80_FR_81092 80 FR 80844 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; BATS Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Related to Fees for BZX Options

80 FR 80844 - Self-Regulatory Organizations; BATS Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Related to Fees for BZX Options


Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 248 (December 28, 2015)

Page Range80844-80847
FR Document2015-32534

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 248 (Monday, December 28, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 248 (Monday, December 28, 2015)]
[Pages 80844-80847]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-32534]

[[Page 80844]]



[Release No. 34-76706; File No. SR-BATS-2015-116]

Self-Regulatory Organizations; BATS Exchange, Inc.; Notice of 
Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Related to 
Fees for BZX Options

December 21, 2015.
    Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 
(the ``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given 
that on December 9, 2015, BATS Exchange, Inc. (the ``Exchange'' or 
``BATS'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
(``Commission'') the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II 
and III below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The 
Exchange has designated the proposed rule change as one establishing or 
changing a member due, fee, or other charge imposed by the Exchange 
under Section 19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act \3\ and Rule 19b-4(f)(2) 
thereunder,\4\ which renders the proposed rule change effective upon 
filing with the Commission. The Commission is publishing this notice to 
solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons.

    \1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
    \2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
    \3\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).
    \4\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(f)(2).

I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance 
of the Proposed Rule Change

    The Exchange filed a proposal to amend the fee schedule applicable 
to Members \5\ and non-members of the Exchange pursuant to BATS Rules 
15.1(a) and (c).

    \5\ The term ``Member'' is defined as ``any registered broker or 
dealer that has been admitted to membership in the Exchange.'' See 
Exchange Rule 1.5(n).

    The text of the proposed rule change is available at the Exchange's 
Web site at www.batstrading.com, at the principal office of the 
Exchange, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.

II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

    In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements 
concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and 
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The 
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in 
Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in 
Sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant parts of such 

(A) Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and 
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose
    The Exchange proposes to modify its fee schedule applicable to the 
Exchange's options platform to: (i) Bifurcate Market Maker \6\ and Non-
BATS Market Maker \7\ pricing; and (ii) to modify the criteria 
necessary to meet the Customer Penny Pilot Add Volume Tier 6 and the 
Non-Customer Penny Pilot Take Volume Tier 3.

    \6\ ``Market Maker'' applies to any transaction identified by a 
Member for clearing in the Market Maker range at the OCC, where such 
Member is registered with the Exchange as a Market Maker as defined 
in Rule 16.1(a)(37). See the Exchange's fee schedule available at 
    \7\ ``Non-BATS Market Maker'' applies to any transaction 
identified by a Member for clearing in the Market Maker range at the 
OCC, where such Member is not registered with the Exchange as a 
Market Maker, but is registered as a market maker on another options 
exchange. Id.

Market Maker/Non-BATS Market Maker Pricing
    The Exchange proposes to bifurcate Market Maker and Non-BATS Market 
Maker pricing within the fee schedule. To do so, the Exchange proposes 
to amend: (i) The Standard Rates table; (ii) the Fee Codes and 
Associated Fees table to (A) modify fee codes NM and PM; and (B) add 
new fee codes NN and PN; (iii) the NBBO Setter tiers under footnote 4 
to reference fee codes NN and PN; (iv) footnote 6 to remove references 
to Non-BATS Market Maker pricing and copy Tier 1 and relocate Tier 3 
and the Step-Up Tier to new footnote 10; and (v) footnote 7 to remove 
references to Non-BATS Market Maker Pricing and copy Tiers 1 and 2 to 
new footnote 11. The Exchange notes, other than as proposed herein, 
pricing for Non-BATS Market Maker transactions are the same as Market 
Maker transactions. The proposed rule change generally bifurcates the 
existing pricing for Market Makers and Non-BATS Market Makers.
Standard Rates and Fee Codes and Associated Fee Tables
    First, the Exchange proposes to amend the Fee Codes and Associated 
Fee table to amend fee codes NM and PM to remove references to Non-BATS 
Market Maker Pricing. Pricing for Non-BATS Market Makers would be set 
forth under new fee codes NN and PN. Under current fee code NM, Market 
Makers and Non-BATS Market Makers that add liquidity in non-Penny Pilot 
Securities \8\ receive a rebate of $0.42 per contract. Under proposed 
fee code NN, Non-BATS Market Makers that add liquidity in non-Penny 
Pilot Securities would receive a rebate of $0.36 per contract. Fee code 
NN would also include references to footnotes 4 and 11, discussed 

    \8\ ``Penny Pilot Securities'' are those issues quoted pursuant 
to Exchange Rule 21.5, Interpretation and Policy .01. Id.

    Under current fee code PM, Market Makers and Non-BATS Market Makers 
that add liquidity in Penny Pilot Securities receive a rebate of $0.35 
per contract. Under proposed fee code PN, Non-BATS Market Makers that 
add liquidity in Penny Pilot Securities would receive a rebate of $0.30 
per contract. Fee code PN would also include references to footnotes 4 
and 10, discussed below.
    Second, the Exchange proposes to amend the Standard Rates table to 
add a row to delineate pricing for Non-BATS Market Makers. Non-BATS 
Market Maker orders that yield new fee code PN would receive a rebate 
of $0.30 per contract if they do not qualify for an enhanced rebates 
under the Exchange's tiered pricing structure. The Exchange does not 
proposes to amend the enhanced rebates, which are either $0.40, $0.43, 
or $0.46 per contract depending on the tier that the Non-BATS Market 
Maker qualifies for. Likewise, Non-BATS Market Maker orders that yield 
new fee code NN would receive a rebate of $0.36 per contract if they do 
not qualify for an enhanced rebates under the Exchange's tiered pricing 
structure. The Exchange does not propose to amend the enhanced rebates, 
which are either $0.45 or $0.52 per contract depending on the tier that 
the Non-BATS Market Maker qualifies for.
    The Exchange believes it is reasonable to provide Market Makers 
with improved rates than Non-BATS Market Makers as the proposed 
differentiation recognizes the differing contributions made to the 
liquidity and trading environment on the Exchange by these market 
Footnote 4, NBBO Setter Tiers.
    The Exchange proposes to amend the NBBO Setter tiers under footnote 
4 to reference fee codes NN and PN. In addition to fee codes PA, PF, 
PM, NA, NF, and NM, the Exchange proposes to state that NBBO Setter 
Tiers 1, 2, and 3 are applicable to fee codes PN and NN.

[[Page 80845]]

NBBO Setter Tier 4 would be applicable to fee code PN, in addition to 
PF and PM. All of the fee codes referenced in footnote 4 are applicable 
to orders that add liquidity.
Footnotes 6 and 10, Market Maker and Non-BATS Market Maker Penny Pilot 
Add Volume Tiers
    The Exchange proposes to bifurcate the Market Maker and Non-Market 
Maker pricing in Penny Pilot Securities under footnote 6 by removing 
references to Non-BATS Market Maker pricing and copy Tier 1 and 
relocate Tier 3 and the Step-Up Tier to new footnote 10. Footnote 6 
would be amended to remove references to Non-BATS Market Makers as the 
tiers under footnote 6 would only apply to Market Maker activity in 
Penny Pilot Securities. The criteria for Tier 2 under footnote 6 would 
continue to reference Non-BATS Market Makers as liquidity a Market 
Maker adds in a non-market making capacity would continue to be applied 
towards the tier's requirements.
    Tiers applicable to Non-BATS Market Maker activity in Penny Pilot 
Securities would be set forth under new footnote 10. Fee code PN would 
be applicable to the tiers listed under footnote 10. Under Tier 1, a 
Non-BATS Market Maker would receive a rebate of $0.40 per contract 
where they have an ADV \9\ equal to or greater than 0.30% of average 
TCV.\10\ This is identical to Tier 1 under footnote 6 for Market 
Makers. Tier 3 and the Step-Up Tier would be deleted from footnote 6 
relocated to new footnote 10 without change. Tier 3 from footnote 6 
would be listed a Tier 2 under footnote 10. As they do today, a Non-
BATS Market Maker would receive a rebate of $0.46 per contract under 
Tier 2 where they have an ADAV \11\ in Firm/BD/JBO \12\ orders in Penny 
Pilot Securities (yielding Fee Code PF) equal to or greater than 0.25% 
of average TCV or an ADV equal to or greater than 1.50% of average TCV. 
Likewise, under the Step-Up Tier under footnote 10, a Non-BATS Market 
Maker would receive a rebate of $0.43 per contract where they have an 
Options Step-Up Add TCV \13\ in Non-Customer orders from March 2015 
baseline equal to or greater than 0.15% or an ADAV in Non-BATS Market 
Maker/Firm/BD/JBO orders equal to or greater than 0.30% of average TCV.

    \9\ As defined in the Exchange's fee schedule.
    \10\ Id.
    \11\ Id.
    \12\ Id.
    \13\ As defined in the Exchange's fee schedule.

Footnotes 7 and 11, Market Maker and Non-BATS Market Maker Non-Penny 
Pilot Add Volume Tiers
    The Exchange proposes to bifurcate the Market Maker and Non-Market 
Maker pricing in non-Penny Pilot Securities under footnote 7 by 
removing references to Non-BATS Market Maker pricing and coping Tiers 1 
and 2 to new footnote 11. Footnote 7 would be amended to remove 
references to Non-BATS Market Makers as the tiers under footnote 7 
would only apply to Market Maker activity in non-Penny Pilot 
    Tiers applicable to Non-BATS Market Maker activity in non-Penny 
Pilot Securities would be set forth under new footnote 11. Tiers 1 and 
2 under footnote 7 would be replicated under new footnote 11 without 
change. Under Tier 1, a Non-BATS Market Maker would continue to receive 
a rebate of $0.45 per contract where they have an ADV equal to or 
greater than 0.30% of average TCV. Under Tier 2, a Non-BATS Market 
Maker would continue to receive a rebate of $0.52 per contract where 
they have an ADV equal to or greater than 1.00% of average TCV. Fee 
code NN would be applicable to the tiers listed under footnote 11.
Customer Penny Pilot Add Volume Tier 6
    The Exchange currently offers a total of eight Customer \14\ Penny 
Pilot Add Volume Tiers that provide enhanced rebates for Customer 
orders in Penny Pilot Securities that add liquidity under fee code PY. 
Under the Customer Add Volume Tier 6, the Member would receive a rebate 
of $0.53 per contract where they have an ADAV in Customer orders equal 
to or greater than 1.80% of average TCV. The Exchange proposes to ease 
the criteria necessary to qualify for the Customer Penny Pilot Add 
Volume Tier 6 by requiring an ADAV in Customer orders equal to or 
greater than 1.60%, rather than 1.80% of average TCV.

    \14\ Id.

Non-Customer Penny Pilot Take Volume Tier 3
    The Exchange currently offers a total of three Non-Customer \15\ 
Penny Pilot Take Volume Tiers that provide discounted fees for Non-
Customer orders in Penny Pilot Securities that remove liquidity under 
fee code PP. Under the Non-Customer Take Volume Tier 3, the Member 
would be charged a discounted fee of $0.46 per contract where they have 
an ADAV in Non-Customer orders equal to or greater than 1.80% of 
average TCV. The Exchange proposes to ease the criteria necessary to 
qualify for the Non-Customer Penny Pilot Take Volume Tier 3 by 
requiring an ADAV in Customer orders equal to or greater than 1.60%, 
rather than 1.80% of average TCV.

    \15\ Id.

Implementation Date
    The Exchange proposes to implement these amendments to its fee 
schedule immediately.\16\

    \16\ The Exchange initially filed the proposed fee change on 
November 30, 2015 (SR-BATS-2015-107). On December 9, 2015, the 
Exchange withdrew that filing and submitted filing SR-BATS-2015-116.

2. Statutory Basis
    The Exchange believes that the proposed rule change is consistent 
with the requirements of the Act and the rules and regulations 
thereunder that are applicable to a national securities exchange, and, 
in particular, with the requirements of Section 6 of the Act.\17\ 
Specifically, the Exchange believes that the proposed rule change is 
consistent with Section 6(b)(4) of the Act,\18\ in that it provides for 
the equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees and other charges 
among members and other persons using any facility or system which the 
Exchange operates or controls. The Exchange notes that it operates in a 
highly competitive market in which market participants can readily 
direct order flow to competing venues if they deem fee levels to be 

    \17\ 15 U.S.C. 78f.
    \18\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4).

Market Maker/Non-BATS Market Maker Pricing
    The Exchange also believes it is equitable, reasonable and not 
unfairly discriminatory to bifurcate Market Maker and Non-BATS Market 
Maker pricing within the fee schedule. The Exchange notes, other than 
as proposed herein, pricing for Non-BATS Market Maker transactions are 
the same as Market Maker transactions. The proposed rule change 
generally bifurcates the existing pricing for Market Makers and Non-
BATS Market Makers. The proposed rule change would serve to clearly 
delineate within the fee schedule the fees, rebates and tiers available 
to Market Makers and Non-BATS Market Makers; thereby, avoiding Members 
confusion regarding the applicable fees and rebates.
    The Exchange also believes it is equitable, reasonable and not 
unfairly discriminatory to provide Market Makers with improved rates 
than Non-BATS Market Makers. The proposed

[[Page 80846]]

differentiation between Market Makers and Non-BATS Market Makers 
recognizes the differing contributions made to the liquidity and 
trading environment on the Exchange by these market participants. 
Market Makers, unlike Non-BATS Market Makers, have obligations on the 
Exchange and regulatory requirements,\19\ which do not apply to Non-
BATS Market Makers. A Market Maker on the Exchange has the obligation 
to make continuous markets, engage in course of dealings reasonably 
calculated to contribute to the maintenance of a fair and orderly 
market, and not make bids or offers or enter into transactions that are 
inconsistent with such course of dealings. On the other hand, Non-BATS 
Market Makers, do not have such obligations on the Exchange.

    \19\ See Exchange Rule 22.5, Obligations of Market Makers.

Customer Penny Pilot Add and Remove Tier Amendments
    Volume-based rebates and fees such as the ones currently maintained 
on the Exchange have been widely adopted by equities and options 
exchanges and are equitable because they are open to all Members on an 
equal basis and provide additional benefits or discounts that are 
reasonably related to the value to an exchange's market quality 
associated with higher levels of market activity, such as higher levels 
of liquidity provision and/or growth patterns, and introduction of 
higher volumes of orders into the price and volume discovery processes. 
Easing the criteria for the Customer Penny Pilot Add Volume Tier 6 and 
Non-Customer Penny Pilot Take Volume Tier 3 are intended to incentivize 
Members to send additional orders to the Exchange in an effort to 
qualify for the enhanced rebate or discounted fee available by the 
respective tier.
    The Exchange believes that these changes are reasonable, fair and 
equitable and non-discriminatory, for the reasons set forth with 
respect to volume-based pricing generally and because such changes will 
either incentivize participants to further contribute to market quality 
on the Exchange or will allow the Exchange to earn additional revenue 
that can be used to offset the addition of new pricing incentives. The 
Exchange also believes that the proposed fees and rebates remain 
consistent with pricing previously offered by the Exchange as well as 
competitors of the Exchange and do not represent a significant 
departure from the Exchange's general pricing structure.

(B) Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition

    The Exchange believes the proposed amendments to its fee schedule 
would not impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or 
appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. The Exchange 
does not believe that the proposed change represents a significant 
departure from previous pricing offered by the Exchange or pricing 
offered by the Exchange's competitors. Additionally, Members may opt to 
disfavor the Exchange's pricing if they believe that alternatives offer 
them better value. Accordingly, the Exchange does not believe that the 
proposed change will impair the ability of Members or competing venues 
to maintain their competitive standing in the financial markets. The 
Exchange does not believes its bifurcation of Market Maker and Non-BATS 
Market Maker pricing would burden competition as they are intended to 
simply clearly delineate within the fee schedule the fees, rebates and 
tiers available to Market Makers and Non-BATS Market Makers; thereby, 
avoiding Members confusion regarding the applicable fees and rebates. 
The Exchange also does not believe that providing Market Makers with 
improved rates than Non-BATS Market Makers would burden competition as 
the proposed differentiation recognizes the differing contributions 
made to the liquidity and trading environment on the Exchange by these 
market participants.
    The Exchange also does not believe that any of the proposed changes 
to the Exchange's tiered pricing structure burden competition, but 
instead, that they enhance competition as they are intended to increase 
the competitiveness of the Exchange by easing the criteria necessary to 
qualify for certain tiers. Also, the Exchange believes that the 
decrease to these thresholds necessary to meet the respective tiers 
contributes to, rather than burdens competition, as such changes are 
intended to incentivize participants to increase their participation on 
the Exchange.

(C) Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the 
Proposed Rule Change Received From Members, Participants or Others

    The Exchange has not solicited, and does not intend to solicit, 
comments on this proposed rule change. The Exchange has not received 
any written comments from members or other interested parties.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for 
Commission Action

    The foregoing rule change has become effective pursuant to Section 
19(b)(3)(A) of the Act \20\ and paragraph (f) of Rule 19b-4 
thereunder.\21\ At any time within 60 days of the filing of the 
proposed rule change, the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend 
such rule change if it appears to the Commission that such action is 
necessary or appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of 
investors, or otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of the Act.

    \20\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).
    \21\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4(f).

IV. Solicitation of Comments

    Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and 
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposal is 
consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of the 
following methods:

Electronic Comments

     Use the Commission's Internet comment form (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml); or
     Send an email to [email protected]. Please include 
File No. SR-BATS-2015-116 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

     Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities 
and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE., Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-BATS-2015-116. This file 
number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help 
the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, 
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on 
the Commission's Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all 
written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are 
filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to 
the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other 
than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the 
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for Web site viewing and 
printing in the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE., 
Washington, DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such filing will also be available 

[[Page 80847]]

inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All 
comments received will be posted without change; the Commission does 
not edit personal identifying information from submissions. You should 
submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. All 
submissions should refer to File No. SR-BATS-2015-116 and should be 
submitted on or before January 19, 2016.

    For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, 
pursuant to delegated authority.\22\

    \22\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).

Brent J. Fields,
[FR Doc. 2015-32534 Filed 12-24-15; 8:45 am]

                                                  80844                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 248 / Monday, December 28, 2015 / Notices

                                                  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                 places specified in Item IV below. The                under new fee codes NN and PN. Under
                                                  COMMISSION                                              Exchange has prepared summaries, set                  current fee code NM, Market Makers
                                                                                                          forth in Sections A, B, and C below, of               and Non-BATS Market Makers that add
                                                  [Release No. 34–76706; File No. SR–BATS–
                                                                                                          the most significant parts of such                    liquidity in non-Penny Pilot Securities 8
                                                                                                          statements.                                           receive a rebate of $0.42 per contract.
                                                  Self-Regulatory Organizations; BATS                     (A) Self-Regulatory Organization’s                    Under proposed fee code NN, Non-
                                                  Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing and                    Statement of the Purpose of, and                      BATS Market Makers that add liquidity
                                                  Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed                   Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                in non-Penny Pilot Securities would
                                                  Rule Change Related to Fees for BZX                     Change                                                receive a rebate of $0.36 per contract.
                                                  Options                                                                                                       Fee code NN would also include
                                                                                                          1. Purpose                                            references to footnotes 4 and 11,
                                                  December 21, 2015.                                                                                            discussed below.
                                                                                                             The Exchange proposes to modify its
                                                     Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the                  fee schedule applicable to the                           Under current fee code PM, Market
                                                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the                    Exchange’s options platform to: (i)                   Makers and Non-BATS Market Makers
                                                  ‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2                  Bifurcate Market Maker 6 and Non-                     that add liquidity in Penny Pilot
                                                  notice is hereby given that on December                 BATS Market Maker 7 pricing; and (ii) to              Securities receive a rebate of $0.35 per
                                                  9, 2015, BATS Exchange, Inc. (the                       modify the criteria necessary to meet the             contract. Under proposed fee code PN,
                                                  ‘‘Exchange’’ or ‘‘BATS’’) filed with the                Customer Penny Pilot Add Volume Tier                  Non-BATS Market Makers that add
                                                  Securities and Exchange Commission                      6 and the Non-Customer Penny Pilot                    liquidity in Penny Pilot Securities
                                                  (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule                      Take Volume Tier 3.                                   would receive a rebate of $0.30 per
                                                  change as described in Items I, II and III                                                                    contract. Fee code PN would also
                                                  below, which Items have been prepared                   Market Maker/Non-BATS Market Maker                    include references to footnotes 4 and 10,
                                                  by the Exchange. The Exchange has                       Pricing                                               discussed below.
                                                  designated the proposed rule change as                     The Exchange proposes to bifurcate                    Second, the Exchange proposes to
                                                  one establishing or changing a member                   Market Maker and Non-BATS Market                      amend the Standard Rates table to add
                                                  due, fee, or other charge imposed by the                Maker pricing within the fee schedule.                a row to delineate pricing for Non-BATS
                                                  Exchange under Section 19(b)(3)(A)(ii)                  To do so, the Exchange proposes to                    Market Makers. Non-BATS Market
                                                  of the Act 3 and Rule 19b–4(f)(2)                       amend: (i) The Standard Rates table; (ii)             Maker orders that yield new fee code PN
                                                  thereunder,4 which renders the                          the Fee Codes and Associated Fees table               would receive a rebate of $0.30 per
                                                  proposed rule change effective upon                     to (A) modify fee codes NM and PM;                    contract if they do not qualify for an
                                                  filing with the Commission. The                         and (B) add new fee codes NN and PN;                  enhanced rebates under the Exchange’s
                                                  Commission is publishing this notice to                 (iii) the NBBO Setter tiers under                     tiered pricing structure. The Exchange
                                                  solicit comments on the proposed rule                   footnote 4 to reference fee codes NN and              does not proposes to amend the
                                                  change from interested persons.                         PN; (iv) footnote 6 to remove references              enhanced rebates, which are either
                                                  I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                       to Non-BATS Market Maker pricing and                  $0.40, $0.43, or $0.46 per contract
                                                  Statement of the Terms of Substance of                  copy Tier 1 and relocate Tier 3 and the               depending on the tier that the Non-
                                                  the Proposed Rule Change                                Step-Up Tier to new footnote 10; and (v)              BATS Market Maker qualifies for.
                                                                                                          footnote 7 to remove references to Non-               Likewise, Non-BATS Market Maker
                                                     The Exchange filed a proposal to                     BATS Market Maker Pricing and copy                    orders that yield new fee code NN
                                                  amend the fee schedule applicable to                    Tiers 1 and 2 to new footnote 11. The                 would receive a rebate of $0.36 per
                                                  Members 5 and non-members of the                        Exchange notes, other than as proposed                contract if they do not qualify for an
                                                  Exchange pursuant to BATS Rules                         herein, pricing for Non-BATS Market                   enhanced rebates under the Exchange’s
                                                  15.1(a) and (c).                                        Maker transactions are the same as                    tiered pricing structure. The Exchange
                                                     The text of the proposed rule change                 Market Maker transactions. The                        does not propose to amend the
                                                  is available at the Exchange’s Web site                 proposed rule change generally                        enhanced rebates, which are either
                                                  at www.batstrading.com, at the                          bifurcates the existing pricing for                   $0.45 or $0.52 per contract depending
                                                  principal office of the Exchange, and at                Market Makers and Non-BATS Market                     on the tier that the Non-BATS Market
                                                  the Commission’s Public Reference                       Makers.                                               Maker qualifies for.
                                                  Room.                                                                                                            The Exchange believes it is reasonable
                                                                                                          Standard Rates and Fee Codes and
                                                  II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s                      Associated Fee Tables                                 to provide Market Makers with
                                                  Statement of the Purpose of, and                                                                              improved rates than Non-BATS Market
                                                  Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule                    First, the Exchange proposes to                     Makers as the proposed differentiation
                                                  Change                                                  amend the Fee Codes and Associated                    recognizes the differing contributions
                                                                                                          Fee table to amend fee codes NM and                   made to the liquidity and trading
                                                     In its filing with the Commission, the               PM to remove references to Non-BATS
                                                  Exchange included statements                                                                                  environment on the Exchange by these
                                                                                                          Market Maker Pricing. Pricing for Non-                market participants.
                                                  concerning the purpose of and basis for                 BATS Market Makers would be set forth
                                                  the proposed rule change and discussed                                                                        Footnote 4, NBBO Setter Tiers.
                                                  any comments it received on the                           6 ‘‘Market Maker’’ applies to any transaction         The Exchange proposes to amend the
                                                  proposed rule change. The text of these                 identified by a Member for clearing in the Market
                                                                                                                                                                NBBO Setter tiers under footnote 4 to
                                                  statements may be examined at the                       Maker range at the OCC, where such Member is
                                                                                                          registered with the Exchange as a Market Maker as     reference fee codes NN and PN. In
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    1 15
                                                                                                          defined in Rule 16.1(a)(37). See the Exchange’s fee   addition to fee codes PA, PF, PM, NA,
                                                         U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                schedule available at http://www.batsoptions.com/
                                                    2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
                                                                                                                                                                NF, and NM, the Exchange proposes to
                                                    3 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).                            7 ‘‘Non-BATS Market Maker’’ applies to any
                                                                                                                                                                state that NBBO Setter Tiers 1, 2, and 3
                                                    4 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(2).
                                                                                                          transaction identified by a Member for clearing in    are applicable to fee codes PN and NN.
                                                    5 The term ‘‘Member’’ is defined as ‘‘any             the Market Maker range at the OCC, where such
                                                  registered broker or dealer that has been admitted      Member is not registered with the Exchange as a         8 ‘‘Penny Pilot Securities’’ are those issues quoted

                                                  to membership in the Exchange.’’ See Exchange           Market Maker, but is registered as a market maker     pursuant to Exchange Rule 21.5, Interpretation and
                                                  Rule 1.5(n).                                            on another options exchange. Id.                      Policy .01. Id.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   13:31 Dec 24, 2015   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00100   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\28DEN1.SGM   28DEN1

                                                                                Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 248 / Monday, December 28, 2015 / Notices                                                   80845

                                                  NBBO Setter Tier 4 would be applicable                     Footnotes 7 and 11, Market Maker and                  1.80% of average TCV. The Exchange
                                                  to fee code PN, in addition to PF and                      Non-BATS Market Maker Non-Penny                       proposes to ease the criteria necessary to
                                                  PM. All of the fee codes referenced in                     Pilot Add Volume Tiers                                qualify for the Non-Customer Penny
                                                  footnote 4 are applicable to orders that                      The Exchange proposes to bifurcate                 Pilot Take Volume Tier 3 by requiring
                                                  add liquidity.                                             the Market Maker and Non-Market                       an ADAV in Customer orders equal to
                                                                                                             Maker pricing in non-Penny Pilot                      or greater than 1.60%, rather than
                                                  Footnotes 6 and 10, Market Maker and                                                                             1.80% of average TCV.
                                                                                                             Securities under footnote 7 by removing
                                                  Non-BATS Market Maker Penny Pilot
                                                                                                             references to Non-BATS Market Maker                   Implementation Date
                                                  Add Volume Tiers                                           pricing and coping Tiers 1 and 2 to new
                                                                                                                                                                     The Exchange proposes to implement
                                                     The Exchange proposes to bifurcate                      footnote 11. Footnote 7 would be
                                                                                                                                                                   these amendments to its fee schedule
                                                  the Market Maker and Non-Market                            amended to remove references to Non-
                                                  Maker pricing in Penny Pilot Securities                    BATS Market Makers as the tiers under
                                                                                                             footnote 7 would only apply to Market                 2. Statutory Basis
                                                  under footnote 6 by removing references
                                                                                                             Maker activity in non-Penny Pilot                        The Exchange believes that the
                                                  to Non-BATS Market Maker pricing and
                                                                                                             Securities.                                           proposed rule change is consistent with
                                                  copy Tier 1 and relocate Tier 3 and the                       Tiers applicable to Non-BATS Market
                                                  Step-Up Tier to new footnote 10.                                                                                 the requirements of the Act and the
                                                                                                             Maker activity in non-Penny Pilot                     rules and regulations thereunder that
                                                  Footnote 6 would be amended to                             Securities would be set forth under new
                                                  remove references to Non-BATS Market                                                                             are applicable to a national securities
                                                                                                             footnote 11. Tiers 1 and 2 under
                                                  Makers as the tiers under footnote 6                                                                             exchange, and, in particular, with the
                                                                                                             footnote 7 would be replicated under
                                                  would only apply to Market Maker                                                                                 requirements of Section 6 of the Act.17
                                                                                                             new footnote 11 without change. Under
                                                                                                                                                                   Specifically, the Exchange believes that
                                                  activity in Penny Pilot Securities. The                    Tier 1, a Non-BATS Market Maker
                                                                                                                                                                   the proposed rule change is consistent
                                                  criteria for Tier 2 under footnote 6                       would continue to receive a rebate of
                                                                                                                                                                   with Section 6(b)(4) of the Act,18 in that
                                                  would continue to reference Non-BATS                       $0.45 per contract where they have an
                                                                                                                                                                   it provides for the equitable allocation
                                                  Market Makers as liquidity a Market                        ADV equal to or greater than 0.30% of
                                                                                                                                                                   of reasonable dues, fees and other
                                                  Maker adds in a non-market making                          average TCV. Under Tier 2, a Non-BATS
                                                                                                                                                                   charges among members and other
                                                  capacity would continue to be applied                      Market Maker would continue to receive
                                                                                                                                                                   persons using any facility or system
                                                  towards the tier’s requirements.                           a rebate of $0.52 per contract where they
                                                                                                             have an ADV equal to or greater than                  which the Exchange operates or
                                                     Tiers applicable to Non-BATS Market                     1.00% of average TCV. Fee code NN                     controls. The Exchange notes that it
                                                  Maker activity in Penny Pilot Securities                   would be applicable to the tiers listed               operates in a highly competitive market
                                                  would be set forth under new footnote                      under footnote 11.                                    in which market participants can
                                                  10. Fee code PN would be applicable to                                                                           readily direct order flow to competing
                                                  the tiers listed under footnote 10. Under                  Customer Penny Pilot Add Volume Tier                  venues if they deem fee levels to be
                                                  Tier 1, a Non-BATS Market Maker                            6                                                     excessive.
                                                  would receive a rebate of $0.40 per                          The Exchange currently offers a total               Market Maker/Non-BATS Market Maker
                                                  contract where they have an ADV 9                          of eight Customer 14 Penny Pilot Add                  Pricing
                                                  equal to or greater than 0.30% of                          Volume Tiers that provide enhanced
                                                                                                             rebates for Customer orders in Penny                     The Exchange also believes it is
                                                  average TCV.10 This is identical to Tier
                                                                                                             Pilot Securities that add liquidity under             equitable, reasonable and not unfairly
                                                  1 under footnote 6 for Market Makers.
                                                                                                             fee code PY. Under the Customer Add                   discriminatory to bifurcate Market
                                                  Tier 3 and the Step-Up Tier would be
                                                                                                             Volume Tier 6, the Member would                       Maker and Non-BATS Market Maker
                                                  deleted from footnote 6 relocated to new                                                                         pricing within the fee schedule. The
                                                  footnote 10 without change. Tier 3 from                    receive a rebate of $0.53 per contract
                                                                                                             where they have an ADAV in Customer                   Exchange notes, other than as proposed
                                                  footnote 6 would be listed a Tier 2                                                                              herein, pricing for Non-BATS Market
                                                  under footnote 10. As they do today, a                     orders equal to or greater than 1.80% of
                                                                                                             average TCV. The Exchange proposes to                 Maker transactions are the same as
                                                  Non-BATS Market Maker would receive                                                                              Market Maker transactions. The
                                                  a rebate of $0.46 per contract under Tier                  ease the criteria necessary to qualify for
                                                                                                             the Customer Penny Pilot Add Volume                   proposed rule change generally
                                                  2 where they have an ADAV 11 in Firm/                                                                            bifurcates the existing pricing for
                                                                                                             Tier 6 by requiring an ADAV in
                                                  BD/JBO 12 orders in Penny Pilot                                                                                  Market Makers and Non-BATS Market
                                                                                                             Customer orders equal to or greater than
                                                  Securities (yielding Fee Code PF) equal                                                                          Makers. The proposed rule change
                                                                                                             1.60%, rather than 1.80% of average
                                                  to or greater than 0.25% of average TCV                    TCV.                                                  would serve to clearly delineate within
                                                  or an ADV equal to or greater than                                                                               the fee schedule the fees, rebates and
                                                  1.50% of average TCV. Likewise, under                      Non-Customer Penny Pilot Take Volume                  tiers available to Market Makers and
                                                  the Step-Up Tier under footnote 10, a                      Tier 3                                                Non-BATS Market Makers; thereby,
                                                  Non-BATS Market Maker would receive                          The Exchange currently offers a total               avoiding Members confusion regarding
                                                  a rebate of $0.43 per contract where they                  of three Non-Customer 15 Penny Pilot                  the applicable fees and rebates.
                                                  have an Options Step-Up Add TCV 13 in                      Take Volume Tiers that provide                           The Exchange also believes it is
                                                  Non-Customer orders from March 2015                        discounted fees for Non-Customer                      equitable, reasonable and not unfairly
                                                  baseline equal to or greater than 0.15%                    orders in Penny Pilot Securities that                 discriminatory to provide Market
                                                  or an ADAV in Non-BATS Market                              remove liquidity under fee code PP.                   Makers with improved rates than Non-
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  Maker/Firm/BD/JBO orders equal to or                       Under the Non-Customer Take Volume                    BATS Market Makers. The proposed
                                                  greater than 0.30% of average TCV.                         Tier 3, the Member would be charged a
                                                                                                                                                                     16 The Exchange initially filed the proposed fee
                                                                                                             discounted fee of $0.46 per contract
                                                                                                                                                                   change on November 30, 2015 (SR–BATS–2015–
                                                    9 As   defined in the Exchange’s fee schedule.           where they have an ADAV in Non-                       107). On December 9, 2015, the Exchange withdrew
                                                    10 Id.                                                   Customer orders equal to or greater than              that filing and submitted filing SR–BATS–2015–
                                                    11 Id.                                                                                                         116.
                                                    12 Id.                                                     14 Id.                                                17 15 U.S.C. 78f.
                                                    13 As    defined in the Exchange’s fee schedule.           15 Id.                                                18 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4).

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                                                  80846                      Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 248 / Monday, December 28, 2015 / Notices

                                                  differentiation between Market Makers                   (B) Self-Regulatory Organization’s                    III. Date of Effectiveness of the
                                                  and Non-BATS Market Makers                              Statement on Burden on Competition                    Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
                                                  recognizes the differing contributions                                                                        Commission Action
                                                  made to the liquidity and trading                          The Exchange believes the proposed
                                                                                                          amendments to its fee schedule would                     The foregoing rule change has become
                                                  environment on the Exchange by these                                                                          effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A)
                                                  market participants. Market Makers,                     not impose any burden on competition
                                                                                                          that is not necessary or appropriate in               of the Act 20 and paragraph (f) of Rule
                                                  unlike Non-BATS Market Makers, have                                                                           19b–4 thereunder.21 At any time within
                                                  obligations on the Exchange and                         furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
                                                                                                          The Exchange does not believe that the                60 days of the filing of the proposed rule
                                                  regulatory requirements,19 which do not                                                                       change, the Commission summarily may
                                                  apply to Non-BATS Market Makers. A                      proposed change represents a significant
                                                                                                                                                                temporarily suspend such rule change if
                                                  Market Maker on the Exchange has the                    departure from previous pricing offered
                                                                                                                                                                it appears to the Commission that such
                                                  obligation to make continuous markets,                  by the Exchange or pricing offered by
                                                                                                                                                                action is necessary or appropriate in the
                                                  engage in course of dealings reasonably                 the Exchange’s competitors.
                                                                                                                                                                public interest, for the protection of
                                                  calculated to contribute to the                         Additionally, Members may opt to
                                                                                                                                                                investors, or otherwise in furtherance of
                                                  maintenance of a fair and orderly                       disfavor the Exchange’s pricing if they
                                                                                                                                                                the purposes of the Act.
                                                  market, and not make bids or offers or                  believe that alternatives offer them
                                                  enter into transactions that are                        better value. Accordingly, the Exchange               IV. Solicitation of Comments
                                                  inconsistent with such course of                        does not believe that the proposed                      Interested persons are invited to
                                                  dealings. On the other hand, Non-BATS                   change will impair the ability of                     submit written data, views and
                                                  Market Makers, do not have such                         Members or competing venues to                        arguments concerning the foregoing,
                                                  obligations on the Exchange.                            maintain their competitive standing in                including whether the proposal is
                                                                                                          the financial markets. The Exchange                   consistent with the Act. Comments may
                                                  Customer Penny Pilot Add and Remove                     does not believes its bifurcation of
                                                  Tier Amendments                                                                                               be submitted by any of the following
                                                                                                          Market Maker and Non-BATS Market                      methods:
                                                     Volume-based rebates and fees such                   Maker pricing would burden
                                                  as the ones currently maintained on the                 competition as they are intended to                   Electronic Comments
                                                  Exchange have been widely adopted by                    simply clearly delineate within the fee                 • Use the Commission’s Internet
                                                  equities and options exchanges and are                  schedule the fees, rebates and tiers                  comment form (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                  equitable because they are open to all                  available to Market Makers and Non-                   rules/sro.shtml); or
                                                  Members on an equal basis and provide                   BATS Market Makers; thereby, avoiding                   • Send an email to rule-comments@
                                                  additional benefits or discounts that are               Members confusion regarding the                       sec.gov. Please include File No. SR–
                                                  reasonably related to the value to an                   applicable fees and rebates. The                      BATS–2015–116 on the subject line.
                                                  exchange’s market quality associated                    Exchange also does not believe that
                                                  with higher levels of market activity,                                                                        Paper Comments
                                                                                                          providing Market Makers with
                                                  such as higher levels of liquidity                      improved rates than Non-BATS Market                      • Send paper comments in triplicate
                                                  provision and/or growth patterns, and                   Makers would burden competition as                    to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
                                                  introduction of higher volumes of orders                the proposed differentiation recognizes               Commission, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                  into the price and volume discovery                     the differing contributions made to the               Washington, DC 20549–1090.
                                                  processes. Easing the criteria for the                  liquidity and trading environment on                  All submissions should refer to File
                                                  Customer Penny Pilot Add Volume Tier                    the Exchange by these market                          Number SR–BATS–2015–116. This file
                                                  6 and Non-Customer Penny Pilot Take                     participants.                                         number should be included on the
                                                  Volume Tier 3 are intended to                                                                                 subject line if email is used. To help the
                                                                                                             The Exchange also does not believe
                                                  incentivize Members to send additional                                                                        Commission process and review your
                                                                                                          that any of the proposed changes to the
                                                  orders to the Exchange in an effort to                                                                        comments more efficiently, please use
                                                                                                          Exchange’s tiered pricing structure                   only one method. The Commission will
                                                  qualify for the enhanced rebate or
                                                                                                          burden competition, but instead, that                 post all comments on the Commission’s
                                                  discounted fee available by the
                                                                                                          they enhance competition as they are                  Internet Web site (http://www.sec.gov/
                                                  respective tier.
                                                                                                          intended to increase the                              rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
                                                     The Exchange believes that these
                                                                                                          competitiveness of the Exchange by                    submission, all subsequent
                                                  changes are reasonable, fair and
                                                                                                          easing the criteria necessary to qualify              amendments, all written statements
                                                  equitable and non-discriminatory, for
                                                                                                          for certain tiers. Also, the Exchange                 with respect to the proposed rule
                                                  the reasons set forth with respect to
                                                                                                          believes that the decrease to these                   change that are filed with the
                                                  volume-based pricing generally and
                                                                                                          thresholds necessary to meet the                      Commission, and all written
                                                  because such changes will either
                                                                                                          respective tiers contributes to, rather               communications relating to the
                                                  incentivize participants to further
                                                                                                          than burdens competition, as such                     proposed rule change between the
                                                  contribute to market quality on the
                                                                                                          changes are intended to incentivize                   Commission and any person, other than
                                                  Exchange or will allow the Exchange to
                                                                                                          participants to increase their                        those that may be withheld from the
                                                  earn additional revenue that can be used
                                                                                                          participation on the Exchange.                        public in accordance with the
                                                  to offset the addition of new pricing
                                                  incentives. The Exchange also believes                  (C) Self-Regulatory Organization’s                    provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
                                                  that the proposed fees and rebates                      Statement on Comments on the                          available for Web site viewing and
                                                  remain consistent with pricing                          Proposed Rule Change Received From                    printing in the Commission’s Public
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                  previously offered by the Exchange as                   Members, Participants or Others                       Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
                                                  well as competitors of the Exchange and                                                                       Washington, DC 20549, on official
                                                  do not represent a significant departure                  The Exchange has not solicited, and                 business days between the hours of
                                                  from the Exchange’s general pricing                     does not intend to solicit, comments on               10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of such
                                                  structure.                                              this proposed rule change. The                        filing will also be available for
                                                                                                          Exchange has not received any written
                                                   19 See Exchange Rule 22.5, Obligations of Market       comments from members or other                          20 15   U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A).
                                                  Makers.                                                 interested parties.                                     21 17   CFR 240.19b–4(f).

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                                                                             Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 248 / Monday, December 28, 2015 / Notices                                                       80847

                                                  inspection and copying at the principal                 December 30, 2015.6 NASDAQ                               remove liquidity from the Exchange
                                                  office of the Exchange. All comments                    subsequently submitted a second                          book after routing to other
                                                  received will be posted without change;                 response letter.7 This order approves the                destinations.13 All non-marketable
                                                  the Commission does not edit personal                   proposed rule change.                                    RTFY orders will post on the Exchange
                                                  identifying information from                                                                                     book.14
                                                                                                          II. Description of the Proposal                             According to NASDAQ, the
                                                  submissions. You should submit only
                                                  information that you wish to make                          NASDAQ is proposing to amend Rule                     destinations in the System routing table
                                                  available publicly. All submissions                     4758 to add a new order routing                          for RTFY will include OTC market
                                                  should refer to File No. SR–BATS–                       option—RTFY—for Designated Retail                        makers,15 which may also be registered
                                                  2015–116 and should be submitted on                     Orders (‘‘DROs’’).8 NASDAQ states that                   NASDAQ market makers.16 NASDAQ
                                                  or before January 19, 2016.                             retail order firms 9 often send non-                     believes these market makers will likely
                                                                                                          marketable order flow to post and                        provide the greatest opportunity for
                                                    For the Commission, by the Division of
                                                                                                          display on exchanges. However, some                      price improvement for the DROs, and
                                                  Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
                                                  authority.22                                            orders that have been deemed to be non-                  the RTFY routing option will benefit
                                                                                                          marketable by the entering firm become                   DROs by providing additional price
                                                  Brent J. Fields,
                                                                                                          marketable by the time the exchange                      improvement opportunities for retail
                                                  Secretary.                                              receives them.10 NASDAQ notes that                       investors.17 NASDAQ anticipates that
                                                  [FR Doc. 2015–32534 Filed 12–24–15; 8:45 am]            these orders ultimately remove liquidity                 the RTFY routing option will route to
                                                  BILLING CODE 8011–01–P                                  from the NASDAQ order book even                          trading centers in the System routing
                                                                                                          though the firm entering the order did                   table that have experience executing
                                                                                                          not intend them to remove liquidity.11                   and providing price improvement to
                                                  SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE                                    Under the proposal, a DRO that is                     DROs.18
                                                  COMMISSION                                              marketable upon receipt by NASDAQ                           As proposed, an order using the RTFY
                                                                                                          and that elects to follow the RTFY                       routing option will be sent to the
                                                  [Release No. 34–76718; File No. SR–
                                                  NASDAQ–2015–112]                                        routing option will be routed to                         primary listing exchange for opening,
                                                                                                          destinations in the System routing table                 reopening, and closing auctions.19
                                                  Self-Regulatory Organizations; The                      instead of immediately removing                          Orders received in non-NASDAQ listed
                                                  NASDAQ Stock Market LLC; Order                          liquidity from the Exchange order                        securities prior to market open that are
                                                  Approving a Proposed Rule Change To                     book—unless explicitly instructed by                     not eligible for the pre-market session
                                                  Amend Rule 4758                                         the entering party to check the Exchange                 will be submitted to the primary listing
                                                                                                          order book first.12 RTFY orders may                      market for inclusion in that market’s
                                                  December 21, 2105.                                                                                               opening process.20 Orders received in
                                                  I. Introduction
                                                                                                             6 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 76335,
                                                                                                                                                                   NASDAQ-listed securities prior to
                                                                                                          80 FR 69256 (November 9, 2015).                          market open that are not eligible for the
                                                     On September 21, 2015, The                              7 See letter from Jonathan F. Cayne, Senior
                                                                                                                                                                   pre-market session will follow normal
                                                  NASDAQ Stock Market LLC                                 Associate General Counsel, NASDAQ to Brent J.
                                                                                                          Fields, Secretary, Commission, dated December 11,        pre-market processing.21 Orders
                                                  (‘‘NASDAQ’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’) filed with                 2015 (‘‘NASDAQ Supplemental Response’’).                 received prior to the market open that
                                                  the Securities and Exchange                                8 A Designated Retail Order is an agency or
                                                                                                                                                                   are eligible for the pre-market session
                                                  Commission (‘‘Commission’’), pursuant                   riskless principal order that meets the criteria of      will be posted—and routed if
                                                  to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities                   FINRA Rule 5320.03 and that originates from a
                                                                                                          natural person and is submitted to NASDAQ by a
                                                  Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule               member that designates it pursuant to Rule 7018,
                                                                                                                                                                     13 See  Notice, 80 FR at 59210.
                                                  19b–4 thereunder,2 a proposed rule                      provided that no change is made to the terms of the        14 If a RTFY order is posted on the Exchange,
                                                  change to adopt a new routing option,                   order with respect to price or side of market and        either because it was non-marketable when it was
                                                  the Retail Order Process (‘‘RTFY’’). The                the order does not originate from a trading              received or it has exhausted all available liquidity
                                                                                                          algorithm or any other computerized methodology.         within its limit price—including on the Exchange,
                                                  proposed rule change was published for                  An order from a ‘‘natural person’’ can include           Regulation NMS protected quotations and other
                                                  comment in the Federal Register on                      orders on behalf of accounts that are held in a          destinations in the System routing table—and the
                                                  October 1, 2015.3 The Commission                        corporate legal form—such as an Individual               order is subsequently locked or crossed by another
                                                                                                          Retirement Account, Corporation, or a Limited            market center, the System will not route to the
                                                  received two comment letters on the                                                                              locking or crossing market center. See id.
                                                                                                          Liability Company—that has been established for
                                                  proposed rule change 4 and a response                   the benefit of an individual or group of related            15 An ‘‘OTC market maker’’ in a stock is defined
                                                  letter from NASDAQ.5 On November 3,                     family members, provided that the order is               in Rule 600(b)(52) of Regulation NMS as, in general,
                                                  2015, the Commission extended the                       submitted by an individual. Members must submit          a dealer that holds itself out as willing to buy and
                                                  time period within which to approve                     a signed written attestation, in a form prescribed by    sell the stock, otherwise than on a national
                                                                                                          NASDAQ, that they have implemented policies and          securities exchange, in amounts of less than block
                                                  the proposed rule change, disapprove                    procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure        size (less than 10,000 shares).
                                                  the proposed rule change, or institute                  that substantially all orders designated by the             16 See Notice, 80 FR at 59210.

                                                  proceedings to determine whether to                     member as DROs comply with these requirements.              17 See id. NASDAQ believes that, because retail

                                                  disapprove the proposed rule change, to                 Orders may be designated on an order-by-order            orders are generally smaller on average, they are
                                                                                                          basis, or by designating all orders on a particular      often able to receive better prices than the
                                                                                                          order entry port as DROs. See NASDAQ Rule 7018.          prevailing national best bid and offer. See id. at
                                                    22 17  CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).                              9 The term ‘‘retail order firms’’ refers to NASDAQ    59211. NASDAQ believes that this is achieved by
                                                    1 15  U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).                                                                                        retail order firms sending their orders to OTC
                                                                                                          member firms that provide orders that qualify as
                                                     2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.                                  Designated Retail Orders under NASDAQ Rule               market makers that provide some level of price
                                                     3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 75987      7018.                                                    improvement. See id.
                                                                                                                                                                      18 See id. NASDAQ believes that approximately
                                                  (September 25, 2015), 80 FR 59210 (‘‘Notice’’).            10 See Notice, 80 FR at 59210.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                     4 See letter from Joseph Saluzzi, Themis Trading        11 See id.                                            96% of the DROs that will use the RTFY routing
                                                  LLC to the Commission, dated September 29, 2015            12 See id. The term ‘‘System routing table’’ refers   option will not be marketable and will add liquidity
                                                  (‘‘Themis Letter’’); and letter from Suzanne Shatto     to the proprietary process for determining the           on the Exchange, while the remainder will be
                                                  to the Commission, dated October 6, 2015 (‘‘Shatto      specific trading venues to which the System routes       routed to destinations on the System routing table
                                                  Letter’’).                                              orders and the order in which it routes them.            for potential price improvement, including to OTC
                                                     5 See letter from Jonathan F. Cayne, Senior          NASDAQ reserves the right to maintain a different        market makers. See id.
                                                                                                                                                                      19 See id.
                                                  Associate General Counsel, NASDAQ to Brent J.           System routing table for different routing options
                                                                                                                                                                      20 See id.
                                                  Fields, Secretary, Commission, dated October 22,        and to modify the System routing table at any time
                                                  2015 (‘‘NASDAQ Response’’).                             without notice. See NASDAQ Rule 4758(a)(1)(A).              21 See id. and NASDAQ Rule 4752.

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Document Created: 2018-03-02 09:23:39
Document Modified: 2018-03-02 09:23:39
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
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PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation80 FR 80844 

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