81_FR_53536 81 FR 53380 - National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion of the Jackson Steel Superfund Site

81 FR 53380 - National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion of the Jackson Steel Superfund Site


Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 156 (August 12, 2016)

Page Range53380-53381
FR Document2016-19142

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 2, is issuing this Notice of Intent to Delete (NOID) the Jackson Steel Site, located in the Village of Mineola, Nassau County, New York, from the National Priorities List (NPL) and requests public comments on this proposed action. The NPL, promulgated pursuant to Section 105 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, is an appendix of the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan. EPA and the State of New York, through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), have determined that other than the ongoing operation and maintenance of the vapor intrusion mitigation systems at the daycare center, periodic vapor intrusion monitoring, ensuring that the institutional controls are in place and effective, and five-year reviews, all appropriate response actions under CERCLA have been completed at the Site and that the soil on the Site and the groundwater beneath the Site no longer pose a threat to public health or the environment.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 156 (Friday, August 12, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 156 (Friday, August 12, 2016)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 53380-53381]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-19142]



40 CFR Part 300

[EPA-HQ-SFUND-2000-0006; FRL-9950-61-Region 2]

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; 
National Priorities List: Deletion of the Jackson Steel Superfund Site

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Proposed rule; notice of intent for deletion.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 2, is 
issuing this Notice of Intent to Delete (NOID) the Jackson Steel Site, 
located in the Village of Mineola, Nassau County, New York, from the 
National Priorities List (NPL) and requests public comments on this 
proposed action. The NPL, promulgated pursuant to Section 105 of the 
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act 
(CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, is an appendix of the National Oil and 
Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan. EPA and the State of 
New York, through the New York State Department of Environmental 
Conservation (NYSDEC), have determined that other than the ongoing 
operation and maintenance of the vapor intrusion mitigation systems at 
the daycare center, periodic vapor intrusion monitoring, ensuring that 
the institutional controls are in place and effective, and five-year 
reviews, all appropriate response actions under CERCLA have been 
completed at the Site and that the soil on the Site and the groundwater 
beneath the Site no longer pose a threat to public health or the 

DATES: Comments must be received by September 12, 2016.

ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID no. EPA-HQ-
SFUND-2000-0006, by mail to Joel Singerman, Chief, Central New York 
Remediation Section, Emergency and Remedial Response Division, U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2, 290 Broadway, 20th Floor, 
New York, NY, 10007-1866. Comments may also be submitted electronically 
or through hand delivery/courier by following the detailed instructions 
in the ``Addresses'' section of the direct final rule located in the 
rules section of this Federal Register.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joel Singerman at the address noted in 
the ADDRESSES section; by telephone at 212-

[[Page 53381]]

637-4258; or by email at singerman.joel@epa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the ``Rules and Regulations'' Section of 
today's Federal Register, EPA is publishing a direct final Notice of 
Deletion (NOD) of the Site without a prior NOID because EPA views this 
as a noncontroversial revision and anticipates no adverse comment. EPA 
has explained its reasons for this deletion in the preamble to the 
direct final NOD. If EPA receives no adverse comment(s) on this 
deletion action, EPA will proceed with the deletion without further 
action on this NOID. If EPA receives adverse comment(s), EPA will 
withdraw the direct final NOD, and it will not take effect. EPA will, 
as appropriate, address all public comments in a subsequent final NOD 
based on this NOID. EPA will not institute a second comment period on 
this NOID. Any parties interested in commenting must do so at this 
    For additional information, see the direct final NOD, which is 
located in the ``Rules'' section of this Federal Register.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Chemicals, 
Hazardous waste, Hazardous substances, Intergovernmental relations, 
Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Superfund, Water 
pollution control, Water supply.

    Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(c)(2); 42 U.S.C. 9601-9675; E.O. 
12777, 56 FR 54757, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; E.O. 12580, 52 FR 
2923, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 193.

    Dated: August 2, 2016.
Judith A. Enck,
Regional Administrator, EPA Region.
[FR Doc. 2016-19142 Filed 8-11-16; 8:45 am]

                                               53380                   Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Proposed Rules

                                               trifluoromethylnicotinamide (IUPAC)]                    13B at 5 ppm; and vegetable tuberous                  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
                                               and its metabolites, TFNA [4-                           and corm, subgroup 1C at 0.01 ppm.                    AGENCY
                                               trifluoromethylnicotinic acid], TFNA–                      An independently validated
                                               AM [4-trifluoromethylnicotinamide)                                                                            40 CFR Part 300
                                                                                                       analytical method has been submitted
                                               and TFNG [N(4-                                                                                                [EPA–HQ–SFUND–2000–0006; FRL–9950–
                                                                                                       for analyzing residues of parent
                                               trifluoromethylnicotinoyl)-glycine] in or                                                                     61–Region 2]
                                                                                                       afidopyropen (BAS 440 I) plus
                                               on the raw agricultural commodity crop
                                               group 10–10, citrus at 1.5 parts per                    metabolite M440I007 with appropriate
                                                                                                                                                             National Oil and Hazardous
                                               million (ppm). Adequate enforcement                     sensitivity in all crop and processed
                                                                                                                                                             Substances Pollution Contingency
                                               methodology is available to enforce the                 commodities. An independently                         Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion
                                               tolerance expression for flonicamid and                 validated analytical method has been                  of the Jackson Steel Superfund Site
                                               its metabolites in/on appropriate raw                   submitted for analyzing residues of
                                               agricultural commodities and processed                  parent afidopyropen (BAS 440 I) plus                  AGENCY:   Environmental Protection
                                               commodities are available for the                       metabolite M440I001, M440I003, and                    Agency (EPA).
                                               established and proposed tolerances.                    M440I060 in animal meat, fat and liver                ACTION: Proposed rule; notice of intent
                                               Contact: Carmen Rodia, (703) 306–0327,                  and egg and for BAS 440 I and                         for deletion.
                                               rodia.carmen@epa.gov.                                   metabolites M440I001, M440I005, and
                                                  2. PP 6E8466. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–                      M440I060 in milk with appropriate                     SUMMARY:    The Environmental Protection
                                               0029). Gowan Company, P.O. Box 5569,                                                                          Agency (EPA), Region 2, is issuing this
                                                                                                       sensitivity in the event tolerances are
                                               Yuma, AZ 85366–5569, requests to                                                                              Notice of Intent to Delete (NOID) the
                                                                                                       established. A multi-residue method
                                               establish an import tolerance for                                                                             Jackson Steel Site, located in the Village
                                                                                                       using modified AOAC Official method                   of Mineola, Nassau County, New York,
                                               residues of fenazaquin, [3-[2-[4-(1, 1-                 2007.01 for the determination of
                                               dimethylethyl) phenyl] ethoxy]                                                                                from the National Priorities List (NPL)
                                                                                                       residues of afidopyropen (BAS 440 I)                  and requests public comments on this
                                               quinazoline] in/on the raw agricultural
                                                                                                       and metabolite M440I007 in plant                      proposed action. The NPL, promulgated
                                               commodity for tea at 9 ppm and
                                                                                                       matrices was successfully validated.                  pursuant to Section 105 of the
                                               pineapple at 0.2 ppm. The analytical
                                               method for the analysis of fenazaquin                   Contact: Carmen Rodia, (703) 306–0327,                Comprehensive Environmental
                                               in/on tea was conducted by GC–MS in                     rodia.carmen@epa.gov.                                 Response, Compensation and Liability
                                               selected ion monitoring mode. The                          4. PP 6E8463. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2007–                    Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, is
                                               analytical method used for the                          0099). Nichino America, Inc., 4550 New                an appendix of the National Oil and
                                               determination of fenazaquin in or on                    Linden Hill Road, Suite 501,                          Hazardous Substances Pollution
                                               pineapple was conducted by UPLC                         Wilmington, DE 19808–2951, requests                   Contingency Plan. EPA and the State of
                                               employing mass spectrometric detection                  to establish an import tolerance for                  New York, through the New York State
                                               (LC–MS/MS). Contact: Carmen Rodia,                      residues of flubendiamide, N2-[1,1-                   Department of Environmental
                                               (703) 306–0327, rodia.carmen@epa.gov.                   dimethyl-2-(methylsulfonyl)ethyl-3-                   Conservation (NYSDEC), have
                                                  3. PP 6F8468. (EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–                      iodo-N1-[2-methyl-4-[1,2,2,2-tetrafluoro-             determined that other than the ongoing
                                               0416). BASF Corporation, 26 Davis                       1-(trifluoromethyl)ethyl]phenyl]-1,2-                 operation and maintenance of the vapor
                                               Drive, P.O. Box 13528, Research                                                                               intrusion mitigation systems at the
                                                                                                       benzenedicarboxamide, in/on the
                                               Triangle Park, NC 27709–3528, requests                                                                        daycare center, periodic vapor intrusion
                                                                                                       processed commodity dried tea at 60
                                               to establish a tolerance for residues of                                                                      monitoring, ensuring that the
                                               the insecticide afidopyropen,                           ppm. Independently validated,                         institutional controls are in place and
                                               [(3S,4R,4aR,6S, 6aS, 12R,12aS,12bS)-3-                  analytical methods for crop matrices                  effective, and five-year reviews, all
                                               (cyclopropanecarbonyloxy)-6,12-                         have been submitted for measuring                     appropriate response actions under
                                               dihydroxy-4,6a,12b-trimethyl-11-oxo-9-                  flubendiamide. Typically, plant                       CERCLA have been completed at the
                                               (pyridin-3-yl)-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,6a,12a,12b-               matrices samples are extracted,                       Site and that the soil on the Site and the
                                               decahydro-11H,12H-                                      concentrated, and quantified by LC/MS/                groundwater beneath the Site no longer
                                               benzo[ƒ]pyrano[4,3-b]chromen-4-                         MS using deuterated internal standards.               pose a threat to public health or the
                                               yl]methyl cyclopropanecarboxylate, its                  Contact: Carmen Rodia, (703) 306–0327,                environment.
                                               metabolites, and degradates, in or on the               rodia.carmen@epa.gov.
                                                                                                                                                             DATES:  Comments must be received by
                                               raw agricultural commodities almond                       Authority: 21 U.S.C. 346a.                          September 12, 2016.
                                               hulls at 0.15 ppm; apple, wet pomace at
                                               0.05 ppm; citrus oil at 0.3 ppm; cotton,                   Dated: August 5, 2016.                             ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
                                               gin byproducts at 2 ppm; cotton,                        Daniel J. Rosenblatt,                                 identified by Docket ID no. EPA–HQ–
                                               undelinted seed at 0.1 ppm; fruit, citrus,                                                                    SFUND–2000–0006, by mail to Joel
                                                                                                       Acting Director, Registration Division, Office
                                               group 10–10 at 0.15 ppm; fruit, pome,                   of Pesticide Programs.
                                                                                                                                                             Singerman, Chief, Central New York
                                               group 11–10 at 0.03 ppm; fruit, stone,                                                                        Remediation Section, Emergency and
                                                                                                       [FR Doc. 2016–19239 Filed 8–11–16; 8:45 am]
                                               group 12–12 at 0.03 ppm; nut, tree,                                                                           Remedial Response Division, U.S.
                                                                                                       BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                               group 14–12 at 0.01 ppm; plum, prune                                                                          Environmental Protection Agency,
                                               at 0.06 ppm; soybean, aspirated                                                                               Region 2, 290 Broadway, 20th Floor,
                                               fractions at 0.4 ppm; soybean, forage at                                                                      New York, NY, 10007–1866. Comments
                                               label restriction ppm; soybean, hay at                                                                        may also be submitted electronically or
                                                                                                                                                             through hand delivery/courier by

                                               label restriction ppm; soybean, seed at
                                               0.01 ppm; vegetable, brassica, head and                                                                       following the detailed instructions in
                                               stem group 5–13 at 0.5 ppm; vegetable,                                                                        the ‘‘Addresses’’ section of the direct
                                               cucurbit, group 9 at 0.7 ppm; vegetable,                                                                      final rule located in the rules section of
                                               fruiting, group 8–10 at 0.15 ppm;                                                                             this Federal Register.
                                               vegetable, leaf petioles, subgroup 22B at                                                                     FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joel
                                               3 ppm; vegetable, leafy, subgroup 4–13A                                                                       Singerman at the address noted in the
                                               at 2 ppm; vegetable leafy, subgroup 4–                                                                        ADDRESSES section; by telephone at 212–

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:23 Aug 11, 2016   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00047   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\12AUP1.SGM   12AUP1

                                                                        Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 156 / Friday, August 12, 2016 / Proposed Rules                                          53381

                                               637–4258; or by email at                                manufacturers and covered entities that                  If you are a person with a disability
                                               singerman.joel@epa.gov.                                 participate in the 340B Program. The                  and/or a user of assistive technology
                                               SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      In the                  proposed rule sets forth the                          who has difficulty accessing this
                                               ‘‘Rules and Regulations’’ Section of                    requirements and procedures for the                   document, please contact HRSA’s
                                               today’s Federal Register, EPA is                        340B Program’s administrative dispute                 Regulations Officer at: Room 13N82,
                                               publishing a direct final Notice of                     resolution process.                                   5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD
                                               Deletion (NOD) of the Site without a                    DATES: Submit written comments on or                  20857; or by telephone at 301–443–
                                               prior NOID because EPA views this as                    before October 11, 2016.                              1785, to obtain this information in an
                                               a noncontroversial revision and                                                                               accessible format. This is not a toll free
                                                                                                       ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
                                               anticipates no adverse comment. EPA                                                                           telephone number.
                                                                                                       identified by the Regulatory Information                 Please visit http://www.HHS.gov/
                                               has explained its reasons for this                      Number (RIN) 0906–AA90, by any of the
                                               deletion in the preamble to the direct                                                                        regulations for more information on
                                                                                                       following methods. Please submit your                 HHS rulemaking and opportunities to
                                               final NOD. If EPA receives no adverse                   comments in only one of these ways to
                                               comment(s) on this deletion action, EPA                                                                       comment on proposed and existing
                                                                                                       minimize the receipt of duplicate                     rules.
                                               will proceed with the deletion without                  submissions.
                                               further action on this NOID. If EPA                        • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://              I. Background
                                               receives adverse comment(s), EPA will                   www.regulations.gov. Follow                              Section 602 of Public Law 102–585,
                                               withdraw the direct final NOD, and it                   instructions for submitting comments.                 the ‘‘Veterans Health Care Act of 1992,’’
                                               will not take effect. EPA will, as                      This is the preferred method for the                  enacted section 340B of the PHSA
                                               appropriate, address all public                         submission of comments.                               entitled ‘‘Limitation on Prices of Drugs
                                               comments in a subsequent final NOD
                                                                                                          • Email: 340BNPRMADR@hrsa.gov.                     Purchased by Covered Entities,’’ which
                                               based on this NOID. EPA will not                                                                              was codified at 42 U.S.C. 256b. The
                                                                                                       Include 0906–AA90 in the subject line
                                               institute a second comment period on                                                                          340B Program permits covered entities
                                                                                                       of the message.
                                               this NOID. Any parties interested in
                                                                                                          • Regular, express, or overnight mail:             ‘‘to stretch scarce Federal resources as
                                               commenting must do so at this time.                                                                           far as possible, reaching more eligible
                                                  For additional information, see the                  CAPT Krista Pedley, Director, Office of
                                                                                                       Pharmacy Affairs (OPA), Healthcare                    patients and providing more
                                               direct final NOD, which is located in the                                                                     comprehensive services.’’ H.R. REP. No.
                                               ‘‘Rules’’ section of this Federal Register.             Systems Bureau (HSB), HRSA, 5600
                                                                                                       Fishers Lane, Mail Stop 08W05A,                       102–384(II), at 12 (1992). The Secretary
                                               List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300                     Rockville, MD 20857. Please allow                     of the HHS delegated the authority to
                                                                                                       sufficient time for mailed comments to                operate section 340B of the PHSA to the
                                                 Environmental protection, Air
                                                                                                       be received before the close of the                   Administrator of HRSA. Pursuant to this
                                               pollution control, Chemicals, Hazardous
                                                                                                       comment period.                                       delegation of authority, HRSA
                                               waste, Hazardous substances,
                                                                                                          All submitted comments will be                     established and administers the 340B
                                               Intergovernmental relations, Penalties,
                                                                                                       available to the public in their entirety.            Program. Operationally, the 340B
                                               Reporting and recordkeeping
                                                                                                       All comments received may be posted                   Program is housed within HRSA’s
                                               requirements, Superfund, Water                                                                                Healthcare Systems Bureau (HSB),
                                               pollution control, Water supply.                        without change to http://
                                                                                                       www.regulations.gov, including any                    Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA).
                                                 Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(c)(2); 42 U.S.C.                                                                  Eligible covered entity types are defined
                                                                                                       personally identifiable or confidential
                                               9601–9675; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757, 3 CFR,                                                                    in section 340B(a)(4) of the PHSA, as
                                               1991 Comp., p. 351; E.O. 12580, 52 FR 2923,             business information that is included in
                                                                                                       a comment.                                            amended. Section 340B of the PHSA
                                               3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 193.                                                                                    instructs HHS to enter into
                                                 Dated: August 2, 2016.                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                             pharmaceutical pricing agreements
                                               Judith A. Enck,
                                                                                                       CAPT Krista Pedley, Director, OPA,                    (PPA) with manufacturers of covered
                                                                                                       HSB HRSA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Mail                     outpatient drugs. Manufacturers are
                                               Regional Administrator, EPA Region.
                                                                                                       Stop 08W05A, Rockville, MD 20857, or                  required by section 1927(a)(5)(A) of the
                                               [FR Doc. 2016–19142 Filed 8–11–16; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                       by telephone at 301–594–4353.                         Social Security Act to enter into
                                               BILLING CODE 6560–50–P
                                                                                                       SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The                        agreements with the Secretary of HHS
                                                                                                       President encourages Federal agencies                 that comply with section 340B of the
                                                                                                       through Executive Order 13563 to                      PHSA if they participate in the
                                               DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND                                develop balanced regulations by                       Medicaid Drug Rebate Program. When a
                                               HUMAN SERVICES                                          encouraging broad public participation                drug manufacturer signs a PPA, it agrees
                                               42 CFR Part 10                                          in the regulatory process and an open                 that the prices charged for covered
                                                                                                       exchange of ideas. Accordingly, the                   outpatient drugs to covered entities will
                                               RIN 0906–AA90                                           Department of Health and Human                        not exceed defined 340B ceiling prices,
                                                                                                       Services (HHS or the Department) urges                which are based on quarterly pricing
                                               340B Drug Pricing Program;                              all interested parties to examine this                data reported by manufacturers to the
                                               Administrative Dispute Resolution                       regulatory proposal carefully and to                  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
                                               AGENCY: Health Resources and Services                   share your views with us, including any               Services (CMS).
                                               Administration, HHS.                                    data to support your positions. If you                   Section 7102 of the Patient Protection
                                               ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.                  have questions before submitting                      and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111–
                                                                                                       comments, please see the FOR FURTHER                  148), as amended by section 2302 of the

                                               SUMMARY:   The Health Resources and                     INFORMATION CONTACT field above for the               Health Care and Education
                                               Services Administration (HRSA)                          name and contact information of the                   Reconciliation Act (Pub. L. 111–152),
                                               implements section 340B of the Public                   subject-matter expert involved in the                 hereinafter referred to as the
                                               Health Service Act (PHSA), which is                     development of this proposal. We will                 ‘‘Affordable Care Act,’’ added section
                                               referred to as the ‘‘340B Drug Pricing                  consider all written comments received                340B(d)(3) of the PHSA, which requires
                                               Program’’ or the ‘‘340B Program.’’ This                 during the comment period before                      the Secretary of HHS (or the Secretary)
                                               proposed rule will apply to all drug                    issuing a final rule.                                 to promulgate a regulation establishing

                                          VerDate Sep<11>2014   14:23 Aug 11, 2016   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00048   Fmt 4702   Sfmt 4702   E:\FR\FM\12AUP1.SGM   12AUP1

Document Created: 2018-02-09 11:33:29
Document Modified: 2018-02-09 11:33:29
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; notice of intent for deletion.
DatesComments must be received by September 12, 2016.
FR Citation81 FR 53380 
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Chemicals; Hazardous Waste; Hazardous Substances; Intergovernmental Relations; Penalties; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Superfund; Water Pollution Control and Water Supply

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