81_FR_63675 81 FR 63496 - Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Decree Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

81 FR 63496 - Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Decree Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act


Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 179 (September 15, 2016)

Page Range63496-63497
FR Document2016-22171

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 179 (Thursday, September 15, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 179 (Thursday, September 15, 2016)]
[Pages 63496-63497]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-22171]



Notice of Lodging of Proposed Consent Decree Under the 
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

    On September 9, 2016, the Department of Justice lodged a proposed 
Consent Decree with the United States District Court for the Northern 
District of Ohio in the lawsuit entitled United

[[Page 63497]]

States and State of Ohio v. Rutgers Organics Corporation, Civil Action 
No. 4:16-cv-02254.
    The proposed Consent Decree resolves claims of Plaintiff, the 
United States of America, and co-Plaintiff, the State of Ohio, against 
Defendant, Rutgers Organics Corporation (Rutgers), under the 
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act 
and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, in a Complaint filed 
simultaneously with the lodging of the proposed Consent Decree. Under 
the proposed Decree, Rutgers agrees to complete the cleanup of the 
Nease Chemical Superfund Site (Site) near Salem, Ohio, to restore 
injured natural resources at the Site and nearby areas, and to 
reimburse federal and state agencies their past response and assessment 
    The publication of this notice opens a period for public comment on 
the proposed Consent Decree. Comments should be addressed to the 
Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, 
and should refer to United States and State of Ohio v. Rutgers Organics 
Corporation, D.J. Ref. No. 90-11-2-608/2. All comments must be 
submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the publication date of 
this notice. Comments may be submitted either by email or by mail:

         To submit comments:                     Send them to:
By email............................  pubcomment-ees.enrd@usdoj.gov.
By mail.............................  Assistant Attorney General, U.S.
                                       DOJ--ENRD, P.O. Box 7611,
                                       Washington, DC 20044-7611.

    During the public comment period, the proposed Consent Decree may 
be examined and downloaded at this Justice Department Web site: http://www.justice.gov/enrd/consent-decrees.
    We will provide a paper copy of the proposed Consent Decree upon 
written request and payment of reproduction costs. Please mail your 
request and payment to: Consent Decree Library, U.S. DOJ--ENRD, P.O. 
Box 7611, Washington, DC 20044-7611.
    Please enclose a check or money order for $150.50 (25 cents per 
page reproduction cost) or $31.75 without appendices, payable to the 
United States Treasury.

Randall M. Stone,
Acting Assistant Section Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section, 
Environment and Natural Resources Division.
[FR Doc. 2016-22171 Filed 9-14-16; 8:45 am]

                                                63496                    Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 179 / Thursday, September 15, 2016 / Notices

                                                General information concerning the                      application is made no later than 21                  opposition to the petition, on or before
                                                Commission may also be obtained by                      days prior to the hearing date specified              December 29, 2016. On January 26,
                                                accessing its internet server (https://                 in this notice. Authorized applicants                 2017, the Commission will make
                                                www.usitc.gov). The public record for                   must represent interested parties, as                 available to parties all information on
                                                these investigations may be viewed on                   defined by 19 U.S.C. 1677(9), who are                 which they have not had an opportunity
                                                the Commission’s electronic docket                      parties to the investigations. A party                to comment. Parties may submit final
                                                (EDIS) at https://edis.usitc.gov.                       granted access to BPI in the preliminary              comments on this information on or
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                              phase of the investigations need not                  before January 30, 2017, but such final
                                                   Background.—The final phase of                       reapply for such access. A separate                   comments must not contain new factual
                                                these investigations is being scheduled                 service list will be maintained by the                information and must otherwise comply
                                                pursuant to sections 705(b) and 731(b)                  Secretary for those parties authorized to             with section 207.30 of the Commission’s
                                                of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C.                    receive BPI under the APO.                            rules. All written submissions must
                                                1671d(b) and 1673d(b)), as a result of                     Staff report.—The prehearing staff                 conform with the provisions of section
                                                affirmative preliminary determinations                  report in the final phase of these                    201.8 of the Commission’s rules; any
                                                by the Department of Commerce that                      investigations will be placed in the                  submissions that contain BPI must also
                                                certain benefits which constitute                       nonpublic record on December 7, 2016,                 conform with the requirements of
                                                subsidies within the meaning of section                 and a public version will be issued                   sections 201.6, 207.3, and 207.7 of the
                                                703 of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1671b) are                    thereafter, pursuant to section 207.22 of             Commission’s rules. The Commission’s
                                                                                                        the Commission’s rules.                               Handbook on E-Filing, available on the
                                                being provided to manufacturers,
                                                                                                           Hearing.—The Commission will hold                  Commission’s Web site at https://
                                                producers, or exporters in China of
                                                                                                        a hearing in connection with the final                edis.usitc.gov, elaborates upon the
                                                biaxial integral geogrid products, and                  phase of these investigations beginning
                                                that such products are being sold in the                                                                      Commission’s rules with respect to
                                                                                                        at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 20,                 electronic filing.
                                                United States at less than fair value                   2016, at the U.S. International Trade
                                                within the meaning of section 733 of the                                                                        Additional written submissions to the
                                                                                                        Commission Building. Requests to                      Commission, including requests
                                                Act (19 U.S.C. 1673b). The                              appear at the hearing should be filed in
                                                investigations were requested in                                                                              pursuant to section 201.12 of the
                                                                                                        writing with the Secretary to the                     Commission’s rules, shall not be
                                                petitions filed on January 13, 2016, by                 Commission on or before December 15,
                                                Tensar Corporation, Morrow, Georgia.                                                                          accepted unless good cause is shown for
                                                                                                        2016. A nonparty who has testimony                    accepting such submissions, or unless
                                                   For further information concerning                   that may aid the Commission’s
                                                the conduct of this phase of the                                                                              the submission is pursuant to a specific
                                                                                                        deliberations may request permission to               request by a Commissioner or
                                                investigations, hearing procedures, and                 present short statement at the hearing.
                                                rules of general application, consult the                                                                     Commission staff.
                                                                                                        All parties and nonparties desiring to
                                                Commission’s Rules of Practice and                                                                              In accordance with sections 201.16(c)
                                                                                                        appear at the hearing and make oral
                                                Procedure, part 201, subparts A and B                                                                         and 207.3 of the Commission’s rules,
                                                                                                        presentations should participate in a
                                                (19 CFR part 201), and part 207,                                                                              each document filed by a party to the
                                                                                                        prehearing conference to be held on
                                                subparts A and C (19 CFR part 207).                                                                           investigations must be served on all
                                                                                                        December 16, 2016, at the U.S.
                                                   Participation in the investigations and                                                                    other parties to the investigations (as
                                                                                                        International Trade Commission
                                                public service list.—Persons, including                                                                       identified by either the public or BPI
                                                                                                        Building, if deemed necessary. Oral
                                                industrial users of the subject                                                                               service list), and a certificate of service
                                                                                                        testimony and written materials to be
                                                merchandise and, if the merchandise is                                                                        must be timely filed. The Secretary will
                                                                                                        submitted at the public hearing are
                                                sold at the retail level, representative                                                                      not accept a document for filing without
                                                                                                        governed by sections 201.6(b)(2),
                                                consumer organizations, wishing to                      201.13(f), and 207.24 of the                          a certificate of service.
                                                participate in the final phase of these                 Commission’s rules. Parties must submit                 Authority: These investigations are being
                                                investigations as parties must file an                  any request to present a portion of their             conducted under authority of title VII of the
                                                entry of appearance with the Secretary                  hearing testimony in camera no later                  Tariff Act of 1930; this notice is published
                                                to the Commission, as provided in                       than 7 business days prior to the date of             pursuant to section 207.21 of the
                                                section 201.11 of the Commission’s                                                                            Commission’s rules.
                                                                                                        the hearing.
                                                rules, no later than 21 days prior to the                  Written submissions.—Each party                      By order of the Commission.
                                                hearing date specified in this notice. A                who is an interested party shall submit                 Issued: September 9, 2016.
                                                party that filed a notice of appearance                 a prehearing brief to the Commission.                 Katherine M. Hiner,
                                                during the preliminary phase of the                     Prehearing briefs must conform with the               Acting Supervisory Attorney.
                                                investigations need not file an                         provisions of section 207.23 of the                   [FR Doc. 2016–22143 Filed 9–14–16; 8:45 am]
                                                additional notice of appearance during                  Commission’s rules; the deadline for                  BILLING CODE 7020–02–P
                                                this final phase. The Secretary will                    filing is December 14, 2016. Parties may
                                                maintain a public service list containing               also file written testimony in connection
                                                the names and addresses of all persons,                 with their presentation at the hearing, as
                                                or their representatives, who are parties               provided in section 207.24 of the                     DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
                                                to the investigations.                                  Commission’s rules, and posthearing                   Notice of Lodging of Proposed
                                                   Limited disclosure of business                       briefs, which must conform with the                   Consent Decree Under the
                                                proprietary information (BPI) under an                  provisions of section 207.25 of the                   Comprehensive Environmental
                                                administrative protective order (APO)                   Commission’s rules. The deadline for
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                                                                                                                              Response, Compensation, and Liability
                                                and BPI service list.—Pursuant to                       filing posthearing briefs is December 29,             Act
                                                section 207.7(a) of the Commission’s                    2016. In addition, any person who has
                                                rules, the Secretary will make BPI                      not entered an appearance as a party to                 On September 9, 2016, the
                                                gathered in the final phase of these                    the investigations may submit a written               Department of Justice lodged a proposed
                                                investigations available to authorized                  statement of information pertinent to                 Consent Decree with the United States
                                                applicants under the APO issued in the                  the subject of the investigations,                    District Court for the Northern District
                                                investigations, provided that the                       including statements of support or                    of Ohio in the lawsuit entitled United

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014   17:34 Sep 14, 2016   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00030   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\15SEN1.SGM   15SEN1

                                                                            Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 179 / Thursday, September 15, 2016 / Notices                                                 63497

                                                States and State of Ohio v. Rutgers                        DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                     Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D).
                                                Organics Corporation, Civil Action No.                                                                           SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      This ICR
                                                4:16–cv–02254.                                             Office of the Secretary                               seeks approval under the PRA for
                                                   The proposed Consent Decree                                                                                   revisions to the Youthful Offender
                                                resolves claims of Plaintiff, the United                   Agency Information Collection
                                                                                                                                                                 Grants Management Information
                                                States of America, and co-Plaintiff, the                   Activities; Submission for OMB
                                                                                                                                                                 System. This data collection includes
                                                State of Ohio, against Defendant,                          Review; Comment Request; Youthful
                                                                                                                                                                 participant characteristics, services
                                                Rutgers Organics Corporation (Rutgers),                    Offender Grants Management
                                                                                                                                                                 provided, and participant outcomes
                                                under the Comprehensive                                    Information System
                                                                                                                                                                 information, as well as quarterly
                                                Environmental Response,                                    ACTION:   Notice.                                     progress and narrative reports and
                                                Compensation, and Liability Act and the                                                                          annual recidivism reports submitted by
                                                Federal Water Pollution Control Act, in                    SUMMARY:   The Department of Labor                    Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
                                                a Complaint filed simultaneously with                      (DOL) is submitting the Employment                    Act (WIOA) funded youthful offender
                                                the lodging of the proposed Consent                        and Training Administration (ETA)                     grant recipients. This information
                                                Decree. Under the proposed Decree,                         sponsored information collection                      collection has been classified as a
                                                Rutgers agrees to complete the cleanup                     request (ICR) revision titled, ‘‘Youthful             revision, because of changes to the
                                                of the Nease Chemical Superfund Site                       Offender Grants Management                            intake questions when persons enroll in
                                                (Site) near Salem, Ohio, to restore                        Information System,’’ to the Office of                the program and additional outcome
                                                injured natural resources at the Site and                  Management and Budget (OMB) for                       tracking requirements. WIOA sections
                                                nearby areas, and to reimburse federal                     review and approval for use in                        185 and 189 authorize this information
                                                and state agencies their past response                     accordance with the Paperwork                         collection. See 29 U.S.C. 3245 and 3248.
                                                and assessment costs.                                      Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C.                   This information collection is subject
                                                   The publication of this notice opens                    3501 et seq.). Public comments on the                 to the PRA. A Federal agency generally
                                                a period for public comment on the                         ICR are invited.                                      cannot conduct or sponsor a collection
                                                proposed Consent Decree. Comments                          DATES: The OMB will consider all                      of information, and the public is
                                                should be addressed to the Assistant                       written comments that agency receives                 generally not required to respond to an
                                                Attorney General, Environment and                          on or before October 17, 2016.                        information collection, unless it is
                                                Natural Resources Division, and should                     ADDRESSES: A copy of this ICR with                    approved by the OMB under the PRA
                                                refer to United States and State of Ohio                   applicable supporting documentation;                  and displays a currently valid OMB
                                                v. Rutgers Organics Corporation, D.J.                      including a description of the likely                 Control Number. In addition,
                                                Ref. No. 90–11–2–608/2. All comments                       respondents, proposed frequency of                    notwithstanding any other provisions of
                                                must be submitted no later than thirty                     response, and estimated total burden                  law, no person shall generally be subject
                                                (30) days after the publication date of                    may be obtained free of charge from the               to penalty for failing to comply with a
                                                this notice. Comments may be                               RegInfo.gov Web site at http://                       collection of information that does not
                                                submitted either by email or by mail:                      www.reginfo.gov/public/do/                            display a valid Control Number. See 5
                                                                                                           PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=201607-1205-002                    CFR 1320.5(a) and 1320.6. The DOL
                                                To submit                                                  (this link will only become active on the
                                                comments:            Send them to:                                                                               obtains OMB approval for this
                                                                                                           day following publication of this notice)             information collection under Control
                                                By email .......     pubcomment-                           or by contacting Michel Smyth by                      Number 1205–0513. The current
                                                                       ees.enrd@usdoj.gov.                 telephone at 202–693–4129, TTY 202–                   approval is scheduled to expire on
                                                By mail .........    Assistant Attorney General,           693–8064, (these are not toll-free                    September 30, 2016; however, the DOL
                                                                       U.S. DOJ—ENRD, P.O.                 numbers) or sending an email to                       notes that existing information
                                                                       Box 7611, Washington, DC            DOL_PRA_PUBLIC@dol.gov.                               collection requirements submitted to the
                                                                       20044–7611.                            Submit comments about this request                 OMB receive a month-to-month
                                                                                                           by mail or courier to the Office of                   extension while they undergo review.
                                                  During the public comment period,                        Information and Regulatory Affairs,                   New requirements would only take
                                                the proposed Consent Decree may be                         Attn: OMB Desk Officer for DOL–ETA,                   effect upon OMB approval. For
                                                examined and downloaded at this                            Office of Management and Budget,                      additional substantive information
                                                Justice Department Web site: http://                       Room 10235, 725 17th Street NW.,                      about this ICR, see the related notice
                                                www.justice.gov/enrd/consent-decrees.                      Washington, DC 20503; by Fax: 202–                    published in the Federal Register on
                                                  We will provide a paper copy of the                      395–5806 (this is not a toll-free                     April 22, 2016 (81 FR 23751).
                                                proposed Consent Decree upon written                       number); or by email:
                                                request and payment of reproduction                                                                                 Interested parties are encouraged to
                                                                                                           OIRA_submission@omb.eop.gov.                          send comments to the OMB, Office of
                                                costs. Please mail your request and                        Commenters are encouraged, but not
                                                payment to: Consent Decree Library,                                                                              Information and Regulatory Affairs at
                                                                                                           required, to send a courtesy copy of any              the address shown in the ADDRESSES
                                                U.S. DOJ—ENRD, P.O. Box 7611,                              comments by mail or courier to the U.S.
                                                Washington, DC 20044–7611.                                                                                       section within thirty (30) days of
                                                                                                           Department of Labor-OASAM, Office of                  publication of this notice in the Federal
                                                  Please enclose a check or money order                    the Chief Information Officer, Attn:
                                                for $150.50 (25 cents per page                                                                                   Register. In order to help ensure
                                                                                                           Departmental Information Compliance                   appropriate consideration, comments
                                                reproduction cost) or $31.75 without                       Management Program, Room N1301,
                                                appendices, payable to the United States                                                                         should mention OMB Control Number
                                                                                                           200 Constitution Avenue NW.,                          1205–0513. The OMB is particularly
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                Treasury.                                                  Washington, DC 20210; or by email:                    interested in comments that:
                                                Randall M. Stone,                                          DOL_PRA_PUBLIC@dol.gov.                                  • Evaluate whether the proposed
                                                Acting Assistant Section Chief,                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                      collection of information is necessary
                                                Environmental Enforcement Section,                         Michel Smyth by telephone at 202–693–                 for the proper performance of the
                                                Environment and Natural Resources Division.                4129, TTY 202–693–8064, (these are not                functions of the agency, including
                                                [FR Doc. 2016–22171 Filed 9–14–16; 8:45 am]                toll-free numbers) or sending an email                whether the information will have
                                                BILLING CODE 4410–15–P                                     to DOL_PRA_PUBLIC@dol.gov.                            practical utility;

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014      17:34 Sep 14, 2016   Jkt 238001   PO 00000   Frm 00031   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\15SEN1.SGM   15SEN1

Document Created: 2018-02-09 13:18:05
Document Modified: 2018-02-09 13:18:05
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation81 FR 63496 

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