80_FR_76630 80 FR 76394 - Fitness-for-Duty Programs

80 FR 76394 - Fitness-for-Duty Programs


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 236 (December 9, 2015)

Page Range76394-76398
FR Document2015-30578

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is discontinuing a rulemaking activity that would have amended its regulations governing fatigue management programs for nuclear power plant workers. The purpose of this action is to inform members of the public that this rulemaking activity is being discontinued and to provide a discussion of the NRC's decision to discontinue it.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 236 (Wednesday, December 9, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 236 (Wednesday, December 9, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 76394-76398]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-30578]

Proposed Rules
                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.


Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 236 / Wednesday, December 9, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 76394]]


10 CFR Part 26

RIN 3150-AF12

Fitness-for-Duty Programs

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Rulemaking activity; discontinuation.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is discontinuing 
a rulemaking activity that would have amended its regulations governing 
fatigue management programs for nuclear power plant workers. The 
purpose of this action is to inform members of the public that this 
rulemaking activity is being discontinued and to provide a discussion 
of the NRC's decision to discontinue it.

DATES: As of December 9, 2015, the rulemaking activity is discontinued.

ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2009-0090 when contacting the 
NRC about the availability of information for this action. You may 
obtain publicly-available information related to this action by any of 
the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to http://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2009-0090. Address 
questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher; telephone: 301-415-
3463; email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For technical questions, contact 
the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of 
this document.
     NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the 
ADAMS Public Document collection at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-m/adams.html. To begin the search, select ``ADAMS Public Documents'' and 
then select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, 
please contact the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 
1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or by email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. For 
the convenience of the reader, instructions about obtaining materials 
referenced in this document are provided in the ``Availability of 
Documents'' section.
     NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public 
documents at the NRC's PDR Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555 
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stewart Schneider, Office of Nuclear 
Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
20555-0001, telephone: 301-415-4123, email: Stewart.Schneider@nrc.gov.


I. Background

    On March 31, 2008, the NRC issued a final rule that substantially 
revised its regulations for fitness-for-duty programs in part 26 of 
Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), ``Fitness for 
Duty Programs.'' The 2008 final rule established 10 CFR part 26, 
subpart I, ``Managing Fatigue,'' to require that nuclear power plant 
licensees provide reasonable assurance that the effects of worker 
fatigue are managed commensurate with maintaining public health and 
safety. The regulations in 10 CFR part 26 require licensees to manage 
worker fatigue at reactors that are operating or under construction (no 
later than the receipt of special nuclear material in the form of fuel 
assemblies), for all individuals who are granted unescorted access to 
protected areas of the plant. The regulations also require licensees to 
control the work hours of those individuals whose work activities have 
the greatest potential to adversely affect public health and safety or 
the common defense and security if their performance is degraded by 
fatigue (e.g., licensed operators, maintenance technicians, security 
    The Commission's staff requirements memorandum (SRM), SRM-SECY-06-
0244, ``Final Rulemaking-10 CFR part 26-Fitness-for-Duty Programs,'' 
approving the 2008 final rule directed the NRC staff to ensure that 
personnel who actually perform independent quality control/quality 
verification (QC/QV) checks under the licensee's NRC-approved Quality 
Assurance Program are subject to the same 10 CFR part 26, subpart I, 
provisions as operating personnel defined in Sec.  26.4(a)(1). The SRM 
also directed the NRC staff to publish the final rule without the QC/QV 
provision, if the staff determined that its inclusion would require re-
notice and comment under the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946.
    Because the NRC staff determined that including the QC/QV provision 
would require re-noticing of the rule to provide a new opportunity for 
public comment, the NRC issued the final rule without imposing work 
hour controls on individuals performing QC/QV activities.\1\ As 
directed in the SRM, the NRC staff initiated a new proposed rulemaking 
to apply the work hour controls for operating personnel to the QC/QV-
dedicated personnel who perform QC/QV checks.\2\

    \1\ The QC/QV activities are a part of the planned and 
systematic actions under a licensee's quality assurance program that 
are necessary to provide adequate assurance that a safety-related 
structure, system, and component will perform satisfactorily in 
service. The QC/QV inspections are a subset of the QC/QV activities.
    \2\ ``QC/QV-dedicated personnel'' means individuals who perform 
QC/QV activities and are not otherwise subject to the work hour 
controls in 10 CFR part 26, subpart I.

    On September 10, 2012, the NRC published the regulatory basis and 
preliminary proposed rule language in support of the QC/QV proposed 
rulemaking. Because the documents were made publicly available to 
provide preparatory material for discussion in future public meetings, 
a public comment period was not initiated.
    The NRC staff held multiple public meetings between December 2011 
and February 2014 to discuss the QC/QV rulemaking and other potential 
changes to 10 CFR part 26, subpart I. The meetings were attended by 
members of the nuclear power reactor community, organized labor, 
contractors, and the media. Summaries of these meetings are publicly 
available at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket ID NRC-2009-0090.

II. Petitions for Rulemaking

    The NRC received petitions for rulemaking (PRMs) regarding 10 CFR 
part 26, subpart I, from the Professional Reactor Operator Society 
(PROS), the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), and Mr. Erik Erb following 
issuance of the 2008 final rule.

[[Page 76395]]

    In the SRM to SECY-11-0003/0028, ``Status of Enforcement Discretion 
Request and Rulemaking Activities Related to 10 CFR part 26, subpart I, 
`Managing Fatigue' and Options for Implementing an Alternative Interim 
Regulatory Approach to the Minimum Days Off Provisions of 10 CFR part 
26, subpart I, `Managing Fatigue,' '' the Commission directed the NRC 
staff to address these PRMs in a rulemaking effort separate from the 
alternative to the minimum days off (MDO) rulemaking. The scope of the 
alternative MDO rulemaking was limited solely to providing an 
alternative to the then-current requirements for minimum days off in 10 
CFR part 26, subpart I. This rulemaking provided a new requirement for 
working a 54-hour per week average over a rolling period of up to 6 
    On May 16, 2011, the NRC published three documents in the Federal 
Register (one for each PRM) informing the public that the issues raised 
in each PRM would be considered in the planned QC/QV rulemaking. The 
three PRMs are discussed below.

(1) PRM-26-3 Submitted by Robert N. Meyer on Behalf of PROS

    Robert N. Meyer on behalf of PROS, an organization of operations 
personnel employed at nuclear power plants throughout the United 
States, submitted a PRM dated October 16, 2009. The petitioner 
requested that the NRC change the term ``unit outage'' to ``site 
outage'' in 10 CFR part 26 and that the definition of ``site outage'' 
read ``up to 1 week prior to disconnecting the reactor unit from the 
grid and up to 75-percent turbine power following reconnection to the 
grid.'' The NRC published a notice of receipt of, and request for 
public comment on, the PRM on November 27, 2009. The public comment 
period ended on February 10, 2010, and the NRC received 4 comment 
letters from NEI, nuclear power plant operators and managers, and a 
private citizen. The comments generally supported the petition.

(2) PRM-26-5 Submitted by Anthony R. Pietrangelo on Behalf of NEI

    Anthony R. Pietrangelo on behalf of NEI, a nuclear power industry 
trade association, submitted a PRM dated September 3, 2010. The 
petitioner requested that the NRC amend its regulations regarding 
fitness-for-duty programs to refine existing requirements based on 
experience gained since the regulations were last amended in 2008. The 
NRC published a notice of receipt of, and request for public comment 
on, the PRM on October 22, 2010. The public comment period ended on 
January 5, 2011, and the NRC received 39 comment letters from 
corporations, professional organizations, and private citizens. Of 
these 39 comment letters, 11 specifically voiced support for the 
petition, while 13 voiced opposition. Those comment letters that voiced 
neither support for nor opposition to the petition itself discussed a 
diverse range of perspectives on the fatigue management provisions 
contained in 10 CFR part 26, subpart I.

(3) PRM-26-6 Submitted by Erik Erb and 91-Co-Signers

    Erik Erb and 91 co-signers submitted a PRM dated August 17, 2010. 
The NRC published a notice of receipt of, and request for public 
comment on, the PRM on November 23, 2010. The petitioner requested that 
the NRC amend its fitness-for-duty regulations to decrease the minimum 
days off requirement from an average of 3 days per week to 2.5 or 2 
days per week for security officers working 12-hour shifts. The public 
comment period ended on February 7, 2011, and the NRC received 5 
comment letters from coroporations, professional organizations, and 
private citizens. The comments generally supported the petition.

III. Rulemaking Discontinuation

    In SECY-15-0074, ``Discontinuation of Rulemaking Activity--Title 10 
of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 26, Subpart I, Quality Control 
and Quality Verification Personnel in Fitness for Duty Program,'' the 
NRC staff requested Commission approval to discontinue the QC/QV 
rulemaking. This request was based on the following factors: (1) QC/QV 
inspections are most often performed by maintenance personnel who are 
already covered by the work hour controls in 10 CFR part 26, subpart I; 
(2) the few remaining inspections are performed by a small number of 
QC/QV-dedicated personnel; and (3) backfitting \3\ the 10 CFR part 26, 
subpart I, work hour controls to the QC/QV-dedicated personnel would 
not result in a substantial increase in the overall protection of the 
public health and safety or common defense and security.

    \3\ 10 CFR 50.109, ``Backfitting.''

    In the SRM to SECY-15-0074, the Commission approved the NRC staff's 
request to discontinue the QC/QV rulemaking activity. The Commission 
directed the NRC staff to inform the public that the NRC is no longer 
pursuing rulemaking in this area and that the three PRMs will be 
addressed in a separate action.

IV. Public Comments Outside the Scope of the Alternative to the Minimum 
Days Off Proposed Rule

    On April 26, 2011, the NRC published a proposed rule to provide 
licensees with an option for managing cumulative fatigue that differed 
from the minimum days off requirements in Sec.  26.205(d)(3) (76 FR 
23208). The NRC received two comment submissions from private citizens 
on the proposed rule that were determined to be outside of the scope of 
that limited rulemaking activity. The Commission had previously 
directed the NRC staff in SRM-SECY-11-0003/0028 to consider in a 
separate rulemaking activity any comments on the alternative MDO 
proposed rule that were determined to be outside the limited scope of 
the rulemaking. Therefore, the Federal Register notice for the final 
rule stated that public comments outside of the scope of the proposed 
rule would be considered in the QC/QV rulemaking (76 FR 43534, 43540; 
July 21, 2011). Because the QC/QV rulemaking is being discontinued, the 
NRC's responses will be provided here.
    Comment: One commenter remarked that some duties do not require 
constant surveillance, so the individuals performing these duties 
should not be subject to the fatigue management requirements. The 
commenter also stated that it is more important to have a qualified 
person performing a task than it is to ensure that the person 
performing the task complies with the work hour controls. According to 
the commenter, the fatigue management requirements are too complex and 
do not guarantee that an individual subject to the work hour 
requirements will diligently perform his or her duties.
    NRC Response: The NRC agrees in part and disagrees in part with the 
comment. The NRC has consistently held that work conducted within the 
protected area of a nuclear power plant is of such safety significance 
that individuals granted unescorted access to those protected areas 
must be fit for duty, including management of the effects of cumulative 
and acute fatigue. However, the NRC recognizes the functions that 
individuals within different job categories perform differ in their 
potential impact on plant safety and security. Therefore, the NRC has 
identified specific categories of individuals in Sec.  26.4 who require 
additional work hour controls due to their job function. This graded 
approach provides the maximum flexibility for nuclear power plant 
licensees and individuals while providing reasonable assurance that 
those individuals granted

[[Page 76396]]

unescorted access to the protected areas of nuclear power plants are 
fit to safely and competently perform their duties free from the 
adverse effects of cumulative and acute fatigue.
    Further, the NRC has neither proposed nor finalized fatigue 
management regulations that require nuclear power plant licensees to 
choose between having a qualified individual perform a task or having a 
well-rested individual perform a task. For circumstances outside the 
licensee's reasonable control in which the potential for such a choice 
exists, Sec.  26.207, ``Waivers and exceptions,'' establishes specific 
conditions in which licensees may waive or exclude personnel from the 
work hour controls. In addition, licensees have the option to provide 
an escort to individuals who may be needed for a short period in 
unusual situations without subjecting them to the work hour controls. 
On a day-to-day basis, however, licensees need to ensure that personnel 
meet the applicable qualification requirements for the tasks they are 
assigned to perform and are fit for duty.
    The NRC also disagrees that the fatigue management requirements of 
10 CFR part 26, subpart I, including the voluntary alternative to the 
MDO provisions in Sec.  26.205(d)(3), are too complex. The NRC 
acknowledges that there are significant administrative requirements 
that are part of the fatigue management regulations. However, the NRC 
has sought out opportunities to relieve administrative burden where 
possible while still maintaining the performance objectives of the 
rule. For example, the voluntary alternative to the MDO provisions in 
Sec.  26.205(d)(3) provides a significant reduction in administrative 
burden as it permits nuclear power plant licensees to manage cumulative 
fatigue by limiting an individual's work hours to an average of not 
more than 54-hours per week over a 6-week rolling period.
    The NRC agrees, however, that compliance with the fatigue 
management provisions of 10 CFR part 26, subpart I, does not guarantee 
that an individual subject to the work hour requirements will 
diligently perform his or her duties. As stated in the statement of 
considerations for the 2008 part 26 final rule, compliance with the 
work hour requirements alone will not ensure proper fatigue management. 
It remains the responsibility of licensees and individuals granted 
unescorted access to nuclear power plants to ensure that individuals 
subject to the fatigue management provisions of 10 CFR part 26, subpart 
I, are properly rested to safely and competently perform their duties.
    Comment: One commenter claimed that the 10 CFR part 26, subpart I, 
work hour controls do not reduce worker fatigue during outages but can 
increase fatigue during outages. Specifically, the commenter noted that 
when an individual works a backshift (i.e., night shift) schedule 
during outages, taking a 1-day break disrupts that person's sleep 
pattern. Recovery from this disruption takes several days, therefore 
inducing fatigue. The commenter concluded that once a person adjusts to 
the unnatural sleep pattern of the night shift, it is far better to 
continue that pattern for the duration of the outage. The commenter 
also stated that the rule has caused a drop in his earnings.
    NRC Response: The NRC agrees in part with the comment. Under 
circumstances postulated by the commenter (i.e., a 1-day break during 
consecutive night shifts), the adjustment of an individual's sleep-wake 
cycle to night shift can be affected by cues that influence the sleep-
wake cycle, such as exposure to bright sunlight. However, the break and 
day off requirements of 10 CFR Part 26, subpart I, are minimum 
requirements (i.e., they do not require a schedule that provides only 
1-day off during consecutive night shifts, as described by the 
commenter), and they are not limited to serve as a means for 
establishing shift schedules. As stated in Section 2.3.5 of NUREG-1912, 
``Summary and Analysis of Public Comments Received on Proposed 
Revisions to 10 CFR part 26--Fitness for Duty Program,'' the NRC 
intends that the maximum work hour and minimum break and day off 
requirements that are specified in Sec.  26.205(d) be applied to 
infrequent, temporary circumstances. They should not be used as 
guidelines or limits for routine work scheduling. In addition, the 
Sec.  26.205(d) work hour controls do not address several elements of 
routine schedules that can significantly affect worker fatigue. These 
include shift length, the number of consecutive shifts, the duration of 
breaks between blocks of shifts, and the direction of shift rotation. 
Therefore, Sec.  26.205(c) requires licensees to schedule personnel 
consistent with preventing impairment from fatigue from these 
scheduling factors, including periods of high workload during outages.
    The rule requires licensees to address scheduling factors, because 
human alertness and the propensity to sleep vary markedly through the 
course of a 24-hour period. These circadian variations are the result 
of changes in physiology outside the control of the individual. Work, 
with the consequent timing of periods of sleep and wakefulness, may be 
scheduled in a manner that either facilitates an individual's 
adaptation to the work schedule or challenges the individual's ability 
to get adequate rest. Therefore, the duration, frequency, and 
sequencing of shifts, particularly for personnel who work rotating 
shifts, are critical elements of fatigue management. The importance of 
these elements for fatigue management is reflected in guidelines for 
work scheduling, such as the Electric Power Research Institute's 
report, EPRI-NP-6748, ``Control-Room Operator Alertness and Performance 
in Nuclear Power Plants,'' and in technical reports, such as the NRC's 
NUREG/CR-4248, ``Recommendations for NRC Policy on Shift Scheduling and 
Overtime at Nuclear Power Plants,'' and the Office of Technology 
Assessment's report, OTA-BA-463, ``Biological Rhythms: Implications for 
the Worker.'' Although research provides clear evidence of the 
importance of these factors in developing schedules that support 
effective fatigue management, the NRC also recognizes that the 
complexity of effectively addressing and integrating each of these 
factors in work scheduling decisions precludes a prescriptive 
requirement. Therefore, Sec.  26.205(c) establishes a non-prescriptive, 
performance-based requirement that also applies to shift scheduling 
during outages.
    Further, the NRC disagrees that the requirements of 10 CFR part 26, 
subpart I, have resulted in a pay cut for the commenter and notes that 
the work hour requirements require licensees to manage fatigue, in 
part, by limiting work hours, not compensation. Furthermore, the work 
hour controls provide licensees with a significant amount of 
flexibility when establishing schedules, and those work hour controls 
continue to allow for overtime. One objective of the NRC's fitness-for-
duty program is to ``provide reasonable assurance that the effects of 
fatigue and degraded alertness on individuals' abilities to safely and 
competently perform their duties are managed commensurate with 
maintaining public health and safety.'' Therefore, the NRC's focus and 
mission is on safety, not compensation and wages.

V. Availability of Documents

    The documents identified in the following table are available to 
interested persons as indicated.

[[Page 76397]]

                                            Adams accession No./Federal
                Document                     Register Notice/Web link
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,       ML102520362.
 NUREG/CR-4248 (PNL-5435),
 ``Recommendations for NRC Policy on
 Shift Scheduling and Overtime at
 Nuclear Power Plants'' (July 1985).
Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI-  http://www.epri.com/abstracts/
 NP-6748, ``Control-Room Operator          Pages/
 Alertness and Performance in Nuclear      ProductAbstract.aspx?ProductI
 Power Plants'' (March 1, 1990).           d=NP-6748.
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology       https://www.princeton.edu/~ota/
 Assessment, OTA-BA-463, ``Biological      disk1/1991/9108/9108.PDF.
 Rhythms: Implications for the Worker''
 (September 1991).
Staff Requirements--SECY-06-0244--Final   ML071070361.
 Rulemaking--10 CFR Part 26--Fitness-for-
 Duty Programs (April 17, 2007).
Fitness for Duty Programs; Final rule     73 FR 16966.
 (March 31, 2008).
PRM-26-3, Petition to Amend 10 CFR part   ML092960440.
 26, ``Fitness-for-Duty Programs,''
 filed by the Professional Reactor
 Operator Society, Docket ID NRC-2009-
 0482 (October 16, 2009).
Professional Reactor Operator Society;    74 FR 62257.
 Notice of Receipt of Petition for
 Rulemaking [Docket No. PRM-26-3; NRC-
 2009-0482] (November 27, 2009).
PRM-26-6, Petition to Amend 10 CFR part   ML102630127.
 26, ``Fitness-for-Duty Programs,''
 filed by Erik Erb, Docket ID NRC-2010-
 0310 (August 17, 2010).
PRM-26-5, Petition to Amend 10 CFR part   ML102590440.
 26, ``Fitness-for-Duty Programs,''
 filed by the Nuclear Energy Institute,
 Docket ID NRC-2010-0304 (September 3,
Anthony R. Pietrangelo on Behalf of the   75 FR 65249.
 Nuclear Energy Institute; Notice of
 Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
 [Docket No. PRM-26-5; NRC-2010-0304]
 (October 22, 2010).
Erik Erb; Notice of Receipt of Petition   75 FR 71368.
 for Rulemaking [Docket No. PRM-26-6;
 NRC-2010-0310] (November 23, 2010).
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,       ML110310431.
 NUREG-1912, ``Summary and Analysis of
 Public Comments Received on Proposed
 Revisions to 10 CFR Part 26--Fitness
 for Duty Programs'' (Comments received
 between August 26, 2005 and May 10,
 2007) (December 2010).
Staff Requirements--SECY-11-0003--Status  ML110830971.
 of Enforcement Discretion Request and
 Rulemaking Activities Related to 10 CFR
 Part 26, Subpart I, ``Managing
 Fatigue'' and SECY-11-0028--Options for
 Implementing an Alternative Interim
 Regulatory Approach to the Minimum Days
 Off Provisions of 10 CFR Part 26,
 Subpart I, ``Managing Fatigue'' (March
 24, 2011).
Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by the  76 FR 28192.
 Professional Reactor Operator Society;
 Petition for rulemaking consideration
 in the rulemaking process [Docket No.
 PRM-26-3; NRC-2009-0482] (May 16, 2011).
Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by the  76 FR 28192.
 Nuclear Energy Institute; Petition for
 rulemaking consideration in the
 rulemaking process [Docket No. PRM-26-
 5; NRC-2010-0304] (May 16, 2011).
Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by      76 FR 28191.
 Erik Erb and 91 Cosigners; Petition for
 rulemaking consideration in the
 rulemaking process [Docket No. PRM-26-
 6; NRC-2010-0310] (May 16, 2011).
Comments of Mr. Harry Sloan [Docket ID    ML11144A157.
 NRC-2011-0058] (May 22, 2011).
Comments of Mr. Mark Callahan [Docket ID  ML11146A110.
 NRC-2011-0058] (May 25, 2011).
SECY-15-0074, Discontinuation of          ML15084A092.
 Rulemaking Activity--Title 10 of the
 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26,
 Subpart I, Quality Control and Quality
 Verification Personnel in Fitness for
 Duty Program (May 19, 2015).
Staff Requirements--SECY-15-0074--        ML15195A577.
 Discontinuation of Rulemaking Activity-
 Title 10 of the Code of Federal
 Regulations Part 26, Subpart I, Quality
 Control and Quality Verification
 Personnel in Fitness for Duty Program
 (July 14, 2015).

    The NRC may post materials related to this document on the Federal 
rulemaking Web site at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket ID NRC-
2009-0090. The Federal rulemaking Web site allows you to receive alerts 
when changes or additions occur in a docket folder. To subscribe: (1) 
Navigate to the docket folder (NRC-2009-0090); (2) click the ``Sign up 
for Emails Alerts'' link; and (3) enter your email address and select 
how frequently you would like to receive emails (daily, weekly, or 

VI. Conclusion

    The NRC is discontinuing the QC/QV rulemaking activity for the 
reasons previously stated. This rulemaking will no longer be reported 
in the NRC's portion of the Unified Agenda of Regulatory and 
Deregulatory Actions. Should the NRC determine to pursue rulemaking in 
this area in the future, NRC will inform the public through a new 
rulemaking entry in the Unified Agenda. While the three notices in the 
Federal Register published on May 16, 2011, stated that the PRM dockets 
are closed, the NRC will issue a subsequent action on the determination 
of these PRMs.

[[Page 76398]]

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 19th day of November, 2015.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Victor M. McCree,
Executive Director for Operations.
[FR Doc. 2015-30578 Filed 12-8-15; 8:45 am]


                                                    Proposed Rules                                                                                                Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                                  Vol. 80, No. 236

                                                                                                                                                                  Wednesday, December 9, 2015

                                                    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                    Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,                    are subject to the same 10 CFR part 26,
                                                    contains notices to the public of the proposed          please contact the NRC’s Public                       subpart I, provisions as operating
                                                    issuance of rules and regulations. The                  Document Room (PDR) reference staff at                personnel defined in § 26.4(a)(1). The
                                                    purpose of these notices is to give interested          1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by                   SRM also directed the NRC staff to
                                                    persons an opportunity to participate in the            email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. For the                publish the final rule without the QC/
                                                    rule making prior to the adoption of the final
                                                                                                            convenience of the reader, instructions               QV provision, if the staff determined
                                                                                                            about obtaining materials referenced in               that its inclusion would require re-
                                                                                                            this document are provided in the                     notice and comment under the
                                                    NUCLEAR REGULATORY                                      ‘‘Availability of Documents’’ section.                Administrative Procedure Act of 1946.
                                                    COMMISSION                                                 • NRC’s PDR: You may examine and                     Because the NRC staff determined that
                                                                                                            purchase copies of public documents at                including the QC/QV provision would
                                                    10 CFR Part 26                                          the NRC’s PDR Room O1–F21, One                        require re-noticing of the rule to provide
                                                                                                            White Flint North, 11555 Rockville                    a new opportunity for public comment,
                                                                                                            Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.                      the NRC issued the final rule without
                                                    RIN 3150–AF12                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      imposing work hour controls on
                                                                                                            Stewart Schneider, Office of Nuclear                  individuals performing QC/QV
                                                    Fitness-for-Duty Programs                               Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear                      activities.1 As directed in the SRM, the
                                                    AGENCY:  Nuclear Regulatory                             Regulatory Commission, Washington,                    NRC staff initiated a new proposed
                                                    Commission.                                             DC 20555–0001, telephone: 301–415–                    rulemaking to apply the work hour
                                                    ACTION: Rulemaking activity;                            4123, email: Stewart.Schneider@nrc.gov.               controls for operating personnel to the
                                                    discontinuation.                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            QC/QV-dedicated personnel who
                                                                                                                                                                  perform QC/QV checks.2
                                                    SUMMARY:   The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                  I. Background                                           On September 10, 2012, the NRC
                                                    Commission (NRC) is discontinuing a                        On March 31, 2008, the NRC issued                  published the regulatory basis and
                                                    rulemaking activity that would have                     a final rule that substantially revised its           preliminary proposed rule language in
                                                    amended its regulations governing                       regulations for fitness-for-duty programs             support of the QC/QV proposed
                                                    fatigue management programs for                         in part 26 of Title 10 of the Code of                 rulemaking. Because the documents
                                                    nuclear power plant workers. The                        Federal Regulations (10 CFR), ‘‘Fitness               were made publicly available to provide
                                                    purpose of this action is to inform                     for Duty Programs.’’ The 2008 final rule              preparatory material for discussion in
                                                    members of the public that this                         established 10 CFR part 26, subpart I,                future public meetings, a public
                                                    rulemaking activity is being                            ‘‘Managing Fatigue,’’ to require that                 comment period was not initiated.
                                                    discontinued and to provide a                           nuclear power plant licensees provide                   The NRC staff held multiple public
                                                    discussion of the NRC’s decision to                     reasonable assurance that the effects of              meetings between December 2011 and
                                                    discontinue it.                                         worker fatigue are managed                            February 2014 to discuss the QC/QV
                                                    DATES: As of December 9, 2015, the                      commensurate with maintaining public                  rulemaking and other potential changes
                                                    rulemaking activity is discontinued.                    health and safety. The regulations in 10              to 10 CFR part 26, subpart I. The
                                                    ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID                    CFR part 26 require licensees to manage               meetings were attended by members of
                                                    NRC–2009–0090 when contacting the                       worker fatigue at reactors that are                   the nuclear power reactor community,
                                                    NRC about the availability of                           operating or under construction (no                   organized labor, contractors, and the
                                                    information for this action. You may                    later than the receipt of special nuclear             media. Summaries of these meetings are
                                                    obtain publicly-available information                   material in the form of fuel assemblies),             publicly available at http://
                                                    related to this action by any of the                    for all individuals who are granted                   www.regulations.gov under Docket ID
                                                    following methods:                                      unescorted access to protected areas of               NRC–2009–0090.
                                                       • Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to                 the plant. The regulations also require               II. Petitions for Rulemaking
                                                    http://www.regulations.gov and search                   licensees to control the work hours of
                                                    for Docket ID NRC–2009–0090. Address                    those individuals whose work activities                  The NRC received petitions for
                                                    questions about NRC dockets to Carol                    have the greatest potential to adversely              rulemaking (PRMs) regarding 10 CFR
                                                    Gallagher; telephone: 301–415–3463;                     affect public health and safety or the                part 26, subpart I, from the Professional
                                                    email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For                     common defense and security if their                  Reactor Operator Society (PROS), the
                                                    technical questions, contact the                        performance is degraded by fatigue (e.g.,             Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), and Mr.
                                                    individual listed in the FOR FURTHER                    licensed operators, maintenance                       Erik Erb following issuance of the 2008
                                                    INFORMATION CONTACT section of this                     technicians, security officers).                      final rule.
                                                    document.                                                  The Commission’s staff requirements
                                                       • NRC’s Agencywide Documents                         memorandum (SRM), SRM–SECY–06–                          1 The QC/QV activities are a part of the planned
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    Access and Management System                            0244, ‘‘Final Rulemaking–10 CFR part                  and systematic actions under a licensee’s quality
                                                                                                                                                                  assurance program that are necessary to provide
                                                    (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-                       26–Fitness-for-Duty Programs,’’                       adequate assurance that a safety-related structure,
                                                    available documents online in the                       approving the 2008 final rule directed                system, and component will perform satisfactorily
                                                    ADAMS Public Document collection at                     the NRC staff to ensure that personnel                in service. The QC/QV inspections are a subset of
                                                    http://www.nrc.gov/reading-m/                           who actually perform independent                      the QC/QV activities.
                                                                                                                                                                    2 ‘‘QC/QV-dedicated personnel’’ means
                                                    adams.html. To begin the search, select                 quality control/quality verification (QC/             individuals who perform QC/QV activities and are
                                                    ‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then                     QV) checks under the licensee’s NRC-                  not otherwise subject to the work hour controls in
                                                    select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS                          approved Quality Assurance Program                    10 CFR part 26, subpart I.

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 236 / Wednesday, December 9, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                             76395

                                                       In the SRM to SECY–11–0003/0028,                     January 5, 2011, and the NRC received                   IV. Public Comments Outside the Scope
                                                    ‘‘Status of Enforcement Discretion                      39 comment letters from corporations,                   of the Alternative to the Minimum Days
                                                    Request and Rulemaking Activities                       professional organizations, and private                 Off Proposed Rule
                                                    Related to 10 CFR part 26, subpart I,                   citizens. Of these 39 comment letters, 11                  On April 26, 2011, the NRC published
                                                    ‘Managing Fatigue’ and Options for                      specifically voiced support for the                     a proposed rule to provide licensees
                                                    Implementing an Alternative Interim                     petition, while 13 voiced opposition.                   with an option for managing cumulative
                                                    Regulatory Approach to the Minimum                      Those comment letters that voiced                       fatigue that differed from the minimum
                                                    Days Off Provisions of 10 CFR part 26,                  neither support for nor opposition to the               days off requirements in § 26.205(d)(3)
                                                    subpart I, ‘Managing Fatigue,’ ’’ the                   petition itself discussed a diverse range               (76 FR 23208). The NRC received two
                                                    Commission directed the NRC staff to                    of perspectives on the fatigue                          comment submissions from private
                                                    address these PRMs in a rulemaking                      management provisions contained in 10                   citizens on the proposed rule that were
                                                    effort separate from the alternative to                 CFR part 26, subpart I.                                 determined to be outside of the scope of
                                                    the minimum days off (MDO)                                                                                      that limited rulemaking activity. The
                                                    rulemaking. The scope of the alternative                (3) PRM–26–6 Submitted by Erik Erb
                                                                                                            and 91-Co-Signers                                       Commission had previously directed the
                                                    MDO rulemaking was limited solely to
                                                                                                                                                                    NRC staff in SRM–SECY–11–0003/0028
                                                    providing an alternative to the then-
                                                                                                               Erik Erb and 91 co-signers submitted                 to consider in a separate rulemaking
                                                    current requirements for minimum days
                                                                                                            a PRM dated August 17, 2010. The NRC                    activity any comments on the
                                                    off in 10 CFR part 26, subpart I. This
                                                                                                            published a notice of receipt of, and                   alternative MDO proposed rule that
                                                    rulemaking provided a new requirement
                                                                                                            request for public comment on, the PRM                  were determined to be outside the
                                                    for working a 54-hour per week average
                                                                                                            on November 23, 2010. The petitioner                    limited scope of the rulemaking.
                                                    over a rolling period of up to 6 weeks.
                                                       On May 16, 2011, the NRC published                   requested that the NRC amend its                        Therefore, the Federal Register notice
                                                    three documents in the Federal Register                 fitness-for-duty regulations to decrease                for the final rule stated that public
                                                    (one for each PRM) informing the public                 the minimum days off requirement from                   comments outside of the scope of the
                                                    that the issues raised in each PRM                      an average of 3 days per week to 2.5 or                 proposed rule would be considered in
                                                    would be considered in the planned                      2 days per week for security officers                   the QC/QV rulemaking (76 FR 43534,
                                                    QC/QV rulemaking. The three PRMs are                    working 12-hour shifts. The public                      43540; July 21, 2011). Because the QC/
                                                    discussed below.                                        comment period ended on February 7,                     QV rulemaking is being discontinued,
                                                                                                            2011, and the NRC received 5 comment                    the NRC’s responses will be provided
                                                    (1) PRM–26–3 Submitted by Robert N.                     letters from coroporations, professional                here.
                                                    Meyer on Behalf of PROS                                 organizations, and private citizens. The                   Comment: One commenter remarked
                                                       Robert N. Meyer on behalf of PROS,                   comments generally supported the                        that some duties do not require constant
                                                    an organization of operations personnel                 petition.                                               surveillance, so the individuals
                                                    employed at nuclear power plants                                                                                performing these duties should not be
                                                    throughout the United States, submitted                 III. Rulemaking Discontinuation                         subject to the fatigue management
                                                    a PRM dated October 16, 2009. The                                                                               requirements. The commenter also
                                                                                                               In SECY–15–0074, ‘‘Discontinuation
                                                    petitioner requested that the NRC                                                                               stated that it is more important to have
                                                                                                            of Rulemaking Activity—Title 10 of the
                                                    change the term ‘‘unit outage’’ to ‘‘site                                                                       a qualified person performing a task
                                                                                                            Code of Federal Regulations Part 26,
                                                    outage’’ in 10 CFR part 26 and that the                                                                         than it is to ensure that the person
                                                                                                            Subpart I, Quality Control and Quality
                                                    definition of ‘‘site outage’’ read ‘‘up to                                                                      performing the task complies with the
                                                                                                            Verification Personnel in Fitness for
                                                    1 week prior to disconnecting the                                                                               work hour controls. According to the
                                                                                                            Duty Program,’’ the NRC staff requested
                                                    reactor unit from the grid and up to 75-                                                                        commenter, the fatigue management
                                                                                                            Commission approval to discontinue the
                                                    percent turbine power following                                                                                 requirements are too complex and do
                                                                                                            QC/QV rulemaking. This request was
                                                    reconnection to the grid.’’ The NRC                                                                             not guarantee that an individual subject
                                                                                                            based on the following factors: (1) QC/
                                                    published a notice of receipt of, and                                                                           to the work hour requirements will
                                                                                                            QV inspections are most often
                                                    request for public comment on, the PRM                                                                          diligently perform his or her duties.
                                                                                                            performed by maintenance personnel                         NRC Response: The NRC agrees in
                                                    on November 27, 2009. The public                        who are already covered by the work
                                                    comment period ended on February 10,                                                                            part and disagrees in part with the
                                                                                                            hour controls in 10 CFR part 26, subpart                comment. The NRC has consistently
                                                    2010, and the NRC received 4 comment                    I; (2) the few remaining inspections are
                                                    letters from NEI, nuclear power plant                                                                           held that work conducted within the
                                                                                                            performed by a small number of QC/QV-                   protected area of a nuclear power plant
                                                    operators and managers, and a private                   dedicated personnel; and (3)
                                                    citizen. The comments generally                                                                                 is of such safety significance that
                                                                                                            backfitting 3 the 10 CFR part 26, subpart               individuals granted unescorted access to
                                                    supported the petition.                                 I, work hour controls to the QC/QV-                     those protected areas must be fit for
                                                    (2) PRM–26–5 Submitted by Anthony R.                    dedicated personnel would not result in                 duty, including management of the
                                                    Pietrangelo on Behalf of NEI                            a substantial increase in the overall                   effects of cumulative and acute fatigue.
                                                      Anthony R. Pietrangelo on behalf of                   protection of the public health and                     However, the NRC recognizes the
                                                    NEI, a nuclear power industry trade                     safety or common defense and security.                  functions that individuals within
                                                    association, submitted a PRM dated                         In the SRM to SECY–15–0074, the                      different job categories perform differ in
                                                    September 3, 2010. The petitioner                       Commission approved the NRC staff’s                     their potential impact on plant safety
                                                    requested that the NRC amend its                        request to discontinue the QC/QV                        and security. Therefore, the NRC has
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    regulations regarding fitness-for-duty                  rulemaking activity. The Commission                     identified specific categories of
                                                    programs to refine existing requirements                directed the NRC staff to inform the                    individuals in § 26.4 who require
                                                    based on experience gained since the                    public that the NRC is no longer                        additional work hour controls due to
                                                    regulations were last amended in 2008.                  pursuing rulemaking in this area and                    their job function. This graded approach
                                                    The NRC published a notice of receipt                   that the three PRMs will be addressed                   provides the maximum flexibility for
                                                    of, and request for public comment on,                  in a separate action.                                   nuclear power plant licensees and
                                                    the PRM on October 22, 2010. The                                                                                individuals while providing reasonable
                                                    public comment period ended on                            3 10   CFR 50.109, ‘‘Backfitting.’’                   assurance that those individuals granted

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                                                    76396              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 236 / Wednesday, December 9, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                    unescorted access to the protected areas                safely and competently perform their                  physiology outside the control of the
                                                    of nuclear power plants are fit to safely               duties.                                               individual. Work, with the consequent
                                                    and competently perform their duties                       Comment: One commenter claimed                     timing of periods of sleep and
                                                    free from the adverse effects of                        that the 10 CFR part 26, subpart I, work              wakefulness, may be scheduled in a
                                                    cumulative and acute fatigue.                           hour controls do not reduce worker                    manner that either facilitates an
                                                       Further, the NRC has neither                         fatigue during outages but can increase               individual’s adaptation to the work
                                                    proposed nor finalized fatigue                          fatigue during outages. Specifically, the             schedule or challenges the individual’s
                                                    management regulations that require                     commenter noted that when an                          ability to get adequate rest. Therefore,
                                                    nuclear power plant licensees to choose                 individual works a backshift (i.e., night             the duration, frequency, and sequencing
                                                    between having a qualified individual                   shift) schedule during outages, taking a              of shifts, particularly for personnel who
                                                    perform a task or having a well-rested                  1-day break disrupts that person’s sleep              work rotating shifts, are critical
                                                    individual perform a task. For                          pattern. Recovery from this disruption                elements of fatigue management. The
                                                    circumstances outside the licensee’s                    takes several days, therefore inducing                importance of these elements for fatigue
                                                    reasonable control in which the                         fatigue. The commenter concluded that                 management is reflected in guidelines
                                                    potential for such a choice exists,                     once a person adjusts to the unnatural                for work scheduling, such as the Electric
                                                    § 26.207, ‘‘Waivers and exceptions,’’                   sleep pattern of the night shift, it is far           Power Research Institute’s report, EPRI–
                                                    establishes specific conditions in which                better to continue that pattern for the
                                                                                                                                                                  NP–6748, ‘‘Control-Room Operator
                                                    licensees may waive or exclude                          duration of the outage. The commenter
                                                                                                                                                                  Alertness and Performance in Nuclear
                                                    personnel from the work hour controls.                  also stated that the rule has caused a
                                                                                                                                                                  Power Plants,’’ and in technical reports,
                                                    In addition, licensees have the option to               drop in his earnings.
                                                                                                               NRC Response: The NRC agrees in                    such as the NRC’s NUREG/CR–4248,
                                                    provide an escort to individuals who
                                                                                                            part with the comment. Under                          ‘‘Recommendations for NRC Policy on
                                                    may be needed for a short period in
                                                    unusual situations without subjecting                   circumstances postulated by the                       Shift Scheduling and Overtime at
                                                    them to the work hour controls. On a                    commenter (i.e., a 1-day break during                 Nuclear Power Plants,’’ and the Office of
                                                    day-to-day basis, however, licensees                    consecutive night shifts), the adjustment             Technology Assessment’s report, OTA–
                                                    need to ensure that personnel meet the                  of an individual’s sleep-wake cycle to                BA–463, ‘‘Biological Rhythms:
                                                    applicable qualification requirements                   night shift can be affected by cues that              Implications for the Worker.’’ Although
                                                    for the tasks they are assigned to                      influence the sleep-wake cycle, such as               research provides clear evidence of the
                                                    perform and are fit for duty.                           exposure to bright sunlight. However,                 importance of these factors in
                                                       The NRC also disagrees that the                      the break and day off requirements of 10              developing schedules that support
                                                    fatigue management requirements of 10                   CFR Part 26, subpart I, are minimum                   effective fatigue management, the NRC
                                                    CFR part 26, subpart I, including the                   requirements (i.e., they do not require a             also recognizes that the complexity of
                                                    voluntary alternative to the MDO                        schedule that provides only 1-day off                 effectively addressing and integrating
                                                    provisions in § 26.205(d)(3), are too                   during consecutive night shifts, as                   each of these factors in work scheduling
                                                    complex. The NRC acknowledges that                      described by the commenter), and they                 decisions precludes a prescriptive
                                                    there are significant administrative                    are not limited to serve as a means for               requirement. Therefore, § 26.205(c)
                                                    requirements that are part of the fatigue               establishing shift schedules. As stated in            establishes a non-prescriptive,
                                                    management regulations. However, the                    Section 2.3.5 of NUREG–1912,                          performance-based requirement that
                                                    NRC has sought out opportunities to                     ‘‘Summary and Analysis of Public                      also applies to shift scheduling during
                                                    relieve administrative burden where                     Comments Received on Proposed                         outages.
                                                    possible while still maintaining the                    Revisions to 10 CFR part 26—Fitness for                  Further, the NRC disagrees that the
                                                    performance objectives of the rule. For                 Duty Program,’’ the NRC intends that                  requirements of 10 CFR part 26, subpart
                                                    example, the voluntary alternative to the               the maximum work hour and minimum                     I, have resulted in a pay cut for the
                                                    MDO provisions in § 26.205(d)(3)                        break and day off requirements that are               commenter and notes that the work
                                                    provides a significant reduction in                     specified in § 26.205(d) be applied to                hour requirements require licensees to
                                                    administrative burden as it permits                     infrequent, temporary circumstances.                  manage fatigue, in part, by limiting
                                                    nuclear power plant licensees to manage                 They should not be used as guidelines                 work hours, not compensation.
                                                    cumulative fatigue by limiting an                       or limits for routine work scheduling. In             Furthermore, the work hour controls
                                                    individual’s work hours to an average of                addition, the § 26.205(d) work hour
                                                                                                                                                                  provide licensees with a significant
                                                    not more than 54-hours per week over                    controls do not address several elements
                                                                                                                                                                  amount of flexibility when establishing
                                                    a 6-week rolling period.                                of routine schedules that can
                                                       The NRC agrees, however, that                                                                              schedules, and those work hour controls
                                                                                                            significantly affect worker fatigue. These
                                                    compliance with the fatigue                                                                                   continue to allow for overtime. One
                                                                                                            include shift length, the number of
                                                    management provisions of 10 CFR part                                                                          objective of the NRC’s fitness-for-duty
                                                                                                            consecutive shifts, the duration of
                                                    26, subpart I, does not guarantee that an                                                                     program is to ‘‘provide reasonable
                                                                                                            breaks between blocks of shifts, and the
                                                    individual subject to the work hour                                                                           assurance that the effects of fatigue and
                                                                                                            direction of shift rotation. Therefore,
                                                    requirements will diligently perform his                                                                      degraded alertness on individuals’
                                                                                                            § 26.205(c) requires licensees to
                                                    or her duties. As stated in the statement                                                                     abilities to safely and competently
                                                                                                            schedule personnel consistent with
                                                    of considerations for the 2008 part 26                                                                        perform their duties are managed
                                                                                                            preventing impairment from fatigue
                                                    final rule, compliance with the work                    from these scheduling factors, including              commensurate with maintaining public
                                                                                                                                                                  health and safety.’’ Therefore, the NRC’s
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    hour requirements alone will not ensure                 periods of high workload during
                                                    proper fatigue management. It remains                   outages.                                              focus and mission is on safety, not
                                                    the responsibility of licensees and                        The rule requires licensees to address             compensation and wages.
                                                    individuals granted unescorted access to                scheduling factors, because human                     V. Availability of Documents
                                                    nuclear power plants to ensure that                     alertness and the propensity to sleep
                                                    individuals subject to the fatigue                      vary markedly through the course of a                   The documents identified in the
                                                    management provisions of 10 CFR part                    24-hour period. These circadian                       following table are available to
                                                    26, subpart I, are properly rested to                   variations are the result of changes in               interested persons as indicated.

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                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 236 / Wednesday, December 9, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                               76397

                                                                                          Document                                                   Adams accession No./Federal Register Notice/Web link

                                                    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR–4248 (PNL–5435),                             ML102520362.
                                                       ‘‘Recommendations for NRC Policy on Shift Scheduling and Overtime at
                                                       Nuclear Power Plants’’ (July 1985).
                                                    Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI–NP–6748, ‘‘Control-Room Oper-                     http://www.epri.com/abstracts/Pages/ProductAbstract.aspx
                                                       ator Alertness and Performance in Nuclear Power Plants’’ (March 1,                        ?ProductId=NP–6748.
                                                    U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, OTA–BA–463, ‘‘Biologi-                    https://www.princeton.edu/∼ota/disk1/1991/9108/9108.PDF.
                                                       cal Rhythms: Implications for the Worker’’ (September 1991).
                                                    Staff Requirements—SECY–06–0244—Final Rulemaking—10 CFR Part                              ML071070361.
                                                       26—Fitness-for-Duty Programs (April 17, 2007).
                                                    Fitness for Duty Programs; Final rule (March 31, 2008) ................................   73 FR 16966.
                                                    PRM–26–3, Petition to Amend 10 CFR part 26, ‘‘Fitness–for–Duty Pro-                       ML092960440.
                                                       grams,’’ filed by the Professional Reactor Operator Society, Docket ID
                                                       NRC–2009–0482 (October 16, 2009).
                                                    Professional Reactor Operator Society; Notice of Receipt of Petition for                  74 FR 62257.
                                                       Rulemaking [Docket No. PRM–26–3; NRC–2009–0482] (November 27,
                                                    PRM–26–6, Petition to Amend 10 CFR part 26, ‘‘Fitness–for–Duty Pro-                       ML102630127.
                                                       grams,’’ filed by Erik Erb, Docket ID NRC–2010–0310 (August 17, 2010).
                                                    PRM–26–5, Petition to Amend 10 CFR part 26, ‘‘Fitness–for–Duty Pro-                       ML102590440.
                                                       grams,’’ filed by the Nuclear Energy Institute, Docket ID NRC–2010–
                                                       0304 (September 3, 2010).
                                                    Anthony R. Pietrangelo on Behalf of the Nuclear Energy Institute; Notice of               75 FR 65249.
                                                       Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking [Docket No. PRM–26–5; NRC–2010–
                                                       0304] (October 22, 2010).
                                                    Erik Erb; Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking [Docket No. PRM–                   75 FR 71368.
                                                       26–6; NRC–2010–0310] (November 23, 2010).
                                                    U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG–1912, ‘‘Summary and Anal-                       ML110310431.
                                                       ysis of Public Comments Received on Proposed Revisions to 10 CFR
                                                       Part 26—Fitness for Duty Programs’’ (Comments received between Au-
                                                       gust 26, 2005 and May 10, 2007) (December 2010).
                                                    Staff Requirements—SECY–11–0003—Status of Enforcement Discretion                          ML110830971.
                                                       Request and Rulemaking Activities Related to 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart
                                                       I, ‘‘Managing Fatigue’’ and SECY–11–0028—Options for Implementing
                                                       an Alternative Interim Regulatory Approach to the Minimum Days Off
                                                       Provisions of 10 CFR Part 26, Subpart I, ‘‘Managing Fatigue’’ (March 24,
                                                    Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by the Professional Reactor Operator                    76 FR 28192.
                                                       Society; Petition for rulemaking consideration in the rulemaking process
                                                       [Docket No. PRM–26–3; NRC–2009–0482] (May 16, 2011).
                                                    Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by the Nuclear Energy Institute; Petition               76 FR 28192.
                                                       for rulemaking consideration in the rulemaking process [Docket No.
                                                       PRM–26–5; NRC–2010–0304] (May 16, 2011).
                                                    Petition for Rulemaking Submitted by Erik Erb and 91 Cosigners; Petition                  76 FR 28191.
                                                       for rulemaking consideration in the rulemaking process [Docket No.
                                                       PRM–26–6; NRC–2010–0310] (May 16, 2011).
                                                    Comments of Mr. Harry Sloan [Docket ID NRC–2011–0058] (May 22,                            ML11144A157.
                                                    Comments of Mr. Mark Callahan [Docket ID NRC–2011–0058] (May 25,                          ML11146A110.
                                                    SECY–15–0074, Discontinuation of Rulemaking Activity—Title 10 of the                      ML15084A092.
                                                       Code of Federal Regulations Part 26, Subpart I, Quality Control and
                                                       Quality Verification Personnel in Fitness for Duty Program (May 19,
                                                    Staff Requirements—SECY–15–0074—Discontinuation of Rulemaking Ac-                         ML15195A577.
                                                       tivity–Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 26, Subpart I,
                                                       Quality Control and Quality Verification Personnel in Fitness for Duty
                                                       Program (July 14, 2015).

                                                      The NRC may post materials related                    email address and select how frequently               Should the NRC determine to pursue
                                                    to this document on the Federal                         you would like to receive emails (daily,              rulemaking in this area in the future,
                                                    rulemaking Web site at http://                          weekly, or monthly).                                  NRC will inform the public through a
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                    www.regulations.gov under Docket ID                                                                           new rulemaking entry in the Unified
                                                                                                            VI. Conclusion
                                                    NRC–2009–0090. The Federal                                                                                    Agenda. While the three notices in the
                                                    rulemaking Web site allows you to                         The NRC is discontinuing the QC/QV                  Federal Register published on May 16,
                                                    receive alerts when changes or additions                rulemaking activity for the reasons                   2011, stated that the PRM dockets are
                                                    occur in a docket folder. To subscribe:                 previously stated. This rulemaking will               closed, the NRC will issue a subsequent
                                                    (1) Navigate to the docket folder (NRC–                 no longer be reported in the NRC’s                    action on the determination of these
                                                    2009–0090); (2) click the ‘‘Sign up for                 portion of the Unified Agenda of                      PRMs.
                                                    Emails Alerts’’ link; and (3) enter your                Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.

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                                                    76398              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 236 / Wednesday, December 9, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 19th day             For service information identified in               PA–31, PA–31–300, PA–31–325, and
                                                    of November, 2015.                                      this proposed AD, contact Piper                       PA–31–350 airplanes. AD 96–12–12
                                                      For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.                Aircraft, Inc., 2926 Piper Drive, Vero                requires a one-time inspection of the
                                                    Victor M. McCree,                                       Beach, FL 32960; telephone: (415) 330–                bulkhead assembly at fuselage station
                                                    Executive Director for Operations.                      9500; email: sales@atp.com; and                       (FS) 317.75 for cracks and the
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–30578 Filed 12–8–15; 8:45 am]             Internet: http://www.piper.com/                       installation of one of two reinforcement
                                                    BILLING CODE 7590–01–P
                                                                                                            technical-publications/. You may view                 kits, determined by whether cracks were
                                                                                                            this referenced service information at                found during the inspection. AD 96–12–
                                                                                                            the FAA, Small Airplane Directorate,                  12 resulted from cracks found in the FS
                                                                                                            901 Locust, Kansas City, Missouri                     317.75 upper bulkhead. We issued AD
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                                            64106. For information on the                         96–12–12 to prevent structural failure of
                                                    Federal Aviation Administration                         availability of this material at the FAA,             the vertical fin forward spar caused by
                                                                                                            call (816) 329–4148.                                  cracks in the FS 317.75 upper bulkhead,
                                                    14 CFR Part 39                                          Examining the AD Docket                               which could lead to loss of control.
                                                    [Docket No. FAA–2015–7205; Directorate                     You may examine the AD docket on                   Actions Since AD 96–12–12 Was Issued
                                                    Identifier 2015–CE–025–AD]                              the Internet at http://
                                                                                                            www.regulations.gov by searching for                     Since we issued AD 96–12–12, cracks
                                                    RIN 2120–AA64                                                                                                 were found on the bulkhead assembly of
                                                                                                            and locating Docket No. FAA–2015–
                                                                                                            7205; or in person at the Docket                      airplanes in compliance with AD 96–
                                                    Airworthiness Directives; Piper
                                                                                                            Management Facility between 9 a.m.                    12–12 and on additional airplanes not
                                                    Aircraft, Inc. Airplanes
                                                                                                            and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                    affected by AD 96–12–12 but of a
                                                    AGENCY: Federal Aviation                                except Federal holidays. The AD docket                similar type design. Piper Aircraft, Inc.
                                                    Administration (FAA), DOT.                              contains this proposed AD, the                        has issued new service information that
                                                    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking                   regulatory evaluation, any comments                   gives instructions for repair of the
                                                    (NPRM).                                                 received, and other information. The                  cracks and instructions for the
                                                                                                            street address for the Docket Office                  installation of a reinforcement
                                                    SUMMARY:   We propose to supersede                      (phone: 800–647–5527) is in the                       modification to prevent cracks from
                                                    Airworthiness Directive (AD) 96–12–12,                  ADDRESSES section. Comments will be                   developing.
                                                    which applies to certain Piper Aircraft,                available in the AD docket shortly after
                                                    Inc. Models PA–31, PA–31–300, PA–                                                                             Related Service Information Under 1
                                                                                                            receipt.                                              CFR Part 51
                                                    31–325, and PA–31–350 airplanes. AD
                                                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    96–12–12 currently requires a one-time
                                                                                                            Gregory ‘‘Keith’’ Noles, Aerospace                      We reviewed Piper Aircraft, Inc.
                                                    inspection of the bulkhead assembly at
                                                                                                            Engineer, FAA, Atlanta Aircraft                       Service Bulletin No. 1273A, dated
                                                    fuselage station (FS) 317.75 for cracks
                                                                                                            Certification Office (ACO), 1701                      October 22, 2015. The service bulletin
                                                    and the installation of one of two
                                                                                                            Columbia Avenue, College Park, Georgia                describes procedures for inspecting the
                                                    reinforcement kits determined by
                                                                                                            30337; phone: (404) 474–5551; fax: (404)              bulkhead assembly at FS 317.75,
                                                    whether cracks were found during the
                                                                                                            474–5606; email: gregory.noles@faa.gov.               repairing any cracks found, and
                                                    inspection. Since we issued AD 96–12–
                                                                                                            SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            installation of a reinforcement
                                                    12, bulkhead cracks were found on
                                                                                                                                                                  modification to prevent cracks from
                                                    airplanes that had complied with AD                     Comments Invited                                      developing. This service information is
                                                    96–12–12 and on additional airplanes                      We invite you to send any written                   reasonably available because the
                                                    not affected by AD 96–12–12. This                       relevant data, views, or arguments about              interested parties have access to it
                                                    proposed AD would require repetitive                    this proposed AD. Send your comments                  through their normal course of business
                                                    inspections of the bulkhead assembly at                 to an address listed under the                        or by the means identified in the
                                                    FS 317.75 for cracks, repair of cracks as               ADDRESSES section. Include ‘‘Docket No.               ADDRESSES section of this NPRM.
                                                    necessary, and the installation of a                    FAA–2015–7205; Directorate Identifier
                                                    reinforcement modification. We are                      2015–CE–025–AD’’ at the beginning of                  FAA’s Determination
                                                    proposing this AD to correct the unsafe                 your comments. We specifically invite
                                                    condition on these products.                                                                                    We are proposing this AD because we
                                                                                                            comments on the overall regulatory,                   evaluated all the relevant information
                                                    DATES: We must receive comments on                      economic, environmental, and energy
                                                    this proposed AD by January 25, 2016.                                                                         and determined the unsafe condition
                                                                                                            aspects of this proposed AD. We will                  described previously is likely to exist or
                                                    ADDRESSES: You may send comments,                       consider all comments received by the                 develop in other products of the same
                                                    using the procedures found in 14 CFR                    closing date and may amend this                       type design.
                                                    11.43 and 11.45, by any of the following                proposed AD because of those
                                                    methods:                                                comments.                                             Proposed AD Requirements
                                                      • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to                     We will post all comments we
                                                    http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the                  receive, without change, to http://                     This proposed AD would retain none
                                                    instructions for submitting comments.                   www.regulations.gov, including any                    of the requirements of AD 96–12–12.
                                                      • Fax: 202–493–2251.                                  personal information you provide. We                  This NPRM would add airplanes to the
                                                      • Mail: U.S. Department of                                                                                  Applicability, paragraph (c) of this
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                            will also post a report summarizing each
                                                    Transportation, Docket Operations, M–                   substantive verbal contact we receive                 proposed AD. This proposed AD would
                                                    30, West Building Ground Floor, Room                    about this proposed AD.                               also require accomplishing the actions
                                                    W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,                                                                          specified in the service information
                                                    Washington, DC 20590.                                   Discussion                                            described previously. Airplanes in
                                                      • Hand Delivery: Deliver to Mail                        On May 30, 1996, we issued AD 96–                   compliance with AD 96–12–12 must be
                                                    address above between 9 a.m. and 5                      12–12, Amendment 39–9654 (61 FR                       re-inspected, repaired if necessary, and
                                                    p.m., Monday through Friday, except                     28732, June 6, 1996) (‘‘AD 96–12–12’’),               modified following the new service
                                                    Federal holidays.                                       for certain Piper Aircraft, Inc. Models               information.

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Document Created: 2015-12-14 13:32:08
Document Modified: 2015-12-14 13:32:08
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionRulemaking activity; discontinuation.
DatesAs of December 9, 2015, the rulemaking activity is discontinued.
ContactStewart Schneider, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, telephone: 301-415-4123, email: [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 76394 
RIN Number3150-AF12

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