80_FR_73495 80 FR 73269 - Proposed Information Collections; Comment Request (No. 56)

80 FR 73269 - Proposed Information Collections; Comment Request (No. 56)

Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 226 (November 24, 2015)

Page Range73269-73271
FR Document2015-29879

As part of our continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we invite comments on the proposed or continuing information collections listed below in this notice.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 226 (Tuesday, November 24, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 226 (Tuesday, November 24, 2015)]
[Pages 73269-73271]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-29879]



Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

[Docket No. TTB-2015-0001]

Proposed Information Collections; Comment Request (No. 56)

AGENCY: Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB); Treasury.

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: As part of our continuing effort to reduce paperwork and 
respondent burden, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
1995, we invite comments on the proposed or continuing information 
collections listed below in this notice.

DATES: We must receive your written comments on or before January 25, 

ADDRESSES: As described below, you may send comments on the information 
collections listed in this document using the ``Regulations.gov'' 
online comment form for this document, or you may send written comments 
via U.S. mail or hand delivery. TTB no longer accepts public comments 
via email or fax.
     http://www.regulations.gov: Use the comment form for this 
document posted within Docket No. TTB-2015-0001 on ``Regulations.gov,'' 
the Federal e-rulemaking portal, to submit comments via the Internet;
     U.S. Mail: Michael Hoover, Regulations and Rulings 
Division, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street NW., 
Box 12, Washington, DC 20005.
     Hand Delivery/Courier in Lieu of Mail: Michael Hoover, 
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street NW., Suite 400, 
Washington, DC 20005.
    Please submit separate comments for each specific information 
collection listed in this document. You must reference the information 
collection's title, form or recordkeeping requirement number, and OMB 
number (if any) in your comment.
    You may view copies of this document, the information collections 
listed in it and any associated instructions, and all comments received 
in response to this document within Docket No. TTB-2015-0001 at http://www.regulations.gov. A link to that docket is posted on the TTB Web 
site at http://www.ttb.gov/forms/comment-on-form.shtml. You may also 
obtain paper copies of this document, the information collections 
described in it and any associated instructions, and any comments 
received in response to this document by contacting Michael Hoover at 
the addresses or telephone number shown below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Hoover, Alcohol and Tobacco 
Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street NW., Box 12, Washington, DC 20005; 
telephone 202-453-1039, ext. 135; or email 
informationcollections@ttb.gov (please do not submit comments on this 
notice to this email address).


Request for Comments

    The Department of the Treasury and its Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and 
Trade Bureau (TTB), as part of their continuing effort to reduce 
paperwork and respondent burden, invite the general public and other 
Federal agencies to comment on the proposed or continuing information 
collections listed below in this notice, as required by the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
    Comments submitted in response to this notice will be included or 
summarized in our request for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
approval of the relevant information collection. All comments are part 
of the public record and subject to disclosure. Please do not include 
any confidential or inappropriate material in your comments.
    We invite comments on: (a) Whether this information collection is 
necessary for the proper performance of the agency's functions, 
including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the 
accuracy of the agency's estimate of the information collection's 
burden; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information collected; (d) ways to minimize the information 
collection's burden on respondents, including through the use of 

[[Page 73270]]

collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e) 
estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, 
maintenance, and purchase of services to provide the requested 

Information Collections Open for Comment

    Currently, we are seeking comments on the following forms, 
recordkeeping requirements, or questionnaires:

    Title: Letterhead Applications and Notices Filed by Brewers, TTB 
REC 5130/2; and Brewer's Notice.
    OMB Number: 1513-0005.
    TTB Form Number: F 5130.10.
    TTB Recordkeeping Requirement Number: REC 5130/2.
    Abstract: The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) requires brewers to file 
a notice of intent to operate a brewery. TTB F 5130.10, the Brewer's 
Notice, collects information similar to that collected on a permit 
application and, when approved by TTB, is a brewer's authorization to 
operate. The brewer shall maintain the approved Brewer's Notice and all 
associated documents at the brewery premises, in complete and current 
condition, readily available for inspection by an appropriate TTB 
officer. The regulations also require that a brewer submit a letterhead 
application or notice to conduct certain activities, such as to vary 
from regulatory requirements or to alternate brewery premises. 
Letterhead applications and notices are necessary to identify brewery 
activities so that TTB may ensure that proposed operations would comply 
with the IRC and would not jeopardize Federal revenues.
    Current Actions: We are submitting this information collection for 
extension purposes only. The information collection, estimated number 
of respondents, and estimated number of burden hours remain unchanged.
    Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profits.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 2,974.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 14,870.

    Title: Formula and Process for Wine.
    OMB Number: 1513-0010.
    TTB Form Number: F 5120.29.
    Abstract: Proprietors intending to produce a special wine, other 
than standard wine or nonbeverage wine, must obtain TTB's prior 
approval of the formula by which the wine, or wine product made from 
wine, is to be made. Such proprietors may file formula approval 
requests on TTB F 5120.29, which describes the person filing, the type 
of product to be made, and the ingredients and process by which the 
product is to be made. TTB also may use the form to audit the product.
    Current Actions: TTB is submitting this collection as a revision. 
The information collection requirement remains unchanged. However, we 
are revising the burden estimate to reflect a decrease in the number of 
respondents to this information collection and the resulting burden 
hours. Industry members are increasingly using TTB F 5100.51 or 
Formulas Online to submit formula approval requests to TTB (see 1513-
0122), which has resulted in a decrease in the number of respondents 
submitting this form.
    Type of Review: Revision of a currently-approved collection.
    Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profits.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 30.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 60.

    Title: Power of Attorney.
    OMB Number: 1513-0014.
    TTB Form Number: F 5000.8.
    Abstract: The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) at 26 U.S.C. 6061 
provides that any documents filed by industry members under the 
provisions of the IRC must be signed and filed in accordance with the 
forms and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. 
Also, the Federal Alcohol Administration Act at 27 U.S.C. 204(c) states 
that the Secretary shall prescribe the manner and form of all 
applications for basic permits under the Act. The TTB regulations 
require individuals signing documents and forms filed with TTB on 
behalf of an applicant or principal to have specific authority to do so 
on their behalf. TTB F 5000.8 is used to delegate authority to a 
specific individual to sign documents on behalf of an applicant or 
    Current Actions: We are submitting this information collection for 
extension purposes only. The information collection, estimated number 
of respondents, and estimated number of burden hours remain unchanged.
    Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profits.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 5,000.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 3,250.

    Title: Letterhead Applications and Notices Relating to Wine.
    OMB Number: 1513-0057.
    TTB Recordkeeping Requirement Number: REC 5120/2.
    Abstract: The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) regulates certain aspects 
of wine production and treatment because the production and treatment 
affect the volume of taxable wine produced. The IRC also imposes 
standards for natural wine, cellar treatment of natural wine, 
agricultural wine, and the labeling of all wines in order to protect 
consumers and protect the product integrity of the wine. TTB therefore 
requires proprietors to file letterhead applications and notices 
relating to certain production and treatment activities to ensure that 
the intended activity will not jeopardize the revenue or defraud 
    Current Actions: We are submitting this information collection for 
extension purposes only. The information collection, estimated number 
of respondents, and estimated number of burden hours remain unchanged.
    Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profits.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 1,650.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 825.

    Title: Airlines Withdrawing Stock from Customs Custody.
    OMB Number: 1513-0074.
    TTB Recordkeeping Number: REC 5620/2.
    Abstract: Airlines may withdraw tax exempt distilled spirits, wine, 
and beer from Customs custody for foreign flights. The required record 
shows, among other things, the amount of spirits and wine withdrawn, 
flight identification, and Customs certification. As a result, it 
maintains accountability over distilled spirits and wine and protects 
tax revenue.
    Current Actions: We are submitting this information collection for 
extension purposes only. The information collection, estimated number 
of respondents, and estimated number of burden hours remain unchanged.
    Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profits.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 25.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 2,500.

    Title: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Related Documents for Tax 
Returns and Claims.
    OMB Number: 1513-0088.
    TTB Recordkeeping Requirement Number: REC 5000/24.
    Abstract: TTB is responsible for the collection of Federal excise 
taxes on firearms, ammunition, distilled spirits,

[[Page 73271]]

wine, beer, tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, and the 
collection of special occupational taxes related to tobacco products 
and cigarette papers and tubes. The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 
requires that these excise and special occupational taxes be collected 
on the basis of a return and requires taxpayers to maintain records 
that support the information in the return. The IRC also allows for the 
filing of claims for the abatement or refund of taxes under certain 
circumstances, and the IRC requires claimants to maintain records to 
support such claims. The maintenance of records is necessary to 
determine the appropriate tax liability, verify computations on tax 
returns, determine the adequacy of bond coverage, and verify the 
correctness of claims and other adjustments to tax liability.
    Current Actions: We are submitting this information collection for 
extension purposes only. The information collection, estimated number 
of respondents, and estimated number of burden hours remain unchanged.
    Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
    Affected Public: Businesses or other for-profits; Not-for-profit 
institutions, Individuals or Households.
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 503,921.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 503,921.

    Dated: November 17, 2015.
Amy R. Greenberg,
Director, Regulations and Rulings Division.
[FR Doc. 2015-29879 Filed 11-23-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 226 / Tuesday, November 24, 2015 / Notices                                           73269

                                                     FRA administers award agreements                     authorities and corporations, and                        Please submit separate comments for
                                                  for both construction and non-                          railroads.                                            each specific information collection
                                                  construction projects that will result in                 Total Estimated Annual Burden:                      listed in this document. You must
                                                  service benefits or other tangible                      39,521 hours.                                         reference the information collection’s
                                                  improvements in rail corridors. These                     Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3507(a) and 5                 title, form or recordkeeping requirement
                                                  projects include completion of                          CFR 1320.5(b) and 1320.8(b)(3)(vi), FRA               number, and OMB number (if any) in
                                                  preliminary engineering, environmental                  informs all interested parties that it may            your comment.
                                                  research and development, final design,                 not conduct or sponsor, and a                            You may view copies of this
                                                  and construction.                                       respondent is not required to respond                 document, the information collections
                                                     To ensure accountability of Federal                  to, a collection of information unless it             listed in it and any associated
                                                  award recipients through performance                    displays a currently valid OMB control                instructions, and all comments received
                                                  and results, including expenditures in                  number.                                               in response to this document within
                                                  support of agreed-upon activities and                     Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520.                     Docket No. TTB–2015–0001 at http://
                                                  allowable costs outlined in a FRA                                                                             www.regulations.gov. A link to that
                                                                                                          Rebecca Pennington,
                                                  Notice of Grant Award (NGA), FRA                                                                              docket is posted on the TTB Web site at
                                                                                                          Chief Financial Officer.                              http://www.ttb.gov/forms/comment-on-
                                                  requires systematic and uniform
                                                  collection and submission of                            [FR Doc. 2015–29892 Filed 11–23–15; 8:45 am]          form.shtml. You may also obtain paper
                                                  information, as approved by the OMB.                    BILLING CODE 4910–06–P                                copies of this document, the
                                                  Included in this information collection                                                                       information collections described in it
                                                  are reports and documentation                                                                                 and any associated instructions, and any
                                                  mandated by OMB for completion, as                      DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY                            comments received in response to this
                                                  well as additional resources to compile                                                                       document by contacting Michael Hoover
                                                  evidence relevant to addressing FRA’s                   Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade                     at the addresses or telephone number
                                                  important policy challenges, promoting                  Bureau                                                shown below.
                                                  cost-effectiveness in FRA programs, and                 [Docket No. TTB–2015–0001]                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                  providing effective oversight of                                                                              Michael Hoover, Alcohol and Tobacco
                                                  programmatic and financial                              Proposed Information Collections;                     Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street
                                                  performance. This justification draws on                Comment Request (No. 56)                              NW., Box 12, Washington, DC 20005;
                                                  innovative FRA program designs to use                   AGENCY: Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and                   telephone 202–453–1039, ext. 135; or
                                                  sophisticated practices in delivering                   Trade Bureau (TTB); Treasury.                         email informationcollections@ttb.gov
                                                  Federal financial assistance and                        ACTION: Notice and request for                        (please do not submit comments on this
                                                  encourage continuous improvements in                    comments.                                             notice to this email address).
                                                  service delivery.                                                                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                     FRA issues and manages awards in                     SUMMARY:    As part of our continuing
                                                  compliance with Title 2 of the Code of                  effort to reduce paperwork and                        Request for Comments
                                                  Federal Regulations (CFR): Grants and                   respondent burden, and as required by                    The Department of the Treasury and
                                                  Agreements. This justification includes                 the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,                  its Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade
                                                  one document package for collection                     we invite comments on the proposed or                 Bureau (TTB), as part of their
                                                  over the entire lifecycle of the award                  continuing information collections                    continuing effort to reduce paperwork
                                                  process, in adherence to the Uniform                    listed below in this notice.                          and respondent burden, invite the
                                                  Administrative Requirements, Cost                       DATES: We must receive your written                   general public and other Federal
                                                  Principles, and Audit Requirements for                  comments on or before January 25,                     agencies to comment on the proposed or
                                                  Federal Awards (78 FR 78589, Dec. 26,                   2016.                                                 continuing information collections
                                                  2013; 79 FR 75871, Dec. 19, 2014). All                  ADDRESSES: As described below, you                    listed below in this notice, as required
                                                  non-research awards are subject to the                  may send comments on the information                  by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
                                                  application, reporting, closeout, and                   collections listed in this document                   (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
                                                  other processes described in this                       using the ‘‘Regulations.gov’’ online                     Comments submitted in response to
                                                  justification.                                          comment form for this document, or you                this notice will be included or
                                                     Additionally, the collection detailed                may send written comments via U.S.                    summarized in our request for Office of
                                                  in this justification represents a                      mail or hand delivery. TTB no longer                  Management and Budget (OMB)
                                                  combination of previous FRA collection                  accepts public comments via email or                  approval of the relevant information
                                                  requests, including: OMB Control                        fax.                                                  collection. All comments are part of the
                                                  Number 2130–0578, OMB Control                              • http://www.regulations.gov: Use the              public record and subject to disclosure.
                                                  Number 2130–0580, OMB Control                           comment form for this document posted                 Please do not include any confidential
                                                  Number 2130–0584, and OMB Control                       within Docket No. TTB–2015–0001 on                    or inappropriate material in your
                                                  Number 0587. Combining these                            ‘‘Regulations.gov,’’ the Federal e-                   comments.
                                                  collections under a new collection                      rulemaking portal, to submit comments                    We invite comments on: (a) Whether
                                                  enables FRA to consolidate                              via the Internet;                                     this information collection is necessary
                                                  documentation under one collection,                        • U.S. Mail: Michael Hoover,                       for the proper performance of the
                                                  which allows for efficiency and                         Regulations and Rulings Division,                     agency’s functions, including whether
                                                  provides a uniform period until
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                          Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade                     the information has practical utility; (b)
                                                  expiration of this justification request.               Bureau, 1310 G Street NW., Box 12,                    the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of
                                                     Form Number(s): FRA forms 30, 31,                    Washington, DC 20005.                                 the information collection’s burden; (c)
                                                  32, 33, 34, 35, and 229. SF forms 270,                     • Hand Delivery/Courier in Lieu of                 ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                  424, 424A, 424B, 424C, 424D, 425, and                   Mail: Michael Hoover, Alcohol and                     clarity of the information collected; (d)
                                                  LLL.                                                    Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G                  ways to minimize the information
                                                     Affected Public: State and local                     Street NW., Suite 400, Washington, DC                 collection’s burden on respondents,
                                                  governments, government sponsored                       20005.                                                including through the use of automated

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                                                  73270                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 226 / Tuesday, November 24, 2015 / Notices

                                                  collection techniques or other forms of                 which describes the person filing, the                   Abstract: The Internal Revenue Code
                                                  information technology; and (e)                         type of product to be made, and the                   (IRC) regulates certain aspects of wine
                                                  estimates of capital or start-up costs and              ingredients and process by which the                  production and treatment because the
                                                  costs of operation, maintenance, and                    product is to be made. TTB also may use               production and treatment affect the
                                                  purchase of services to provide the                     the form to audit the product.                        volume of taxable wine produced. The
                                                  requested information.                                     Current Actions: TTB is submitting                 IRC also imposes standards for natural
                                                                                                          this collection as a revision. The                    wine, cellar treatment of natural wine,
                                                  Information Collections Open for                        information collection requirement                    agricultural wine, and the labeling of all
                                                  Comment                                                 remains unchanged. However, we are                    wines in order to protect consumers and
                                                     Currently, we are seeking comments                   revising the burden estimate to reflect a             protect the product integrity of the
                                                  on the following forms, recordkeeping                   decrease in the number of respondents                 wine. TTB therefore requires proprietors
                                                  requirements, or questionnaires:                        to this information collection and the                to file letterhead applications and
                                                     Title: Letterhead Applications and                   resulting burden hours. Industry                      notices relating to certain production
                                                  Notices Filed by Brewers, TTB REC                       members are increasingly using TTB F                  and treatment activities to ensure that
                                                  5130/2; and Brewer’s Notice.                            5100.51 or Formulas Online to submit                  the intended activity will not jeopardize
                                                     OMB Number: 1513–0005.                               formula approval requests to TTB (see                 the revenue or defraud consumers.
                                                     TTB Form Number: F 5130.10.                          1513–0122), which has resulted in a                      Current Actions: We are submitting
                                                     TTB Recordkeeping Requirement                        decrease in the number of respondents                 this information collection for extension
                                                  Number: REC 5130/2.                                     submitting this form.                                 purposes only. The information
                                                     Abstract: The Internal Revenue Code                     Type of Review: Revision of a                      collection, estimated number of
                                                  (IRC) requires brewers to file a notice of              currently-approved collection.                        respondents, and estimated number of
                                                  intent to operate a brewery. TTB F                         Affected Public: Businesses or other               burden hours remain unchanged.
                                                  5130.10, the Brewer’s Notice, collects                  for-profits.                                             Type of Review: Extension of a
                                                  information similar to that collected on                   Estimated Number of Respondents:                   currently approved collection.
                                                  a permit application and, when                          30.                                                      Affected Public: Businesses or other
                                                  approved by TTB, is a brewer’s                             Estimated Total Annual Burden                      for-profits.
                                                  authorization to operate. The brewer                    Hours: 60.                                               Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                  shall maintain the approved Brewer’s                       Title: Power of Attorney.                          1,650.
                                                  Notice and all associated documents at                     OMB Number: 1513–0014.                                Estimated Total Annual Burden
                                                  the brewery premises, in complete and                      TTB Form Number: F 5000.8.                         Hours: 825.
                                                                                                             Abstract: The Internal Revenue Code
                                                  current condition, readily available for                                                                         Title: Airlines Withdrawing Stock
                                                                                                          (IRC) at 26 U.S.C. 6061 provides that
                                                  inspection by an appropriate TTB                                                                              from Customs Custody.
                                                                                                          any documents filed by industry
                                                  officer. The regulations also require that                                                                       OMB Number: 1513–0074.
                                                                                                          members under the provisions of the
                                                  a brewer submit a letterhead application                                                                         TTB Recordkeeping Number: REC
                                                                                                          IRC must be signed and filed in
                                                  or notice to conduct certain activities,                                                                      5620/2.
                                                                                                          accordance with the forms and
                                                  such as to vary from regulatory                                                                                  Abstract: Airlines may withdraw tax
                                                                                                          regulations prescribed by the Secretary
                                                  requirements or to alternate brewery                                                                          exempt distilled spirits, wine, and beer
                                                                                                          of the Treasury. Also, the Federal
                                                  premises. Letterhead applications and                                                                         from Customs custody for foreign
                                                                                                          Alcohol Administration Act at 27 U.S.C.
                                                  notices are necessary to identify                                                                             flights. The required record shows,
                                                                                                          204(c) states that the Secretary shall
                                                  brewery activities so that TTB may                                                                            among other things, the amount of
                                                                                                          prescribe the manner and form of all
                                                  ensure that proposed operations would                                                                         spirits and wine withdrawn, flight
                                                                                                          applications for basic permits under the
                                                  comply with the IRC and would not                                                                             identification, and Customs
                                                                                                          Act. The TTB regulations require
                                                  jeopardize Federal revenues.                                                                                  certification. As a result, it maintains
                                                                                                          individuals signing documents and
                                                     Current Actions: We are submitting                                                                         accountability over distilled spirits and
                                                                                                          forms filed with TTB on behalf of an
                                                  this information collection for extension                                                                     wine and protects tax revenue.
                                                                                                          applicant or principal to have specific
                                                  purposes only. The information                                                                                   Current Actions: We are submitting
                                                                                                          authority to do so on their behalf. TTB
                                                  collection, estimated number of                                                                               this information collection for extension
                                                                                                          F 5000.8 is used to delegate authority to
                                                  respondents, and estimated number of                                                                          purposes only. The information
                                                                                                          a specific individual to sign documents
                                                  burden hours remain unchanged.                                                                                collection, estimated number of
                                                                                                          on behalf of an applicant or principal.
                                                     Type of Review: Extension of a                                                                             respondents, and estimated number of
                                                                                                             Current Actions: We are submitting
                                                  currently approved collection.                                                                                burden hours remain unchanged.
                                                                                                          this information collection for extension
                                                     Affected Public: Businesses or other                                                                          Type of Review: Extension of a
                                                                                                          purposes only. The information
                                                  for-profits.                                                                                                  currently approved collection.
                                                                                                          collection, estimated number of
                                                     Estimated Number of Respondents:                                                                              Affected Public: Businesses or other
                                                                                                          respondents, and estimated number of
                                                  2,974.                                                                                                        for-profits.
                                                                                                          burden hours remain unchanged.
                                                     Estimated Total Annual Burden                           Type of Review: Extension of a                        Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                  Hours: 14,870.                                          currently approved collection.                        25.
                                                     Title: Formula and Process for Wine.                    Affected Public: Businesses or other                  Estimated Total Annual Burden
                                                     OMB Number: 1513–0010.                               for-profits.                                          Hours: 2,500.
                                                     TTB Form Number: F 5120.29.                             Estimated Number of Respondents:                      Title: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                     Abstract: Proprietors intending to                   5,000.                                                Related Documents for Tax Returns and
                                                  produce a special wine, other than                         Estimated Total Annual Burden                      Claims.
                                                  standard wine or nonbeverage wine,                      Hours: 3,250.                                            OMB Number: 1513–0088.
                                                  must obtain TTB’s prior approval of the                    Title: Letterhead Applications and                    TTB Recordkeeping Requirement
                                                  formula by which the wine, or wine                      Notices Relating to Wine.                             Number: REC 5000/24.
                                                  product made from wine, is to be made.                     OMB Number: 1513–0057.                                Abstract: TTB is responsible for the
                                                  Such proprietors may file formula                          TTB Recordkeeping Requirement                      collection of Federal excise taxes on
                                                  approval requests on TTB F 5120.29,                     Number: REC 5120/2.                                   firearms, ammunition, distilled spirits,

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 226 / Tuesday, November 24, 2015 / Notices                                                73271

                                                  wine, beer, tobacco products, and                       records to support such claims. The                     Type of Review: Extension of a
                                                  cigarette papers and tubes, and the                     maintenance of records is necessary to                currently approved collection.
                                                  collection of special occupational taxes                determine the appropriate tax liability,                Affected Public: Businesses or other
                                                  related to tobacco products and cigarette               verify computations on tax returns,                   for-profits; Not-for-profit institutions,
                                                  papers and tubes. The Internal Revenue                  determine the adequacy of bond                        Individuals or Households.
                                                  Code (IRC) requires that these excise                   coverage, and verify the correctness of                 Estimated Number of Respondents:
                                                  and special occupational taxes be                       claims and other adjustments to tax                   503,921.
                                                  collected on the basis of a return and                  liability.                                              Estimated Total Annual Burden
                                                  requires taxpayers to maintain records                                                                        Hours: 503,921.
                                                                                                             Current Actions: We are submitting
                                                  that support the information in the                     this information collection for extension               Dated: November 17, 2015.
                                                  return. The IRC also allows for the filing              purposes only. The information                        Amy R. Greenberg,
                                                  of claims for the abatement or refund of                collection, estimated number of                       Director, Regulations and Rulings Division.
                                                  taxes under certain circumstances, and                  respondents, and estimated number of                  [FR Doc. 2015–29879 Filed 11–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  the IRC requires claimants to maintain                  burden hours remain unchanged.                        BILLING CODE 4810–31–P
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 14:09:17
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 14:09:17
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice and request for comments.
DatesWe must receive your written comments on or before January 25, 2016.
ContactMichael Hoover, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street NW., Box 12, Washington, DC 20005; telephone 202-453-1039, ext. 135; or email [email protected] (please do not submit comments on this
FR Citation80 FR 73269 

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