80_FR_70186 80 FR 69968 - Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Savings and Loan Holding Companies; Correction

80 FR 69968 - Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Savings and Loan Holding Companies; Correction


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 218 (November 12, 2015)

Page Range69968-69969
FR Document2015-28721

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 218 (Thursday, November 12, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 218 (Thursday, November 12, 2015)]
[Pages 69968-69969]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-28721]



Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Savings and Loan 
Holding Companies; Correction

    This notice corrects a notice (FR Doc. 2015-28261) published on 
page 68540 of the issue for Thursday, November 5, 2015.
    Under the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the entry for Oculina 
Banc Corp, Vero Beach, Florida, is revised to read as follows:
    A. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Chapelle Davis, Assistant Vice 
President) 1000 Peachtree Street NE., Atlanta, Georgia 30309:
    1. Oculina Banc Corp, Vero Beach, Florida; proposes to merge with 
its parent company, Colonial Banc Corp, Vero Beach, Florida. Oculina 
Banc Corp will survive the merger. Colonial Banc Corp and Oculina Banc 
Corp control Oculina Bank, Fort Pierce, Florida.

[[Page 69969]]

    Comments on this application must be received by November 30, 2015.

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, November 6, 
Michael J. Lewandowski,
Associate Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2015-28721 Filed 11-10-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  69968                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 218 / Thursday, November 12, 2015 / Notices

                                                  FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                  hours and Notice of frivolous disputes                theft. In addition, the FACT Act
                                                                                                          to consumers, 142,792 hours.                          provided consumers with the right to
                                                  Agency Information Collection                              Estimated average hours per response:              obtain a copy of their consumer report
                                                  Activities: Announcement of Board                       Negative information notice: 15                       annually without cost. Improving
                                                  Approval Under Delegated Authority                      minutes; Affiliate marketing: Notices to              consumers’ access to their credit report
                                                  and Submission to OMB                                   consumers, 18 hours and Consumer                      is intended to help increase the
                                                                                                          response, 5 minutes; Red flags: 37                    accuracy of data in the consumer
                                                  AGENCY:   Board of Governors of the                     hours; Address discrepancies: 4 hours;
                                                  Federal Reserve System.                                                                                       reporting system.
                                                                                                          Risk-based pricing: Notice to                            Since 2011, the Consumer Financial
                                                  SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of the                  consumers, 5 hours; Furnisher duties:                 Protection Bureau has been responsible
                                                  final approval of a proposed information                Policies and procedures, 40 hours and                 for issuing most FCRA regulations. The
                                                  collection by the Board of Governors of                 Notice of frivolous disputes to                       Federal Reserve retained rule-writing
                                                  the Federal Reserve System (Board)                      consumers, 14 minutes.                                authority for certain provisions of the
                                                  under OMB delegated authority. Board-                      Number of respondents: Negative                    FCRA applicable to motor vehicle
                                                  approved collections of information are                 information notice: 1,500 financial                   dealers and provisions of the FCRA that
                                                  incorporated into the official OMB                      institutions; Affiliate marketing: Notices            require identity theft prevention
                                                  inventory of currently approved                         to consumers, 1,402 financial                         programs, regulate the disposal of
                                                  collections of information. Copies of the               institutions and 1,282,000 Consumer                   consumer information, and require card
                                                  Paperwork Reduction Act Submission,                     response; Red flags: 2,024 financial                  issuers to validate consumers’
                                                  supporting statements and approved                      institutions; Address discrepancies:                  notifications of changes of address.
                                                  collection of information instrument(s)                 1,500 financial institutions; Risk-based
                                                  are placed into OMB’s public docket                                                                              Current Actions: On August 11, 2015,
                                                                                                          pricing: Notice to consumers, 1,500
                                                  files. The Federal Reserve may not                                                                            the Federal Reserve published a notice
                                                                                                          financial institutions; Furnisher duties:
                                                  conduct or sponsor, and the respondent                                                                        in the Federal Register (80 FR 48104)
                                                                                                          Policies and procedures, 1,500 financial
                                                  is not required to respond to, an                                                                             requesting public comment for 60 days
                                                                                                          institutions and 611,966, Notice of
                                                  information collection that has been                                                                          on the extension, without revision, of
                                                                                                          frivolous disputes to consumers.
                                                  extended, revised, or implemented on or                    General description of report: This                the Recordkeeping and Disclosure
                                                  after October 1, 1995, unless it displays               information collection is mandatory                   Requirements Associated with the
                                                  a currently valid OMB control number.                   pursuant to Dodd-Frank Wall Street                    Regulations Implementing the Fair
                                                                                                          Reform and Consumer Protection Act                    Credit Reporting Act (Regulation V) .
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                          (12 U.S.C. 5519) and the Fair Credit                  The comment period for this notice
                                                  Federal Reserve Board Acting Clearance
                                                                                                          Reporting Act (FCRA) (15 U.S.C. 1681m,                expired on October 13, 2015. The
                                                     Officer—Nuha Elmaghrabi—Office of
                                                                                                          1681w, and 1681s). Because the notices                Federal Reserve did not receive any
                                                     the Chief Data Officer, Board of
                                                                                                          and disclosures required are not                      comments. The information collection
                                                     Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                                                                          provided to the Federal Reserve, and all              will be extended for three years, without
                                                     System, Washington, DC 20551 (202)
                                                                                                          records thereof are maintained at state               revision, as proposed.
                                                     452–3829. Telecommunications
                                                     Device for the Deaf (TDD) users may                  member banks, no issue of                               Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                     contact (202) 263–4869, Board of                     confidentiality arises under the                      System, November 5, 2015.
                                                     Governors of the Federal Reserve                     Freedom of Information Act.                           Robert deV. Frierson,
                                                     System, Washington, DC 20551.                           Abstract: The FCRA was enacted in                  Secretary of the Board.
                                                  OMB Desk Officer—Shagufta Ahmed—                        1970 based on a Congressional finding                 [FR Doc. 2015–28653 Filed 11–10–15; 8:45 am]
                                                     Office of Information and Regulatory                 that the banking system is dependent on               BILLING CODE 6210–01–P
                                                     Affairs, Office of Management and                    fair and accurate credit reporting.1 The
                                                     Budget, New Executive Office                         FCRA was enacted to ensure consumer
                                                     Building, Room 10235, 725 17th                       reporting agencies exercise their                     FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
                                                     Street NW., Washington, DC 20503.                    responsibilities with fairness,
                                                     Final approval under OMB delegated                   impartiality, and a respect for the                   Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
                                                  authority of the extension for three                    consumer’s right to privacy. The FCRA                 Mergers of Savings and Loan Holding
                                                  years, without revision, of the following               requires consumer reporting agencies to               Companies; Correction
                                                  report:                                                 adopt reasonable procedures that are
                                                                                                          fair and equitable to the consumer with                 This notice corrects a notice (FR Doc.
                                                     Report title: Recordkeeping and
                                                                                                          regard to the confidentiality, accuracy,              2015–28261) published on page 68540
                                                  Disclosure Requirements Associated
                                                                                                          relevancy, and proper utilization of                  of the issue for Thursday, November 5,
                                                  with the Regulations Implementing the
                                                                                                          consumer information.                                 2015.
                                                  Fair Credit Reporting Act (Regulation
                                                                                                             Congress substantially amended the                   Under the Federal Reserve Bank of
                                                     Agency form number: Reg V.                           FCRA upon the passage of the Fair and                 Atlanta, the entry for Oculina Banc
                                                     OMB control number: 7100–0308.                       Accurate Credit Transactions Act of                   Corp, Vero Beach, Florida, is revised to
                                                     Frequency: On occasion.                              2003 (FACT Act).2 The FACT Act                        read as follows:
                                                     Reporters: Financial institutions and                created many new responsibilities for                   A. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
                                                  consumers.                                              consumer reporting agencies and users                 (Chapelle Davis, Assistant Vice
                                                     Estimated annual reporting hours:                    of consumer reports. It contained many                President) 1000 Peachtree Street NE.,
                                                                                                                                                                Atlanta, Georgia 30309:
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Negative information notice: 375 hours;                 new consumer disclosure requirements,
                                                  Affiliate marketing: Notices to                         as well as provisions to address identity               1. Oculina Banc Corp, Vero Beach,
                                                  consumers, 25,236 hours and Consumer                                                                          Florida; proposes to merge with its
                                                  response, 106,833 hours; Red flags:                        1 The FCRA is one part of the Consumer Credit
                                                                                                                                                                parent company, Colonial Banc Corp,
                                                  74,888 hours; Address discrepancies:                    Protection Act which also includes the Truth in       Vero Beach, Florida. Oculina Banc Corp
                                                                                                          Lending Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and
                                                  6,000 hours; Risk-based pricing: Notice                 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. 15 U.S.C. 1601    will survive the merger. Colonial Banc
                                                  to consumers, 90,000 hours; Furnisher                   et seq.                                               Corp and Oculina Banc Corp control
                                                  duties: Policies and procedures, 60,000                    2 Public Law 108–159, 117 Stat. 1952.              Oculina Bank, Fort Pierce, Florida.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:15 Nov 10, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00034   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\12NON1.SGM   12NON1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 218 / Thursday, November 12, 2015 / Notices                                                69969

                                                    Comments on this application must                     225), and all other applicable statutes               loan holding company, including the
                                                  be received by November 30, 2015.                       and regulations to become a bank                      companies listed below.
                                                    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve             holding company and/or to acquire the                   The applications listed below, as well
                                                  System, November 6, 2015.                               assets or the ownership of, control of, or            as other related filings required by the
                                                  Michael J. Lewandowski,                                 the power to vote shares of a bank or                 Board, are available for immediate
                                                                                                          bank holding company and all of the                   inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank
                                                  Associate Secretary of the Board.
                                                                                                          banks and nonbanking companies                        indicated. The application also will be
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–28721 Filed 11–10–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          owned by the bank holding company,                    available for inspection at the offices of
                                                  BILLING CODE 6210–01–P                                                                                        the Board of Governors. Interested
                                                                                                          including the companies listed below.
                                                                                                            The applications listed below, as well              persons may express their views in
                                                                                                          as other related filings required by the              writing on the standards enumerated in
                                                  FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                                                                        the HOLA (12 U.S.C. 1467a(e)). If the
                                                                                                          Board, are available for immediate
                                                  Change in Bank Control Notices;                         inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank                proposal also involves the acquisition of
                                                  Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or                     indicated. The applications will also be              a nonbanking company, the review also
                                                  Bank Holding Company                                    available for inspection at the offices of            includes whether the acquisition of the
                                                                                                          the Board of Governors. Interested                    nonbanking company complies with the
                                                     The notificants listed below have                    persons may express their views in                    standards in section 10(c)(4)(B) of the
                                                  applied under the Change in Bank                        writing on the standards enumerated in                HOLA (12 U.S.C. 1467a(c)(4)(B)). Unless
                                                  Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and                     the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the               otherwise noted, nonbanking activities
                                                  § 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12                proposal also involves the acquisition of             will be conducted throughout the
                                                  CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank                 a nonbanking company, the review also                 United States.
                                                  or bank holding company. The factors                    includes whether the acquisition of the                 Unless otherwise noted, comments
                                                  that are considered in acting on the                    nonbanking company complies with the                  regarding each of these applications
                                                  notices are set forth in paragraph 7 of                 standards in section 4 of the BHC Act                 must be received at the Reserve Bank
                                                  the Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)).                         (12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise                    indicated or the offices of the Board of
                                                     The notices are available for                        noted, nonbanking activities will be                  Governors not later than December 7,
                                                  immediate inspection at the Federal                     conducted throughout the United States.               2015.
                                                  Reserve Bank indicated. The notices                       Unless otherwise noted, comments                      A. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
                                                  also will be available for inspection at                regarding each of these applications                  (Prabal Chakrabarti, Senior Vice
                                                  the offices of the Board of Governors.                  must be received at the Reserve Bank                  President) 600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston,
                                                  Interested persons may express their                    indicated or the offices of the Board of              Massachusetts 02210–2204:
                                                  views in writing to the Reserve Bank                    Governors not later than December 7,                    1. Radius Investment Corp., and
                                                  indicated for that notice or to the offices             2015.                                                 Radius Merger Sub, Inc., both in Boston,
                                                  of the Board of Governors. Comments                       A. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta                  Massachusetts; to become savings and
                                                  must be received not later than                         (Chapelle Davis, Assistant Vice                       loan holding companies by acquiring
                                                  November 27, 2015.                                      President) 1000 Peachtree Street NE.,                 Radius Bancorp, Inc., and thereby
                                                     A. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago                   Atlanta, Georgia 30309:                               indirectly acquiring Radius Bank, both
                                                  (Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice                         1. Ameris Bancorp, Moultrie, Georgia;               in Boston, Massachusetts.
                                                  President) 230 South LaSalle Street,                    to merge with Jacksonville Bancorp,                     Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                  Chicago, Illinois 60690–1414:                           Inc., and thereby indirectly acquire The              System, November 6, 2015.
                                                     1. AB Anderson Family Trust, Oneida,                 Jacksonville Bank, both of Jacksonville,              Michael J. Lewandowski,
                                                  Illinois, and John W. Anderson,                         Florida.                                              Associate Secretary of the Board.
                                                  Galesburg, Illinois, individually and as                  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve           [FR Doc. 2015–28722 Filed 11–10–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  trustee of the AB Anderson Family                       System, November 6, 2015.                             BILLING CODE 6210–01–P
                                                  Trust, together as a group acting in                    Michael J. Lewandowski,
                                                  concert with Ann Mustard, Dulles,
                                                                                                          Associate Secretary of the Board.
                                                  Virginia, and B. Susan Hill, Galesburg,
                                                  Illinois; to retain voting shares of                    [FR Doc. 2015–28719 Filed 11–10–15; 8:45 am]          FEDERAL RETIREMENT THRIFT
                                                  Anderson Bancorp, Inc., and indirectly                  BILLING CODE 6210–01–P                                INVESTMENT BOARD
                                                  retain voting shares of Anderson State                                                                        Senior Executive Service Performance
                                                  Bank, both in Oneida, Illinois.                                                                               Review Board
                                                                                                          FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
                                                    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                  System, November 6, 2015.                               Formations of, Acquisitions by, and                   AGENCY: Federal Retirement Thrift
                                                  Michael J. Lewandowski,                                 Mergers of Savings and Loan Holding                   Investment Board.
                                                                                                          Companies                                             ACTION: Notice.
                                                  Associate Secretary of the Board.
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–28720 Filed 11–10–15; 8:45 am]               The companies listed in this notice                SUMMARY:   This notice announces the
                                                  BILLING CODE 6210–01–P                                  have applied to the Board for approval,               appointment of the members of the
                                                                                                          pursuant to the Home Owners’ Loan Act                 Senior Executive Service Performance
                                                                                                          (12 U.S.C. 1461 et seq.) (HOLA),                      Review Boards for the Federal
                                                  FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                  Regulation LL (12 CFR part 238), and                  Retirement Thrift Investment Board.
                                                                                                                                                                The purpose of the Performance Review
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                          Regulation MM (12 CFR part 239), and
                                                  Formations of, Acquisitions by, and                                                                           Boards is to make written
                                                                                                          all other applicable statutes and
                                                  Mergers of Bank Holding Companies                                                                             recommendations on annual summary
                                                                                                          regulations to become a savings and
                                                    The companies listed in this notice                   loan holding company and/or to acquire                ratings and awards to the appointing
                                                  have applied to the Board for approval,                 the assets or the ownership of, control               authorities on the performance of senior
                                                  pursuant to the Bank Holding Company                    of, or the power to vote shares of a                  executives.
                                                  Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.)                    savings association and nonbanking                    DATES: This notice is effective
                                                  (BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR part                    companies owned by the savings and                    November 6, 2015.

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 14:53:59
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 14:53:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 69968 

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