80_FR_80570 80 FR 80323 - 2016 Annual Determination To Implement the Sea Turtle Observer Requirement

80 FR 80323 - 2016 Annual Determination To Implement the Sea Turtle Observer Requirement

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 247 (December 24, 2015)

Page Range80323-80324
FR Document2015-32425

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is providing notification that the agency will not identify additional fisheries to observe on the Annual Determination (AD) for 2016, pursuant to its authority under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Through the AD, NMFS identifies U.S. fisheries operating in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Ocean that will be required to take observers upon NMFS' request. The purpose of observing identified fisheries is to learn more about sea turtle interactions in a given fishery, evaluate measures to prevent or reduce sea turtle takes, and implement the prohibition against sea turtle takes. Fisheries identified on the 2015 AD (see Table 1) remain on the AD for a 5-year period and are required to carry observers upon NMFS' request until December 31, 2019.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 247 (Thursday, December 24, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 247 (Thursday, December 24, 2015)]
[Pages 80323-80324]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-32425]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

RIN 0648-XE191

2016 Annual Determination To Implement the Sea Turtle Observer 

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is providing 
notification that the agency will not identify additional fisheries to 
observe on the Annual Determination (AD) for 2016, pursuant to its 
authority under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Through the AD, NMFS 
identifies U.S. fisheries operating in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of 
Mexico, and Pacific Ocean that will be required to take observers upon 
NMFS' request. The purpose of observing identified fisheries is to 
learn more about sea turtle interactions in a given fishery, evaluate 
measures to prevent or reduce sea turtle takes, and implement the 
prohibition against sea turtle takes. Fisheries identified on the 2015 
AD (see Table 1) remain on the AD for a 5-year period and are required 
to carry observers upon NMFS' request until December 31, 2019.

ADDRESSES: See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for a listing of all Regional 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sara McNulty, Office of Protected 
Resources, 301-427-8402; Ellen Keane, Greater Atlantic Region, 978-282-
8476; Dennis Klemm, Southeast Region, 727-824-5312; Dan Lawson, West 
Coast Region, 562-980-3209; Irene Kelly, Pacific Islands Region, 808-
725-5141. Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the 
hearing impaired may call the Federal Information Relay Service at 1-
800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through 
Friday, excluding Federal holidays.


Availability of Published Materials

    Information regarding the Sea Turtle Observer Requirement for 
Fisheries (72 FR 43176, August 3, 2007) may be obtained at 
www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/regulations.htm or from any NMFS 
Regional Office at the addresses listed below:
     NMFS, Greater Atlantic Region, 55 Great Republic Drive, 
Gloucester, MA 01930;
     NMFS, Southeast Region, 263 13th Avenue South, St. 
Petersburg, FL 33701;
     NMFS, West Coast Region, 501 W. Ocean Blvd., Suite 4200, 
Long Beach, CA 90802;
     NMFS, Pacific Islands Region, Protected Resources, 1845 
Wasp Blvd., Building 176, Honolulu, HI 96818.

Purpose of the Sea Turtle Observer Requirement

    Under the ESA, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., NMFS has the responsibility 
to implement programs to conserve marine species listed as endangered 
or threatened. All sea turtles found in U.S. waters are listed as 
either endangered or threatened under the ESA. Kemp's ridley 
(Lepidochelys kempii), loggerhead (Caretta caretta; North Pacific 
distinct population segment), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), and 
hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles are listed as 
endangered. Loggerhead (Caretta caretta; Northwest Atlantic distinct 
population segment), green (Chelonia mydas), and olive ridley 
(Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtles are listed as threatened, except 
for breeding colony populations of green sea turtles in Florida and on 
the Pacific coast of Mexico, and breeding colony populations of olive 
ridley sea turtles on the Pacific coast of Mexico, which are listed as 
endangered. Due to the inability to distinguish between populations of 
green and olive ridley turtles away from the nesting beach, NMFS 
considers these turtles endangered wherever they occur in U.S. waters. 
While some sea turtle populations have shown signs of recovery, many 
populations continue to decline. On March 23, 2015, NMFS and the U.S. 
Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) found that the green sea turtle is 
composed of 11 distinct population segments (DPSs) that qualify as 
``species'' for listing under the ESA. NMFS and USFWS proposed to 
remove the current range-wide listing and, in its place, list eight 
DPSs as threatened and three as endangered.
    Incidental take, or bycatch, in fishing gear is the primary 
anthropogenic source of sea turtle injury and mortality in U.S. waters. 
Section 9 of the ESA prohibits the take (including harassing, harming, 
pursuing, hunting, shooting, wounding, killing, trapping, capturing, 
collecting or attempting to engage in any such conduct), including 
incidental take, of endangered sea turtles. Pursuant to section 4(d) of 
the ESA, NMFS has issued regulations extending the prohibition of take, 
with exceptions, to threatened sea turtles (50 CFR 223.205 and 
223.206). The purpose of the sea turtle observer requirement and the AD 
is ultimately to implement ESA sections 9 and 4(d), which prohibit the 
incidental take of endangered and threatened sea turtles, respectively, 
and to conserve sea turtles. Section 11 of the ESA provides for civil 
and criminal penalties for anyone who violates a regulation issued 
pursuant to the ESA, including regulations that implement the take 
prohibition, as well as for the issuance of regulations to enforce the 
take prohibitions. NMFS may grant exceptions to the take prohibitions 
for activities that are covered by an incidental take statement or an 
incidental take permit issued pursuant to ESA section 7 or 10, 
respectively. To do so, NMFS must determine the activity that will 
result in incidental take is not likely to jeopardize the continued 
existence of the affected listed species. For some Federal fisheries 
and most state fisheries, NMFS has not granted an exception for 
incidental takes of sea turtles primarily because we lack information 
about fishery-sea turtle interactions.
    The most effective way for NMFS to learn about sea turtle-fishery 
interactions, in order to implement management measures and prevent or 
minimize take, is to place observers aboard fishing vessels. In 2007, 
NMFS issued a regulation (50 CFR 222.402) establishing procedures to 
annually identify, pursuant to specified criteria and after notice and 
opportunity for comment, those fisheries in which the agency intends to 
place observers (72 FR 43176, August 3, 2007). These regulations 
specify that NMFS may place observers on U.S. fishing vessels, 
commercial or recreational, operating in U.S. territorial waters, the 
U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ), or on the high seas, or on vessels 
that are otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. 
Failure to comply with the requirements under this rule may result in 
civil or criminal penalties under the ESA.
    Where observers are required, NMFS will pay the direct costs for 
vessels to

[[Page 80324]]

carry observers. These include observer salary and insurance costs. 
NMFS may also evaluate other potential direct costs, should they arise. 
Once selected, a fishery will be eligible to be observed for a period 
of 5 years without further action by NMFS. This will enable NMFS to 
develop an appropriate sampling protocol to investigate whether, how, 
when, where, and under what conditions incidental takes are occurring; 
evaluate whether existing measures are minimizing or preventing takes; 
and develop ESA management measures that implement the prohibitions 
against take and that conserve sea turtles.

2016 Annual Determination

    Pursuant to 50 CFR 222.402, NOAA's Assistant Administrator for 
Fisheries (AA), in consultation with Regional Administrators and 
Fisheries Science Center Directors, annually identifies fisheries for 
inclusion on the AD based on the extent to which:
    (1) The fishery operates in the same waters and at the same time as 
sea turtles are present;
    (2) The fishery operates at the same time or prior to elevated sea 
turtle strandings; or
    (3) The fishery uses a gear or technique that is known or likely to 
result in incidental take of sea turtles based on documented or 
reported takes in the same or similar fisheries; and
    (4) NMFS intends to monitor the fishery and anticipates that it 
will have the funds to do so.
    NMFS is providing notification that the agency is not identifying 
additional fisheries to observe on the 2016 AD, pursuant to its 
authority under the ESA. NMFS is not identifying additional fisheries 
at this time given lack of dedicated resources to implement new 
observer programs or expand existing observer programs to focus on sea 
turtles (50 CFR 222.402(a)(4)). The 14 fisheries identified on the 2015 
AD (see Table 1) remain on the AD for a 5-year period and are therefore 
required to carry observers upon NMFS' request until December 31, 2019.

  Table 1--State and Federal Commercial Fisheries Included on the 2015
                          Annual Determination.
                                                       Years eligible to
                       Fishery                          carry observers
                             Trawl Fisheries
Southeastern U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico shrimp              2015-2019
Gulf of Mexico mixed species fish trawl..............          2015-2019
                            Gillnet Fisheries
California halibut, white seabass and other species            2015-2019
 set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh)..........................
California yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass            2015-2019
 drift gillnet (mesh size >3.5 in. and <14 in.)......
Chesapeake Bay inshore gillnet.......................          2015-2019
Long Island inshore gillnet..........................          2015-2019
North Carolina inshore gillnet.......................          2015-2019
Gulf of Mexico gillnet...............................          2015-2019
                           Trap/pot Fisheries
Atlantic blue crab trap/pot..........................          2015-2019
Atlantic mixed species trap/pot......................          2015-2019
Northeast/Mid-Atlantic American lobster trap/pot.....          2015-2019
                     Pound Net/Weir/Seine Fisheries
Mid-Atlantic haul/beach seine........................          2015-2019
Mid-Atlantic menhaden purse seine....................          2015-2019
Rhode Island floating trap...........................          2015-2019

    Dated: December 21, 2015.
Perry F. Gayaldo,
Deputy Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2015-32425 Filed 12-23-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 247 / Thursday, December 24, 2015 / Notices                                           80323

                                                  issued to Point Blue and its designees                  Eastern time, Monday through Friday,                     Incidental take, or bycatch, in fishing
                                                  for the take of marine mammals                          excluding Federal holidays.                           gear is the primary anthropogenic
                                                  incidental to their seabird research                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            source of sea turtle injury and mortality
                                                  activities, provided they incorporate the                                                                     in U.S. waters. Section 9 of the ESA
                                                  previously mentioned mitigation,                        Availability of Published Materials                   prohibits the take (including harassing,
                                                  monitoring, and reporting requirements.                   Information regarding the Sea Turtle                harming, pursuing, hunting, shooting,
                                                    Dated: December 18, 2015.                             Observer Requirement for Fisheries (72                wounding, killing, trapping, capturing,
                                                                                                          FR 43176, August 3, 2007) may be                      collecting or attempting to engage in any
                                                  Perry F. Gayaldo,
                                                                                                          obtained at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/                     such conduct), including incidental
                                                  Deputy Director, Office of Protected
                                                                                                          species/turtles/regulations.htm or from               take, of endangered sea turtles. Pursuant
                                                  Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                                                                                          any NMFS Regional Office at the                       to section 4(d) of the ESA, NMFS has
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–32409 Filed 12–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          addresses listed below:                               issued regulations extending the
                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                                                                        prohibition of take, with exceptions, to
                                                                                                            • NMFS, Greater Atlantic Region, 55
                                                                                                          Great Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA                  threatened sea turtles (50 CFR 223.205
                                                                                                          01930;                                                and 223.206). The purpose of the sea
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                                                                        turtle observer requirement and the AD
                                                                                                            • NMFS, Southeast Region, 263 13th
                                                  National Oceanic and Atmospheric                        Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701;               is ultimately to implement ESA sections
                                                  Administration                                            • NMFS, West Coast Region, 501 W.                   9 and 4(d), which prohibit the
                                                                                                          Ocean Blvd., Suite 4200, Long Beach,                  incidental take of endangered and
                                                  RIN 0648–XE191                                                                                                threatened sea turtles, respectively, and
                                                                                                          CA 90802;
                                                                                                                                                                to conserve sea turtles. Section 11 of the
                                                  2016 Annual Determination To                              • NMFS, Pacific Islands Region,
                                                                                                                                                                ESA provides for civil and criminal
                                                  Implement the Sea Turtle Observer                       Protected Resources, 1845 Wasp Blvd.,
                                                                                                                                                                penalties for anyone who violates a
                                                  Requirement                                             Building 176, Honolulu, HI 96818.
                                                                                                                                                                regulation issued pursuant to the ESA,
                                                  AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                      Purpose of the Sea Turtle Observer                    including regulations that implement
                                                  Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                    Requirement                                           the take prohibition, as well as for the
                                                  Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                                                                            issuance of regulations to enforce the
                                                                                                             Under the ESA, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.,
                                                  Commerce.                                                                                                     take prohibitions. NMFS may grant
                                                                                                          NMFS has the responsibility to
                                                                                                                                                                exceptions to the take prohibitions for
                                                  ACTION: Notice.                                         implement programs to conserve marine
                                                                                                                                                                activities that are covered by an
                                                                                                          species listed as endangered or
                                                  SUMMARY:   The National Marine                                                                                incidental take statement or an
                                                                                                          threatened. All sea turtles found in U.S.
                                                  Fisheries Service (NMFS) is providing                                                                         incidental take permit issued pursuant
                                                                                                          waters are listed as either endangered or
                                                  notification that the agency will not                                                                         to ESA section 7 or 10, respectively. To
                                                                                                          threatened under the ESA. Kemp’s
                                                  identify additional fisheries to observe                                                                      do so, NMFS must determine the
                                                                                                          ridley (Lepidochelys kempii),
                                                  on the Annual Determination (AD) for                                                                          activity that will result in incidental
                                                                                                          loggerhead (Caretta caretta; North                    take is not likely to jeopardize the
                                                  2016, pursuant to its authority under the               Pacific distinct population segment),
                                                  Endangered Species Act (ESA). Through                                                                         continued existence of the affected
                                                                                                          leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), and               listed species. For some Federal
                                                  the AD, NMFS identifies U.S. fisheries                  hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea
                                                  operating in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of                                                                      fisheries and most state fisheries, NMFS
                                                                                                          turtles are listed as endangered.                     has not granted an exception for
                                                  Mexico, and Pacific Ocean that will be                  Loggerhead (Caretta caretta; Northwest
                                                  required to take observers upon NMFS’                                                                         incidental takes of sea turtles primarily
                                                                                                          Atlantic distinct population segment),                because we lack information about
                                                  request. The purpose of observing                       green (Chelonia mydas), and olive
                                                  identified fisheries is to learn more                                                                         fishery-sea turtle interactions.
                                                                                                          ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea                       The most effective way for NMFS to
                                                  about sea turtle interactions in a given                turtles are listed as threatened, except
                                                  fishery, evaluate measures to prevent or                                                                      learn about sea turtle-fishery
                                                                                                          for breeding colony populations of green              interactions, in order to implement
                                                  reduce sea turtle takes, and implement                  sea turtles in Florida and on the Pacific
                                                  the prohibition against sea turtle takes.                                                                     management measures and prevent or
                                                                                                          coast of Mexico, and breeding colony                  minimize take, is to place observers
                                                  Fisheries identified on the 2015 AD (see                populations of olive ridley sea turtles on
                                                  Table 1) remain on the AD for a 5-year                                                                        aboard fishing vessels. In 2007, NMFS
                                                                                                          the Pacific coast of Mexico, which are                issued a regulation (50 CFR 222.402)
                                                  period and are required to carry                        listed as endangered. Due to the                      establishing procedures to annually
                                                  observers upon NMFS’ request until                      inability to distinguish between                      identify, pursuant to specified criteria
                                                  December 31, 2019.                                      populations of green and olive ridley                 and after notice and opportunity for
                                                  ADDRESSES: See SUPPLEMENTARY                            turtles away from the nesting beach,                  comment, those fisheries in which the
                                                  INFORMATION for a listing of all Regional               NMFS considers these turtles                          agency intends to place observers (72 FR
                                                  Offices.                                                endangered wherever they occur in U.S.                43176, August 3, 2007). These
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sara                   waters. While some sea turtle                         regulations specify that NMFS may
                                                  McNulty, Office of Protected Resources,                 populations have shown signs of                       place observers on U.S. fishing vessels,
                                                  301–427–8402; Ellen Keane, Greater                      recovery, many populations continue to                commercial or recreational, operating in
                                                  Atlantic Region, 978–282–8476; Dennis                   decline. On March 23, 2015, NMFS and                  U.S. territorial waters, the U.S.
                                                  Klemm, Southeast Region, 727–824–                       the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service                    exclusive economic zone (EEZ), or on
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  5312; Dan Lawson, West Coast Region,                    (USFWS) found that the green sea turtle               the high seas, or on vessels that are
                                                  562–980–3209; Irene Kelly, Pacific                      is composed of 11 distinct population                 otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of
                                                  Islands Region, 808–725–5141.                           segments (DPSs) that qualify as                       the United States. Failure to comply
                                                  Individuals who use a                                   ‘‘species’’ for listing under the ESA.                with the requirements under this rule
                                                  telecommunications device for the                       NMFS and USFWS proposed to remove                     may result in civil or criminal penalties
                                                  hearing impaired may call the Federal                   the current range-wide listing and, in its            under the ESA.
                                                  Information Relay Service at 1–800–                     place, list eight DPSs as threatened and                 Where observers are required, NMFS
                                                  877–8339 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.                      three as endangered.                                  will pay the direct costs for vessels to

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:57 Dec 23, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00012   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\24DEN1.SGM   24DEN1

                                                  80324                              Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 247 / Thursday, December 24, 2015 / Notices

                                                  carry observers. These include observer                                   2016 Annual Determination                                                     (4) NMFS intends to monitor the
                                                  salary and insurance costs. NMFS may                                         Pursuant to 50 CFR 222.402, NOAA’s                                      fishery and anticipates that it will have
                                                  also evaluate other potential direct                                      Assistant Administrator for Fisheries                                      the funds to do so.
                                                  costs, should they arise. Once selected,                                  (AA), in consultation with Regional                                           NMFS is providing notification that
                                                  a fishery will be eligible to be observed                                 Administrators and Fisheries Science                                       the agency is not identifying additional
                                                  for a period of 5 years without further                                   Center Directors, annually identifies                                      fisheries to observe on the 2016 AD,
                                                  action by NMFS. This will enable NMFS                                     fisheries for inclusion on the AD based                                    pursuant to its authority under the ESA.
                                                  to develop an appropriate sampling                                        on the extent to which:                                                    NMFS is not identifying additional
                                                  protocol to investigate whether, how,                                        (1) The fishery operates in the same                                    fisheries at this time given lack of
                                                  when, where, and under what                                               waters and at the same time as sea
                                                                                                                                                                                                       dedicated resources to implement new
                                                  conditions incidental takes are                                           turtles are present;
                                                                                                                               (2) The fishery operates at the same                                    observer programs or expand existing
                                                  occurring; evaluate whether existing                                                                                                                 observer programs to focus on sea
                                                  measures are minimizing or preventing                                     time or prior to elevated sea turtle
                                                                                                                            strandings; or                                                             turtles (50 CFR 222.402(a)(4)). The 14
                                                  takes; and develop ESA management                                                                                                                    fisheries identified on the 2015 AD (see
                                                                                                                               (3) The fishery uses a gear or
                                                  measures that implement the                                               technique that is known or likely to                                       Table 1) remain on the AD for a 5-year
                                                  prohibitions against take and that                                        result in incidental take of sea turtles                                   period and are therefore required to
                                                  conserve sea turtles.                                                     based on documented or reported takes                                      carry observers upon NMFS’ request
                                                                                                                            in the same or similar fisheries; and                                      until December 31, 2019.
                                                               TABLE 1—STATE AND FEDERAL COMMERCIAL FISHERIES INCLUDED ON THE 2015 ANNUAL DETERMINATION.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Years eligible to
                                                                                                                                          Fishery                                                                                                carry observers

                                                                                                                                                   Trawl Fisheries

                                                  Southeastern U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawl ..............................................................................................................                               2015–2019
                                                  Gulf of Mexico mixed species fish trawl ........................................................................................................................................                     2015–2019

                                                                                                                                                  Gillnet Fisheries

                                                  California halibut, white seabass and other species set gillnet (>3.5 in mesh) ...........................................................................                                           2015–2019
                                                  California yellowtail, barracuda, and white seabass drift gillnet (mesh size >3.5 in. and <14 in.) ...............................................                                                   2015–2019
                                                  Chesapeake Bay inshore gillnet ....................................................................................................................................................                  2015–2019
                                                  Long Island inshore gillnet .............................................................................................................................................................            2015–2019
                                                  North Carolina inshore gillnet ........................................................................................................................................................              2015–2019
                                                  Gulf of Mexico gillnet .....................................................................................................................................................................         2015–2019

                                                                                                                                                 Trap/pot Fisheries

                                                  Atlantic blue crab trap/pot ..............................................................................................................................................................           2015–2019
                                                  Atlantic mixed species trap/pot ......................................................................................................................................................               2015–2019
                                                  Northeast/Mid-Atlantic American lobster trap/pot ..........................................................................................................................                          2015–2019

                                                                                                                                      Pound Net/Weir/Seine Fisheries

                                                  Mid-Atlantic haul/beach seine ........................................................................................................................................................               2015–2019
                                                  Mid-Atlantic menhaden purse seine ..............................................................................................................................................                     2015–2019
                                                  Rhode Island floating trap .............................................................................................................................................................             2015–2019

                                                    Dated: December 21, 2015.                                               Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),                                         MA 01950; phone: (978) 777–2500; fax:
                                                  Perry F. Gayaldo,                                                         Commerce.                                                                  (978) 750–7911.
                                                  Deputy Director, Office of Protected                                      ACTION:       Notice; public meeting.                                        Council address: New England
                                                  Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.                                                                                                        Fishery Management Council, 50 Water
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–32425 Filed 12–23–15; 8:45 am]                                                                                                         Street, Mill 2, Newburyport, MA 01950.
                                                                                                                            SUMMARY:   The New England Fishery
                                                  BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                                                                                                            Management Council (Council) is                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                            scheduling a public meeting of its                                         Thomas A. Nies, Executive Director,
                                                                                                                            Herring Advisory Panel to consider                                         New England Fishery Management
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                                                                                                                               Council; telephone: (978) 465–0492.
                                                                                                                            actions affecting New England fisheries
                                                  National Oceanic and Atmospheric                                          in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  Administration                                                            Recommendations from this group will
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                            be brought to the full Council for formal
                                                                                                                            consideration and action, if appropriate.                                    The Advisory Panel (AP) plans to
                                                  RIN 0648–XE362
                                                                                                                                                                                                       review Amendment 8 to the Atlantic
                                                                                                                            DATES:This meeting will be held on
                                                  New England Fishery Management                                                                                                                       Herring Fishery Management Plan
                                                                                                                            Tuesday, January 12, 2016, at 10 a.m.
                                                  Council; Public Meeting                                                                                                                              related to the Acceptable Biological
                                                                                                                            ADDRESSES:  Meeting address: The                                           Catch control rule, and the localized
                                                  AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries                                        meeting will be held at the DoubleTree                                     depletion in inshore waters. The panel
                                                  Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and                                      by Hilton, 50 Ferncroft Road, Danvers,                                     will also discuss the potential for using

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Document Created: 2015-12-24 02:25:55
Document Modified: 2015-12-24 02:25:55
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactSara McNulty, Office of Protected Resources, 301-427-8402; Ellen Keane, Greater Atlantic Region, 978-282- 8476; Dennis Klemm, Southeast Region, 727-824-5312; Dan Lawson, West Coast Region, 562-980-3209; Irene Kelly, Pacific Islands Region, 808- 725-5141. Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the hearing impaired may call the Federal Information Relay Service at 1- 800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays.
FR Citation80 FR 80323 
RIN Number0648-XE19

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