80_FR_78441 80 FR 78200 - Guidelines for Carrying Out Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as Amended

80 FR 78200 - Guidelines for Carrying Out Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as Amended

Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 241 (December 16, 2015)

Page Range78200-78206
FR Document2015-31654

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has updated the existing guidance for providing in-kind credit under Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as further amended by Section 1018 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 241 (Wednesday, December 16, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 241 (Wednesday, December 16, 2015)]
[Pages 78200-78206]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-31654]



Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers

Guidelines for Carrying Out Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood 
Control Act of 1970, as Amended

AGENCY: United States Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has updated the 
existing guidance for providing in-kind credit under Section 221(a)(4) 
of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as further amended by Section 1018 of 
the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014.

DATES: Effective date: December 16, 2015.

ADDRESSES: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 441 G Street NW., Washington, 
DC 20314-1000.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Janice E. Rasgus, Planning and Policy 
Division, Washington, DC at 202-761-7674.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: ER 1165-2-208 will be posted on the Corps 
Web site in the very near future.

Response to Comments

    The draft ER was published in the August 28, 2015, issue of the 
Federal Register (80 FR 52258) for a 30-day comment period. The comment 
period was extended by 30 days (see 50 FR 60135). The regulations.gov 
docket number is COE-2015-0013. Sixteen comments were received.
    In response to one commenter, the guidance was expanded to clarify 
that in-kind contributions can be provided once the feasibility cost 
sharing agreement is executed and the project management plan is 
    Several commenters noted that the non-Federal sponsor's costs of 
Coordination Team participation and audits are no longer considered in-
kind contributions that are included as a study or project cost subject 
to cost sharing. The guidance was expanded to clarify that likewise the 
Federal Government's cost of Coordination Team participation and audits 
are not included in study or project costs for cost sharing purposes 
although these costs are included in calculating any limit on Federal 
    One commenter requested that the guidance be modified to allow the 
value of in-kind contributions to be accepted as cash payments toward 
the additional 10 percent payment required for navigation projects. 
This request cannot be accommodated. The law is explicit that credit 
for in-kind contributions shall not alter any requirement for the non-
Federal sponsor to pay 5 percent cash for flood damage reduction 
project and pay the additional 10 percent cash for navigation projects. 
This requirement was also specified in the in-kind contribution 
authority as enacted in WRDA 2007 and identified in the implementing 
guidance for that earlier provision.
    Additional minor, non-substantive, edits were made to provide 
further clarity.

    Dated: December 10, 2015.
Theodore A. Brown,
Chief, Planning and Policy Division, Directorate of Civil Works.

ER 1165-2-208

    1. Purpose. This regulation provides guidance on the implementation 
of the in-kind contribution credit provisions of Section 221(a)(4) of 
the Flood Control Act of 1970, as further amended by Section 1018 of 
the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA 2014) (42 
U.S.C. 1962d-5b(a)(4)) (hereinafter referred to as ``Section 221''). 
Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as amended, and 
Section 1018 of WRRDA 2014 are provided in Appendix A.
    2. Distribution Statement. Approved for public release. 
Distribution is unlimited.
    3. Applicability. This regulation applies to all HQUSACE elements, 
Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs), and district commands having Civil 
Works responsibility and is effective immediately.
    a. The Section 221 crediting provisions apply to the study, design, 
and construction of water resources development projects authorized in 
the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1986 or later laws, 
including projects initiated after November 16, 1986 without specific 
authorization in law. In addition, the crediting provisions apply to 
the correction of design deficiencies for projects authorized prior to 
WRDA of 1986. Finally, these provisions are also applicable to a 
project under an environmental infrastructure assistance program.
    (1) For a project with a project partnership agreement (PPA) that 
was executed on or after November 8, 2007, such PPA may be amended to 
include work by the non-Federal sponsor that has not yet been initiated 
for credit toward any remaining non-Federal cost share under that 
    (2) Furthermore, in general, the crediting provisions of Section 
221 will be used in lieu of Section 104 of WRDA 1986 and Section 215 of 
the Flood Control Act of 1968. However, any eligibility for credit 
under Section 104 of WRDA 1986 that was approved previously by the 
Secretary will be honored.
    b. The authority for credit under Section 221 is in addition to any 
other authority to provide credit for in-kind contributions. Section 
221 credit may be applied in lieu of other crediting provisions if 
requested by the non-Federal sponsor.

[[Page 78201]]

    This regulation supersedes ER 1165-2-208 dated 17 February 2012.
    4. Key Principles.
    a. In General. Section 221 is a comprehensive authority that 
addresses the affording of credit for the value of in-kind 
contributions provided by a non-Federal sponsor toward its required 
cost share (excluding the required 5 percent cash for structural flood 
damage reduction projects and the additional 10 percent cash payment 
over 30 years for navigation projects) if those in-kind contributions 
are determined to be integral to a study or project.
    b. Types of In-Kind Contributions. The types of in-kind 
contributions eligible for credit include planning activities 
(including data collection and other services needed for a feasibility 
study); design related to construction; and construction (including 
management; mitigation; and construction materials and services).
    c. Compliance with Applicable Federal Laws, Regulations, and 
Policies. Eligibility for credit is subject to the non-Federal sponsor 
complying with all applicable Federal laws and implementing 
regulations, including, but not limited to Section 601 of the Civil 
Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000d), and Department of 
Defense Directive 5500.11 issued pursuant thereto; the Age 
Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6102); the Rehabilitation Act of 
1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), and Army Regulation 600-7 issued 
pursuant thereto; and 40 U.S.C. 3141-3148 and 40 U.S.C. 3701-3708 
(labor standards originally enacted as the Davis-Bacon Act, the 
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, the Copeland Anti-
Kickback Act); and the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 
4321-4347) and other environmental laws and regulations.
    d. In-Kind Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
    (1) Construction. Section 221 provides that any construction work 
that has not been carried out as of November 8, 2007 is eligible for 
credit only if the non-Federal sponsor executes an agreement with the 
Secretary prior to carrying out such work. For purposes of Section 221 
crediting only, ``carrying out'' construction work means initiation of 
construction using the non-Federal sponsor's labor force or issuance of 
the notice to proceed for such construction if undertaken by contract. 
Therefore, in those cases where there is not yet an executed PPA, the 
non-Federal sponsor must execute an in-kind MOU with the Corps of 
Engineers prior to initiating construction or issuing the notice to 
proceed. Design work associated with that construction is eligible for 
credit as long as an in-kind MOU or PPA is executed prior to the 
construction being carried out. In addition, the construction carried 
out by the non-Federal sponsor is not considered as part of the future 
without project condition.
    (a) Projects Specifically Authorized. For projects that are or will 
be specifically authorized for construction, an In-Kind MOU for 
construction may be executed once there is vertical team concurrence 
with the Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) at the TSP Milestone. The TSP 
Milestone is the point at which there is vertical team concurrence on 
the plan that will be released in the draft study report for public and 
agency review. Given the new SMART Planning Process, the TSP Milestone 
should occur much earlier in the planning process than what was 
previously achieved. Requests from non-Federal sponsors to execute an 
in-kind MOU for construction prior to the TSP Milestone will be 
considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the 
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works). Since each project 
presents its own unique combination of circumstances, each request will 
require an individual evaluation that will include consideration of, 
but not limited to, the following criteria:
    (i) Whether the proposed work is a modification of an existing 
Federal project;
    (ii) Whether the proposed work will follow an existing levee 
alignment in the case of a flood risk management project;
    (iii) Whether the proposed work balances and integrates the wise 
use of the flood plain to ensure public safety;
    (iv) Whether the proposed work significantly reduces flood damage 
risk to human life, property or critical infrastructure; and
    (iv) Whether the proposed work will likely be included in the final 
project recommendation.
    (b) Continuing Authority Program. For projects implemented under 
the Continuing Authority Program or a regional authority that does not 
require additional authorization to implement the project, an In-Kind 
MOU for design and implementation may be executed after the MSC 
Commander approves the decision document for the project.
    (2) Design. For projects that are or will be specifically 
authorized for construction, an In-Kind MOU for design may be executed 
after the TSP Milestone.
    (3) Planning.
    (a) Projects Specifically Authorized. For projects that are or will 
be specifically authorized for construction, Section 1002 of WRRDA 2014 
eliminated the full Federal reconnaissance phase that used to be 
undertaken prior to execution of a feasibility cost sharing agreement 
(FCSA). In the past, a project management plan (PMP), which established 
the scope of the planning, including activities needed to carry out the 
study, was developed during this reconnaissance phase. Under the new 
single phase study process mandated by WRRDA 2014, the project 
management plan will not be developed until after execution of FCSA. As 
the PMP, including a determination of the scope of the study, will not 
be developed until after execution of the FCSA, no In-Kind MOU for 
planning is permitted. Following execution of the FCSA and development 
of the PMP, the provision of in-kind contributions is allowed under the 
    (b) Continuing Authority Program. For projects implemented under 
the Continuing Authority Program or a regional authority that does not 
require additional authorization to implement the project, sections 
905(c) and 105(a)(3) of WRDA 1986, as amended, provide that the first 
$100,000 of these studies is a Federal expense. Therefore, once a PMP 
has been developed and the MSC Commander has approved initiation of the 
feasibility study, an In-Kind MOU for planning may be executed.
    (4) Any work undertaken by a non-Federal sponsor pursuant to an In-
Kind MOU is at its own risk and responsibility. An In-Kind MOU provides 
no assurance that the non-Federal sponsor's work will be determined to 
be integral to the Federal project or that any construction undertaken 
by the non-Federal sponsor will be included as part of any ultimately 
recommended Federal project. Execution of an In-Kind MOU in no way 
obligates the Corps to enter into any future agreement for the project.
    (5) In general, once a FCSA, design agreement, or PPA is executed, 
further use of In-Kind MOUs is not appropriate for inclusion of 
additional in-kind contributions under that FCSA, design agreement, or 
PPA, respectively. Special circumstances requiring expedited review and 
execution of an amendment to an executed agreement should be 
coordinated with the HQUSACE RIT.
    (6) MSC Commanders may approve a District Engineer's execution of 
Model In-Kind MOUs for Construction or for Design, provided that the 
In-Kind MOUs do not include any deviations. Any

[[Page 78202]]

proposed deviations must be submitted to HQUSACE for approval prior to 
execution. Models for the In-Kind MOU for construction, including 
design work, and for design work only are available at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/ProjectPartnershipAgreements/model_other.aspx.
    e. Integral Determinations.
    (1) Section 221 provides that credit may be afforded only if the 
Secretary determines that the material or service provided as an in-
kind contribution by a non-Federal sponsor is integral to the study or 
project.\1\ To be integral to the study or project, the material or 
service must be part of the work that the Federal Government would 
otherwise have undertaken for the study or for construction of what is 
ultimately determined to be the Federal project. See Appendix B for 
additional guidance on criteria and procedures for processing integral 

    \1\ The non-Federal Sponsor's costs of Coordination Team 
participation and audits are not in-kind contributions and are not 
included in ``shared costs'' for cost sharing purposes. Likewise, 
the Federal Government's cost of Coordination Team participation and 
audits are not included in ``shared costs'' for cost sharing 
purposes although these costs are included in calculating any limit 
on Federal participation. The costs of the non-Federal Sponsor's 
performance of investigations for hazardous substances are eligible 
for inclusion as a shared costs and for credit as an in-kind 
contribution and do not require a separate integral determination.

    (2) The approval of integral determinations is delegated to the MSC 
Commander. The approval authority delegated to the MSC Commander is 
subject to the full compliance of each integral determination to law 
and policy and may not be further delegated within the MSC or to the 
District Commander. A separate integral determination is not required 
for planning activities included in the PMP, approved by the MSC 
Commander, as required for the study effort.
    f. Determining the Amount of Credit.
    (1) The amount of in-kind contributions that may be eligible for 
inclusion in shared costs for cost sharing purposes under the 
applicable cost sharing agreement will be subject to an audit by the 
Government to determine the reasonableness, allocability, and 
allowability of such amount.
    (2) The creditable amount is the lesser of the costs incurred by 
the non-Federal sponsor to obtain such materials or services; the 
market value of such materials or services as of the date that the non-
Federal sponsor provides such materials or services for use in the 
study or project; or the Government's estimate of the cost for such 
work if it had been accomplished by the Government. This amount is not 
subject to interest charges or to adjustment to reflect changes in 
price levels between the time the in-kind contributions were completed 
and the time the amount is credited.
    (3) Any in-kind contributions performed or paid for by the non-
Federal sponsor using funds provided by another Federal agency (as well 
as any non-Federal matching share or contribution that was required by 
such Federal agency for such program or grant) are not eligible for 
credit unless the Federal agency providing the Federal portion of such 
funds verifies in writing that the funds are authorized to be used to 
carry out the study or project.
    (4) After execution of the applicable FCSA, Design Agreement (DA), 
or PPA, the non-Federal sponsor will submit to the Government (not less 
frequently than every 6 months or as provided in the agreement) credit 
request(s) for eligible in-kind contributions under that agreement. The 
credit requests will contain the following: written certification by 
the non-Federal sponsor of the payments made to contractors, suppliers, 
or employees for in-kind contributions; copies of all relevant invoices 
and evidence of such payments; written identification of costs that 
have been paid with funds or grants provided by a Federal agency as 
well as any non-Federal matching share or contribution that was 
required by such Federal agency for such program or grant; and a 
written request for credit of a specific amount not in excess of such 
specified payments. Failure to provide sufficient documentation 
supporting the credit request will result in a denial of credit in 
accordance with the terms of the applicable cost sharing agreement.
    (5) In-kind contributions are subject to a review (for feasibility 
level and design activities) or on-site inspection (construction), as 
applicable, and certification by the Government that the work was 
accomplished in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with applicable 
Federal laws, regulations, and policies. The Government will not 
include in the costs to be shared under the applicable cost sharing 
agreement or afford credit for any work the Government determines was 
not accomplished in a satisfactory manner or in accordance with 
applicable Federal laws, regulations, and policies.
    (6) In general, the amount of credit for in-kind contributions that 
can be afforded under a FCSA or a PPA is limited to the amount of the 
non-Federal sponsor's cost share under that agreement. As the costs of 
design under a DA are included in total project costs under a PPA, 
credit for in-kind contributions under a DA is carried over to the PPA, 
and the maximum amount of credit for in-kind contributions under a PPA 
is limited to the non-Federal sponsor's required cost share under the 
PPA. Credit for in-kind contributions may not be afforded toward the 
required 5 percent cash payment for structural flood damage reduction 
projects or the additional 10 percent cash payment for navigation 
    (7) Credit for in-kind contributions for planning is limited to 
credit that can be afforded under a specific FCSA. In other words, 
excess credit may not be carried over to design or construction of the 
project. Credit for planning work by the non-Federal sponsor is limited 
to its 50 percent of planning costs and will be done in accordance with 
the PMP, under the terms and conditions in the FCSA.
    (8) Credit for in-kind contributions provided by a non-Federal 
sponsor for the construction of a project, or separable element 
thereof, that are in excess of the non-Federal cost share for an 
authorized separable element of a project may be applied toward the 
non-federal cost share for a different authorized separable element of 
the same project. Additional Federal appropriations will be required to 
offset the application of any excess credit to another separable 
    (9) If the value of eligible in-kind contributions exceeds the 
amount of credit that can be afforded pursuant to the provisions of a 
PPA (i.e., exceeds the required non-Federal cost share for all features 
covered by that PPA), only the amount of credit afforded should be 
included in total project costs. Recalculation of total project costs 
will be required to exclude from total project costs the value of in-
kind contributions that exceed the amount of credit that can be 
afforded. In addition, the amount excluded will not be considered part 
of total costs for the purposes of Section 902 of WRDA 1986 
    (10) No reimbursements are authorized for in-kind contributions 
under Section 221 except as provided in paragraph 4 g., below.
    g. Lands, Easements, Relocations, Rights-of-Way, and Areas for 
Disposal of Dredged Material (LERRDs). Section 221 does not alter any 
other requirement for the non-Federal sponsor to provide LERRDs for a 
project, and the non-Federal sponsor should coordinate with the 
District to ensure that appropriate real estate interests for the 
project are acquired. Any LERRDs associated with in-kind contributions 
determined to be integral to the project will be credited to the 
project as LERRDs except the LERRs

[[Page 78203]]

needed for fish and wildlife mitigation. (The costs of LERRs needed for 
fish and wildlife mitigation are assigned to the project purpose(s) 
causing the need for such mitigation and are subject to construction 
cost sharing established for that project purpose.) In addition, for a 
navigation project, LERRs are creditable only toward the requirement 
for the non-Federal sponsor to pay an additional 10 percent of the cost 
of the general navigation features.
    (1) Previously, credit for in-kind contributions was afforded only 
toward the non-Federal sponsor's required cash contribution after 
consideration of the value of LERRDs provided by the non-Federal 
sponsor. WRRDA 2014 changes how credit for in-kind contributions is 
calculated. For projects other than navigation projects, to the extent 
that credit for LERRDs combined with credit for the value of in-kind 
contributions exceed the non-Federal share of the cost of a project, 
WRRDA 2014 provides that the Secretary, subject to the availability of 
funds, shall enter into a separate reimbursement agreement to reimburse 
the non-Federal sponsor for the difference between creditable LERRDs 
and in-kind contributions and the non-Federal cost share. Therefore, at 
the final accounting for the project, to the extent funds for the 
project remain available, the Secretary shall execute an agreement with 
the non-Federal sponsor for reimbursement of the difference.
    (2) If funds remaining on a project are insufficient to provide 
full reimbursement under paragraph g.(1), the non-Federal sponsor may 
request reimbursement. The Secretary shall prioritize such requests, 
and enter into reimbursements agreements, in the order the requests 
were received, as funds become available for reimbursements.
    5. Design. Design by the non-Federal sponsor must be performed in 
accordance with the requirements in ER 1110-2-1150, reviewed in 
accordance with ER 1110-1-12, and subject to the applicable peer review 
guidance. In accordance with section 105(c) of WRDA 1986, the costs of 
design shall be shared in the same percentages as the purposes of such 
    a. If the value of eligible in-kind contributions is less than the 
non-Federal sponsor's share of design costs, the non-Federal sponsor 
must contribute sufficient funds to equal its share of total design 
    b. If the value of eligible in-kind contributions is greater than 
the non-Federal sponsor's share of total design costs, then no cash 
payment from the non-Federal sponsor is required. The value of all of 
the non-Federal sponsor's eligible in-kind contributions (including 
those in excess of its share of total design costs) will be included in 
total project costs in the PPA. The maximum amount of credit that may 
be afforded pursuant to the PPA is limited to the non-Federal sponsor's 
cost share under that agreement.
    6. Construction.
    a. To be eligible for credit, in-kind contributions prior to 
execution of the PPA must have been provided or performed after 
execution of an In-Kind MOU. Credit for in-kind contributions will not 
be afforded toward the non-Federal sponsor's requirement to provide in 
cash 5 percent of the costs for structural flood damage reduction 
projects (either specifically authorized or implemented pursuant to 
Continuing Authority Program Sections 14, 205, or 208 projects); the 
non-Federal sponsor's requirement to pay for betterments or any other 
work performed by the Government on behalf of the non-Federal sponsor; 
the non-Federal sponsor's requirement to provide lands, easements, 
rights-of-way, relocations, or improvements to enable the disposal of 
dredged or excavated material required for the project or separable 
element of the project; or the non-Federal sponsor's additional payment 
of 10 percent of the cost of general navigation features for a 
navigation project.
    b. The non-Federal sponsor may not initiate construction following 
execution of a PPA until the designs, detailed plans and 
specifications, and arrangements for such work have been approved by 
the Government. In addition, any proposed changes to approved designs 
and plans and specifications must be approved by the Government in 
advance of such construction. Upon completion of construction, the non-
Federal sponsor will furnish to the Government a copy of all final as-
built drawings.
    c. For CAP authorities and regional authorities that are 
implemented with a single agreement covering design and implementation, 
if a non-Federal sponsor proposes to provide or perform all or a 
portion of the design for a project as in-kind contributions, a PPA 
addressing both design and construction is required.


Colonel, Corps of Engineers Chief of Staff

Enclosures: 2 Appendices

Appendix A--Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as 
amended (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5b(a)(4) Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood 
Control Act of 1970, as amended, and Section 1018 of WRRDA 2014
Appendix B--Criteria for In-Kind Contribution Integral 

Appendix A

Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as Amended (42 
U.S.C. 1962d-5b(a)(4))

    (4) Credit for in-kind contributions.
    (A) In general. A partnership agreement described in paragraph 
(1) may provide with respect to a project that the Secretary shall 
credit toward the non-Federal share of the cost of the project, 
including a project implemented without specific authorization in 
law or a project under an environmental infrastructure assistance 
program, the value of in-kind contributions made by the non-Federal 
interest, including--
    (i) the costs of planning (including data collection), design, 
management, mitigation, construction, and construction services that 
are provided by the non-Federal interest for implementation of the 
    (ii) the value of materials or services provided before 
execution of the partnership agreement, including efforts on 
constructed elements incorporated into the project; and
    (iii) the value of materials and services provided after 
execution of the partnership agreement.
    (B) Condition. The Secretary may credit an in-kind contribution 
under subparagraph (A) only if the Secretary determines that the 
material or service provided as an in-kind contribution is integral 
to the project.
    (C) Work performed before partnership agreement.
    (i) Construction.
    (I) In general. In any case in which the non-Federal interest is 
to receive credit under subparagraph (A) for the cost of 
construction carried out by the non-Federal interest before 
execution of a partnership agreement and that construction has not 
been carried out as of November 8, 2007, the Secretary and the non-
Federal interest shall enter into an agreement under which the non-
Federal interest shall carry out such work and shall do so prior to 
the non-Federal interest initiating construction or issuing a 
written notice to proceed for the construction.
    (II) Eligibility. Construction that is carried out after the 
execution of an agreement to carry out work described in subclause 
(I) and any design activities that are required for that 
construction, even if the design activity is carried out prior to 
the execution of the agreement to carry out work, shall be eligible 
for credit.
    (ii) Planning.
    (I) In general. In any case in which the non-Federal interest is 
to receive credit under subparagraph (A) for the cost of planning 
carried out by the non-Federal interest before execution of a 
feasibility cost-sharing agreement, the Secretary and the non-
Federal interest shall enter into an agreement under which the non-
Federal interest shall carry out such work and shall do so prior to 
the non-Federal interest initiating that planning.
    (II) Eligibility. Planning that is carried out by the non-
Federal interest after the

[[Page 78204]]

execution of an agreement to carry out work described in subclause 
(I) shall be eligible for credit.
    (D) Limitations. Credit authorized under this paragraph for a 
    (i) shall not exceed the non-Federal share of the cost of the 
    (ii) shall not alter any other requirement that a non-Federal 
interest provide lands, easements, relocations, rights-of-way, or 
areas for disposal of dredged material for the project;
    (iii) shall not alter any requirement that a non-Federal 
interest pay a portion of the costs of construction of the project 
under sections 101(a)(2) and 103(a)(1)(A) of the Water Resources 
Development Act of 1986 (33 U.S.C. 2211(a)(2); 33 U.S.C. 
2213(a)(1)(A)) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (33 
U.S.C. 2211; 33 U.S.C. 2213); and
    (iv) shall not exceed the actual and reasonable costs of the 
materials, services, or other things provided by the non-Federal 
interest, as determined by the Secretary.
    (E) Analysis of costs and benefits. In the evaluation of the 
costs and benefits of a project, the Secretary shall not consider 
construction carried out by a non-Federal interest under this 
subsection as part of the future without project condition.
    (F) Transfer of credit between separable elements of a project. 
Credit for in-kind contributions provided by a non-Federal interest 
that are in excess of the non-Federal cost share for an authorized 
separable element of a project may be applied toward the non-Federal 
cost share for a different authorized separable element of the same 
    (G) Application of credit.
    (i) In general. To the extent that credit for in-kind 
contributions, as limited by subparagraph (D), and credit for 
required land, easements, rights-of-way, dredged material disposal 
areas, and relocations provided by the non-Federal interest exceed 
the non-Federal share of the cost of construction of a project other 
than a navigation project, the Secretary, subject to the 
availability of funds, shall enter into a reimbursement agreement 
with the non-Federal interest, which shall be in addition to a 
partnership agreement under subparagraph (A), to reimburse the 
difference to the non-Federal interest.
    (ii) Priority. If appropriated funds are insufficient to cover 
the full cost of all requested reimbursement agreements under clause 
(i), the Secretary shall enter into reimbursement agreements in the 
order in which requests for such agreements are received.''; and
    (H) Applicability.
    (i) In general. This paragraph shall apply to water resources 
projects authorized after November 16, 1986, including projects 
initiated after November 16, 1986, without specific authorization in 
law, and to water resources projects authorized prior to the date of 
enactment of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 
99-662) [enacted June 10, 2014], if correction of design 
deficiencies is necessary.
    (ii) Authorization as addition to other authorizations. The 
authority of the Secretary to provide credit for in-kind 
contributions pursuant to this paragraph shall be in addition to any 
other authorization to provide credit for in-kind contributions and 
shall not be construed as a limitation on such other authorization. 
The Secretary shall apply the provisions of this paragraph, in lieu 
of provisions under other crediting authority, only if so requested 
by the non-Federal interest.

Section 1018 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014

    (a) In General.--Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 
1970 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5b(a)(4)) is amended--
    (1) in subparagraph (A), in the matter preceding clause (i), by 
inserting ``or a project under an environmental infrastructure 
assistance program'' after ``law'';
    (2) in subparagraph (C) by striking ``In any case'' and all that 
follows through the period at the end and inserting the following:
    ``(i) CONSTRUCTION.--
    ``(I) In General.--In any case in which the non-Federal interest 
is to receive credit under subparagraph (A) for the cost of 
construction carried out by the non-Federal interest before 
execution of a partnership agreement and that construction has not 
been carried out as of November 8, 2007, the Secretary and the non-
Federal interest shall enter into an agreement under which the non-
Federal interest shall carry out such work and shall do so prior to 
the non-Federal interest initiating construction or issuing a 
written notice to proceed for the construction.
    ``(II) Eligibility.--Construction that is carried out after the 
execution of an agreement to carry out work described in subclause 
(I) and any design activities that are required for that 
construction, even if the design activity is carried out prior to 
the execution of the agreement to carry out work, shall be eligible 
for credit.
    ``(ii) PLANNING.--
    ``(I) In General.--In any case in which the non-Federal interest 
is to receive credit under subparagraph (A) for the cost of planning 
carried out by the non-Federal interest before execution of a 
feasibility cost-sharing agreement, the Secretary and the non-
Federal interest shall enter into an agreement under which the non-
Federal interest shall carry out such work and shall do so prior to 
the non-Federal interest initiating that planning.
    ``(II) Eligibility.--Planning that is carried out by the non-
Federal interest after the execution of an agreement to carry out 
work described in subclause (I) shall be eligible for credit.'';
    (3) in subparagraph (D)(iii) by striking ``sections 101 and 
103'' and inserting ``sections 101(a)(2) and 103(a)(1)(A) of the 
Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (33 U.S.C. 2211(a)(2); 33 
U.S.C. 2213(a)(1)(A))'';
    (4) by redesignating subparagraph (E) as subparagraph (H);
    (5) by inserting after subparagraph (D) the following:
    ``(E) Analysis of Costs and Benefits.--In the evaluation of the 
costs and benefits of a project, the Secretary shall not consider 
construction carried out by a non-Federal interest under this 
subsection as part of the future without project condition.
    ``(F) Transfer of Credit Between Separable Elements of a 
Project.--Credit for in-kind contributions provided by a non-Federal 
interest that are in excess of the non-Federal cost share for an 
authorized separable element of a project may be applied toward the 
non-Federal cost share for a different authorized separable element 
of the same project.
    ``(i) In General.--To the extent that credit for in-kind 
contributions, as limited by subparagraph (D), and credit for 
required land, easements, rights-of-way, dredged material disposal 
areas, and relocations provided by the non-Federal interest exceed 
the non-Federal share of the cost of construction of a project other 
than a navigation project, the Secretary, subject to the 
availability of funds, shall enter into a reimbursement agreement 
with the non-Federal interest, which shall be in addition to a 
partnership agreement under subparagraph (A), to reimburse the 
difference to the non-Federal interest.
    ``(ii) Priority.--If appropriated funds are insufficient to 
cover the full cost of all requested reimbursement agreements under 
clause (i), the Secretary shall enter into reimbursement agreements 
in the order in which requests for such agreements are received.''; 
    (6) in subparagraph (H) (as redesignated by paragraph (4))--
    (A) in clause (i) by inserting ``, and to water resources 
projects authorized prior to the date of enactment of the Water 
Resources Development Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-662), if correction 
of design deficiencies is necessary'' before the period at the end; 
    (B) by striking clause (ii) and inserting the following:
    ``(ii) Authorization As Addition to Other Authorizations.--The 
authority of the Secretary to provide credit for in-kind 
contributions pursuant to this paragraph shall be in addition to any 
other authorization to provide credit for in-kind contributions and 
shall not be construed as a limitation on such other authorization. 
The Secretary shall apply the provisions of this paragraph, in lieu 
of provisions under other crediting authority, only if so requested 
by the non-Federal interest.''.
    (b) Applicability.--Section 2003(e) of the Water Resources 
Development Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5b note) is amended--
    (1) by inserting ``, or construction of design deficiency 
corrections on the project,'' after ``construction on the project''; 
    (2) by inserting ``, or under which construction of the project 
has not been completed and the work to be performed by the non-
Federal interests has not been carried out and is creditable only 
toward any remaining non-Federal cost share,'' after ``has not been 
    (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsections (a) and 
(b) take effect on November 8, 2007.
    (d) Guidelines.--
    (1) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall update any guidance or

[[Page 78205]]

regulations for carrying out section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control 
Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5b(a)(4)) (as amended by subsection 
(a)) that are in existence on the date of enactment of this Act or 
issue new guidelines, as determined to be appropriate by the 
    (2) Inclusions.--Any guidance, regulations, or guidelines 
updated or issued under paragraph (1) shall include, at a minimum--
    (A) the milestone for executing an in-kind memorandum of 
understanding for construction by a non-Federal interest;
    (B) criteria and procedures for evaluating a request to execute 
an in-kind memorandum of understanding for construction by a non-
Federal interest that is earlier than the milestone under 
subparagraph (A) for that execution; and
    (C) criteria and procedures for determining whether work carried 
out by a non-Federal interest is integral to a project.
    (3) Public and Stakeholder Participation.--Before issuing any 
new or revised guidance, regulations, or guidelines or any 
subsequent updates to those documents, the Secretary shall--
    (A) consult with affected non-Federal interests;
    (B) publish the proposed guidelines developed under this 
subsection in the Federal Register; and
    (C) provide the public with an opportunity to comment on the 
proposed guidelines.
    (e) Other Credit.--Nothing in section 221(a)(4) of the Flood 
Control Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 1962d-5b(a)(4)) (as amended by 
subsection (a)) affects any eligibility for credit under section 104 
of the Water Resources Development of 1986 (33 U.S.C. 2214) that was 
approved by the Secretary prior to the date of enactment of this 

Appendix B

Criteria and Procedures for In-Kind Contribution Integral 

    B-1. Determining if In-Kind Contributions Are Integral to the 
Study/Project. Establishing and allowing credit is a two-step 
process whereby: (1) Eligibility for credit is determined based on 
whether the in-kind contribution is integral to the study or 
project, and (2) actual affording of credit is accomplished based on 
an audit of the non-Federal work by the District Engineer under the 
terms of the FCSA, DA, or PPA, as appropriate. The level of analysis 
to determine if work is integral to the project is scalable. For 
instance, work accomplished by the non-Federal sponsor on its own 
under an In-Kind MOU must be fully analyzed to determine whether it 
is integral to the project, i.e., work that the Government otherwise 
would have performed for the project. In general, for work that will 
be accomplished after execution of a DA or PPA, it will be clearer 
what work is required for the project and therefore integral to the 
project; furthermore, the Government will be approving plans and 
specifications prior to the work being undertaken by the non-Federal 
    a. Approval Level of Integral Determinations. Under the terms of 
Paragraph 4.e. of this regulation, approval of integral 
determinations is delegated to the MSC Commander. This authority may 
not be further delegated.
    b. Timing of Integral Determinations.
    (1) In general, the integral determination should be completed 
immediately prior to review and approval of a DA or PPA, or 
amendment as applicable, that provides for the affording of credit. 
The integral determination for planning efforts is accomplished as 
part of the development of the PMP.
    (2) Include at least 30 days in the project schedule for 
processing at the MSC of the Integral Determinations by the MSC 
Commander. These times are recommended for scheduling purposes and 
should be extended if processing identifies significant issues 
requiring resolution.
    c. Procedures for Processing.
    (1) For a feasibility study, planning activities, including data 
collection, must be included in the approved Project Management Plan 
in order for those contributions to be eligible for credit.
    (2) The District will prepare an Integral Determination Report 
(IDR) for design and construction work that includes at a minimum 
the information contained in the following paragraphs. A suggested 
format for an IDR can be found at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/ProjectPartnershipAgreements/model_other.aspx. 
The IDR should contain a description of the activities required to 
perform the design or construction, as applicable, of the Federal 
project or separable element in sufficient detail to allow a 
comparison with the description of the proposed in-kind 
contributions; a detailed description of the work items proposed to 
be provided or performed as in-kind contributions; a discussion of 
how each work item proposed to be provided or performed as an in-
kind contribution is integral to the project; an estimate of the 
costs of each work item proposed to be provided or performed as an 
in-kind contribution; the estimated amount of credit to be afforded 
for each work item proposed to be provided or performed as an in-
kind contribution; and a District Commander recommendation 
identifying which of the proposed in-kind contributions should be 
considered integral to the project. If the in-kind contributions 
were provided or performed prior to execution of the applicable cost 
sharing agreement, then also include in the IDR the results of the 
review or inspection, as applicable, and certification by the 
District Commander on whether the work was accomplished in a 
satisfactory manner and in accordance with applicable Federal laws, 
regulations, and policies; and documentation of satisfactory 
environmental compliance for the construction portion of the in-kind 
    (3) The district will submit the IDR to the MSC District Support 
Team for action. The MSC District Support Team will perform the MSC 
review of the IDR. The MSC review team also will include members 
from the MSC Office of Counsel and from the MSC Planning Community 
of Practice (CoP), MSC Engineering and Construction CoP, MSC Real 
Estate CoP, and other CoPs, as needed. In addition, if the proposed 
in-kind contributions consist of design or construction of dams, 
levees, or bridges, the MSC review team must include the MSC Dam, 
Levee, or Bridge Safety Officer. After satisfactory resolution of 
all comments on the IDR and a determination that the IDR complies 
with all applicable law and policy, the MSC District Support Team 
shall prepare an Integral Determination memo for approval and 
signature by the MSC Commander.
    (4) The Integral Determination approval memo will state whether 
the work identified in the IDR, or a portion thereof, has been 
determined to be integral to the project. In addition, the memo 
should state that the determination of the actual value of the in-
kind contributions and affording credit for such amount will be 
accomplished by the Government in accordance with the limitations, 
conditions, and terms of the applicable cost sharing agreement.
    B-2. Considerations in determining whether the work is integral 
and creditable: The proposed in-kind contributions consist of work 
that the Government would have otherwise provided or performed for 
the project, except for performance of activities that are 
inherently governmental responsibilities (see paragraph B-3 below). 
Examples of activities that are acceptable in-kind contributions: 
Performance of design of all or a portion of the Federal project, 
including data collection related to design work; demolition of 
buildings on lands required for the project; performance of design 
or construction related studies for historic preservation activities 
except data recovery; performance of cost shared monitoring and 
adaptive management; and construction of a portion of the project.
    a. For proposed in-kind contributions performed prior to 
execution of the applicable cost sharing agreement, the in-kind 
contributions have been reviewed or inspected, as applicable, and 
certified by the Government that the work was accomplished in a 
satisfactory manner and in accordance with applicable Federal laws, 
regulations, and policies.
    b. For any proposed in-kind contributions proposed to be 
performed after execution of the PPA, the plans and specifications 
must be approved by the District Commander prior to initiation of 
the construction work.
    c. For materials provided for use in construction work managed 
by the Government, the materials must meet the minimum Government 
requirements for materials and any substitute materials have been 
determined by the Government to be a functional equivalent in 
accordance with policies governing contractor substitution of 
    d. The non-Federal sponsor should coordinate with the District 
to ensure that appropriate real estate interests to support the in-
kind contributions and project are acquired.
    B-3. The following will not be accepted as in-kind 
    a. The proposed in-kind contributions are not part of the 
Federal project.
    b. The proposed in-kind contributions consist of performance of 
activities that are inherently Governmental responsibilities (e.g., 
management of Government contracts; performance of District Quality 

[[Page 78206]]

Agency Technical Review, Independent External Peer Review, or Policy 
Compliance Review; determining if Value Engineering evaluations are 
acceptable; determining the LERRD required for the project or 
separable element of the project; determining the value of LERRD for 
crediting purposes; or making determinations as to compliance with 
applicable environmental laws and regulations).
    c. The proposed in-kind contributions are features or 
obligations that are a 100 percent non-Federal sponsor 
responsibility (e.g., purposes of land reclamation, local drainage, 
to protect against land or bank erosion, and/or the removal of 
hazardous, toxic, or radioactive wastes; local service facilities; 
betterments; acquisition and performance of LERRD, except for the 
provision of dredged or excavated material disposal facilities for 
commercial navigation projects; and performance of operation, 
maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, or replacement (OMRR&R);
    d. The proposed in-kind contributions have or will create a 
hazard to human life or property.
    e. The proposed in-kind contributions have been determined to be 
environmentally unacceptable.
    f. For proposed in-kind contributions performed prior to 
execution of the applicable cost sharing agreement, after review or 
inspection, as applicable, the Government cannot certify the 
proposed in-kind contributions were accomplished in a satisfactory 
manner and in accordance with applicable Federal laws, regulations, 
and policies.
    g. For proposed in-kind contributions performed prior to 
execution of the applicable cost sharing agreement, the non-Federal 
sponsor has not performed the necessary OMRR&R, resulting in the 
work no longer functioning as needed for the project.

[FR Doc. 2015-31654 Filed 12-15-15; 8:45 am]

                                              78200                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 241 / Wednesday, December 16, 2015 / Notices

                                                Comments and recommendations on                       ADDRESSES:  U.S. Army Corps of                          Dated: December 10, 2015.
                                              the proposed information collection                     Engineers, 441 G Street NW.,                          Theodore A. Brown,
                                              should be emailed to Ms. Jasmeet                        Washington, DC 20314–1000.                            Chief, Planning and Policy Division,
                                              Seehra, DoD Desk Officer, at Oira_                                                                            Directorate of Civil Works.
                                                                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              submission@omb.eop.gov. Please
                                                                                                      Janice E. Rasgus, Planning and Policy                 ER 1165–2–208
                                              identify the proposed information
                                              collection by DoD Desk Officer and the                  Division, Washington, DC at 202–761–                     1. Purpose. This regulation provides
                                              Docket ID number and title of the                       7674.                                                 guidance on the implementation of the
                                              information collection.                                                                                       in-kind contribution credit provisions of
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:    ER 1165–
                                                You may also submit comments and                                                                            Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control
                                                                                                      2–208 will be posted on the Corps Web
                                              recommendations, identified by Docket                                                                         Act of 1970, as further amended by
                                                                                                      site in the very near future.                         Section 1018 of the Water Resources
                                              ID number and title, by the following
                                              method:                                                 Response to Comments                                  Reform and Development Act of 2014
                                                • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://                                                                       (WRRDA 2014) (42 U.S.C. 1962d–
                                                                                                        The draft ER was published in the                   5b(a)(4)) (hereinafter referred to as
                                              www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                                                                      August 28, 2015, issue of the Federal                 ‘‘Section 221’’). Section 221(a)(4) of the
                                              instructions for submitting comments.
                                                                                                      Register (80 FR 52258) for a 30-day                   Flood Control Act of 1970, as amended,
                                                 Instructions: All submissions received
                                                                                                      comment period. The comment period                    and Section 1018 of WRRDA 2014 are
                                              must include the agency name, Docket
                                                                                                      was extended by 30 days (see 50 FR                    provided in Appendix A.
                                              ID number and title for this Federal
                                                                                                      60135). The regulations.gov docket                       2. Distribution Statement. Approved
                                              Register document. The general policy
                                                                                                      number is COE–2015–0013. Sixteen                      for public release. Distribution is
                                              for comments and other submissions
                                                                                                      comments were received.                               unlimited.
                                              from members of the public is to make
                                              these submissions available for public                    In response to one commenter, the                      3. Applicability. This regulation
                                              viewing on the Internet at http://                      guidance was expanded to clarify that                 applies to all HQUSACE elements,
                                              www.regulations.gov as they are                                                                               Major Subordinate Commands (MSCs),
                                                                                                      in-kind contributions can be provided
                                              received without change, including any                                                                        and district commands having Civil
                                                                                                      once the feasibility cost sharing
                                              personal identifiers or contact                                                                               Works responsibility and is effective
                                                                                                      agreement is executed and the project
                                              information.                                                                                                  immediately.
                                                                                                      management plan is developed.
                                                                                                                                                               a. The Section 221 crediting
                                                 DOD Clearance Officer: Mr. Frederick                   Several commenters noted that the                   provisions apply to the study, design,
                                              Licari.                                                 non-Federal sponsor’s costs of                        and construction of water resources
                                                 Written requests for copies of the                   Coordination Team participation and                   development projects authorized in the
                                              information collection proposal should                  audits are no longer considered in-kind               Water Resources Development Act
                                              be sent to Mr. Licari at WHS/ESD                        contributions that are included as a                  (WRDA) of 1986 or later laws, including
                                              Directives Division, 4800 Mark Center                   study or project cost subject to cost                 projects initiated after November 16,
                                              Drive, East Tower, Suite 02G09,                         sharing. The guidance was expanded to                 1986 without specific authorization in
                                              Alexandria, VA 22350–3100.                              clarify that likewise the Federal                     law. In addition, the crediting
                                                Dated: December 10, 2015.                             Government’s cost of Coordination                     provisions apply to the correction of
                                              Aaron Siegel,                                           Team participation and audits are not                 design deficiencies for projects
                                              Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison                  included in study or project costs for                authorized prior to WRDA of 1986.
                                              Officer, Department of Defense.                         cost sharing purposes although these                  Finally, these provisions are also
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–31531 Filed 12–15–15; 8:45 am]            costs are included in calculating any                 applicable to a project under an
                                              BILLING CODE 5001–06–P                                  limit on Federal participation.                       environmental infrastructure assistance
                                                                                                        One commenter requested that the                       (1) For a project with a project
                                              DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE                                   guidance be modified to allow the value               partnership agreement (PPA) that was
                                                                                                      of in-kind contributions to be accepted               executed on or after November 8, 2007,
                                              Department of the Army, Corps of                        as cash payments toward the additional                such PPA may be amended to include
                                              Engineers                                               10 percent payment required for                       work by the non-Federal sponsor that
                                                                                                      navigation projects. This request cannot              has not yet been initiated for credit
                                              Guidelines for Carrying Out Section                     be accommodated. The law is explicit                  toward any remaining non-Federal cost
                                              221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of                   that credit for in-kind contributions                 share under that agreement.
                                              1970, as Amended                                        shall not alter any requirement for the                  (2) Furthermore, in general, the
                                              AGENCY: United States Army Corps of                     non-Federal sponsor to pay 5 percent                  crediting provisions of Section 221 will
                                              Engineers, Department of Defense.                       cash for flood damage reduction project               be used in lieu of Section 104 of WRDA
                                                                                                      and pay the additional 10 percent cash                1986 and Section 215 of the Flood
                                              ACTION:   Notice.                                       for navigation projects. This                         Control Act of 1968. However, any
                                                                                                      requirement was also specified in the                 eligibility for credit under Section 104
                                              SUMMARY:   The U.S. Army Corps of                                                                             of WRDA 1986 that was approved
                                                                                                      in-kind contribution authority as
                                              Engineers (Corps) has updated the                                                                             previously by the Secretary will be
                                              existing guidance for providing in-kind                 enacted in WRDA 2007 and identified
                                                                                                      in the implementing guidance for that                 honored.
                                              credit under Section 221(a)(4) of the
tkelley on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                      earlier provision.                                       b. The authority for credit under
                                              Flood Control Act of 1970, as further                                                                         Section 221 is in addition to any other
                                              amended by Section 1018 of the Water                      Additional minor, non-substantive,                  authority to provide credit for in-kind
                                              Resources Reform and Development Act                    edits were made to provide further                    contributions. Section 221 credit may be
                                              of 2014.                                                clarity.                                              applied in lieu of other crediting
                                              DATES:   Effective date: December 16,                                                                         provisions if requested by the non-
                                              2015.                                                                                                         Federal sponsor.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:21 Dec 15, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00040   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16DEN1.SGM   16DEN1

                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 241 / Wednesday, December 16, 2015 / Notices                                           78201

                                                 This regulation supersedes ER 1165–                  that construction is eligible for credit as              (a) Projects Specifically Authorized.
                                              2–208 dated 17 February 2012.                           long as an in-kind MOU or PPA is                      For projects that are or will be
                                                 4. Key Principles.                                   executed prior to the construction being              specifically authorized for construction,
                                                 a. In General. Section 221 is a                      carried out. In addition, the                         Section 1002 of WRRDA 2014
                                              comprehensive authority that addresses                  construction carried out by the non-                  eliminated the full Federal
                                              the affording of credit for the value of                Federal sponsor is not considered as                  reconnaissance phase that used to be
                                              in-kind contributions provided by a                     part of the future without project                    undertaken prior to execution of a
                                              non-Federal sponsor toward its required                 condition.                                            feasibility cost sharing agreement
                                              cost share (excluding the required 5                       (a) Projects Specifically Authorized.              (FCSA). In the past, a project
                                              percent cash for structural flood damage                For projects that are or will be                      management plan (PMP), which
                                              reduction projects and the additional 10                specifically authorized for construction,             established the scope of the planning,
                                              percent cash payment over 30 years for                  an In-Kind MOU for construction may                   including activities needed to carry out
                                              navigation projects) if those in-kind                   be executed once there is vertical team               the study, was developed during this
                                              contributions are determined to be                      concurrence with the Tentatively                      reconnaissance phase. Under the new
                                              integral to a study or project.                         Selected Plan (TSP) at the TSP                        single phase study process mandated by
                                                 b. Types of In-Kind Contributions. The               Milestone. The TSP Milestone is the                   WRRDA 2014, the project management
                                              types of in-kind contributions eligible                 point at which there is vertical team                 plan will not be developed until after
                                              for credit include planning activities                  concurrence on the plan that will be                  execution of FCSA. As the PMP,
                                              (including data collection and other                    released in the draft study report for                including a determination of the scope
                                              services needed for a feasibility study);               public and agency review. Given the                   of the study, will not be developed until
                                              design related to construction; and                     new SMART Planning Process, the TSP                   after execution of the FCSA, no In-Kind
                                              construction (including management;                     Milestone should occur much earlier in                MOU for planning is permitted.
                                              mitigation; and construction materials                                                                        Following execution of the FCSA and
                                                                                                      the planning process than what was
                                              and services).                                                                                                development of the PMP, the provision
                                                                                                      previously achieved. Requests from
                                                 c. Compliance with Applicable                                                                              of in-kind contributions is allowed
                                              Federal Laws, Regulations, and Policies.                non-Federal sponsors to execute an in-
                                                                                                      kind MOU for construction prior to the                under the FCSA.
                                              Eligibility for credit is subject to the                                                                         (b) Continuing Authority Program. For
                                              non-Federal sponsor complying with all                  TSP Milestone will be considered on a
                                                                                                      case-by-case basis and must be                        projects implemented under the
                                              applicable Federal laws and                                                                                   Continuing Authority Program or a
                                              implementing regulations, including,                    approved by the Assistant Secretary of
                                                                                                      the Army (Civil Works). Since each                    regional authority that does not require
                                              but not limited to Section 601 of the                                                                         additional authorization to implement
                                              Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42                project presents its own unique
                                                                                                      combination of circumstances, each                    the project, sections 905(c) and 105(a)(3)
                                              U.S.C. 2000d), and Department of                                                                              of WRDA 1986, as amended, provide
                                              Defense Directive 5500.11 issued                        request will require an individual
                                                                                                      evaluation that will include                          that the first $100,000 of these studies
                                              pursuant thereto; the Age                                                                                     is a Federal expense. Therefore, once a
                                              Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C.                   consideration of, but not limited to, the
                                                                                                                                                            PMP has been developed and the MSC
                                              6102); the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as               following criteria:
                                                                                                                                                            Commander has approved initiation of
                                              amended (29 U.S.C. 794), and Army                          (i) Whether the proposed work is a
                                                                                                                                                            the feasibility study, an In-Kind MOU
                                              Regulation 600–7 issued pursuant                        modification of an existing Federal
                                                                                                                                                            for planning may be executed.
                                              thereto; and 40 U.S.C. 3141–3148 and                    project;                                                 (4) Any work undertaken by a non-
                                              40 U.S.C. 3701–3708 (labor standards                       (ii) Whether the proposed work will                Federal sponsor pursuant to an In-Kind
                                              originally enacted as the Davis-Bacon                   follow an existing levee alignment in                 MOU is at its own risk and
                                              Act, the Contract Work Hours and                        the case of a flood risk management                   responsibility. An In-Kind MOU
                                              Safety Standards Act, the Copeland                      project;                                              provides no assurance that the non-
                                              Anti-Kickback Act); and the National                       (iii) Whether the proposed work                    Federal sponsor’s work will be
                                              Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C.                     balances and integrates the wise use of               determined to be integral to the Federal
                                              4321–4347) and other environmental                      the flood plain to ensure public safety;              project or that any construction
                                              laws and regulations.                                      (iv) Whether the proposed work                     undertaken by the non-Federal sponsor
                                                 d. In-Kind Memorandum of                             significantly reduces flood damage risk               will be included as part of any
                                              Understanding (MOU).                                    to human life, property or critical                   ultimately recommended Federal
                                                 (1) Construction. Section 221 provides               infrastructure; and                                   project. Execution of an In-Kind MOU
                                              that any construction work that has not                    (iv) Whether the proposed work will                in no way obligates the Corps to enter
                                              been carried out as of November 8, 2007                 likely be included in the final project               into any future agreement for the
                                              is eligible for credit only if the non-                 recommendation.                                       project.
                                              Federal sponsor executes an agreement                      (b) Continuing Authority Program. For                 (5) In general, once a FCSA, design
                                              with the Secretary prior to carrying out                projects implemented under the                        agreement, or PPA is executed, further
                                              such work. For purposes of Section 221                  Continuing Authority Program or a                     use of In-Kind MOUs is not appropriate
                                              crediting only, ‘‘carrying out’’                        regional authority that does not require              for inclusion of additional in-kind
                                              construction work means initiation of                   additional authorization to implement                 contributions under that FCSA, design
                                              construction using the non-Federal                      the project, an In-Kind MOU for design                agreement, or PPA, respectively. Special
                                              sponsor’s labor force or issuance of the                and implementation may be executed                    circumstances requiring expedited
                                              notice to proceed for such construction                 after the MSC Commander approves the                  review and execution of an amendment
                                                                                                      decision document for the project.
tkelley on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES

                                              if undertaken by contract. Therefore, in                                                                      to an executed agreement should be
                                              those cases where there is not yet an                      (2) Design. For projects that are or will          coordinated with the HQUSACE RIT.
                                              executed PPA, the non-Federal sponsor                   be specifically authorized for                           (6) MSC Commanders may approve a
                                              must execute an in-kind MOU with the                    construction, an In-Kind MOU for                      District Engineer’s execution of Model
                                              Corps of Engineers prior to initiating                  design may be executed after the TSP                  In-Kind MOUs for Construction or for
                                              construction or issuing the notice to                   Milestone.                                            Design, provided that the In-Kind MOUs
                                              proceed. Design work associated with                       (3) Planning.                                      do not include any deviations. Any

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:21 Dec 15, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00041   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16DEN1.SGM   16DEN1

                                              78202                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 241 / Wednesday, December 16, 2015 / Notices

                                              proposed deviations must be submitted                   of the cost for such work if it had been              under a PPA, credit for in-kind
                                              to HQUSACE for approval prior to                        accomplished by the Government. This                  contributions under a DA is carried over
                                              execution. Models for the In-Kind MOU                   amount is not subject to interest charges             to the PPA, and the maximum amount
                                              for construction, including design work,                or to adjustment to reflect changes in                of credit for in-kind contributions under
                                              and for design work only are available                  price levels between the time the in-                 a PPA is limited to the non-Federal
                                              at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/                  kind contributions were completed and                 sponsor’s required cost share under the
                                              CivilWorks/                                             the time the amount is credited.                      PPA. Credit for in-kind contributions
                                              ProjectPartnershipAgreements/model_                        (3) Any in-kind contributions                      may not be afforded toward the required
                                              other.aspx.                                             performed or paid for by the non-                     5 percent cash payment for structural
                                                 e. Integral Determinations.                          Federal sponsor using funds provided                  flood damage reduction projects or the
                                                 (1) Section 221 provides that credit                 by another Federal agency (as well as                 additional 10 percent cash payment for
                                              may be afforded only if the Secretary                   any non-Federal matching share or                     navigation projects.
                                              determines that the material or service                 contribution that was required by such                   (7) Credit for in-kind contributions for
                                              provided as an in-kind contribution by                  Federal agency for such program or                    planning is limited to credit that can be
                                              a non-Federal sponsor is integral to the                grant) are not eligible for credit unless             afforded under a specific FCSA. In other
                                              study or project.1 To be integral to the                the Federal agency providing the                      words, excess credit may not be carried
                                              study or project, the material or service               Federal portion of such funds verifies in             over to design or construction of the
                                              must be part of the work that the                       writing that the funds are authorized to              project. Credit for planning work by the
                                              Federal Government would otherwise                      be used to carry out the study or project.            non-Federal sponsor is limited to its 50
                                              have undertaken for the study or for                       (4) After execution of the applicable              percent of planning costs and will be
                                              construction of what is ultimately                      FCSA, Design Agreement (DA), or PPA,                  done in accordance with the PMP,
                                              determined to be the Federal project.                   the non-Federal sponsor will submit to                under the terms and conditions in the
                                              See Appendix B for additional guidance                  the Government (not less frequently                   FCSA.
                                              on criteria and procedures for                          than every 6 months or as provided in                    (8) Credit for in-kind contributions
                                              processing integral determinations.                     the agreement) credit request(s) for                  provided by a non-Federal sponsor for
                                                 (2) The approval of integral                         eligible in-kind contributions under that             the construction of a project, or
                                              determinations is delegated to the MSC                  agreement. The credit requests will                   separable element thereof, that are in
                                              Commander. The approval authority                       contain the following: written                        excess of the non-Federal cost share for
                                              delegated to the MSC Commander is                       certification by the non-Federal sponsor              an authorized separable element of a
                                              subject to the full compliance of each                  of the payments made to contractors,                  project may be applied toward the non-
                                              integral determination to law and policy                suppliers, or employees for in-kind                   federal cost share for a different
                                              and may not be further delegated within                 contributions; copies of all relevant                 authorized separable element of the
                                              the MSC or to the District Commander.                   invoices and evidence of such                         same project. Additional Federal
                                              A separate integral determination is not                payments; written identification of costs             appropriations will be required to offset
                                              required for planning activities included               that have been paid with funds or grants              the application of any excess credit to
                                              in the PMP, approved by the MSC                         provided by a Federal agency as well as               another separable element.
                                                                                                      any non-Federal matching share or                        (9) If the value of eligible in-kind
                                              Commander, as required for the study
                                                                                                      contribution that was required by such                contributions exceeds the amount of
                                                                                                      Federal agency for such program or                    credit that can be afforded pursuant to
                                                 f. Determining the Amount of Credit.
                                                                                                      grant; and a written request for credit of            the provisions of a PPA (i.e., exceeds the
                                                 (1) The amount of in-kind
                                                                                                      a specific amount not in excess of such               required non-Federal cost share for all
                                              contributions that may be eligible for
                                                                                                      specified payments. Failure to provide                features covered by that PPA), only the
                                              inclusion in shared costs for cost
                                                                                                      sufficient documentation supporting the               amount of credit afforded should be
                                              sharing purposes under the applicable
                                                                                                      credit request will result in a denial of             included in total project costs.
                                              cost sharing agreement will be subject to
                                                                                                      credit in accordance with the terms of                Recalculation of total project costs will
                                              an audit by the Government to
                                                                                                      the applicable cost sharing agreement.                be required to exclude from total project
                                              determine the reasonableness,
                                                                                                         (5) In-kind contributions are subject to           costs the value of in-kind contributions
                                              allocability, and allowability of such                  a review (for feasibility level and design            that exceed the amount of credit that
                                              amount.                                                 activities) or on-site inspection                     can be afforded. In addition, the amount
                                                 (2) The creditable amount is the lesser              (construction), as applicable, and                    excluded will not be considered part of
                                              of the costs incurred by the non-Federal                certification by the Government that the              total costs for the purposes of Section
                                              sponsor to obtain such materials or                     work was accomplished in a satisfactory               902 of WRDA 1986 calculations.
                                              services; the market value of such                      manner and in accordance with                            (10) No reimbursements are
                                              materials or services as of the date that               applicable Federal laws, regulations,                 authorized for in-kind contributions
                                              the non-Federal sponsor provides such                   and policies. The Government will not                 under Section 221 except as provided in
                                              materials or services for use in the study              include in the costs to be shared under               paragraph 4 g., below.
                                              or project; or the Government’s estimate                the applicable cost sharing agreement or                 g. Lands, Easements, Relocations,
                                                 1 The non-Federal Sponsor’s costs of
                                                                                                      afford credit for any work the                        Rights-of-Way, and Areas for Disposal of
                                              Coordination Team participation and audits are not      Government determines was not                         Dredged Material (LERRDs). Section 221
                                              in-kind contributions and are not included in           accomplished in a satisfactory manner                 does not alter any other requirement for
                                              ‘‘shared costs’’ for cost sharing purposes. Likewise,   or in accordance with applicable                      the non-Federal sponsor to provide
                                              the Federal Government’s cost of Coordination           Federal laws, regulations, and policies.              LERRDs for a project, and the non-
                                              Team participation and audits are not included in
tkelley on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES

                                              ‘‘shared costs’’ for cost sharing purposes although
                                                                                                         (6) In general, the amount of credit for           Federal sponsor should coordinate with
                                              these costs are included in calculating any limit on    in-kind contributions that can be                     the District to ensure that appropriate
                                              Federal participation. The costs of the non-Federal     afforded under a FCSA or a PPA is                     real estate interests for the project are
                                              Sponsor’s performance of investigations for             limited to the amount of the non-                     acquired. Any LERRDs associated with
                                              hazardous substances are eligible for inclusion as a
                                              shared costs and for credit as an in-kind
                                                                                                      Federal sponsor’s cost share under that               in-kind contributions determined to be
                                              contribution and do not require a separate integral     agreement. As the costs of design under               integral to the project will be credited to
                                              determination.                                          a DA are included in total project costs              the project as LERRDs except the LERRs

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 241 / Wednesday, December 16, 2015 / Notices                                                78203

                                              needed for fish and wildlife mitigation.                eligible in-kind contributions (including             Appendix B—Criteria for In-Kind
                                              (The costs of LERRs needed for fish and                 those in excess of its share of total                    Contribution Integral Determinations
                                              wildlife mitigation are assigned to the                 design costs) will be included in total               Appendix A
                                              project purpose(s) causing the need for                 project costs in the PPA. The maximum
                                              such mitigation and are subject to                      amount of credit that may be afforded                 Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of
                                              construction cost sharing established for                                                                     1970, as Amended (42 U.S.C. 1962d–5b(a)(4))
                                                                                                      pursuant to the PPA is limited to the
                                              that project purpose.) In addition, for a               non-Federal sponsor’s cost share under                  SEC. 221. WRITTEN AGREEMENT
                                              navigation project, LERRs are creditable                that agreement.                                       REQUIREMENT FOR WATER RESOURCES
                                              only toward the requirement for the                                                                           PROJECTS.
                                                                                                         6. Construction.
                                                                                                                                                              (a) COOPERATION OF NON-FEDERAL
                                              non-Federal sponsor to pay an                              a. To be eligible for credit, in-kind              INTEREST.—
                                              additional 10 percent of the cost of the                contributions prior to execution of the                 (4) Credit for in-kind contributions.
                                              general navigation features.                            PPA must have been provided or                          (A) In general. A partnership agreement
                                                 (1) Previously, credit for in-kind                   performed after execution of an In-Kind               described in paragraph (1) may provide with
                                              contributions was afforded only toward                  MOU. Credit for in-kind contributions                 respect to a project that the Secretary shall
                                              the non-Federal sponsor’s required cash                 will not be afforded toward the non-                  credit toward the non-Federal share of the
                                              contribution after consideration of the                 Federal sponsor’s requirement to                      cost of the project, including a project
                                              value of LERRDs provided by the non-                    provide in cash 5 percent of the costs for            implemented without specific authorization
                                              Federal sponsor. WRRDA 2014 changes                                                                           in law or a project under an environmental
                                                                                                      structural flood damage reduction                     infrastructure assistance program, the value
                                              how credit for in-kind contributions is                 projects (either specifically authorized              of in-kind contributions made by the non-
                                              calculated. For projects other than                     or implemented pursuant to Continuing                 Federal interest, including—
                                              navigation projects, to the extent that                 Authority Program Sections 14, 205, or                  (i) the costs of planning (including data
                                              credit for LERRDs combined with credit                  208 projects); the non-Federal sponsor’s              collection), design, management, mitigation,
                                              for the value of in-kind contributions                  requirement to pay for betterments or                 construction, and construction services that
                                              exceed the non-Federal share of the cost                any other work performed by the                       are provided by the non-Federal interest for
                                              of a project, WRRDA 2014 provides that                  Government on behalf of the non-                      implementation of the project;
                                              the Secretary, subject to the availability                                                                      (ii) the value of materials or services
                                                                                                      Federal sponsor; the non-Federal                      provided before execution of the partnership
                                              of funds, shall enter into a separate                   sponsor’s requirement to provide lands,               agreement, including efforts on constructed
                                              reimbursement agreement to reimburse                    easements, rights-of-way, relocations, or             elements incorporated into the project; and
                                              the non-Federal sponsor for the                         improvements to enable the disposal of                  (iii) the value of materials and services
                                              difference between creditable LERRDs                    dredged or excavated material required                provided after execution of the partnership
                                              and in-kind contributions and the non-                  for the project or separable element of               agreement.
                                              Federal cost share. Therefore, at the                   the project; or the non-Federal sponsor’s               (B) Condition. The Secretary may credit an
                                              final accounting for the project, to the                additional payment of 10 percent of the               in-kind contribution under subparagraph (A)
                                              extent funds for the project remain                                                                           only if the Secretary determines that the
                                                                                                      cost of general navigation features for a             material or service provided as an in-kind
                                              available, the Secretary shall execute an               navigation project.
                                              agreement with the non-Federal sponsor                                                                        contribution is integral to the project.
                                                                                                         b. The non-Federal sponsor may not                   (C) Work performed before partnership
                                              for reimbursement of the difference.                    initiate construction following                       agreement.
                                                 (2) If funds remaining on a project are              execution of a PPA until the designs,                   (i) Construction.
                                              insufficient to provide full                            detailed plans and specifications, and                  (I) In general. In any case in which the non-
                                              reimbursement under paragraph g.(1),                    arrangements for such work have been                  Federal interest is to receive credit under
                                              the non-Federal sponsor may request                     approved by the Government. In                        subparagraph (A) for the cost of construction
                                              reimbursement. The Secretary shall                      addition, any proposed changes to                     carried out by the non-Federal interest before
                                              prioritize such requests, and enter into                                                                      execution of a partnership agreement and
                                                                                                      approved designs and plans and                        that construction has not been carried out as
                                              reimbursements agreements, in the                       specifications must be approved by the
                                              order the requests were received, as                                                                          of November 8, 2007, the Secretary and the
                                                                                                      Government in advance of such                         non-Federal interest shall enter into an
                                              funds become available for                              construction. Upon completion of                      agreement under which the non-Federal
                                              reimbursements.                                         construction, the non-Federal sponsor                 interest shall carry out such work and shall
                                                 5. Design. Design by the non-Federal                                                                       do so prior to the non-Federal interest
                                                                                                      will furnish to the Government a copy
                                              sponsor must be performed in                                                                                  initiating construction or issuing a written
                                                                                                      of all final as-built drawings.
                                              accordance with the requirements in ER                     c. For CAP authorities and regional                notice to proceed for the construction.
                                              1110–2–1150, reviewed in accordance                     authorities that are implemented with a                 (II) Eligibility. Construction that is carried
                                              with ER 1110–1–12, and subject to the                                                                         out after the execution of an agreement to
                                                                                                      single agreement covering design and                  carry out work described in subclause (I) and
                                              applicable peer review guidance. In                     implementation, if a non-Federal
                                              accordance with section 105(c) of                                                                             any design activities that are required for that
                                                                                                      sponsor proposes to provide or perform                construction, even if the design activity is
                                              WRDA 1986, the costs of design shall be                 all or a portion of the design for a                  carried out prior to the execution of the
                                              shared in the same percentages as the                   project as in-kind contributions, a PPA               agreement to carry out work, shall be eligible
                                              purposes of such project.                               addressing both design and construction               for credit.
                                                 a. If the value of eligible in-kind                                                                          (ii) Planning.
                                                                                                      is required.
                                              contributions is less than the non-                                                                             (I) In general. In any case in which the non-
                                              Federal sponsor’s share of design costs,                FOR THE COMMANDER:                                    Federal interest is to receive credit under
                                              the non-Federal sponsor must                                                                                  subparagraph (A) for the cost of planning
                                                                                                      Colonel, Corps of Engineers Chief of Staff
                                              contribute sufficient funds to equal its                                                                      carried out by the non-Federal interest before
                                                                                                                                                            execution of a feasibility cost-sharing
tkelley on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES

                                              share of total design costs.                            Enclosures: 2 Appendices
                                                 b. If the value of eligible in-kind                                                                        agreement, the Secretary and the non-Federal
                                                                                                      Appendix A—Section 221(a)(4) of the Flood             interest shall enter into an agreement under
                                              contributions is greater than the non-                     Control Act of 1970, as amended (42                which the non-Federal interest shall carry
                                              Federal sponsor’s share of total design                    U.S.C. 1962d-5b(a)(4) Section 221(a)(4)            out such work and shall do so prior to the
                                              costs, then no cash payment from the                       of the Flood Control Act of 1970, as               non-Federal interest initiating that planning.
                                              non-Federal sponsor is required. The                       amended, and Section 1018 of WRRDA                   (II) Eligibility. Planning that is carried out
                                              value of all of the non-Federal sponsor’s                  2014                                               by the non-Federal interest after the

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                                              execution of an agreement to carry out work             pursuant to this paragraph shall be in                interest under this subsection as part of the
                                              described in subclause (I) shall be eligible for        addition to any other authorization to                future without project condition.
                                              credit.                                                 provide credit for in-kind contributions and             ‘‘(F) Transfer of Credit Between Separable
                                                (D) Limitations. Credit authorized under              shall not be construed as a limitation on such        Elements of a Project.—Credit for in-kind
                                              this paragraph for a project—                           other authorization. The Secretary shall              contributions provided by a non-Federal
                                                (i) shall not exceed the non-Federal share            apply the provisions of this paragraph, in            interest that are in excess of the non-Federal
                                              of the cost of the project;                             lieu of provisions under other crediting              cost share for an authorized separable
                                                (ii) shall not alter any other requirement            authority, only if so requested by the non-           element of a project may be applied toward
                                              that a non-Federal interest provide lands,              Federal interest.                                     the non-Federal cost share for a different
                                              easements, relocations, rights-of-way, or                                                                     authorized separable element of the same
                                              areas for disposal of dredged material for the          Section 1018 of the Water Resources Reform            project.
                                              project;                                                and Development Act of 2014                              ‘‘(G) APPLICATION OF CREDIT.—
                                                (iii) shall not alter any requirement that a             Sec. 1018. CREDIT FOR IN-KIND                         ‘‘(i) In General.—To the extent that credit
                                              non-Federal interest pay a portion of the               CONTRIBUTIONS.                                        for in-kind contributions, as limited by
                                              costs of construction of the project under                 (a) In General.—Section 221(a)(4) of the           subparagraph (D), and credit for required
                                              sections 101(a)(2) and 103(a)(1)(A) of the              Flood Control Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 1962d–           land, easements, rights-of-way, dredged
                                              Water Resources Development Act of 1986                 5b(a)(4)) is amended—                                 material disposal areas, and relocations
                                              (33 U.S.C. 2211(a)(2); 33 U.S.C. 2213(a)(1)(A))            (1) in subparagraph (A), in the matter             provided by the non-Federal interest exceed
                                              of the Water Resources Development Act of               preceding clause (i), by inserting ‘‘or a project     the non-Federal share of the cost of
                                              1986 (33 U.S.C. 2211; 33 U.S.C. 2213); and              under an environmental infrastructure                 construction of a project other than a
                                                (iv) shall not exceed the actual and                  assistance program’’ after ‘‘law’’;                   navigation project, the Secretary, subject to
                                              reasonable costs of the materials, services, or            (2) in subparagraph (C) by striking ‘‘In any       the availability of funds, shall enter into a
                                              other things provided by the non-Federal                case’’ and all that follows through the period        reimbursement agreement with the non-
                                              interest, as determined by the Secretary.               at the end and inserting the following:               Federal interest, which shall be in addition
                                                (E) Analysis of costs and benefits. In the               ‘‘(i) CONSTRUCTION.—                               to a partnership agreement under
                                              evaluation of the costs and benefits of a                  ‘‘(I) In General.—In any case in which the         subparagraph (A), to reimburse the difference
                                              project, the Secretary shall not consider               non-Federal interest is to receive credit under       to the non-Federal interest.
                                              construction carried out by a non-Federal               subparagraph (A) for the cost of construction            ‘‘(ii) Priority.—If appropriated funds are
                                              interest under this subsection as part of the           carried out by the non-Federal interest before        insufficient to cover the full cost of all
                                              future without project condition.                       execution of a partnership agreement and              requested reimbursement agreements under
                                                (F) Transfer of credit between separable              that construction has not been carried out as         clause (i), the Secretary shall enter into
                                              elements of a project. Credit for in-kind               of November 8, 2007, the Secretary and the            reimbursement agreements in the order in
                                              contributions provided by a non-Federal                 non-Federal interest shall enter into an              which requests for such agreements are
                                              interest that are in excess of the non-Federal          agreement under which the non-Federal                 received.’’; and
                                              cost share for an authorized separable                  interest shall carry out such work and shall             (6) in subparagraph (H) (as redesignated by
                                              element of a project may be applied toward              do so prior to the non-Federal interest               paragraph (4))—
                                              the non-Federal cost share for a different              initiating construction or issuing a written             (A) in clause (i) by inserting ‘‘, and to water
                                              authorized separable element of the same                notice to proceed for the construction.               resources projects authorized prior to the
                                              project.                                                   ‘‘(II) Eligibility.—Construction that is           date of enactment of the Water Resources
                                                (G) Application of credit.                            carried out after the execution of an                 Development Act of 1986 (Public Law 99–
                                                (i) In general. To the extent that credit for         agreement to carry out work described in              662), if correction of design deficiencies is
                                              in-kind contributions, as limited by                    subclause (I) and any design activities that          necessary’’ before the period at the end; and
                                              subparagraph (D), and credit for required               are required for that construction, even if the          (B) by striking clause (ii) and inserting the
                                              land, easements, rights-of-way, dredged                 design activity is carried out prior to the           following:
                                              material disposal areas, and relocations                execution of the agreement to carry out work,            ‘‘(ii) Authorization As Addition to Other
                                              provided by the non-Federal interest exceed             shall be eligible for credit.                         Authorizations.—The authority of the
                                              the non-Federal share of the cost of                       ‘‘(ii) PLANNING.—                                  Secretary to provide credit for in-kind
                                              construction of a project other than a                     ‘‘(I) In General.—In any case in which the         contributions pursuant to this paragraph
                                              navigation project, the Secretary, subject to           non-Federal interest is to receive credit under       shall be in addition to any other
                                              the availability of funds, shall enter into a           subparagraph (A) for the cost of planning             authorization to provide credit for in-kind
                                              reimbursement agreement with the non-                   carried out by the non-Federal interest before        contributions and shall not be construed as
                                              Federal interest, which shall be in addition            execution of a feasibility cost-sharing               a limitation on such other authorization. The
                                              to a partnership agreement under                        agreement, the Secretary and the non-Federal          Secretary shall apply the provisions of this
                                              subparagraph (A), to reimburse the difference           interest shall enter into an agreement under          paragraph, in lieu of provisions under other
                                              to the non-Federal interest.                            which the non-Federal interest shall carry            crediting authority, only if so requested by
                                                (ii) Priority. If appropriated funds are              out such work and shall do so prior to the            the non-Federal interest.’’.
                                              insufficient to cover the full cost of all              non-Federal interest initiating that planning.           (b) Applicability.—Section 2003(e) of the
                                              requested reimbursement agreements under                   ‘‘(II) Eligibility.—Planning that is carried       Water Resources Development Act of 2007
                                              clause (i), the Secretary shall enter into              out by the non-Federal interest after the             (42 U.S.C. 1962d–5b note) is amended—
                                              reimbursement agreements in the order in                execution of an agreement to carry out work              (1) by inserting ‘‘, or construction of design
                                              which requests for such agreements are                  described in subclause (I) shall be eligible for      deficiency corrections on the project,’’ after
                                              received.’’; and                                        credit.’’;                                            ‘‘construction on the project’’; and
                                                (H) Applicability.                                       (3) in subparagraph (D)(iii) by striking              (2) by inserting ‘‘, or under which
                                                (i) In general. This paragraph shall apply            ‘‘sections 101 and 103’’ and inserting                construction of the project has not been
                                              to water resources projects authorized after            ‘‘sections 101(a)(2) and 103(a)(1)(A) of the          completed and the work to be performed by
                                              November 16, 1986, including projects                   Water Resources Development Act of 1986               the non-Federal interests has not been carried
                                              initiated after November 16, 1986, without              (33 U.S.C. 2211(a)(2); 33 U.S.C.                      out and is creditable only toward any
                                              specific authorization in law, and to water             2213(a)(1)(A))’’;                                     remaining non-Federal cost share,’’ after ‘‘has
                                              resources projects authorized prior to the                 (4) by redesignating subparagraph (E) as           not been initiated’’.
tkelley on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES

                                              date of enactment of the Water Resources                subparagraph (H);                                        (c) Effective Date.—The amendments made
                                              Development Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 99–662)                   (5) by inserting after subparagraph (D) the        by subsections (a) and (b) take effect on
                                              [enacted June 10, 2014], if correction of               following:                                            November 8, 2007.
                                              design deficiencies is necessary.                          ‘‘(E) Analysis of Costs and Benefits.—In the          (d) Guidelines.—
                                                (ii) Authorization as addition to other               evaluation of the costs and benefits of a                (1) In General.—Not later than 1 year after
                                              authorizations. The authority of the Secretary          project, the Secretary shall not consider             the date of enactment of this Act, the
                                              to provide credit for in-kind contributions             construction carried out by a non-Federal             Secretary shall update any guidance or

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                                                                       Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 241 / Wednesday, December 16, 2015 / Notices                                              78205

                                              regulations for carrying out section 221(a)(4)          MSC Commander. This authority may not be              construction of dams, levees, or bridges, the
                                              of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C.             further delegated.                                    MSC review team must include the MSC
                                              1962d–5b(a)(4)) (as amended by subsection                  b. Timing of Integral Determinations.              Dam, Levee, or Bridge Safety Officer. After
                                              (a)) that are in existence on the date of                  (1) In general, the integral determination         satisfactory resolution of all comments on the
                                              enactment of this Act or issue new                      should be completed immediately prior to              IDR and a determination that the IDR
                                              guidelines, as determined to be appropriate             review and approval of a DA or PPA, or                complies with all applicable law and policy,
                                              by the Secretary.                                       amendment as applicable, that provides for            the MSC District Support Team shall prepare
                                                 (2) Inclusions.—Any guidance, regulations,           the affording of credit. The integral                 an Integral Determination memo for approval
                                              or guidelines updated or issued under                   determination for planning efforts is                 and signature by the MSC Commander.
                                              paragraph (1) shall include, at a minimum—              accomplished as part of the development of               (4) The Integral Determination approval
                                                 (A) the milestone for executing an in-kind           the PMP.                                              memo will state whether the work identified
                                              memorandum of understanding for                            (2) Include at least 30 days in the project        in the IDR, or a portion thereof, has been
                                              construction by a non-Federal interest;                 schedule for processing at the MSC of the             determined to be integral to the project. In
                                                 (B) criteria and procedures for evaluating a         Integral Determinations by the MSC                    addition, the memo should state that the
                                              request to execute an in-kind memorandum                Commander. These times are recommended                determination of the actual value of the in-
                                              of understanding for construction by a non-             for scheduling purposes and should be                 kind contributions and affording credit for
                                              Federal interest that is earlier than the               extended if processing identifies significant         such amount will be accomplished by the
                                              milestone under subparagraph (A) for that               issues requiring resolution.                          Government in accordance with the
                                              execution; and                                             c. Procedures for Processing.                      limitations, conditions, and terms of the
                                                 (C) criteria and procedures for determining             (1) For a feasibility study, planning              applicable cost sharing agreement.
                                              whether work carried out by a non-Federal               activities, including data collection, must be           B–2. Considerations in determining
                                              interest is integral to a project.                      included in the approved Project                      whether the work is integral and creditable:
                                                 (3) Public and Stakeholder Participation.—           Management Plan in order for those                    The proposed in-kind contributions consist
                                              Before issuing any new or revised guidance,             contributions to be eligible for credit.              of work that the Government would have
                                              regulations, or guidelines or any subsequent               (2) The District will prepare an Integral          otherwise provided or performed for the
                                              updates to those documents, the Secretary               Determination Report (IDR) for design and             project, except for performance of activities
                                              shall—                                                  construction work that includes at a                  that are inherently governmental
                                                 (A) consult with affected non-Federal                minimum the information contained in the              responsibilities (see paragraph B–3 below).
                                              interests;                                              following paragraphs. A suggested format for          Examples of activities that are acceptable in-
                                                 (B) publish the proposed guidelines                  an IDR can be found at http://                        kind contributions: Performance of design of
                                              developed under this subsection in the                  www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/               all or a portion of the Federal project,
                                              Federal Register; and                                   ProjectPartnershipAgreements/model_                   including data collection related to design
                                                 (C) provide the public with an opportunity           other.aspx. The IDR should contain a                  work; demolition of buildings on lands
                                              to comment on the proposed guidelines.                  description of the activities required to             required for the project; performance of
                                                 (e) Other Credit.—Nothing in section                 perform the design or construction, as                design or construction related studies for
                                              221(a)(4) of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (42          applicable, of the Federal project or separable       historic preservation activities except data
                                              U.S.C. 1962d–5b(a)(4)) (as amended by                   element in sufficient detail to allow a               recovery; performance of cost shared
                                              subsection (a)) affects any eligibility for             comparison with the description of the                monitoring and adaptive management; and
                                              credit under section 104 of the Water                   proposed in-kind contributions; a detailed            construction of a portion of the project.
                                              Resources Development of 1986 (33 U.S.C.                description of the work items proposed to be             a. For proposed in-kind contributions
                                              2214) that was approved by the Secretary                provided or performed as in-kind                      performed prior to execution of the
                                              prior to the date of enactment of this Act.             contributions; a discussion of how each work          applicable cost sharing agreement, the in-
                                                                                                      item proposed to be provided or performed             kind contributions have been reviewed or
                                              Appendix B
                                                                                                      as an in-kind contribution is integral to the         inspected, as applicable, and certified by the
                                              Criteria and Procedures for In-Kind                     project; an estimate of the costs of each work        Government that the work was accomplished
                                              Contribution Integral Determinations                    item proposed to be provided or performed             in a satisfactory manner and in accordance
                                                 B–1. Determining if In-Kind Contributions            as an in-kind contribution; the estimated             with applicable Federal laws, regulations,
                                              Are Integral to the Study/Project.                      amount of credit to be afforded for each work         and policies.
                                              Establishing and allowing credit is a two-step          item proposed to be provided or performed                b. For any proposed in-kind contributions
                                              process whereby: (1) Eligibility for credit is          as an in-kind contribution; and a District            proposed to be performed after execution of
                                              determined based on whether the in-kind                 Commander recommendation identifying                  the PPA, the plans and specifications must be
                                              contribution is integral to the study or                which of the proposed in-kind contributions           approved by the District Commander prior to
                                              project, and (2) actual affording of credit is          should be considered integral to the project.         initiation of the construction work.
                                              accomplished based on an audit of the non-              If the in-kind contributions were provided or            c. For materials provided for use in
                                              Federal work by the District Engineer under             performed prior to execution of the                   construction work managed by the
                                              the terms of the FCSA, DA, or PPA, as                   applicable cost sharing agreement, then also          Government, the materials must meet the
                                              appropriate. The level of analysis to                   include in the IDR the results of the review          minimum Government requirements for
                                              determine if work is integral to the project is         or inspection, as applicable, and certification       materials and any substitute materials have
                                              scalable. For instance, work accomplished by            by the District Commander on whether the              been determined by the Government to be a
                                              the non-Federal sponsor on its own under an             work was accomplished in a satisfactory               functional equivalent in accordance with
                                              In-Kind MOU must be fully analyzed to                   manner and in accordance with applicable              policies governing contractor substitution of
                                              determine whether it is integral to the                 Federal laws, regulations, and policies; and          materials.
                                              project, i.e., work that the Government                 documentation of satisfactory environmental              d. The non-Federal sponsor should
                                              otherwise would have performed for the                  compliance for the construction portion of            coordinate with the District to ensure that
                                              project. In general, for work that will be              the in-kind contributions.                            appropriate real estate interests to support
                                              accomplished after execution of a DA or PPA,               (3) The district will submit the IDR to the        the in-kind contributions and project are
                                              it will be clearer what work is required for            MSC District Support Team for action. The             acquired.
                                              the project and therefore integral to the               MSC District Support Team will perform the               B–3. The following will not be accepted as
                                              project; furthermore, the Government will be            MSC review of the IDR. The MSC review                 in-kind contributions:
tkelley on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES

                                              approving plans and specifications prior to             team also will include members from the                  a. The proposed in-kind contributions are
                                              the work being undertaken by the non-                   MSC Office of Counsel and from the MSC                not part of the Federal project.
                                              Federal sponsor.                                        Planning Community of Practice (CoP), MSC                b. The proposed in-kind contributions
                                                 a. Approval Level of Integral                        Engineering and Construction CoP, MSC Real            consist of performance of activities that are
                                              Determinations. Under the terms of                      Estate CoP, and other CoPs, as needed. In             inherently Governmental responsibilities
                                              Paragraph 4.e. of this regulation, approval of          addition, if the proposed in-kind                     (e.g., management of Government contracts;
                                              integral determinations is delegated to the             contributions consist of design or                    performance of District Quality Review,

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:21 Dec 15, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00045   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16DEN1.SGM   16DEN1

                                              78206                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 241 / Wednesday, December 16, 2015 / Notices

                                              Agency Technical Review, Independent                    collection listed in this notice, please                Respondents/Affected Public:
                                              External Peer Review, or Policy Compliance              use http://www.regulations.gov by                     Individuals or Households.
                                              Review; determining if Value Engineering                searching the Docket ID number ED–                      Total Estimated Number of Annual
                                              evaluations are acceptable; determining the                                                                   Responses: 5,027,286.
                                                                                                      2015–ICCD–0140. Comments submitted
                                              LERRD required for the project or separable
                                              element of the project; determining the value           in response to this notice should be                    Total Estimated Number of Annual
                                              of LERRD for crediting purposes; or making              submitted electronically through the                  Burden Hours: 2,513,643.
                                              determinations as to compliance with                    Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://                   Abstract: The Federal Direct Stafford/
                                              applicable environmental laws and                       www.regulations.gov by selecting the                  Ford Loan (Direct Subsidized Loan) and
                                              regulations).                                           Docket ID number or via postal mail,                  Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/
                                                c. The proposed in-kind contributions are             commercial delivery, or hand delivery.                Ford Loan (Direct Unsubsidized Loan)
                                              features or obligations that are a 100 percent          Please note that comments submitted by                Master Promissory Note (MPN) serves as
                                              non-Federal sponsor responsibility (e.g.,                                                                     the means by which an individual
                                                                                                      fax or email and those submitted after
                                              purposes of land reclamation, local drainage,
                                                                                                      the comment period will not be                        agrees to repay a Direct Subsidized Loan
                                              to protect against land or bank erosion, and/
                                              or the removal of hazardous, toxic, or                  accepted. Written requests for                        and/or Direct Unsubsidized Loan. An
                                              radioactive wastes; local service facilities;           information or comments submitted by                  MPN is a promissory note under which
                                              betterments; acquisition and performance of             postal mail or delivery should be                     a borrower may receive loans for a
                                              LERRD, except for the provision of dredged              addressed to the Director of the                      single or multiple academic years. This
                                              or excavated material disposal facilities for           Information Collection Clearance                      revision incorporates changes to
                                              commercial navigation projects; and                     Division, U.S. Department of Education,               information based on regulatory
                                              performance of operation, maintenance,                                                                        changes, expands repayment plan
                                                                                                      400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ, Room
                                              repair, rehabilitation, or replacement
                                                                                                      2E115, Washington, DC 20202–4537.                     information, and clarifies information
                                                d. The proposed in-kind contributions                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For                  through updated language.
                                              have or will create a hazard to human life or           specific questions related to collection                Dated: December 10, 2015.
                                              property.                                               activities, please contact Jon Utz, 202–              Tomakie Washington,
                                                e. The proposed in-kind contributions have            377–4040.                                             Acting Director, Information Collection
                                              been determined to be environmentally
                                                                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        Clearance Division, Office of the Chief Privacy
                                                                                                      Department of Education (ED), in                      Officer, Office of Management.
                                                f. For proposed in-kind contributions
                                              performed prior to execution of the                     accordance with the Paperwork                         [FR Doc. 2015–31571 Filed 12–15–15; 8:45 am]
                                              applicable cost sharing agreement, after                Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C.                BILLING CODE 4000–01–P
                                              review or inspection, as applicable, the                3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general
                                              Government cannot certify the proposed in-              public and Federal agencies with an
                                              kind contributions were accomplished in a               opportunity to comment on proposed,                   DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
                                              satisfactory manner and in accordance with              revised, and continuing collections of
                                              applicable Federal laws, regulations, and                                                                     [Docket No. ED–2015–ICCD–0141]
                                              policies.                                               information. This helps the Department
                                                g. For proposed in-kind contributions                 assess the impact of its information                  Agency Information Collection
                                              performed prior to execution of the                     collection requirements and minimize                  Activities; Comment Request; William
                                              applicable cost sharing agreement, the non-             the public’s reporting burden. It also                D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct
                                              Federal sponsor has not performed the                   helps the public understand the                       Loan) Program Federal Direct PLUS
                                              necessary OMRR&R, resulting in the work no              Department’s information collection                   Loan Master Promissory Note and
                                              longer functioning as needed for the project.           requirements and provide the requested                Endorser Addendum
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–31654 Filed 12–15–15; 8:45 am]            data in the desired format. ED is
                                              BILLING CODE 3720–58–P                                  soliciting comments on the proposed                   AGENCY: Federal Student Aid (FSA),
                                                                                                      information collection request (ICR) that             Department of Education (ED).
                                                                                                      is described below. The Department of                 ACTION: Notice.
                                              DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION                                 Education is especially interested in
                                                                                                                                                            SUMMARY:   In accordance with the
                                                                                                      public comment addressing the
                                              [Docket No. ED–2015–ICCD–0140]                                                                                Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
                                                                                                      following issues: (1) Is this collection
                                                                                                                                                            U.S.C. chapter 3501 et seq.), ED is
                                              Agency Information Collection                           necessary to the proper functions of the
                                                                                                                                                            proposing a revision of an existing
                                              Activities; Comment Request; Federal                    Department; (2) will this information be
                                                                                                                                                            information collection.
                                              Direct Stafford/Ford Loan and Federal                   processed and used in a timely manner;
                                                                                                      (3) is the estimate of burden accurate;               DATES: Interested persons are invited to
                                              Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized                                                                                submit comments on or before February
                                              Stafford/Ford Loan Master Promissory                    (4) how might the Department enhance
                                                                                                      the quality, utility, and clarity of the              16, 2016.
                                                                                                      information to be collected; and (5) how              ADDRESSES: To access and review all the
                                              AGENCY: Federal Student Aid (FSA),                      might the Department minimize the                     documents related to the information
                                              Department of Education (ED).                           burden of this collection on the                      collection listed in this notice, please
                                              ACTION: Notice.                                         respondents, including through the use                use http://www.regulations.gov by
                                                                                                      of information technology. Please note                searching the Docket ID number ED–
                                              SUMMARY:  In accordance with the                        that written comments received in                     2015–ICCD–0141. Comments submitted
                                              Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44                     response to this notice will be                       in response to this notice should be
                                              U.S.C. chapter 3501 et seq.), ED is                     considered public records.                            submitted electronically through the
                                              proposing a revision of an existing
tkelley on DSK9F6TC42PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                         Title of Collection: Federal Direct                Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://
                                              information collection.                                 Stafford/Ford Loan and Federal Direct                 www.regulations.gov by selecting the
                                              DATES: Interested persons are invited to                Subsidized/Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford                 Docket ID number or via postal mail,
                                              submit comments on or before February                   Loan Master Promissory Note.                          commercial delivery, or hand delivery.
                                              16, 2016.                                                  OMB Control Number: 1845–0007.                     Please note that comments submitted by
                                              ADDRESSES: To access and review all the                    Type of Review: A revision of an                   fax or email and those submitted after
                                              documents related to the information                    existing information collection.                      the comment period will not be

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Document Created: 2015-12-16 01:01:03
Document Modified: 2015-12-16 01:01:03
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactJanice E. Rasgus, Planning and Policy Division, Washington, DC at 202-761-7674.
FR Citation80 FR 78200 

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