80_FR_73154 80 FR 72929 - Final Theft Data; Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard

80 FR 72929 - Final Theft Data; Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 225 (November 23, 2015)

Page Range72929-72936
FR Document2015-29701

This document publishes the final data on thefts of model year (MY) 2013 passenger motor vehicles that occurred in calendar year (CY) 2013, including theft rates for existing passenger motor vehicle lines manufactured in model year (MY) 2013.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 225 (Monday, November 23, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 225 (Monday, November 23, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 72929-72936]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-29701]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

49 CFR Part 541

[Docket No. NHTSA-2015-0067]

Final Theft Data; Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 
Department of Transportation.

ACTION: Publication of 2013 final theft data.


SUMMARY: This document publishes the final data on thefts of model year 
(MY) 2013 passenger motor vehicles that occurred in calendar year (CY) 
2013, including theft rates for existing passenger motor vehicle lines 
manufactured in model year (MY) 2013.

DATES: Effective date: November 23, 2015.

International Policy, Fuel Economy and Consumer Programs, NHTSA, 1200 
New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590. Ms. Mazyck's telephone 
number is (202) 366-4139. Her fax number is (202) 493-2990.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NHTSA administers a program for reducing 
motor vehicle theft. The central feature of this program is the Federal 
Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard, 49 CFR part 541. The standard 
specifies performance requirements for inscribing and affixing vehicle 
identification numbers (VINs) onto certain major original equipment and 
replacement parts of high-theft lines of passenger motor vehicles.
    The agency is required by 49 U.S.C. 33104(b)(4) to periodically 
obtain, from the most reliable source, accurate and timely theft data 
and publish the data for review and comment. To fulfill this statutory 
mandate, NHTSA has published theft data annually beginning with MYs 
1983/84. Continuing to fulfill the section 33104(b)(4) mandate, this 
document reports the final theft data for CY 2013, the most recent 
calendar year for which data are available.
    In calculating the 2013 theft rates, NHTSA followed the same 
procedures it used in calculating the MY 2012 theft rates. (For 2012 
theft data calculations, see 79 FR 70115). As in all previous reports, 
NHTSA's data were based on information provided to NHTSA by the 
National Crime Information Center (NCIC) of the Federal Bureau of 
Investigation. The NCIC is a government

[[Page 72930]]

system that receives vehicle theft information from nearly 23,000 
criminal justice agencies and other law enforcement authorities 
throughout the United States. The NCIC data also include reported 
thefts of self-insured and uninsured vehicles, not all of which are 
reported to other data sources.
    The 2013 theft rate for each vehicle line was calculated by 
dividing the number of reported thefts of MY 2013 vehicles of that line 
stolen during calendar year 2013 by the total number of vehicles in 
that line manufactured for MY 2013, as reported to the Environmental 
Protection Agency (EPA).
    The final 2013 theft data show a slight increase in the vehicle 
theft rate when compared to the theft rate experienced in CY/MY 2012. 
The final theft rate for MY 2013 passenger vehicles stolen in calendar 
year 2013 increased to 1.1562 thefts per thousand vehicles produced, an 
increase of 2.37 percent from the rate of 1.1294 thefts per thousand 
vehicles experienced by MY 2012 vehicles in CY 2012.
    For MY 2013 vehicles, out of a total of 211 vehicle lines, ten 
lines had a theft rate higher than 3.5826 per thousand vehicles, the 
established median theft rate for MYs 1990/1991. (See 59 FR 12400, 
March 16, 1994). Of the ten vehicle lines with a theft rate higher than 
3.5826, nine are passenger car lines, one is a multipurpose passenger 
vehicle line, and none are light-duty truck lines.
    The overall trend using increments of five years show a marked 
decrease in passenger motor vehicle thefts over a 20-year (1993-2013) 
period. Specifically, the MY 2013 theft rate (1.16 thefts per thousand 
vehicles) is 70.85 percent lower than the CY/MY 1993 rate (3.98 thefts 
per thousand vehicles), 54.33 percent lower than the CY/MY 1998 rate 
(2.54 thefts per thousand vehicles), 36.96 percent lower than the CY/MY 
2003 rate (1.84 thefts per thousand vehicles) and 31.36 percent lower 
than the CY/MY 2008 rate (1.69 thefts per thousand vehicles). Overall, 
as indicated by Figure 1, theft rates have continued to show a downward 
trend since CY/MY 1993, with periods of very moderate increases from 
one year to the next.

    On Thursday, August 6, 2015, NHTSA published the preliminary theft 
rates for CY 2013 passenger motor vehicles in the Federal Register (80 
FR 46930). The agency tentatively ranked each of the MY 2013 vehicle 
lines in descending order of theft rate. The public was requested to 
comment on the accuracy of the data and to provide final production 
figures for individual vehicle lines. As a result of the adjustments, 
some of the final theft rates and rankings of vehicle lines changed 
from those published in the August 2015 notice.
    The agency received written comments from Volkswagen Group of 
America, Inc., informing the agency that the production volumes listed 
for the Audi A3 and the Audi A4/A5 was incorrect. In response to this 
comment, the production volume for the Audi A3 and the Audi A4/A5 have 
been corrected and the final theft data has been revised accordingly. 
As a result of the correction, the Audi A4/A5 previously ranked No. 22 
with a theft rate of 2.4792 is now ranked No. 100 with a theft rate of 
0.7510 and the Audi A3 previously ranked No. 178 with a theft rate of 
0.1346 is now ranked No. 56 with a theft rate of 1.3444.
    The following list represents NHTSA's final calculation of theft 
rates for all 2013 passenger motor vehicle lines. This list is intended 
to inform the public of calendar year 2013 motor vehicle thefts of 
model year 2013 vehicles and does not have any effect on the 
obligations of regulated parties under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 331, Theft 

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    Issued in Washington, DC, under authority delegated in 49 CFR 
Raymond R. Posten,
Associate Administrator for Rulemaking.
[FR Doc. 2015-29701 Filed 11-20-15; 8:45 am]

                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 225 / Monday, November 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        72929

                                           engine using liquid fuel that has a                     § 177.838 Class 4 (flammable solid)                   DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                           flashpoint less than 38 °C (100 °F), the                materials, Class 5 (oxidizing) materials, and
                                           fuel tank is empty, installed batteries are             Division 4.2 (pyrophoric liquid) materials.           National Highway Traffic Safety
                                           protected from short circuit, and the                   *      *   *     *     *                              Administration
                                           engine is run until it stalls for lack of                  (g) A motor vehicle may only contain
                                           fuel;                                                   45.4 kg (100 pounds) or less net mass of              49 CFR Part 541
                                              (2) The vehicle or mechanical                        material described as ‘‘Smokeless                     [Docket No. NHTSA–2015–0067]
                                           equipment has an internal combustion                    powder for small arms, Division 4.1’’ or
                                           engine using liquid fuel that has a                     ‘‘Black powder for small arms, Division               Final Theft Data; Motor Vehicle Theft
                                           flashpoint of 38 °C (100 °F) or higher,                 4.1.’’                                                Prevention Standard
                                           the fuel tank contains 450 L (119                       *      *   *     *     *
                                           gallons) of fuel or less, installed                                                                           AGENCY:  National Highway Traffic
                                           batteries are protected from short                                                                            Safety Administration (NHTSA),
                                                                                                   PART 178—SPECIFICATIONS FOR                           Department of Transportation.
                                           circuit, and there are no fuel leaks in                 PACKAGINGS
                                           any portion of the fuel system;                                                                               ACTION: Publication of 2013 final theft
                                              (3) The vehicle or mechanical                                                                              data.
                                                                                                   ■ 39. The authority citation for part 178
                                           equipment is stowed in a hold or                        continues to read as follows:                         SUMMARY:   This document publishes the
                                           compartment designated by the                                                                                 final data on thefts of model year (MY)
                                                                                                     Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 49 CFR
                                           administration of the country in which                  1.81 and 1.97.                                        2013 passenger motor vehicles that
                                           the vessel is registered as specially                                                                         occurred in calendar year (CY) 2013,
                                           designed and approved for vehicles and                  § 178.71    [Amended]                                 including theft rates for existing
                                           mechanical equipment and there are no                                                                         passenger motor vehicle lines
                                                                                                   ■ 40. Amend § 178.71 in paragraph
                                           signs of leakage from the battery, engine,                                                                    manufactured in model year (MY) 2013.
                                                                                                   (p)(15) to remove the phrase ‘‘1SO
                                           fuel cell, compressed gas cylinder or                                                                         DATES: Effective date: November 23,
                                                                                                   11114–1’’ and add the phrase ‘‘ISO
                                           accumulator, or fuel tank, as                                                                                 2015.
                                                                                                   11114–1’’ in its place.
                                           appropriate. For vehicles with batteries
                                           connected and fuel tanks containing                     § 178.801    [Amended]                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:      Ms.
                                           gasoline transported by U.S. vessels, see                                                                     Deborah Mazyck, Office of International
                                           46 CFR 70.10–1 and 90.10–38;                            ■  41. In § 178.801, redesignate                      Policy, Fuel Economy and Consumer
                                              (4) The vehicle or mechanical                        paragraphs (l)(2)(viii) through (xi) as               Programs, NHTSA, 1200 New Jersey
                                           equipment is electrically powered solely                (l)(2)(vii) through (x).                              Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590. Ms.
                                           by wet electric storage batteries                                                                             Mazyck’s telephone number is (202)
                                                                                                   PART 180—CONTINUING                                   366–4139. Her fax number is (202) 493–
                                           (including non-spillable batteries) or                  QUALIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE
                                           sodium batteries and the installed                                                                            2990.
                                                                                                   OF PACKAGINGS                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NHTSA
                                           batteries are protected from short
                                           circuit;                                                                                                      administers a program for reducing
                                                                                                   ■ 42. The authority citation for part 180             motor vehicle theft. The central feature
                                              (5) The vehicle or mechanical                        continues to read as follows:
                                           equipment is equipped with liquefied                                                                          of this program is the Federal Motor
                                           petroleum gas or other compressed gas                     Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 49 CFR              Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard, 49
                                           fuel tanks, the tanks are completely                    1.81 and 1.97.                                        CFR part 541. The standard specifies
                                           emptied of liquefied or compressed gas                                                                        performance requirements for inscribing
                                                                                                   ■  43. In § 180.213, revise paragraph                 and affixing vehicle identification
                                           and the positive pressure in the tank                   (f)(1) to read as follows:
                                           does not exceed 2 bar (29 psig), the fuel                                                                     numbers (VINs) onto certain major
                                           shut-off or isolation valve is closed and               § 180.213    Requalification markings.                original equipment and replacement
                                           secured, and installed batteries are                                                                          parts of high-theft lines of passenger
                                                                                                   *     *      *    *    *
                                           protected from short circuit; or                                                                              motor vehicles.
                                                                                                     (f) * * *                                             The agency is required by 49 U.S.C.
                                              (6) The vehicle or mechanical
                                                                                                     (1) For designation of the 5-year                   33104(b)(4) to periodically obtain, from
                                           equipment is powered by a fuel cell
                                                                                                   volumetric expansion test, 10-year                    the most reliable source, accurate and
                                           engine, the engine is protected from
                                                                                                   volumetric expansion test for UN                      timely theft data and publish the data
                                           inadvertent operation by closing fuel
                                                                                                   cylinders and cylinders conforming to                 for review and comment. To fulfill this
                                           supply lines or by other means, and the
                                                                                                   § 180.209(f) and (h), or 12-year                      statutory mandate, NHTSA has
                                           fuel supply reservoir has been drained
                                                                                                   volumetric expansion test for fire                    published theft data annually beginning
                                           and sealed.
                                                                                                   extinguishers conforming to § 173.309(a)              with MYs 1983/84. Continuing to fulfill
                                           *      *     *    *     *                                                                                     the section 33104(b)(4) mandate, this
                                                                                                   of this subchapter and cylinders
                                                                                                   conforming to § 180.209(e) and (g), the               document reports the final theft data for
                                           PART 177—CARRIAGE BY PUBLIC
                                                                                                   marking is as illustrated in paragraph                CY 2013, the most recent calendar year
                                                                                                   (d) of this section.                                  for which data are available.
                                                                                                                                                           In calculating the 2013 theft rates,
                                           ■ 37. The authority citation for part 177               *     *      *    *    *
                                                                                                                                                         NHTSA followed the same procedures it
                                           continues to read as follows:                             Issued in Washington, DC, on November               used in calculating the MY 2012 theft
                                             Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; sec. 112              17, 2015 under authority delegated in 49 CFR          rates. (For 2012 theft data calculations,
wgreen on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                           of Pub. L. 103–311, 108 Stat. 1673, 1676                part 1.97.                                            see 79 FR 70115). As in all previous
                                           (1994); sec. 32509 of Pub. L. 112–141, 126              Marie Therese Dominguez,                              reports, NHTSA’s data were based on
                                           Stat. 405, 805 (2012); 49 CFR 1.81 and 1.97.
                                                                                                   Administrator, Pipeline and Hazardous                 information provided to NHTSA by the
                                           ■ 38. In § 177.838, revise the section                  Materials Safety Administration.                      National Crime Information Center
                                           heading and paragraph (g) to read as                    [FR Doc. 2015–29683 Filed 11–20–15; 8:45 am]          (NCIC) of the Federal Bureau of
                                           follows:                                                BILLING CODE 4910–60–P                                Investigation. The NCIC is a government

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                                           72930            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 225 / Monday, November 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                           system that receives vehicle theft                      in CY/MY 2012. The final theft rate for                  The overall trend using increments of
                                           information from nearly 23,000 criminal                 MY 2013 passenger vehicles stolen in                  five years show a marked decrease in
                                           justice agencies and other law                          calendar year 2013 increased to 1.1562                passenger motor vehicle thefts over a
                                           enforcement authorities throughout the                  thefts per thousand vehicles produced,                20-year (1993–2013) period.
                                           United States. The NCIC data also                       an increase of 2.37 percent from the rate             Specifically, the MY 2013 theft rate
                                           include reported thefts of self-insured                 of 1.1294 thefts per thousand vehicles                (1.16 thefts per thousand vehicles) is
                                           and uninsured vehicles, not all of which                experienced by MY 2012 vehicles in CY                 70.85 percent lower than the CY/MY
                                           are reported to other data sources.                     2012.                                                 1993 rate (3.98 thefts per thousand
                                              The 2013 theft rate for each vehicle                                                                       vehicles), 54.33 percent lower than the
                                           line was calculated by dividing the                        For MY 2013 vehicles, out of a total               CY/MY 1998 rate (2.54 thefts per
                                           number of reported thefts of MY 2013                    of 211 vehicle lines, ten lines had a theft           thousand vehicles), 36.96 percent lower
                                           vehicles of that line stolen during                     rate higher than 3.5826 per thousand                  than the CY/MY 2003 rate (1.84 thefts
                                           calendar year 2013 by the total number                  vehicles, the established median theft                per thousand vehicles) and 31.36
                                           of vehicles in that line manufactured for               rate for MYs 1990/1991. (See 59 FR                    percent lower than the CY/MY 2008 rate
                                           MY 2013, as reported to the                             12400, March 16, 1994). Of the ten                    (1.69 thefts per thousand vehicles).
                                           Environmental Protection Agency                         vehicle lines with a theft rate higher                Overall, as indicated by Figure 1, theft
                                           (EPA).                                                  than 3.5826, nine are passenger car                   rates have continued to show a
                                              The final 2013 theft data show a slight              lines, one is a multipurpose passenger                downward trend since CY/MY 1993,
                                           increase in the vehicle theft rate when                 vehicle line, and none are light-duty                 with periods of very moderate increases
                                           compared to the theft rate experienced                  truck lines.                                          from one year to the next.

                                              On Thursday, August 6, 2015, NHTSA                     The agency received written                         theft rate of 0.1346 is now ranked No.
                                           published the preliminary theft rates for               comments from Volkswagen Group of                     56 with a theft rate of 1.3444.
                                           CY 2013 passenger motor vehicles in the                 America, Inc., informing the agency that                 The following list represents
                                           Federal Register (80 FR 46930). The                     the production volumes listed for the                 NHTSA’s final calculation of theft rates
                                           agency tentatively ranked each of the                   Audi A3 and the Audi A4/A5 was
                                                                                                                                                         for all 2013 passenger motor vehicle
                                           MY 2013 vehicle lines in descending                     incorrect. In response to this comment,
                                                                                                                                                         lines. This list is intended to inform the
                                           order of theft rate. The public was                     the production volume for the Audi A3
                                           requested to comment on the accuracy                    and the Audi A4/A5 have been                          public of calendar year 2013 motor
                                           of the data and to provide final                        corrected and the final theft data has                vehicle thefts of model year 2013
                                           production figures for individual                       been revised accordingly. As a result of              vehicles and does not have any effect on
                                           vehicle lines. As a result of the                       the correction, the Audi A4/A5                        the obligations of regulated parties
                                           adjustments, some of the final theft rates              previously ranked No. 22 with a theft                 under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 331, Theft
wgreen on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                           and rankings of vehicle lines changed                   rate of 2.4792 is now ranked No. 100                  Prevention.
                                           from those published in the August                      with a theft rate of 0.7510 and the Audi              BILLING CODE 4910–59–P
                                           2015 notice.                                            A3 previously ranked No. 178 with a

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                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 225 / Monday, November 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        72931

                                                              FINAL REPORT OF THEFT RATES FOR MODEL YEAR 2013 PASSENGER MOTOR VEHICLES STOLEN
                                                                                            IN CALENDAR YEAR 2013

                                                                Manufacturer                                 Make/Model (line)                       Thefts 2013        Production    Theft Rate
                                                                                                                                                                       (Mfr's) 2013   (per 1,000
                                                 1   MERCEDES-BENZ                              CL-CLASS                                                   3                   583        5.1458
                                                 2    CHRYSLER                                  DODGE CHARGER                                             399               78,134        5.1066
                                                 3    TOYOTA                                    YARIS                                                     97                20,951        4.6299
                                                 4    GENERAL MOTORS                            CHEVROLET IMPALA                                          577              127,237        4.5348
                                                 5    CHRYSLER                                  DODGE CHALLENGER                                          224               50,824        4.4074
                                                 6   MASERATI                                   QUATTROPORTE                                               1                   227        4.4053
                                                 7   BMW                                        M6                                                         5                  1,290       3.8760
                                                 8    GENERAL MOTORS                            CHEVROLET CAPTIVA                                         134               35,894        3.7332
                                                 9   NISSAN                                     MAXIMA                                                    166               44,854        3.7009
                                                10   BMW                                        M5                                                        12                  3,261       3.6799
                                                11    CHRYSLER                                  DODGE AVENGER                                             396              112,843        3.5093
                                                12    CHRYSLER                                  300                                                       210               62,182        3.3772
                                                13   PORSCHE                                    PANAMERA                                                  20                  5,957       3.3574
                                                14   MERCEDES-BENZ                              S-CLASS                                                   42                12,782        3.2859
                                                15    GENERAL MOTORS                            CHEVROLET CAMARO                                          258               85,584        3.0146
                                                16   NISSAN                                     INFINITI FX37/FX50                                        41                13,669        2.9995
                                                17   AUDI                                       AUDIS8                                                     3                  1,015       2.9557
                                                18   HONDA                                      ACURAZDX                                                   1                   354        2.8249
                                                19   FORD MOTOR CO                              MUSTANG                                                   214               75,914        2.8190
                                                20   NISSAN                                     VERSA                                                     151               56,410        2.6768
                                                21    CHRYSLER                                  200                                                       340              133,344        2.5498
                                                22   MAZDA                                      MAZDA2                                                    37                14,926        2.4789
                                                23   MERCEDES-BENZ                              CLS-CLASS                                                 14                  5,821       2.4051
                                                24   BMW                                        6                                                         16                  7,196       2.2235
                                                25   NISSAN                                     GT-R                                                       3                  1,410       2.1277
                                                26    GENERAL MOTORS                            CHEVROLET CRUZE                                           433              207,657        2.0852
                                                27   KIA                                        FORTE                                                     108               53,267        2.0275
                                                28   BMW                                        Z4                                                         4                  1,982       2.0182
                                                29   KIA                                        OPTIMA                                                    346              172,977        2.0003
                                                30   MAZDA                                      MAZDA6                                                    23                11,568        1.9882
                                                31   AUDI                                       AUDIA?                                                    13                  6,626       1.9620
                                                32   HYUNDAI                                    ACCENT                                                    174               90,149        1.9301
                                                33   MAZDA                                      MAZDA5                                                    27                14,196        1.9019
                                                34   NISSAN                                     INFINITI G37                                              109               57,330        1.9013
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                                                35   MAZDA                                      MAZDA3                                                    196              103,558        1.8927

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                                           72932            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 225 / Monday, November 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                   36   MITSUBISHI                               LANCER                                                  32                 16,958   1.8870
                                                   37   AUDI                                     AUDIS7                                                   2                  1,106   1.8083
                                                   38   TOYOTA                                   COROLLA                                                 566               313,314   1.8065
                                                   39   GENERAL MOTORS                           CHEVROLET MALIBU                                       373                211,357   1.7648
                                                   40   NISSAN                                   ALTIMA                                                 693                393,800   1.7598
                                                   41   FORD MOTOR CO                            TAURUS                                                  159                90,753   1.7520
                                                   42   KIA                                      RIO                                                     117                68,364   1.7114
                                                   43   GENERAL MOTORS                           CHEVROLET SPARK                                         65                 38,612   1.6834
                                                   44   VOLKSWAGEN                               cc                                                      54                 32,257   1.6741
                                                   45   BMW                                      7                                                       20                 12,059   1.6585
                                                   46   AUDI                                     AUDI S6                                                  3                  1,809   1.6584
                                                   47   AUDI                                     AUDIA8                                                   9                  5,635   1.5972
                                                   48   FORD MOTOR CO                            LINCOLNMKS                                              26                 17,203   1.5114
                                                   49   GENERAL MOTORS                           BUICK LACROSSE                                          82                 54,416   1.5069
                                                   50   GENERAL MOTORS                           CHEVROLET SONIC                                         141                94,250   1.4960
                                                   51   HYUNDAI                                  GENESIS                                                 70                 49,177   1.4234
                                                   52   FORD MOTOR CO                            FOCUS                                                  332                234,537   1.4156
                                                   53   MERCEDES-BENZ                            E-CLASS                                                 70                 50,159   1.3956
                                                   54   GENERAL MOTORS                           CHEVROLET CORVETTE                                      18                 12,917   1.3935
                                                   55   VOLKSWAGEN                               PASSAT                                                  176               128,931   1.3651
                                                   56   AUDI                                     AUDIA3                                                   5                  3,719   1.3444
                                                   57   FORD MOTOR CO                            FUSION                                                 342                256,170   1.3351
                                                   58   VOLKSWAGEN                               JETTA                                                  222                176,130   1.2604
                                                   59   TOYOTA                                   CAMRY                                                  353                280,399   1.2589
                                                   60   GENERAL MOTORS                           CADILLAC ATS                                            49                 39,386   1.2441
                                                   61   HYUNDAI                                  SONATA                                                 388                313,346   1.2382
                                                   62   NISSAN                                   370Z                                                     8                  6,485   1.2336
                                                   63   GENERAL MOTORS                           CADILLAC CTS                                            41                 33,340   1.2298
                                                   64   HONDA                                    PILOT                                                   53                 43,762   1.2111
                                                   65   CHRYSLER                                 JEEP PATRIOT                                            43                 35,620   1.2072
                                                   66   TOYOTA                                   SCIONtC                                                 24                 19,927   1.2044
                                                   67   MERCEDES-BENZ                            SL-CLASS                                                12                 10,053   1.1937
                                                   68   MITSUBISHI                               OUTLANDER                                               35                 29,764   1.1759
                                                   69   MERCEDES-BENZ                            C- CLASS                                                113                96,191   1.1747
                                                   70   SUZUKI                                   SX4                                                      8                  6,897   1.1599
                                                   71   HYUNDAI                                  ELANTRA                                                469                411,249   1.1404
                                                   72   CHRYSLER                                 DODGE JOURNEY                                           96                 84,725   1.1331
                                                   73   BMW                                      5                                                       65                 58,063   1.1195
                                                   74   FORD MOTOR CO                            FIESTA                                                  73                 67,095   1.0880
                                                   75   GENERAL MOTORS                           BUICK REGAL                                             21                 19,437   1.0804
                                                   76   NISSAN                                   NV 200 CARGO VAN                                         6                  5,650   1.0619
                                                   77   SUZUKI                                   GRAND VITARA                                             3                  2,841   1.0560
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                                                   78   NISSAN                                   SENTRA                                                  160               155,196   1.0310

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                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 225 / Monday, November 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                     72933

                                                   79   KIA                                      SOUL                                                    153               150,943   1.0136
                                                   80   AUDI                                     AUDI S4/S5                                              12                 12,087   0.9928
                                                   81   MERCEDES-BENZ                            GLK-CLASS                                               30                 32,138   0.9335
                                                   82   VOLKSWAGEN                               TIGUAN                                                  31                 33,475   0.9261
                                                   83   GENERAL MOTORS                           CADILLAC XTS                                            38                 41,913   0.9066
                                                   84   FORD MOTOR CO                            LINCOLNMKZ                                              24                 26,677   0.8997
                                                   85   TOYOTA                                   SCIONiQ                                                  3                  3,397   0.8831
                                                   86   FORD MOTOR CO                            ESCAPE                                                 265                310,054   0.8547
                                                   87   TOYOTA                                   VENZA                                                   44                 51,487   0.8546
                                                   88   KIA                                      SPORTAGE                                                37                 43,754   0.8456
                                                   89   HONDA                                    ACURA TSX                                               13                 15,474   0.8401
                                                   90   NISSAN                                   X TERRA                                                 11                 13,167   0.8354
                                                   91   KIA                                      SORENTO                                                 84                101,314   0.8291
                                                   92   SUBARU                                   LEGACY                                                  37                 45,052   0.8213
                                                   93   HONDA                                    ILX                                                     21                 25,790   0.8143
                                                   94   TOYOTA                                   AVALON                                                  63                 77,779   0.8100
                                                   95   PORSCHE                                  BOXSTER                                                  5                  6,259   0.7988
                                                   96   NISSAN                                   FRONTIER PICKUP                                         42                 53,113   0.7908
                                                   97   CHRYSLER                                 DODGE DART                                              95                120,478   0.7885
                                                   98   JAGUAR LAND ROVER                         XF                                                      7                  8,983   0.7792
                                                   99   TOYOTA                                   LEXUSIS                                                 10                 13,082   0.7644
                                                  100   AUDI                                     AUDIA4/A5                                               36                 47,939   0.7510
                                                  101   FIAT                                     500                                                     38                 51,721   0.7347
                                                  102   MAZDA                                    CX-9                                                    16                 21,923   0.7298
                                                  103   PORSCHE                                  911                                                      7                  9,805   0.7139
                                                  104   CHRYSLER                                 JEEP COMPASS                                            15                 21,037   0.7130
                                                  105   FORD MOTOR CO                            EDGE                                                    162               230,853   0.7017
                                                  106   BMW                                      3                                                       81                115,498   0.7013
                                                  107   VOLKSWAGEN                               GOLF                                                    15                 21,455   0.6991
                                                  108   GENERAL MOTORS                           CADILLAC SRX                                            35                 50,569   0.6921
                                                  109   NISSAN                                   PATHFINDER                                              56                 81,205   0.6896
                                                  110   FORD MOTOR CO                            FLEX                                                    22                 32,053   0.6864
                                                  111   NISSAN                                   ROGUE                                                   131               192,204   0.6816
                                                  112   JAGUAR LAND ROVER                         XJ                                                      4                  5,880   0.6803
                                                  113   BMW                                      X3                                                      24                 35,324   0.6794
                                                  114   GENERAL MOTORS                           GMC TERRAIN                                             73                108,263   0.6743
                                                  115   HONDA                                    CROSSTOUR                                               11                 16,818   0.6541
                                                  116   NISSAN                                   CUBE                                                     4                  6,181   0.6471
                                                  117   VOLVO                                    XC60                                                    13                 20,618   0.6305
                                                  118   TOYOTA                                   TACOMA PICKUP                                           108               172,009   0.6279
                                                  119   HYUNDAI                                  EQUUS                                                    2                  3,187   0.6275
                                                  120   HONDA                                    ACCORD                                                 231                372,134   0.6207
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                                                  121   MERCEDES-BENZ                            SLK-CLASS                                                3                  4,842   0.6196

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                                           72934            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 225 / Monday, November 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                  122   VOLKSWAGEN                               BEETLE                                                  29                 47,776   0.6070
                                                  123   CHRYSLER                                 JEEP WRANGLER                                           93                154,513   0.6019
                                                  124   HONDA                                    ACURAMDX                                                15                 25,269   0.5936
                                                  125   VOLVO                                    S60                                                     15                 25,583   0.5863
                                                  126   TOYOTA                                   SIENNA                                                  77                131,431   0.5859
                                                  127   VOLKSWAGEN                               GTI                                                     10                 17,173   0.5823
                                                  128   AUDI                                     AUDIALLROAD                                             4                   6,966   0.5742
                                                  129   GENERAL MOTORS                           BUICK VERANO                                            29                 50,556   0.5736
                                                  130   FORD MOTOR CO                            LINCOLNMKX                                              23                 40,203   0.5721
                                                  131   SUBARU                                   BRZ                                                      7                 12,358   0.5664
                                                  132   SUBARU                                   IMPREZA                                                 50                 88,295   0.5663
                                                  133   AUDI                                     AUDIQ5                                                  16                 28,566   0.5601
                                                  134   SUZUKI                                   KIZASHI                                                  1                  1,805   0.5540
                                                  135   SUBARU                                   XV CROSS TREK                                           26                 48,547   0.5356
                                                  136   HYUNDAI                                  TUCSON                                                  30                 56,509   0.5309
                                                  137   HONDA                                    CIVIC                                                  189                361,723   0.5225
                                                  138   MAZDA                                    CX-5                                                    28                 54,087   0.5177
                                                  139   SUBARU                                   OUTBACK                                                 60                118,349   0.5070
                                                  140   NISSAN                                   MURANO                                                  18                 35,506   0.5070
                                                  141   HONDA                                    CR-Z                                                    2                   4,032   0.4960
                                                  142   SUBARU                                   FORESTER                                                21                 42,779   0.4909
                                                  143   HYUNDAI                                  VELOSTER                                                25                 51,682   0.4837
                                                  144   HONDA                                    ACURA TL                                                11                 24,361   0.4515
                                                  145   FORD MOTOR CO                            C-MAX                                                   25                 55,763   0.4483
                                                  146   GENERAL MOTORS                           CHEVROLET EQUINOX                                      115                259,361   0.4434
                                                  147   TOYOTA                                   HIGHLANDER                                              74                170,215   0.4347
                                                  148   VOLVO                                    C30                                                      1                  2,331   0.4290
                                                  149   MERCEDES-BENZ                            SMART FORTWO                                             6                 14,179   0.4232
                                                  150   AUDI                                     AUDTA6                                                   8                 19,268   0.4152
                                                  151   TOYOTA                                   LEXUSRX                                                 56                136,263   D.4110
                                                  152   HYUNDAI                                  SANTA FE                                                45                110,159   0.4085
                                                  153   MASERATI                                 GRANTURISMO                                              1                  2,553   0.3917
                                                  154   BENTLEY MOTORS                           CONTINENTAL                                              1                  2,713   0.3686
                                                  155   HONDA                                    CR-V                                                   102                278,583   0.3661
                                                  156   JAGUAR LAND ROVER                        LAND ROVER EVOQUE                                        5                 14,367   0.3480
                                                  157   BMW                                      1                                                        3                  8,704   0.3447
                                                  158   TOYOTA                                   FJCRUISER                                               4                  12,066   0.3315
                                                  159   GENERAL MOTORS                           CHEVROLET VOLT                                           9                 27,484   0.3275
                                                  160   BMW                                      MINI COOPER                                             24                 73,871   0.3249
                                                  161   TOYOTA                                   RAV4                                                    71                224,601   0.3161
                                                  162   HONDA                                    FIT                                                     25                 80,291   0.3114
                                                  163   TOYOTA                                   SCIONxD                                                  3                 10,112   0.2967
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                                                  164   TOYOTA                                   SCIONxB                                                  5                 17,136   0.2918

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                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 225 / Monday, November 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                     72935

                                                  165       HONDA                                 INSIGHT                                                 2                   6,882   0.2906
                                                  166       BMW                                   M3                                                       1                  3,560   0.2809
                                                  167       TOYOTA                                LEXUSLS                                                 3                  10,967   0.2735
                                                  168       TOYOTA                                PRIUS                                                   64                236,411   0.2707
                                                  169       NISSAN                                JUKE                                                    13                 49,105   0.2647
                                                  170       NISSAN                                QUEST VAN                                               3                  11,559   0.2595
                                                  171       BMW                                   X1                                                      4                  16,976   0.2356
                                                  172       TOYOTA                                LEXUSES                                                 21                 90,063   0.2332
                                                  173       TOYOTA                                LEXUSCT                                                 4                  17,423   0.2296
                                                  174       VOLVO                                 C70                                                      1                  4,380   0.2283
                                                  175       VOLKSWAGEN                            EOS                                                      1                  4,775   0.2094
                                                  176       HONDA                                 ACURARDX                                                 8                 44,480   0.1799
                                                  177       GENERAL MOTORS                        BUICK ENCORE                                             5                 28,615   0.1747
                                                  178       FORD MOTOR CO                         TRANSIT CONNECT                                         7                  49,064   0.1427
                                                  179       TEL SA                                MODELS                                                  2                  17,813   0.1123
                                                  180       HYUNDAI                               AZERA                                                    1                 13,556   0.0738
                                                  181   NISSAN                                    LEAF                                                     1                 26,167   0.0382
                                                  182       ASTON MARTIN                          DB9                                                     0                     128   0.0000
                                                  183       ASTON MARTIN                          V8VANTAGE                                               0                    236    0.0000
                                                  184       AUDI                                  AUDIRS5                                                 0                   1,545   0.0000
                                                  185       AUDI                                  AUDITT                                                  0                   2,192   0.0000
                                                  186       BENTLEY MOTORS                        MULSANNE                                                0                    234    0.0000
                                                  187       BUGATTI                               VEYRON                                                  0                       6   0.0000
                                                  188       BYDMOTORS                             E6                                                      0                      32   0.0000
                                                  189       CHRYSLER                              DODGE VIPER                                             0                    852    0.0000
                                                  190       CODA                                  CODA                                                    0                      37   0.0000
                                                  191       FERRARI                               458 ITALIA                                              0                   1,239   0.0000
                                                  192       FERRARI                               CALIFORNIA                                              0                    504    0.0000
                                                  193       FERRARI                               FF                                                      0                     103   0.0000
                                                  194       FERRARI                               F12BERLINETTA                                           0                      56   0.0000
                                                  195       JAGUAR LAND ROVER                     LAND ROVER LR2                                          0                   3,689   0.0000
                                                  196       JAGUAR LAND ROVER                     XK                                                      0                   1,461   0.0000
                                                  197       LAMBORGHINI                           AVENTADOR                                               0                     155   0.0000
                                                  198       LAMBORGHINI                           GALLARDO                                                0                    449    0.0000
                                                  199       LOTUS                                 EVORA                                                   0                     170   0.0000
                                                  200       MAZDA                                 MX-5MIATA                                               0                   5,697   0.0000
                                                  201       MCLAREN                               MP4-12C                                                 0                    412    0.0000
                                                  202       MERCEDES-BENZ                         SLS-CLASS                                               0                    228    0.0000
                                                  203       MITSUBISHI                            I-MIEV                                                  0                   1,435   0.0000
                                                  204   NISSAN                                    INFINITI EX37                                           0                   1,894   0.0000
                                                  205   NTSSAN                                    TNFTNTTT M35h/M37/M56                                   0                   9,494   0.0000
                                                  206       ROLLS ROYCE                           GHOST                                                   0                    605    0.0000
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                                                  207       ROLLS ROYCE                           PHANTOM                                                 0                    254    0.0000

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                                           72936            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 225 / Monday, November 23, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                             Issued in Washington, DC, under authority
                                           delegated in 49 CFR 1.95.
                                           Raymond R. Posten,
                                           Associate Administrator for Rulemaking.
                                           [FR Doc. 2015–29701 Filed 11–20–15; 8:45 am]
                                           BILLING CODE 4910–59–C
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Document Created: 2018-03-01 11:17:56
Document Modified: 2018-03-01 11:17:56
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionPublication of 2013 final theft data.
DatesEffective date: November 23, 2015.
ContactMs. Deborah Mazyck, Office of International Policy, Fuel Economy and Consumer Programs, NHTSA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590. Ms. Mazyck's telephone number is (202) 366-4139. Her fax number is (202) 493-2990.
FR Citation80 FR 72929 

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