80_FR_75229 80 FR 74999 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; 2016 Atlantic Shark Commercial Fishing Season

80 FR 74999 - Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; 2016 Atlantic Shark Commercial Fishing Season

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 230 (December 1, 2015)

Page Range74999-75008
FR Document2015-30032

This final rule establishes an opening date of January 1, 2016, for all Atlantic shark fisheries, including the fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. This final rule also establishes the quotas for the 2016 fishing season based on over- and/or underharvests experienced during 2015 and previous fishing seasons. The large coastal shark (LCS) retention limit for directed shark limited access permit holders will start at 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per trip in the Gulf of Mexico region and at 36 LCS other than sandbar sharks per trip in the Atlantic region. These retention limits for directed shark limited access permit holders may decrease or increase during the year to provide, to the extent practicable, fishing opportunities for commercial shark fishermen in all regions and areas. NMFS anticipates that the retention limit in the Atlantic region will likely increase to the default limit of 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per trip around July 15, 2016, subject to NMFS' evaluation of the inseason trip limit adjustment criteria. These actions could affect fishing opportunities for commercial shark fishermen in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 230 (Tuesday, December 1, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 230 (Tuesday, December 1, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 74999-75008]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-30032]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 635

[Docket No. 150413357-5999-02]
RIN 0648-XD898

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; 2016 Atlantic Shark Commercial 
Fishing Season

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Final rule; fishing season notification.


SUMMARY: This final rule establishes an opening date of January 1, 
2016, for all Atlantic shark fisheries, including the fisheries in the 
Gulf of Mexico. This final rule also establishes the quotas for the 
2016 fishing season based on over- and/or underharvests experienced 
during 2015 and previous fishing seasons. The large coastal shark (LCS) 
retention limit for directed shark limited access permit holders will 
start at 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per trip in the Gulf of 
Mexico region and at 36 LCS other than sandbar sharks per trip in the 
Atlantic region. These retention limits for directed shark limited 
access permit holders may decrease or increase during the year to 
provide, to the extent practicable, fishing opportunities for 
commercial shark fishermen in all regions and areas. NMFS anticipates 
that the retention limit in the Atlantic region will likely increase to 
the default limit of 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per trip around 
July 15, 2016, subject to NMFS' evaluation of the inseason trip limit 
adjustment criteria. These actions could affect fishing opportunities 
for commercial shark fishermen in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 
including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.

DATES: This rule is effective on January 1, 2016. The 2016 Atlantic 
commercial shark fishing season opening dates and quotas are provided 

ADDRESSES: Highly Migratory Species Management Division, 1315 East-West 
Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gu[yacute] DuBeck or Karyl Brewster-
Geisz at 301-427-8503.



    The Atlantic commercial shark fisheries are managed under the 
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management 
Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). The 2006 Consolidated Highly Migratory 
Species (HMS) Fishery Management Plan (FMP) and its amendments are 
implemented by regulations at 50 CFR part 635. For the Atlantic 
commercial shark fisheries, the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its 
amendments established, among other things, commercial shark retention 
limits, commercial quotas for species and management groups, accounting 
measures for under- and overharvests for the shark fisheries, and 
adaptive management measures such as flexible opening dates for the 
fishing season and inseason adjustments to shark trip limits, which 
provide management flexibility in furtherance of equitable fishing 
opportunities, to the extent practicable, for commercial shark 
fishermen in all regions and areas.
    On August 18, 2015 (80 FR 49974), NMFS published a rule proposing 
the 2016 opening dates for the Atlantic commercial shark fisheries and 
quotas, based on shark landings information reported as of July 15, 
2015. The August 2015 proposed rule contains details that are not 
repeated here. The comment period on the proposed rule ended on 
September 17, 2015.
    During the comment period, NMFS received several written and oral 
comments on the proposed rule. Those comments, along with the Agency's 
responses, are summarized below. As further detailed in the Response to 
Comments section, after considering all the comments, NMFS is opening 
the fishing seasons for all shark management groups on January 1, 2016, 
as proposed in the August 18, 2015, proposed rule. For directed shark 
limited access permit holders, the Gulf of Mexico blacktip, aggregated 
LCS, and hammerhead management groups will start the fishing season 
with a retention limit of 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel 
per trip. The aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark management groups in 
the Atlantic region will start the fishing season with a retention 
limit of 36 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip for 
directed shark limited access permit holders, which is a change from 
the proposed rule. Also, some of the quotas have changed since the 
proposed rule, based on updated landings information as of October 16, 
2015. The retention limit for incidental shark limited access permit 
holders has not changed and remains at 3 LCS other than sandbar sharks 
per trip and a combined total of 16 small coastal sharks (SCS) and 
pelagic sharks, combined, per trip, consistent with Sec.  635.24(a)(3) 
and (4).
    This final rule serves as notification of the 2016 opening dates of 
the Atlantic commercial shark fisheries and 2016 quotas, based on shark 
landings updated as of October 16, 2015, pursuant to the ``opening 
commercial fishing season'' criteria at Sec.  635.27(b)(3)(i) through 
(vii). This action does not change the annual base commercial quotas 
established under the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments for 
any shark management group. Any such changes would be performed through 
a separate action. Rather, this action adjusts the annual base 
commercial quotas for 2016

[[Page 75000]]

based on over- and/or underharvests that occurred in 2015 and previous 
fishing seasons, consistent with existing regulations.

Response to Comments

    NMFS received 6 written comments on the proposed rule from 
fishermen, dealers, and other interested parties. All written comments 
can be found at http://www.regulations.gov/ by searching for RIN 0648-
XD898. NMFS received approximately 5 oral comments which were received 
through phone conversations. All of the oral comments are incorporated 
with the written comments below.

A. LCS Management Group Comments

    Comment 1: NMFS received several comments regarding the proposed 
opening date for the aggregated LCS and hammerhead management groups in 
the Atlantic region. The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries 
(NCDMR) and other commenters from the southern and northern part of the 
region supported the proposed opening date of January 1 for the 
aggregated LCS and hammerhead management groups, retention limit, and 
inseason retention limit adjustments for LCS fisheries as long as the 
majority of the quota is available later in the year. The comments from 
some of the fishermen supporting the January 1 opening date noted they 
preferred the opportunity to land some LCS that were caught while 
targeting SCS and other non-shark species rather than discard them if 
the season is closed in January. NMFS also received a few comments 
regarding the timing for the inseason retention limit adjustment. One 
commenter supported the January 1 opening date with reducing the 
retention limit on March 1 to incidental levels (3 LCS other than 
sandbar sharks per vessel per trip) before increasing the retention 
limit on August 1 to 55 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per 
trip. Another commenter supported the January 1 opening date until 50 
percent of the quota is reached before reducing the retention limit to 
incidental levels and then increasing the retention limit on July 1 to 
55 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip. NMFS also 
received comments opposing the proposed opening date of January 1 with 
inseason retention limit adjustments. The Commonwealth of Virginia 
Marine Resources Commission requested a June or July opening date for 
the LCS fisheries to allow their state-water fishermen an opportunity 
to fish for sharks under the proposed retention limit, while other 
commenters suggested a July 1 LCS fishery opening date at the proposed 
retention limit with no inseason retention limit adjustments. The 
comments from some of the fishermen in the southern part of the region 
noted they preferred the opportunity to fish for sharks in October 
through December because they participate in other, non-shark fisheries 
at the beginning of the year and in the shark fisheries later in the 
year, when there are no other fisheries open in Florida. Also, these 
commenters are concerned that having the LCS fisheries in the Atlantic 
and Gulf of Mexico regions open at the same time will flood the market 
with shark products, causing a dramatic drop in potential revenue.
    Response: NMFS evaluates the ``opening commercial fishing season'' 
criteria (Sec.  635.27(b)(3)) when choosing an opening date. These 
criteria include: (1) The available annual quotas for the current 
fishing season for the different species/management groups based on any 
over- and/or underharvests experienced during the previous commercial 
shark fishing seasons; (2) estimated season length based on available 
quota(s) and average weekly catch rates of different species and/or 
management group from the previous years; (3) length of the season for 
the different species and/or management group in the previous years and 
whether fishermen were able to participate in the fishery in those 
years; (4) variations in seasonal distribution, abundance, or migratory 
patterns of the different species/management groups based on scientific 
and fishery information; (5) effects of catch rates in one part of a 
region precluding vessels in another part of that region from having a 
reasonable opportunity to harvest a portion of the different species 
and/or management quotas; (6) effects of the adjustment on 
accomplishing the objectives of the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its 
amendments; and/or (7) effects of a delayed opening with regard to 
fishing opportunities in other fisheries.
    After evaluating these criteria, as described in the proposed rule, 
and reviewing the public comments, NMFS has decided to open the 
fisheries in the Atlantic region with a lower retention limit than 
proposed. Specifically, on January 1, 2016, the LCS fisheries in the 
Atlantic region will open with a retention limit of 36 LCS other than 
sandbar sharks per vessel per trip for directed shark limited access 
permit holders. NMFS has determined that a lower retention limit at the 
start of the season will allow NMFS to more easily and closely monitor 
the quota and catch rates in the beginning of the year to help ensure 
equitable fishing opportunities later in the year. NMFS chose 36 LCS 
other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip because that was the 
commercial retention limit for the fishery from 2013 through August 
2015, and thus is familiar to both NMFS and the participants in the 
    The proposed rule stated that, if it appears that the quota is 
being harvested too quickly to allow fishermen throughout the entire 
region an opportunity to fish, NMFS will reduce the commercial 
retention limit after a portion of the quota is harvested (e.g., 30 
percent) and then raise the commercial retention limit at a later date 
(e.g., July 1 or 15) to allow greater fishing opportunities later in 
the year. Reducing the retention limit when 50 percent of the quota has 
been harvested, as suggested by a commenter, would likely not allow for 
fishing opportunities later in the year when the majority of the 
fishing occurs. Under Sec.  635.28(b), NMFS closes any shark management 
group that has reached, or is projected to reach, 80 percent of the 
available quota. After considering public comment, NMFS believes that 
it is more appropriate to consider a retention limit reduction, when 
approximately 20 percent of the quota has been harvested (which is 
expected to occur in March or April, based on landings data from prior 
years). Any such action will depend on consideration of the factors 
under Sec.  635.24(a)(8). If catch rates and landings are similar to 
past years, NMFS anticipates that it could reduce the retention limit 
to 3 LCS other than sandbar sharks, which is consistent with the 
retention limit for incidental limited access permit holders, when the 
20 percent is reached. However, if the quota is being landed quickly at 
the beginning of the year, or if, after reducing the retention limit, 
the reduction to 3 LCS other than sandbar sharks does not slow the rate 
of harvest enough to allow for a fishery later in the year, NMFS could 
reduce the retention limit to 0. Alternatively, if the quota is being 
landed slowly, NMFS could choose not to reduce the retention limit, or 
not to reduce it all the way down to 3.
    After considering public comment, NMFS anticipates that it will 
increase the commercial retention limit around July 15, 2016, as this 
was the date used for prior season opening dates. The retention limit 
will be the default level of 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per 
vessel per trip for directed shark limited access permit holders, or 
another amount, as deemed appropriate after considering the inseason 
trip limit adjustment criteria (Sec.  635.24(a)(8)).

[[Page 75001]]

NMFS believes that utilizing the inseason retention limit adjustment 
during the fishing season will promote equitable fishing opportunities 
in the Atlantic region, while still allowing the majority of quota to 
be harvested later in the year. The January 1 opening date should allow 
fishermen in the southern and northern portions of the Atlantic region 
the opportunity to fish at the beginning of the year, while providing 
all fishermen in the Atlantic region fishing opportunities later in the 
year, when the majority of fishing occurs, as the majority of the quota 
will still be available.
    Regarding the comments from constituents suggesting when to adjust 
the retention limit, NMFS intends to reduce the retention limit to 3 
LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip if the quota is being 
caught too quickly (e.g., if approximately 20 percent of the quota is 
harvested at the beginning of the year), and then anticipates that it 
will increase the retention limit to the default level of 45 LCS other 
than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip for directed shark limited 
access permit holders, or another amount, as deemed appropriate after 
considering the inseason trip limit adjustment criteria, around July 
15, 2016. If NMFS were to reduce the retention limit when approximately 
20 percent of the quota is harvested, based on past landings data, the 
aggregated LCS quota will likely reach 20 percent around March, which 
is similar to the time suggested by a commenter. Regarding an increase 
on August 1, NMFS will determine any potential increase in the 
retention limit at a later time, but notes that an increase around July 
15 would be closer to recent opening dates of the fishery than August 1 
and could better promote equitable fishing opportunities. Regarding the 
comment to wait until 50 percent of the quota was harvested before 
reducing the retention limit and then increasing the retention limit on 
July 1, when the Atlantic LCS fisheries last opened in January, the 
quota reached 50 percent in July. Thus, under that scenario, it is 
unlikely that any adjustment would be needed until much later in the 
season (e.g., August). In addition, under Sec.  635.28(b), NMFS closes 
any shark management group that has reached, or is projected to reach, 
80 percent of the available quota. Thus, waiting until 50 percent of 
the quota has been harvested before reducing the retention limit would 
likely prevent the majority of the quota from being available later in 
the year, which is what most of the public comments requested.
    Regarding the comments from the Commonwealth of Virginia Marine 
Resources Commission and other commenters requesting an opening date in 
June or July in order to allow state-water fishermen the opportunity to 
fish and regarding the comments from constituents who prefer a later 
start date in order to fish for sharks at the end of the year, NMFS 
agrees that the fishery should remain open later in the year and 
anticipates having the majority of the quota available after July 15, 
2016. Based on past landings data, having the majority of the quota 
available after July 15 would allow Virginia state-water fishermen the 
opportunity to fish for sharks and potentially allow the fishery to be 
open in October through December. Regarding the comments that having 
the LCS fisheries in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico regions open at 
the same time will impact the market prices, NMFS has no control over 
the market prices and this is not one of the criteria NMFS evaluates 
when choosing an opening date. However, in the past, the LCS fisheries 
in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico regions have been open at the same 
time, and during those times, NMFS has not noticed any dramatic impacts 
on the ex-vessel prices in either region. For example, in 2013, when 
both regional LCS fisheries were open in January, the ex-vessel price 
for Atlantic aggregated LCS stayed consistent throughout the year and 
was much higher than the Gulf of Mexico aggregated LCS ex-vessel 
    Comment 2: NMFS received comments regarding the proposed sub-
regional opening dates and commercial retention limit for the Gulf of 
Mexico blacktip, aggregated LCS, and hammerhead management groups. One 
commenter supported the proposed January 1 opening date for both Gulf 
of Mexico sub-regions and the proposed retention limit, suggesting that 
NMFS use this season as an experiment to see how the fishery operates 
under the new management measures from Amendment 6 to the 2006 
Consolidated HMS FMP (Amendment 6). Another commenter suggested 
staggering the Gulf of Mexico sub-regional opening dates and increasing 
the retention limit. Specifically, the commenter suggested that both 
sub-regions open at 55 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per 
trip, with the western Gulf of Mexico sub-region opening on January 1 
and the eastern Gulf of Mexico sub-region opening on March 1.
    Response: After considering public comment and the ``opening 
commercial fishing season'' criteria (Sec.  635.27(b)(3)) described in 
the proposed rule, NMFS has determined that opening the Gulf of Mexico 
blacktip, aggregated LCS, and hammerhead shark management groups on 
January 1 at 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip for 
directed shark limited access permit holders, as proposed, will promote 
equitable fishing opportunities for constituents in each sub-region. In 
reaching this determination, NMFS considered, in particular, the length 
of the season for the different species and/or management groups in 
2015 and whether fishermen were able to participate in the fishery 
(Sec.  635.27(b)(3)(iii)), and found that with a January 1 opening date 
in 2015, the length of the fishing season provided all fishermen with 
equitable fishing opportunities to participate in the fishery in 2015.
    Regarding the comment relating to the different sub-regional 
opening dates, at this time, NMFS prefers to open both sub-regions at 
the same time to evaluate how the changes in the regulations, such as 
the increase in the retention limit, affect the fishery before making 
other changes to the commercial shark fishing season. NMFS may consider 
staggered opening dates for the sub-regions in future years if such an 
approach is needed to promote equitable fishing opportunities 
throughout the region.

B. Atlantic SCS Management Group Comments

    Comment 3: NMFS received comments regarding the proposed opening 
date for the non-blacknose SCS and blacknose shark management groups in 
the Atlantic region. Most commenters, including NCDMR, supported the 
proposed January 1 opening date, while only a few commenters requested 
that the SCS fisheries not open until August to ensure that the 
southern part of the fishery would not be closed because of the 
blacknose shark quota linkage.
    Response: Taking into consideration the ``opening commercial 
fishing season'' criteria (Sec.  635.27(b)(3)), as described in the 
proposed rule, and the general public support of the proposed opening 
date, NMFS has determined that keeping the proposed opening date of 
January 1 for the non-blacknose SCS and blacknose shark management 
groups in the Atlantic region will provide commercial shark fishermen 
year-round access to the increased non-blacknose SCS quota. In reaching 
this determination, NMFS considered, in particular, the current length 
of the 2015 season for the different species and/or management groups 
and whether fishermen were able to participate in the fishery in 2015 
(Sec.  635.27(b)(3)(iii)), and found that with a January 1 opening date 
in 2015, the length of the fishing

[[Page 75002]]

season provided all fishermen with equitable fishing opportunities to 
participate in the fishery in 2015. NMFS still encourages fishermen 
south of 34 degrees to avoid blacknose sharks to keep the non-blacknose 
SCS fishery open year-round in that area. NMFS linked these quotas due 
to concerns regarding the incidental harvest of blacknose sharks, which 
are overfished, while fishermen were targeting non-blacknose SCS. 
During the Amendment 3 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP rulemaking 
process (75 FR 30484; June 1, 2010), fishermen indicated that they 
could avoid catching blacknose sharks when fishing for non-blacknose 
sharks. Fishermen successfully avoided blacknose sharks for several 
years. However, in the past few years, a small number of individuals 
began targeting blacknose sharks, resulting in early closures.
    Comment 4: NMFS received comments to adjust the commercial 
retention limit for SCS, implement a commercial retention limit for 
Atlantic blacknose sharks, and establish a bycatch allowance for non-
blacknose SCS (approximately 200 lb dw) once the blacknose quota is 
reached to reduce dead discards of SCS.
    Response: This comment is outside the scope of this rulemaking 
because there is currently no commercial retention limit for blacknose 
sharks, and the purpose of this rulemaking is to adjust quotas based on 
over- and underharvests from the previous years and set opening dates 
for the 2016 shark seasons. The commenter thought that because NMFS was 
proposing to adjust the commercial retention limit for the LCS 
fisheries that NMFS could do the same for SCS fisheries. However, at 
this time, the only retention limit for SCS is for incidental shark 
permit holders, who can retain up to 16 SCS or pelagic sharks per 
vessel per trip.
    NMFS considered a commercial retention limit for blacknose shark in 
Amendment 5a to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP (see Section 2.3, 
Alternatives Considered But Not Further Analyzed, of the Final 
Environmental Impact Statement for Amendment 5a) and received similar 
comments during the public comment period for Amendment 6. In those 
actions, NMFS preferred to address blacknose shark landings and 
discards by linking the blacknose shark and non-blacknose SCS quotas, 
which should provide a greater and more effective incentive for 
reducing landings of blacknose sharks than a retention limit, thus more 
effectively managing the blacknose fishery in a manner that maximizes 
resource sustainability, while minimizing, to the greatest extent 
possible, socioeconomic impacts. After the blacknose shark quota was 
reached much earlier this year (June 7) than in previous seasons (July 
28, 2014, and September 30, 2013), NMFS examined the blacknose shark 
landings from the HMS electronic dealer data from 2015 on a per trip 
basis. These data indicate that the majority of the trips (60 percent 
of the total number of trips) landed less than 200 lb dw of blacknose 
sharks per trip; however, there were multiple trips (11 percent of the 
total number of trips) that landed more than 700 lb dw of blacknose 
sharks per trip, with some as high as 3,170 lb dw, which is 
approximately 8 percent of the entire quota. Because the blacknose 
shark linkage has caused the SCS fishery south of 34 degrees to close 
sooner than in previous seasons and given that the commercial quota 
continues to be overharvested, NMFS is re-considering the 
appropriateness of a commercial blacknose retention limit and may 
pursue this issue in a separate action.

C. General Comments

    Comment 5: NMFS received comments to stop all shark fishing.
    Response: This comment is outside the scope of this rulemaking 
because the purpose of this rulemaking is to adjust quotas for the 2016 
shark seasons based on over- and underharvests from the previous years 
and set opening dates for the 2016 shark seasons. Management of the 
Atlantic shark fisheries is based on the best available science to 
achieve optimum yield while also rebuilding overfished shark stocks and 
preventing overfishing. The final rule does not reanalyze the overall 
management measures for sharks, which were analyzed in the 2006 
Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments. NMFS is considering further 
shark management measures, including those to rebuild shark stocks or 
prevent overfishing, in other upcoming rulemakings, such as Amendments 
5b to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP.
    Comment 6: NMFS received comments from the NCDMR that requested 
NMFS to perform a benchmark stock assessment on Atlantic blacktip and 
sandbar sharks as soon as possible.
    Response: This comment is outside the scope of this rulemaking 
because the purpose of this rulemaking is to adjust quotas based on 
over- and underharvests from the previous years and set opening dates 
for the 2016 shark seasons. Most of the domestic shark stock 
assessments follow the SEDAR process. This process is also used by the 
South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Fishery Management 
Councils and is designed to provide transparency throughout the stock 
assessment. With regard to the timing of upcoming shark stock 
assessments, NMFS aims to conduct a number of shark stock assessments 
every year and to regularly reassess these stocks. The number of 
species that can be assessed each year depends on whether assessments 
are establishing baselines or are only updates to previous assessments. 
Assessments also depend on ensuring there are data available for a 
particular species. Tentatively, in addition to the shark assessments 
being conducted by the International Commission for the Conservation of 
Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), NMFS intends to conduct a dusky shark update 
assessment in 2016 and a Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark update 
assessment in 2017. NMFS is currently considering options that would 
allow for both Atlantic blacktip and sandbar sharks to be assessed in 
Changes From the Proposed Rule
    NMFS made four changes to the proposed rule, as described below.
    1. NMFS changed the final eastern Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark 
quota from the 28.9 mt dw (63,835 lb dw) in the proposed rule to 28.9 
mt dw (63,819 lb dw), a difference of 16 lb dw, based on updated 
landings through October 16, 2015. In the 2016 shark season proposed 
rule (80 FR 49974; August 18, 2015), which was based on data available 
through July 17, 2015, the 2016 adjusted annual quota for eastern Gulf 
of Mexico blacktip shark was proposed to be 28.9 mt dw (63,835 lb dw), 
based on an underharvest of 0.1 mt dw (308 lb dw) from 2014 and an 
underharvest of 3.7 mt dw from 2015 (8,088 lb dw). NMFS explained in 
the proposed rule that it would adjust the proposed quotas based on 
dealer reports as of mid-October or mid-November 2015. Based on updated 
landings data through October 16, 2015, the overall 2015 Gulf of Mexico 
blacktip shark management group underharvest was 37.4 mt dw (82,373 lb 
dw). Consistent with Amendment 6 and the August 2015 proposed rule, 
NMFS will account for underharvest based on the sub-regional quota 
percentage split. Thus, the eastern Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota 
is increased by 9.8 percent of the 2015 underharvest or 3.7 mt dw 
(8,072 lb dw). Therefore, the 2016 adjusted annual quota for eastern 
Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark is 28.9 mt dw (63,819 lb dw) (25.1 mt dw 
annual base quota + 0.1 mt dw from 2014 underharvest + 3.7 mt dw from 
the 2015 underharvest = 28.9 mt dw). Landings

[[Page 75003]]

information beyond October 16, 2015, was not available while NMFS was 
writing this rule. This final rule used the most recent available 
information to allow NMFS to properly analyze the fishery and open the 
fishery as proposed on January 1, 2016. Any landings between October 16 
and December 31, 2015, will be accounted for in the 2017 shark 
fisheries quotas, as appropriate.
    2. NMFS changed the final western Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark 
quota from the 266.6 mt dw (587,538 lb dw) in the proposed rule to 
266.5 mt dw (587,396 lb dw), a difference of 142 lb dw, based on 
updated landings through October 16, 2015. In the proposed rule, which 
was based on data available through July 17, 2015, the 2016 adjusted 
annual quota for western Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark was proposed to 
be 266.6 mt dw (587,538 lb dw), based on an underharvest of 1.3 mt dw 
(2,834 lb dw) from 2014 and an underharvest of 33.7 mt dw (74,443 lb 
dw) from 2015. Based on updated landings data through October 16, 2015, 
the overall 2015 Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark management group was 
underharvested by 37.4 mt dw (82,373 lb dw). Consistent with Amendment 
6 and the August 2015 proposed rule, NMFS will account for underharvest 
based on the sub-regional quota percentage split. Thus, the western 
Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota is increased by 90.2 percent of the 
2015 underharvest, or 33.7 mt dw (74,301 lb dw). Therefore, the 2016 
adjusted annual quota for eastern Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark is 
266.5 mt dw (587,396 lb dw) (231.5 mt dw annual base quota + 1.3 mt dw 
from 2014 underharvest + 33.7 mt dw from the 2015 underharvest = 266.5 
mt dw 2016 adjusted annual quota). As described above, landings 
information beyond October 16, 2015, was not available while NMFS was 
writing this rule. This final rule used the most recent available 
information to allow NMFS to properly analyze the fishery and open the 
fishery on January 1, 2016. Any landings between October 16 and 
December 31, 2015, will be accounted for in the 2017 shark fisheries 
quotas, as appropriate.
    3. NMFS changed the final Atlantic blacknose shark quota from the 
15.7 mt dw (34,700 lb dw) in the proposed rule to 15.7 mt dw (34,653 lb 
dw), a difference of 47 lb, based on updated landings through October 
16, 2015. In the proposed rule, the quota for the Atlantic blacknose 
shark management group was proposed to be 15.7 mt dw (34,700 lb dw), 
due to an adjustment of 0.5 mt dw (1,111 lb dw) for a 2012 overharvest 
that was spread over five years and an adjustment of 1.0 mt dw (2,110 
lb dw) for a 2015 overharvest that was spread over three years. 
However, based on the updated landings data, NMFS found that the 2015 
quota was overharvested by 3.0 mt dw (6,471 lb dw) and not the 6,328 lb 
dw originally considered. Consistent with the proposed rule, NMFS will 
spread this overharvest amount over 3 years at 1.0 mt dw (2,157 lb dw) 
each year from 2016-2018. Thus, NMFS will reduce the 2016 base annual 
quota by 1.5 mt dw (3,268 lb dw), based on the 2012 overharvest amount 
and the most recent estimates of the 2015 landings. Therefore, the 2016 
adjusted annual quota for Atlantic blacknose shark is 15.7 mt dw 
(34,653 lb dw) (17.2 mt dw annual base quota - 0.5 mt dw 2012 
overharvest - 1.0 mt dw 2015 overharvest = 15.7 mt dw 2016 adjusted 
annual quota). As described above, landings information beyond October 
16, 2015, was not available while NMFS was writing this rule. This 
final rule used the most recent available information to allow NMFS to 
properly analyze the fishery and open the fishery on January 1, 2016. 
Any landings between October 16 and December 31, 2015, will be 
accounted for in the 2017 shark fisheries quotas, as appropriate.
    4. NMFS changed the retention limit for directed shark limited 
access permit holders at the start of the commercial shark fishing 
season for the aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark management groups in 
the Atlantic region from 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel 
per trip to 36 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip. As 
explained above, NMFS changed the retention limit after considering the 
``opening commercial fishing season'' criteria (Sec.  635.27(b)(3)), 
public comment, and the 2015 landings data in order to promote 
equitable fishing opportunities throughout the Atlantic region.
2016 Annual Quotas
    This final rule adjusts the 2016 commercial quotas due to over- 
and/or underharvests in 2015 and previous fishing seasons, based on 
landings data through October 16, 2015. The 2016 annual quotas by 
species and species group are summarized in Table 1. All dealer reports 
that are received by NMFS after October 16, 2015, will be used to 
adjust the 2017 quotas, if necessary. A description of the quota 
calculations is provided in the proposed rule and is not repeated here. 
Any changes are described in the ``Changes from the Proposed Rule'' 

                                              Table 1--2016 Annual Quotas for the Atlantic Shark Fisheries
               [All quotas and landings are dressed weight (dw), in metric tons (mt), unless specified otherwise. 1 mt dw = 2,204.6 lb dw]
                                                       2015 annual quota   Preliminary 2015                        2016 Base annual    2016 Final annual
      Region or sub-region         Management group           (A)          landings \1\ (B)     Adjustments (C)        quota (D)          quota (D+C)
Eastern Gulf of Mexico..........  Blacktip Sharks...  25.1 mt dw (55,439  21.5 mt dw (47,366  3.8 mt dw (8,380    25.1 mt dw (55,439  28.9 mt dw (63,819
                                                       lb dw).             lb dw) \2\.         lb dw) \3\.         lb dw).             lb dw)
                                  Aggregated Large    85.5 mt dw          84.5 mt dw          ..................  85.5 mt dw          85.5 mt dw
                                   Coastal Sharks.     (188,593 lb dw).    (186,223 lb dw)                         (188,593 lb dw).    (188,593 lb dw)
                                  Hammerhead Sharks.  13.4 mt dw (29,421  7.3 mt dw (16,198   ..................  13.4 mt dw (29,421  13.4 mt dw (29,421
                                                       lb dw).             lb dw) \2\.                             lb dw).             lb dw)
Western Gulf of Mexico..........  Blacktip Sharks...  231.5 mt dw         197.7 mt dw         35.0 mt dw (77,135  231.5 mt dw         266.5 mt dw
                                                       (510,261 lb dw).    (435,961 lb dw)     lb dw) \3\.         (510,261 lb dw).    (587,396 lb dw)
                                  Aggregated Large    72.0 mt dw          69.6 mt dw          ..................  72.0 mt dw          72.0 mt dw
                                   Coastal Sharks.     (158,724 lb dw).    (153,380 lb dw)                         (158,724 lb dw).    (158,724 lb dw)
                                  Hammerhead Sharks.  11.9 mt dw (23,301  6.5 mt dw (14,360   ..................  11.9 mt dw (23,301  11.9 mt dw (23,301
                                                       lb dw).             lb dw) \2\.                             lb dw).             lb dw)

[[Page 75004]]

Gulf of Mexico..................  Non-Blacknose       45.5 mt dw          69.9 mt dw          -5.3 mt dw (-       112.6 mt dw         107.3 mt dw
                                   Small Coastal       (100,317 lb dw).    (154,077 lb dw).    11,612 lb dw) \4\.  (248,215 lb dw).    (236,603 lb dw)
Atlantic........................  Aggregated Large    168.9 mt dw         90.1 mt dw          ..................  168.9 mt dw         168.9 mt dw
                                   Coastal Sharks.     (372,552 lb dw).    (198,651 lb dw).                        (372,552 lb dw).    (372,552 lb dw)
                                  Hammerhead Sharks.  27.1 mt dw (59,736  8.5 mt dw (18,703   ..................  27.1 mt dw (59,736  27.1 mt dw (59,736
                                                       lb dw).             lb dw).                                 lb dw).             lb dw)
                                  Non-Blacknose       176.1 mt dw         106.2 mt dw         ..................  264.1 mt dw         264.1 mt dw
                                   Small Coastal       (388,222 lb dw).    (234,170 lb dw).                        (582,333 lb dw).    (582,333 lb dw)
                                  Blacknose Sharks    17.5 mt dw (38,638  20.5 mt dw (45,109  -1.5 mt dw (-3,268  17.2 mt dw (37,921  15.7 mt dw (34,653
                                   (South of 34[deg]   lb dw).             lb dw).             lb dw) \5\.         lb dw).             lb dw)
                                   N. lat. only).
No regional quotas..............  Non-Sandbar LCS     50.0 mt dw          18.1 mt dw (39,830  ..................  50.0 mt dw          50.0 mt dw
                                   Research.           (110,230 lb dw).    lb dw).                                 (110,230 lb dw).    (110,230 lb dw)
                                  Sandbar Shark       116.6 mt dw         63.6 mt dw          ..................  90.7 mt dw          90.7 mt dw
                                   Research.           (257,056 lb dw).    (140,258 lb dw).                        (199,943 lb dw).    (199,943 lb dw)
                                  Blue Sharks.......  273.0 mt dw         0.5 mt dw (1,114    ..................  273.0 mt dw         273.0 mt dw
                                                       (601,856 lb dw).    lb dw).                                 (601,856 lb dw).    (601,856 lb dw)
                                  Porbeagle Sharks..  0 mt dw (0 lb dw).  0 mt dw (0 lb dw).  ..................  1.7 mt dw (3,748    1.7 mt dw (3,748
                                                                                                                   lb dw).             lb dw)
                                  Pelagic Sharks      488.0 mt dw         71.3 mt dw          ..................  488.0 mt dw         488.0 mt dw
                                   Other Than          (1,075,856 lb dw).  (157,099 lb dw).                        (1,075,856 lb dw).  (1,075,856 lb dw)
                                   Porbeagle or Blue.
\1\ Landings are from January 1, 2015, through October 16, 2015, and are subject to change.
\2\ The blacktip, aggregated LCS, and hammerhead shark management group preliminary 2015 landings were split based on the sub-regional quota percentage
  splits established in Amendment 6 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP.
\3\ This adjustment accounts for underharvest in 2014 and 2015. In the final rule establishing the 2015 quotas (79 FR 71331; December 2, 2014), the 2014
  Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota was underharvested by 72.0 mt dw (158,602 lb dw). After the final rule establishing the 2015 quotas published,
  late dealer reports indicated the quota was underharvested by an additional 1.4 mt dw (3,142 lb dw), for a total underharvest of 73.4 mt dw (161,744
  lb dw). In 2015, the Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota was underharvested by 37.4 mt (82,373 lb dw). Therefore, this final rule increases the Gulf
  of Mexico blacktip shark quota by 38.8 mt dw (37.4 mt dw underharvest in 2015 + 1.4 mt dw underharvest from 2014). Recently, NMFS implemented
  Amendment 6 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP which, among other things, established sub-regional quotas for the Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark
  management group. NMFS will account for underharvest based on the sub-regional quota percentage split. Thus, the eastern Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark
  quota is increased by 3.8 mt dw, or 9.8 percent of the underharvest, while the western Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota is increased by 35.0 mt dw,
  or 90.2 percent of the underharvest.
\4\ This adjustment accounts for overharvests from 2014. In the final rule establishing the 2015 quotas (79 FR 71331; December 2, 2014), the 2014 Gulf
  of Mexico non-blacknose SCS quota was not overharvested. After the final rule establishing the 2015 quotas published, late dealer reports indicated
  the quota was overharvested by 5.3 mt dw (11,612 lb dw) due to landings by state-water fishermen fishing in state-waters after the federal closure.
  NMFS will decrease the 2016 base annual quota based on the overharvest estimate of 5.3 mt from 2014. Based on the original 2015 annual commercial
  quota, the 2015 annual quota was overharvested by 7.8 mt dw (17,184 lb dw) as of October 16, 2015. In Amendment 6 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP,
  NMFS increased the commercial Gulf of Mexico non-blacknose SCS quota to 112.6 mt dw (248,215 lb dw) and re-opened the fishery. Based on the revised
  annual commercial quota, reported landings have not exceeded the revised 2015 base quota to date.
\5\ This adjustment accounts for overharvest in 2012 and 2015. After the final rule establishing the 2012 quotas published, late dealer reports
  indicated the blacknose shark quota was overharvested by 3.5 mt dw (7,742 lb dw). In the final rule establishing the 2014 quotas, NMFS implemented a 5-
  year adjustment of the overharvest amount by the percentage of landings in 2012. Thus, NMFS will reduce the Atlantic blacknose sharks by 0.5 mt dw
  (1,111 lb dw) each year for 5 years from 2014-2018. In 2015, the Atlantic blacknose shark quota was overharvested by 3.0 (6,471 lb dw). NMFS is
  implementing an additional 3-year adjustment of the overharvest amount in 2015. NMFS will reduce the quota by 1.0 mt dw (2,157 lb dw) each year from
  2016-2018. Therefore, this final rule decreases the Atlantic blacknose shark quota by 1.5 mt dw (1.0 mt dw overharvest in 2015 + 0.5 mt dw overharvest
  from 2012).

Fishing Season Notification for the 2016 Atlantic Commercial Shark 
Fishing Seasons
    Based on the seven ``opening commercial fishing season'' criteria 
listed in Sec.  635.27(b)(3), NMFS is opening all the 2016 Atlantic 
commercial shark fishing seasons on January 1, 2016 (Table 2).
    Regarding the LCS retention limit, as shown in Table 2, for 
directed shark limited access permit holders, the Gulf of Mexico 
blacktip shark, aggregated LCS, and hammerhead shark management groups 
will start the commercial fishing season at 45 LCS other than sandbar 
sharks per vessel per trip, and the Atlantic aggregated LCS and 
hammerhead shark management groups will start the commercial fishing 
season at 36 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip. In the 
Atlantic region, as described above, NMFS will closely monitor the 
quota at the beginning of the year. If it appears that the quota is 
being harvested too quickly to allow fishermen throughout the entire 
region an opportunity to fish (e.g., if approximately 20 percent of the 
quota is caught at the beginning of the year), NMFS will reduce the 
commercial retention limit, then raise it later in the season. Based on 
prior years' fishing activity, to allow greater fishing opportunities 
later in the year, NMFS anticipates raising the commercial retention 
limit to the default limit of 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per 
vessel per trip around July 15, 2016. However, any retention limit 
reductions and increases will be based on consideration of the trip 

[[Page 75005]]

adjustment criteria at 50 CFR 635.24(a)(8).
    All of the shark management groups will remain open until December 
31, 2016, or until NMFS determines that the fishing season landings for 
any shark management group has reached, or is projected to reach, 80 
percent of the available quota; however, consistent with Sec.  
635.28(b)(5), NMFS may close the Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark 
management group before landings reach, or are expected to reach, 80 
percent of the quota. Additionally, NMFS has established non-linked and 
linked quotas; linked quotas are explicitly designed to concurrently 
close multiple shark management groups that are caught together to 
prevent incidental catch mortality from exceeding the total allowable 
catch. The linked and non-linked quotas are shown in Table 2. NMFS will 
file for publication with the Office of the Federal Register a notice 
of closure for that shark species, shark management group including any 
linked quotas, and/or region that will be effective no fewer than 5 
days from date of filing. From the effective date and time of the 
closure until NMFS announces, via the publication of a notice in the 
Federal Register, that additional quota is available and the season is 
reopened, the fisheries for the shark species or management group are 
closed, even across fishing years.

 Table 2--Quota Linkages, Season Opening Dates, and Commercial Retention Limit by Regional or Sub-Regional Shark
                                                Management Group
                                                                                           Commercial retention
                                                                                           limits for directed
                                                                        Season opening     shark limited access
     Region or sub-region        Management group   Quota  linkages         dates             permit holders
                                                                                          (inseason adjustments
                                                                                              are available)
Eastern Gulf of Mexico........  Blacktip Sharks..  Not Linked.......  January 1, 2016..  45 LCS other than
                                                                                          sandbar sharks per
                                                                                          vessel per trip.
                                Aggregated Large   Linked
                                 Coastal Sharks.
                                Hammerhead Sharks
Western Gulf of Mexico........  Blacktip Sharks..  Not Linked.......  January 1, 2016..  45 LCS other than
                                                                                          sandbar sharks per
                                                                                          vessel per trip.
                                Aggregated Large   Linked
                                 Coastal Sharks.
                                Hammerhead Sharks
Gulf of Mexico................  Non-Blacknose      Not Linked.......  January 1, 2016..  N/A
                                 Small Coastal
Atlantic......................  Aggregated Large   Linked...........  January 1, 2016..  36 LCS other than
                                 Coastal Sharks.                                          sandbar sharks per
                                Hammerhead Sharks                                         vessel per trip
                                                                                         [If quota is landed
                                                                                          quickly (e.g., if
                                                                                          approximately 20
                                                                                          percent of quota is
                                                                                          caught at the
                                                                                          beginning of the
                                                                                          year), NMFS
                                                                                          anticipates an
                                                                                          inseason reduction
                                                                                          (e.g., to 3 or fewer
                                                                                          LCS other than sandbar
                                                                                          sharks per vessel per
                                                                                          trip), then an
                                                                                          inseason increase to
                                                                                          45 LCS other than
                                                                                          sandbar sharks per
                                                                                          vessel per trip around
                                                                                          July 15, 2016].
                                Non-Blacknose      Linked (South of   January 1, 2016..  N/A
                                 Small Coastal      34[deg] N. lat.
                                 Sharks.            only).
                                Blacknose Sharks
                                 (South of
                                 34[deg] N. lat.
No regional quotas............  Non-Sandbar LCS    Linked...........  January 1, 2016..  N/A
                                Sandbar Shark
                                Blue Sharks......  Not Linked.......  January 1, 2016..  N/A
                                Porbeagle Sharks.
                                Pelagic Sharks
                                 Other Than
                                 Porbeagle or


    The NMFS Assistant Administrator has determined that the final rule 
is consistent with the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments, 
other provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other applicable law.
    This final rule is exempt from review under Executive Order 12866.
    In compliance with section 604 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
(RFA), NMFS prepared a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) for 
this final rule, which analyzed the adjustments to the Gulf of Mexico 
blacktip shark, Gulf of Mexico aggregated LCS, and blacknose shark 
management group quotas based on over- and/or underharvests from the 
previous fishing season(s). The FRFA analyzes the anticipated economic 
impacts of the final actions and any significant economic impacts on 
small entities. The FRFA is below.
    Section 604(a)(1) of the RFA requires an explanation of the purpose 
of the rulemaking. The purpose of this final rulemaking is, consistent 
with the Magnuson-Stevens Act and the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its 
amendments, to establish the 2016 Atlantic commercial shark fishing 
quotas and fishing seasons. Without this rule, the Atlantic commercial 
shark fisheries would close on December 31, 2015, and would not open 
until another action was taken. This final rule will be implemented 
according to the regulations implementing the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP 
and its amendments. Thus, NMFS expects few, if any, economic impacts to 
fishermen other than those already analyzed in the 2006 Consolidated 
HMS FMP and its amendments. While there may be some direct negative 
economic impacts associated with the opening dates for fishermen in 
certain areas, there could also be positive effects for other fishermen 
in the region. The opening dates were chosen to allow for an

[[Page 75006]]

equitable distribution of the available quotas among all fishermen 
across regions and states, to the extent practicable.
    Section 604(a)(2) of the RFA requires NMFS to summarize significant 
issues raised by the public in response to the Initial Regulatory 
Flexibility Analysis (IRFA), provide a summary of NMFS' assessment of 
such issues, and provide a statement of any changes made as a result of 
the comments. The IRFA was done as part of the proposed rule for the 
2016 Atlantic Commercial Shark Season Specifications. NMFS did not 
receive any comments specific to the IRFA. However, NMFS received 
comments related to the overall economic impacts of the proposed rule, 
and those comments and NMFS' assessment of and response to them are 
summarized above (see Comments 1 and 3 above). As described in the 
responses to those comments relating to the season opening dates, 
consistent with Sec.  635.27(b)(3), the opening date for the all of the 
commercial shark fisheries will be implemented as proposed (January 1, 
    Section 604(a)(4) of the RFA requires NMFS to provide an estimate 
of the number of small entities to which the rule would apply. The 
Small Business Administration (SBA) has established size criteria for 
all major industry sectors in the United States, including fish 
harvesters. The SBA size standards are $20.5 million for finfish 
fishing, $5.5 million for shellfish fishing, and $7.5 million for other 
marine fishing, for-hire businesses, and marinas (79 FR 33647; June 12, 
2014). NMFS considers all HMS permit holders to be small entities 
because they had average annual receipts of less than $20.5 million for 
finfish-harvesting. The commercial shark fisheries are comprised of 
fishermen who hold shark directed or incidental limited access permits 
and the related shark dealers, all of which NMFS considers to be small 
entities according to the size standards set by the SBA. This final 
rule applies to the approximately 210 directed commercial shark permit 
holders (124 in the Atlantic and 86 in the Gulf of Mexico regions), 253 
incidental commercial shark permit holders (153 in the Atlantic and 100 
in the Gulf of Mexico regions), and 100 commercial shark dealers (71 in 
the Atlantic and 29 in the Gulf of Mexico regions) as of October 2015.
    Section 604(a)(5) of the RFA requires NMFS to describe the 
projected reporting, recordkeeping, and other compliance requirements 
of the final rule, including an estimate of the classes of small 
entities which would be subject to the requirements of the report or 
record. None of the actions in this final rule would result in 
additional reporting, recordkeeping, or compliance requirements beyond 
those already analyzed in the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its 
    Section 604(a)(6) of the RFA requires NMFS to describe the steps 
taken to minimize the economic impact on small entities, consistent 
with the stated objectives of applicable statutes. Additionally, the 
RFA (5 U.S.C. 603(c)(1)-(4)) lists four general categories of 
``significant'' alternatives that would assist an agency in the 
development of significant alternatives that would accomplish the 
stated objectives of applicable statutes and minimize any significant 
economic impact of the rule on small entities. These categories of 
alternatives are: (1) Establishment of differing compliance or 
reporting requirements or timetables that take into account the 
resources available to small entities; (2) clarification, 
consolidation, or simplification of compliance and reporting 
requirements under the rule for such small entities; (3) use of 
performance rather than design standards; and (4) exemptions from 
coverage of the rule, or any part thereof, for small entities.
    In order to meet the objectives of this rule, consistent with the 
Magnuson-Stevens Act, NMFS cannot exempt small entities or change the 
reporting requirements only for small entities because all the entities 
affected are small entities. Thus, there are no alternatives discussed 
that fall under the first, second, and fourth categories described 
above. NMFS does not know of any performance or design standards that 
would satisfy the aforementioned objectives of this rulemaking while, 
concurrently, complying with the Magnuson-Stevens Act; therefore, there 
are no alternatives considered under the third category.
    This rulemaking does not establish management measures to be 
implemented, but rather implements previously adopted and analyzed 
measures as adjustments, as specified in the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP 
and its amendments and the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the 2011 
shark quota specifications rule (75 FR 76302; December 8, 2010). Thus, 
in this rulemaking, NMFS adjusted the base quotas established and 
analyzed in the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments by 
subtracting the underharvest or adding the overharvest, as specified 
and allowable in existing regulations. Under current regulations (Sec.  
635.27(b)(2)), all shark fisheries close on December 31 of each year, 
or when NMFS determines that the fishing season landings for any shark 
management group has reached, or is projected to reach, 80 percent of 
the available quota, and do not open until NMFS takes action, such as 
this rulemaking to re-open the fisheries. Thus, not implementing these 
management measures would negatively affect shark fishermen and related 
small entities, such as dealers, and also would not provide management 
flexibility in furtherance of equitable fishing opportunities, to the 
extent practicable, for commercial shark fishermen in all regions and 
    Based on the 2014 ex-vessel price, fully harvesting the unadjusted 
2016 Atlantic shark commercial baseline quotas could result in total 
fleet revenues of $4,583,514 (see Table 3). For the Gulf of Mexico 
blacktip shark management group, NMFS has increased the baseline sub-
regional quotas due to the underharvests in 2015. The increase for the 
eastern Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark management group could result in 
a $8,397 gain in total revenues for fishermen in that sub-region, while 
the increase for the western Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark management 
group could result in a $77,289 gain in total revenues for fishermen in 
that sub-region. For the Gulf of Mexico non-blacknose SCS management 
group, NMFS has reduced the baseline quota due to the overharvest in 
2014. This will cause a potential loss in revenue of $7,571 for the 
fleet in the Gulf of Mexico region. For the Atlantic blacknose shark 
management group, NMFS will continue to reduce the baseline quota 
through 2018 to account for overharvest in 2012 and will reduce the 
baseline quota for the next 3 years to account for overharvest in 2015. 
These reductions will cause a potential loss in revenue of $3,203 for 
the fleet in the Atlantic region.
    All of these changes in gross revenues are similar to the changes 
in gross revenues analyzed in the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its 
amendments. The FRFAs for those amendments concluded that the economic 
impacts on these small entities are expected to be minimal. In the 2006 
Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments and the EA for the 2011 shark 
quota specifications rule, NMFS stated it would be conducting annual 
rulemakings and considering the potential economic impacts of adjusting 
the quotas for under- and overharvests at that time.

[[Page 75007]]

                Table 3--Average Ex-Vessel Prices per lb dw for Each Shark Management Group, 2014
                                                                                    Average ex-     Average ex-
                    Region                                   Species                vessel meat     vessel fin
                                                                                       price           price
Gulf of Mexico................................  Blacktip Shark..................           $0.50           $9.53
                                                Aggregated LCS..................            0.54           10.04
                                                Hammerhead Shark................            0.48           10.21
                                                Non-Blacknose SCS...............            0.36            5.84
                                                Blacknose Shark.................            0.86            5.84
Atlantic......................................  Aggregated LCS..................            0.75            4.19
                                                Hammerhead Shark................            0.57            2.33
                                                Non-Blacknose SCS...............            0.74            4.00
                                                Blacknose Shark.................            0.78            4.00
No Region.....................................  Shark Research Fishery                      0.58            7.68
                                                 (Aggregated LCS).
                                                Shark Research Fishery (Sandbar             0.69           10.12
                                                Blue shark......................            0.67            2.34
                                                Porbeagle shark.................            1.41            2.34
                                                Other Pelagic sharks............            1.41            2.34

    For this final rule, NMFS reviewed the ``opening commercial fishing 
season'' criteria at Sec.  635.27(b)(3)(i) through (vii) to determine 
when opening each fishery will provide equitable opportunities for 
fishermen while also considering the ecological needs of the different 
species. Over- and/or underharvests of 2015 and previous fishing season 
quotas were examined for the different species/complexes to determine 
the effects of the 2016 final quotas on fishermen across regional 
fishing areas. The potential season lengths and previous catch rates 
were examined to ensure that equitable fishing opportunities would be 
provided to fishermen. Lastly, NMFS examined the seasonal variation of 
the different species/complexes and the effects on fishing 
opportunities. In addition to these criteria, NMFS also considered 
other relevant factors, such as recent landings data and public 
comments, before arriving at the final opening dates for the 2016 
Atlantic shark management groups. For the 2016 fishing season, NMFS is 
opening all of the shark management groups on January 1, 2016. The 
direct and indirect economic impacts will be neutral on a short- and 
long-term basis for the Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark, Gulf of Mexico 
aggregated LCS, Gulf of Mexico hammerhead shark, Gulf of Mexico non-
blacknose shark SCS, Atlantic non-blacknose shark SCS, Atlantic 
blacknose shark, sandbar shark, blue shark, porbeagle shark, and 
pelagic shark (other than porbeagle or blue sharks) management groups, 
because NMFS did not change the opening dates of these fisheries from 
the status quo.
    Opening the aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark management groups 
in the Atlantic region on January 1 will result in short-term, direct, 
moderate, beneficial economic impacts, as fishermen and dealers in the 
southern portion of the Atlantic region will be able to fish for and 
sell aggregated LCS and hammerhead sharks starting in January. These 
fishermen will be able to fish earlier in the 2016 fishing season 
compared to the 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2015 fishing seasons, which 
did not start until June or July. Based on public comment, some 
Atlantic fishermen in the southern and northern part of the region 
prefer a January 1 opening for the fishery as long as the majority of 
the quota is available later in the year. With the implementation of 
the HMS electronic reporting system in 2013, NMFS now monitors the 
quota on a more real-time basis compared to the paper reporting system 
that was in place before 2013. This ability, along with the inseason 
retention limit adjustment criteria in Sec.  635.24(a)(8), should allow 
NMFS the flexibility to further provide equitable fishing opportunities 
for fishermen across all regions, to the extent practicable. Depending 
on how quickly the quota is being harvested, NMFS will reduce the 
retention limits to ensure that fishermen farther north have sufficient 
quota for a fishery later in the 2016 fishing season. The direct 
impacts to shark fishermen in the Atlantic region of reducing the trip 
limit depend on the needed reduction in the trip limit and the timing 
of such a reduction. Therefore, such a reduction in the trip limit for 
directed shark limited access permit holders is only anticipated to 
have minor adverse direct economic impacts to fishermen in the short-
term; long-term impacts are not anticipated as these reductions would 
not be permanent.
    In the northern portion of the Atlantic region, a January 1 opening 
for the aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark management groups, with 
inseason trip limit adjustments to ensure quota is available later in 
the season, will have direct, minor, beneficial economic impacts in the 
short-term for fishermen as they will potentially have access to the 
aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark quotas earlier than in past 
seasons. Fishermen in this area have stated that, depending on the 
weather, some aggregated LCS species might be available to retain in 
January. Thus, fishermen will be able to target or retain aggregated 
LCS while targeting non-blacknose SCS. There will be indirect, minor, 
beneficial economic impacts in the short- and long-term for shark 
dealers and other entities that deal with shark products in this region 
as they will also have access to aggregated LCS products earlier than 
in past seasons. Thus, opening the aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark 
management groups in January and using inseason trip limit adjustments 
to ensure the fishery is open later in the year in 2016 will cause 
beneficial cumulative economic impacts, because it allows for a more 
equitable distribution of the quotas among constituents in this region, 
consistent with the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its amendments.
    Section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness 
Act of 1996 states that, for each rule or group of related rules for 
which an agency is required to prepare a FRFA, the agency shall publish 
one or more guides to assist small entities in complying with the rule, 
and shall designate such publications as ``small entity compliance 
guides.'' The agency shall explain the actions a small entity is 
required to take to comply with a rule or group of rules. As part of 
this rulemaking process, NMFS has prepared a brochure summarizing 
fishery information and regulations for Atlantic shark fisheries for 
2016. This brochure also serves as the small entity

[[Page 75008]]

compliance guide. Copies of the compliance guide are available from 

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: November 20, 2015.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-30032 Filed 11-30-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 230 / Tuesday, December 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                          74999

                                                immediate action to be effective on the                 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                    management measures such as flexible
                                                fishing grounds. NMFS could not                         Commerce.                                             opening dates for the fishing season and
                                                effectively react to this data if, in                   ACTION: Final rule; fishing season                    inseason adjustments to shark trip
                                                implementing the retention limit, it                    notification.                                         limits, which provide management
                                                allowed a public comment period,                                                                              flexibility in furtherance of equitable
                                                which, as it relates to quota transfers,                SUMMARY:   This final rule establishes an             fishing opportunities, to the extent
                                                would preclude fishermen from                           opening date of January 1, 2016, for all              practicable, for commercial shark
                                                harvesting BFT that are legally available               Atlantic shark fisheries, including the               fishermen in all regions and areas.
                                                consistent with all of the regulatory                   fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. This                    On August 18, 2015 (80 FR 49974),
                                                criteria.                                               final rule also establishes the quotas for            NMFS published a rule proposing the
                                                   Delays in adjusting the retention limit              the 2016 fishing season based on over-                2016 opening dates for the Atlantic
                                                may result in the available quota being                 and/or underharvests experienced                      commercial shark fisheries and quotas,
                                                met or exceeded and NMFS needing to                     during 2015 and previous fishing                      based on shark landings information
                                                close the fishery earlier than otherwise                seasons. The large coastal shark (LCS)                reported as of July 15, 2015. The August
                                                would be necessary under a lower limit.                 retention limit for directed shark limited            2015 proposed rule contains details that
                                                This could adversely affect those                       access permit holders will start at 45                are not repeated here. The comment
                                                General and HMS Charter/Headboat                        LCS other than sandbar sharks per trip                period on the proposed rule ended on
                                                category vessels that would otherwise                   in the Gulf of Mexico region and at 36                September 17, 2015.
                                                have an opportunity to harvest BFT                      LCS other than sandbar sharks per trip                   During the comment period, NMFS
                                                under retention limits set in response to               in the Atlantic region. These retention               received several written and oral
                                                the most recent data available. Limited                 limits for directed shark limited access              comments on the proposed rule. Those
                                                opportunities to harvest the respective                 permit holders may decrease or increase               comments, along with the Agency’s
                                                quotas may have negative social and                     during the year to provide, to the extent             responses, are summarized below. As
                                                economic impacts for U.S. fishermen                     practicable, fishing opportunities for                further detailed in the Response to
                                                that depend upon catching the available                 commercial shark fishermen in all                     Comments section, after considering all
                                                quota within the designated time                        regions and areas. NMFS anticipates                   the comments, NMFS is opening the
                                                periods. Adjustment of the retention                    that the retention limit in the Atlantic              fishing seasons for all shark
                                                limit needs to be effective as soon as                  region will likely increase to the default            management groups on January 1, 2016,
                                                possible, to extend fishing opportunities               limit of 45 LCS other than sandbar                    as proposed in the August 18, 2015,
                                                for fishermen in geographic areas with                  sharks per trip around July 15, 2016,                 proposed rule. For directed shark
                                                access to the fishery only during this                  subject to NMFS’ evaluation of the                    limited access permit holders, the Gulf
                                                time period. Therefore, the AA finds                    inseason trip limit adjustment criteria.              of Mexico blacktip, aggregated LCS, and
                                                                                                        These actions could affect fishing                    hammerhead management groups will
                                                good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) to
                                                                                                        opportunities for commercial shark                    start the fishing season with a retention
                                                waive prior notice and the opportunity
                                                                                                        fishermen in the northwestern Atlantic                limit of 45 LCS other than sandbar
                                                for public comment. For these reasons,
                                                                                                        Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico                   sharks per vessel per trip. The
                                                there is good cause under 5 U.S.C.
                                                                                                        and Caribbean Sea.                                    aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark
                                                553(d) to waive the 30-day delay in
                                                                                                                                                              management groups in the Atlantic
                                                effectiveness.                                          DATES: This rule is effective on January
                                                                                                                                                              region will start the fishing season with
                                                   This action is being taken under                     1, 2016. The 2016 Atlantic commercial
                                                                                                                                                              a retention limit of 36 LCS other than
                                                §§ 635.23(a)(4) and 635.27(a)(9), and is                shark fishing season opening dates and
                                                                                                                                                              sandbar sharks per vessel per trip for
                                                exempt from review under Executive                      quotas are provided in Table 1 under
                                                                                                                                                              directed shark limited access permit
                                                Order 12866.                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.
                                                                                                                                                              holders, which is a change from the
                                                   Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq. and 1801            ADDRESSES: Highly Migratory Species                   proposed rule. Also, some of the quotas
                                                et seq.                                                 Management Division, 1315 East-West                   have changed since the proposed rule,
                                                  Dated: November 25, 2015.
                                                                                                        Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.                     based on updated landings information
                                                                                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Guý                 as of October 16, 2015. The retention
                                                Emily H. Menashes,
                                                                                                        DuBeck or Karyl Brewster-Geisz at 301–                limit for incidental shark limited access
                                                Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
                                                Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.           427–8503.                                             permit holders has not changed and
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–30464 Filed 11–25–15; 4:15 pm]            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            remains at 3 LCS other than sandbar
                                                                                                                                                              sharks per trip and a combined total of
                                                BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                  Background
                                                                                                                                                              16 small coastal sharks (SCS) and
                                                                                                           The Atlantic commercial shark                      pelagic sharks, combined, per trip,
                                                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  fisheries are managed under the                       consistent with § 635.24(a)(3) and (4).
                                                                                                        authority of the Magnuson-Stevens                        This final rule serves as notification of
                                                National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        Fishery Conservation and Management                   the 2016 opening dates of the Atlantic
                                                Administration                                          Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act). The 2006                  commercial shark fisheries and 2016
                                                                                                        Consolidated Highly Migratory Species                 quotas, based on shark landings updated
                                                50 CFR Part 635                                         (HMS) Fishery Management Plan (FMP)                   as of October 16, 2015, pursuant to the
                                                                                                        and its amendments are implemented                    ‘‘opening commercial fishing season’’
                                                [Docket No. 150413357–5999–02]                          by regulations at 50 CFR part 635. For                criteria at § 635.27(b)(3)(i) through (vii).
                                                                                                        the Atlantic commercial shark fisheries,              This action does not change the annual
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                                                RIN 0648–XD898                                          the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and                     base commercial quotas established
                                                Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;                      its amendments established, among                     under the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP
                                                2016 Atlantic Shark Commercial                          other things, commercial shark retention              and its amendments for any shark
                                                Fishing Season                                          limits, commercial quotas for species                 management group. Any such changes
                                                                                                        and management groups, accounting                     would be performed through a separate
                                                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      measures for under- and overharvests                  action. Rather, this action adjusts the
                                                Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    for the shark fisheries, and adaptive                 annual base commercial quotas for 2016

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                                                based on over- and/or underharvests                     proposed retention limit with no                      later in the year. NMFS chose 36 LCS
                                                that occurred in 2015 and previous                      inseason retention limit adjustments.                 other than sandbar sharks per vessel per
                                                fishing seasons, consistent with existing               The comments from some of the                         trip because that was the commercial
                                                regulations.                                            fishermen in the southern part of the                 retention limit for the fishery from 2013
                                                                                                        region noted they preferred the                       through August 2015, and thus is
                                                Response to Comments
                                                                                                        opportunity to fish for sharks in October             familiar to both NMFS and the
                                                  NMFS received 6 written comments                      through December because they                         participants in the fishery.
                                                on the proposed rule from fishermen,                    participate in other, non-shark fisheries                The proposed rule stated that, if it
                                                dealers, and other interested parties.                  at the beginning of the year and in the               appears that the quota is being
                                                All written comments can be found at                    shark fisheries later in the year, when               harvested too quickly to allow
                                                http://www.regulations.gov/ by                          there are no other fisheries open in                  fishermen throughout the entire region
                                                searching for RIN 0648–XD898. NMFS                      Florida. Also, these commenters are                   an opportunity to fish, NMFS will
                                                received approximately 5 oral                           concerned that having the LCS fisheries               reduce the commercial retention limit
                                                comments which were received through                    in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico                    after a portion of the quota is harvested
                                                phone conversations. All of the oral                    regions open at the same time will flood              (e.g., 30 percent) and then raise the
                                                comments are incorporated with the                      the market with shark products, causing               commercial retention limit at a later
                                                written comments below.                                 a dramatic drop in potential revenue.                 date (e.g., July 1 or 15) to allow greater
                                                A. LCS Management Group Comments                           Response: NMFS evaluates the                       fishing opportunities later in the year.
                                                                                                        ‘‘opening commercial fishing season’’                 Reducing the retention limit when 50
                                                   Comment 1: NMFS received several                     criteria (§ 635.27(b)(3)) when choosing               percent of the quota has been harvested,
                                                comments regarding the proposed                         an opening date. These criteria include:              as suggested by a commenter, would
                                                opening date for the aggregated LCS and                 (1) The available annual quotas for the               likely not allow for fishing
                                                hammerhead management groups in the                     current fishing season for the different              opportunities later in the year when the
                                                Atlantic region. The North Carolina                     species/management groups based on                    majority of the fishing occurs. Under
                                                Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMR)                    any over- and/or underharvests                        § 635.28(b), NMFS closes any shark
                                                and other commenters from the                           experienced during the previous                       management group that has reached, or
                                                southern and northern part of the region                commercial shark fishing seasons; (2)                 is projected to reach, 80 percent of the
                                                supported the proposed opening date of                  estimated season length based on                      available quota. After considering
                                                January 1 for the aggregated LCS and                    available quota(s) and average weekly                 public comment, NMFS believes that it
                                                hammerhead management groups,                           catch rates of different species and/or               is more appropriate to consider a
                                                retention limit, and inseason retention                 management group from the previous                    retention limit reduction, when
                                                limit adjustments for LCS fisheries as                  years; (3) length of the season for the               approximately 20 percent of the quota
                                                long as the majority of the quota is                    different species and/or management                   has been harvested (which is expected
                                                available later in the year. The                        group in the previous years and whether               to occur in March or April, based on
                                                comments from some of the fishermen                     fishermen were able to participate in the             landings data from prior years). Any
                                                supporting the January 1 opening date                   fishery in those years; (4) variations in             such action will depend on
                                                noted they preferred the opportunity to                 seasonal distribution, abundance, or                  consideration of the factors under
                                                land some LCS that were caught while                    migratory patterns of the different                   § 635.24(a)(8). If catch rates and
                                                targeting SCS and other non-shark                       species/management groups based on                    landings are similar to past years, NMFS
                                                species rather than discard them if the                 scientific and fishery information; (5)               anticipates that it could reduce the
                                                season is closed in January. NMFS also                  effects of catch rates in one part of a               retention limit to 3 LCS other than
                                                received a few comments regarding the                   region precluding vessels in another                  sandbar sharks, which is consistent with
                                                timing for the inseason retention limit                 part of that region from having a                     the retention limit for incidental limited
                                                adjustment. One commenter supported                     reasonable opportunity to harvest a                   access permit holders, when the 20
                                                the January 1 opening date with                         portion of the different species and/or               percent is reached. However, if the
                                                reducing the retention limit on March 1                 management quotas; (6) effects of the                 quota is being landed quickly at the
                                                to incidental levels (3 LCS other than                  adjustment on accomplishing the                       beginning of the year, or if, after
                                                sandbar sharks per vessel per trip)                     objectives of the 2006 Consolidated                   reducing the retention limit, the
                                                before increasing the retention limit on                HMS FMP and its amendments; and/or                    reduction to 3 LCS other than sandbar
                                                August 1 to 55 LCS other than sandbar                   (7) effects of a delayed opening with                 sharks does not slow the rate of harvest
                                                sharks per vessel per trip. Another                     regard to fishing opportunities in other              enough to allow for a fishery later in the
                                                commenter supported the January 1                       fisheries.                                            year, NMFS could reduce the retention
                                                opening date until 50 percent of the                       After evaluating these criteria, as                limit to 0. Alternatively, if the quota is
                                                quota is reached before reducing the                    described in the proposed rule, and                   being landed slowly, NMFS could
                                                retention limit to incidental levels and                reviewing the public comments, NMFS                   choose not to reduce the retention limit,
                                                then increasing the retention limit on                  has decided to open the fisheries in the              or not to reduce it all the way down
                                                July 1 to 55 LCS other than sandbar                     Atlantic region with a lower retention                to 3.
                                                sharks per vessel per trip. NMFS also                   limit than proposed. Specifically, on                    After considering public comment,
                                                received comments opposing the                          January 1, 2016, the LCS fisheries in the             NMFS anticipates that it will increase
                                                proposed opening date of January 1 with                 Atlantic region will open with a                      the commercial retention limit around
                                                inseason retention limit adjustments.                   retention limit of 36 LCS other than                  July 15, 2016, as this was the date used
                                                The Commonwealth of Virginia Marine                     sandbar sharks per vessel per trip for                for prior season opening dates. The
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                                                Resources Commission requested a June                   directed shark limited access permit                  retention limit will be the default level
                                                or July opening date for the LCS                        holders. NMFS has determined that a                   of 45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per
                                                fisheries to allow their state-water                    lower retention limit at the start of the             vessel per trip for directed shark limited
                                                fishermen an opportunity to fish for                    season will allow NMFS to more easily                 access permit holders, or another
                                                sharks under the proposed retention                     and closely monitor the quota and catch               amount, as deemed appropriate after
                                                limit, while other commenters suggested                 rates in the beginning of the year to help            considering the inseason trip limit
                                                a July 1 LCS fishery opening date at the                ensure equitable fishing opportunities                adjustment criteria (§ 635.24(a)(8)).

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                                                                 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 230 / Tuesday, December 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                        75001

                                                NMFS believes that utilizing the                        Resources Commission and other                        on January 1 at 45 LCS other than
                                                inseason retention limit adjustment                     commenters requesting an opening date                 sandbar sharks per vessel per trip for
                                                during the fishing season will promote                  in June or July in order to allow state-              directed shark limited access permit
                                                equitable fishing opportunities in the                  water fishermen the opportunity to fish               holders, as proposed, will promote
                                                Atlantic region, while still allowing the               and regarding the comments from                       equitable fishing opportunities for
                                                majority of quota to be harvested later                 constituents who prefer a later start date            constituents in each sub-region. In
                                                in the year. The January 1 opening date                 in order to fish for sharks at the end of             reaching this determination, NMFS
                                                should allow fishermen in the southern                  the year, NMFS agrees that the fishery                considered, in particular, the length of
                                                and northern portions of the Atlantic                   should remain open later in the year                  the season for the different species and/
                                                region the opportunity to fish at the                   and anticipates having the majority of                or management groups in 2015 and
                                                beginning of the year, while providing                  the quota available after July 15, 2016.              whether fishermen were able to
                                                all fishermen in the Atlantic region                    Based on past landings data, having the               participate in the fishery
                                                fishing opportunities later in the year,                majority of the quota available after July            (§ 635.27(b)(3)(iii)), and found that with
                                                when the majority of fishing occurs, as                 15 would allow Virginia state-water                   a January 1 opening date in 2015, the
                                                the majority of the quota will still be                 fishermen the opportunity to fish for                 length of the fishing season provided all
                                                available.                                              sharks and potentially allow the fishery              fishermen with equitable fishing
                                                   Regarding the comments from                          to be open in October through                         opportunities to participate in the
                                                constituents suggesting when to adjust                  December. Regarding the comments that                 fishery in 2015.
                                                the retention limit, NMFS intends to                    having the LCS fisheries in the Atlantic                 Regarding the comment relating to the
                                                reduce the retention limit to 3 LCS other               and Gulf of Mexico regions open at the                different sub-regional opening dates, at
                                                than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip                 same time will impact the market                      this time, NMFS prefers to open both
                                                if the quota is being caught too quickly                prices, NMFS has no control over the                  sub-regions at the same time to evaluate
                                                (e.g., if approximately 20 percent of the               market prices and this is not one of the              how the changes in the regulations,
                                                quota is harvested at the beginning of                  criteria NMFS evaluates when choosing                 such as the increase in the retention
                                                the year), and then anticipates that it                 an opening date. However, in the past,                limit, affect the fishery before making
                                                will increase the retention limit to the                the LCS fisheries in the Atlantic and                 other changes to the commercial shark
                                                default level of 45 LCS other than                      Gulf of Mexico regions have been open                 fishing season. NMFS may consider
                                                sandbar sharks per vessel per trip for                  at the same time, and during those                    staggered opening dates for the sub-
                                                directed shark limited access permit                    times, NMFS has not noticed any                       regions in future years if such an
                                                holders, or another amount, as deemed                   dramatic impacts on the ex-vessel prices              approach is needed to promote
                                                appropriate after considering the                       in either region. For example, in 2013,               equitable fishing opportunities
                                                inseason trip limit adjustment criteria,                when both regional LCS fisheries were                 throughout the region.
                                                around July 15, 2016. If NMFS were to                   open in January, the ex-vessel price for              B. Atlantic SCS Management Group
                                                reduce the retention limit when                         Atlantic aggregated LCS stayed                        Comments
                                                approximately 20 percent of the quota is                consistent throughout the year and was
                                                harvested, based on past landings data,                 much higher than the Gulf of Mexico                      Comment 3: NMFS received
                                                the aggregated LCS quota will likely                    aggregated LCS ex-vessel prices.                      comments regarding the proposed
                                                reach 20 percent around March, which                       Comment 2: NMFS received                           opening date for the non-blacknose SCS
                                                is similar to the time suggested by a                   comments regarding the proposed sub-                  and blacknose shark management
                                                commenter. Regarding an increase on                     regional opening dates and commercial                 groups in the Atlantic region. Most
                                                August 1, NMFS will determine any                       retention limit for the Gulf of Mexico                commenters, including NCDMR,
                                                potential increase in the retention limit               blacktip, aggregated LCS, and                         supported the proposed January 1
                                                at a later time, but notes that an increase             hammerhead management groups. One                     opening date, while only a few
                                                around July 15 would be closer to recent                commenter supported the proposed                      commenters requested that the SCS
                                                opening dates of the fishery than August                January 1 opening date for both Gulf of               fisheries not open until August to
                                                1 and could better promote equitable                    Mexico sub-regions and the proposed                   ensure that the southern part of the
                                                fishing opportunities. Regarding the                    retention limit, suggesting that NMFS                 fishery would not be closed because of
                                                comment to wait until 50 percent of the                 use this season as an experiment to see               the blacknose shark quota linkage.
                                                quota was harvested before reducing the                 how the fishery operates under the new                   Response: Taking into consideration
                                                retention limit and then increasing the                 management measures from                              the ‘‘opening commercial fishing
                                                retention limit on July 1, when the                     Amendment 6 to the 2006 Consolidated                  season’’ criteria (§ 635.27(b)(3)), as
                                                Atlantic LCS fisheries last opened in                   HMS FMP (Amendment 6). Another                        described in the proposed rule, and the
                                                January, the quota reached 50 percent in                commenter suggested staggering the                    general public support of the proposed
                                                July. Thus, under that scenario, it is                  Gulf of Mexico sub-regional opening                   opening date, NMFS has determined
                                                unlikely that any adjustment would be                   dates and increasing the retention limit.             that keeping the proposed opening date
                                                needed until much later in the season                   Specifically, the commenter suggested                 of January 1 for the non-blacknose SCS
                                                (e.g., August). In addition, under                      that both sub-regions open at 55 LCS                  and blacknose shark management
                                                § 635.28(b), NMFS closes any shark                      other than sandbar sharks per vessel per              groups in the Atlantic region will
                                                management group that has reached, or                   trip, with the western Gulf of Mexico                 provide commercial shark fishermen
                                                is projected to reach, 80 percent of the                sub-region opening on January 1 and the               year-round access to the increased non-
                                                available quota. Thus, waiting until 50                 eastern Gulf of Mexico sub-region                     blacknose SCS quota. In reaching this
                                                percent of the quota has been harvested                 opening on March 1.                                   determination, NMFS considered, in
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                                                before reducing the retention limit                        Response: After considering public                 particular, the current length of the 2015
                                                would likely prevent the majority of the                comment and the ‘‘opening commercial                  season for the different species and/or
                                                quota from being available later in the                 fishing season’’ criteria (§ 635.27(b)(3))            management groups and whether
                                                year, which is what most of the public                  described in the proposed rule, NMFS                  fishermen were able to participate in the
                                                comments requested.                                     has determined that opening the Gulf of               fishery in 2015 (§ 635.27(b)(3)(iii)), and
                                                   Regarding the comments from the                      Mexico blacktip, aggregated LCS, and                  found that with a January 1 opening
                                                Commonwealth of Virginia Marine                         hammerhead shark management groups                    date in 2015, the length of the fishing

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                                                75002            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 230 / Tuesday, December 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                season provided all fishermen with                      while minimizing, to the greatest extent              Caribbean Fishery Management
                                                equitable fishing opportunities to                      possible, socioeconomic impacts. After                Councils and is designed to provide
                                                participate in the fishery in 2015. NMFS                the blacknose shark quota was reached                 transparency throughout the stock
                                                still encourages fishermen south of 34                  much earlier this year (June 7) than in               assessment. With regard to the timing of
                                                degrees to avoid blacknose sharks to                    previous seasons (July 28, 2014, and                  upcoming shark stock assessments,
                                                keep the non-blacknose SCS fishery                      September 30, 2013), NMFS examined                    NMFS aims to conduct a number of
                                                open year-round in that area. NMFS                      the blacknose shark landings from the                 shark stock assessments every year and
                                                linked these quotas due to concerns                     HMS electronic dealer data from 2015                  to regularly reassess these stocks. The
                                                regarding the incidental harvest of                     on a per trip basis. These data indicate              number of species that can be assessed
                                                blacknose sharks, which are overfished,                 that the majority of the trips (60 percent            each year depends on whether
                                                while fishermen were targeting non-                     of the total number of trips) landed less             assessments are establishing baselines
                                                blacknose SCS. During the Amendment                     than 200 lb dw of blacknose sharks per                or are only updates to previous
                                                3 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP                      trip; however, there were multiple trips              assessments. Assessments also depend
                                                rulemaking process (75 FR 30484; June                   (11 percent of the total number of trips)             on ensuring there are data available for
                                                1, 2010), fishermen indicated that they                 that landed more than 700 lb dw of                    a particular species. Tentatively, in
                                                could avoid catching blacknose sharks                   blacknose sharks per trip, with some as               addition to the shark assessments being
                                                when fishing for non-blacknose sharks.                  high as 3,170 lb dw, which is                         conducted by the International
                                                Fishermen successfully avoided                          approximately 8 percent of the entire                 Commission for the Conservation of
                                                blacknose sharks for several years.                     quota. Because the blacknose shark                    Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), NMFS intends
                                                However, in the past few years, a small                 linkage has caused the SCS fishery                    to conduct a dusky shark update
                                                number of individuals began targeting                   south of 34 degrees to close sooner than              assessment in 2016 and a Gulf of
                                                blacknose sharks, resulting in early                    in previous seasons and given that the                Mexico blacktip shark update
                                                closures.                                               commercial quota continues to be                      assessment in 2017. NMFS is currently
                                                   Comment 4: NMFS received                             overharvested, NMFS is re-considering                 considering options that would allow
                                                comments to adjust the commercial                       the appropriateness of a commercial                   for both Atlantic blacktip and sandbar
                                                retention limit for SCS, implement a                    blacknose retention limit and may                     sharks to be assessed in 2018.
                                                commercial retention limit for Atlantic                 pursue this issue in a separate action.
                                                blacknose sharks, and establish a                                                                             Changes From the Proposed Rule
                                                bycatch allowance for non-blacknose                     C. General Comments                                      NMFS made four changes to the
                                                SCS (approximately 200 lb dw) once the                    Comment 5: NMFS received                            proposed rule, as described below.
                                                blacknose quota is reached to reduce                    comments to stop all shark fishing.                      1. NMFS changed the final eastern
                                                dead discards of SCS.                                     Response: This comment is outside                   Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota
                                                   Response: This comment is outside                    the scope of this rulemaking because the              from the 28.9 mt dw (63,835 lb dw) in
                                                the scope of this rulemaking because                    purpose of this rulemaking is to adjust               the proposed rule to 28.9 mt dw (63,819
                                                there is currently no commercial                        quotas for the 2016 shark seasons based               lb dw), a difference of 16 lb dw, based
                                                retention limit for blacknose sharks, and               on over- and underharvests from the                   on updated landings through October
                                                the purpose of this rulemaking is to                    previous years and set opening dates for              16, 2015. In the 2016 shark season
                                                adjust quotas based on over- and                        the 2016 shark seasons. Management of                 proposed rule (80 FR 49974; August 18,
                                                underharvests from the previous years                   the Atlantic shark fisheries is based on              2015), which was based on data
                                                and set opening dates for the 2016 shark                the best available science to achieve                 available through July 17, 2015, the
                                                seasons. The commenter thought that                     optimum yield while also rebuilding                   2016 adjusted annual quota for eastern
                                                because NMFS was proposing to adjust                    overfished shark stocks and preventing                Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark was
                                                the commercial retention limit for the                  overfishing. The final rule does not                  proposed to be 28.9 mt dw (63,835 lb
                                                LCS fisheries that NMFS could do the                    reanalyze the overall management                      dw), based on an underharvest of 0.1 mt
                                                same for SCS fisheries. However, at this                measures for sharks, which were                       dw (308 lb dw) from 2014 and an
                                                time, the only retention limit for SCS is               analyzed in the 2006 Consolidated HMS                 underharvest of 3.7 mt dw from 2015
                                                for incidental shark permit holders, who                FMP and its amendments. NMFS is                       (8,088 lb dw). NMFS explained in the
                                                can retain up to 16 SCS or pelagic                      considering further shark management                  proposed rule that it would adjust the
                                                sharks per vessel per trip.                             measures, including those to rebuild                  proposed quotas based on dealer reports
                                                   NMFS considered a commercial                         shark stocks or prevent overfishing, in               as of mid-October or mid-November
                                                retention limit for blacknose shark in                  other upcoming rulemakings, such as                   2015. Based on updated landings data
                                                Amendment 5a to the 2006                                Amendments 5b to the 2006                             through October 16, 2015, the overall
                                                Consolidated HMS FMP (see Section                       Consolidated HMS FMP.                                 2015 Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark
                                                2.3, Alternatives Considered But Not                      Comment 6: NMFS received                            management group underharvest was
                                                Further Analyzed, of the Final                          comments from the NCDMR that                          37.4 mt dw (82,373 lb dw). Consistent
                                                Environmental Impact Statement for                      requested NMFS to perform a                           with Amendment 6 and the August
                                                Amendment 5a) and received similar                      benchmark stock assessment on Atlantic                2015 proposed rule, NMFS will account
                                                comments during the public comment                      blacktip and sandbar sharks as soon as                for underharvest based on the sub-
                                                period for Amendment 6. In those                        possible.                                             regional quota percentage split. Thus,
                                                actions, NMFS preferred to address                        Response: This comment is outside                   the eastern Gulf of Mexico blacktip
                                                blacknose shark landings and discards                   the scope of this rulemaking because the              shark quota is increased by 9.8 percent
                                                by linking the blacknose shark and non-                 purpose of this rulemaking is to adjust               of the 2015 underharvest or 3.7 mt dw
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                                                blacknose SCS quotas, which should                      quotas based on over- and                             (8,072 lb dw). Therefore, the 2016
                                                provide a greater and more effective                    underharvests from the previous years                 adjusted annual quota for eastern Gulf
                                                incentive for reducing landings of                      and set opening dates for the 2016 shark              of Mexico blacktip shark is 28.9 mt dw
                                                blacknose sharks than a retention limit,                seasons. Most of the domestic shark                   (63,819 lb dw) (25.1 mt dw annual base
                                                thus more effectively managing the                      stock assessments follow the SEDAR                    quota + 0.1 mt dw from 2014
                                                blacknose fishery in a manner that                      process. This process is also used by the             underharvest + 3.7 mt dw from the 2015
                                                maximizes resource sustainability,                      South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and                   underharvest = 28.9 mt dw). Landings

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                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 230 / Tuesday, December 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                        75003

                                                information beyond October 16, 2015,                     above, landings information beyond                            landings information beyond October
                                                was not available while NMFS was                         October 16, 2015, was not available                           16, 2015, was not available while NMFS
                                                writing this rule. This final rule used                  while NMFS was writing this rule. This                        was writing this rule. This final rule
                                                the most recent available information to                 final rule used the most recent available                     used the most recent available
                                                allow NMFS to properly analyze the                       information to allow NMFS to properly                         information to allow NMFS to properly
                                                fishery and open the fishery as proposed                 analyze the fishery and open the fishery                      analyze the fishery and open the fishery
                                                on January 1, 2016. Any landings                         on January 1, 2016. Any landings                              on January 1, 2016. Any landings
                                                between October 16 and December 31,                      between October 16 and December 31,                           between October 16 and December 31,
                                                2015, will be accounted for in the 2017                  2015, will be accounted for in the 2017                       2015, will be accounted for in the 2017
                                                shark fisheries quotas, as appropriate.                  shark fisheries quotas, as appropriate.                       shark fisheries quotas, as appropriate.
                                                   2. NMFS changed the final western                        3. NMFS changed the final Atlantic
                                                                                                                                                                          4. NMFS changed the retention limit
                                                Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota                      blacknose shark quota from the 15.7 mt
                                                                                                                                                                       for directed shark limited access permit
                                                from the 266.6 mt dw (587,538 lb dw)                     dw (34,700 lb dw) in the proposed rule
                                                in the proposed rule to 266.5 mt dw                      to 15.7 mt dw (34,653 lb dw), a                               holders at the start of the commercial
                                                (587,396 lb dw), a difference of 142 lb                  difference of 47 lb, based on updated                         shark fishing season for the aggregated
                                                dw, based on updated landings through                    landings through October 16, 2015. In                         LCS and hammerhead shark
                                                October 16, 2015. In the proposed rule,                  the proposed rule, the quota for the                          management groups in the Atlantic
                                                which was based on data available                        Atlantic blacknose shark management                           region from 45 LCS other than sandbar
                                                through July 17, 2015, the 2016 adjusted                 group was proposed to be 15.7 mt dw                           sharks per vessel per trip to 36 LCS
                                                annual quota for western Gulf of Mexico                  (34,700 lb dw), due to an adjustment of                       other than sandbar sharks per vessel per
                                                blacktip shark was proposed to be 266.6                  0.5 mt dw (1,111 lb dw) for a 2012                            trip. As explained above, NMFS
                                                mt dw (587,538 lb dw), based on an                       overharvest that was spread over five                         changed the retention limit after
                                                underharvest of 1.3 mt dw (2,834 lb dw)                  years and an adjustment of 1.0 mt dw                          considering the ‘‘opening commercial
                                                from 2014 and an underharvest of 33.7                    (2,110 lb dw) for a 2015 overharvest that                     fishing season’’ criteria (§ 635.27(b)(3)),
                                                mt dw (74,443 lb dw) from 2015. Based                    was spread over three years. However,                         public comment, and the 2015 landings
                                                on updated landings data through                         based on the updated landings data,                           data in order to promote equitable
                                                October 16, 2015, the overall 2015 Gulf                  NMFS found that the 2015 quota was                            fishing opportunities throughout the
                                                of Mexico blacktip shark management                      overharvested by 3.0 mt dw (6,471 lb                          Atlantic region.
                                                group was underharvested by 37.4 mt                      dw) and not the 6,328 lb dw originally                        2016 Annual Quotas
                                                dw (82,373 lb dw). Consistent with                       considered. Consistent with the
                                                Amendment 6 and the August 2015                          proposed rule, NMFS will spread this                             This final rule adjusts the 2016
                                                proposed rule, NMFS will account for                     overharvest amount over 3 years at 1.0                        commercial quotas due to over- and/or
                                                underharvest based on the sub-regional                   mt dw (2,157 lb dw) each year from                            underharvests in 2015 and previous
                                                quota percentage split. Thus, the                        2016–2018. Thus, NMFS will reduce the                         fishing seasons, based on landings data
                                                western Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark                    2016 base annual quota by 1.5 mt dw                           through October 16, 2015. The 2016
                                                quota is increased by 90.2 percent of the                (3,268 lb dw), based on the 2012                              annual quotas by species and species
                                                2015 underharvest, or 33.7 mt dw                         overharvest amount and the most recent                        group are summarized in Table 1. All
                                                (74,301 lb dw). Therefore, the 2016                      estimates of the 2015 landings.                               dealer reports that are received by
                                                adjusted annual quota for eastern Gulf                   Therefore, the 2016 adjusted annual                           NMFS after October 16, 2015, will be
                                                of Mexico blacktip shark is 266.5 mt dw                  quota for Atlantic blacknose shark is                         used to adjust the 2017 quotas, if
                                                (587,396 lb dw) (231.5 mt dw annual                      15.7 mt dw (34,653 lb dw) (17.2 mt dw                         necessary. A description of the quota
                                                base quota + 1.3 mt dw from 2014                         annual base quota ¥ 0.5 mt dw 2012                            calculations is provided in the proposed
                                                underharvest + 33.7 mt dw from the                       overharvest ¥ 1.0 mt dw 2015                                  rule and is not repeated here. Any
                                                2015 underharvest = 266.5 mt dw 2016                     overharvest = 15.7 mt dw 2016 adjusted                        changes are described in the ‘‘Changes
                                                adjusted annual quota). As described                     annual quota). As described above,                            from the Proposed Rule’’ section.

                                                                               TABLE 1—2016 ANNUAL QUOTAS FOR THE ATLANTIC SHARK FISHERIES
                                                            [All quotas and landings are dressed weight (dw), in metric tons (mt), unless specified otherwise. 1 mt dw = 2,204.6 lb dw]

                                                                                                                              Preliminary                                               2016                   2016
                                                     Region or               Management                                          2015                  Adjustments                   Base annual           Final annual
                                                                                                      annual quota
                                                     sub-region                group                                           landings 1                  (C)                          quota                 quota
                                                                                                          (A)                     (B)                                                    (D)                  (D+C)

                                                Eastern Gulf of           Blacktip Sharks ...       25.1 mt dw             21.5 mt dw             3.8 mt dw (8,380                 25.1 mt dw           28.9 mt dw
                                                  Mexico.                                             (55,439 lb dw).        (47,366 lb dw) 2.       lb dw) 3.                       (55,439 lb dw).      (63,819 lb dw)
                                                                          Aggregated Large          85.5 mt dw             84.5 mt dw             .............................    85.5 mt dw           85.5 mt dw
                                                                            Coastal Sharks.           (188,593 lb dw).       (186,223 lb                                             (188,593 lb dw).     (188,593 lb dw)
                                                                                                                             dw) 2.
                                                                          Hammerhead                13.4 mt dw             7.3 mt dw (16,198       .............................   13.4 mt dw           13.4 mt dw
                                                                            Sharks.                   (29,421 lb dw).        lb dw) 2.                                               (29,421 lb dw).      (29,421 lb dw)
                                                Western Gulf of           Blacktip Sharks ...       231.5 mt dw            197.7 mt dw            35.0 mt dw                       231.5 mt dw          266.5 mt dw
                                                 Mexico.                                              (510,261 lb dw).       (435,961 lb            (77,135 lb dw) 3.                (510,261 lb dw).     (587,396 lb dw)
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                                                                                                                             dw) 2.
                                                                          Aggregated Large          72.0 mt dw             69.6 mt dw              .............................   72.0 mt dw           72.0 mt dw
                                                                            Coastal Sharks.           (158,724 lb dw).       (153,380 lb                                             (158,724 lb dw).     (158,724 lb dw)
                                                                                                                             dw) 2.
                                                                          Hammerhead                11.9 mt dw             6.5 mt dw (14,360       .............................   11.9 mt dw           11.9 mt dw
                                                                            Sharks.                   (23,301 lb dw).        lb dw) 2.                                               (23,301 lb dw).      (23,301 lb dw)

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                                                                          TABLE 1—2016 ANNUAL QUOTAS FOR THE ATLANTIC SHARK FISHERIES—Continued
                                                               [All quotas and landings are dressed weight (dw), in metric tons (mt), unless specified otherwise. 1 mt dw = 2,204.6 lb dw]

                                                                                                                                 Preliminary                                               2016                   2016
                                                      Region or                   Management                                        2015                  Adjustments                   Base annual           Final annual
                                                                                                         annual quota
                                                      sub-region                    group                                         landings 1                  (C)                          quota                 quota
                                                                                                             (A)                     (B)                                                    (D)                  (D+C)

                                                Gulf of Mexico ........        Non-Blacknose           45.5 mt dw             69.9 mt dw             ¥5.3 mt dw                       112.6 mt dw          107.3 mt dw
                                                                                 Small Coastal           (100,317 lb dw).       (154,077 lb dw).        (¥11,612 lb                     (248,215 lb dw).     (236,603 lb dw)
                                                                                 Sharks.                                                                dw) 4.
                                                Atlantic ...................   Aggregated Large        168.9 mt dw            90.1 mt dw             .............................    168.9 mt dw          168.9 mt dw
                                                                                 Coastal Sharks.         (372,552 lb dw).       (198,651 lb dw).                                        (372,552 lb dw).     (372,552 lb dw)
                                                                               Hammerhead              27.1 mt dw             8.5 mt dw (18,703       .............................   27.1 mt dw           27.1 mt dw
                                                                                 Sharks.                 (59,736 lb dw).        lb dw).                                                 (59,736 lb dw).      (59,736 lb dw)
                                                                               Non-Blacknose           176.1 mt dw            106.2 mt dw             .............................   264.1 mt dw          264.1 mt dw
                                                                                 Small Coastal           (388,222 lb dw).       (234,170 lb dw).                                        (582,333 lb dw).     (582,333 lb dw)
                                                                               Blacknose Sharks        17.5 mt dw             20.5 mt dw             ¥1.5 mt dw                       17.2 mt dw           15.7 mt dw
                                                                                 (South of 34° N.        (38,638 lb dw).        (45,109 lb dw).         (¥3,268 lb                      (37,921 lb dw).      (34,653 lb dw)
                                                                                 lat. only).                                                            dw) 5.
                                                No regional quotas             Non-Sandbar LCS         50.0 mt dw             18.1 mt dw             .............................    50.0 mt dw           50.0 mt dw
                                                                                 Research.               (110,230 lb dw).       (39,830 lb dw).                                         (110,230 lb dw).     (110,230 lb dw)
                                                                               Sandbar Shark           116.6 mt dw            63.6 mt dw              .............................   90.7 mt dw           90.7 mt dw
                                                                                 Research.               (257,056 lb dw).       (140,258 lb dw).                                        (199,943 lb dw).     (199,943 lb dw)
                                                                               Blue Sharks .........   273.0 mt dw            0.5 mt dw (1,114        .............................   273.0 mt dw          273.0 mt dw
                                                                                                         (601,856 lb dw).       lb dw).                                                 (601,856 lb dw).     (601,856 lb dw)
                                                                               Porbeagle Sharks        0 mt dw (0 lb dw)      0 mt dw (0 lb dw)       .............................   1.7 mt dw (3,748     1.7 mt dw (3,748
                                                                                                                                                                                        lb dw).              lb dw)
                                                                               Pelagic Sharks          488.0 mt dw            71.3 mt dw              .............................   488.0 mt dw          488.0 mt dw
                                                                                 Other Than              (1,075,856 lb          (157,099 lb dw).                                        (1,075,856 lb        (1,075,856 lb
                                                                                 Porbeagle or            dw).                                                                           dw).                 dw)
                                                   1 Landings  are from January 1, 2015, through October 16, 2015, and are subject to change.
                                                   2 The  blacktip, aggregated LCS, and hammerhead shark management group preliminary 2015 landings were split based on the sub-regional
                                                quota percentage splits established in Amendment 6 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP.
                                                   3 This adjustment accounts for underharvest in 2014 and 2015. In the final rule establishing the 2015 quotas (79 FR 71331; December 2,
                                                2014), the 2014 Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota was underharvested by 72.0 mt dw (158,602 lb dw). After the final rule establishing the 2015
                                                quotas published, late dealer reports indicated the quota was underharvested by an additional 1.4 mt dw (3,142 lb dw), for a total underharvest
                                                of 73.4 mt dw (161,744 lb dw). In 2015, the Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota was underharvested by 37.4 mt (82,373 lb dw). Therefore, this
                                                final rule increases the Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota by 38.8 mt dw (37.4 mt dw underharvest in 2015 + 1.4 mt dw underharvest from
                                                2014). Recently, NMFS implemented Amendment 6 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP which, among other things, established sub-regional
                                                quotas for the Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark management group. NMFS will account for underharvest based on the sub-regional quota percent-
                                                age split. Thus, the eastern Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota is increased by 3.8 mt dw, or 9.8 percent of the underharvest, while the western
                                                Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark quota is increased by 35.0 mt dw, or 90.2 percent of the underharvest.
                                                   4 This adjustment accounts for overharvests from 2014. In the final rule establishing the 2015 quotas (79 FR 71331; December 2, 2014), the
                                                2014 Gulf of Mexico non-blacknose SCS quota was not overharvested. After the final rule establishing the 2015 quotas published, late dealer re-
                                                ports indicated the quota was overharvested by 5.3 mt dw (11,612 lb dw) due to landings by state-water fishermen fishing in state-waters after
                                                the federal closure. NMFS will decrease the 2016 base annual quota based on the overharvest estimate of 5.3 mt from 2014. Based on the origi-
                                                nal 2015 annual commercial quota, the 2015 annual quota was overharvested by 7.8 mt dw (17,184 lb dw) as of October 16, 2015. In Amend-
                                                ment 6 to the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP, NMFS increased the commercial Gulf of Mexico non-blacknose SCS quota to 112.6 mt dw (248,215
                                                lb dw) and re-opened the fishery. Based on the revised annual commercial quota, reported landings have not exceeded the revised 2015 base
                                                quota to date.
                                                   5 This adjustment accounts for overharvest in 2012 and 2015. After the final rule establishing the 2012 quotas published, late dealer reports in-
                                                dicated the blacknose shark quota was overharvested by 3.5 mt dw (7,742 lb dw). In the final rule establishing the 2014 quotas, NMFS imple-
                                                mented a 5-year adjustment of the overharvest amount by the percentage of landings in 2012. Thus, NMFS will reduce the Atlantic blacknose
                                                sharks by 0.5 mt dw (1,111 lb dw) each year for 5 years from 2014–2018. In 2015, the Atlantic blacknose shark quota was overharvested by 3.0
                                                (6,471 lb dw). NMFS is implementing an additional 3-year adjustment of the overharvest amount in 2015. NMFS will reduce the quota by 1.0 mt
                                                dw (2,157 lb dw) each year from 2016–2018. Therefore, this final rule decreases the Atlantic blacknose shark quota by 1.5 mt dw (1.0 mt dw
                                                overharvest in 2015 + 0.5 mt dw overharvest from 2012).

                                                Fishing Season Notification for the 2016                    management groups will start the                              (e.g., if approximately 20 percent of the
                                                Atlantic Commercial Shark Fishing                           commercial fishing season at 45 LCS                           quota is caught at the beginning of the
                                                Seasons                                                     other than sandbar sharks per vessel per                      year), NMFS will reduce the commercial
                                                   Based on the seven ‘‘opening                             trip, and the Atlantic aggregated LCS                         retention limit, then raise it later in the
                                                commercial fishing season’’ criteria                        and hammerhead shark management                               season. Based on prior years’ fishing
                                                listed in § 635.27(b)(3), NMFS is                           groups will start the commercial fishing                      activity, to allow greater fishing
                                                opening all the 2016 Atlantic                               season at 36 LCS other than sandbar                           opportunities later in the year, NMFS
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                                                commercial shark fishing seasons on                         sharks per vessel per trip. In the                            anticipates raising the commercial
                                                January 1, 2016 (Table 2).                                  Atlantic region, as described above,                          retention limit to the default limit of 45
                                                   Regarding the LCS retention limit, as                    NMFS will closely monitor the quota at                        LCS other than sandbar sharks per
                                                shown in Table 2, for directed shark                        the beginning of the year. If it appears                      vessel per trip around July 15, 2016.
                                                limited access permit holders, the Gulf                     that the quota is being harvested too                         However, any retention limit reductions
                                                of Mexico blacktip shark, aggregated                        quickly to allow fishermen throughout                         and increases will be based on
                                                LCS, and hammerhead shark                                   the entire region an opportunity to fish                      consideration of the trip limit

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                                                                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 230 / Tuesday, December 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                     75005

                                                adjustment criteria at 50 CFR                                    percent of the quota. Additionally,                     group including any linked quotas, and/
                                                635.24(a)(8).                                                    NMFS has established non-linked and                     or region that will be effective no fewer
                                                   All of the shark management groups                            linked quotas; linked quotas are                        than 5 days from date of filing. From the
                                                will remain open until December 31,                              explicitly designed to concurrently                     effective date and time of the closure
                                                2016, or until NMFS determines that the                          close multiple shark management                         until NMFS announces, via the
                                                fishing season landings for any shark                            groups that are caught together to                      publication of a notice in the Federal
                                                management group has reached, or is                              prevent incidental catch mortality from                 Register, that additional quota is
                                                projected to reach, 80 percent of the                            exceeding the total allowable catch. The                available and the season is reopened,
                                                available quota; however, consistent                             linked and non-linked quotas are shown                  the fisheries for the shark species or
                                                with § 635.28(b)(5), NMFS may close the                          in Table 2. NMFS will file for
                                                                                                                                                                         management group are closed, even
                                                Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark                                    publication with the Office of the
                                                                                                                                                                         across fishing years.
                                                management group before landings                                 Federal Register a notice of closure for
                                                reach, or are expected to reach, 80                              that shark species, shark management

                                                                                   REGIONAL SHARK MANAGEMENT GROUP
                                                                                                                                                                   Commercial retention limits for directed shark limited
                                                                                                                              Quota           Season opening
                                                  Region or sub-region                    Management group                                                                       access permit holders
                                                                                                                            linkages              dates                 (inseason adjustments are available)

                                                Eastern Gulf of Mexico ..              Blacktip Sharks .............    Not Linked .....      January 1, 2016     45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip.
                                                                                       Aggregated Large                 Linked
                                                                                         Coastal Sharks.
                                                                                       Hammerhead Sharks
                                                Western Gulf of Mexico                 Blacktip Sharks .............    Not Linked .....      January 1, 2016     45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip.
                                                                                       Aggregated Large                 Linked
                                                                                         Coastal Sharks.
                                                                                       Hammerhead Sharks
                                                Gulf of Mexico ................        Non-Blacknose Small              Not Linked .....      January 1, 2016     N/A
                                                                                         Coastal Sharks.
                                                Atlantic ...........................   Aggregated Large                 Linked ............   January 1, 2016     36 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per trip
                                                                                         Coastal Sharks.                                                          [If quota is landed quickly (e.g., if approximately 20
                                                                                       Hammerhead Sharks                                                             percent of quota is caught at the beginning of the
                                                                                                                                                                     year), NMFS anticipates an inseason reduction
                                                                                                                                                                     (e.g., to 3 or fewer LCS other than sandbar sharks
                                                                                                                                                                     per vessel per trip), then an inseason increase to
                                                                                                                                                                     45 LCS other than sandbar sharks per vessel per
                                                                                                                                                                     trip around July 15, 2016].
                                                                                       Non-Blacknose Small              Linked (South         January 1, 2016     N/A
                                                                                         Coastal Sharks.                  of 34° N.
                                                                                       Blacknose Sharks                   lat. only).
                                                                                         (South of 34° N. lat.
                                                No regional quotas ........            Non-Sandbar LCS Re-              Linked ............   January 1, 2016     N/A
                                                                                       Sandbar Shark Re-
                                                                                       Blue Sharks ..................   Not Linked .....      January 1, 2016     N/A
                                                                                       Porbeagle Sharks
                                                                                       Pelagic Sharks Other
                                                                                         Than Porbeagle or

                                                Classification                                                   shark management group quotas based                     fisheries would close on December 31,
                                                                                                                 on over- and/or underharvests from the                  2015, and would not open until another
                                                  The NMFS Assistant Administrator                               previous fishing season(s). The FRFA                    action was taken. This final rule will be
                                                has determined that the final rule is                            analyzes the anticipated economic                       implemented according to the
                                                consistent with the 2006 Consolidated                            impacts of the final actions and any                    regulations implementing the 2006
                                                HMS FMP and its amendments, other                                significant economic impacts on small                   Consolidated HMS FMP and its
                                                provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens                               entities. The FRFA is below.                            amendments. Thus, NMFS expects few,
                                                Act, and other applicable law.                                     Section 604(a)(1) of the RFA requires                 if any, economic impacts to fishermen
                                                  This final rule is exempt from review                          an explanation of the purpose of the                    other than those already analyzed in the
                                                under Executive Order 12866.                                     rulemaking. The purpose of this final                   2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its
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                                                  In compliance with section 604 of the                          rulemaking is, consistent with the                      amendments. While there may be some
                                                Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), NMFS                           Magnuson-Stevens Act and the 2006                       direct negative economic impacts
                                                prepared a Final Regulatory Flexibility                          Consolidated HMS FMP and its                            associated with the opening dates for
                                                Analysis (FRFA) for this final rule,                             amendments, to establish the 2016                       fishermen in certain areas, there could
                                                which analyzed the adjustments to the                            Atlantic commercial shark fishing                       also be positive effects for other
                                                Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark, Gulf of                           quotas and fishing seasons. Without this                fishermen in the region. The opening
                                                Mexico aggregated LCS, and blacknose                             rule, the Atlantic commercial shark                     dates were chosen to allow for an

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                                                equitable distribution of the available                 to the requirements of the report or                  on December 31 of each year, or when
                                                quotas among all fishermen across                       record. None of the actions in this final             NMFS determines that the fishing
                                                regions and states, to the extent                       rule would result in additional                       season landings for any shark
                                                practicable.                                            reporting, recordkeeping, or compliance               management group has reached, or is
                                                   Section 604(a)(2) of the RFA requires                requirements beyond those already                     projected to reach, 80 percent of the
                                                NMFS to summarize significant issues                    analyzed in the 2006 Consolidated HMS                 available quota, and do not open until
                                                raised by the public in response to the                 FMP and its amendments.                               NMFS takes action, such as this
                                                Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis                    Section 604(a)(6) of the RFA requires              rulemaking to re-open the fisheries.
                                                (IRFA), provide a summary of NMFS’                      NMFS to describe the steps taken to                   Thus, not implementing these
                                                assessment of such issues, and provide                  minimize the economic impact on small                 management measures would negatively
                                                a statement of any changes made as a                    entities, consistent with the stated                  affect shark fishermen and related small
                                                result of the comments. The IRFA was                    objectives of applicable statutes.                    entities, such as dealers, and also would
                                                done as part of the proposed rule for the               Additionally, the RFA (5 U.S.C.                       not provide management flexibility in
                                                2016 Atlantic Commercial Shark Season                   603(c)(1)–(4)) lists four general                     furtherance of equitable fishing
                                                Specifications. NMFS did not receive                    categories of ‘‘significant’’ alternatives            opportunities, to the extent practicable,
                                                any comments specific to the IRFA.                      that would assist an agency in the                    for commercial shark fishermen in all
                                                However, NMFS received comments                         development of significant alternatives               regions and areas.
                                                related to the overall economic impacts                 that would accomplish the stated
                                                of the proposed rule, and those                         objectives of applicable statutes and                    Based on the 2014 ex-vessel price,
                                                comments and NMFS’ assessment of                        minimize any significant economic                     fully harvesting the unadjusted 2016
                                                and response to them are summarized                     impact of the rule on small entities.                 Atlantic shark commercial baseline
                                                above (see Comments 1 and 3 above). As                  These categories of alternatives are: (1)             quotas could result in total fleet
                                                described in the responses to those                     Establishment of differing compliance                 revenues of $4,583,514 (see Table 3).
                                                comments relating to the season                         or reporting requirements or timetables               For the Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark
                                                opening dates, consistent with                          that take into account the resources                  management group, NMFS has
                                                § 635.27(b)(3), the opening date for the                available to small entities; (2)                      increased the baseline sub-regional
                                                all of the commercial shark fisheries                   clarification, consolidation, or                      quotas due to the underharvests in 2015.
                                                will be implemented as proposed                         simplification of compliance and                      The increase for the eastern Gulf of
                                                (January 1, 2016).                                      reporting requirements under the rule                 Mexico blacktip shark management
                                                   Section 604(a)(4) of the RFA requires                for such small entities; (3) use of                   group could result in a $8,397 gain in
                                                NMFS to provide an estimate of the                      performance rather than design                        total revenues for fishermen in that sub-
                                                number of small entities to which the                   standards; and (4) exemptions from                    region, while the increase for the
                                                rule would apply. The Small Business                    coverage of the rule, or any part thereof,            western Gulf of Mexico blacktip shark
                                                Administration (SBA) has established                    for small entities.                                   management group could result in a
                                                size criteria for all major industry                       In order to meet the objectives of this            $77,289 gain in total revenues for
                                                sectors in the United States, including                 rule, consistent with the Magnuson-                   fishermen in that sub-region. For the
                                                fish harvesters. The SBA size standards                 Stevens Act, NMFS cannot exempt                       Gulf of Mexico non-blacknose SCS
                                                are $20.5 million for finfish fishing, $5.5             small entities or change the reporting                management group, NMFS has reduced
                                                million for shellfish fishing, and $7.5                 requirements only for small entities                  the baseline quota due to the
                                                million for other marine fishing, for-hire              because all the entities affected are                 overharvest in 2014. This will cause a
                                                businesses, and marinas (79 FR 33647;                   small entities. Thus, there are no                    potential loss in revenue of $7,571 for
                                                June 12, 2014). NMFS considers all                      alternatives discussed that fall under the            the fleet in the Gulf of Mexico region.
                                                HMS permit holders to be small entities                 first, second, and fourth categories                  For the Atlantic blacknose shark
                                                because they had average annual                         described above. NMFS does not know                   management group, NMFS will
                                                receipts of less than $20.5 million for                 of any performance or design standards                continue to reduce the baseline quota
                                                finfish-harvesting. The commercial                      that would satisfy the aforementioned                 through 2018 to account for overharvest
                                                shark fisheries are comprised of                        objectives of this rulemaking while,                  in 2012 and will reduce the baseline
                                                fishermen who hold shark directed or                    concurrently, complying with the                      quota for the next 3 years to account for
                                                incidental limited access permits and                   Magnuson-Stevens Act; therefore, there                overharvest in 2015. These reductions
                                                the related shark dealers, all of which                 are no alternatives considered under the              will cause a potential loss in revenue of
                                                NMFS considers to be small entities                     third category.                                       $3,203 for the fleet in the Atlantic
                                                according to the size standards set by                     This rulemaking does not establish
                                                the SBA. This final rule applies to the                 management measures to be
                                                approximately 210 directed commercial                   implemented, but rather implements                       All of these changes in gross revenues
                                                shark permit holders (124 in the                        previously adopted and analyzed                       are similar to the changes in gross
                                                Atlantic and 86 in the Gulf of Mexico                   measures as adjustments, as specified in              revenues analyzed in the 2006
                                                regions), 253 incidental commercial                     the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and                     Consolidated HMS FMP and its
                                                shark permit holders (153 in the                        its amendments and the Environmental                  amendments. The FRFAs for those
                                                Atlantic and 100 in the Gulf of Mexico                  Assessment (EA) for the 2011 shark                    amendments concluded that the
                                                regions), and 100 commercial shark                      quota specifications rule (75 FR 76302;               economic impacts on these small
                                                dealers (71 in the Atlantic and 29 in the               December 8, 2010). Thus, in this                      entities are expected to be minimal. In
                                                Gulf of Mexico regions) as of October                   rulemaking, NMFS adjusted the base                    the 2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and
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                                                2015.                                                   quotas established and analyzed in the                its amendments and the EA for the 2011
                                                   Section 604(a)(5) of the RFA requires                2006 Consolidated HMS FMP and its                     shark quota specifications rule, NMFS
                                                NMFS to describe the projected                          amendments by subtracting the                         stated it would be conducting annual
                                                reporting, recordkeeping, and other                     underharvest or adding the overharvest,               rulemakings and considering the
                                                compliance requirements of the final                    as specified and allowable in existing                potential economic impacts of adjusting
                                                rule, including an estimate of the classes              regulations. Under current regulations                the quotas for under- and overharvests
                                                of small entities which would be subject                (§ 635.27(b)(2)), all shark fisheries close           at that time.

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                                                                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 230 / Tuesday, December 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations                                                                                75007

                                                                   TABLE 3—AVERAGE EX-VESSEL PRICES PER LB DW FOR EACH SHARK MANAGEMENT GROUP, 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Average ex-     Average ex-
                                                                     Region                                                                              Species                                                        vessel meat    vessel fin price

                                                Gulf of Mexico ..................................        Blacktip Shark ...........................................................................................            $0.50             $9.53
                                                                                                         Aggregated LCS ........................................................................................                0.54             10.04
                                                                                                         Hammerhead Shark ..................................................................................                    0.48             10.21
                                                                                                         Non-Blacknose SCS ..................................................................................                   0.36              5.84
                                                                                                         Blacknose Shark .......................................................................................                0.86              5.84
                                                Atlantic .............................................   Aggregated LCS ........................................................................................                0.75              4.19
                                                                                                         Hammerhead Shark ..................................................................................                    0.57              2.33
                                                                                                         Non-Blacknose SCS ..................................................................................                   0.74              4.00
                                                                                                         Blacknose Shark .......................................................................................                0.78              4.00
                                                No Region ........................................       Shark Research Fishery (Aggregated LCS) .............................................                                  0.58              7.68
                                                                                                         Shark Research Fishery (Sandbar only) ...................................................                              0.69             10.12
                                                                                                         Blue shark .................................................................................................           0.67              2.34
                                                                                                         Porbeagle shark ........................................................................................               1.41              2.34
                                                                                                         Other Pelagic sharks .................................................................................                 1.41              2.34

                                                   For this final rule, NMFS reviewed                                   fishermen and dealers in the southern                                     available later in the season, will have
                                                the ‘‘opening commercial fishing                                        portion of the Atlantic region will be                                    direct, minor, beneficial economic
                                                season’’ criteria at § 635.27(b)(3)(i)                                  able to fish for and sell aggregated LCS                                  impacts in the short-term for fishermen
                                                through (vii) to determine when                                         and hammerhead sharks starting in                                         as they will potentially have access to
                                                opening each fishery will provide                                       January. These fishermen will be able to                                  the aggregated LCS and hammerhead
                                                equitable opportunities for fishermen                                   fish earlier in the 2016 fishing season                                   shark quotas earlier than in past
                                                while also considering the ecological                                   compared to the 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014,                                   seasons. Fishermen in this area have
                                                needs of the different species. Over-                                   and 2015 fishing seasons, which did not                                   stated that, depending on the weather,
                                                and/or underharvests of 2015 and                                        start until June or July. Based on public                                 some aggregated LCS species might be
                                                previous fishing season quotas were                                     comment, some Atlantic fishermen in                                       available to retain in January. Thus,
                                                examined for the different species/                                     the southern and northern part of the                                     fishermen will be able to target or retain
                                                complexes to determine the effects of                                   region prefer a January 1 opening for the                                 aggregated LCS while targeting non-
                                                the 2016 final quotas on fishermen                                      fishery as long as the majority of the                                    blacknose SCS. There will be indirect,
                                                across regional fishing areas. The                                      quota is available later in the year. With                                minor, beneficial economic impacts in
                                                potential season lengths and previous                                   the implementation of the HMS                                             the short- and long-term for shark
                                                catch rates were examined to ensure                                     electronic reporting system in 2013,                                      dealers and other entities that deal with
                                                that equitable fishing opportunities                                    NMFS now monitors the quota on a                                          shark products in this region as they
                                                would be provided to fishermen. Lastly,                                 more real-time basis compared to the                                      will also have access to aggregated LCS
                                                NMFS examined the seasonal variation                                    paper reporting system that was in place                                  products earlier than in past seasons.
                                                of the different species/complexes and                                  before 2013. This ability, along with the                                 Thus, opening the aggregated LCS and
                                                the effects on fishing opportunities. In                                inseason retention limit adjustment                                       hammerhead shark management groups
                                                addition to these criteria, NMFS also                                   criteria in § 635.24(a)(8), should allow                                  in January and using inseason trip limit
                                                considered other relevant factors, such                                 NMFS the flexibility to further provide                                   adjustments to ensure the fishery is
                                                as recent landings data and public                                      equitable fishing opportunities for                                       open later in the year in 2016 will cause
                                                comments, before arriving at the final                                  fishermen across all regions, to the                                      beneficial cumulative economic
                                                opening dates for the 2016 Atlantic                                     extent practicable. Depending on how                                      impacts, because it allows for a more
                                                shark management groups. For the 2016                                   quickly the quota is being harvested,                                     equitable distribution of the quotas
                                                fishing season, NMFS is opening all of                                  NMFS will reduce the retention limits                                     among constituents in this region,
                                                the shark management groups on                                          to ensure that fishermen farther north                                    consistent with the 2006 Consolidated
                                                January 1, 2016. The direct and indirect                                have sufficient quota for a fishery later                                 HMS FMP and its amendments.
                                                economic impacts will be neutral on a                                   in the 2016 fishing season. The direct                                       Section 212 of the Small Business
                                                short- and long-term basis for the Gulf                                 impacts to shark fishermen in the                                         Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of
                                                of Mexico blacktip shark, Gulf of                                       Atlantic region of reducing the trip limit                                1996 states that, for each rule or group
                                                Mexico aggregated LCS, Gulf of Mexico                                   depend on the needed reduction in the                                     of related rules for which an agency is
                                                hammerhead shark, Gulf of Mexico non-                                   trip limit and the timing of such a                                       required to prepare a FRFA, the agency
                                                blacknose shark SCS, Atlantic non-                                      reduction. Therefore, such a reduction                                    shall publish one or more guides to
                                                blacknose shark SCS, Atlantic blacknose                                 in the trip limit for directed shark                                      assist small entities in complying with
                                                shark, sandbar shark, blue shark,                                       limited access permit holders is only                                     the rule, and shall designate such
                                                porbeagle shark, and pelagic shark                                      anticipated to have minor adverse direct                                  publications as ‘‘small entity
                                                (other than porbeagle or blue sharks)                                   economic impacts to fishermen in the                                      compliance guides.’’ The agency shall
                                                management groups, because NMFS did                                     short-term; long-term impacts are not                                     explain the actions a small entity is
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                                                not change the opening dates of these                                   anticipated as these reductions would                                     required to take to comply with a rule
                                                fisheries from the status quo.                                          not be permanent.                                                         or group of rules. As part of this
                                                   Opening the aggregated LCS and                                          In the northern portion of the Atlantic                                rulemaking process, NMFS has prepared
                                                hammerhead shark management groups                                      region, a January 1 opening for the                                       a brochure summarizing fishery
                                                in the Atlantic region on January 1 will                                aggregated LCS and hammerhead shark                                       information and regulations for Atlantic
                                                result in short-term, direct, moderate,                                 management groups, with inseason trip                                     shark fisheries for 2016. This brochure
                                                beneficial economic impacts, as                                         limit adjustments to ensure quota is                                      also serves as the small entity

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                                                75008            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 230 / Tuesday, December 1, 2015 / Rules and Regulations

                                                compliance guide. Copies of the                         portion of its 2015 commercial Atlantic               combine bluefish commercial quota
                                                compliance guide are available from                     bluefish quota to the State of New York.              under § 648.162(e). The Regional
                                                NMFS (see ADDRESSES).                                   These quota adjustments are necessary                 Administrator is required to consider
                                                  Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C.           to comply with the Bluefish Fishery                   the criteria in § 648.162(e)(1) in the
                                                1801 et seq.                                            Management Plan quota transfer                        evaluation of requests for quota transfers
                                                                                                        provision. This announcement is                       or combinations.
                                                  Dated: November 20, 2015.
                                                                                                        intended to inform the public of the
                                                Samuel D. Rauch III,
                                                                                                        revised commercial quota for each state                  North Carolina has agreed to transfer
                                                Deputy Assistant Administrator for                      involved.                                             250,000 lb (113,398 kg) of its 2015
                                                Regulatory Programs, National Marine                                                                          commercial quota to New York. This
                                                Fisheries Service.                                      DATES: Effective November 30, 2015,
                                                                                                        through December 31, 2015.                            transfer was prompted by state officials
                                                [FR Doc. 2015–30032 Filed 11–30–15; 8:45 am]                                                                  in New York to address an overage of its
                                                                                                        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Reid
                                                BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                                                                        Lichwell, Fishery Management                          commercial bluefish quota and to
                                                                                                        Specialist, 978–281–9112.                             provide sufficient quota to allow the
                                                                                                                                                              fishery to remain open. The Regional
                                                DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                        Regulations governing the bluefish                    Administrator has determined that the
                                                National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        fishery are found at 50 CFR part 648.                 criteria set forth in § 648.162(e)(1) have
                                                Administration                                          The regulations require annual                        been met. The revised bluefish quotas
                                                                                                        specification of a commercial quota that              for calendar year 2015 are: North
                                                50 CFR Part 648                                         is apportioned among the coastal states               Carolina, 1,139,371 lb (512,727 kg); and
                                                                                                        from Florida through Maine. The                       New York, 1,094,304 lb (496,367 kg).
                                                [Docket No. 140117052–4402–02]
                                                                                                        process to set the annual commercial                  Classification
                                                RIN 0648–XE321                                          quota and the percent allocated to each
                                                                                                        state are described in § 648.162.                       This action is taken under 50 CFR
                                                Fisheries of the Northeastern United                       The final rule implementing
                                                States; Atlantic Bluefish Fishery;                                                                            part 648 and is exempt from review
                                                                                                        Amendment 1 to the Bluefish Fishery                   under Executive Order 12866.
                                                Quota Transfer                                          Management Plan, which was published
                                                                                                        in the Federal Register on July 26, 2000                Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
                                                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    (65 FR 45844), provided a mechanism                     Dated: November 25, 2015.
                                                Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      for bluefish quota to be transferred from             Emily H. Menashes,
                                                Commerce.                                               one state to another. Two or more states,
                                                                                                                                                              Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
                                                ACTION: Temporary rule; quota transfer.                 under mutual agreement and with the
                                                                                                                                                              Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                                                                        concurrence of the Administrator,
                                                                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2015–30447 Filed 11–30–15; 8:45 am]
                                                SUMMARY:  NMFS announces that the                       Greater Atlantic Region, NMFS
                                                State of North Carolina is transferring a               (Regional Administrator), can transfer or             BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
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Document Created: 2018-03-02 09:10:16
Document Modified: 2018-03-02 09:10:16
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule; fishing season notification.
DatesThis rule is effective on January 1, 2016. The 2016 Atlantic commercial shark fishing season opening dates and quotas are provided in Table 1 under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.
ContactGu[yacute] DuBeck or Karyl Brewster- Geisz at 301-427-8503.
FR Citation80 FR 74999 
RIN Number0648-XD89

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