80_FR_80696 80 FR 80449 - Petition for Waiver of Compliance

80 FR 80449 - Petition for Waiver of Compliance

Federal Railroad Administration

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 247 (December 24, 2015)

Page Range80449-80450
FR Document2015-32453

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 247 (Thursday, December 24, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 247 (Thursday, December 24, 2015)]
[Pages 80449-80450]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-32453]



Federal Railroad Administration

[Docket Number FRA-2015-0130]

Petition for Waiver of Compliance

    In accordance with part 211 of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations 
(CFR), this document provides the public notice that by a document 
dated September 25, 2015, BNSF Railway (BNSF) has petitioned the 
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for a waiver of compliance from 
certain provisions of the Federal railroad safety regulations contained 
at 49 CFR part 213, Track Safety Standards. FRA assigned the petition 
Docket Number FRA-2015-0130.
    Pursuant to 49 CFR 213.113(a), BNSF requests a waiver from the 
accepted practice of stop/start rail testing to deploy nonstop 
continuous test rail flaw inspection to begin November 1, 2015, and to 
be in effect for 3 years.
    The test process would occur on the main tracks of the following 
subdivisions: Panhandle, Hereford, Clovis, Gallup, Seligman, Fort 
Scott, Thayer North, Thayer South, Birmingham, Amory, Cuba, River, 
Cherokee, and Afton.
    BNSF will gradually deploy the process over time as they measure 
the results and prioritize the areas expected to benefit the most from 
this alternative method. BNSF will notify FRA when implementing on a 
specific subdivision. Multiple data acquisition and/or field 
verification vehicles may be used as required to accomplish the desired 
testing production rates.
    Currently, the BNSF subdivisions proposed for nonstop testing are 
required by 49 CFR 213.237, Inspection

[[Page 80450]]

of rail, to be tested every 60 to 365 days. BNSF is proposing to test 
these subdivisions every 30-45 days.
    The nonstop continuous tests will be conducted with self-propelled 
ultrasonic rail flaw detection vehicles capable of data acquisition 
speeds up to 30 mph. Upon completion of each daily run, the acquired 
data will be analyzed offline by technical experts with specific 
analysis tools proven to be effective on a worldwide basis for over 10 
years, including the most recent several years of experience in the 
United States. The analysis process will provide the categorization and 
prioritization of suspect locations to be verified in the field.
    Field verification will be conducted by qualified and certified 
rail test professionals with validation equipment based on global 
positioning system location and known track features identified within 
the flaw detection electronic record. All verifications will occur 
within 72 hours from completion of the data acquisition test run. 
Remedial actions will be applied based on the regulations set for in 49 
CFR 213.113, Defective rails, for confirmed rail defect locations.
    BNSF believes nonstop continuous rail testing will provide the 
capability to reduce service failure and derailment risk through 
implementation of advanced technologies and processes that enable BNSF 
to more completely and frequently conduct the inspection for their rail 
    A copy of the petition, as well as any written communications 
concerning the petition, is available for review online at 
www.regulations.gov and in person at the U.S. Department of 
Transportation's (DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200 New Jersey 
Avenue SE., W12-140, Washington, DC 20590. The Docket Operations 
Facility is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except 
Federal Holidays.
    Interested parties are invited to participate in these proceedings 
by submitting written views, data, or comments. FRA does not anticipate 
scheduling a public hearing in connection with these proceedings since 
the facts do not appear to warrant a hearing. If any interested party 
desires an opportunity for oral comment, they should notify FRA, in 
writing, before the end of the comment period and specify the basis for 
their request.
    All communications concerning these proceedings should identify the 
appropriate docket number (e.g., Waiver Petition Docket Number FRA-
2015-0130) and may be submitted by any of the following methods:
     Web site: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online 
instructions for submitting comments.
     Fax: 202-493-2251.
     Mail: Docket Operations Facility, U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., W12-140, Washington, DC 
     Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12-140, 
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
except Federal Holidays.
    Communications received by January 25, 2016 will be considered by 
FRA before final action is taken. Comments received after that date 
will be considered as far as practicable.
    Anyone is able to search the electronic form of any written 
communications and comments received into any of our dockets by the 
name of the individual submitting the comment (or signing the document, 
if submitted on behalf of an association, business, labor union, etc.). 
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments from the 
public to better inform its processes. DOT posts these comments, 
without edit, including any personal information the commenter 
provides, to www.regulations.gov, as described in the system of records 
notice (DOT/ALL-14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at www.dot.gov/privacy. 
See also http://www.regulations.gov/#!privacyNotice for the privacy 
notice of regulations.gov.

    Issued in Washington, DC.
Robert C. Lauby,
Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety, Chief Safety Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-32453 Filed 12-23-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 247 / Thursday, December 24, 2015 / Notices                                                80449

                                                  docket referenced at the beginning of                   enough to cause a noncompliance of the                submitted on behalf of an association,
                                                  this notice.                                            1-inch requirement. The contraction of                business, labor union, etc.). In
                                                    FMCSA would like to know the views                    the steel affects the moveable span’s                 accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT
                                                  of the public on the concept, with any                  west-end span lock adjustment, which                  solicits comments from the public to
                                                  data or analysis to support it, with                    requires a maintainer to travel to the                better inform its processes. DOT posts
                                                  regard to 3 basic areas:                                bridge piers to seasonally adjust both                these comments, without edit, including
                                                    (1) What voluntary technologies or                    west-end span lock circuit controller                 any personal information the
                                                  safety program best practices would be                  boxes to a setting of 2 inches to                     commenter provides, to
                                                  appropriate for beyond compliance; (2)                  compensate for the contraction. Later in              www.regulations.gov, as described in
                                                  what type of incentives would                           the season, the settings must be returned             the system of records notice (DOT/ALL–
                                                  encourage motor carriers to invest in                   to 1 inch. This often places the                      14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at
                                                  technologies and best practices                         maintainer at a safety risk due to icy                www.dot.gov/privacy. See also http://
                                                  programs; and (3) how FMCSA would                       conditions. The span lock members                     www.regulations.gov/#!privacyNotice
                                                  verify that the voluntary technologies or               extend approximately 13 inches in                     for the privacy notice of regulations.gov.
                                                  safety programs are being implemented.                  length into the fixed portions when the                 Issued in Washington, DC.
                                                    FMCSA will docket the transcripts of                  movable span is locked with the fixed
                                                                                                                                                                Robert C. Lauby,
                                                  the webcast and a separate transcription                span.
                                                                                                            A copy of the petition, as well as any              Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety.
                                                  of each listening session will be                                                                             Chief Safety Officer.
                                                  prepared by an official court reporter.                 written communications concerning the
                                                                                                          petition, is available for review online at           [FR Doc. 2015–32450 Filed 12–23–15; 8:45 am]
                                                    Dated: December 18, 2015.
                                                                                                          www.regulations.gov and in person at                  BILLING CODE 4910–06–P
                                                  Larry W. Minor,
                                                                                                          the Department of Transportation’s
                                                  Associate Administrator for Policy.                     (DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–32358 Filed 12–23–15; 8:45 am]            New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,                       DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
                                                  BILLING CODE 4910–EX–P                                  Washington, DC 20590. The Docket                      Federal Railroad Administration
                                                                                                          Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.
                                                                                                          to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                     [Docket Number FRA–2015–0130]
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                            except Federal Holidays.
                                                                                                            Interested parties are invited to                   Petition for Waiver of Compliance
                                                  Federal Railroad Administration                         participate in these proceedings by                     In accordance with part 211 of Title
                                                  [Docket Number FRA–2005–20383]                          submitting written views, data, or                    49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
                                                                                                          comments. FRA does not anticipate                     this document provides the public
                                                  Petition for Waiver of Compliance                       scheduling a public hearing in                        notice that by a document dated
                                                     In accordance with part 211 of Title                 connection with these proceedings since               September 25, 2015, BNSF Railway
                                                  49 of the Code of Federal Regulations                   the facts do not appear to warrant a                  (BNSF) has petitioned the Federal
                                                  (CFR), this document provides the                       hearing. If any interested party desires              Railroad Administration (FRA) for a
                                                  public notice that by a document dated                  an opportunity for oral comment, they                 waiver of compliance from certain
                                                  October 28, 2015, the Maine Eastern                     should notify FRA, in writing, before                 provisions of the Federal railroad safety
                                                  Railroad (MERR) has petitioned the                      the end of the comment period and                     regulations contained at 49 CFR part
                                                  Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)                   specify the basis for their request.                  213, Track Safety Standards. FRA
                                                                                                            All communications concerning these
                                                  for a waiver of compliance from certain                                                                       assigned the petition Docket Number
                                                                                                          proceedings should identify the
                                                  provisions of the Federal railroad safety                                                                     FRA–2015–0130.
                                                                                                          appropriate docket number and may be
                                                  regulations contained at 49 CFR part                                                                            Pursuant to 49 CFR 213.113(a), BNSF
                                                                                                          submitted by any of the following
                                                  236. FRA assigned the petition Docket                                                                         requests a waiver from the accepted
                                                  Number FRA–2005–20383.                                    • Web site: http://                                 practice of stop/start rail testing to
                                                     This request is for relief from the                  www.regulations.gov. Follow the online                deploy nonstop continuous test rail flaw
                                                  mechanical locking requirements found                   instructions for submitting comments.                 inspection to begin November 1, 2015,
                                                  in 49 CFR 236.312, Movable bridge,                        • Fax: 202–493–2251.                                and to be in effect for 3 years.
                                                  interlocking of signal appliances with                    • Mail: Docket Operations Facility,                   The test process would occur on the
                                                  bridge devices, on the Carlton Bridge at                U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200               main tracks of the following
                                                  Bath, ME, Milepost 30.0 on the                          New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,                       subdivisions: Panhandle, Hereford,
                                                  Rockland Branch. Specifically, MERR                     Washington, DC 20590.                                 Clovis, Gallup, Seligman, Fort Scott,
                                                  requests permission to detect                             • Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey                    Thayer North, Thayer South,
                                                  displacement of the bridge-locking                      Avenue SE., Room W12–140,                             Birmingham, Amory, Cuba, River,
                                                  members when displaced more than 2                      Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.                  Cherokee, and Afton.
                                                  inches from their proper position,                      and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                      BNSF will gradually deploy the
                                                  instead of the existing 1-inch                          except Federal Holidays.                              process over time as they measure the
                                                  requirement.                                              Communications received by                          results and prioritize the areas expected
                                                     MERR states that it was granted relief               February 8, 2016 will be considered by                to benefit the most from this alternative
                                                  from the 1-inch locking requirement in                  FRA before final action is taken.                     method. BNSF will notify FRA when
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  2005 in Docket Number FRA–2005–                         Comments received after that date will                implementing on a specific subdivision.
                                                  20383, but allowed that waiver to expire                be considered as far as practicable.                  Multiple data acquisition and/or field
                                                  in 2010. MERR notes that it is not                        Anyone is able to search the                        verification vehicles may be used as
                                                  possible to maintain the 1-inch span                    electronic form of any written                        required to accomplish the desired
                                                  lock retraction limit in cold-temperature               communications and comments                           testing production rates.
                                                  extremes. These conditions will cause                   received into any of our dockets by the                 Currently, the BNSF subdivisions
                                                  the movable span-locking members to                     name of the individual submitting the                 proposed for nonstop testing are
                                                  move within the fixed span positions                    comment (or signing the document, if                  required by 49 CFR 213.237, Inspection

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:57 Dec 23, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00138   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\24DEN1.SGM   24DEN1

                                                  80450                     Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 247 / Thursday, December 24, 2015 / Notices

                                                  of rail, to be tested every 60 to 365 days.               • Web site: http://                                 CFR 229.129(b)(1), that each locomotive
                                                  BNSF is proposing to test these                         www.regulations.gov. Follow the online                (or a sampling of similar locomotives)
                                                  subdivisions every 30–45 days.                          instructions for submitting comments.                 be tested for compliance with the sound
                                                     The nonstop continuous tests will be                   • Fax: 202–493–2251.                                level requirements given in 49 CFR
                                                  conducted with self-propelled                             • Mail: Docket Operations Facility,                 229.129(a)(1) prior to entering service,
                                                  ultrasonic rail flaw detection vehicles                 U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200               for 31 new ET44AC Locomotives to be
                                                  capable of data acquisition speeds up to                New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,                       delivered to CSX Transportation (CSX)
                                                  30 mph. Upon completion of each daily                   Washington, DC 20590.                                 and numbered CSX 3375 to CSX 3405.
                                                  run, the acquired data will be analyzed                   • Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey                    The locomotives will be manufactured
                                                  offline by technical experts with                       Avenue SE., Room W12–140,                             in Erie, PA, and delivered to purchasers
                                                  specific analysis tools proven to be                    Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.                  from January through March 2016, when
                                                  effective on a worldwide basis for over                 and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                    weather conditions will likely preclude
                                                  10 years, including the most recent                     except Federal Holidays.                              successful testing in accordance with 49
                                                  several years of experience in the                        Communications received by January                  CFR 229.129(c)(6). GE requests that the
                                                  United States. The analysis process will                25, 2016 will be considered by FRA                    deadline for completing the horn testing
                                                  provide the categorization and                          before final action is taken. Comments                on these locomotives be extended until
                                                  prioritization of suspect locations to be               received after that date will be                      September 30, 2016. In support of this
                                                  verified in the field.                                  considered as far as practicable.                     petition, GE has submitted data showing
                                                     Field verification will be conducted                   Anyone is able to search the                        that horns on the previous 2015 model
                                                  by qualified and certified rail test                    electronic form of any written                        ET44AC locomotives were compliant
                                                  professionals with validation equipment                 communications and comments                           with both high and low sound level
                                                  based on global positioning system                      received into any of our dockets by the               requirements, with some margin above
                                                  location and known track features                       name of the individual submitting the                 the minimum and below the maximum.
                                                  identified within the flaw detection                    comment (or signing the document, if                  GE also submitted illustrations
                                                  electronic record. All verifications will               submitted on behalf of an association,                demonstrating that the horn location has
                                                  occur within 72 hours from completion                   business, labor union, etc.). In                      not been altered and that the only
                                                  of the data acquisition test run.                       accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT                  concern is changes in the component of
                                                  Remedial actions will be applied based                  solicits comments from the public to                  the horn noise affected by reflectance off
                                                  on the regulations set for in 49 CFR                    better inform its processes. DOT posts                the roof and roof discontinuities on the
                                                  213.113, Defective rails, for confirmed                 these comments, without edit, including               2016 model locomotives. Changes are
                                                  rail defect locations.                                  any personal information the                          generally less than 2 inches.
                                                     BNSF believes nonstop continuous                     commenter provides, to                                   A copy of the petition, as well as any
                                                  rail testing will provide the capability to             www.regulations.gov, as described in                  written communications concerning the
                                                  reduce service failure and derailment                   the system of records notice (DOT/ALL–                petition, is available for review online at
                                                  risk through implementation of                          14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at                    www.regulations.gov and in person at
                                                  advanced technologies and processes                     www.dot.gov/privacy. See also http://                 the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
                                                  that enable BNSF to more completely                     www.regulations.gov/#!privacyNotice                   (DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200
                                                  and frequently conduct the inspection                   for the privacy notice of regulations.gov.            New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
                                                  for their rail network.                                                                                       Washington, DC 20590. The Docket
                                                                                                            Issued in Washington, DC.
                                                                                                                                                                Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.
                                                     A copy of the petition, as well as any               Robert C. Lauby,                                      to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
                                                  written communications concerning the                   Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety,          except Federal Holidays.
                                                  petition, is available for review online at             Chief Safety Officer.                                    Interested parties are invited to
                                                  www.regulations.gov and in person at                    [FR Doc. 2015–32453 Filed 12–23–15; 8:45 am]          participate in these proceedings by
                                                  the U.S. Department of Transportation’s                 BILLING CODE 4910–06–P                                submitting written views, data, or
                                                  (DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200
                                                                                                                                                                comments. FRA does not anticipate
                                                  New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
                                                                                                                                                                scheduling a public hearing in
                                                  Washington, DC 20590. The Docket                        DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                          connection with these proceedings since
                                                  Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                the facts do not appear to warrant a
                                                  to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,                       Federal Railroad Administration                       hearing. If any interested party desires
                                                  except Federal Holidays.
                                                                                                          [Docket Number FRA–2015–0127]                         an opportunity for oral comment, they
                                                     Interested parties are invited to                                                                          should notify FRA, in writing, before
                                                  participate in these proceedings by                     Petition for Waiver of Compliance                     the end of the comment period and
                                                  submitting written views, data, or                                                                            specify the basis for their request.
                                                  comments. FRA does not anticipate                         In accordance with part 211 of Title                   All communications concerning these
                                                  scheduling a public hearing in                          49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),                 proceedings should identify the
                                                  connection with these proceedings since                 this document provides the public                     appropriate docket number and may be
                                                  the facts do not appear to warrant a                    notice that by a document dated                       submitted by any of the following
                                                  hearing. If any interested party desires                November 3, 2015, General Electric                    methods:
                                                  an opportunity for oral comment, they                   Transportation (GE) has petitioned the                   • Web site: http://
                                                  should notify FRA, in writing, before                   Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)                 www.regulations.gov. Follow the online
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  the end of the comment period and                       for a waiver of compliance from certain               instructions for submitting comments.
                                                  specify the basis for their request.                    provisions of the Federal railroad safety                • Fax: 202–493–2251.
                                                     All communications concerning these                  regulations contained at 49 CFR part                     • Mail: Docket Operations Facility,
                                                  proceedings should identify the                         229, Railroad Locomotive Safety                       U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
                                                  appropriate docket number (e.g., Waiver                 Standards. FRA assigned the petition                  New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
                                                  Petition Docket Number FRA–2015–                        Docket Number FRA–2015–0127.                          Washington, DC 20590.
                                                  0130) and may be submitted by any of                      GE has requested a waiver of                           • Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey
                                                  the following methods:                                  compliance from the requirement of 49                 Avenue SE., Room W12–140,

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:57 Dec 23, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00139   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\24DEN1.SGM   24DEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-24 02:25:18
Document Modified: 2015-12-24 02:25:18
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 80449 

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