80_FR_72032 80 FR 71811 - Issuance of Priority Review Voucher; Rare Pediatric Disease Product

80 FR 71811 - Issuance of Priority Review Voucher; Rare Pediatric Disease Product

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 221 (November 17, 2015)

Page Range71811-71812
FR Document2015-29280

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the issuance of a priority review voucher to the sponsor of a rare pediatric disease product application. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act), as amended by the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA), authorizes FDA to award priority review vouchers to sponsors of rare pediatric disease product applications that meet certain criteria. FDA has determined that STRENSIQ (asfotase alfa), manufactured by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., meets the criteria for a priority review voucher.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 221 (Tuesday, November 17, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 221 (Tuesday, November 17, 2015)]
[Pages 71811-71812]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-29280]



Food and Drug Administration

[Docket No. FDA-2014-N-0229]

Issuance of Priority Review Voucher; Rare Pediatric Disease 

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the 
issuance of a priority review voucher to the sponsor of a rare 
pediatric disease product application. The Federal Food, Drug, and 
Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act), as amended by the Food and Drug 
Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA), authorizes FDA to 
award priority review vouchers to sponsors of rare pediatric disease 
product applications that meet certain criteria. FDA has determined 
that STRENSIQ (asfotase alfa), manufactured by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, 
Inc., meets the criteria for a priority review voucher.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Larry Bauer, Rare Diseases Program, 
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 
10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 22, Rm. 6408, Silver Spring, MD 20993-
0002, 301-796-4842, FAX: 301-796-9858, email: larry.bauer@fda.hhs.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FDA is announcing the issuance of a priority 
review voucher to the sponsor of a rare pediatric disease product 
application. Under section 529 of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 360ff), which 
was added by FDASIA, FDA will award priority review vouchers to 
sponsors of rare pediatric disease product applications that meet 
certain criteria. FDA has determined that STRENSIQ (asfotase alfa), 
manufactured by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., meets the criteria for a 
priority review voucher. Asfotase alfa is a long-term enzyme 
replacement therapy for patients with infantile- and juvenile-onset 
hypophosphatasia (HPP). HPP is a rare genetic disorder that affects the 
development of bones and teeth.
    For further information about the Rare Pediatric Disease Priority 
Review Voucher Program and for a link to the full text of section 529 
of the FD&C Act, go to http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DevelopingProductsforRareDiseasesConditions/RarePediatricDiseasePriorityVoucherProgram/default.htm.
    For further information about STRENSIQ (asfotase alfa), go to the

[[Page 71812]]

Drugs@FDA Web site at http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/drugsatfda/index.cfm.

    Dated: November 9, 2015.
Leslie Kux,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2015-29280 Filed 11-16-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 221 / Tuesday, November 17, 2015 / Notices                                          71811

                                                  inflammatory drugs. It went into effect                 the regulation. To address this potential             DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                  April 29, 2010.                                         confusion, the Agency does not intend                 HUMAN SERVICES
                                                    Under that rule, the labeling for OTC                 to object to the inclusion of a liver
                                                  IAAA products that contain                              warning that differs from that required               Food and Drug Administration
                                                  acetaminophen and are labeled for                       under § 201.326(a)(1)(iii)(A) and                     [Docket No. FDA–2014–N–0229]
                                                  adults only must include the liver                      § 201.326(a)(1)(v)(A), provided the
                                                  warning described below. Similarly, the                 warning appears as described in the                   Issuance of Priority Review Voucher;
                                                  labeling for OTC IAAA products that                     guidance.                                             Rare Pediatric Disease Product
                                                  contain acetaminophen and are labeled
                                                                                                             In the Federal Register of July 5, 2012            AGENCY:   Food and Drug Administration,
                                                  for adults and children under 12 year of
                                                                                                          (77 FR 39710), FDA published a draft                  HHS.
                                                  age must include a similar liver warning
                                                                                                          guidance entitled ‘‘Organ-Specific                    ACTION:   Notice.
                                                  described below.
                                                    Adults Only (§ 201.326(a)(1)(iii)(A)                  Warnings: Internal Analgesic,
                                                  (21 CFR 201.326(a)(1)(iii)(A))):                        Antipyretic, and Antirheumatic Drug                   SUMMARY:   The Food and Drug
                                                                                                          Products for Over-the-Counter Human                   Administration (FDA) is announcing the
                                                    Liver warning: This product contains                  Use—Labeling for Products That                        issuance of a priority review voucher to
                                                  acetaminophen. Severe liver damage may
                                                                                                          Contain Acetaminophen.’’ The July                     the sponsor of a rare pediatric disease
                                                  occur if you take • more than [insert
                                                  maximum number of daily dosage units] in                2012 draft guidance gave interested                   product application. The Federal Food,
                                                  24 hours, which is the maximum daily                    persons an opportunity to submit                      Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act),
                                                  amount [optional: ‘‘for this product’’] • with          comments through September 4, 2012.                   as amended by the Food and Drug
                                                  other drugs containing acetaminophen • 3 or             We have made changes to the guidance                  Administration Safety and Innovation
                                                  more alcoholic drinks every day while using             in response to comments received and                  Act (FDASIA), authorizes FDA to award
                                                  this product.                                           have clarified the information in section             priority review vouchers to sponsors of
                                                    Adults and children under 12 years of                 III of the draft guidance.                            rare pediatric disease product
                                                  age (§ 201.326(a)(1)(v)(A) (21 CFR                         This guidance is being issued                      applications that meet certain criteria.
                                                  201.326(a)(1)(v)(A))):                                  consistent with FDA’s good guidance                   FDA has determined that STRENSIQ
                                                    Liver warning: This product contains                                                                        (asfotase alfa), manufactured by Alexion
                                                                                                          practices regulation (21 CFR 10.115).
                                                  acetaminophen. Severe liver damage may                                                                        Pharmaceuticals, Inc., meets the criteria
                                                                                                          The guidance represents the current
                                                  occur if • adult takes more than [insert                thinking of FDA on Organ-Specific
                                                                                                                                                                for a priority review voucher.
                                                  maximum number of daily dosage units] in                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  24 hours, which is the maximum daily                    Warnings: Internal Analgesic,
                                                                                                          Antipyretic, and Antirheumatic Drug                   Larry Bauer, Rare Diseases Program,
                                                  amount [optional: ‘‘for this product’’] • child                                                               Center for Drug Evaluation and
                                                  takes more than 5 doses in 24 hours • taken             Products for Over-the-Counter Human
                                                  with other drugs containing acetaminophen               Use—Labeling for Products That                        Research, Food and Drug
                                                  • adult has 3 or more alcoholic drinks every            Contain Acetaminophen. It does not                    Administration, 10903 New Hampshire
                                                  day while using this product.                           establish any rights for any person and               Ave., Bldg. 22, Rm. 6408, Silver Spring,
                                                     Although the currently proposed                      is not binding on FDA or the public.                  MD 20993–0002, 301–796–4842, FAX:
                                                  maximum daily dose of acetaminophen                                                                           301–796–9858, email: larry.bauer@
                                                                                                          You can use an alternative approach if
                                                  is 4,000 milligrams (mg), some OTC                                                                            fda.hhs.gov.
                                                                                                          it satisfies the requirements of the
                                                  IAAA products that contain                              applicable statutes and regulations.                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      FDA is
                                                  acetaminophen have directions for use                                                                         announcing the issuance of a priority
                                                  that provide a maximum daily dose of                    II. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1965                   review voucher to the sponsor of a rare
                                                  acetaminophen for that product that is                     The recommendations in this                        pediatric disease product application.
                                                  less than 4,000 mg. For example, for                    guidance are not subject to review by                 Under section 529 of the FD&C Act (21
                                                  some OTC IAAA drug products that                        the Office of Management and Budget                   U.S.C. 360ff), which was added by
                                                  contain both acetaminophen and one or                                                                         FDASIA, FDA will award priority
                                                                                                          because they do not constitute a
                                                  more other active ingredients, the                                                                            review vouchers to sponsors of rare
                                                                                                          ‘‘collection of information’’ under the
                                                  maximum number of daily dosage units                                                                          pediatric disease product applications
                                                                                                          Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
                                                  might be limited by an active ingredient                                                                      that meet certain criteria. FDA has
                                                                                                          U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Rather, the labeling
                                                  other than acetaminophen, which could                                                                         determined that STRENSIQ (asfotase
                                                                                                          statements are a ‘‘public disclosure of
                                                  result in a maximum daily dose of                                                                             alfa), manufactured by Alexion
                                                  acetaminophen that is less than 4,000                   information originally supplied by the                Pharmaceuticals, Inc., meets the criteria
                                                  mg for that product. The optional                       Federal government to the recipient for               for a priority review voucher. Asfotase
                                                  statement, ‘‘for this product,’’ in the first           the purpose of disclosure to the public’’             alfa is a long-term enzyme replacement
                                                  bullet of the liver warning is intended                 (5 CFR 1320.3(c)(2)).                                 therapy for patients with infantile- and
                                                  to address these situations by clarifying               III. Electronic Access                                juvenile-onset hypophosphatasia (HPP).
                                                  that the maximum number of daily                                                                              HPP is a rare genetic disorder that
                                                  dosage units for a product might not                      Persons with access to the Internet                 affects the development of bones and
                                                  reflect the maximum daily dose of                       may obtain the document at either                     teeth.
                                                  acetaminophen.                                          http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/Guidance                        For further information about the Rare
                                                     However, the Agency understands                      ComplianceRegulatoryInformation/                      Pediatric Disease Priority Review
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  that in certain circumstances, despite                  Guidances/default.htm or http://                      Voucher Program and for a link to the
                                                  this optional statement, the wording of                 www.regulations.gov.                                  full text of section 529 of the FD&C Act,
                                                  the first bullet in the warnings shown                    Dated: November 12, 2015.                           go to http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/
                                                  above might be interpreted as indicating                                                                      DevelopingProductsforRareDiseases
                                                                                                          Leslie Kux,
                                                  that severe liver damage is associated                                                                        Conditions/RarePediatricDiseasePriority
                                                  with a total daily dose of                              Associate Commissioner for Policy.                    VoucherProgram/default.htm.
                                                  acetaminophen that is less than 4,000                   [FR Doc. 2015–29281 Filed 11–16–15; 8:45 am]             For further information about
                                                  mg. This suggestion is not the intent of                BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                STRENSIQ (asfotase alfa), go to the

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:14 Nov 16, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00042   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\17NON1.SGM   17NON1

                                                  71812                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 221 / Tuesday, November 17, 2015 / Notices

                                                  Drugs@FDA Web site at http://www.                       on Labor and Human Resources of the                   committees is fairly balanced in terms of
                                                  accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/drugsat                 Senate, and the Committee on                          points of view represented and the
                                                  fda/index.cfm.                                          Commerce of the House of                              committee’s function. Every effort is
                                                    Dated: November 9, 2015.                              Representatives, a report describing the              made to ensure that the views of
                                                  Leslie Kux,
                                                                                                          activities of the council, including                  women, all ethnic and racial groups,
                                                                                                          findings and recommendations made by                  and people with disabilities are
                                                  Associate Commissioner for Policy.
                                                                                                          the NACNEP concerning the activities                  represented on HHS Federal advisory
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–29280 Filed 11–16–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          under Title VIII.                                     committees. The Department also
                                                  BILLING CODE 4164–01–P                                     Specifically, HRSA is requesting                   encourages geographic diversity in the
                                                                                                          nominations for voting members of the                 composition of the committee. The
                                                                                                          NACNEP representing leading                           Department encourages nominations of
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                authorities in the various fields of
                                                  HUMAN SERVICES                                                                                                qualified candidates from all groups and
                                                                                                          nursing, higher and secondary                         locations. Appointment to the NACNEP
                                                  Health Resources and Services                           education, and associate degree schools               shall be made without discrimination
                                                  Administration                                          of nursing; and from representatives of               on the basis of age, race, ethnicity,
                                                                                                          advanced education nursing groups                     gender, sexual orientation, disability,
                                                  National Advisory Council on Nurse                      (such as nurse practitioners, nurse                   and cultural, religious, or
                                                  Education and Practice; Notice for                      midwives, and nurse anesthetists); from               socioeconomic status.
                                                  Request for Nominations                                 hospitals and other institutions and
                                                                                                          organizations which provide nursing                   Jackie Painter,
                                                  SUMMARY:    The Health Resources and                    services; from practicing professional                Director, Division of the Executive Secretariat.
                                                  Services Administration (HRSA) is                       nurses; from the general public; and                  [FR Doc. 2015–29195 Filed 11–16–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  requesting nominations to fill vacancies                full-time students enrolled in schools of             BILLING CODE 4165–15–P
                                                  on the National Advisory Council on                     nursing. The majority of NACNEP
                                                  Nurse Education and Practice                            members shall be nurses.
                                                  (NACNEP). The NACNEP is in                                 The Department of Health and Human                 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                  accordance with the provisions of 42                    Services (HHS) will consider                          HUMAN SERVICES
                                                  United States Code (U.S.C.) 297t;                       nominations of all qualified individuals
                                                  Section 851 of the Public Health Service                with the areas of subject matter                      Health Resources and Services
                                                  Act, as amended. The Council is                         expertise noted above. Individuals may                Administration
                                                  governed by provisions of Public Law                    nominate themselves or other
                                                  92–463, which sets forth standards for                  individuals, and professional                         National Advisory Council on Migrant
                                                  the formation and use of advisory                       associations and organizations may                    Health Request for Nominations for
                                                  committees.                                             nominate one or more qualified persons                Voting Members
                                                  DATES: The agency will receive                          for membership. Nominations shall state               AGENCY: Health Resources and Services
                                                  nominations on a continuous basis.                      that the nominee is willing to serve as               Administration, HHS.
                                                                                                          a member of the NACNEP and appears                    ACTION: Notice.
                                                  ADDRESSES: All nominations should be
                                                                                                          to have no conflict of interest that
                                                  submitted to Regina Wilson, Advisory
                                                                                                          would preclude the NACNEP                             SUMMARY:   The Health Resources and
                                                  Council Operations, Bureau of Health
                                                                                                          membership. Potential candidates will                 Services Administration (HRSA) is
                                                  Workforce, HRSA, 11w45c, 5600 Fishers
                                                                                                          be asked to provide detailed information              requesting nominations to fill vacancies
                                                  Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857. Mail
                                                                                                          concerning financial interests,                       on the National Advisory Council on
                                                  delivery should be addressed to Regina
                                                                                                          consultancies, research grants, and/or                Migrant (NACMH). The NACMH is
                                                  Wilson, Advisory Council Operations,
                                                                                                          contracts that might be affected by                   authorized under 42 U.S.C. 218, section
                                                  Bureau of Health Workforce, HRSA, at
                                                                                                          recommendations of the NACNEP to                      217 of the Public Health Service (PHS)
                                                  the above address, or via email to:                     permit evaluation of possible sources of
                                                  RWilson@hrsa.gov.                                                                                             Act, as amended and governed by
                                                                                                          conflicts of interest.                                provisions of Public Law 92–463, as
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Erin                      A nomination package should include                amended, (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2).
                                                  Fowler, Designated Federal Official,                    the following information for each                    DATES: The agency will receive
                                                  NACNEP, by phone at 301–443–7308 or                     nominee: (1) A letter of nomination
                                                  by email at efowler@hrsa.gov. A copy of                                                                       nominations on a continuous basis.
                                                                                                          stating the name, affiliation, and contact
                                                  the current committee membership,                                                                             ADDRESSES: All nominations should be
                                                                                                          information for the nominee, the basis
                                                  charter and reports can be obtained by                                                                        addressed to the Designated Federal
                                                                                                          for the nomination (i.e., what specific
                                                  accessing the NACNEP Web site.                                                                                Official, NACMH, Strategic Initiatives
                                                                                                          attributes, perspectives, and/or skills
                                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the
                                                                                                                                                                and Planning Division, Office of Policy
                                                                                                          does the individual possess that would
                                                  authorities that established the NACNEP                                                                       and Program Development, Bureau of
                                                                                                          benefit the workings of NACNEP), and
                                                  and the Federal Advisory Committee                                                                            Primary Health Care, HRSA, Suite 17C–
                                                                                                          the nominee’s field(s) of expertise; (2) a
                                                  Act, HRSA is requesting nominations                                                                           05, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville,
                                                                                                          biographical sketch of the nominee and
                                                  for new committee members. The                                                                                Maryland 20857 or via email to:
                                                                                                          a copy of his/her curriculum vitae; and
                                                  NACNEP provides advice and                                                                                    JRodrigue@hrsa.gov and GCate@
                                                                                                          (3) the name, address, daytime
                                                  recommendations to the Secretary and                                                                          hrsa.gov.
                                                                                                          telephone number, and email address at
                                                                                                                                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: CDR
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Congress in preparation of general                      which the nominator can be contacted.
                                                  regulations and concerning policy                       Nominations will be considered as                     Jacqueline Rodrigue, MSW, Designated
                                                  matters arising in the administration of                vacancies occur on the NACNEP.                        Federal Official, NACMH, at (301) 443–
                                                  Title VIII, including the range of issues               Nominations should be updated and                     1127 or email JRodrigue@hrsa.gov.
                                                  relating to the nurse workforce,                        resubmitted every 3 years to continue to              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As
                                                  education, and practice improvement.                    be considered for committee vacancies.                authorized under section 330(g) of the
                                                  Annually, the NACNEP prepares and                          HHS strives to ensure that the                     Public Health Service Act, as amended,
                                                  submits to the Secretary, the Committee                 membership of HHS Federal advisory                    42 U.S.C. 254b, the Secretary

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 14:01:09
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 14:01:09
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactLarry Bauer, Rare Diseases Program, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 22, Rm. 6408, Silver Spring, MD 20993- 0002, 301-796-4842, FAX: 301-796-9858, email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 71811 

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