural electrification
                                              and the furnishing electric energy to                   The information is necessary for RUS to
                                                                                                      conduct business with successor entity                Bureau of the Census
                                              persons in rural areas who are not
                                              receiving central station service. The RE               while protecting the security of                      [Docket Number 151008932–5932–01]
                                              Act also authorizes and empowers the                    Government loans and avoiding defaults
                                                                                                      and to grant merger approval when                     Streamlining Summary Level 070
                                              Administrator of RUS to provide                                                                               Tables in the 5-Year American
                                              financial assistance to borrowers for                   required.
                                                                                                         Description of Respondents: Business               Community Survey
                                              purposes provided in the RE Act by
                                                                                                      or other for-profit.
                                              accommodating or subordinating loans                                                                          AGENCY: Bureau of the Census,
                                                                                                         Number of Respondents: 10.
                                              made by the National Rural Utilities                       Frequency of Responses: Reporting:                 Commerce.
                                              Cooperative Finance Corporation, the                    On occasion.                                          ACTION: Notice of Final Program.
                                              Federal Financing Bank, and other                          Total Burden Hours: 140.
                                              lending agencies.                                                                                             SUMMARY:   The Census Bureau hereby
                                                 Need and Use of the Information:                     Rural Utilities Service                               announces that it will streamline the
                                              RUS will use the information to                            Title: Use of Consultants Funded by                production and release of American
                                              determine an applicant’s eligibility for a              Borrowers, 7 CFR 1789.                                Community Survey (ACS) Summary
                                              lien accommodation or lien                                 OMB Control Number: 0572–0115.                     Level 070 tables (state/county/county
                                              subordination under the RE Act;                            Summary of Collection: The Rural                   subdivision/place remainder (or part))
                                              facilitates an applicant’s solicitation and             Utilities Service (RUS) is a credit agency            to the 15 tables necessary for the
                                              acquisition of non-RUS loans as to                      of the Department of Agriculture that                 delineation of metropolitan,
                                              converse available Government funds;                    makes mortgage loans and loan                         micropolitan, and related statistical
                                              monitor the compliance of borrowers                     guarantees to finance electric,                       areas as defined by the Office of
                                              with debt covenants and regulatory                      telecommunications, and water and                     Management and Budget (OMB). The
                                              requirements in order to protect loan                   waste facilities in rural areas. The loan             ACS collects detailed demographic,
                                              security; and subsequently to granting                  programs are managed in accordance                    social, economic, and housing data from
                                              the lien accommodation or lien                          with the Rural Electrification Act (RE                about 3.5 million addresses in the
                                              subordination, administer each so as to                 Act) of 1936, 7 U.S.C. 901 et seq., as                United States and 36,000 in Puerto Rico
                                              minimize its cost to the Government. If                 amended, and as prescribed by Office of               each year. Annual data products are
                                              the information were not collected, RUS                 Management and Budget Circular A–                     released in the form of 1-Year and 5-
                                              would not be able to accomplish its                     129, Policies for Federal Credit                      Year estimates with 5-Year estimates
                                              statutory goals.                                        Programs and Non-Tax Receivable,                      being produced for over 578,000
                                                 Description of Respondents: Not-for-                 which states that agencies must, based                geographies by 87 different summary
                                              profit institutions; Business or other for-             on a review of a loan application,                    levels. Most summary levels and their
                                              profit.                                                 determine that an applicant complies                  corresponding geographies are then
                                                 Number of Respondents: 15.                           with statutory, regulatory, and                       produced for approximately 1,000
                                                 Frequency of Responses: Reporting:                   administrative eligibility requirements               detailed tables. As a cost-saving
                                              On occasion.                                            for loan assistance. RUS has the                      measure and to improve the usability of
                                                 Total Burden Hours: 290.                             authority to use consultants voluntarily              the estimates, the Census Bureau has
                                                                                                      funded by borrowers for financial, legal,             decided to streamline the production
                                              Rural Utilities Service                                                                                       and release of Summary Level 070
                                                                                                      engineering, and other technical
                                                 Title: 7 CFR 1717 Subpart D, Mergers                 services. However, all RUS borrowers                  tables to the 15 tables necessary for
                                              and Consolidations of Electric                          are eligible to fund consultant services              delineation. Based on data user
                                              Borrowers.                                              but are not required to fund consultants.             analytics, customer feedback, and
                                                 OMB Control Number: 0572–0114.                          Need and Use of the Information:                   responses from an earlier Federal
                                                 Summary of Collection: The Rural                     RUS will collect information to                       Register Notice (June 5, 2015; 80 FR
                                              Utilities Service (RUS) is a credit agency              determine whether it is appropriate to                32084) soliciting comments on the
                                              of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It               use a consultant voluntarily funded by                streamlining of the summary level, we
                                              makes mortgage loans and loan                           the borrower to expedite a particular                 believe that the streamlining of this
                                              guarantees to finance electric,                         borrower application. If the information              summary level will not have a
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              telecommunications, water and waste                     were not submitted, RUS would be                      significant impact to our data users.
                                              and water facilities in rural areas. Loan               unable to determine if using a                        Therefore, beginning in December 2015,
                                              programs are managed in accordance                      consultant would accelerate the specific              the Census Bureau will be tabulating
                                              with the Rural Electrification Act (RE                  application process.                                  and releasing only those 15 tables for
                                              Act) of 1936, 7 U.S.C. 901 et seq., as                     Description of Respondents: Not-for-               Summary Level 070 that are necessary
                                              amended and as prescribed by the                        profit institutions; Business or other for-           for the delineation of metropolitan,
                                              Office of Management and Budget                         profit.                                               micropolitan, and related statistical

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:58 Oct 26, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00008   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\27OCN1.SGM   27OCN1

                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 207 / Tuesday, October 27, 2015 / Notices                                               65695

                                              areas (particularly for identification of               produced for this summary level are                   civil divisions in New York state that
                                              New England City and Town Area                          needed for delineation. The Census                    are dependent within towns, but not
                                              principal cities), commuting analysis,                  Bureau has identified ten commuting                   necessarily contained completely within
                                              and basic demographic and housing                       tables necessary for the delineation                  a single town and can cross town
                                              analysis.                                               process and for other commuting                       boundaries. For those incorporated
                                              DATES:  This Notice will be effective on                analysis, and five basic demographic                  villages, estimates would not be
                                              December 10, 2015.                                      and housing tables necessary for the                  available. These estimates could be
                                                                                                      tabulation of the summary level.                      helpful to local governments that
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                         The 15 tables available for Summary                include place parts in county
                                              KaNin Reese, Room 7H176F, U.S.
                                                                                                      Level 070 include:                                    subdivisions. However, individual local
                                              Census Bureau, Social, Economic, and
                                                                                                         1. B01001—Sex by Age                               governments have not expressed any
                                              Housing Statistics Division,
                                              Washington, DC 20233, by phone at                          2. B01003—Total Population                         interest in keeping these estimates
                                              301–763–3493 or via email at                               3. B02001—Race                                     available.
                                              kanin.l.reese@census.gov.                                  4. B08007—Sex of Workers by Place
                                                                                                      of Work—State and County Level                          In response to the commenter, the
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Beginning                                                                          Census Bureau explained that due to
                                                                                                         5. B08008—Sex of Workers by Place
                                              with the 2010–2014 ACS 5-Year tables,                                                                         budgetary constraints to the ACS, we
                                                                                                      of Work—Place Level
                                              the Census Bureau will streamline the                                                                         could not continue to produce all tables
                                              production and release of Summary                          6. B08009—Sex of Workers by Place
                                                                                                      of Work—Minor Civil Division Level for                for a summary level with so many
                                              Level 070 tables (state/county/county                                                                         geographies that so few people were
                                              subdivision/place remainder (or part))                  12 Selected States (CT, ME, MA, MI,
                                                                                                      MN, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, WI)                       using when the majority of the estimates
                                              to the 15 tables necessary for the                                                                            were zero. However, 15 tables will
                                              delineation of metropolitan,                               7. B08301—Means of Transportation
                                                                                                      to Work                                               continue to be produced for that
                                              micropolitan, and related statistical
                                                                                                         8. B08302—Time Leaving Home to Go                  summary level, which will provide
                                              areas (particularly for identification of
                                                                                                      to Work                                               basic demographic, housing, and
                                              New England City and Town Area
                                              principal cities) by OMB, for other                        9. B08303—Travel Time to Work                      commuting analysis as well as those
                                              commuting analysis, and for basic                          10. B08601—Means of Transportation                 tables necessary for the delineation of
                                              demographic and housing analysis. The                   to Work for Workplace Geography                       metropolitan, micropolitan, and related
                                              Census Bureau conducts the ACS                             11. B08602—Time Arriving at Work                   statistical areas (particularly for
                                              program under 13 U.S.C. Sections 141                    from Home for Workplace Geography                     identification of New England City and
                                              and 193. Streamlining the tables in this                   12. B08603—Travel Time to Work for                 Town Area principal cities) by OMB.
                                              summary level will save the Census                      Workplace Geography                                   Based on the singular user response, the
                                              Bureau over $100,000 over a 5-Year                         13. B08604—Worker Population for                   Census Bureau determined that the need
                                              period.                                                 Workplace Geography                                   for this summary level was not
                                                 The Census Bureau has been                              14. B25001—Housing Units                           substantial enough to warrant
                                              reviewing and documenting the utility                      15. B25003—Tenure                                  expenditure of the resources needed to
                                              of releasing Summary Level 070 for all                     Due to limited resources available to              produce it. Therefore, the Census
                                              1,000 tables for several years. In our last             produce the full product package and                  Bureau determined that the original 15
                                              release, this summary level was                         limited user need, the Census Bureau                  tables selected to continue to be
                                              produced for 69,939 unique geographies                  has concluded that it will only produce               produced in Summary Level 070 were
                                              for about 1,000 tables with                             the 15 tables above for Summary Level                 sufficient, and no other tables were
                                              approximately 70 percent of all                         070. If additional estimates are needed               added.
                                              estimates produced as zero since place                  from this summary level, data users are                 The Census Bureau believes that these
                                              parts in county subdivisions represent                  encouraged to use block group or tract-
                                                                                                                                                            tables are sufficient for data user needs
                                              very small areas. Not only is the data                  level data, which will continue to be
                                                                                                                                                            for this summary level. For data users
                                              quality insufficient for many of the                    available on American FactFinder, the
                                                                                                                                                            who are accustomed to using Summary
                                              individual geographies, but very few                    Census Application Programming
                                              data users are accessing the tables on                                                                        Level 070 tables, the Census Bureau
                                                                                                      Interface (API), and the summary files
                                              American FactFinder or the summary                      on the FTP site. Data are available at:               suggests using block group or tract-level
                                              files on the Census File Transfer                       http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/               data, which will continue to be released
                                              Protocol (FTP) site. Further, based on                  jsf/pages/index.xhtml.                                annually through American FactFinder,
                                              user feedback, we have increasing                                                                             Census API, and the summary files on
                                                                                                      Summary of Comments Received and                      the FTP site. By releasing only a few key
                                              concern that data users may be using the
                                                                                                      the Response of the Census Bureau                     demographic, social, and housing tables
                                              summary level incorrectly, mistaking
                                              these place parts in county subdivisions                   The Census Bureau published a                      for this summary level, the Census
                                              for place-level geographies.                            Notice and Request for Comments on                    Bureau believes that we are still meeting
                                                 Since the ACS was created as the                     streamlining tables for Summary Level                 the true purpose, and maintaining the
                                              replacement for the Census long-form,                   070 in the Federal Register on June 5,                integrity, of Summary Level 070 tables
                                              the ACS began by producing the same                     2015 (80 FR 32084). In response to the                while substantially reducing resources
                                              summary levels that were produced in                    notice, the Census Bureau received only               needed for the full production of the
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              Census 2000. The purpose of Summary                     one comment. The comment was from                     product.
                                              Level 070 (state/county/county                          a data user requesting that all tables                  Dated: October 20, 2015.
                                              subdivision/place remainder (or part)) is               currently produced for this summary
                                                                                                                                                            John H. Thompson,
                                              for the delineation of metropolitan,                    level continue to be made available. The
                                              micropolitan, and related statistical                   data user argued that this summary level              Director, Bureau of the Census.
                                              areas under OMB standards. However,                     provided useful estimates for those                   [FR Doc. 2015–27280 Filed 10–26–15; 8:45 am]
                                              not all of the 1,000 detailed tables being              incorporated villages in the 12 minor                 BILLING CODE 3510–07–P

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 15:35:55
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 15:35:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of Final Program.
DatesThis Notice will be effective on December 10, 2015.
ContactKaNin Reese, Room 7H176F, U.S. Census Bureau, Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics Division, Washington, DC 20233, by phone at 301-763-3493 or via email at [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 65694 

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