80_FR_77832 80 FR 77592 - Proposed Scope of NTIA's Authority Regarding FirstNet Fees

80 FR 77592 - Proposed Scope of NTIA's Authority Regarding FirstNet Fees

National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 240 (December 15, 2015)

Page Range77592-77598
FR Document2015-31516

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) publishes this notice of proposed rulemaking to request public comment as it develops rules related to its review and approval of fees imposed by the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) as authorized by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (the Act).

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 240 (Tuesday, December 15, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 240 (Tuesday, December 15, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 77592-77598]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-31516]



National Telecommunications and Information Administration

47 CFR Chapter V

[Docket Number: 151209999-5999-01]
RIN 0660-AA30

Proposed Scope of NTIA's Authority Regarding FirstNet Fees

AGENCY: National Telecommunications and Information Administration, 
U.S. Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.


SUMMARY: The National Telecommunications and Information Administration 
(NTIA) publishes this notice of proposed rulemaking to request public 
comment as it develops rules related to its review and approval of fees 
imposed by the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) as 
authorized by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 
(the Act).

DATES: Submit comments on or before January 14, 2016.

ADDRESSES: The public is invited to submit written comments to this 
proposed rule. Written comments may be submitted electronically through 
www.regulations.gov or by mail (to Office of Public Safety 
Communications; National Telecommunications and

[[Page 77593]]

Information Administration; U.S. Department of Commerce; 1401 
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230.). Comments received 
related to this proposed rule will be made a part of the public record 
and will be posted to www.regulations.gov without change. Comments 
should be machine readable and should not be copy-protected. Comments 
should include the name of the person or organization filing the 
comment as well as a page number on each page of the submission. All 
personally identifiable information (e.g., name, address) voluntarily 
submitted by the commenter may be publicly accessible. Do not submit 
confidential business information or otherwise sensitive or protected 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Patrick Sullivan; Office of Public 
Safety Communications; National Telecommunications and Information 
Administration; U.S. Department of Commerce; 1401 Constitution Avenue 
NW., Washington, DC 20230; psullivan@ntia.doc.gov; (202) 482-5948.


Table of Contents

I. Introduction, Summary of Proposed Rules
II. Background: Relevant Statutory Provisions
    A. FirstNet-Assessed Fees Must Ensure Self-Funding and be 
Approved by NTIA.
    B. FirstNet's Finances are Subject to Broader, Independent 
III. NTIA's Annual Fee Review Focuses on Whether FirstNet Fees and 
Other Income, In Aggregate, Are Sufficient, and Do Not Exceed the 
Amount Necessary, to Recoup FirstNet's Total Expense
    A. Standard of NTIA Fee Review and Approval.
    B. NTIA's Fee Review and Approval Process Does Not Assess the 
Reasonableness of a Proposed Fee.
IV. Methodology of NTIA Fee Review and Approval Process
    A. Focus of NTIA Fee Review Methodology.
    B. NTIA's Fee Review and Approval Process Defers to FirstNet on 
Necessary Reserves.
V. FirstNet-Proposed Fees Subject to NTIA Review Under Section 6208 
Must be Addressed Upon NTIA Disapproval
    A. Fees Subject to NTIA Review and FirstNet Reconsideration Upon 
NTIA Disapproval.
    B. Income Other Than Fees is Not Subject to NTIA Fee Review.
VI. Ex Parte Communication

I. Introduction, Summary of Proposed Rules

    The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Pub. L. 
112-96, Title VI, 126 Stat. 256 (codified at 47 U.S.C. 1401 et seq.)) 
(Act) established the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) as 
an independent authority within the National Telecommunications and 
Information Administration (NTIA).\1\ Congress mandated FirstNet ensure 
the building, deployment, and operation of an interoperable nationwide 
public safety broadband network (Network).\2\ In order to meet this 
critical directive and provide affordable, reliable, and sustainable 
broadband services for first responders across the United States, 
FirstNet must operate as a business enterprise. Today, public safety 
entities procure broadband services from numerous commercial service 
providers. When it enters the market, FirstNet will start with no 
market share and will have to compete for customers by distinguishing 
its product in terms of features, price, and reliability from products 
offered by commercial providers. To be successful, FirstNet will need 
to employ business strategies with flexibility and agility commonplace 
in the private sector.

    \1\ See 47 U.S.C. 1424(a).
    \2\ See 47 U.S.C. 1426(b)(1) (stating FirstNet shall ``. . . 
take all actions necessary to ensure the building, deployment, and 
operation of the nationwide public safety broadband network . . 

    This document proposes rules that will enable NTIA to execute its 
duty to review specific fees proposed by FirstNet in a manner 
compatible with FirstNet's need to operate as a business in a 
competitive marketplace. NTIA proposes to execute its statutory fee 
review duties to afford FirstNet as much flexibility as possible to 
establish its business and budgetary goals and to adjust those goals as 
necessary to respond to the day-to-day realities of the broader 
competitive marketplace in which FirstNet must operate. Ultimately, 
NTIA intends to implement a fee review process that allows FirstNet to 
respond to changing market conditions and the demands of its vital and 
dynamic customer base: First responders.
    The Act requires FirstNet to be permanently self-funding and 
authorizes it to assess and collect certain types of fees to assure its 
sustainability. The Act requires that the total amount of FirstNet's 
annual fees must be sufficient to recoup FirstNet's total expenses, but 
such fees must not exceed the amount necessary to carry out its duties 
under the Act.\3\ As part of FirstNet's self-funding obligations, the 
Act directs NTIA to review these fees on an annual basis; they may only 
be assessed if approved by NTIA.\4\

    \3\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(b).
    \4\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).

    This notice of proposed rulemaking describes NTIA's overarching 
scope, boundaries, and guidelines for NTIA's fee review and approval 
process as required by law. Section II of this notice of proposed 
rulemaking details relevant statutory provisions and makes clear that, 
while NTIA has a distinct role through the fee review and approval 
process to ensure that FirstNet is self-funded, NTIA's role is a 
relatively limited part of broader statutory provisions designed to 
monitor FirstNet's financial condition and operational status.
    Section III defines the scope of NTIA's proposed fee review and 
approval process. NTIA has determined that this process is for a 
particular and limited purpose: it must examine only whether the 
proposed fees of another federal entity--FirstNet--as set forth under 
Section 6208 of the Act, are, in aggregate and in combination with any 
FirstNet non-fee-based income, sufficient, but not in excess of, the 
projected funds that FirstNet needs to recoup the total expenses 
required to carry out its statutory obligations in a given year. NTIA 
acknowledges that, as authorized by the Act, FirstNet might receive 
income which is separate and distinct from the fee categories defined 
in Section 6208. NTIA recognizes that such income will impact NTIA's 
determination whether FirstNet's proposed fees, in aggregate and in 
combination with such non-fee-based income, will meet but not exceed 
the funds it needs on an annual basis. However, NTIA proposes that the 
Act affords NTIA no authority to review or approve as a ``fee'' any 
other form of income FirstNet may receive beyond those fees listed in 
Section 6208(a).
    In Section IV, NTIA proposes a methodology for its fee review that 
must by law occur annually and prior to FirstNet's assessment of fees. 
Because NTIA's fee review process is for particular and limited 
purposes focusing on the financial sustainability of another federal 
entity within the Department of Commerce, NTIA will include in its 
review a review of FirstNet's projected expenses as set forth in its 
approved budgets as well as a review of FirstNet's prior-year actual 
expenses and revenues to facilitate FirstNet's compliance with Section 
6208(b). To that end, NTIA proposes to utilize FirstNet's regular 
budget process and financial statements. NTIA also proposes to defer to 
FirstNet on any need for reserves, working capital, or similar fund 
categories. NTIA, however, will take such fund categories into 
consideration as part of its determination of whether the total 
proposed fees under Section 6208(b) meet, but do not exceed, FirstNet's 
total expenses.

[[Page 77594]]

    In Section V, NTIA discusses the fees that NTIA has specific 
jurisdiction to review; if, in its review of aggregate revenues and 
costs, it determines that FirstNet has not satisfied the legal 
standard, FirstNet must adjust its fees or otherwise make budgetary 
changes to ensure that the standard is met. Specifically, NTIA proposes 
to define the term ``fee,'' for purposes of its statutory obligations 
under Section 6208(c) of the Act, to mean FirstNet's direct collection 
of money that is generated from the three categories established in 
Section 6208(a) of the Act: (1) Network user fees; (2) lease fees 
pursuant to a covered leasing agreement (CLA); and (3) fees from 
entities seeking access to or use of any network equipment or 
infrastructure constructed or otherwise owned by FirstNet.\5\ Under 
this proposed rule, NTIA can direct FirstNet to address only those 
proposed fees that fall into one of these three categories. Further, 
NTIA proposes that it will not evaluate the reasonableness, or similar 
subjective attributes, of the specific fees assessed by FirstNet or its 
prospective partner or partners as contemplated in the Act. Specific 
NTIA rules are proposed in new 47 CFR Chapter V; Subchapter A will be 
utilized for NTIA rules that relate to FirstNet, and Subchapter B will 
be reserved for rules promulgated by FirstNet itself.

    \5\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(a).

    We seek comment on these preliminary proposals. We also look 
forward to FirstNet's progress in its procurement process, which may 
provide additional information relevant to NTIA's duties under Section 
6208(c). With such information from stakeholders and FirstNet, NTIA 
will be better informed to solidify the scope of its fee review and 
approval process as appropriate.

II. Background: Relevant Statutory Provisions

A. FirstNet-Assessed Fees Must Ensure Self-Funding and Be Approved by 

    The Act established FirstNet as an independent authority within 
NTIA.\6\ The Act authorizes FirstNet to take all actions necessary to 
ensure the building, deployment, and operation of the Network.\7\ To 
achieve this significant and unprecedented task, FirstNet must operate 
in many respects as a private sector business enterprise.\8\

    \6\ See 47 U.S.C. 1424(a).
    \7\ See 47 U.S.C. 1426(b).
    \8\ To that end, the Act set forth several key provisions 
establishing FirstNet as a business enterprise. For example, the Act 
requires the creation of the FirstNet Board, which has the fiduciary 
and operational functions assigned to boards of corporations. See 47 
U.S.C. 1424(b). Furthermore, Board members appointed by the 
Secretary of Commerce must include individuals with various types of 
business experience, including expertise in building, deploying, and 
operating commercial telecommunications networks, and in financing 
and funding telecommunications networks. See id. FirstNet may only 
act as authorized by the Board to execute any powers granted by the 
Act to FirstNet, spend funds, or take other actions deemed 
necessary, appropriate, or advisable to accomplish the purposes of 
the Act. See 47 U.S.C. 1426(a)(1); see also 47 U.S.C. 1426(a)(5). As 
a business enterprise, FirstNet may contract with individuals; 
private companies; organizations; institutions; and Federal, State, 
regional, and local agencies. See 47 U.S.C. 1426(a)(3). The Act 
allows FirstNet to engage in other business activities, including 
selecting agents, consultants, or experts and hiring a program 
manager to carry out key aspects of deploying the NPSBN. See 47 
U.S.C. 1425(b).

    FirstNet's authority to operate as a business can and should 
further its ability to meet the Act's mandate that it become a self-
sustaining enterprise. Section 6208 of the Act makes clear that 
FirstNet must establish permanent self-funding and is authorized to 
collect fees for specified uses of the Network or its components in 
furtherance of that obligation.
    The Act established specific parameters for FirstNet's fee 
assessments described in Section 6208(a) to drive sustainability and 
continual reinvestment of FirstNet revenues into the Network. Section 
6208(b), entitled, ``Establishment of Fee Amounts; Permanent Self-
Funding,'' requires that the total amount of the fees assessed under 
Section 6208(c) for each fiscal year shall be sufficient, but cannot 
exceed, the amount necessary to recoup the total expenses of FirstNet 
as it carries out its duties under the Act.\9\ Moreover, FirstNet must 
reinvest amounts received from the assessment of fees under Section 
6208 for constructing, maintaining, operating, or improving the 
Network.\10\ Specific to FirstNet's authority to assess and collect 
these fees, Section 6208(c) requires that NTIA review such fees ``on an 
annual basis, and such fees may only be assessed if approved by . . . 
NTIA.'' \11\

    \9\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(b).
    \10\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(d).
    \11\ 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).

    Additionally, the Act makes clear that FirstNet should consider 
public-private partnerships, affording it additional authority to 
creatively support the provision of a self-funded broadband network for 
use by public safety entities.\12\ Such partnerships might result in 
FirstNet's collection of income that does not fall within the fees 
specified in Section 6208(a).\13\

    \12\ See, e.g., 47 U.S.C. 1428(a) (describing public-private 
arrangements to construct, manage, and operate the nationwide public 
safety broadband network between FirstNet and a secondary user); see 
also 47 U.S.C. 1426(b)(3) (requiring that FirstNet requests for 
proposals, to the maximum extent economically feasible, ``include 
partnerships with existing commercial mobile providers to utilize 
cost- effective opportunities to speed deployment in rural areas'').
    \13\ See, e.g., Sec.  1426(a)(3) (referencing ``grants and funds 
from . . . individuals, private companies, organizations, 
institutions, and Federal, State, regional, and local agencies''); 
Sec.  1426(a)(4) (referencing ``gifts, donations, and bequests of 
property, both real and personal'').

B. FirstNet's Finances are Subject to Broader, Independent Review

    NTIA's approach in this proposed rule reflects the scope of its 
fees review authority in the context of other supervision of FirstNet's 
finances and operations, which taken together, ensure a high degree of 
oversight over FirstNet's finances under the Act. The Act sets forth 
multiple methods of oversight of FirstNet well beyond the limited 
review and approval of fees required of NTIA under Section 6208(c). For 
example, FirstNet is subject to an independent financial audit. Section 
6209 of the Act requires that the Secretary of Commerce engage an 
independent auditor to conduct an annual audit of all of FirstNet's 
commercial corporate transactions which the auditor will submit to 
Congress, the President, and FirstNet.\14\ In addition, the Act 
requires an annual, ``comprehensive and detailed report of the 
operations, activities, financial condition, and accomplishments of 
[FirstNet],'' to be submitted to Congress along with ``recommendations 
or proposals for legislative or administrative action as [FirstNet] 
deems appropriate.'' \15\ Furthermore, FirstNet must comply on a day-
to-day basis with all other applicable federal financial laws and 
regulations. In light of these broader oversight provisions, NTIA's 
narrow scoping of its fee review authority is appropriate.

    \14\ See 47 U.S.C. 1429.
    \15\ 47 U.S.C. 1430.

III. NTIA's Annual Fee Review Focuses on Whether FirstNet Fees and 
Other Income, in Aggregate, Are Sufficient, and Do Not Exceed the 
Amount Necessary, To Recoup FirstNet's Total Expenses

A. Standard of NTIA Fee Review and Approval

    The Act does not provide a specific standard of review for NTIA's 
annual fee review and approval process under Section 6208(c).\16\ 
However, examination of other provisions in Section 6208 and the Act at 
large inform NTIA's proposed approach to FirstNet

[[Page 77595]]

fee review. FirstNet has a duty under Section 6208(b) to ensure that, 
during a given fiscal year, the fees it assesses are sufficient, and 
shall not exceed the amount necessary, to recoup the ``total expenses'' 
associated with carrying out its duties as specified under the Act.\17\

    \16\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).
    \17\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(b).

    Given this overarching directive in Section 6208(b), which 
immediately precedes the Act's assignation of fee review to NTIA in 
Section 6208(c), NTIA proposes that the Act's purpose for the fee 
review is solely to support FirstNet's obligation under Section 6208(b) 
to be self-funding. Thus, NTIA intends to base its decisions on 
FirstNet's proposed fees by only examining whether the fees are, in 
aggregate and combined with other non-fee-based income, sufficient, but 
not in excess, of the projected funds FirstNet needs to carry out its 
statutory obligations in a given fiscal year. In this way, NTIA's 
review and approval of FirstNet-proposed fees under Section 6208 will 
exclusively focus on FirstNet's projected income and expenses to 
further the self-funding requirements and limitations of Section 
6208(b). We seek comment on this proposed approach.

B. NTIA's Fee Review and Approval Process Does Not Assess the 
Reasonableness of a Proposed Fee

    The scope of review of a fee is established by the statute.\18\ As 
a result, we propose that NTIA's fee review is scoped to self-
sustainability and does not include review of the reasonableness of any 
fee assessed by FirstNet or its prospective partner or partners as 
contemplated in the Act.

    \18\ See Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, Volume III, 
Third Edition, GAO, pp 12-140-12-181. GAO 08-978 SP (Washington, DC, 
September 2008).

    The wording of the Act itself does not direct NTIA to perform a 
reasonableness review. Section 6208(b), entitled, ``Establishment Of 
Fee Amounts; Permanent Self-Funding,'' requires that the total amount 
of the fees assessed by FirstNet for each fiscal year must be 
sufficient, but cannot exceed, the amount necessary to recoup the total 
expenses of FirstNet as it carries out its duties under the Act.\19\ 
NTIA's mandate to review and approve FirstNet fees directly follows 
this fee structure requirement in Section 6208(c).\20\ The Act provides 
no other direction regarding fee review, but the structure of the 
statute clearly indicates congressional intent to ensure that the 
assessed fees drive a self-funded network.

    \19\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(b).
    \20\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).

    A review of other provisions of Title 47 demonstrates that when 
Congress intends for rates to be subject to a review for 
``reasonableness'' or other subjective standards, it states this 
intention explicitly. For example, Section 201 of the Communications 
Act directs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to determine 
whether the charges of telecommunications carriers are ``just and 
reasonable.'' \21\ Similarly, Section 224 of the Communications Act 
directs the FCC to regulate the rates, terms, and conditions of pole 
attachments to ensure they are ``just and reasonable.'' \22\ Here, with 
respect to FirstNet's assessment of fees under Section 6208, and NTIA's 
review and approval of such fees, the Act established no such ``just 
and reasonable'' standard.

    \21\ See 47 U.S.C 201 (stating that, for common carrier 
services, ``[a]ll charges . . . for and in connection with such 
communication service, shall be just and reasonable, and any such 
charge, practice, classification, or regulation that is unjust or 
unreasonable is hereby declared to be unlawful.'').
    \22\ See 47 U.S.C 224 (b)(1) (stating that ``the Commission 
shall regulate the rates, terms, and conditions for pole attachments 
to provide that such rates, terms, and conditions are just and 
reasonable, and shall adopt procedures necessary and appropriate to 
hear and resolve complaints concerning such rates, terms, and 

    Moreover, a reasonableness review of FirstNet fees is unnecessary 
as a matter of policy. The Act does not mandate or require any public 
safety entity to purchase services from FirstNet. FirstNet must compete 
for subscribers by offering a compelling value proposition to 
prospective public safety customers. Public safety users themselves 
will determine whether FirstNet's proposed user fees are reasonable in 
comparison to the fees they are offered by competing providers.
    Thus, NTIA proposes that it will not assess whether individual or 
total fees in any given category described in Section 6208(a) are 
reasonable, proportionate, or otherwise subjectively appropriate in 
light of individual or total fees in that category, or any other 
category of fees listed in Section 6208(a). With the proposed scope of 
its fee review, NTIA meets the intent of the self-funding provisions, 
but does not import ``just and reasonable'' review parameters that 
Congress clearly could have, but did not, include in the statute. We 
seek comment on these preliminary proposals.

IV. Methodology of NTIA Fee Review and Approval Process

A. Focus of NTIA Fee Review Methodology

    Based on the preliminary conclusions above, NTIA proposes to base 
its approval of fees upon a determination of whether the proposed fees, 
in aggregate, when combined with any projected non-fee-based income 
that FirstNet receives, meet but do not exceed FirstNet's anticipated 
total expenses associated with carrying out its duties as specified 
under the Act in a given year. As required by the Act, NTIA will 
conduct its fee review and approval process on an annual basis. 
Further, NTIA's proposed fee review and approval process will occur 
before a fee is assessed as required by the Act, and NTIA expects that 
FirstNet will propose such fees to NTIA in writing. Because FirstNet 
must compete in a broader marketplace for the opportunity to provide 
broadband service to public safety entities, it will need the 
flexibility over the course of a fiscal year to adjust specific fees it 
wishes to assess pursuant to Section 6208(a).
    Thus, to empower FirstNet with the flexibility needed to compete in 
the marketplace, NTIA proposes that, as part of its annual fee review, 
it will also review FirstNet's actual fees and expenses from the 
previous four fiscal quarters. This process will afford FirstNet the 
opportunity to describe any significant discrepancies between projected 
and actual expenses and revenue of that previous fiscal year and detail 
how its projected fees and revenues for the upcoming fiscal year have 
addressed these discrepancies. In doing so, FirstNet will have an 
opportunity on an annual basis to ensure that its duty under Section 
6208(b) is met. To determine FirstNet's anticipated expenses, among the 
specific costs areas that NTIA may consider are: (1) Salaries and 
Benefits; (2) Travel; (3) Services: Federal Sources; (4) Services: Non-
Federal Sources; (5) Facilities Rental; (6) Supplies, Materials, and 
Printing; (7) Equipment; and (8) Other expenses or obligations incurred 
for future contract award, capital reserves, or other permitted 
expenses or obligations. NTIA anticipates deferring to FirstNet to 
determine the reasonableness of projected obligations in the 
aforementioned or other categories.
    Throughout the fee review and approval process, NTIA anticipates 
utilizing the budget documents and financial statements produced in the 
normal course of FirstNet's business. NTIA might also utilize 

[[Page 77596]]

annual budget reports as approved by the FirstNet Board and submitted 
as part of the President's Budget and FirstNet's mandated annual report 
to Congress.
    Therefore, NTIA proposes that it will make, on an annual basis, one 
of three determinations with regard to proposed fees: (1) FirstNet's 
proposed fees, in aggregate, when combined with any projected non-fee-
based income to be received by FirstNet, meet but do not exceed 
FirstNet's projected total expenses; (2) FirstNet's proposed fees, in 
aggregate, when combined with any projected non-fee-based income to be 
received by FirstNet, do not meet FirstNet's projected total expenses; 
or (3) FirstNet's proposed fees, in aggregate, when combined with any 
projected non-fee-based income to be received by FirstNet, exceed 
FirstNet's projected total expenses. Upon making any of these 
determinations, NTIA will communicate its determination in writing to 
FirstNet. Should NTIA make the second or third determination listed 
above, NTIA will not approve FirstNet's proposed fees, and FirstNet may 
not assess them. NTIA proposes that it will accept any revised proposed 
fees or FirstNet approved revised budgets when provided by FirstNet in 
writing and evaluate them consistent with the scope and methodology 
proposed above.
    We seek comment on this proposed approach to NTIA's fee review and 
approval process. We also seek comment on alternative methodologies 
that will further our fee review and approval process consistent with 
the Act's directives.

B. NTIA's Fee Review and Approval Process Defers to FirstNet on 
Necessary Reserves

    NTIA proposes that it should defer to FirstNet, in the context of 
its budgetary planning process, regarding the use and retention of 
reserves or working capital funds. By doing so, NTIA will not, in its 
fee review and approval process, assess whether or what level of funds 
FirstNet should maintain in reserves, capital accounts, or other 
funding categories. FirstNet's routine budget, auditing, and accounting 
processes will presumably determine the need for such capital reserve 
funds. NTIA plans to defer to FirstNet's determination of need for such 
funds through these processes. We seek comment on this proposed 
approach to NTIA's fee review and approval process.
    Moreover, NTIA proposes that, in its fee review and approval 
process, it will take into consideration reserve funds at the levels 
designated in FirstNet's budget, to determine whether FirstNet's 
proposed fees meet but not exceed FirstNet's total expenses. In doing 
so, NTIA will deem such funds to be a part of FirstNet's projected 
total expenses under Section 6208(b) of the Act. We seek comment on 
this proposal.

V. FirstNet-Proposed Fees Subject to NTIA Review Under Section 6208 
Must Be Addressed Upon NTIA Disapproval

A. Fees Subject to NTIA Review and FirstNet Reconsideration Upon NTIA 

    The Act assigns a clear duty to NTIA under Section 6208: approve or 
disapprove the specific fees FirstNet aspires to assess under Section 
6208. Under Section 6208(a) of the Act, FirstNet is authorized to 
assess and collect the following fees:

    1. A Network User Fee: ``A user or subscription fee from each 
entity, including any public safety entity or secondary user, that 
seeks access to or use of the [Network].'' \23\

    \23\ 47 U.S.C. 1428(a)(1).

    2. Fees Pursuant to a Covered Leasing Agreement: ``A fee from 
any entity that seeks to enter into a [CLA].'' \24\

    \24\ 47 U.S.C. 1428(a)(2)(A); See also 47 U.S.C. 1428(a)(2)(B) 
(stating that the Act defines a CLA as ``a written agreement 
resulting from a public-private arrangement to construct, manage, 
and operate the nationwide public safety broadband network between 
the First Responder Network Authority and secondary user to permit--
(i) access to network capacity on a secondary basis for non-public 
safety services; and (ii) the spectrum allocated to such entity to 
be used for commercial transmissions along the dark fiber of the 
long-haul network of such entity.'').

    3. Lease Fees Related to Network Equipment and Infrastructure: 
``A fee from any entity that seeks access to or use of any equipment 
or infrastructure, including antennas or towers, constructed or 
otherwise owned by the First Responder Network Authority resulting 
from a public-private arrangement to construct, manage, and operate 
the [Network]'' \25\

    \25\ 47 U.S.C. 1428(a)(3).

    As a threshold matter for purposes of this proposed rule and NTIA's 
duty under Section 6208 of the Act, the word ``fee,'' as used in 
Section 6208(c) of the Act, must be defined. By defining the fees NTIA 
is to review, NTIA identifies the specific fees FirstNet must address 
prior to NTIA approval in the event NTIA must disapprove FirstNet-
approved fees under the standards set forth above.
    To implement its fee review obligations under the Act, NTIA must 
determine the meaning of the term ``fee'' as used in Section 6208. In 
the case of the Act, the three sets of fees, which FirstNet may assess, 
and which NTIA must review if assessed, are clearly defined within 
Section 6208(a). Thus, NTIA proposes that a ``fee'' that will be 
subject to its review and approval under Section 6208(c) is FirstNet's 
collection of money that falls within the three categories in Section 
6208(a): (1) Network user fees; (2) lease fees related to network 
capacity, pursuant to a covered leasing agreement; and (3) fees from 
entities seeking access to or use of any equipment or infrastructure 
constructed or otherwise owned by FirstNet.\26\ Given the clear 
language in Section 6208(a) defining the fees that FirstNet may assess, 
and the corresponding language in Section 6208(c) directing NTIA to 
review fees ``assessed under [Section 6208],'' NTIA proposes that its 
fee review authority, and FirstNet's obligation to address fees upon 
NTIA disapproval of proposed fees, is scoped to the three above-
referenced categories. We seek comment on this preliminary proposal.

    \26\ See 47 U.S.C. 1428(a).

B. Income Other Than Fees Is Not Subject to NTIA Fee Review

    As noted above, NTIA recognizes that, under the Act, FirstNet may 
receive income that is separate and distinct from the fees defined in 
Section 6208(a). Such income must be factored into NTIA's determination 
of whether proposed fees, in aggregate, will meet but not exceed the 
funds needed by FirstNet on an annual basis. However, as the Act limits 
NTIA's review and approval authority to ``the fees assessed in [Section 
6208],'' NTIA proposes that the Act gives it no authority to review or 
approve as a ``fee'' any other form of income FirstNet might receive. 
NTIA proposes that non-fee-based income, emanating from arrangements 
allowed by statute, is not a ``fee'' under Section 6208(a). 
Furthermore, NTIA proposes that it will consider any non-fee income 
only as part of its determination of whether such income, when combined 
in aggregate with the fees defined in Section 6208(a), will be 
sufficient to recoup FirstNet's total expenses, but not exceed the 
amount necessary, to carry out its statutory duties and 
responsibilities for the fiscal year involved. Moreover, NTIA proposes 
that it will not analyze the terms and conditions of any CLA, or any 
other agreement between FirstNet and another entity, beyond those 
specific terms and conditions which establish any fees that meet the 
three categories described in Section 6208(a). We seek comment on these 
preliminary proposals.

VI. Ex Parte Communications

    Any non-public oral presentation to NTIA regarding the substance of 
this proposed rule will be considered an ex parte presentation, and the 
substance of

[[Page 77597]]

the meeting will be placed on the public record and become part of this 
docket. No later than two (2) business days after an oral presentation 
or meeting, an interested party must submit a memorandum to NTIA 
summarizing the substance of the communication. NTIA reserves the right 
to supplement the memorandum with additional information as necessary, 
or to request that the party making the filing do so, if NTIA believes 
that important information was omitted or characterized incorrectly. 
Any written presentation provided in support of the oral communication 
or meeting will also be placed on the public record and become part of 
this docket. Such ex parte communications must be submitted to this 
docket as provided in the ADDRESSES section above and clearly labeled 
as an ex parte presentation. Federal entities are not subject to these 


    This rule has been determined to be not significant for purposes of 
Executive Order 12866.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    This proposed rulemaking, issued under the authority of the Act, 
will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
small entities as defined under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA). 
If implemented, this rule would establish regulations, as required 
under the Act, for NTIA and FirstNet regarding the process by which 
NTIA reviews and approves or disapproves fees FirstNet proposes to 
assess. The RFA requires federal agencies to prepare an analysis of a 
rule's impact on small entities whenever the agency is required to 
publish a notice of proposed rulemaking. However, a federal agency may 
certify, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), that the action will not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
The proposed regulations are for the particular and limited purpose of 
NTIA examining only whether the proposed fees of another federal 
entity--FirstNet--are, in aggregate and in combination with any 
FirstNet non-fee-based income, sufficient, but not in excess of, the 
projected funds that FirstNet needs to recoup the total expenses 
required to carry out its statutory obligations in a given year. No 
external entities, including any small businesses, small organizations, 
or small governments, will experience any direct economic impacts from 
this proposed rule. The only potential effect on any external entities, 
large or small, would likely be positive, as NTIA's proposed rules will 
assist in ensuring that FirstNet, as required under the Act, will 
sustain a nationwide public safety broadband network that provides 
broadband communications to first responders. Because this action, if 
adopted, would directly affect only federal entities--NTIA and 
FirstNet--and not any small entities, the Department of Commerce has 
concluded that the action would not result in a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities. Thus, the Department 
of Commerce Chief Counsel for Regulations has certified to the Chief 
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration that this 
rule will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of 
small entities. Therefore, an initial regulatory flexibility analysis 
is not required and has not been prepared.

Executive Order 13132

    It has been determined that this document does not contain policies 
with Federalism implications as that term is defined in Executive Order 

List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 500

    FirstNet, FirstNet Fees, Safety, Telecommunications.

    Dated: December 10, 2015.
Lawrence E. Strickling,
Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information.

    For the reasons set out in the preamble, the National 
Telecommunications and Information Administration proposes to add 47 
CFR Chapter V to read as follows:




500.1 Purpose and scope.
500.2 General definitions.
500.3 NTIA duty to review FirstNet proposed fees.
500.4 Scope of NTIA review of FirstNet proposed fees.
500.5 Methodology of NTIA fee review and approval process.

    Authority:  47 U.S.C. 1401.

Sec.  500.1  Purpose and scope.

    Sections 500.2 through 500.5 implement 47 U.S.C. 1428(c) as 
codified pursuant to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act 
of 2012 (Pub. L. 112-96, Title VI, 126 Stat. 256 (codified at 47 U.S.C. 
1401 et seq.) (the ``Act''), which requires the National 
Telecommunications and Information Administration to annually review 
fees the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) proposes to 

Sec.  500.2  General definitions.

    Fee means FirstNet's receipt of money from:
    (1) A Network User Fee;
    (2) Lease Fees Related To Network Capacity; or
    (3) Lease Fees Related To Network Equipment And Infrastructure, as 
those terms are defined under 47 U.S.C. 1428(a).
    FirstNet means the First Responder Network Authority.
    Fiscal Year means the 12-month accounting period for the federal 
government, which begins on 1 October of a given year and ends on 30 
September of the subsequent year.
    Non-fee-based income received by FirstNet means FirstNet's receipt 
of money from any source, transaction, entity, or any other means 
allowed under 47 U.S.C. 1401 et seq., other than those receipts 
described above in the definition of ``fee.''
    NTIA means the National Telecommunications and Information 
    NTIA's fee review and approval process means the process by which 
NTIA executes its duties under 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).

Sec.  500.3  NTIA's duty to review FirstNet proposed fees.

    As required under 47 U.S.C. 1428(c), NTIA shall exclusively review 
fees, which must be proposed by FirstNet in writing, through NTIA's 
review and approval process conducted on an annual basis.

Sec.  500.4  Scope of NTIA review of FirstNet proposed fees.

    NTIA shall approve FirstNet proposed fees only if such fees, when 
combined with any non-fee-based income projected to be received by 
FirstNet, are sufficient, but do not exceed the amount necessary, to 
recoup FirstNet's total expenses in carrying out its duties and 
responsibilities under 47 U.S.C. 1401 et seq. for the fiscal year 

Sec.  500.5  Methodology of NTIA fee review and approval process.

    (a) Fee review approach. To execute NTIA's fee review and approval 
process, NTIA shall utilize FirstNet's standard financial 
documentation, which may include but is not limited to:

[[Page 77598]]

    (1) FirstNet's budget documents produced in the normal course of 
its business;
    (2) FirstNet's financial statements produced in the normal course 
of its business;
    (3) FirstNet's annual budget reports submitted as part of the 
President's Budget; and
    (4) FirstNet's annual report to Congress.
    (b) Deference to FirstNet on necessary reserves. In executing 
NTIA's fee review and approval process, NTIA shall defer to FirstNet 
with respect to its use and retention of reserve or working capital 
funds. NTIA shall consider any such designated funds to be a part of 
FirstNet's total expenses in carrying out its duties and 
responsibilities under 47 U.S.C. 1401 et seq. for the fiscal year 
    (c) Determination of fee review: NTIA shall make one of the 
following determinations annually upon review of FirstNet's proposed 
    (1) FirstNet's proposed fees, in aggregate, when combined with any 
projected non-fee-based income to be received by FirstNet, meet but do 
not exceed FirstNet's projected total expenses;
    (2) FirstNet's proposed fees, in aggregate, when combined with any 
projected non-fee-based income to be received by FirstNet, do not meet 
FirstNet's projected total expenses; or
    (3) FirstNet's proposed fees, in aggregate, when combined with any 
projected non-fee-based income to be received by FirstNet, exceed 
FirstNet's projected total expenses. Upon making any of these 
determinations, NTIA will communicate its determination in writing to 
    (d) Outcome of determination of fee review:
    (1) Should NTIA make the determination listed in paragraph (c)(1) 
of this section, FirstNet may assess the proposed fees.
    (2) Should NTIA make one of the determinations listed in paragraph 
(c)(2) or (3) of this section, NTIA will disapprove FirstNet's proposed 
fees, and FirstNet may not assess those proposed fees.
    (e) Revision of Proposed Fees: Upon a disapproval of FirstNet's 
proposed fees as described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, or upon 
FirstNet's determination that it must revise NTIA-approved fees to 
ensure compliance with 47 U.S.C. 1428(b), FirstNet shall prepare a 
revised written submission to NTIA, which shall evaluate any proposed 
fees therein consistent with the rules in Sec. Sec.  500.1-500.5.
    (f) Communication of NTIA fee approval or disapproval. Approval or 
disapproval of FirstNet-proposed fees shall be communicated in writing 
by the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information and 
Administrator, National Telecommunications and Information 
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, to the Chair of the 
FirstNet Board.

Subchapter B--[Reserved]

[FR Doc. 2015-31516 Filed 12-14-15; 8:45 am]

                                                      77592                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 240 / Tuesday, December 15, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                         EPA has already completed the first                  Group 1, and SO2 Group 2 allowances                     (or ultimately for allocation to existing
                                                      round of allocations of 2015 NUSA                       to eligible new units from each NUSA                    units).
                                                      allowances for all four CSAPR trading                   are calculated according to the                           Objections should be strictly limited
                                                      programs, as well as the second round                   procedures set forth in §§ 97.412(a)(9),                to whether EPA has correctly identified
                                                      of 2015 NUSA allocations to units                       (10) and (12), 97.612(a)(9), (10), and                  the new units eligible for second-round
                                                      subject to the CSAPR Ozone Season                       (12), and 97.712(a)(9), (10), and (12),                 2015 NUSA allocations of CSAPR NOX
                                                      Trading Program, as announced in                        respectively. Generally, the procedures                 Annual, SO2 Group 1, and SO2 Group 2
                                                      notices previously published in the                     call for each eligible unit to receive a                allowances according to the criteria
                                                      Federal Register.3 The first and second-                second-round 2015 NUSA allocation                       described above and should be emailed
                                                      round NUSA allocation process was                       equal to the positive difference, if any,               to the address identified in ADDRESSES.
                                                      discussed in those previous notices.                    between its emissions during the 2015                   Objections must include: (1) Precise
                                                      This notice of availability concerns the                annual control periods (i.e., January 1,                identification of the specific data the
                                                      second round of NUSA allowance                          2015 through December 31, 2015) as                      commenter believes are inaccurate, (2)
                                                      allocations for the CSAPR NOX Annual,                   reported under 40 CFR part 75 and any                   new proposed data upon which the
                                                      SO2 Group 1, and SO2 Group 2 Trading                    first-round allocation the unit received,               commenter believes EPA should rely
                                                      Programs for the 2015 control period.4                  unless the total of such allocations to all             instead, and (3) the reasons why EPA
                                                         The units eligible to receive second-                eligible units would exceed the amount                  should rely on the commenter’s
                                                      round NUSA allocations for the CSAPR                    of allowances in the NUSA, in which                     proposed data and not the data
                                                      NOX Annual, SO2 Group 1, and SO2                        case the allocations are reduced on a                   referenced in this notice of availability.
                                                      Group 2 Trading Programs are defined                    pro-rata basis.
                                                                                                                                                                        Authority: 40 CFR 97.411(b), 97.611(b),
                                                      in §§ 97.411(b)(1)(iii) and 97.412(a)(9)(i),               Any allowances remaining in the
                                                                                                                                                                      and 97.711(b).
                                                      97.611(b)(1)(iii) and 97.612(a)(9)(i), and              CSAPR NOX Annual, SO2 Group 1, or
                                                      97.711(b)(1)(iii) and 97.712(a)(9)(i),                  SO2 Group 2 NUSA for a given state and                     Dated: December 7, 2015.
                                                      respectively. Generally, eligible units                 control period after the second round of                Reid P. Harvey,
                                                      include any CSAPR-affected unit that                    NUSA allocations to new units will be                   Director, Clean Air Markets Division, Office
                                                      commenced commercial operation                          allocated to the existing units in the                  of Atmospheric Programs, Office of Air and
                                                      between January 1 of the year before the                state according to the procedures set                   Radiation.
                                                      control period in question and                          forth in §§ 97.412(a)(10) and (12),                     [FR Doc. 2015–31461 Filed 12–14–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      November 30 of the year of the control                  97.612(a)(10) and (12), and 97.712(a)(10)               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                      period in question. In the case of the                  and (12), respectively.
                                                      2015 control period, an eligible unit                      EPA notes that an allocation or lack
                                                      therefore must have commenced                           of allocation of allowances to a given                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                      commercial operation between January                    EGU does not constitute a determination
                                                      1, 2014 and November 30, 2015                           that CSAPR does or does not apply to                    National Telecommunications and
                                                      (inclusive).                                            the EGU. EPA also notes that allocations                Information Administration
                                                         The total quantity of allowances to be               are subject to potential correction if a
                                                      allocated through the 2015 NUSA                         unit to which NUSA allowances have                      47 CFR Chapter V
                                                      allowance allocation process for each                   been allocated for a given control period
                                                                                                                                                                      [Docket Number: 151209999–5999–01]
                                                      state and emissions trading program—in                  is not actually an affected unit as of the
                                                      the two rounds of the allocation process                start of that control period.6                          RIN 0660–AA30
                                                      combined—is generally the state’s 2015                     The preliminary lists of units eligible
                                                      emissions budget less the sum of (1) the                for second-round 2015 NUSA allowance                    Proposed Scope of NTIA’s Authority
                                                      total of the 2015 CSAPR FIP allowance                   allocations for the three CSAPR annual                  Regarding FirstNet Fees
                                                      allocations to existing units and (2) the               trading programs are set forth in Excel
                                                                                                                                                                      AGENCY:  National Telecommunications
                                                      amount of the 2015 Indian country                       spreadsheets titled ‘‘CSAPR_NUSA_
                                                                                                                                                                      and Information Administration, U.S.
                                                      NUSA, if any.5 The amounts of CSAPR                     2015_NOx_Annual_2nd_Round_
                                                                                                                                                                      Department of Commerce.
                                                      NOX Annual, SO2 Group 1, and SO2                        Prelim_Data,’’ ‘‘CSAPR_NUSA_2015_
                                                      Group 2 NUSA allowances may be                          SO2_Group_1_2nd_Round_Prelim_                           ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
                                                      increased in certain circumstances as set               Data,’’ and ‘‘CSAPR_NUSA_2015_SO2_
                                                                                                                                                                      SUMMARY:   The National
                                                      forth in §§ 97.412(a)(2), 97.612(a)(2),                 Group_2_2nd_Round_Prelim_Data’’
                                                                                                                                                                      Telecommunications and Information
                                                      and 97.712(a)(2), respectively.                         available on EPA’s Web site at http://
                                                                                                                                                                      Administration (NTIA) publishes this
                                                         Second-round NUSA allocations for a                  www.epa.gov/crossstaterule/
                                                                                                                                                                      notice of proposed rulemaking to
                                                      given state, trading program, and control               actions.html. Each spreadsheet contains
                                                                                                                                                                      request public comment as it develops
                                                      period are made only if the NUSA                        a separate worksheet for each state
                                                                                                                                                                      rules related to its review and approval
                                                      contains allowances after completion of                 covered by that program showing each
                                                                                                                                                                      of fees imposed by the First Responder
                                                      the first-round allocations.                            unit preliminarily identified as eligible
                                                         The amounts of second-round                                                                                  Network Authority (FirstNet) as
                                                                                                              for a second-round NUSA allocation.
                                                      allocations of CSAPR NOX Annual, SO2                       Each state worksheet also contains a                 authorized by the Middle Class Tax
                                                                                                              summary showing (1) the quantity of                     Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (the
                                                         3 80 FR 30988 (June 1, 2015); 80 FR 44882 (July
                                                                                                              allowances initially available in that                  Act).
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      28, 2015); 80 FR 55061 (September 14, 2015); 80 FR      state’s 2015 NUSA, (2) the sum of the                   DATES: Submit comments on or before
                                                      69883 (November 12, 2015).                                                                                      January 14, 2016.
                                                         4 At this time, EPA is not aware of any unit
                                                                                                              2015 NUSA allowance allocations that
                                                      eligible for a second-round allocation from any         were made in the first-round to new                     ADDRESSES: The public is invited to
                                                      Indian country NUSA.                                    units in that state (if any), and (3) the               submit written comments to this
                                                         5 The quantities of allowances to be allocated
                                                                                                              quantity of allowances in the 2015                      proposed rule. Written comments may
                                                      through the NUSA allowance allocation process           NUSA available for distribution in                      be submitted electronically through
                                                      may differ slightly from the NUSA amounts set
                                                      forth in §§ 97.410(a), 97.510(a), 97.610(a), and        second-round allocations to new units                   www.regulations.gov or by mail (to
                                                      97.710(a) because of rounding in the spreadsheet of                                                             Office of Public Safety Communications;
                                                      CSAPR FIP allowance allocations to existing units.        6 See   40 CFR 97.411(c), 97.611(c), and 97.711(c).   National Telecommunications and

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 240 / Tuesday, December 15, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                             77593

                                                      Information Administration; U.S.                        Telecommunications and Information                       required by law. Section II of this notice
                                                      Department of Commerce; 1401                            Administration (NTIA).1 Congress                         of proposed rulemaking details relevant
                                                      Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,                    mandated FirstNet ensure the building,                   statutory provisions and makes clear
                                                      DC 20230.). Comments received related                   deployment, and operation of an                          that, while NTIA has a distinct role
                                                      to this proposed rule will be made a part               interoperable nationwide public safety                   through the fee review and approval
                                                      of the public record and will be posted                 broadband network (Network).2 In order                   process to ensure that FirstNet is self-
                                                      to www.regulations.gov without change.                  to meet this critical directive and                      funded, NTIA’s role is a relatively
                                                      Comments should be machine readable                     provide affordable, reliable, and                        limited part of broader statutory
                                                      and should not be copy-protected.                       sustainable broadband services for first                 provisions designed to monitor
                                                      Comments should include the name of                     responders across the United States,                     FirstNet’s financial condition and
                                                      the person or organization filing the                   FirstNet must operate as a business                      operational status.
                                                      comment as well as a page number on                     enterprise. Today, public safety entities                   Section III defines the scope of NTIA’s
                                                      each page of the submission. All                        procure broadband services from                          proposed fee review and approval
                                                      personally identifiable information (e.g.,              numerous commercial service                              process. NTIA has determined that this
                                                      name, address) voluntarily submitted by                 providers. When it enters the market,                    process is for a particular and limited
                                                      the commenter may be publicly                           FirstNet will start with no market share                 purpose: it must examine only whether
                                                      accessible. Do not submit confidential                  and will have to compete for customers                   the proposed fees of another federal
                                                      business information or otherwise                       by distinguishing its product in terms of                entity—FirstNet—as set forth under
                                                      sensitive or protected information.                     features, price, and reliability from                    Section 6208 of the Act, are, in aggregate
                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        products offered by commercial                           and in combination with any FirstNet
                                                      Patrick Sullivan; Office of Public Safety               providers. To be successful, FirstNet                    non-fee-based income, sufficient, but
                                                      Communications; National                                will need to employ business strategies                  not in excess of, the projected funds that
                                                      Telecommunications and Information                      with flexibility and agility                             FirstNet needs to recoup the total
                                                      Administration; U.S. Department of                      commonplace in the private sector.                       expenses required to carry out its
                                                      Commerce; 1401 Constitution Avenue                         This document proposes rules that                     statutory obligations in a given year.
                                                      NW., Washington, DC 20230;                              will enable NTIA to execute its duty to                  NTIA acknowledges that, as authorized
                                                      psullivan@ntia.doc.gov; (202) 482–5948.                 review specific fees proposed by                         by the Act, FirstNet might receive
                                                                                                              FirstNet in a manner compatible with                     income which is separate and distinct
                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                              FirstNet’s need to operate as a business                 from the fee categories defined in
                                                      Table of Contents                                       in a competitive marketplace. NTIA
                                                                                                                                                                       Section 6208. NTIA recognizes that such
                                                                                                              proposes to execute its statutory fee
                                                      I. Introduction, Summary of Proposed Rules                                                                       income will impact NTIA’s
                                                      II. Background: Relevant Statutory Provisions           review duties to afford FirstNet as much
                                                                                                                                                                       determination whether FirstNet’s
                                                         A. FirstNet-Assessed Fees Must Ensure                flexibility as possible to establish its
                                                                                                                                                                       proposed fees, in aggregate and in
                                                            Self-Funding and be Approved by NTIA.             business and budgetary goals and to
                                                                                                                                                                       combination with such non-fee-based
                                                         B. FirstNet’s Finances are Subject to                adjust those goals as necessary to
                                                            Broader, Independent Review.
                                                                                                                                                                       income, will meet but not exceed the
                                                                                                              respond to the day-to-day realities of the
                                                      III. NTIA’s Annual Fee Review Focuses on                                                                         funds it needs on an annual basis.
                                                                                                              broader competitive marketplace in
                                                            Whether FirstNet Fees and Other                                                                            However, NTIA proposes that the Act
                                                                                                              which FirstNet must operate.
                                                            Income, In Aggregate, Are Sufficient, and                                                                  affords NTIA no authority to review or
                                                                                                              Ultimately, NTIA intends to implement
                                                            Do Not Exceed the Amount Necessary, to                                                                     approve as a ‘‘fee’’ any other form of
                                                            Recoup FirstNet’s Total Expense                   a fee review process that allows FirstNet
                                                                                                              to respond to changing market                            income FirstNet may receive beyond
                                                         A. Standard of NTIA Fee Review and                                                                            those fees listed in Section 6208(a).
                                                            Approval.                                         conditions and the demands of its vital
                                                         B. NTIA’s Fee Review and Approval                    and dynamic customer base: First                            In Section IV, NTIA proposes a
                                                            Process Does Not Assess the                       responders.                                              methodology for its fee review that must
                                                            Reasonableness of a Proposed Fee.                    The Act requires FirstNet to be                       by law occur annually and prior to
                                                      IV. Methodology of NTIA Fee Review and                  permanently self-funding and                             FirstNet’s assessment of fees. Because
                                                            Approval Process                                  authorizes it to assess and collect                      NTIA’s fee review process is for
                                                         A. Focus of NTIA Fee Review                                                                                   particular and limited purposes
                                                                                                              certain types of fees to assure its
                                                                                                              sustainability. The Act requires that the                focusing on the financial sustainability
                                                         B. NTIA’s Fee Review and Approval
                                                            Process Defers to FirstNet on Necessary           total amount of FirstNet’s annual fees                   of another federal entity within the
                                                            Reserves.                                         must be sufficient to recoup FirstNet’s                  Department of Commerce, NTIA will
                                                      V. FirstNet-Proposed Fees Subject to NTIA               total expenses, but such fees must not                   include in its review a review of
                                                            Review Under Section 6208 Must be                 exceed the amount necessary to carry                     FirstNet’s projected expenses as set
                                                            Addressed Upon NTIA Disapproval                   out its duties under the Act.3 As part of                forth in its approved budgets as well as
                                                         A. Fees Subject to NTIA Review and                   FirstNet’s self-funding obligations, the                 a review of FirstNet’s prior-year actual
                                                            FirstNet Reconsideration Upon NTIA                                                                         expenses and revenues to facilitate
                                                                                                              Act directs NTIA to review these fees on
                                                         B. Income Other Than Fees is Not Subject             an annual basis; they may only be                        FirstNet’s compliance with Section
                                                            to NTIA Fee Review.                               assessed if approved by NTIA.4                           6208(b). To that end, NTIA proposes to
                                                      VI. Ex Parte Communication                                 This notice of proposed rulemaking                    utilize FirstNet’s regular budget process
                                                                                                              describes NTIA’s overarching scope,                      and financial statements. NTIA also
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      I. Introduction, Summary of Proposed                    boundaries, and guidelines for NTIA’s                    proposes to defer to FirstNet on any
                                                      Rules                                                   fee review and approval process as                       need for reserves, working capital, or
                                                         The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job                                                                           similar fund categories. NTIA, however,
                                                      Creation Act of 2012 (Pub. L. 112–96,                     1 See   47 U.S.C. 1424(a).                             will take such fund categories into
                                                                                                                2 See   47 U.S.C. 1426(b)(1) (stating FirstNet shall
                                                      Title VI, 126 Stat. 256 (codified at 47                                                                          consideration as part of its
                                                                                                              ‘‘. . . take all actions necessary to ensure the
                                                      U.S.C. 1401 et seq.)) (Act) established                 building, deployment, and operation of the
                                                                                                                                                                       determination of whether the total
                                                      the First Responder Network Authority                   nationwide public safety broadband network . . .’’).     proposed fees under Section 6208(b)
                                                      (FirstNet) as an independent authority                     3 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(b).                              meet, but do not exceed, FirstNet’s total
                                                      within the National                                        4 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).                              expenses.

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:48 Dec 14, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00005   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\15DEP1.SGM   15DEP1

                                                      77594                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 240 / Tuesday, December 15, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                         In Section V, NTIA discusses the fees                   FirstNet’s authority to operate as a                  result in FirstNet’s collection of income
                                                      that NTIA has specific jurisdiction to                  business can and should further its                      that does not fall within the fees
                                                      review; if, in its review of aggregate                  ability to meet the Act’s mandate that it                specified in Section 6208(a).13
                                                      revenues and costs, it determines that                  become a self-sustaining enterprise.
                                                                                                                                                                       B. FirstNet’s Finances are Subject to
                                                      FirstNet has not satisfied the legal                    Section 6208 of the Act makes clear that
                                                                                                                                                                       Broader, Independent Review
                                                      standard, FirstNet must adjust its fees or              FirstNet must establish permanent self-
                                                      otherwise make budgetary changes to                     funding and is authorized to collect fees                   NTIA’s approach in this proposed
                                                      ensure that the standard is met.                        for specified uses of the Network or its                 rule reflects the scope of its fees review
                                                      Specifically, NTIA proposes to define                   components in furtherance of that                        authority in the context of other
                                                      the term ‘‘fee,’’ for purposes of its                   obligation.                                              supervision of FirstNet’s finances and
                                                      statutory obligations under Section                        The Act established specific                          operations, which taken together, ensure
                                                      6208(c) of the Act, to mean FirstNet’s                  parameters for FirstNet’s fee                            a high degree of oversight over
                                                      direct collection of money that is                      assessments described in Section                         FirstNet’s finances under the Act. The
                                                      generated from the three categories                     6208(a) to drive sustainability and                      Act sets forth multiple methods of
                                                      established in Section 6208(a) of the                   continual reinvestment of FirstNet                       oversight of FirstNet well beyond the
                                                      Act: (1) Network user fees; (2) lease fees              revenues into the Network. Section                       limited review and approval of fees
                                                      pursuant to a covered leasing agreement                 6208(b), entitled, ‘‘Establishment of Fee                required of NTIA under Section 6208(c).
                                                      (CLA); and (3) fees from entities seeking               Amounts; Permanent Self-Funding,’’                       For example, FirstNet is subject to an
                                                      access to or use of any network                         requires that the total amount of the fees               independent financial audit. Section
                                                      equipment or infrastructure constructed                 assessed under Section 6208(c) for each                  6209 of the Act requires that the
                                                      or otherwise owned by FirstNet.5 Under                  fiscal year shall be sufficient, but cannot              Secretary of Commerce engage an
                                                      this proposed rule, NTIA can direct                     exceed, the amount necessary to recoup                   independent auditor to conduct an
                                                      FirstNet to address only those proposed                 the total expenses of FirstNet as it                     annual audit of all of FirstNet’s
                                                      fees that fall into one of these three                  carries out its duties under the Act.9                   commercial corporate transactions
                                                      categories. Further, NTIA proposes that                 Moreover, FirstNet must reinvest                         which the auditor will submit to
                                                      it will not evaluate the reasonableness,                amounts received from the assessment                     Congress, the President, and FirstNet.14
                                                      or similar subjective attributes, of the                of fees under Section 6208 for                           In addition, the Act requires an annual,
                                                      specific fees assessed by FirstNet or its               constructing, maintaining, operating, or                 ‘‘comprehensive and detailed report of
                                                      prospective partner or partners as                      improving the Network.10 Specific to                     the operations, activities, financial
                                                      contemplated in the Act. Specific NTIA                  FirstNet’s authority to assess and collect               condition, and accomplishments of
                                                      rules are proposed in new 47 CFR                        these fees, Section 6208(c) requires that                [FirstNet],’’ to be submitted to Congress
                                                      Chapter V; Subchapter A will be                         NTIA review such fees ‘‘on an annual                     along with ‘‘recommendations or
                                                      utilized for NTIA rules that relate to                  basis, and such fees may only be                         proposals for legislative or
                                                      FirstNet, and Subchapter B will be                      assessed if approved by . . . NTIA.’’ 11                 administrative action as [FirstNet]
                                                                                                                 Additionally, the Act makes clear that                deems appropriate.’’ 15 Furthermore,
                                                      reserved for rules promulgated by
                                                                                                              FirstNet should consider public-private                  FirstNet must comply on a day-to-day
                                                      FirstNet itself.
                                                         We seek comment on these                             partnerships, affording it additional                    basis with all other applicable federal
                                                      preliminary proposals. We also look                     authority to creatively support the                      financial laws and regulations. In light
                                                      forward to FirstNet’s progress in its                   provision of a self-funded broadband                     of these broader oversight provisions,
                                                      procurement process, which may                          network for use by public safety                         NTIA’s narrow scoping of its fee review
                                                                                                              entities.12 Such partnerships might                      authority is appropriate.
                                                      provide additional information relevant
                                                      to NTIA’s duties under Section 6208(c).                                                                          III. NTIA’s Annual Fee Review Focuses
                                                                                                              fiduciary and operational functions assigned to
                                                      With such information from                              boards of corporations. See 47 U.S.C. 1424(b).           on Whether FirstNet Fees and Other
                                                      stakeholders and FirstNet, NTIA will be                 Furthermore, Board members appointed by the              Income, in Aggregate, Are Sufficient,
                                                      better informed to solidify the scope of                Secretary of Commerce must include individuals
                                                                                                                                                                       and Do Not Exceed the Amount
                                                                                                              with various types of business experience,
                                                      its fee review and approval process as                  including expertise in building, deploying, and          Necessary, To Recoup FirstNet’s Total
                                                      appropriate.                                            operating commercial telecommunications                  Expenses
                                                                                                              networks, and in financing and funding
                                                      II. Background: Relevant Statutory                      telecommunications networks. See id. FirstNet may        A. Standard of NTIA Fee Review and
                                                      Provisions                                              only act as authorized by the Board to execute any       Approval
                                                                                                              powers granted by the Act to FirstNet, spend funds,
                                                      A. FirstNet-Assessed Fees Must Ensure                   or take other actions deemed necessary,                    The Act does not provide a specific
                                                      Self-Funding and Be Approved by NTIA                    appropriate, or advisable to accomplish the              standard of review for NTIA’s annual
                                                                                                              purposes of the Act. See 47 U.S.C. 1426(a)(1); see
                                                        The Act established FirstNet as an                    also 47 U.S.C. 1426(a)(5). As a business enterprise,
                                                                                                                                                                       fee review and approval process under
                                                      independent authority within NTIA.6                     FirstNet may contract with individuals; private          Section 6208(c).16 However,
                                                      The Act authorizes FirstNet to take all                 companies; organizations; institutions; and Federal,     examination of other provisions in
                                                                                                              State, regional, and local agencies. See 47 U.S.C.       Section 6208 and the Act at large inform
                                                      actions necessary to ensure the building,               1426(a)(3). The Act allows FirstNet to engage in
                                                      deployment, and operation of the                        other business activities, including selecting agents,
                                                                                                                                                                       NTIA’s proposed approach to FirstNet
                                                      Network.7 To achieve this significant                   consultants, or experts and hiring a program
                                                      and unprecedented task, FirstNet must                   manager to carry out key aspects of deploying the        existing commercial mobile providers to utilize
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                                                                                                              NPSBN. See 47 U.S.C. 1425(b).                            cost- effective opportunities to speed deployment in
                                                      operate in many respects as a private                      9 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(b).                              rural areas’’).
                                                      sector business enterprise.8                               10 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(d).                                13 See, e.g., § 1426(a)(3) (referencing ‘‘grants and

                                                                                                                 11 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).                                 funds from . . . individuals, private companies,
                                                        5 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(a).                                                                                       organizations, institutions, and Federal, State,
                                                                                                                 12 See, e.g., 47 U.S.C. 1428(a) (describing public-
                                                        6 See 47 U.S.C. 1424(a).                              private arrangements to construct, manage, and           regional, and local agencies’’); § 1426(a)(4)
                                                        7 See 47 U.S.C. 1426(b).
                                                                                                              operate the nationwide public safety broadband           (referencing ‘‘gifts, donations, and bequests of
                                                        8 To that end, the Act set forth several key          network between FirstNet and a secondary user);          property, both real and personal’’).
                                                                                                                                                                          14 See 47 U.S.C. 1429.
                                                      provisions establishing FirstNet as a business          see also 47 U.S.C. 1426(b)(3) (requiring that FirstNet
                                                                                                                                                                          15 47 U.S.C. 1430.
                                                      enterprise. For example, the Act requires the           requests for proposals, to the maximum extent
                                                      creation of the FirstNet Board, which has the           economically feasible, ‘‘include partnerships with          16 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).

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                                                      fee review. FirstNet has a duty under                   assessed fees drive a self-funded                        IV. Methodology of NTIA Fee Review
                                                      Section 6208(b) to ensure that, during a                network.                                                 and Approval Process
                                                      given fiscal year, the fees it assesses are                A review of other provisions of Title                 A. Focus of NTIA Fee Review
                                                      sufficient, and shall not exceed the                    47 demonstrates that when Congress                       Methodology
                                                      amount necessary, to recoup the ‘‘total                 intends for rates to be subject to a
                                                      expenses’’ associated with carrying out                                                                             Based on the preliminary conclusions
                                                                                                              review for ‘‘reasonableness’’ or other                   above, NTIA proposes to base its
                                                      its duties as specified under the Act.17
                                                                                                              subjective standards, it states this                     approval of fees upon a determination of
                                                         Given this overarching directive in
                                                                                                              intention explicitly. For example,                       whether the proposed fees, in aggregate,
                                                      Section 6208(b), which immediately
                                                      precedes the Act’s assignation of fee                   Section 201 of the Communications Act                    when combined with any projected non-
                                                      review to NTIA in Section 6208(c),                      directs the Federal Communications                       fee-based income that FirstNet receives,
                                                      NTIA proposes that the Act’s purpose                    Commission (FCC) to determine                            meet but do not exceed FirstNet’s
                                                      for the fee review is solely to support                 whether the charges of                                   anticipated total expenses associated
                                                      FirstNet’s obligation under Section                     telecommunications carriers are ‘‘just                   with carrying out its duties as specified
                                                      6208(b) to be self-funding. Thus, NTIA                  and reasonable.’’ 21 Similarly, Section                  under the Act in a given year. As
                                                      intends to base its decisions on                        224 of the Communications Act directs                    required by the Act, NTIA will conduct
                                                      FirstNet’s proposed fees by only                        the FCC to regulate the rates, terms, and                its fee review and approval process on
                                                      examining whether the fees are, in                      conditions of pole attachments to ensure                 an annual basis. Further, NTIA’s
                                                      aggregate and combined with other non-                  they are ‘‘just and reasonable.’’ 22 Here,               proposed fee review and approval
                                                      fee-based income, sufficient, but not in                with respect to FirstNet’s assessment of                 process will occur before a fee is
                                                      excess, of the projected funds FirstNet                 fees under Section 6208, and NTIA’s                      assessed as required by the Act, and
                                                      needs to carry out its statutory                        review and approval of such fees, the                    NTIA expects that FirstNet will propose
                                                      obligations in a given fiscal year. In this                                                                      such fees to NTIA in writing. Because
                                                                                                              Act established no such ‘‘just and
                                                      way, NTIA’s review and approval of                                                                               FirstNet must compete in a broader
                                                                                                              reasonable’’ standard.                                   marketplace for the opportunity to
                                                      FirstNet-proposed fees under Section                      Moreover, a reasonableness review of
                                                      6208 will exclusively focus on                                                                                   provide broadband service to public
                                                                                                              FirstNet fees is unnecessary as a matter                 safety entities, it will need the flexibility
                                                      FirstNet’s projected income and
                                                                                                              of policy. The Act does not mandate or                   over the course of a fiscal year to adjust
                                                      expenses to further the self-funding
                                                                                                              require any public safety entity to                      specific fees it wishes to assess pursuant
                                                      requirements and limitations of Section
                                                                                                              purchase services from FirstNet.                         to Section 6208(a).
                                                      6208(b). We seek comment on this                                                                                    Thus, to empower FirstNet with the
                                                      proposed approach.                                      FirstNet must compete for subscribers
                                                                                                              by offering a compelling value                           flexibility needed to compete in the
                                                      B. NTIA’s Fee Review and Approval                       proposition to prospective public safety                 marketplace, NTIA proposes that, as
                                                      Process Does Not Assess the                             customers. Public safety users                           part of its annual fee review, it will also
                                                      Reasonableness of a Proposed Fee                        themselves will determine whether                        review FirstNet’s actual fees and
                                                                                                                                                                       expenses from the previous four fiscal
                                                         The scope of review of a fee is                      FirstNet’s proposed user fees are
                                                                                                                                                                       quarters. This process will afford
                                                      established by the statute.18 As a result,              reasonable in comparison to the fees
                                                                                                                                                                       FirstNet the opportunity to describe any
                                                      we propose that NTIA’s fee review is                    they are offered by competing providers.                 significant discrepancies between
                                                      scoped to self-sustainability and does                    Thus, NTIA proposes that it will not                   projected and actual expenses and
                                                      not include review of the                               assess whether individual or total fees                  revenue of that previous fiscal year and
                                                      reasonableness of any fee assessed by                   in any given category described in                       detail how its projected fees and
                                                      FirstNet or its prospective partner or                  Section 6208(a) are reasonable,                          revenues for the upcoming fiscal year
                                                      partners as contemplated in the Act.                                                                             have addressed these discrepancies. In
                                                                                                              proportionate, or otherwise subjectively
                                                         The wording of the Act itself does not                                                                        doing so, FirstNet will have an
                                                                                                              appropriate in light of individual or
                                                      direct NTIA to perform a reasonableness                                                                          opportunity on an annual basis to
                                                                                                              total fees in that category, or any other
                                                      review. Section 6208(b), entitled,                                                                               ensure that its duty under Section
                                                      ‘‘Establishment Of Fee Amounts;                         category of fees listed in Section
                                                                                                              6208(a). With the proposed scope of its                  6208(b) is met. To determine FirstNet’s
                                                      Permanent Self-Funding,’’ requires that                                                                          anticipated expenses, among the
                                                      the total amount of the fees assessed by                fee review, NTIA meets the intent of the
                                                                                                              self-funding provisions, but does not                    specific costs areas that NTIA may
                                                      FirstNet for each fiscal year must be                                                                            consider are: (1) Salaries and Benefits;
                                                      sufficient, but cannot exceed, the                      import ‘‘just and reasonable’’ review
                                                                                                                                                                       (2) Travel; (3) Services: Federal Sources;
                                                      amount necessary to recoup the total                    parameters that Congress clearly could
                                                                                                                                                                       (4) Services: Non-Federal Sources; (5)
                                                      expenses of FirstNet as it carries out its              have, but did not, include in the statute.
                                                                                                                                                                       Facilities Rental; (6) Supplies, Materials,
                                                      duties under the Act.19 NTIA’s mandate                  We seek comment on these preliminary                     and Printing; (7) Equipment; and (8)
                                                      to review and approve FirstNet fees                     proposals.                                               Other expenses or obligations incurred
                                                      directly follows this fee structure                                                                              for future contract award, capital
                                                      requirement in Section 6208(c).20 The                     21 See 47 U.S.C 201 (stating that, for common
                                                                                                                                                                       reserves, or other permitted expenses or
                                                      Act provides no other direction                         carrier services, ‘‘[a]ll charges . . . for and in
                                                                                                              connection with such communication service, shall
                                                                                                                                                                       obligations. NTIA anticipates deferring
                                                      regarding fee review, but the structure of                                                                       to FirstNet to determine the
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                                                                                                              be just and reasonable, and any such charge,
                                                      the statute clearly indicates                           practice, classification, or regulation that is unjust   reasonableness of projected obligations
                                                      congressional intent to ensure that the                 or unreasonable is hereby declared to be                 in the aforementioned or other
                                                                                                              unlawful.’’).                                            categories.
                                                        17 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(b).                               22 See 47 U.S.C 224 (b)(1) (stating that ‘‘the
                                                                                                                                                                          Throughout the fee review and
                                                        18 See Principles of Federal Appropriations Law,      Commission shall regulate the rates, terms, and          approval process, NTIA anticipates
                                                      Volume III, Third Edition, GAO, pp 12–140–12–           conditions for pole attachments to provide that
                                                      181. GAO 08–978 SP (Washington, DC, September           such rates, terms, and conditions are just and
                                                                                                                                                                       utilizing the budget documents and
                                                      2008).                                                  reasonable, and shall adopt procedures necessary         financial statements produced in the
                                                        19 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(b).
                                                                                                              and appropriate to hear and resolve complaints           normal course of FirstNet’s business.
                                                        20 See 47 U.S.C. 1428(c).                             concerning such rates, terms, and conditions.’’)         NTIA might also utilize FirstNet’s

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                                                      annual budget reports as approved by                    FirstNet’s total expenses. In doing so,                 Section 6208(c) is FirstNet’s collection
                                                      the FirstNet Board and submitted as part                NTIA will deem such funds to be a part                  of money that falls within the three
                                                      of the President’s Budget and FirstNet’s                of FirstNet’s projected total expenses                  categories in Section 6208(a): (1)
                                                      mandated annual report to Congress.                     under Section 6208(b) of the Act. We                    Network user fees; (2) lease fees related
                                                        Therefore, NTIA proposes that it will                 seek comment on this proposal.                          to network capacity, pursuant to a
                                                      make, on an annual basis, one of three                                                                          covered leasing agreement; and (3) fees
                                                      determinations with regard to proposed                  V. FirstNet-Proposed Fees Subject to
                                                                                                                                                                      from entities seeking access to or use of
                                                      fees: (1) FirstNet’s proposed fees, in                  NTIA Review Under Section 6208 Must
                                                                                                                                                                      any equipment or infrastructure
                                                      aggregate, when combined with any                       Be Addressed Upon NTIA Disapproval
                                                                                                                                                                      constructed or otherwise owned by
                                                      projected non-fee-based income to be                    A. Fees Subject to NTIA Review and                      FirstNet.26 Given the clear language in
                                                      received by FirstNet, meet but do not                   FirstNet Reconsideration Upon NTIA                      Section 6208(a) defining the fees that
                                                      exceed FirstNet’s projected total                       Disapproval                                             FirstNet may assess, and the
                                                      expenses; (2) FirstNet’s proposed fees,                   The Act assigns a clear duty to NTIA                  corresponding language in Section
                                                      in aggregate, when combined with any                    under Section 6208: approve or                          6208(c) directing NTIA to review fees
                                                      projected non-fee-based income to be                    disapprove the specific fees FirstNet                   ‘‘assessed under [Section 6208],’’ NTIA
                                                      received by FirstNet, do not meet                       aspires to assess under Section 6208.                   proposes that its fee review authority,
                                                      FirstNet’s projected total expenses; or                 Under Section 6208(a) of the Act,                       and FirstNet’s obligation to address fees
                                                      (3) FirstNet’s proposed fees, in                        FirstNet is authorized to assess and                    upon NTIA disapproval of proposed
                                                      aggregate, when combined with any                       collect the following fees:                             fees, is scoped to the three above-
                                                      projected non-fee-based income to be                                                                            referenced categories. We seek comment
                                                      received by FirstNet, exceed FirstNet’s                   1. A Network User Fee: ‘‘A user or                    on this preliminary proposal.
                                                                                                              subscription fee from each entity, including
                                                      projected total expenses. Upon making
                                                                                                              any public safety entity or secondary user,             B. Income Other Than Fees Is Not
                                                      any of these determinations, NTIA will                  that seeks access to or use of the
                                                      communicate its determination in                                                                                Subject to NTIA Fee Review
                                                                                                              [Network].’’ 23
                                                      writing to FirstNet. Should NTIA make                     2. Fees Pursuant to a Covered Leasing                    As noted above, NTIA recognizes that,
                                                      the second or third determination listed                Agreement: ‘‘A fee from any entity that seeks           under the Act, FirstNet may receive
                                                      above, NTIA will not approve FirstNet’s                 to enter into a [CLA].’’ 24                             income that is separate and distinct
                                                      proposed fees, and FirstNet may not                       3. Lease Fees Related to Network                      from the fees defined in Section 6208(a).
                                                      assess them. NTIA proposes that it will                 Equipment and Infrastructure: ‘‘A fee from              Such income must be factored into
                                                                                                              any entity that seeks access to or use of any           NTIA’s determination of whether
                                                      accept any revised proposed fees or
                                                                                                              equipment or infrastructure, including
                                                      FirstNet approved revised budgets when                                                                          proposed fees, in aggregate, will meet
                                                                                                              antennas or towers, constructed or otherwise
                                                      provided by FirstNet in writing and                     owned by the First Responder Network                    but not exceed the funds needed by
                                                      evaluate them consistent with the scope                 Authority resulting from a public-private               FirstNet on an annual basis. However,
                                                      and methodology proposed above.                         arrangement to construct, manage, and                   as the Act limits NTIA’s review and
                                                        We seek comment on this proposed                      operate the [Network]’’ 25                              approval authority to ‘‘the fees assessed
                                                      approach to NTIA’s fee review and                          As a threshold matter for purposes of                in [Section 6208],’’ NTIA proposes that
                                                      approval process. We also seek                          this proposed rule and NTIA’s duty                      the Act gives it no authority to review
                                                      comment on alternative methodologies                    under Section 6208 of the Act, the word                 or approve as a ‘‘fee’’ any other form of
                                                      that will further our fee review and                    ‘‘fee,’’ as used in Section 6208(c) of the              income FirstNet might receive. NTIA
                                                      approval process consistent with the                    Act, must be defined. By defining the                   proposes that non-fee-based income,
                                                      Act’s directives.                                       fees NTIA is to review, NTIA identifies                 emanating from arrangements allowed
                                                                                                              the specific fees FirstNet must address                 by statute, is not a ‘‘fee’’ under Section
                                                      B. NTIA’s Fee Review and Approval
                                                                                                              prior to NTIA approval in the event                     6208(a). Furthermore, NTIA proposes
                                                      Process Defers to FirstNet on Necessary
                                                                                                              NTIA must disapprove FirstNet-                          that it will consider any non-fee income
                                                                                                              approved fees under the standards set                   only as part of its determination of
                                                        NTIA proposes that it should defer to                                                                         whether such income, when combined
                                                                                                              forth above.
                                                      FirstNet, in the context of its budgetary                  To implement its fee review                          in aggregate with the fees defined in
                                                      planning process, regarding the use and                 obligations under the Act, NTIA must                    Section 6208(a), will be sufficient to
                                                      retention of reserves or working capital                determine the meaning of the term ‘‘fee’’               recoup FirstNet’s total expenses, but not
                                                      funds. By doing so, NTIA will not, in its               as used in Section 6208. In the case of                 exceed the amount necessary, to carry
                                                      fee review and approval process, assess                 the Act, the three sets of fees, which                  out its statutory duties and
                                                      whether or what level of funds FirstNet                 FirstNet may assess, and which NTIA                     responsibilities for the fiscal year
                                                      should maintain in reserves, capital                    must review if assessed, are clearly                    involved. Moreover, NTIA proposes that
                                                      accounts, or other funding categories.                  defined within Section 6208(a). Thus,                   it will not analyze the terms and
                                                      FirstNet’s routine budget, auditing, and                NTIA proposes that a ‘‘fee’’ that will be               conditions of any CLA, or any other
                                                      accounting processes will presumably                    subject to its review and approval under                agreement between FirstNet and another
                                                      determine the need for such capital                                                                             entity, beyond those specific terms and
                                                      reserve funds. NTIA plans to defer to                     23 47  U.S.C. 1428(a)(1).                             conditions which establish any fees that
                                                      FirstNet’s determination of need for                      24 47  U.S.C. 1428(a)(2)(A); See also 47 U.S.C.       meet the three categories described in
                                                      such funds through these processes. We
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                                                                                                              1428(a)(2)(B) (stating that the Act defines a CLA as    Section 6208(a). We seek comment on
                                                      seek comment on this proposed                           ‘‘a written agreement resulting from a public-private
                                                                                                              arrangement to construct, manage, and operate the
                                                                                                                                                                      these preliminary proposals.
                                                      approach to NTIA’s fee review and                       nationwide public safety broadband network
                                                      approval process.                                                                                               VI. Ex Parte Communications
                                                                                                              between the First Responder Network Authority
                                                        Moreover, NTIA proposes that, in its                  and secondary user to permit—(i) access to network        Any non-public oral presentation to
                                                      fee review and approval process, it will                capacity on a secondary basis for non-public safety     NTIA regarding the substance of this
                                                      take into consideration reserve funds at                services; and (ii) the spectrum allocated to such
                                                                                                              entity to be used for commercial transmissions
                                                                                                                                                                      proposed rule will be considered an ex
                                                      the levels designated in FirstNet’s                     along the dark fiber of the long-haul network of        parte presentation, and the substance of
                                                      budget, to determine whether FirstNet’s                 such entity.’’).
                                                      proposed fees meet but not exceed                          25 47 U.S.C. 1428(a)(3).                              26 See   47 U.S.C. 1428(a).

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                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 240 / Tuesday, December 15, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                           77597

                                                      the meeting will be placed on the public                rules will assist in ensuring that                    and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Pub. L.
                                                      record and become part of this docket.                  FirstNet, as required under the Act, will             112–96, Title VI, 126 Stat. 256 (codified
                                                      No later than two (2) business days after               sustain a nationwide public safety                    at 47 U.S.C. 1401 et seq.) (the ‘‘Act’’),
                                                      an oral presentation or meeting, an                     broadband network that provides                       which requires the National
                                                      interested party must submit a                          broadband communications to first                     Telecommunications and Information
                                                      memorandum to NTIA summarizing the                      responders. Because this action, if                   Administration to annually review fees
                                                      substance of the communication. NTIA                    adopted, would directly affect only                   the First Responder Network Authority
                                                      reserves the right to supplement the                    federal entities—NTIA and FirstNet—                   (FirstNet) proposes to assess.
                                                      memorandum with additional                              and not any small entities, the
                                                      information as necessary, or to request                 Department of Commerce has concluded                  § 500.2    General definitions.
                                                      that the party making the filing do so,                 that the action would not result in a                    Fee means FirstNet’s receipt of money
                                                      if NTIA believes that important                         significant economic impact on a                      from:
                                                      information was omitted or                              substantial number of small entities.                    (1) A Network User Fee;
                                                      characterized incorrectly. Any written                  Thus, the Department of Commerce                         (2) Lease Fees Related To Network
                                                      presentation provided in support of the                 Chief Counsel for Regulations has                     Capacity; or
                                                      oral communication or meeting will also                 certified to the Chief Counsel for                       (3) Lease Fees Related To Network
                                                      be placed on the public record and                      Advocacy of the Small Business                        Equipment And Infrastructure, as those
                                                      become part of this docket. Such ex                     Administration that this rule will not                terms are defined under 47 U.S.C.
                                                      parte communications must be                            have a significant impact on a                        1428(a).
                                                      submitted to this docket as provided in                 substantial number of small entities.                    FirstNet means the First Responder
                                                      the ADDRESSES section above and clearly                 Therefore, an initial regulatory                      Network Authority.
                                                      labeled as an ex parte presentation.                    flexibility analysis is not required and                 Fiscal Year means the 12-month
                                                      Federal entities are not subject to these               has not been prepared.                                accounting period for the federal
                                                      procedures.                                                                                                   government, which begins on 1 October
                                                                                                              Executive Order 13132
                                                      Classification                                                                                                of a given year and ends on 30
                                                                                                                It has been determined that this                    September of the subsequent year.
                                                        This rule has been determined to be                   document does not contain policies                       Non-fee-based income received by
                                                      not significant for purposes of Executive               with Federalism implications as that                  FirstNet means FirstNet’s receipt of
                                                      Order 12866.                                            term is defined in Executive Order                    money from any source, transaction,
                                                      Regulatory Flexibility Act                              13132.                                                entity, or any other means allowed
                                                         This proposed rulemaking, issued                     List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 500                   under 47 U.S.C. 1401 et seq., other than
                                                      under the authority of the Act, will not                                                                      those receipts described above in the
                                                                                                                FirstNet, FirstNet Fees, Safety,                    definition of ‘‘fee.’’
                                                      have a significant economic impact on                   Telecommunications.
                                                      a substantial number of small entities as                                                                        NTIA means the National
                                                      defined under the Regulatory Flexibility                  Dated: December 10, 2015.                           Telecommunications and Information
                                                      Act (RFA). If implemented, this rule                    Lawrence E. Strickling,                               Administration.
                                                      would establish regulations, as required                Assistant Secretary for Communications and               NTIA’s fee review and approval
                                                      under the Act, for NTIA and FirstNet                    Information.                                          process means the process by which
                                                      regarding the process by which NTIA                       For the reasons set out in the                      NTIA executes its duties under 47
                                                      reviews and approves or disapproves                     preamble, the National                                U.S.C. 1428(c).
                                                      fees FirstNet proposes to assess. The                   Telecommunications and Information                    § 500.3 NTIA’s duty to review FirstNet
                                                      RFA requires federal agencies to prepare                Administration proposes to add 47 CFR                 proposed fees.
                                                      an analysis of a rule’s impact on small                 Chapter V to read as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                      As required under 47 U.S.C. 1428(c),
                                                      entities whenever the agency is required
                                                      to publish a notice of proposed
                                                                                                              CHAPTER V—THE FIRST RESPONDER                         NTIA shall exclusively review fees,
                                                                                                              NETWORK AUTHORITY (Parts 500–599)                     which must be proposed by FirstNet in
                                                      rulemaking. However, a federal agency
                                                      may certify, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b),               SUBCHAPTER A—NATIONAL                                 writing, through NTIA’s review and
                                                      that the action will not have a                         TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND                                approval process conducted on an
                                                      significant economic impact on a                        INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION                            annual basis.
                                                                                                              REGULATIONS (Parts 500–549)
                                                      substantial number of small entities.                                                                         § 500.4 Scope of NTIA review of FirstNet
                                                      The proposed regulations are for the                    PART 500—REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF                       proposed fees.
                                                      particular and limited purpose of NTIA                  FEES PROPOSED BY THE FIRST
                                                                                                              RESPONDER NETWORK AUTHORITY                             NTIA shall approve FirstNet proposed
                                                      examining only whether the proposed                                                                           fees only if such fees, when combined
                                                      fees of another federal entity—                                                                               with any non-fee-based income
                                                      FirstNet—are, in aggregate and in                       Sec.
                                                                                                              500.1 Purpose and scope.                              projected to be received by FirstNet, are
                                                      combination with any FirstNet non-fee-                                                                        sufficient, but do not exceed the amount
                                                                                                              500.2 General definitions.
                                                      based income, sufficient, but not in                                                                          necessary, to recoup FirstNet’s total
                                                                                                              500.3 NTIA duty to review FirstNet
                                                      excess of, the projected funds that                          proposed fees.                                   expenses in carrying out its duties and
                                                      FirstNet needs to recoup the total
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                              500.4 Scope of NTIA review of FirstNet                responsibilities under 47 U.S.C. 1401 et
                                                      expenses required to carry out its                           proposed fees.                                   seq. for the fiscal year involved.
                                                      statutory obligations in a given year. No               500.5 Methodology of NTIA fee review and
                                                      external entities, including any small                       approval process.                                § 500.5 Methodology of NTIA fee review
                                                      businesses, small organizations, or small                                                                     and approval process.
                                                                                                                Authority: 47 U.S.C. 1401.
                                                      governments, will experience any direct                                                                          (a) Fee review approach. To execute
                                                      economic impacts from this proposed                     § 500.1   Purpose and scope.                          NTIA’s fee review and approval process,
                                                      rule. The only potential effect on any                    Sections 500.2 through 500.5                        NTIA shall utilize FirstNet’s standard
                                                      external entities, large or small, would                implement 47 U.S.C. 1428(c) as codified               financial documentation, which may
                                                      likely be positive, as NTIA’s proposed                  pursuant to the Middle Class Tax Relief               include but is not limited to:

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                                                      77598                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 240 / Tuesday, December 15, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                         (1) FirstNet’s budget documents                        (f) Communication of NTIA fee                       FWS–R5–ES–2015–0015. Documents
                                                      produced in the normal course of its                    approval or disapproval. Approval or                  may also be obtained by mail from the
                                                      business;                                               disapproval of FirstNet-proposed fees                 Northeast Regional Office (see FOR
                                                         (2) FirstNet’s financial statements                  shall be communicated in writing by the               FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                                      produced in the normal course of its                    Assistant Secretary for Communications                   Written comments: You may submit
                                                      business;                                               and Information and Administrator,                    written comments by one of the
                                                         (3) FirstNet’s annual budget reports                 National Telecommunications and                       following methods:
                                                      submitted as part of the President’s                    Information Administration, U.S.                         (1) Electronically: Go to the Federal
                                                      Budget; and                                             Department of Commerce, to the Chair                  eRulemaking Portal: http://
                                                         (4) FirstNet’s annual report to                      of the FirstNet Board.                                www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,
                                                      Congress.                                               Subchapter B—[Reserved]
                                                                                                                                                                    enter FWS–R5–ES–2015–0015, which is
                                                         (b) Deference to FirstNet on necessary                                                                     the docket number for this rulemaking.
                                                                                                              [FR Doc. 2015–31516 Filed 12–14–15; 8:45 am]
                                                      reserves. In executing NTIA’s fee review                                                                      Then, in the Search panel on the left
                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 3510–60–P                                side of the screen, under the Document
                                                      and approval process, NTIA shall defer
                                                      to FirstNet with respect to its use and                                                                       Type heading, click on the Proposed
                                                      retention of reserve or working capital                                                                       Rules link to locate the document. You
                                                      funds. NTIA shall consider any such                     DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                            may submit a comment by clicking on
                                                      designated funds to be a part of                                                                              ‘‘Comment Now!’’
                                                                                                              Fish and Wildlife Service                                (2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail
                                                      FirstNet’s total expenses in carrying out
                                                      its duties and responsibilities under 47                                                                      or hand delivery to: Public Comments
                                                                                                              50 CFR Part 17                                        Processing, Attn: FWS–R5–ES–2015–
                                                      U.S.C. 1401 et seq. for the fiscal year
                                                      involved.                                               [Docket No. FWS–R5–ES–2015–0015;                      0015, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
                                                         (c) Determination of fee review: NTIA                4500030113]                                           MS: BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls
                                                      shall make one of the following                         RIN 1018–BA85
                                                                                                                                                                    Church, VA 22041–3803.
                                                      determinations annually upon review of                                                                           We request that you send comments
                                                      FirstNet’s proposed fees:                               Endangered and Threatened Wildlife                    only by the methods described above.
                                                         (1) FirstNet’s proposed fees, in                     and Plants; Endangered Species                        We will post all comments on http://
                                                      aggregate, when combined with any                       Status for the Big Sandy Crayfish and                 www.regulations.gov. This generally
                                                      projected non-fee-based income to be                    the Guyandotte River Crayfish                         means that we will post any personal
                                                      received by FirstNet, meet but do not                                                                         information you provide us (see the
                                                      exceed FirstNet’s projected total                       AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,                  Public Comments section, below, for
                                                      expenses;                                               Interior.                                             more information).
                                                         (2) FirstNet’s proposed fees, in                     ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                      aggregate, when combined with any                       comment period.                                       Martin Miller, Chief, Endangered
                                                      projected non-fee-based income to be                                                                          Species, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
                                                                                                              SUMMARY:    We, the U.S. Fish and
                                                      received by FirstNet, do not meet                                                                             Northeast Regional Office, 300 Westgate
                                                                                                              Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
                                                      FirstNet’s projected total expenses; or                                                                       Center Drive, Hadley, MA 01035;
                                                                                                              reopening of the public comment period
                                                         (3) FirstNet’s proposed fees, in                                                                           telephone 413–253–8615; or facsimile
                                                                                                              on our April 7, 2015, proposed rule to
                                                      aggregate, when combined with any                                                                             413–253–8482. Persons who use a
                                                                                                              list the Big Sandy crayfish (Cambarus
                                                      projected non-fee-based income to be                                                                          telecommunications device for the deaf
                                                                                                              callainus) and the Guyandotte River
                                                      received by FirstNet, exceed FirstNet’s                                                                       (TDD) may call the Federal Information
                                                                                                              crayfish (C. veteranus) as endangered
                                                      projected total expenses. Upon making                                                                         Relay Service (FIRS) at 800–877–8339.
                                                                                                              species under the Endangered Species
                                                      any of these determinations, NTIA will                                                                        SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                                                                              Act of 1973, as amended. We are taking
                                                      communicate its determination in
                                                                                                              this action to make the results of the                Background
                                                      writing to FirstNet.
                                                                                                              2015 summer surveys available for
                                                         (d) Outcome of determination of fee                                                                           In our April 7, 2015, proposed rule
                                                                                                              public review and comment. The
                                                      review:                                                                                                       (80 FR 18710), we proposed to list the
                                                                                                              surveys provide updated information on
                                                         (1) Should NTIA make the                                                                                   Big Sandy crayfish and the Guyandotte
                                                                                                              the two species’ distribution and
                                                      determination listed in paragraph (c)(1)                                                                      River crayfish as endangered species
                                                                                                              abundance. Comments previously
                                                      of this section, FirstNet may assess the                                                                      primarily due to the threats of land-
                                                                                                              submitted on the April 7, 2015,
                                                      proposed fees.                                                                                                disturbing activities that increase
                                                                                                              proposed rule need not be resubmitted,
                                                         (2) Should NTIA make one of the                                                                            erosion and sedimentation, which
                                                                                                              as they will be fully considered in
                                                      determinations listed in paragraph (c)(2)                                                                     degrade the stream habitat required by
                                                                                                              preparation of the final listing
                                                      or (3) of this section, NTIA will                                                                             both species, and the effects of small
                                                      disapprove FirstNet’s proposed fees,                                                                          population size. During the 60-day
                                                      and FirstNet may not assess those                       DATES: We will consider comments                      public comment period on the proposed
                                                      proposed fees.                                          received or postmarked on or before                   rule, we received requests to extend the
                                                         (e) Revision of Proposed Fees: Upon a                January 14, 2016. Comments submitted                  comment period beyond the June 8,
                                                      disapproval of FirstNet’s proposed fees                 electronically using the Federal                      2015, closing date. For rulemaking and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      as described in paragraph (d)(2) of this                eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES                     financial efficiency, we declined to
                                                      section, or upon FirstNet’s                             section, below) must be received by                   extend the comment period at that time
                                                      determination that it must revise NTIA-                 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the closing                because we were already planning to
                                                      approved fees to ensure compliance                      date.                                                 reopen the comment period in the fall
                                                      with 47 U.S.C. 1428(b), FirstNet shall                  ADDRESSES: Document availability: You                 of 2015 to make available the results of
                                                      prepare a revised written submission to                 may obtain copies of the April 7, 2015,               rangewide surveys that would be
                                                      NTIA, which shall evaluate any                          proposed rule and supporting material                 conducted for each species in the
                                                      proposed fees therein consistent with                   on the Internet at http://                            summer of 2015. The final reports for
                                                      the rules in §§ 500.1–500.5.                            www.regulations.gov at Docket No.                     the 2015 summer surveys are now

                                                 VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:48 Dec 14, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00010   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\15DEP1.SGM   15DEP1

Document Created: 2018-03-02 09:16:29
Document Modified: 2018-03-02 09:16:29
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of proposed rulemaking.
DatesSubmit comments on or before January 14, 2016.
ContactPatrick Sullivan; Office of Public Safety Communications; National Telecommunications and Information Administration; U.S. Department of Commerce; 1401 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230; [email protected]; (202) 482-5948.
FR Citation80 FR 77592 
RIN Number0660-AA30

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