81_FR_53427 81 FR 53271 - Drawbridge Operation Regulations

81 FR 53271 - Drawbridge Operation Regulations

Coast Guard

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 156 (August 12, 2016)

Page Range53271-53271
FR Document2016-19344

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 156 (Friday, August 12, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 156 (Friday, August 12, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 53271]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-19344]



Coast Guard

33 CFR Part 117

Drawbridge Operation Regulations

CFR Correction

In Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 1 to 124, revised 
as of July 1, 2015, on page 639, in Sec.  117.799, paragraph (j) is 

[FR Doc. 2016-19344 Filed 8-11-16; 8:45 am]

                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                                   53271

                                           FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you                     DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND                                Administration (RSA) makes grants to
                                           have questions on this temporary                        SECURITY                                              public and private nonprofit agencies
                                           deviation, call or email Judy Leung-Yee,                                                                      and organizations, including
                                           Project Officer, First Coast Guard                      Coast Guard                                           institutions of higher education, to
                                           District, telephone (212) 514–4330,                                                                           establish interpreter training programs
                                           email judy.k.leung-yee@uscg.mil.                        33 CFR Part 117                                       or to provide financial assistance for
                                                                                                                                                         ongoing interpreter training programs to
                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      The                     Drawbridge Operation Regulations                      train a sufficient number of qualified
                                           Marine Parkway Bridge, mile 3.0, across                                                                       interpreters throughout the country. The
                                                                                                   CFR Correction
                                           the Rockaway Inlet, has a vertical                                                                            grants are designed to train interpreters
                                           clearance in the closed position of 55                  ■ In Title 33 of the Code of Federal                  to effectively interpret and transliterate
                                           feet at mean high water and 59 feet at                  Regulations, Parts 1 to 124, revised as of            using spoken, visual, and tactile modes
                                           mean low water. The existing bridge                     July 1, 2015, on page 639, in § 117.799,              of communication; ensure the
                                           operating regulations are found at 33                   paragraph (j) is removed.                             maintenance of the interpreting skills of
                                           CFR 117.795(a).                                         [FR Doc. 2016–19344 Filed 8–11–16; 8:45 am]           qualified interpreters; and provide
                                              The waterway is transited by                         BILLING CODE 1505–01–D                                opportunities for interpreters to improve
                                           commercial barge traffic of various                                                                           their skills in order to meet both the
                                           sizes.                                                                                                        highest standards approved by
                                                                                                   DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION                               certifying associations and the
                                              The bridge owner, MTA Bridges and                                                                          communication needs of individuals
                                           Tunnels, requested a temporary                          34 CFR Chapter III                                    who are deaf or hard of hearing and
                                           deviation from the normal operating                                                                           individuals who are Deaf-blind.
                                           schedule to replace span guide rollers,                 [Docket ID ED–2016–OSERS–0018; CFDA
                                                                                                   Number: 84.160D.]                                       Program Authority: 29 U.S.C. 772(f).
                                           counterweight guide shoes and trunnion
                                           journal at the bridge.                                                                                          Applicable Program Regulations: 34
                                                                                                   Final Priority—Training of Interpreters               CFR part 396.
                                              Under this temporary deviation, the                  for Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard                    We published a notice of proposed
                                           Marine Parkway Bridge shall remain in                   of Hearing and Individuals Who Are                    priority (NPP) for this competition in
                                           the closed position from 7 a.m. on                      Deaf-Blind Program                                    the Federal Register on May 6, 2016 (81
                                           October 17, 2016 to 5 p.m. October 28,                  AGENCY:  Office of Special Education and              FR 27375). That notice contained
                                           2016.                                                   Rehabilitative Services, Department of                background information and our reasons
                                              Vessels able to pass under the bridge                Education.                                            for proposing the particular priority.
                                           in the closed position may do so at                                                                             Public Comment: In response to our
                                                                                                   ACTION: Final priority.
                                           anytime. The bridge will not be able to                                                                       invitation in the notice of proposed
                                           open for emergencies and there is no                    SUMMARY:   The Assistant Secretary for                priority, 25 parties submitted comments
                                           immediate alternate route for vessels to                Special Education and Rehabilitative                  on the proposed priority.
                                                                                                   Services announces a final priority                     We group major issues according to
                                           pass.                                                                                                         subject. Generally, we do not address
                                                                                                   under the Training of Interpreters for
                                              The Coast Guard will inform the users                Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of                   technical and other minor changes, or
                                           of the waterways through our Local                      Hearing and Individuals Who Are Deaf-                 suggested changes the law does not
                                           Notice and Broadcast to Mariners of the                 Blind Program. The Assistant Secretary                authorize us to make under the
                                           change in operating schedule for the                    may use this priority for competitions in             applicable statutory authority. In
                                           bridge so that vessel operations can                    fiscal year 2016 and later years. We take             addition, we do not address general
                                           arrange their transits to minimize any                  this action to provide training and                   comments that raised concerns not
                                           impact caused by the temporary                          technical assistance to better prepare                directly related to the proposed priority.
                                           deviation. The Coast Guard notified                     novice interpreters to become highly                    Analysis of Comments and Changes:
                                           various companies of the commercial oil                 qualified, nationally certified sign                  An analysis of the comments and of any
                                           and barge vessels and they have no                      language interpreters.                                changes in the priority since publication
                                           objections to the temporary deviation.                                                                        of the notice of proposed priority
                                                                                                   DATES: This priority is effective
                                              In accordance with 33 CFR 117.35(e),                 September 12, 2016.
                                           the drawbridge must return to its regular               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      Specialty Training Supported Through
                                           operating schedule immediately at the                   Kristen Rhinehart-Fernandez, U.S.                     This Priority
                                           end of the effective period of this                     Department of Education, 400 Maryland                    Comment: A number of commenters
                                           temporary deviation. This deviation                     Avenue SW., Room 5062, Potomac                        recommended continuing the specialty
                                           from the operating regulations is                       Center Plaza (PCP), Washington, DC                    area training developed in prior grant
                                           authorized under 33 CFR 117.35.                         20202–2800. Telephone: (202) 245–6103                 cycles for deaf-blind interpreting, health
                                                                                                   or by email: Kristen.Rhinehart@ed.gov.                care interpreting, legal interpreting,
                                             Dated: August 9, 2016.                                   If you use a telecommunications                    trilingual interpreting in American Sign
                                           C.J. Bisignano,                                         device for the deaf (TDD) or a text                   Language (ASL)/English/Spanish, deaf
                                           Supervisory Bridge Management Specialist,               telephone (TTY), call the Federal Relay               self-advocacy training (DSAT),
                                           First Coast Guard District.                             Service (FRS), toll free, at 1–800–877–               interpreting in a Vocational
                                           [FR Doc. 2016–19189 Filed 8–11–16; 8:45 am]             8339.                                                 Rehabilitation (VR) setting, interpreting
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                                           BILLING CODE 9110–04–P                                  SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                            provided by deaf 1 interpreters, and
                                                                                                     Purpose of Program: Under the
                                                                                                                                                           1 As used in this notice, the word ‘‘deaf’’ refers
                                                                                                   Rehabilitation Act of 1973
                                                                                                                                                         to (1) ‘‘deaf’’ and ‘‘Deaf’’ people, i.e., to the
                                                                                                   (Rehabilitation Act), as amended by the               condition of deafness; (2) to ‘‘deaf, hard of hearing,
                                                                                                   Workforce Innovation and Opportunity                  and Deaf-Blind’’; and (3) to individuals who are
                                                                                                   Act (WIOA), the Rehabilitation Services                                                            Continued

                                      VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:54 Aug 11, 2016   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00027   Fmt 4700   Sfmt 4700   E:\FR\FM\12AUR1.SGM   12AUR1

Document Created: 2018-02-09 11:33:35
Document Modified: 2018-02-09 11:33:35
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
FR Citation81 FR 53271 

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