80_FR_8124 80 FR 8094 - Bethesda Campus Master Plan Record of Decision

80 FR 8094 - Bethesda Campus Master Plan Record of Decision

National Institutes of Health

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 30 (February 13, 2015)

Page Range8094-8096
FR Document2015-02993

The Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has decided, after completion of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and a thorough consideration of the public comments on the Draft EIS, to implement the Proposed Action, referred to as the Proposed Action in the Final EIS. This action is for a long-range physical Master Plan for National Institutes of Health Bethesda Campus (NIH) located in Bethesda, Maryland. This alternative accounts for potential growth in NIH personnel, new construction, additions, renovations, demolitions, and upgrades in site utilities. Responsible Official: Daniel G. Wheeland, Director, Office of Research Facilities (ORF) Development and Operations, NIH.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 30 (Friday, February 13, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 30 (Friday, February 13, 2015)]
[Pages 8094-8096]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-02993]



National Institutes of Health

Bethesda Campus Master Plan Record of Decision

SUMMARY: The Department of Health and Human Services, the National 
Institutes of Health (NIH), has decided, after completion of a Final 
Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and a thorough consideration of 
the public comments on the Draft EIS, to implement the Proposed Action, 
referred to as the Proposed Action in the Final EIS. This action is for 
a long-range physical Master Plan for National Institutes of Health 
Bethesda Campus (NIH) located in Bethesda, Maryland. This alternative 
accounts for potential growth in NIH personnel, new construction, 
additions, renovations, demolitions, and upgrades in site utilities.
    Responsible Official: Daniel G. Wheeland, Director, Office of 
Research Facilities (ORF) Development and Operations, NIH.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Valerie Nottingham, Deputy Director, 
DEP, ORF, NIH, Building 13, Room 2S11, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, 
MD 20892, Phone 301-496-7775, nihnepa@mail.nih.gov.



    After careful review of the environmental consequences in the Final 
Environmental Impact Statement for the Master Plan, National Institutes 
of Health Bethesda Campus, and consideration of public comment 
throughout the NEPA process, the NIH has decided to implement the 
Proposed Action described below as the Selected Alternative.

Selected Alternative

    The Selected Alternative is intended to be a strategic tool for the 
efficient allocation of campus resources, the orderly accommodation of 
future growth, and the creation of an environment that is both 
functionally and aesthetically conducive to accomplishing the NIH 
mission. The Selected Alternative will provide a guide for the reasoned 
and orderly development of the NIH campus, one that values and builds 
on existing resources, corrects current deficiencies and meets changing 
needs through new construction or renovation. The plan sets forth 
implementation priorities and a logical sequencing of planned 
    The Selected Alternative is for a long-range physical Master Plan 
for NIH. This alternative covers a 20-year planning period, with 
reviews every 5 years to ensure that the plan continues to address 
issues affecting the campus. The alternative addresses the future 
development of the NIH site, including placement of future 
construction; vehicular and pedestrian circulation on and off-campus; 
parking within the property boundaries; open space in and around the 
campus; required setbacks; historic properties; natural and scenic 
resources; noise; and lighting. This alternative accounts for potential 
growth in NIH personnel, and consequent construction of space over the 
planning period. Future construction on the site could include such 
facilities as new animal holding, research laboratories, and support 
    NIH will continue to develop the Bethesda campus to accommodate 
NIH's research needs and required programmatic needs consistent with 
the commitment to maintain the ``campus'' character of the site. The 
Selected Alternative advances this objective by programming and 
locating future NIH growth so that new development would tie into the 
existing utility services and utilities are available to support 
growth, and establishing development guidelines for future changes to 
the site that ensure that as the campus grows new development would be 
responsive to the context of adjacent neighborhoods or developments. 
Under the Selected Alternative, the total NIH population on the campus 
is anticipated to grow in the next twenty years to a total of 
approximately 23,594, which is an increase of approximately 3,000 
employees. The primary growth at the campus would be in intramural 
research personnel and the administrative and facility staff to support 
them. The majority, if not all, of the employees would be coming from 
off-site facilities and are already employees, or contractors, of NIH.

Alternatives Considered

    The Proposed Action Alternative, the Redevelopment Alternative and 
No Action Alternative were the three alternatives analyzed in the Final 

[[Page 8095]]

The Master Plan covers a 20-year planning period, but will be reviewed 
every 5 years to ensure that the plan continues to remain current and 
relevant to the key issues affecting the campus. The alternatives 
addressed the future development of the NIH site, including placement 
of future construction; vehicular and pedestrian circulation on and 
off-campus; parking within the property boundaries; open space in and 
around the campus; required setbacks; historic properties; natural and 
scenic resources; noise; and lighting. The alternatives account for 
potential growth in NIH personnel, and consequent construction of space 
over the planning period. Future construction on the site could include 
such facilities as new animal holding, research laboratories, and 
support facilities.

Factors Involved in the Decision

    The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requires that NIH 
facilities have a Master Plan and, the previous Master Plan for the NIH 
campus was outdated. In addition, factors such as the aging of 
facilities that were designed only to accommodate temporary use, animal 
housing facilities that do not provide adequate space for projected 
increases in animal populations, and research support facilities not 
being adequate to sustain current and projected programs. The Master 
Plan contains information, analysis, and recommendations to guide 
development of individual projects. It also serves as a means of 
informing city and county officials and utilities of future NIH 
development plans so they can anticipate and plan for the potential 
effects of NIH proposals on their systems.

Resources Impacted

    The Final EIS describes potential environmental effects of the 
Selected Alternative. These potential effects are documented in Chapter 
3 of the Final EIS. Any potential adverse environmental effects will be 
avoided or mitigated through design elements, procedures, and 
compliance with regulatory and NIH requirements. Potential impacts on 
air quality are all within government standards (federal, state, and 
local). NIH does not expect significant negative effects on the 
environment or on the citizens of Bethesda from construction and 
operation at NIH.

Summary of Impacts

    The following is a summary of potential impacts resulting from the 
Selected Alternative that the NIH considered when making its decision. 
No adverse cumulative effects have been identified during the NEPA 
process. Likewise, no unavoidable or adverse impacts from 
implementation of the Selected Alternative have been identified. The 
Selected Alternative will be beneficial to the long-term productivity 
of the national and world health communities. Biomedical research 
conducted at the NIH facilities on the campus will have the potential 
to advance techniques in disease prevention and cures, develop disease 
immunizations, and prepare defenses against naturally emerging and re-
emerging diseases and against bioweapons. Additionally, the local 
community will benefit from increased employment, income and, 
government and public finance.


    Under the Selected Alternative, the building program would improve 
existing laboratory and office spaces. This would allow NIH to attract 
well-qualified personnel to the campus. The campus building program 
would be expanded with nominal population increases. These added 
employees would continue to seek regional housing options and use local 
community services. This modest expansion would have a modest 
beneficial economic impact with modest increased demand for housing and 
community services.


    The expected increases of employees on the NIH campus are from 
employees already working in the Bethesda area in the agency's off 
campus, leased facilities. If any new employees were hired, the current 
public school capacity in Bethesda or Montgomery County and surrounding 
school districts would be adequate to accommodate the expected minimal 
growth caused by the Selected Alternative.


    The potential increase in vehicular traffic generated by the 
additional facilities and employees envisioned in the Master Plan would 
only minimally contribute to the amount of traffic on the roadways in 
the vicinity of the campus. If the campus houses 3,000 additional 
staff, the impact on morning and evening rushes is estimated to be 
approximately 12 percent more NIH vehicles. When taking into account 
that NIH's contribution to local traffic constitutes only approximately 
25% of the traffic, the impact on the community is estimated to be 3%. 
Furthermore, by the time the capital improvements contemplated under 
the Selected Alternative are in place, mass transit developments such 
as the Purple Line and Bus Rapid Transit might well be in place, 
thereby offsetting the 3% congestion. The Selected Alternative includes 
3,000 additional employees, and would generate approximately an 
additional 432 a.m. and 439 p.m. trips. The seven proposed Base 
Realignment and Closure (BRAC) improvements, discussed in the EIS, 
several of which were facilitated through NIH easements, would result 
in mitigating this slight increase AM and PM peak traffic, and also 
help keep the congestion standard below 1,600 Calculated Load Value 
(CLV). Stated differently, the modest increase in traffic would not 
change the intersection ratings. Lastly, if NIH increases the campus 
population, it will increase parking at the ration of 1 parking spot 
per 3 additional staff.


    The Selected Alternative would not be expected to have adverse 
impacts on security on the NIH Campus. No new security measures are 
proposed in the Master Plan.


    If the Selected Alternative is fully implemented, an increase of up 
to 3,000 employees and contractors would increase the current total of 
20,594 up to approximately 23,594. The increase draws from employees 
that are already working in the Bethesda/Montgomery County area.

Environmental Justice

    The Selected Alternative would not be expected to have 
disproportionately high or adverse impacts on low income or minority 
populations of the affected area.

Visual Quality

    The Master Plan's land use plan provides a framework to help 
organize future development at NIH so that similar land use types are 
consolidated while open space and natural features are preserved. NIH 
would exhibit the same basic types of land use as it does currently, 
but in a slightly different configuration. The Master Plan does not 
propose any land use changes outside NIH. Therefore, the NIH campus is 
anticipated to remain consistent with the county plan and zoning 


    To limit impacts to nearby residences, NIH would limit construction 
activities to normal daytime working hours. Under the Master Plan, the 
ambient noise levels at NIH would remain within Maryland and Montgomery

[[Page 8096]]

County noise thresholds. Furthermore, any minor change in noise levels 
is not expected to affect the character of the site.

Air Quality

    Traffic is expected to be the primary mobile source of air 
emissions at or near the campus. Mobile air emissions for the campus at 
this time are expected to originate from vehicles associated with 
visitors, commuter transportation, employee parking, commercial 
delivery, and construction vehicles. Future traffic generated carbon 
monoxide (CO) concentrations were predicted to be less than 2003 
concentrations in the Selected Alternative due to projected vehicle 
emission rate reductions. Based on predicted values, the one and eight-
hour average National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) CO 
concentrations would not be exceeded and no impacts are expected for 
any of the proposed Alternatives.

Wastewater/Water Supply

    The Selected Alternative would increase the amount of wastewater 
generated on campus with the proposal of additional development. To 
facilitate the construction of the improvements under this proposed 
alternative, the existing wastewater distribution system would need to 
be relocated and upgraded as necessary. With the increase in demand, 
NIH will consult with the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission 
(WSSC) to ensure adequate sewer capacity is available for the campus. 
This consultation would also assist WSSC in determining if and when any 
of the public lines surrounding the campus need to be upgraded. All 
sanitary sewer design would be in accordance with the NIH Facilities 
Development Manual, ``Section 8-6: Drainage Systems'' of the 2008 
National Institutes of Health Design Requirements for Biomedical 
Laboratories and Animal Research Facilities and the WSSC requirements. 
No significant impacts are expected for wastewater or the NIH campus 
water supply.

Historic Resources

    NIH would comply with National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) 
Section 106 by consulting with Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) on the 
need for particular archeological studies as individual Master Plan 
project elements are funded, designed, and executed. In the event that 
eligible prehistoric resources are identified and adverse effects are 
anticipated, NIH would continue Section 106 consultation with the 
appropriate consulting parties (which would include MHT and may also 
include Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and Native 
American tribes) to establish a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to 
resolve adverse effects. Mitigation measures identified through this 
consultation could include in-place preservation through site 
avoidance, protection, or easement acquisition; development and 
implementation of a data recovery plan to retrieve and analyze the 
site's resources implementation of innovative, alternative mitigation 
measures or a combination of these measures.

Practicable Means To Avoid or Minimize Potential Environmental Harm 
From the Selected Alternative

    All practicable means to avoid or minimize adverse environmental 
effects from the Selected Action have been identified and incorporated 
into the action. The proposed Master Plan construction will be subject 
to the existing NIH pollution prevention, waste management, and safety, 
security, and emergency response policies and procedures as well as 
existing environmental permits. Best management practices, spill 
prevention and control, and stormwater management plans will be 
followed to appropriately address the construction and operation 
envisioned in [or ``described in''--the Master Plan itself will not be 
constructed and operated] of the new Master Plan and comply with 
applicable regulatory and NIH requirements. No additional mitigation 
measures have been identified.

Pollution Prevention

    Air quality permit standards will be met, as will all federal, 
state, and local requirements to protect the environment and public 


    Based upon review and careful consideration, the NIH has decided to 
implement the Selected Alternative for a long-range physical Master 
Plan for NIH Bethesda Campus located in Bethesda, Maryland. The 
decision accounts for potential growth of NIH personnel, and consequent 
construction of space over the planning period. The decision was based 
upon review and careful consideration of the impacts identified in the 
Final EIS and public comments received throughout the NEPA process.
    Separate NEPA reviews, when required, will be done on projects 
discussed in the Master Plan. Proper NEPA documentation will be 
completed based on the outcome of that review.

    Dated: February 5, 2015.
Daniel G. Wheeland, P.E.
Director, Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, 
National Institutes of Health.
[FR Doc. 2015-02993 Filed 2-12-15; 8:45 am]

                                              8094                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / Notices

                                              the meeting. Background material is                     public conduct during advisory                        accomplishing the NIH mission. The
                                              available at http://www.fda.gov/                        committee meetings.                                   Selected Alternative will provide a
                                              AdvisoryCommittees/Calendar/                              Notice of this meeting is given under               guide for the reasoned and orderly
                                              default.htm. Scroll down to the                         the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5                 development of the NIH campus, one
                                              appropriate advisory committee meeting                  U.S.C. app. 2).                                       that values and builds on existing
                                              link.                                                     Dated: February 9, 2015.                            resources, corrects current deficiencies
                                                 Procedure: On April 9, 2015, from                    Leslie Kux,                                           and meets changing needs through new
                                              8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on April 10,                                                                          construction or renovation. The plan
                                                                                                      Associate Commissioner for Policy.
                                              2015, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., the meeting                                                                      sets forth implementation priorities and
                                                                                                      [FR Doc. 2015–03000 Filed 2–12–15; 8:45 am]
                                              is open to the public. Interested persons                                                                     a logical sequencing of planned
                                              may present data, information, or views,                BILLING CODE 4164–01–P
                                              orally or in writing, on issues pending                                                                          The Selected Alternative is for a long-
                                              before the committee. Written                                                                                 range physical Master Plan for NIH.
                                              submissions may be made to the contact                  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                              This alternative covers a 20-year
                                              person on or before March 20, 2015.                     HUMAN SERVICES                                        planning period, with reviews every 5
                                              Oral presentations from the public will                 National Institutes of Health                         years to ensure that the plan continues
                                              be scheduled between approximately 11                                                                         to address issues affecting the campus.
                                              a.m. and 12 p.m. on April 10, 2015.                     Bethesda Campus Master Plan Record                    The alternative addresses the future
                                              Those individuals interested in making                  of Decision                                           development of the NIH site, including
                                              formal oral presentations should notify                                                                       placement of future construction;
                                              the contact person and submit a brief                   SUMMARY:    The Department of Health and              vehicular and pedestrian circulation on
                                              statement of the general nature of the                  Human Services, the National Institutes               and off-campus; parking within the
                                              evidence or arguments they wish to                      of Health (NIH), has decided, after                   property boundaries; open space in and
                                              present, the names and addresses of                     completion of a Final Environmental                   around the campus; required setbacks;
                                              proposed participants, and an                           Impact Statement (FEIS) and a thorough                historic properties; natural and scenic
                                              indication of the approximate time                      consideration of the public comments                  resources; noise; and lighting. This
                                              requested to make their presentation on                 on the Draft EIS, to implement the                    alternative accounts for potential growth
                                              or before March 12, 2015. Time allotted                 Proposed Action, referred to as the                   in NIH personnel, and consequent
                                              for each presentation may be limited. If                Proposed Action in the Final EIS. This                construction of space over the planning
                                              the number of registrants requesting to                 action is for a long-range physical                   period. Future construction on the site
                                              speak is greater than can be reasonably                 Master Plan for National Institutes of                could include such facilities as new
                                              accommodated during the scheduled                       Health Bethesda Campus (NIH) located                  animal holding, research laboratories,
                                              open public hearing session, FDA may                    in Bethesda, Maryland. This alternative               and support facilities.
                                              conduct a lottery to determine the                      accounts for potential growth in NIH                     NIH will continue to develop the
                                              speakers for the scheduled open public                  personnel, new construction, additions,               Bethesda campus to accommodate NIH’s
                                              hearing session. The contact person will                renovations, demolitions, and upgrades                research needs and required
                                              notify interested persons regarding their               in site utilities.                                    programmatic needs consistent with the
                                              request to speak by March 13, 2015.                       Responsible Official: Daniel G.                     commitment to maintain the ‘‘campus’’
                                                 Closed Committee Deliberations: On                   Wheeland, Director, Office of Research                character of the site. The Selected
                                              April 9, 2015, between 4 p.m. and 5                     Facilities (ORF) Development and                      Alternative advances this objective by
                                              p.m., the meeting will be closed to                     Operations, NIH.                                      programming and locating future NIH
                                              permit discussion and review of trade                   FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      growth so that new development would
                                              secret and/or confidential commercial                   Valerie Nottingham, Deputy Director,                  tie into the existing utility services and
                                              information (see 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(3) and                DEP, ORF, NIH, Building 13, Room                      utilities are available to support growth,
                                              (c)(4)). This portion of the meeting will               2S11, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda,                  and establishing development
                                              be closed because the Committee will be                 MD 20892, Phone 301–496–7775,                         guidelines for future changes to the site
                                              discussing trade secret and/or                          nihnepa@mail.nih.gov.                                 that ensure that as the campus grows
                                              confidential data provided by Swedish                   SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            new development would be responsive
                                              Match North America Inc.                                                                                      to the context of adjacent neighborhoods
                                                 Persons attending FDA’s advisory                     Decision                                              or developments. Under the Selected
                                              committee meetings are advised that the                   After careful review of the                         Alternative, the total NIH population on
                                              Agency is not responsible for providing                 environmental consequences in the                     the campus is anticipated to grow in the
                                              access to electrical outlets.                           Final Environmental Impact Statement                  next twenty years to a total of
                                                 FDA welcomes the attendance of the                   for the Master Plan, National Institutes              approximately 23,594, which is an
                                              public at its advisory committee                        of Health Bethesda Campus, and                        increase of approximately 3,000
                                              meetings and will make every effort to                  consideration of public comment                       employees. The primary growth at the
                                              accommodate persons with physical                       throughout the NEPA process, the NIH                  campus would be in intramural research
                                              disabilities or special needs. If you                   has decided to implement the Proposed                 personnel and the administrative and
                                              require special accommodations due to                   Action described below as the Selected                facility staff to support them. The
                                              a disability, please contact Caryn Cohen                Alternative.                                          majority, if not all, of the employees
                                              at least 7 days in advance of the                                                                             would be coming from off-site facilities
                                              meeting.                                                Selected Alternative
                                                                                                                                                            and are already employees, or
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                 FDA is committed to the orderly                         The Selected Alternative is intended               contractors, of NIH.
                                              conduct of its advisory committee                       to be a strategic tool for the efficient
                                              meetings. Please visit our Web site at                  allocation of campus resources, the                   Alternatives Considered
                                              http://www.fda.gov/                                     orderly accommodation of future                          The Proposed Action Alternative, the
                                              AdvisoryCommittees/                                     growth, and the creation of an                        Redevelopment Alternative and No
                                              AboutAdvisoryCommittees/                                environment that is both functionally                 Action Alternative were the three
                                              ucm111462.htm for procedures on                         and aesthetically conducive to                        alternatives analyzed in the Final EIS.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:56 Feb 12, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00040   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\13FEN1.SGM   13FEN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / Notices                                          8095

                                              The Master Plan covers a 20-year                        considered when making its decision.                  Alternative are in place, mass transit
                                              planning period, but will be reviewed                   No adverse cumulative effects have been               developments such as the Purple Line
                                              every 5 years to ensure that the plan                   identified during the NEPA process.                   and Bus Rapid Transit might well be in
                                              continues to remain current and                         Likewise, no unavoidable or adverse                   place, thereby offsetting the 3%
                                              relevant to the key issues affecting the                impacts from implementation of the                    congestion. The Selected Alternative
                                              campus. The alternatives addressed the                  Selected Alternative have been                        includes 3,000 additional employees,
                                              future development of the NIH site,                     identified. The Selected Alternative will             and would generate approximately an
                                              including placement of future                           be beneficial to the long-term                        additional 432 a.m. and 439 p.m. trips.
                                              construction; vehicular and pedestrian                  productivity of the national and world                The seven proposed Base Realignment
                                              circulation on and off-campus; parking                  health communities. Biomedical                        and Closure (BRAC) improvements,
                                              within the property boundaries; open                    research conducted at the NIH facilities              discussed in the EIS, several of which
                                              space in and around the campus;                         on the campus will have the potential                 were facilitated through NIH easements,
                                              required setbacks; historic properties;                 to advance techniques in disease                      would result in mitigating this slight
                                              natural and scenic resources; noise; and                prevention and cures, develop disease                 increase AM and PM peak traffic, and
                                              lighting. The alternatives account for                  immunizations, and prepare defenses                   also help keep the congestion standard
                                              potential growth in NIH personnel, and                  against naturally emerging and re-                    below 1,600 Calculated Load Value
                                              consequent construction of space over                   emerging diseases and against                         (CLV). Stated differently, the modest
                                              the planning period. Future                             bioweapons. Additionally, the local                   increase in traffic would not change the
                                              construction on the site could include                  community will benefit from increased                 intersection ratings. Lastly, if NIH
                                              such facilities as new animal holding,                  employment, income and, government                    increases the campus population, it will
                                              research laboratories, and support                      and public finance.                                   increase parking at the ration of 1
                                              facilities.                                                                                                   parking spot per 3 additional staff.
                                              Factors Involved in the Decision                          Under the Selected Alternative, the                 Security
                                                 The Department of Health and Human                   building program would improve                          The Selected Alternative would not
                                              Services (HHS) requires that NIH                        existing laboratory and office spaces.                be expected to have adverse impacts on
                                              facilities have a Master Plan and, the                  This would allow NIH to attract well-                 security on the NIH Campus. No new
                                              previous Master Plan for the NIH                        qualified personnel to the campus. The                security measures are proposed in the
                                              campus was outdated. In addition,                       campus building program would be                      Master Plan.
                                              factors such as the aging of facilities that            expanded with nominal population
                                              were designed only to accommodate                       increases. These added employees                      Employment
                                              temporary use, animal housing facilities                would continue to seek regional housing                 If the Selected Alternative is fully
                                              that do not provide adequate space for                  options and use local community                       implemented, an increase of up to 3,000
                                              projected increases in animal                           services. This modest expansion would                 employees and contractors would
                                              populations, and research support                       have a modest beneficial economic                     increase the current total of 20,594 up
                                              facilities not being adequate to sustain                impact with modest increased demand                   to approximately 23,594. The increase
                                              current and projected programs. The                     for housing and community services.                   draws from employees that are already
                                              Master Plan contains information,                                                                             working in the Bethesda/Montgomery
                                              analysis, and recommendations to guide                                                                        County area.
                                              development of individual projects. It                    The expected increases of employees
                                              also serves as a means of informing city                on the NIH campus are from employees                  Environmental Justice
                                              and county officials and utilities of                   already working in the Bethesda area in                 The Selected Alternative would not
                                              future NIH development plans so they                    the agency’s off campus, leased                       be expected to have disproportionately
                                              can anticipate and plan for the potential               facilities. If any new employees were                 high or adverse impacts on low income
                                              effects of NIH proposals on their                       hired, the current public school capacity             or minority populations of the affected
                                              systems.                                                in Bethesda or Montgomery County and                  area.
                                                                                                      surrounding school districts would be
                                              Resources Impacted                                      adequate to accommodate the expected                  Visual Quality
                                                The Final EIS describes potential                     minimal growth caused by the Selected                   The Master Plan’s land use plan
                                              environmental effects of the Selected                   Alternative.                                          provides a framework to help organize
                                              Alternative. These potential effects are                                                                      future development at NIH so that
                                              documented in Chapter 3 of the Final                                                                          similar land use types are consolidated
                                              EIS. Any potential adverse                                 The potential increase in vehicular                while open space and natural features
                                              environmental effects will be avoided or                traffic generated by the additional                   are preserved. NIH would exhibit the
                                              mitigated through design elements,                      facilities and employees envisioned in                same basic types of land use as it does
                                              procedures, and compliance with                         the Master Plan would only minimally                  currently, but in a slightly different
                                              regulatory and NIH requirements.                        contribute to the amount of traffic on                configuration. The Master Plan does not
                                              Potential impacts on air quality are all                the roadways in the vicinity of the                   propose any land use changes outside
                                              within government standards (federal,                   campus. If the campus houses 3,000                    NIH. Therefore, the NIH campus is
                                              state, and local). NIH does not expect                  additional staff, the impact on morning               anticipated to remain consistent with
                                              significant negative effects on the                     and evening rushes is estimated to be                 the county plan and zoning regulations.
                                              environment or on the citizens of                       approximately 12 percent more NIH
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              Bethesda from construction and                          vehicles. When taking into account that
                                              operation at NIH.                                       NIH’s contribution to local traffic                     To limit impacts to nearby residences,
                                                                                                      constitutes only approximately 25% of                 NIH would limit construction activities
                                              Summary of Impacts                                      the traffic, the impact on the community              to normal daytime working hours.
                                                The following is a summary of                         is estimated to be 3%. Furthermore, by                Under the Master Plan, the ambient
                                              potential impacts resulting from the                    the time the capital improvements                     noise levels at NIH would remain
                                              Selected Alternative that the NIH                       contemplated under the Selected                       within Maryland and Montgomery

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   21:56 Feb 12, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00041   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\13FEN1.SGM   13FEN1

                                              8096                          Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 30 / Friday, February 13, 2015 / Notices

                                              County noise thresholds. Furthermore,                   consulting parties (which would                       NEPA documentation will be completed
                                              any minor change in noise levels is not                 include MHT and may also include                      based on the outcome of that review.
                                              expected to affect the character of the                 Advisory Council on Historic                            Dated: February 5, 2015.
                                              site.                                                   Preservation (ACHP) and Native                        Daniel G. Wheeland, P.E.
                                                                                                      American tribes) to establish a
                                              Air Quality                                                                                                   Director, Office of Research Facilities
                                                                                                      Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to                      Development and Operations, National
                                                Traffic is expected to be the primary                 resolve adverse effects. Mitigation                   Institutes of Health.
                                              mobile source of air emissions at or near               measures identified through this                      [FR Doc. 2015–02993 Filed 2–12–15; 8:45 am]
                                              the campus. Mobile air emissions for the                consultation could include in-place
                                              campus at this time are expected to                                                                           BILLING CODE 4140–01–P
                                                                                                      preservation through site avoidance,
                                              originate from vehicles associated with                 protection, or easement acquisition;
                                              visitors, commuter transportation,                      development and implementation of a
                                              employee parking, commercial delivery,                                                                        DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND
                                                                                                      data recovery plan to retrieve and                    HUMAN SERVICES
                                              and construction vehicles. Future traffic               analyze the site’s resources
                                              generated carbon monoxide (CO)                          implementation of innovative,                         National Institutes of Health
                                              concentrations were predicted to be less                alternative mitigation measures or a
                                              than 2003 concentrations in the                         combination of these measures.                        Announcement of a Draft NIH Policy on
                                              Selected Alternative due to projected                                                                         Dissemination of NIH-Funded Clinical
                                              vehicle emission rate reductions. Based                 Practicable Means To Avoid or                         Trial Information
                                              on predicted values, the one and eight-                 Minimize Potential Environmental
                                              hour average National Ambient Air                       Harm From the Selected Alternative                    SUMMARY:   On November 19, 2014, the
                                              Quality Standards (NAAQS) CO                               All practicable means to avoid or                  National Institutes of Health (NIH)
                                              concentrations would not be exceeded                    minimize adverse environmental effects                published a request for public
                                              and no impacts are expected for any of                  from the Selected Action have been                    comments in the NIH Guide for Grants
                                              the proposed Alternatives.                              identified and incorporated into the                  and Contracts on a draft policy to
                                                                                                      action. The proposed Master Plan                      promote broad and responsible
                                              Wastewater/Water Supply
                                                                                                      construction will be subject to the                   dissemination of information on clinical
                                                The Selected Alternative would                                                                              trials funded by the NIH through
                                              increase the amount of wastewater                       existing NIH pollution prevention,
                                                                                                      waste management, and safety, security,               registration and submission of summary
                                              generated on campus with the proposal                                                                         results information to ClinicalTrials.gov.
                                              of additional development. To facilitate                and emergency response policies and
                                                                                                      procedures as well as existing                        See Guide notice NOT–OD–15–019 at
                                              the construction of the improvements                                                                          http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/
                                              under this proposed alternative, the                    environmental permits. Best
                                                                                                      management practices, spill prevention                notice-files/NOT-OD-15-019.html. NIH
                                              existing wastewater distribution system                                                                       is publishing this notice in order to
                                              would need to be relocated and                          and control, and stormwater
                                                                                                      management plans will be followed to                  inform readers of the Federal Register
                                              upgraded as necessary. With the                                                                               about the draft policy and the
                                              increase in demand, NIH will consult                    appropriately address the construction
                                                                                                      and operation envisioned in [or                       opportunity to comment.
                                              with the Washington Suburban Sanitary
                                                                                                      ‘‘described in’’—the Master Plan itself               DATES: The deadline for receiving
                                              Commission (WSSC) to ensure adequate
                                                                                                      will not be constructed and operated] of              comments on the draft policy is no later
                                              sewer capacity is available for the
                                                                                                      the new Master Plan and comply with                   than 5:00 p.m. on March 23, 2015.
                                              campus. This consultation would also
                                              assist WSSC in determining if and when                  applicable regulatory and NIH                         ADDRESSES: Comments may be
                                              any of the public lines surrounding the                 requirements. No additional mitigation                submitted by any of the following
                                              campus need to be upgraded. All                         measures have been identified.                        methods:
                                              sanitary sewer design would be in                       Pollution Prevention                                     • Email:
                                              accordance with the NIH Facilities                                                                            clinicaltrials.disseminationpolicy@
                                              Development Manual, ‘‘Section 8–6:                        Air quality permit standards will be                mail.nih.gov.
                                              Drainage Systems’’ of the 2008 National                 met, as will all federal, state, and local               • Fax: 301–496–9839.
                                              Institutes of Health Design                             requirements to protect the environment                  • Mail/Hand delivery/Courier: Office
                                              Requirements for Biomedical                             and public health.                                    of Clinical Research and Bioethics
                                              Laboratories and Animal Research                        Conclusion                                            Policy, Office of Science Policy,
                                              Facilities and the WSSC requirements.                                                                         National Institutes of Health, 6705
                                              No significant impacts are expected for                    Based upon review and careful                      Rockledge Drive, Suite 750, Bethesda,
                                              wastewater or the NIH campus water                      consideration, the NIH has decided to                 MD 20892.
                                              supply.                                                 implement the Selected Alternative for
                                                                                                      a long-range physical Master Plan for                 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                              Historic Resources                                      NIH Bethesda Campus located in                        Office of Clinical Research and
                                                                                                      Bethesda, Maryland. The decision                      Bioethics Policy, Office of Science
                                                NIH would comply with National
                                                                                                      accounts for potential growth of NIH                  Policy, National Institutes of Health,
                                              Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
                                                                                                      personnel, and consequent construction                6705 Rockledge Drive, Suite 750,
                                              Section 106 by consulting with
                                                                                                      of space over the planning period. The                Bethesda, MD 20892, 301–496–9838,
                                              Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) on the
                                                                                                      decision was based upon review and                    OCRBP-OSP@od.nih.gov.
                                              need for particular archeological studies
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              as individual Master Plan project                       careful consideration of the impacts                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                              elements are funded, designed, and                      identified in the Final EIS and public                Background
                                              executed. In the event that eligible                    comments received throughout the
                                              prehistoric resources are identified and                NEPA process.                                           The National Institutes of Health
                                              adverse effects are anticipated, NIH                       Separate NEPA reviews, when                        (NIH) is dedicated to improving the
                                              would continue Section 106                              required, will be done on projects                    health of Americans by conducting and
                                              consultation with the appropriate                       discussed in the Master Plan. Proper                  funding biomedical and behavioral

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Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:18:09
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:18:09
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactValerie Nottingham, Deputy Director, DEP, ORF, NIH, Building 13, Room 2S11, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892, Phone 301-496-7775, [email protected]
FR Citation80 FR 8094 

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