80_FR_69870 80 FR 69653 - Notice of Opportunity To Provide Information on Existing Programs That Protect Water Quality From Forest Road Discharges

80 FR 69653 - Notice of Opportunity To Provide Information on Existing Programs That Protect Water Quality From Forest Road Discharges


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 217 (November 10, 2015)

Page Range69653-69660
FR Document2015-28649

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) solicits public input and information on existing public and private sector programs that address stormwater discharges from forest roads. This information will assist EPA in responding to the remand in Environmental Defense Center, Inc. v. U.S. EPA, 344 F.2d 832 (9th Cir. 2003) that requires EPA to consider whether the Clean Water Act requires the Agency to regulate forest roads. This notice does not imply that EPA has made any decision to do so. EPA is considering the implementation, effectiveness, and scope of existing programs in addressing water quality impacts attributable to stormwater discharges from forest roads prior to making any decision. The Agency plans to assess a variety of existing programs, including federal, state, local, tribal, third party certifications, and combinations of these approaches, as well as voluntary best management practices (BMP)-based approaches. In preparing its response to the remand, EPA is coordinating with other federal agencies, and will assess whether any additional stormwater controls are called for, consistent with federal law, including the recent 2014 amendments to the Clean Water Act.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 217 (Tuesday, November 10, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 217 (Tuesday, November 10, 2015)]
[Pages 69653-69660]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-28649]



[EPA-HQ-OW-2015-0668; FRL-9936-78-OW]

Notice of Opportunity To Provide Information on Existing Programs 
That Protect Water Quality From Forest Road Discharges

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) solicits public 
input and information on existing public and private sector programs 
that address stormwater discharges from forest roads. This information 
will assist EPA in responding to the remand in Environmental Defense 
Center, Inc. v. U.S. EPA, 344 F.2d 832 (9th Cir. 2003) that requires 
EPA to consider whether the Clean Water Act requires the Agency to 
regulate forest roads. This notice does not imply that EPA has made any 
decision to do so. EPA is considering the implementation, 
effectiveness, and scope of existing programs in addressing water 
quality impacts attributable to stormwater discharges from forest roads 
prior to making any decision. The Agency plans to assess a variety of 
existing programs, including federal, state, local, tribal, third party 
certifications, and combinations of these approaches, as well as 
voluntary best management practices (BMP)-based approaches. In 
preparing its response to the remand, EPA is coordinating with other 
federal agencies, and will assess whether any additional stormwater 
controls are called for, consistent with federal law, including the 
recent 2014 amendments to the Clean Water Act.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before January 11, 2016.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-
2015-0668, to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting 
comments. Once submitted, comments cannot be edited or removed from 
Regulations.gov. EPA may publish any comment received to its public 
docket. Do not submit electronically any information you consider to be 
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose 
disclosure is restricted by statute. Multimedia submissions (audio, 
video, etc.) must be accompanied by a written comment. The written 
comment is considered the official comment and should include 
discussion of all points you wish to make. EPA will generally

[[Page 69654]]

not consider comments or comment contents located outside of the 
primary submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or other file sharing 
system). For additional submission methods, the full EPA public comment 
policy, information about CBI or multimedia submissions, and general 
guidance on making effective comments, please visit http://www2.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.

Office of Water, Office of Wastewater Management via email at 
chumble.prasad@epa.gov or telephone at 202-564-0021.


I. General Information


    This notice does not impose requirements on any entity.

II. Background

A. Purpose

    EPA is gathering information on existing programs addressing 
stormwater discharges from forest roads to determine what additional 
measures, if any, are necessary to protect water quality. As described 
below, section 402(p)(6) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) allows EPA to 
consider a range of regulatory and non-regulatory approaches, and 
determine which stormwater discharges (if any) need controls under 
402(p)(6). Since EPA's last public notice on May 23, 2012 (77 FR 
30473), in which the Agency also solicited comments on approaches for 
addressing water quality impacts associated with forest roads, a number 
of developments have occurred, including statutory and regulatory 
changes, collection of additional water quality data, results from new 
research, new information pertaining to effectiveness of BMPs, and 
updates to federal, state, local, tribal, and other programs. 
Therefore, the Agency seeks to obtain public input and updated 
information on the implementation, effectiveness, and scope of 
approaches and programs that are currently in place for addressing 
stormwater discharges from forest roads.

B. Legal Background

    The objective of the CWA is to restore and maintain the chemical, 
physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters. 33 U.S.C. 
1251(a). To that end, the CWA provides that the discharge of any 
pollutant by any person shall be unlawful, except in compliance with 
other provisions of the statute. The CWA provides for a permit program, 
in general, for the discharge of a pollutant from a ``point source,'' 
which is defined in section 502 of the CWA as ``any discernible, 
confined and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to any 
pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, 
container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, or 
vessel or other floating craft, from which pollutants are or may be 
discharged.'' 33 U.S.C. 1362(14). In 1987 Congress added section 402(p) 
to the CWA, which required National Pollutant Discharge Elimination 
System (NPDES) permits for certain specified stormwater discharges and 
provided EPA with discretion to determine whether and how discharges 
from other stormwater sources should be addressed ``to protect water 
    For the initial phase of stormwater regulation, section 402(p)(1) 
created a temporary moratorium on NPDES permits for point sources 
except for those listed in section 402(p)(2), which includes discharges 
already required to have a permit; discharges from municipal separate 
storm sewer systems serving population of 100,000 or more; and 
stormwater discharges ``associated with industrial activity.'' Congress 
did not define discharges associated with industrial activity, allowing 
EPA to define the term. For other stormwater discharges, section 
402(p)(5) directs EPA to conduct studies, in consultation with the 
states, for ``identifying those stormwater discharges or classes of 
stormwater discharges for which permits are not required''; 
``determining to the maximum extent practicable, the nature and extent 
of pollutants in such discharges''; and ``establishing procedures and 
methods to control stormwater discharges to the extent necessary to 
mitigate impacts on water quality.'' Section 402(p)(6) directs the 
Agency to issue regulations, in consultation with state and local 
officials, based on such studies. The section allows EPA flexibility in 
issuing regulations to address designated stormwater discharges and 
does not require the use of NPDES permits. Specifically, the section 
states that the regulations ``shall establish priorities, establish 
requirements for state stormwater management programs, and establish 
expeditious deadlines'' and may include ``performance standards, 
guidelines, guidance, and management practices and treatment 
requirements, as appropriate.'' 33 U.S.C. 1342(p)(6). This flexibility 
is unique to stormwater discharges regulated under section 402(p)(6) 
and differs from the requirement for NPDES permits for stormwater 
discharges listed in section 402(p)(2) of the Act.
    Prior to the 1987 Amendments, there were numerous questions 
regarding the appropriate means of regulating stormwater discharges 
through the NPDES program. These questions stemmed from serious water 
quality impacts of stormwater, the variable nature of stormwater, the 
large number of stormwater discharges, and the limited resources of 
permitting agencies. EPA undertook several regulatory actions, which 
resulted in extensive litigation, in an attempt to address these unique 
    EPA's Silvicultural Rule (40 CFR 122.27) predates the 1987 
amendments to the CWA that added section 402(p) for stormwater 
controls. The Agency defined silvicultural point source as part of the 
Silvicultural Rule to specify which silvicultural discharges were to be 
included in the NPDES program. The rule defines silvicultural point 
source to mean any ``discernible, confined and discrete conveyance 
related to rock crushing, gravel washing, log sorting, or log storage 
facilities which are operated in connection with silvicultural 
activities and from which pollutants are discharged into waters of the 
United States,'' and further explains that ``the term does not include 
non-point source silvicultural activities such as nursery operations, 
site preparation, reforestation and subsequent cultural treatment, 
thinning, prescribed burning, pest and fire control, harvesting 
operations, surface drainage, or road construction and maintenance from 
which there is natural runoff.''
    In 1990, EPA promulgated the Phase I stormwater regulations (55 FR 
47990) (``Phase I Rule''), following the 1987 amendments which directed 
the Agency to develop regulations requiring permits for large and 
medium municipal separate storm sewer systems and stormwater 
``discharges associated with industrial activity.'' In the Phase I 
regulations EPA defined the term ``storm water discharge associated 
with industrial activity,'' which is not defined by the Act but was 
discussed in the legislative history to the 1987 amendments. In 
describing the scope of the term ``associated with industrial 
activity,'' several members of Congress explained in the legislative 
history that the term would apply if a discharge was ``directly related 
to manufacturing, processing or raw materials storage areas at an 
industrial plant.'' (Vol. 132 Cong. Rec. H10932, H10936 (daily ed. 
October 15, 1986); Vol. 133 Cong. Rec. H176 (daily ed. January 8, 
1987)). The Phase I Rule provided the regulatory definition of 
``associated with industrial

[[Page 69655]]

activity'' by adopting the language used in the legislative history and 
supplementing it with a description of various types of areas (for 
example, material handling sites, sites used for the storage and 
maintenance of material handling equipment, etc.) that are directly 
related to an industrial process and to industrial facilities 
identified by EPA. The Phase I regulations define the term ``storm 
water discharge associated with industrial activity'' to include 
stormwater discharges from facilities identified in the rule by 
Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC) codes. 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14). 
The Phase I Rule does not include discharges from facilities or 
activities excluded from the NPDES program under other parts of EPA's 
regulations, including the Silvicultural regulations. Id. As discussed 
above, EPA had previously specified under the Silvicultural regulations 
which silvicultural discharges were to be included in the NPDES 
program. 40 CFR 122.27. EPA intended to regulate those same 
``silvicultural point source[s]'' under the Phase I rule (i.e., rock 
crushing, gravel washing, log sorting, and log storage facilities) and 
to exclude from the Phase I regulation stormwater runoff from other 
silvicultural activities, consistent with the requirements of section 
    In developing the second phase of stormwater regulations, EPA 
submitted to Congress in March 1995 a report that evaluated the nature 
of stormwater discharges from municipal and industrial facilities that 
were not already regulated under the Phase I regulations (U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Storm Water 
Discharges Potentially Addressed by Phase II of the National Pollutant 
Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Program: Report to Congress. 
Washington, DC EPA, 1995. (833-K-94-002)). On December 8, 1999, EPA 
promulgated the Phase II stormwater regulations to address stormwater 
discharges from small municipal separate storm sewer systems and 
construction sites that disturb one to five acres. 64 FR 68722. Under 
CWA sections 402(p)(2)(E) and 402(p)(6), EPA retains the authority to 
designate additional stormwater discharges for regulation.
    The Phase II stormwater regulations were challenged in 
Environmental Defense Center v. US EPA, 344 F.3d 832 (9th Cir. 2003) 
(EDC v. EPA). In that case, petitioners contended that EPA arbitrarily 
failed to regulate discharges from forest roads under the Phase II 
rule. The court held that EPA failed to consider the petitioners' 
comments and remanded the issue to EPA ``so that it may consider in an 
appropriate proceeding Petitioner's contention that section 402(p)(6) 
requires the EPA to regulate forest roads. The EPA may then either 
accept Petitioners' arguments in whole or in part, or reject them on 
the basis of valid reasons that are adequately set forth to permit 
judicial review.'' Id. at 863.
    During several years following the decision in EDC v. EPA, EPA 
undertook research to improve the Agency's knowledge of forest road 
stormwater discharge impacts on water quality and what programs exist, 
whether voluntary or mandatory, to reduce those impacts. During the 
same period, the Northwest Environmental Defense Center initiated 
litigation concerning logging road stormwater discharges.
    In 2011, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a 
decision in Northwest Environmental Defense Center v. Brown, 640 F.3d 
1063 (9th Cir. 2011) (``NEDC''), a citizen suit alleging violations of 
the CWA for unpermitted discharges of stormwater from ditches alongside 
two logging roads in state forests. The court held that because the 
stormwater runoff from the two roads in question is collected by a 
system of ditches, culverts and channels and then discharged into 
waters of the United States, there was a point source discharge of 
stormwater associated with industrial activity for which an NPDES 
permit is required.
    On May 23, 2012, EPA published a Notice in the Federal Register 
summarizing known water quality impacts related to forest roads and 
discussing existing state, tribal, and voluntary programs designed to 
address those impacts. (77 FR 30473). The Notice expressed EPA's intent 
to specify that only stormwater discharges associated with rock 
crushing, gravel washing, log sorting, and log storage are considered 
discharges associated with industrial activities, and that those would 
be the only discharges associated with silvicultural activity that 
would be subject to permitting under the stormwater regulations 
pertaining to industrial activity. The Notice also discussed the 
Agency's consideration of non-permitting approaches to address other 
stormwater discharges from forest roads.
    On December 7, 2012, EPA promulgated a final rule (77 FR 72970) to 
specify that for the purposes of assessing whether stormwater 
discharges are ``associated with industrial activity,'' the only 
facilities under the SIC code 2411 that are ``industrial'' are: Rock 
crushing, gravel washing, log sorting, and log storage. This rulemaking 
clarified that, contrary to the Ninth Circuit's decision in NEDC, 
discharges of stormwater from silviculture activities other than the 
four specifically named activities identified above do not require an 
NPDES permit. On March 20, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the 
Ninth Circuit's ruling in NEDC, holding that discharges of stormwater 
that ran off logging roads into ditches, culverts and channels did not 
require an NPDES permit. Decker, Oregon State Forester, et al. v. 
Northwest Environmental Defense Center, 133 S.Ct 1326 (2013).
    In 2014, Congress amended section 402(l) of the Federal Water 
Pollution Control Act to effectively prohibit the use of NPDES permits 
for the discharge of runoff ``resulting from the conduct of the 
following silviculture activities conducted in accordance with standard 
industry practice: nursery operations, site preparation, reforestation 
and subsequent cultural treatment, thinning, prescribed burning, pest 
and fire control, harvesting operations, surface drainage, or road 
construction and maintenance.'' 33 U.S.C. 1342(l). In addition, the 
amendment prohibits third party lawsuits authorized by section 505(a) 
for any non-permitting program established under 402(p)(6), or for any 
other limitations applied to silviculture activities.
    In December 2014, EDC and the Natural Resources Defense Council 
filed a petition with the Ninth Circuit to compel EPA to respond, 
within six months, to the question remanded in the 2003 EDC v. EPA 
decision of whether section 402(p)(6) requires regulation of stormwater 
discharges from forest roads. Following execution of a settlement 
agreement that was filed with the court on August 26, 2015, the court 
entered an order establishing a schedule requiring EPA to issue a final 
determination by May 26, 2016.

III. Water Quality Impacts From Stormwater Discharges From Forest Roads

    The Agency's May 23, 2012 Notice summarized the research EPA had 
collected to date on the water quality impacts resulting from 
stormwater discharges from forest roads. Much of this research was 
compiled in the 2008 report ``National Level Assessment of Water 
Quality Impairments Related to Forest Roads and Their Prevention by 
Best Management Practices'' prepared by the Great Lakes Environmental 
Center, Inc. (GLEC). This document is available in the docket for 
today's notice and provides an extensive discussion on water quality 
impacts from forest road stormwater discharges, which are primarily 
erosion and sedimentation,

[[Page 69656]]

but can also include changes in stream morphology, introduction of 
chemicals and other pollutants, and degradation of aquatic habitat.
    EPA's research indicates that improperly designed, constructed, 
maintained, or decommissioned forest roads, as well as abandoned 
``legacy roads,'' \1\ can lead to a number of impacts. These impacts 
can include increased sediment load and changes in stream network 
hydrology, subsequently causing physical, biological, and ecological 
impacts to water quality. EPA also recognizes that not all forest roads 
cause water quality impacts and that within a basin the majority of the 
water quality impacts caused by discharges from forest roads may be 
attributed to a relatively small subset of forest roads (see, for 
example, Nelson et al., 2011; Fly et al., 2010; Luce and Black, 2001; 
Luce and Black, 1999).

    \1\ Abandoned or ``legacy roads'' refers to forest roads built 
prior to the establishment of current design standards, which are 
not being used but may still be sources of sediment.

    The focus of this notice is to solicit input on the implementation 
and effectiveness of existing public and private programs, whether 
voluntary or legally binding and enforceable, in mitigating water 
quality impacts from stormwater discharges from forest roads, rather 
than to receive additional comments or materials on water quality 
impacts of these discharges. Specifically, EPA seeks input on the 
implementation, effectiveness, and scope of existing federal, state, 
local, tribal and private sector programs. The Agency also seeks input 
on additional approaches and regulations, if necessary, to mitigate 
negative impacts on water quality from forest road stormwater 

IV. EPA's May 23, 2012 Federal Register Notice

    On May 23, 2012, EPA published a Notice that sought comment on 
potential approaches for addressing water quality impacts resulting 
from stormwater discharges from forest roads. In response to that 
Notice, EPA received over 100 comment letters. Some comments pointed to 
existing programs suggesting that a national regulation addressing 
discharges from forest roads is unnecessary because existing state and 
tribal programs are sufficient. Others asserted that existing federal, 
state, and tribal programs are insufficient to protect water quality.
    As discussed above, EPA is prohibited from requiring NPDES permits 
for stormwater discharges from forest roads associated with defined 
``silvicultural activities'' as a result of the 2014 amendment to 
section 402(l) of the CWA. However, authority to regulate these 
discharges in other ways and using other methods remains, including 
under section 402(p)(6). As noted, section 402(p)(6) of the CWA allows 
EPA flexibility in issuing regulations to address designated stormwater 
discharges and does not require the use of NPDES permits. Specifically, 
the section states that the regulations shall establish priorities, 
establish requirements for state stormwater management programs, and 
establish expeditious deadlines and may include ``performance 
standards, guidelines, guidance, and management practices and treatment 
requirements, as appropriate.'' 33 U.S.C. 1342(p)(6).
    In assessing whether regulation is required under section 402(p)(6) 
of the CWA, EPA is considering the effectiveness of existing programs 
in addressing water quality impacts attributable to stormwater 
discharges from forest roads, including federal, state, local, tribal, 
third-party certifications, and combinations of these approaches, as 
well as voluntary BMP-based approaches. In this notice, EPA requests 
information on these and other means currently in place for addressing 
the water quality impacts of stormwater discharges from forest roads or 
certain portions of forest roads. EPA also requests information on 
implementation and lessons learned from experience with existing 

V. Key Considerations

    In assessing how best to manage stormwater discharges from forest 
roads, EPA recognizes that any effective program should be informed by 
several considerations. It is EPA's view that there are four key 
considerations for managing stormwater discharges as described later in 
this notice: (1) The advantage of leveraging existing strategies that 
work, including existing effective federal, state, local, tribal, 
private, and voluntary BMP-based programs; (2) the utility of 
addressing site-specific factors; (3) the need to prioritize actions; 
and (4) the benefits of accountability measures.
    Forest road stormwater management programs vary across the country 
in response to state or regional factors. EPA is working with federal 
agencies, states, and tribes as well as the private sector to 
understand their programs for managing stormwater discharges from 
forest roads. The Agency is interested in engaging other interested 
stakeholders in the process as well. EPA provided an overview of 
existing public and private programs to manage stormwater discharges 
from forest roads in its May 23, 2012 Federal Register Notice, but 
understands that there may have been improvements and additions since 
that time. With this Notice, EPA seeks updated information on existing 
    A range of guidelines are available to assist forest owners, 
managers, and operators in designing and maintaining forest roads and 
selecting the appropriate BMPs to control stormwater discharges. For 
example, EPA has issued national guidance to assist forest owners and 
operators to protect lakes and streams from polluted runoff that can 
result from forestry activity and, in particular, from improperly built 
or maintained forest roads (USEPA, 2005). Other federal agencies as 
well as states have also developed guidance documents to protect water 
quality from forest road discharges (For example USFS (2012) and 
Georgia Forestry Commission (2009)). In addition, industry has 
developed standards for voluntary certification programs (For example, 
NCASI (2012) and SFI (2015)). BMP-based approaches allow forest road 
owners and operators to tailor management practices to site-specific 
factors such as topography, road design, soils, geologic factors, road 
use, and climate. The diversity of the forest road networks, the 
different classes of roads, the different local physical conditions, 
and the broad range of road conditions and uses indicate the importance 
of site-specific BMP selection and implementation to protect water 
    EPA also intends to consider the complexity and vastness of the 
Nation's forest road network and diversity of the forested landscape. 
EPA seeks additional information that would assist the Agency in 
evaluating various approaches, including, for example: Differences 
among forest uses; particularly vulnerable features of the road network 
(for example, stream crossings); critical phases (for example, road 
closure or decommissioning); ownerships of different forest tracts; 
types of ownership, including public, private, and tribal-owned lands; 
and forest road conditions, type, and usage. The selection of 
appropriate management strategies and BMPs can vary based on site-
specific factors, including topography, road design, soils, geologic 
factors, road use, road maintenance schedule, and climate. EPA also 
would like information on the effectiveness of properly implemented 
BMPs in protecting water quality from forest road stormwater 
discharges. EPA solicits information on what approaches have been or 
could be applied nationally regardless of forest road type

[[Page 69657]]

and ownership, as well as which approaches might be best targeted to 
specific locations. For instance, performance-based management 
strategies may be more effective and less burdensome than approaches 
that rely upon prescriptive solutions.
    EPA recognizes the importance of prioritization in allocating 
resources. For example, protecting beneficial uses such as fish 
spawning or public water supply may be a high priority in some areas 
while reducing impacts to waters listed as impaired or included in an 
existing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) might be a high priority in 
other areas. EPA requests information on how existing programs identify 
and determine where to allocate resources to prioritize high quality, 
or pristine, waters or alternatively, impaired waters, or how to 
prioritize focus on certain forest roads that may be more problematic 
than others.
    Finally, accountability is a key element of a successful approach 
ensuring stormwater discharges from forest roads are properly 
implemented and managed across the country and that reasonable progress 
is made in addressing inadequately managed stormwater discharges from 
forest roads. EPA seeks information regarding existing programs, such 
as adaptive management approaches, that include accountability measures 
such as monitoring, reporting, necessary updates, and consequences for 
failure to adhere to the objectives of the management program.

VI. Approaches for Managing Stormwater Discharges From Forest Roads

    As described in further detail below, many owners and operators of 
forest lands are employing a variety of effective approaches to manage, 
operate, comply with and maintain forest roads to control stormwater 
discharges. Depending on the jurisdiction, owners or operators use 
federal requirements, BMP state program requirements, as well as tribal 
requirements, or follow the standards of voluntary programs, including 
forest stewardship and sustainability initiatives. Some of these 
approaches are used in combinations that may provide a more holistic 
approach, which may be more protective and effective.

A. Examples of Existing State and Tribal Programs

    Many states and some tribes have programs in place that function to 
prevent or minimize forest road stormwater discharge impacts on water 
quality. These programs generally establish standards for the design of 
forest roads and BMPs. State and tribal programs vary in their 
substantive level of protection, specificity and enforceability, and 
generally fall into three categories: regulatory, non-regulatory, and 
combination programs. Information available to EPA indicates that 15 
states have established mandatory BMPs for forest roads and the 
remaining 35 states allow for voluntary implementation of BMPs to 
control stormwater discharges from forest roads (GLEC, 2008). In some 
cases the failure to implement voluntary measures can result in 
enforcement where noncompliance leads to a significant risk to water 
quality. For example, the California program resembles a permit program 
and is mandatory, whereas Florida relies primarily on voluntary 
compliance with state-approved road BMPs. The discussion below 
describes two existing state programs and briefly describes several 
existing tribal programs to illustrate the different approaches used to 
address forest road impacts.
    Maine provides an example of a state that employs a non-regulatory 
forest management program. In a voluntary program, the state typically 
develops state-wide forestry BMPs (including measures for forest roads) 
and recommends that the forest owners implement the BMPs. Generally, 
there are no permit mechanisms or enforcement actions, but many states 
with voluntary programs use a hands-on approach that emphasizes 
education, outreach, and training for forest owners, loggers, and 
others (Maine DEC, 2012).
    Maine's forestry BMP program is administered through the Maine 
Forest Service (MFS). Broadly, the program consists of voluntary BMPs 
implemented by the landowner, monitoring of the BMPs by MFS, and, if 
needed, a regulatory ``safety net.'' The primary focus of the MFS 
program is training and outreach. MFS works to develop and revise BMPs, 
the most recent set being published in 2004. MFS then offers frequent 
training courses across the state and online to promote understanding 
of the principles and techniques in selecting and installing 
appropriate BMPs. Deficiencies in the implementation of BMPs (as 
identified by follow-up monitoring or other mechanisms) may lead to 
specialized training sessions (Maine DEC, 2012).
    The MFS also conducts field monitoring of forestry BMPs. In 
collaboration with other stakeholders, a state-wide monitoring protocol 
was developed and has been implemented annually at selected sites since 
2006. As noted in GLEC (2008), surveys have shown that BMPs are, for 
the most part, being consistently implemented and installation rates 
have improved substantially over time. When the need for improvements 
in BMP application are identified, MFS works cooperatively with the 
landowner to address the issue (Maine DEC, 2012).
    Maine has a number of state laws that address sediment discharges 
to surface waters, including discharges due to timber operations. As 
needed, MFS works with other state agencies to identify problems and 
address them in a regulatory manner. Most issues are resolved 
cooperatively before a regulatory solution is needed (Maine DEC, 2012).
    North Carolina has a combination approach for its forest management 
program, as it employs elements of both regulatory and non-regulatory 
programs. In 1990, the state developed administrative rules (Forest 
Practice Guidelines Related to Water Quality (FPGs)). Additionally, 
other state laws or interagency agreements can apply to forestry 
activities, including the location, construction, and maintenance of 
forest roads in wetlands (North Carolina FS, 2012).
    The North Carolina Forest Service (NCFS) conducts thousands of 
forestry compliance inspections each year and has found high FPG 
compliance rates on a statewide basis. More focused implementation-
specific monitoring has been conducted several times since 2000 by the 
NCFS and has also shown high implementation rates for forest road BMPs, 
despite their voluntary nature. State staff also provide technical 
assistance in designing and implementing BMPs and in assessing water 
quality. North Carolina revised its BMP manual in 2006 and included 
detailed discussions about all aspects of managing forest roads. The 
state has implemented a number of training and education programs in 
concert with demonstration projects to promote proper BMP usage. North 
Carolina agencies also coordinate to ensure that forestry operations 
are compliant with state requirements, that inspections are properly 
conducted, and that enforcement protocols are appropriately established 
(North Carolina FS, 2012).
    Across the country, over 300 tribal reservations are significantly 
forested, and tribal lands include 17.9 million acres of forest land, 
including 7.7 million acres of productive timberland (ITC 2007). Tribal 
governments in partnership with the U.S. government dedicate 
substantial resources to improving tribal forest management. Much of 
the responsibility for managing forests on tribal lands across the 

[[Page 69658]]

is carried out by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) with the 
involvement of tribal governments. The National Indian Forest Resources 
Management Act (NIFRMA), Title III, Public Law 101- 630, directs the 
Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the affected tribes, to 
obtain an independent assessment of the status of forest resources on 
tribal lands and their management.
    NIFRMA requires the development of forestry management plans under 
which the forests are managed in accordance with BMPs, as approved 
through an interdisciplinary team consisting of forestry experts from 
academia, the private sector, forest-managing tribes and the U.S. 
Department of Agriculture Forest Service. The Tribal Forest Protection 
Act (Pub. L. 108-278) authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture and the 
Secretary of the Interior to enter into an agreement or contract with 
tribes to carry out projects to protect forests on tribal lands. 
Protection of such land is particularly important for tribes because 
they pass their land on from generation to generation. This helps to 
ensure future availability of natural resources, including healthy 
forests and clean water.
    Many tribes have taken on significant roles in sustainable forest 
management. For example, the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin 
manages the forested portions of the reservation for long-term 
sustainability through the Menominee Tribal Enterprises (MTE), which 
has received certifications for sustainable management from the Forest 
Stewardship Council (FSC)-approved programs conducted by the Scientific 
Certification and the Rainforest Alliance. According the MTE Millwork 
Web site,\2\ certification is awarded to forest operations that are 
well managed in accordance with environmentally and socially 
responsible guidelines. The Northern Cheyenne Tribe requires that all 
new roads be obliterated and seeded after forest harvesting activities. 
Similarly, the Blackfeet Nation has a no net new road miles policy, 
which requires the closure of an existing road before a new forest road 
may be constructed.

    \2\ http://www.mtemillwork.com/.

    EPA requests comments regarding the implementation, effectiveness 
and scope of state, local, and tribal programs, both mandatory and 
voluntary, in preventing or minimizing forest road environmental 
impacts on water quality. EPA also seeks feedback on which elements are 
regarded as necessary for an effective program (for example, an 
inventory of forest roads; logger training and outreach; technical 
assistance; requirements for best management practices for forest 
roads; guidelines for prioritizing and addressing water quality 
concerns related to stormwater discharges from existing forest roads; 
accountability measures; public involvement and the opportunity for 
public input into the development of the state program; a program for 
monitoring or auditing to assess program compliance; a program for 
monitoring the effectiveness of the roads program in minimizing water 
quality impacts; and an adaptive management process to revise BMPs 
based on effectiveness monitoring) and how much flexibility is 
appropriate for state and tribal programs.

B. Examples of Existing Federal Programs

    Federal agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest 
Service (FS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), have established 
programs for the management of stormwater discharges from forest roads 
on federal lands. These agencies manage large tracts of forested lands, 
including lands that are actively being disturbed by road building, 
road maintenance, logging operations, unauthorized public and 
recreational use or other tasks, and have generally demonstrated sound 
environmental stewardship in managing these lands.
    FS has developed a number of programs related to managing 
discharges from forest roads to improve water quality. For example, FS 
is revising its Forest Service Manual and Forest Service Handbook 
directives (FSM 2500 \3\ and FSH 2509-19 \4\) on BMPs for water quality 
protection on National Forest Service lands. These revisions would 
establish national BMPs and associated monitoring protocols on National 
Forest Service lands. 70 FR 25824. As part of this effort, FS has 
developed a National Core BMP Technical Guide \5\ intended to improve 
FS performance and accountability in managing water quality consistent 
with the CWA and State water quality programs. This Guide establishes 
national core BMPs that address 11 subject areas affecting water 
quality, including ``Road Management Activities.'' The Road Management 
Activities BMP provisions address: Travel Management Planning and 
Analysis; Road Location and Design; Road Construction and 
Reconstruction; Road Operations and Maintenance; Temporary Roads; Road 
Storage and Decommissioning; Stream Crossings; Snow Removal and 
Storage; Parking and Staging Areas; Equipment Refueling and Servicing; 
and Road Storm Damage Surveys. Each BMP draws on administrative 
directives that guide FS management of roads on NFS land. FS directives 
and BMP Guide allow for the use of state, tribal and local requirements 
and information to develop site-specific BMPs. They also provide 
monitoring of BMP implementation and effectiveness using national core 
BMP monitoring protocols and reporting systems. Based on monitoring 
results, these mechanisms provide for adaptive management in assessing 
implementation, effectiveness, and adjusting practices as needed to 
protect water quality. FS has enhanced its Road Preconstruction 
Handbook on Design (FSH 7709.59 Chapter 40) as well as the 
Transportation Structures Handbook on Hydraulics and Watershed 
Protection (FSH 7709.59b CH 60) to include design considerations for 
the construction and reconstruction of forest roads which minimize road 
and drainage impacts to the watershed. FS Technology and Development 
Centers have created a number of publications to assist designers when 
addressing road/water interactions http://www.fs.fed.us/eng/pubs/.

    \3\ Watershed and Air Management, Chapter 2530--Water Resource 
Management, 2532--Water Quality Management.
    \4\ National Best Management Practices, Chapter 10--National 
Core Best Management Practices.
    \5\ National Best Management Practices for Water Quality 
Management on National Forest System Lands, Volume 1: National Core 
BMP Technical Guide, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest 
Service, FS-990a, April 2012.

    FS has also created the Watershed Condition Framework, an approach 
to assessing watersheds in national forests and grasslands, 
implementing protective measures and providing for ongoing 
monitoring.\6\ FS has developed another program, known as the Legacy 
Roads and Trails Program, to identify legacy roads in national forests 
and grasslands, and to minimize the discharge of stormwater by 
decommissioning or upgrading them.\7\ FS also publishes documents for 
specific regions or types of forests that contain information on forest 
road construction and maintenance, as well as information on 
appropriate BMPs.\8\

    \6\ http://www.fs.fed.us/sites/default/files/Watershed_Condition_Framework.pdf.
    \7\ http://www.fs.fed.us/restoration/Legacy_Roads_and_Trails/.
    \8\ See, for example, http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5362512.pdf and http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5399662.pdf.

    FS has also developed a suite of tools for the identification and 
prioritization of road segments at risk for contributing

[[Page 69659]]

to water quality problems.\9\ These tools operate at scales of detail 
ranging from using corporate road databases and digital elevation data 
to using detailed GPS surveys. These tools have been applied in 
watershed sediment load reduction plans for waters listed as impaired 
under the CWA \10\ and in forest restoration projects under the 
Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program in the states of 
Idaho, Montana,\11\ and California. FS maintains an applied science 
program on road-related sediment risks to support all of the above 
efforts (see, for example, Luce et al., 2001; Switalski et al., 2004).

    \9\ See, for example, http://www.fs.fed.us/GRAIP/.
    \10\ See, for example, http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/nps/success319/id_bear.cfm.
    \11\ See, for example, http://www.fs.fed.us/GRAIP/downloads/case_studies/WatershedStudies_LoloHelenaFlatheadNFs_SWCC_2014%20Final%20Report.pdf

    BLM is a significant owner and manager of forests and woodlands on 
federal lands as well, primarily in the western U.S. and Alaska. 
Similar to FS, a full suite of activities are authorized and managed on 
BLM forests and woodlands, including timber harvesting, hazardous fuel 
reduction treatments, recreation, fish and wildlife conservation, oil 
and gas activities, and grazing. Authorized uses in forests and 
woodlands, such as timber harvesting, often include road construction 
and maintenance, which are broadly governed by policies, standards, and 
right of way agreements that ensure proper design and upkeep.\12\ The 
BLM's Land Use Planning Handbook, which includes guidance for the 
development of BLM land use plans developed under section 202 of the 
Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) and implementation of 
other BLM actions, provides broad agency direction for BLM to use BMPs 
to meet the standards and goals of the CWA, to address various 
protection measures to mitigate impacts to human health concerns, 
ecosystem health, riparian areas, and overall watershed conditions, and 
to meet state and local water quality requirements.\13\ One recent 
example on how BLM has incorporated this guidance into the planning 
process for management of lands that include forest roads can be found 
in Appendix I of the recently released western Oregon Draft Resource 
Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (Appendix I).\14\

    \12\ http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/forests_and_woodland.html.
    \13\ http://www.blm.gov/style/medialib/blm/ak/aktest/planning/planning_general.Par.65225.File.dat/blm_lup_handbook.pdf.
    \14\ http://www.blm.gov/or/plans/rmpswesternoregon/deis.php.

    One example of multiple agencies coordinating to implement BMPs in 
a particular region of forests is the Northwest Forest Plan under the 
Aquatic Conservation Strategy. The recently released ``Northwest Forest 
Plan Interagency Regional Monitoring, 20-Year Report, Status and Trend 
of Watershed Condition'' summarizes the results of the 20-year 
interagency effort to implement an array of protective measures 
including BMPs to maintain watershed health in that region.\15\ 
Finally, BLM has partnered with the Society of America Foresters (SAF) 
to foster proper forest management techniques on BLM lands 

    \15\ http://www.reo.gov/monitoring/reports/20yr-report.
    \16\ http://www.blm.gov/style/medialib/blm/wo/Planning_and_Renewable_Resources/0.Par.97719.File.dat/BLM_MOU_WO-200-2009-03.pdf.

    EPA welcomes comments on the implementation, effectiveness and 
scope of these federal programs and how they work in coordination with 
state and tribal programs to assist EPA in developing its response to 
the 2003 remand in EDC v. EPA, but emphasizes that this is not the 
forum for evaluating specific elements of FS or BLM programs.

C. Examples of Third-Party Certification Programs

    In recent years, forestry organizations, such as the Sustainable 
Forestry Initiative (SFI) and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), have 
developed non-governmental third-party certification programs to 
address water quality impacts from forest roads. A wide variety of 
certification programs exist worldwide, but most have common elements 
such as standards for responsible forest management and harvesting, 
third-party audits, documentation, and publication. These certification 
programs address many aspects of forest management, but they 
specifically include management practices for mitigating water quality 
impacts resulting from stormwater discharges from forest roads. Also, 
these programs typically avoid developing a single set of standards and 
acknowledge necessary regional variation in BMPs.
    Certification programs are, at their core, market- or consumer-
driven. Certification is incorporated into a chain-of-custody process 
that permits a producer of consumer products (for example, paper, 
lumber, and furniture) to apply a ``green'' or ``eco-friendly'' label 
to those products as recognition of responsible sourcing and to 
ultimately influence consumer purchasing choices that translate into 
increased sales. Some producers of end products may only accept raw 
materials that meet certification program requirements; for example, a 
paper mill might not accept raw materials that do not have 
certification. The recent rise in prominence of certification programs 
coincides with other studies (for example, Ice et al., 2010) showing 
increases in the implementation rates of BMPs over the same period.
    SFI grew out of a program developed by the American Forest & Paper 
Association and relies on a system of principles and objectives. A set 
of BMP-related requirements must be met for forest owners, loggers, and 
others to attain SFI's certification for forest fiber sourcing. 
Performance measures focus on adherence to applicable water quality 
laws and installation of BMPs, with performance criteria that include 
developing an overall program for certification and compliance, 
monitoring of BMPs during all phases of forestry activities, mapping of 
water resources, and recordkeeping. Third-party audits (typically 
conducted annually) verify the certification process. This program is 
also already a central element in many of the states' forestry training 
programs and also includes outreach to landowners and support for 
various research efforts.
    FSC's program places an emphasis on conservation, as well as social 
and economic criteria. Similar to SFI, FSC's program relies on a series 
of overarching principles and more specific performance criteria. One 
such criterion specifies that forest owners must develop written plans 
to address erosion and other impacts associated with forest operations. 
Specific guidelines for forest roads include minimizing erosion, 
avoiding water crossings, and minimizing habitat fragmentation. FSC 
offers two types of certification: one for forest managers and another 
for entities involved in the intermediate and end uses of the wood 
    Like the state and federal programs, these programs are revised 
over time. For example, in 2015, SFI revised the standards that guide 
their certification program; the new standards specifically mention 
managing water quality impacts resulting from the construction and use 
of forest roads. Data also suggest that BMP implementation rates are 
substantially higher in forests that participate in certification 
programs (Texas Forest Service, 2011).
    EPA requests comments on the implementation, effectiveness and 

[[Page 69660]]

of the elements of these third-party certification programs that 
address runoff from forest roads. EPA also welcomes comments from the 
organizations administering these programs. In particular, EPA seeks 
comment on how programs such as these fit with or complement other 
programs; for example, whether and to what extent these industry or 
non-governmental programs fill gaps in state and tribal programs.

VII. Request for Comments and Data

    EPA encourages public comments to inform EPA's upcoming decision as 
to whether there is a need for additional regulation of stormwater 
discharges from forest roads. Requests for comment can be found 
throughout this notice in the sections where they are discussed. This 
section specifically requests comment on the issues below. To the 
extent possible, EPA requests that comments provide concrete examples 
or quantitative data.
    1. For purposes of the discussion in this notice, EPA uses the term 
``forest road'' to mean a road located on forested land, and the term 
``logging road'' to mean a forest road that is used to support logging 
activities. That is, as used in this notice, logging roads are a subset 
of forest roads. However, the Agency has not established regulatory 
definitions of ``forest road,'' ``logging road,'' or ``forested land'' 
and welcomes comment on whether and how EPA should define these terms. 
EPA is also interested in the way in which states, tribes, and other 
federal agencies currently define them. EPA recognizes that some forest 
roads are built initially to support logging activities but later serve 
other purposes that may or may not continue to include support for 
logging activities. EPA requests comment on the way in which states, 
tribes, and other federal agencies distinguish among such forest roads.
    2. EPA seeks comment on the implementation, effectiveness, and 
scope of existing federal, state, local, tribal, and other programs in 
addressing stormwater discharges from forest roads. EPA encourages 
submittal of specific information (for example, BMP implementation 
rates, effectiveness of implemented BMPs to protect water quality, 
pollutant reduction studies, audit results, and examples of adaptive 
    3. EPA requests comments on what specific elements of a forest road 
program are most important to ensure it is effective and protective of 
water quality. For example, forest road programs may include an 
inventory of forest roads; a requirement for BMPs; a systematic 
planning process for prioritizing and addressing water quality concerns 
related to stormwater discharges from existing roads; an accountability 
measure; an opportunity for public involvement in the development and 
management of the program; water quality monitoring to assess 
effectiveness of the program; and/or an adaptive management process to 
revise BMPs based on effective monitoring.
    4. EPA also invites comments on what additional measures, 
consistent with federal law, could be implemented in existing programs 
to increase water quality protection from forest roads stormwater 
discharges where necessary.

IX. References

    A list of references cited in this notice is available at http://www.regulations.gov/ under Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2015-0668.

Fly, C., Grover-Wier, K., Thornton, J., Black, T., Luce, C. 2010 
Bear Valley Road Inventory (GRAIP) Report In Support of the Bear 
Valley Category 4b Demonstration. US Department of Agriculture, 
Forest Service, Boise National Forest. 54 pp.
Georgia Forestry Commission. 2009. Georgia's Best Management 
Practices for Forestry. May 2009.
Great Lakes Environmental Center (GLEC). 2008. National Level 
Assessment of Water Quality Impairments Related to Forest Roads and 
Their Prevention by Best Management Practices: Final Report. 
December 4, 2008. By Douglas Endicott.
Ice, G.G., E. Schilling, and J. Vowell. 2010. Trends for forestry 
best management practice implementation. Journal of Forestry 
Intertribal Timber Council (ITC), 2007. National Overview of Tribal 
Forestry. Proceedings in Trust and Transition: Perspectives on 
Native American Forestry. April 30, 2007. University of Washington.
Luce, C.H. and T.A. Black. 1999. Sediment Production from Forest 
Roads in Western Oregon. Water Resources Research, Vo. 35, No. 8 p. 
Luce, C.H. and T.A. Black. 2001. Effects of Traffic and Ditch 
Maintenance on Forest Road Sediment Production. V64-V74, Proceedings 
of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, 25-29 
March 2001, Reno, NV.
Luce, C. H., B. E. Rieman, J. B. Dunham, J. L. Clayton, J. G. King, 
and T. A. Black (2001), Incorporating Aquatic Ecology into Decisions 
on Prioritization of Road Decommissioning, Water Resources Impact, 
3(3), 8-14.
Maine Department of Conservation (DEC). Comment letter on EPA's May 
23, 2012 Notice of Intent. June 19, 2012. By Doug Denico. Document 
ID EPA-HQ-OW-2012-0195-0170.
National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI). 2012. 
Assessing the Effectiveness of Contemporary Forest Best Management 
Practices (BMPs): Focus on Roads. Special Report 12-01. January 
2012. By Dr. G.G Ice and Dr. E.B. Schilling.
Nelson, N., Cissel, R., Black, T., Luce, C. 2011. Monitoring Road 
Decommissioning in the Mann Creek Watershed: Post-storm Report 
Payette National Forest. US Department of Agriculture, Forest 
Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 33 pp.
North Carolina Forest Service (FS). 2012. Comment letter on EPA's 
May 23, 2012 Notice of Intent. June 21, 2012. By Wib Owen. Document 
ID EPA-HQ-OW-2012-0195-0100.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). 2015. SFI 2015-2019 Standards 
and Rules: Standards, Rules for Label Use, Procedures and Guidance. 
January 2015.
Switalski, T. A., J. A. Bissonette, T. H. DeLuca, C. H. Luce, and M. 
A. Madej (2004), Benefits and impacts of road removal, Frontiers in 
Ecology and the Environment, 2(1), 21-28.
Texas Forest Service. 2011. Voluntary Implementation of Forestry 
Best Management Practices in East Texas: Results from Round 8 of BMP 
Implementation Monitoring. December 2011 By H. Simpson, C. Coup, and 
C. Duncan.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2005. 
National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Pollution from 
Forestry. EPA-841-B-05-001. Washington, DC: USEPA Office of Water. 
April 2005.
United States Forest Service (USFS). 2012. National Best Management 
Practices for Water Quality Management on National Forest System 
Lands, Volume 1: National Core BMP Technical Guide, United State 
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, FS-990a, April 2012.

    Dated: October 31, 2015.
Kenneth J. Kopocis,
Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water.
[FR Doc. 2015-28649 Filed 11-9-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 217 / Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / Notices                                           69653

                                                    provide oral statements to the SAB                      (CBI) or other information whose                      ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                                    Panel should contact the DFO directly.                  disclosure is restricted by statute. Do               AGENCY
                                                       Oral Statements: In general,                         not submit information that you
                                                    individuals or groups requesting to                                                                           [EPA–HQ–OW–2015–0668; FRL–9936–78–
                                                                                                            consider to be CBI or otherwise                       OW]
                                                    present an oral statement at a public                   protected through www.regulations.gov
                                                    teleconference will be limited to three                 or email. The www.regulations.gov Web                 Notice of Opportunity To Provide
                                                    minutes per speaker. To be placed on                    site is an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system,               Information on Existing Programs That
                                                    the public speaker list for the December                which means EPA will not know your                    Protect Water Quality From Forest
                                                    3, 2015 teleconference, interested                                                                            Road Discharges
                                                                                                            identity or contact information unless
                                                    parties should notify Mr. Edward
                                                                                                            you provide it in the body of your
                                                    Hanlon, DFO, by email no later than                                                                           AGENCY: Environmental Protection
                                                    November 25, 2015.                                      comment. If you send an email directly
                                                                                                                                                                  Agency (EPA).
                                                       Written Statements: Written                          to EPA without going through
                                                                                                                                                                  ACTION: Notice.
                                                    statements for the December 3, 2015,                    www.regulations.gov, your email
                                                    teleconference should be received in the                address will be automatically captured                SUMMARY:    The Environmental Protection
                                                    EPA Docket by November 25, 2015, so                     and included as part of the comment                   Agency (EPA) solicits public input and
                                                    that the information may be made                        that is placed in the public docket and               information on existing public and
                                                    available to the SAB Panel sufficiently                 made available on the Internet. If you                private sector programs that address
                                                    in advance of the teleconference for the                submit an electronic comment, EPA                     stormwater discharges from forest roads.
                                                    Panel’s consideration.                                  recommends that you include your                      This information will assist EPA in
                                                       Written statements should be                         name and other contact information in                 responding to the remand in
                                                    identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–                     the body of your comment and with any                 Environmental Defense Center, Inc. v.
                                                    OA–2015–0245 and submitted to the                       disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA                     U.S. EPA, 344 F.2d 832 (9th Cir. 2003)
                                                    Docket at www.regulations.gov by one of                 cannot read your comments due to                      that requires EPA to consider whether
                                                    the following methods:                                  technical difficulties and cannot contact             the Clean Water Act requires the Agency
                                                       • www.regulations.gov: Follow the                    you for clarification, the SAB Panel may              to regulate forest roads. This notice does
                                                    on-line instructions for submitting                     not be able to consider your comments.                not imply that EPA has made any
                                                    comments.                                               Electronic files should avoid the use of              decision to do so. EPA is considering
                                                       • Email: Docket_OEI@epa.gov:                                                                               the implementation, effectiveness, and
                                                    Include the docket number in the                        special characters and any form of
                                                                                                            encryption and be free of any defects or              scope of existing programs in addressing
                                                    subject line of the message.                                                                                  water quality impacts attributable to
                                                       • Mail: Office of Environmental                      viruses. For additional information
                                                                                                            about EPA’s public docket, visit the EPA              stormwater discharges from forest roads
                                                    Information (OEI) Docket (Mail Code:                                                                          prior to making any decision. The
                                                    28221T), Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OA–                       Docket Center homepage at
                                                                                                                                                                  Agency plans to assess a variety of
                                                    2015–0245, U.S. Environmental                           www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm.
                                                                                                                                                                  existing programs, including federal,
                                                    Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania                       Documents in the docket are listed in              state, local, tribal, third party
                                                    Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460. The                     the www.regulations.gov index.                        certifications, and combinations of these
                                                    phone number is (202) 566–1752.                         Although listed in the index, some                    approaches, as well as voluntary best
                                                       • Hand Delivery: The OEI Docket is                   information is not publicly available,                management practices (BMP)-based
                                                    located in the EPA headquarters Docket                  e.g., CBI or other information whose                  approaches. In preparing its response to
                                                    Center, Room 3334, EPA West Building,                   disclosure is restricted by statute.                  the remand, EPA is coordinating with
                                                    1301 Constitution Ave. NW.,                                                                                   other federal agencies, and will assess
                                                                                                            Certain other material, such as
                                                    Washington, DC. The EPA Docket                                                                                whether any additional stormwater
                                                                                                            copyrighted material will be publicly
                                                    Center Public Reading Room is open                                                                            controls are called for, consistent with
                                                    from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday                     available only in hard copy. Publicly
                                                                                                            available docket materials are available              federal law, including the recent 2014
                                                    through Friday, excluding legal                                                                               amendments to the Clean Water Act.
                                                    holidays. The telephone number for the                  either electronically at
                                                    Public Reading Room is (202) 566–1744.                  www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at                DATES: Comments must be received on
                                                    Deliveries are only accepted during the                 the OEI Docket in the EPA Headquarters                or before January 11, 2016.
                                                    docket’s normal hours of operation, and                 Docket Center.                                        ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
                                                    special arrangements should be made                        Accessibility: For information on                  identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
                                                    for deliveries of boxed information.                    access or services for individuals with               OW–2015–0668, to the Federal
                                                       • Fax: (202) 566–9744.                               disabilities, please contact Mr. Edward               eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                       Public comments submitted after                      Hanlon at the phone number or email                   www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
                                                    November 25, 2015 will be marked late,                  address noted above, preferably at least              instructions for submitting comments.
                                                    and should be submitted to the Docket                                                                         Once submitted, comments cannot be
                                                                                                            ten days prior to the meeting to give
                                                    by email, mail, hand delivery or fax (see                                                                     edited or removed from Regulations.gov.
                                                                                                            EPA as much time as possible to process
                                                    detailed instructions above). Consistent                                                                      EPA may publish any comment received
                                                                                                            your request.
                                                    with SAB Staff Office general practice,                                                                       to its public docket. Do not submit
                                                    comments received after November 25,                      Dated: November 3, 2015.                            electronically any information you
                                                    2015 will be made available to the SAB                                                                        consider to be Confidential Business
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                            Thomas H. Brennan,
                                                    Panel as soon as practicable. It is EPA’s               Deputy Director, EPA Science Advisory Board           Information (CBI) or other information
                                                    policy to include all comments received                 Staff Office.                                         whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
                                                    in the public docket without change and                 [FR Doc. 2015–28663 Filed 11–9–15; 8:45 am]           Multimedia submissions (audio, video,
                                                    to make the comments available on-line                                                                        etc.) must be accompanied by a written
                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                    at www.regulations.gov, including any                                                                         comment. The written comment is
                                                    personal information provided, unless a                                                                       considered the official comment and
                                                    comment includes information claimed                                                                          should include discussion of all points
                                                    to be Confidential Business Information                                                                       you wish to make. EPA will generally

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   19:41 Nov 09, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00022   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\10NON1.SGM   10NON1

                                                    69654                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 217 / Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                    not consider comments or comment                        general, for the discharge of a pollutant             stormwater discharges listed in section
                                                    contents located outside of the primary                 from a ‘‘point source,’’ which is defined             402(p)(2) of the Act.
                                                    submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or                 in section 502 of the CWA as ‘‘any                       Prior to the 1987 Amendments, there
                                                    other file sharing system). For                         discernible, confined and discrete                    were numerous questions regarding the
                                                    additional submission methods, the full                 conveyance, including but not limited                 appropriate means of regulating
                                                    EPA public comment policy,                              to any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel,                  stormwater discharges through the
                                                    information about CBI or multimedia                     conduit, well, discrete fissure,                      NPDES program. These questions
                                                    submissions, and general guidance on                    container, rolling stock, concentrated                stemmed from serious water quality
                                                    making effective comments, please visit                 animal feeding operation, or vessel or                impacts of stormwater, the variable
                                                    http://www2.epa.gov/dockets/                            other floating craft, from which                      nature of stormwater, the large number
                                                    commenting-epa-dockets.                                 pollutants are or may be discharged.’’ 33             of stormwater discharges, and the
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        U.S.C. 1362(14). In 1987 Congress added               limited resources of permitting agencies.
                                                    Prasad Chumble, EPA Headquarters,                       section 402(p) to the CWA, which                      EPA undertook several regulatory
                                                    Office of Water, Office of Wastewater                                                                         actions, which resulted in extensive
                                                                                                            required National Pollutant Discharge
                                                    Management via email at                                                                                       litigation, in an attempt to address these
                                                                                                            Elimination System (NPDES) permits for
                                                    chumble.prasad@epa.gov or telephone                                                                           unique discharges.
                                                                                                            certain specified stormwater discharges                  EPA’s Silvicultural Rule (40 CFR
                                                    at 202–564–0021.                                        and provided EPA with discretion to
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                                                                                  122.27) predates the 1987 amendments
                                                                                                            determine whether and how discharges                  to the CWA that added section 402(p)
                                                    I. General Information                                  from other stormwater sources should                  for stormwater controls. The Agency
                                                                                                            be addressed ‘‘to protect water quality.’’            defined silvicultural point source as
                                                                                                               For the initial phase of stormwater                part of the Silvicultural Rule to specify
                                                      This notice does not impose                           regulation, section 402(p)(1) created a               which silvicultural discharges were to
                                                    requirements on any entity.                             temporary moratorium on NPDES                         be included in the NPDES program. The
                                                    II. Background                                          permits for point sources except for                  rule defines silvicultural point source to
                                                                                                            those listed in section 402(p)(2), which              mean any ‘‘discernible, confined and
                                                    A. Purpose                                                                                                    discrete conveyance related to rock
                                                                                                            includes discharges already required to
                                                       EPA is gathering information on                      have a permit; discharges from                        crushing, gravel washing, log sorting, or
                                                    existing programs addressing                            municipal separate storm sewer systems                log storage facilities which are operated
                                                    stormwater discharges from forest roads                 serving population of 100,000 or more;                in connection with silvicultural
                                                    to determine what additional measures,                  and stormwater discharges ‘‘associated                activities and from which pollutants are
                                                    if any, are necessary to protect water                  with industrial activity.’’ Congress did              discharged into waters of the United
                                                    quality. As described below, section                    not define discharges associated with                 States,’’ and further explains that ‘‘the
                                                    402(p)(6) of the Clean Water Act (CWA)                  industrial activity, allowing EPA to                  term does not include non-point source
                                                    allows EPA to consider a range of                       define the term. For other stormwater                 silvicultural activities such as nursery
                                                    regulatory and non-regulatory                           discharges, section 402(p)(5) directs                 operations, site preparation,
                                                    approaches, and determine which                         EPA to conduct studies, in consultation               reforestation and subsequent cultural
                                                    stormwater discharges (if any) need                     with the states, for ‘‘identifying those              treatment, thinning, prescribed burning,
                                                    controls under 402(p)(6). Since EPA’s                   stormwater discharges or classes of                   pest and fire control, harvesting
                                                    last public notice on May 23, 2012 (77                                                                        operations, surface drainage, or road
                                                                                                            stormwater discharges for which
                                                    FR 30473), in which the Agency also                                                                           construction and maintenance from
                                                                                                            permits are not required’’; ‘‘determining
                                                    solicited comments on approaches for                                                                          which there is natural runoff.’’
                                                                                                            to the maximum extent practicable, the                   In 1990, EPA promulgated the Phase
                                                    addressing water quality impacts                        nature and extent of pollutants in such
                                                    associated with forest roads, a number                                                                        I stormwater regulations (55 FR 47990)
                                                                                                            discharges’’; and ‘‘establishing                      (‘‘Phase I Rule’’), following the 1987
                                                    of developments have occurred,
                                                                                                            procedures and methods to control                     amendments which directed the Agency
                                                    including statutory and regulatory
                                                                                                            stormwater discharges to the extent                   to develop regulations requiring permits
                                                    changes, collection of additional water
                                                                                                            necessary to mitigate impacts on water                for large and medium municipal
                                                    quality data, results from new research,
                                                    new information pertaining to                           quality.’’ Section 402(p)(6) directs the              separate storm sewer systems and
                                                    effectiveness of BMPs, and updates to                   Agency to issue regulations, in                       stormwater ‘‘discharges associated with
                                                    federal, state, local, tribal, and other                consultation with state and local                     industrial activity.’’ In the Phase I
                                                    programs. Therefore, the Agency seeks                   officials, based on such studies. The                 regulations EPA defined the term
                                                    to obtain public input and updated                      section allows EPA flexibility in issuing             ‘‘storm water discharge associated with
                                                    information on the implementation,                      regulations to address designated                     industrial activity,’’ which is not
                                                    effectiveness, and scope of approaches                  stormwater discharges and does not                    defined by the Act but was discussed in
                                                    and programs that are currently in place                require the use of NPDES permits.                     the legislative history to the 1987
                                                    for addressing stormwater discharges                    Specifically, the section states that the             amendments. In describing the scope of
                                                    from forest roads.                                      regulations ‘‘shall establish priorities,             the term ‘‘associated with industrial
                                                                                                            establish requirements for state                      activity,’’ several members of Congress
                                                    B. Legal Background                                     stormwater management programs, and                   explained in the legislative history that
                                                      The objective of the CWA is to restore                establish expeditious deadlines’’ and                 the term would apply if a discharge was
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                                                    and maintain the chemical, physical,                    may include ‘‘performance standards,                  ‘‘directly related to manufacturing,
                                                    and biological integrity of the nation’s                guidelines, guidance, and management                  processing or raw materials storage
                                                    waters. 33 U.S.C. 1251(a). To that end,                 practices and treatment requirements, as              areas at an industrial plant.’’ (Vol. 132
                                                    the CWA provides that the discharge of                  appropriate.’’ 33 U.S.C. 1342(p)(6). This             Cong. Rec. H10932, H10936 (daily ed.
                                                    any pollutant by any person shall be                    flexibility is unique to stormwater                   October 15, 1986); Vol. 133 Cong. Rec.
                                                    unlawful, except in compliance with                     discharges regulated under section                    H176 (daily ed. January 8, 1987)). The
                                                    other provisions of the statute. The                    402(p)(6) and differs from the                        Phase I Rule provided the regulatory
                                                    CWA provides for a permit program, in                   requirement for NPDES permits for                     definition of ‘‘associated with industrial

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 217 / Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / Notices                                            69655

                                                    activity’’ by adopting the language used                may consider in an appropriate                        to the Ninth Circuit’s decision in NEDC,
                                                    in the legislative history and                          proceeding Petitioner’s contention that               discharges of stormwater from
                                                    supplementing it with a description of                  section 402(p)(6) requires the EPA to                 silviculture activities other than the four
                                                    various types of areas (for example,                    regulate forest roads. The EPA may then               specifically named activities identified
                                                    material handling sites, sites used for                 either accept Petitioners’ arguments in               above do not require an NPDES permit.
                                                    the storage and maintenance of material                 whole or in part, or reject them on the               On March 20, 2013, the U.S. Supreme
                                                    handling equipment, etc.) that are                      basis of valid reasons that are                       Court reversed the Ninth Circuit’s ruling
                                                    directly related to an industrial process               adequately set forth to permit judicial               in NEDC, holding that discharges of
                                                    and to industrial facilities identified by              review.’’ Id. at 863.                                 stormwater that ran off logging roads
                                                    EPA. The Phase I regulations define the                    During several years following the                 into ditches, culverts and channels did
                                                    term ‘‘storm water discharge associated                 decision in EDC v. EPA, EPA undertook                 not require an NPDES permit. Decker,
                                                    with industrial activity’’ to include                   research to improve the Agency’s                      Oregon State Forester, et al. v.
                                                    stormwater discharges from facilities                   knowledge of forest road stormwater                   Northwest Environmental Defense
                                                    identified in the rule by Standard                      discharge impacts on water quality and                Center, 133 S.Ct 1326 (2013).
                                                    Industrial Classifications (SIC) codes. 40              what programs exist, whether voluntary                   In 2014, Congress amended section
                                                    CFR 122.26(b)(14). The Phase I Rule                     or mandatory, to reduce those impacts.                402(l) of the Federal Water Pollution
                                                    does not include discharges from                        During the same period, the Northwest                 Control Act to effectively prohibit the
                                                    facilities or activities excluded from the              Environmental Defense Center initiated                use of NPDES permits for the discharge
                                                    NPDES program under other parts of                      litigation concerning logging road                    of runoff ‘‘resulting from the conduct of
                                                    EPA’s regulations, including the                        stormwater discharges.                                the following silviculture activities
                                                    Silvicultural regulations. Id. As                          In 2011, the U.S. Court of Appeals for             conducted in accordance with standard
                                                    discussed above, EPA had previously                     the Ninth Circuit issued a decision in                industry practice: nursery operations,
                                                    specified under the Silvicultural                       Northwest Environmental Defense                       site preparation, reforestation and
                                                    regulations which silvicultural                         Center v. Brown, 640 F.3d 1063 (9th Cir.              subsequent cultural treatment, thinning,
                                                    discharges were to be included in the                   2011) (‘‘NEDC’’), a citizen suit alleging             prescribed burning, pest and fire
                                                    NPDES program. 40 CFR 122.27. EPA                       violations of the CWA for unpermitted                 control, harvesting operations, surface
                                                    intended to regulate those same                         discharges of stormwater from ditches                 drainage, or road construction and
                                                    ‘‘silvicultural point source[s]’’ under the             alongside two logging roads in state                  maintenance.’’ 33 U.S.C. 1342(l). In
                                                    Phase I rule (i.e., rock crushing, gravel               forests. The court held that because the              addition, the amendment prohibits third
                                                    washing, log sorting, and log storage                   stormwater runoff from the two roads in               party lawsuits authorized by section
                                                    facilities) and to exclude from the Phase               question is collected by a system of                  505(a) for any non-permitting program
                                                    I regulation stormwater runoff from                     ditches, culverts and channels and then               established under 402(p)(6), or for any
                                                    other silvicultural activities, consistent              discharged into waters of the United                  other limitations applied to silviculture
                                                    with the requirements of section 122.27.                States, there was a point source                      activities.
                                                       In developing the second phase of                    discharge of stormwater associated with                  In December 2014, EDC and the
                                                    stormwater regulations, EPA submitted                   industrial activity for which an NPDES                Natural Resources Defense Council filed
                                                    to Congress in March 1995 a report that                 permit is required.                                   a petition with the Ninth Circuit to
                                                    evaluated the nature of stormwater                         On May 23, 2012, EPA published a                   compel EPA to respond, within six
                                                    discharges from municipal and                           Notice in the Federal Register                        months, to the question remanded in the
                                                    industrial facilities that were not                     summarizing known water quality                       2003 EDC v. EPA decision of whether
                                                    already regulated under the Phase I                     impacts related to forest roads and                   section 402(p)(6) requires regulation of
                                                    regulations (U.S. Environmental                         discussing existing state, tribal, and                stormwater discharges from forest roads.
                                                    Protection Agency, Office of Water.                     voluntary programs designed to address                Following execution of a settlement
                                                    Storm Water Discharges Potentially                      those impacts. (77 FR 30473). The                     agreement that was filed with the court
                                                    Addressed by Phase II of the National                   Notice expressed EPA’s intent to specify              on August 26, 2015, the court entered an
                                                    Pollutant Discharge Elimination System                  that only stormwater discharges                       order establishing a schedule requiring
                                                    Storm Water Program: Report to                          associated with rock crushing, gravel                 EPA to issue a final determination by
                                                    Congress. Washington, DC EPA, 1995.                     washing, log sorting, and log storage are             May 26, 2016.
                                                    (833–K–94–002)). On December 8, 1999,                   considered discharges associated with
                                                                                                            industrial activities, and that those                 III. Water Quality Impacts From
                                                    EPA promulgated the Phase II                                                                                  Stormwater Discharges From Forest
                                                    stormwater regulations to address                       would be the only discharges associated
                                                                                                            with silvicultural activity that would be             Roads
                                                    stormwater discharges from small
                                                    municipal separate storm sewer systems                  subject to permitting under the                          The Agency’s May 23, 2012 Notice
                                                    and construction sites that disturb one                 stormwater regulations pertaining to                  summarized the research EPA had
                                                    to five acres. 64 FR 68722. Under CWA                   industrial activity. The Notice also                  collected to date on the water quality
                                                    sections 402(p)(2)(E) and 402(p)(6), EPA                discussed the Agency’s consideration of               impacts resulting from stormwater
                                                    retains the authority to designate                      non-permitting approaches to address                  discharges from forest roads. Much of
                                                    additional stormwater discharges for                    other stormwater discharges from forest               this research was compiled in the 2008
                                                    regulation.                                             roads.                                                report ‘‘National Level Assessment of
                                                       The Phase II stormwater regulations                     On December 7, 2012, EPA                           Water Quality Impairments Related to
                                                    were challenged in Environmental                        promulgated a final rule (77 FR 72970)                Forest Roads and Their Prevention by
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                                                    Defense Center v. US EPA, 344 F.3d 832                  to specify that for the purposes of                   Best Management Practices’’ prepared
                                                    (9th Cir. 2003) (EDC v. EPA). In that                   assessing whether stormwater                          by the Great Lakes Environmental
                                                    case, petitioners contended that EPA                    discharges are ‘‘associated with                      Center, Inc. (GLEC). This document is
                                                    arbitrarily failed to regulate discharges               industrial activity,’’ the only facilities            available in the docket for today’s notice
                                                    from forest roads under the Phase II                    under the SIC code 2411 that are                      and provides an extensive discussion on
                                                    rule. The court held that EPA failed to                 ‘‘industrial’’ are: Rock crushing, gravel             water quality impacts from forest road
                                                    consider the petitioners’ comments and                  washing, log sorting, and log storage.                stormwater discharges, which are
                                                    remanded the issue to EPA ‘‘so that it                  This rulemaking clarified that, contrary              primarily erosion and sedimentation,

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                                                    69656                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 217 / Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                    but can also include changes in stream                  activities’’ as a result of the 2014                  discharges from forest roads in its May
                                                    morphology, introduction of chemicals                   amendment to section 402(l) of the                    23, 2012 Federal Register Notice, but
                                                    and other pollutants, and degradation of                CWA. However, authority to regulate                   understands that there may have been
                                                    aquatic habitat.                                        these discharges in other ways and                    improvements and additions since that
                                                       EPA’s research indicates that                        using other methods remains, including                time. With this Notice, EPA seeks
                                                    improperly designed, constructed,                       under section 402(p)(6). As noted,                    updated information on existing
                                                    maintained, or decommissioned forest                    section 402(p)(6) of the CWA allows                   programs.
                                                    roads, as well as abandoned ‘‘legacy                    EPA flexibility in issuing regulations to                A range of guidelines are available to
                                                    roads,’’ 1 can lead to a number of                      address designated stormwater                         assist forest owners, managers, and
                                                    impacts. These impacts can include                      discharges and does not require the use               operators in designing and maintaining
                                                    increased sediment load and changes in                  of NPDES permits. Specifically, the                   forest roads and selecting the
                                                    stream network hydrology, subsequently                  section states that the regulations shall             appropriate BMPs to control stormwater
                                                    causing physical, biological, and                       establish priorities, establish                       discharges. For example, EPA has
                                                    ecological impacts to water quality. EPA                requirements for state stormwater                     issued national guidance to assist forest
                                                    also recognizes that not all forest roads               management programs, and establish                    owners and operators to protect lakes
                                                    cause water quality impacts and that                    expeditious deadlines and may include                 and streams from polluted runoff that
                                                    within a basin the majority of the water                ‘‘performance standards, guidelines,                  can result from forestry activity and, in
                                                    quality impacts caused by discharges                    guidance, and management practices                    particular, from improperly built or
                                                    from forest roads may be attributed to a                and treatment requirements, as                        maintained forest roads (USEPA, 2005).
                                                    relatively small subset of forest roads                 appropriate.’’ 33 U.S.C. 1342(p)(6).                  Other federal agencies as well as states
                                                    (see, for example, Nelson et al., 2011;                    In assessing whether regulation is                 have also developed guidance
                                                    Fly et al., 2010; Luce and Black, 2001;                 required under section 402(p)(6) of the               documents to protect water quality from
                                                    Luce and Black, 1999).                                  CWA, EPA is considering the                           forest road discharges (For example
                                                       The focus of this notice is to solicit               effectiveness of existing programs in                 USFS (2012) and Georgia Forestry
                                                    input on the implementation and                         addressing water quality impacts                      Commission (2009)). In addition,
                                                    effectiveness of existing public and                    attributable to stormwater discharges                 industry has developed standards for
                                                    private programs, whether voluntary or                  from forest roads, including federal,                 voluntary certification programs (For
                                                    legally binding and enforceable, in                     state, local, tribal, third-party                     example, NCASI (2012) and SFI (2015)).
                                                    mitigating water quality impacts from                   certifications, and combinations of these             BMP-based approaches allow forest road
                                                    stormwater discharges from forest roads,                approaches, as well as voluntary BMP-                 owners and operators to tailor
                                                    rather than to receive additional                       based approaches. In this notice, EPA                 management practices to site-specific
                                                    comments or materials on water quality                  requests information on these and other               factors such as topography, road design,
                                                    impacts of these discharges.                            means currently in place for addressing               soils, geologic factors, road use, and
                                                    Specifically, EPA seeks input on the                    the water quality impacts of stormwater               climate. The diversity of the forest road
                                                    implementation, effectiveness, and                      discharges from forest roads or certain               networks, the different classes of roads,
                                                    scope of existing federal, state, local,                portions of forest roads. EPA also                    the different local physical conditions,
                                                    tribal and private sector programs. The                 requests information on implementation                and the broad range of road conditions
                                                    Agency also seeks input on additional                   and lessons learned from experience                   and uses indicate the importance of site-
                                                                                                            with existing programs.                               specific BMP selection and
                                                    approaches and regulations, if
                                                                                                                                                                  implementation to protect water quality.
                                                    necessary, to mitigate negative impacts                 V. Key Considerations                                    EPA also intends to consider the
                                                    on water quality from forest road                          In assessing how best to manage                    complexity and vastness of the Nation’s
                                                    stormwater discharges.                                  stormwater discharges from forest roads,              forest road network and diversity of the
                                                    IV. EPA’s May 23, 2012 Federal                          EPA recognizes that any effective                     forested landscape. EPA seeks
                                                    Register Notice                                         program should be informed by several                 additional information that would assist
                                                                                                            considerations. It is EPA’s view that                 the Agency in evaluating various
                                                       On May 23, 2012, EPA published a                     there are four key considerations for                 approaches, including, for example:
                                                    Notice that sought comment on                           managing stormwater discharges as                     Differences among forest uses;
                                                    potential approaches for addressing                     described later in this notice: (1) The               particularly vulnerable features of the
                                                    water quality impacts resulting from                    advantage of leveraging existing                      road network (for example, stream
                                                    stormwater discharges from forest roads.                strategies that work, including existing              crossings); critical phases (for example,
                                                    In response to that Notice, EPA received                effective federal, state, local, tribal,              road closure or decommissioning);
                                                    over 100 comment letters. Some                          private, and voluntary BMP-based                      ownerships of different forest tracts;
                                                    comments pointed to existing programs                   programs; (2) the utility of addressing               types of ownership, including public,
                                                    suggesting that a national regulation                   site-specific factors; (3) the need to                private, and tribal-owned lands; and
                                                    addressing discharges from forest roads                 prioritize actions; and (4) the benefits of           forest road conditions, type, and usage.
                                                    is unnecessary because existing state                   accountability measures.                              The selection of appropriate
                                                    and tribal programs are sufficient.                        Forest road stormwater management                  management strategies and BMPs can
                                                    Others asserted that existing federal,                  programs vary across the country in                   vary based on site-specific factors,
                                                    state, and tribal programs are                          response to state or regional factors.                including topography, road design,
                                                    insufficient to protect water quality.                  EPA is working with federal agencies,                 soils, geologic factors, road use, road
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                                                       As discussed above, EPA is prohibited                states, and tribes as well as the private             maintenance schedule, and climate.
                                                    from requiring NPDES permits for                        sector to understand their programs for               EPA also would like information on the
                                                    stormwater discharges from forest roads                 managing stormwater discharges from                   effectiveness of properly implemented
                                                    associated with defined ‘‘silvicultural                 forest roads. The Agency is interested in             BMPs in protecting water quality from
                                                       1 Abandoned or ‘‘legacy roads’’ refers to forest
                                                                                                            engaging other interested stakeholders                forest road stormwater discharges. EPA
                                                    roads built prior to the establishment of current
                                                                                                            in the process as well. EPA provided an               solicits information on what approaches
                                                    design standards, which are not being used but may      overview of existing public and private               have been or could be applied
                                                    still be sources of sediment.                           programs to manage stormwater                         nationally regardless of forest road type

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 217 / Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / Notices                                           69657

                                                    and ownership, as well as which                         establish standards for the design of                 shown that BMPs are, for the most part,
                                                    approaches might be best targeted to                    forest roads and BMPs. State and tribal               being consistently implemented and
                                                    specific locations. For instance,                       programs vary in their substantive level              installation rates have improved
                                                    performance-based management                            of protection, specificity and                        substantially over time. When the need
                                                    strategies may be more effective and less               enforceability, and generally fall into               for improvements in BMP application
                                                    burdensome than approaches that rely                    three categories: regulatory, non-                    are identified, MFS works cooperatively
                                                    upon prescriptive solutions.                            regulatory, and combination programs.                 with the landowner to address the issue
                                                       EPA recognizes the importance of                     Information available to EPA indicates                (Maine DEC, 2012).
                                                    prioritization in allocating resources.                 that 15 states have established                          Maine has a number of state laws that
                                                    For example, protecting beneficial uses                 mandatory BMPs for forest roads and                   address sediment discharges to surface
                                                    such as fish spawning or public water                   the remaining 35 states allow for                     waters, including discharges due to
                                                    supply may be a high priority in some                   voluntary implementation of BMPs to                   timber operations. As needed, MFS
                                                    areas while reducing impacts to waters                  control stormwater discharges from                    works with other state agencies to
                                                    listed as impaired or included in an                    forest roads (GLEC, 2008). In some cases              identify problems and address them in
                                                    existing Total Maximum Daily Load                       the failure to implement voluntary                    a regulatory manner. Most issues are
                                                    (TMDL) might be a high priority in other                measures can result in enforcement                    resolved cooperatively before a
                                                    areas. EPA requests information on how                  where noncompliance leads to a                        regulatory solution is needed (Maine
                                                    existing programs identify and                          significant risk to water quality. For                DEC, 2012).
                                                    determine where to allocate resources to                example, the California program                          North Carolina has a combination
                                                    prioritize high quality, or pristine,                   resembles a permit program and is                     approach for its forest management
                                                    waters or alternatively, impaired waters,               mandatory, whereas Florida relies                     program, as it employs elements of both
                                                    or how to prioritize focus on certain                   primarily on voluntary compliance with                regulatory and non-regulatory programs.
                                                    forest roads that may be more                           state-approved road BMPs. The                         In 1990, the state developed
                                                    problematic than others.                                discussion below describes two existing               administrative rules (Forest Practice
                                                       Finally, accountability is a key                     state programs and briefly describes                  Guidelines Related to Water Quality
                                                    element of a successful approach                        several existing tribal programs to                   (FPGs)). Additionally, other state laws
                                                    ensuring stormwater discharges from                     illustrate the different approaches used              or interagency agreements can apply to
                                                    forest roads are properly implemented                   to address forest road impacts.                       forestry activities, including the
                                                    and managed across the country and                         Maine provides an example of a state               location, construction, and maintenance
                                                    that reasonable progress is made in                     that employs a non-regulatory forest                  of forest roads in wetlands (North
                                                    addressing inadequately managed                         management program. In a voluntary                    Carolina FS, 2012).
                                                    stormwater discharges from forest roads.                program, the state typically develops                    The North Carolina Forest Service
                                                    EPA seeks information regarding                         state-wide forestry BMPs (including                   (NCFS) conducts thousands of forestry
                                                    existing programs, such as adaptive                     measures for forest roads) and                        compliance inspections each year and
                                                    management approaches, that include                     recommends that the forest owners                     has found high FPG compliance rates on
                                                    accountability measures such as                         implement the BMPs. Generally, there                  a statewide basis. More focused
                                                    monitoring, reporting, necessary                        are no permit mechanisms or                           implementation-specific monitoring has
                                                    updates, and consequences for failure to                enforcement actions, but many states                  been conducted several times since
                                                    adhere to the objectives of the                         with voluntary programs use a hands-on                2000 by the NCFS and has also shown
                                                    management program.                                     approach that emphasizes education,                   high implementation rates for forest
                                                                                                            outreach, and training for forest owners,             road BMPs, despite their voluntary
                                                    VI. Approaches for Managing                             loggers, and others (Maine DEC, 2012).                nature. State staff also provide technical
                                                    Stormwater Discharges From Forest                          Maine’s forestry BMP program is                    assistance in designing and
                                                    Roads                                                   administered through the Maine Forest                 implementing BMPs and in assessing
                                                       As described in further detail below,                Service (MFS). Broadly, the program                   water quality. North Carolina revised its
                                                    many owners and operators of forest                     consists of voluntary BMPs                            BMP manual in 2006 and included
                                                    lands are employing a variety of                        implemented by the landowner,                         detailed discussions about all aspects of
                                                    effective approaches to manage, operate,                monitoring of the BMPs by MFS, and, if                managing forest roads. The state has
                                                    comply with and maintain forest roads                   needed, a regulatory ‘‘safety net.’’ The              implemented a number of training and
                                                    to control stormwater discharges.                       primary focus of the MFS program is                   education programs in concert with
                                                    Depending on the jurisdiction, owners                   training and outreach. MFS works to                   demonstration projects to promote
                                                    or operators use federal requirements,                  develop and revise BMPs, the most                     proper BMP usage. North Carolina
                                                    BMP state program requirements, as                      recent set being published in 2004. MFS               agencies also coordinate to ensure that
                                                    well as tribal requirements, or follow                  then offers frequent training courses                 forestry operations are compliant with
                                                    the standards of voluntary programs,                    across the state and online to promote                state requirements, that inspections are
                                                    including forest stewardship and                        understanding of the principles and                   properly conducted, and that
                                                    sustainability initiatives. Some of these               techniques in selecting and installing                enforcement protocols are appropriately
                                                    approaches are used in combinations                     appropriate BMPs. Deficiencies in the                 established (North Carolina FS, 2012).
                                                    that may provide a more holistic                        implementation of BMPs (as identified                    Across the country, over 300 tribal
                                                    approach, which may be more                             by follow-up monitoring or other                      reservations are significantly forested,
                                                                                                            mechanisms) may lead to specialized                   and tribal lands include 17.9 million
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                                                    protective and effective.
                                                                                                            training sessions (Maine DEC, 2012).                  acres of forest land, including 7.7
                                                    A. Examples of Existing State and Tribal                   The MFS also conducts field                        million acres of productive timberland
                                                    Programs                                                monitoring of forestry BMPs. In                       (ITC 2007). Tribal governments in
                                                      Many states and some tribes have                      collaboration with other stakeholders, a              partnership with the U.S. government
                                                    programs in place that function to                      state-wide monitoring protocol was                    dedicate substantial resources to
                                                    prevent or minimize forest road                         developed and has been implemented                    improving tribal forest management.
                                                    stormwater discharge impacts on water                   annually at selected sites since 2006. As             Much of the responsibility for managing
                                                    quality. These programs generally                       noted in GLEC (2008), surveys have                    forests on tribal lands across the country

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                                                    69658                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 217 / Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                    is carried out by the Bureau of Indian                  requirements for best management                      Management Activities BMP provisions
                                                    Affairs (BIA) with the involvement of                   practices for forest roads; guidelines for            address: Travel Management Planning
                                                    tribal governments. The National Indian                 prioritizing and addressing water                     and Analysis; Road Location and
                                                    Forest Resources Management Act                         quality concerns related to stormwater                Design; Road Construction and
                                                    (NIFRMA), Title III, Public Law 101–                    discharges from existing forest roads;                Reconstruction; Road Operations and
                                                    630, directs the Secretary of the Interior,             accountability measures; public                       Maintenance; Temporary Roads; Road
                                                    in consultation with the affected tribes,               involvement and the opportunity for                   Storage and Decommissioning; Stream
                                                    to obtain an independent assessment of                  public input into the development of                  Crossings; Snow Removal and Storage;
                                                    the status of forest resources on tribal                the state program; a program for                      Parking and Staging Areas; Equipment
                                                    lands and their management.                             monitoring or auditing to assess                      Refueling and Servicing; and Road
                                                       NIFRMA requires the development of                   program compliance; a program for                     Storm Damage Surveys. Each BMP
                                                    forestry management plans under which                   monitoring the effectiveness of the roads             draws on administrative directives that
                                                    the forests are managed in accordance                   program in minimizing water quality                   guide FS management of roads on NFS
                                                    with BMPs, as approved through an                       impacts; and an adaptive management                   land. FS directives and BMP Guide
                                                    interdisciplinary team consisting of                    process to revise BMPs based on                       allow for the use of state, tribal and
                                                    forestry experts from academia, the                     effectiveness monitoring) and how                     local requirements and information to
                                                    private sector, forest-managing tribes                  much flexibility is appropriate for state             develop site-specific BMPs. They also
                                                    and the U.S. Department of Agriculture                  and tribal programs.                                  provide monitoring of BMP
                                                    Forest Service. The Tribal Forest                                                                             implementation and effectiveness using
                                                    Protection Act (Pub. L. 108–278)                        B. Examples of Existing Federal
                                                                                                                                                                  national core BMP monitoring protocols
                                                    authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture                 Programs
                                                                                                                                                                  and reporting systems. Based on
                                                    and the Secretary of the Interior to enter                 Federal agencies, such as the U.S.                 monitoring results, these mechanisms
                                                    into an agreement or contract with tribes               Department of Agriculture Forest                      provide for adaptive management in
                                                    to carry out projects to protect forests on             Service (FS) and the Bureau of Land                   assessing implementation, effectiveness,
                                                    tribal lands. Protection of such land is                Management (BLM), have established                    and adjusting practices as needed to
                                                    particularly important for tribes because               programs for the management of                        protect water quality. FS has enhanced
                                                    they pass their land on from generation                 stormwater discharges from forest roads               its Road Preconstruction Handbook on
                                                    to generation. This helps to ensure                     on federal lands. These agencies manage               Design (FSH 7709.59 Chapter 40) as
                                                    future availability of natural resources,               large tracts of forested lands, including             well as the Transportation Structures
                                                    including healthy forests and clean                     lands that are actively being disturbed               Handbook on Hydraulics and Watershed
                                                    water.                                                  by road building, road maintenance,                   Protection (FSH 7709.59b CH 60) to
                                                       Many tribes have taken on significant                logging operations, unauthorized public               include design considerations for the
                                                    roles in sustainable forest management.                 and recreational use or other tasks, and              construction and reconstruction of
                                                    For example, the Menominee Indian                       have generally demonstrated sound                     forest roads which minimize road and
                                                    Tribe of Wisconsin manages the forested                 environmental stewardship in managing                 drainage impacts to the watershed. FS
                                                    portions of the reservation for long-term               these lands.                                          Technology and Development Centers
                                                    sustainability through the Menominee                       FS has developed a number of                       have created a number of publications
                                                    Tribal Enterprises (MTE), which has                     programs related to managing                          to assist designers when addressing
                                                    received certifications for sustainable                 discharges from forest roads to improve               road/water interactions http://
                                                    management from the Forest                              water quality. For example, FS is                     www.fs.fed.us/eng/pubs/.
                                                    Stewardship Council (FSC)-approved                      revising its Forest Service Manual and
                                                    programs conducted by the Scientific                                                                             FS has also created the Watershed
                                                                                                            Forest Service Handbook directives                    Condition Framework, an approach to
                                                    Certification and the Rainforest
                                                                                                            (FSM 2500 3 and FSH 2509–19 4) on                     assessing watersheds in national forests
                                                    Alliance. According the MTE Millwork
                                                                                                            BMPs for water quality protection on                  and grasslands, implementing protective
                                                    Web site,2 certification is awarded to
                                                                                                            National Forest Service lands. These                  measures and providing for ongoing
                                                    forest operations that are well managed
                                                                                                            revisions would establish national                    monitoring.6 FS has developed another
                                                    in accordance with environmentally and
                                                                                                            BMPs and associated monitoring                        program, known as the Legacy Roads
                                                    socially responsible guidelines. The
                                                                                                            protocols on National Forest Service                  and Trails Program, to identify legacy
                                                    Northern Cheyenne Tribe requires that
                                                                                                            lands. 70 FR 25824. As part of this                   roads in national forests and grasslands,
                                                    all new roads be obliterated and seeded
                                                                                                            effort, FS has developed a National Core              and to minimize the discharge of
                                                    after forest harvesting activities.
                                                                                                            BMP Technical Guide 5 intended to                     stormwater by decommissioning or
                                                    Similarly, the Blackfeet Nation has a no
                                                    net new road miles policy, which                        improve FS performance and                            upgrading them.7 FS also publishes
                                                    requires the closure of an existing road                accountability in managing water                      documents for specific regions or types
                                                    before a new forest road may be                         quality consistent with the CWA and                   of forests that contain information on
                                                    constructed.                                            State water quality programs. This                    forest road construction and
                                                       EPA requests comments regarding the                  Guide establishes national core BMPs                  maintenance, as well as information on
                                                    implementation, effectiveness and scope                 that address 11 subject areas affecting               appropriate BMPs.8
                                                    of state, local, and tribal programs, both              water quality, including ‘‘Road                          FS has also developed a suite of tools
                                                    mandatory and voluntary, in preventing                  Management Activities.’’ The Road                     for the identification and prioritization
                                                    or minimizing forest road
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                              3 Watershed and Air Management, Chapter
                                                                                                                                                                  of road segments at risk for contributing
                                                    environmental impacts on water quality.                 2530—Water Resource Management, 2532—Water
                                                    EPA also seeks feedback on which                        Quality Management.                                     6 http://www.fs.fed.us/sites/default/files/

                                                    elements are regarded as necessary for                    4 National Best Management Practices, Chapter       Watershed_Condition_Framework.pdf.
                                                    an effective program (for example, an                   10—National Core Best Management Practices.             7 http://www.fs.fed.us/restoration/Legacy_Roads_
                                                                                                              5 National Best Management Practices for Water      and_Trails/.
                                                    inventory of forest roads; logger training
                                                                                                            Quality Management on National Forest System            8 See, for example, http://www.fs.usda.gov/
                                                    and outreach; technical assistance;                     Lands, Volume 1: National Core BMP Technical          Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5362512.pdf
                                                                                                            Guide, United States Department of Agriculture,       and http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_
                                                      2 http://www.mtemillwork.com/.                        Forest Service, FS–990a, April 2012.                  DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5399662.pdf.

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                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 217 / Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / Notices                                            69659

                                                    to water quality problems.9 These tools                 Environmental Impact Statement                        label to those products as recognition of
                                                    operate at scales of detail ranging from                (Appendix I).14                                       responsible sourcing and to ultimately
                                                    using corporate road databases and                         One example of multiple agencies                   influence consumer purchasing choices
                                                    digital elevation data to using detailed                coordinating to implement BMPs in a                   that translate into increased sales. Some
                                                    GPS surveys. These tools have been                      particular region of forests is the                   producers of end products may only
                                                    applied in watershed sediment load                      Northwest Forest Plan under the                       accept raw materials that meet
                                                    reduction plans for waters listed as                    Aquatic Conservation Strategy. The                    certification program requirements; for
                                                    impaired under the CWA 10 and in forest                 recently released ‘‘Northwest Forest                  example, a paper mill might not accept
                                                    restoration projects under the                          Plan Interagency Regional Monitoring,                 raw materials that do not have
                                                    Collaborative Forest Landscape                          20-Year Report, Status and Trend of                   certification. The recent rise in
                                                                                                            Watershed Condition’’ summarizes the                  prominence of certification programs
                                                    Restoration Program in the states of
                                                                                                            results of the 20-year interagency effort             coincides with other studies (for
                                                    Idaho, Montana,11 and California. FS
                                                                                                            to implement an array of protective                   example, Ice et al., 2010) showing
                                                    maintains an applied science program
                                                                                                            measures including BMPs to maintain                   increases in the implementation rates of
                                                    on road-related sediment risks to                       watershed health in that region.15                    BMPs over the same period.
                                                    support all of the above efforts (see, for              Finally, BLM has partnered with the                      SFI grew out of a program developed
                                                    example, Luce et al., 2001; Switalski et                Society of America Foresters (SAF) to                 by the American Forest & Paper
                                                    al., 2004).                                             foster proper forest management                       Association and relies on a system of
                                                       BLM is a significant owner and                       techniques on BLM lands nationwide.16                 principles and objectives. A set of BMP-
                                                    manager of forests and woodlands on                        EPA welcomes comments on the                       related requirements must be met for
                                                    federal lands as well, primarily in the                 implementation, effectiveness and scope               forest owners, loggers, and others to
                                                    western U.S. and Alaska. Similar to FS,                 of these federal programs and how they                attain SFI’s certification for forest fiber
                                                    a full suite of activities are authorized               work in coordination with state and                   sourcing. Performance measures focus
                                                    and managed on BLM forests and                          tribal programs to assist EPA in                      on adherence to applicable water
                                                    woodlands, including timber harvesting,                 developing its response to the 2003                   quality laws and installation of BMPs,
                                                    hazardous fuel reduction treatments,                    remand in EDC v. EPA, but emphasizes                  with performance criteria that include
                                                    recreation, fish and wildlife                           that this is not the forum for evaluating             developing an overall program for
                                                    conservation, oil and gas activities, and               specific elements of FS or BLM                        certification and compliance,
                                                    grazing. Authorized uses in forests and                 programs.                                             monitoring of BMPs during all phases of
                                                                                                                                                                  forestry activities, mapping of water
                                                    woodlands, such as timber harvesting,                   C. Examples of Third-Party Certification              resources, and recordkeeping. Third-
                                                    often include road construction and                     Programs                                              party audits (typically conducted
                                                    maintenance, which are broadly                            In recent years, forestry organizations,            annually) verify the certification
                                                    governed by policies, standards, and                    such as the Sustainable Forestry                      process. This program is also already a
                                                    right of way agreements that ensure                     Initiative (SFI) and Forest Stewardship               central element in many of the states’
                                                    proper design and upkeep.12 The BLM’s                   Council (FSC), have developed non-                    forestry training programs and also
                                                    Land Use Planning Handbook, which                       governmental third-party certification                includes outreach to landowners and
                                                    includes guidance for the development                   programs to address water quality                     support for various research efforts.
                                                    of BLM land use plans developed under                   impacts from forest roads. A wide                        FSC’s program places an emphasis on
                                                    section 202 of the Federal Land Policy                  variety of certification programs exist               conservation, as well as social and
                                                    and Management Act (FLPMA) and                          worldwide, but most have common                       economic criteria. Similar to SFI, FSC’s
                                                    implementation of other BLM actions,                    elements such as standards for                        program relies on a series of overarching
                                                    provides broad agency direction for                     responsible forest management and                     principles and more specific
                                                    BLM to use BMPs to meet the standards                   harvesting, third-party audits,                       performance criteria. One such criterion
                                                    and goals of the CWA, to address                        documentation, and publication. These                 specifies that forest owners must
                                                    various protection measures to mitigate                 certification programs address many                   develop written plans to address erosion
                                                    impacts to human health concerns,                       aspects of forest management, but they                and other impacts associated with forest
                                                    ecosystem health, riparian areas, and                   specifically include management                       operations. Specific guidelines for forest
                                                    overall watershed conditions, and to                    practices for mitigating water quality                roads include minimizing erosion,
                                                    meet state and local water quality                      impacts resulting from stormwater                     avoiding water crossings, and
                                                    requirements.13 One recent example on                   discharges from forest roads. Also, these             minimizing habitat fragmentation. FSC
                                                    how BLM has incorporated this                           programs typically avoid developing a                 offers two types of certification: one for
                                                    guidance into the planning process for                  single set of standards and acknowledge               forest managers and another for entities
                                                                                                            necessary regional variation in BMPs.                 involved in the intermediate and end
                                                    management of lands that include forest
                                                                                                              Certification programs are, at their                uses of the wood products.
                                                    roads can be found in Appendix I of the                                                                          Like the state and federal programs,
                                                    recently released western Oregon Draft                  core, market- or consumer-driven.
                                                                                                            Certification is incorporated into a                  these programs are revised over time.
                                                    Resource Management Plan/                                                                                     For example, in 2015, SFI revised the
                                                                                                            chain-of-custody process that permits a
                                                                                                            producer of consumer products (for                    standards that guide their certification
                                                      9 See, for example, http://www.fs.fed.us/GRAIP/.
                                                      10 See,
                                                                                                            example, paper, lumber, and furniture)                program; the new standards specifically
                                                              for example, http://water.epa.gov/
                                                                                                                                                                  mention managing water quality
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    polwaste/nps/success319/id_bear.cfm.                    to apply a ‘‘green’’ or ‘‘eco-friendly’’
                                                      11 See, for example, http://www.fs.fed.us/GRAIP/                                                            impacts resulting from the construction
                                                    downloads/case_studies/WatershedStudies_                  14 http://www.blm.gov/or/plans/                     and use of forest roads. Data also suggest
                                                    LoloHelenaFlatheadNFs_SWCC_                             rmpswesternoregon/deis.php.                           that BMP implementation rates are
                                                    2014%20Final%20Report.pdf.                                15 http://www.reo.gov/monitoring/reports/20yr-
                                                                                                                                                                  substantially higher in forests that
                                                      12 http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/             report.
                                                    forests_and_woodland.html.                                16 http://www.blm.gov/style/medialib/blm/wo/
                                                                                                                                                                  participate in certification programs
                                                      13 http://www.blm.gov/style/medialib/blm/ak/          Planning_and_Renewable_Resources/                     (Texas Forest Service, 2011).
                                                    aktest/planning/planning_                               0.Par.97719.File.dat/BLM_MOU_WO-200-2009-                EPA requests comments on the
                                                    general.Par.65225.File.dat/blm_lup_handbook.pdf.        03.pdf.                                               implementation, effectiveness and scope

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                                                    69660                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 217 / Tuesday, November 10, 2015 / Notices

                                                    of the elements of these third-party                    systematic planning process for                           Improvement (NCASI). 2012. Assessing
                                                    certification programs that address                     prioritizing and addressing water                         the Effectiveness of Contemporary Forest
                                                    runoff from forest roads. EPA also                      quality concerns related to stormwater                    Best Management Practices (BMPs):
                                                                                                                                                                      Focus on Roads. Special Report 12–01.
                                                    welcomes comments from the                              discharges from existing roads; an
                                                                                                                                                                      January 2012. By Dr. G.G Ice and Dr. E.B.
                                                    organizations administering these                       accountability measure; an opportunity                    Schilling.
                                                    programs. In particular, EPA seeks                      for public involvement in the                         Nelson, N., Cissel, R., Black, T., Luce, C.
                                                    comment on how programs such as                         development and management of the                         2011. Monitoring Road
                                                    these fit with or complement other                      program; water quality monitoring to                      Decommissioning in the Mann Creek
                                                    programs; for example, whether and to                   assess effectiveness of the program; and/                 Watershed: Post-storm Report Payette
                                                    what extent these industry or non-                      or an adaptive management process to                      National Forest. US Department of
                                                    governmental programs fill gaps in state                revise BMPs based on effective                            Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky
                                                    and tribal programs.                                                                                              Mountain Research Station. 33 pp.
                                                                                                                                                                  North Carolina Forest Service (FS). 2012.
                                                    VII. Request for Comments and Data                        4. EPA also invites comments on what                    Comment letter on EPA’s May 23, 2012
                                                                                                            additional measures, consistent with                      Notice of Intent. June 21, 2012. By Wib
                                                       EPA encourages public comments to                    federal law, could be implemented in                      Owen. Document ID EPA–HQ–OW–
                                                    inform EPA’s upcoming decision as to                    existing programs to increase water                       2012–0195–0100.
                                                    whether there is a need for additional                  quality protection from forest roads                  Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). 2015.
                                                    regulation of stormwater discharges                     stormwater discharges where necessary.                    SFI 2015–2019 Standards and Rules:
                                                    from forest roads. Requests for comment                                                                           Standards, Rules for Label Use,
                                                    can be found throughout this notice in                  IX. References                                            Procedures and Guidance. January 2015.
                                                    the sections where they are discussed.                                                                        Switalski, T. A., J. A. Bissonette, T. H.
                                                                                                               A list of references cited in this notice
                                                    This section specifically requests                                                                                DeLuca, C. H. Luce, and M. A. Madej
                                                                                                            is available at http://                                   (2004), Benefits and impacts of road
                                                    comment on the issues below. To the                     www.regulations.gov/ under Docket ID                      removal, Frontiers in Ecology and the
                                                    extent possible, EPA requests that                      No. EPA–HQ–OW–2015–0668.                                  Environment, 2(1), 21–28.
                                                    comments provide concrete examples or                   Fly, C., Grover-Wier, K., Thornton, J., Black,        Texas Forest Service. 2011. Voluntary
                                                    quantitative data.                                           T., Luce, C. 2010 Bear Valley Road                   Implementation of Forestry Best
                                                       1. For purposes of the discussion in                      Inventory (GRAIP) Report In Support of               Management Practices in East Texas:
                                                    this notice, EPA uses the term ‘‘forest                      the Bear Valley Category 4b                          Results from Round 8 of BMP
                                                    road’’ to mean a road located on forested                    Demonstration. US Department of                      Implementation Monitoring. December
                                                    land, and the term ‘‘logging road’’ to                       Agriculture, Forest Service, Boise                   2011 By H. Simpson, C. Coup, and C.
                                                    mean a forest road that is used to                           National Forest. 54 pp.                              Duncan.
                                                    support logging activities. That is, as                 Georgia Forestry Commission. 2009.                    United States Environmental Protection
                                                    used in this notice, logging roads are a                     Georgia’s Best Management Practices for              Agency (USEPA). 2005. National
                                                                                                                 Forestry. May 2009.                                  Management Measures to Control
                                                    subset of forest roads. However, the                                                                              Nonpoint Pollution from Forestry. EPA–
                                                                                                            Great Lakes Environmental Center (GLEC).
                                                    Agency has not established regulatory                                                                             841–B–05–001. Washington, DC: USEPA
                                                                                                                 2008. National Level Assessment of
                                                    definitions of ‘‘forest road,’’ ‘‘logging                    Water Quality Impairments Related to                 Office of Water. April 2005.
                                                    road,’’ or ‘‘forested land’’ and welcomes                    Forest Roads and Their Prevention by             United States Forest Service (USFS). 2012.
                                                    comment on whether and how EPA                               Best Management Practices: Final                     National Best Management Practices for
                                                    should define these terms. EPA is also                       Report. December 4, 2008. By Douglas                 Water Quality Management on National
                                                    interested in the way in which states,                       Endicott.                                            Forest System Lands, Volume 1: National
                                                    tribes, and other federal agencies                      Ice, G.G., E. Schilling, and J. Vowell. 2010.             Core BMP Technical Guide, United State
                                                    currently define them. EPA recognizes                        Trends for forestry best management                  Department of Agriculture, Forest
                                                    that some forest roads are built initially                   practice implementation. Journal of                  Service, FS–990a, April 2012.
                                                    to support logging activities but later                      Forestry 108:267–273.                              Dated: October 31, 2015.
                                                                                                            Intertribal Timber Council (ITC), 2007.
                                                    serve other purposes that may or may                         National Overview of Tribal Forestry.
                                                                                                                                                                  Kenneth J. Kopocis,
                                                    not continue to include support for                          Proceedings in Trust and Transition:             Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of
                                                    logging activities. EPA requests                             Perspectives on Native American                  Water.
                                                    comment on the way in which states,                          Forestry. April 30, 2007. University of          [FR Doc. 2015–28649 Filed 11–9–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    tribes, and other federal agencies                           Washington.                                      BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                    distinguish among such forest roads.                    Luce, C.H. and T.A. Black. 1999. Sediment
                                                       2. EPA seeks comment on the                               Production from Forest Roads in Western
                                                    implementation, effectiveness, and                           Oregon. Water Resources Research, Vo.
                                                                                                                 35, No. 8 p. 2561–2570.                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
                                                    scope of existing federal, state, local,                                                                      COMMISSION
                                                    tribal, and other programs in addressing                Luce, C.H. and T.A. Black. 2001. Effects of
                                                                                                                 Traffic and Ditch Maintenance on Forest          [OMB 3060–1178]
                                                    stormwater discharges from forest roads.                     Road Sediment Production. V64–V74,
                                                    EPA encourages submittal of specific                         Proceedings of the Seventh Federal
                                                    information (for example, BMP                                                                                 Information Collection Being Reviewed
                                                                                                                 Interagency Sedimentation Conference,
                                                    implementation rates, effectiveness of                                                                        by the Federal Communications
                                                                                                                 25–29 March 2001, Reno, NV.
                                                    implemented BMPs to protect water                       Luce, C. H., B. E. Rieman, J. B. Dunham, J.           Commission
                                                    quality, pollutant reduction studies,                        L. Clayton, J. G. King, and T. A. Black          AGENCY: Federal Communications
                                                    audit results, and examples of adaptive                      (2001), Incorporating Aquatic Ecology
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    management).                                                 into Decisions on Prioritization of Road
                                                                                                                 Decommissioning, Water Resources                 ACTION: Notice and request for
                                                       3. EPA requests comments on what                                                                           comments.
                                                    specific elements of a forest road                           Impact, 3(3), 8–14.
                                                                                                            Maine Department of Conservation (DEC).
                                                    program are most important to ensure it                      Comment letter on EPA’s May 23, 2012
                                                                                                                                                                  SUMMARY:   As part of its continuing effort
                                                    is effective and protective of water                         Notice of Intent. June 19, 2012. By Doug         to reduce paperwork burdens, and as
                                                    quality. For example, forest road                            Denico. Document ID EPA–HQ–OW–                   required by the Paperwork Reduction
                                                    programs may include an inventory of                         2012–0195–0170.                                  Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
                                                    forest roads; a requirement for BMPs; a                 National Council for Air and Stream                   3520), the Federal Communications

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Document Created: 2018-03-01 11:25:48
Document Modified: 2018-03-01 11:25:48
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesComments must be received on or before January 11, 2016.
ContactPrasad Chumble, EPA Headquarters, Office of Water, Office of Wastewater Management via email at [email protected] or telephone at 202-564-0021.
FR Citation80 FR 69653 

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