80_FR_79825 80 FR 79580 - Application to Export Electric Energy; Ontario Power Generation, Inc.

80 FR 79580 - Application to Export Electric Energy; Ontario Power Generation, Inc.


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 245 (December 22, 2015)

Page Range79580-79581
FR Document2015-32091

Ontario Power Generation, Inc. (Applicant or OPG) has applied to renew its authority to transmit electric energy from the United States to Canada pursuant to section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 245 (Tuesday, December 22, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 245 (Tuesday, December 22, 2015)]
[Pages 79580-79581]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-32091]



[OE Docket No. EA-290-C]

Application to Export Electric Energy; Ontario Power Generation, 

AGENCY: Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, DOE.

ACTION: Notice of Application.


SUMMARY: Ontario Power Generation, Inc. (Applicant or OPG) has applied 
to renew its authority to transmit electric energy from the United 
States to Canada pursuant to section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act.

DATES: Comments, protests, or motions to intervene must be submitted on 
or before January 21, 2016.

ADDRESSES: Comments, protests, motions to intervene, or requests for 
more information should be addressed to: Office of Electricity Delivery 
and Energy Reliability, Mail Code: OE-20, U.S. Department of Energy, 
1000 Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20585-0350. Because of 
delays in handling conventional mail, it is recommended that documents 
be transmitted by overnight mail, by electronic mail to 
Electricity.Exports@hq.doe.gov, or by facsimile to 202-586-8008.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Exports of electricity from the United 
States to a foreign country are regulated by the Department of Energy 
(DOE) pursuant to sections 301(b) and 402(f) of the Department of 
Energy Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7151(b), 7172(f)) and require 
authorization under section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 

[[Page 79581]]

    On April 18, 2011, DOE issued Order No. EA-290-B to OPG, which 
authorized the Applicant to transmit electric energy from the United 
States to Canada as a power marketer for a five-year term using 
existing international transmission facilities. That authority expires 
on June 21, 2016. On December 7, 2015, OPG filed an application with 
DOE for renewal of the export authority contained in Order No. EA-290 
for an additional five-year term.
    In its application, OPG states that it does not own or operate any 
electric generation or transmission facilities, and it does not have a 
franchised service area. The electric energy that OPG proposes to 
export to Canada would be surplus energy purchased from third parties 
such as electric utilities and Federal power marketing agencies 
pursuant to voluntary agreements. The existing international 
transmission facilities to be utilized by OPG have previously been 
authorized by Presidential permits issued pursuant to Executive Order 
10485, as amended, and are appropriate for open access transmission by 
third parties.
    Procedural Matters: Any person desiring to be heard in this 
proceeding should file a comment or protest to the application at the 
address provided above. Protests should be filed in accordance with 
Rule 211 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Rules of 
Practice and Procedures (18 CFR 385.211). Any person desiring to become 
a party to these proceedings should file a motion to intervene at the 
above address in accordance with FERC Rule 214 (18 CFR 385.214). Five 
copies of such comments, protests, or motions to intervene should be 
sent to the address provided above on or before the date listed above.
    Comments and other filings concerning OPG's application to export 
electric energy to Canada should be clearly marked with OE Docket No. 
EA-290-C. An additional copy is to be provided directly to both Andrew 
Barrett, Ontario Power Generation, Inc., 700 University Avenue, 
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 Canada and Jerry L. Pfeffer, Skadden, Arps, 
Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, 1440 New York Avenue NW., Washington, DC 
    A final decision will be made on this application after the 
environmental impacts have been evaluated pursuant to DOE's National 
Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures (10 CFR part 1021) and 
after a determination is made by DOE that the proposed action will not 
have an adverse impact on the sufficiency of supply or reliability of 
the U.S. electric power supply system.
    Copies of this application will be made available, upon request, 
for public inspection and copying at the address provided above, by 
accessing the program Web site at http://energy.gov/node/11845, or by 
emailing Angela Troy at Angela.Troy@hq.doe.gov.

    Issued in Washington, DC, on December 16, 2015.
Christopher Lawrence,
Electricity Policy Analyst, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy 
[FR Doc. 2015-32091 Filed 12-21-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  79580                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 245 / Tuesday, December 22, 2015 / Notices

                                                  among the tied applications so as to                    documenting secondary school                          text or Adobe Portable Document
                                                  serve geographical areas that have been                 persistence, secondary school                         Format (PDF). To use PDF you must
                                                  underserved by the Talent Search                        graduation and postsecondary                          have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
                                                  Program.                                                enrollment of their participants. Since               available free at the site.
                                                     4. Special Conditions: Under 2 CFR                   students may take different amounts of                  You may also access documents of the
                                                  3474.10, the Secretary may impose                       time to complete their postsecondary                  Department published in the Federal
                                                  special conditions and, in appropriate                  education, multiple years of                          Register by using the article search
                                                  circumstances, high-risk conditions on a                performance report data are needed to                 feature at: www.federalregister.gov.
                                                  grant if the applicant or grantee is not                determine the postsecondary                           Specifically, through the advanced
                                                  financially stable; has a history of                    completion rates of Talent Search                     search feature at this site, you can limit
                                                  unsatisfactory performance; has a                       Program participants. The Department                  your search to documents published by
                                                  financial or other management system                    of Education will aggregate the data                  the Department.
                                                  that does not meet the standards in 2                   provided in the annual performance                      Delegation of Authority: The Secretary
                                                  CFR part 200, subpart D; has not                        reports from all grantees to determine                of Education has delegated authority to
                                                  fulfilled the conditions of a prior grant;              the accomplishment level.                             Jamienne S. Studley, Deputy Under
                                                  or is otherwise not responsible.                           5. Continuation Awards: In making a                Secretary, to perform the functions and
                                                                                                          continuation award under 34 CFR                       duties of the Assistant Secretary for
                                                  VI. Award Administration Information                    75.253, the Secretary considers, among                Postsecondary Education.
                                                     1. Award Notices: If your application                other things: whether a grantee has                     Dated: December 16, 2015.
                                                  is successful, we notify your U.S.                      made substantial progress in achieving                Jamienne S. Studley,
                                                  Representative and U.S. Senators and                    the goals and objectives of the project;              Deputy Under Secretary.
                                                  send you a Grant Award Notification                     whether the grantee has expended funds
                                                                                                                                                                [FR Doc. 2015–32089 Filed 12–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  (GAN); or we may send you an email                      in a manner that is consistent with its
                                                                                                                                                                BILLING CODE 4000–01–P
                                                  containing a link to access an electronic               approved application and budget; and,
                                                  version of your GAN. We may notify                      if the Secretary has established
                                                  you informally, also.                                   performance measurement
                                                     If your application is not evaluated or              requirements, the performance targets in              DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                                  not selected for funding, we notify you.                the grantee’s approved application. In                [OE Docket No. EA–290–C]
                                                     2. Administrative and National Policy                making a continuation grant, the
                                                  Requirements:                                           Secretary also considers whether the                  Application to Export Electric Energy;
                                                     We identify administrative and                       grantee is operating in compliance with               Ontario Power Generation, Inc.
                                                  national policy requirements in the                     the assurances in its approved
                                                  application package and reference these                                                                       AGENCY: Office of Electricity Delivery
                                                                                                          application, including those applicable
                                                  and other requirements in the                                                                                 and Energy Reliability, DOE.
                                                                                                          to Federal civil rights laws that prohibit
                                                  Applicable Regulations section in this                  discrimination in programs or activities              ACTION: Notice of Application.
                                                  notice.                                                 receiving Federal financial assistance                SUMMARY:   Ontario Power Generation,
                                                     We reference the regulations outlining               from the Department (34 CFR 100.4,                    Inc. (Applicant or OPG) has applied to
                                                  the terms and conditions of an award in                 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).                     renew its authority to transmit electric
                                                  the Applicable Regulations section of
                                                                                                          VII. Agency Contact                                   energy from the United States to Canada
                                                  this notice and include these and other
                                                                                                                                                                pursuant to section 202(e) of the Federal
                                                  specific conditions in the GAN. The                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      Power Act.
                                                  GAN also incorporates your approved                     Craig Pooler, U.S. Department of                      DATES: Comments, protests, or motions
                                                  application as part of your binding                     Education, 1990 K Street NW., Suite
                                                  commitments under the grant.                                                                                  to intervene must be submitted on or
                                                                                                          7010, Washington, DC 20006–8510.                      before January 21, 2016.
                                                     3. Reporting: At the end of your                     Telephone: (202) 502–7600 or email:
                                                  project period, you must submit a final                                                                       ADDRESSES: Comments, protests,
                                                  performance report, including financial                   If you use a TDD or a TTY, call the                 motions to intervene, or requests for
                                                  information, as directed by the                         FRS, toll free, at 1–800–877–8339.                    more information should be addressed
                                                  Secretary. If you receive a multi-year                                                                        to: Office of Electricity Delivery and
                                                  award, you must submit an annual                        VIII. Other Information                               Energy Reliability, Mail Code: OE–20,
                                                  performance report that provides the                       Accessible Format: Individuals with                U.S. Department of Energy, 1000
                                                  most current performance and financial                  disabilities can obtain this document                 Independence Avenue SW.,
                                                  expenditure information as directed by                  and a copy of the application package in              Washington, DC 20585–0350. Because
                                                  the Secretary under 34 CFR 75.118. The                  an accessible format (e.g., braille, large            of delays in handling conventional mail,
                                                  Secretary may also require more                         print, audiotape, or compact disc) on                 it is recommended that documents be
                                                  frequent performance reports under 34                   request to the program contact persons                transmitted by overnight mail, by
                                                  CFR 75.720(c). For specific                             listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                  electronic mail to Electricity.Exports@
                                                  requirements on reporting, please go to                 CONTACT in section VII if this notice.                hq.doe.gov, or by facsimile to 202–586–
                                                  www.ed.gov/fund/grant/apply/                               Electronic Access to This Document:                8008.
                                                  appforms/appforms.html.                                 The official version of this document is              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Exports of
                                                     4. Performance Measures: The success                 the document published in the Federal                 electricity from the United States to a
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  of the Talent Search Program will be                    Register. Free Internet access to the                 foreign country are regulated by the
                                                  measured by secondary school                            official edition of the Federal Register              Department of Energy (DOE) pursuant to
                                                  persistence and graduation rates of                     and the Code of Federal Regulations is                sections 301(b) and 402(f) of the
                                                  Talent Search participants, as well as                  available via the Federal Digital System              Department of Energy Organization Act
                                                  postsecondary enrollment and                            at: www.gpo.gov/fdsys. At this site you               (42 U.S.C. 7151(b), 7172(f)) and require
                                                  completion rates. All Talent Search                     can view this document, as well as all                authorization under section 202(e) of
                                                  Program grantees will be required to                    other documents of the Department                     the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C.
                                                  submit an annual performance report                     published in the Federal Register, in                 824a(e)).

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:21 Dec 21, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00026   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22DEN1.SGM   22DEN1

                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 245 / Tuesday, December 22, 2015 / Notices                                                79581

                                                     On April 18, 2011, DOE issued Order                  sufficiency of supply or reliability of the               Conservation, and Environmental
                                                  No. EA–290–B to OPG, which                              U.S. electric power supply system.                        Protection Agency Liaisons
                                                  authorized the Applicant to transmit                       Copies of this application will be                 •   Public Comment Period
                                                  electric energy from the United States to               made available, upon request, for public
                                                                                                                                                                •   Briefing on the Proposed
                                                  Canada as a power marketer for a five-                  inspection and copying at the address
                                                                                                                                                                    Environmental Management Disposal
                                                  year term using existing international                  provided above, by accessing the
                                                  transmission facilities. That authority                 program Web site at http://energy.gov/
                                                  expires on June 21, 2016. On December                   node/11845, or by emailing Angela Troy                •   Additions/Approval of Agenda
                                                  7, 2015, OPG filed an application with                  at Angela.Troy@hq.doe.gov.                            •   Motions/Approval of November 10,
                                                  DOE for renewal of the export authority                   Issued in Washington, DC, on December                   2015 Meeting Minutes
                                                  contained in Order No. EA–290 for an                    16, 2015.                                             •   Status of Recommendations with DOE
                                                  additional five-year term.                              Christopher Lawrence,                                 •   Committee Reports
                                                     In its application, OPG states that it
                                                  does not own or operate any electric
                                                                                                          Electricity Policy Analyst, Office of Electricity     •   Federal Coordinator Report
                                                                                                          Delivery and Energy Reliability.
                                                  generation or transmission facilities,                                                                        •   Adjourn
                                                                                                          [FR Doc. 2015–32091 Filed 12–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  and it does not have a franchised service                                                                        Public Participation: The EM SSAB,
                                                                                                          BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                  area. The electric energy that OPG                                                                            Oak Ridge, welcomes the attendance of
                                                  proposes to export to Canada would be                                                                         the public at its advisory committee
                                                  surplus energy purchased from third                     DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY                                  meetings and will make every effort to
                                                  parties such as electric utilities and                                                                        accommodate persons with physical
                                                  Federal power marketing agencies                        Environmental Management Site-                        disabilities or special needs. If you
                                                  pursuant to voluntary agreements. The                   Specific Advisory Board, Oak Ridge                    require special accommodations due to
                                                  existing international transmission                     Reservation                                           a disability, please contact Melyssa P.
                                                  facilities to be utilized by OPG have                                                                         Noe at least seven days in advance of
                                                  previously been authorized by                           AGENCY:   Department of Energy.
                                                                                                                                                                the meeting at the phone number listed
                                                  Presidential permits issued pursuant to                 ACTION:   Notice of open meeting.
                                                                                                                                                                above. Written statements may be filed
                                                  Executive Order 10485, as amended,                      SUMMARY:    This notice announces a                   with the Board either before or after the
                                                  and are appropriate for open access                     meeting of the Environmental                          meeting. Individuals who wish to make
                                                  transmission by third parties.                          Management Site-Specific Advisory                     oral statements pertaining to the agenda
                                                     Procedural Matters: Any person                                                                             item should contact Melyssa P. Noe at
                                                                                                          Board (EM SSAB), Oak Ridge
                                                  desiring to be heard in this proceeding                                                                       the address or telephone number listed
                                                                                                          Reservation. The Federal Advisory
                                                  should file a comment or protest to the                 Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, 86 Stat.               above. Requests must be received five
                                                  application at the address provided                     770) requires that public notice of this              days prior to the meeting and reasonable
                                                  above. Protests should be filed in                      meeting be announced in the Federal                   provision will be made to include the
                                                  accordance with Rule 211 of the Federal                 Register.                                             presentation in the agenda. The Deputy
                                                  Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC)                                                                         Designated Federal Officer is
                                                  Rules of Practice and Procedures (18                    DATES: Wednesday, January 13, 2016,
                                                                                                          6:00 p.m.                                             empowered to conduct the meeting in a
                                                  CFR 385.211). Any person desiring to                                                                          fashion that will facilitate the orderly
                                                  become a party to these proceedings                     ADDRESSES: Department of Energy
                                                                                                          Information Center, Office of Science                 conduct of business. Individuals
                                                  should file a motion to intervene at the                                                                      wishing to make public comments will
                                                  above address in accordance with FERC                   and Technical Information, 1
                                                                                                          Science.gov Way, Oak Ridge, Tennessee                 be provided a maximum of five minutes
                                                  Rule 214 (18 CFR 385.214). Five copies                                                                        to present their comments.
                                                  of such comments, protests, or motions                  37830.
                                                  to intervene should be sent to the                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                         Minutes: Minutes will be available by
                                                  address provided above on or before the                 Melyssa P. Noe, Federal Coordinator,                  writing or calling Melyssa P. Noe at the
                                                  date listed above.                                      Department of Energy Oak Ridge                        address and phone number listed above.
                                                     Comments and other filings                           Operations Office, P.O. Box 2001, EM–                 Minutes will also be available at the
                                                  concerning OPG’s application to export                  90, Oak Ridge, TN 37831. Phone (865)                  following Web site: http://energy.gov/
                                                  electric energy to Canada should be                     241–3315; Fax (865) 576–0956 or email:                orem/services/community-engagement/
                                                  clearly marked with OE Docket No. EA–                   melyssa.noe@orem.doe.gov or check the                 oak-ridge-site-specific-advisory-board.
                                                  290–C. An additional copy is to be                      Web site at http://energy.gov/orem/                     Issued at Washington, DC on December 16,
                                                  provided directly to both Andrew                        services/community-engagement/oak-                    2015.
                                                  Barrett, Ontario Power Generation, Inc.,                ridge-site-specific-advisory-board.                   LaTanya R. Butler,
                                                  700 University Avenue, Toronto,                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            Deputy Committee Management Officer.
                                                  Ontario M5G 1X6 Canada and Jerry L.                       Purpose of the Board: The purpose of                [FR Doc. 2015–32093 Filed 12–21–15; 8:45 am]
                                                  Pfeffer, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &                the Board is to make recommendations                  BILLING CODE 6450–01–P
                                                  Flom LLP, 1440 New York Avenue NW.,                     to DOE–EM and site management in the
                                                  Washington, DC 20005.                                   areas of environmental restoration,
                                                     A final decision will be made on this                waste management, and related                         DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
                                                  application after the environmental                     activities.
                                                  impacts have been evaluated pursuant                      Tentative Agenda:                                   Orders Granting Authority To Import
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  to DOE’s National Environmental Policy                  • Welcome and Announcements                           and Export Natural Gas, To Import and
                                                  Act Implementing Procedures (10 CFR                     • Comments from the Deputy                            Export Liquefied Natural Gas, To
                                                  part 1021) and after a determination is                   Designated Federal Officer                          Export Compressed Natural Gas, and
                                                  made by DOE that the proposed action                    • Comments from the DOE, Tennessee                    To Vacate Authority During October
                                                  will not have an adverse impact on the                    Department of Environment and                       2015

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:21 Dec 21, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00027   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\22DEN1.SGM   22DEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-22 02:31:38
Document Modified: 2015-12-22 02:31:38
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of Application.
DatesComments, protests, or motions to intervene must be submitted on or before January 21, 2016.
FR Citation80 FR 79580 

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