80_FR_67594 80 FR 67383 - New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings

80 FR 67383 - New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 211 (November 2, 2015)

Page Range67383-67384
FR Document2015-27835

The New England Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold one public hearing and one webinar to solicit Public comments on Draft Amendment 19 to the Scallop Fishery Management Plan (FMP).

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 211 (Monday, November 2, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 211 (Monday, November 2, 2015)]
[Pages 67383-67384]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-27835]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XE286

New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; public hearings.


SUMMARY: The New England Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold 
one public hearing and one webinar to solicit Public comments on Draft 
Amendment 19 to the Scallop Fishery Management Plan (FMP).

DATES: The webinar will be held on November 16, 2015 and the meeting 

[[Page 67384]]

be held on November 18, 2015. For specific dates and times, see 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. Written Public comments must be received on 
or before 5 p.m. EST, Friday, November 20, 2015.

ADDRESSES: The Public document can be obtained by contacting the New 
England Fishery Management Council, 50 Water Street, Mill 2, 
Newburyport, MA 01950 at (978) 465-0492 or on their Web site at http://www.nefmc.org/library/amendment-19-1.
    Meeting address: These meetings will be held in Warwick, RI, and 
via webinar. For specific locations, see SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.
    Public comments: Mail to John K. Bullard, Regional Administrator, 
NMFS, Northeast Regional Office, 55 Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, 
MA 01930. Mark the outside of the envelope ``Comments on Scallop 
Amendment 19''. Comments may also be sent via fax to (978) 281-9135 or 
submitted via email to nmfs.gar.Amendment19@ noaa.gov with ``Comments 
on Scallop Amendment 19'' in the subject line.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas Nies, Executive Director, New 
England Fishery Management Council; telephone: (978) 465-0492.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The agendas for the following hearings are 
as follows: New England Fishery Management Council staff will brief the 
public on the scallop amendment and the contents of the Draft 
Environmental Assessment prior to opening the hearing for public 
comments. The schedule is as follows:

Public Hearings: Locations, Schedules, and Agendas

    1. Monday, November 16, 2015, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; Webinar 
hearing, register to participate https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/682428445 Call in info: Toll: +1 (872) 240-3412, Access code 682-428-
    2. Wednesday, November 18, 2015, from 6-8 p.m.; Radisson Airport 
Hotel, 2081 Post Road, Warwick, RI 02886; telephone: (401) 739-3000; 
fax: (401) 732-9300.

Special Accommodations

    These meetings are physically accessible to people with 
disabilities. Requests for sign language interpretation or other 
auxiliary aids should be directed to Thomas Nies (see ADDRESSES), at 
least 5 working days prior to the meeting date.

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: October 28, 2015.
Jeffrey N. Lonergan,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National 
Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-27835 Filed 10-30-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 211 / Monday, November 2, 2015 / Notices                                                 67383

                                                    fsis/topics/international-affairs/                      and Sanitation SOPs. Therefore, to ship               (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.),
                                                    exporting-products/export-library-                      this product to Canada, establishments                should contact USDA’s TARGET Center
                                                    requirements-by-country.                                will need to comply with the                          at (202) 720–2600 (voice and TDD).
                                                                                                            requirements in 9 CFR part 417 and 9
                                                    AMS Testing Program                                                                                           Additional Public Notification
                                                                                                            CFR 416.11–.17.
                                                      AMS and FSIS have developed a                            By participating in the EV program                   Public awareness of all aspects of
                                                    collaborative testing program to verify                 and receiving voluntary inspection from               rulemaking and policy development is
                                                    pathogen control for closed-face                        FSIS (including verification of HACCP                 important. Consequently, FSIS will
                                                    sandwiches produced under FSIS                          plans and Sanitation SOPs),                           announce this Federal Register
                                                    voluntary inspection and intended for                   establishments that produce closed-face               publication on-line through the FSIS
                                                    export to Canada. This program, which                   sandwiches and that meet all FSIS and                 Web page located at: http://
                                                    AMS will administer, may eventually                     AMS EV program requirements will be                   www.fsis.usda.gov/federal-register.
                                                    include other RTE products. The                         able to meet Canada’s stated import                     FSIS also will make this publication
                                                    program will include two types of                       requirements for closed-faced                         available through the FSIS Constituent
                                                    testing, routine and intensified, to                    sandwiches. To receive these services,                Update, which is used to provide
                                                    ensure that participating establishments                establishments should contact FSIS at                 information regarding FSIS policies,
                                                    are controlling Lm and Salmonella.                      (202) 720–0082, or by email at                        procedures, regulations, Federal
                                                      For routine testing, AMS will                         importexport@fsis.usda.gov.                           Register notices, FSIS public meetings,
                                                    randomly select dates once per year                        Comments are invited on: (a) The                   and other types of information that
                                                    when product samples will be collected.                 timetable for implementation of this                  could affect or would be of interest to
                                                    FSIS will collect the product samples                   program, including readiness to                       our constituents and stakeholders. The
                                                    and pack them for shipment to the                       participate in the program’s pathogen                 Update is available on the FSIS Web
                                                    USDA National Science Laboratories in                   testing and HACCP verification, and                   page. Through the Web page, FSIS is
                                                    Gastonia, North Carolina. FSIS will                     business and trade interests affected by              able to provide information to a broad
                                                    collect six samples regardless of plant                 compliance or non-compliance with the                 and diverse audience. In addition, FSIS
                                                    size, production volume, or process                     program; (b) how the proposed                         offers an email subscription service
                                                    design. If an establishment produces                    programs can be implemented                           which provides automatic and
                                                    both post-lethality-exposed and non-                    operationally to avoid disruption of                  customized access to selected food
                                                    post-lethality-exposed products, six                    trade or business activities; and (c) any             safety news and information. This
                                                    product samples will be taken from the                  other operational issues that                         service is available at: http://
                                                    former and two from the latter. AMS                     commenters need clarified. FSIS will                  www.fsis.usda.gov/subscribe.
                                                    will analyze the samples for Lm and                     clarify any issues or make adjustments                Subscription options range from recalls
                                                    Salmonella and will require that                        to the implementation date of the                     to export information, regulations,
                                                    establishments hold or maintain control                 program in a Constituent Update.                      directives, and notices. Customers can
                                                    of the product until acceptable results                                                                       add or delete subscriptions themselves,
                                                    become available. If the product is                     USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
                                                                                                                                                                  and have the option to password protect
                                                    positive, the establishment will have to                  No agency, officer, or employee of the              their accounts.
                                                    properly dispose of the affected product                USDA shall, on the grounds of race,
                                                                                                                                                                    Done at Washington, DC, on October 28,
                                                    in accordance with FDA regulations.                     color, national origin, religion, sex,                2015.
                                                      At least once per year, AMS also will                 gender identity, sexual orientation,
                                                    select dates for intensified testing at a                                                                     Alfred V. Almanza,
                                                                                                            disability, age, marital status, family/
                                                    participating establishment. AMS will                                                                         Acting Administrator.
                                                                                                            parental status, income derived from a
                                                    also conduct this testing if it finds a                 public assistance program, or political               [FR Doc. 2015–27846 Filed 10–30–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    positive Lm or Salmonella result or in                  beliefs, exclude from participation in,               BILLING CODE 3410–DM–P
                                                    response to continuing sanitation non-                  deny the benefits of, or subject to
                                                    compliances at the establishment. The                   discrimination any person in the United
                                                    samples will vary in number depending                   States under any program or activity                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                    on whether product is being tested for                  conducted by the USDA.
                                                    Lm or Salmonella but will always                                                                              National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                    include environmental, product, and                     How To File a Complaint of                            Administration
                                                    food-contact-surface samples. AMS will                  Discrimination
                                                                                                                                                                  RIN 0648–XE286
                                                    collect the samples.                                       To file a complaint of discrimination,
                                                      For both types of testing, the                        complete the USDA Program                             New England Fishery Management
                                                    establishment will pay all costs for                    Discrimination Complaint Form, which                  Council; Public Meetings
                                                    sample collection, shipping, shipping                   may be accessed online at http://
                                                    materials, and analysis. See http://                    www.ocio.usda.gov/sites/default/files/                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                    www.ams.usda.gov/services/import-                       docs/2012/Complain_combined_6_8_                      Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                    exports/rte-canada for a full description               12.pdf, or write a letter signed by you               Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                    of the program, including sample                        or your authorized representative.                    Commerce.
                                                    collection and laboratory testing                          Send your completed complaint form                 ACTION: Notice; public hearings.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    methods.                                                or letter to USDA by mail, fax, or email:
                                                                                                               Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture,              SUMMARY: The New England Fishery
                                                    HACCP Verification                                                                                            Management Council (Council) will
                                                                                                            Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400
                                                      In order for the establishments to                    Independence Avenue SW.,                              hold one public hearing and one
                                                    meet Canada’s requirements for import                   Washington, DC 20250–9410.                            webinar to solicit Public comments on
                                                    of closed-face sandwiches, FSIS will                       Fax: (202) 690–7442.                               Draft Amendment 19 to the Scallop
                                                    offer voluntary inspection services and                    Email: program.intake@usda.gov.                    Fishery Management Plan (FMP).
                                                    will verify that the establishments are                    Persons with disabilities who require              DATES: The webinar will be held on
                                                    producing these products under HACCP                    alternative means for communication                   November 16, 2015 and the meeting will

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:55 Oct 30, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00002   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\02NON1.SGM   02NON1

                                                    67384                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 211 / Monday, November 2, 2015 / Notices

                                                    be held on November 18, 2015. For                         Dated: October 28, 2015.                            recommendations to the Groundfish
                                                    specific dates and times, see                           Jeffrey N. Lonergan,                                  Committee for FY 2016 Gulf of Maine
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. Written                      Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable         cod and Gulf of Maine haddock
                                                    Public comments must be received on or                  Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.         recreational measures. The panel will
                                                    before 5 p.m. EST, Friday, November 20,                 [FR Doc. 2015–27835 Filed 10–30–15; 8:45 am]          also develop recommendations to the
                                                    2015.                                                   BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                Groundfish Committee for 2016 Council
                                                                                                                                                                  priorities. Additionally, they will also
                                                    ADDRESSES:  The Public document can
                                                                                                                                                                  discuss GARFO’s Recreational
                                                    be obtained by contacting the New
                                                                                                            DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                Implementation Plan and develop
                                                    England Fishery Management Council,
                                                                                                                                                                  recommendations to the Groundfish
                                                    50 Water Street, Mill 2, Newburyport,                   National Oceanic and Atmospheric                      Committee. They will also discuss other
                                                    MA 01950 at (978) 465–0492 or on their                  Administration                                        business as necessary.
                                                    Web site at http://www.nefmc.org/                                                                                Although non-emergency issues not
                                                    library/amendment-19-1.                                 RIN 0648–XE279
                                                                                                                                                                  contained in this agenda may come
                                                       Meeting address: These meetings will                 New England Fishery Management                        before this group for discussion, those
                                                    be held in Warwick, RI, and via                         Council; Public Meeting                               issues may not be the subject of formal
                                                    webinar. For specific locations, see                                                                          action during this meeting. Action will
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.                              AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                    be restricted to those issues specifically
                                                                                                            Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                  listed in this notice and any issues
                                                       Public comments: Mail to John K.
                                                                                                            Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    arising after publication of this notice
                                                    Bullard, Regional Administrator, NMFS,
                                                                                                            Commerce.                                             that require emergency action under
                                                    Northeast Regional Office, 55 Great
                                                    Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930.                   ACTION: Notice; public meeting.                       section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens
                                                    Mark the outside of the envelope                                                                              Act, provided the public has been
                                                                                                            SUMMARY: The New England Fishery
                                                    ‘‘Comments on Scallop Amendment                                                                               notified of the Council’s intent to take
                                                                                                            Management Council (Council) is                       final action to address the emergency.
                                                    19’’. Comments may also be sent via fax                 scheduling a public meeting of its
                                                    to (978) 281–9135 or submitted via                      Recreational Advisory Panel to consider               Special Accommodations
                                                    email to nmfs.gar.Amendment19@                          actions affecting New England fisheries
                                                    noaa.gov with ‘‘Comments on Scallop                                                                             This meeting is physically accessible
                                                                                                            in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).                 to people with disabilities. Requests for
                                                    Amendment 19’’ in the subject line.                     Recommendations from this group will                  sign language interpretation or other
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        be brought to the full Council for formal             auxiliary aids should be directed to
                                                    Thomas Nies, Executive Director, New                    consideration and action, if appropriate.             Thomas A. Nies, Executive Director, at
                                                    England Fishery Management Council;                     DATES: This meeting will be held on                   (978) 465–0492, at least 5 days prior to
                                                    telephone: (978) 465–0492.                              Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 9:30                    the meeting date.
                                                                                                            a.m.                                                    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The
                                                    agendas for the following hearings are as               ADDRESSES:   The meeting will be held at                Dated: October 28, 2015.
                                                    follows: New England Fishery                            the DoubleTree by Hilton, 50 Ferncroft                Jeffrey N. Lonergan,
                                                    Management Council staff will brief the                 Road, Danvers, MA 01923; phone: (978)                 Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
                                                    public on the scallop amendment and                     777–2500; fax: (978) 750–7959.                        Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                    the contents of the Draft Environmental                   Council address: New England                        [FR Doc. 2015–27827 Filed 10–30–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    Assessment prior to opening the hearing                 Fishery Management Council, 50 Water
                                                                                                                                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                    for public comments. The schedule is as                 Street, Mill 2, Newburyport, MA 01950.
                                                    follows:                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                            Thomas A. Nies, Executive Director,                   DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                    Public Hearings: Locations, Schedules,
                                                                                                            New England Fishery Management
                                                    and Agendas
                                                                                                            Council; telephone: (978) 465–0492.                   National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                       1. Monday, November 16, 2015, from                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Administration
                                                    10 a.m.–12 p.m.; Webinar hearing,
                                                                                                            Agenda                                                Caribbean Fishery Management
                                                    register to participate https://
                                                                                                               The Advisory Panel will receive a                  Council; Public Hearings; Correction
                                                    Call in info: Toll: +1 (872) 240–3412,                  presentation on the results of the                    AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                    Access code 682–428–445.                                Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s                  Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                                                                                            (NEFSC) 2015 Groundfish Operational                   Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                       2. Wednesday, November 18, 2015,
                                                                                                            Assessments for Gulf of Maine cod, Gulf               Commerce.
                                                    from 6–8 p.m.; Radisson Airport Hotel,
                                                                                                            of Maine haddock, and other groundfish                ACTION: Notice of a correction to a
                                                    2081 Post Road, Warwick, RI 02886;
                                                                                                            stocks of interest to the recreational                public hearing on Amendments to the
                                                    telephone: (401) 739–3000; fax: (401)
                                                                                                            fishery. The panel will also receive an               U.S. Caribbean Reef Fish, Spiny Lobster,
                                                                                                            overview of draft alternatives in                     and Corals and Reef Associated Plants
                                                    Special Accommodations                                  Framework Adjustment 55 (FW 55)                       and Invertebrates Fishery Management
                                                                                                            specifications and management
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                      These meetings are physically                                                                               Plans: Timing of Accountability
                                                                                                            measures of interest to the recreational              Measure-Based Closures.
                                                    accessible to people with disabilities.                 fishery, and associated draft impact
                                                    Requests for sign language                              analysis. They will also review a                     SUMMARY: The Caribbean Fishery
                                                    interpretation or other auxiliary aids                  presentation on the results from                      Management Council (CFMC) is
                                                    should be directed to Thomas Nies (see                  NEFSC’s bioeconomic model for                         considering modifying the timing for the
                                                    ADDRESSES), at least 5 working days                     recreational fisheries for cod and                    implementation of accountability
                                                    prior to the meeting date.                              haddock in the Gulf of Maine. Also on                 measure (AM)-based closures in the
                                                       Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                    the agenda is to develop                              Caribbean Exclusive Economic Zone

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:55 Oct 30, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00003   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\02NON1.SGM   02NON1

Document Created: 2018-03-01 11:29:23
Document Modified: 2018-03-01 11:29:23
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; public hearings.
DatesThe webinar will be held on November 16, 2015 and the meeting will be held on November 18, 2015. For specific dates and times, see SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. Written Public comments must be received on or before 5 p.m. EST, Friday, November 20, 2015.
ContactThomas Nies, Executive Director, New England Fishery Management Council; telephone: (978) 465-0492.
FR Citation80 FR 67383 
RIN Number0648-XE28

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