80_FR_8010 80 FR 7980 - Regulatory Publication and Review Under the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996

80 FR 7980 - Regulatory Publication and Review Under the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 30 (February 13, 2015)

Page Range7980-7986
FR Document2015-02998

The OCC, Board, and FDIC (we or Agencies) are conducting a review of the regulations we have issued in order to identify outdated or otherwise unnecessary regulatory requirements imposed on insured depository institutions, as required by the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (EGRPRA). In this notice, the Agencies are seeking public comment on regulations in the following categories: Banking Operations, Capital, and the Community Reinvestment Act.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 30 (Friday, February 13, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 30 (Friday, February 13, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 7980-7986]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-02998]

Proposed Rules
                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.


Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 7980]]


Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

12 CFR Chapter I

[Docket ID FFIEC-2014-0001


12 CFR Chapter II

[Docket No. R-1510]


12 CFR Chapter III

Regulatory Publication and Review Under the Economic Growth and 
Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996

AGENCY: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Treasury; 
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board); and Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

ACTION: Notice of regulatory review; request for comments.


SUMMARY: The OCC, Board, and FDIC (we or Agencies) are conducting a 
review of the regulations we have issued in order to identify outdated 
or otherwise unnecessary regulatory requirements imposed on insured 
depository institutions, as required by the Economic Growth and 
Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996 (EGRPRA). In this notice, 
the Agencies are seeking public comment on regulations in the following 
categories: Banking Operations, Capital, and the Community Reinvestment 

DATES: Written comments must be received by no later than May 14, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted through the Federal eRulemaking 
Portal: ``Regulations.gov.'' You can reach this portal through the 
Agencies' EGRPRA Web site, http://egrpra.ffiec.gov. On this site, click 
``Submit a Comment'' and follow the instructions. Alternatively, go to 
http://www.regulations.gov, enter ``FFIEC-2014-0001'' in the Search 
Box, click ``Search,'' and click ``Comment Now.'' Those who wish to 
submit their comments by an alternate means may do so as indicated 
    We encourage commenters to submit comments through the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal, Regulations.gov, in accordance with the previous 
paragraph. Alternatively, comments may be emailed to 
regs.comments@occ.treas.gov or sent by mail to Legislative and 
Regulatory Activities Division, Office of the Comptroller of the 
Currency, Mail Stop 9W-11, 400 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20219. 
Comments also may be faxed to (571) 465-4326 or hand delivered or sent 
by courier to 400 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20219. For comments 
submitted by any means other than Regulations.gov, you must include 
``OCC'' as the agency name and ``Docket ID FFIEC-2014-0001'' in your 
    In general, the OCC will enter all comments received into the 
docket and publish them without change on Regulations.gov. Comments 
received, including attachments and other supporting materials, as well 
as any business or personal information you provide, such as your name 
and address, email address, or phone number, are part of the public 
record and subject to public disclosure. Therefore, please do not 
include any information with your comment or supporting materials that 
you consider confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.
    You may inspect and photocopy in person all comments received by 
the OCC at 400 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20219. For security 
reasons, the OCC requires that visitors make an appointment to inspect 
or photocopy comments. You may make an appointment by calling (202) 
649-6700. Upon arrival, visitors will be required to present valid 
government-issued photo identification and submit to a security 
    We encourage commenters to submit comments regarding the Board's 
regulations by any of the following methods:
     Agency Web site: http://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/foia/proposedregs.aspx. Follow the instructions for submitting comments on 
the Agency Web site.
     Federal eRulemaking Portal, in accordance with the 
directions above.
     Email: regs.comments@federalreserve.gov. Include 
``EGRPRA'' and Docket No. R-1510 in the subject line of the message.
     FAX: (202) 452-3819.
     Mail: Robert deV. Frierson, Secretary, Board of Governors 
of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20551.
    In general, the Board will enter all comments received into the 
docket and publish them without change on Regulations.gov. Comments 
received, including attachments and other supporting materials, as well 
as any business or personal information you provide, such as your name 
and address, email address, or phone number, are part of the public 
record and subject to public disclosure. Therefore, please do not 
enclose any information with your comment or supporting materials that 
you consider confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.
    You may inspect and photocopy in person all comments received by 
the Board at 20th and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20551. 
For security reasons, the Board requires that visitors make an 
appointment to inspect comments. You may make an appointment by calling 
(202) 452-3000. Upon arrival, visitors will be required to present 
valid government-issued photo identification and submit to a security 
    We encourage commenters to submit comments through the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal, ``Regulations.gov,'' in accordance with the 
directions above. Alternatively, you may submit comments by any of the 
following methods:
     Agency Web site: http://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/federal. Follow instructions for submitting comments on the Agency Web 
     Email: Comments@FDIC.gov. Include ``EGRPRA'' in the 
subject line of the message.
     Mail: Robert E. Feldman, Executive Secretary, Attention: 
Comments, Federal

[[Page 7981]]

Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW., Washington, DC 
     Hand Delivery/Courier: Guard station at the rear of the 
550 17th Street Building (located on F Street) on business days between 
7 a.m. and 5 p.m. (EST).
    We will post all comments received to http://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/federal without change, including any personal 
information provided. Comments may be inspected and photocopied in the 
FDIC Public Information Center, 3501 North Fairfax Drive, Room E-1002, 
Arlington, VA 22226, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (EST) on business days. 
Paper copies of public comments may be ordered from the Public 
Information Center by calling (877) 275-3342.

    OCC: Karen McSweeney, Counsel (202) 649-6295; Heidi Thomas, Special 
Counsel (202) 649-6286; for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, 
TTY (202) 649-5597.
    Board: Walter McEwen, Senior Counsel (202) 452-3321; Claudia Von 
Pervieux, Counsel (202) 452-2552; Matthew Bornfreund, Attorney (202) 
452-3818; for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, TDD (202) 263-
    FDIC: Ruth R. Amberg, Assistant General Counsel (202) 898-3736; Ann 
Taylor, Supervisory Counsel (202) 898-3573; for persons who are deaf or 
hard of hearing, TTY (800) 925-4618.


I. Introduction

    Section 2222 of EGRPRA \1\ requires that not less frequently than 
once every 10 years, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination 
Council (FFIEC),\2\ along with the Agencies,\3\ conduct a review of 
their regulations to identify outdated or otherwise unnecessary 
requirements imposed on insured depository institutions.\4\ The EGRPRA 
regulatory review provides an opportunity for the public and the 
Agencies to look at groups of related regulations and to identify 
opportunities for burden reduction. For example, the EGRPRA review may 
facilitate the identification of statutes and regulations that share 
similar goals or complementary methods where one or more Agencies could 
eliminate overlapping requirements. Alternatively, commenters may 
identify regulations or statutes that impose requirements that are no 
longer consistent with the way that business is conducted and that, 
therefore, the Agencies might eliminate.

    \1\ Public Law 104-208 (1996), codified at 12 U.S.C. 3311.
    \2\ The FFIEC is an interagency body empowered to prescribe 
uniform principles, standards, and report forms for the Federal 
examination of financial institutions and to make recommendations to 
promote uniformity in the supervision of financial institutions. The 
FFIEC does not issue regulations that impose burden on financial 
institutions and, therefore, we have not separately captioned the 
FFIEC in this notice.
    \3\ The FFIEC is comprised of the OCC, Board, FDIC, National 
Credit Union Administration (NCUA), Consumer Financial Protection 
Bureau (CFPB), and State Liaison Committee. Of these, only the OCC, 
Board, and FDIC are statutorily required to undertake the EGRPRA 
review. The NCUA elected to participate in the first EGRPRA review 
ten years ago, and the NCUA Board again has elected to participate 
in this review process. Consistent with its approach during the 
first EGRPRA review, NCUA will separately issue notices and requests 
for comment on its rules. The CFPB is required to review its 
significant rules and publish a report of its review no later than 
five years after they take effect. See 12 U.S.C. 5512(d). This 
process is separate from the EGRPRA process.
    \4\ Insured depository institutions also are subject to 
regulations that are not required to be reviewed under the EGRPRA 
process. Examples include rules for which rulemaking authority has 
transferred to the CFPB and anti-money laundering regulations issued 
by the Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement 
Network, among others.

    The EGRPRA review also provides the Agencies and the public with an 
opportunity to consider how to reduce burden in general, but especially 
on community banks and other small, insured depository institutions or 
holding companies. We are keenly aware of the role that these 
institutions play in providing consumers and businesses across the 
nation with essential financial services and access to credit, and we 
are concerned about the impact of regulatory burden on these smaller 
institutions. We understand that when an Agency issues a new regulation 
or amends a current regulation, smaller institutions may have to devote 
considerable resources to determine if and how the regulation will 
affect them. Through the public comment process, the EGRPRA review can 
help the Agencies identify and target regulatory changes to reduce 
unnecessary burden on these smaller institutions.
    Burden reduction must be consistent with the Agencies' statutory 
mandates, many of which require the issuance of regulations. This 
includes ensuring the safety and soundness of insured depository 
institutions, their affiliates, and the financial system as a whole. 
EGRPRA recognizes that effective burden reduction may require 
legislative change. Accordingly, as part of this review, we 
specifically ask the public to comment on the relationships among 
burden reduction, regulatory requirements, and statutory mandates.
    In addition, we note that the Agencies also consider the burden 
imposed each time we propose, adopt, or amend a rule. For example, 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, the Agencies assess each rulemaking with respect to 
the burdens the rule might impose. Furthermore, we invite the public to 
comment on every rule we propose, as required by the Administrative 
Procedure Act (APA).

II. The EGRPRA Review Process

    Taken together for purposes of EGRPRA, the Agencies' regulations 
covering insured depository institutions encompass more than 100 
subjects.\5\ Consistent with the EGRPRA statute, the Agencies have 
grouped these regulations into the following 12 regulatory categories:

    \5\ Consistent with EGRPRA's focus on reducing burden on insured 
depository institutions, the Agencies have not included their 
internal, organizational, or operational regulations in this review. 
These regulations impose minimal, if any, burden on insured 
depository institutions. Furthermore, we have not included in this 
review those rules that will go into effect during the EGRPRA 
review, new regulations that have only recently gone into effect, or 
rules that we have yet to fully implement. As previously noted, the 
Agencies were required to take burden into account in adopting these 

    Applications and Reporting; Banking Operations; Capital; Community 
Reinvestment Act; Consumer Protection;\6\ Directors, Officers and 
Employees; International Operations; Money Laundering; Powers and 
Activities; Rules of Procedure; Safety and Soundness; and Securities. 
To determine these categories, we divided the regulations by type and 
sought to have no category be too large or broad.

    \6\ The Agencies are seeking comment only on those consumer 
protection regulations for which they retain rulemaking authority 
for insured depository institutions, and regulated holding companies 
following passage of section 1061 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street 
Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Public Law 111-203 (2010) (Dodd-
Frank Act), codified at 12 U.S.C. 5581(b).

    To carry out the EGRPRA review, the Agencies plan to publish four 
Federal Register notices, each addressing one or more categories of 
rules. Each Federal Register notice will have a 90-day comment period. 
On June 4, 2014, the Agencies published the first such notice, seeking 
comment on three categories of rules: Applications and Reporting, 
Powers and Activities, and International Operations.\7\ Today, we are 
publishing the second notice, addressing the Banking Operations, 
Capital, and the Community Reinvestment Act categories of regulations. 
We invite the public to identify outdated, otherwise unnecessary, or 
unduly burdensome regulatory requirements imposed on insured depository 
institutions and their

[[Page 7982]]

holding companies in these three categories.

    \7\ 79 FR 32172 (First Notice).

    To assist the public's understanding of how we have organized the 
EGRPRA review, the Agencies have included a table in Section IV that 
lists the three categories of regulations for which we are requesting 
comments. On the table, the left column divides the categories into 
specific subject-matter areas. The headings at the top of the table 
identify the types of institutions affected by the regulations.
    After comments have been received, the Agencies will review the 
comments and decide whether further action is appropriate with respect 
to the regulations. The Agencies will make this decision jointly in the 
case of rules that we have issued on an interagency basis. Similarly, 
we will undertake any rulemaking to amend or repeal those rules on an 
interagency basis. For rules issued by a single agency, the issuing 
agency will review the comments received and independently determine 
whether amendments to or repeal of its rules are appropriate. If so, 
that Agency will initiate a rulemaking to effect such change. In all 
cases, the Agencies will provide the public with an opportunity to 
comment on any proposed amendment to or repeal of a regulation, as 
required by the APA.
    Further, as part of the EGRPRA review, the Agencies are holding a 
series of outreach meetings to provide an opportunity for bankers, 
consumer and community groups, and other interested persons to present 
their views directly to senior management and staff of the Agencies on 
any of the categories of regulations in the EGRPRA review.\8\ More 
information about the outreach meetings can be found on the Agencies' 
EGRPRA Web site, http://egrpra.ffiec.gov.

    \8\ See 79 FR 70474 (Nov. 26, 2014).

    Finally, EGRPRA also requires the FFIEC or the Agencies to publish 
in the Federal Register a summary of the comments received, identifying 
significant issues raised and commenting on these issues. It also 
directs the Agencies to eliminate unnecessary regulations to the extent 
that such action is appropriate. The statute additionally requires the 
FFIEC to submit to Congress a report that summarizes any significant 
issues raised in the public comments and the relative merits of such 
issues. The report also must include an analysis of whether the 
Agencies are able to address the regulatory burdens associated with 
such issues or whether these burdens must be addressed by legislative 

III. Public Response to the First Notice

    In response to the First Notice, the Agencies received 
approximately 40 comments from financial institutions, industry trade 
groups, consumer advocacy groups, and other members of the public. The 
Agencies will carefully consider those comments, including the issues 
raised and the suggestions made, and discuss them in the EGRPRA report 
to Congress and as part of any rulemaking to which they relate.
    In addition to comments regarding the regulations contained in the 
First Notice, the Agencies also received comments about the EGRPRA 
Review Process. First, we received comments concerning which of the 
Agencies' rules are included in the review. As explained above, we have 
not included in this review those rules that will go into effect during 
the EGRPRA review, new regulations that have only recently gone into 
effect, or rules that we have yet to implement fully. The Agencies 
consider burden when adopting regulations. In addition, the Agencies, 
financial institutions, and the public need the benefit of experience 
with these regulations in order to assess their effect on insured 
depository institutions.
    We also received comments on which agencies participate in the 
EGRPRA review. As explained above, only the OCC, Board, and FDIC are 
statutorily required to undertake this review. Although other agencies 
may undertake regulatory reviews, those reviews are separate and 
distinct from this review. Finally, we received comments about whether 
the consumer regulations transferred to the CFPB by the Dodd-Frank Act 
are included in the EGRPRA review. The Agencies will seek comment only 
on those consumer regulations for which they retain rulemaking 
authority following passage of the Dodd-Frank Act, such as the fair 
housing advertising and recordkeeping, flood insurance, safeguarding 
customer information, and identity theft rules.\9\

    \9\ If, during the EGRPRA review, the Agencies receive a comment 
about a regulation that is not subject to the EGRPRA review, we will 
forward that comment to the appropriate agency.

IV. Request for Burden Reduction Comments on Regulations in the Banking 
Operations, Capital, and the Community Reinvestment Act Categories

    As noted previously, the Agencies are asking the public to comment 
on regulations in the Banking Operations, Capital, and the Community 
Reinvestment Act categories to identify outdated or otherwise 
unnecessary regulatory requirements imposed on insured depository 
institutions and their regulated holding companies. Where possible, we 
ask commenters to cite to specific regulatory language or provisions. 
We also welcome suggested alternative provisions or language in support 
of a comment, where appropriate. Where implementation of a suggestion 
would require modification of a statute, we ask the commenter to 
identify the statute and the needed change, where possible.
    The Agencies note that recently promulgated rules \10\ amended, 
directly or by reference, several rules listed in the Capital category 
of the table published with the First Notice. The changes either went 
into effect in 2014 or will go into effect during 2015. Consistent with 
the above-described EGRPRA Review Process,\11\ the Capital category in 
the table clarifies the specific regulations on which we are requesting 
comment. Where the table in the First Notice listed general subject-
matter areas in the Capital category, the table in this notice provides 
citations to the specific sections that the Agencies are including in 
this review.

    \10\ 78 FR 62017 (Oct. 11, 2013) (Agencies jointly); 79 FR 71630 
(Dec. 3, 2014) (OCC); 79 FR 69365 (Nov. 21, 2014) (FDIC); 79 FR 
64026 (Oct. 27, 2014) (Board). These regulations include capital 
adequacy, prompt corrective action, implementation of Basel III, 
standardized and risk-based approaches, market risk, and stress 
    \11\ See supra note 5, at 8.

    Specific issues for commenters to consider. The Agencies 
specifically invite comment on the following issues as they pertain to 
the Agencies' Banking Operations, Capital, and Community Reinvestment 
Act rules addressed in this notice.
     Need for statutory change. (1) Do any statutory 
requirements underlying the rules in these categories impose outdated 
or otherwise unnecessary regulatory requirements? (2) If so, please 
identify the statutes and indicate how they should be amended.
     Need and purpose of the regulations. (1) Have there been 
changes in the financial services industry, consumer behavior, or other 
circumstances that cause any regulations in these categories to be 
outdated or otherwise unnecessary? (2) If so, please identify and 
indicate how they should be amended. (3) Do any of these regulations 
impose burdens not required by their underlying statutes? (4) If so, 
please identify the regulations and indicate how they should be 
     Overarching approaches/flexibility. (1) With respect to 
the regulations in these categories, could an Agency use a

[[Page 7983]]

different approach to lessen the burden imposed by the regulations and 
achieve statutory intent? (2) Do any of these rules impose 
unnecessarily inflexible requirements? (3) If so, please identify the 
regulations and indicate how they should be amended.
     Effect on competition. (1) Do any of the regulations or 
underlying statutes create competitive disadvantages for one part of 
the financial services industry compared to another or for one type of 
insured depository institution compared to another? (2) If so, please 
identify the regulations and indicate how they should be amended.
     Reporting, recordkeeping and disclosure requirements. (1) 
Do any of the regulations or underlying statutes in these categories 
impose outdated or otherwise unnecessary reporting, recordkeeping, or 
disclosure requirements on insured depository institutions or their 
holding companies? (2) Could a financial institution fulfill any of 
these requirements electronically (if they are not already permitted to 
do so) and experience burden reduction? (3) If so, please identify the 
regulations and indicate how they should be amended.
     Unique characteristics of a type of institution. (1) Do 
any of the regulations or underlying statutes in these categories 
impose requirements that are unwarranted by the unique characteristics 
of a particular type of insured depository institution or holding 
company? (2) If so, please identify the regulations and indicate how 
they should be amended.
     Clarity. (1) Are the regulations in these categories clear 
and easy to understand? (2) Are there specific regulations for which 
clarification is needed? (3) If so, please identify the regulations and 
indicate how they should be amended.
     Burden on community banks and other smaller, insured 
depository institutions. (1) Are there regulations or underlying 
statutes in these categories that impose outdated or otherwise 
unnecessary requirements on a substantial number of community banks or 
other smaller, insured depository institutions or holding companies? 
(2) Have the Agencies issued regulations pursuant to a common statute 
that, as applied by the Agencies, create redundancies or impose 
inconsistent requirements? (3) Should any of these regulations be 
amended or repealed in order to minimize this impact? (4) If so, please 
identify the regulations and indicate how they should be amended.
     Scope of rules. (1) Is the scope of each rule in these 
categories consistent with the intent of the underlying statute(s)? (2) 
Could we amend the scope of a rule to clarify its applicability or 
reduce burden, while remaining faithful to statutory intent? (3) If so, 
please identify the regulations and indicate how they should be 

[[Page 7984]]


[[Page 7985]]


[[Page 7986]]



    \12\ On Dec. 18, 2014, the OCC issued an interim final rule with 
request for comment (IFR) amending 12 CFR 5.47. 79 FR 75417. The 
effective date of the IFR was Jan. 1, 2015. In an effort to provide 
the fullest opportunity for public comment, the OCC invites comment 
on the IFR through both the process outlined in the IFR and the 
EGRPRA Review Process outlined above.

    Dated: January 20, 2015.
Thomas J. Curry,
Comptroller of the Currency.
    By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
System, February 6, 2015.
Robert DeV. Frierson,
Secretary of the Board.
    Dated: January 21, 2015.

    By order of the Board of Directors.

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015-02998 Filed 2-12-15; 8:45 am]
BILLING CODE 4810-33-P; 6510-01-P; 6714-01-C


                                                      Proposed Rules                                                                                                Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                                    Vol. 80, No. 30

                                                                                                                                                                    Friday, February 13, 2015

                                                      This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER                    instructions. Alternatively, go to http://               • Agency Web site: http://
                                                      contains notices to the public of the proposed          www.regulations.gov, enter ‘‘FFIEC–                   www.federalreserve.gov/apps/foia/
                                                      issuance of rules and regulations. The                  2014–0001’’ in the Search Box, click                  proposedregs.aspx. Follow the
                                                      purpose of these notices is to give interested          ‘‘Search,’’ and click ‘‘Comment Now.’’                instructions for submitting comments
                                                      persons an opportunity to participate in the            Those who wish to submit their                        on the Agency Web site.
                                                      rule making prior to the adoption of the final                                                                   • Federal eRulemaking Portal, in
                                                                                                              comments by an alternate means may do
                                                                                                              so as indicated below.                                accordance with the directions above.
                                                                                                                                                                       • Email: regs.comments@
                                                                                                              OCC:                                                  federalreserve.gov. Include ‘‘EGRPRA’’
                                                      DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY
                                                                                                                 We encourage commenters to submit                  and Docket No. R–1510 in the subject
                                                      Office of the Comptroller of the                        comments through the Federal                          line of the message.
                                                      Currency                                                eRulemaking Portal, Regulations.gov, in                  • FAX: (202) 452–3819.
                                                                                                              accordance with the previous                             • Mail: Robert deV. Frierson,
                                                      12 CFR Chapter I                                        paragraph. Alternatively, comments                    Secretary, Board of Governors of the
                                                                                                              may be emailed to regs.comments@                      Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and
                                                      [Docket ID FFIEC–2014–0001                              occ.treas.gov or sent by mail to                      Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,
                                                                                                              Legislative and Regulatory Activities                 DC 20551.
                                                      FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                  Division, Office of the Comptroller of                   In general, the Board will enter all
                                                                                                              the Currency, Mail Stop 9W–11, 400 7th                comments received into the docket and
                                                      12 CFR Chapter II                                       Street SW., Washington, DC 20219.                     publish them without change on
                                                      [Docket No. R–1510]                                     Comments also may be faxed to (571)                   Regulations.gov. Comments received,
                                                                                                              465–4326 or hand delivered or sent by                 including attachments and other
                                                      FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE                               courier to 400 7th Street SW.,                        supporting materials, as well as any
                                                      CORPORATION                                             Washington, DC 20219. For comments                    business or personal information you
                                                                                                              submitted by any means other than                     provide, such as your name and
                                                      12 CFR Chapter III                                      Regulations.gov, you must include                     address, email address, or phone
                                                                                                              ‘‘OCC’’ as the agency name and ‘‘Docket               number, are part of the public record
                                                      Regulatory Publication and Review                       ID FFIEC–2014–0001’’ in your                          and subject to public disclosure.
                                                      Under the Economic Growth and                           comment.                                              Therefore, please do not enclose any
                                                      Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act                         In general, the OCC will enter all                 information with your comment or
                                                      of 1996                                                 comments received into the docket and                 supporting materials that you consider
                                                      AGENCY:  Office of the Comptroller of the               publish them without change on                        confidential or inappropriate for public
                                                      Currency (OCC), Treasury; Board of                      Regulations.gov. Comments received,                   disclosure.
                                                      Governors of the Federal Reserve                        including attachments and other                          You may inspect and photocopy in
                                                      System (Board); and Federal Deposit                     supporting materials, as well as any                  person all comments received by the
                                                      Insurance Corporation (FDIC).                           business or personal information you                  Board at 20th and Constitution Avenue
                                                                                                              provide, such as your name and                        NW., Washington, DC 20551. For
                                                      ACTION: Notice of regulatory review;
                                                                                                              address, email address, or phone                      security reasons, the Board requires that
                                                      request for comments.                                   number, are part of the public record                 visitors make an appointment to inspect
                                                      SUMMARY:   The OCC, Board, and FDIC                     and subject to public disclosure.                     comments. You may make an
                                                      (we or Agencies) are conducting a                       Therefore, please do not include any                  appointment by calling (202) 452–3000.
                                                      review of the regulations we have issued                information with your comment or                      Upon arrival, visitors will be required to
                                                      in order to identify outdated or                        supporting materials that you consider                present valid government-issued photo
                                                      otherwise unnecessary regulatory                        confidential or inappropriate for public              identification and submit to a security
                                                      requirements imposed on insured                         disclosure.                                           screening.
                                                      depository institutions, as required by                    You may inspect and photocopy in
                                                                                                              person all comments received by the                   FDIC
                                                      the Economic Growth and Regulatory
                                                                                                              OCC at 400 7th Street SW., Washington,                  We encourage commenters to submit
                                                      Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996
                                                                                                              DC 20219. For security reasons, the OCC               comments through the Federal
                                                      (EGRPRA). In this notice, the Agencies
                                                                                                              requires that visitors make an                        eRulemaking Portal, ‘‘Regulations.gov,’’
                                                      are seeking public comment on
                                                                                                              appointment to inspect or photocopy                   in accordance with the directions above.
                                                      regulations in the following categories:
                                                                                                              comments. You may make an                             Alternatively, you may submit
                                                      Banking Operations, Capital, and the
                                                                                                              appointment by calling (202) 649–6700.                comments by any of the following
                                                      Community Reinvestment Act.
                                                                                                              Upon arrival, visitors will be required to            methods:
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      DATES: Written comments must be                         present valid government-issued photo                   • Agency Web site: http://
                                                      received by no later than May 14, 2015.                 identification and submit to a security               www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/federal.
                                                      ADDRESSES: Comments may be                              screening.                                            Follow instructions for submitting
                                                      submitted through the Federal                                                                                 comments on the Agency Web site.
                                                      eRulemaking Portal: ‘‘Regulations.gov.’’                Board                                                   • Email: Comments@FDIC.gov.
                                                      You can reach this portal through the                     We encourage commenters to submit                   Include ‘‘EGRPRA’’ in the subject line of
                                                      Agencies’ EGRPRA Web site, http://                      comments regarding the Board’s                        the message.
                                                      egrpra.ffiec.gov. On this site, click                   regulations by any of the following                     • Mail: Robert E. Feldman, Executive
                                                      ‘‘Submit a Comment’’ and follow the                     methods:                                              Secretary, Attention: Comments, Federal

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                                     7981

                                                      Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th                 identify outdated or otherwise                          rule. For example, under the Paperwork
                                                      Street NW., Washington, DC 20429.                       unnecessary requirements imposed on                     Reduction Act of 1995 and the
                                                        • Hand Delivery/Courier: Guard                        insured depository institutions.4 The                   Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Agencies
                                                      station at the rear of the 550 17th Street              EGRPRA regulatory review provides an                    assess each rulemaking with respect to
                                                      Building (located on F Street) on                       opportunity for the public and the                      the burdens the rule might impose.
                                                      business days between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.                 Agencies to look at groups of related                   Furthermore, we invite the public to
                                                      (EST).                                                  regulations and to identify opportunities               comment on every rule we propose, as
                                                        We will post all comments received to                 for burden reduction. For example, the                  required by the Administrative
                                                      http://www.fdic.gov/regulations/laws/                   EGRPRA review may facilitate the                        Procedure Act (APA).
                                                      federal without change, including any                   identification of statutes and regulations
                                                      personal information provided.                                                                                  II. The EGRPRA Review Process
                                                                                                              that share similar goals or
                                                      Comments may be inspected and                           complementary methods where one or                         Taken together for purposes of
                                                      photocopied in the FDIC Public                          more Agencies could eliminate                           EGRPRA, the Agencies’ regulations
                                                      Information Center, 3501 North Fairfax                  overlapping requirements.                               covering insured depository institutions
                                                      Drive, Room E–1002, Arlington, VA                       Alternatively, commenters may identify                  encompass more than 100 subjects.5
                                                      22226, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (EST)                  regulations or statutes that impose                     Consistent with the EGRPRA statute, the
                                                      on business days. Paper copies of public                requirements that are no longer                         Agencies have grouped these
                                                      comments may be ordered from the                        consistent with the way that business is                regulations into the following 12
                                                      Public Information Center by calling                    conducted and that, therefore, the                      regulatory categories:
                                                      (877) 275–3342.                                         Agencies might eliminate.                                  Applications and Reporting; Banking
                                                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                          The EGRPRA review also provides the                   Operations; Capital; Community
                                                        OCC: Karen McSweeney, Counsel                         Agencies and the public with an                         Reinvestment Act; Consumer
                                                      (202) 649–6295; Heidi Thomas, Special                   opportunity to consider how to reduce                   Protection;6 Directors, Officers and
                                                      Counsel (202) 649–6286; for persons                     burden in general, but especially on                    Employees; International Operations;
                                                      who are deaf or hard of hearing, TTY                    community banks and other small,                        Money Laundering; Powers and
                                                      (202) 649–5597.                                         insured depository institutions or                      Activities; Rules of Procedure; Safety
                                                        Board: Walter McEwen, Senior                          holding companies. We are keenly                        and Soundness; and Securities. To
                                                      Counsel (202) 452–3321; Claudia Von                     aware of the role that these institutions               determine these categories, we divided
                                                      Pervieux, Counsel (202) 452–2552;                       play in providing consumers and                         the regulations by type and sought to
                                                      Matthew Bornfreund, Attorney (202)                      businesses across the nation with                       have no category be too large or broad.
                                                      452–3818; for persons who are deaf or                   essential financial services and access to                 To carry out the EGRPRA review, the
                                                      hard of hearing, TDD (202) 263–4869.                    credit, and we are concerned about the                  Agencies plan to publish four Federal
                                                        FDIC: Ruth R. Amberg, Assistant                       impact of regulatory burden on these                    Register notices, each addressing one or
                                                      General Counsel (202) 898–3736; Ann                     smaller institutions. We understand that                more categories of rules. Each Federal
                                                      Taylor, Supervisory Counsel (202) 898–                                                                          Register notice will have a 90-day
                                                                                                              when an Agency issues a new regulation
                                                      3573; for persons who are deaf or hard                                                                          comment period. On June 4, 2014, the
                                                                                                              or amends a current regulation, smaller
                                                      of hearing, TTY (800) 925–4618.                                                                                 Agencies published the first such
                                                                                                              institutions may have to devote
                                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                                                      notice, seeking comment on three
                                                                                                              considerable resources to determine if
                                                                                                                                                                      categories of rules: Applications and
                                                      I. Introduction                                         and how the regulation will affect them.
                                                                                                                                                                      Reporting, Powers and Activities, and
                                                                                                              Through the public comment process,
                                                         Section 2222 of EGRPRA 1 requires                                                                            International Operations.7 Today, we
                                                                                                              the EGRPRA review can help the
                                                      that not less frequently than once every                                                                        are publishing the second notice,
                                                                                                              Agencies identify and target regulatory
                                                      10 years, the Federal Financial                                                                                 addressing the Banking Operations,
                                                                                                              changes to reduce unnecessary burden
                                                      Institutions Examination Council                                                                                Capital, and the Community
                                                                                                              on these smaller institutions.                          Reinvestment Act categories of
                                                      (FFIEC),2 along with the Agencies,3                       Burden reduction must be consistent
                                                      conduct a review of their regulations to                                                                        regulations. We invite the public to
                                                                                                              with the Agencies’ statutory mandates,
                                                                                                                                                                      identify outdated, otherwise
                                                                                                              many of which require the issuance of
                                                         1 Public Law 104–208 (1996), codified at 12                                                                  unnecessary, or unduly burdensome
                                                      U.S.C. 3311.                                            regulations. This includes ensuring the
                                                                                                                                                                      regulatory requirements imposed on
                                                         2 The FFIEC is an interagency body empowered         safety and soundness of insured
                                                                                                                                                                      insured depository institutions and their
                                                      to prescribe uniform principles, standards, and         depository institutions, their affiliates,
                                                      report forms for the Federal examination of             and the financial system as a whole.                      5 Consistent with EGRPRA’s focus on reducing
                                                      financial institutions and to make recommendations
                                                      to promote uniformity in the supervision of
                                                                                                              EGRPRA recognizes that effective                        burden on insured depository institutions, the
                                                      financial institutions. The FFIEC does not issue        burden reduction may require                            Agencies have not included their internal,
                                                      regulations that impose burden on financial             legislative change. Accordingly, as part                organizational, or operational regulations in this
                                                      institutions and, therefore, we have not separately     of this review, we specifically ask the                 review. These regulations impose minimal, if any,
                                                      captioned the FFIEC in this notice.                                                                             burden on insured depository institutions.
                                                         3 The FFIEC is comprised of the OCC, Board,
                                                                                                              public to comment on the relationships                  Furthermore, we have not included in this review
                                                      FDIC, National Credit Union Administration              among burden reduction, regulatory                      those rules that will go into effect during the
                                                      (NCUA), Consumer Financial Protection Bureau            requirements, and statutory mandates.                   EGRPRA review, new regulations that have only
                                                      (CFPB), and State Liaison Committee. Of these, only       In addition, we note that the Agencies                recently gone into effect, or rules that we have yet
                                                      the OCC, Board, and FDIC are statutorily required                                                               to fully implement. As previously noted, the
                                                                                                              also consider the burden imposed each
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      to undertake the EGRPRA review. The NCUA                                                                        Agencies were required to take burden into account
                                                      elected to participate in the first EGRPRA review       time we propose, adopt, or amend a                      in adopting these regulations.
                                                                                                                                                                        6 The Agencies are seeking comment only on
                                                      ten years ago, and the NCUA Board again has
                                                      elected to participate in this review process.             4 Insured depository institutions also are subject   those consumer protection regulations for which
                                                      Consistent with its approach during the first           to regulations that are not required to be reviewed     they retain rulemaking authority for insured
                                                      EGRPRA review, NCUA will separately issue               under the EGRPRA process. Examples include rules        depository institutions, and regulated holding
                                                      notices and requests for comment on its rules. The      for which rulemaking authority has transferred to       companies following passage of section 1061 of the
                                                      CFPB is required to review its significant rules and    the CFPB and anti-money laundering regulations          Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
                                                      publish a report of its review no later than five       issued by the Department of the Treasury’s              Protection Act, Public Law 111–203 (2010) (Dodd-
                                                      years after they take effect. See 12 U.S.C. 5512(d).    Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, among             Frank Act), codified at 12 U.S.C. 5581(b).
                                                      This process is separate from the EGRPRA process.       others.                                                   7 79 FR 32172 (First Notice).

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                                                      7982                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                      holding companies in these three                           III. Public Response to the First Notice              regulatory requirements imposed on
                                                      categories.                                                   In response to the First Notice, the               insured depository institutions and their
                                                         To assist the public’s understanding                    Agencies received approximately 40                    regulated holding companies. Where
                                                      of how we have organized the EGRPRA                        comments from financial institutions,                 possible, we ask commenters to cite to
                                                      review, the Agencies have included a                       industry trade groups, consumer                       specific regulatory language or
                                                      table in Section IV that lists the three                   advocacy groups, and other members of                 provisions. We also welcome suggested
                                                      categories of regulations for which we                     the public. The Agencies will carefully               alternative provisions or language in
                                                      are requesting comments. On the table,                     consider those comments, including the                support of a comment, where
                                                      the left column divides the categories                     issues raised and the suggestions made,               appropriate. Where implementation of a
                                                      into specific subject-matter areas. The                    and discuss them in the EGRPRA report                 suggestion would require modification
                                                      headings at the top of the table identify                  to Congress and as part of any                        of a statute, we ask the commenter to
                                                      the types of institutions affected by the                  rulemaking to which they relate.                      identify the statute and the needed
                                                      regulations.                                                  In addition to comments regarding the              change, where possible.
                                                         After comments have been received,                      regulations contained in the First                       The Agencies note that recently
                                                      the Agencies will review the comments                      Notice, the Agencies also received                    promulgated rules 10 amended, directly
                                                      and decide whether further action is                       comments about the EGRPRA Review                      or by reference, several rules listed in
                                                      appropriate with respect to the                            Process. First, we received comments                  the Capital category of the table
                                                      regulations. The Agencies will make                        concerning which of the Agencies’ rules               published with the First Notice. The
                                                      this decision jointly in the case of rules                 are included in the review. As                        changes either went into effect in 2014
                                                      that we have issued on an interagency                      explained above, we have not included                 or will go into effect during 2015.
                                                      basis. Similarly, we will undertake any                    in this review those rules that will go               Consistent with the above-described
                                                      rulemaking to amend or repeal those                        into effect during the EGRPRA review,                 EGRPRA Review Process,11 the Capital
                                                      rules on an interagency basis. For rules                   new regulations that have only recently               category in the table clarifies the
                                                      issued by a single agency, the issuing                     gone into effect, or rules that we have               specific regulations on which we are
                                                      agency will review the comments                            yet to implement fully. The Agencies                  requesting comment. Where the table in
                                                      received and independently determine                       consider burden when adopting                         the First Notice listed general subject-
                                                      whether amendments to or repeal of its                     regulations. In addition, the Agencies,               matter areas in the Capital category, the
                                                      rules are appropriate. If so, that Agency                  financial institutions, and the public                table in this notice provides citations to
                                                      will initiate a rulemaking to effect such                  need the benefit of experience with                   the specific sections that the Agencies
                                                      change. In all cases, the Agencies will                    these regulations in order to assess their            are including in this review.
                                                      provide the public with an opportunity                     effect on insured depository                             Specific issues for commenters to
                                                      to comment on any proposed                                 institutions.                                         consider. The Agencies specifically
                                                      amendment to or repeal of a regulation,                       We also received comments on which                 invite comment on the following issues
                                                      as required by the APA.                                    agencies participate in the EGRPRA                    as they pertain to the Agencies’ Banking
                                                         Further, as part of the EGRPRA                          review. As explained above, only the                  Operations, Capital, and Community
                                                      review, the Agencies are holding a                         OCC, Board, and FDIC are statutorily                  Reinvestment Act rules addressed in
                                                      series of outreach meetings to provide                     required to undertake this review.                    this notice.
                                                      an opportunity for bankers, consumer                       Although other agencies may undertake                    • Need for statutory change. (1) Do
                                                      and community groups, and other                            regulatory reviews, those reviews are                 any statutory requirements underlying
                                                      interested persons to present their views                  separate and distinct from this review.               the rules in these categories impose
                                                      directly to senior management and staff                    Finally, we received comments about                   outdated or otherwise unnecessary
                                                      of the Agencies on any of the categories                   whether the consumer regulations                      regulatory requirements? (2) If so, please
                                                      of regulations in the EGRPRA review.8                      transferred to the CFPB by the Dodd-                  identify the statutes and indicate how
                                                      More information about the outreach                        Frank Act are included in the EGRPRA                  they should be amended.
                                                                                                                 review. The Agencies will seek                           • Need and purpose of the
                                                      meetings can be found on the Agencies’
                                                                                                                 comment only on those consumer                        regulations. (1) Have there been changes
                                                      EGRPRA Web site, http://
                                                                                                                 regulations for which they retain                     in the financial services industry,
                                                                                                                 rulemaking authority following passage                consumer behavior, or other
                                                         Finally, EGRPRA also requires the
                                                                                                                 of the Dodd-Frank Act, such as the fair               circumstances that cause any
                                                      FFIEC or the Agencies to publish in the
                                                                                                                 housing advertising and recordkeeping,                regulations in these categories to be
                                                      Federal Register a summary of the
                                                                                                                 flood insurance, safeguarding customer                outdated or otherwise unnecessary? (2)
                                                      comments received, identifying
                                                                                                                 information, and identity theft rules.9               If so, please identify and indicate how
                                                      significant issues raised and
                                                                                                                                                                       they should be amended. (3) Do any of
                                                      commenting on these issues. It also                        IV. Request for Burden Reduction                      these regulations impose burdens not
                                                      directs the Agencies to eliminate                          Comments on Regulations in the                        required by their underlying statutes?
                                                      unnecessary regulations to the extent                      Banking Operations, Capital, and the                  (4) If so, please identify the regulations
                                                      that such action is appropriate. The                       Community Reinvestment Act                            and indicate how they should be
                                                      statute additionally requires the FFIEC                    Categories                                            amended.
                                                      to submit to Congress a report that                                                                                 • Overarching approaches/flexibility.
                                                      summarizes any significant issues raised                     As noted previously, the Agencies are
                                                                                                                                                                       (1) With respect to the regulations in
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                      in the public comments and the relative                    asking the public to comment on
                                                                                                                 regulations in the Banking Operations,                these categories, could an Agency use a
                                                      merits of such issues. The report also
                                                      must include an analysis of whether the                    Capital, and the Community
                                                                                                                                                                         10 78 FR 62017 (Oct. 11, 2013) (Agencies jointly);
                                                      Agencies are able to address the                           Reinvestment Act categories to identify               79 FR 71630 (Dec. 3, 2014) (OCC); 79 FR 69365
                                                      regulatory burdens associated with such                    outdated or otherwise unnecessary                     (Nov. 21, 2014) (FDIC); 79 FR 64026 (Oct. 27, 2014)
                                                      issues or whether these burdens must be                                                                          (Board). These regulations include capital
                                                                                                                   9 If, during the EGRPRA review, the Agencies        adequacy, prompt corrective action,
                                                      addressed by legislative action.                                                                                 implementation of Basel III, standardized and risk-
                                                                                                                 receive a comment about a regulation that is not
                                                                                                                 subject to the EGRPRA review, we will forward that    based approaches, market risk, and stress testing.
                                                        8 See   79 FR 70474 (Nov. 26, 2014).                     comment to the appropriate agency.                      11 See supra note 5, at 8.

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                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                            7983

                                                      different approach to lessen the burden                 any of these requirements electronically              underlying statutes in these categories
                                                      imposed by the regulations and achieve                  (if they are not already permitted to do              that impose outdated or otherwise
                                                      statutory intent? (2) Do any of these                   so) and experience burden reduction?                  unnecessary requirements on a
                                                      rules impose unnecessarily inflexible                   (3) If so, please identify the regulations            substantial number of community banks
                                                      requirements? (3) If so, please identify                and indicate how they should be                       or other smaller, insured depository
                                                      the regulations and indicate how they                   amended.                                              institutions or holding companies? (2)
                                                      should be amended.                                         • Unique characteristics of a type of              Have the Agencies issued regulations
                                                        • Effect on competition. (1) Do any of                institution. (1) Do any of the regulations            pursuant to a common statute that, as
                                                      the regulations or underlying statutes                  or underlying statutes in these                       applied by the Agencies, create
                                                      create competitive disadvantages for one                categories impose requirements that are               redundancies or impose inconsistent
                                                                                                              unwarranted by the unique                             requirements? (3) Should any of these
                                                      part of the financial services industry
                                                                                                              characteristics of a particular type of               regulations be amended or repealed in
                                                      compared to another or for one type of
                                                                                                              insured depository institution or                     order to minimize this impact? (4) If so,
                                                      insured depository institution compared
                                                                                                              holding company? (2) If so, please                    please identify the regulations and
                                                      to another? (2) If so, please identify the
                                                                                                              identify the regulations and indicate                 indicate how they should be amended.
                                                      regulations and indicate how they
                                                                                                              how they should be amended.
                                                      should be amended.                                         • Clarity. (1) Are the regulations in                 • Scope of rules. (1) Is the scope of
                                                        • Reporting, recordkeeping and                        these categories clear and easy to                    each rule in these categories consistent
                                                      disclosure requirements. (1) Do any of                  understand? (2) Are there specific                    with the intent of the underlying
                                                      the regulations or underlying statutes in               regulations for which clarification is                statute(s)? (2) Could we amend the
                                                      these categories impose outdated or                     needed? (3) If so, please identify the                scope of a rule to clarify its applicability
                                                      otherwise unnecessary reporting,                        regulations and indicate how they                     or reduce burden, while remaining
                                                      recordkeeping, or disclosure                            should be amended.                                    faithful to statutory intent? (3) If so,
                                                      requirements on insured depository                         • Burden on community banks and                    please identify the regulations and
                                                      institutions or their holding companies?                other smaller, insured depository                     indicate how they should be amended.
                                                      (2) Could a financial institution fulfill               institutions. (1) Are there regulations or            BILLING CODE 6510–01–P
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7984               Federal Register/Vol. 80, No. 30 /Friday, February 13, 2015 /Proposed Rules

               Categories and Regulations Addressed in the Second Federal Register Notice

             1. Banking Operations

 Assessment of        12 CFR                                      12 CFR Part
 Fees                 Part 8                                      8
 Bank                 12 CFR
 Operations           Part 7,
                      Subpart C

 Availability of      12 CFR        12 CFR        12 CFR Part     12 CFR Part    12 CFR Part
 Funds and            Part 229      Part 229      229             229 [Reg.      229 [Reg.
 Collection of        [Reg. CC]     |[Reg. CC]    [Reg. CC]       CC]            CC]
 Collection of         12 CFR       12 CFR        12 CFR Part     12 CFR Part    12 CFR Part
 Checks and           Part 210      Part 210      210             210 [Reg. J]   210 [Reg. J]
 Other Items by       [Reg. J]      [Reg. J]      [Reg. J]
 Federal Reserve
 Banks and
 Funds Transfers
 Reimbursement         12 CFR       12 CFR        12 CFR Part     12 CFR Part    12 CFR Part
 for Providing        Part 219      Part 219      219             219 [Reg. S]   219 [Reg. S]
 Financial            [Reg. S]      [Reg. S]      [Reg. S]
 for Certain
 Reserve              12 CFR        12 CFR        12 CFR Part     12 CFR Part    12 CFR Part
 Requirements         Part 204      Part 204      204             204 [Reg. D]   204 [Reg. DJ
 of Depository        [Reg. DJ      [Reg. DJ      [Reg. DJ

                                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / Proposed Rules                                     7985

                                                        The Payment                 Federal               Federal               Federal                 Federal              Federal
                                                        System Risk                 Reserve               Reserve               Reserve                 Reserve              Reserve
                                                        Reduction                   Regulatory            Regulatory            Regulatory              Regulatory           Regulatory
                                                        Policy                      Service               Service 9-            Service 9-              Service 9-           Service 9-
                                                                                    9-1000                1000                  1000                    1000                 1000


                                                        Prompt                      12CFR                 12 CFR                12CFR                   12 CFR 6.3,          12 CFR       12 CFR
                                                        Corrective                  6.3, 6.5,             208.42,               324.402,                6.5, 6.6,            324.402,     208.42, .44,
                                                        Action                      6.6, 6.20-            .44, .45; 12          324.404,                6.20-6.25            324.404,     .45; 12
                                                                                    6.25                  CFRPart               324.405                                      324.405      CFRPart
                                                                                                          263,                                                                            263,
                                                                                                          Subpart H                                                                       Subpart H

                                                        National Bank               12CFR
                                                        Changes in                  5.46-.47. 12
                                                        Debt as Ca ital
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                                                      7986                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / Proposed Rules

                                                                                                              DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                          ADDRESSES:   You may send comments,
                                                        Dated: January 20, 2015.                                                                                    using the procedures found in 14 CFR
                                                                                                              Federal Aviation Administration                       11.43 and 11.45, by any of the following
                                                      Thomas J. Curry,
                                                      Comptroller of the Currency.                            14 CFR Part 39
                                                                                                                                                                      • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
                                                        By order of the Board of Governors of the
                                                                                                              [Docket No. FAA–2015–0085; Directorate                http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
                                                      Federal Reserve System, February 6, 2015.               Identifier 2014–NM–078–AD]                            instructions for submitting comments.
                                                      Robert DeV. Frierson,
                                                      Secretary of the Board.
                                                                                                              RIN 2120–AA64                                           • Fax: 202–493–2251.
                                                        Dated: January 21, 2015.                              Airworthiness Directives; Airbus                        • Mail: U.S. Department of
                                                        By order of the Board of Directors.                   Airplanes                                             Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
                                                                                                                                                                    30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
                                                        Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.                AGENCY: Federal Aviation                              W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
                                                      Robert E. Feldman,                                      Administration (FAA), DOT.                            Washington, DC 20590.
                                                      Executive Secretary.                                    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
                                                                                                                                                                      • Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of
                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–02998 Filed 2–12–15; 8:45 am]             (NPRM).
                                                                                                                                                                    Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
                                                      BILLING CODE 4810–33–P; 6510–01–P; 6714–01–C                                                                  30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
                                                                                                              SUMMARY:    We propose to adopt a new
                                                                                                              airworthiness directive (AD) for all                  W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
                                                                                                              Airbus Model A330–243, A330–243F,                     Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
                                                                                                              A330–341, A330–342, and A330–343                      p.m., Monday through Friday, except
                                                                                                              airplanes. This proposed AD was                       Federal holidays.
                                                                                                              prompted by reports indicating that                     For service information identified in
                                                                                                              certain hinge sleeves on the cowl doors               this proposed AD, contact Airbus SAS,
                                                                                                              of the thrust reverser units (TRUs) were              Airworthiness Office—EAL, 1 Rond
                                                                                                              not heat treated. This proposed AD                    Point Maurice Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac
                                                                                                              would require replacing the sleeves of
                                                                                                                                                                    Cedex, France; telephone +33 5 61 93 36
                                                                                                              certain hinges on the cowl doors of the
                                                                                                                                                                    96; fax +33 5 61 93 45 80; email
wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS

                                                                                                              TRUs with new parts. We are proposing
                                                                                                              this AD to prevent, in the event of a fan-
                                                         12 On Dec. 18, 2014, the OCC issued an interim       blade-off event due to high vibration, in-            Internet http://www.airbus.com. You
                                                      final rule with request for comment (IFR) amending      flight loss of TRU heavy components,                  may view this referenced service
                                                      12 CFR 5.47. 79 FR 75417. The effective date of the     which might damage airplane structure                 information at the FAA, Transport
                                                      IFR was Jan. 1, 2015. In an effort to provide the       or control surfaces, and consequent                   Airplane Directorate, 1601 Lind Avenue
                                                      fullest opportunity for public comment, the OCC                                                               SW., Renton, WA. For information on
                                                      invites comment on the IFR through both the
                                                                                                              reduced controllability of the airplane.
                                                                                                              DATES: We must receive comments on
                                                                                                                                                                    the availability of this material at the
                                                      process outlined in the IFR and the EGRPRA
                                                                                                              this proposed AD by March 30, 2015.                   FAA, call 425–227–1221.

                                                      Review Process outlined above.

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:17:59
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:17:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionNotice of regulatory review; request for comments.
DatesWritten comments must be received by no later than May 14, 2015.
ContactOCC: Karen McSweeney, Counsel (202) 649-6295; Heidi Thomas, Special Counsel (202) 649-6286; for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, TTY (202) 649-5597.
FR Citation80 FR 7980 
CFR Citation12
Title 12 CFR Chapter I
Title 12 CFR Chapter II
Title 12 CFR Chapter III

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