80_FR_78953 80 FR 78711 - Taking of Threatened or Endangered Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; Proposed Permit

80 FR 78711 - Taking of Threatened or Endangered Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations; Proposed Permit

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 242 (December 17, 2015)

Page Range78711-78717
FR Document2015-31693

NMFS proposes to issue a permit for a period of three years to authorize the incidental, but not intentional, taking of individuals from five marine mammal stocks listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) flatfish trawl, the BSAI pollock trawl, and the BSAI Pacific cod longline fisheries. In accordance with the MMPA, NMFS must issue this permit provided it can make the determinations that: The incidental take will have a negligible impact on the affected stocks; a recovery plan for all affected stocks of threatened or endangered marine mammals has been developed or is being developed; and a take reduction plan and monitoring program have been implemented, and vessels in these fisheries are registered. NMFS has made a preliminary determination that incidental taking from commercial fishing will have a negligible impact on the endangered Western North Pacific (WNP) stock of humpback whales, endangered Central North Pacific (CNP) stock of humpback whales, endangered Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, threatened Alaska stock of ringed seals, and Alaska stock of bearded seals. Accordingly, NMFS solicits public comments on the draft negligible impact determination (NID) and on the proposal to issue a permit to vessels that operate in these fisheries for the taking of affected endangered or threatened stocks of marine mammals.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 242 (Thursday, December 17, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 242 (Thursday, December 17, 2015)]
[Pages 78711-78717]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-31693]

[[Page 78711]]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XD283

Taking of Threatened or Endangered Marine Mammals Incidental to 
Commercial Fishing Operations; Proposed Permit

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice; request for comments.


SUMMARY: NMFS proposes to issue a permit for a period of three years to 
authorize the incidental, but not intentional, taking of individuals 
from five marine mammal stocks listed under the Endangered Species Act 
(ESA) by the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) flatfish trawl, the 
BSAI pollock trawl, and the BSAI Pacific cod longline fisheries. In 
accordance with the MMPA, NMFS must issue this permit provided it can 
make the determinations that: The incidental take will have a 
negligible impact on the affected stocks; a recovery plan for all 
affected stocks of threatened or endangered marine mammals has been 
developed or is being developed; and a take reduction plan and 
monitoring program have been implemented, and vessels in these 
fisheries are registered. NMFS has made a preliminary determination 
that incidental taking from commercial fishing will have a negligible 
impact on the endangered Western North Pacific (WNP) stock of humpback 
whales, endangered Central North Pacific (CNP) stock of humpback 
whales, endangered Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, threatened 
Alaska stock of ringed seals, and Alaska stock of bearded seals. 
Accordingly, NMFS solicits public comments on the draft negligible 
impact determination (NID) and on the proposal to issue a permit to 
vessels that operate in these fisheries for the taking of affected 
endangered or threatened stocks of marine mammals.

DATES: Comments must be received by January 19, 2016.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by FDMS docket Number 
NOAA-NMFS-2014-0057, by either of the following methods:
    Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic public comments via 
the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2014-0057, click the ``Comment Now!'' icon, 
complete the required fields, and enter or attach your comments.
    Mail: Submit written comments to Jon Kurland, Assistant Regional 
Administrator for Protected Resources, Alaska Region NMFS, Attn: Ellen 
Sebastian, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668.
    Instructions: Comments sent by any other method, to any other 
address or individual, or received after the end of the comment period, 
may not be considered by NMFS. All comments received are a part of the 
public record and will generally be posted for public viewing on 
www.regulations.gov without change. All personal identifying 
information (e.g., name, address, etc.), confidential business 
information, or otherwise sensitive information submitted voluntarily 
by the sender will be publicly accessible. NMFS will accept anonymous 
comments (enter ``N/A'' in the required fields if you wish to remain 
anonymous). Attachments to electronic comments will be accepted in 
Microsoft Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF file formats only.
    Electronic copies of the draft NID for the affected stocks and 
copies of the recovery plans for humpback whales and Steller sea lions 
are available at http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/cm/analyses/default.aspx and http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/recovery/plans.htm#mammals.

907-586-7490, [email protected]; or Shannon Betridge, NMFS Office 
of Protected Resources, 301-427-8402, [email protected].



    NMFS proposes to issue a three-year permit under MMPA section 
101(a)(5)(E) to participants registered in the Alaska BSAI flatfish 
trawl and BSAI pollock trawl fisheries to incidentally take individuals 
from the following marine mammal stocks listed under the ESA: The 
endangered WNP and CNP stocks of humpback whales, endangered Western 
U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, threatened Alaska stock ringed seals; 
and the Alaska stock of bearded seals; and to participants registered 
in the BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery to incidentally take 
individuals from the Alaska stock of ringed seals. The bearded seal 
does not currently have status under the ESA because its ESA listing 
was vacated by the U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska on 
July 25, 2014. NMFS is appealing that decision. In the interim, NMFS 
will continue to consider the effects of fisheries on bearded seals 
under MMPA section 101(a)(5)(E), even though the ESA listing of the 
species is currently not in effect.
    Pursuant to section 101(a)(5)(E) of the MMPA, 16 U.S.C. 1361 et 
seq., NMFS shall for a period of up to three consecutive years allow 
the incidental, but not the intentional, taking of marine mammal 
species listed under the ESA, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., by persons using 
vessels of the United States and those vessels which have valid fishing 
permits issued by the Secretary in accordance with section 204(b) of 
the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 
1824(b), while engaging in commercial fishing operations, if NMFS makes 
certain determinations. NMFS must determine, after notice and 
opportunity for public comment, that: (1) Incidental mortality and 
serious injury will have a negligible impact on the affected species or 
stocks; (2) a recovery plan has been developed or is being developed 
for such species or stock under the ESA; and (3) where required under 
section 118 of the MMPA, a monitoring program has been established, 
vessels engaged in such fisheries are registered in accordance with 
section 118 of the MMPA, and a take reduction plan has been developed 
or is being developed for such species or stock.
    NMFS proposes to issue a permit under MMPA section 101(a)(5)(E) to 
vessels registered in the BSAI pollock trawl, BSAI flatfish trawl, and 
BSAI Pacific cod longline fisheries to incidentally take individuals 
from the WNP and CNP stocks of humpback whales, the Western U.S. stock 
of Steller sea lions, and Alaska stocks of ringed and bearded seals. 
Because other stocks of threatened or endangered marine mammals are not 
taken in Category I or Category II groundfish fisheries (as listed in 
the 2016 List of Fisheries (LOF)), effects to no other species or 
stocks are evaluated for this proposed permit. The data for considering 
these authorizations were reviewed coincident with the preparation of 
the 2016 MMPA List of Fisheries (80 FR 58427, September 29, 2015), the 
2014 marine mammal stock assessment reports (SARs), and recovery plans 
for humpback whales and Steller sea lions.
    Based on observer data and marine mammal reporting forms, the BSAI 
pollock trawl, BSAI flatfish trawl, and BSAI Pacific cod longline 
fisheries are Category II fisheries that operate in the ranges of 
affected stocks. A description of these fisheries can be found in the 
draft NID (see ADDRESSES). These federally-managed fisheries take place 
inside both state waters (from the coastline out to three nautical 
miles) and federal waters (three to two

[[Page 78712]]

hundred nautical miles from shore). The federally-managed fisheries 
inside Alaska state waters are often referred to as state ``parallel'' 
fisheries and are included in this authorization. All other Category II 
fisheries that interact with these marine mammal stocks observed off 
the coasts of Alaska are state-managed fisheries (as opposed to state 
parallel fisheries). Participants in Category III fisheries are not 
required to obtain incidental take permits under MMPA section 
101(a)(5)(E) but are required to report injuries or mortality of marine 
mammals incidental to their operations.
    In accordance with the MMPA, NMFS has determined that incidental 
taking from the BSAI pollock and flatfish trawl and BSAI Pacific cod 
longline fisheries will have a negligible impact on WNP and CNP stocks 
of humpback whales, the Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, and 
Alaska stocks of ringed and bearded seals. This proposed authorization 
is based on a determination that the incidental take of these fisheries 
will have a negligible impact on the affected marine mammal stocks; 
recovery plans have been completed for humpback whales and Steller sea 
lions, and NMFS is developing recovery plans for ringed and bearded 
seals; a monitoring program is established, vessels in the fisheries 
are registered, and the necessary take reduction plan (TRP) has been 
developed or is being developed.
    A previous three-year MMPA permit was issued on December 13, 2010, 
for BSAI flatfish trawl, BSAI pollock trawl, BSAI Pacific cod longline, 
and BSAI sablefish pot, all Category II fisheries that were determined 
to have negligible impacts on ESA-listed marine mammal stocks, 
including: Humpback whale (WNP and CNP stocks), Steller sea lion 
(Western and Eastern U.S. stocks), fin whale (northeastern Pacific 
stock), and sperm whale (North Pacific stock) (75 FR 32689, December 
29, 2010). Because that permit has expired, NMFS proposes to issue this 
new three-year permit.

Basis for Determining Negligible Impact

    Prior to issuing a permit to take ESA-listed marine mammals 
incidental to commercial fishing, NMFS must determine if mortality and 
serious injury (M/SI) incidental to commercial fisheries will have a 
negligible impact on the affected species or stocks of marine mammals. 
NMFS satisfied this requirement through completion of a draft NID (see 
    Although the MMPA does not define ``negligible impact,'' NMFS has 
issued regulations providing a qualitative definition of ``negligible 
impact'' as defined in 50 CFR 216.103, and through scientific analysis, 
peer review, and public notice developed a quantitative approach. As it 
applies here, the definition of ``negligible impact'' is ``an impact 
resulting from the specified activity that cannot be reasonably 
expected to, and is not reasonably likely to adversely affect the 
species or stock through effects on annual rates of recruitment or 
survival.'' The development of the approach is outlined in detail in 
the draft NID made available through this notice and was described in 
previous notices for other permits to take threatened or endangered 
marine mammals incidental to commercial fishing (e.g., 72 FR 60814, 
October 26, 2007; 78 FR 54553, September 4, 2013).
    The negligible impact criteria are described below and use the 
Potential Biological Removal (PBR) in their application. The MMPA 
defines PBR as ``the maximum number of animals, not including natural 
mortalities that may be removed from a marine mammal stock while 
allowing that stock to reach or maintain its optimum sustainable 
population and was developed to assess the level of incidental take in 
commercial fisheries.'' The PBR level is the product of the minimum 
population estimate of the stock, one-half the maximum theoretical or 
estimated net productivity rate of the stock at a small population 
size, and a recovery factor of between .1 and 1.0.

Criteria for Determining Negligible Impact

    In 1999, NMFS proposed criteria to determine whether M/SI 
incidental to commercial fisheries will have a negligible impact on a 
listed marine mammal stock for MMPA 101(a)(5)(E) permits (64 FR 28800, 
May 27, 1999). In applying the 1999 criteria, Criterion 1 is whether 
total known, assumed, or extrapolated human-caused M/SI is less than 
10% of the potential biological removal level (PBR) for the stock. If 
total known, assumed, or extrapolated human-caused M/SI is less than 
10% of PBR, the analysis would be concluded, and the impact would be 
determined to be negligible. If Criterion 1 is not satisfied, NMFS may 
use one of the other criteria as appropriate. Criterion 2 is satisfied 
if the total known, assumed, or extrapolated human-caused M/SI is 
greater than PBR, but fisheries-related M/SI is less than 10% of PBR. 
If Criterion 2 is satisfied, vessels operating in individual fisheries 
may be permitted if management measures are being taken to address non-
fisheries-related mortality and serious injury. Criterion 3 is 
satisfied if total fisheries-related M/SI is greater than 10% of PBR 
and less than PBR, and the population is stable or increasing. 
Fisheries may then be permitted subject to individual review and 
certainty of data. Criterion 4 stipulates that if the population 
abundance of a stock is declining, the threshold level of 10% of PBR 
will continue to be used. Criterion 5 states that if total fisheries-
related M/SI are greater than PBR, permits may not be issued for that 
species or stock.
    For its analysis NMFS used the 2014 SARs, which estimate mean or 
minimum annual mortality from observed commercial fisheries. For the 
ice seals, NMFS also reviewed previous incidental take statements (ITS) 
associated with ESA section 7 consultations as indicators of the levels 
of M/SI to these species from groundfish fisheries. ITS included in 
biological opinions on federal fisheries actions estimate take over a 
three-year period. In the case of ringed and bearded seals, NMFS used 
the maximum observed mortality in a given year as the starting point in 
generating the three-year average, as opposed to the annual average 
mortality. Since PBRs for the two ice seals are not currently 
available, NMFS considered both sources of data in the NID analysis for 
making a negligible impact determination of the effects of M/SI from 
groundfish fisheries on those species. The specific ITS comparison 
analysis is available for review in the draft NID that accompanies this 
    The time frame for the data used in this analysis includes the most 
recent five-year period for which data are available and have been 
analyzed (2008-2012). The NMFS Guidelines for Assessing Marine Mammal 
Stocks (GAMMS) and the subsequent GAMMS II provide guidance that, when 
available, the most recent five-year time frame of commercial fishery 
incidental serious injury and mortality data is an appropriate measure 
of effects of fishing operations on marine mammals (Wade and Angliss 
1997). A five-year time frame provides enough data to adequately 
capture year-to-year variations in take levels, while reflecting 
current environmental and fishing conditions as they may change over 
time. In cases where available observer data are only available outside 
that time frame, as is the case for state-managed fisheries, the most 
recent observer data are used. Where entanglement data from the NMFS 
Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Network are considered, the five-
year time frame from 2008-2012 is used. The draft NID made available 
through this notice provides a complete analysis of the criteria for 
determining whether commercial fisheries off Alaska

[[Page 78713]]

are having a negligible impact on the WNP and CNP stocks of humpback 
whales, Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, and Alaska stocks of 
ringed and bearded seals. A summary of the analysis and subsequent 
determination follows.

Description of the Fisheries

    A brief description follows of three Category II federally-managed 
fisheries in the 2016 List of Fisheries (80 FR 58427, September 29, 
2015) with documented M/SI of ESA-listed species during 2008-2012 and 
considered in this NID analysis.

BSAI Flatfish Trawl Fishery

    In 2008, Amendment 80 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish 
of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands allocated most of the BSAI 
flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole to the trawl catcher 
processor sectors using bottom trawl gear. American Fisheries Act 
catcher processors and trawl catcher vessels target yellowfin sole 
allocated to the BSAI trawl limited access sector. Other vessel 
categories and gear types catch some flatfish incidentally in other 
directed fisheries. In 2013, 32 vessels targeted flatfish in the BSAI. 
Rock sole is generally targeted during the roe season, January to 
March. Then these vessels shift to several different targets; notably 
Atka mackerel, arrowtooth flounder, flathead sole, yellowfin sole, 
Pacific cod, and Pacific ocean perch. Vessels also can fish in the Gulf 
of Alaska to fish for arrowtooth, Pacific cod, flathead sole, rex sole, 
and rockfish. In the BSAI, most of the flathead sole, rock sole, and 
yellowfin sole fisheries occur on the continental shelf in the eastern 
Bering Sea in water shallower than 200 meters. Some effort follows the 
contour of the shelf to the northwest and extends as far north as 
Zhemchug Canyon. Very few flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole 
are taken in the Aleutian Islands due to the limited shallow water 
    The SARs have documented incidental takes of marine mammals in this 
fishery since 1988. Observer coverage during 2008-2012 was 100%. 
Species taken include bearded seal, harbor porpoise and harbor seal 
(Bering Sea), killer whale (Alaska resident), killer whale (GOA, AI, 
and BS transient), northern fur seal (Eastern Pacific stock), spotted 
seal (Alaska stock), ringed seal (Alaska stock), ribbon seal (Alaska 
stock), Steller sea lion (Western U.S. stock), and Pacific walrus. 
Tables 3-7 in the draft NID report the observed and mean annual 
mortality of WNP and CNP stocks of humpback whales, Western U.S. stock 
of Steller sea lions, and the Alaska stocks of bearded and ringed 

 BSAI Pollock Trawl Fishery

    In 2013, 121 vessels targeted pollock in the Bering Sea and 
Aleutian Islands management area. The pattern of the recent pollock 
fishery in the BSAI is to focus on a winter, spawning-aggregation 
fishery. The A season fishery is January 20 through June 10. Fishing in 
this season lasts about 8-10 weeks depending on the catch rates. The B 
season is June 10 through November 1. Fishing in the B season is 
typically July through October and has been conducted to a greater 
extent west of 170/W longitude compared to the A season fishing 
location in the southern Bering Sea. Directed fishing is closed for 
pollock in all areas from November 1 to January 20. Fishing is also 
closed around designated rookeries and haulouts out to 20 nm and closed 
within Steller sea lion foraging areas in the Bering Sea and Aleutian 
Islands. The BSAI pollock total allowable catch (TAC) is allocated 40% 
to the A season and 60% to the B season. No more than 28% of the annual 
directed fishing allowance for pollock can be taken inside the Sea Lion 
Conservation Area in the southern Bering Sea before April 1.
    The SARs have recorded incidental takes of marine mammals in this 
fishery since 1988. Observer coverage ranged from 85-98% during 2008-
2012. Species taken include Dall's porpoise (Alaska stock), harbor 
seal, humpback whale (CNP stock), humpback whale (WNP stock), fin whale 
(Northeast Pacific stock), killer whale (GOA, Aleutian Islands, and 
Bering Sea Transient stocks), minke whale (Alaska stock), ribbon seal 
(Alaska stock), spotted seal (Alaska stock), ringed seal (Alaska 
stock), bearded seal (Alaska stock), northern fur seal (Eastern Pacific 
stock), Steller sea lion (Western U.S. stock). Tables 3-7 in the draft 
NID report the observed and mean annual mortality of WNP and CNP stocks 
of humpback whales, Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, and the 
threatened Alaska stocks of bearded and ringed seals.

BSAI Pacific Cod Longline Fishery

    This fishery targets Pacific cod with hook and line gear in the 
Bering Sea with 45 permits issued or fished. Fishing effort in this 
fishery occurs within the U.S. EEZ of the Eastern Bering Sea and the 
portion of the North Pacific Ocean adjacent to the Aleutian Islands, 
which is west of 170 [deg] W. longitude up to the U.S.-Russian 
Convention Line of 1867. Management measures for the BSAI groundfish 
fisheries constrain fishing both temporally and spatially. The 
authorized gear, fishing season, criteria for determining fishing 
seasons, and area restrictions by gear type are defined in the 
regulations implementing the BSAI fishery management plan (50 CFR part 
    The SARs have recorded incidental takes of marine mammals in this 
fishery since 1988. Observer coverage ranged 51-64% from 2008-2012. 
Species taken include Dall's porpoise (Alaska stock), killer whale 
(GOA, AI, and BS Transient stocks), northern fur seal (Eastern Pacific 
stock), and ringed seal (Alaska stock). Table 7 in the draft NID 
reports the observed and mean annual mortality of the Alaska stock 
ringed seals.

Negligible Impact Determinations

    The draft NID made available through this notice provides a 
complete analysis of the criteria for determining whether commercial 
fisheries off Alaska are having a negligible impact on WNP and CNP 
stocks of humpback whales, Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, and 
the Alaska stocks of bearded and ringed seals. A summary of the 
analysis and subsequent determination follows.

Humpback Whale, WNP Stock

    Criterion 1 was not satisfied because the total human-related 
mortalities and serious injuries are not less than 10% PBR. The PBR 
calculated for this stock is 3.0 animals (Allen and Angliss 2015). The 
annual average M/SI to the WNP stock of humpback whales from all human-
caused sources is 2.16 animals, which is 71.87% of this stock's PBR 
(above the 10% PBR (0.3 animals) threshold). As a result, NMFS cannot 
make a negligible impact determination based on Criterion 1 and the 
other criteria must be examined.
    Criterion 2 was also not satisfied, because fisheries-related 
mortality alone exceeds 10% of PBR. The estimate of fisheries-related 
mortality is 0.9, which is 30% of the PBR.
    NMFS used NID Criterion 3 to evaluate impacts of commercial 
fisheries on the WNP stock of humpback whales because the total 
fisheries related M/SI is greater than 10% of the stock's PBR but less 
than PBR, and the stock is stable or increasing. The total of 0.9 
fisheries-related M/SI per year is above 10% of PBR (0.3), and it is 
below the stock's PBR of 3.0 animals. The 2014 SAR reports a 6.7% 
annual rate of increase over the 1991-1993 estimate using the best 
available information, but acknowledges that number is biased high to 
an unknown degree with no

[[Page 78714]]

confidence limits. Further, there are only minor fluctuations in 
expected fisheries-related M/SI. Using Criterion 3 and the best 
available information on the population growth of the WNP stock of 
humpback whales and on fisheries-related M/SI as reported in the 2014 
SAR, NMFS determines that M/SI incidental to commercial fishing will 
have a negligible impact on the stock.

Humpback Whale, CNP Stock

    Criterion 1 was not satisfied because the total human-related 
mortalities and serious injuries are not less than 10% PBR. The PBR 
calculated for this stock is 82.8 animals. The annual average M/SI to 
the CNP stock of humpback whales from all human-caused sources is 15.89 
animals, which is 19.19% of this stock's PBR (above the 10% PBR (8.28 
animals) threshold). As a result, NMFS cannot make a negligible impact 
determination based on Criterion 1 and the other criteria must be 
    CNP humpback whales do not precisely fit the criteria as written 
for Criterion 2 or 3. Criterion 2 is satisfied if the total known, 
assumed, or extrapolated human-caused M/SI is greater than PBR, but 
fisheries-related M/SI is less than 10% of PBR. Criterion 2 was not 
satisfied because total human-caused mortality (15.89) does not exceed 
PBR (82.8).
    Criterion 3 is satisfied if total fishery-related M/SI is greater 
than 10% PBR, less than PBR, and the population is stable or 
increasing. The fisheries-related M/SI (3.95) for this stock is 4.77% 
of PBR. The fisheries-related M/SI is less than 10% of PBR and 
therefore less than PBR.
    Although CNP humpback whales do not precisely meet the criteria for 
Criterion 1, 2, or 3, data support a negligible impact determination 
for this stock. The stock's population growth rate is increasing, 
increases in fisheries-related M/SI are limited, and human-caused M/SI 
is below PBR. The 2014 SAR reports a range of annual rates of 
population increase from 4.9-10%, depending on the study and specific 
area. These data suggest that the stock is increasing. The level of 
total human-caused M/SI (15.89 animals) is 19.19% of the PBR and is 
expected to remain below PBR for the foreseeable future. Thus, the 
expected total human-caused M/SI is well below the Criterion 2 M/SI 
threshold supporting a negligible impact determination. Further, there 
are only minor fluctuations in fisheries-related M/SI. The expected 
total fisheries-related M/SI is well below the Criterion 3 M/SI 
threshold supporting a negligible impact determination. NMFS determines 
that, based on the best available information, M/SI incidental to 
commercial fishing will have a negligible impact on the stock.

Steller Sea Lion, Western U.S. Stock

    Criterion 1 was not satisfied for Steller sea lion, Western U.S. 
stock, because the total human-related mortalities and serious injuries 
are not less than 10% PBR. The PBR calculated for this stock is 292 
animals. The annual average M/SI to the Western U.S. stock of Steller 
sea lion from all human-caused sources is 244.9 animals, which is 
83.87% of this stock's PBR (above the 10% PBR (29.2 animals) 
threshold). As a result, NMFS cannot make a negligible impact 
determination based on Criterion 1 and the other criteria must be 
    Criterion 2 was also not satisfied. The total fishery-related M/SI 
per year is 32.7 animals per year and is 11.2% of the stock's PBR of 
292 animals. Total human-caused M/SI is 83.87% of the stock's PBR of 
292 animals. Because total human-caused M/SI are not greater than PBR, 
and fisheries-related mortality is not less than 10% PBR, NMFS cannot 
make a negligible impact determination based on Criterion 2.
    NMFS used NID Criterion 3 to evaluate impacts of commercial 
fisheries on the Steller sea lion, Western U.S. stock because the total 
fisheries related M/SI is greater than 10% of the stock's PBR but less 
than PBR and the stock is stable or increasing. The total M/SI from 
commercial fisheries of 32.7 animals per year is 11.2% of PBR (above 
10% PBR), and is below the stock's PBR of 292; there are only minor 
fluctuations in expected fisheries-related M/SI. The level of total 
human-caused M/SI is estimated to be below PBR and is expected to 
remain below PBR for the foreseeable future. Survey data collected 
since 2000 indicate that Steller sea lion decline continues in the 
central and western Aleutian Islands but regional populations east of 
Samalga Pass have increased or are stable. Overall, the stock is 
increasing at an annual rate of 1.67 (non-pups) and 1.45 (pups). Using 
the best available information on this stock of Steller sea lions and 
on the fisheries-related M/SI, NMFS determines that M/SI incidental to 
commercial fishing will have a negligible impact on this stock based on 
Criterion 3.

Bearded Seal, Alaska Stock

    The best available information on total fisheries-related M/SI for 
the bearded seal stock is not consistent with thresholds required for 
NMFS to make a negligible impact determination for this stock based on 
Criterion 1. NMFS estimates that total human-caused M/SI is likely 
greater than 10% PBR based on the best available information on minimum 
stock abundance and total human-caused M/SI. Although NMFS cannot 
calculate PBR for this stock with the available information, NMFS 
examined whether total human-caused M/SI for this stock is less than a 
proxy for PBR based on the formula established in the MMPA for 
calculating PBR. Section 3(20) of the MMPA defines PBR as ``the product 
of the following factors: (A) The minimum population estimate of the 
stock (NMIN); (B) one-half the maximum theoretical or 
estimated net productivity rate of the stock at a small population size 
(0.5RMAX); and (C) a recovery factor of between 0.1 and 1.0 
(FR)'' (16 U.S.C. 1362(20)). PBR = NMIN x 
0.5RMAX x FR.
    NMFS evaluated the current human-caused M/SI under the assumption 
that it represents a percentage of the stock's unknown PBR. When 
considering Criterion 1, NMFS rearranged the PBR equation to estimate 
whether total human-caused M/SI for this stock is likely less than 10% 
of a proxy PBR for the stock, NMIN = PBR/(0.5RMAX 
x FR).
    The total human-caused M/SI is 6,790.22 animals. If this total 
human related M/SI of 6,790.22 animals were equal to 10% of the stock's 
PBR, NMIN would need to be 2,263,406 bearded seals (given a 
FR of 0.5 and a recommended pinniped RMAX of 
12%). An NMIN of 2,263,406 is far greater than the crude 
estimate of 155,000 animals based on regional surveys throughout the 
seal's Alaska range provided in the 2010 Status Review and even greater 
than the more recent core area estimate of 61,800. Because this 
population level is highly unlikely, NMFS determines that the annual 
average total human-caused M/SI of 6,790.22 animals is likely greater 
than 10% of PBR for this stock. Therefore, NMFS cannot make a 
negligible impact determination for this stock based on Criterion 1, 
and the other criteria must be examined.
    NMFS used the equation in a similar manner to the process above in 
Criterion 1 to evaluate whether Criterion 2 was satisfied (i.e., if 
total human-caused M/SI is greater than PBR, but fisheries-related M/SI 
is less than 10% of PBR). NMFS first evaluated whether the total human-
caused mortality estimate of 6,790.22 animals is likely greater than 
the stock's proxy PBR. Based on the PBR equation, if the total human-
caused M/SI of 6,790.22 were equal to PBR, the NMIN for this 
stock would need to be 226,340.7. However, core area estimate for the 
central and eastern Bering Sea of 61,800 bearded seals and the 2010 
Status Review estimate of 155,000 are

[[Page 78715]]

both considerably less than 226,340.7. If NMIN is less than 
226,340.7 animals, solving for the proxy PBR level based on the PBR 
equation would result in a proxy PBR level smaller than 6,790.22 
animals. Therefore, NMFS estimates that total human-caused mortality is 
greater than a proxy PBR.
    NMFS then rearranged the PBR equation to evaluate whether 
fisheries-related M/SI for this stock is likely equal to 10% of the 
stock's proxy PBR, NMIN = PBR/(0.5RMAX x 
FR). The annual average fisheries-related M/SI is 2.22 
animals. If the annual average fisheries-related M/SI of 2.22 were 
equal to 10% of the stock's proxy PBR, the proxy PBR level would be 
22.2 animals. Based on the rearranged PBR equation above, an 
NMIN of 740 animals would be required to calculate the proxy 
PBR level of 22.2 animals.
    As indicted above, NMFS reviewed other analyses in which M/SI to 
bearded seals from groundfish fisheries has been evaluated. NMFS issued 
an ITS authorizing take of bearded seals in the 2014 ESA section 7 
consultation on the North Pacific groundfish fisheries. NMFS estimated 
that 18.0 seals would be taken in a three-year period. Using an annual 
average of 6.0 seals as a second estimate for annual fisheries-related 
M/SI, if 6.0 bearded seals were equal to 10% of the stock's proxy PBR, 
the proxy PBR level would be 60 animals. Based on the rearranged PBR 
equation above, an NMIN of 2,000 animals would be required 
to calculate the proxy PBR level of 60 animals.
    Using the best information currently available, the core area 
population estimate for the central and eastern Bering Sea of 
approximately 61,800 bearded seals and the 2010 Status Review estimate 
of 155,000 are both orders of magnitude greater than an NMIN 
of 740 or 2,000 animals. Because these very low population levels are 
highly unlikely, NMFS determines that fisheries-related M/SI is less 
than 10% of a proxy PBR.
    NMFS used NID Criterion 2 to evaluate impacts of commercial 
fisheries on the bearded seal because the total human-caused M/SI are 
likely greater than the stock's PBR, the total fisheries-related M/SI 
are likely less than 10% of the PBR, and management measures are being 
taken to address non-fisheries-related M/SI. Non-fisheries-related M/SI 
as reported in the SARs include subsistence and research. The ESA 
provides take exemption for subsistence harvest of listed species by 
Alaska Natives (16 U.S.C. 1539(e)). Likewise, the MMPA provides take 
exemption for subsistence harvest of marine mammals by Alaska Natives 
(16 U.S.C. 1371(b)). Bearded seals, ringed seals, and other ice seal 
species are co-managed by the Ice Seal Committee and NMFS by monitoring 
subsistence harvest and cooperating on needed research and education 
programs pertaining to ice seals. Currently, the subsistence harvest of 
ice seals by Alaska Natives appears to be sustainable and does not pose 
a threat to the populations.
    Based on NID Criterion 2 and the best available information on 
bearded seal population, fisheries-related M/SI, and total human-caused 
M/SI, NMFS determines that M/SI incidental to commercial fishing will 
have a negligible impact on the stock. This determination is supported 
by review of M/SI incidental to U.S. commercial fishing, revealing 
total commercial fishery M/SI is low, and the fisheries where bycatch 
does occur are monitored extensively. If bycatch rates change, NMFS 
would have that information relatively quickly and could reevaluate the 
NID as necessary. Also, the non-fishery M/SI due to subsistence hunting 
is monitored and although the current subsistence harvest is 
substantial in some areas, there is little to no evidence that 
subsistence harvests have or are likely to pose serious risks to the 
Alaska stock of bearded seals.

Ringed Seal, Alaska Stock

    The best available information on total fisheries-related M/SI for 
the ringed seal stock is not consistent with thresholds required for 
NMFS to make a NID for this stock based on Criterion 1. NMFS estimates 
that total human-caused M/SI is likely greater than PBR based on the 
best available information on minimum stock abundance and total human-
caused M/SI. Although NMFS cannot calculate PBR for this stock with the 
available information, NMFS examined whether total human-caused M/SI 
for this stock is less than a proxy for PBR based on the formula 
established in the MMPA for calculating PBR. As described in the 
Criterion 1 analysis for the bearded seal, NMFS rearranged the PBR 
equation to estimate whether total human-caused M/SI for this stock is 
likely less than 10% of the stock's PBR.
    NMFS estimates that total human-caused M/SI for ringed seals is 
9,571.32 animals. If the total human related M/SI of 9,571.32 animals 
were equal to 10% of the stock's proxy PBR, the proxy PBR would have to 
be 95,713.2 and NMIN for this population would need to be 
3,190,440 ringed seals (given a FR of 0.5 and a recommended 
pinniped RMAX of 12%). Because an NMIN of 
3,190,440 ringed seals is far greater than the best available estimate 
of 170,000 ringed seals in the U.S. EEZ of the Bering Sea in late April 
(Conn et al. 2013), NMFS determines that the annual average M/SI to the 
Alaska stock of ringed seal from all human-caused sources of mortality 
(9,571.32) is likely greater than 10% of a proxy PBR for this stock. 
Therefore, NMFS cannot make a negligible impact determination for this 
stock based on Criterion 1, and the other criteria must be examined.
    NMFS used the equation in a similar manner to the process above in 
Criterion 1 to evaluate whether Criterion 2 was satisfied (i.e., if 
total human-caused M/SI is greater than PBR, but fisheries-related M/SI 
is less than 10% of PBR). NMFS first evaluated whether the total human-
caused mortality estimate of animals is likely greater than the stock's 
proxy PBR. Based on the PBR equation, if the total human-caused M/SI of 
9,571.32 were equal to a proxy PBR, the NMIN for this stock 
would need to be 319,044. However, the best available population 
estimate of 170,000 ringed seals is considerably less than 319,044 
animals. If NMIN is less than 319,044, solving for a proxy 
PBR based on the PBR equation would result in a proxy PBR smaller than 
9,571.32 animals. Therefore, NMFS estimates that total human-caused M/
SI is greater than a proxy PBR.
    NMFS then rearranged the PBR equation to examine whether fisheries-
related M/SI for this stock is likely equal to 10% of the stock's proxy 
PBR, NMIN = PBR/(0.5RMAX x FR). The 
annual average fisheries-related M/SI is 4.12 animals. If the annual 
average fisheries-related M/SI of 4.12 were equal to 10% of the stock's 
proxy PBR, the proxy PBR level would be 41.2 animals. Based on the 
rearranged PBR equation above, an NMIN of 1,373 animals 
would be required to calculate the proxy PBR level of 41.2 animals.
    As with the bearded seals, NMFS also reviewed other analyses in 
which M/SI to ringed seals from groundfish fisheries has been 
evaluated. NMFS issued an incidental take statement authorizing take of 
ringed seals in the 2014 ESA section 7 consultation on the North 
Pacific groundfish fisheries. NMFS estimated that 36.0 seals would be 
taken in a three-year period. Using an annual average of 12.0 seals as 
a second estimate for annual fisheries-related M/SI, if 12.0 seals were 
equal to 10% of the stock's proxy PBR, the proxy PBR level would be 120 
animals. Based on the PBR equation above, an NMIN of 4,000 
animals would be required to calculate the proxy PBR level of 120 
    Preliminary analysis of the U.S. surveys, which included only a 

[[Page 78716]]

subset of the 2012 data, produced an estimate of 170,000 ringed seals 
in the U.S. EEZ of the Bering Sea in late April. This estimate is 
orders of magnitude greater than an NMIN of 1,373 animals or 
4,000 animals. Because these very low population levels are highly 
unlikely, NMFS determined that fisheries-related M/SI is less than 10% 
of PBR.
    Criterion 2 states that if the total human-caused M/SI are greater 
than PBR and fisheries related mortality is less than 10% of PBR, 
``individual fisheries may be permitted if management measures are 
being taken to address non-fisheries-related M/SI.'' Non-fisheries-
related M/SI as reported in the SARs include subsistence and gunshots. 
The ESA provides take exemption for subsistence harvest of listed 
species by Alaska Natives (16 U.S.C. 1539(e)). Likewise, the MMPA 
provides take exemption for subsistence harvest of marine mammals by 
Alaska Natives (16 U.S.C. 1371(b)). Bearded seals, ringed seals, and 
other ice seal species are co-managed by the Ice Seal Committee and 
NMFS by monitoring subsistence harvest and cooperating on needed 
research and education programs pertaining to ice seals. Currently, the 
subsistence harvest of ice seals by Alaska Natives appears to be 
sustainable and does not pose a threat to the populations.
    Based on NID Criterion 2 and the best available information on 
ringed seal population, fisheries-related M/SI, and total human-caused 
M/SI, NMFS determines that M/SI incidental to commercial fishing will 
have a negligible impact on the stock. This determination is supported 
by review of M/SI incidental to U.S. commercial fishing, revealing 
total commercial fishery M/SI is low, and the fisheries where bycatch 
does occur are monitored extensively. If bycatch rates change, NMFS 
would have that information relatively quickly and could reevaluate the 
NID as necessary. Also, the non-fishery M/SI due to subsistence hunting 
is monitored and although the current subsistence harvest is 
substantial in some areas, there is little to no evidence that 
subsistence harvests have or are likely to pose serious risks to the 
Alaska stock of ringed seals.

Conclusions for Proposed Permit

    In conclusion, based on the negligible impact criteria outlined in 
1999 (64 FR 28800), the 2014 Alaska SARs, the best scientific 
information and data available, NMFS has determined that for a period 
of up to three years, M/SI incidental to the BSAI pollock trawl and 
BSAI flatfish trawl fisheries will have a negligible impact on WNP and 
CNP stocks of humpback whales, Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, 
and Alaska stocks of bearded and ringed seals. Additionally, NMFS has 
determined that for a period of up to three years, M/SI incidental to 
the BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery will have a negligible impact on 
the Alaska stock of ringed seals.
    The impacts on the human environment of continuing and modifying 
the Bering sea trawl fisheries, including the taking of threatened and 
endangered species of marine mammals, were analyzed in the Biological 
Opinion for Authorization of Groundfish Fisheries under the Fishery 
Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Island 
Management Area; in the Alaska Groundfish Harvest Specifications 
Supplemental Information Report; the ESA section 7 Biological Opinion 
that considered effects from the groundfish fisheries on bearded seals; 
in the ESA section 7 Biological Opinion on Oil and Gas Leasing and 
Exploration Activities in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi Seas; and in 
the Biological Opinion on the Authorization of the Alaska Groundfish 
Fisheries Under the Proposed Revised Steller Sea Lion Protection 
    Because this permit would not modify any fishery operation and the 
effects of the fishery operations have been evaluated fully in 
accordance with NEPA, no additional NEPA analysis is required for this 
permit. Issuing the proposed permit would have no additional impact to 
the human environment or effects on threatened or endangered species 
beyond those analyzed in these documents.

Recovery Plans

    Section 4(f) of the ESA requires that NMFS develop recovery plans 
for ESA-listed species, unless such a plan will not promote the 
conservation of the species. Recovery Plans for humpback whales and 
Steller sea lions have been completed (see ADDRESSES). NMFS is 
developing recovery plans for the Alaska stocks of both bearded and 
ringed seals.

Vessel Registration

    MMPA section 118(c) requires that vessels participating in Category 
I and II fisheries register to obtain an authorization to take marine 
mammals incidental to fishing activities. Further, section 118(c)(5)(A) 
provides that registration of vessels in fisheries should, after 
appropriate consultations, be integrated and coordinated to the maximum 
extent feasible with existing fisher licenses, registrations, and 
related programs. MMPA registration for participants in the BSAI trawl 
and longline fisheries has been integrated with the Federal groundfish 
limited entry permit process of the Federal Vessel Monitoring System.

Monitoring Program

    BSAI trawl and longline fisheries considered for authorization 
under this permit are monitored by NMFS-certified observers in the 
North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program. The rate of observer 
coverage is high (ranging from 50-100%) and is recorded by fishery and 
by year in the draft NID analysis. Accordingly, as required by MMPA 
section 118, a monitoring program is in place for the BSAI Pollock 
trawl, flatfish trawl, and Pacific cod longline fisheries.

Take Reduction Plans

    MMPA section 118 requires the development and implementation of a 
Take Reduction Plan (TRP) in cases where a strategic stock interacts 
with a Category I or II fishery. With the exception of the bearded 
seal, the stocks considered for this permit are designated as strategic 
stocks under the MMPA because they are listed as threatened or 
endangered under the ESA (MMPA section 3(19)(C)). The three fisheries 
considered for this permit are Category II fisheries. Therefore, the 
four listed stocks and three fisheries meet the triggers for convening 
a take reduction team (TRT) and developing a TRP.
    The obligations to develop and implement a TRP are further subject 
to the availability of funding. MMPA section 118(f)(3) contains 
specific priorities for developing TRPs. At this time, NMFS has 
insufficient funding available to simultaneously develop and implement 
TRPs for all strategic stocks that interact with Category I or Category 
II fisheries. As provided in MMPA sections 118(f)(6)(A) and (f)(7), 
NMFS used the most recent SARs and LOF as the basis to determine its 
priorities for establishing TRTs and developing TRPs. Through this 
process, NMFS evaluated the WNP and CNP stocks of humpback whale, the 
Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, the Alaska stock of bearded 
seals, and the Alaska stock of ringed seals as lower priorities 
compared to other marine mammal stocks and fisheries for establishing 
TRTs, based on M/SI levels incidental to those fisheries and population 
levels and trends. Accordingly, given these factors and NMFS' 
priorities, developing TRPs for these five stocks in these three 
fisheries will be deferred under section 118 as other stocks/fisheries 
are a higher priority for any available funding for establishing new 

[[Page 78717]]

Solicitation for Public Comments

    NMFS solicits public comments on the proposed permit and the 
preliminary determinations supporting the permit. As noted in the 
summary above, all of the requirements to issue a permit to the 
following Federally-authorized fisheries have been satisfied: BSAI 
pollock trawl, BSAI flatfish trawl, and BSAI Pacific cod longline. 
Accordingly, NMFS proposes to issue a permit to participants in the 
BSAI pollock and flatfish trawl Category II fisheries for the taking of 
individuals from the WNP and CNP stocks of humpback whales, Western 
U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, Alaska stock of bearded seals, and the 
Alaska stock of ringed seals (the that occurs within the U.S. Exclusive 
Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas) 
incidental to the fisheries' operations, and proposes to issue a permit 
to participants in the BSAI Pacific cod longline Category II fisheries 
for the taking of individuals from the Alaska stock of ringed seals 
incidental to the fisheries' operations (Table 1). As noted under MMPA 
section 101(a)(5)(E)(ii), no permit is required for vessels in Category 
III fisheries. For incidental taking of marine mammals to be authorized 
in Category III fisheries, any mortality or serious injury must be 
reported to NMFS.

  Table 1--List of Fisheries Authorized To Take Specific Threatened and
  Endangered Marine Mammals Incidental to Commercial Fishing Operations
            Fishery                  Category       Marine mammal stock
HI deep-set (tuna target)        I                False killer whale,
 longline.                                         MHI IFKW stock
                                                   Humpback whale, CNP
                                                   stock Sperm whale,
                                                   Hawaii stock
CA thresher shark/swordfish      I                Humpback whale, CA/OR/
 drift gillnet (>14 in mesh).                      WA stock Sperm whale,
                                                   CA/OR/WA stock
HI shallow-set (swordfish        II               Humpback whale, CNP
 target) longline/set line.                        stock
AK Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands   II               Humpback whale, CNP
 flatfish trawl.                                   stock Humpback whale,
                                                   WNP stock Steller sea
                                                   lion, Western U.S.
                                                   stock Bearded seal,
                                                   Alaska stock Ringed
                                                   seal, Alaska stock
AK Bering Sea/Aleutian Island    II               Humpback whale, CNP
 pollock trawl.                                    stock Humpback whale,
                                                   WNP stock Steller sea
                                                   lion, Western U.S.
                                                   stock Bearded seal,
                                                   Alaska stock Ringed
                                                   seal, Alaska stock
AK Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands   II               Ringed seal, Alaska
 Pacific cod longline.                             stock
WA/OR/CA sablefish pot.........  II               Humpback whale, CA/OR/
                                                   WA stock

    Dated: December 11, 2015.
Donna S. Wieting,
Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries 
[FR Doc. 2015-31693 Filed 12-16-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices                                           78711

                                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                     Mail: Submit written comments to Jon               ESA listing of the species is currently
                                                                                                            Kurland, Assistant Regional                           not in effect.
                                                    National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        Administrator for Protected Resources,                   Pursuant to section 101(a)(5)(E) of the
                                                    Administration                                          Alaska Region NMFS, Attn: Ellen                       MMPA, 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq., NMFS
                                                    RIN 0648–XD283                                          Sebastian, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK                 shall for a period of up to three
                                                                                                            99802–1668.                                           consecutive years allow the incidental,
                                                    Taking of Threatened or Endangered                         Instructions: Comments sent by any                 but not the intentional, taking of marine
                                                    Marine Mammals Incidental to                            other method, to any other address or                 mammal species listed under the ESA,
                                                    Commercial Fishing Operations;                          individual, or received after the end of              16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., by persons using
                                                    Proposed Permit                                         the comment period, may not be                        vessels of the United States and those
                                                                                                            considered by NMFS. All comments                      vessels which have valid fishing permits
                                                    AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      received are a part of the public record              issued by the Secretary in accordance
                                                    Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    and will generally be posted for public               with section 204(b) of the Magnuson-
                                                    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                      viewing on www.regulations.gov                        Stevens Fishery Conservation and
                                                    Commerce.                                               without change. All personal identifying              Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1824(b),
                                                    ACTION: Notice; request for comments.                   information (e.g., name, address, etc.),              while engaging in commercial fishing
                                                                                                            confidential business information, or                 operations, if NMFS makes certain
                                                    SUMMARY:    NMFS proposes to issue a
                                                                                                            otherwise sensitive information                       determinations. NMFS must determine,
                                                    permit for a period of three years to
                                                                                                            submitted voluntarily by the sender will              after notice and opportunity for public
                                                    authorize the incidental, but not
                                                                                                            be publicly accessible. NMFS will                     comment, that: (1) Incidental mortality
                                                    intentional, taking of individuals from
                                                                                                            accept anonymous comments (enter                      and serious injury will have a negligible
                                                    five marine mammal stocks listed under
                                                                                                            ‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish            impact on the affected species or stocks;
                                                    the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by
                                                                                                            to remain anonymous). Attachments to                  (2) a recovery plan has been developed
                                                    the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands
                                                                                                            electronic comments will be accepted in               or is being developed for such species
                                                    (BSAI) flatfish trawl, the BSAI pollock
                                                                                                            Microsoft Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF                   or stock under the ESA; and (3) where
                                                    trawl, and the BSAI Pacific cod longline
                                                                                                            file formats only.                                    required under section 118 of the
                                                    fisheries. In accordance with the
                                                                                                               Electronic copies of the draft NID for             MMPA, a monitoring program has been
                                                    MMPA, NMFS must issue this permit
                                                                                                            the affected stocks and copies of the                 established, vessels engaged in such
                                                    provided it can make the determinations
                                                                                                            recovery plans for humpback whales                    fisheries are registered in accordance
                                                    that: The incidental take will have a
                                                                                                            and Steller sea lions are available at                with section 118 of the MMPA, and a
                                                    negligible impact on the affected stocks;
                                                                                                            http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/                  take reduction plan has been developed
                                                    a recovery plan for all affected stocks of
                                                                                                            cm/analyses/default.aspx and http://                  or is being developed for such species
                                                    threatened or endangered marine
                                                                                                            www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/recovery/                        or stock.
                                                    mammals has been developed or is                                                                                 NMFS proposes to issue a permit
                                                    being developed; and a take reduction                   plans.htm#mammals.
                                                                                                                                                                  under MMPA section 101(a)(5)(E) to
                                                    plan and monitoring program have been                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      vessels registered in the BSAI pollock
                                                    implemented, and vessels in these                       Kristin R. Mabry, NMFS Alaska Region,                 trawl, BSAI flatfish trawl, and BSAI
                                                    fisheries are registered. NMFS has made                 907–586–7490, Kristin.Mabry@noaa.gov;                 Pacific cod longline fisheries to
                                                    a preliminary determination that                        or Shannon Betridge, NMFS Office of                   incidentally take individuals from the
                                                    incidental taking from commercial                       Protected Resources, 301–427–8402,                    WNP and CNP stocks of humpback
                                                    fishing will have a negligible impact on                Shannon.Bettridge@noaa.gov.                           whales, the Western U.S. stock of Steller
                                                    the endangered Western North Pacific                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            sea lions, and Alaska stocks of ringed
                                                    (WNP) stock of humpback whales,                                                                               and bearded seals. Because other stocks
                                                    endangered Central North Pacific (CNP)                  Background
                                                                                                                                                                  of threatened or endangered marine
                                                    stock of humpback whales, endangered                       NMFS proposes to issue a three-year                mammals are not taken in Category I or
                                                    Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions,                permit under MMPA section                             Category II groundfish fisheries (as
                                                    threatened Alaska stock of ringed seals,                101(a)(5)(E) to participants registered in            listed in the 2016 List of Fisheries
                                                    and Alaska stock of bearded seals.                      the Alaska BSAI flatfish trawl and BSAI               (LOF)), effects to no other species or
                                                    Accordingly, NMFS solicits public                       pollock trawl fisheries to incidentally               stocks are evaluated for this proposed
                                                    comments on the draft negligible impact                 take individuals from the following                   permit. The data for considering these
                                                    determination (NID) and on the                          marine mammal stocks listed under the                 authorizations were reviewed
                                                    proposal to issue a permit to vessels that              ESA: The endangered WNP and CNP                       coincident with the preparation of the
                                                    operate in these fisheries for the taking               stocks of humpback whales, endangered                 2016 MMPA List of Fisheries (80 FR
                                                    of affected endangered or threatened                    Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions,              58427, September 29, 2015), the 2014
                                                    stocks of marine mammals.                               threatened Alaska stock ringed seals;                 marine mammal stock assessment
                                                    DATES: Comments must be received by                     and the Alaska stock of bearded seals;                reports (SARs), and recovery plans for
                                                    January 19, 2016.                                       and to participants registered in the                 humpback whales and Steller sea lions.
                                                    ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,                     BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery to                     Based on observer data and marine
                                                    identified by FDMS docket Number                        incidentally take individuals from the                mammal reporting forms, the BSAI
                                                    NOAA–NMFS–2014–0057, by either of                       Alaska stock of ringed seals. The                     pollock trawl, BSAI flatfish trawl, and
                                                    the following methods:                                  bearded seal does not currently have                  BSAI Pacific cod longline fisheries are
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                       Electronic Submissions: Submit all                   status under the ESA because its ESA                  Category II fisheries that operate in the
                                                    electronic public comments via the                      listing was vacated by the U.S. District              ranges of affected stocks. A description
                                                    Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to                      Court for the District of Alaska on July              of these fisheries can be found in the
                                                    www.regulations.gov/                                    25, 2014. NMFS is appealing that                      draft NID (see ADDRESSES). These
                                                    #!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2014-                        decision. In the interim, NMFS will                   federally-managed fisheries take place
                                                    0057, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,                  continue to consider the effects of                   inside both state waters (from the
                                                    complete the required fields, and enter                 fisheries on bearded seals under MMPA                 coastline out to three nautical miles)
                                                    or attach your comments.                                section 101(a)(5)(E), even though the                 and federal waters (three to two

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:53 Dec 16, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00004   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\17DEN1.SGM   17DEN1

                                                    78712                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices

                                                    hundred nautical miles from shore). The                 defined in 50 CFR 216.103, and through                PBR, and the population is stable or
                                                    federally-managed fisheries inside                      scientific analysis, peer review, and                 increasing. Fisheries may then be
                                                    Alaska state waters are often referred to               public notice developed a quantitative                permitted subject to individual review
                                                    as state ‘‘parallel’’ fisheries and are                 approach. As it applies here, the                     and certainty of data. Criterion 4
                                                    included in this authorization. All other               definition of ‘‘negligible impact’’ is ‘‘an           stipulates that if the population
                                                    Category II fisheries that interact with                impact resulting from the specified                   abundance of a stock is declining, the
                                                    these marine mammal stocks observed                     activity that cannot be reasonably                    threshold level of 10% of PBR will
                                                    off the coasts of Alaska are state-                     expected to, and is not reasonably likely             continue to be used. Criterion 5 states
                                                    managed fisheries (as opposed to state                  to adversely affect the species or stock              that if total fisheries-related M/SI are
                                                    parallel fisheries). Participants in                    through effects on annual rates of                    greater than PBR, permits may not be
                                                    Category III fisheries are not required to              recruitment or survival.’’ The                        issued for that species or stock.
                                                    obtain incidental take permits under                    development of the approach is outlined                  For its analysis NMFS used the 2014
                                                    MMPA section 101(a)(5)(E) but are                       in detail in the draft NID made available             SARs, which estimate mean or
                                                    required to report injuries or mortality                through this notice and was described                 minimum annual mortality from
                                                    of marine mammals incidental to their                   in previous notices for other permits to              observed commercial fisheries. For the
                                                    operations.                                             take threatened or endangered marine                  ice seals, NMFS also reviewed previous
                                                       In accordance with the MMPA, NMFS                    mammals incidental to commercial                      incidental take statements (ITS)
                                                    has determined that incidental taking                   fishing (e.g., 72 FR 60814, October 26,               associated with ESA section 7
                                                    from the BSAI pollock and flatfish trawl                2007; 78 FR 54553, September 4, 2013).                consultations as indicators of the levels
                                                    and BSAI Pacific cod longline fisheries                    The negligible impact criteria are                 of M/SI to these species from groundfish
                                                    will have a negligible impact on WNP                    described below and use the Potential                 fisheries. ITS included in biological
                                                    and CNP stocks of humpback whales,                      Biological Removal (PBR) in their                     opinions on federal fisheries actions
                                                    the Western U.S. stock of Steller sea                   application. The MMPA defines PBR as                  estimate take over a three-year period.
                                                    lions, and Alaska stocks of ringed and                  ‘‘the maximum number of animals, not                  In the case of ringed and bearded seals,
                                                    bearded seals. This proposed                            including natural mortalities that may                NMFS used the maximum observed
                                                    authorization is based on a                             be removed from a marine mammal                       mortality in a given year as the starting
                                                    determination that the incidental take of               stock while allowing that stock to reach              point in generating the three-year
                                                    these fisheries will have a negligible                  or maintain its optimum sustainable                   average, as opposed to the annual
                                                    impact on the affected marine mammal                    population and was developed to assess                average mortality. Since PBRs for the
                                                    stocks; recovery plans have been                        the level of incidental take in                       two ice seals are not currently available,
                                                    completed for humpback whales and                       commercial fisheries.’’ The PBR level is              NMFS considered both sources of data
                                                    Steller sea lions, and NMFS is                          the product of the minimum population                 in the NID analysis for making a
                                                    developing recovery plans for ringed                    estimate of the stock, one-half the                   negligible impact determination of the
                                                    and bearded seals; a monitoring                         maximum theoretical or estimated net                  effects of M/SI from groundfish fisheries
                                                    program is established, vessels in the                  productivity rate of the stock at a small             on those species. The specific ITS
                                                    fisheries are registered, and the                       population size, and a recovery factor of             comparison analysis is available for
                                                    necessary take reduction plan (TRP) has                 between .1 and 1.0.                                   review in the draft NID that
                                                    been developed or is being developed.                                                                         accompanies this notice.
                                                       A previous three-year MMPA permit                    Criteria for Determining Negligible                      The time frame for the data used in
                                                    was issued on December 13, 2010, for                    Impact                                                this analysis includes the most recent
                                                    BSAI flatfish trawl, BSAI pollock trawl,                   In 1999, NMFS proposed criteria to                 five-year period for which data are
                                                    BSAI Pacific cod longline, and BSAI                     determine whether M/SI incidental to                  available and have been analyzed
                                                    sablefish pot, all Category II fisheries                commercial fisheries will have a                      (2008–2012). The NMFS Guidelines for
                                                    that were determined to have negligible                 negligible impact on a listed marine                  Assessing Marine Mammal Stocks
                                                    impacts on ESA-listed marine mammal                     mammal stock for MMPA 101(a)(5)(E)                    (GAMMS) and the subsequent GAMMS
                                                    stocks, including: Humpback whale                       permits (64 FR 28800, May 27, 1999). In               II provide guidance that, when
                                                    (WNP and CNP stocks), Steller sea lion                  applying the 1999 criteria, Criterion 1 is            available, the most recent five-year time
                                                    (Western and Eastern U.S. stocks), fin                  whether total known, assumed, or                      frame of commercial fishery incidental
                                                    whale (northeastern Pacific stock), and                 extrapolated human-caused M/SI is less                serious injury and mortality data is an
                                                    sperm whale (North Pacific stock) (75                   than 10% of the potential biological                  appropriate measure of effects of fishing
                                                    FR 32689, December 29, 2010). Because                   removal level (PBR) for the stock. If total           operations on marine mammals (Wade
                                                    that permit has expired, NMFS proposes                  known, assumed, or extrapolated                       and Angliss 1997). A five-year time
                                                    to issue this new three-year permit.                    human-caused M/SI is less than 10% of                 frame provides enough data to
                                                                                                            PBR, the analysis would be concluded,                 adequately capture year-to-year
                                                    Basis for Determining Negligible Impact                 and the impact would be determined to                 variations in take levels, while reflecting
                                                       Prior to issuing a permit to take ESA-               be negligible. If Criterion 1 is not                  current environmental and fishing
                                                    listed marine mammals incidental to                     satisfied, NMFS may use one of the                    conditions as they may change over
                                                    commercial fishing, NMFS must                           other criteria as appropriate. Criterion 2            time. In cases where available observer
                                                    determine if mortality and serious                      is satisfied if the total known, assumed,             data are only available outside that time
                                                    injury (M/SI) incidental to commercial                  or extrapolated human-caused M/SI is                  frame, as is the case for state-managed
                                                    fisheries will have a negligible impact                 greater than PBR, but fisheries-related               fisheries, the most recent observer data
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    on the affected species or stocks of                    M/SI is less than 10% of PBR. If                      are used. Where entanglement data from
                                                    marine mammals. NMFS satisfied this                     Criterion 2 is satisfied, vessels operating           the NMFS Marine Mammal Health and
                                                    requirement through completion of a                     in individual fisheries may be permitted              Stranding Network are considered, the
                                                    draft NID (see ADDRESSES).                              if management measures are being taken                five-year time frame from 2008–2012 is
                                                       Although the MMPA does not define                    to address non-fisheries-related                      used. The draft NID made available
                                                    ‘‘negligible impact,’’ NMFS has issued                  mortality and serious injury. Criterion 3             through this notice provides a complete
                                                    regulations providing a qualitative                     is satisfied if total fisheries-related M/SI          analysis of the criteria for determining
                                                    definition of ‘‘negligible impact’’ as                  is greater than 10% of PBR and less than              whether commercial fisheries off Alaska

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices                                            78713

                                                    are having a negligible impact on the                   whales, Western U.S. stock of Steller sea             Convention Line of 1867. Management
                                                    WNP and CNP stocks of humpback                          lions, and the Alaska stocks of bearded               measures for the BSAI groundfish
                                                    whales, Western U.S. stock of Steller sea               and ringed seals.                                     fisheries constrain fishing both
                                                    lions, and Alaska stocks of ringed and                                                                        temporally and spatially. The
                                                                                                            BSAI Pollock Trawl Fishery
                                                    bearded seals. A summary of the                                                                               authorized gear, fishing season, criteria
                                                    analysis and subsequent determination                      In 2013, 121 vessels targeted pollock              for determining fishing seasons, and
                                                    follows.                                                in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands                area restrictions by gear type are defined
                                                                                                            management area. The pattern of the                   in the regulations implementing the
                                                    Description of the Fisheries                            recent pollock fishery in the BSAI is to              BSAI fishery management plan (50 CFR
                                                      A brief description follows of three                  focus on a winter, spawning-aggregation               part 679).
                                                    Category II federally-managed fisheries                 fishery. The A season fishery is January                 The SARs have recorded incidental
                                                    in the 2016 List of Fisheries (80 FR                    20 through June 10. Fishing in this                   takes of marine mammals in this fishery
                                                    58427, September 29, 2015) with                         season lasts about 8–10 weeks                         since 1988. Observer coverage ranged
                                                    documented M/SI of ESA-listed species                   depending on the catch rates. The B                   51–64% from 2008–2012. Species taken
                                                    during 2008–2012 and considered in                      season is June 10 through November 1.                 include Dall’s porpoise (Alaska stock),
                                                    this NID analysis.                                      Fishing in the B season is typically July             killer whale (GOA, AI, and BS Transient
                                                                                                            through October and has been                          stocks), northern fur seal (Eastern
                                                    BSAI Flatfish Trawl Fishery
                                                                                                            conducted to a greater extent west of                 Pacific stock), and ringed seal (Alaska
                                                       In 2008, Amendment 80 to the                         170/W longitude compared to the A                     stock). Table 7 in the draft NID reports
                                                    Fishery Management Plan for                             season fishing location in the southern               the observed and mean annual mortality
                                                    Groundfish of the Bering Sea and                        Bering Sea. Directed fishing is closed for            of the Alaska stock ringed seals.
                                                    Aleutian Islands allocated most of the                  pollock in all areas from November 1 to
                                                    BSAI flathead sole, rock sole, and                      January 20. Fishing is also closed                    Negligible Impact Determinations
                                                    yellowfin sole to the trawl catcher                     around designated rookeries and                         The draft NID made available through
                                                    processor sectors using bottom trawl                    haulouts out to 20 nm and closed within               this notice provides a complete analysis
                                                    gear. American Fisheries Act catcher                    Steller sea lion foraging areas in the                of the criteria for determining whether
                                                    processors and trawl catcher vessels                    Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. The                  commercial fisheries off Alaska are
                                                    target yellowfin sole allocated to the                  BSAI pollock total allowable catch                    having a negligible impact on WNP and
                                                    BSAI trawl limited access sector. Other                 (TAC) is allocated 40% to the A season                CNP stocks of humpback whales,
                                                    vessel categories and gear types catch                  and 60% to the B season. No more than                 Western U.S. stock of Steller sea lions,
                                                    some flatfish incidentally in other                     28% of the annual directed fishing                    and the Alaska stocks of bearded and
                                                    directed fisheries. In 2013, 32 vessels                 allowance for pollock can be taken                    ringed seals. A summary of the analysis
                                                    targeted flatfish in the BSAI. Rock sole                inside the Sea Lion Conservation Area                 and subsequent determination follows.
                                                    is generally targeted during the roe                    in the southern Bering Sea before April
                                                    season, January to March. Then these                                                                          Humpback Whale, WNP Stock
                                                    vessels shift to several different targets;                The SARs have recorded incidental                     Criterion 1 was not satisfied because
                                                    notably Atka mackerel, arrowtooth                       takes of marine mammals in this fishery               the total human-related mortalities and
                                                    flounder, flathead sole, yellowfin sole,                since 1988. Observer coverage ranged                  serious injuries are not less than 10%
                                                    Pacific cod, and Pacific ocean perch.                   from 85–98% during 2008–2012.                         PBR. The PBR calculated for this stock
                                                    Vessels also can fish in the Gulf of                    Species taken include Dall’s porpoise                 is 3.0 animals (Allen and Angliss 2015).
                                                    Alaska to fish for arrowtooth, Pacific                  (Alaska stock), harbor seal, humpback                 The annual average M/SI to the WNP
                                                    cod, flathead sole, rex sole, and                       whale (CNP stock), humpback whale                     stock of humpback whales from all
                                                    rockfish. In the BSAI, most of the                      (WNP stock), fin whale (Northeast                     human-caused sources is 2.16 animals,
                                                    flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin                 Pacific stock), killer whale (GOA,                    which is 71.87% of this stock’s PBR
                                                    sole fisheries occur on the continental                 Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea                      (above the 10% PBR (0.3 animals)
                                                    shelf in the eastern Bering Sea in water                Transient stocks), minke whale (Alaska                threshold). As a result, NMFS cannot
                                                    shallower than 200 meters. Some effort                  stock), ribbon seal (Alaska stock),                   make a negligible impact determination
                                                    follows the contour of the shelf to the                 spotted seal (Alaska stock), ringed seal              based on Criterion 1 and the other
                                                    northwest and extends as far north as                   (Alaska stock), bearded seal (Alaska                  criteria must be examined.
                                                    Zhemchug Canyon. Very few flathead                      stock), northern fur seal (Eastern Pacific               Criterion 2 was also not satisfied,
                                                    sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole are                 stock), Steller sea lion (Western U.S.                because fisheries-related mortality alone
                                                    taken in the Aleutian Islands due to the                stock). Tables 3–7 in the draft NID                   exceeds 10% of PBR. The estimate of
                                                    limited shallow water areas.                            report the observed and mean annual                   fisheries-related mortality is 0.9, which
                                                       The SARs have documented                             mortality of WNP and CNP stocks of                    is 30% of the PBR.
                                                    incidental takes of marine mammals in                   humpback whales, Western U.S. stock                      NMFS used NID Criterion 3 to
                                                    this fishery since 1988. Observer                       of Steller sea lions, and the threatened              evaluate impacts of commercial
                                                    coverage during 2008–2012 was 100%.                     Alaska stocks of bearded and ringed                   fisheries on the WNP stock of humpback
                                                    Species taken include bearded seal,                     seals.                                                whales because the total fisheries
                                                    harbor porpoise and harbor seal (Bering                                                                       related M/SI is greater than 10% of the
                                                    Sea), killer whale (Alaska resident),                   BSAI Pacific Cod Longline Fishery                     stock’s PBR but less than PBR, and the
                                                    killer whale (GOA, AI, and BS                              This fishery targets Pacific cod with              stock is stable or increasing. The total of
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                                                    transient), northern fur seal (Eastern                  hook and line gear in the Bering Sea                  0.9 fisheries-related M/SI per year is
                                                    Pacific stock), spotted seal (Alaska                    with 45 permits issued or fished.                     above 10% of PBR (0.3), and it is below
                                                    stock), ringed seal (Alaska stock), ribbon              Fishing effort in this fishery occurs                 the stock’s PBR of 3.0 animals. The 2014
                                                    seal (Alaska stock), Steller sea lion                   within the U.S. EEZ of the Eastern                    SAR reports a 6.7% annual rate of
                                                    (Western U.S. stock), and Pacific walrus.               Bering Sea and the portion of the North               increase over the 1991–1993 estimate
                                                    Tables 3–7 in the draft NID report the                  Pacific Ocean adjacent to the Aleutian                using the best available information, but
                                                    observed and mean annual mortality of                   Islands, which is west of 170 ° W.                    acknowledges that number is biased
                                                    WNP and CNP stocks of humpback                          longitude up to the U.S.-Russian                      high to an unknown degree with no

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                                                    78714                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices

                                                    confidence limits. Further, there are                   available information, M/SI incidental                estimates that total human-caused M/SI
                                                    only minor fluctuations in expected                     to commercial fishing will have a                     is likely greater than 10% PBR based on
                                                    fisheries-related M/SI. Using Criterion 3               negligible impact on the stock.                       the best available information on
                                                    and the best available information on                                                                         minimum stock abundance and total
                                                                                                            Steller Sea Lion, Western U.S. Stock
                                                    the population growth of the WNP stock                                                                        human-caused M/SI. Although NMFS
                                                    of humpback whales and on fisheries-                       Criterion 1 was not satisfied for                  cannot calculate PBR for this stock with
                                                    related M/SI as reported in the 2014                    Steller sea lion, Western U.S. stock,                 the available information, NMFS
                                                    SAR, NMFS determines that M/SI                          because the total human-related                       examined whether total human-caused
                                                    incidental to commercial fishing will                   mortalities and serious injuries are not              M/SI for this stock is less than a proxy
                                                    have a negligible impact on the stock.                  less than 10% PBR. The PBR calculated                 for PBR based on the formula
                                                                                                            for this stock is 292 animals. The annual             established in the MMPA for calculating
                                                    Humpback Whale, CNP Stock                               average M/SI to the Western U.S. stock                PBR. Section 3(20) of the MMPA defines
                                                       Criterion 1 was not satisfied because                of Steller sea lion from all human-                   PBR as ‘‘the product of the following
                                                    the total human-related mortalities and                 caused sources is 244.9 animals, which                factors: (A) The minimum population
                                                    serious injuries are not less than 10%                  is 83.87% of this stock’s PBR (above the              estimate of the stock (NMIN); (B) one-half
                                                    PBR. The PBR calculated for this stock                  10% PBR (29.2 animals) threshold). As                 the maximum theoretical or estimated
                                                    is 82.8 animals. The annual average M/                  a result, NMFS cannot make a negligible               net productivity rate of the stock at a
                                                    SI to the CNP stock of humpback whales                  impact determination based on Criterion               small population size (0.5RMAX); and (C)
                                                    from all human-caused sources is 15.89                  1 and the other criteria must be                      a recovery factor of between 0.1 and 1.0
                                                    animals, which is 19.19% of this stock’s                examined.                                             (FR)’’ (16 U.S.C. 1362(20)). PBR = NMIN
                                                    PBR (above the 10% PBR (8.28 animals)                      Criterion 2 was also not satisfied. The            × 0.5RMAX × FR.
                                                    threshold). As a result, NMFS cannot                    total fishery-related M/SI per year is                   NMFS evaluated the current human-
                                                    make a negligible impact determination                  32.7 animals per year and is 11.2% of                 caused M/SI under the assumption that
                                                    based on Criterion 1 and the other                      the stock’s PBR of 292 animals. Total                 it represents a percentage of the stock’s
                                                    criteria must be examined.                              human-caused M/SI is 83.87% of the                    unknown PBR. When considering
                                                       CNP humpback whales do not                           stock’s PBR of 292 animals. Because                   Criterion 1, NMFS rearranged the PBR
                                                    precisely fit the criteria as written for               total human-caused M/SI are not greater               equation to estimate whether total
                                                    Criterion 2 or 3. Criterion 2 is satisfied              than PBR, and fisheries-related                       human-caused M/SI for this stock is
                                                    if the total known, assumed, or                         mortality is not less than 10% PBR,                   likely less than 10% of a proxy PBR for
                                                    extrapolated human-caused M/SI is                       NMFS cannot make a negligible impact                  the stock, NMIN = PBR/(0.5RMAX × FR).
                                                    greater than PBR, but fisheries-related                 determination based on Criterion 2.                      The total human-caused M/SI is
                                                    M/SI is less than 10% of PBR. Criterion                    NMFS used NID Criterion 3 to                       6,790.22 animals. If this total human
                                                    2 was not satisfied because total human-                evaluate impacts of commercial                        related M/SI of 6,790.22 animals were
                                                    caused mortality (15.89) does not                       fisheries on the Steller sea lion, Western            equal to 10% of the stock’s PBR, NMIN
                                                    exceed PBR (82.8).                                      U.S. stock because the total fisheries                would need to be 2,263,406 bearded
                                                       Criterion 3 is satisfied if total fishery-           related M/SI is greater than 10% of the               seals (given a FR of 0.5 and a
                                                    related M/SI is greater than 10% PBR,                   stock’s PBR but less than PBR and the                 recommended pinniped RMAX of 12%).
                                                    less than PBR, and the population is                    stock is stable or increasing. The total              An NMIN of 2,263,406 is far greater than
                                                    stable or increasing. The fisheries-                    M/SI from commercial fisheries of 32.7                the crude estimate of 155,000 animals
                                                    related M/SI (3.95) for this stock is                   animals per year is 11.2% of PBR (above               based on regional surveys throughout
                                                    4.77% of PBR. The fisheries-related M/                  10% PBR), and is below the stock’s PBR                the seal’s Alaska range provided in the
                                                    SI is less than 10% of PBR and therefore                of 292; there are only minor fluctuations             2010 Status Review and even greater
                                                    less than PBR.                                          in expected fisheries-related M/SI. The               than the more recent core area estimate
                                                       Although CNP humpback whales do                      level of total human-caused M/SI is                   of 61,800. Because this population level
                                                    not precisely meet the criteria for                     estimated to be below PBR and is                      is highly unlikely, NMFS determines
                                                    Criterion 1, 2, or 3, data support a                    expected to remain below PBR for the                  that the annual average total human-
                                                    negligible impact determination for this                foreseeable future. Survey data collected             caused M/SI of 6,790.22 animals is
                                                    stock. The stock’s population growth                    since 2000 indicate that Steller sea lion             likely greater than 10% of PBR for this
                                                    rate is increasing, increases in fisheries-             decline continues in the central and                  stock. Therefore, NMFS cannot make a
                                                    related M/SI are limited, and human-                    western Aleutian Islands but regional                 negligible impact determination for this
                                                    caused M/SI is below PBR. The 2014                      populations east of Samalga Pass have                 stock based on Criterion 1, and the other
                                                    SAR reports a range of annual rates of                  increased or are stable. Overall, the                 criteria must be examined.
                                                    population increase from 4.9–10%,                       stock is increasing at an annual rate of                 NMFS used the equation in a similar
                                                    depending on the study and specific                     1.67 (non-pups) and 1.45 (pups). Using                manner to the process above in Criterion
                                                    area. These data suggest that the stock                 the best available information on this                1 to evaluate whether Criterion 2 was
                                                    is increasing. The level of total human-                stock of Steller sea lions and on the                 satisfied (i.e., if total human-caused M/
                                                    caused M/SI (15.89 animals) is 19.19%                   fisheries-related M/SI, NMFS                          SI is greater than PBR, but fisheries-
                                                    of the PBR and is expected to remain                    determines that M/SI incidental to                    related M/SI is less than 10% of PBR).
                                                    below PBR for the foreseeable future.                   commercial fishing will have a                        NMFS first evaluated whether the total
                                                    Thus, the expected total human-caused                   negligible impact on this stock based on              human-caused mortality estimate of
                                                    M/SI is well below the Criterion 2 M/                                                                         6,790.22 animals is likely greater than
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                                                                                                            Criterion 3.
                                                    SI threshold supporting a negligible                                                                          the stock’s proxy PBR. Based on the PBR
                                                    impact determination. Further, there are                Bearded Seal, Alaska Stock                            equation, if the total human-caused M/
                                                    only minor fluctuations in fisheries-                     The best available information on                   SI of 6,790.22 were equal to PBR, the
                                                    related M/SI. The expected total                        total fisheries-related M/SI for the                  NMIN for this stock would need to be
                                                    fisheries-related M/SI is well below the                bearded seal stock is not consistent with             226,340.7. However, core area estimate
                                                    Criterion 3 M/SI threshold supporting a                 thresholds required for NMFS to make                  for the central and eastern Bering Sea of
                                                    negligible impact determination. NMFS                   a negligible impact determination for                 61,800 bearded seals and the 2010
                                                    determines that, based on the best                      this stock based on Criterion 1. NMFS                 Status Review estimate of 155,000 are

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices                                            78715

                                                    both considerably less than 226,340.7. If               U.S.C. 1371(b)). Bearded seals, ringed                available estimate of 170,000 ringed
                                                    NMIN is less than 226,340.7 animals,                    seals, and other ice seal species are co-             seals in the U.S. EEZ of the Bering Sea
                                                    solving for the proxy PBR level based on                managed by the Ice Seal Committee and                 in late April (Conn et al. 2013), NMFS
                                                    the PBR equation would result in a                      NMFS by monitoring subsistence                        determines that the annual average M/
                                                    proxy PBR level smaller than 6,790.22                   harvest and cooperating on needed                     SI to the Alaska stock of ringed seal
                                                    animals. Therefore, NMFS estimates                      research and education programs                       from all human-caused sources of
                                                    that total human-caused mortality is                    pertaining to ice seals. Currently, the               mortality (9,571.32) is likely greater
                                                    greater than a proxy PBR.                               subsistence harvest of ice seals by                   than 10% of a proxy PBR for this stock.
                                                       NMFS then rearranged the PBR                         Alaska Natives appears to be sustainable              Therefore, NMFS cannot make a
                                                    equation to evaluate whether fisheries-                 and does not pose a threat to the                     negligible impact determination for this
                                                    related M/SI for this stock is likely equal             populations.                                          stock based on Criterion 1, and the other
                                                    to 10% of the stock’s proxy PBR, NMIN                      Based on NID Criterion 2 and the best              criteria must be examined.
                                                    = PBR/(0.5RMAX × FR). The annual                        available information on bearded seal                    NMFS used the equation in a similar
                                                    average fisheries-related M/SI is 2.22                  population, fisheries-related M/SI, and               manner to the process above in Criterion
                                                    animals. If the annual average fisheries-               total human-caused M/SI, NMFS                         1 to evaluate whether Criterion 2 was
                                                    related M/SI of 2.22 were equal to 10%                  determines that M/SI incidental to                    satisfied (i.e., if total human-caused M/
                                                    of the stock’s proxy PBR, the proxy PBR                 commercial fishing will have a                        SI is greater than PBR, but fisheries-
                                                    level would be 22.2 animals. Based on                   negligible impact on the stock. This                  related M/SI is less than 10% of PBR).
                                                    the rearranged PBR equation above, an                   determination is supported by review of               NMFS first evaluated whether the total
                                                    NMIN of 740 animals would be required                   M/SI incidental to U.S. commercial                    human-caused mortality estimate of
                                                    to calculate the proxy PBR level of 22.2                fishing, revealing total commercial                   animals is likely greater than the stock’s
                                                    animals.                                                fishery M/SI is low, and the fisheries                proxy PBR. Based on the PBR equation,
                                                       As indicted above, NMFS reviewed                     where bycatch does occur are monitored                if the total human-caused M/SI of
                                                    other analyses in which M/SI to bearded                 extensively. If bycatch rates change,                 9,571.32 were equal to a proxy PBR, the
                                                    seals from groundfish fisheries has been                NMFS would have that information                      NMIN for this stock would need to be
                                                    evaluated. NMFS issued an ITS                           relatively quickly and could reevaluate               319,044. However, the best available
                                                    authorizing take of bearded seals in the                the NID as necessary. Also, the non-                  population estimate of 170,000 ringed
                                                    2014 ESA section 7 consultation on the                  fishery M/SI due to subsistence hunting               seals is considerably less than 319,044
                                                    North Pacific groundfish fisheries.                     is monitored and although the current                 animals. If NMIN is less than 319,044,
                                                    NMFS estimated that 18.0 seals would                    subsistence harvest is substantial in                 solving for a proxy PBR based on the
                                                    be taken in a three-year period. Using an               some areas, there is little to no evidence            PBR equation would result in a proxy
                                                    annual average of 6.0 seals as a second                 that subsistence harvests have or are                 PBR smaller than 9,571.32 animals.
                                                    estimate for annual fisheries-related M/                likely to pose serious risks to the Alaska            Therefore, NMFS estimates that total
                                                    SI, if 6.0 bearded seals were equal to                  stock of bearded seals.                               human-caused M/SI is greater than a
                                                    10% of the stock’s proxy PBR, the proxy                                                                       proxy PBR.
                                                    PBR level would be 60 animals. Based                    Ringed Seal, Alaska Stock                                NMFS then rearranged the PBR
                                                    on the rearranged PBR equation above,                      The best available information on                  equation to examine whether fisheries-
                                                    an NMIN of 2,000 animals would be                       total fisheries-related M/SI for the                  related M/SI for this stock is likely equal
                                                    required to calculate the proxy PBR                     ringed seal stock is not consistent with              to 10% of the stock’s proxy PBR, NMIN
                                                    level of 60 animals.                                    thresholds required for NMFS to make                  = PBR/(0.5RMAX × FR). The annual
                                                       Using the best information currently                 a NID for this stock based on Criterion               average fisheries-related M/SI is 4.12
                                                    available, the core area population                     1. NMFS estimates that total human-                   animals. If the annual average fisheries-
                                                    estimate for the central and eastern                    caused M/SI is likely greater than PBR                related M/SI of 4.12 were equal to 10%
                                                    Bering Sea of approximately 61,800                      based on the best available information               of the stock’s proxy PBR, the proxy PBR
                                                    bearded seals and the 2010 Status                       on minimum stock abundance and total                  level would be 41.2 animals. Based on
                                                    Review estimate of 155,000 are both                     human-caused M/SI. Although NMFS                      the rearranged PBR equation above, an
                                                    orders of magnitude greater than an                     cannot calculate PBR for this stock with              NMIN of 1,373 animals would be
                                                    NMIN of 740 or 2,000 animals. Because                   the available information, NMFS                       required to calculate the proxy PBR
                                                    these very low population levels are                    examined whether total human-caused                   level of 41.2 animals.
                                                    highly unlikely, NMFS determines that                   M/SI for this stock is less than a proxy                 As with the bearded seals, NMFS also
                                                    fisheries-related M/SI is less than 10%                 for PBR based on the formula                          reviewed other analyses in which M/SI
                                                    of a proxy PBR.                                         established in the MMPA for calculating               to ringed seals from groundfish fisheries
                                                       NMFS used NID Criterion 2 to                         PBR. As described in the Criterion 1                  has been evaluated. NMFS issued an
                                                    evaluate impacts of commercial                          analysis for the bearded seal, NMFS                   incidental take statement authorizing
                                                    fisheries on the bearded seal because the               rearranged the PBR equation to estimate               take of ringed seals in the 2014 ESA
                                                    total human-caused M/SI are likely                      whether total human-caused M/SI for                   section 7 consultation on the North
                                                    greater than the stock’s PBR, the total                 this stock is likely less than 10% of the             Pacific groundfish fisheries. NMFS
                                                    fisheries-related M/SI are likely less                  stock’s PBR.                                          estimated that 36.0 seals would be taken
                                                    than 10% of the PBR, and management                        NMFS estimates that total human-                   in a three-year period. Using an annual
                                                    measures are being taken to address                     caused M/SI for ringed seals is 9,571.32              average of 12.0 seals as a second
                                                    non-fisheries-related M/SI. Non-                        animals. If the total human related M/                estimate for annual fisheries-related M/
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    fisheries-related M/SI as reported in the               SI of 9,571.32 animals were equal to                  SI, if 12.0 seals were equal to 10% of the
                                                    SARs include subsistence and research.                  10% of the stock’s proxy PBR, the proxy               stock’s proxy PBR, the proxy PBR level
                                                    The ESA provides take exemption for                     PBR would have to be 95,713.2 and                     would be 120 animals. Based on the
                                                    subsistence harvest of listed species by                NMIN for this population would need to                PBR equation above, an NMIN of 4,000
                                                    Alaska Natives (16 U.S.C. 1539(e)).                     be 3,190,440 ringed seals (given a FR of              animals would be required to calculate
                                                    Likewise, the MMPA provides take                        0.5 and a recommended pinniped RMAX                   the proxy PBR level of 120 animals.
                                                    exemption for subsistence harvest of                    of 12%). Because an NMIN of 3,190,440                    Preliminary analysis of the U.S.
                                                    marine mammals by Alaska Natives (16                    ringed seals is far greater than the best             surveys, which included only a small

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                                                    78716                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices

                                                    subset of the 2012 data, produced an                    stocks of humpback whales, Western                    participants in the BSAI trawl and
                                                    estimate of 170,000 ringed seals in the                 U.S. stock of Steller sea lions, and                  longline fisheries has been integrated
                                                    U.S. EEZ of the Bering Sea in late April.               Alaska stocks of bearded and ringed                   with the Federal groundfish limited
                                                    This estimate is orders of magnitude                    seals. Additionally, NMFS has                         entry permit process of the Federal
                                                    greater than an NMIN of 1,373 animals or                determined that for a period of up to                 Vessel Monitoring System.
                                                    4,000 animals. Because these very low                   three years, M/SI incidental to the BSAI
                                                                                                                                                                  Monitoring Program
                                                    population levels are highly unlikely,                  Pacific cod longline fishery will have a
                                                    NMFS determined that fisheries-related                  negligible impact on the Alaska stock of                 BSAI trawl and longline fisheries
                                                    M/SI is less than 10% of PBR.                           ringed seals.                                         considered for authorization under this
                                                       Criterion 2 states that if the total                    The impacts on the human                           permit are monitored by NMFS-certified
                                                    human-caused M/SI are greater than                      environment of continuing and                         observers in the North Pacific
                                                    PBR and fisheries related mortality is                  modifying the Bering sea trawl fisheries,             Groundfish Observer Program. The rate
                                                    less than 10% of PBR, ‘‘individual                      including the taking of threatened and                of observer coverage is high (ranging
                                                    fisheries may be permitted if                           endangered species of marine mammals,                 from 50–100%) and is recorded by
                                                    management measures are being taken                     were analyzed in the Biological Opinion               fishery and by year in the draft NID
                                                    to address non-fisheries-related M/SI.’’                for Authorization of Groundfish                       analysis. Accordingly, as required by
                                                    Non-fisheries-related M/SI as reported                  Fisheries under the Fishery                           MMPA section 118, a monitoring
                                                    in the SARs include subsistence and                     Management Plan for Groundfish of the                 program is in place for the BSAI Pollock
                                                    gunshots. The ESA provides take                         Bering Sea and Aleutian Island                        trawl, flatfish trawl, and Pacific cod
                                                    exemption for subsistence harvest of                    Management Area; in the Alaska                        longline fisheries.
                                                    listed species by Alaska Natives (16                    Groundfish Harvest Specifications                     Take Reduction Plans
                                                    U.S.C. 1539(e)). Likewise, the MMPA                     Supplemental Information Report; the
                                                    provides take exemption for subsistence                 ESA section 7 Biological Opinion that                    MMPA section 118 requires the
                                                    harvest of marine mammals by Alaska                     considered effects from the groundfish                development and implementation of a
                                                    Natives (16 U.S.C. 1371(b)). Bearded                    fisheries on bearded seals; in the ESA                Take Reduction Plan (TRP) in cases
                                                    seals, ringed seals, and other ice seal                 section 7 Biological Opinion on Oil and               where a strategic stock interacts with a
                                                    species are co-managed by the Ice Seal                  Gas Leasing and Exploration Activities                Category I or II fishery. With the
                                                    Committee and NMFS by monitoring                        in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi Seas;                exception of the bearded seal, the stocks
                                                    subsistence harvest and cooperating on                  and in the Biological Opinion on the                  considered for this permit are
                                                    needed research and education                           Authorization of the Alaska Groundfish                designated as strategic stocks under the
                                                    programs pertaining to ice seals.                       Fisheries Under the Proposed Revised                  MMPA because they are listed as
                                                    Currently, the subsistence harvest of ice               Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures.                 threatened or endangered under the
                                                    seals by Alaska Natives appears to be                      Because this permit would not modify               ESA (MMPA section 3(19)(C)). The three
                                                    sustainable and does not pose a threat                  any fishery operation and the effects of              fisheries considered for this permit are
                                                    to the populations.                                     the fishery operations have been                      Category II fisheries. Therefore, the four
                                                       Based on NID Criterion 2 and the best                evaluated fully in accordance with                    listed stocks and three fisheries meet the
                                                    available information on ringed seal                    NEPA, no additional NEPA analysis is                  triggers for convening a take reduction
                                                    population, fisheries-related M/SI, and                 required for this permit. Issuing the                 team (TRT) and developing a TRP.
                                                    total human-caused M/SI, NMFS                           proposed permit would have no                            The obligations to develop and
                                                    determines that M/SI incidental to                      additional impact to the human                        implement a TRP are further subject to
                                                    commercial fishing will have a                          environment or effects on threatened or               the availability of funding. MMPA
                                                    negligible impact on the stock. This                    endangered species beyond those                       section 118(f)(3) contains specific
                                                    determination is supported by review of                 analyzed in these documents.                          priorities for developing TRPs. At this
                                                    M/SI incidental to U.S. commercial                                                                            time, NMFS has insufficient funding
                                                    fishing, revealing total commercial                     Recovery Plans                                        available to simultaneously develop and
                                                    fishery M/SI is low, and the fisheries                     Section 4(f) of the ESA requires that              implement TRPs for all strategic stocks
                                                    where bycatch does occur are monitored                  NMFS develop recovery plans for ESA-                  that interact with Category I or Category
                                                    extensively. If bycatch rates change,                   listed species, unless such a plan will               II fisheries. As provided in MMPA
                                                    NMFS would have that information                        not promote the conservation of the                   sections 118(f)(6)(A) and (f)(7), NMFS
                                                    relatively quickly and could reevaluate                 species. Recovery Plans for humpback                  used the most recent SARs and LOF as
                                                    the NID as necessary. Also, the non-                    whales and Steller sea lions have been                the basis to determine its priorities for
                                                    fishery M/SI due to subsistence hunting                 completed (see ADDRESSES). NMFS is                    establishing TRTs and developing TRPs.
                                                    is monitored and although the current                   developing recovery plans for the                     Through this process, NMFS evaluated
                                                    subsistence harvest is substantial in                   Alaska stocks of both bearded and                     the WNP and CNP stocks of humpback
                                                    some areas, there is little to no evidence              ringed seals.                                         whale, the Western U.S. stock of Steller
                                                    that subsistence harvests have or are                                                                         sea lions, the Alaska stock of bearded
                                                                                                            Vessel Registration                                   seals, and the Alaska stock of ringed
                                                    likely to pose serious risks to the Alaska
                                                    stock of ringed seals.                                     MMPA section 118(c) requires that                  seals as lower priorities compared to
                                                                                                            vessels participating in Category I and II            other marine mammal stocks and
                                                    Conclusions for Proposed Permit                         fisheries register to obtain an                       fisheries for establishing TRTs, based on
                                                      In conclusion, based on the negligible                authorization to take marine mammals                  M/SI levels incidental to those fisheries
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    impact criteria outlined in 1999 (64 FR                 incidental to fishing activities. Further,            and population levels and trends.
                                                    28800), the 2014 Alaska SARs, the best                  section 118(c)(5)(A) provides that                    Accordingly, given these factors and
                                                    scientific information and data                         registration of vessels in fisheries                  NMFS’ priorities, developing TRPs for
                                                    available, NMFS has determined that for                 should, after appropriate consultations,              these five stocks in these three fisheries
                                                    a period of up to three years, M/SI                     be integrated and coordinated to the                  will be deferred under section 118 as
                                                    incidental to the BSAI pollock trawl and                maximum extent feasible with existing                 other stocks/fisheries are a higher
                                                    BSAI flatfish trawl fisheries will have a               fisher licenses, registrations, and related           priority for any available funding for
                                                    negligible impact on WNP and CNP                        programs. MMPA registration for                       establishing new TRTs.

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                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 242 / Thursday, December 17, 2015 / Notices                                                  78717

                                                    Solicitation for Public Comments                                 permit to participants in the BSAI                        participants in the BSAI Pacific cod
                                                                                                                     pollock and flatfish trawl Category II                    longline Category II fisheries for the
                                                      NMFS solicits public comments on                               fisheries for the taking of individuals                   taking of individuals from the Alaska
                                                    the proposed permit and the                                      from the WNP and CNP stocks of                            stock of ringed seals incidental to the
                                                    preliminary determinations supporting                            humpback whales, Western U.S. stock                       fisheries’ operations (Table 1). As noted
                                                    the permit. As noted in the summary                              of Steller sea lions, Alaska stock of                     under MMPA section 101(a)(5)(E)(ii), no
                                                    above, all of the requirements to issue                          bearded seals, and the Alaska stock of                    permit is required for vessels in
                                                    a permit to the following Federally-                             ringed seals (the that occurs within the                  Category III fisheries. For incidental
                                                    authorized fisheries have been satisfied:                        U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of                     taking of marine mammals to be
                                                    BSAI pollock trawl, BSAI flatfish trawl,                         the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas)                   authorized in Category III fisheries, any
                                                    and BSAI Pacific cod longline.                                   incidental to the fisheries’ operations,                  mortality or serious injury must be
                                                    Accordingly, NMFS proposes to issue a                            and proposes to issue a permit to                         reported to NMFS.

                                                                                     INCIDENTAL TO COMMERCIAL FISHING OPERATIONS
                                                                                          Fishery                                                 Category                         Marine mammal stock

                                                    HI deep-set (tuna target) longline ..................................................     I              False killer whale, MHI IFKW stock Humpback whale, CNP
                                                                                                                                                               stock Sperm whale, Hawaii stock
                                                    CA thresher shark/swordfish drift gillnet (>14 in mesh) ................                  I              Humpback whale, CA/OR/WA stock Sperm whale, CA/OR/WA
                                                    HI shallow-set (swordfish target) longline/set line .........................             II             Humpback whale, CNP stock
                                                    AK Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands flatfish trawl .................................           II             Humpback whale, CNP stock Humpback whale, WNP stock
                                                                                                                                                               Steller sea lion, Western U.S. stock Bearded seal, Alaska
                                                                                                                                                               stock Ringed seal, Alaska stock
                                                    AK Bering Sea/Aleutian Island pollock trawl ..................................            II             Humpback whale, CNP stock Humpback whale, WNP stock
                                                                                                                                                               Steller sea lion, Western U.S. stock Bearded seal, Alaska
                                                                                                                                                               stock Ringed seal, Alaska stock
                                                    AK Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Pacific cod longline .....................                 II             Ringed seal, Alaska stock
                                                    WA/OR/CA sablefish pot ................................................................   II             Humpback whale, CA/OR/WA stock

                                                      Dated: December 11, 2015.                                         1. Join the meeting by visiting this                      • Thursday, January 14: Biological
                                                    Donna S. Wieting,                                                link: http://www.gotomeeting.com/                         indicators
                                                    Director, Office of Protected Resources,                         online/webinar/join-webinar.                                 • Tuesday, January 26: Human
                                                    National Marine Fisheries Service.                                  2. Enter the Webinar ID: 121–225–                      dimensions indicators
                                                    [FR Doc. 2015–31693 Filed 12–16–15; 8:45 am]                     731.                                                         • Thursday, January 28: Habitat
                                                    BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                                                                                        3. Please enter your name and email                    indicators
                                                                                                                     address (required).                                          • Tuesday, February 2: Risk
                                                                                                                        Once you have joined the webinar,                      assessments and application of
                                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                           choose either your computer’s audio or                    indicators to decision making
                                                                                                                     select ‘‘Use Telephone.’’ If you do not                      Each webinar will begin with a short
                                                    National Oceanic and Atmospheric                                 select ‘‘Use Telephone’’ you will be                      presentation by members of NOAA’s
                                                    Administration                                                   connected to audio using your                             California Current Integrated Ecosystem
                                                                                                                     computer’s microphone and speakers                        Assessment Team, followed by a
                                                    RIN 0648–XE309                                                   (VolP).                                                   discussion facilitated by the EWG. This
                                                                                                                        If you do not have a headset and                       webinar series is part of the Coordinated
                                                    Pacific Fishery Management Council;                              speakers, you may use your telephone                      Ecosystem Indicator Review Initiative
                                                    Public Meeting                                                   for the audio portion of the meeting by                   intended to address goals and objectives
                                                                                                                     dialing this TOLL number 1-(702) 489–                     from the Council’s Fishery Ecosystem
                                                    AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                               0007 (not a toll-free number), then enter                 Plan. Through these webinars, the EWG
                                                    Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                             your phone audio access code 471–159–                     seeks input from Council advisory
                                                    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                               571, then enter your audio phone pin                      bodies and the public on the indicators
                                                    Commerce.                                                        (shown after joining the webinar).                        presented in the Annual Report and
                                                    ACTION: Notice; public meeting.                                     A public listening station will also be                how they can effectively support the
                                                                                                                     provided at the Council office.                           Council’s goal of integrating ecosystem
                                                    SUMMARY:    The Pacific Fishery                                     Council address: Pacific Council,                      considerations into fishery management
                                                    Management Council’s (Council)                                   7700 NE Ambassador Place, Suite 101,                      decisions.
                                                    Ecosystem Workgroup (EWG) will host                              Portland, OR 97220–1384.                                     Although non-emergency issues not
                                                    a series of five webinars in January and                         FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr.                      contained in the meeting agenda may be
                                                    February 2016, which are open to the                             Kit Dahl, Pacific Council; phone: (503)                   discussed, those issues may not be the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    public. Each webinar will begin at 1:30                          820–2422.                                                 subject of formal action during these
                                                    p.m.                                                                                                                       meetings. Action will be restricted to
                                                                                                                     SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
                                                    DATES: The webinars will be held                                 webinars will cover the following                         those issues specifically listed in this
                                                    January 12, January 14, January 26,                              topics:                                                   document and any issues arising after
                                                    January 28, and February 2, 2016.                                   • Tuesday, January 12: Contents of                     publication of this document that
                                                    ADDRESSES: The following login                                   the Annual California Current                             require emergency action under section
                                                    instructions will work for any of the                            Ecosystem Status Report; physical                         305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
                                                    webinars in this series.                                         oceanography indicators                                   Conservation and Management Act,

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Document Created: 2018-03-02 09:19:02
Document Modified: 2018-03-02 09:19:02
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice; request for comments.
DatesComments must be received by January 19, 2016.
ContactKristin R. Mabry, NMFS Alaska Region, 907-586-7490, [email protected]; or Shannon Betridge, NMFS Office of Protected Resources, 301-427-8402, [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 78711 
RIN Number0648-XD28

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