81_FR_53471 81 FR 53315 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the San Miguel Island Fox, Santa Rosa Island Fox, and Santa Cruz Island Fox From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and Reclassifying the Santa Catalina Island Fox From Endangered to Threatened

81 FR 53315 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the San Miguel Island Fox, Santa Rosa Island Fox, and Santa Cruz Island Fox From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and Reclassifying the Santa Catalina Island Fox From Endangered to Threatened

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 156 (August 12, 2016)

Page Range53315-53333
FR Document2016-18778

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), are removing the San Miguel Island fox (Urocyon littoralis littoralis), Santa Rosa Island fox (U. l. santarosae), and Santa Cruz Island fox (U. l. santacruzae) from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and are reclassifying the Santa Catalina Island fox (U. l. catalinae) from an endangered species to a threatened species. This action is based on a thorough review of the best available scientific and commercial information, which indicates that the threats to the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox have been eliminated or reduced to the point that each of the subspecies no longer meets the definition of an endangered species or a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), and that the threats to the Santa Catalina Island fox have been reduced to the point that the subspecies can be reclassified as a threatened species. We also announce the availability of a final post- delisting monitoring plan for the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 156 (Friday, August 12, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 156 (Friday, August 12, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 53315-53333]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-18778]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 17

[Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2015-0170; FFXES11130000-156-FF08E00000]
RIN 1018-BA71

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the San 
Miguel Island Fox, Santa Rosa Island Fox, and Santa Cruz Island Fox 
From the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and 
Reclassifying the Santa Catalina Island Fox From Endangered to 

AGENCY:  Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION:  Final rule.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), are removing 
the San Miguel Island fox (Urocyon littoralis littoralis), Santa Rosa 
Island fox (U. l. santarosae), and Santa Cruz Island fox (U. l. 
santacruzae) from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened 
Wildlife and are reclassifying the Santa Catalina Island fox (U. l. 
catalinae) from an endangered species to a threatened species. This 
action is based on a thorough review of the best available scientific 
and commercial information, which indicates that the threats to the San 
Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox 
have been eliminated or reduced to the point that each of the 
subspecies no longer meets the definition of an endangered species or a 
threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended 
(Act), and that the threats to the Santa Catalina Island fox have been 
reduced to the point that the subspecies can be reclassified as a 
threatened species. We also announce the availability of a final post-
delisting monitoring plan for the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa 
Island fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox.

DATES: This rule is effective September 12, 2016.

ADDRESSES: This final rule is available on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov and at the Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office's Web 
site at http://www.fws.gov/Ventura/. Comments, materials, and 
supporting documentation considered in this rulemaking are available on 
the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-
2015-0170, and are available for public inspection by appointment, 
during normal business hours at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,

[[Page 53316]]

Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, 
CA 93003; by telephone 805-644-1766; or by facsimile 805-644-3958. The 
post-delisting monitoring plan for the San Miguel Island fox, Santa 
Rosa Island fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox is available on our 
Endangered Species Program's national Web site (http://endangered.fws.gov) and on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov 
at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2015-0170.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stephen P. Henry, Field Supervisor, 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 
Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003; telephone 805-644-1766; 
facsimile 805-644-3958. If you use a telecommunications device for the 
deaf (TDD), call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-


Previous Federal Actions

    On December 10, 2001, we published a proposal to list four 
subspecies of island foxes as endangered species (66 FR 63654). Please 
refer to this proposed rule for information on Federal actions prior to 
December 10, 2001. On March 5, 2004, we published a final rule listing 
the four subspecies of island foxes as endangered species (69 FR 
10335). Please refer to the final Recovery Plan for Four Subspecies of 
Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis) (Service 2015, entire) for a detailed 
description of Federal actions concerning this species. We did not 
designate critical habitat for the four subspecies of island fox, as 
explained in our November 9, 2005, final critical habitat determination 
(70 FR 67924).
    We published a notice announcing the initiation of a review of the 
status of the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, Santa Cruz 
Island fox, and Santa Catalina Island fox under section 4(c)(2) of the 
Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) on March 9, 2015 (80 FR 12521), with the 
notice announcing the availability of the final recovery plan. On 
February 16, 2016, we published in the Federal Register a status review 
and proposed rule (81 FR 7723) to remove the San Miguel Island fox, 
Santa Rosa Island fox, and the Santa Cruz Island fox from the Federal 
List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and to reclassify the Santa 
Catalina Island fox from an endangered species to a threatened species.


    Please refer to the final Recovery Plan for Four Subspecies of 
Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis) (Service 2015, entire) for a summary of 
background information on island fox taxonomy, life history, and 
distribution. We prepared the Recovery Plan by working with a Recovery 
Team that included public agency representatives, landowners, 
conservancies, zoological institutions, nonprofits, and academics. The 
Recovery Plan includes discussion of the following: species description 
and taxonomy, habitat use, social organization, reproduction, 
distribution and abundance, threats to the subspecies, and recovery 

Range of the Species

    The island fox (Urocyon littoralis), a diminutive relative of the 
gray fox (U. cinereoargenteus), is endemic to the California Channel 
Islands. Island foxes inhabit the six largest of the eight Channel 
Islands (San Miguel Island, Santa Rosa Island, Santa Cruz Island, Santa 
Catalina Island, San Nicolas Island, and San Clemente Island) and are 
recognized as distinct subspecies on each of the six islands. Both 
morphologic and genetic distinctions support the classification of 
separate subspecies of island foxes for each island (Collins 1993, 
entire; Gilbert et al. 1990, entire; Goldstein et al. 1999, entire; 
Wayne et al. 1991a, entire). We recognize the range of each subspecies 
to be the island that it inhabits. Islands inhabited by island foxes 
are owned by four major landowners: the National Park Service (NPS), 
the U.S. Navy, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and the Santa Catalina 
Island Conservancy (CIC), all of whom have management authority for 
wildlife on their lands. NPS and TNC manage San Miguel Island, Santa 
Rosa Island, and Santa Cruz Island; in this rule, we reference these 
three islands as the northern Channel Islands CIC manages the majority 
of fox habitat on Santa Catalina Island, except the City of Avalon. 
Santa Catalina Island is the only island with a permanent human 
population. Human use of the three northern Channel Islands is 
restricted to visitors and NPS and TNC staff.

Summary of Changes From the Proposed Rule

    We did not make substantive changes in this final rule based on the 
comments that we received during the public comment period, but we 
added text to clarify some information presented in the proposed rule, 
added new information to the climate change analysis, and revised 
population data to reflect information updated since the publication of 
the proposed rule. For example, peer reviewers recommended we include 
information about genetic variability present in the current island fox 
populations and new information about climate change. This information 
and other clarifications are incorporated into the final rule where 
appropriate, including in the Summary of Comments and Recommendations, 

Recovery and Recovery Plan Implementation

    Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to develop and implement 
recovery plans for the conservation and survival of endangered and 
threatened species unless we determine that such a plan will not 
promote the conservation of the species. We published a notice 
announcing the availability of the final recovery plan for the San 
Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, Santa Cruz Island fox, and 
Santa Catalina Island fox on March 9, 2015 (80 FR 12521).
    The recovery plan (Service 2015, pp. 47-53) includes the recovery 
goals, recovery objectives, and recovery criteria that we outline below 
to reclassify the island fox subspecies from endangered species to 
threatened species and to remove island fox subspecies from the List of 
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. Please see the February 16, 2016, 
proposed rule (81 FR 7723) for a detailed discussion of the recovery 
goal, objectives, and criteria and how they apply to the status of the 
San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, Santa Cruz Island fox, 
and Santa Catalina Island fox. The objectives and progress toward these 
objectives (measured by explicit criteria) are summarized below.

Recovery Objectives

    Recovery objectives identify mechanisms for measuring progress 
toward and achieving the recovery goal of delisting for each 
    Recovery Objective 1: Each federally listed subspecies of island 
fox exhibits demographic characteristics consistent with long-term 
    Recovery Objective 2: Land managers are able to respond in a timely 
fashion to predation by nesting golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) or 
significant predation rates by transient golden eagles, to potential or 
incipient disease outbreaks, and to other identified threats using the 
best available technology.
    In order for any one of the four listed subspecies of island fox to 
be considered for downlisting from endangered to threatened status, 
recovery objective 1 should be met for that subspecies. In order for 
any one of the four listed subspecies of island fox to be considered 
for delisting, recovery

[[Page 53317]]

objectives 1 and 2 should be met for that subspecies.
    Island fox recovery criteria are measurable standards for 
determining whether a subspecies has achieved its recovery objectives 
and may be considered for downlisting or delisting. Island fox recovery 
criteria in the recovery plan (Service 2015, pp. 50-55) are organized 
by factors under section 4(a)(1) of the Act to demonstrate how criteria 
indicate threats under that factor have been ameliorated. The following 
is a summary of the recovery criteria.
    To address recovery objective 1, the subspecies must be protected 
from other natural or manmade factors known to affect their continued 
existence. This is accomplished when the following has occurred:
    E/1: An island fox subspecies has no more than 5 percent risk of 
quasi-extinction over a 50-year period as determined by use of the 
population viability graphing/analysis tool found in appendix 2 of the 
recovery plan (Service 2015, pp. 131-136).
    To address recovery objective 2, the magnitude and imminence of 
disease and predation threats must be reduced. This is accomplished 
when the following has occurred:
    C/1: Golden eagle predation (applies only to the northern Channel 
Islands): The rate of golden eagle predation is reduced and maintained 
at a level no longer considered a threat to island fox recovery through 
development of a golden eagle management strategy, and the golden eagle 
prey base of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and Roosevelt elk (Cervus 
canadensis roosevelti) is removed from Santa Rosa Island.
    C/2: Disease: A disease management strategy is developed, approved, 
and implemented that includes vaccination recommendations and a 
monitoring program that provides for timely detection of a potential 
epidemic, and an associated emergency response strategy as recommended 
by the appropriate subject-matter experts.
    Population monitoring has been implemented for each listed 
subspecies, and population viability analyses using the graphing/
analysis tool found in appendix 2 of the recovery plan (Service 2015, 
pp. 131-136) indicate all subspecies have an acceptably small risk of 
extinction. The extinction risk has been less than 5 percent since 2008 
for San Miguel, Santa Cruz, and Santa Catalina Islands, and since 2011 
for Santa Rosa Island. As of 2015, island fox populations had increased 
to greater than 700 individuals on San Miguel Island, greater than 
1,200 on Santa Rosa Island (Guglielmino and Coonan 2016, pp. 12, 18), 
greater than 2,100 on Santa Cruz Island (Boser 2016a, pers. comm.), and 
greater than 1,800 on Santa Catalina Island (King and Duncan 2016, p. 
10). All populations with the exception of Santa Rosa Island are at or 
above their pre-decline population estimates (Coonan 2015a, pers. 
comm.; King and Duncan 2014, pp. 1, 10). On San Miguel Island, low 
reproductive effort coupled with declining survival suggests that the 
San Miguel Island subspecies has reached carrying capacity (the maximum 
population size of a species that the habitat can support) (Coonan 
2015a, p. 8). We conclude, based on population viability analyses, that 
recovery objective 1 is achieved for all four island fox subspecies. 
Detailed results of the graphing/analysis tool through 2015 can be 
found in the supplementary material ``Results of graphing/analysis tool 
to assess island fox recovery criterion E/1'' (derived from Guglielmino 
and Coonan 2016, pp. 17, 22; Boser 2016b, pers. comm.; King and Duncan 
2016, p. 13) on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket 
No. FWS-R8-ES-2015-0170.
    To ensure that land managers are able to respond in a timely 
fashion to predation by golden eagles, a final golden eagle management 
strategy has been approved (NPS 2015a, entire), and is being 
implemented by NPS and TNC. The strategy outlines actions, many of 
which have already been implemented by NPS and TNC, including: Complete 
removal of all golden eagles; ongoing prevention of golden eagle 
nesting; and removal of all nonnative golden eagle prey, including deer 
and elk from Santa Rosa Island.
    To ensure that land managers are able to respond in a timely 
fashion to a potential or incipient disease outbreak, the epidemic 
response plans for northern Channel Islands foxes (Hudgens et al. 2013, 
entire) and Santa Catalina Island foxes (Hudgens et al. 2014, entire) 
are currently implemented by NPS, TNC, and CIC. These plans provide 
direction for monitoring, vaccination for canine distemper virus and 
rabies annually to a subset of each island fox population, and response 
if mortality is detected. Additionally, NPS and TNC are committed 
through signed conservation management agreements (CMAs) to monitor and 
conduct other management actions for detecting and appropriately 
responding to predation by golden eagles or a potential disease 
outbreak in the future, as recommended in the golden eagle management 
strategy and epidemic response plans (Service and NPS 2015; Service and 
TNC 2015). The golden eagle management strategy and epidemic response 
plans are found on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket 
No. FWS-R8-ES-2015-0170 and on our Endangered Species Program's 
national Web site (http://endangered.fws.gov).
    With the golden eagle management strategy in place, complete 
removal of golden eagles and their nonnative prey-base from the 
northern Channel Islands (San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz 
Islands), development and implementation of an epidemic response plan, 
and population levels consistent with long-term viability, recovery 
objectives 1 and 2, and the associated recovery criteria, are met for 
the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes. With 
population levels consistent with long-term viability, recovery 
objective 1 is met for the Santa Catalina Island fox. However, 
objective 2 has not been met for the Santa Catalina Island fox because 
currently there are no assurances that current monitoring and 
management actions will continue in the future, and, because Santa 
Catalina Island has an elevated risk compared to the northern Channel 
Islands of introduced pathogens from the mainland, a disease outbreak 
could occur without detection or appropriate response to mediate the 
threat to the subspecies.

Summary of Factors Affecting the Species

    Section 4 of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR part 
424) set forth the procedures for listing species, reclassifying 
species, or removing species from listed status. ``Species'' is defined 
by the Act as including any species or subspecies of fish or wildlife 
or plants, and any distinct population segment of any species of 
vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature (16 U.S.C. 
1532(16)). A species may be determined to be an endangered species or 
threatened species because of any one or a combination of the five 
factors described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or 
threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or 
range; (B) overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of 
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or human-made 
factors affecting its continued existence. A species may be 
reclassified or delisted on the same basis.
    A recovered species is one that no longer meets the Act's 
definition of an endangered species or a threatened species. 
Determining whether a species is recovered requires consideration of 
whether the species is endangered or

[[Page 53318]]

threatened because of the five categories of threats specified in 
section 4(a)(1) of the Act. For species that are already listed as 
endangered or threatened species, this analysis of threats is an 
evaluation of both the threats currently facing the species and the 
threats that are reasonably likely to affect the species in the 
foreseeable future following the delisting or downlisting and the 
removal or reduction of the Act's protections.
    A species is an ``endangered species'' for purposes of the Act if 
it is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion 
of its range and is a ``threatened species'' if it is likely to become 
an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range. The Act does not define the term 
``foreseeable future.'' The population viability analyses used to 
determine the risk of quasi-extinction (the population level below 
which extinction is likely due to demographic or genetic effects), 
which we define as a population size of less than or equal to 30 
individuals for each subspecies, estimates risk over a 50-year period 
(Bakker et al. 2009, entire; Service 2015, p. 52). Therefore, we 
estimate 50 years to be the timeframe in which, given the amount and 
substance of the best available data, we can anticipate events or 
effects, or reliably extrapolate threat trends, concerning the future 
as it relates to the status of the four subspecies of island fox (San 
Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Santa Catalina Island foxes). 
Consequently, we have assessed the threats discussed in this rule with 
reference to this 50-year foreseeable future timeframe.
    The word ``range'' in the significant portion of its range phrase 
in the definition of endangered species and threatened species refers 
to the range in which a species currently exists. For the purposes of 
this analysis, we first evaluate the status of each subspecies 
throughout its range, which we consider to be the island that any given 
island fox subspecies inhabits. We then consider whether any of the 
subspecies are in danger of extinction or likely to become so in any 
significant portion of their ranges.
    Primary threats to island foxes identified in the March 5, 2004, 
listing rule (69 FR 10335) include predation by golden eagles, disease, 
and stochastic risks to small populations and lack of genetic 
variability. Since the listing, impacts of feral cat aggression, 
poisoning, and entrapment on Santa Catalina Island, and fire, drought, 
and global climate change for all four islands were identified as 
possible new threats. A thorough analysis and discussion of the current 
status of the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Santa Catalina 
Island foxes are found in the recovery plan (Service 2015, pp. 21-29) 
and proposed rule to remove the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa 
Island fox, and the Santa Cruz Island fox from the Federal List of 
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, and to reclassify the Santa 
Catalina Island fox from an endangered species to a threatened species 
(81 FR 7723; February 16, 2016). The following sections provide a 
summary of the past, current, and potential future threats impacting 
the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Santa Catalina Island 

Factor A: Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or 
Curtailment of Habitat or Range

    At the time of listing in 2004, habitat modification by nonnative 
grazing animals (i.e., feral sheep, goats, rabbits, cattle, horses, 
Roosevelt elk, mule deer, and pigs) and nonnative plant invasion was 
identified as a threat under Factor A impacting island foxes (69 FR 
10335; March 5, 2004). The impacts of nonnative herbivores and 
nonnative plants resulted in conversion of native coastal sage scrub, 
chaparral, and oak woodlands to annual grasses. Annual grasslands 
constitute less preferred habitat for island foxes (Laughrin 1977, p. 
22; Roemer and Wayne 2003, pp. 1,256-1,257) and do not provide cover 
from predators such as golden eagles (Roemer 1999, pp. 99, 190-191). 
Annual grasslands also offer fewer food resources to foxes, and the 
seeds of annual grasses can become lodged in the eyes of island foxes, 
causing damage or temporary blindness (Laughrin 1977, p. 41).
    Eradication programs on all islands have greatly reduced the number 
of nonnative herbivores on the islands and therefore the magnitude of 
impacts to the habitat and island foxes (Laughrin 1973, p. 14; 
Schoenherr et al. 1999, pp. 191-194; Parkes et al. 2010, p. 636; Jones 
et al. 2016, p. 2). Currently, impacts to island fox habitats are 
primarily attributed to continued modification by nonnative plant 
species, resulting in lower vegetation diversity, less diverse habitat 
structure, and reduced food availability.
    NPS guidance supports the continued management of island fox 
habitat to benefit northern Channel Islands subspecies of island foxes. 
Title 54 of the U.S. Code, section 100101, paragraph (a), states that 
the NPS ``shall promote and regulate the use of the National Park 
System . . . to conserve the scenery, natural and historic objects, and 
wild life in the System units and to provide for the enjoyment of the 
scenery, natural and historic objects, and wild life in such manner and 
by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future 
generations.'' Specifically, in its management plan, Channel Islands 
National Park identified restoration and maintenance of natural 
ecosystems and processes as a priority; NPS staff would continue to 
eradicate, where feasible, nonnative flora and fauna from the islands.
    The majority of island fox habitat on all four islands is currently 
in some form of conservation ownership and management by NPS, TNC, or 
CIC. Therefore, we expect that habitat loss as a result of conversion 
due to development would be rare or limited. However, there is the 
potential for some development on privately owned lands that are not in 
conservation ownership. The island fox, as the species Urocyon 
littoralis (incorporating all six subspecies), is listed as threatened 
under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA), which provides a 
level of protection from possession or intentional killing of 
individual animals. CESA may also authorize take incidental to 
otherwise lawful activities, such as development on the privately owned 
TNC-managed lands on Santa Cruz Island and privately owned lands on 
Santa Catalina Island. For habitat conversion resulting from authorized 
development projects, minimization and mitigation of impacts resulting 
from authorized take are required under CESA and the environmental 
review process under the California Environmental Quality Act. Santa 
Catalina Island foxes are most likely to be impacted by the potential 
for land-use change on non-conserved lands, including development and 
recreational activities. CESA contributes to the conservation of the 
species by providing a mechanism to reduce or regulate some individual 
sources of mortality and to review and permit development projects that 
may impact island foxes and their habitat on private lands.
    While past and ongoing effects of habitat modification by nonnative 
grazing animals (i.e., feral sheep, cattle, Roosevelt elk, mule deer, 
and pigs), nonnative plant invasion, and land-use change on non-
conserved lands may continue to have some negative effects on island 
foxes, nonnative animals and plants no longer result in significant 
habitat impacts that could affect the island fox subspecies at either 
the population or rangewide scales that we would consider a current 
threat to any of the subspecies of island fox.

[[Page 53319]]

Additionally, given planned continued management by NPS and other land 
owners, we do not anticipate that nonnative animals and plants will 
have significant habitat impacts in the future.

Factor B: Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or 
Educational Purposes

    As stated in the listing rule (69 FR 10335; March 5, 2004), 
although island foxes were used in the past for their pelts by Native 
Americans (Collins 1991, p. 215), these activities no longer occur. 
Research scientists are currently engaged in recovery activities via 
Service-issued section 10(a)(1)(A) recovery permits. Researchers 
conducting studies on NPS property must have a valid Research and 
Collecting Permit through NPS. The State of California requires a 
Scientific Collecting Permit and Memorandum of Understanding to 
collect, capture, mark, or salvage species listed as threatened under 
CESA for scientific and educational purposes (Fish and Game Code 
section 1002; and title 14, sections 650 and 670.7). Currently, none of 
the four subspecies is being threatened by overutilization for any 
purposes, and we expect, even without the protections of the Act, 
research activities to be managed by the State and by land management 
agencies to ensure that such activities do not result in 
overutilization in the future.

Factor C: Disease or Predation

    For Santa Catalina Island fox at the time of listing, a canine 
distemper virus (CDV) epidemic was considered the primary threat (69 FR 
10335; March 5, 2004) to the subspecies. The listing rule also 
expressed some concern regarding the potential impacts of canine 
adenovirus and canine parvovirus. For the northern Channel Islands 
foxes (San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes) at the time 
of listing, golden eagle predation was the primary threat (69 FR 10335; 
March 5, 2004), but potential for disease was also a concern, 
particularly given the small population sizes at the time.
    Santa Catalina Island: In the past, disease severely impacted the 
island fox population on Santa Catalina Island. The eastern 
subpopulation of the Santa Catalina Island fox was estimated to be 
1,342 in 1990 (Roemer et al. 1994, p. 393). Subsequent surveys 
conducted in 1999 and 2000 indicated the eastern island fox 
subpopulation had declined by over 90 percent in 10 years due to CDV 
(Timm et al. 2000, p. 17), likely transmitted from a raccoon that 
arrived from the mainland (Timm et al. 2009, p. 339). After a captive-
rearing and augmentation program was initiated, the eastern and western 
subpopulations were estimated to have reached 219 and 141 foxes in 
2004, respectively (Schmidt et al. 2005, p. 11; King and Duncan 2011, 
p. 19). Population estimates have since greatly increased on Santa 
Catalina Island, surpassing the estimate from 1990, reaching a total of 
1,812 individuals island-wide in 2015 (King and Duncan 2016, p. 10).
    In 2014, a final epidemic response plan was approved and is being 
implemented by CIC to detect and facilitate appropriate response to a 
potential future disease outbreak for Santa Catalina Island foxes 
(Hudgens et al. 2014, entire). CIC annually monitors sentinel foxes 
(unvaccinated, radio-collared foxes whose death will be detected by 
monitoring) inhabiting many areas of the island to facilitate early 
detection of a potential epidemic (King and Duncan 2011, p. 15). Island 
foxes have been and continue to be vaccinated against CDV and rabies 
(King 2015, pers. comm.). However, production of the CDV vaccine was 
discontinued and was not available in 2013. CIC vaccinated for both CDV 
and rabies in 2013 and 2014 with the last of the vaccine (King and 
Duncan 2015, pp. 13, 23). A new product was made available in 2015 
(King and Duncan 2016, p. 9); however, the new vaccine does not appear 
to be as effective against CDV, and the authors suggest this is not an 
adequate replacement (King and Duncan 2016, p. 23). While foxes have 
been vaccinated and we expect vaccinations to continue as effective 
vaccines become available, efficacy and availability of vaccines will 
require ongoing evaluation by the Island Fox Conservation Working Group 
as part of implementing the epidemic response plan. The Island Fox 
Conservation Working Group is a multi-disciplinary group of experts, 
originally convened by NPS in 1999, to evaluate available island fox 
status information and develop strategies to recover the island fox 
populations to viable levels (Service 2015, p. 6).
    In addition, ear tumor prevalence in the Santa Catalina Island fox 
population remains an actively managed source of mortality (Vickers et 
al. 2011, pp. 9-10). This cancer can have an aggressive clinical 
course, with local invasion, tissue damage, and metastasis, leading to 
death (Munson et al. 2009, p. 1). Ear inflammation correlated with 
cancer incidence in Santa Catalina Island foxes is triggered by ear 
mite infestations (Munson et al. 2009, pp. 3-4), and the severity can 
be reduced through aracacide application (Vickers et al. 2011, pp. 9-
10). Treatment with aracacide is now standard practice by CIC during 
trapping of Santa Catalina Island foxes (King and Duncan 2011, p. 3).
    While CIC is currently implementing ongoing monitoring and 
management, at this time there is no assurance of continued funding for 
long-term monitoring and management that could detect a novel disease 
outbreak and facilitate threat abatement, as recommended in the 
epidemic response plan. Lack of assurances for long-term monitoring and 
management for Santa Catalina Island fox is of particular concern 
because the island has a permanent human population, experiences heavy 
visitation, and has many points of access. The presence of a permanent 
human population on the island poses a greater risk of disease 
introduction than that for the northern Channel Islands. CIC manages 
the majority of fox habitat on the island but does not manage the City 
of Avalon, and, therefore, CIC does not control all potential avenues 
for introduction of possible disease vectors. Santa Catalina Island 
currently allows visitors and residents to own and transport pets, 
including domestic dogs and cats, to and from the island (King and 
Duncan 2011, p. 15), and dogs are frequently observed off-leash 
(Anderson 2012, pers. obs.; King 2012a, p. 1; Vissman and Anderson 2013 
and 2014, pers. obs.; King 2015, p. 22). Transport of domestic and wild 
animals to and from Santa Catalina Island and their presence on the 
island increases the risk to island foxes of another disease outbreak. 
Additionally, with unrestricted access to the island by residents and 
visitors, there is the possibility of inadvertently transporting other 
animals that could carry disease; to date, four stowaway raccoons have 
been removed from the island, but a fifth observed in 2010 was not 
captured (King and Duncan 2011, p. 15). There is no quarantine period 
for transported pets, and proof of current vaccination is only required 
by the City of Avalon when licensing dogs (rabies only), and for CIC 
employees and lessees with pets living in company-owned housing (King 
and Duncan 2011, p. 15). Because access to the island by potentially 
unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated domestic animals is not 
controlled or managed, there is a higher risk of disease introduction 
for Santa Catalina Island than for the three northern Channel Islands.
    CIC manages the majority of fox habitat on the island (but not the 
City of Avalon) and implements measures

[[Page 53320]]

intended to control introduction of disease. CIC regulations require 
all nonnative animals entering CIC property be licensed; they also 
require that all dogs and cats entering CIC property be vaccinated 
against distemper and rabies, and be leashed at all times (CIC 2015, 
http://www.catalinaconservancy.org). However, enforcement of CIC 
regulations is labor-intensive and costly, because the island is large, 
there are many remote coves and beaches where private boats can anchor, 
and CIC does not have the funding or staff to patrol these areas 
regularly. CIC also conducts outreach and education of local 
authorities and the public to promote efforts to reduce the risk of 
disease introduction. However, because of unrestricted transport of 
domestic animals to the island, the City of Avalon's limited 
vaccination requirements, and limited enforcement ability of CIC, 
current measures to control introduction of diseases by domestic 
animals and stowaway wildlife on Santa Catalina Island, while providing 
some protection, are limited.
    Northern Channel Islands: Disease does not appear to be a 
significant mortality factor on the northern Channel Islands. Dogs and 
other pets are not permitted on the northern Channel Islands to reduce 
the risk of an introduced disease. Dogs are occasionally illegally 
brought onto the islands, but transport of domestic animals to the 
northern Channel Islands is much more limited than on Santa Catalina 
Island. Channel Islands National Park General Management Plan prohibits 
pets from all Park islands, except for guide dogs for visually impaired 
persons (NPS 2015b, pp. 468, 487).
    In 2013, a final epidemic response plan was approved and is being 
implemented by NPS and TNC to detect and facilitate appropriate 
response to a potential disease outbreak for the northern Channel 
Islands (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire). Infection by parasites continues 
to be suspected as the cause of mortality in several island foxes, but 
is not considered a significant mortality factor (Coonan et al. 2005b, 
p. 38; Coonan 2014, p. 6). Sentinel foxes are also monitored on the 
northern Channel Islands to facilitate early detection of a potential 
epidemic (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire), and foxes have been and 
continue to be vaccinated against CDV and rabies. Efficacy and 
availability of vaccines will require ongoing evaluation by the Island 
Fox Conservation Working Group as part of implementing the epidemic 
response plan. Also, the NPS identified island foxes as an ecosystem 
element in the Mediterranean Coast Network Vital Signs Monitoring Plan, 
for which they will conduct long-term annual population monitoring as 
part of NPS's long-term ecological monitoring program, regardless of 
the island fox's status under the Act (Cameron et al. 2005, p. 3-3). 
Both NPS and TNC have committed through signed CMAs (Service and NPS 
2015; Service and TNC 2015) to carrying out monitoring and management 
actions in the future as recommended in the epidemic response plan for 
northern Channel Island foxes (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire).
    In summary, the possibility exists for domestic or wild animals 
carrying a disease or parasite to migrate or be transported to all the 
Channel Islands. The possibility is greater for Santa Catalina Island 
due to a permanent human population, heavy visitation, and many points 
of access. On all islands, an epidemic response plan is approved and 
being implemented (Hudgens et al. 2013 and 2014, entire), which 
includes that a subset of foxes are vaccinated when vaccines are 
available and monitored to detect and respond to a potential disease 
outbreak (Coonan 2010, pp. 24-29; see appendices 3 and 4 in recovery 
plan (Service 2015)). NPS and TNC have committed (Service and NPS 2015; 
Service and TNC 2015) to carrying out monitoring and management actions 
in the future as recommended in the epidemic response plan for northern 
Channel Island foxes (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire); therefore, we 
consider the potential threat of disease adequately controlled for the 
San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes now and in the 
future. We do not at this time have the assurance of continued 
implementation of the epidemic response plan on Santa Catalina Island. 
Disease was the main threat to Santa Catalina Island foxes at the time 
of listing in 2004, and given the increased risk of disease 
introduction and the lack of assurance for continued implementation of 
the epidemic response plan to detect and mitigate for future disease 
outbreaks, we still consider potential disease outbreaks to be a threat 
to the Santa Catalina Island fox now and in the future.
    As identified in the 2004 listing rule, golden eagle predation was 
the primary cause for the decline of the northern Channel Islands fox 
subspecies and the primary reason for listing the species as endangered 
under the Act (69 FR 10335; March 5, 2004). Before golden eagles 
started using the northern Channel Islands in the 1990s, the only known 
predator of island foxes was the red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), 
which preyed only occasionally on young island foxes (Laughrin 1973, 
pp. 10-11; Moore and Collins 1995, p. 4). Because of the lack of 
predators, island foxes did not evolve vigilance and were easy targets 
for golden eagles (Roemer et al. 2001, p. 316). Colonization of the 
northern Channel Islands by golden eagles was likely a combination of 
two factors: (1) Introduction of nonnative mammals on the northern 
Channel Islands, resulting in a historically unprecedented prey base 
for golden eagles (69 FR 10335, March 5, 2004, p. 10338); and (2) an 
open ecological niche created by the extirpation of bald eagles 
(Haliaeetus leucocephalus) from the islands as a result of 
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) poisoning (Service 2004, p. 
    In the 2004 listing rule, the Federal Bald and Golden Eagle 
Protection Act (BGEPA; 16 U.S.C. 668-668d) and the California Fish and 
Game Code, section 3511, were thought to have delayed or precluded the 
implementation of needed recovery actions for island foxes. The 
protections afforded to golden eagles by the BGEPA were thought to 
limit lethal management alternatives to protect island foxes. The 
California Fish and Game Code, section 3511, deemed golden eagles a 
fully protected species, which did not allow any take to be authorized. 
In 2003, California amended this law to allow authorization of the take 
of fully protected species for scientific research, including research 
on recovery for other imperiled species (Senate Bill 412).
    To address the unprecedented number of golden eagles and the 
effects they were having on island foxes, in August 1999, NPS and TNC 
initiated a nonlethal golden eagle removal program to protect island 
foxes on the northern Channel Islands. Between November 1999 and July 
2006, 44 golden eagles, including 22 adults or near adults, were 
removed from Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands and released in 
northeastern California (Latta et al. 2005, p. 348; Coonan et al. 2010, 
pp. 59-61). There has been no record of breeding golden eagles on the 
northern Channel Islands since that time.
    To ensure that golden eagles would be less likely to attempt to 
establish territories again on Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands, TNC 
and NPS initiated a program in 2005 and 2011, respectively, to remove 
nonnative animals from those islands (Macdonald and Walker 2007, p. 
20). The last known feral pig was removed from Santa Cruz Island in 
January 2007 (Parkes et al. 2010, p. 636). Nonnative mule deer and elk 
were removed from Santa Rosa

[[Page 53321]]

Island as part of an agreement with the former owners of the island. 
All elk and all but a few deer were removed by 2015, resulting in an 
island that was essentially ungulate-free for the first time in over 
150 years (Coonan 2015b, pers. comm.).
    The 2004 listing rule also identified the extirpation of bald 
eagles from the Channel Islands as a likely contributor to the 
colonization of the northern Channel Islands by golden eagles. Bald 
eagles aggressively defend their territories from golden eagles (69 FR 
10335, March 5, 2004, pp. 10343-10344), and their presence on the 
islands likely would have discouraged dispersing golden eagles from 
establishing residence. Prior to listing, NPS, the Institute for 
Wildlife Studies, and TNC were actively engaged in the Montrose 
Settlements Restoration Program to reintroduce bald eagles to the 
Channel Islands, including Santa Catalina Island. The success of bald 
eagle reintroduction on the Channel Islands continues, with 
approximately 50 total resident bald eagles on the islands (Montrose 
Settlements Restoration Program 2015, p. 1).
    In summary, although golden eagle predation of island foxes may 
occasionally occur (Coonan et al. 2014a, p. 374), predation has been 
extensively reduced and is no longer resulting in significant impacts 
at the population scale. This reduction in predation by golden eagles 
is in direct response to the extensive removal of golden eagles from 
the northern Channel Islands, golden eagle prey being removed 
successfully from Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands, and the successful 
reintroduction of bald eagles.
Summary of Factor C
    To reduce the threat of disease, a subset of each island fox 
subspecies is protected from CDV and rabies through preventative 
vaccinations when available and through monitoring as recommended in 
epidemic response plans to detect and facilitate appropriate responses 
in the event of an epidemic. NPS and TNC are committed through signed 
conservation management agreements (CMAs) to monitor and conduct other 
management actions for detecting and appropriately responding to a 
potential disease outbreak in the future, as recommended in the 
epidemic response plans (Service and NPS 2015; Service and TNC 2015). 
Therefore, the best available data indicate potential disease outbreaks 
are no longer a threat to the Santa Rosa Island fox, San Miguel Island 
fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox now and in the future.
    Mortality due to disease was the primary reason for the decline and 
listing of Santa Catalina Island foxes. Currently, the epidemic 
response plan is being implemented on Santa Catalina Island, but the 
potential for an epidemic remains on Santa Catalina Island because of 
heavy visitation, many points of access, and few controls for pets and 
stowaway wild animals that could carry disease. In addition, there is 
no assurance of continued implementation of the epidemic response plan 
in the future on Santa Catalina Island to detect and mitigate for 
future disease outbreaks, and the new CDV vaccine may not be adequate. 
Efficacy and availability of vaccines will require ongoing evaluation 
by the Island Fox Conservation Working Group as part of implementing 
the epidemic response plan. Overall, the best available data indicate 
potential disease outbreaks to be a threat to the Santa Catalina Island 
fox now and in the future.
    Mortality due to golden eagle predation was the primary reason for 
the decline and listing of northern Channel Islands foxes (San Miguel, 
Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes). This threat has been 
substantially reduced by measures including the complete removal of 
golden eagles, eradication of golden eagles' nonnative prey, and 
reintroduction of bald eagles. Additionally, NPS and TNC are committed 
through signed CMAs to monitor and conduct other management actions for 
detecting and appropriately responding to predation by golden eagles in 
the future, as recommended in the golden eagle management strategy 
(Service and NPS 2015; Service and TNC 2015). Thus, given the recent 
golden eagle and prey-base eradication efforts and reintroduction of 
bald eagles to prevent golden eagle presence in the future, along with 
ongoing management commitments, we no longer consider predation by 
golden eagles to be a threat resulting in significant impacts at the 
population scale (e.g., result in a population decline) on the northern 
Channel Islands now or in the future.

Factor D: The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms

    Under this factor, we examine whether existing regulatory 
mechanisms are inadequate to address the threats to the four island fox 
subspecies discussed under other factors. Section 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act 
requires the Service to take into account ``those efforts, if any, 
being made by any State or foreign nation, or any political subdivision 
of a State or foreign nation, to protect such species.'' In relation to 
Factor D under the Act, we interpret this language to require us to 
consider relevant Federal, State, and Tribal laws, regulations, and 
other such mechanisms that may minimize any of the threats we describe 
in the threats analyses under the other four factors, or otherwise 
enhance conservation of the species. We give strongest weight to 
statutes and their implementing regulations and to management direction 
that stems from those laws and regulations; an example would be State 
governmental actions enforced under a State statute or constitution, or 
Federal action under statute.
    For currently listed species, we consider the adequacy of existing 
regulatory mechanisms to address threats to the species absent the 
protections of the Act. Therefore, we examine whether other regulatory 
mechanisms would remain in place if the species were delisted, and the 
extent to which those mechanisms will continue to help ensure that 
future threats will be reduced or minimized.
    In our discussion under Factors A, B, C, and E, we evaluated the 
significance of the threat as mitigated by any such conservation 
efforts and existing regulatory mechanisms. Where threats exist, we 
analyze under Factor D the extent to which existing regulatory 
mechanisms are inadequate to address the specific threats to the 
species. Regulatory mechanisms, if they exist, may reduce or eliminate 
the impacts from one or more identified threats.
    As noted in our discussion under the other factors, conservation 
measures and existing regulatory mechanisms (such as continued 
implementation of the epidemic response plan and golden eagle 
management strategy) have reduced the primary threats of disease and 
predation by golden eagles on the northern Channel Islands and will 
continue to be controlled through appropriate management. Other 
previously identified threats affecting the San Miguel Island fox, 
Santa Rosa Island fox, Santa Cruz Island fox, and Santa Catalina Island 
fox, such as habitat modification by nonnative grazing animals and 
nonnative plant invasion and habitat conversion (Factor A), have been 
and are continuing to be controlled through appropriate management, and 
we anticipate that these efforts will continue in the future. Other 
sources of mortality are assessed under Factor E and found to not exert 
significant impacts on island foxes at either the population or 
rangewide scales, now or in the future. Consequently, we find that 
conservation measures along with existing regulatory mechanisms are 
adequate to address these specific threats.

[[Page 53322]]

    The remaining threat to island fox on Santa Catalina Island is the 
potential for a disease epidemic because of heavy visitation, many 
points of access, and few controls for pets and stowaway wild animals 
that could carry disease. In addition, we do not have the assurance of 
continued implementation of the epidemic response plan in the future on 
Santa Catalina Island to detect and mitigate for future disease 
outbreaks. Therefore, under Factor C, we still consider potential 
disease outbreaks to be a threat to the Santa Catalina Island fox at 
this time and in the future. Consequently, our analysis here examines 
how existing regulatory mechanisms address this remaining identified 
threat to the Santa Catalina Island fox.
    There are currently no regulations restricting transport of 
domestic animals to the island, and limited vaccination requirements 
for domestic animals owned by City of Avalon residents, thus providing 
the potential for introduction of disease to the island. CIC manages 
the majority of fox habitat on Santa Catalina Island, but not the City 
of Avalon; CIC regulations require all nonnative animals entering CIC 
property be licensed and that all dogs and cats be vaccinated against 
distemper and rabies (CIC 2015, entire). Reduction of the risk of 
disease introduction also occurs through CIC outreach and education of 
local authorities and the public. However, enforcement of CIC 
regulations is labor-intensive and costly because the island is large 
with many remote coves and beaches where private boats can anchor, and 
CIC does not have the funding or staff to patrol these areas regularly. 
Therefore, current measures to control introduction of diseases by 
domestic animals and stowaway wildlife on Santa Catalina Island, while 
providing some protection, are limited and thus do not fully address 
the threat of disease to Santa Catalina Island fox (see Factor C 
discussion, above).
Summary of Factor D
    In summary, we have discussed that the threats previously facing 
the three northern Channel Islands subspecies of island fox have been 
removed or reduced and are being adequately managed; however, disease 
remains a threat to the Santa Catalina Island fox. In examining how 
existing regulatory mechanisms address this identified threat, we find 
current measures to control introduction of diseases by domestic 
animals and stowaway wildlife on Santa Catalina Island, while providing 
some protection, are limited in addressing the threat of potential 
disease outbreaks to Santa Catalina Island fox. Therefore, we still 
consider potential disease outbreaks to be a threat to the Santa 
Catalina Island fox now and in the future under Factor C, noting that 
this threat is not addressed by existing regulatory mechanisms.

Factor E: Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Its Continued 

    The 2004 listing rule identified stochastic risks to small 
populations and lack of genetic variability as threats to all four 
island fox subspecies under Factor E (69 FR 10335; March 5, 2004). Road 
mortalities were also discussed under Factor E in the 2004 listing 
rule. Since the time of listing, the impacts of feral cat aggression, 
poisoning, and entrapment on Santa Catalina Island, as well as fire, 
drought, and global climate change for all four islands, have been 
identified as possible new threats.
Small Population Size
    Island endemics, such as island foxes, have a high extinction risk 
due to isolation and small total population sizes relative to mainland 
subspecies (MacArthur and Wilson 1967, entire), both of which make them 
more vulnerable, especially to stochastic events such as drought and 
wildfire (Miller et al. 2001, entire; Kohlman et al. 2005, entire). 
Each island fox subspecies is a single breeding population, with San 
Miguel Island being the smallest population, which makes their 
populations inherently small and thus they may become more vulnerable 
to extinction when the size of a breeding population declines. In 
addition to small population size and the associated increased 
probability of extinction, lower and reduced genetic variation may make 
an island species less adapted to existing pressures and less capable 
of adaptation to new threats. Thus, small population size and low 
genetic diversity can have synergistic effects with respect to 
population decline. During the period when the island fox populations 
were at their lowest, they were extremely vulnerable to extinction from 
stochastic events. The populations have now increased substantially, 
returning to historical population levels, and the threat of extinction 
from demographic stochasticity has accordingly been reduced.
    Genetic diversity in island fox populations is considered low due 
to the population bottlenecks they experienced during past extreme, low 
population numbers (Gilbert et al. 1990; Wayne et al. 1991; Goldstein 
et al. 1999; Gray et al. 2001, p. 8; Gray 2002, entire; Aguilar et al. 
2004; Funk et al. 2016, p. 11; Wayne et al. 2016, p. 4). This low 
genetic diversity could compromise the ability of island foxes to 
respond to future environmental change. This lack of variability could 
be attributed either to extensive inbreeding or to bottlenecking 
resulting from low population densities (Funk et al. 2016, p. 11). 
However, island foxes have apparently existed for thousands of years 
with low effective population sizes (the number of individuals that can 
contribute genes equally to the next generation; low is defined as 150 
to 1,000) and low genetic variability (Wayne et al. 1991a, p. 1,858; 
1991b, entire). While additional genetic diversity was lost during the 
recent declines, island foxes appear to be tolerant of low genetic 
variation, occasional bottlenecks, and higher inbreeding because there 
is little evidence of inbreeding depression in island foxes (Coonan et 
al. 2010, pp. 13-15). Therefore, we do not consider reduced genetic 
diversity to be causing population-level effects at this time or expect 
it to in the future.
Motor Vehicles
    The fearlessness of island foxes, coupled with relatively high 
vehicle traffic on Santa Catalina Island, results in multiple fox 
collisions each year. On the northern Channel Islands, vehicle use is 
limited, restricted to only land management personnel and researchers, 
and is expected to remain limited into the future. On Santa Catalina 
Island, 10 of the 21 fox mortalities in 2015 were caused by vehicle 
strikes (King and Duncan 2016, p. 18). The island-wide 25 mile per hour 
speed limit (CIC 2015, no page number) likely minimizes the number of 
vehicle strike mortalities that would otherwise occur. Even with 
current mortality of island foxes caused by various factors including 
vehicle strikes, the Santa Catalina Island fox population showed 
significant growth between 2002 and 2015, and has hovered around 1,800 
individual foxes for the past 3 years. Given island fox population 
growth over the past 13 years during a time when the number of vehicles 
on the road has increased, we do not expect the population effect from 
vehicle mortality to increase in the future. Additionally, there is 
less than a 5 percent chance of the Santa Catalina Island fox 
subspecies going extinct given current and expected future conditions 
(King and Duncan 2016, pp. 12-13; Service 2015, pp. 167-168). 
Therefore, even though vehicle strikes remain the primary human-caused 
source of individual mortality on this island, mortality by motor 
vehicles is not considered a threat resulting in

[[Page 53323]]

significant impacts at either the population or rangewide scales on 
Santa Catalina Island at this time or in the future.
Interactions With Feral Cats and Domestic Dogs
    Feral cats and domestic dogs occur on Santa Catalina Island and may 
negatively affect foxes through interactions including direct 
aggression and competition for food and habitat resources (Laughrin 
1978, pp. 5-6; Kovach and Dow 1981, p. 443). Direct aggression between 
Santa Catalina Island foxes and cats has been documented in the wild, 
primarily near public coves and campgrounds that provide food and 
shelter for feral cats (Guttilla 2007, p. 9). Researchers have 
routinely captured foxes that have severe injuries consistent with cat 
encounters (Guttilla 2007, p. 9). Aggressive exclusion of foxes by 
feral cats has also been observed. When cats move into fox habitat, 
foxes are no longer observed; when cats are no longer resident, foxes 
move back in to occupy the area (King 2013c, pers. comm.; Anderson 
2013, pers. obs.).
    In the 2004 listing rule (69 FR 10335; March 5, 2004), we noted 
that California's Food and Agricultural Code 31752.5 prohibited lethal 
control of feral cats unless cats are held for a minimum of 6 days, 
which was thought to prevent CIC from taking steps to eradicate feral 
cats on Santa Catalina Island. In 2008, a Feral Animal Task Force was 
convened by the City of Avalon, with representatives of CIC and other 
island stakeholders, to address feral and free-ranging cats in the city 
and on the rest of the island, and most importantly, to draft 
legislation for consideration by the City Council for approval and 
incorporation into City ordinance. This task force is not currently 
active, however, and progress has stalled in initiating new feral cat 
control measures and enacting new legislation (King 2016, pers. comm.). 
Currently, the CIC practice regarding feral cats is consistent with 
that of the Catalina Island Humane Society: animals trapped 
accidentally during fox-trapping/monitoring are examined, and, if free 
from incurable and contagious disease, are spayed or neutered and 
released. Animals found to test positive for Feline Leukemia or Feline 
Immunodeficiency are humanely euthanized. Younger cats including 
kittens may be adopted from the Catalina Island Humane Society (CIC 
2016, http://www.catalinaconservancy.org). Although competition and 
other negative interactions with feral cats can affect individual 
foxes, they are not currently resulting in significant impacts at 
either the population or rangewide scales.
    Instances of fox mortality from domestic dog attacks have been 
observed over the past decade (Gaffney 2011, p. 1; Munson and Gaffney 
2011, p. 1; King and Duncan 2011, pp. 12-13; King and Duncan 2012, p. 
14; King 2012a, p. 1; 2012b, p. 1; King 2015, p. 1). While mortality 
due to domestic dog attacks has been reported, it is limited in effect 
to individual foxes, and does not have significant impacts to island 
fox at either the population or rangewide scales now nor do we 
anticipate that it will in the future.
    We do not anticipate an increase in the number of feral cats and 
domestic dogs on Santa Catalina Island in the future. Because growth of 
the Santa Catalina Island fox population over the past 13 years 
occurred during a time when feral cats and foxes and domestic dogs and 
foxes have been interacting, we do not expect that interactions with 
feral cats or domestic dogs will result in negative population effects 
in the future. Overall, given the lack of significant impacts at either 
the population or rangewide scales, interactions with feral cats and 
domestic dogs are not considered a threat to the Santa Catalina Island 
fox now or in the future.
Poisoning and Entrapment
    Other impacts to Santa Catalina Island foxes resulting from human 
interaction include mortality from poisoning and entrapment (Duncan and 
King 2012, p. 4; King and Duncan 2015, pp. 18, 20; Vickers 2012a, p. 2; 
Vickers 2012b, p. 1; King and Duncan 2015, p. 18). A Santa Catalina 
Island fox died in 2012 from rodenticide poisoning (Duncan and King 
2012, p. 4), another was euthanized because of poisoning in 2014 (King 
and Duncan 2015, p. 18), and a third was sickened in 2014 by 
insecticide poisoning (King and Duncan 2015, p. 20). Entrapment of 
foxes may occur in areas where development projects are ongoing. 
Examples include: Two foxes falling into a power line pole construction 
pit (CIC 2009, http://www.catalinaconservancy.org); one fox drowning 
due to entanglement in a food container (Vickers 2012a p. 2); one fox 
death from being trapped in a recycling barrel (Vickers 2012b, p. 1); 
and two fox deaths in 2014 from drowning in water or sediment 
containers (King and Duncan 2015, p. 18). Types of human-caused harm 
other than vehicle strikes and domestic dog attacks in urbanized areas 
are varied, but they do not have a population-level impact at this time 
or in the future. Given the low numbers of foxes affected by poisoning 
or entrapment and the past and current population growth, we do not 
expect the population effect from poisoning or entrapment to increase 
in the future. Therefore, at this time, the best available information 
indicates neither poisoning nor entrapment is resulting in significant 
impacts at either the population or rangewide scales, and there is no 
indication that poisoning or entrapment on Santa Catalina Island will 
increase in the future.
    On the northern Channel Islands, the frequency and intensity of 
wildland fire is less than on the adjacent mainland, because there are 
fewer ignition sources on the islands, and the typical maritime fog 
moisture inhibits fire spread. Natural lightning-strike fires are 
extremely rare; only three fires between 1836 and 1986 on the Channel 
Islands were started by lightning (Carroll et al. 1993, p. 77). On the 
northern Channel Islands, there are far fewer human-started fires than 
on the mainland or on Santa Catalina Island, as there are no permanent 
human occupants on the northern Channel Islands. Because of this, 
island foxes on the northern Channel Islands have experienced few large 
wildland fire events. The recent removal of nonnative grazers may 
increase fuel loads and thus the likelihood of larger fires; however, 
historically consistent cool and foggy conditions will continue to 
limit wildland fire spread, including in the future. Additionally, NPS 
adheres to a policy of total suppression on the Channel Islands, due to 
resource concerns (Kirkpatrick 2006, entire), reducing the chance that 
wildland fires will become large.
    Though not identified as a threat at the time of listing, Santa 
Catalina Island regularly experiences wildfires (CIC 2011) that could 
reduce food availability, alter the habitat, or directly result in the 
loss of individual foxes (Service 2004, p. 10347). Duncan and King's 
(2009, p. 384) findings indicate fire seasonality has an influence on 
fox survival; fires that occur when pups are young and most dependent 
on adults for mobility are most damaging. However, in general, the best 
available data indicate that neither the 2006 Empire Fire nor the 2007 
Island Fire had significant effects to island fox at the population 
level (Duncan and King 2009, p. 384).
    In summary, wildfires are infrequent on the northern Channel 
Islands and more frequent on Santa Catalina Island. On all islands, 
while wildfire can result in mortality of individuals, especially 
juveniles depending on when the fires

[[Page 53324]]

occur, the best available data indicate that wildfire does not pose 
significant impacts to the island fox at either the population or 
rangewide scales currently. In addition, there is no indication that 
fire frequency will increase in the future on the northern Channel 
Islands. On Santa Catalina Island, even given an increase in fire 
frequency since 1999, the island fox population has continued to 
increase (CIC 2016, http://www.catalinaconservancy.org). Therefore, we 
do not anticipate wildfire posing a significant population-level impact 
in the future.
    The Channel Islands, as well as the rest of southern California, 
are currently in the midst of a drought that began in 2012, and, as of 
mid-April 2016, has not abated (United States Drought Monitor 2016, 
entire). Island foxes have endured many droughts during their 10,000-
year persistence on the islands (California Department of Water 
Resources 2015, entire). Deep multi-year droughts have occurred on the 
Channel Islands about once every 2 decades since 1900 (Coonan 2015, 
unpubl. data). General drought conditions in the late 1920s and early 
1930s, combined with overgrazing, denuded most vegetation, particularly 
on San Miguel Island, creating massive sand barrens, remnants of which 
are still evident today (Johnson 1980, entire). Even so, island foxes 
survived this period of soil erosion and episodic landscape stripping.
    The current drought is the first opportunity to study the effect of 
drought on island foxes, since foxes have recovered to historic 
numbers. On San Miguel Island, average adult weights declined in 2013 
and 2014, to the lowest ever recorded, and fox reproduction was 
negligible in 2013 and 2014 (Coonan et al. 2014, p. 28; Coonan 2015b, 
p. 7; Coonan 2015, unpubl. data). During this time, mortality also 
increased, and many fox carcasses were emaciated (Coonan 2014, pp. 6-
7). However, San Miguel Island fox numbers have remained at or above 
pre-decline levels (Friends of the Island Fox 2015, p. 3). On Santa 
Catalina Island, data indicate that decreasing precipitation may result 
in a reproductive decline; however, adults' weights were not similarly 
affected during this time (King and Duncan 2015, pp. 21-22). These 
effects were not seen on neighboring Santa Rosa Island, where foxes are 
not yet at carrying capacity or pre-decline levels. Fox weights 
increased on Santa Rosa Island in the drought years, reproduction was 
higher, and foxes had higher body condition scores than on San Miguel 
Island (Coonan 2015b, pp. 7-8). It is apparent that one response of 
island foxes to drought is to curtail reproduction, especially if the 
population is at carrying capacity (Coonan et al. 2010, p. 28; Coonan 
2015a, pp. 6, 13). Given the past demonstrated ability of island foxes 
to survive pervasive drought, current healthy population numbers, and 
apparent ability to respond to drought by shifting resource allocation, 
we do not consider drought to be a threat to island foxes at this time 
or in the future.
Global Climate Change
    Our analyses under the Act include consideration of ongoing and 
projected changes in climate. Scientific measurements spanning several 
decades demonstrate that changes in climate are occurring, and that the 
rate of change has increased since the 1950s. Examples include warming 
of the global climate system, and substantial increases in 
precipitation in some regions of the world and decreases in other 
regions (e.g., Solomon et al. 2007, pp. 35-54, 82-85; IPCC 2013b, pp. 
3-29; IPCC 2014, pp. 1-32). Results of scientific analyses presented by 
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that most of 
the observed increase in global average temperature since the mid-20th 
century cannot be explained by natural variability in climate and is 
``very likely'' (defined by the IPCC as 90 percent or higher 
probability) due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) 
concentrations in the atmosphere as a result of human activities, 
particularly carbon dioxide emissions from use of fossil fuels (Solomon 
et al. 2007, pp. 21-35; IPCC 2013b, pp. 11-12 and figures SPM.4 and 
SPM.5). Further confirmation of the role of GHGs comes from analyses by 
Huber and Knutti (2011, p. 4), who concluded it is extremely likely 
that approximately 75 percent of global warming since 1950 has been 
caused by human activities.
    Various changes in climate may have direct or indirect effects on 
species. These effects may be positive, neutral, or negative, and they 
may change over time, depending on the species and other relevant 
considerations, such as threats in combination and interactions of 
climate with other variables (for example, habitat fragmentation) (IPCC 
2014, pp. 4-11). Identifying likely effects often involves aspects of 
climate change vulnerability analysis. Vulnerability refers to the 
degree to which a species (or system) is susceptible to, and unable to 
cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate 
variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the type, 
magnitude, and rate of climate change and variation to which a species 
is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacity (Glick et al. 
2011, pp. 19-22; IPCC 2014, p. 5). There is no single method for 
conducting such analyses that applies to all situations (Glick et al. 
2011, p. 3). We use our expert judgment and appropriate analytical 
approaches to weigh relevant information, including uncertainty, in our 
consideration of the best scientific information available regarding 
various aspects of climate change.
    Statewide and regional probabilistic estimates of temperature and 
precipitation changes for California and the greater Los Angeles region 
were evaluated by Pierce et al. (2013, entire) and Sun et al. (2015, 
entire) using dynamic downscaled simulations. Pierce et al. (2013, p. 
854) found that, averaging across all models and downscaling methods, 
the warmest Julys are likely to be far warmer than historical 
temperatures for California. Projections for changes in precipitation 
by the 2060s were less certain; they showed weak overall annual mean 
decreases in precipitation in the southern part of the State, but with 
an increase in summer rain (Pierce et al. 2013, p. 855). Sun et al. 
(2015, p. 4,625) found that temperatures in the greater Los Angeles 
region for two future time periods, midcentury (2041-60) and end of 
century (2081-2100), will almost certainly be outside the interannual 
variability range seen in the baseline (1981-2000), particularly during 
the summer and fall. However, in each scenario and time period, the 
coastal areas warm less than inland areas due to generally lower 
warming over the ocean and the land-sea breeze circulation, which 
introduces a marine influence in the coastal zone (Sun et al. 2015, pp. 
4,621-4,622). This suggests that the Channel Islands, along with the 
mainland's highest elevations and a narrow swath near the coast, may be 
somewhat buffered from the more extreme effects of a warming climate.
    Probably the most potentially vulnerable aspect of island fox 
biology to climate change is indirect effects from affected 
invertebrates that are parasites and disease vectors. Invertebrates, 
because they are exothermic (cold-blooded), are particularly responsive 
to the effects of a warming climate that typically speeds development 
and enhances survival. For disease vectors such as mosquitos, survival 
may occur where it was previously too cold during the coolest nights of 
the year for overwintering. Invertebrates are also

[[Page 53325]]

particularly well-suited to adapt to a changing climate because they 
have short generation times and a high reproductive output (Parmesan 
2006, pp. 654-656). The warming climate typically has resulted in 
increased abundance and expanded ranges of parasites such as nematodes 
and ticks, as well as diseases they transmit (Parmesan 2006, pp. 650-
651; Studer et al. 2010, p. 11). Climate change also produces 
ecological perturbations that result in altered parasite transmission 
dynamics, increasing the potential for host switching (Brooks and 
Hoberg 2007, p. 571). Moller's (2010, p. 1,158) analysis of parasites 
on avian hosts over a 37-year period suggests climate change 
predictions for parasite effects should be made with caution, but that 
climate can alter the composition of the parasite community and may 
cause changes in the virulence of parasites (Moller 2010, p. 1,158). 
Climate change may change and could potentially increase the parasites 
and disease vectors to which island foxes are exposed. However, we 
anticipate ongoing monitoring and management will detect any increase 
or changes in parasites or disease vectors that affect the population 
health of island foxes.
    Considering that island foxes are opportunistic feeders, and 
climate warming could increase the subspecies' insect prey base 
abundance, it is possible climate change could positively affect food 
quantity and quality. For example, increased consumption of insect 
species by mice associated with a warmer, drier climate on South 
African islands has been documented (Chown and Smith 1993, pp. 508-
509). In addition, because island foxes have shown relative plasticity 
with regard to utilizing nonnative insects (Cypher et al. 2011, p. 13), 
most invasions of nonnative potential prey species are not likely to 
negatively affect island fox food resources. The only potential 
negative effect of climate change on the insect prey base of island 
foxes would be if increased storm intensity and frequency reduced prey 
abundance, as Roemer (1999, p. 187) hypothesized occurred on Santa Cruz 
Island in the mid-1990s.
    Global climate change has the potential to negatively and 
positively affect island fox populations. There is still uncertainty 
associated with predictions relative to the timing, location, and 
magnitude of future climate changes. Probably the most vulnerable 
aspect of island fox biology to climate change is indirect effects to 
the fox from affected invertebrates. Given the indications that the 
Channel Islands may be somewhat buffered from the more extreme effects 
of a warming climate and past demonstrated ability of island foxes to 
survive pervasive drought, current healthy population numbers, and the 
apparent ability of foxes to respond to changes in precipitation by 
shifting resource allocation, we do not consider changes in temperature 
or precipitation projected due to climate change to be a threat to 
island foxes at this time or in the future. While we cannot accurately 
predict the effects of climate change on island fox subspecies, because 
the foxes are generalists and exhibit plasticity with regards to prey 
and habitat use, we do not expect negative effects of such magnitude 
that would result in significant impacts at either the population or 
rangewide scales (e.g., cause major declines). We anticipate ongoing 
monitoring and management will detect any significant changes in 
population health and allow for management responses, including 
possible relisting.
Summary of Factor E
    In summary, during the period when populations were at their 
lowest, the four subspecies of Channel Island foxes were extremely 
vulnerable to extinction from stochastic events. The populations have 
now increased substantially and the likelihood of extinction has 
accordingly been reduced. The combined effects of interactions with 
feral cats and domestic dogs, motor vehicle collisions, mortality due 
to wildfire, and other human-caused mortalities result in the deaths of 
multiple individuals throughout Santa Catalina Island on an annual 
basis, but they do not constitute a combined threat to the relatively 
large population at this time nor do we anticipate that they will in 
the future. Given the past demonstrated ability of island foxes to 
survive pervasive drought, their current healthy population numbers, 
and their apparent ability to respond to drought by shifting resource 
allocation, we do not consider drought to be a threat to island foxes 
at this time or in the future. While we cannot accurately predict the 
effects of climate change on island fox subspecies because the foxes 
are generalists and exhibit plasticity with regards to prey, habitat 
use, and resource allocation, we do not consider climate change to be a 
threat to island foxes now nor in the future.

Overall Summary of Factors Affecting Island Foxes

    At time of listing in 2004 (69 FR 10335; March 5, 2004), predation 
by golden eagles was the primary threat to San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and 
Santa Cruz Island foxes, and disease was the primary threat to the 
Santa Catalina Island fox. The threat of predation by golden eagles on 
the northern Channel Islands has been significantly reduced since the 
time of listing. This reduction in predation by golden eagles is in 
direct response to the extensive removal of golden eagles from the 
northern Channel Islands, golden eagle prey being removed successfully 
from Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands, and the successful 
reintroduction of bald eagles.
    Potential disease outbreaks continue to pose a threat to Santa 
Catalina Island foxes due to relatively uncontrolled movement of 
vectors from the mainland that carry diseases for which the population 
may not be vaccinated. The primary measures in place on all islands to 
reduce the threat of disease are vaccination of a subset of the fox 
population for CDV and rabies, and monitoring of population sentinels 
to detect the start of another epidemic and respond appropriately to 
mitigate the outbreak. While disease is currently controlled on Santa 
Catalina Island, we do not have assurance that monitoring and 
management of Santa Catalina Island foxes necessary to detect and 
mitigate an epidemic in Santa Catalina Island foxes will continue in 
the future.
    During the period when the island fox populations were at their 
lowest, they were extremely vulnerable to extinction from stochastic 
events. There will always be some inherent risk of extinction due to 
stochastic events because each island fox subspecies is a single 
breeding population. However, the populations have now increased 
substantially, show stable or increasing trends, and are returning to 
historical population levels, and the threat of extinction from 
demographic stochasticity has accordingly been reduced.
    Mortality due to motor vehicle strikes, habitat loss, feral cats, 
and domestic dogs results in loss of individuals, but these mortality 
factors are not resulting in significant impacts to island foxes at 
either the population or rangewide scales as documented by current 
population numbers and trends. When population numbers are healthy, 
island foxes respond to drought by shifting resource allocation; 
therefore, we do not consider drought to be a threat to island foxes at 
this time or in the future. The impacts of climate change are hard to 
predict. Some effects to island fox populations could be negative while 
others could be positive. Predicting likely future climate scenarios 
and understanding the complex effects of climate change are high 
priorities for island fox conservation planning.

[[Page 53326]]

Climate change is not considered a threat now or in the future because 
of the past demonstrated ability of island foxes to survive pervasive 
drought, their current healthy population numbers, the indication that 
the Channel Islands may be somewhat buffered from the more extreme 
effects of a warming climate, and the apparent ability of foxes to 
respond to changes in precipitation by shifting resource allocation.
    When mortality mechanisms or other stressors occur together, one 
may exacerbate the effects of another, causing effects not accounted 
for when stressors are analyzed individually. Synergistic or cumulative 
effects may be observed in a short amount of time or may not be 
noticeable for years into the future, and could affect the long-term 
viability of island fox populations. For example, if a stressor hinders 
island fox survival and reproduction or affects the availability of 
habitat that supports island foxes, then the number of individuals the 
following year(s) will be reduced, increasing vulnerability to 
stochastic events like a disease epidemic or wildfire. The combined 
effects of interactions with feral cats and domestic dogs, motor 
vehicle collisions, mortality due to wildfire, and other human-caused 
mortalities result in the deaths of multiple individuals throughout 
Santa Catalina Island on an annual basis, but they do not constitute a 
combined threat to the relatively large population at this time nor do 
we anticipate that they will in the future. Another example is San 
Miguel Island where there have been combined effects of low 
reproductive output, dry climate, parasites, and low genetic 
variability. However, population estimates for the total San Miguel 
Island fox population likely represents carrying capacity for the 
island (Coonan 2014, p. 8), which has resulted in a general decline in 
reproductive effort as the population has increased. In addition, 
according to population viability analyses the San Miguel Island fox 
subspecies is at acceptably low risk of extinction (Guglielmino and 
Coonan 2016, p. 17) indicating that low reproductive output, dry 
climate, parasites, and low genetic variability do not constitute a 
combined threat to the population at this time nor do we anticipate 
that they will in the future. In conducting this analysis, we have 
considered whether the individual stressors identified for each island, 
considered in combination, result in a threat to the species. The 
combination of low mortality and robust population growth puts each 
island fox subspecies at acceptably low risk of extinction, according 
to population viability analyses. While synergistic or cumulative 
effects may occur when mortality mechanisms or other stressors occur 
together, given the robust populations and ongoing management and 
monitoring, these effects do not pose significant impacts to San 
Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes at either the 
population or rangewide scales at this time nor do we anticipate that 
they will in the future. Synergistic or cumulative effects do not pose 
significant impacts to Santa Catalina Island fox at either the 
population or rangewide scales at this time given the robust 
populations and current ongoing management and monitoring, but could in 
the future if there are lapses in monitoring and management in the 


    An assessment of the need for a species' protection under the Act 
is based on whether a species is in danger of extinction or likely to 
become so because of any of five factors: (A) The present or threatened 
destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B) 
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of 
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or human-made 
factors affecting its continued existence. As required by section 
4(a)(1) of the Act, we conducted a review of the status of these 
species and assessed the five factors to evaluate whether the San 
Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Santa Catalina Island foxes are in 
danger of extinction, or likely to become so in the foreseeable future 
throughout all or a significant portion of their ranges. We examined 
the best scientific and commercial information available regarding the 
past, present, and future threats faced by these subspecies. We also 
consulted with species experts and land management staff with NPS, TNC, 
and CIC, who are actively managing for the conservation of island 
    In considering what factors might constitute threats, we must look 
beyond the mere exposure of the species to the factor to determine 
whether the exposure causes actual impacts to the species. If there is 
exposure to a factor, but no response, or only a positive response, 
that factor is not a threat. If there is exposure and the species 
responds negatively, the factor may be a threat and we then attempt to 
determine how significant the threat is. If the threat is significant, 
it may drive, or contribute to, the risk of extinction of the species 
such that the species warrants listing as an endangered species or 
threatened species as those terms are defined by the Act. This 
determination does not necessarily require empirical proof of a threat. 
The combination of exposure and some corroborating evidence of how the 
species is likely impacted could suffice. The mere identification of 
factors that could impact a species negatively is not sufficient to 
compel a finding that listing is appropriate; we require evidence that 
these factors are operative threats that act on the species to the 
point that the species meets the definition of an endangered species or 
threatened species under the Act.
    At the time of listing in 2004 (69 FR 10335; March 5, 2004), the 
Santa Catalina Island fox experienced a devastating CDV epidemic that 
resulted in an almost complete loss of the eastern subpopulation, which 
made up the majority of the island population. The precipitous decline 
of the northern Channel Island foxes (San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa 
Cruz Island foxes) that led to their listing as endangered species was 
the result of depredation by golden eagles, facilitated by the presence 
of a nonnative, mammalian prey-base on the northern Channel Islands.
    As a result of concerted management efforts, golden eagle predation 
has been reduced to such a degree that it is no longer considered a 
threat to the northern island subspecies. Additional management 
efforts, including captive breeding and ongoing vaccinations for 
disease, have contributed to the substantial increase of all island fox 
populations. Although golden eagles will most likely continue to 
occasionally occur on the islands as transients, the removal of the 
nonnative prey-base and the constant presence of bald eagles are 
permanent, long-term deterrents to golden eagles establishing breeding 
territories and remaining on the northern Channel Islands. Ongoing 
management and monitoring are designed to detect any reemergence of 
threats and to take corrective actions should any threats be detected.

Northern Channel Islands Subspecies

    Based on the information presented in this final rule and the 
proposed rule (81 FR 7723; February 16, 2016), the recovery criteria in 
the recovery plan have been achieved and the recovery objectives 
identified in the recovery plan have been met for the three northern 
Channel Island subspecies of island fox. San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and 
Santa Cruz Island fox abundance has increased steadily to the point 
where the number of individuals is again within the range of historical 
population estimates, save Santa Rosa Island where

[[Page 53327]]

numbers are returning to historical population levels. Population 
viability analyses strongly indicate that the northern Channel Island 
foxes have an acceptably small risk of extinction and current 
population levels are consistent with long-term viability. 
Additionally, the primary threat (golden eagles) to northern Channel 
Island foxes has been controlled, and ongoing management and monitoring 
are in place to ensure that threats continue to be managed in the 
future. This information indicates that these three subspecies are no 
longer at immediate risk of extinction, nor are they likely to 
experience reemergence of threats and associated population declines in 
the future. We, therefore, conclude that the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, 
and Santa Cruz Island foxes are no longer experiencing significant 
impacts at either the population or rangewide scales. Thus, these 
island fox subspecies are no longer in danger of extinction throughout 
all of their ranges, nor are they likely to become so within the 
foreseeable future.

Significant Portion of the Range

    Having determined that the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz 
Island foxes are not in danger of extinction, or likely to become so, 
throughout all of their ranges, we next consider whether there are any 
significant portions of their ranges in which the island foxes are in 
danger of extinction or likely to become so. Under the Act and our 
implementing regulations, a species may warrant listing if it is an 
endangered species or a threatened species. The Act defines 
``endangered species'' as any species which is ``in danger of 
extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range,'' and 
``threatened species'' as any species which is ``likely to become an 
endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range.'' The term ``species'' includes ``any 
subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct population 
segment [DPS] of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which 
interbreeds when mature.'' On July 1, 2014, we published a final policy 
interpreting the phrase ``significant portion of its range'' (SPR) (79 
FR 37578). The final policy states that (1) if a species is found to be 
endangered or threatened throughout a significant portion of its range, 
the entire species is listed as an endangered species or a threatened 
species, respectively, and the Act's protections apply to all 
individuals of the species wherever found; (2) a portion of the range 
of a species is ``significant'' if the species is not currently 
endangered or threatened throughout all of its range, but the portion's 
contribution to the viability of the species is so important that, 
without the members in that portion, the species would be in danger of 
extinction, or likely to become so in the foreseeable future, 
throughout all of its range; (3) the range of a species is considered 
to be the general geographical area within which that species can be 
found at the time the Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service 
makes any particular status determination; and (4) if a vertebrate 
species is endangered or threatened throughout an SPR, and the 
population in that significant portion is a valid DPS, we will list the 
DPS rather than the entire taxonomic species or subspecies.
    The SPR policy is applied to all status determinations, including 
analyses for the purposes of making listing, delisting, and 
reclassification determinations. The procedure for analyzing whether 
any portion is an SPR is similar, regardless of the type of status 
determination we are making. The first step in our analysis of the 
status of a species is to determine its status throughout all of its 
range. If we determine that the species is in danger of extinction, or 
likely to become so in the foreseeable future, throughout all of its 
range, we list the species as an endangered (or threatened) species and 
no SPR analysis will be required. Because we are reclassifying the 
listing status of the Santa Catalina Island fox as a threatened species 
under the Act (see Santa Catalina Island Fox, below), we are not 
conducting an SPR analysis for this subspecies. If the species is 
neither endangered nor threatened throughout all of its range, we 
determine whether the species is endangered or threatened throughout a 
significant portion of its range. If it is, we list the species as an 
endangered species or a threatened species, respectively; if it is not, 
we conclude that the species is neither an endangered species nor a 
threatened species.
    When we conduct an SPR analysis, we first identify any portions of 
the species' range that warrant further consideration. The range of a 
species can theoretically be divided into portions in an infinite 
number of ways. However, there is no purpose to analyzing portions of 
the range that are not reasonably likely to be significant and either 
endangered or threatened. To identify only those portions that warrant 
further consideration, we determine whether there is substantial 
information indicating that (1) the portions may be significant and (2) 
the species may be in danger of extinction in those portions or likely 
to become so within the foreseeable future. We emphasize that answering 
these questions in the affirmative is not a determination that the 
species is endangered or threatened throughout a significant portion of 
its range--rather, it is a step in determining whether a more detailed 
analysis of the issue is required. In practice, a key part of this 
analysis is whether the threats are geographically concentrated in some 
way. If the threats to the species are affecting it uniformly 
throughout its range, no portion is likely to warrant further 
consideration. Moreover, if any concentration of threats apply only to 
portions of the range that clearly do not meet the biologically based 
definition of ``significant'' (i.e., the loss of that portion clearly 
would not be expected to increase the vulnerability to extinction of 
the entire species), those portions will not warrant further 
    If we identify any portions that may be both (1) significant and 
(2) endangered or threatened, we engage in a more detailed analysis. As 
discussed above, to determine whether a portion of the range of a 
species is significant, we consider whether, under a hypothetical 
scenario, the portion's contribution to the viability of the species is 
so important that, without the members in that portion, the species 
would be in danger of extinction or likely to become so in the 
foreseeable future throughout all of its range. This analysis considers 
the contribution of that portion to the viability of the species based 
on the conservation biology principles of redundancy, resiliency, and 
representation. (These concepts can similarly be expressed in terms of 
abundance, spatial distribution, productivity, and diversity.) The 
identification of an SPR does not create a presumption, prejudgment, or 
other determination as to whether the species in that identified SPR is 
in danger of extinction or likely to become so. We must go through a 
separate analysis to determine whether the species is in danger of 
extinction or likely to become so in the SPR. To determine whether a 
species is endangered or threatened throughout an SPR, we will use the 
same standards and methodology that we use to determine if a species is 
endangered or threatened throughout its range.
    Depending on the biology of the species, its range, and the threats 
it faces, it may be more efficient to address either the significance 
question first, or the status question first. Thus, if we determine 
that a portion of the range is not ``significant,'' we do not need to 
determine whether the species is endangered or threatened there; if we 
determine that the species is not

[[Page 53328]]

endangered or threatened in a portion of its range, we do not need to 
determine if that portion is ``significant.''
    Applying the process described above, we evaluated the respective 
ranges of the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, and Santa 
Cruz Island fox to determine if any area could be considered a 
significant portion of any one of the subspecies' ranges. As mentioned 
above, one way to identify portions for further analyses is to identify 
areas that may be significant, such as any natural divisions within the 
range that might be of individual biological or conservation importance 
to the species. We conducted our review based on examination of the 
recovery plan (Service 2015; entire) and other relevant and more recent 
information on the biology and life history of the northern Channel 
Island foxes. Because each of the three northern Channel Island fox 
subspecies is a narrow endemic where the foxes on each island 
constitute a single population, we determined that there are no natural 
divisions or separate areas of the range of each subspecies that 
contribute separately to the conservation of that particular 
subspecies. In other words, for each subspecies of island fox, there is 
only one biologically defined portion, and there are no notably 
separate or distinct portions that contribute independently to the 
conservation (i.e., to the redundancy, resiliency, and representation) 
of the species. We also examined whether any portions might be 
endangered or threatened by examining whether threats might be 
geographically concentrated in some way. Although some of the factors 
we evaluated under Summary of Factors Affecting the Species, above, may 
continue to affect each of the subspecies, the factors affecting island 
foxes generally occur at similarly low levels throughout each of their 
ranges. The entire population of each subspecies is equally affected by 
threats and by the amelioration of such threats throughout their 
ranges. Based on our evaluation of the biology of the subspecies and 
current and potential threats to the island foxes, we conclude that no 
portion of the ranges of the three subspecies of the northern Channel 
Islands foxes warrants further consideration to determine if it is 
significant. In other words, threats have been sufficiently 
ameliorated, and all individuals and all portions of the range of each 
subspecies interact to such an extent that it is not reasonable to 
conclude that any portion of the range can have a different status than 
any other portion.
    We have carefully assessed the best scientific and commercial data 
available and determined that the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa 
Island fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox are no longer in danger of 
extinction throughout all or significant portions of their ranges, nor 
are they likely to become so within the foreseeable future. As a 
consequence of this determination, we are removing the San Miguel, 
Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island fox from the Federal List of 
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.

Santa Catalina Island Fox

    The Santa Catalina Island fox exhibits demographic characteristics 
consistent with long-term viability. The population has continued to 
increase over the past 11 years, reaching an estimated high of 1,852 
individuals in 2013 (King and Duncan 2015, p. 11), then dropping 
slightly to 1,812 in 2015 (King and Duncan 2016, p. 10). Population 
viability analysis indicates the Santa Catalina Island fox population 
has an acceptably small risk of extinction--less than 5 percent since 
2008. With population levels consistent with long-term viability, the 
intent of recovery objective 1 has been met for the Santa Catalina 
Island fox. However, objective 2 has not been met because we do not 
have assurance that the monitoring and management as prescribed in the 
epidemic response plan for Santa Catalina Island foxes will be funded 
and implemented in the future to ensure that the threat of disease 
continues to be managed. While population levels are currently 
consistent with long-term viability (indicating that the subspecies is 
no longer currently in danger of extinction), lack of adequate control 
of potential vectors along with lack of assured long-term monitoring 
could allow for lapses in management and monitoring and reemergence of 
disease that may cause epidemics and population declines before they 
can be detected and acted upon. We coordinated with CIC to determine 
their ability to enter into an agreement to provide assurances for 
long-term funding and a commitment for long-term implementation of the 
epidemic response plan. Though we do not have assurances of long-term 
funding that would allow them to commit to long-term implementation of 
the epidemic response plan, we recognize that CIC's efforts have 
significantly contributed to a reduction of impacts to the Santa 
Catalina Island fox and its habitat. As a result, we have determined 
that the Santa Catalina Island fox is no longer in danger of extinction 
throughout all of its range, but instead is threatened with becoming 
endangered in the foreseeable future throughout all of its range. 
Therefore, we are reclassifying the status of the Santa Catalina Island 
fox from an endangered species to a threatened species. Because we have 
determined the Santa Catalina Island fox is likely to become an 
endangered species in the foreseeable future throughout all of its 
range, no portion of its range can be significant for purposes of the 
definitions of endangered species or threatened species (see 79 FR 
37578; July 1, 2014) (also see Significant Portion of the Range, 

Critical Habitat

     Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the Act, as amended, and implementing 
regulations (50 CFR 424.12) require that we designate critical habitat, 
to the maximum extent prudent and determinable, at the time a species 
is listed as endangered or threatened.
     On November 9, 2005 (70 FR 67924), we determined that habitat on 
Santa Catalina Island (as well as the other three islands occupied by 
the island fox described herein) did not meet the definition of 
critical habitat under the Act. We made this determination based on the 
island fox being a generalist in all aspects of its life history. We 
stated that foxes are opportunistic omnivores that eat a wide variety 
of plants and animals in whatever habitat they use, and as such, they 
use all habitat available on each of the islands (70 FR 67927). We were 
not aware at that time nor are we aware currently of any existing or 
anticipated threats to Santa Catalina Island habitats that would likely 
affect the Santa Catalina Island fox. Accordingly, we continue to 
conclude that there is no information to support a conclusion that any 
specific habitat on Santa Catalina Island is essential to the 
conservation of the Santa Catalina Island fox. Thus, we do not find any 
habitat on Santa Catalina Island that meets the definition of critical 
habitat in section 3(5)(A) of the Act. Because there continues to be no 
habitat that meets the definition of critical habitat for the Santa 
Catalina Island fox, there is none to designate.

Effects of This Rule

    This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.11(h) by removing the San Miguel 
Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox from the 
Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. The prohibitions 
and conservation measures provided by the Act, particularly through 
sections 7 and 9, no longer apply to these subspecies. Federal agencies 
are no longer required to consult with the Service under section 7 of 
the Act in to ensure that any

[[Page 53329]]

action they authorize, fund, or carry out is not likely to jeopardize 
the continued existence of these subspecies.
    This rule also revises 50 CFR 17.11(h) to reclassify the Santa 
Catalina Island fox from an endangered species to a threatened species 
on the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. However, 
this reclassification does not change the protection afforded to this 
subspecies under the Act. Anyone taking, attempting to take, or 
otherwise possessing this species, or parts thereof, in violation of 
section 9 of the Act or its implementing regulations, is subject to a 
penalty under section 11 of the Act. Pursuant to section 7 of the Act, 
Federal agencies must ensure that any actions they authorize, fund, or 
carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the 
Santa Catalina Island fox. Whenever a species is listed as threatened, 
the Act allows promulgation of special rules under section 4(d) that 
modify the standard protections for threatened species found under 
section 9 of the Act and Service regulations at 50 CFR 17.31 (for 
wildlife) and 17.71 (for plants), when it is deemed necessary and 
advisable to provide for the conservation of the species. No special 
section 4(d) rules are proposed, or anticipated to be proposed, for 
Santa Catalina Island fox, because there is currently no conservation 
need to do so for this subspecies. Recovery actions directed at Santa 
Catalina Island fox will continue to be implemented, as funding allows, 
as outlined in the recovery plan for this species (Service 2015, 

Future Conservation Measures

    Section 4(g)(1) of the Act requires us, in cooperation with the 
States, to implement a monitoring program for not less than 5 years for 
all species that have been recovered and delisted. The purpose of this 
post-delisting monitoring (PDM) is to verify that a species remains 
secure from risk of extinction after the protections of the Act are 
removed, by developing a program that detects the failure of any 
delisted species to sustain itself. If, at any time during the 
monitoring period, data indicate that protective status under the Act 
should be reinstated, we can initiate listing procedures, including, if 
appropriate, emergency listing under section 4(b)(7) of the Act.

Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan

    NPS and TNC have agreed to partner with us in the implementation of 
the post-delisting monitoring for the northern Channel Island foxes. 
The post-delisting monitoring is designed to verify that San Miguel, 
Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes remain secure from risk of 
extinction after their removal from the Federal List of Endangered and 
Threatened Wildlife by detecting changes in population trend and 
mortality/survival. Post-delisting monitoring for the northern Channel 
Island fox subspecies will be conducted as recommended in the epidemic 
response plan for northern Channel Island foxes (Hudgens et al. 2013, 
entire) and golden eagle management strategy (NPS 2015a, entire). These 
documents are available on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov 
at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2015-0170, and the Ventura Fish and Wildlife 
Office's Web site at http://www.fws.gov/Ventura/.
    Although the Act has a minimum post-delisting monitoring 
requirement of 5 years, the post-delisting monitoring plan for northern 
Channel Island foxes includes a 10-year monitoring period to account 
for environmental variability (for example, extended drought) that may 
affect fox populations and to document the range of population 
fluctuation as fox populations reach carrying capacity. If a decline in 
abundance is observed or a substantial new threat arises, post-
delisting monitoring may be extended or modified as described below.
    Island foxes will be monitored for both population size and trend, 
and for annual survival and cause-specific mortality, as specified by 
the epidemic response plan for northern Channel island foxes (Hudgens 
et al. 2013, entire) and the golden eagle management strategy (NPS 
2015a, entire). Monitoring as recommended in these plans is currently 
being implemented. Population size and trend are estimated using 
capture-mark-recapture data from trapping foxes on grids (Rubin et al. 
2007, p. 2-1; Coonan 2014, p. 2). Such monitoring has been implemented 
for island foxes since the late 1980s. The monitoring provides a 
continuous record of population fluctuation, including decline and 
recovery, upon which population viability analysis was used to develop 
island fox demographic recovery objectives (Bakker and Doak 2009, 
entire; Bakker et al. 2009, entire).
    Annual survival and cause-specific mortality of island foxes will 
be monitored, as they are now, via tracking of radio-collared foxes. 
Mortality checks will be conducted weekly on radio-collared foxes, and 
necropsies will be conducted on fox carcasses to determine the cause of 
mortality. A sample of at least 40 radio-collared foxes is maintained 
on each island, as that is the number of monitored foxes determined to 
be necessary to detect an annual predation rate of 2.5 percent (Rubin 
et al. 2007, p. 2-20). This level of radio-telemetry monitoring is part 
of the epidemic response plan and the golden eagle management strategy 
for island foxes on the northern Channel Islands (Hudgens et al. 2013, 
pp. 7-11).
    In cooperation with NPS and TNC, we will annually review the 
results of monitoring, which include annual estimated adult population 
size, annual adult survival, and identified causes of mortality. If 
there are apparent sharp declines in population size or survival, or if 
the information indicates the appearance of significant mortality 
causes, the data will be reviewed by the Island Fox Conservation 
Working Group for evaluation and assessment of threat level. Monitoring 
results may also reach thresholds which precipitate increased 
monitoring or implementation of management actions, as specified in the 
epidemic response plan and golden eagle management strategy. At the end 
of the 10-year post-delisting monitoring period, NPS, TNC, and the 
Service will determine whether monitoring should continue beyond the 
10-year monitoring period.

Summary of Comments and Recommendations

    In the proposed rule published on February 16, 2016 (81 FR 7723) in 
the Federal Register, we requested that all interested parties submit 
written comments on the proposal by April 18, 2016. We also contacted 
appropriate Federal and State agencies, Tribal entities, scientific 
experts and organizations, and other interested parties and invited 
them to comment on the proposal. We did not receive any requests for a 
public hearing. All substantive information provided during comment 
periods has either been incorporated directly into this final 
determination or is addressed below.

Peer Reviewer Comments

    In accordance with our peer review policy published on July 1, 1994 
(59 FR 34270), we solicited expert opinion from three knowledgeable 
individuals with scientific expertise that included familiarity with 
the island fox and its habitat, biological needs, and threats. We 
received responses from all three of the peer reviewers.
    We reviewed all comments we received from the peer reviewers for 
substantive issues and new information regarding the status of the 
island fox. The peer reviewers generally concurred with our methods and 
conclusions, and provided new information and suggestions to improve 
the final rule. This information has been incorporated

[[Page 53330]]

into the final rule as appropriate. The peer reviewer comments are 
addressed in the following summary.

Comments From Peer Reviewers

    (1) Comment: Two peer reviewers requested further mention of lack 
of genetic diversity as an important consideration for island foxes. 
They stated that numerous studies have now shown that island fox 
populations lack genetic variation, an outcome of long-term small 
population sizes and bottlenecks, coupled with the pervasive effects of 
genetic drift. The peer reviewers stated that although the threats to 
island fox populations on the northern Channel Islands have either been 
reduced or addressed and the populations have recovered to 
approximately historic levels, the various subspecies lack genetic 
variation, which could compromise their ability to respond to future 
environmental change if managers do not respond to a potential decline 
in a timely manner.
    Our Response: We included the relevant scientific information 
presented by the peer reviewers related to lack of genetic variation in 
this final rule. We anticipate that ongoing monitoring and management 
as described in signed CMAs with NPS and TNC (Service and NPS 2015; 
Service and TNC 2015) will detect any significant changes in population 
health and allow for management responses, including possible 
relisting. If a decline is detected, we will act in concert with NPS 
and TNC in an expedient manner to uncover the agent of the decline and 
implement timely recovery actions as laid out in the golden eagle 
management strategy and epidemic response plans (Hudgens et al. 2013, 
entire; NPS 2015a, entire).
    (2) Comment: One peer reviewer requested more information about 
evaluation of recovery objective 1 and recovery criteria E/1. In 
particular, the peer reviewer asked if demographic characteristics 
included measures of genetic characteristics, as the same standards 
should not apply to populations that have lost much of their genetic 
    Our Response: Recovery objective 1 is that each federally listed 
subspecies of island fox exhibits demographic characteristics 
consistent with long-term viability. Recovery objective 1 is achieved 
when recovery criteria E/1 is met: an island fox subspecies has no more 
than 5 percent risk of quasi-extinction over a 50-year period; recovery 
criteria E/1 has been met. Recovery criteria E/1 is evaluated for each 
species using population viability models presented in Bakker et al. 
(2009) and appendix 2 of the recovery plan (Service 2015, pp. 135-140) 
that incorporate demographic information for each subspecies of island 
fox, which are influenced by genetics and the environment. Genetic 
variation is not one of the demographic characters that is measured, 
although we recognize that genetic variation has an influence on 
demographic characters.
    (3) Comment: One peer reviewer asked how the quasi-extinction 
number of 30 individuals was derived. The peer reviewer asserted that 
if extreme bottleneck events have occurred, it is highly possible that 
quasi-extinction levels of 30 individuals are not appropriate, and 
numbers this low could essentially extirpate any genetic variation left 
in the population.
    Our Response: Because short- to medium-term risk analysis is most 
important for island fox management, Bakker et al. (2009) ran each 
simulation for 50 years and used a quasi-extinction threshold of 30 
foxes, set by the Service's island fox Recovery Team to further account 
for unidentified biological and sociopolitical uncertainties (Bakker et 
al. 2009, p. 92). We concur with the quasi-extinction level determined 
by the scientists on the island fox Recovery Team. However, we note 
that monitoring and management is designed to intervene well before a 
species would reach a quasi-extinction threshold. Quasi-extinction is 
not the threshold for action; rather, triggers for action would be if 
monitoring results indicate a sharp decline in population size or 
survival or the appearance of a significant mortality source. The 
intent is to avoid the quasi-extinction threshold by a wide margin by 
managing for a low risk of reaching such a threshold over a fairly long 
period of time.
    (4) Comment: One peer reviewer asked what it would take to delist 
the Santa Catalina Island subspecies.
    Our Response: The best available scientific data for Santa Catalina 
Island suggest that while Santa Catalina Island fox populations have 
increased to self-sustaining levels, potential disease epidemic remains 
an ongoing threat. Once disease and disease risk are controlled and 
managed to the point they are no longer a threat to the subspecies, and 
assuming no other stressors are resulting in significant impacts at 
either the population or rangewide scales, the Santa Catalina Island 
fox could be removed from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened 
Wildlife (that is, delisted). Controlling the threat of disease would 
include assurances of long-term implementation of the epidemic response 
plan for Santa Catalina Island, which is currently being implemented by 
CIC. We coordinated with CIC to determine their ability to enter into 
an agreement to provide assurances, and they indicated they are 
currently unable to provide assurances for long-term funding and 
management. Though we do not have assurances of long-term funding that 
would allow them to commit to long-term implementation of the epidemic 
response plan, we recognize that CIC's efforts have significantly 
contributed to a reduction of impacts to the Santa Catalina Island fox 
and its habitat.

Public Comments

    We requested written comments from the public on the proposed rule. 
To that end, we specifically sought comments concerning: (1) Additional 
information on the distribution, population size, and population trends 
of the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Santa Catalina Island 
foxes; (2) relevant information concerning any current or likely future 
threats (or lack thereof) to the island foxes; (3) current or planned 
activities within the range of the island foxes and their possible 
impacts; (4) regional climate change models and whether they are 
reliable and credible to use in assessing the effects of climate change 
on the island foxes and their habitats; and (5) our draft post-
delisting monitoring plan.
    During the open comment period, which closed on April 18, 2016, we 
received 10 comment letters from organizations or individuals directly 
addressing the proposed removal of the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and 
Santa Cruz Island fox from the Federal List of Endangered and 
Threatened Wildlife, or reclassification of the Santa Catalina Island 
fox from an endangered to a threatened species. Seven of these letters 
opposed the proposal, and three provided support. Two of these letters 
provided substantive comments (beyond a succinct expression of 
agreement or opposition) on the proposed rule, one of which supported 
and one of which opposed our proposal. Substantive information has been 
incorporated into the final rule as appropriate. The public comments 
are addressed in the following summary.
Comments From the Public
    (5) Comment: One commenter suggested we conduct a more detailed 
analysis of the effects of global climate change and that we hold 
public meetings to develop a response plan for climate change.

[[Page 53331]]

    Our Response: We incorporated additional information into the 
climate change discussion in this rule based on new information that 
was provided by the peer reviewers. While we cannot accurately predict 
the effects of climate change on island fox subspecies, because the 
foxes are generalists and exhibit plasticity with regards to prey and 
habitat use, we do not expect negative effects of such magnitude that 
would result in significant impacts at either the population or 
rangewide scales (e.g., cause major population declines). However, we 
anticipate ongoing monitoring and management will detect any 
significant changes in population health and allow for management 
responses, including possible relisting; therefore, public meetings to 
develop a response plan were not planned.
    (6) Comment: One commenter expressed concern that if the northern 
Channel Islands subspecies are delisted, the disease and predator 
management programs may potentially be defunded.
    Our Response: The post-delisting monitoring is designed to verify 
that northern Channel Island foxes remain secure from risk of 
extinction after their removal from the Federal List of Endangered and 
Threatened Wildlife by detecting changes in population trend and 
mortality/survival. Post-delisting monitoring for the northern Channel 
Island fox subspecies will be conducted as recommended in the epidemic 
response plan for northern Channel Island foxes (Hudgens et al. 2013, 
entire) and golden eagle management strategy (NPS 2015a, entire). 
Funding and implementation of post-delisting monitoring is assured for 
10 years by signed CMAs between the Service, NPS, and TNC (Service and 
NPS 2015; Service and TNC 2015). At the end of the 10-year post-
delisting monitoring period, the Service, NPS, and TNC will determine 
whether monitoring should continue beyond the 10-year monitoring 
period. In addition, NPS identified island foxes as an ecosystem 
element for which they will conduct long-term annual population 
monitoring as part of Channel Island National Park's long-term 
ecological monitoring program, regardless of their status under the 
    (7) Comment: One commenter stated that the San Miguel Island fox 
population declined from 581 individuals in 2011 (Coonan and 
Gugliolmino 2011, p. 14) to 538 individuals in 2012 (Coonan 2013, p. 
10), despite the high number of pups caught and low number of known 
mortalities. The commenter questioned the 2015 data presented in the 
proposed rule, which indicate that the San Miguel Island population 
rose by approximately 200 from 2014, despite less than a quarter of the 
number of captured pups compared to 2012 and more than triple the 
number of known mortalities. The commenter also pointed out that Santa 
Rosa Island foxes have yet to meet their carrying capacity, and so, 
given that population's limited size, delisting is inappropriate at 
this time.
    Our Response: The population estimates presented in this rule for 
the San Miguel Island fox are based on the best available scientific 
information as reported to the Service by NPS. San Miguel Island fox 
population estimates for the total population (both adults and 
juveniles) reveal that the subspecies has hovered around at least 550 
foxes since 2010, and this likely represents carrying capacity for that 
island (Coonan 2014, p. 8). This is supported by the general decline in 
reproductive effort as the population has increased. On the San Miguel 
Island monitoring grids, only three pups were caught in 2013 and 2014, 
and only seven were caught in 2015, compared to 32 caught in 2012 
(Guglielmino and Coonan 2016, p. 13). The low reproductive output is 
likely due both to high fox density and extended drought. Even given 
this, the overall combination of low mortality and robust population 
growth continues to put the San Miguel Island fox subspecies at 
acceptably low risk of extinction, according to population viability 
analyses (Guglielmino and Coonan 2016, p. 17). The San Miguel 
population reached this level of acceptable extinction risk in 2009, 
and even recent mortality due to drought has not moved the population 
away from acceptable extinction risk.
    Santa Rosa Island foxes have likely not reached carrying capacity. 
Carrying capacity is not a threshold for recovery or for healthy 
populations; rather, carrying capacity is the maximum number of 
individuals that the habitat can support. Most populations function 
below that threshold and still exhibit demographic characteristics for 
healthy, stable populations. Populations do not need to be at carrying 
capacity to have stable or increasing demographics consistent with 
long-term viability. On Santa Rosa Island, significant mortality during 
the early phase of reintroduction and again in 2010 prevented the Santa 
Rosa subspecies from attaining the level of biological recovery that 
the San Miguel and Santa Cruz Islands subspecies had attained by 2013. 
However, the predicted extinction risk (over the next 50 years) has 
been less than 5 percent since 2011 for Santa Rosa Island (Guglielmino 
and Coonan 2016, p. 22). As of 2015, all Roosevelt elk and mule deer 
have been removed from Santa Rosa Island, and the island fox population 
has increased to greater than 1,200 foxes (Coonan 2015b, pers. comm.; 
Guglielmino and Coonan 2016, p. 18). With the golden eagle management 
strategy in place, complete removal of golden eagles and their 
nonnative prey-base from the northern Channel Islands, development and 
implementation of an epidemic response plan, and population levels 
consistent with long-term viability, the intent of recovery objectives 
1 and 2, and the associated recovery criteria, are met for the San 
Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes.
    (8) Comment: One commenter presented information on Acanthocephalan 
parasites, which affect the gut of island foxes. The commenter stated 
that Acanthocephalans have been identified as a factor in the deaths of 
over 20 island foxes since 2013. In addition, the commenter pointed out 
that most of the foxes on San Miguel Island have become increasingly 
underweight and probably infected. The commenter expressed that the 
effect this parasite could have on the San Miguel population of island 
foxes is significant and there is too little information on this 
significant issue to proceed with the proposed delisting.
    Our Response: In 2013, necropsies of five radio-collared San Miguel 
Island foxes revealed substantial, and in several cases massive, 
parasitism by an unidentified Acanthocephalan (spiny-headed) parasite 
in the intestines (Coonan et al. 2014b, pp. 11, 12). Six of the 16 
mortalities in 2014 through June 2015 had infection by an 
Acanthocephalan parasite, as did five in 2013 (Coonan 2015b, pp. 7, 8). 
The parasite burdens were associated with one or a combination of 
colitis, enteritis, and emaciation, and likely contributed to mortality 
of the individuals, but have not yet been determined as the cause of 
mortality (Coonan 2015b, p. 2). In 2015, the Island Fox Health Working 
Group discussed the impact of Acanthocephalans to island foxes on San 
Miguel Island and determined that no specific management action or 
treatment is recommended at this time, as cases are continuing, but do 
not appear to be increasing or causing a population decline (Coonan 
2015b, p. 15). Continued monitoring of mortality causes will determine 
whether the parasite is a significant mortality source for San Miguel 
foxes, and requires management. Thus, at this time, the best available 
data indicate that although potential impacts from Acanthocephalan 
parasites may be impacting San Miguel Island fox

[[Page 53332]]

individuals, there are no significant impacts at the population scale 
such that this parasite would be considered a threat to the subspecies. 
We anticipate that ongoing monitoring and management as described in 
signed CMAs with NPS and TNC (Service and NPS 2015; Service and TNC 
2015) will detect any significant changes in population health and 
allow for management responses, including listing in the future if 
    (9) Comment: One commenter presented information that the San 
Miguel Island fox population is aging and that there are problems in 
reproduction or survival of pups. Information was presented by the 
commenter that 73 percent of the collared foxes are 4 to 10 years old, 
while 47 percent are 6 to 10 years old. Only 27 percent of these foxes 
are young animals of 1 to 3 years old, which reflects 3 consecutive 
years of poor recruitment for the population, signifying poor birth 
years or poor pup survival. The commenter stated that such an age 
structure puts this population at risk, particularly given the small 
size of the population, dry climate, parasite issue, and low genetic 
diversity among the San Miguel Island foxes.
    Our Response: Population estimates for the total San Miguel Island 
fox population (both adults and juveniles) reveal that it has hovered 
around 550 foxes since 2010, and this likely represents carrying 
capacity for the island (Coonan 2014, p. 8). This is supported by the 
general decline in reproductive effort as the population has increased. 
During annual monitoring efforts, only three pups were caught in 2013 
and 2014, and only seven were caught in 2015, compared to 32 caught in 
2012 (Guglielmino and Coonan 2016, p. 13). The low reproductive output 
is likely due both to high fox density and extended drought, and is to 
be expected as the population hovers around carrying capacity and 
responds to extended drought. This does not in and of itself constitute 
a threat to the San Miguel Island fox population, and low reproductive 
effort has not been identified as a current threat to any island fox 
    The combination of low mortality and the population at likely 
carrying capacity (i.e., 550 foxes since 2010 (Coonan 2014, p. 8)) puts 
the San Miguel Island fox subspecies at acceptably low risk of 
extinction, according to population viability analyses (Guglielmino and 
Coonan 2016, p. 17). We anticipate that ongoing monitoring and 
management as described in signed CMAs with NPS and TNC (Service and 
NPS 2015; Service and TNC 2015) will detect any significant changes in 
population health and allow for management responses, including listing 
in the future if warranted. If a significant decline is detected, we 
will act in concert with NPS and TNC in an expedient manner to uncover 
the agent of the decline and implement timely recovery actions as laid 
out in the golden eagle management strategy and epidemic response plans 
(Hudgens et al. 2013, entire; NPS 2015a, entire).

Required Determinations

National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)

    We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental 
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National 
Environmental Policy Act, need not be prepared in connection with 
listing, delisting, or reclassification of a species as an endangered 
or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. We published a 
notice outlining our reasons for this determination in the Federal 
Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).

References Cited

    A complete list of references cited in this rulemaking is available 
on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R8-
ES-2015-0170 or upon request from the Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office 


    The primary authors of this final rule are staff members of the 
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office in Ventura, California, in 
coordination with the Pacific Southwest Regional Office in Sacramento, 
California, and the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office in Carlsbad, 

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17

    Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.

Regulation Promulgation

    Accordingly, we amend part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 
of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:


1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; 4201-4245, unless 
otherwise noted.

2. Amend Sec.  17.11(h), the List of Endangered and Threatened 
Wildlife, under MAMMALS, by:
a. Removing the entries for ``Fox, San Miguel Island'', ``Fox, Santa 
Cruz Island'', and ``Fox, Santa Rosa Island''; and
b. Revising the entry for ``Fox, Santa Catalina Island''.
    The revision reads as follows:

Sec.  17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.

* * * * *
    (h) * * *

                                                                                               Listing citations
           Common name              Scientific name      Where listed           Status          and applicable
                                                  * * * * * * *
Fox, Santa Catalina Island......  Urocyon littoralis  Wherever found....  T.................  69 FR 10335; 3/5/
                                   catalinae.                                                  2004
                                                                                              81 FR [Insert
                                                                                               Federal Register
                                                                                               page where the
                                                                                               document begins];
                                                                                              50 CFR 17.95(a)
                                                  * * * * * * *

[[Page 53333]]

Sec.  17.95   [Amended]

3. Amend Sec.  17.95(a) by removing the entries for ``San Miguel Island 
Fox (Urocyon littoralis littoralis)'', ``Santa Cruz Island Fox (Urocyon 
littoralis santacruzae)'', and ``Santa Rosa Island Fox (Urocyon 
littoralis santarosae)''.

    Dated: July 21, 2016.
Stephen Guertin,
Acting Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2016-18778 Filed 8-11-16; 8:45 am]

                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                        53315

                                           documents and was protecting human                      ICs are in place and effective, and five-             DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
                                           health and the environment.                             year reviews, all appropriate responses
                                             Subsequent to the 2012 five-year                      under CERCLA have been completed at                   Fish and Wildlife Service
                                           review, EPA determined that ICs were                    the Site. The soil and groundwater
                                           necessary to ensure the protectiveness                  immediately underlying the Site no                    50 CFR Part 17
                                           of the remedy, as discussed above. Five-                longer pose a threat to public health or              [Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2015–0170;
                                           year reviews will be conducted as long                  the environment. Therefore, EPA is                    FFXES11130000–156–FF08E00000]
                                           as residual VOC levels remain that                      deleting the Site from the NPL. Periodic
                                           perpetuate the vapor intrusion concerns                                                                       RIN 1018–BA71
                                                                                                   vapor intrusion monitoring and five-
                                           described in this ESD. The next five-
                                                                                                   year reviews will still be required for               Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
                                           year review will be conducted by
                                                                                                   the Site. The deletion does not preclude              and Plants; Removing the San Miguel
                                           August 2017.
                                                                                                   future action under CERCLA. Because                   Island Fox, Santa Rosa Island Fox, and
                                           Community Involvement                                   EPA considers this action to be                       Santa Cruz Island Fox From the
                                             Public participation activities for the               noncontroversial and routine, EPA is                  Federal List of Endangered and
                                           Site have been satisfied as required                    taking this action without prior                      Threatened Wildlife, and Reclassifying
                                           pursuant to CERCLA Sections 113(k)                      publication. This action will be effective            the Santa Catalina Island Fox From
                                           and 117, 42 U.S.C. 9613(k) and 9617. As                 September 26, 2016 unless EPA receives                Endangered to Threatened
                                           part of the remedy selection process, the               adverse comments by September 12,                     AGENCY:   Fish and Wildlife Service,
                                           public was invited to comment on the                    2016. If adverse comments are received                Interior.
                                           proposed remedy. All other documents                    within the 30-day public comment                      ACTION: Final rule.
                                           and information that EPA relied on or                   period of this action, EPA will publish
                                           considered in recommending this                         a timely withdrawal of this direct final              SUMMARY:     We, the U.S. Fish and
                                           deletion are available for the public to                NOD before the effective date of the                  Wildlife Service (Service), are removing
                                           review at the information repositories                  deletion and the deletion will not take               the San Miguel Island fox (Urocyon
                                           identified above.                                       effect. EPA will prepare a response to                littoralis littoralis), Santa Rosa Island
                                           Determination That the Site Meets the                   comments and continue with the                        fox (U. l. santarosae), and Santa Cruz
                                           Criteria for Deletion From the NCP                      deletion process on the basis of the                  Island fox (U. l. santacruzae) from the
                                                                                                   NOID and the comments received. In                    Federal List of Endangered and
                                             All of the cleanup requirements for                                                                         Threatened Wildlife and are
                                           the Site have been met, as described in                 such a case, there will be no additional
                                                                                                   opportunity to comment.                               reclassifying the Santa Catalina Island
                                           the September 2006 groundwater                                                                                fox (U. l. catalinae) from an endangered
                                           Interim Groundwater Remedial Action                     List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300                   species to a threatened species. This
                                           Report, September 2008 soil Remedial                                                                          action is based on a thorough review of
                                           Action Report, August 2007 Preliminary                    Environmental protection, Air                       the best available scientific and
                                           Close-Out Report, July 2016 Final Close-                pollution control, Chemicals, Hazardous               commercial information, which
                                           Out Report, and 2012 Five-Year Review                   waste, Hazardous substances,                          indicates that the threats to the San
                                           report. The State of New York, in a July                Intergovernmental relations, Penalties,               Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island
                                           29, 2016 letter, concurred with the                     Reporting and recordkeeping                           fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox have
                                           proposed deletion of the Site from the                  requirements, Superfund, Water                        been eliminated or reduced to the point
                                           NPL.                                                    pollution control, Water supply.                      that each of the subspecies no longer
                                             The NCP specifies that EPA may
                                                                                                     Dated: August 2, 2016.                              meets the definition of an endangered
                                           delete a site from the NPL if ‘‘all
                                                                                                   Judith A. Enck,                                       species or a threatened species under
                                           appropriate Fund-financed response
                                                                                                                                                         the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
                                           under CERCLA has been implemented,                      Regional Administrator, EPA, Region 2.
                                                                                                                                                         amended (Act), and that the threats to
                                           and no further response action by
                                                                                                     For the reasons set out in this                     the Santa Catalina Island fox have been
                                           responsible parties is appropriate.’’ 40
                                                                                                   document, 40 CFR part 300 is amended                  reduced to the point that the subspecies
                                           CFR 300.425(e)(1)(ii). EPA, with the
                                                                                                   as follows:                                           can be reclassified as a threatened
                                           concurrence of the State of New York,
                                                                                                                                                         species. We also announce the
                                           through NYSDEC, believes that this                      PART 300—NATIONAL OIL AND                             availability of a final post-delisting
                                           criterion for the deletion of the Site has
                                                                                                   HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES                                  monitoring plan for the San Miguel
                                           been met in that that the soil on the Site
                                                                                                   POLLUTION CONTINGENCY PLAN                            Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, and
                                           and the groundwater beneath the Site no
                                                                                                                                                         Santa Cruz Island fox.
                                           longer pose a threat to public health or
                                           the environment. Consequently, EPA is                   ■ 1. The authority citation for part 300              DATES: This rule is effective September
                                           deleting the Site from the NPL.                         continues to read as follows:                         12, 2016.
                                           Documents supporting this action are                      Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(c)(2); 42 U.S.C.          ADDRESSES: This final rule is available
                                           available in the deletion docket at                     9601–9675; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757, 3 CFR             on the Internet at http://
                                           http://www.regulations.gov and at the                   1991 Comp., p. 351; E.O. 12580, 52 FR 2923,           www.regulations.gov and at the Ventura
                                           Site information repositories.                          3 CFR 1987 Comp., p. 193.                             Fish and Wildlife Office’s Web site at
                                           V. Deletion Action                                      ■  2. Table 1 of Appendix B to part 300               Comments, materials, and supporting
                                              EPA, with the concurrence of the                     is amended by removing ‘‘Jackson                      documentation considered in this
ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                           State of New York through NYSDEC,                       Steel,’’ ‘‘Mineola/North Hempstead,’’                 rulemaking are available on the Internet
                                           has determined that other than the                      ‘‘NY.’’                                               at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket
                                           ongoing operation and maintenance of                    [FR Doc. 2016–19130 Filed 8–11–16; 8:45 am]           No. FWS–R8–ES–2015–0170, and are
                                           the vapor intrusion mitigation systems                  BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                                                                         available for public inspection by
                                           at the daycare center, periodic vapor                                                                         appointment, during normal business
                                           intrusion monitoring, insuring that the                                                                       hours at: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,

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                                           53316              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                           Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493                  entire) for a summary of background                   variability present in the current island
                                           Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA                      information on island fox taxonomy, life              fox populations and new information
                                           93003; by telephone 805–644–1766; or                    history, and distribution. We prepared                about climate change. This information
                                           by facsimile 805–644–3958. The post-                    the Recovery Plan by working with a                   and other clarifications are incorporated
                                           delisting monitoring plan for the San                   Recovery Team that included public                    into the final rule where appropriate,
                                           Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island                    agency representatives, landowners,                   including in the Summary of Comments
                                           fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox is                       conservancies, zoological institutions,               and Recommendations, below.
                                           available on our Endangered Species                     nonprofits, and academics. The
                                                                                                   Recovery Plan includes discussion of                  Recovery and Recovery Plan
                                           Program’s national Web site (http://
                                                                                                   the following: species description and                Implementation
                                           endangered.fws.gov) and on the Internet
                                           at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket                 taxonomy, habitat use, social                   Section 4(f) of the Act directs us to
                                           No. FWS–R8–ES–2015–0170.                                organization, reproduction, distribution     develop and implement recovery plans
                                           FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                        and abundance, threats to the                for the conservation and survival of
                                           Stephen P. Henry, Field Supervisor,                     subspecies, and recovery strategies.         endangered and threatened species
                                           U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura                 Range of the Species                         unless we determine that such a plan
                                           Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 Portola                                                               will not promote the conservation of the
                                                                                                      The island fox (Urocyon littoralis), a    species. We published a notice
                                           Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003;
                                                                                                   diminutive relative of the gray fox (U.      announcing the availability of the final
                                           telephone 805–644–1766; facsimile                       cinereoargenteus), is endemic to the
                                           805–644–3958. If you use a                                                                           recovery plan for the San Miguel Island
                                                                                                   California Channel Islands. Island foxes fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, Santa Cruz
                                           telecommunications device for the deaf                  inhabit the six largest of the eight
                                           (TDD), call the Federal Information                                                                  Island fox, and Santa Catalina Island fox
                                                                                                   Channel Islands (San Miguel Island,          on March 9, 2015 (80 FR 12521).
                                           Relay Service (FIRS) at 800–877–8339.                   Santa Rosa Island, Santa Cruz Island,
                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                                                              The recovery plan (Service 2015, pp.
                                                                                                   Santa Catalina Island, San Nicolas           47–53) includes the recovery goals,
                                           Previous Federal Actions                                Island, and San Clemente Island) and         recovery objectives, and recovery
                                                                                                   are recognized as distinct subspecies on
                                              On December 10, 2001, we published                                                                criteria that we outline below to
                                                                                                   each of the six islands. Both
                                           a proposal to list four subspecies of                                                                reclassify the island fox subspecies from
                                                                                                   morphologic and genetic distinctions
                                           island foxes as endangered species (66                                                               endangered species to threatened
                                                                                                   support the classification of separate
                                           FR 63654). Please refer to this proposed                                                             species and to remove island fox
                                                                                                   subspecies of island foxes for each
                                           rule for information on Federal actions                                                              subspecies from the List of Endangered
                                                                                                   island (Collins 1993, entire; Gilbert et al.
                                           prior to December 10, 2001. On March                                                                 and Threatened Wildlife. Please see the
                                                                                                   1990, entire; Goldstein et al. 1999,
                                           5, 2004, we published a final rule listing                                                           February 16, 2016, proposed rule (81 FR
                                                                                                   entire; Wayne et al. 1991a, entire). We
                                           the four subspecies of island foxes as                                                               7723) for a detailed discussion of the
                                                                                                   recognize the range of each subspecies
                                           endangered species (69 FR 10335).                                                                    recovery goal, objectives, and criteria
                                                                                                   to be the island that it inhabits. Islands
                                           Please refer to the final Recovery Plan                 inhabited by island foxes are owned by       and how they apply to the status of the
                                           for Four Subspecies of Island Fox                       four major landowners: the National          San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa
                                           (Urocyon littoralis) (Service 2015,                     Park Service (NPS), the U.S. Navy, The       Island fox, Santa Cruz Island fox, and
                                           entire) for a detailed description of                   Nature Conservancy (TNC), and the            Santa Catalina Island fox. The objectives
                                           Federal actions concerning this species.                Santa Catalina Island Conservancy            and progress toward these objectives
                                           We did not designate critical habitat for               (CIC), all of whom have management           (measured by explicit criteria) are
                                           the four subspecies of island fox, as                   authority for wildlife on their lands.       summarized below.
                                           explained in our November 9, 2005,                      NPS and TNC manage San Miguel                Recovery Objectives
                                           final critical habitat determination (70                Island, Santa Rosa Island, and Santa
                                           FR 67924).                                              Cruz Island; in this rule, we reference         Recovery objectives identify
                                              We published a notice announcing                     these three islands as the northern          mechanisms for measuring progress
                                           the initiation of a review of the status of             Channel Islands CIC manages the              toward and achieving the recovery goal
                                           the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa                   majority of fox habitat on Santa Catalina of delisting for each subspecies.
                                           Island fox, Santa Cruz Island fox, and                  Island, except the City of Avalon. Santa        Recovery Objective 1: Each federally
                                           Santa Catalina Island fox under section                 Catalina Island is the only island with      listed subspecies of island fox exhibits
                                           4(c)(2) of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)             a permanent human population. Human demographic characteristics consistent
                                           on March 9, 2015 (80 FR 12521), with                    use of the three northern Channel            with long-term viability.
                                           the notice announcing the availability of               Islands is restricted to visitors and NPS       Recovery Objective 2: Land managers
                                           the final recovery plan. On February 16,                and TNC staff.                               are able to respond in a timely fashion
                                           2016, we published in the Federal                                                                    to predation by nesting golden eagles
                                           Register a status review and proposed                   Summary of Changes From the                  (Aquila chrysaetos) or significant
                                           rule (81 FR 7723) to remove the San                     Proposed Rule                                predation rates by transient golden
                                           Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island                       We did not make substantive changes eagles, to potential or incipient disease
                                           fox, and the Santa Cruz Island fox from                 in this final rule based on the comments outbreaks, and to other identified
                                           the Federal List of Endangered and                      that we received during the public           threats using the best available
                                           Threatened Wildlife, and to reclassify                  comment period, but we added text to         technology.
                                           the Santa Catalina Island fox from an                   clarify some information presented in           In order for any one of the four listed
                                           endangered species to a threatened                      the proposed rule, added new                 subspecies of island fox to be
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                                           species.                                                information to the climate change            considered for downlisting from
                                                                                                   analysis, and revised population data to endangered to threatened status,
                                           Background                                              reflect information updated since the        recovery objective 1 should be met for
                                             Please refer to the final Recovery Plan               publication of the proposed rule. For        that subspecies. In order for any one of
                                           for Four Subspecies of Island Fox                       example, peer reviewers recommended          the four listed subspecies of island fox
                                           (Urocyon littoralis) (Service 2015,                     we include information about genetic         to be considered for delisting, recovery

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                        53317

                                           objectives 1 and 2 should be met for that               Cruz Island (Boser 2016a, pers. comm.),               www.regulations.gov at Docket No.
                                           subspecies.                                             and greater than 1,800 on Santa Catalina              FWS–R8–ES–2015–0170 and on our
                                              Island fox recovery criteria are                     Island (King and Duncan 2016, p. 10).                 Endangered Species Program’s national
                                           measurable standards for determining                    All populations with the exception of                 Web site (http://endangered.fws.gov).
                                           whether a subspecies has achieved its                   Santa Rosa Island are at or above their                  With the golden eagle management
                                           recovery objectives and may be                          pre-decline population estimates                      strategy in place, complete removal of
                                           considered for downlisting or delisting.                (Coonan 2015a, pers. comm.; King and                  golden eagles and their nonnative prey-
                                           Island fox recovery criteria in the                     Duncan 2014, pp. 1, 10). On San Miguel                base from the northern Channel Islands
                                           recovery plan (Service 2015, pp. 50–55)                 Island, low reproductive effort coupled               (San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz
                                           are organized by factors under section                  with declining survival suggests that the             Islands), development and
                                           4(a)(1) of the Act to demonstrate how                   San Miguel Island subspecies has                      implementation of an epidemic
                                           criteria indicate threats under that factor             reached carrying capacity (the                        response plan, and population levels
                                           have been ameliorated. The following is                 maximum population size of a species                  consistent with long-term viability,
                                           a summary of the recovery criteria.                     that the habitat can support) (Coonan                 recovery objectives 1 and 2, and the
                                              To address recovery objective 1, the                 2015a, p. 8). We conclude, based on                   associated recovery criteria, are met for
                                           subspecies must be protected from other                 population viability analyses, that                   the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa
                                           natural or manmade factors known to                     recovery objective 1 is achieved for all              Cruz Island foxes. With population
                                           affect their continued existence. This is               four island fox subspecies. Detailed                  levels consistent with long-term
                                           accomplished when the following has                     results of the graphing/analysis tool                 viability, recovery objective 1 is met for
                                           occurred:                                               through 2015 can be found in the                      the Santa Catalina Island fox. However,
                                              E/1: An island fox subspecies has no                 supplementary material ‘‘Results of                   objective 2 has not been met for the
                                           more than 5 percent risk of quasi-                      graphing/analysis tool to assess island               Santa Catalina Island fox because
                                           extinction over a 50-year period as                     fox recovery criterion E/1’’ (derived                 currently there are no assurances that
                                           determined by use of the population                     from Guglielmino and Coonan 2016, pp.                 current monitoring and management
                                           viability graphing/analysis tool found in               17, 22; Boser 2016b, pers. comm.; King                actions will continue in the future, and,
                                           appendix 2 of the recovery plan (Service                and Duncan 2016, p. 13) on the Internet               because Santa Catalina Island has an
                                           2015, pp. 131–136).                                     at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket               elevated risk compared to the northern
                                              To address recovery objective 2, the                 No. FWS–R8–ES–2015–0170.                              Channel Islands of introduced
                                           magnitude and imminence of disease                         To ensure that land managers are able              pathogens from the mainland, a disease
                                           and predation threats must be reduced.                  to respond in a timely fashion to                     outbreak could occur without detection
                                           This is accomplished when the                           predation by golden eagles, a final                   or appropriate response to mediate the
                                           following has occurred:                                 golden eagle management strategy has                  threat to the subspecies.
                                              C/1: Golden eagle predation (applies                 been approved (NPS 2015a, entire), and
                                           only to the northern Channel Islands):                                                                        Summary of Factors Affecting the
                                                                                                   is being implemented by NPS and TNC.
                                           The rate of golden eagle predation is                                                                         Species
                                                                                                   The strategy outlines actions, many of
                                           reduced and maintained at a level no                    which have already been implemented                      Section 4 of the Act and its
                                           longer considered a threat to island fox                by NPS and TNC, including: Complete                   implementing regulations (50 CFR part
                                           recovery through development of a                       removal of all golden eagles; ongoing                 424) set forth the procedures for listing
                                           golden eagle management strategy, and                   prevention of golden eagle nesting; and               species, reclassifying species, or
                                           the golden eagle prey base of mule deer                 removal of all nonnative golden eagle                 removing species from listed status.
                                           (Odocoileus hemionus) and Roosevelt                     prey, including deer and elk from Santa               ‘‘Species’’ is defined by the Act as
                                           elk (Cervus canadensis roosevelti) is                   Rosa Island.                                          including any species or subspecies of
                                           removed from Santa Rosa Island.                            To ensure that land managers are able              fish or wildlife or plants, and any
                                              C/2: Disease: A disease management                   to respond in a timely fashion to a                   distinct population segment of any
                                           strategy is developed, approved, and                    potential or incipient disease outbreak,              species of vertebrate fish or wildlife
                                           implemented that includes vaccination                   the epidemic response plans for                       which interbreeds when mature (16
                                           recommendations and a monitoring                        northern Channel Islands foxes                        U.S.C. 1532(16)). A species may be
                                           program that provides for timely                        (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire) and Santa               determined to be an endangered species
                                           detection of a potential epidemic, and                  Catalina Island foxes (Hudgens et al.                 or threatened species because of any one
                                           an associated emergency response                        2014, entire) are currently implemented               or a combination of the five factors
                                           strategy as recommended by the                          by NPS, TNC, and CIC. These plans                     described in section 4(a)(1) of the Act:
                                           appropriate subject-matter experts.                     provide direction for monitoring,                     (A) The present or threatened
                                              Population monitoring has been                       vaccination for canine distemper virus                destruction, modification, or
                                           implemented for each listed subspecies,                 and rabies annually to a subset of each               curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
                                           and population viability analyses using                 island fox population, and response if                overutilization for commercial,
                                           the graphing/analysis tool found in                     mortality is detected. Additionally, NPS              recreational, scientific, or educational
                                           appendix 2 of the recovery plan (Service                and TNC are committed through signed                  purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
                                           2015, pp. 131–136) indicate all                         conservation management agreements                    the inadequacy of existing regulatory
                                           subspecies have an acceptably small                     (CMAs) to monitor and conduct other                   mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
                                           risk of extinction. The extinction risk                 management actions for detecting and                  human-made factors affecting its
                                           has been less than 5 percent since 2008                 appropriately responding to predation                 continued existence. A species may be
                                           for San Miguel, Santa Cruz, and Santa                   by golden eagles or a potential disease               reclassified or delisted on the same
                                           Catalina Islands, and since 2011 for                    outbreak in the future, as recommended                basis.
ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                           Santa Rosa Island. As of 2015, island fox               in the golden eagle management strategy                  A recovered species is one that no
                                           populations had increased to greater                    and epidemic response plans (Service                  longer meets the Act’s definition of an
                                           than 700 individuals on San Miguel                      and NPS 2015; Service and TNC 2015).                  endangered species or a threatened
                                           Island, greater than 1,200 on Santa Rosa                The golden eagle management strategy                  species. Determining whether a species
                                           Island (Guglielmino and Coonan 2016,                    and epidemic response plans are found                 is recovered requires consideration of
                                           pp. 12, 18), greater than 2,100 on Santa                on the Internet at http://                            whether the species is endangered or

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                                           53318              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                           threatened because of the five categories               A thorough analysis and discussion of                 and wild life in the System units and to
                                           of threats specified in section 4(a)(1) of              the current status of the San Miguel,                 provide for the enjoyment of the
                                           the Act. For species that are already                   Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Santa                     scenery, natural and historic objects,
                                           listed as endangered or threatened                      Catalina Island foxes are found in the                and wild life in such manner and by
                                           species, this analysis of threats is an                 recovery plan (Service 2015, pp. 21–29)               such means as will leave them
                                           evaluation of both the threats currently                and proposed rule to remove the San                   unimpaired for the enjoyment of future
                                           facing the species and the threats that                 Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa Island                  generations.’’ Specifically, in its
                                           are reasonably likely to affect the                     fox, and the Santa Cruz Island fox from               management plan, Channel Islands
                                           species in the foreseeable future                       the Federal List of Endangered and                    National Park identified restoration and
                                           following the delisting or downlisting                  Threatened Wildlife, and to reclassify                maintenance of natural ecosystems and
                                           and the removal or reduction of the                     the Santa Catalina Island fox from an                 processes as a priority; NPS staff would
                                           Act’s protections.                                      endangered species to a threatened                    continue to eradicate, where feasible,
                                              A species is an ‘‘endangered species’’               species (81 FR 7723; February 16, 2016).              nonnative flora and fauna from the
                                           for purposes of the Act if it is in danger              The following sections provide a                      islands.
                                           of extinction throughout all or a                       summary of the past, current, and                        The majority of island fox habitat on
                                           significant portion of its range and is a               potential future threats impacting the                all four islands is currently in some
                                           ‘‘threatened species’’ if it is likely to               San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and               form of conservation ownership and
                                           become an endangered species within                     Santa Catalina Island foxes.                          management by NPS, TNC, or CIC.
                                           the foreseeable future throughout all or                                                                      Therefore, we expect that habitat loss as
                                           a significant portion of its range. The                 Factor A: Present or Threatened                       a result of conversion due to
                                           Act does not define the term                            Destruction, Modification, or                         development would be rare or limited.
                                           ‘‘foreseeable future.’’ The population                  Curtailment of Habitat or Range                       However, there is the potential for some
                                           viability analyses used to determine the                  At the time of listing in 2004, habitat             development on privately owned lands
                                           risk of quasi-extinction (the population                modification by nonnative grazing                     that are not in conservation ownership.
                                           level below which extinction is likely                  animals (i.e., feral sheep, goats, rabbits,           The island fox, as the species Urocyon
                                           due to demographic or genetic effects),                 cattle, horses, Roosevelt elk, mule deer,             littoralis (incorporating all six
                                           which we define as a population size of                 and pigs) and nonnative plant invasion                subspecies), is listed as threatened
                                           less than or equal to 30 individuals for                was identified as a threat under Factor               under the California Endangered
                                           each subspecies, estimates risk over a                  A impacting island foxes (69 FR 10335;                Species Act (CESA), which provides a
                                           50-year period (Bakker et al. 2009,                     March 5, 2004). The impacts of                        level of protection from possession or
                                           entire; Service 2015, p. 52). Therefore,                nonnative herbivores and nonnative                    intentional killing of individual
                                           we estimate 50 years to be the timeframe                plants resulted in conversion of native               animals. CESA may also authorize take
                                           in which, given the amount and                          coastal sage scrub, chaparral, and oak                incidental to otherwise lawful activities,
                                           substance of the best available data, we                woodlands to annual grasses. Annual                   such as development on the privately
                                           can anticipate events or effects, or                    grasslands constitute less preferred                  owned TNC-managed lands on Santa
                                           reliably extrapolate threat trends,                     habitat for island foxes (Laughrin 1977,              Cruz Island and privately owned lands
                                           concerning the future as it relates to the              p. 22; Roemer and Wayne 2003, pp.                     on Santa Catalina Island. For habitat
                                           status of the four subspecies of island                 1,256–1,257) and do not provide cover                 conversion resulting from authorized
                                           fox (San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz,                from predators such as golden eagles                  development projects, minimization and
                                           and Santa Catalina Island foxes).                       (Roemer 1999, pp. 99, 190–191). Annual                mitigation of impacts resulting from
                                           Consequently, we have assessed the                      grasslands also offer fewer food                      authorized take are required under
                                           threats discussed in this rule with                     resources to foxes, and the seeds of                  CESA and the environmental review
                                           reference to this 50-year foreseeable                   annual grasses can become lodged in the               process under the California
                                           future timeframe.                                       eyes of island foxes, causing damage or               Environmental Quality Act. Santa
                                              The word ‘‘range’’ in the significant                temporary blindness (Laughrin 1977, p.                Catalina Island foxes are most likely to
                                           portion of its range phrase in the                      41).                                                  be impacted by the potential for land-
                                           definition of endangered species and                      Eradication programs on all islands                 use change on non-conserved lands,
                                           threatened species refers to the range in               have greatly reduced the number of                    including development and recreational
                                           which a species currently exists. For the               nonnative herbivores on the islands and               activities. CESA contributes to the
                                           purposes of this analysis, we first                     therefore the magnitude of impacts to                 conservation of the species by providing
                                           evaluate the status of each subspecies                  the habitat and island foxes (Laughrin                a mechanism to reduce or regulate some
                                           throughout its range, which we consider                 1973, p. 14; Schoenherr et al. 1999, pp.              individual sources of mortality and to
                                           to be the island that any given island fox              191–194; Parkes et al. 2010, p. 636;                  review and permit development projects
                                           subspecies inhabits. We then consider                   Jones et al. 2016, p. 2). Currently,                  that may impact island foxes and their
                                           whether any of the subspecies are in                    impacts to island fox habitats are                    habitat on private lands.
                                           danger of extinction or likely to become                primarily attributed to continued                        While past and ongoing effects of
                                           so in any significant portion of their                  modification by nonnative plant                       habitat modification by nonnative
                                           ranges.                                                 species, resulting in lower vegetation                grazing animals (i.e., feral sheep, cattle,
                                              Primary threats to island foxes                      diversity, less diverse habitat structure,            Roosevelt elk, mule deer, and pigs),
                                           identified in the March 5, 2004, listing                and reduced food availability.                        nonnative plant invasion, and land-use
                                           rule (69 FR 10335) include predation by                   NPS guidance supports the continued                 change on non-conserved lands may
                                           golden eagles, disease, and stochastic                  management of island fox habitat to                   continue to have some negative effects
                                           risks to small populations and lack of                  benefit northern Channel Islands                      on island foxes, nonnative animals and
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                                           genetic variability. Since the listing,                 subspecies of island foxes. Title 54 of               plants no longer result in significant
                                           impacts of feral cat aggression,                        the U.S. Code, section 100101,                        habitat impacts that could affect the
                                           poisoning, and entrapment on Santa                      paragraph (a), states that the NPS ‘‘shall            island fox subspecies at either the
                                           Catalina Island, and fire, drought, and                 promote and regulate the use of the                   population or rangewide scales that we
                                           global climate change for all four islands              National Park System . . . to conserve                would consider a current threat to any
                                           were identified as possible new threats.                the scenery, natural and historic objects,            of the subspecies of island fox.

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                       53319

                                           Additionally, given planned continued                   from the mainland (Timm et al. 2009, p.               aracacide application (Vickers et al.
                                           management by NPS and other land                        339). After a captive-rearing and                     2011, pp. 9–10). Treatment with
                                           owners, we do not anticipate that                       augmentation program was initiated, the               aracacide is now standard practice by
                                           nonnative animals and plants will have                  eastern and western subpopulations                    CIC during trapping of Santa Catalina
                                           significant habitat impacts in the future.              were estimated to have reached 219 and                Island foxes (King and Duncan 2011, p.
                                                                                                   141 foxes in 2004, respectively (Schmidt              3).
                                           Factor B: Overutilization for                                                                                    While CIC is currently implementing
                                                                                                   et al. 2005, p. 11; King and Duncan
                                           Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or                                                                      ongoing monitoring and management, at
                                                                                                   2011, p. 19). Population estimates have
                                           Educational Purposes                                                                                          this time there is no assurance of
                                                                                                   since greatly increased on Santa
                                             As stated in the listing rule (69 FR                  Catalina Island, surpassing the estimate              continued funding for long-term
                                           10335; March 5, 2004), although island                  from 1990, reaching a total of 1,812                  monitoring and management that could
                                           foxes were used in the past for their                   individuals island-wide in 2015 (King                 detect a novel disease outbreak and
                                           pelts by Native Americans (Collins                      and Duncan 2016, p. 10).                              facilitate threat abatement, as
                                           1991, p. 215), these activities no longer                  In 2014, a final epidemic response                 recommended in the epidemic response
                                           occur. Research scientists are currently                plan was approved and is being                        plan. Lack of assurances for long-term
                                           engaged in recovery activities via                      implemented by CIC to detect and                      monitoring and management for Santa
                                           Service-issued section 10(a)(1)(A)                      facilitate appropriate response to a                  Catalina Island fox is of particular
                                           recovery permits. Researchers                           potential future disease outbreak for                 concern because the island has a
                                           conducting studies on NPS property                      Santa Catalina Island foxes (Hudgens et               permanent human population,
                                           must have a valid Research and                          al. 2014, entire). CIC annually monitors              experiences heavy visitation, and has
                                           Collecting Permit through NPS. The                      sentinel foxes (unvaccinated, radio-                  many points of access. The presence of
                                           State of California requires a Scientific               collared foxes whose death will be                    a permanent human population on the
                                           Collecting Permit and Memorandum of                     detected by monitoring) inhabiting                    island poses a greater risk of disease
                                           Understanding to collect, capture, mark,                many areas of the island to facilitate                introduction than that for the northern
                                           or salvage species listed as threatened                 early detection of a potential epidemic               Channel Islands. CIC manages the
                                           under CESA for scientific and                           (King and Duncan 2011, p. 15). Island                 majority of fox habitat on the island but
                                           educational purposes (Fish and Game                     foxes have been and continue to be                    does not manage the City of Avalon,
                                           Code section 1002; and title 14, sections               vaccinated against CDV and rabies (King               and, therefore, CIC does not control all
                                           650 and 670.7). Currently, none of the                  2015, pers. comm.). However,                          potential avenues for introduction of
                                           four subspecies is being threatened by                  production of the CDV vaccine was                     possible disease vectors. Santa Catalina
                                           overutilization for any purposes, and we                discontinued and was not available in                 Island currently allows visitors and
                                           expect, even without the protections of                 2013. CIC vaccinated for both CDV and                 residents to own and transport pets,
                                           the Act, research activities to be                      rabies in 2013 and 2014 with the last of              including domestic dogs and cats, to
                                           managed by the State and by land                        the vaccine (King and Duncan 2015, pp.                and from the island (King and Duncan
                                           management agencies to ensure that                      13, 23). A new product was made                       2011, p. 15), and dogs are frequently
                                           such activities do not result in                        available in 2015 (King and Duncan                    observed off-leash (Anderson 2012,
                                           overutilization in the future.                          2016, p. 9); however, the new vaccine                 pers. obs.; King 2012a, p. 1; Vissman
                                                                                                   does not appear to be as effective against            and Anderson 2013 and 2014, pers. obs.;
                                           Factor C: Disease or Predation
                                                                                                   CDV, and the authors suggest this is not              King 2015, p. 22). Transport of domestic
                                              For Santa Catalina Island fox at the                 an adequate replacement (King and                     and wild animals to and from Santa
                                           time of listing, a canine distemper virus               Duncan 2016, p. 23). While foxes have                 Catalina Island and their presence on
                                           (CDV) epidemic was considered the                       been vaccinated and we expect                         the island increases the risk to island
                                           primary threat (69 FR 10335; March 5,                   vaccinations to continue as effective                 foxes of another disease outbreak.
                                           2004) to the subspecies. The listing rule               vaccines become available, efficacy and               Additionally, with unrestricted access
                                           also expressed some concern regarding                   availability of vaccines will require                 to the island by residents and visitors,
                                           the potential impacts of canine                         ongoing evaluation by the Island Fox                  there is the possibility of inadvertently
                                           adenovirus and canine parvovirus. For                   Conservation Working Group as part of                 transporting other animals that could
                                           the northern Channel Islands foxes (San                 implementing the epidemic response                    carry disease; to date, four stowaway
                                           Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz                      plan. The Island Fox Conservation                     raccoons have been removed from the
                                           Island foxes) at the time of listing,                   Working Group is a multi-disciplinary                 island, but a fifth observed in 2010 was
                                           golden eagle predation was the primary                  group of experts, originally convened by              not captured (King and Duncan 2011, p.
                                           threat (69 FR 10335; March 5, 2004), but                NPS in 1999, to evaluate available                    15). There is no quarantine period for
                                           potential for disease was also a concern,               island fox status information and                     transported pets, and proof of current
                                           particularly given the small population                 develop strategies to recover the island              vaccination is only required by the City
                                           sizes at the time.                                      fox populations to viable levels (Service             of Avalon when licensing dogs (rabies
                                                                                                   2015, p. 6).                                          only), and for CIC employees and
                                           Disease                                                    In addition, ear tumor prevalence in               lessees with pets living in company-
                                              Santa Catalina Island: In the past,                  the Santa Catalina Island fox population              owned housing (King and Duncan 2011,
                                           disease severely impacted the island fox                remains an actively managed source of                 p. 15). Because access to the island by
                                           population on Santa Catalina Island.                    mortality (Vickers et al. 2011, pp. 9–10).            potentially unvaccinated or
                                           The eastern subpopulation of the Santa                  This cancer can have an aggressive                    incompletely vaccinated domestic
                                           Catalina Island fox was estimated to be                 clinical course, with local invasion,                 animals is not controlled or managed,
                                           1,342 in 1990 (Roemer et al. 1994, p.                   tissue damage, and metastasis, leading                there is a higher risk of disease
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                                           393). Subsequent surveys conducted in                   to death (Munson et al. 2009, p. 1). Ear              introduction for Santa Catalina Island
                                           1999 and 2000 indicated the eastern                     inflammation correlated with cancer                   than for the three northern Channel
                                           island fox subpopulation had declined                   incidence in Santa Catalina Island foxes              Islands.
                                           by over 90 percent in 10 years due to                   is triggered by ear mite infestations                    CIC manages the majority of fox
                                           CDV (Timm et al. 2000, p. 17), likely                   (Munson et al. 2009, pp. 3–4), and the                habitat on the island (but not the City
                                           transmitted from a raccoon that arrived                 severity can be reduced through                       of Avalon) and implements measures

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                                           53320              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                           intended to control introduction of                     element in the Mediterranean Coast                    tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), which
                                           disease. CIC regulations require all                    Network Vital Signs Monitoring Plan,                  preyed only occasionally on young
                                           nonnative animals entering CIC                          for which they will conduct long-term                 island foxes (Laughrin 1973, pp. 10–11;
                                           property be licensed; they also require                 annual population monitoring as part of               Moore and Collins 1995, p. 4). Because
                                           that all dogs and cats entering CIC                     NPS’s long-term ecological monitoring                 of the lack of predators, island foxes did
                                           property be vaccinated against                          program, regardless of the island fox’s               not evolve vigilance and were easy
                                           distemper and rabies, and be leashed at                 status under the Act (Cameron et al.                  targets for golden eagles (Roemer et al.
                                           all times (CIC 2015, http://                            2005, p. 3–3). Both NPS and TNC have                  2001, p. 316). Colonization of the
                                           www.catalinaconservancy.org).                           committed through signed CMAs                         northern Channel Islands by golden
                                           However, enforcement of CIC                             (Service and NPS 2015; Service and                    eagles was likely a combination of two
                                           regulations is labor-intensive and costly,              TNC 2015) to carrying out monitoring                  factors: (1) Introduction of nonnative
                                           because the island is large, there are                  and management actions in the future as               mammals on the northern Channel
                                           many remote coves and beaches where                     recommended in the epidemic response                  Islands, resulting in a historically
                                           private boats can anchor, and CIC does                  plan for northern Channel Island foxes                unprecedented prey base for golden
                                           not have the funding or staff to patrol                 (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire).                        eagles (69 FR 10335, March 5, 2004, p.
                                           these areas regularly. CIC also conducts                   In summary, the possibility exists for             10338); and (2) an open ecological niche
                                           outreach and education of local                         domestic or wild animals carrying a                   created by the extirpation of bald eagles
                                           authorities and the public to promote                   disease or parasite to migrate or be                  (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) from the
                                           efforts to reduce the risk of disease                   transported to all the Channel Islands.               islands as a result of
                                           introduction. However, because of                       The possibility is greater for Santa                  dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)
                                           unrestricted transport of domestic                      Catalina Island due to a permanent                    poisoning (Service 2004, p. 10343).
                                           animals to the island, the City of                      human population, heavy visitation,                      In the 2004 listing rule, the Federal
                                           Avalon’s limited vaccination                            and many points of access. On all                     Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
                                           requirements, and limited enforcement                   islands, an epidemic response plan is                 (BGEPA; 16 U.S.C. 668–668d) and the
                                           ability of CIC, current measures to                     approved and being implemented                        California Fish and Game Code, section
                                           control introduction of diseases by                     (Hudgens et al. 2013 and 2014, entire),               3511, were thought to have delayed or
                                           domestic animals and stowaway                           which includes that a subset of foxes are             precluded the implementation of
                                           wildlife on Santa Catalina Island, while                vaccinated when vaccines are available                needed recovery actions for island
                                           providing some protection, are limited.                 and monitored to detect and respond to                foxes. The protections afforded to
                                              Northern Channel Islands: Disease                    a potential disease outbreak (Coonan                  golden eagles by the BGEPA were
                                           does not appear to be a significant                     2010, pp. 24–29; see appendices 3 and                 thought to limit lethal management
                                           mortality factor on the northern Channel                4 in recovery plan (Service 2015)). NPS               alternatives to protect island foxes. The
                                           Islands. Dogs and other pets are not                    and TNC have committed (Service and                   California Fish and Game Code, section
                                           permitted on the northern Channel                       NPS 2015; Service and TNC 2015) to                    3511, deemed golden eagles a fully
                                           Islands to reduce the risk of an                        carrying out monitoring and                           protected species, which did not allow
                                           introduced disease. Dogs are                            management actions in the future as                   any take to be authorized. In 2003,
                                           occasionally illegally brought onto the                 recommended in the epidemic response                  California amended this law to allow
                                           islands, but transport of domestic                      plan for northern Channel Island foxes                authorization of the take of fully
                                           animals to the northern Channel Islands                 (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire); therefore,             protected species for scientific research,
                                           is much more limited than on Santa                      we consider the potential threat of                   including research on recovery for other
                                           Catalina Island. Channel Islands                        disease adequately controlled for the                 imperiled species (Senate Bill 412).
                                           National Park General Management Plan                   San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz                   To address the unprecedented
                                           prohibits pets from all Park islands,                   Island foxes now and in the future. We                number of golden eagles and the effects
                                           except for guide dogs for visually                      do not at this time have the assurance                they were having on island foxes, in
                                           impaired persons (NPS 2015b, pp. 468,                   of continued implementation of the                    August 1999, NPS and TNC initiated a
                                           487).                                                   epidemic response plan on Santa                       nonlethal golden eagle removal program
                                              In 2013, a final epidemic response                   Catalina Island. Disease was the main                 to protect island foxes on the northern
                                           plan was approved and is being                          threat to Santa Catalina Island foxes at              Channel Islands. Between November
                                           implemented by NPS and TNC to detect                    the time of listing in 2004, and given the            1999 and July 2006, 44 golden eagles,
                                           and facilitate appropriate response to a                increased risk of disease introduction                including 22 adults or near adults, were
                                           potential disease outbreak for the                      and the lack of assurance for continued               removed from Santa Rosa and Santa
                                           northern Channel Islands (Hudgens et                    implementation of the epidemic                        Cruz Islands and released in
                                           al. 2013, entire). Infection by parasites               response plan to detect and mitigate for              northeastern California (Latta et al.
                                           continues to be suspected as the cause                  future disease outbreaks, we still                    2005, p. 348; Coonan et al. 2010, pp. 59–
                                           of mortality in several island foxes, but               consider potential disease outbreaks to               61). There has been no record of
                                           is not considered a significant mortality               be a threat to the Santa Catalina Island              breeding golden eagles on the northern
                                           factor (Coonan et al. 2005b, p. 38;                     fox now and in the future.                            Channel Islands since that time.
                                           Coonan 2014, p. 6). Sentinel foxes are                                                                           To ensure that golden eagles would be
                                           also monitored on the northern Channel                  Predation                                             less likely to attempt to establish
                                           Islands to facilitate early detection of a                 As identified in the 2004 listing rule,            territories again on Santa Rosa and
                                           potential epidemic (Hudgens et al. 2013,                golden eagle predation was the primary                Santa Cruz Islands, TNC and NPS
                                           entire), and foxes have been and                        cause for the decline of the northern                 initiated a program in 2005 and 2011,
                                           continue to be vaccinated against CDV                   Channel Islands fox subspecies and the                respectively, to remove nonnative
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                                           and rabies. Efficacy and availability of                primary reason for listing the species as             animals from those islands (Macdonald
                                           vaccines will require ongoing evaluation                endangered under the Act (69 FR 10335;                and Walker 2007, p. 20). The last known
                                           by the Island Fox Conservation Working                  March 5, 2004). Before golden eagles                  feral pig was removed from Santa Cruz
                                           Group as part of implementing the                       started using the northern Channel                    Island in January 2007 (Parkes et al.
                                           epidemic response plan. Also, the NPS                   Islands in the 1990s, the only known                  2010, p. 636). Nonnative mule deer and
                                           identified island foxes as an ecosystem                 predator of island foxes was the red-                 elk were removed from Santa Rosa

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                                           Island as part of an agreement with the                    Mortality due to disease was the                   interpret this language to require us to
                                           former owners of the island. All elk and                primary reason for the decline and                    consider relevant Federal, State, and
                                           all but a few deer were removed by                      listing of Santa Catalina Island foxes.               Tribal laws, regulations, and other such
                                           2015, resulting in an island that was                   Currently, the epidemic response plan is              mechanisms that may minimize any of
                                           essentially ungulate-free for the first                 being implemented on Santa Catalina                   the threats we describe in the threats
                                           time in over 150 years (Coonan 2015b,                   Island, but the potential for an epidemic             analyses under the other four factors, or
                                           pers. comm.).                                           remains on Santa Catalina Island                      otherwise enhance conservation of the
                                              The 2004 listing rule also identified                because of heavy visitation, many points              species. We give strongest weight to
                                           the extirpation of bald eagles from the                 of access, and few controls for pets and              statutes and their implementing
                                           Channel Islands as a likely contributor                 stowaway wild animals that could carry                regulations and to management
                                           to the colonization of the northern                     disease. In addition, there is no                     direction that stems from those laws and
                                           Channel Islands by golden eagles. Bald                  assurance of continued implementation                 regulations; an example would be State
                                           eagles aggressively defend their                        of the epidemic response plan in the                  governmental actions enforced under a
                                           territories from golden eagles (69 FR                   future on Santa Catalina Island to detect             State statute or constitution, or Federal
                                           10335, March 5, 2004, pp. 10343–                        and mitigate for future disease                       action under statute.
                                           10344), and their presence on the                       outbreaks, and the new CDV vaccine                       For currently listed species, we
                                           islands likely would have discouraged                   may not be adequate. Efficacy and                     consider the adequacy of existing
                                           dispersing golden eagles from                           availability of vaccines will require                 regulatory mechanisms to address
                                           establishing residence. Prior to listing,               ongoing evaluation by the Island Fox                  threats to the species absent the
                                           NPS, the Institute for Wildlife Studies,                Conservation Working Group as part of                 protections of the Act. Therefore, we
                                           and TNC were actively engaged in the                    implementing the epidemic response                    examine whether other regulatory
                                           Montrose Settlements Restoration                        plan. Overall, the best available data                mechanisms would remain in place if
                                           Program to reintroduce bald eagles to                   indicate potential disease outbreaks to               the species were delisted, and the extent
                                           the Channel Islands, including Santa                    be a threat to the Santa Catalina Island              to which those mechanisms will
                                           Catalina Island. The success of bald                    fox now and in the future.                            continue to help ensure that future
                                           eagle reintroduction on the Channel                        Mortality due to golden eagle                      threats will be reduced or minimized.
                                                                                                   predation was the primary reason for                     In our discussion under Factors A, B,
                                           Islands continues, with approximately
                                                                                                   the decline and listing of northern                   C, and E, we evaluated the significance
                                           50 total resident bald eagles on the
                                                                                                   Channel Islands foxes (San Miguel,                    of the threat as mitigated by any such
                                           islands (Montrose Settlements
                                                                                                   Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island                     conservation efforts and existing
                                           Restoration Program 2015, p. 1).
                                                                                                   foxes). This threat has been                          regulatory mechanisms. Where threats
                                              In summary, although golden eagle                    substantially reduced by measures                     exist, we analyze under Factor D the
                                           predation of island foxes may                           including the complete removal of                     extent to which existing regulatory
                                           occasionally occur (Coonan et al. 2014a,                golden eagles, eradication of golden                  mechanisms are inadequate to address
                                           p. 374), predation has been extensively                 eagles’ nonnative prey, and                           the specific threats to the species.
                                           reduced and is no longer resulting in                   reintroduction of bald eagles.                        Regulatory mechanisms, if they exist,
                                           significant impacts at the population                   Additionally, NPS and TNC are                         may reduce or eliminate the impacts
                                           scale. This reduction in predation by                   committed through signed CMAs to                      from one or more identified threats.
                                           golden eagles is in direct response to the              monitor and conduct other management                     As noted in our discussion under the
                                           extensive removal of golden eagles from                 actions for detecting and appropriately               other factors, conservation measures
                                           the northern Channel Islands, golden                    responding to predation by golden                     and existing regulatory mechanisms
                                           eagle prey being removed successfully                   eagles in the future, as recommended in               (such as continued implementation of
                                           from Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands,                 the golden eagle management strategy                  the epidemic response plan and golden
                                           and the successful reintroduction of                    (Service and NPS 2015; Service and                    eagle management strategy) have
                                           bald eagles.                                            TNC 2015). Thus, given the recent                     reduced the primary threats of disease
                                           Summary of Factor C                                     golden eagle and prey-base eradication                and predation by golden eagles on the
                                                                                                   efforts and reintroduction of bald eagles             northern Channel Islands and will
                                              To reduce the threat of disease, a                   to prevent golden eagle presence in the               continue to be controlled through
                                           subset of each island fox subspecies is                 future, along with ongoing management                 appropriate management. Other
                                           protected from CDV and rabies through                   commitments, we no longer consider                    previously identified threats affecting
                                           preventative vaccinations when                          predation by golden eagles to be a threat             the San Miguel Island fox, Santa Rosa
                                           available and through monitoring as                     resulting in significant impacts at the               Island fox, Santa Cruz Island fox, and
                                           recommended in epidemic response                        population scale (e.g., result in a                   Santa Catalina Island fox, such as
                                           plans to detect and facilitate appropriate              population decline) on the northern                   habitat modification by nonnative
                                           responses in the event of an epidemic.                  Channel Islands now or in the future.                 grazing animals and nonnative plant
                                           NPS and TNC are committed through                                                                             invasion and habitat conversion (Factor
                                           signed conservation management                          Factor D: The Inadequacy of Existing                  A), have been and are continuing to be
                                           agreements (CMAs) to monitor and                        Regulatory Mechanisms                                 controlled through appropriate
                                           conduct other management actions for                      Under this factor, we examine                       management, and we anticipate that
                                           detecting and appropriately responding                  whether existing regulatory mechanisms                these efforts will continue in the future.
                                           to a potential disease outbreak in the                  are inadequate to address the threats to              Other sources of mortality are assessed
                                           future, as recommended in the epidemic                  the four island fox subspecies discussed              under Factor E and found to not exert
                                           response plans (Service and NPS 2015;                   under other factors. Section 4(b)(1)(A) of            significant impacts on island foxes at
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                                           Service and TNC 2015). Therefore, the                   the Act requires the Service to take into             either the population or rangewide
                                           best available data indicate potential                  account ‘‘those efforts, if any, being                scales, now or in the future.
                                           disease outbreaks are no longer a threat                made by any State or foreign nation, or               Consequently, we find that conservation
                                           to the Santa Rosa Island fox, San Miguel                any political subdivision of a State or               measures along with existing regulatory
                                           Island fox, and Santa Cruz Island fox                   foreign nation, to protect such species.’’            mechanisms are adequate to address
                                           now and in the future.                                  In relation to Factor D under the Act, we             these specific threats.

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                                           53322              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                              The remaining threat to island fox on                Island fox. Therefore, we still consider              11; Wayne et al. 2016, p. 4). This low
                                           Santa Catalina Island is the potential for              potential disease outbreaks to be a threat            genetic diversity could compromise the
                                           a disease epidemic because of heavy                     to the Santa Catalina Island fox now and              ability of island foxes to respond to
                                           visitation, many points of access, and                  in the future under Factor C, noting that             future environmental change. This lack
                                           few controls for pets and stowaway wild                 this threat is not addressed by existing              of variability could be attributed either
                                           animals that could carry disease. In                    regulatory mechanisms.                                to extensive inbreeding or to
                                           addition, we do not have the assurance                                                                        bottlenecking resulting from low
                                                                                                   Factor E: Other Natural or Manmade
                                           of continued implementation of the                                                                            population densities (Funk et al. 2016,
                                                                                                   Factors Affecting Its Continued
                                           epidemic response plan in the future on                                                                       p. 11). However, island foxes have
                                           Santa Catalina Island to detect and                                                                           apparently existed for thousands of
                                           mitigate for future disease outbreaks.                    The 2004 listing rule identified                    years with low effective population
                                           Therefore, under Factor C, we still                     stochastic risks to small populations                 sizes (the number of individuals that
                                           consider potential disease outbreaks to                 and lack of genetic variability as threats            can contribute genes equally to the next
                                           be a threat to the Santa Catalina Island                to all four island fox subspecies under               generation; low is defined as 150 to
                                           fox at this time and in the future.                     Factor E (69 FR 10335; March 5, 2004).                1,000) and low genetic variability
                                           Consequently, our analysis here                         Road mortalities were also discussed                  (Wayne et al. 1991a, p. 1,858; 1991b,
                                           examines how existing regulatory                        under Factor E in the 2004 listing rule.              entire). While additional genetic
                                           mechanisms address this remaining                       Since the time of listing, the impacts of             diversity was lost during the recent
                                           identified threat to the Santa Catalina                 feral cat aggression, poisoning, and                  declines, island foxes appear to be
                                           Island fox.                                             entrapment on Santa Catalina Island, as               tolerant of low genetic variation,
                                              There are currently no regulations                   well as fire, drought, and global climate             occasional bottlenecks, and higher
                                           restricting transport of domestic animals               change for all four islands, have been                inbreeding because there is little
                                           to the island, and limited vaccination                  identified as possible new threats.                   evidence of inbreeding depression in
                                           requirements for domestic animals                       Small Population Size                                 island foxes (Coonan et al. 2010, pp. 13–
                                           owned by City of Avalon residents, thus                                                                       15). Therefore, we do not consider
                                           providing the potential for introduction                  Island endemics, such as island foxes,              reduced genetic diversity to be causing
                                           of disease to the island. CIC manages the               have a high extinction risk due to                    population-level effects at this time or
                                           majority of fox habitat on Santa Catalina               isolation and small total population                  expect it to in the future.
                                           Island, but not the City of Avalon; CIC                 sizes relative to mainland subspecies
                                           regulations require all nonnative                       (MacArthur and Wilson 1967, entire),                  Motor Vehicles
                                           animals entering CIC property be                        both of which make them more                             The fearlessness of island foxes,
                                           licensed and that all dogs and cats be                  vulnerable, especially to stochastic                  coupled with relatively high vehicle
                                           vaccinated against distemper and rabies                 events such as drought and wildfire                   traffic on Santa Catalina Island, results
                                           (CIC 2015, entire). Reduction of the risk               (Miller et al. 2001, entire; Kohlman et               in multiple fox collisions each year. On
                                           of disease introduction also occurs                     al. 2005, entire). Each island fox                    the northern Channel Islands, vehicle
                                           through CIC outreach and education of                   subspecies is a single breeding                       use is limited, restricted to only land
                                           local authorities and the public.                       population, with San Miguel Island                    management personnel and researchers,
                                           However, enforcement of CIC                             being the smallest population, which                  and is expected to remain limited into
                                           regulations is labor-intensive and costly               makes their populations inherently                    the future. On Santa Catalina Island, 10
                                           because the island is large with many                   small and thus they may become more                   of the 21 fox mortalities in 2015 were
                                           remote coves and beaches where private                  vulnerable to extinction when the size                caused by vehicle strikes (King and
                                           boats can anchor, and CIC does not have                 of a breeding population declines. In                 Duncan 2016, p. 18). The island-wide 25
                                           the funding or staff to patrol these areas              addition to small population size and                 mile per hour speed limit (CIC 2015, no
                                           regularly. Therefore, current measures                  the associated increased probability of               page number) likely minimizes the
                                           to control introduction of diseases by                  extinction, lower and reduced genetic                 number of vehicle strike mortalities that
                                           domestic animals and stowaway                           variation may make an island species                  would otherwise occur. Even with
                                           wildlife on Santa Catalina Island, while                less adapted to existing pressures and                current mortality of island foxes caused
                                           providing some protection, are limited                  less capable of adaptation to new                     by various factors including vehicle
                                           and thus do not fully address the threat                threats. Thus, small population size and              strikes, the Santa Catalina Island fox
                                           of disease to Santa Catalina Island fox                 low genetic diversity can have                        population showed significant growth
                                           (see Factor C discussion, above).                       synergistic effects with respect to                   between 2002 and 2015, and has
                                                                                                   population decline. During the period                 hovered around 1,800 individual foxes
                                           Summary of Factor D                                     when the island fox populations were at               for the past 3 years. Given island fox
                                              In summary, we have discussed that                   their lowest, they were extremely                     population growth over the past 13
                                           the threats previously facing the three                 vulnerable to extinction from stochastic              years during a time when the number of
                                           northern Channel Islands subspecies of                  events. The populations have now                      vehicles on the road has increased, we
                                           island fox have been removed or                         increased substantially, returning to                 do not expect the population effect from
                                           reduced and are being adequately                        historical population levels, and the                 vehicle mortality to increase in the
                                           managed; however, disease remains a                     threat of extinction from demographic                 future. Additionally, there is less than a
                                           threat to the Santa Catalina Island fox.                stochasticity has accordingly been                    5 percent chance of the Santa Catalina
                                           In examining how existing regulatory                    reduced.                                              Island fox subspecies going extinct
                                           mechanisms address this identified                        Genetic diversity in island fox                     given current and expected future
                                           threat, we find current measures to                     populations is considered low due to                  conditions (King and Duncan 2016, pp.
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                                           control introduction of diseases by                     the population bottlenecks they                       12–13; Service 2015, pp. 167–168).
                                           domestic animals and stowaway                           experienced during past extreme, low                  Therefore, even though vehicle strikes
                                           wildlife on Santa Catalina Island, while                population numbers (Gilbert et al. 1990;              remain the primary human-caused
                                           providing some protection, are limited                  Wayne et al. 1991; Goldstein et al. 1999;             source of individual mortality on this
                                           in addressing the threat of potential                   Gray et al. 2001, p. 8; Gray 2002, entire;            island, mortality by motor vehicles is
                                           disease outbreaks to Santa Catalina                     Aguilar et al. 2004; Funk et al. 2016, p.             not considered a threat resulting in

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                                           significant impacts at either the                       currently resulting in significant                    entrapment and the past and current
                                           population or rangewide scales on Santa                 impacts at either the population or                   population growth, we do not expect the
                                           Catalina Island at this time or in the                  rangewide scales.                                     population effect from poisoning or
                                           future.                                                    Instances of fox mortality from                    entrapment to increase in the future.
                                                                                                   domestic dog attacks have been                        Therefore, at this time, the best available
                                           Interactions With Feral Cats and                        observed over the past decade (Gaffney                information indicates neither poisoning
                                           Domestic Dogs                                           2011, p. 1; Munson and Gaffney 2011,                  nor entrapment is resulting in
                                              Feral cats and domestic dogs occur on                p. 1; King and Duncan 2011, pp. 12–13;                significant impacts at either the
                                           Santa Catalina Island and may                           King and Duncan 2012, p. 14; King                     population or rangewide scales, and
                                           negatively affect foxes through                         2012a, p. 1; 2012b, p. 1; King 2015, p.               there is no indication that poisoning or
                                           interactions including direct aggression                1). While mortality due to domestic dog               entrapment on Santa Catalina Island
                                           and competition for food and habitat                    attacks has been reported, it is limited              will increase in the future.
                                           resources (Laughrin 1978, pp. 5–6;                      in effect to individual foxes, and does
                                           Kovach and Dow 1981, p. 443). Direct                    not have significant impacts to island                Fire
                                           aggression between Santa Catalina                       fox at either the population or                          On the northern Channel Islands, the
                                           Island foxes and cats has been                          rangewide scales now nor do we                        frequency and intensity of wildland fire
                                           documented in the wild, primarily near                  anticipate that it will in the future.                is less than on the adjacent mainland,
                                           public coves and campgrounds that                          We do not anticipate an increase in                because there are fewer ignition sources
                                           provide food and shelter for feral cats                 the number of feral cats and domestic                 on the islands, and the typical maritime
                                           (Guttilla 2007, p. 9). Researchers have                 dogs on Santa Catalina Island in the                  fog moisture inhibits fire spread.
                                           routinely captured foxes that have                      future. Because growth of the Santa                   Natural lightning-strike fires are
                                           severe injuries consistent with cat                     Catalina Island fox population over the               extremely rare; only three fires between
                                           encounters (Guttilla 2007, p. 9).                       past 13 years occurred during a time                  1836 and 1986 on the Channel Islands
                                           Aggressive exclusion of foxes by feral                  when feral cats and foxes and domestic                were started by lightning (Carroll et al.
                                           cats has also been observed. When cats                  dogs and foxes have been interacting,                 1993, p. 77). On the northern Channel
                                           move into fox habitat, foxes are no                     we do not expect that interactions with               Islands, there are far fewer human-
                                           longer observed; when cats are no                       feral cats or domestic dogs will result in            started fires than on the mainland or on
                                           longer resident, foxes move back in to                  negative population effects in the future.            Santa Catalina Island, as there are no
                                           occupy the area (King 2013c, pers.                      Overall, given the lack of significant                permanent human occupants on the
                                           comm.; Anderson 2013, pers. obs.).                      impacts at either the population or                   northern Channel Islands. Because of
                                              In the 2004 listing rule (69 FR 10335;               rangewide scales, interactions with feral             this, island foxes on the northern
                                           March 5, 2004), we noted that                           cats and domestic dogs are not                        Channel Islands have experienced few
                                           California’s Food and Agricultural Code                 considered a threat to the Santa Catalina             large wildland fire events. The recent
                                           31752.5 prohibited lethal control of feral              Island fox now or in the future.                      removal of nonnative grazers may
                                           cats unless cats are held for a minimum                                                                       increase fuel loads and thus the
                                           of 6 days, which was thought to prevent                 Poisoning and Entrapment
                                                                                                                                                         likelihood of larger fires; however,
                                           CIC from taking steps to eradicate feral                   Other impacts to Santa Catalina Island             historically consistent cool and foggy
                                           cats on Santa Catalina Island. In 2008,                 foxes resulting from human interaction                conditions will continue to limit
                                           a Feral Animal Task Force was                           include mortality from poisoning and                  wildland fire spread, including in the
                                           convened by the City of Avalon, with                    entrapment (Duncan and King 2012, p.                  future. Additionally, NPS adheres to a
                                           representatives of CIC and other island                 4; King and Duncan 2015, pp. 18, 20;                  policy of total suppression on the
                                           stakeholders, to address feral and free-                Vickers 2012a, p. 2; Vickers 2012b, p. 1;             Channel Islands, due to resource
                                           ranging cats in the city and on the rest                King and Duncan 2015, p. 18). A Santa                 concerns (Kirkpatrick 2006, entire),
                                           of the island, and most importantly, to                 Catalina Island fox died in 2012 from                 reducing the chance that wildland fires
                                           draft legislation for consideration by the              rodenticide poisoning (Duncan and                     will become large.
                                           City Council for approval and                           King 2012, p. 4), another was                            Though not identified as a threat at
                                           incorporation into City ordinance. This                 euthanized because of poisoning in                    the time of listing, Santa Catalina Island
                                           task force is not currently active,                     2014 (King and Duncan 2015, p. 18),                   regularly experiences wildfires (CIC
                                           however, and progress has stalled in                    and a third was sickened in 2014 by                   2011) that could reduce food
                                           initiating new feral cat control measures               insecticide poisoning (King and Duncan                availability, alter the habitat, or directly
                                           and enacting new legislation (King                      2015, p. 20). Entrapment of foxes may                 result in the loss of individual foxes
                                           2016, pers. comm.). Currently, the CIC                  occur in areas where development                      (Service 2004, p. 10347). Duncan and
                                           practice regarding feral cats is consistent             projects are ongoing. Examples include:               King’s (2009, p. 384) findings indicate
                                           with that of the Catalina Island Humane                 Two foxes falling into a power line pole              fire seasonality has an influence on fox
                                           Society: animals trapped accidentally                   construction pit (CIC 2009, http://                   survival; fires that occur when pups are
                                           during fox-trapping/monitoring are                      www.catalinaconservancy.org); one fox                 young and most dependent on adults for
                                           examined, and, if free from incurable                   drowning due to entanglement in a food                mobility are most damaging. However,
                                           and contagious disease, are spayed or                   container (Vickers 2012a p. 2); one fox               in general, the best available data
                                           neutered and released. Animals found                    death from being trapped in a recycling               indicate that neither the 2006 Empire
                                           to test positive for Feline Leukemia or                 barrel (Vickers 2012b, p. 1); and two fox             Fire nor the 2007 Island Fire had
                                           Feline Immunodeficiency are humanely                    deaths in 2014 from drowning in water                 significant effects to island fox at the
                                           euthanized. Younger cats including                      or sediment containers (King and                      population level (Duncan and King
                                           kittens may be adopted from the                         Duncan 2015, p. 18). Types of human-                  2009, p. 384).
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                                           Catalina Island Humane Society (CIC                     caused harm other than vehicle strikes                   In summary, wildfires are infrequent
                                           2016, http://                                           and domestic dog attacks in urbanized                 on the northern Channel Islands and
                                           www.catalinaconservancy.org).                           areas are varied, but they do not have                more frequent on Santa Catalina Island.
                                           Although competition and other                          a population-level impact at this time or             On all islands, while wildfire can result
                                           negative interactions with feral cats can               in the future. Given the low numbers of               in mortality of individuals, especially
                                           affect individual foxes, they are not                   foxes affected by poisoning or                        juveniles depending on when the fires

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                                           53324              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                           occur, the best available data indicate                 condition scores than on San Miguel                   including climate variability and
                                           that wildfire does not pose significant                 Island (Coonan 2015b, pp. 7–8). It is                 extremes. Vulnerability is a function of
                                           impacts to the island fox at either the                 apparent that one response of island                  the type, magnitude, and rate of climate
                                           population or rangewide scales                          foxes to drought is to curtail                        change and variation to which a species
                                           currently. In addition, there is no                     reproduction, especially if the                       is exposed, its sensitivity, and its
                                           indication that fire frequency will                     population is at carrying capacity                    adaptive capacity (Glick et al. 2011, pp.
                                           increase in the future on the northern                  (Coonan et al. 2010, p. 28; Coonan                    19–22; IPCC 2014, p. 5). There is no
                                           Channel Islands. On Santa Catalina                      2015a, pp. 6, 13). Given the past                     single method for conducting such
                                           Island, even given an increase in fire                  demonstrated ability of island foxes to               analyses that applies to all situations
                                           frequency since 1999, the island fox                    survive pervasive drought, current                    (Glick et al. 2011, p. 3). We use our
                                           population has continued to increase                    healthy population numbers, and                       expert judgment and appropriate
                                           (CIC 2016, http://                                      apparent ability to respond to drought                analytical approaches to weigh relevant
                                           www.catalinaconservancy.org).                           by shifting resource allocation, we do                information, including uncertainty, in
                                           Therefore, we do not anticipate wildfire                not consider drought to be a threat to                our consideration of the best scientific
                                           posing a significant population-level                   island foxes at this time or in the future.           information available regarding various
                                           impact in the future.                                                                                         aspects of climate change.
                                                                                                   Global Climate Change                                    Statewide and regional probabilistic
                                           Drought                                                    Our analyses under the Act include                 estimates of temperature and
                                              The Channel Islands, as well as the                  consideration of ongoing and projected                precipitation changes for California and
                                           rest of southern California, are currently              changes in climate. Scientific                        the greater Los Angeles region were
                                           in the midst of a drought that began in                 measurements spanning several decades                 evaluated by Pierce et al. (2013, entire)
                                           2012, and, as of mid-April 2016, has not                demonstrate that changes in climate are               and Sun et al. (2015, entire) using
                                           abated (United States Drought Monitor                   occurring, and that the rate of change                dynamic downscaled simulations.
                                           2016, entire). Island foxes have endured                has increased since the 1950s. Examples               Pierce et al. (2013, p. 854) found that,
                                           many droughts during their 10,000-year                  include warming of the global climate                 averaging across all models and
                                           persistence on the islands (California                  system, and substantial increases in                  downscaling methods, the warmest
                                           Department of Water Resources 2015,                     precipitation in some regions of the                  Julys are likely to be far warmer than
                                           entire). Deep multi-year droughts have                  world and decreases in other regions                  historical temperatures for California.
                                           occurred on the Channel Islands about                   (e.g., Solomon et al. 2007, pp. 35–54,                Projections for changes in precipitation
                                           once every 2 decades since 1900                         82–85; IPCC 2013b, pp. 3–29; IPCC                     by the 2060s were less certain; they
                                           (Coonan 2015, unpubl. data). General                    2014, pp. 1–32). Results of scientific                showed weak overall annual mean
                                           drought conditions in the late 1920s and                analyses presented by the                             decreases in precipitation in the
                                           early 1930s, combined with overgrazing,                 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate                    southern part of the State, but with an
                                           denuded most vegetation, particularly                   Change (IPCC) show that most of the                   increase in summer rain (Pierce et al.
                                           on San Miguel Island, creating massive                  observed increase in global average                   2013, p. 855). Sun et al. (2015, p. 4,625)
                                           sand barrens, remnants of which are                     temperature since the mid-20th century                found that temperatures in the greater
                                           still evident today (Johnson 1980,                      cannot be explained by natural                        Los Angeles region for two future time
                                           entire). Even so, island foxes survived                 variability in climate and is ‘‘very                  periods, midcentury (2041–60) and end
                                           this period of soil erosion and episodic                likely’’ (defined by the IPCC as 90                   of century (2081–2100), will almost
                                           landscape stripping.                                    percent or higher probability) due to the             certainly be outside the interannual
                                              The current drought is the first                     observed increase in greenhouse gas                   variability range seen in the baseline
                                           opportunity to study the effect of                      (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere                (1981–2000), particularly during the
                                           drought on island foxes, since foxes                    as a result of human activities,                      summer and fall. However, in each
                                           have recovered to historic numbers. On                  particularly carbon dioxide emissions                 scenario and time period, the coastal
                                           San Miguel Island, average adult                        from use of fossil fuels (Solomon et al.              areas warm less than inland areas due
                                           weights declined in 2013 and 2014, to                   2007, pp. 21–35; IPCC 2013b, pp. 11–12                to generally lower warming over the
                                           the lowest ever recorded, and fox                       and figures SPM.4 and SPM.5). Further                 ocean and the land-sea breeze
                                           reproduction was negligible in 2013 and                 confirmation of the role of GHGs comes                circulation, which introduces a marine
                                           2014 (Coonan et al. 2014, p. 28; Coonan                 from analyses by Huber and Knutti                     influence in the coastal zone (Sun et al.
                                           2015b, p. 7; Coonan 2015, unpubl. data).                (2011, p. 4), who concluded it is                     2015, pp. 4,621–4,622). This suggests
                                           During this time, mortality also                        extremely likely that approximately 75                that the Channel Islands, along with the
                                           increased, and many fox carcasses were                  percent of global warming since 1950                  mainland’s highest elevations and a
                                           emaciated (Coonan 2014, pp. 6–7).                       has been caused by human activities.                  narrow swath near the coast, may be
                                           However, San Miguel Island fox                             Various changes in climate may have                somewhat buffered from the more
                                           numbers have remained at or above pre-                  direct or indirect effects on species.                extreme effects of a warming climate.
                                           decline levels (Friends of the Island Fox               These effects may be positive, neutral,                  Probably the most potentially
                                           2015, p. 3). On Santa Catalina Island,                  or negative, and they may change over                 vulnerable aspect of island fox biology
                                           data indicate that decreasing                           time, depending on the species and                    to climate change is indirect effects from
                                           precipitation may result in a                           other relevant considerations, such as                affected invertebrates that are parasites
                                           reproductive decline; however, adults’                  threats in combination and interactions               and disease vectors. Invertebrates,
                                           weights were not similarly affected                     of climate with other variables (for                  because they are exothermic (cold-
                                           during this time (King and Duncan                       example, habitat fragmentation) (IPCC                 blooded), are particularly responsive to
                                           2015, pp. 21–22). These effects were not                2014, pp. 4–11). Identifying likely                   the effects of a warming climate that
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                                           seen on neighboring Santa Rosa Island,                  effects often involves aspects of climate             typically speeds development and
                                           where foxes are not yet at carrying                     change vulnerability analysis.                        enhances survival. For disease vectors
                                           capacity or pre-decline levels. Fox                     Vulnerability refers to the degree to                 such as mosquitos, survival may occur
                                           weights increased on Santa Rosa Island                  which a species (or system) is                        where it was previously too cold during
                                           in the drought years, reproduction was                  susceptible to, and unable to cope with,              the coolest nights of the year for
                                           higher, and foxes had higher body                       adverse effects of climate change,                    overwintering. Invertebrates are also

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                        53325

                                           particularly well-suited to adapt to a                  the more extreme effects of a warming                 Island foxes, and disease was the
                                           changing climate because they have                      climate and past demonstrated ability of              primary threat to the Santa Catalina
                                           short generation times and a high                       island foxes to survive pervasive                     Island fox. The threat of predation by
                                           reproductive output (Parmesan 2006,                     drought, current healthy population                   golden eagles on the northern Channel
                                           pp. 654–656). The warming climate                       numbers, and the apparent ability of                  Islands has been significantly reduced
                                           typically has resulted in increased                     foxes to respond to changes in                        since the time of listing. This reduction
                                           abundance and expanded ranges of                        precipitation by shifting resource                    in predation by golden eagles is in
                                           parasites such as nematodes and ticks,                  allocation, we do not consider changes                direct response to the extensive removal
                                           as well as diseases they transmit                       in temperature or precipitation                       of golden eagles from the northern
                                           (Parmesan 2006, pp. 650–651; Studer et                  projected due to climate change to be a               Channel Islands, golden eagle prey
                                           al. 2010, p. 11). Climate change also                   threat to island foxes at this time or in             being removed successfully from Santa
                                           produces ecological perturbations that                  the future. While we cannot accurately                Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands, and the
                                           result in altered parasite transmission                 predict the effects of climate change on              successful reintroduction of bald eagles.
                                           dynamics, increasing the potential for                  island fox subspecies, because the foxes                 Potential disease outbreaks continue
                                           host switching (Brooks and Hoberg                       are generalists and exhibit plasticity                to pose a threat to Santa Catalina Island
                                           2007, p. 571). Moller’s (2010, p. 1,158)                with regards to prey and habitat use, we              foxes due to relatively uncontrolled
                                           analysis of parasites on avian hosts over               do not expect negative effects of such                movement of vectors from the mainland
                                           a 37-year period suggests climate change                magnitude that would result in                        that carry diseases for which the
                                           predictions for parasite effects should be              significant impacts at either the                     population may not be vaccinated. The
                                           made with caution, but that climate can                 population or rangewide scales (e.g.,                 primary measures in place on all islands
                                           alter the composition of the parasite                   cause major declines). We anticipate                  to reduce the threat of disease are
                                           community and may cause changes in                      ongoing monitoring and management                     vaccination of a subset of the fox
                                           the virulence of parasites (Moller 2010,                will detect any significant changes in                population for CDV and rabies, and
                                           p. 1,158). Climate change may change                    population health and allow for                       monitoring of population sentinels to
                                           and could potentially increase the                      management responses, including                       detect the start of another epidemic and
                                           parasites and disease vectors to which                  possible relisting.                                   respond appropriately to mitigate the
                                           island foxes are exposed. However, we                                                                         outbreak. While disease is currently
                                                                                                   Summary of Factor E                                   controlled on Santa Catalina Island, we
                                           anticipate ongoing monitoring and
                                           management will detect any increase or                     In summary, during the period when                 do not have assurance that monitoring
                                           changes in parasites or disease vectors                 populations were at their lowest, the                 and management of Santa Catalina
                                           that affect the population health of                    four subspecies of Channel Island foxes               Island foxes necessary to detect and
                                           island foxes.                                           were extremely vulnerable to extinction               mitigate an epidemic in Santa Catalina
                                              Considering that island foxes are                    from stochastic events. The populations               Island foxes will continue in the future.
                                           opportunistic feeders, and climate                      have now increased substantially and                     During the period when the island fox
                                           warming could increase the subspecies’                  the likelihood of extinction has                      populations were at their lowest, they
                                           insect prey base abundance, it is                       accordingly been reduced. The                         were extremely vulnerable to extinction
                                           possible climate change could positively                combined effects of interactions with                 from stochastic events. There will
                                           affect food quantity and quality. For                   feral cats and domestic dogs, motor                   always be some inherent risk of
                                           example, increased consumption of                       vehicle collisions, mortality due to                  extinction due to stochastic events
                                           insect species by mice associated with                  wildfire, and other human-caused                      because each island fox subspecies is a
                                           a warmer, drier climate on South                        mortalities result in the deaths of                   single breeding population. However,
                                           African islands has been documented                     multiple individuals throughout Santa                 the populations have now increased
                                           (Chown and Smith 1993, pp. 508–509).                    Catalina Island on an annual basis, but               substantially, show stable or increasing
                                           In addition, because island foxes have                  they do not constitute a combined threat              trends, and are returning to historical
                                           shown relative plasticity with regard to                to the relatively large population at this            population levels, and the threat of
                                           utilizing nonnative insects (Cypher et                  time nor do we anticipate that they will              extinction from demographic
                                           al. 2011, p. 13), most invasions of                     in the future. Given the past                         stochasticity has accordingly been
                                           nonnative potential prey species are not                demonstrated ability of island foxes to               reduced.
                                           likely to negatively affect island fox                  survive pervasive drought, their current                 Mortality due to motor vehicle strikes,
                                           food resources. The only potential                      healthy population numbers, and their                 habitat loss, feral cats, and domestic
                                           negative effect of climate change on the                apparent ability to respond to drought                dogs results in loss of individuals, but
                                           insect prey base of island foxes would                  by shifting resource allocation, we do                these mortality factors are not resulting
                                           be if increased storm intensity and                     not consider drought to be a threat to                in significant impacts to island foxes at
                                           frequency reduced prey abundance, as                    island foxes at this time or in the future.           either the population or rangewide
                                           Roemer (1999, p. 187) hypothesized                      While we cannot accurately predict the                scales as documented by current
                                           occurred on Santa Cruz Island in the                    effects of climate change on island fox               population numbers and trends. When
                                           mid-1990s.                                              subspecies because the foxes are                      population numbers are healthy, island
                                              Global climate change has the                        generalists and exhibit plasticity with               foxes respond to drought by shifting
                                           potential to negatively and positively                  regards to prey, habitat use, and                     resource allocation; therefore, we do not
                                           affect island fox populations. There is                 resource allocation, we do not consider               consider drought to be a threat to island
                                           still uncertainty associated with                       climate change to be a threat to island               foxes at this time or in the future. The
                                           predictions relative to the timing,                     foxes now nor in the future.                          impacts of climate change are hard to
                                           location, and magnitude of future                                                                             predict. Some effects to island fox
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                                           climate changes. Probably the most                      Overall Summary of Factors Affecting                  populations could be negative while
                                           vulnerable aspect of island fox biology                 Island Foxes                                          others could be positive. Predicting
                                           to climate change is indirect effects to                   At time of listing in 2004 (69 FR                  likely future climate scenarios and
                                           the fox from affected invertebrates.                    10335; March 5, 2004), predation by                   understanding the complex effects of
                                           Given the indications that the Channel                  golden eagles was the primary threat to               climate change are high priorities for
                                           Islands may be somewhat buffered from                   San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz                island fox conservation planning.

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                                           53326              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                           Climate change is not considered a                      analyses. While synergistic or                        species or threatened species as those
                                           threat now or in the future because of                  cumulative effects may occur when                     terms are defined by the Act. This
                                           the past demonstrated ability of island                 mortality mechanisms or other stressors               determination does not necessarily
                                           foxes to survive pervasive drought, their               occur together, given the robust                      require empirical proof of a threat. The
                                           current healthy population numbers, the                 populations and ongoing management                    combination of exposure and some
                                           indication that the Channel Islands may                 and monitoring, these effects do not                  corroborating evidence of how the
                                           be somewhat buffered from the more                      pose significant impacts to San Miguel,               species is likely impacted could suffice.
                                           extreme effects of a warming climate,                   Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes               The mere identification of factors that
                                           and the apparent ability of foxes to                    at either the population or rangewide                 could impact a species negatively is not
                                           respond to changes in precipitation by                  scales at this time nor do we anticipate              sufficient to compel a finding that
                                           shifting resource allocation.                           that they will in the future. Synergistic             listing is appropriate; we require
                                              When mortality mechanisms or other                   or cumulative effects do not pose                     evidence that these factors are operative
                                           stressors occur together, one may                       significant impacts to Santa Catalina                 threats that act on the species to the
                                           exacerbate the effects of another,                      Island fox at either the population or                point that the species meets the
                                           causing effects not accounted for when                  rangewide scales at this time given the               definition of an endangered species or
                                           stressors are analyzed individually.                    robust populations and current ongoing                threatened species under the Act.
                                           Synergistic or cumulative effects may be                management and monitoring, but could                     At the time of listing in 2004 (69 FR
                                           observed in a short amount of time or                   in the future if there are lapses in                  10335; March 5, 2004), the Santa
                                                                                                   monitoring and management in the                      Catalina Island fox experienced a
                                           may not be noticeable for years into the
                                                                                                   future.                                               devastating CDV epidemic that resulted
                                           future, and could affect the long-term
                                                                                                                                                         in an almost complete loss of the eastern
                                           viability of island fox populations. For                Determination                                         subpopulation, which made up the
                                           example, if a stressor hinders island fox                  An assessment of the need for a                    majority of the island population. The
                                           survival and reproduction or affects the                species’ protection under the Act is                  precipitous decline of the northern
                                           availability of habitat that supports                   based on whether a species is in danger               Channel Island foxes (San Miguel, Santa
                                           island foxes, then the number of                        of extinction or likely to become so                  Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes) that
                                           individuals the following year(s) will be               because of any of five factors: (A) The               led to their listing as endangered species
                                           reduced, increasing vulnerability to                    present or threatened destruction,                    was the result of depredation by golden
                                           stochastic events like a disease                        modification, or curtailment of its                   eagles, facilitated by the presence of a
                                           epidemic or wildfire. The combined                      habitat or range; (B) overutilization for             nonnative, mammalian prey-base on the
                                           effects of interactions with feral cats and             commercial, recreational, scientific, or              northern Channel Islands.
                                           domestic dogs, motor vehicle collisions,                educational purposes; (C) disease or                     As a result of concerted management
                                           mortality due to wildfire, and other                    predation; (D) the inadequacy of                      efforts, golden eagle predation has been
                                           human-caused mortalities result in the                  existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)                reduced to such a degree that it is no
                                           deaths of multiple individuals                          other natural or human-made factors                   longer considered a threat to the
                                           throughout Santa Catalina Island on an                  affecting its continued existence. As                 northern island subspecies. Additional
                                           annual basis, but they do not constitute                required by section 4(a)(1) of the Act,               management efforts, including captive
                                           a combined threat to the relatively large               we conducted a review of the status of                breeding and ongoing vaccinations for
                                           population at this time nor do we                       these species and assessed the five                   disease, have contributed to the
                                           anticipate that they will in the future.                factors to evaluate whether the San                   substantial increase of all island fox
                                           Another example is San Miguel Island                    Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and                   populations. Although golden eagles
                                           where there have been combined effects                  Santa Catalina Island foxes are in danger             will most likely continue to
                                           of low reproductive output, dry climate,                of extinction, or likely to become so in              occasionally occur on the islands as
                                           parasites, and low genetic variability.                 the foreseeable future throughout all or              transients, the removal of the nonnative
                                           However, population estimates for the                   a significant portion of their ranges. We             prey-base and the constant presence of
                                           total San Miguel Island fox population                  examined the best scientific and                      bald eagles are permanent, long-term
                                           likely represents carrying capacity for                 commercial information available                      deterrents to golden eagles establishing
                                           the island (Coonan 2014, p. 8), which                   regarding the past, present, and future               breeding territories and remaining on
                                           has resulted in a general decline in                    threats faced by these subspecies. We                 the northern Channel Islands. Ongoing
                                           reproductive effort as the population                   also consulted with species experts and               management and monitoring are
                                           has increased. In addition, according to                land management staff with NPS, TNC,                  designed to detect any reemergence of
                                           population viability analyses the San                   and CIC, who are actively managing for                threats and to take corrective actions
                                           Miguel Island fox subspecies is at                      the conservation of island foxes.                     should any threats be detected.
                                           acceptably low risk of extinction                          In considering what factors might
                                           (Guglielmino and Coonan 2016, p. 17)                    constitute threats, we must look beyond               Northern Channel Islands Subspecies
                                           indicating that low reproductive output,                the mere exposure of the species to the                  Based on the information presented in
                                           dry climate, parasites, and low genetic                 factor to determine whether the                       this final rule and the proposed rule (81
                                           variability do not constitute a combined                exposure causes actual impacts to the                 FR 7723; February 16, 2016), the
                                           threat to the population at this time nor               species. If there is exposure to a factor,            recovery criteria in the recovery plan
                                           do we anticipate that they will in the                  but no response, or only a positive                   have been achieved and the recovery
                                           future. In conducting this analysis, we                 response, that factor is not a threat. If             objectives identified in the recovery
                                           have considered whether the individual                  there is exposure and the species                     plan have been met for the three
                                           stressors identified for each island,                   responds negatively, the factor may be                northern Channel Island subspecies of
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                                           considered in combination, result in a                  a threat and we then attempt to                       island fox. San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and
                                           threat to the species. The combination                  determine how significant the threat is.              Santa Cruz Island fox abundance has
                                           of low mortality and robust population                  If the threat is significant, it may drive,           increased steadily to the point where
                                           growth puts each island fox subspecies                  or contribute to, the risk of extinction of           the number of individuals is again
                                           at acceptably low risk of extinction,                   the species such that the species                     within the range of historical population
                                           according to population viability                       warrants listing as an endangered                     estimates, save Santa Rosa Island where

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                        53327

                                           numbers are returning to historical                     threatened throughout all of its range,               foreseeable future. We emphasize that
                                           population levels. Population viability                 but the portion’s contribution to the                 answering these questions in the
                                           analyses strongly indicate that the                     viability of the species is so important              affirmative is not a determination that
                                           northern Channel Island foxes have an                   that, without the members in that                     the species is endangered or threatened
                                           acceptably small risk of extinction and                 portion, the species would be in danger               throughout a significant portion of its
                                           current population levels are consistent                of extinction, or likely to become so in              range—rather, it is a step in determining
                                           with long-term viability. Additionally,                 the foreseeable future, throughout all of             whether a more detailed analysis of the
                                           the primary threat (golden eagles) to                   its range; (3) the range of a species is              issue is required. In practice, a key part
                                           northern Channel Island foxes has been                  considered to be the general                          of this analysis is whether the threats
                                           controlled, and ongoing management                      geographical area within which that                   are geographically concentrated in some
                                           and monitoring are in place to ensure                   species can be found at the time the                  way. If the threats to the species are
                                           that threats continue to be managed in                  Service or the National Marine Fisheries              affecting it uniformly throughout its
                                           the future. This information indicates                  Service makes any particular status                   range, no portion is likely to warrant
                                           that these three subspecies are no longer               determination; and (4) if a vertebrate                further consideration. Moreover, if any
                                           at immediate risk of extinction, nor are                species is endangered or threatened                   concentration of threats apply only to
                                           they likely to experience reemergence of                throughout an SPR, and the population                 portions of the range that clearly do not
                                           threats and associated population                       in that significant portion is a valid                meet the biologically based definition of
                                           declines in the future. We, therefore,                  DPS, we will list the DPS rather than the             ‘‘significant’’ (i.e., the loss of that
                                           conclude that the San Miguel, Santa                     entire taxonomic species or subspecies.               portion clearly would not be expected to
                                           Rosa, and Santa Cruz Island foxes are no                   The SPR policy is applied to all status            increase the vulnerability to extinction
                                           longer experiencing significant impacts                 determinations, including analyses for                of the entire species), those portions
                                           at either the population or rangewide                   the purposes of making listing,                       will not warrant further consideration.
                                           scales. Thus, these island fox subspecies               delisting, and reclassification                          If we identify any portions that may
                                           are no longer in danger of extinction                   determinations. The procedure for                     be both (1) significant and (2)
                                           throughout all of their ranges, nor are                 analyzing whether any portion is an                   endangered or threatened, we engage in
                                           they likely to become so within the                     SPR is similar, regardless of the type of             a more detailed analysis. As discussed
                                           foreseeable future.                                     status determination we are making.                   above, to determine whether a portion
                                                                                                   The first step in our analysis of the                 of the range of a species is significant,
                                           Significant Portion of the Range                        status of a species is to determine its               we consider whether, under a
                                              Having determined that the San                       status throughout all of its range. If we             hypothetical scenario, the portion’s
                                           Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz                      determine that the species is in danger               contribution to the viability of the
                                           Island foxes are not in danger of                       of extinction, or likely to become so in              species is so important that, without the
                                           extinction, or likely to become so,                     the foreseeable future, throughout all of             members in that portion, the species
                                           throughout all of their ranges, we next                 its range, we list the species as an                  would be in danger of extinction or
                                           consider whether there are any                          endangered (or threatened) species and                likely to become so in the foreseeable
                                           significant portions of their ranges in                 no SPR analysis will be required.                     future throughout all of its range. This
                                           which the island foxes are in danger of                 Because we are reclassifying the listing              analysis considers the contribution of
                                           extinction or likely to become so. Under                status of the Santa Catalina Island fox as            that portion to the viability of the
                                           the Act and our implementing                            a threatened species under the Act (see               species based on the conservation
                                           regulations, a species may warrant                      Santa Catalina Island Fox, below), we                 biology principles of redundancy,
                                           listing if it is an endangered species or               are not conducting an SPR analysis for                resiliency, and representation. (These
                                           a threatened species. The Act defines                   this subspecies. If the species is neither            concepts can similarly be expressed in
                                           ‘‘endangered species’’ as any species                   endangered nor threatened throughout                  terms of abundance, spatial distribution,
                                           which is ‘‘in danger of extinction                      all of its range, we determine whether                productivity, and diversity.) The
                                           throughout all or a significant portion of              the species is endangered or threatened               identification of an SPR does not create
                                           its range,’’ and ‘‘threatened species’’ as              throughout a significant portion of its               a presumption, prejudgment, or other
                                           any species which is ‘‘likely to become                 range. If it is, we list the species as an            determination as to whether the species
                                           an endangered species within the                        endangered species or a threatened                    in that identified SPR is in danger of
                                           foreseeable future throughout all or a                  species, respectively; if it is not, we               extinction or likely to become so. We
                                           significant portion of its range.’’ The                 conclude that the species is neither an               must go through a separate analysis to
                                           term ‘‘species’’ includes ‘‘any                         endangered species nor a threatened                   determine whether the species is in
                                           subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants,               species.                                              danger of extinction or likely to become
                                           and any distinct population segment                        When we conduct an SPR analysis,                   so in the SPR. To determine whether a
                                           [DPS] of any species of vertebrate fish or              we first identify any portions of the                 species is endangered or threatened
                                           wildlife which interbreeds when                         species’ range that warrant further                   throughout an SPR, we will use the
                                           mature.’’ On July 1, 2014, we published                 consideration. The range of a species                 same standards and methodology that
                                           a final policy interpreting the phrase                  can theoretically be divided into                     we use to determine if a species is
                                           ‘‘significant portion of its range’’ (SPR)              portions in an infinite number of ways.               endangered or threatened throughout its
                                           (79 FR 37578). The final policy states                  However, there is no purpose to                       range.
                                           that (1) if a species is found to be                    analyzing portions of the range that are                 Depending on the biology of the
                                           endangered or threatened throughout a                   not reasonably likely to be significant               species, its range, and the threats it
                                           significant portion of its range, the                   and either endangered or threatened. To               faces, it may be more efficient to address
                                           entire species is listed as an endangered               identify only those portions that warrant             either the significance question first, or
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                                           species or a threatened species,                        further consideration, we determine                   the status question first. Thus, if we
                                           respectively, and the Act’s protections                 whether there is substantial information              determine that a portion of the range is
                                           apply to all individuals of the species                 indicating that (1) the portions may be               not ‘‘significant,’’ we do not need to
                                           wherever found; (2) a portion of the                    significant and (2) the species may be in             determine whether the species is
                                           range of a species is ‘‘significant’’ if the            danger of extinction in those portions or             endangered or threatened there; if we
                                           species is not currently endangered or                  likely to become so within the                        determine that the species is not

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                                           53328              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                           endangered or threatened in a portion of                   We have carefully assessed the best                future throughout all of its range.
                                           its range, we do not need to determine                  scientific and commercial data available              Therefore, we are reclassifying the
                                           if that portion is ‘‘significant.’’                     and determined that the San Miguel                    status of the Santa Catalina Island fox
                                              Applying the process described                       Island fox, Santa Rosa Island fox, and                from an endangered species to a
                                           above, we evaluated the respective                      Santa Cruz Island fox are no longer in                threatened species. Because we have
                                           ranges of the San Miguel Island fox,                    danger of extinction throughout all or                determined the Santa Catalina Island
                                           Santa Rosa Island fox, and Santa Cruz                   significant portions of their ranges, nor             fox is likely to become an endangered
                                           Island fox to determine if any area could               are they likely to become so within the               species in the foreseeable future
                                           be considered a significant portion of                  foreseeable future. As a consequence of               throughout all of its range, no portion of
                                           any one of the subspecies’ ranges. As                   this determination, we are removing the               its range can be significant for purposes
                                           mentioned above, one way to identify                    San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz                of the definitions of endangered species
                                           portions for further analyses is to                     Island fox from the Federal List of                   or threatened species (see 79 FR 37578;
                                           identify areas that may be significant,                 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.                   July 1, 2014) (also see Significant
                                           such as any natural divisions within the                                                                      Portion of the Range, above).
                                                                                                   Santa Catalina Island Fox
                                           range that might be of individual                                                                             Critical Habitat
                                                                                                      The Santa Catalina Island fox exhibits
                                           biological or conservation importance to
                                                                                                   demographic characteristics consistent                   Section 4(a)(3)(A) of the Act, as
                                           the species. We conducted our review
                                                                                                   with long-term viability. The population              amended, and implementing regulations
                                           based on examination of the recovery                    has continued to increase over the past               (50 CFR 424.12) require that we
                                           plan (Service 2015; entire) and other                   11 years, reaching an estimated high of               designate critical habitat, to the
                                           relevant and more recent information on                 1,852 individuals in 2013 (King and                   maximum extent prudent and
                                           the biology and life history of the                     Duncan 2015, p. 11), then dropping                    determinable, at the time a species is
                                           northern Channel Island foxes. Because                  slightly to 1,812 in 2015 (King and                   listed as endangered or threatened.
                                           each of the three northern Channel                      Duncan 2016, p. 10). Population                          On November 9, 2005 (70 FR 67924),
                                           Island fox subspecies is a narrow                       viability analysis indicates the Santa                we determined that habitat on Santa
                                           endemic where the foxes on each island                  Catalina Island fox population has an                 Catalina Island (as well as the other
                                           constitute a single population, we                      acceptably small risk of extinction—less              three islands occupied by the island fox
                                           determined that there are no natural                    than 5 percent since 2008. With                       described herein) did not meet the
                                           divisions or separate areas of the range                population levels consistent with long-               definition of critical habitat under the
                                           of each subspecies that contribute                      term viability, the intent of recovery                Act. We made this determination based
                                           separately to the conservation of that                  objective 1 has been met for the Santa                on the island fox being a generalist in
                                           particular subspecies. In other words,                  Catalina Island fox. However, objective               all aspects of its life history. We stated
                                           for each subspecies of island fox, there                2 has not been met because we do not                  that foxes are opportunistic omnivores
                                           is only one biologically defined portion,               have assurance that the monitoring and                that eat a wide variety of plants and
                                           and there are no notably separate or                    management as prescribed in the                       animals in whatever habitat they use,
                                           distinct portions that contribute                       epidemic response plan for Santa                      and as such, they use all habitat
                                           independently to the conservation (i.e.,                Catalina Island foxes will be funded and              available on each of the islands (70 FR
                                           to the redundancy, resiliency, and                      implemented in the future to ensure that              67927). We were not aware at that time
                                           representation) of the species. We also                 the threat of disease continues to be                 nor are we aware currently of any
                                           examined whether any portions might                     managed. While population levels are                  existing or anticipated threats to Santa
                                           be endangered or threatened by                          currently consistent with long-term                   Catalina Island habitats that would
                                           examining whether threats might be                      viability (indicating that the subspecies             likely affect the Santa Catalina Island
                                           geographically concentrated in some                     is no longer currently in danger of                   fox. Accordingly, we continue to
                                           way. Although some of the factors we                    extinction), lack of adequate control of              conclude that there is no information to
                                           evaluated under Summary of Factors                      potential vectors along with lack of                  support a conclusion that any specific
                                           Affecting the Species, above, may                       assured long-term monitoring could                    habitat on Santa Catalina Island is
                                           continue to affect each of the                          allow for lapses in management and                    essential to the conservation of the
                                           subspecies, the factors affecting island                monitoring and reemergence of disease                 Santa Catalina Island fox. Thus, we do
                                           foxes generally occur at similarly low                  that may cause epidemics and                          not find any habitat on Santa Catalina
                                           levels throughout each of their ranges.                 population declines before they can be                Island that meets the definition of
                                           The entire population of each                           detected and acted upon. We                           critical habitat in section 3(5)(A) of the
                                           subspecies is equally affected by threats               coordinated with CIC to determine their               Act. Because there continues to be no
                                           and by the amelioration of such threats                 ability to enter into an agreement to                 habitat that meets the definition of
                                           throughout their ranges. Based on our                   provide assurances for long-term                      critical habitat for the Santa Catalina
                                           evaluation of the biology of the                        funding and a commitment for long-                    Island fox, there is none to designate.
                                           subspecies and current and potential                    term implementation of the epidemic
                                           threats to the island foxes, we conclude                response plan. Though we do not have                  Effects of This Rule
                                           that no portion of the ranges of the three              assurances of long-term funding that                     This final rule revises 50 CFR 17.11(h)
                                           subspecies of the northern Channel                      would allow them to commit to long-                   by removing the San Miguel Island fox,
                                           Islands foxes warrants further                          term implementation of the epidemic                   Santa Rosa Island fox, and Santa Cruz
                                           consideration to determine if it is                     response plan, we recognize that CIC’s                Island fox from the Federal List of
                                           significant. In other words, threats have               efforts have significantly contributed to             Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.
                                           been sufficiently ameliorated, and all                  a reduction of impacts to the Santa                   The prohibitions and conservation
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                                           individuals and all portions of the range               Catalina Island fox and its habitat. As a             measures provided by the Act,
                                           of each subspecies interact to such an                  result, we have determined that the                   particularly through sections 7 and 9, no
                                           extent that it is not reasonable to                     Santa Catalina Island fox is no longer in             longer apply to these subspecies.
                                           conclude that any portion of the range                  danger of extinction throughout all of its            Federal agencies are no longer required
                                           can have a different status than any                    range, but instead is threatened with                 to consult with the Service under
                                           other portion.                                          becoming endangered in the foreseeable                section 7 of the Act in to ensure that any

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                      53329

                                           action they authorize, fund, or carry out               Santa Cruz Island foxes remain secure                 predation rate of 2.5 percent (Rubin et
                                           is not likely to jeopardize the continued               from risk of extinction after their                   al. 2007, p. 2–20). This level of radio-
                                           existence of these subspecies.                          removal from the Federal List of                      telemetry monitoring is part of the
                                              This rule also revises 50 CFR 17.11(h)               Endangered and Threatened Wildlife by                 epidemic response plan and the golden
                                           to reclassify the Santa Catalina Island                 detecting changes in population trend                 eagle management strategy for island
                                           fox from an endangered species to a                     and mortality/survival. Post-delisting                foxes on the northern Channel Islands
                                           threatened species on the Federal List of               monitoring for the northern Channel                   (Hudgens et al. 2013, pp. 7–11).
                                           Endangered and Threatened Wildlife.                     Island fox subspecies will be conducted                  In cooperation with NPS and TNC, we
                                           However, this reclassification does not                 as recommended in the epidemic                        will annually review the results of
                                           change the protection afforded to this                  response plan for northern Channel                    monitoring, which include annual
                                           subspecies under the Act. Anyone                        Island foxes (Hudgens et al. 2013,                    estimated adult population size, annual
                                           taking, attempting to take, or otherwise                entire) and golden eagle management                   adult survival, and identified causes of
                                           possessing this species, or parts thereof,              strategy (NPS 2015a, entire). These                   mortality. If there are apparent sharp
                                           in violation of section 9 of the Act or its             documents are available on the Internet               declines in population size or survival,
                                           implementing regulations, is subject to                 at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket              or if the information indicates the
                                           a penalty under section 11 of the Act.                  No. FWS–R8–ES–2015–0170, and the                      appearance of significant mortality
                                           Pursuant to section 7 of the Act, Federal               Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office’s Web                causes, the data will be reviewed by the
                                           agencies must ensure that any actions                   site at http://www.fws.gov/Ventura/.                  Island Fox Conservation Working Group
                                           they authorize, fund, or carry out are not                 Although the Act has a minimum                     for evaluation and assessment of threat
                                           likely to jeopardize the continued                      post-delisting monitoring requirement                 level. Monitoring results may also reach
                                           existence of the Santa Catalina Island                  of 5 years, the post-delisting monitoring             thresholds which precipitate increased
                                           fox. Whenever a species is listed as                    plan for northern Channel Island foxes                monitoring or implementation of
                                           threatened, the Act allows promulgation                 includes a 10-year monitoring period to               management actions, as specified in the
                                           of special rules under section 4(d) that                account for environmental variability                 epidemic response plan and golden
                                           modify the standard protections for                     (for example, extended drought) that                  eagle management strategy. At the end
                                           threatened species found under section                  may affect fox populations and to                     of the 10-year post-delisting monitoring
                                           9 of the Act and Service regulations at                 document the range of population                      period, NPS, TNC, and the Service will
                                           50 CFR 17.31 (for wildlife) and 17.71                   fluctuation as fox populations reach                  determine whether monitoring should
                                           (for plants), when it is deemed                         carrying capacity. If a decline in                    continue beyond the 10-year monitoring
                                           necessary and advisable to provide for                  abundance is observed or a substantial                period.
                                           the conservation of the species. No                     new threat arises, post-delisting
                                                                                                                                                         Summary of Comments and
                                           special section 4(d) rules are proposed,                monitoring may be extended or
                                           or anticipated to be proposed, for Santa                modified as described below.
                                           Catalina Island fox, because there is                      Island foxes will be monitored for                   In the proposed rule published on
                                           currently no conservation need to do so                 both population size and trend, and for               February 16, 2016 (81 FR 7723) in the
                                           for this subspecies. Recovery actions                   annual survival and cause-specific                    Federal Register, we requested that all
                                           directed at Santa Catalina Island fox                   mortality, as specified by the epidemic               interested parties submit written
                                           will continue to be implemented, as                     response plan for northern Channel                    comments on the proposal by April 18,
                                           funding allows, as outlined in the                      island foxes (Hudgens et al. 2013,                    2016. We also contacted appropriate
                                           recovery plan for this species (Service                 entire) and the golden eagle                          Federal and State agencies, Tribal
                                           2015, entire).                                          management strategy (NPS 2015a,                       entities, scientific experts and
                                                                                                   entire). Monitoring as recommended in                 organizations, and other interested
                                           Future Conservation Measures                            these plans is currently being                        parties and invited them to comment on
                                              Section 4(g)(1) of the Act requires us,              implemented. Population size and trend                the proposal. We did not receive any
                                           in cooperation with the States, to                      are estimated using capture-mark-                     requests for a public hearing. All
                                           implement a monitoring program for not                  recapture data from trapping foxes on                 substantive information provided
                                           less than 5 years for all species that have             grids (Rubin et al. 2007, p. 2–1; Coonan              during comment periods has either been
                                           been recovered and delisted. The                        2014, p. 2). Such monitoring has been                 incorporated directly into this final
                                           purpose of this post-delisting                          implemented for island foxes since the                determination or is addressed below.
                                           monitoring (PDM) is to verify that a                    late 1980s. The monitoring provides a
                                           species remains secure from risk of                     continuous record of population                       Peer Reviewer Comments
                                           extinction after the protections of the                 fluctuation, including decline and                       In accordance with our peer review
                                           Act are removed, by developing a                        recovery, upon which population                       policy published on July 1, 1994 (59 FR
                                           program that detects the failure of any                 viability analysis was used to develop                34270), we solicited expert opinion
                                           delisted species to sustain itself. If, at              island fox demographic recovery                       from three knowledgeable individuals
                                           any time during the monitoring period,                  objectives (Bakker and Doak 2009,                     with scientific expertise that included
                                           data indicate that protective status                    entire; Bakker et al. 2009, entire).                  familiarity with the island fox and its
                                           under the Act should be reinstated, we                     Annual survival and cause-specific                 habitat, biological needs, and threats.
                                           can initiate listing procedures,                        mortality of island foxes will be                     We received responses from all three of
                                           including, if appropriate, emergency                    monitored, as they are now, via tracking              the peer reviewers.
                                           listing under section 4(b)(7) of the Act.               of radio-collared foxes. Mortality checks                We reviewed all comments we
                                                                                                   will be conducted weekly on radio-                    received from the peer reviewers for
                                           Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan                          collared foxes, and necropsies will be                substantive issues and new information
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                                             NPS and TNC have agreed to partner                    conducted on fox carcasses to determine               regarding the status of the island fox.
                                           with us in the implementation of the                    the cause of mortality. A sample of at                The peer reviewers generally concurred
                                           post-delisting monitoring for the                       least 40 radio-collared foxes is                      with our methods and conclusions, and
                                           northern Channel Island foxes. The                      maintained on each island, as that is the             provided new information and
                                           post-delisting monitoring is designed to                number of monitored foxes determined                  suggestions to improve the final rule.
                                           verify that San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and                 to be necessary to detect an annual                   This information has been incorporated

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                                           53330              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                           into the final rule as appropriate. The                 models presented in Bakker et al. (2009)              implementation of the epidemic
                                           peer reviewer comments are addressed                    and appendix 2 of the recovery plan                   response plan for Santa Catalina Island,
                                           in the following summary.                               (Service 2015, pp. 135–140) that                      which is currently being implemented
                                                                                                   incorporate demographic information                   by CIC. We coordinated with CIC to
                                           Comments From Peer Reviewers
                                                                                                   for each subspecies of island fox, which              determine their ability to enter into an
                                              (1) Comment: Two peer reviewers                      are influenced by genetics and the                    agreement to provide assurances, and
                                           requested further mention of lack of                    environment. Genetic variation is not                 they indicated they are currently unable
                                           genetic diversity as an important                       one of the demographic characters that                to provide assurances for long-term
                                           consideration for island foxes. They                    is measured, although we recognize that               funding and management. Though we
                                           stated that numerous studies have now                   genetic variation has an influence on                 do not have assurances of long-term
                                           shown that island fox populations lack                  demographic characters.                               funding that would allow them to
                                           genetic variation, an outcome of long-                     (3) Comment: One peer reviewer                     commit to long-term implementation of
                                           term small population sizes and                         asked how the quasi-extinction number                 the epidemic response plan, we
                                           bottlenecks, coupled with the pervasive                 of 30 individuals was derived. The peer               recognize that CIC’s efforts have
                                           effects of genetic drift. The peer                      reviewer asserted that if extreme                     significantly contributed to a reduction
                                           reviewers stated that although the                      bottleneck events have occurred, it is                of impacts to the Santa Catalina Island
                                           threats to island fox populations on the                highly possible that quasi-extinction                 fox and its habitat.
                                           northern Channel Islands have either                    levels of 30 individuals are not
                                           been reduced or addressed and the                       appropriate, and numbers this low                     Public Comments
                                           populations have recovered to                           could essentially extirpate any genetic                  We requested written comments from
                                           approximately historic levels, the                      variation left in the population.                     the public on the proposed rule. To that
                                           various subspecies lack genetic                            Our Response: Because short- to                    end, we specifically sought comments
                                           variation, which could compromise                       medium-term risk analysis is most                     concerning: (1) Additional information
                                           their ability to respond to future                      important for island fox management,                  on the distribution, population size, and
                                           environmental change if managers do                     Bakker et al. (2009) ran each simulation              population trends of the San Miguel,
                                           not respond to a potential decline in a                 for 50 years and used a quasi-extinction              Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Santa
                                           timely manner.                                          threshold of 30 foxes, set by the                     Catalina Island foxes; (2) relevant
                                              Our Response: We included the                        Service’s island fox Recovery Team to
                                           relevant scientific information                                                                               information concerning any current or
                                                                                                   further account for unidentified
                                           presented by the peer reviewers related                                                                       likely future threats (or lack thereof) to
                                                                                                   biological and sociopolitical
                                           to lack of genetic variation in this final                                                                    the island foxes; (3) current or planned
                                                                                                   uncertainties (Bakker et al. 2009, p. 92).
                                           rule. We anticipate that ongoing                                                                              activities within the range of the island
                                                                                                   We concur with the quasi-extinction
                                           monitoring and management as                                                                                  foxes and their possible impacts; (4)
                                                                                                   level determined by the scientists on the
                                           described in signed CMAs with NPS                                                                             regional climate change models and
                                                                                                   island fox Recovery Team. However, we
                                           and TNC (Service and NPS 2015;                                                                                whether they are reliable and credible to
                                                                                                   note that monitoring and management is
                                           Service and TNC 2015) will detect any                                                                         use in assessing the effects of climate
                                                                                                   designed to intervene well before a
                                           significant changes in population health                                                                      change on the island foxes and their
                                                                                                   species would reach a quasi-extinction
                                           and allow for management responses,                                                                           habitats; and (5) our draft post-delisting
                                                                                                   threshold. Quasi-extinction is not the
                                           including possible relisting. If a decline              threshold for action; rather, triggers for            monitoring plan.
                                           is detected, we will act in concert with                action would be if monitoring results                    During the open comment period,
                                           NPS and TNC in an expedient manner                      indicate a sharp decline in population                which closed on April 18, 2016, we
                                           to uncover the agent of the decline and                 size or survival or the appearance of a               received 10 comment letters from
                                           implement timely recovery actions as                    significant mortality source. The intent              organizations or individuals directly
                                           laid out in the golden eagle management                 is to avoid the quasi-extinction                      addressing the proposed removal of the
                                           strategy and epidemic response plans                    threshold by a wide margin by                         San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa Cruz
                                           (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire; NPS 2015a,                managing for a low risk of reaching such              Island fox from the Federal List of
                                           entire).                                                a threshold over a fairly long period of              Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, or
                                              (2) Comment: One peer reviewer                       time.                                                 reclassification of the Santa Catalina
                                           requested more information about                           (4) Comment: One peer reviewer                     Island fox from an endangered to a
                                           evaluation of recovery objective 1 and                  asked what it would take to delist the                threatened species. Seven of these
                                           recovery criteria E/1. In particular, the               Santa Catalina Island subspecies.                     letters opposed the proposal, and three
                                           peer reviewer asked if demographic                         Our Response: The best available                   provided support. Two of these letters
                                           characteristics included measures of                    scientific data for Santa Catalina Island             provided substantive comments (beyond
                                           genetic characteristics, as the same                    suggest that while Santa Catalina Island              a succinct expression of agreement or
                                           standards should not apply to                           fox populations have increased to self-               opposition) on the proposed rule, one of
                                           populations that have lost much of their                sustaining levels, potential disease                  which supported and one of which
                                           genetic variation.                                      epidemic remains an ongoing threat.                   opposed our proposal. Substantive
                                              Our Response: Recovery objective 1 is                Once disease and disease risk are                     information has been incorporated into
                                           that each federally listed subspecies of                controlled and managed to the point                   the final rule as appropriate. The public
                                           island fox exhibits demographic                         they are no longer a threat to the                    comments are addressed in the
                                           characteristics consistent with long-term               subspecies, and assuming no other                     following summary.
                                           viability. Recovery objective 1 is                      stressors are resulting in significant
                                                                                                                                                         Comments From the Public
                                           achieved when recovery criteria E/1 is                  impacts at either the population or
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                                           met: an island fox subspecies has no                    rangewide scales, the Santa Catalina                     (5) Comment: One commenter
                                           more than 5 percent risk of quasi-                      Island fox could be removed from the                  suggested we conduct a more detailed
                                           extinction over a 50-year period;                       Federal List of Endangered and                        analysis of the effects of global climate
                                           recovery criteria E/1 has been met.                     Threatened Wildlife (that is, delisted).              change and that we hold public
                                           Recovery criteria E/1 is evaluated for                  Controlling the threat of disease would               meetings to develop a response plan for
                                           each species using population viability                 include assurances of long-term                       climate change.

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                         53331

                                              Our Response: We incorporated                        Island population rose by approximately               mule deer have been removed from
                                           additional information into the climate                 200 from 2014, despite less than a                    Santa Rosa Island, and the island fox
                                           change discussion in this rule based on                 quarter of the number of captured pups                population has increased to greater than
                                           new information that was provided by                    compared to 2012 and more than triple                 1,200 foxes (Coonan 2015b, pers.
                                           the peer reviewers. While we cannot                     the number of known mortalities. The                  comm.; Guglielmino and Coonan 2016,
                                           accurately predict the effects of climate               commenter also pointed out that Santa                 p. 18). With the golden eagle
                                           change on island fox subspecies,                        Rosa Island foxes have yet to meet their              management strategy in place, complete
                                           because the foxes are generalists and                   carrying capacity, and so, given that                 removal of golden eagles and their
                                           exhibit plasticity with regards to prey                 population’s limited size, delisting is               nonnative prey-base from the northern
                                           and habitat use, we do not expect                       inappropriate at this time.                           Channel Islands, development and
                                           negative effects of such magnitude that                    Our Response: The population                       implementation of an epidemic
                                           would result in significant impacts at                  estimates presented in this rule for the              response plan, and population levels
                                           either the population or rangewide                      San Miguel Island fox are based on the                consistent with long-term viability, the
                                           scales (e.g., cause major population                    best available scientific information as              intent of recovery objectives 1 and 2,
                                           declines). However, we anticipate                       reported to the Service by NPS. San                   and the associated recovery criteria, are
                                           ongoing monitoring and management                       Miguel Island fox population estimates                met for the San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and
                                           will detect any significant changes in                  for the total population (both adults and             Santa Cruz Island foxes.
                                           population health and allow for                         juveniles) reveal that the subspecies has                (8) Comment: One commenter
                                           management responses, including                         hovered around at least 550 foxes since               presented information on
                                           possible relisting; therefore, public                   2010, and this likely represents carrying             Acanthocephalan parasites, which affect
                                           meetings to develop a response plan                     capacity for that island (Coonan 2014, p.             the gut of island foxes. The commenter
                                           were not planned.                                       8). This is supported by the general                  stated that Acanthocephalans have been
                                              (6) Comment: One commenter                           decline in reproductive effort as the                 identified as a factor in the deaths of
                                           expressed concern that if the northern                  population has increased. On the San                  over 20 island foxes since 2013. In
                                           Channel Islands subspecies are delisted,                Miguel Island monitoring grids, only                  addition, the commenter pointed out
                                           the disease and predator management                     three pups were caught in 2013 and                    that most of the foxes on San Miguel
                                           programs may potentially be defunded.                   2014, and only seven were caught in                   Island have become increasingly
                                              Our Response: The post-delisting                     2015, compared to 32 caught in 2012                   underweight and probably infected. The
                                           monitoring is designed to verify that                   (Guglielmino and Coonan 2016, p. 13).                 commenter expressed that the effect this
                                           northern Channel Island foxes remain                    The low reproductive output is likely                 parasite could have on the San Miguel
                                           secure from risk of extinction after their              due both to high fox density and                      population of island foxes is significant
                                           removal from the Federal List of                        extended drought. Even given this, the                and there is too little information on
                                           Endangered and Threatened Wildlife by                   overall combination of low mortality                  this significant issue to proceed with the
                                           detecting changes in population trend                   and robust population growth continues                proposed delisting.
                                           and mortality/survival. Post-delisting                  to put the San Miguel Island fox                         Our Response: In 2013, necropsies of
                                           monitoring for the northern Channel                     subspecies at acceptably low risk of                  five radio-collared San Miguel Island
                                           Island fox subspecies will be conducted                 extinction, according to population                   foxes revealed substantial, and in
                                           as recommended in the epidemic                          viability analyses (Guglielmino and                   several cases massive, parasitism by an
                                           response plan for northern Channel                      Coonan 2016, p. 17). The San Miguel                   unidentified Acanthocephalan (spiny-
                                           Island foxes (Hudgens et al. 2013,                      population reached this level of                      headed) parasite in the intestines
                                           entire) and golden eagle management                     acceptable extinction risk in 2009, and               (Coonan et al. 2014b, pp. 11, 12). Six of
                                           strategy (NPS 2015a, entire). Funding                   even recent mortality due to drought has              the 16 mortalities in 2014 through June
                                           and implementation of post-delisting                    not moved the population away from                    2015 had infection by an
                                           monitoring is assured for 10 years by                   acceptable extinction risk.                           Acanthocephalan parasite, as did five in
                                           signed CMAs between the Service, NPS,                      Santa Rosa Island foxes have likely                2013 (Coonan 2015b, pp. 7, 8). The
                                           and TNC (Service and NPS 2015;                          not reached carrying capacity. Carrying               parasite burdens were associated with
                                           Service and TNC 2015). At the end of                    capacity is not a threshold for recovery              one or a combination of colitis, enteritis,
                                           the 10-year post-delisting monitoring                   or for healthy populations; rather,                   and emaciation, and likely contributed
                                           period, the Service, NPS, and TNC will                  carrying capacity is the maximum                      to mortality of the individuals, but have
                                           determine whether monitoring should                     number of individuals that the habitat                not yet been determined as the cause of
                                           continue beyond the 10-year monitoring                  can support. Most populations function                mortality (Coonan 2015b, p. 2). In 2015,
                                           period. In addition, NPS identified                     below that threshold and still exhibit                the Island Fox Health Working Group
                                           island foxes as an ecosystem element for                demographic characteristics for healthy,              discussed the impact of
                                           which they will conduct long-term                       stable populations. Populations do not                Acanthocephalans to island foxes on
                                           annual population monitoring as part of                 need to be at carrying capacity to have               San Miguel Island and determined that
                                           Channel Island National Park’s long-                    stable or increasing demographics                     no specific management action or
                                           term ecological monitoring program,                     consistent with long-term viability. On               treatment is recommended at this time,
                                           regardless of their status under the Act.               Santa Rosa Island, significant mortality              as cases are continuing, but do not
                                              (7) Comment: One commenter stated                    during the early phase of reintroduction              appear to be increasing or causing a
                                           that the San Miguel Island fox                          and again in 2010 prevented the Santa                 population decline (Coonan 2015b, p.
                                           population declined from 581                            Rosa subspecies from attaining the level              15). Continued monitoring of mortality
                                           individuals in 2011 (Coonan and                         of biological recovery that the San                   causes will determine whether the
                                           Gugliolmino 2011, p. 14) to 538                         Miguel and Santa Cruz Islands                         parasite is a significant mortality source
ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES

                                           individuals in 2012 (Coonan 2013, p.                    subspecies had attained by 2013.                      for San Miguel foxes, and requires
                                           10), despite the high number of pups                    However, the predicted extinction risk                management. Thus, at this time, the best
                                           caught and low number of known                          (over the next 50 years) has been less                available data indicate that although
                                           mortalities. The commenter questioned                   than 5 percent since 2011 for Santa Rosa              potential impacts from
                                           the 2015 data presented in the proposed                 Island (Guglielmino and Coonan 2016,                  Acanthocephalan parasites may be
                                           rule, which indicate that the San Miguel                p. 22). As of 2015, all Roosevelt elk and             impacting San Miguel Island fox

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                                           53332              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                           individuals, there are no significant                   responds to extended drought. This                        Internet at http://www.regulations.gov
                                           impacts at the population scale such                    does not in and of itself constitute a                    under Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2015–
                                           that this parasite would be considered a                threat to the San Miguel Island fox                       0170 or upon request from the Ventura
                                           threat to the subspecies. We anticipate                 population, and low reproductive effort                   Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR
                                           that ongoing monitoring and                             has not been identified as a current                      FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
                                           management as described in signed                       threat to any island fox population.
                                           CMAs with NPS and TNC (Service and                         The combination of low mortality and                   Authors
                                           NPS 2015; Service and TNC 2015) will                    the population at likely carrying                           The primary authors of this final rule
                                           detect any significant changes in                       capacity (i.e., 550 foxes since 2010                      are staff members of the Ventura Fish
                                           population health and allow for                         (Coonan 2014, p. 8)) puts the San                         and Wildlife Office in Ventura,
                                           management responses, including                         Miguel Island fox subspecies at                           California, in coordination with the
                                           listing in the future if warranted.                     acceptably low risk of extinction,                        Pacific Southwest Regional Office in
                                              (9) Comment: One commenter                           according to population viability                         Sacramento, California, and the
                                           presented information that the San                      analyses (Guglielmino and Coonan                          Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office in
                                           Miguel Island fox population is aging                   2016, p. 17). We anticipate that ongoing                  Carlsbad, California.
                                           and that there are problems in                          monitoring and management as
                                           reproduction or survival of pups.                       described in signed CMAs with NPS                         List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
                                           Information was presented by the                        and TNC (Service and NPS 2015;
                                                                                                   Service and TNC 2015) will detect any                       Endangered and threatened species,
                                           commenter that 73 percent of the
                                           collared foxes are 4 to 10 years old,                   significant changes in population health                  Exports, Imports, Reporting and
                                           while 47 percent are 6 to 10 years old.                 and allow for management responses,                       recordkeeping requirements,
                                           Only 27 percent of these foxes are young                including listing in the future if                        Transportation.
                                           animals of 1 to 3 years old, which                      warranted. If a significant decline is                    Regulation Promulgation
                                           reflects 3 consecutive years of poor                    detected, we will act in concert with
                                           recruitment for the population,                         NPS and TNC in an expedient manner                          Accordingly, we amend part 17,
                                           signifying poor birth years or poor pup                 to uncover the agent of the decline and                   subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the
                                           survival. The commenter stated that                     implement timely recovery actions as                      Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth
                                           such an age structure puts this                         laid out in the golden eagle management                   below:
                                           population at risk, particularly given the              strategy and epidemic response plans
                                           small size of the population, dry                       (Hudgens et al. 2013, entire; NPS 2015a,                  PART 17—ENDANGERED AND
                                           climate, parasite issue, and low genetic                entire).                                                  THREATENED WILDLIFE AND PLANTS
                                           diversity among the San Miguel Island                   Required Determinations
                                           foxes.                                                                                                            ■ 1. The authority citation for part 17
                                              Our Response: Population estimates                   National Environmental Policy Act (42                     continues to read as follows:
                                           for the total San Miguel Island fox                     U.S.C. 4321 et seq.)                                        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
                                           population (both adults and juveniles)                    We have determined that                                 1544; 4201–4245, unless otherwise noted.
                                           reveal that it has hovered around 550                   environmental assessments and                             ■ 2. Amend § 17.11(h), the List of
                                           foxes since 2010, and this likely                       environmental impact statements, as                       Endangered and Threatened Wildlife,
                                           represents carrying capacity for the                    defined under the authority of the                        under MAMMALS, by:
                                           island (Coonan 2014, p. 8). This is                     National Environmental Policy Act,                        ■ a. Removing the entries for ‘‘Fox, San
                                           supported by the general decline in                     need not be prepared in connection
                                           reproductive effort as the population                                                                             Miguel Island’’, ‘‘Fox, Santa Cruz
                                                                                                   with listing, delisting, or reclassification              Island’’, and ‘‘Fox, Santa Rosa Island’’;
                                           has increased. During annual                            of a species as an endangered or
                                           monitoring efforts, only three pups were                                                                          and
                                                                                                   threatened species under the
                                           caught in 2013 and 2014, and only                                                                                 ■ b. Revising the entry for ‘‘Fox, Santa
                                                                                                   Endangered Species Act. We published
                                           seven were caught in 2015, compared to                  a notice outlining our reasons for this                   Catalina Island’’.
                                           32 caught in 2012 (Guglielmino and                      determination in the Federal Register                        The revision reads as follows:
                                           Coonan 2016, p. 13). The low                            on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
                                           reproductive output is likely due both to                                                                         § 17.11 Endangered and threatened
                                                                                                   References Cited                                          wildlife.
                                           high fox density and extended drought,
                                           and is to be expected as the population                   A complete list of references cited in                  *       *    *          *     *
                                           hovers around carrying capacity and                     this rulemaking is available on the                           (h) * * *

                                                                                                                                                                                 Listing citations and applicable
                                                    Common name                               Scientific name                         Where listed                   Status                     rules


                                                    *                     *                         *                       *                       *                             *                    *
                                           Fox, Santa Catalina Island .........    Urocyon littoralis catalinae ........   Wherever found ........................   T .......   69 FR 10335; 3/5/2004
                                                                                                                                                                                 81 FR [Insert Federal Register
                                                                                                                                                                                    page where the document
                                                                                                                                                                                    begins]; 8/12/2016
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                                                                                                                                                                                 50 CFR 17.95(a) CH

                                                     *                       *                       *                       *                         *                         *                    *

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                                                              Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                              53333

                                           § 17.95   [Amended]                                     Cruz Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis                     Dated: July 21, 2016.
                                           ■ 3. Amend § 17.95(a) by removing the                   santacruzae)’’, and ‘‘Santa Rosa Island               Stephen Guertin,
                                           entries for ‘‘San Miguel Island Fox                     Fox (Urocyon littoralis santarosae)’’.                Acting Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
                                           (Urocyon littoralis littoralis)’’, ‘‘Santa                                                                    [FR Doc. 2016–18778 Filed 8–11–16; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                                                                         BILLING CODE 4333–15–P
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Document Created: 2018-02-09 11:33:02
Document Modified: 2018-02-09 11:33:02
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis rule is effective September 12, 2016.
ContactStephen P. Henry, Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003; telephone 805-644-1766; facsimile 805-644-3958. If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800- 877-8339.
FR Citation81 FR 53315 
RIN Number1018-BA71
CFR AssociatedEndangered and Threatened Species; Exports; Imports; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements and Transportation

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