80_FR_8374 80 FR 8343 - Agency Information Collection; Proposed Revisions to a Currently Approved Information Collection (OMB Control Number 1006-0023)

80 FR 8343 - Agency Information Collection; Proposed Revisions to a Currently Approved Information Collection (OMB Control Number 1006-0023)

Bureau of Reclamation

Federal Register Volume 80, Issue 31 (February 17, 2015)

Page Range8343-8345
FR Document2015-03135

We, the Bureau of Reclamation, intend to submit a request for the renewal (with revisions) of an existing approved information collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) titled, Forms to Determine Compliance by Certain Landholders, 43 CFR part 426, OMB Control Number 1006-0023.

Federal Register, Volume 80 Issue 31 (Tuesday, February 17, 2015)
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 31 (Tuesday, February 17, 2015)]
[Pages 8343-8345]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2015-03135]



Bureau of Reclamation

[RR83550000, 14XR0680A1, RX.31580001.0090104]

Agency Information Collection; Proposed Revisions to a Currently 
Approved Information Collection (OMB Control Number 1006-0023)

AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, Interior.

[[Page 8344]]

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: We, the Bureau of Reclamation, intend to submit a request for 
the renewal (with revisions) of an existing approved information 
collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) titled, Forms 
to Determine Compliance by Certain Landholders, 43 CFR part 426, OMB 
Control Number 1006-0023.

DATES: Submit written comments on the revised information collection on 
or before April 20, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Send written comments or requests for copies of the proposed 
revised forms to Stephanie McPhee, Bureau of Reclamation, Office of 
Policy and Administration, 84-55000, P.O. Box 25007, Denver, CO 80225-
0007; or via email to smcphee@usbr.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stephanie McPhee at (303) 445-2897.


I. Abstract

    Identification of limited recipients--Some entities that receive 
Reclamation irrigation water may believe that they are under the 
Reclamation Reform Act of 1982 (RRA) forms submittal threshold and, 
consequently, may not submit the appropriate RRA form(s). However, some 
of these entities may in fact have a different RRA forms submittal 
threshold than what they believe it to be due to the number of natural 
persons benefiting from each entity and the location of the land held 
by each entity. In addition, some entities that are exempt from the 
requirement to submit RRA forms due to the size of their landholdings 
(directly and indirectly owned and leased land) may in fact be 
receiving Reclamation irrigation water for which the full-cost rate 
must be paid because the start of Reclamation irrigation water 
deliveries occurred after October 1, 1981 [43 CFR 426.6(b)(2)]. The 
information obtained through completion of the Limited Recipient 
Identification Sheet (Form 7-2536) allows us to establish entities' 
compliance with Federal reclamation law. The Limited Recipient 
Identification Sheet is disbursed at our discretion.
    Trust review--In order to administer section 214 of the RRA and 43 
CFR 426.7, we are required to review and approve all trusts. Land held 
in trust generally will be attributed to the beneficiaries of the trust 
rather than the trustee if the criteria specified in the RRA and 43 CFR 
426.7 are met. We may extend the option to complete and submit for our 
review the Trust Information Sheet (Form 7-2537) instead of actual 
trust documents when we become aware of trusts with a relatively small 
landholding (40 acres or less in districts subject to the prior law 
provisions of Federal reclamation law, 240 acres or less in districts 
subject to the discretionary provisions of Federal reclamation law). If 
we find nothing on the completed Trust Information Sheet that would 
warrant the further investigation of a particular trust, that trustee 
will not be burdened with submitting trust documents to us for in-depth 
review. The Trust Information Sheet is disbursed at our discretion.
    Acreage limitation provisions applicable to public entities--Land 
farmed by a public entity can be considered exempt from the application 
of the acreage limitation provisions provided the public entity meets 
certain criteria pertaining to the revenue generated through the 
entity's farming activities (43 CFR 426.10 and the Act of July 7, 1970, 
Pub. L. 91-310). We are required to ascertain whether or not public 
entities that receive Reclamation irrigation water meet such revenue 
criteria regardless of how much land the public entities hold (directly 
or indirectly own or lease) [43 CFR 426.10(a)]. In order to minimize 
the burden on public entities, standard RRA forms are submitted by a 
public entity only when the public entity holds more than 40 acres 
subject to the acreage limitation provisions westwide, which makes it 
difficult to apply the revenue criteria as required to those public 
entities that hold less than 40 acres. When we become aware of such 
public entities, we request those public entities complete and submit 
for our review the Public Entity Information Sheet (Form 7-2565), which 
allows us to establish compliance with Federal reclamation law for 
those public entities that hold 40 acres or less and, thus, do not 
submit a standard RRA form because they are below the RRA forms 
submittal threshold. In addition, for those public entities that do not 
meet the exemption criteria, we must determine the proper rate to 
charge for Reclamation irrigation water deliveries. The Public Entity 
Information Sheet is disbursed at our discretion.
    Acreage limitation provisions applicable to religious or charitable 
organizations--Some religious or charitable organizations that receive 
Reclamation irrigation water may believe that they are under the RRA 
forms submittal threshold and, consequently, may not submit the 
appropriate RRA form(s). However, some of these organizations may in 
fact have a different RRA forms submittal threshold than what they 
believe it to be depending on whether these organizations meet all of 
the required criteria for full special application of the acreage 
limitations provisions to religious or charitable organizations [43 CFR 
426.9(b)]. In addition, some organizations that (1) do not meet the 
criteria to be treated as a religious or charitable organization under 
the acreage limitation provisions, and (2) are exempt from the 
requirement to submit RRA forms due to the size of their landholdings 
(directly and indirectly owned and leased land), may in fact be 
receiving Reclamation irrigation water for which the full-cost rate 
must be paid because the start of Reclamation irrigation water 
deliveries occurred after October 1, 1981 [43 CFR 426.6(b)(2)]. The 
Religious or Charitable Organization Identification Sheet (Form 7-2578) 
allows us to establish certain religious or charitable organizations' 
compliance with Federal reclamation law. The Religious or Charitable 
Organization Identification Sheet is disbursed at our discretion.

II. Changes to the RRA Forms and Their Instructions

    The changes made to the currently approved RRA forms and the 
corresponding instructions are of an editorial nature, and are designed 
to assist the respondents by increasing their understanding of the 
forms, clarifying the instructions for completing the forms, and 
clarifying the information that is required to be on the forms. The 
proposed revisions to the Trust Information Sheet also include 
clarification of the 40-acre and 240-acre thresholds applicable to 
prior law districts and discretionary provisions districts, 
respectively. The proposed revisions to the RRA forms will be effective 
in the 2016 water year.

III. Data

    OMB Control Number: 1006-0023.
    Title: Forms to Determine Compliance by Certain Landholders, 43 CFR 
part 426.
    Form Number: Form 7-2536, Form 7-2537, Form 7-2565, and Form 7-
    Frequency: Generally, these forms will be submitted only once per 
identified entity, trust, public entity, or religious or charitable 
organization. Each year, we expect new responses in accordance with the 
following numbers.
    Respondents: Entity landholders, trusts, public entities, and 
religious or charitable organizations identified by Reclamation that 
are subject to the acreage limitation provisions of Federal reclamation 

[[Page 8345]]

    Estimated Annual Total Number of Respondents: 500.
    Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 1.0.
    Estimated Total Number of Annual Responses: 500.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 72 hours.
    Estimated Completion Time per Respondent: See table below.

                                                      Burden                                      Annual  burden
                                                   estimate  per     Number of    Annual  number        on
                    Form No.                         form  (in      respondents    of  responses    respondents
                                                     minutes)                                       (in hours)
Limited Recipient Identification Sheet..........               5             175             175              15
Trust Information Sheet.........................               5             150             150              13
Public Entity Information Sheet.................              15             100             100              25
Religious or Charitable Identification Sheet....              15              75              75              19
    Totals......................................  ..............             500             500              72

IV. Request for Comments

    We invite your comments on:
    (a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the 
proper performance of our functions, including whether the information 
will have practical use;
    (b) the accuracy of our estimated time and cost burden of the 
collection of information, including the validity of the methodology 
and assumptions used;
    (c) ways to enhance the quality, usefulness, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and
    (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on 
respondents, including increased use of automated collection techniques 
or other forms of information technology.
    We will summarize all comments received regarding this notice. We 
will publish that summary in the Federal Register when the information 
collection request is submitted to OMB for review and approval.

V. Public Disclosure

    Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be 
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying 
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can 
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying 
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be 
able to do so.

    Dated: January 20, 2015.
Roseann Gonzales,
Director, Policy and Administration.
[FR Doc. 2015-03135 Filed 2-13-15; 8:45 am]

                                                                                   Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 17, 2015 / Notices                                                                              8343

                                              the acreage limitation provisions of                                      by legal entities are required to submit                                 Form 7–2190, Form 7–2190EZ, Form 7–
                                              Federal reclamation law. The forms in                                     forms.                                                                   2191, Form 7–2194, Form 7–21TRUST,
                                              this information collection are                                                                                                                    Form 7–21PE, Form 7–21PE–IND, Form
                                                                                                                        II. Changes to the RRA Forms and
                                              submitted to districts that use the                                                                                                                7–21FARMOP, Form 7–21VERIFY,
                                                                                                                        Their Instructions
                                              information to establish each                                                                                                                      Form 7–21FC, Form 7–21XS, Form 7–
                                              landholder’s status with respect to                                          The changes made to the currently                                     21XSINAQ, Form 7–21CONT–I, Form
                                              landownership limitations, full-cost                                      approved RRA forms and the                                               7–21CONT–L, Form 7–21CONT–O, and
                                              pricing thresholds, lease requirements,                                   corresponding instructions are of a                                      Form 7–21INFO.
                                              and other provisions of Federal                                           formatting or editorial nature, and are                                    Frequency: Annually.
                                              reclamation law. In addition, forms are                                   designed to assist the respondents by
                                                                                                                        increasing their understanding of the                                      Respondents: Landholders and farm
                                              submitted by certain farm operators to                                                                                                             operators of certain lands in our
                                                                                                                        forms, clarifying the instructions for
                                              provide information concerning the                                                                                                                 projects, whose landholdings exceed
                                                                                                                        completing the forms, and clarifying the
                                              services they provide and the nature of                                                                                                            specified RRA forms submittal
                                                                                                                        information that is required to be on the
                                              their farm operating arrangements. All                                                                                                             thresholds.
                                                                                                                        forms. The proposed revisions to the
                                              landholders whose entire westwide                                                                                                                    Estimated Annual Total Number of
                                                                                                                        RRA forms will be effective in the 2016
                                              landholdings total 40 acres or less are                                   water year.                                                              Respondents: 13,960.
                                              exempt from the requirement to submit
                                                                                                                        III. Data                                                                  Estimated Number of Responses per
                                              RRA forms. Landholders who are
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Respondent: 1.02.
                                              ‘‘qualified recipients’’ have RRA forms                                      OMB Control Number: 1006–0005.
                                              submittal thresholds of 80 acres or 240                                                                                                              Estimated Total Number of Annual
                                                                                                                           Title: Individual Landholder’s and
                                              acres depending on the district’s RRA                                                                                                              Responses: 14,239.
                                                                                                                        Farm Operator’s Certification and
                                              forms submittal threshold category                                        Reporting Forms for Acreage Limitation,                                    Estimated Total Annual Burden on
                                              where the land is held. Only farm                                         43 CFR part 426 and 43 CFR part 428.                                     Respondents: 10,432 hours.
                                              operators who provide multiple services                                      Form Number: Form 7–2180, Form                                          Estimated Completion Time per
                                              to more than 960 acres held in trusts or                                  7–2180EZ, Form 7–2181, Form 7–2184,                                      Respondent: See table below.

                                                                                                                                                                          Burden                                                       Annual
                                                                                                                                                                         estimate                Number of                          burden on
                                                                                               Form No.                                                                                                           number of
                                                                                                                                                                         per form               respondents                        respondents
                                                                                                                                                                       (in minutes)                                                  (in hours)

                                              Form   7–2180 ...................................................................................................                          60            3,595               3,667               3,667
                                              Form   7–2180EZ ...............................................................................................                            45              373                 380                 285
                                              Form   7–2181 ...................................................................................................                          78            1,050               1,071               1,392
                                              Form   7–2184 ...................................................................................................                          45               32                  33                  24
                                              Form   7–2190 ...................................................................................................                          60            1,601               1,633               1,633
                                              Form   7–2190EZ ...............................................................................................                            45               96                  98                  73
                                              Form   7–2191 ...................................................................................................                          78              777                 793               1,030
                                              Form   7–2194 ...................................................................................................                          45                4                   4                   3
                                              Form   7–21PE ...................................................................................................                          75              135                 138                 172
                                              Form   7–21PE–IND ..........................................................................................                               12                4                   4                   1
                                              Form   7–21TRUST ...........................................................................................                               60              694                 708                 708
                                              Form   7–21VERIFY ..........................................................................................                               12            5,069               5,170               1,034
                                              Form   7–21FC ...................................................................................................                          30              214                 218                 109
                                              Form   7–21XS ...................................................................................................                          30              144                 147                  73
                                              Form   7–21FARMOP ........................................................................................                                 78              172                 175                 228

                                                   Totals ........................................................................................................   ........................         13,960              14,239          10,432

                                              IV. Request for Comments                                                    We will summarize all comments                                           Dated: January 20, 2015.
                                                                                                                        received regarding this notice. We will                                  Roseann Gonzales,
                                                We invite your comments on:                                             publish that summary in the Federal                                      Director, Policy and Administration.
                                                (a) Whether the collection of                                           Register when the information                                            [FR Doc. 2015–03134 Filed 2–13–15; 8:45 am]
                                              information is necessary for the proper                                   collection request is submitted to OMB                                   BILLING CODE 4332–90–P
                                              performance of our functions, including                                   for review and approval.
                                              whether the information will have
                                              practical use;                                                            V. Public Disclosure
                                                                                                                                                                                                 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                                (b) the accuracy of our estimated time                                    Before including your address, phone
                                              and cost burden of the collection of                                      number, email address, or other                                          Bureau of Reclamation
                                              information, including the validity of                                    personal identifying information in your
                                              the methodology and assumptions used;                                     comment, you should be aware that                                        [RR83550000, 14XR0680A1,
                                                (c) ways to enhance the quality,                                        your entire comment—including your                                       RX.31580001.0090104]
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              usefulness, and clarity of the                                            personal identifying information—may
                                              information to be collected; and                                                                                                                   Agency Information Collection;
                                                                                                                        be made publicly available at any time.                                  Proposed Revisions to a Currently
                                                (d) ways to minimize the burden of                                      While you can ask us in your comment                                     Approved Information Collection (OMB
                                              the collection of information on                                          to withhold your personal identifying                                    Control Number 1006–0023)
                                              respondents, including increased use of                                   information from public review, we
                                              automated collection techniques or                                        cannot guarantee that we will be able to                                 AGENCY:     Bureau of Reclamation,
                                              other forms of information technology.                                    do so.                                                                   Interior.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014       16:51 Feb 13, 2015          Jkt 235001      PO 00000        Frm 00059        Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703      E:\FR\FM\17FEN1.SGM       17FEN1

                                              8344                        Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 17, 2015 / Notices

                                                    Notice and request for
                                              ACTION:                                                 Information Sheet (Form 7–2537)                       threshold than what they believe it to be
                                              comments.                                               instead of actual trust documents when                depending on whether these
                                                                                                      we become aware of trusts with a                      organizations meet all of the required
                                              SUMMARY:   We, the Bureau of                            relatively small landholding (40 acres or             criteria for full special application of the
                                              Reclamation, intend to submit a request                 less in districts subject to the prior law            acreage limitations provisions to
                                              for the renewal (with revisions) of an                  provisions of Federal reclamation law,                religious or charitable organizations [43
                                              existing approved information                           240 acres or less in districts subject to             CFR 426.9(b)]. In addition, some
                                              collection to the Office of Management                  the discretionary provisions of Federal               organizations that (1) do not meet the
                                              and Budget (OMB) titled, Forms to                       reclamation law). If we find nothing on               criteria to be treated as a religious or
                                              Determine Compliance by Certain                         the completed Trust Information Sheet                 charitable organization under the
                                              Landholders, 43 CFR part 426, OMB                       that would warrant the further                        acreage limitation provisions, and (2)
                                              Control Number 1006–0023.                               investigation of a particular trust, that             are exempt from the requirement to
                                              DATES: Submit written comments on the                   trustee will not be burdened with                     submit RRA forms due to the size of
                                              revised information collection on or                    submitting trust documents to us for in-              their landholdings (directly and
                                              before April 20, 2015.                                  depth review. The Trust Information                   indirectly owned and leased land), may
                                              ADDRESSES: Send written comments or                     Sheet is disbursed at our discretion.                 in fact be receiving Reclamation
                                              requests for copies of the proposed                        Acreage limitation provisions                      irrigation water for which the full-cost
                                              revised forms to Stephanie McPhee,                      applicable to public entities—Land                    rate must be paid because the start of
                                              Bureau of Reclamation, Office of Policy                 farmed by a public entity can be                      Reclamation irrigation water deliveries
                                              and Administration, 84–55000, P.O. Box                  considered exempt from the application                occurred after October 1, 1981 [43 CFR
                                              25007, Denver, CO 80225–0007; or via                    of the acreage limitation provisions                  426.6(b)(2)]. The Religious or Charitable
                                              email to smcphee@usbr.gov.                              provided the public entity meets certain              Organization Identification Sheet (Form
                                                                                                      criteria pertaining to the revenue                    7–2578) allows us to establish certain
                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                      generated through the entity’s farming                religious or charitable organizations’
                                              Stephanie McPhee at (303) 445–2897.
                                                                                                      activities (43 CFR 426.10 and the Act of              compliance with Federal reclamation
                                              SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              July 7, 1970, Pub. L. 91–310). We are                 law. The Religious or Charitable
                                              I. Abstract                                             required to ascertain whether or not                  Organization Identification Sheet is
                                                                                                      public entities that receive Reclamation              disbursed at our discretion.
                                                 Identification of limited recipients—                irrigation water meet such revenue
                                              Some entities that receive Reclamation                  criteria regardless of how much land the              II. Changes to the RRA Forms and
                                              irrigation water may believe that they                  public entities hold (directly or                     Their Instructions
                                              are under the Reclamation Reform Act                    indirectly own or lease) [43 CFR
                                              of 1982 (RRA) forms submittal threshold                                                                          The changes made to the currently
                                                                                                      426.10(a)]. In order to minimize the                  approved RRA forms and the
                                              and, consequently, may not submit the                   burden on public entities, standard RRA
                                              appropriate RRA form(s). However,                                                                             corresponding instructions are of an
                                                                                                      forms are submitted by a public entity                editorial nature, and are designed to
                                              some of these entities may in fact have                 only when the public entity holds more
                                              a different RRA forms submittal                                                                               assist the respondents by increasing
                                                                                                      than 40 acres subject to the acreage                  their understanding of the forms,
                                              threshold than what they believe it to be               limitation provisions westwide, which
                                              due to the number of natural persons                                                                          clarifying the instructions for
                                                                                                      makes it difficult to apply the revenue               completing the forms, and clarifying the
                                              benefiting from each entity and the                     criteria as required to those public
                                              location of the land held by each entity.                                                                     information that is required to be on the
                                                                                                      entities that hold less than 40 acres.                forms. The proposed revisions to the
                                              In addition, some entities that are                     When we become aware of such public
                                              exempt from the requirement to submit                                                                         Trust Information Sheet also include
                                                                                                      entities, we request those public entities
                                              RRA forms due to the size of their                                                                            clarification of the 40-acre and 240-acre
                                                                                                      complete and submit for our review the
                                              landholdings (directly and indirectly                                                                         thresholds applicable to prior law
                                                                                                      Public Entity Information Sheet (Form
                                              owned and leased land) may in fact be                                                                         districts and discretionary provisions
                                                                                                      7–2565), which allows us to establish
                                              receiving Reclamation irrigation water                                                                        districts, respectively. The proposed
                                                                                                      compliance with Federal reclamation
                                              for which the full-cost rate must be paid                                                                     revisions to the RRA forms will be
                                                                                                      law for those public entities that hold 40
                                              because the start of Reclamation                                                                              effective in the 2016 water year.
                                                                                                      acres or less and, thus, do not submit a
                                              irrigation water deliveries occurred after              standard RRA form because they are                    III. Data
                                              October 1, 1981 [43 CFR 426.6(b)(2)].                   below the RRA forms submittal
                                              The information obtained through                                                                                OMB Control Number: 1006–0023.
                                                                                                      threshold. In addition, for those public
                                              completion of the Limited Recipient                     entities that do not meet the exemption                 Title: Forms to Determine Compliance
                                              Identification Sheet (Form 7–2536)                      criteria, we must determine the proper                by Certain Landholders, 43 CFR part
                                              allows us to establish entities’                        rate to charge for Reclamation irrigation             426.
                                              compliance with Federal reclamation                     water deliveries. The Public Entity                     Form Number: Form 7–2536, Form 7–
                                              law. The Limited Recipient                              Information Sheet is disbursed at our                 2537, Form 7–2565, and Form 7–2578.
                                              Identification Sheet is disbursed at our                discretion.                                             Frequency: Generally, these forms
                                              discretion.                                                Acreage limitation provisions                      will be submitted only once per
                                                 Trust review—In order to administer                  applicable to religious or charitable                 identified entity, trust, public entity, or
                                              section 214 of the RRA and 43 CFR                       organizations—Some religious or                       religious or charitable organization.
                                              426.7, we are required to review and                    charitable organizations that receive                 Each year, we expect new responses in
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              approve all trusts. Land held in trust                  Reclamation irrigation water may                      accordance with the following numbers.
                                              generally will be attributed to the                     believe that they are under the RRA                     Respondents: Entity landholders,
                                              beneficiaries of the trust rather than the              forms submittal threshold and,                        trusts, public entities, and religious or
                                              trustee if the criteria specified in the                consequently, may not submit the                      charitable organizations identified by
                                              RRA and 43 CFR 426.7 are met. We may                    appropriate RRA form(s). However,                     Reclamation that are subject to the
                                              extend the option to complete and                       some of these organizations may in fact               acreage limitation provisions of Federal
                                              submit for our review the Trust                         have a different RRA forms submittal                  reclamation law.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014   16:51 Feb 13, 2015   Jkt 235001   PO 00000   Frm 00060   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\17FEN1.SGM   17FEN1

                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 17, 2015 / Notices                                                                              8345

                                                Estimated Annual Total Number of                                           Estimated Total Number of Annual                                         Estimated Completion Time per
                                              Respondents: 500.                                                          Responses: 500.                                                          Respondent: See table below.
                                                Estimated Number of Responses per                                          Estimated Total Annual Burden on
                                              Respondent: 1.0.                                                           Respondents: 72 hours.

                                                                                                                                                                           Burden                                                       Annual
                                                                                                                                                                          estimate                Number of                          burden on
                                                                                                Form No.                                                                                                           number of
                                                                                                                                                                          per form               respondents                        respondents
                                                                                                                                                                        (in minutes)                                                  (in hours)

                                              Limited Recipient Identification Sheet .............................................................                                         5              175               175                15
                                              Trust Information Sheet ...................................................................................                                  5              150               150                13
                                              Public Entity Information Sheet .......................................................................                                     15              100               100                25
                                              Religious or Charitable Identification Sheet ....................................................                                           15               75                75                19

                                                    Totals ........................................................................................................   ........................            500               500                72

                                              IV. Request for Comments                                                   INTERNATIONAL TRADE                                                      Information System (EDIS) at EDIS.3
                                                                                                                         COMMISSION                                                               Hearing-impaired persons are advised
                                                We invite your comments on:                                                                                                                       that information on this matter can be
                                                (a) Whether the collection of                                            Notice of Receipt of Complaint;                                          obtained by contacting the
                                              information is necessary for the proper                                    Solicitation of Comments Relating to                                     Commission’s TDD terminal on (202)
                                              performance of our functions, including                                    the Public Interest                                                      205–1810.
                                              whether the information will have                                          AGENCY: U.S. International Trade                                         SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:     The
                                              practical use;                                                             Commission.                                                              Commission has received a complaint
                                                (b) the accuracy of our estimated time                                   ACTION: Notice.                                                          and a submission pursuant to section
                                              and cost burden of the collection of                                                                                                                210.8(b) of the Commission’s Rules of
                                                                                                                         SUMMARY:   Notice is hereby given that                                   Practice and Procedure filed on behalf
                                              information, including the validity of
                                                                                                                         the U.S. International Trade                                             of NXP B.V. and NXP Semiconductors
                                              the methodology and assumptions used;                                      Commission has received a complaint                                      USA, Inc. on February 10, 2015. The
                                                (c) ways to enhance the quality,                                         entitled Certain Electronic Products,                                    complaint alleges violations of section
                                              usefulness, and clarity of the                                             Including Products with Near Field                                       337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C.
                                              information to be collected; and                                           Communication (‘‘NFC’’) System-Level                                     1337) in the importation into the United
                                                (d) ways to minimize the burden of                                       Functionality and/or Battery Power-Up                                    States, the sale for importation, and the
                                              the collection of information on                                           Functionality, Components Thereof, and                                   sale within the United States after
                                              respondents, including increased use of                                    Products Containing Same, DN 3056;                                       importation of certain electronic
                                              automated collection techniques or                                         the Commission is soliciting comments                                    products, including products with near
                                                                                                                         on any public interest issues raised by                                  field communication (‘‘NFC’’) system-
                                              other forms of information technology.
                                                                                                                         the complaint or complainant’s filing                                    level functionality and/or battery
                                                We will summarize all comments                                           under section 210.8(b) of the                                            power-up functionality, components
                                              received regarding this notice. We will                                    Commission’s Rules of Practice and                                       thereof, and products containing same.
                                              publish that summary in the Federal                                        Procedure (19 CFR 210.8(b)).                                             The complaint names as respondent
                                              Register when the information                                              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa                                    Dell, Inc. of Round Rock, TX. The
                                              collection request is submitted to OMB                                     R. Barton, Secretary to the Commission,                                  complainant requests that the
                                              for review and approval.                                                   U.S. International Trade Commission,                                     Commission issue a limited exclusion
                                                                                                                         500 E Street SW., Washington, DC                                         order, permanent cease and desist
                                              V. Public Disclosure
                                                                                                                         20436, telephone (202) 205–2000. The                                     orders, and a bond upon respondents’
                                                Before including your address, phone                                     public version of the complaint can be                                   alleged infringing articles during the 60-
                                              number, email address, or other                                            accessed on the Commission’s                                             day Presidential review period pursuant
                                              personal identifying information in your                                   Electronic Document Information                                          to 19 U.S.C. 1337(j).
                                              comment, you should be aware that                                          System (EDIS) at EDIS,1 and will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Proposed respondents, other
                                              your entire comment—including your                                         available for inspection during official
                                                                                                                                                                                                  interested parties, and members of the
                                              personal identifying information—may                                       business hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  public are invited to file comments, not
                                              be made publicly available at any time.                                    in the Office of the Secretary, U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to exceed five (5) pages in length,
                                                                                                                         International Trade Commission, 500 E
                                              While you can ask us in your comment                                                                                                                inclusive of attachments, on any public
                                                                                                                         Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
                                              to withhold your personal identifying                                                                                                               interest issues raised by the complaint
                                                                                                                         telephone (202) 205–2000.
                                              information from public review, we                                                                                                                  or section 210.8(b) filing. Comments
                                                                                                                            General information concerning the
                                              cannot guarantee that we will be able to                                                                                                            should address whether issuance of the
                                                                                                                         Commission may also be obtained by
                                              do so.                                                                                                                                              relief specifically requested by the
                                                                                                                         accessing its Internet server at United
                                                                                                                                                                                                  complainant in this investigation would
                                                Dated: January 20, 2015.                                                 States International Trade Commission
                                                                                                                                                                                                  affect the public health and welfare in
                                                                                                                         (USITC) at USITC.2 The public record
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                              Roseann Gonzales,                                                                                                                                   the United States, competitive
                                              Director, Policy and Administration.
                                                                                                                         for this investigation may be viewed on
                                                                                                                                                                                                  conditions in the United States
                                                                                                                         the Commission’s Electronic Document
                                              [FR Doc. 2015–03135 Filed 2–13–15; 8:45 am]                                                                                                         economy, the production of like or
                                              BILLING CODE 4332–90–P                                                       1 Electronic Document Information System                               directly competitive articles in the
                                                                                                                         (EDIS): http://edis.usitc.gov.
                                                                                                                           2 United States International Trade Commission                           3 Electronic Document Information System

                                                                                                                         (USITC): http://edis.usitc.gov.                                          (EDIS): http://edis.usitc.gov.

                                         VerDate Sep<11>2014        16:51 Feb 13, 2015          Jkt 235001      PO 00000        Frm 00061        Fmt 4703       Sfmt 4703      E:\FR\FM\17FEN1.SGM       17FEN1

Document Created: 2015-12-18 13:19:26
Document Modified: 2015-12-18 13:19:26
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice and request for comments.
DatesSubmit written comments on the revised information collection on or before April 20, 2015.
ContactStephanie McPhee at (303) 445-2897.
FR Citation80 FR 8343 

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