81_FR_30396 81 FR 30302 - Initial Clearing Target of 126 Megahertz Set for the Broadcast Television Spectrum Incentive Auction; Bidding in the Clock Phase of the Reverse Auction (Auction 1001) Will Start on May 31, 2016

81 FR 30302 - Initial Clearing Target of 126 Megahertz Set for the Broadcast Television Spectrum Incentive Auction; Bidding in the Clock Phase of the Reverse Auction (Auction 1001) Will Start on May 31, 2016


Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 94 (May 16, 2016)

Page Range30302-30304
FR Document2016-11432

The Incentive Auction Task Force and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau announce the initial clearing target of 126 megahertz for the Broadcast Television Spectrum Incentive Auction and that the bidding in the clock phase of the reverse auction is scheduled to begin on May 31, 2016. This document also announces the mailing of Final Confidential Status Letters, the number of forward auction blocks, and details and dates regarding the availability of educational and informational materials and bidding for reverse auction applicants that are qualified to bid in the reverse auction clock phase.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 94 (Monday, May 16, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 94 (Monday, May 16, 2016)]
[Pages 30302-30304]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-11432]



[GN Docket No. 12-268; AU Docket No. 14-252; WT Docket No. 12-269; DA 

Initial Clearing Target of 126 Megahertz Set for the Broadcast 
Television Spectrum Incentive Auction; Bidding in the Clock Phase of 
the Reverse Auction (Auction 1001) Will Start on May 31, 2016

AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Incentive Auction Task Force and Wireless 
Telecommunications Bureau announce the initial clearing target of 126 
megahertz for the Broadcast Television Spectrum Incentive Auction and 
that the bidding in the clock phase of the reverse auction is scheduled 
to begin on May 31, 2016. This document also announces the mailing of 
Final Confidential Status Letters, the number of forward auction 
blocks, and details and dates regarding the availability of educational 
and informational materials and bidding for reverse auction applicants 
that are qualified to bid in the reverse auction clock phase.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 
Auctions and Spectrum Access Division: For general auction questions, 
contact Linda Sanderson at (717) 338-2868. For reverse auction legal 
questions, contact Erin Griffith or Kathryn Hinton at (202) 418-0660.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Incentive Auction 
Clearing Target Public Notice, GN Docket No. 12-268, AU Docket No. 14-
252, WT Docket No. 12-269, DA 16-453, released on April 29, 2016. The 
complete text of the Incentive Auction Clearing Target Public Notice is 
available for public inspection and copying from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
ET Monday through Thursday or from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET on 
Fridays in the FCC Reference Information Center, 445 12th Street SW., 
Room CY-A257, Washington, DC 20554. The complete text is also available 
on the Commission's Web site at http://wireless.fcc.gov, the Auction 
1001 Web site at http://www.fcc.gov/auctions/1001, or by using the 
search function on the ECFS Web page at http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/ecfs/. 
Alternative formats are available to persons with disabilities by 
sending an email to FCC504@fcc.gov or by calling the Consumer & 
Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice), (202) 418-0432 
    1. The Incentive Auction Task Force (Task Force) and the Wireless 
Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) announce the 126 megahertz initial 
spectrum clearing target that has been set by the Auction System's 
initial clearing target determination procedure and the associated band 
plan for the initial stage of the incentive auction, as well as the 
number of Category 1 and Category 2 generic license blocks in each 
Partial Economic Area (PEA) that will be offered in the initial stage 
during the forward auction (Auction 1002). The Task Force and Bureau 
also announce that they will send a confidential letter (the Final 
Confidential Status Letter) to inform each applicant that was permitted 
to make an initial commitment in the reverse auction (Auction 1001) of 
its status with respect to the clock phase of the reverse auction. 
Finally, the Task Force and Bureau provide details and specific dates 
regarding the availability of educational materials and the bidding in 
the clock phase of the reverse auction.

I. Initial Clearing Target and Band Plan

    2. The Auction System's initial clearing target determination 
procedure has set an initial spectrum clearing target of 126 megahertz. 
Under the band plan associated with this spectrum clearing target, 100 
megahertz, or 10 paired blocks, of licensed spectrum will be offered in 
the forward auction on a near-nationwide basis.
    3. The generic license blocks offered in the initial stage during 
the forward auction under this band plan will consist of a total of 
4030 ``Category 1'' blocks (zero to 15 percent impairment) and a total 
of 18 ``Category 2'' blocks (greater than 15 percent and up to 50 
percent impairment). Approximately 97 percent of the blocks offered for 
the forward auction will be ``Category 1'' blocks, and 99 percent of 
the ``Category 1'' blocks will be zero percent impaired. Attached to 
the Incentive Auction Clearing Target Public Notice as Appendix A is a 
list indicating the number of ``Category 1'' and ``Category 2'' blocks 
available in each PEA.
    4. The initial clearing target was determined by the procedure the 
Commission adopted in the Auction 1000 Bidding Procedures Public 
Notice, 80 FR 61917, October 14, 2015. Based on the initial commitments 
made by broadcast applicants seeking to bid in the clock phase of 
Auction 1001, the procedure identified a provisional assignment of 
eligible television stations to channels for each possible clearing 
target with the primary objective of minimizing impairments to forward 
auction licenses, consistent with the Commission's statutory obligation 
to make all reasonable efforts to preserve stations' populations served 
and coverage areas and its international arrangements with Canada and 
Mexico. The initial clearing target announced is the highest possible 
clearing target and associated band plan for which the provisional 
assignment satisfies the optimization objectives and the near-
nationwide standard for impairments. If a subsequent stage is 
necessary, the clearing target determination procedure will be applied 
to select a new clearing target and corresponding band plan.

II. Final Confidential Status Letters for Reverse Auction Applicants

    5. The Bureau will send to the contact person for each applicant 
that was permitted to make an initial commitment in Auction 1001 a 
Final Confidential Status Letter to inform the applicant of its status. 
The letter will notify the applicant, for each station included in the 
application, either that (1) the station is qualified to participate in 
the clock phase of the reverse auction; (2) the station is not 
qualified because no initial commitment was made for that station; (3) 
the station is not qualified because the commitment(s) made by the 
applicant for that station could not be accommodated; or (4) the 
station is not qualified because the Auction System determined that the 
station is not needed to meet the initial or any subsequent clearing 
    6. Applicants with one or more qualified stations will be deemed 
qualified bidders for the clock phase of Auction 1001 and will be 
automatically registered for the auction. The initial commitment is the 
station's unconditional, irrevocable offer to fulfill the terms of the 
commitment, which if accepted by the Commission, becomes a

[[Page 30303]]

binding obligation on the applicant. In determining the initial 
clearing target, the Auction System assigned each qualified station to 
an initial relinquishment option corresponding to an initial commitment 
made for the station. Qualified bidders will need to log in to the 
bidding system when it becomes available during the preview period to 
see the initial relinquishment option each qualified station is 
assigned to at the start of the clock phase of the reverse auction. 
They will also receive instructions with the Final Confidential Status 
Letter for participating in the mock auction and for placing bids in 
the clock phase of the reverse auction, using their previously received 
RSA SecurID[supreg] tokens.
    7. Receipt of the registration mailing is critical to participating 
in both the mock auction and the clock phase of the reverse auction. 
Therefore, any applicant that has not received the Final Confidential 
Status Letter package by 12:00 noon Eastern Time (ET) on Wednesday, May 
4, 2016, should contact the Auctions Hotline at (717) 338-2868. The 
contact person for each applicant is responsible for ensuring that each 
authorized bidder receives all of the information and materials.
    8. If the Final Confidential Status Letter indicates that the 
Auction System has determined that a station is not qualified, the 
applicant will not be permitted to make any bids for that station in 
the reverse auction clock phase. Applicants without any qualified 
stations will not be deemed qualified bidders and will receive along 
with the Final Confidential Status Letter instructions for returning 
their RSA SecurID[supreg] tokens. The Task Force and Bureau remind all 
full power and Class A broadcast television licensees, including 
applicants that are not deemed qualified bidders, that they remain 
subject to the Commission's rules prohibiting certain communications in 
connection with Commission auctions until the completion of the forward 
auction as announced by the Commission by public notice. A party that 
is subject to the prohibition remains subject to the prohibition 
regardless of developments during the auction process. In addition, 
though communicating whether or not a party filed an application does 
not violate the rules, communicating that a party ``is not bidding'' in 
the auction could constitute an apparent violation that needs to be 
reported. In other words, an applicant that is not qualified to bid may 
nevertheless violate the prohibition by communicating its status to 
another covered party, regardless of the reason that it is not 

III. Important Upcoming Events and Dates for Auction 1001

    9. FCC Incentive Auction Reverse Auction Bidding System User Guide. 
The Task Force and Bureau will make available an ``FCC Incentive 
Auction Reverse Auction Bidding System User Guide,'' which will 
describe the features of the Auction System that will be used to bid in 
the clock phase of the reverse auction. This user guide will be emailed 
to each authorized bidder on May 5, 2016. It will also be made 
available on the Commission's Auction 1001 Web page through a link in 
the ``Education'' section on May 5, 2016. Once posted, the user guide 
will remain available and accessible on the Auction 1001 Web page 
(www.fcc.gov/auctions/1001) for reference.
    10. Online Bidding Tutorial. An online tutorial regarding bidding 
in the clock phase of the reverse auction will be available on May 18, 
2016. The online tutorial will be accessible from the Auction 1001 Web 
page through a link in the ``Education'' section. Once posted, the 
tutorial will remain available and accessible on the Auction 1001 Web 
page for reference.
    11. Bidding Preview Period. The Auction System will be available 
during a preview period that will open at 10:00 a.m. ET on May 23, 
2016, and close at 6:00 p.m. ET on May 24, 2016. During this preview 
period, authorized bidders can log in and view the list of stations for 
which they may make bids in the clock phase, each station's bidding 
status, the initial relinquishment option assigned to the station, and, 
where applicable, available bid options with associated vacancy ranges 
and next round clock price offers.
    12. Clock Phase Workshop. On May 24, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. ET to 
1:00 p.m. ET, the Task Force, in conjunction with the Media and 
Wireless Telecommunications Bureaus (the Bureaus), will host a public 
workshop on the bidding system that will be used for bidding in the 
clock phase of Auction 1001. Details about the workshop and remote 
viewing will be released at a later date. After the event, a recording 
of the clock phase workshop will be accessible from the Auction 1001 
Web page through a link in the ``Education'' section. Once posted, the 
clock phase workshop will remain available and accessible on the 
Auction 1001 Web page for reference.
    13. Mock Auction and Mock Auction Preview Period. The Task Force 
and Bureaus will conduct one mock auction for all bidders qualified to 
bid in the clock phase of Auction 1001 beginning on May 25, 2016, and 
ending on May 26, 2016. The schedule of rounds for the mock auction is 
as follows. On May 25, 2016: Mock Bidding Round 1 (10:00 a.m.--12:00 
p.m. ET) and Mock Bidding Round 2 (3:00 p.m.--5:00 p.m. ET). On May 26, 
2016: Mock Bidding Round 3 (10:00 a.m.--11:00 a.m. ET); Mock Bidding 
Round 4 (1:00 p.m.--2:00 p.m. ET); and Mock Bidding Round 5 (4:00 
p.m.--5:00 p.m. ET).
    14. The mock auction will allow qualified bidders to become 
familiar with the clock phase bidding system and to ask Commission 
auction and technical support staff questions about the system and 
auction conduct. The Auction System will provide each bidder with a 
number and variety of stations for the mock auction similar to what the 
bidder will have during the actual clock phase of the reverse auction. 
The station(s) assigned to a bidder in the mock auction will be 
hypothetical, rather than the bidder's actual station(s) that it is 
qualified to bid for in the clock phase of the reverse auction, and the 
price offers that bidders see in the mock auction will not be the same 
as the actual price offers they see in the reverse auction itself. The 
mock auction will simulate the start of the auction, and each bidder 
will be allowed to submit bids for the stations shown. If a bidder does 
not make bids for a station, the station will be eliminated from 
further bidding in the mock auction. A bidder should take advantage of 
the mock auction to practice taking actions it may wish to take during 
actual bidding in the clock phase of Auction 1001 and to further 
familiarize itself with the bidding software.
    15. The Task Force and Bureaus will conduct the mock auction over 
the Internet and provide the option of bidding by telephone. During a 
preview period that will open on the first day of the mock auction, May 
25, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. ET and remain open until 10:00 a.m. ET, 
authorized bidders will be able to log in and view the list of stations 
for which they may make bids during the mock auction. A qualified 
bidder will be able to access the mock auction during the preview 
period at the link provided in the materials that accompany the Final 
Confidential Status Letter. That link will also be used to bid in the 
mock auction. The Task Force and Bureaus strongly recommend that all 
qualified bidders participate in the mock auction.
    16. Clocks Rounds Start Date and Round Schedule. Bidding in the 
clock phase of Auction 1001 will begin on May 31, 2016, on the 
following schedule: May 31, 2016: Bidding Round (10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 
ET) and June 1, 2016: Bidding Round (10:00 a.m.-2:00

[[Page 30304]]

p.m. ET). Starting on June 2, 2016, and continuing until further 
notice, the schedule will be: Bidding Round (10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. ET) 
and Bidding Round (3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. ET). The Bureau may adjust the 
number and length of bidding rounds based upon its monitoring of the 
bidding and assessment of the reverse auction's progress. The Bureau 
will provide notice of any adjustments by announcement in the Auction 
System during the course of the auction.

Federal Communications Commission.
Gary D. Michaels,
Deputy Chief, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division, WTB.
[FR Doc. 2016-11432 Filed 5-13-16; 8:45 am]

                                                    30302                           Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 94 / Monday, May 16, 2016 / Notices

                                                    Although listed in the index, some                      Clearing Target Public Notice is                      blocks, and 99 percent of the ‘‘Category
                                                    information is not publicly available,                  available for public inspection and                   1’’ blocks will be zero percent impaired.
                                                    e.g., CBI or other information whose                    copying from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET                Attached to the Incentive Auction
                                                    disclosure is restricted by statute.                    Monday through Thursday or from 8:00                  Clearing Target Public Notice as
                                                    Certain other materials, such as                        a.m. to 11:30 a.m. ET on Fridays in the               Appendix A is a list indicating the
                                                    copyrighted material, are publicly                      FCC Reference Information Center, 445                 number of ‘‘Category 1’’ and ‘‘Category
                                                    available only in hard copy. Publicly                   12th Street SW., Room CY–A257,                        2’’ blocks available in each PEA.
                                                    available docket materials are available                Washington, DC 20554. The complete                       4. The initial clearing target was
                                                    either electronically in                                text is also available on the                         determined by the procedure the
                                                    www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at                  Commission’s Web site at http://                      Commission adopted in the Auction
                                                    the ORD Docket in the EPA                               wireless.fcc.gov, the Auction 1001 Web                1000 Bidding Procedures Public Notice,
                                                    Headquarters Docket Center.                             site at http://www.fcc.gov/auctions/                  80 FR 61917, October 14, 2015. Based
                                                                                                            1001, or by using the search function on              on the initial commitments made by
                                                      Dated: May 3, 2016.
                                                                                                            the ECFS Web page at http://                          broadcast applicants seeking to bid in
                                                    Mary A. Ross,
                                                                                                            www.fcc.gov/cgb/ecfs/. Alternative                    the clock phase of Auction 1001, the
                                                    Deputy Director, National Center for                                                                          procedure identified a provisional
                                                                                                            formats are available to persons with
                                                    Environmental Assessment.
                                                                                                            disabilities by sending an email to                   assignment of eligible television stations
                                                    [FR Doc. 2016–11264 Filed 5–13–16; 8:45 am]                                                                   to channels for each possible clearing
                                                                                                            FCC504@fcc.gov or by calling the
                                                    BILLING CODE 6560–50–P                                  Consumer & Governmental Affairs                       target with the primary objective of
                                                                                                            Bureau at (202) 418–0530 (voice), (202)               minimizing impairments to forward
                                                                                                            418–0432 (TTY).                                       auction licenses, consistent with the
                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                                     1. The Incentive Auction Task Force                Commission’s statutory obligation to
                                                    COMMISSION                                              (Task Force) and the Wireless                         make all reasonable efforts to preserve
                                                    [GN Docket No. 12–268; AU Docket No. 14–                Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau)                    stations’ populations served and
                                                    252; WT Docket No. 12–269; DA 16–453]                   announce the 126 megahertz initial                    coverage areas and its international
                                                                                                            spectrum clearing target that has been                arrangements with Canada and Mexico.
                                                    Initial Clearing Target of 126 Megahertz                set by the Auction System’s initial                   The initial clearing target announced is
                                                    Set for the Broadcast Television                        clearing target determination procedure               the highest possible clearing target and
                                                    Spectrum Incentive Auction; Bidding                     and the associated band plan for the                  associated band plan for which the
                                                    in the Clock Phase of the Reverse                       initial stage of the incentive auction, as            provisional assignment satisfies the
                                                    Auction (Auction 1001) Will Start on                    well as the number of Category 1 and                  optimization objectives and the near-
                                                    May 31, 2016                                            Category 2 generic license blocks in                  nationwide standard for impairments. If
                                                                                                            each Partial Economic Area (PEA) that                 a subsequent stage is necessary, the
                                                    AGENCY: Federal Communications                          will be offered in the initial stage during           clearing target determination procedure
                                                    Commission.                                             the forward auction (Auction 1002). The               will be applied to select a new clearing
                                                    ACTION: Notice.                                         Task Force and Bureau also announce                   target and corresponding band plan.
                                                    SUMMARY:    The Incentive Auction Task                  that they will send a confidential letter
                                                                                                                                                                  II. Final Confidential Status Letters for
                                                    Force and Wireless                                      (the Final Confidential Status Letter) to
                                                                                                                                                                  Reverse Auction Applicants
                                                    Telecommunications Bureau announce                      inform each applicant that was
                                                                                                            permitted to make an initial                             5. The Bureau will send to the contact
                                                    the initial clearing target of 126                                                                            person for each applicant that was
                                                    megahertz for the Broadcast Television                  commitment in the reverse auction
                                                                                                            (Auction 1001) of its status with respect             permitted to make an initial
                                                    Spectrum Incentive Auction and that                                                                           commitment in Auction 1001 a Final
                                                                                                            to the clock phase of the reverse
                                                    the bidding in the clock phase of the                                                                         Confidential Status Letter to inform the
                                                                                                            auction. Finally, the Task Force and
                                                    reverse auction is scheduled to begin on                                                                      applicant of its status. The letter will
                                                                                                            Bureau provide details and specific
                                                    May 31, 2016. This document also                                                                              notify the applicant, for each station
                                                                                                            dates regarding the availability of
                                                    announces the mailing of Final                                                                                included in the application, either that
                                                                                                            educational materials and the bidding in
                                                    Confidential Status Letters, the number                                                                       (1) the station is qualified to participate
                                                                                                            the clock phase of the reverse auction.
                                                    of forward auction blocks, and details                                                                        in the clock phase of the reverse
                                                    and dates regarding the availability of                 I. Initial Clearing Target and Band Plan              auction; (2) the station is not qualified
                                                    educational and informational materials                    2. The Auction System’s initial                    because no initial commitment was
                                                    and bidding for reverse auction                         clearing target determination procedure               made for that station; (3) the station is
                                                    applicants that are qualified to bid in                 has set an initial spectrum clearing                  not qualified because the
                                                    the reverse auction clock phase.                        target of 126 megahertz. Under the band               commitment(s) made by the applicant
                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        plan associated with this spectrum                    for that station could not be
                                                    Wireless Telecommunications Bureau,                     clearing target, 100 megahertz, or 10                 accommodated; or (4) the station is not
                                                    Auctions and Spectrum Access Division:                  paired blocks, of licensed spectrum will              qualified because the Auction System
                                                    For general auction questions, contact                  be offered in the forward auction on a                determined that the station is not
                                                    Linda Sanderson at (717) 338–2868. For                  near-nationwide basis.                                needed to meet the initial or any
                                                    reverse auction legal questions, contact                   3. The generic license blocks offered              subsequent clearing target.
                                                    Erin Griffith or Kathryn Hinton at (202)                in the initial stage during the forward                  6. Applicants with one or more
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    418–0660.                                               auction under this band plan will                     qualified stations will be deemed
                                                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a                    consist of a total of 4030 ‘‘Category 1’’             qualified bidders for the clock phase of
                                                    summary of the Incentive Auction                        blocks (zero to 15 percent impairment)                Auction 1001 and will be automatically
                                                    Clearing Target Public Notice, GN                       and a total of 18 ‘‘Category 2’’ blocks               registered for the auction. The initial
                                                    Docket No. 12–268, AU Docket No. 14–                    (greater than 15 percent and up to 50                 commitment is the station’s
                                                    252, WT Docket No. 12–269, DA 16–                       percent impairment). Approximately 97                 unconditional, irrevocable offer to fulfill
                                                    453, released on April 29, 2016. The                    percent of the blocks offered for the                 the terms of the commitment, which if
                                                    complete text of the Incentive Auction                  forward auction will be ‘‘Category 1’’                accepted by the Commission, becomes a

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:48 May 13, 2016   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00066   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16MYN1.SGM   16MYN1

                                                                                    Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 94 / Monday, May 16, 2016 / Notices                                               30303

                                                    binding obligation on the applicant. In                 III. Important Upcoming Events and                    26, 2016. The schedule of rounds for the
                                                    determining the initial clearing target,                Dates for Auction 1001                                mock auction is as follows. On May 25,
                                                    the Auction System assigned each                           9. FCC Incentive Auction Reverse                   2016: Mock Bidding Round 1 (10:00
                                                    qualified station to an initial                         Auction Bidding System User Guide.                    a.m.—12:00 p.m. ET) and Mock Bidding
                                                    relinquishment option corresponding to                  The Task Force and Bureau will make                   Round 2 (3:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. ET). On
                                                    an initial commitment made for the                      available an ‘‘FCC Incentive Auction                  May 26, 2016: Mock Bidding Round 3
                                                    station. Qualified bidders will need to                 Reverse Auction Bidding System User                   (10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. ET); Mock
                                                    log in to the bidding system when it                    Guide,’’ which will describe the features             Bidding Round 4 (1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m.
                                                    becomes available during the preview                    of the Auction System that will be used               ET); and Mock Bidding Round 5 (4:00
                                                    period to see the initial relinquishment                                                                      p.m.—5:00 p.m. ET).
                                                                                                            to bid in the clock phase of the reverse
                                                    option each qualified station is assigned                                                                        14. The mock auction will allow
                                                                                                            auction. This user guide will be emailed
                                                    to at the start of the clock phase of the                                                                     qualified bidders to become familiar
                                                                                                            to each authorized bidder on May 5,                   with the clock phase bidding system
                                                    reverse auction. They will also receive
                                                                                                            2016. It will also be made available on               and to ask Commission auction and
                                                    instructions with the Final Confidential
                                                                                                            the Commission’s Auction 1001 Web                     technical support staff questions about
                                                    Status Letter for participating in the
                                                                                                            page through a link in the ‘‘Education’’              the system and auction conduct. The
                                                    mock auction and for placing bids in the
                                                                                                            section on May 5, 2016. Once posted,                  Auction System will provide each
                                                    clock phase of the reverse auction, using
                                                                                                            the user guide will remain available and
                                                    their previously received RSA SecurID®                                                                        bidder with a number and variety of
                                                                                                            accessible on the Auction 1001 Web                    stations for the mock auction similar to
                                                       7. Receipt of the registration mailing               page (www.fcc.gov/auctions/1001) for                  what the bidder will have during the
                                                    is critical to participating in both the                reference.                                            actual clock phase of the reverse
                                                    mock auction and the clock phase of the                    10. Online Bidding Tutorial. An                    auction. The station(s) assigned to a
                                                    reverse auction. Therefore, any                         online tutorial regarding bidding in the              bidder in the mock auction will be
                                                    applicant that has not received the Final               clock phase of the reverse auction will               hypothetical, rather than the bidder’s
                                                    Confidential Status Letter package by                   be available on May 18, 2016. The                     actual station(s) that it is qualified to bid
                                                    12:00 noon Eastern Time (ET) on                         online tutorial will be accessible from               for in the clock phase of the reverse
                                                    Wednesday, May 4, 2016, should                          the Auction 1001 Web page through a                   auction, and the price offers that bidders
                                                    contact the Auctions Hotline at (717)                   link in the ‘‘Education’’ section. Once               see in the mock auction will not be the
                                                    338–2868. The contact person for each                   posted, the tutorial will remain                      same as the actual price offers they see
                                                    applicant is responsible for ensuring                   available and accessible on the Auction               in the reverse auction itself. The mock
                                                    that each authorized bidder receives all                1001 Web page for reference.                          auction will simulate the start of the
                                                    of the information and materials.                          11. Bidding Preview Period. The                    auction, and each bidder will be
                                                       8. If the Final Confidential Status                  Auction System will be available during               allowed to submit bids for the stations
                                                    Letter indicates that the Auction System                a preview period that will open at 10:00              shown. If a bidder does not make bids
                                                    has determined that a station is not                    a.m. ET on May 23, 2016, and close at                 for a station, the station will be
                                                    qualified, the applicant will not be                    6:00 p.m. ET on May 24, 2016. During                  eliminated from further bidding in the
                                                    permitted to make any bids for that                     this preview period, authorized bidders               mock auction. A bidder should take
                                                    station in the reverse auction clock                    can log in and view the list of stations              advantage of the mock auction to
                                                    phase. Applicants without any qualified                 for which they may make bids in the                   practice taking actions it may wish to
                                                    stations will not be deemed qualified                   clock phase, each station’s bidding                   take during actual bidding in the clock
                                                    bidders and will receive along with the                 status, the initial relinquishment option             phase of Auction 1001 and to further
                                                    Final Confidential Status Letter                        assigned to the station, and, where                   familiarize itself with the bidding
                                                    instructions for returning their RSA                    applicable, available bid options with                software.
                                                    SecurID® tokens. The Task Force and                     associated vacancy ranges and next                       15. The Task Force and Bureaus will
                                                    Bureau remind all full power and Class                  round clock price offers.                             conduct the mock auction over the
                                                    A broadcast television licensees,                          12. Clock Phase Workshop. On May                   Internet and provide the option of
                                                    including applicants that are not                       24, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. ET to 1:00                  bidding by telephone. During a preview
                                                    deemed qualified bidders, that they                     p.m. ET, the Task Force, in conjunction               period that will open on the first day of
                                                    remain subject to the Commission’s                      with the Media and Wireless                           the mock auction, May 25, 2016, at 9:00
                                                    rules prohibiting certain                               Telecommunications Bureaus (the                       a.m. ET and remain open until 10:00
                                                    communications in connection with                       Bureaus), will host a public workshop                 a.m. ET, authorized bidders will be able
                                                    Commission auctions until the                           on the bidding system that will be used               to log in and view the list of stations for
                                                    completion of the forward auction as                    for bidding in the clock phase of                     which they may make bids during the
                                                    announced by the Commission by                          Auction 1001. Details about the                       mock auction. A qualified bidder will be
                                                    public notice. A party that is subject to               workshop and remote viewing will be                   able to access the mock auction during
                                                    the prohibition remains subject to the                  released at a later date. After the event,            the preview period at the link provided
                                                    prohibition regardless of developments                  a recording of the clock phase workshop               in the materials that accompany the
                                                    during the auction process. In addition,                will be accessible from the Auction                   Final Confidential Status Letter. That
                                                    though communicating whether or not a                   1001 Web page through a link in the                   link will also be used to bid in the mock
                                                    party filed an application does not                     ‘‘Education’’ section. Once posted, the               auction. The Task Force and Bureaus
                                                    violate the rules, communicating that a                 clock phase workshop will remain                      strongly recommend that all qualified
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    party ‘‘is not bidding’’ in the auction                 available and accessible on the Auction               bidders participate in the mock auction.
                                                    could constitute an apparent violation                  1001 Web page for reference.                             16. Clocks Rounds Start Date and
                                                    that needs to be reported. In other                        13. Mock Auction and Mock Auction                  Round Schedule. Bidding in the clock
                                                    words, an applicant that is not qualified               Preview Period. The Task Force and                    phase of Auction 1001 will begin on
                                                    to bid may nevertheless violate the                     Bureaus will conduct one mock auction                 May 31, 2016, on the following
                                                    prohibition by communicating its status                 for all bidders qualified to bid in the               schedule: May 31, 2016: Bidding Round
                                                    to another covered party, regardless of                 clock phase of Auction 1001 beginning                 (10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. ET) and June 1,
                                                    the reason that it is not qualified.                    on May 25, 2016, and ending on May                    2016: Bidding Round (10:00 a.m.–2:00

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:48 May 13, 2016   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00067   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\16MYN1.SGM   16MYN1

                                                    30304                           Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 94 / Monday, May 16, 2016 / Notices

                                                    p.m. ET). Starting on June 2, 2016, and                 FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION                           nonbanking company complies with the
                                                    continuing until further notice, the                                                                          standards in section 4 of the BHC Act
                                                    schedule will be: Bidding Round (10:00                  Sunshine Act Meeting                                  (12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise
                                                    a.m.–12:00 p.m. ET) and Bidding Round                                                                         noted, nonbanking activities will be
                                                    (3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. ET). The Bureau                    AGENCY HOLDING THE MEETING:    Federal                conducted throughout the United States.
                                                    may adjust the number and length of                     Maritime Commission.                                    Unless otherwise noted, comments
                                                    bidding rounds based upon its                           TIME AND DATE: May 19, 2016; 10:00 a.m.               regarding each of these applications
                                                    monitoring of the bidding and                           PLACE: 800 N. Capitol Street NW., First               must be received at the Reserve Bank
                                                    assessment of the reverse auction’s                     Floor Hearing Room, Washington, DC.                   indicated or the offices of the Board of
                                                    progress. The Bureau will provide                       STATUS: The first portion of the meeting
                                                                                                                                                                  Governors not later than June 9, 2016.
                                                    notice of any adjustments by                            will be held in Open Session; the                       A. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
                                                    announcement in the Auction System                      second in Closed Session.                             (Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice
                                                    during the course of the auction.                                                                             President) 230 South LaSalle Street,
                                                                                                            Matters To Be Considered                              Chicago, Illinois 60690–1414:
                                                    Federal Communications Commission.                                                                              1. Central Bancshares, Inc.,
                                                                                                            Open Session
                                                    Gary D. Michaels,                                                                                             Muscatine, Iowa; to acquire 100 percent
                                                    Deputy Chief, Auctions and Spectrum Access              1. Docket No. 16–06: Update of Existing               of the outstanding shares of Brimfield
                                                    Division, WTB.                                              and Addition of New User Fees                     Bank, Brimfield, Illinois.
                                                    [FR Doc. 2016–11432 Filed 5–13–16; 8:45 am]                                                                     B. Federal Reserve Bank of
                                                                                                            Closed Session
                                                                                                                                                                  Minneapolis (Jacquelyn K. Brunmeier,
                                                    BILLING CODE 6712–01–P
                                                                                                            1. Staff Briefing on the COSCON/KL/                   Assistant Vice President) 90 Hennepin
                                                                                                                 YMUK/Hanjin/ELJSA Slot                           Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota
                                                                                                                 Allocation and Sailing Agreement,                55480–0291:
                                                                                                                 FMC Agreement No. 012300                           1. J&B Financial Holdings, Inc.,
                                                    FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION
                                                                                                            2. Staff Briefing on West Coast MTO                   Minneapolis; to acquire 100 percent of
                                                    Sunshine Act Meeting                                         Discussion Agreement, FMC                        1st United Bank, Faribault, Minnesota.
                                                                                                                 Agreement No 201143                                Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                    AGENCY:    Federal Election Commission.                 CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION:                  System, May 10, 2016.
                                                                                                            Karen V. Gregory, Secretary, (202) 523                Michael J. Lewandowski,
                                                    DATE AND TIME:     Thursday, May 19, 2016               5725.                                                 Associate Secretary of the Board.
                                                    at 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                            Karen V. Gregory,                                     [FR Doc. 2016–11421 Filed 5–13–16; 8:45 am]
                                                    PLACE:999 E Street NW., Washington,                     Secretary.                                            BILLING CODE 6210–01–P
                                                    DC (Ninth Floor).
                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2016–11602 Filed 5–12–16; 4:15 pm]
                                                    STATUS:   This meeting will be open to the              BILLING CODE 6731–AA–P
                                                                                                                                                                  FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
                                                    Items To Be Discussed                                                                                         Change in Bank Control Notices;
                                                                                                            FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM                                Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or
                                                    Draft Advisory Opinion 2016–04: Grand                                                                         Bank Holding Company
                                                      Trunk Western Railroad Co.—Illinois                   Formations of, Acquisitions by, and
                                                                                                            Mergers of Bank Holding Companies                       The notificants listed below have
                                                      Railroad Co. Political Action
                                                                                                                                                                  applied under the Change in Bank
                                                      Committee                                               The companies listed in this notice                 Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and
                                                    Draft Final Rule and Explanation and                    have applied to the Board for approval,               § 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12
                                                      Justification for Technical                           pursuant to the Bank Holding Company                  CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank
                                                      Amendments to 2015 CFR                                Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.)                  or bank holding company. The factors
                                                    Proposed Statement of Policy Regarding                  (BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR part                  that are considered in acting on the
                                                      the Public Disclosure of Closed                       225), and all other applicable statutes               notices are set forth in paragraph 7 of
                                                      Enforcement Files                                     and regulations to become a bank                      the Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)).
                                                                                                            holding company and/or to acquire the                   The notices are available for
                                                    Management and Administrative                           assets or the ownership of, control of, or            immediate inspection at the Federal
                                                      Matters                                               the power to vote shares of a bank or                 Reserve Bank indicated. The notices
                                                       Individuals who plan to attend and                   bank holding company and all of the                   also will be available for inspection at
                                                    require special assistance, such as sign                banks and nonbanking companies                        the offices of the Board of Governors.
                                                    language interpretation or other                        owned by the bank holding company,                    Interested persons may express their
                                                    reasonable accommodations, should                       including the companies listed below.                 views in writing to the Reserve Bank
                                                    contact Shawn Woodhead Werth,                             The applications listed below, as well              indicated for that notice or to the offices
                                                    Secretary and Clerk, at (202) 694–1040,                 as other related filings required by the              of the Board of Governors. Comments
                                                    at least 72 hours prior to the meeting                  Board, are available for immediate                    must be received not later than May 31,
                                                    date.                                                   inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank                2016.
                                                                                                            indicated. The applications will also be                A. Federal Reserve Bank of
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    PERSON TO CONTACT FOR INFORMATION:                      available for inspection at the offices of            Philadelphia (William Lang, Senior Vice
                                                    Judith Ingram, Press Officer, Telephone:                the Board of Governors. Interested                    President) 100 North 6th Street,
                                                    (202) 694–1220.                                         persons may express their views in                    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105–
                                                                                                            writing on the standards enumerated in                1521:
                                                    Shelley E. Garr,
                                                                                                            the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the                 1. Patriot Financial Partners, GP, L.P.,
                                                    Deputy Secretary of the Commission.                     proposal also involves the acquisition of             Patriot Financial Partners, L.P., Patriot
                                                    [FR Doc. 2016–11636 Filed 5–12–16; 4:15 pm]             a nonbanking company, the review also                 Financial Partners Parallel, L.P., Patriot
                                                    BILLING CODE 6715–01–P                                  includes whether the acquisition of the               Financial Partners GP, LLC, Patriot

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Document Created: 2016-05-14 01:16:40
Document Modified: 2016-05-14 01:16:40
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ContactWireless Telecommunications Bureau, Auctions and Spectrum Access Division: For general auction questions, contact Linda Sanderson at (717) 338-2868. For reverse auction legal questions, contact Erin Griffith or Kathryn Hinton at (202) 418-0660.
FR Citation81 FR 30302 

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