81 FR 68874 - 2016-2017 Refuge-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 192 (October 4, 2016)

Page Range68874-68921
FR Document2016-23190

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, add 1 national wildlife refuge (NWR or refuge) to the list of areas open for hunting, increase the hunting activities available at 12 other NWRs, open 1 refuge to fishing for the first time, and add pertinent refuge-specific regulations for other NWRs that pertain to migratory game bird hunting, upland game hunting, big game hunting, and sport fishing for the 2016- 2017 season.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 192 (Tuesday, October 4, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 192 (Tuesday, October 4, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 68874-68921]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-23190]

[[Page 68873]]

Vol. 81


No. 192

October 4, 2016

Part IV

Department of the Interior


Fish and Wildlife Service


50 CFR Part 32

2016-2017 Refuge-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations; Final 

Federal Register / Vol. 81 , No. 192 / Tuesday, October 4, 2016 / 
Rules and Regulations

[[Page 68874]]



Fish and Wildlife Service

50 CFR Part 32

[Docket No. FWS-HQ-NWRS-2016-0007; FXRS12650900000-167-FF09R26000]
RIN 1018-BB31

2016-2017 Refuge-Specific Hunting and Sport Fishing Regulations

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, add 1 national 
wildlife refuge (NWR or refuge) to the list of areas open for hunting, 
increase the hunting activities available at 12 other NWRs, open 1 
refuge to fishing for the first time, and add pertinent refuge-specific 
regulations for other NWRs that pertain to migratory game bird hunting, 
upland game hunting, big game hunting, and sport fishing for the 2016-
2017 season.

DATES: This rule is effective October 4, 2016.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jillian Cohen, (703) 358-1764.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The National Wildlife Refuge System 
Administration Act of 1966 closes NWRs in all States except Alaska to 
all uses until opened. The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) may 
open refuge areas to any use, including hunting and/or sport fishing, 
upon a determination that the use is compatible with the purposes of 
the refuge and National Wildlife Refuge System mission. The action also 
must be in accordance with provisions of all laws applicable to the 
areas, developed in coordination with the appropriate State fish and 
wildlife agency(ies), consistent with the principles of sound fish and 
wildlife management and administration, and otherwise in the public 
interest. These requirements ensure that we maintain the biological 
integrity, diversity, and environmental health of the Refuge System for 
the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.
    We annually review refuge hunting and sport fishing programs to 
determine whether to include additional refuges or whether individual 
refuge regulations governing existing programs need modifications. 
Changing environmental conditions, State and Federal regulations, and 
other factors affecting fish and wildlife populations and habitat may 
warrant modifications to refuge-specific regulations to ensure the 
continued compatibility of hunting and sport fishing programs and to 
ensure that these programs will not materially interfere with or 
detract from the fulfillment of refuge purposes or the Refuge System's 
    Provisions governing hunting and sport fishing on refuges are in 
title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations in part 32 (50 CFR part 
32). We regulate hunting and sport fishing on refuges to:
     Ensure compatibility with refuge purpose(s);
     Properly manage fish and wildlife resource(s);
     Protect other refuge values;
     Ensure refuge visitor safety; and
     Provide opportunities for quality fish- and wildlife-
dependent recreation.
    On many refuges where we decide to allow hunting and sport fishing, 
our general policy of adopting regulations identical to State hunting 
and sport fishing regulations is adequate in meeting these objectives. 
On other refuges, we must supplement State regulations with more-
restrictive Federal regulations to ensure that we meet our management 
responsibilities, as outlined in the Statutory Authority section, 
below. We issue refuge-specific hunting and sport fishing regulations 
when we open wildlife refuges to migratory game bird hunting, upland 
game hunting, big game hunting, or sport fishing. These regulations may 
list the wildlife species that you may hunt or fish, seasons, bag or 
creel (container for carrying fish) limits, methods of hunting or sport 
fishing, descriptions of areas open to hunting or sport fishing, and 
other provisions as appropriate. You may find previously issued refuge-
specific regulations for hunting and sport fishing in 50 CFR part 32. 
In this rulemaking, we are also standardizing and clarifying the 
language of existing regulations.

Statutory Authority

    The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16 
U.S.C. 668dd-668ee, as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System 
Improvement Act of 1997 [Improvement Act]) (Administration Act), and 
the Refuge Recreation Act of 1962 (16 U.S.C. 460k-460k-4) (Recreation 
Act) govern the administration and public use of refuges.
    Amendments enacted by the Improvement Act built upon the 
Administration Act in a manner that provides an ``organic act'' for the 
Refuge System, similar to organic acts that exist for other public 
Federal lands. The Improvement Act serves to ensure that we effectively 
manage the Refuge System as a national network of lands, waters, and 
interests for the protection and conservation of our Nation's wildlife 
resources. The Administration Act states first and foremost that we 
focus our Refuge System mission on conservation of fish, wildlife, and 
plant resources and their habitats. The Improvement Act requires the 
Secretary, before allowing a new use of a refuge, or before expanding, 
renewing, or extending an existing use of a refuge, to determine that 
the use is compatible with the purpose for which the refuge was 
established and the mission of the Refuge System. The Improvement Act 
established as the policy of the United States that wildlife-dependent 
recreation, when compatible, is a legitimate and appropriate public use 
of the Refuge System, through which the American public can develop an 
appreciation for fish and wildlife. The Improvement Act established six 
wildlife-dependent recreational uses as the priority general public 
uses of the Refuge System. These uses are: Hunting, fishing, wildlife 
observation and photography, and environmental education and 
    The Recreation Act authorizes the Secretary to administer areas 
within the Refuge System for public recreation as an appropriate 
incidental or secondary use only to the extent that doing so is 
practicable and not inconsistent with the primary purpose(s) for which 
Congress and the Service established the areas. The Recreation Act 
requires that any recreational use of refuge lands be compatible with 
the primary purpose(s) for which we established the refuge and not 
inconsistent with other previously authorized operations.
    The Administration Act and Recreation Act also authorize the 
Secretary to issue regulations to carry out the purposes of the Acts 
and regulate uses.
    We develop specific management plans for each refuge prior to 
opening it to hunting or sport fishing. In many cases, we develop 
refuge-specific regulations to ensure the compatibility of the programs 
with the purpose(s) for which we established the refuge and the Refuge 
System mission. We ensure initial compliance with the Administration 
Act and the Recreation Act for hunting and sport fishing on newly 
acquired refuges through an interim determination of compatibility made 
at or near the time of acquisition. These regulations ensure that we 
make the determinations required by these acts prior to adding refuges 
to the lists of areas open to hunting and sport fishing in 50 CFR part 
32. We ensure continued compliance by the development of comprehensive 
conservation plans, specific plans, and

[[Page 68875]]

by annual review of hunting and sport fishing programs and regulations.

Summary of Comments and Responses

    On July 14, 2016, we published a proposed rule (81 FR 45790) to add 
1 refuge to the list of areas open for hunting, increase the hunting 
activities available at 12 other refuges, open 1 refuge to fishing for 
the first time, and add pertinent refuge-specific regulations for other 
refuges that pertain to migratory game bird hunting, upland game 
hunting, big game hunting, and sport fishing for the 2016-2017 season. 
We accepted public comments on the proposed rule for 30 days, ending 
August 15, 2016. By that date, we received 601 comments. Below, we 
discuss the comments we received by topic.
    Comment (1): Many commenters expressed general opposition to any 
hunting or fishing in the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS). In 
many cases, commenters stated that hunting was antithetical to the 
purposes of a ``refuge,'' which, in their opinion, should serve as an 
inviolate sanctuary for all wildlife.
    Our Response: The Administration Act, as amended, stipulates that 
hunting (along with fishing, wildlife observation and photography, and 
environmental education and interpretation), if found to be compatible, 
is a legitimate and priority general public use of a refuge and should 
be facilitated. The Service has adopted policies and regulations 
implementing the requirements of the Administration Act that refuge 
managers comply with when considering hunting and fishing programs.
    We allow hunting of resident wildlife on NWRs only if such activity 
has been determined compatible with the established purpose(s) of the 
refuge and the mission of the Refuge System as required by the 
Administration Act. Hunting of resident wildlife on NWRs generally 
occurs consistent with State regulations, including seasons and bag 
limits. Refuge-specific hunting regulations can be more restrictive 
(but not more liberal) than State regulations and often are more 
restrictive in order to help meet specific refuge objectives. These 
objectives include resident wildlife population and habitat objectives, 
minimizing disturbance impacts to wildlife, maintaining high-quality 
opportunities for hunting and other wildlife-dependent recreation, 
eliminating or minimizing conflicts with other public uses and/or 
refuge management activities, and protecting public safety.
    Each refuge manager makes a decision regarding hunting on that 
particular refuge only after rigorous examination of the available 
information. Developing or referencing a comprehensive conservation 
plan (CCP), a 15-year plan for the refuge, is generally the first step 
a refuge manager takes. Our policy for managing units of the Refuge 
System is that we will manage all refuges in accordance with an 
approved CCP, which, when implemented, will achieve refuge purposes; 
help fulfill the Refuge System mission; maintain and, where 
appropriate, restore the ecological integrity of each refuge and the 
Refuge System; help achieve the goals of the National Wilderness 
Preservation System; and meet other mandates. The CCP will guide 
management decisions and set forth goals, objectives, and strategies to 
accomplish these ends. The next step for refuge managers is developing 
or referencing step-down plans, of which a hunting plan would be one. 
Part of the process for opening a refuge to hunting after completing 
the step-down plan would be appropriate compliance with the National 
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), such as 
conducting an environmental assessment accompanied by the appropriate 
decision documentation (record of decision, finding of no significant 
impact, or environmental action memorandum or statement). The rest of 
the elements in the opening package are an evaluation of section 7 of 
the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et 
seq.), copies of letters requesting State and/or tribal involvement, 
and draft refuge-specific regulatory language. We make available the 
CCP, hunt plan, and NEPA documents and request public comments on them, 
as well as on any proposed rule, before we allow hunting on a refuge.
    In sum, this illustrates that the decision to allow hunting on an 
NWR is not a quick or simple process. It is full of deliberation and 
discussion, including review of all available data to determine the 
relative health of a population before we allow it to be hunted.
    The word ``refuge'' includes the idea of providing a haven of 
safety for wildlife, and as such, hunting might seem an inconsistent 
use of the NWRS. But again, the Administration Act stipulates that 
hunting, if found compatible, is a legitimate and priority general 
public use of a refuge. Furthermore, we manage refuges to support 
healthy wildlife populations that in many cases produce harvestable 
surpluses that are a renewable resource. As practiced on refuges, 
hunting and fishing do not pose a threat to wildlife populations. It is 
important to note that taking certain individuals through hunting does 
not necessarily reduce a population overall, as hunting can simply 
replace other types of mortality. In some cases, however, we use 
hunting as a management tool with the explicit goal of reducing a 
population; this is often the case with exotic and/or invasive species 
that threaten ecosystem stability. Therefore, facilitating hunting 
opportunities is an important aspect of the Service's roles and 
responsibilities as outlined in the legislation establishing the NWRS, 
and the Service will continue to facilitate these opportunities where 
compatible with the purpose of the specific refuge and the mission of 
the NWRS.
    Note that not all refuges are inviolate sanctuaries. If we acquired 
a refuge as an inviolate sanctuary, we may open up to 40 percent of 
that refuge's area for hunting of migratory game birds (16 U.S.C. 
668dd(d)(1)(A)). However, if we acquired a refuge without the 
stipulation that it be an inviolate sanctuary, we may open 100 percent 
of the refuge's area for hunting.
    The Fish and Wildlife Improvement Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-616) 
amended section 6 of the Administration Act to provide for the opening 
of all or any portion of an inviolate sanctuary to the taking of 
migratory birds if taking is determined to be beneficial to the 
species. Such opening of more than 40 percent of the refuge to hunting 
is determined by species. This amendment refers to inviolate 
sanctuaries created in the past or to be created in the future. It has 
no application to areas acquired for other management purposes.
    We did not make any changes to the rule as a result of these 
    Comment (2): Many commenters expressed support for hunting and 
fishing expansions on NWRs. One commenter expressed support for the 
openings and expansions described in the proposed rule, but felt that 
the Service has not opened enough refuges to hunting or increased 
hunting at enough refuges. According to the commenter, more than 40 
percent of the more than 562 NWRs still prohibit hunting; with the 
clear directives from the Executive and Legislative branches of the 
Federal Government to increase hunting activities, the Service must 
open refuges to hunting at a faster pace. The commenter also strongly 
recommended that the Service engage in discussions with State wildlife 
managers and with representatives of the hunting community, to 
facilitate and expedite these openings and make

[[Page 68876]]

certain that these and all NWRs become or remain open to hunting.
    Our Response: As noted in our response to Comment (1), the 
Administration Act, as amended, establishes that the Refuge System was 
created to conserve fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats and that 
the Service should facilitate opportunities for Americans to 
participate in compatible wildlife-dependent recreation, including 
hunting and fishing, on Refuge System lands and waters. Therefore, the 
Service will continue to facilitate hunting and fishing opportunities 
where doing so is compatible with the purpose of the specific refuge 
and the mission of the NWRS.
    The Service continues to open and expand hunting opportunities 
across the NWRS, as evidenced by this final rule; however, as detailed 
in our response to Comment (1), above, the decision to allow hunting on 
a refuge is not a quick or simple process. Once the Service determines 
that a hunt can be carried out in a manner compatible with individual 
refuge purposes and the mission of the NWRS, we work expeditiously to 
open it. We did not make any changes to the rule as a result of these 
    Comment (3): Many commenters stated that the majority of Americans 
do not hunt and were of the opinion that allowing hunting would impede 
``non-consumptive'' uses of refuges, including photography and wildlife 
viewing. Several users claimed that hunting turns refuges into ``war 
zones'' unsuitable for wildlife viewing. One commenter said wolves at 
Yellowstone and Denali became harder to observe after hunting was 
allowed, asserting that hunting would diminish the quality of wildlife 
viewing for non-hunters.
    Our Response: Congress, through the Administration Act, as amended, 
envisioned that hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography, 
and environmental education and interpretation would all be treated as 
priority public uses of the NWRS. Therefore, the Service facilitates 
all of these uses on refuges, as long as they are found compatible with 
the purposes of the specific refuge and the mission of the NWRS. For 
this rulemaking, we analyzed impacts of the proposed changes to hunting 
programs at each refuge through the NEPA process, which included 
analyzing impacts to other wildlife-dependent uses. Ten refuges 
completed environmental assessments (EAs), while Alamosa, Baca, and 
Monte Vista NWRs, as part of the San Luis Valley National Wildlife 
Refuge Complex, completed a combined environmental impact statement 
(EIS). We also provided opportunities for the public to comment on the 
proposed hunt opening and expansions when we developed the CCP, hunt 
plan, and compatibility determination, and through the NEPA process. 
When looking at the 10 EAs and one EIS completed for this specific 
rulemaking, collectively with the refuges that already allow for 
hunting, the Service has determined that there are no significant 
impacts to other wildlife-dependent recreation opportunities.
    The refuges in this rulemaking use a variety of techniques to 
reduce user conflict, such as specific hunt seasons, limited hunting 
hours, restricting which parts of the refuge are open to hunting, and 
restricting the number of hunters. Refuge managers also use public 
outreach tools, such as signs and brochures, to make users aware of 
hunting and their options for minimizing conflict. Most refuges have 
refuge-specific regulations to improve the quality of the hunting 
experience as well as provide for quality wildlife-dependent 
experiences for other users. The Service is aware of several studies 
showing a correlation between increased hunting and decreased wildlife 
sightings, which underscores the importance of using the aforementioned 
techniques, particularly time and space zoning of hunting, to ensure a 
quality experience for all refuge visitors. We also note that Denali 
and Yellowstone are part of the National Park System, not the NWRS. 
More information on how a specific refuge facilitates various wildlife-
dependent recreation opportunities can be found in the refuge's CCP, 
hunt plan, and/or refuge-specific EA/EIS for this rule. The public may 
contact the specific refuge for any of these materials.
    We did not make any changes to the rule as a result of these 
    Comment (4): One commenter was of the opinion that hunting can 
disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem that people enjoy and can 
deter people from going to visit areas even at times when there are not 
people actively hunting wildlife.
    Our Response: We do not allow hunting on a refuge if it is found 
incompatible with that individual refuge's purposes or with the mission 
of the NWRS. In addition, the Service's Biological Integrity, 
Diversity, and Environmental Health (BIDEH) policy (601 FW 3) guides 
decisionmaking with respect to management of activities on refuges, 
including hunting. Service biologists and wildlife professionals, in 
consultation with the State, determine the optimal number of each game 
animal that should reside in an ecosystem and then establish hunt 
parameters (e.g., bag limits, sex ratios) based on those analyses. We 
carefully consider how a proposed hunt fits with individual refuge 
goals, objectives, and strategies before allowing the hunt. None of the 
known, estimated, or projected harvests of migratory game birds, upland 
game, or big game species in this rulemaking is expected to have 
significant adverse direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to hunted 
populations, non-hunted wildlife, endangered or threatened species, 
plant or habitat resources, wildlife-dependent recreation, prescribed 
fire, air, soil, water, cultural resources, refuge facilities, 
solitude, or socio-economics. Further, we address the relationship 
between hunting and wildlife sightings in our response to Comment (3). 
We did not make any changes to the rule as a result of this comment.
    Comment (5): Several commenters were of the opinion that expanding 
hunting on NWRs could cause refuge visitors to be accidentally shot or 
otherwise injured.
    Our Response: The Service considers public safety to be a top 
priority. Hunting of resident wildlife on refuges generally occurs 
consistent with State regulations, which are designed to protect public 
safety. Refuges may also develop refuge-specific hunting regulations 
that are more restrictive than State regulations in order to help meet 
specific refuge objectives, including protecting public safety. Refuges 
use many techniques to ensure the safety of hunters and visitors, such 
as requiring hunters to wear blaze orange, controlling the density of 
hunters, limiting where firearms can be discharged (e.g., not across 
roads, away from buildings), and using time and space zoning to limit 
conflicts between hunters and other visitors. It is worth noting that 
injuries and deaths related to hunting are extremely rare, both for 
hunters themselves and for the non-hunting public. We did not make any 
changes to the rule as a result of these comments.
    Comment (6): Several commenters felt that expanding hunting on NWRs 
would increase the likelihood of wildlife being taken illegally 
(poaching). One commenter was of the opinion that no significant 
penalties or charges will be brought against individuals who illegally 
take wildlife on NWRs.
    Our Response: Hunters on NWRs must comply with State regulations 
and any refuge-specific regulations, which would ban taking wildlife 
illegally (poaching). The Service takes poaching very seriously, as 
allowing poaching

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would seriously undermine the conservation mission of the NWRS. Refuge 
managers use a variety of techniques to help ensure that hunters are 
aware of relevant laws and regulations, such as requiring hunters to 
carry a signed refuge hunt brochure at all times while in the field. 
Also, refuge managers may institute check stations when hunters leave 
the refuge. The priority for Federal Wildlife Officers and other refuge 
staff is to educate the public so that violations do not occur in the 
first place. In addition, our Federal Wildlife Officers routinely 
partner with State and other Federal law enforcement agents to 
coordinate efforts and share information to counter poaching. In 2013, 
the Strategic Wildlife Enforcement Program, an initiative that 
leverages funding for enforcement activities by partnering with State 
and local agencies, resulted in 1500 contacts, 149 warnings, and 127 
violation notices. Some activities funded through this program include 
long-term surveillance to detect take violations at Willapa Bay, Lewis 
and Clark, and Ridgefield NWRs; patrolling waterways to conduct 
waterfowl compliance checks at Patoka River NWR; a deer decoy operation 
at Seney NWR; and checking deer harvests to ensure hunters complied 
with size limitations at Patuxent Research Refuge.
    The commenter is incorrect in assuming that no significant fines or 
charges are associated with hunting violations. Penalties for illegally 
taking wildlife on a refuge can range as high as 1 year in jail and/or 
$100,000 in fines (16 U.S.C. 668dd(f)(1)). In some cases, felony 
provisions of the Lacey Act (16 U.S.C. 3371 et seq.; 18 U.S.C. 42-43) 
may be used to prosecute violators of wildlife laws; for example, see 
prosecution of poaching on Sherburne NWR at: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/news/721.html. Further, the Service may suspend a hunt at any 
time if there is evidence that the hunt is no longer meeting our 
objectives. We did not make any changes to the rule as a result of 
these comments.
    Comment (7): One commenter said the Service should manage predators 
as a means to promote bird nesting success, small game opportunities, 
and other considerations appropriate to the mission of enhancing our 
wildlife populations and diversity. Conversely, one commenter was very 
opposed to hunting predators, including bears and cougars.
    Our Response: Refuge managers consider predator management on a 
case-by-case basis. As with all species, a refuge manager makes a 
decision about allowing predatory species to be hunted only after 
careful examination to ensure the hunt would comply with relevant laws, 
policies, and directives. The Administration Act, as amended, directs 
the Service to manage refuges for ``biological integrity, diversity, 
and environmental health.'' Moreover, the Service manages refuges in 
accordance with the BIDEH policy described in our response to Comment 
(4). Predators play a critical role in the integrity, diversity, and 
overall health of ecosystems, so managing predators is not always 
appropriate. Before allowing predators to be hunted, a refuge manager 
would have to ensure that the hunt would not threaten the integrity, 
diversity, or health of the refuge ecosystem. The manager would also 
have to determine that the hunt was compatible with refuge purposes and 
was in keeping with the refuge's CCP and hunt plan. The Service manages 
all refuges in accordance with an approved CCP, which, when 
implemented, will achieve refuge purposes; help fulfill the Refuge 
System mission; maintain, and, where appropriate, restore the 
ecological integrity of each refuge and the Refuge System; help achieve 
the goals of the National Wilderness Preservation System; and meet 
other mandates. In addition, the refuge manager would have to analyze 
the impacts of the proposed hunt through the NEPA process, which would 
include the opportunity for public comment. Finally, the proposed hunt 
would be open to public comment through the rulemaking process. We did 
not make any changes to the rule as a result of these comments.
    Comment (8): Some commenters were of the opinion that hunters 
target the strongest and healthiest animals in a population, thereby 
degrading the gene pool and putting the viability of the population at 
    Our Response: We disagree with the above comment that hunters will 
have a significant enough impact to affect the gene pool of an entire 
population. We are not aware of any information that suggests hunting 
programs, as they are conducted on refuges, are shifting the genetic 
makeup of a population. In many cases, hunting is a tool used to manage 
populations and ensure a healthy ecosystem. If hunters are targeting 
older males in a way that threatens the viability of a population, as 
is sometimes the case with trophy hunting, refuge managers have several 
tools at their disposal to protect the population, such as limiting 
hunting days or only allowing hunters to take antlerless animals.
    We considered the impacts of hunting on target and non-target 
populations through individual EAs or an EIS for each of the proposed 
hunting openings and expansions. We also consider the cumulative 
impacts of all proposed hunts in the 2016-2017 Cumulative Impacts 
Report accompanying the proposed rule. In each case, the number of 
animals to be taken is too small to shift the genetic makeup of the 
population in any significant way. We made no changes to the rule as a 
result of these comments.
    Comment (9): One commenter asserted that we should prepare an EIS 
before proposing to expand hunting and fishing opportunities on many 
NWRs. According to the commenter, the proposed rule is of sufficient 
context and intensity to indicate that it is significant enough to 
warrant an EIS because refuges attract people from all across the 
country, and because of the severity of the impacts. Specifically, the 
commenter stated that the 13 refuges where we proposed to add or 
increase hunting activities represent ``unique geographic areas.'' 
According to the commenter, the hunting programs we proposed will 
likely last at least 10 years and set a precedent for continued 
management on NWRs.
    Our Response: The Service disagrees with the assertion that we 
should prepare an EIS before proposing expanded hunting and fishing 
opportunities on NWRs. The Service's analysis of the impacts of the 
proposed rule demonstrated that the rule would not have significant 
impacts at the local, regional, or national level, and the commenter 
has provided no additional information that would change our analysis. 
As discussed above, we annually conduct refuge management activities on 
NWRs that minimize or offset impacts of hunting on physical and 
cultural resources, including establishing designated areas for 
hunting; restricting levels of use; confining access and travel to 
designated locations; providing education programs and materials for 
hunters, anglers, and other users; and conducting law enforcement 
    The Service completed individual EAs for 10 refuges and one EIS for 
the San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex (which includes 
Alamosa, Baca, and Monte Vista NWRs) in compliance with NEPA to 
evaluate the impacts of opening or expanding hunting opportunities on 
refuges in connection with this rulemaking. These EAs/EIS underwent 
regional and national review to address and consider these actions from 
a multi-State or flyway perspective, and to discuss the cumulative 
impacts from this larger geographical context. The 2016-2017 Cumulative 
Impacts Report supports

[[Page 68878]]

this finding, concluding that, after analyzing the impacts of these 10 
EAs and EIS collectively with the refuges that already allow hunting, 
the proposed rule would not result in significant adverse impacts to 
the human environment. A court found that this approach was an 
appropriate way for the Service to analyze the impacts of the rule in 
compliance with NEPA (see Fund for Animals v. Hall, 777 F. Supp. 2d 92, 
105 (D.D.C., 2011)). Therefore, we did not find that the impacts to the 
human environment were severe, as the commenter suggests.
    As for the comment on precedential future refuge management, most 
of the activities that are part of this rulemaking are either expanding 
the areas for existing hunts or adding new species to existing hunts--
species that are already hunted nearby off refuge. We also note that 
the Service annually conducts notice-and-comment rulemaking to revise 
the refuge-specific regulations at 50 CFR part 32; therefore, if, in 
the future, the Service obtained new information that changes our 
analysis of impacts either locally, regionally, or nationally, we would 
promptly undertake revisions to the regulations as needed. It is also 
worth noting that each refuge must revise its CCP every 15 years, which 
would include an evaluation of any hunting or fishing programs. 
Finally, as noted in our response to Comment (6), the Service may 
suspend a hunt at any time if there is evidence the hunt is no longer 
meeting our objectives. For these reasons, we made no changes to the 
rule as a result of this comment.
    Comment (10): Many commenters were of the opinion that the proposed 
opening and expansions would turn refuges into ``danger zones'' for 
wildlife by interrupting migration, disrupting hibernation, and 
destroying wildlife families. Many also felt that the Service should 
consider the suffering of fish and other animals as a result of the 
proposed opening and expansions. One commenter stated that we fail to 
include a serious discussion of the ethical implications of the 
proposed action to expand hunting and fishing on multiple refuges and 
that we should prepare an EIS that includes a legitimate discussion of 
ethics and the rights of wildlife in order to assist the public and 
decision makers in fully considering the best alternative to choose.
    Our Response: As detailed in our response to Comment (1), above, we 
do not take lightly the decision to allow hunting on a refuge, and we 
never allow hunting if there is evidence that it will impair the 
purposes of the refuge or the mission of the NWRS. Refuge managers use 
a variety of techniques to minimize disturbance to non-target species 
of wildlife, such as time and space zoning. In some cases, hunting may 
be part of a management program to reduce the population of nuisance 
species; otherwise, hunt programs are carefully designed and regulated 
so as not to affect the sustainability of wildlife populations. Refuge 
managers are authorized to suspend a hunt program at any time if it 
appears as though the hunt is causing unacceptable impacts to refuge 
values or resources.
    The Service understands that some members of the public do not 
believe that hunting on refuges is ethical. However, the Administration 
Act, as amended, stipulates that hunting and fishing, if found to be 
compatible, are legitimate and priority public uses of a refuge and 
should be facilitated. As detailed above in our response to Comment 
(1), the decision to open a refuge to hunting must comply with all 
applicable laws, regulations, and policies; requires rigorous 
examination; and provides many opportunities for public comment, all to 
ensure that hunting is consistent with the purpose of the specific 
refuge and the mission of the NWRS. Specifically, each refuge complies 
with NEPA in keeping with procedures outlined in the Department of the 
Interior Manual (516 DM 1-7) and other appropriate policies and 
    We must base our decisions on the best available science, and 
commenters have not provided information that would change our 
analysis. Our hunting programs are consistent with State regulations 
and, where necessary, use more stringent refuge-specific regulations to 
ensure that hunting and fishing are carried out in a safe, responsible 
manner. We made no changes to the rule as a result of these comments.
    Comment (11): A commenter asserted that our analysis of cumulative 
impacts in the Cumulative Impacts Report is vague and superficial, and 
fails to consider the cumulative impacts for expanding hunting and 
fishing on 13 refuges at the same time. The commenter further stated 
that we failed to consider how increased hunting will affect the 
distribution, migration patterns, and abundance of fish, wildlife, and 
plant populations across multiple refuges, and that while we claim that 
there will not be significant impacts due to certain mitigation 
measures, we fail to disclose where and how we will implement those 
mitigation measures. The commenter gives the example that, although we 
claim to conduct annual refuge management activities that minimize or 
offset the disturbance and impacts of hunting and/or fishing, such as 
the establishment of non-hunted sanctuary areas, we do not specify 
what, if any, areas have been established as non-hunted sanctuary areas 
or whether we will expand sanctuary areas to a sufficient degree to 
mitigate for expanded hunting and fishing. Thus, it is unclear to the 
commenter whether these activities are sufficient to mitigate the 
impacts of the proposed rule.
    Our Response: The Service disagrees with the commenter that we have 
not considered how increased hunting will affect the distribution, 
migration patterns, and abundance of fish, wildlife, and plant 
populations across multiple refuges. As discussed in our response to 
Comment (1), the Service does a very rigorous analysis before opening 
or expanding hunting and fishing opportunities on refuges. The Service 
works very closely with the States to develop refuge-specific 
regulations consistent with State hunting programs that carefully 
consider the amount of hunting that can occur so as to not 
significantly affect the distribution, migration patterns, and 
abundance of fish and wildlife populations. Additionally, the refuge 
manager must determine that the hunting and fishing opportunities will 
meet both the purpose of the individual refuge and the mission of the 
NWRS, which is to conserve fish and wildlife populations and habitat. 
As part of this rulemaking, each individual refuge prepared an EA or 
EIS that analyzed the cumulative impacts of expanding or opening 
hunting on fish, wildlife, and plant populations at both a local and 
regional level, including the cumulative impacts of hunting across 
multiple refuges that are geographically connected. Finally, the 2016-
2017 Cumulative Impacts Report looks at the refuge-specific EA/EISs 
collectively to determine the national cumulative impacts of the 
proposed rule on fish, wildlife, and plant populations. As discussed in 
our response to Comment (9), this method was approved by a Court.
    Furthermore, the Service would like to address the comment about 
certain mitigation measures such as ``sanctuary areas.'' To the 
contrary, the 2016-2017 Cumulative Impacts Report concluded that none 
of the refuge-specific EAs found that there would be significant 
adverse cumulative impacts to wildlife populations. Additionally, when 
looking at the EA/EISs collectively with the refuges that already allow 
hunting, the Service concluded that the cumulative impacts on non-
hunted wildlife populations would be

[[Page 68879]]

negligible. However, the Service does manage hunting on refuges to 
minimize any impacts to non-hunted wildlife populations by establishing 
non-hunted sanctuary areas, conducting habitat management and 
restoration activities, and minimizing illegal take through enforcement 
of applicable Federal, State, and refuge-specific regulations.
    The Service is not required to mitigate for every impact from 
hunting. The Service will mitigate where there are:
     Population-level effects to non-sensitive wildlife, 
including game species, through future restrictions, such as smaller 
bag limits or season closures; or
     Potential impacts to sensitive wildlife, such as species 
listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
    The Service may close or alter hunts as needed.
    The specific refuge makes all of these management decisions, and, 
therefore, we do not discuss them in detail in the 2016-2017 Cumulative 
Impacts Report. However, more information on a refuge-specific hunting 
plan, including the establishment of non-hunted sanctuary areas on a 
refuge, can be found in the refuge's CCP, hunt plan, and/or refuge-
specific EA/EIS for this rulemaking. The public may contact the 
specific refuge for any of these materials.
    Comment (12): Many commenters expressed concern that fishing 
paraphernalia would be tossed aside, injuring companion animals and 
non-target wildlife.
    Our Response: It is illegal to abandon property or dispose of waste 
on a refuge (see 50 CFR 27.93 and 27.94), whether fishing-related or 
not. It is also illegal to disturb or injure any non-target plants or 
wildlife (see 50 CFR 27.51) on a refuge. Further, many refuges have 
specific regulations to guard against littering associated with 
fishing. We did not make any changes to the rule in response to these 
    Comment (13): One commenter suggested that the Service use 
``mammalian birth control'' as a management tool, rather than hunting.
    Our Response: Under the Administration Act, as amended, hunting is 
a priority use of refuges, along with fishing, wildlife observation and 
photography, and environmental education and interpretation. The 
Administration Act directs the Service to facilitate priority uses as 
long as they are compatible with individual refuge mandates and 
purposes. In some cases, hunting may also function as a management 
tool, but this is not the primary justification for allowing hunting on 
refuges. We made no changes to the rule as a result of this comment.
    Comment (14): Several commenters expressed concern over allowing 
lead ammunition to be used on refuges; some requested that the Service 
ban lead ammunition for all hunting. Some of these commenters 
specifically requested that we prohibit hunters from using lead 
ammunition when hunting elk at Alamosa, Baca, and Monte Vista NWRs. One 
commenter stated that lead-based ammunition could harm endangered and 
threatened species on refuges. Another commenter asserted that the 
Service did not adequately analyze the cumulative impacts of the 
regulations in the Cumulative Impacts Report because the analysis does 
not disclose or evaluate the cumulative impacts on non-target wildlife 
that will result from the regulations that continue to allow the use of 
toxic (lead) ammunition on some of the refuges for some types of 
hunting. One commenter felt that it is confusing that several refuges 
in California (Don Edwards, Salinas, and San Pablo NWRs) removed 
language requiring the use of nontoxic shot from their refuge-specific 
    Our Response: The Service is concerned about the impacts of spent 
lead ammunition on scavengers, especially bald eagles and ravens. Lead 
shot for waterfowl hunting has been illegal on refuges since 1998. We 
continue to look at options and ways to reduce the indirect impacts of 
toxic shot. Generally, we are and have been phasing out the use of lead 
shot by upland and big game hunters on refuge lands.
    The Service continues to research this issue and engage with States 
and other partners to promote the use of non-lead ammunition. The 
Administration Act, as amended, directs the Service to make refuge 
regulations as consistent with State regulations as practicable. We 
share a strong partnership with the States in managing wildlife, and, 
therefore, we are proceeding with the phase-out of toxic ammunition in 
a coordinated manner with each respective State wildlife agency. 
Notably, as part of this rulemaking, 22 refuges have limited the use of 
toxic shot for hunting either upland game, big game, or both. None of 
these refuges is in the State of California, where lead ammunition is 
already banned under State law and is therefore banned on all refuges 
in California.
    Currently, the State of Colorado does not require the use of 
nontoxic bullets for either rifles or muzzleloaders. As part of this 
rulemaking, Alamosa, Baca, and Monte Vista NWRs require nontoxic 
ammunition for migratory game bird and upland game hunting. The Service 
will continue to work with the State of Colorado to further phase-out 
toxic ammunition on these refuges.
    We disagree that any use of lead shot related to the opening or 
expanding hunting and fishing on the 13 refuges in this rulemaking will 
harm endangered or threatened species. Each of the refuges carefully 
evaluated possible effects to endangered and threatened species as part 
of the NEPA process. In addition, each refuge complied with section 7 
of the Endangered Species Act, which requires Federal agencies to 
ensure that the actions they carry out, fund, or authorize do not 
jeopardize the continued existence of endangered or threatened species 
(``listed species''). For each refuge, the Service determined that the 
proposed action was not likely to affect any listed species.
    While the Service is concerned about the impacts of spent lead 
ammunition on scavengers, we can conclude without a detailed cumulative 
impacts analysis that the limited use of lead ammunition allowed on 
refuges will have an insignificant effect on refuge resources. We reach 
this conclusion because the amount of spent lead ammunition on refuges 
nationwide is so small compared to the amount of spent lead ammunition 
in the environment. Therefore, the Service has not revised the 2016-
2017 Cumulative Impacts Report based on these comments. Lastly, for the 
comment about California refuges, under the Administration Act, as 
amended, refuge-specific regulations can be more restrictive, but not 
more liberal, than State regulations. We are removing the provisions 
regarding nontoxic shot from some California refuges' regulations to 
avoid redundancy and confusion now that the State has banned lead 
ammunition for hunting. The regulations for each of the refuges in 
question clearly state that State regulations apply. It would be 
confusing for the public to pick certain State provisions to repeat in 
our refuge-regulations and not others. It is important to note, 
however, that the refuges may still remind the public of the 
prohibition on lead ammunition through hunt brochures, announcements at 
meetings, postings at visitor's centers, and through interactions with 
refuge staff.
    We made no changes to the rule as a result of these comments.
    Comment (15): According to one commenter, in the proposed rule, the 
Service contends that on some occasions we must impose regulations 
regarding hunting on NWRs that conflict with State laws and 
regulations. The commenter stated that the Service

[[Page 68880]]

should not adopt or implement management strategies that lead to 
overreach and infringement on State prerogatives for refuges in Alaska 
or in any other State. The commenter added that the Service should 
defer to the States' expertise in managing their wildlife and should 
make every effort to conform refuge hunting regulations to the 
regulations already adopted and followed by State managers.
    Our Response: The Service works closely with our State partners in 
managing hunt programs on refuge lands. Whenever possible, we defer to 
State regulations related to hunting and fishing. However, we may 
create refuge-specific regulations that are more restrictive than State 
regulations if necessary to meet the establishment purpose of the 
refuge or the mission of the NWRS. Our authority to do so stems from 
the Administration Act, as amended, which states: ``When the Secretary 
[of the Interior] determines that a proposed wildlife-dependent 
recreational use is a compatible use within a refuge, that activity 
should be facilitated, subject to such restrictions or regulations as 
may be necessary, reasonable, and appropriate'' (16 U.S.C. 
668dd(a)(3)(D)), and ``Regulations permitting hunting or fishing of 
fish and resident wildlife within the System shall be, to the extent 
practicable, consistent with State fish and wildlife laws, regulations, 
and management plans'' (16 U.S.C. 668dd(m)). We also note that this 
final rule does not address refuges in the State of Alaska. We made no 
changes to the rule as a result of this comment.
    Comment (16): One commenter was of the opinion that we failed to 
identify what species of migratory game birds and ``other big game'' 
would be open to hunting on Baca NWR.
    Our Response: In the proposed rule, in the proposed entry for Baca 
NWR at 50 CFR 32.25, we specify that migratory game bird hunting at the 
refuge would be limited to the hunting of Eurasian collared-doves and 
mourning doves and that big game hunting would be limited to the 
hunting of elk. We do not have a category that authorizes the hunting 
of ``other big game.'' We did not make any changes to the rule as a 
result of this comment.
    Comment (17): One commenter expressed concern that residents living 
near refuges might act prejudicially toward certain wildlife species, 
such as wolves, and that refuge managers would share these prejudices. 
The commenter asked how the Service can assure proper oversight of 
refuge managers.
    Our Response: Allowing hunting on a refuge requires rigorous 
examination, State consultation, and multiple opportunities for public 
comment, as detailed in our response to Comment (1), above. This 
prevents an individual manager from prejudicing the process. In 
addition, the Service has a robust supervisory system in place to 
ensure that individual refuge managers execute their duties 
appropriately. Each refuge manager reports directly to a Supervisory 
Refuge Program Specialist (Refuge Supervisor), who exercises 
supervisory line authority in the management of refuges within a 
defined geographic area. Among other duties, the Refuge Supervisor 
conducts site-visits to evaluate whether refuges are being managed in 
accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and policies. Where 
necessary, the Refuge Supervisor is empowered to institute corrective 
actions for refuge staff. Beyond the Refuge Supervisor, there are 
additional lines of supervision. We did not make any changes to the 
rule as a result of this comment.
    Comment (18): A commenter stated that if the refuge cannot be 
sustained financially, we should open it up to hunting and fishing and 
charge a daily permit fee. However, the commenter also stated that if 
the refuge can be supported financially without charging a daily permit 
fee, then hunting and fishing opportunities should not be expanded.
    Our Response: The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLRA; 
16 U.S.C. 6801-6814) authorizes the Secretary to establish, modify, 
charge, and collect recreation fees at Federal recreational lands and 
waters. FLRA also specifies how these recreation fees can be spent. The 
three types of recreation fees are entrance fees, amenity recreation 
fees, and special recreation permit fees. In addition, 36 CFR part 71 
sets forth regulations for establishing recreation fees on a specific 
area. The intent of FLRA was not to generate revenue for public lands, 
but instead to reimburse agencies for the costs of administering 
recreational activity.
    When developing the CCPs and step-down hunting plans for each 
refuge, the refuge manager takes into account budgetary needs for 
increased hunting opportunities. The refuge manager only proposes a 
hunt if he or she anticipates having sufficient funds to ensure 
compatibility and administer the activity appropriately. Typically, you 
can find this information under the ``Staffing and Funds'' section of 
each refuge's hunt plan, which were made publicly available when first 
issued, and remain available at each refuge's Web site. In some cases, 
refuges find some budgetary relief in user fees, which are sufficient 
to cover the cost of increased opportunities.
    Finally, as discussed earlier in our response to Comment (1), with 
the passage of the Improvement Act in 1997, Congress mandated that 
hunting was one of the six priority public uses that refuge managers 
were to facilitate when compatible. We made no change to the rule as a 
result of this comment.
    Comment (19): One commenter expressed support for opening and 
expanding hunting opportunities on refuges but requested sign-in sheets 
in parking lots and end-of-year surveys to account for the amount of 
big and small game taken.
    Our Response: Individual refuges have a variety of options for 
collecting information about the number of hunters as well as hunter 
harvest. Refuges may require hunters to sign in using the Visitor 
Check-In Permit and Report (FWS Form 3-2405) or report harvest using 
the Big Game Harvest Report (FWS Form 3-2359), Migratory Bird Hunt 
Report (FWS Form 3-2361), or Upland Game Hunt Report (FWS Form 3-2362). 
The forms each refuge requires are indicated in the refuge-specific 
regulations in 50 CFR part 32. We did not make any changes to the rule 
as a result of this comment.
    Comment (20): Two commenters suggested changing the name of 
National Wildlife Refuges to National Wildlife Management Areas.
    Our Response: In 1966, the Administration Act consolidated various 
lands previously known as wildlife refuges, wildlife ranges, game 
ranges, wildlife management areas, or waterfowl production areas and 
designated them as part of the ``National Wildlife Refuge System.'' We 
made no changes to the rule as a result of these comments.
    Comment (21): Several commenters expressed concern about expanding 
the number goose hunting days at Montezuma NWR from 3 to 7. According 
to one commenter, it is of greater benefit to the hunter to hunt 3 days 
a week because it manages hunting pressure better and the geese (as 
well as the ducks) will hold on the refuge longer.
    Our Response: During the regular waterfowl season (October to 
December), we will allow waterfowl hunting on only 3 days a week: 
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The 7-days-per-week hunting refers 
only to a limited set of seasons, including the September Canada goose 
hunting season, the late snow goose hunting season (January to March), 
and the Light Goose Conservation Order season

[[Page 68881]]

(March to mid-April). Expanding our program to include the September 
Canada goose season, the late snow goose season, and the Light Goose 
Conservation Order season is not only a recreational opportunity, but 
also a management tool for over-abundant geese. Service biologists and 
wildlife professionals, in consultation with the State, analyzed the 
goose population dynamics and considered refuge purposes and management 
objectives when designing this hunt program. The hunt plan, 
compatibility determination, and NEPA documentation were all made 
available for public comment. We made no changes to the rule as a 
result of these comments.
    Comment (22): One commenter requested permanent tree stands in 
dedicated areas of Montezuma NWR to facilitate deer hunting. The 
commenter also requested that the refuge expand the number of blinds 
for waterfowl hunting.
    Our Response: In order to meet habitat management objectives for 
migratory waterfowl, Montezuma NWR actively manipulates water levels 
throughout the refuge. Therefore, conditions in any given area of the 
refuge are likely to vary from year to year and throughout the year. 
For this reason, the refuge has not installed permanent structures such 
as tree stands and waterfowl blinds. However, the refuge does allow 
portable tree stands and blinds, which must be removed at the end of 
each day. We did not make any changes to the rule as a result of this 
    Comment (23): Several commenters expressed interest in hunting 
upland game birds and webless migratory game birds at Montezuma NWR.
    Our Response: The hunt plan for Montezuma is a result of the CCP 
process. As part of the CCP process, we invited the public to comment 
during the scoping period, as well as on the final draft plan. The 
refuge did not encounter a call for upland game or webless migratory 
game bird hunting during those comment periods, nor did we get requests 
for such hunting through our personal interactions with hunters. We 
appreciate the feedback but we cannot accommodate these requests in 
this final rule; adding new species to hunt would require us to update 
our hunt plan, compatibility determination, and NEPA documentation and 
allow for additional public comment. Therefore, we made no changes as a 
result of these comments. However, we may consider making these changes 
in a future regulatory proposal.
    Comment (24): Several commenters requested the ability to hunt with 
dogs at Montezuma NWR.
    Our Response: In response to these comments, we are adding in this 
final rule a provision to allow hunters to use dogs when hunting 
migratory game birds in Montezuma NWR. The Montezuma NWR CCP, 
compatibility determination, and environmental assessment all address 
hunting migratory game birds with dogs so we can accommodate this 
request in the present rulemaking.
    Comment (25): According to one commenter, the regulations for 
Montezuma NWR state that the refuge manager reserves the right to 
restrict hunting implements beyond State restrictions based on hunter 
satisfaction and visitor safety. The commenter remarks that there is no 
definition in the regulations describing hunter satisfaction and 
visitor safety, and, therefore, this requirement is ambiguous. The 
commenter goes on to say that this provision gives too much discretion 
to the refuge manager, without any public or stakeholder input; hunters 
and other stakeholder groups should be given the opportunity to meet 
with the refuge manager and their input given significant weight to 
accept, provide plausible alternatives, or to refute the claims of the 
refuge manager.
    Our Response: Refuge-specific hunting regulations can be more 
restrictive than State regulations and often are more restrictive in 
order to help meet specific refuge objectives. The refuge manager is 
best equipped to understand how regulations can help meet refuge 
objectives. However, Montezuma NWR welcomes feedback from the public 
through a variety of means, such as calling the refuge, writing a 
letter, or sending an email. Contact information for the refuge can be 
found at: http://www.fws.gov/refuge/Montezuma/. In response to this 
comment, we revised the language in paragraphs B.6 and C.11 for 
Montezuma NWR to be more consistent with other refuge-specific 
    Comment (26): One commenter took issue with the prohibition against 
``use of silencers or any like device that alters the noise on a 
firearm,'' which appears in the proposed regulations for Buffalo Lake 
NWR. According to the commenter, using firearms-mounted hearing 
protection is good for the surrounding neighbors and for abatement of 
hearing loss to the hunter and hunting party (which may include youth). 
The commenter asks that we remove this provision from the regulations 
for Buffalo Lake NWR or change it to reflect most States' hunting laws 
that allow the use of hearing protection devices mounted to the 
    Our Response: The Administration Act, as amended, directs us to 
make refuge regulations as consistent with State regulations as 
practicable. Thirty-eight States currently allow the use of silencers 
for hunting, including Texas, where Buffalo Lake NWR is located. In 
response to this comment, we have removed the prohibition against the 
use of silencers or any like device that alters the noise on a firearm 
for the hunt in question, a youth hunt outside the general deer 
season.; however, the Service will continue to monitor the use of 
silencers on Service lands. If we find that silencers lead to an 
increase in illegal hunting activity, create a public safety problem, 
reduce high-quality hunting opportunities, or otherwise interfere with 
the purpose of the specific refuge or the mission of the NWRS, then we 
may prohibit their use.
    Comment (27): One commenter questioned the motivation for allowing 
hunting on Baca, Monte Vista, and Alamosa NWRs. According to the 
commenter, calls for hunting on refuges at this time come from 
ranchers, farmers, hunters, and property owners; they are not to 
protect an ecosystem and its biodiversity. The commenter states that it 
appears that human/elk conflicts are part of the issue and that 
increased revenue from license sales motivated the Service and the 
State to allow the hunt. Finally, the commenter suggested that the 
refuge let natural predators do the work, instead of hunters.
    Our Response: The San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 
which includes Alamosa, Baca, and Monte Vista NWRs, recently completed 
a CCP and EIS, which complied with NEPA and included an affirmative 
compatibility determination for hunting on the three refuges. During 
this process, we received relatively few comments regarding proposed 
elk hunting on these refuges. Some comments were in opposition, while 
others greatly supported the proposed elk hunting opportunities.
    Through sound professional judgment, as well as consultation with 
Colorado Parks and Wildlife, we found that the limited number of elk 
that will be harvested will not affect the sustainability of the 
population. We designed refuge-specific regulations to provide a safe 
and high-quality hunting experience, minimize wildlife disturbance, 
ensure wildlife conservation, and reduce or avoid conflicts with other 
refuge users. In addition to providing quality elk hunting 
opportunities, another objective

[[Page 68882]]

of the hunt is to redistribute elk, via hunting pressure, away from 
sensitive habitats, such as riparian areas, where intense elk browsing 
on willow and cottonwood plants is occurring. Reduced elk browsing on 
these plants will promote growth, providing improved nesting and 
foraging habitat for a variety of songbird species as well as other 
riparian dependent wildlife species.
    There was no financial motivation behind opening the elk hunts in 
the San Luis Valley. The hunts will generate relatively little revenue, 
as only a limited number of elk hunters will be allowed. Moreover, 
these hunters would likely have purchased licenses anyway for hunts 
elsewhere, even if these particular hunts were not offered.
    Currently, relatively few natural predators exist for elk on the 
refuges, with the exception of coyotes. There currently is no control 
of coyotes on any of the refuges. During the development of the CCP, 
the introduction of other natural predators was addressed, but was 
determined not to be a viable option based on substantial public 
opposition. We did not make any changes to the rule as a result of this 
    Comment (28): Three commenters expressed a desire to have a dove 
hunt in New York State.
    Our Response: By law, refuge-specific hunting and fishing 
regulations can be more restrictive than State regulations, but not 
more liberal. Refuges in New York State do not allow mourning dove 
hunting because the State does not allow mourning dove hunting. 
Allowing dove hunting in New York State is a State matter; therefore it 
is not germane to this rulemaking. We made no changes to the rule as a 
result of these comments.
    Comment (29): One commenter drew attention to the fact that in the 
entry for Choctaw NWR, the requirement to use nontoxic shot is embedded 
in a provision that begins by allowing take of incidental species. The 
commenter stated that these two provisions are unrelated and should be 
separated so that the requirement to use nontoxic shot is clear and 
easy to find.
    Our Response: We agree with the commenter that separating the two 
provisions would improve clarity. Therefore, we separated the two 
statements in this final rule.
    Comment (30): One commenter stated that concerning sport fishing 
within the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually NWR, the management of fishing 
activities is under the jurisdiction of the State. The commenter 
remarked that if the intent of the revisions in the proposed rule is to 
restrict access (versus fishing) on the refuge, then the wording in the 
entry should be specific to that. Also, the commenter stated that the 
reference to ``allowing'' shellfishing on the tideflats indicates where 
they allow access (i.e., Luhr Beach); however, those wishing to take 
part in shellfish or fishing activities may access the tideflats from 
anywhere outside the refuge. In this case, the commenter believes that 
the language in the entry may be too specific, unintentionally 
inferring that Luhr Beach is the only access point to harvest these 
    Our Response: In consultation with the State of Washington 
Department of Fish and Wildlife, in this final rule, we revised the 
language concerning sport fishing under the entry for the Billy Frank 
Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge to clarify where the Service has 
jurisdiction over fishing and clarify land access restrictions to 
fishing areas from refuge lands.
    Comment (31): A commenter requested that we make information on 
access points, campsites, or lodging on or near NWRs readily available.
    Our Response: Information on access points is routinely available 
on refuge maps and brochures. These maps and brochures can be found at 
the refuge headquarters or on the refuge's Web site. Some refuges may 
allow camping and that information can be found at refuge headquarters, 
or on the refuge's Web site. Some refuges may have information about 
lodging near the refuge. We encourage you to contact the refuge 
directly and inquire about lodging in the local area. We maintain a 
list of all of the NWRs on our National Wildlife Refuge System homepage 
at: http://www.fws.gov/refuges/. Look for the ``Find Your Refuge'' 
section on the first page and you can query the system by State, by zip 
code, alphabetically by refuge, or by certain other means. When you 
link to the refuge of interest, you will find its address, phone 
number, and a link to its individual Web site. We made no changes to 
the rule as a result of this comment.

Changes From the Proposed Rule

    As discussed above, under Summary of Comments and Responses, based 
on comments we received on the proposed rule, we made changes to the 
regulatory text in this final rule from what we proposed for Montezuma 
NWR (in New York), Choctaw NWR (in Alabama), Buffalo Lake NWR (in 
Texas), and Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually NWR (in Washington). In general, 
we make these changes for clarity and consistency. Specifically, for 
Montezuma NWR, we removed reference to ``hunter satisfaction'' in the 
provisions concerning when the refuge manager may restrict hunting 
implements beyond State restrictions, and we allow dogs when hunting 
migratory game birds. For Choctaw NWR, we separated the provision 
concerning the use of nontoxic shot from the provision concerning the 
take of incidental species. For Buffalo Lake NWR, we removed the 
prohibition on the use of silencers or any like devices that alter 
noise on a firearm for the youth hunt, which is consistent with Texas' 
regulations. For Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually NWR, in consultation with 
the State of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, we revised the 
language concerning sport fishing to clarify where the Service has 
jurisdiction over fishing and how refuge users can access areas to 
    We also made minor editorial changes to the entries for several 
refuges to clarify which forms or other documentation are required for 
certain activities. For example, for several refuges, in certain 
provisions, we stated that a hunter needs a valid permit, without 
specifying whether that permit is a State-issued or a refuge permit. We 
clarify those instances in this rule. As another example, for some 
refuges, we stated in the proposed rule that a hunter must obtain a 
refuge Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-1383) to hunt in certain areas of 
a refuge or conduct certain other activities. FWS Form 3-1383 is, 
however, not a complete FWS form number, but a generic reference to the 
category of Special Use Permits used by the Service. In this final 
rule, we specify complete and exact Special Use Permit form numbers, 
such as FWS Form 3-1383-G, in those places of the proposed rule where 
we used the abbreviated form number.

Effective Date

    This rule is effective upon publication in the Federal Register 
(see DATES, above). We have determined that any further delay in 
implementing these refuge-specific hunting and sport fishing 
regulations would not be in the public interest, in that a delay would 
hinder the effective planning and administration of the hunting and 
fishing programs. We provided a 30-day public comment period for the 
July 14, 2016, proposed rule. This rule does not impact the public 
generally in terms of requiring lead time for compliance. Rather, it 
relieves restrictions in that it allows activities on refuges that we 
would otherwise prohibit. Therefore, we find good cause under 5 U.S.C. 
553(d)(3) to make this rule effective upon publication.

[[Page 68883]]

Amendments to Existing Regulations

    This document adopts in the Code of Federal Regulations all of the 
Service's hunting and/or sport fishing regulations that we are updating 
since the last time we published a rule amending these regulations (80 
FR 51878; August 26, 2015) and that are applicable at Refuge System 
units previously opened to hunting and/or sport fishing. We are taking 
this action to better inform the general public of the regulations at 
each refuge, to increase understanding and compliance with these 
regulations, and to make enforcement of these regulations more 
efficient. In addition to now finding these regulations in 50 CFR part 
32, visitors to our refuges may find them reiterated in literature 
distributed by each refuge or posted on signs.
    We cross-reference a number of existing regulations in 50 CFR parts 
26, 27, 28, and 32 to assist hunting and sport fishing visitors with 
understanding safety and other legal requirements on refuges. This 
redundancy is deliberate, with the intention of improving safety and 
compliance in our hunting and sport fishing programs.

                                                  Table 1--Changes for 2016-2017 Hunting/Fishing Season
                                                               Migratory bird
         Refuge/region (*)                  State                 hunting          Upland game  hunting    Big game hunting          Sport fishing
Alamosa (6).......................  Colorado.............  D....................  Already open.........  B...................  Closed.
Anahuac (2).......................  Texas................  C/D..................  Closed...............  Closed..............  Already open.
Atchafalaya (4)...................  Louisiana............  Already open.........  Already open.........  D...................  Already open.
Baca (6)..........................  Colorado.............  A....................  A....................  A...................  Closed.
Black Bayou Lake (4)..............  Louisiana............  C....................  C....................  C...................  Already open.
Buffalo Lake (2)..................  Texas................  Closed...............  Already open.........  B...................  Closed.
Detroit River NWR (3).............  Illinois and Missouri  C....................  C....................  C...................  Closed.
Lake Andes (6)....................  South Dakota.........  Already open.........  Already open.........  Already open........  B.
Monte Vista (6)...................  Colorado.............  D....................  Already open.........  B...................  Closed.
Montezuma (5).....................  New York.............  C/D..................  Closed...............  C/D.................  Already open.
Patoka River (3)..................  Indiana..............  C....................  C....................  C...................  C.
Waccamaw (4)......................  South Carolina         C....................  C....................  C...................  Already open.
Washita (2).......................  Oklahoma.............  Already open.........  Already open.........  D...................  Already open.
* Number in ( ) refers to the Region as defined in the preamble to this rule under Available Information for Specific Refuges.
A = New refuge opened.
B = New activity on a refuge previously open to other activities.
C = Refuge already open to activity, but added new lands/waters or modified areas open to hunting or fishing.
D = Refuge already open to activity but added new species to hunt.

    The changes for the 2016-17 hunting/fishing season noted in the 
chart above are each based on a complete administrative record, which, 
among other detailed documentation, also includes a hunt plan, a 
compatibility determination, and the appropriate NEPA analysis, all of 
which were the subject of a public review and comment process. These 
documents are available upon request. In this rule, we are also 
adopting new names for two refuges, White River National Wildlife 
Refuge and Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. The new name for White 
River National Wildlife Refuge is Dale Bumpers White River National 
Wildlife Refuge, and the new name for Nisqually National Wildlife 
Refuge is Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.

Fish Advisory

    For health reasons, anglers should review and follow State-issued 
consumption advisories before enjoying recreational sport fishing 
opportunities on Service-managed waters. You can find information about 
current fish-consumption advisories on the Internet at: http://www.epa.gov/fish-tech.

Plain Language Mandate

    In this rule, we revise some regulations for individual refuge 
units to comply with a Presidential mandate to use plain language in 
regulations; these particular revisions do not modify the substance of 
the previous regulations. These types of changes include using ``you'' 
to refer to the reader and ``we'' to refer to the Refuge System, using 
the word ``allow'' instead of ``permit'' when we do not require the use 
of a permit for an activity, and using active voice (e.g., ``We 
restrict entry into the refuge'' vs. ``Entry into the refuge is 

Regulatory Planning and Review (Executive Orders 12866 and 13563)

    Executive Order 12866 provides that the Office of Information and 
Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) will review all significant rules. OIRA has 
determined that this rulemaking is not significant.
    Executive Order 13563 reaffirms the principles of E.O. 12866 while 
calling for improvements in the nation's regulatory system to promote 
predictability, to reduce uncertainty, and to use the best, most 
innovative, and least burdensome tools for achieving regulatory ends. 
The executive order directs agencies to consider regulatory approaches 
that reduce burdens and maintain flexibility and freedom of choice for 
the public where these approaches are relevant, feasible, and 
consistent with regulatory objectives. E.O. 13563 emphasizes further 
that regulations must be based on the best available science and that 
the rulemaking process must allow for public participation and an open 
exchange of ideas. We have developed this rule in a manner consistent 
with these requirements.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

    Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (as amended by the Small 
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act [SBREFA] of 1996) (5 
U.S.C. 601 et seq.), whenever a Federal agency is required to publish a 
notice of rulemaking for any proposed or final rule, it must prepare 
and make available for public comment a regulatory flexibility analysis 
that describes the effect of the rule on small entities (i.e., small 
businesses, small organizations, and small government jurisdictions). 
However, no regulatory flexibility analysis is required if the head of 
an agency certifies that the rule would not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities. Thus, for a 
regulatory flexibility analysis to be required, impacts must exceed a 
threshold for ``significant impact'' and a threshold for a 
``substantial number of small entities.'' See 5 U.S.C. 605(b). SBREFA 
amended the Regulatory

[[Page 68884]]

Flexibility Act to require Federal agencies to provide a statement of 
the factual basis for certifying that a rule would not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
    This rule adds 1 national wildlife refuge to the list of refuges 
open to hunting and increases hunting or fishing activities on 12 
additional national wildlife refuges. It adds one national wildlife 
refuge to the list of refuges open to fishing. As a result, visitor use 
for wildlife-dependent recreation on these NWRs will change. If the 
refuges establishing new programs were a pure addition to the current 
supply of those activities, it would mean an estimated increase of 
4,045 user days (one person per day participating in a recreational 
opportunity, Table 2). Because the participation trend is flat in these 
activities since 1991, this increase in supply will most likely be 
offset by other sites losing participants. Therefore, this is likely to 
be a substitute site for the activity and not necessarily an increase 
in participation rates for the activity.

   Table 2--Estimated Change in Recreation Opportunities in 2016/2017
                         [Dollars in thousands]
                                            Additional      Additional
                 Refuge                        days        expenditures
Alamosa.................................             499           $19.4
Anahuac.................................             350            13.6
Atchafalaya.............................             200             7.8
Baca....................................             970            37.8
Black Bayou Lake........................             200             7.8
Buffalo Lake............................              12             0.5
Detroit River...........................             115             4.5
Lake Andes..............................               0             0.0
Monte Vista.............................             499            19.4
Montezuma...............................             945            36.8
Patoka River............................             185             7.4
Waccamaw................................              10             0.4
Washita.................................              60             2.3
    Total...............................           4,045           157.7

    To the extent visitors spend time and money in the area of the 
refuge that they would not have spent there anyway, they contribute new 
income to the regional economy and benefit local businesses. Due to the 
unavailability of site-specific expenditure data, we use the national 
estimates from the 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and 
Wildlife Associated Recreation to identify expenditures for food and 
lodging, transportation, and other incidental expenses. Using the 
average expenditures for these categories with the maximum expected 
additional participation of the Refuge System yields approximately 
$158,000 in recreation-related expenditures (Table 2). By having ripple 
effects throughout the economy, these direct expenditures are only part 
of the economic impact of these recreational activities. Using a 
national impact multiplier for hunting activities (2.27) derived from 
the report ``Hunting in America: An Economic Force for Conservation'' 
and for fishing activities (2.40) derived from the report 
``Sportfishing in America'' yields a total economic impact of 
approximately $358,000 (2015 dollars) (Southwick Associates, Inc., 
2012). Using a local impact multiplier would yield more accurate and 
smaller results. However, we employed the national impact multiplier 
due to the difficulty in developing local multipliers for each specific 
    Since we know that most of the fishing and hunting occurs within 
100 miles of a participant's residence, then it is unlikely that most 
of this spending would be ``new'' money coming into a local economy; 
therefore, this spending would be offset with a decrease in some other 
sector of the local economy. The net gain to the local economies would 
be no more than $358,000, and most likely considerably less. Since 80 
percent of the participants travel less than 100 miles to engage in 
hunting and fishing activities, their spending patterns would not add 
new money into the local economy and, therefore, the real impact would 
be on the order of about $72,000 annually.
    Small businesses within the retail trade industry (such as hotels, 
gas stations, taxidermy shops, bait-and-tackle shops, and similar 
businesses) may be affected by some increased or decreased refuge 
visitation. A large percentage of these retail trade establishments in 
the local communities around NWRs qualify as small businesses (Table 
3). We expect that the incremental recreational changes will be 
scattered, and so we do not expect that the rule will have a 
significant economic effect on a substantial number of small entities 
in any region or nationally. As noted previously, we expect 
approximately $158,000 to be spent in total in the refuges' local 
economies. The maximum increase at most would be less than one-tenth of 
1 percent for local retail trade spending (Table 3).

[[Page 68885]]

  Table 3--Comparative Expenditures for Retail Trade Associated With Additional Refuge Visitation for 2016/2017
                                            [Thousands, 2015 dollars]
                                  Retail trade       maximum     Addition as  %   Establishments   Establ. with
       Refuge/county(ies)            in 2012      addition from     of total         in 2012        <10 emp in
                                                 new activities                                        2012
    Alamosa, CO................        $320,858            $9.7           0.003               85              64
    Costilla, CO...............          13,340             9.7           0.073               10              10
    Chambers, TX...............         323,766            13.6           0.004               85              75
    St. Martin, LA.............         638,981             3.9           0.001              142             101
    Iberville, LA..............         319,242             3.9           0.001               88              61
    Saguache, CO...............          26,605            37.8           0.142               16              13
Black Bayou Lake:
    Ouachita, LA...............       2,728,780             7.8          <0.001              710             498
Buffalo Lake:
    Randall, TX................       2,063,425             0.5          <0.001              352             246
Detroit River:
    Monroe, MI.................       1,681,716             2.2          <0.001              377             264
    Wayne, MI..................      19,901,061             2.2          <0.001            6,091           4,738
Monte Vista:
    Rio Grande, CO.............         114,102            19.4           0.017               48              41
    Cayuga, NY.................         999,879            18.4          <0.001              260             195
    Seneca, NY.................         559,990            18.4          <0.001              183             114
    Wayne, NY..................         940,334             1.2          <0.001              267             181
Patoka River:
    Gibson, IN.................         637,370             3.7           0.001              120              84
    Pike, IN...................          82,914             3.7           0.004               31              23
    Georgetown, SC.............         803,958             0.2          <0.001              303             230
    Horry, SC..................       5,990,133             0.2  ..............            1,666           1,185
    Custer, OK.................         606,827             2.3          <0.001              149             102

    With the small change in overall spending anticipated from this 
rule, it is unlikely that a substantial number of small entities will 
have more than a small impact from the spending change near the 
affected refuges. Therefore, we certify that this rule will not have a 
significant economic effect on a substantial number of small entities 
as defined under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). 
A regulatory flexibility analysis is not required. Accordingly, a small 
entity compliance guide is not required.

Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

    The rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2), the Small 
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. We anticipate no 
significant employment or small business effects. This rule:
    a. Will not have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or 
more. The minimal impact will be scattered across the country and will 
most likely not be significant in any local area.
    b. Will not cause a major increase in costs or prices for 
consumers; individual industries; Federal, State, or local government 
agencies; or geographic regions. This rule will have only a slight 
effect on the costs of hunting opportunities for Americans. If the 
substitute sites are farther from the participants' residences, then an 
increase in travel costs will occur. The Service does not have 
information to quantify this change in travel cost but assumes that, 
since most people travel less than 100 miles to hunt, the increased 
travel cost will be small. We do not expect this rule to affect the 
supply or demand for hunting opportunities in the United States, and, 
therefore, it should not affect prices for hunting equipment and 
supplies, or the retailers that sell equipment.
    c. Will not have significant adverse effects on competition, 
employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or the ability of 
U.S.-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises. This 
rule represents only a small proportion of recreational spending at 
NWRs. Therefore, this rule will have no measurable economic effect on 
the wildlife-dependent industry, which has annual sales of equipment 
and travel expenditures of $72 billion nationwide.

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    Since this rule applies to public use of federally owned and 
managed refuges, it will not impose an unfunded mandate on State, 
local, or Tribal governments or the private sector of more than $100 
million per year. The rule will not have a significant or unique effect 
on State, local, or Tribal governments or the private sector. A 
statement containing the information required by the Unfunded Mandates 
Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) is not required.

Takings (E.O. 12630)

    In accordance with E.O. 12630, this rule will not have significant 
takings implications. This rule affects only visitors at NWRs and 
describes what they can do while they are on a refuge.

Federalism (E.O. 13132)

    As discussed in Regulatory Planning and Review and Unfunded 
Mandates Reform Act, above, this rule will not have sufficient 
federalism implications

[[Page 68886]]

to warrant the preparation of a federalism summary impact statement 
under E.O. 13132. In preparing this rule, we worked with State 

Civil Justice Reform (E.O. 12988)

    In accordance with E.O. 12988, the Department of the Interior has 
determined that this rule does not unduly burden the judicial system 
and that it meets the requirements of sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of the 
Order. The rule clarifies established regulations and will result in 
better understanding of the regulations by refuge visitors.

Energy Supply, Distribution or Use (E.O. 13211)

    E.O. 13211 of May 18, 2001, requires agencies to prepare Statements 
of Energy Effects when undertaking certain actions that significantly 
affect energy supply, distribution, and use. Because this rule adds a 
new hunt at 1 NWR, increases hunting or fishing activities at 12 other 
NWRs, and adds fishing to 1 NWR, it is not a significant regulatory 
action under E.O. 12866, and we do not expect it to significantly 
affect energy supplies, distribution, or use. Therefore, this action is 
not a significant energy action, and no Statement of Energy Effects is 

Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments (E.O. 

    In accordance with E.O. 13175, we have evaluated possible effects 
on federally recognized Indian tribes and have determined that there 
are no effects. We coordinate recreational use on NWRs with Tribal 
governments having adjoining or overlapping jurisdiction before we 
propose the regulations.

Paperwork Reduction Act

    This rule does not contain any information-collection requirements 
other than those already approved by the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) 
and assigned OMB Control Numbers 1018-0102 (expires June 30, 2017), 
1018-0140 (expires May 31, 2018), and 1018-0153 (expires December 31, 
2018). An agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not 
required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number.

Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation

    We comply with section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as 
amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), when developing comprehensive 
conservation plans and step-down management plans--which include 
hunting and/or fishing plans--for public use of refuges, and prior to 
implementing any new or revised public recreation program on a refuge 
as identified in 50 CFR 26.32. We have completed section 7 consultation 
on each of the affected refuges.

National Environmental Policy Act

    We analyzed this rule in accordance with the criteria of the 
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4332(C)), 
43 CFR part 46, and 516 Departmental Manual (DM) 8.
    A categorical exclusion from NEPA documentation applies to 
publication of amendments to refuge-specific hunting and fishing 
regulations because they are technical and procedural in nature, and 
the environmental effects are too broad, speculative, or conjectural to 
lend themselves to meaningful analysis (43 CFR 46.210 and 516 DM 8). 
Concerning the actions that are the subject of this rulemaking, we have 
complied with NEPA at the project level when developing each proposal. 
This is consistent with the Department of the Interior instructions for 
compliance with NEPA where actions are covered sufficiently by an 
earlier environmental document (43 CFR 46.120).
    Prior to the addition of a refuge to the list of areas open to 
hunting and fishing in 50 CFR part 32, we develop hunting and fishing 
plans for the affected refuges. We incorporate these proposed refuge 
hunting and fishing activities in the refuge comprehensive conservation 
plan and/or other step-down management plans, pursuant to our refuge 
planning guidance in 602 Fish and Wildlife Service Manual (FW) 1, 3, 
and 4. We prepare these comprehensive conservation plans and step-down 
plans in compliance with section 102(2)(C) of NEPA, and the Council on 
Environmental Quality's regulations for implementing NEPA in 40 CFR 
parts 1500 through 1508. We invite the affected public to participate 
in the review, development, and implementation of these plans. Copies 
of all plans and NEPA compliance are available from the refuges at the 
addresses provided below.

Available Information for Specific Refuges

    Individual refuge headquarters have information about public use 
programs and conditions that apply to their specific programs and maps 
of their respective areas. To find out how to contact a specific 
refuge, contact the appropriate Regional office listed below:

    Region 1--Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Regional Chief, 
National Wildlife Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
Eastside Federal Complex, Suite 1692, 911 NE. 11th Avenue, Portland, 
OR 97232-4181; Telephone (503) 231-6214.
    Region 2--Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Regional 
Chief, National Wildlife Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, P.O. Box 1306, 500 Gold Avenue SW., Albuquerque, NM 87103; 
Telephone (505) 248-6937.
    Region 3--Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, 
Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Regional Chief, National Wildlife 
Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 5600 American Blvd. 
West, Suite 990, Bloomington, MN 55437-1458; Telephone (612) 713-
    Region 4--Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, 
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, 
Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Regional Chief, National 
Wildlife Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1875 Century 
Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30345; Telephone (404) 679-7166.
    Region 5--Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, 
Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, 
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. 
Regional Chief, National Wildlife Refuge System, U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service, 300 Westgate Center Drive, Hadley, MA 01035-9589; 
Telephone (413) 253-8307.
    Region 6--Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, 
South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Regional Chief, National Wildlife 
Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 134 Union Blvd., 
Lakewood, CO 80228; Telephone (303) 236-8145.
    Region 7--Alaska. Regional Chief, National Wildlife Refuge 
System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1011 E. Tudor Rd., 
Anchorage, AK 99503; Telephone (907) 786-3545.
    Region 8--California and Nevada. Regional Chief, National 
Wildlife Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2800 Cottage 
Way, Room W-2606, Sacramento, CA 95825; Telephone (916) 414-6464.

Primary Author

    Jillian Cohen, Division of Natural Resources and Conservation 
Planning, National Wildlife Refuge System, is the primary author of 
this rulemaking document.

List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 32

    Fishing, Hunting, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
Wildlife, Wildlife refuges.

Regulation Promulgation

    For the reasons set forth in the preamble, we amend title 50, 
chapter I, subchapter C of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:

[[Page 68887]]


1. The authority citation for part 32 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  5 U.S.C. 301; 16 U.S.C. 460k, 664, 668dd-668ee, and 

Sec.  32.7  [Amended]

2. Amend Sec.  32.7 by:
a. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Dale Bumpers White 
River National Wildlife Refuge'' in the State of Arkansas;
b. Removing the entry for ``White River National Wildlife Refuge'' from 
the State of Arkansas;
c. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Baca National Wildlife 
Refuge'' in the State of Colorado;
d. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Billy Frank Jr. 
Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge'' in the State of Washington; and
e. Removing the entry for ``Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge'' in the 
State of Washington.
3. Amend Sec.  32.20, the entry for Choctaw National Wildlife Refuge, 
a. Revising paragraph B;
b. Revising paragraphs C.1, C.2, and C.4;
c. Removing paragraph C.5; and
d. Revising paragraphs D.2, D.4, and D.7.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.20  Alabama.

* * * * *

Choctaw National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of squirrel and rabbit on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. We prohibit access to closed areas and hunting within 100 yards 
(91.4 meters) of the fenced-in refuge work center area, designated 
hiking trails, and refuge boat ramps.
    2. We prohibit leaving unattended personal property, including, but 
not limited to, boats or vehicles of any type, geocaches, lumber, and 
cameras, overnight on the refuge (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter). We 
prohibit marking trees and using flagging tape, reflective tacks, and 
other similar marking devices.
    3. You may take incidental species (coyote, beaver, nutria, and 
feral hog) during any hunt with those weapons legal during those hunts 
as defined by the State of Alabama.
    4. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit (signed 
brochure) when hunting.
    5. All persons age 15 or younger, while hunting on the refuge, must 
be in the presence and under direct supervision of a licensed or exempt 
hunter at least age 21. A licensed hunter supervising a youth must hold 
a valid State license for the species being hunted. One adult may 
supervise no more than two youth hunters.
    6. The refuge is open daily from 1 hour before legal sunrise to 1 
hour after legal sunset.
    7. We require all hunters to record hours hunted and all harvested 
game on the Visitor Check-In Permit and Report (FWS Form 3-2405) at the 
conclusion of each day at one of the refuge check stations.
    8. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on the 
refuge must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons 
may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations 
(see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in 
this part 32).
    9. We prohibit equestrian use, domestic livestock, and use of all-
terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type vehicles (UTVs).
    10. You must restrain all pets, except during squirrel and rabbit 
hunting, when you may hunt with unleashed dogs.
    11. Public use information and hunting and fishing dates are 
available at refuge headquarters and specified in the refuge brochure.
    12. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
    13. We prohibit hunting with the aid of baits, salts, scent, or 
ingestible attractant (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    14. For hunting, you may possess only approved nontoxic shot (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)), .22 caliber rimfire or smaller rifles, or legal archery 
equipment according to State regulations.
    C. * * *
    1. Conditions B1 through B14 apply.
    2. Deer hunters may place one portable stand or blind on the refuge 
for use while deer hunting, but only during the open deer season. The 
stand must be clearly labeled with the hunter's name, address, and 
phone number. You may leave the stand or blind on the refuge overnight 
in a non-hunting position at ground level.
* * * * *
    4. We prohibit damaging trees, including driving or screwing any 
metal object into a tree or hunting from a tree in which a metal object 
has been driven or screwed to support a hunter (see Sec.  32.2(i)).
    D. * * *
    2. Conditions B1, B2, B4, B6, B8 through B13, and C4 apply.
* * * * *
    4. We prohibit the taking of frogs, turtles, and crawfish (see 
Sec.  27.21 of this chapter).
* * * * *
    7. We require a refuge Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-1383-C) for 
commercial activities.
* * * * *
4. Amend Sec.  32.22, the entry for Havasu National Wildlife Refuge, by 
revising paragraphs A, B.2, C.1, D.3, and D.6 to read as follows:

Sec.  32.22  Arizona.

* * * * *

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of mourning and 
white-winged dove, duck, coot, moorhen, goose, and common snipe on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. We prohibit falconry.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field 
(see Sec.  32.2(k)).
    3. You may not hunt within 50 yards (45 meters) of any building or 
public road.
    4. We prohibit target shooting.
    5. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on the 
refuge must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons 
may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations 
(see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in 
this part 32).
    6. We prohibit the construction or use of pits and permanent blinds 
(see Sec.  27.92 of this chapter).
    7. You must remove temporary blinds, boats, hunting equipment, and 
decoys from the refuge following each day's hunt (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 
and 27.94 of this chapter).
    8. We prohibit retrieving game from closed areas. You may retrieve 
game from areas closed to hunting, but otherwise open to entry, as long 
as you possess no hunting firearms or other means of take.
    9. Anyone hired to assist or guide hunter(s) must possess and carry 
a valid Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-1383-C) issued by the refuge 
    10. We prohibit hunting on those refuge lands within the Lake 
Havasu City limits.
    11. The following conditions apply only to Pintail Slough (all 
refuge lands north of North Dike):
    i. We require a fee for waterfowl hunting. You must possess proof 
of payment while hunting.

[[Page 68888]]

    ii. Waterfowl hunters must hunt within 25 feet (7.5 meters) of the 
numbered post of their assigned blind.
    iii. We limit the number of persons at each waterfowl hunt blind to 
three. Observers cannot hold shells or guns for hunting unless in 
possession of a valid State hunting license and stamps.
    iv. We limit the number of shells a waterfowl hunter may possess to 
    v. Waterfowl hunters must possess at least 12 decoys per blind.
    vi. You may use only dead vegetation or materials brought from off 
refuge for making or fixing hunt blinds. We prohibit the cutting, 
pulling, marking or removing vegetation (see Sec. Sec.  27.51 of this 
    vii. Waterfowl hunters must be at their blind at least 45 minutes 
before legal shoot time and not leave their blind until 10 a.m. MST.
    viii. We allow waterfowl hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and 
Sundays. Waterfowl hunting ends at 12 p.m. (noon) MST. Hunters must be 
out of the slough area by 1 p.m. MST.
    ix. We allow qualifying youth to participate in the youth waterfowl 
    x. We allow dove hunting at Pintail Slough only during the 
September season.
    12. The following conditions apply to all waters of the lower 
Colorado River within the refuge:
    i. We close designated portions of Topock Marsh to all entry from 
October 1 through the last day of the waterfowl hunt season (including 
the State youth waterfowl hunt). These areas are indicated in refuge 
brochures and identified by buoys and/or signs.
    ii. We prohibit hunting in the waters of the Colorado River and on 
those refuge lands within \1/4\ mile (.4 kilometer) of the waters of 
the Colorado River from and including Castle Rock Bay north to 
Interstate 40.
    iii. We allow hunting on refuge lands and waters south of Castle 
Rock Bay to the north boundary of the Lake Havasu City limits.
    13. We prohibit the use of all air-thrust boats and/or air-cooled 
propulsion engines, including floating aircraft.
    14. Dogs must be under your immediate control at all times.
    B. * * *
    2. We prohibit the possession of rifles for hunting.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. Conditions A2 through A9, and A12ii apply.
    D. * * *
    3. Anyone hired to assist or guide anglers must possess and carry a 
valid Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-1383-C) issued by the refuge 
* * * * *
    6. The following apply to improved areas within the refuge. 
Improved areas consist of the Mesquite Bay areas, Castle Rock, the 
Diving Cliffs, Catfish Paradise, Five Mile Landing and North Dike.
    i. We prohibit entry of all motorized watercraft in all three bays 
of the Mesquite Bay areas as indicated by signs or regulatory buoys.
    ii. Improved areas are day-use only and are open from \1/2\ hour 
before legal sunrise to \1/2\ hour after legal sunset. We allow fishing 
and launching water craft at these and other areas 24 hours a day.
    iii. We prohibit the possession of open containers of alcohol or 
the possession of glass beverage containers in improved areas.
* * * * *

5. Amend Sec.  32.23 by:
a. Under the entry Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.1, A.2, A.9, A.11, and A.22;
ii. Revising paragraphs B.1 and B.3 through B.6;
iii. Revising paragraphs C.1, C.3, C.5, C.6, C.9, C.10, C.11, and C.17;
iv. Adding paragraph C.19; and
v. Revising paragraph D introductory text and paragraphs D.1 and D.2;
b. Under the entry Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs B.15, B.17, and C.7; and
ii. Adding paragraph C.12;
c. Under the entry Cache River National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.2 and A.23; and
ii. Revising paragraph C introductory text and paragraph C.12;
d. Revising paragraphs B, C, and D under the entry Holla Bend National 
Wildlife Refuge;
e. Under the entry Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.5, A.10, and A.11;
ii. Revising paragraph C.6; and
iii. Adding paragraph C.9; and
f. Under the entry White River National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising the heading of the entry to read, ``Dale Bumpers White 
River National Wildlife Refuge'' and moving the entry into alphabetical 
order within the section;
ii. Removing paragraph A.14;
iii. Redesignating paragraphs A.15 through A.26 as A.14 through A.25, 
iv. Revising newly redesignated paragraphs A.16, A.17, A.20, and A.24;
v. Revising paragraphs B.1 and B.6;
vi. Revising paragraphs C.1, C.2, C.3, C.8, and C.10;
vii. Removing paragraph C.11;
viii. Redesignating paragraphs C.12 through C.20 as C.11 through C.19, 
ix. Revising newly redesignated paragraphs C.18 and C.19; and
x. Revising paragraph D.5.
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  32.23  Arkansas.

* * * * *

Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. We require refuge hunting permits (signed brochure). The permits 
are nontransferable, and anyone on refuge land in possession of hunting 
equipment must possess a signed permit at all times.
    2. We prohibit migratory game bird hunting on the refuge during the 
Quota Gun Deer Hunt.
* * * * *
    9. We open the refuge to daylight use only, with the exception that 
hunters may enter the refuge beginning at 4 a.m. and must exit by 1 
hour after legal shooting time ends.
* * * * *
    11. You may possess only biodegradable materials to mark trails.
* * * * *
    22. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting (see Sec.  32.2(j)). We prohibit open alcohol containers on 
refuge roads, all-terrain vehicles (ATV) trails, boat ramps, 
observation platforms, and parking areas.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    1. Conditions A1, A6, A9, A11 through A13, and A17 through A23 
* * * * *
    3. We allow squirrel hunting September 1 through February 28 on the 
Mingo Creek Unit and on the Farm Unit, except for season closure of the 
refuge during the Quota Gun Deer Hunt. We allow dogs.
    4. We allow rabbit hunting in accordance with the State season on 
the Mingo Creek Unit and on the Farm Unit, except for season closure of 
the refuge during the Quota Gun Deer Hunt. We allow dogs.
    5. We allow quail hunting in accordance with the State season 
except for season closure of the refuge during the Quota Gun Deer Hunt. 
We allow dogs.
    6. We allow daylight hunting of raccoon and opossum with dogs on 

[[Page 68889]]

refuge hunt units. Nighttime hunting of raccoon and opossum is allowed 
only on the Mingo Creek Unit with a Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-
1383-G). We require dogs for hunting raccoon/opossum at night. We list 
annual season dates in the refuge hunting brochure/permit. We prohibit 
field trials and organized training events.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. Conditions A1, A6, A9, A11 through A13, A17 through A23, and B8 
through B12 apply.
* * * * *
    3. The archery/crossbow hunting season for deer begins on the 
opening day of the State season and continues throughout the State 
season in the Mingo Creek Unit and Farm Unit except for the season 
closure of the refuge during the Quota Gun Deer Hunt. We provide annual 
season dates and bag limits in the hunt brochure/permit (signature 
* * * * *
    5. The modern gun hunting season for deer will begin in November 
and continue for a period of up to 9 days in all hunting units with 
annual season dates and bag limits provided in the hunt brochure/
    6. We prohibit leaving any tree stand, ground blind, or game camera 
on the refuge without the owner's name, address, and phone number 
clearly written in a conspicuous location.
* * * * *
    9. Immediately record the zone (002) on your hunting license and 
check all harvested game according to State regulations.
    10. You may use only shotguns with rifled slugs, muzzleloaders, and 
legal pistols for modern gun deer hunting on the Farm Unit.
    11. We allow only portable deer stands capable of being carried in 
their entirety by a single individual. You may erect stands 7 days 
prior to the refuge deer season and must remove them from the waterfowl 
sanctuaries prior to November 15, except for stands used by Quota Gun 
Deer Hunt permit holders (signature required), which you must remove by 
the last day of the Quota Gun Deer Hunt. You must remove all stands on 
the remainder of the refuge within 7 days of the closure of archery 
season (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter).
* * * * *
    17. We allow only Quota Gun Deer Hunt permit holders on the refuge 
during the Quota Gun Deer Hunt and only for the purposes of deer 
hunting. We close the refuge to all other entry and public use during 
the Quota Gun Deer Hunt.
* * * * *
    19. You may enter the refuge at 4 a.m. and remain until 1 hour 
after legal shooting time.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State 
regulations subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A9, A11, A19 through A23, B11, and C18 apply.
    2. We close waterfowl sanctuaries to all entry from November 15 to 
February 28. We also close the refuge to all entry and fishing during 
the Quota Gun Deer Hunt.
* * * * *

Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *
    15. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting (see Sec.  32.2(j)). We prohibit open alcohol containers on 
refuge roads, trails, boat ramps, parking areas, fishing piers, 
observation decks, and photo blinds.
* * * * *
    17. We prohibit loaded hunting firearms or muzzleloaders in or on a 
vehicle, or boat while under power. We define ``loaded'' as shells in 
the firearm or ignition device on the muzzleloader.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    7. We allow only portable deer stands capable of being carried in 
their entirety by a single individual. You may erect stands 7 days 
prior to the refuge deer season and must remove them 7 days before the 
closure of archery season (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter).
* * * * *
    12. We prohibit leaving any tree stand, ground blind, or game 
camera on the refuge without the owner's name, address, and phone 
number clearly written in a conspicuous location.
* * * * *

Cache River National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. We prohibit migratory game bird hunting on the refuge during the 
Quota Gun Deer Hunt.
* * * * *
    23. We prohibit loaded hunting firearms or muzzleloaders in or on a 
vehicle, ATV, or boat while under power. We define ``loaded'' as shells 
in the firearm or ignition device on the muzzleloader.
* * * * *
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer and turkey on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
* * * * *
    12. We prohibit leaving any tree stand, ground blind, or game 
camera on the refuge without the owner's name, address, and phone 
number clearly written in a conspicuous location.
* * * * *

Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    16. We require hunters born after 1968 to carry a valid hunter-
education card. We do not require hunters under age 16 to have a 
hunter-education card while under direct supervision (within arm's 
reach) of a holder of a valid hunting license who is at least age 21. 
Youth hunters under age 16 must remain within sight and normal voice 
contact of an adult age 21 or older, possessing a valid hunting 
license. An adult may supervise only one youth for big game hunting but 
may supervise up to two youths for waterfowl and small game hunting.
    17. We allow take of beaver, nutria, and coyote, incidental to any 
daytime refuge hunt with weapons authorized for that hunt. We prohibit 
take of beaver, nutria, and feral hog with the aid of dogs or after the 
hunter has taken the daily bag limit for that hunt. We allow feral hog 
to be taken during modern gun and muzzleloader deer hunts.
* * * * *
    20. We allow camping only in designated sites and areas identified 
in the refuge user brochure/permit, and we restrict camping to 
individuals involved in wildlife-dependent activities. Campers may stay 
no more than 14 days during any 30 consecutive-day period in any 
campground site or area and must occupy camps daily. We prohibit all 
disturbances, including use of generators, after 10 p.m.
* * * * *
    24. We prohibit hovercraft, personal watercraft (e.g., jet skis, 
etc.), and airboats.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    1. Conditions A1, A9, A10, A11, A12, and A15 through A25 apply.
* * * * *
    6. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot when hunting upland 
game (see Sec.  32.2(k)).
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. Conditions A1, A9, A10, A11, A12, and A15 through A25 apply.
    2. Archery deer seasons on the North Unit are from the beginning of 
the State

[[Page 68890]]

archery season until the end of January except for refuge-wide season 
closure during quota muzzleloader and quota gun deer hunts. We provide 
annual season dates and bag limits in the refuge user brochure/permit.
    3. Archery deer seasons on the South Unit are from the beginning of 
the State archery season until the end of December except for refuge-
wide season closure during quota muzzleloader and quota gun deer hunts. 
We provide annual season dates and bag limits in the refuge user 
* * * * *
    8. If you harvest deer or turkey on the refuge, you must 
immediately record the zone number (Zone 146 South Unit and Zone 145 
North Unit) on your hunting license and later check deer and/or turkey 
through State phone or online checking system.
* * * * *
    10. You must follow refuge guidance regarding flood-zone closures 
during the deer hunt. Guidance is found in the refuge brochure, which 
you must carry at all times.
* * * * *
    18. We prohibit hunting on the Kansas Lake Area after November 30.
    19. We prohibit the possession of buckshot on the refuge.
    D. * * *
    5. We prohibit all commercial and recreational harvest of turtle on 
all property administered by Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife 
* * * * *

Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of squirrel, rabbit, 
raccoon, opossum, beaver, armadillo, coyote, and bobcat on designated 
areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to 
the following conditions:
    1. We require refuge hunting permits (name, address, signature 
required). The permits are nontransferable, and anyone on refuge land 
in possession of hunting equipment must sign, possess, and carry the 
permits at all times. Your hunt permit will also act as your entrance 
pass to the refuge.
    2. During the refuge archery season, you may take only squirrel, 
rabbit, raccoon, opossum, beaver, armadillo, coyote, or bobcat.
    3. We allow gun hunting of raccoon and opossum with dogs every 
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday until legal sunrise during the month of 
February. We prohibit field trails and organized training events (see 
Sec.  26.21(b) of this chapter).
    4. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on the 
refuge must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons 
may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations 
(see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in 
this part 32). We prohibit target practice or nonhunting discharge of 
firearms (see Sec.  27.42(a) of this chapter).
    5. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting (see Sec.  32.2(j)). We prohibit open alcohol containers on 
refuge roads, boat ramps, observation platforms, and parking areas.
    6. We only allow all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) for hunters and 
anglers with disabilities. We require a refuge ATV permit (Special Use 
Permit; FWS Form 3-1383-G) issued by the refuge manager.
    7. We prohibit the use of horses and mules.
    8. We prohibit hunting from a vehicle.
    9. We only allow vehicle use on established roads and trails (see 
Sec.  27.31 of this chapter).
    10. You must enter and exit the refuge from designated roads and 
parking areas. We prohibit accessing refuge waters and land from the 
Arkansas River. We prohibit boating over the dam at the Old River 
Channel from either direction.
    11. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45 meters) of roads open 
to motor vehicle use and nature trails.
    12. We prohibit marking trails with tape, ribbon, paint, or any 
other substance other than biodegradable materials.
    13. We allow the use of nonmotorized boats during the refuge 
fishing/boating season (March 1 to October 31), but we prohibit hunters 
leaving boats on the refuge overnight (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
    14. You must adhere to all public use special conditions and 
regulations in the annual public use regulations brochure/permit.
    15. You may not possess live hogs or live coyotes.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer and turkey on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions B1 and B4 through B15 apply.
    2. We allow archery/crossbow hunting for white-tailed deer and 
turkey. We provide annual season dates in the public use regulations 
brochure/permit (name, address, signature required).
    3. The refuge will conduct one youth-only (between ages 6 and 15 at 
the beginning of the gun deer season in Zone 7) quota gun deer hunt. 
Specific hunt dates and application procedures will be available at the 
refuge office in July. We restrict hunt participants to those selected 
for a quota permit, except that one nonhunting adult age 21 or older 
must accompany the youth hunter during the youth hunt.
    4. We open spring and fall archery turkey hunting during the State 
spring and fall turkey season for this zone.
    5. We close the refuge to all entry and public use during scheduled 
youth quota gun hunts, except for those allowed to participate in the 
youth quota gun hunt.
    6. The refuge will conduct two youth-only (age 6 to 15 at the 
beginning of the spring turkey season) quota spring gun turkey hunts, 
each 2 days in length. Specific hunt dates and application procedures 
will be available at the refuge office in January. We restrict hunt 
participants to those selected for a quota permit (name, address, phone 
number required), except that one nonhunting adult age 21 or older must 
accompany the youth hunter during the youth hunt.
    7. An adult age 21 or older must accompany and be within sight or 
normal voice contact of hunters age 15 and under. One adult may 
supervise no more than one youth hunter.
    8. We allow only portable deer stands and blinds capable of being 
carried in their entirety by a single individual. You may erect stands 
7 days before the start of the season and must remove the stands from 
the refuge within 7 days after the season ends (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 
and 27.94 of this chapter).
    9. You must permanently affix the owner's name, address, and phone 
number to all tree stands, ground blinds, or game cameras on the 
    10. We prohibit the use of dogs during big game hunting.
    11. We prohibit hunting from paved, graveled, and mowed roads and 
mowed trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter).
    12. We prohibit hunting with the aid of bait, salt, or ingestible 
attractant (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    13. We prohibit all forms of organized game drives.
    14. You must check all game at the refuge check station.
    15. We prohibit commercial hunting/guiding.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing and frogging in accordance 
with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions B6, B7, B9, and C5 apply.
    2. Waters of the refuge are only open for fishing March 1 through 
October 31 during daylight hours.
    3. We do not require a permit to fish but do require an entrance 
pass to the

[[Page 68891]]

refuge, which can be purchased at the entrance fee station or refuge 
    4. We limit free-floating fishing devices, trotlines, and tree limb 
devices to 20 per person. Each device must have the angler's name and 
    5. You must reset trotlines and limb lines when receding water 
levels expose them.
    6. We prohibit leaving trotlines and other self-fishing devices 
overnight or unattended.
    7. You must enter and exit the refuge from designated roads and 
parking areas. We prohibit accessing refuge waters and land from the 
Arkansas River. We prohibit boating over the dam at the Old River 
Channel from either direction.
    8. We prohibit anglers from leaving their boats unattended 
overnight on any portion of the refuge (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
    9. We require a Special Use Permit (FWS form 3-1383-C) for all 
commercial fishing activities on the refuge.
    10. We prohibit the take and possession of turtles and/or mollusks 
(see Sec.  27.21 of this chapter).
    11. We prohibit airboats, hovercraft, and personal watercraft (Jet 
Skis, etc.) (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter).
* * * * *

Wapannoca National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    5. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).
* * * * *
    10. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting (see Sec.  32.2(j)). We prohibit open alcohol containers on 
refuge roads, trails, boat ramps, parking areas, fishing piers, 
observation decks, and photo blinds.
    11. We prohibit loaded hunting firearms or muzzleloaders in or on a 
vehicle or boat while under power (see Sec.  27.42(b) of this chapter). 
We define ``loaded'' as shells in the firearm or ignition device on the 
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    6. We allow only portable deer stands capable of being carried in 
their entirety by a single individual. You may erect stands 7 days 
prior to the refuge deer season and must remove them from the waterfowl 
sanctuaries by December 1. You must remove all stands on the remainder 
of the refuge within 7 days of the closure of archery season (see Sec.  
27.93 of this chapter).
* * * * *
    9. We prohibit leaving any tree stand, ground blind, or game camera 
on the refuge without the owner's name, address, and phone number 
clearly written in a conspicuous location.
* * * * *

6. Amend Sec.  32.24 by:
a. Under the entry Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.1 and A.2;
ii. Removing paragraph A.3; and
iii. Revising paragraph C.1;
b. Revising paragraphs A.2 and A.3 under the entry Colusa National 
Wildlife Refuge;
c. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.3, and A.12 under the entry Delevan 
National Wildlife Refuge;
d. Under the entry Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife 
i. Revising paragraphs A.2.iii, A.2.iv, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, and A.7;
ii. Removing paragraph A.8;
iii. Redesignating paragraphs A.9 and A.10 as A.8 and A.9, 
respectively; and
iv. Revising newly redesignated paragraph A.8;
e. Revising paragraph A.4 under the entry Lower Klamath National 
Wildlife Refuge;
f. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.3, and A.12 under the entry Sacramento 
National Wildlife Refuge;
g. Revising paragraph A under the entry Salinas River National Wildlife 
h. Revising paragraphs A.1, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6, and A.8 under the entry 
San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge;
i. Revising paragraphs A.2 and A.3 under the entry Sutter National 
Wildlife Refuge; and
j. Under the entry Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraph A.4;
ii. Redesignating paragraphs A.5 through A.9 as A.6 through A.10; and
iii. Adding a new paragraph A.5.
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  32.24  California.

* * * * *

Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. We allow waterfowl hunting on designated areas of the refuge 7 
days per week during the State regulated season.
    i. You may hunt from the shoreline only.
    ii. You may not use a boat of any kind while conducting waterfowl 
hunting activities.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field 
(see Sec.  32.2(k)).
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. You may hunt only in the unit for 9 consecutive days beginning 
on the first Saturday following the third Wednesday in August.
* * * * *

Colusa National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. You must return the State-issued entry permit and vacate the 
refuge no later than 1\1/2\ hours after legal sunset unless 
participating in an overnight stay in accordance with A13.
    3. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) 
at all times while hunting.
* * * * *

Delevan National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. You must return the State-issued entry permit and vacate the 
refuge no later than 1\1/2\ hours after legal sunset unless 
participating in an overnight stay in accordance with A14.
    3. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) 
at all times while hunting.
* * * * *
    12. We prohibit snipe hunting in the assigned pond/spaced blind 
* * * * *

Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. * * *
    iii. Ponds AB1, A2E, AB2, A3N, and A3W in the Alviso Unit. These 
ponds are located on the west side of the Bay between Stevens Creek and 
Guadalupe Slough. You must obtain a refuge permit (name, address, phone 
number, and signature required) to hunt these ponds. Access to Ponds 
AB1 and A2E will be from the Crittenden Lane Trailhead in Mountain 
View. Access to Ponds A3W will be from the Carl Road Trailhead in 
Sunnyvale. Access to Ponds A3N and AB2 is by boat from the other ponds. 
We allow hunting only from existing hunting blinds. We allow hunting 
only on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays on these ponds.
    iv. Ponds A5, A7, and A8N in the Alviso Unit. These ponds are 
located on the south end of the Bay between Guadalupe Slough and Alviso 
Slough. You must obtain a refuge permit (name, address, phone number, 
and signature required) to hunt these ponds. Access is via walking and 
bicycling from the Gold Street gate in Alviso. We allow hunting by boat 
and by walking pond levees. We allow hunting only on Wednesdays, 
Saturdays, and Sundays on these ponds.
    3. During the 2 weeks before the opening of the hunt season, you 
may bring a boat into Ponds AB1, A2E, AB2, A3N, A3W, A5, A7, and A8N, 
and moor

[[Page 68892]]

it at a designated site. These boats will be used to access the hunting 
ponds and can stay on the refuge during the hunt season. You must 
remove your boat within 2 weeks following the close of the hunt season. 
We allow nonmotorized boats and motorized boats powered by electric, 
gasoline direct fuel injection 2-stroke, or 4-stroke gasoline motors 
    4. You may maintain an existing blind in the ponds open to hunting 
if you have a refuge permit (name, address, phone number, and signature 
required), but the blind will be open for general use on a first-come, 
first-served basis. We prohibit pit blinds or digging into the levees 
(see Sec.  27.92 of this chapter).
    5. You must remove all decoys and other personal property, except 
personal boats, from the refuge by legal sunset. You must remove all 
trash, including shotshell hulls, when leaving hunting areas (see 
Sec. Sec.  27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
    6. You may enter closed areas of the refuge to retrieve downed 
birds, provided you leave all weapons in a legal hunting area. We 
encourage the use of retriever dogs. We prohibit other domesticated 
animals or pets. You must keep your dog(s) under immediate control of 
the handler at all times (see Sec.  26.21(b) of this chapter). Dogs 
must remain inside a vehicle or be on a leash until they are on the 
ponds or on the levees (Ponds R1, 2, A5, 7, and 8N only) as a part of 
the hunt.
    7. You may possess shotshells in quantities of 25 or fewer when in 
the field.
    8. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on the 
refuge must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons 
may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations 
(see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in 
this part 32). We prohibit target practice on the refuge or any 
nonhunting discharge of any firearm (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter).
* * * * *

Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    4. Shooting hours end at 1 p.m. on all California portions of the 
refuge with the following exceptions:
    i. The refuge manager may designate up to 6 afternoon special 
youth, ladies, veteran, or disabled hunter waterfowl hunts per season.
    ii. The refuge manager may designate up to 3 days per week of 
afternoon waterfowl hunting for the general public after December 1.
* * * * *

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. You must return the State-issued entry permit and vacate the 
refuge no later than 1\1/2\ hours after legal sunset unless 
participating in an overnight stay in accordance with A14.
    3. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) 
at all times while hunting.
* * * * *
    12. We prohibit snipe hunting in the assigned pond/spaced blind 
* * * * *

Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, 
coot, and moorhen on a hunt area along the Salinas River on the 
southeast portion of the refuge, as designated by posted signs, in 
accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. You may possess shotshells only in quantities of 25 or fewer.
    2. Access to the hunt area is by foot traffic only. We prohibit 
bicycles and other conveyances. Mobility-impaired hunters should 
consult with the refuge manager for allowed conveyances.
    3. We only allow dogs engaged in hunting activities on the refuge 
during the waterfowl season. You must keep dog(s) under your immediate 
control at all times (see Sec.  26.21(b) of this chapter). We prohibit 
training of dogs on the refuge. We prohibit other domesticated animals 
or pets.
    4. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on the 
refuge must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons 
may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations 
(see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in 
this part 32). We prohibit target practice on the refuge or any 
nonhunting discharge of any firearm (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter).
    5. You must remove all decoys and other personal property from the 
refuge at the end of each day (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter). You 
must remove all trash, including shotshell hulls, when leaving hunting 
areas (see Sec.  27.94 of this chapter).
* * * * *

San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. Unless posted in the field and/or noted below, we only allow 
hunting in the open waters of San Pablo Bay and its navigable sloughs. 
The following areas are closed to hunting:
    i. Lower Tubbs Island;
    ii. Lower Tubbs Setback;
    iii. Cullinan Ranch Unit;
    iv. Sonoma Baylands Unit; and
    v. Within 300 feet (90 meters) of Highway 37.
* * * * *
    3. You may possess shotshells only in quantities of 25 or fewer 
while in the field.
    4. You must remove all decoys, boats, and other personal property 
from the refuge at the end of each day (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
chapter). You must remove all trash, including shotshell hulls, when 
leaving hunting areas (see Sec.  27.94 of this chapter).
    5. We prohibit entry to closed areas of the refuge prior to the 
hunting season in order to scout for hunting sites.
    6. We only allow dogs engaged in hunting activities on the refuge 
during waterfowl season. We prohibit other domesticated animals or 
pets. You must keep dog(s) under your immediate control at all times 
(see Sec.  26.21(b) of this chapter). We prohibit training of dogs on 
the refuge.
* * * * *
    8. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on the 
refuge must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons 
may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations 
(see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in 
this part 32). We prohibit target practice on the refuge or any 
nonhunting discharge of any firearm (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter).
* * * * *

Sutter National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. You must return the State-issued entry permit and vacate the 
refuge no later than 1\1/2\ hours after legal sunset unless 
participating in an overnight stay in accordance with A13.
    3. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) 
at all times while hunting.
* * * * *

Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    4. Shooting hours end at 1 p.m. on all California portions of the 
refuge with the following exceptions:
    i. The refuge manager may designate up to 6 afternoon special 
youth, ladies, veteran, or disabled hunter waterfowl hunts per season.
    ii. The refuge manager may designate up to 3 days per week of 
afternoon waterfowl hunting for the general public after December 1.
    5. You must be drawn daily to hunt all spaced blinds, including 
numbered blind areas, Sump 1B, and Frey's Island

[[Page 68893]]

units, from the first day of the regulated hunting season through 
November 30. Drawings are held at the hunter check station located on 
County Road 103. Beginning December 1 through the last day of the 
season, spaced blinds are first-come, first-served.
* * * * *

7. Amend Sec.  32.25 by:
a. Revising paragraphs A, B, and C under the entry Alamosa National 
Wildlife Refuge;
b. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for Baca National Wildlife 
Refuge; and
c. Revising paragraphs A, B, and C under the entry Monte Vista National 
    The addition and revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.25  Colorado.

* * * * *

Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of geese, ducks, 
coots, snipe, Eurasian collared-doves, and mourning doves on designated 
areas of the refuge in accordance with State and Federal regulations, 
and subject to the following conditions:
    1. We allow Eurasian collared-dove hunting only during the mourning 
dove season.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)).
    3. The only acceptable methods of take are shotguns, hand-held 
bows, and hawking/falconry.
    4. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on 
national wildlife refuges must comply with all provisions of State and 
local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with 
refuge regulations (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge 
regulations in this part 32).
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of cottontail rabbit, and 
black-tailed and white-tailed jackrabbit, on designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. Conditions A2, A3 and A4 apply.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of elk on designated areas of 
the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. Condition A4 applies.
    2. You must possess a valid State license and a refuge-specific 
permit from the State, or a valid State license issued specifically for 
the refuge, to hunt elk. State license selection will be made via the 
Colorado Parks and Wildlife hunt selection process.
* * * * *

Baca National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of Eurasian 
collared-doves and mourning doves only in designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State and Federal regulations, and subject to 
the following conditions:
    1. We allow Eurasian collared-dove hunting only during the mourning 
dove season.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)).
    3. The only acceptable methods of take are shotguns, hand-held 
bows, and hawking/falconry.
    4. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on 
national wildlife refuges must comply with all provisions of State and 
local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with 
refuge regulations (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge 
regulations in this part 32).
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of cottontail rabbit, and 
black-tailed and white-tailed jackrabbit, on designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. Conditions A2 and A4 apply.
    2. We prohibit handguns for hunting.
    3. Shotguns, rifles firing rim-fire cartridges less than .23 
caliber, hand-held bows, pellet guns, slingshots, and hawking/falconry 
are the only acceptable methods of take.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of elk on designated areas of 
the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. Condition A4 applies.
    2. You must possess a valid State license and a refuge-specific 
permit from the State, or a valid State license issued specifically for 
the refuge, to hunt elk. State license selection will be made via the 
Colorado Parks and Wildlife hunt selection process.
    3. During firearms elk seasons, hunters must follow State law for 
use of hunter orange.
* * * * *

8. Amend Sec.  32.27 by revising paragraph D under the entry Prime Hook 
National Wildlife Refuge to read as follows:

Sec.  32.27  Delaware.

* * * * *

Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and crabbing on designated areas 
of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. We require all individuals fishing and/or crabbing on or from 
the refuge or within refuge waters to possess a signed refuge fishing/
crabbing application (FWS Form 3-2358) and a valid form of government-
issued photo identification.
    2. Anglers using boats on Turkle and Fleetwood Ponds may propel 
them manually or with electric motors only.
    3. We do not allow fishing or crabbing from water control 
    4. You may use or possess only nontoxic terminal tackle, weights, 
sinkers, and/or split shot while fishing or crabbing within refuge 
    5. You may use only hook-and-line tackle when fishing for finfish.
    6. You may use only hand lines, crab dip nets, hoop crab nets, and/
or manually operated crab traps (collapsible traps) for crabbing.
    7. You must attend to your fishing and/or crabbing lines and gear 
at all times.
    8. We do not allow commercial fishing and/or crabbing.
* * * * *

9. Amend Sec.  32.28 by:
a. Revising paragraphs C and D under the entry Lake Woodruff National 
Wildlife Refuge;
b. Under the entry Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraph A introductory text and paragraphs A.1 through 
A.9, A.12, A.14, and A.15;
ii. Adding paragraph A.16;
iii. Revising paragraph C;
iv. Revising paragraph D introductory text and paragraphs D.1, D.3, 
D.4, D.5, D.8, D.11, D.14, D.15, D.16, and D.17; and
v. Removing paragraph D.18;
c. Revising paragraphs C.6 through C.9 and C.12 under the entry St. 
Marks National Wildlife Refuge; and
d. Revising paragraphs C.1, C.2, C.3, C.8, C.9, C.18 and D.6 under the 
entry St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge.
     The addition and revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.28  Florida.

* * * * *

Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and 
feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. We require Lake Woodruff hunt permits. The permits (signed 
annual hunt brochure) are free and nontransferable, and anyone on 
refuge land in possession of hunting equipment must sign, possess, and 
carry the permit at all times.

[[Page 68894]]

    2. In addition to the valid, paid Lake Woodruff Quota Hunt Permit 
(Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission State Permit), which 
can be purchased through Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation 
Commission (FWC), and a signed Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge 
hunt permit (signed annual hunt brochure), hunters must have on their 
person all applicable Florida hunting licenses and permits. State 
requirements for hunter safety apply.
    3. All hunters must be on stands or in blinds while hunting.
    4. We prohibit stalking or movement through the hunt area while 
    5. We prohibit scouting in the hunt area, whether you hold a permit 
for the current hunt or a future hunt, during the quota hunt.
    6. We prohibit possession of hunting weapons while scouting.
    7. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on 
National Wildlife Refuges must comply with all provisions of State and 
local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with 
refuge regulations (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and refuge-specific 
regulations in this part 32).
    8. We close the hunt areas of the refuge to all public use except 
to permitted hunters. The refuge is closed between legal sunset and 
legal sunrise, except permitted hunters may access the refuge 2 hours 
prior to legal sunrise each hunting day. All hunters must be off the 
refuge 2 hours after legal sunset.
    9. You may set up stands or blinds 2 days prior to the hunt for 
which you are permitted, and you must remove them on or before the last 
day of your permitted hunt. You must clearly mark stands with the 
hunter's name and address or the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation 
Commission (FWC) customer number found on your hunting license. No more 
than one stand or blind per person may be on the refuge at any time, 
unless a permitted hunter is accompanied by a youth hunter. Stands and/
or blinds for youth hunters must be placed within sight and normal 
voice contact of the permitted hunter's stand and marked with the adult 
permitted hunter's name and address or the FWC customer number and the 
word ``YOUTH.''
    10. If you use flagging or other trail marking material, you must 
print your name or FWC customer number on each piece or marker. You may 
set up flagging and trail markers 2 days prior to the permitted hunt, 
and you must remove them on or before the last day of the permitted 
    11. You must check out any game taken during the hunts at a self-
check station.
    12. We allow primitive gun hunting only in the Western Unit, which 
is only accessible by boat.
    13. We prohibit hunting with dogs.
    14. We prohibit accessing the refuge through the railroad right-of-
    15. Hunters under age 16 do not need a quota permit, but must be 
accompanied by an adult age 18 or older. Each adult may supervise one 
youth hunter and must remain within sight and normal voice contact; the 
pair must share a single bag limit unless hunting during a designated 
Family or Youth Hunt.
    16. Archery hunters must wear a vest or jacket containing back and 
front panels of at least 500 square inches (3,226 square centimeters) 
of solid-fluorescent-orange color when moving to and from their 
vehicle, to their deer stand or their hunting spot, and while tracking 
or dragging out their deer. We do not require archery hunters to wear 
solid-colored-fluorescent hunter orange when positioned in their stands 
to hunt.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. We require a Florida Freshwater Fishing license, and we adhere 
to State regulations for bag and length limits.
    2. Fishing on the refuge is by hook and line only. We prohibit cast 
    3. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
    4. We prohibit the use of airboats on the refuge.
    5. We prohibit commercial fishing and the taking of frogs, turtles, 
or any other wildlife without permit (see Sec.  27.21 of this chapter).
    6. We prohibit the use of snatch hooks in the refuge impoundments.
* * * * *

Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of ducks, 
mergansers, and coots in designated areas of the refuge in accordance 
with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on 
National Wildlife Refuges must comply with all provisions of Federal, 
State, and local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in 
accordance with refuge regulations (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and 
this part 32).
    2. You must possess and carry a current, signed Merritt Island 
National Wildlife Refuge hunt permit (signed brochure, non-
transferable) at all times while hunting waterfowl on the refuge.
    3. You must carry a valid State-issued Merritt Island Waterfowl 
Quota Permit (Waterfowl Quota Permit), which can be purchased through 
the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) while 
hunting in areas 1 or 4 from the beginning of the regular waterfowl 
season through January 31.
    4. We allow hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal 
holidays, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day, that 
fall within the State's waterfowl season.
    5. We allow hunting in four designated areas of the refuge as 
delineated in the refuge hunting regulations map. We prohibit hunters 
entering the normal or expanded restricted areas of the Kennedy Space 
Center (KSC).
    6. We only allow hunting of waterfowl on refuge-established hunt 
days from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon). All 
equipment must be removed by 1 p.m. daily.
    7. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m. for the purpose 
of waterfowl hunting.
    8. You must comply with State requirements for hunter-education 
    9. We require an adult, age 18 or older, to supervise hunters age 
15 and younger. The adult must remain within sight and normal voice 
contact of the youth hunter.
* * * * *
    12. We prohibit hunting or shooting within 25 feet (7.6 meters), or 
shooting from any portion of, a dike, dirt road, or railroad grade.
* * * * *
    14. You must stop at posted refuge waterfowl check stations and 
report statistical hunt information on the Migratory Bird Hunt Report 
(FWS Form 3-2361) to refuge personnel.
    15. You may not possess more than 25 shells in 1 hunt day.
    16. You may only use gasoline, diesel, or electric motors inside 
the impoundment perimeter ditch.
* * * * *
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow the hunting of white-tailed deer and 
feral hog in designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. We require a State-issued Merritt Island National Wildlife 
Refuge Big Game Quota Hunt Permit (Quota Hunt Permit), which can be 
purchased through the FWC. The Quota Hunt Permit is a limited entry 
quota permit, is zone-specific, and is nontransferable.
    2. You must have a valid signed Big Game Hunt Permit (signed annual 
hunt brochure). The permits are free and

[[Page 68895]]

nontransferable, and anyone on refuge land in possession of hunting 
equipment must sign and carry the signed permit at all times.
    3. You must also have on your person all applicable Florida hunting 
licenses and permits. State requirements for hunter safety apply.
    4. Licenses, permits, all hunting equipment and effects, and 
vehicles and/or other conveyances are subject to inspection by law-
enforcement officials.
    5. We allow hunting as a 3-day weekend within the State's deer 
season. Legal shooting hours are \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise to \1/
2\ hour after legal sunset.
    6. We close the hunt areas of the refuge to all public use except 
to permitted hunters.
    7. The refuge is closed between legal sunset and legal sunrise 
except permitted hunters may access the refuge no earlier than 2 hours 
before legal sunrise and must leave the refuge no later than 2 hours 
after legal sunset.
    8. You are prohibited from entering the normal or expanded 
restricted areas of KSC. KSC maintains the right to close any portion 
of the refuge for any length of time. In that case, we will not refund 
or reissue any permits.
    9. We prohibit hunting from refuge roads or within 100 yards of 
roads open to public vehicle traffic or within 200 yards of a building 
or KSC facility.
    10. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on a 
National Wildlife Refuge must comply with all provisions of State and 
local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with 
refuge regulations (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and this part 32).
    11. Hunters under age 16 do not need a Quota Hunt Permit, but must 
be accompanied by an adult age 18 or older. Each adult may supervise 
one youth hunter and must remain within sight and normal voice contact. 
The pair must share a single bag limit unless hunting during a 
designated Youth or Family hunt.
    12. You may set up stands or blinds up to 2 days prior to the 
permitted hunt; you must remove them on the last day of your permitted 
hunt. You must clearly mark stands and blinds with your name and 
address or the FWC customer number found on your hunting license. You 
may have no more than one stand or blind per person on the refuge at 
any time. Stands or blinds for youth hunters must be placed within 
sight and normal voice contact of the supervisory hunter's stand and 
marked with the supervisory hunter's name and address or FWC customer 
number and the word ``YOUTH.''
    13. We prohibit all scouting in the hunt area during the quota 
    14. If you use flagging or other trail-marking material, you must 
print your name or FWC customer number on each piece or marker. You may 
set out flagging and trail markers up to 2 days prior to the permitted 
hunt, and you must remove them on the last day of the permitted hunt.
    15. We allow legally permitted hunters to scout within their 
permitted zones up to 7 days prior to their permitted hunts. You must 
carry your valid Quota Hunt Permit identifying the permitted hunt zone 
while scouting.
    16. We allow parking for scouting and/or hunting only along State 
Road (SR) 3, not within the hunt areas.
    17. You must be on your stand or in your blind while hunting.
    18. We prohibit stalking or moving through the hunt area while 
    19. You must be at your vehicle within 1 hour after legal shooting 
time. If you wish to track wounded game beyond 1 hour after legal 
sunset, you must gain consent from a Federal Wildlife Officer to do so.
    20. We prohibit hunting with dogs.
    21. We prohibit using dogs for tracking unless authorized by a 
Federal Wildlife Officer. Dogs must remain on a leash and be equipped 
with a GPS tracking device.
    22. You may field dress game; however, we prohibit cleaning game 
within 1,000 feet of any public area, road, game-check station, or 
gate. We prohibit dumping game carcasses on the refuge.
    23. Archery hunters must wear at least 500 square inches (3,226 
square centimeters) of solid fluorescent-orange color while moving to 
and from their vehicles, to their stands or hunting spots, and while 
tracking or dragging out game.
    24. The bag limit and antler requirements for white-tailed deer on 
the refuge will follow State regulations but will not exceed two deer 
per hunt. Antlered and antlerless deer are defined per State 
regulations. It is illegal to take spotted fawns.
    25. There is no bag limit or size limit for the take of feral hogs.
    26. You must report all hunting activities at one of the two check 
stations, including both successful and non-successful hunts, prior to 
leaving the refuge.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow recreational fishing, crabbing, 
clamming, and shrimping in designated areas of the refuge as delineated 
in the refuge fishing regulations map in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. You must possess a current, signed refuge fishing permit (signed 
brochure) and a Florida State Freshwater and/or Saltwater fishing 
license at all times while fishing on the refuge. All State regulations 
for bag and length limits apply.
* * * * *
    3. We allow launching of boats for night fishing activities only 
from Bair's Cove, Beacon 42, and Biolab boat ramps.
    4. We prohibit crabbing or fishing from Black Point Wildlife Drive 
or any side road connected to Black Point Wildlife Drive except from L 
Pond Road.
    5. We prohibit launching boats, canoes, or kayaks from Black Point 
Wildlife Drive or any side road connected to Black Point Wildlife Drive 
except from L Pond Road.
* * * * *
    8. We prohibit use of personal watercraft, kite surfing, kite 
boarding, wind surfing, sail boarding, use of air thrust boats, and use 
of hovercraft or any similar non-wildlife oriented watercraft on the 
refuge or in refuge waters.
* * * * *
    11. We prohibit fishing within the normal or expanded restricted 
areas of the KSC, unless those areas are officially designated by KSC 
as special fishing opportunity sites.
* * * * *
    14. We prohibit fishing from, or in the immediate vicinity of, the 
Manatee Viewing Deck on the northeast side of Haulover Canal.
    15. We require all commercial fishing guides to purchase, possess, 
and carry a Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-1383-C).
    16. You may only use gasoline, diesel, or electric motors inside 
the impoundment perimeter ditch.
    17. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on 
National Wildlife Refuges must comply with all provisions of Federal, 
State, and local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in 
accordance with refuge regulations (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and 
this part 32).
* * * * *

St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    6. There are two fall archery hunts: You may harvest either-sex 
deer, feral hog, and bearded turkey during the fall archery hunts. We 
will hold one hunt on the Panacea Unit and one hunt on the Wakulla 
Unit. See condition C8 for specific information on bag limits.

[[Page 68896]]

Contact the refuge office for specific dates.
    7. There are two modern gun hunts. You may harvest deer, feral hog, 
and bearded turkey. Modern guns must meet State requirements. We will 
hold one hunt on the Panacea Unit and one hunt on the Wakulla Unit. See 
condition C8 for specific information on bag limits. Contact the refuge 
office for specific dates.
    8. The bag limit for white-tailed deer is two deer per hunt, either 
two antlerless deer or one antlerless deer and one antlered deer. 
Antlerless deer are defined per State regulations as deer with no 
antler or antlers less than 5 inches (12.75 centimeters). Antlered deer 
must have at least three points, 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) or greater on 
one antler to be harvested.
    9. There is one youth white-tailed deer hunt and one youth turkey 
hunt for youth ages 12 to 17, on the St. Marks Unit in an area we will 
specify in the refuge hunt brochure. Youth hunters age 12 to 15 may 
harvest two deer, either two antlerless deer or one antlerless and one 
antlered. There are no restrictions on antler size for youth age 12 to 
15. Youth hunters age 16 to 17 may harvest two deer, either two 
antlerless or one antlerless and one antlered. Antlered deer must have 
at least two points, 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) or greater on one antler 
to be harvested by youth age 16 to 17. Antlerless deer are defined in 
C8. The youth turkey hunt will be conducted in the St. Marks Unit in an 
area we will specify in the refuge hunt brochure. The limit will be one 
bearded turkey per hunter. Unlimited hogs may be harvested on both 
hunts. Only the youth hunter may handle or discharge firearms used for 
hunting. An adult age 21 or older must accompany and remain in sight 
and normal voice contact with each youth hunter. Contact the refuge 
office for specific dates.
* * * * *
    12. Portions of the St. Marks Unit adjacent to Flint Rock Wildlife 
Management Area (as specified in the hunt brochure) will be open 
concurrent with Flint Rock Wildlife Management Area seasons and 
regulations except only white-tailed deer, feral hog, and turkey may be 
harvested. We require a refuge permit (signed brochure).
* * * * *

St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. We require refuge permits (State license--fee charged). The 
permits are nontransferable, and the hunter must possess them while 
hunting. Only signed permits are valid. We only allow people with a 
signed refuge hunt permit or the helpers of mobility-impaired hunters 
on the island during the hunt periods. Contact the refuge office for 
details on receiving a permit. We will charge fees for duplicate 
    2. We restrict hunting to three periods: Primitive Weapons Sambar 
Deer (sambar deer, raccoon, and feral hog); Archery (white-tailed deer, 
raccoon, feral hog); and Primitive Weapons White-Tailed Deer (white-
tailed deer, raccoon, and feral hog). Contact the refuge office for 
specific dates. You may check-in and set up camp sites and stands on 
the day prior to the scheduled hunt as specified in the brochure. You 
must leave the island and remove all equipment by the date and time 
specified in the brochure.
    3. You must check-in at the check stations on the island. We 
restrict entry onto St. Vincent Island to the Indian Pass and West Pass 
Campsites. All access to hunt areas will be on foot or by bicycle from 
these areas.
* * * * *
    8. You may retrieve game from the closed areas only if accompanied 
by a refuge staff member or a Federal Wildlife Officer.
    9. We limit weapons to primitive weapons (bow and arrow and 
muzzleloader) on the primitive weapons sambar deer hunt and the 
primitive weapons white-tailed deer hunt. We limit the archery hunt to 
bow and arrow. Weapons must meet all State regulations. We prohibit 
crossbows during the white-tailed deer archery hunt except with a State 
disabled persons permit. You may take feral hog and raccoon only with 
the weapons allowed for that period.
* * * * *
    18. Bag limits:
    i. Primitive Weapons Sambar Deer Hunt: One sambar deer of either 
sex, no limit on feral hog or raccoon.
    ii. Archery Hunt: One white-tailed deer of either sex. Antlered 
deer must have at least two points, 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) or more on 
one antler to be harvested. Antlerless deer are defined per State 
regulations as deer with no antler or antlers less than 5 inches (12.75 
centimeters). Youth age 15 or younger may harvest any deer except 
spotted fawn. We prohibit harvesting of spotted fawns. There is no 
limit on feral hog or raccoon.
    iii. Primitive Weapons White-Tailed Deer Hunt: One white-tailed 
deer. Antlered deer must have at least two points, 1 inch (2.5 
centimeters) or more in length on one antler, to be harvested. We issue 
a limited number of either-sex tags. If you have an either-sex tag, the 
bag limit is one deer that may be antlerless or antlered with legal 
antler configuration. Antlerless deer are defined per State regulation 
as deer with no antler or antlers less than 5 inches (12.75 
centimeters). Youth age 15 or younger may harvest any deer except 
spotted fawn. We prohibit harvesting of spotted fawns. There is no 
limit on feral hog or raccoon.
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    6. You may take only fish species, and you must comply with the 
fish limits, authorized by State regulations. We prohibit the taking of 
frog and/or turtle.

10. Amend Sec.  32.31 by:
a. Revising paragraphs A, C.2, C.7, C.8, D.1, and D.4 under the entry 
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge; and
b. Revising paragraph A introductory text and paragraphs A.4 and C 
under the entry for Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.31  Idaho.

* * * * *

Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, 
coot, common snipe, and dove on designated areas of the refuge in 
accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. You may hunt only duck, coot, and mourning dove on the Lake 
Lowell Unit.
    2. You may hunt duck and coot only within 200 yards (180 meters) of 
the shoreline.
    3. Duck and coot hunting in the East Side Recreation Area is walk-
in only. We prohibit using float tubes and boats. Duck and coot hunters 
in the South Side Recreation Area may use float tubes, nonmotorized 
boats, or boats equipped with electric motors within 200 yards (180 
meters) of the shoreline. We prohibit the use or possession of gas-
powered motors.
    4. You may possess only 25 or fewer shotgun shells per day for 
hunting duck and coot.
    5. You may only use portable and temporary blinds. We prohibit 
permanent structures (see Sec.  27.92 of this chapter).
    6. You must remove boats, decoys, blinds, other personal property, 
and any materials brought onto the refuge for blind construction at the 
end of each day (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
    7. You may enter the refuge 1 hour before official shooting hours 
(\1/2\ hour before legal sunrise), and remain on the

[[Page 68897]]

refuge until 1 hour after official shooting hours (legal sunset).
    8. You may use dogs for hunting. Dogs must be under the immediate 
control of the handler at all times.
    9. From February 1 through June 14, we prohibit hunting on all 
islands in the Snake River Islands Unit. From June 15 through June 30, 
we prohibit hunting on islands used by nesting birds. You must comply 
with all posted signs.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    2. Only the southern portion of the Lake Lowell Unit is open to 
deer hunting. We define the boundary of the deer hunting area on the 
north by the southern shoreline of Lake Lowell, on the east by the New 
York Canal, on the south by the southern boundary of the refuge, and on 
the west by Riverside Road.
* * * * *
    7. You may enter the Lake Lowell Unit no earlier than 2 hours 
before official shooting hours (\1/2\ hour before legal sunrise) and 
must leave the area within 2 hours after official shooting hours (\1/2\ 
hour after legal sunset). Successful hunters may extend their departure 
time only as long as is necessary to retrieve dead deer.
    8. A refuge employee, State Game Warden, or local law-enforcement 
officer must accompany hunters to retrieve a wounded or dead deer from 
any area that is closed to deer hunting.
    D. * * *
    1. From October 1 through April 14, we only allow ice fishing 
within 200 yards (180 meters) of the shoreline in front of both the 
Lower Dam (Fishing Area A) and the Upper Dam (Fishing Area B) on the 
Lake Lowell Unit, unless otherwise posted by the Bureau of Reclamation.
* * * * *
    4. From February 1 through June 14, we prohibit fishing from all 
islands in the Snake River Islands Unit. From June 15 through June 30, 
we prohibit fishing from islands used by nesting birds. You must comply 
with all posted signs.
* * * * *

Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of goose, duck, 
and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
* * * * *
    4. On waterfowl hunt days, we allow waterfowl hunters to access the 
waterfowl hunt area after 3 a.m.
* * * * *
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer, elk, black bear, 
moose, and mountain lion on that portion of the refuge that lies west 
of Lion's Den Road in accordance with State regulations and subject to 
the following conditions:
    1. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer at the designated 
accessible blind for hunters with disabilities subject to the following 
    i. You may only participate in deer hunting at the accessible blind 
with a refuge permit (name/address/phone number), which is issued 
through a random drawing in early August. You may apply for a 7-day 
archery-only permit (name/address/phone number) or a 7-day archery/
special weapons-only permit (name/address/phone number). A total of 4 
weeks of archery-only permits and 6 weeks of archery/special weapon-
only permits will be available.
    ii. You must possess a valid State disabled hunting license and tag 
and provide proof of this prior to the drawing.
    iii. We only allow deer hunting at the accessible blind using the 
following weapons: Muzzleloader, archery equipment, crossbow, shotgun, 
or handgun. For shotguns, you may only use slugs. For handguns, you may 
only use straight-walled cartridges not originally established for 
    iv. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)).
    2. We prohibit the use of dogs to hunt big game.
* * * * *

11. Amend Sec.  32.32 by:
a. Under the entry Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Removing paragraph B.6;
ii. Redesignating paragraphs B.3 through B.5 as B.4 through B.6, 
iii. Adding a new paragraph B.3; and
iv. Revising paragraphs C.3. and D.10;
b. Under the entry Great River National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraph C.5; and
ii. Removing paragraph C.7.iii;
c. Revising paragraphs B.1, C.1, C.2, and D.4 under the entry Middle 
Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge; and
d. Under the entry Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Adding introductory text to the entry; and
ii. Revising paragraphs B.2 through B.5.
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  32.32  Illinois.

* * * * *

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *
    3. For hunting, you may possess only approved nontoxic shot shells 
while in the field, including shot shells used for hunting wild turkey 
(see Sec.  32.2(k)).
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    3. We allow the use of legal-sized lead ammunition (see current 
Illinois hunting digest) for the taking of deer.
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    10. Anglers may not submerge any poles or similar object to take or 
locate any fish.
* * * * *

Great River National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    5. On the Fox Island Division, we only allow deer hunting during 
the Statewide archery deer season and special managed hunts.
* * * * *

Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *
    1. On the Wilkinson Island Division, you must comply with both 
Illinois and Missouri firearm blaze-orange safety requirements from 
October 1 to January 31.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. Conditions A1, A2, and B1 apply. Condition A4 applies only to 
wild turkey.
    2. On the Harlow, Crains, and Meissner Island Divisions, you may 
only use archery equipment to harvest white-tailed deer.
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    4. You must remove all fishing devices (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
chapter) at the end of each day's fishing.
* * * * *

Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge

    Refer to Sec.  32.34 (Iowa) for regulations regarding Iowa River 
Corridor Lands.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    2. Condition A3 applies to upland game, including wild turkey. We 
allow shotgun slug or muzzleloading rifle for hunting coyotes.
    3. We allow only squirrel hunting on the Keithsburg Division from 
the beginning of the State season to September 15. We prohibit hunting 
of any other upland game on the Keithsburg Division.
    4. We allow hunting on the Horseshoe Bend Division from September 1 

[[Page 68898]]

September 15, and December 1 until February 28. We allow spring turkey 
    5. We allow hunting on the Big Timber Division from September 1 
until February 28. We allow spring turkey hunting.
* * * * *

12. Amend Sec.  32.33, the entry for Patoka River National Wildlife 
Refuge and Management Area, by:
a. Adding paragraph A.9; and
b. Revising paragraphs B.1, B.3, and C.6.
    The addition and revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.33  Indiana.

* * * * *

Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Management Area

    A. * * *
    9. We prohibit the use of trail and game cameras on the refuge.
    B. * * *
    1. You must register to hunt furbearers at the refuge office, 
record the number of furbearers harvested on the Upland Game Hunt 
Report (FWS Form 3-2362), and return the completed form to the refuge 
office after the hunting season.
* * * * *
    3. Conditions A7 through A9 apply.
    C. * * *
    6. Conditions A6 through A9 apply. Condition A8 applies only to 
wild turkey.
* * * * *

13. Amend Sec.  32.34 by:
a. Revising the entry for Iowa Wetland Management District; and
b. Adding introductory text to the entry for Port Louisa National 
Wildlife Refuge.
    The addition and revision read as follows:

Sec.  32.34  Iowa.

* * * * *

Iowa Wetland Management District

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory game 
birds throughout the district in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. For hunting, you may possess only approved nontoxic shot shells 
while in the field, including shot shells used for hunting wild turkey 
(see Sec.  32.2(k)).
    2. We prohibit leaving boats, decoys, or other personal property 
unattended at any time. You must remove all personal property, which 
includes boats, decoys, and blinds, brought onto the district at the 
end of each day (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
    3. We allow boats or other floating devices. We restrict all 
watercraft motors to 15 horsepower (11.2 kW) or less.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow upland game hunting throughout the 
district in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following condition: Conditions A1 and A2 apply.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow big game hunting throughout the 
district in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. You may leave tree stands in an area for a continuous period of 
time beginning 7 days prior to the open season for hunting deer and 
ending 7 days after the final day of that season. You must clearly mark 
the stand with your name or Iowa hunting license number.
    2. You do not have exclusive use of the tree stand when unattended 
or exclusive use of the tree stand site.
    3. We prohibit driving nails, screws, spikes, or other metal 
objects into a tree (see Sec.  32.2(i)).
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing throughout the district in 
accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. Condition A3 applies.
    2. You must remove all ice fishing shelters and other personal 
property at the end of each day's fishing (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
* * * * *

Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge

    Refer to Sec.  32.32 (Illinois) for Port Louisa National Wildlife 
Refuge fee title lands.
* * * * *

14. Amend Sec.  32.35 by:
a. Under the entry Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Redesignating paragraphs A.1 through A.9 as A.2 through A.10, 
ii. Adding a new paragraph A.1;
iii. Revising newly redesignated paragraph A.10;
iv. Revising paragraphs B.1 and C.6; and
v. Adding paragraph C.7;
b. Under the entry Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Removing paragraph A.8;
ii. Redesignating paragraphs A.9 through A.12 as A.8 through A.11, 
iii. Removing paragraph B.3;
iv. Redesignating paragraphs B.4 through B.6 as B.3 through B.5, 
v. Revising newly redesignated paragraph B.5; and
vi. Revising paragraphs C.9 and D.9; and
c. Under the entry Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Redesignating paragraphs A.1 through A.4 as A.2 through A.5, 
ii. Adding a new paragraph A.1;
iii. Revising paragraphs B.1, B.4, and C.1;
iv. Adding paragraphs C.4 and C.5; and
v. Revising paragraph D.
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

Sec.  32.35  Kansas.

* * * * *

Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit (signed 
brochure) when hunting.
* * * * *
    10. We allow crow hunting on designated areas of the refuge subject 
to the following conditions:
    i. We prohibit the use of centerfire rifles and pistols for hunting 
on the refuge.
    ii. We close hunting areas on the north side of the Neosho River to 
all hunting from November 1 through March 1.
    iii. Conditions A1, A3, A4, A7, and A8 apply.
    B. * * *
    1. Conditions A1, A3, A7, and A8 apply.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    6. We prohibit the use of electronic or photographic trail-
monitoring devices.
    7. Conditions A1, A3, A7, A8, B3 and B4 apply.
* * * * *

Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *
    5. Conditions A1, A8, A9, A10, and A11 apply.
    C. * * *
    9. Conditions A8 through A11 apply.
    D. * * *
    9. Conditions A8 through A11 apply.

Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt permit (signed 
brochure) when hunting.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    1. Conditions A1 and A3 apply.
* * * * *
    4. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)).

[[Page 68899]]

    C. * * *
    1. Conditions A1, A3, A4, A5, and B2 apply.
* * * * *
    4. We prohibit the use of electronic or photographic trail 
monitoring devices.
    5. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for turkey hunting 
(see Sec.  32.2(k)).
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following condition: Condition A2 applies.
* * * * *

15. Amend Sec.  32.36, the entry for Clarks River National Wildlife 
Refuge, by:
a. Revising paragraphs A.5, A.6, A.9, A.12, A.17, A.18, and A.19;
b. Removing paragraph A.20; and
c. Revising paragraphs C.2 and C.5.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.36  Kentucky.

* * * * *

Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    5. You must possess and carry a signed refuge permit (signed 
brochure) while hunting and/or fishing on the refuge.
    6. To retrieve or track game from a posted closed area of the 
refuge, you must first receive authorization from the refuge manager at 
270-527-5770 or the law enforcement officer at 270-703-2836.
* * * * *
    9. We prohibit discharge of firearms on or within 200 feet (90 
meters) of any home, the abandoned railroad tracks, graveled roads, and 
hiking trails.
* * * * *
    12. We allow trail cameras. Cameras may be used year-round. Cameras 
must have the owner's name, address, and phone number clearly displayed 
or they may be confiscated.
* * * * *
    17. By 12 p.m. (noon) during the Statewide waterfowl season: you 
must cease hunting; unload firearms used for waterfowl hunting (see 
Sec.  27.42(b) of this chapter); remove decoys, blinds, boats, and all 
other equipment (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter); and be out of the 
field daily.
    18. We close to all entry of, as posted, the Clarks River Waterfowl 
Units from November 1 through March 31, with the exception of drawn 
permit holders (name/address/phone) and their guests.
    19. We only allow waterfowl hunting on the Clarks River Waterfowl 
Units on specified days during the State waterfowl season. We only 
allow hunting by individuals in possession of a drawn permit and their 
guests. State regulations and the following conditions apply:
    i. Application procedures and eligibility requirements are 
available from the refuge office.
    ii. We allow drawn permit holders and up to four guests to hunt 
their assigned zone and/or provided blind on the designated date. We 
prohibit guests on the Clarks River Waterfowl Units without the 
attendance of the drawn permit holder.
    iii. We prohibit selling, trading, or bartering of drawn permits. 
These permits are nontransferable.
    iv. You may place decoys out the first morning of the drawn hunt, 
and you must remove them at the close of the drawn hunt (see Sec.  
27.93 of this chapter).
    v. We prohibit watercraft on the Clarks River Waterfowl Units, 
except for drawn permit holders to access their blinds and retrieve 
downed birds as needed.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    2. We only allow the use of portable and climbing stands. You may 
place stands in the field no earlier than 2 weeks prior to the opening 
of deer season, and you must remove them from the field within 1 week 
after the season closes (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 and 27.94 of this 
chapter). The hunter's name, address, and phone number must appear on 
all stands left in the field.
* * * * *
    5. Ground blinds used for the purpose of hunting any species during 
the deer modern gun, muzzleloader, and youth firearms seasons must 
display one square foot (144 square inches) of solid, unbroken, hunter 
orange visible from all sides. You must remove ground blinds when not 
in use.
* * * * *

16. Amend Sec.  32.37 by:
a. Revising the entry for Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge;
b. Under the entry Bayou Cocodrie National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraph A;
ii. Revising paragraphs B.3, B.5, and B.6;
iii. Revising paragraphs C.2, C.3, C.4, and C.5;
iv. Redesignating paragraphs C.11 and C.12 as C.12 and C.13, 
v. Adding a new paragraph C.11;
vi. Revising newly redesignated paragraph C.13; and
vii. Revising paragraph D;
c. Revising paragraph C.1 under the entry Bayou Teche National Wildlife 
d. Revising paragraphs A.15 and B.1 under the entry Big Branch Marsh 
National Wildlife Refuge;
e. Under the entry Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A, B, and C;
ii. Removing paragraph D.8; and
iii. Redesignating paragraph D.9 as D.8;
f. Revising paragraphs A.7, A.11, and C.8 under the entry Bogue Chitto 
National Wildlife Refuge;
g. Under the entry Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A, B.3, C.3, C.4, C.7, and C.8;
ii. Redesignating paragraphs C.9 and C.10 as C.10 and C.11, 
iii. Adding a new paragraph C.9; and
iv. Revising paragraph D.8;
h. Revising paragraphs A, B, C, D.1, and D.3 under the entry D'Arbonne 
National Wildlife Refuge; and
i. Revising paragraphs A, B, C, D.2, and D.4 under the entry Upper 
Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge.
    The additions and revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.37  Louisiana.

* * * * *

Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory game 
birds on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Hunting must be in accordance with State-issued Sherburne 
Wildlife Management Area regulations.
    2. Feral hogs are incidental take species. You may take feral hog 
during any open hunting season, only with the weapon allowed for that 
season, and only if you are a hunter with proper licenses and State 
permits for that season. There is no bag limit on feral hog.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of upland game on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions: A1 and A2 apply.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and 
turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions: A1 and A2 apply.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow finfishing and shellfishing year-round 
in accordance with Sherburne Wildlife Management Area regulations and 
subject to the following condition: We prohibit all commercial 
finfishing and shellfishing without a Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-

[[Page 68900]]

Bayou Cocodrie National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of duck, goose, 
coot, and woodcock on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with 
State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. We require that all hunters and anglers age 16 and older 
purchase an annual public use permit (name/address/telephone number). 
We waive the fee for individuals age 60 and older. You must sign the 
permit, certifying that you understand and will comply with all 
regulations. You must carry this permit at all times while on the 
    2. We allow migratory game bird hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, 
and Sundays until 12 p.m. (noon) during the State season. We do not 
open for the special teal season or the State youth waterfowl hunt.
    3. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45 meters) of the 
maintained rights-of-way of roads, refuge roads or designated trails, 
buildings, residences, or designated public facilities.
    4. You must remove harvested waterfowl, temporary blinds, and 
decoys (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter) used for duck hunting by 1 
p.m. daily.
    5. We only allow dogs to locate, point, and retrieve when hunting 
for migratory game birds.
    6. While hunting, all persons age 16 or younger must be in the 
presence and under direct supervision of a licensed or exempt hunter 
age 18 or older.
    7. We prohibit any person or group to act as a hunting guide, 
outfitter, or in any other capacity that any other individual(s) pays 
or promises to pay directly or indirectly for services rendered to any 
other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of whether 
the payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
    8. We prohibit use or possession of any type of trail-marking 
    9. Coyote, beaver, feral hog, and raccoon are incidental take 
species and you may take them during any open hunting season only with 
the weapon allowed for that season if you are a hunter having the 
required licenses and permits. There is no bag limit on coyote, feral 
hog, and beaver. State regulations apply on other incidental species.
    10. You must check all game taken on the refuge before leaving the 
refuge at one of the self-clearing check stations indicated on the map 
in the refuge Hunting and Fishing Regulations Brochure.
    11. We allow all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility vehicles in 
accordance with State Wildlife Management Area (WMA) regulations and 
size specifications on designated trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this 
chapter) from scouting season until February 28. An ATV is an off-road 
vehicle with factory specifications not to exceed the following: Weight 
750 pounds (337.5 kilograms), length 85 inches (212.5 centimeters 
(cm)), and width 48 inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV tires to those no 
larger than 26 inches (66 cm) by 12 inches (30.5 cm) with a maximum 1-
inch (2.5-cm) lug height and a maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi 
(48 kPa) as indicated on the tire by the manufacturer.
    12. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while hunting on 
the refuge (see Sec.  32.2(k)). This requirement only applies to the 
use of shotgun ammunition.
    13. You must obtain a daily use reporting card (one per person) and 
place it on the dashboard of your vehicle or in your boat so that your 
personal information (name/city/State/zip code) is readable and in 
plain view. You must complete all the information requested (name/
address/phone number) and return the cards to the refuge kiosk/check 
stations upon departure from the refuge.
    14. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m. and must exit 
the refuge by 2 hours after legal sunset except that raccoon and 
opossum hunters during the month of February may use the refuge at 
    15. Waterfowl hunters are allowed no more than 25 shotshells per 
    B. * * *
    3. We allow the use of dogs to hunt squirrel and rabbit during that 
portion of the season designated as small game with dogs. We list 
specific season dates in the refuge brochure.
* * * * *
    5. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m. and must exit 
the refuge by 2 hours after legal sunset.
    6. While hunting, all persons age 16 and younger must be in the 
presence and under direct supervision of a licensed or exempt hunter 
age 18 or older.
    C. * * *
    2. The bag limit is one deer per day. The State tagging regulations 
    3. You must check all deer on the same day taken during lottery 
deer hunts at the nearest refuge check station.
    4. You must wear a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square 
centimeters) of unbroken hunter orange as the outermost layer of 
clothing on the chest and back, and a hat or cap of unbroken hunter 
orange. You must wear the solid-hunter-orange items while in the field.
    5. You may place stands up to 2 days prior to established hunting 
season dates. You must remove stands by 2 days after the hunting season 
closes. You must mark your name and phone number on your stand. You are 
allowed one portable stand or blind on the refuge.
* * * * *
    11. We prohibit the use of trail cameras.
* * * * *
    13. There is an application fee per person for the lottery gun hunt 
application (name/address/phone number). We waive the fee for youth and 
special access applications.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the refuge in accordance with 
State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A11 through A15 apply.
    2. We prohibit commercial fishing.
    3. We prohibit the taking of alligator snapping turtle (see Sec.  
27.21 of this chapter).
    4. We only allow fishing during daylight hours.
    5. The refuge boat ramp is open for daylight use only, except 
during specified hunting seasons when the ramp is open from 4 a.m. 
until 2 hours after legal sunset.
    6. We prohibit wire traps, slat traps, wire nets, hoop nets, 
trotlines, yo-yos, and jug lines on the refuge.
* * * * *

Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. We allow hunting of deer only with firearms (see Sec.  27.42 of 
this chapter) during 5 specific days during October and November. A 
youth gun hunt will occur during the last weekend of October. The 
general gun hunt will occur during the final full weekend in November. 
The youth gun hunt includes both Saturday and Sunday. The general gun 
hunt includes the Friday immediately before the weekend.
* * * * *

Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    15. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type 
vehicles (UTVs).
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    1. We allow upland game hunting during the open State season. When 
hunting, you may possess only approved nontoxic shot (see Sec.  32.2(k) 
of this chapter), shot size 4 or smaller, or 0.22 caliber rimfire 
rifles or smaller.
* * * * *

[[Page 68901]]

Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of certain species 
of migratory birds on designated areas of the refuge as indicated in 
the annual Public Use Regulations brochure in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. You must carry a signed refuge hunt permit (signed Public Use 
Regulations brochure) and must carry and fill out daily a Visitor 
Check-In Permit and Report (FWS Form 3-2405).
    2. We allow migratory bird hunting on designated areas as indicated 
in the annual Public Use Regulations brochure.
    3. We allow waterfowl hunting until 12 p.m. (noon) during the State 
    4. We prohibit accessing the hunting area by boat from Black Bayou 
    5. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m.
    6. We prohibit hunting within 100 feet (30 meters) of the 
maintained right-of-way of roads and from or across all-terrain vehicle 
(ATV) trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter). We prohibit hunting 
within 50 feet (15 meters), or trespassing on above-ground oil, gas, or 
electrical transmission facilities.
    7. We prohibit leaving boats, blinds, and decoys overnight.
    8. We only allow hunting dogs to locate, point, and retrieve when 
hunting migratory game birds.
    9. Youths are generally defined as those individuals age 17 or 
younger, except that for migratory bird hunts youth are defined as age 
15 or younger. Youths younger than age 16 may hunt without hunter-
education certification if they are accompanied by and under direct 
supervision of a person born before September 1, 1969, who has a valid 
hunting license or if they are accompanied by and under the direct 
supervision of a person who is age 18 or older and has proof of 
successful completion of a hunter-education course approved by 
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Direct supervision 
means that the person being supervised is within a normal audible voice 
contact and in direct line of sight of the supervising person at all 
times while hunting. The supervising adult is responsible for ensuring 
that youth hunters do not violate refuge regulations.
    10. We prohibit any person or group to act as a hunting guide, 
outfitter, or in any other capacity that any other individual(s) pays 
or promises to pay directly or indirectly for services rendered to any 
other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of whether 
the payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
    11. We only allow ATVs on trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter) 
designated for their use and marked by signs. ATV trails are closed 
March 1 through August 31. An ATV is an off-road vehicle with factory 
specifications not to exceed the following: Weight 750 lbs. (337.5 
kilograms), length 85 inches (212.5 centimeters (cm)), and width 48 
inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV tires to those no larger than 25 
inches by 12 inches (62.5 cm by 30 cm) with a maximum of 1-inch (2.5-
cm) lug height and a maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi (48 kPa) 
as indicated on the tire by the manufacturer.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of certain species of 
upland game on designated areas of the refuge as indicated in the 
annual Public Use Regulations brochure and in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A4, A6, A9, A10, and A11 apply.
    2. Specific open dates and open areas to small game hunting will 
appear in the annual Public Use Regulations brochure.
    3. We prohibit taking small game with firearms larger than .22 
caliber rimfire, shotgun slugs, and buckshot.
    4. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m. and must exit no 
later than 1 hour after legal shooting hours end.
    5. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot (see Sec.  32.2(k)) 
while hunting on the refuge. This requirement only applies to the use 
of shotgun ammunition.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow archery hunting of white-tailed deer 
on designated areas of the refuge as indicated in the annual Public Use 
Regulations brochure in accordance with State regulations and subject 
to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A4, A6, A9, A10, A11, and B4 apply.
    2. Specific open dates and open areas will appear in the annual 
Public Use Regulations brochure.
    3. We prohibit gun deer hunting.
    4. The daily bag limit is one deer of either sex. The State season 
limit applies.
    5. We prohibit leaving deer stands, blinds, cameras, and other 
equipment unattended.
    6. An adult at least age 21 must supervise youth hunters under age 
16 during all hunts. One adult may supervise two youths during small 
game and migratory bird hunts but may supervise only one youth during 
big game hunts. Youth must remain within normal voice contact of the 
adult who is supervising them. Parents or adult guardians are 
responsible for ensuring that hunters under age 16 do not violate 
refuge regulations.
    7. We prohibit possession or distribution of bait or hunting with 
the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals, or other feed or 
any nonnaturally occurring attractant, on the refuge (see Sec.  
* * * * *

Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    7. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45 meters) from the 
centerline of any public road, refuge road, designated or maintained 
trail, building, residence, designated public facility, or from or 
across aboveground oil or gas or electric facilities. We prohibit 
hunting in refuge-designated closed areas, which we post on the refuge 
and identify in the refuge hunt permits (signed brochure).
* * * * *
    11. We prohibit horses, trail cameras, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), 
and utility-type vehicles (UTVs).
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    8. You may take hog as incidental game while participating in the 
refuge archery, primitive weapon, and general gun deer hunts and where 
otherwise specified. We list specific dates for the special hog hunts 
in January, February, and March in the refuge hunt permit (signed 
brochure). During the special hog hunts in February, you must use 
trained hog-hunting dogs to aid in the take of hog. During the special 
hog hunts, you may take hog from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until 
\1/2\ hour after legal sunset. You may possess only approved nontoxic 
shot or pistol or rifle ammunition not larger than .22 caliber rimfire 
to take the hog after it has been caught by dogs. During the special 
hog hunt in March, you may use any legal firearm. A8 applies during 
special hog hunts in February.
* * * * *

Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of duck, goose, 
coot, and woodcock on designated areas of the refuge as shown on the 
refuge hunt brochure map in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. We require that all hunters and anglers age 16 and older 
purchase an annual public use permit (name/address/telephone number). 
We waive the fee for hunters age 65 and older. The refuge user is 
required to sign, certifying that you understand and will comply

[[Page 68902]]

with all regulations, and carry this permit at all times while on the 
    2. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m. and must exit 
the refuge by 2 hours after legal sunset.
    3. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while hunting on the 
refuge (see Sec.  32.2(k)). This requirement applies only to the use of 
shotgun ammunition.
    4. Waterfowl hunters may possess no more than 25 shotshells per 
    5. While hunting, all persons age 17 or younger must be in the 
presence and under direct supervision of a licensed or exempt hunter 
age 18 or older.
    6. We allow take of beaver, feral hog, nutria, raccoon, and coyote 
incidental to any refuge hunt with weapons legal for that hunt until 
you take the daily bag limit of game.
    7. You must check all game (name) taken prior to leaving the refuge 
at one of the self-clearing check stations indicated on the map in the 
refuge public use brochure.
    8. We allow all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type vehicle 
(UTVs) in accordance with State Wildlife Management Area regulations 
and size specifications on designated trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this 
chapter) from scouting season until February 28. An ATV is an off-road 
vehicle with factory specifications not to exceed the following: Weight 
750 pounds (337.5 kilograms), length 85 inches (212.5 centimeters 
(cm)), and width 48 inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV tires to those no 
larger than 26 inches by 12 inches (66 cm by 30 cm) with a maximum 1-
inch (2.5-cm) lug height and a maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi 
(48 kPa) as indicated on the tire by the manufacturer.
    9. We prohibit hunting within 150 feet (45 meters) of any public 
road, refuge road, trail or ATV trail, building, residence, or 
designated public facility.
    10. We prohibit the possession or use of any type of trail-marking 
    11. We prohibit horses or mules.
    12. We prohibit camping or overnight parking on the refuge.
    13. We prohibit air-thrust boats on the refuge.
    14. We prohibit all other hunting during refuge lottery deer hunts.
    15. We allow waterfowl hunting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and 
Sundays until 12 p.m. (noon) during the designated State duck season.
    16. You must remove harvested waterfowl, temporary blinds, and 
decoys (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter) used for duck hunting by 1 
p.m. daily.
    17. We allow dogs to only locate, point, and retrieve when hunting 
for migratory game birds.
    18. We prohibit accessing refuge property by boat from the 
Mississippi River.
    19. We prohibit trapping.
    20. We prohibit the possession of saws, saw blades, or machetes.
    21. We prohibit the use or possession of alcohol while hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(j)).
    22. We prohibit all commercial activities (including, but not 
limited to, guiding).
    B. * * *
    3. We allow the use of squirrel and rabbit dogs during designated 
small game with dog seasons. We allow up to two dogs per hunting party 
for squirrel hunting.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    3. There is no application fee per person for each lottery hunt 
application (name/address/phone number).
    4. You may place stands up to 2 days prior to established hunting 
season dates, and you must remove them no more than 2 days after the 
hunting season closes. You must mark your name and phone number on your 
stand. You are allowed one portable stand or blind on the refuge.
* * * * *
    7. You must wear a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square 
centimeters) of unbroken-hunter orange as the outermost layer of 
clothing on the chest and back, and a hat or cap of unbroken-hunter 
    8. We prohibit nailing deer stands or steps to trees. We prohibit 
attaching any blind or stand to a tree by using any metal object 
inserted into the tree.
    9. We prohibit the use of trail cameras.
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    8. We prohibit boat launching by trailer from all refuge roads and 
parking lots except at designated boat ramps.
* * * * *

D'Arbonne National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of certain species 
of migratory birds on designated areas of the refuge as indicated in 
the annual Public Use Regulations brochure in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. You must carry a signed refuge hunt permit (signed Public Use 
Regulations brochure) and must carry and fill out daily a Visitor 
Check-In Permit and Report (FWS Form 3-2405).
    2. We allow migratory game bird hunting on designated areas as 
indicated in the annual Public Use Regulations brochure.
    3. We allow waterfowl hunting until 12 p.m. (noon) during the State 
    4. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m.
    5. We prohibit hunting within 100 feet (30 meters (m)) of the 
maintained rights-of-way of roads. We prohibit hunting within 50 feet 
(15 m) or trespassing on above-ground oil, gas, or electrical 
transmission facilities.
    6. We prohibit leaving boats, blinds, and decoys overnight.
    7. We only allow hunting dogs to locate, point, and retrieve when 
hunting migratory game birds.
    8. Youths are generally defined as those individuals age 17 or 
younger, except that for migratory bird hunts youth are defined as age 
15 or younger. Youths younger than age 16 may hunt without hunter-
education certification if they are accompanied by and under direct 
supervision of a person born before September 1, 1969, who has a valid 
hunting license or if they are accompanied by and under the direct 
supervision of a person who is age 18 or older and has proof of 
successful completion of a hunter-education course approved by 
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Direct supervision 
means that the person being supervised is within a normal audible voice 
contact and in direct line of sight of the supervising person at all 
times while hunting. The supervising adult is responsible for ensuring 
that youth hunters do not violate refuge regulations.
    9. We prohibit any person or group to act as a hunting guide, 
outfitter, or in any other capacity that any other individual(s) pays 
or promises to pay directly or indirectly for services rendered to any 
other person or persons hunting on the refuge, regardless of whether 
the payment is for guiding, outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
    10. We prohibit motorized boats in the No Gun Hunting Area (the 
``Beanfield'') from November 1 through January 31.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of certain species of 
upland game on designated areas of the refuge as indicated in the 
annual Public Use Regulations brochure in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A5, A8, A9, and A10 apply.
    2. Specific open dates and open areas to small game hunting will 
appear in the annual Public Use Regulations brochure.
    3. We prohibit taking small game with firearms larger than .22 
caliber rimfire, shotgun slugs, and buckshot.
    4. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m. and must exit no 
later than 2 hours after legal shooting hours.

[[Page 68903]]

    5. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)). This requirement only applies to the use of shotgun 
    6. We allow hunting dogs only to locate, point, and retrieve when 
hunting for upland game species.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer on 
designated areas of the refuge as indicated in the annual Public Use 
Regulations brochure in accordance with State regulations and subject 
to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A5, A8, A9, A10, and B4 apply.
    2. Specific open dates and open areas will appear in the annual 
Public Use Regulations brochure.
    3. You must check all deer taken during general Gun Deer Hunts at a 
refuge check station on the same day taken.
    4. We prohibit leaving deer stands, blinds, cameras, and other 
equipment unattended.
    5. Deer hunters must wear hunter orange in accordance with State 
deer hunting regulations in Wildlife Management areas.
    6. We prohibit hunters from placing or hunting from stands on pine 
trees with white-painted bands or rings.
    7. We prohibit possession or distribution of bait or hunting with 
the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals, or other feed or 
any nonnaturally occurring attractant, on the refuge (see Sec.  
    8. We prohibit the hunting of big game species with dogs.
    D. * * *
    1. We prohibit leaving boats and other personal property on the 
refuge overnight.
* * * * *
    3. We prohibit commercial fishing. For recreational fishing using 
commercial gear (slat traps, etc.) we require you to carry a Special 
Use Permit (FWS Form 3-1383-G), which is available at the refuge 
* * * * *

Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of certain species 
of migratory birds on designated areas of the refuge as indicated in 
the annual Public Use Regulations brochure in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. You must carry a signed refuge hunt permit (signed Public Use 
Regulations brochure) and must carry and fill out daily a Visitor 
Check-In Permit and Report (FWS Form 3-2405).
    2. We allow migratory game bird hunting on designated areas as 
indicated in the annual Public Use Regulations brochure.
    3. We allow waterfowl hunting until 12 p.m. (noon) during the State 
    4. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m.
    5. We prohibit hunting within 100 feet (30 meters (m)) of the 
maintained rights-of-way of roads and from or across all-terrain 
vehicle (ATV) trails. We prohibit hunting within 50 feet (15 m), or 
trespassing on aboveground oil, gas, or electrical transmission 
    6. We prohibit leaving boats, blinds, and decoys overnight.
    7. We only allow hunting dogs to locate, point, and retrieve when 
hunting migratory game birds.
    8. Youths are generally defined as those individuals age 17 or 
younger; for migratory bird hunts youth are defined as age 15 or 
younger. Youths younger than age 16 may hunt without hunter-education 
certification if they are accompanied by and under direct supervision 
of a person born before September 1, 1969, who has a valid hunting 
license or if they are accompanied by and under the direct supervision 
of a person who is age 18 or older and has proof of successful 
completion of a hunter-education course approved by Louisiana 
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Direct supervision means that the 
person being supervised is within a normal audible voice contact and in 
direct line of sight of the supervising person at all times while 
hunting. The supervising adult is responsible for ensuring that youth 
hunters do not violate refuge regulations.
    9. We prohibit any person or group to act as a hunting guide or 
outfitter, or in any other capacity that receives payment directly or 
indirectly for services rendered to any other person or persons hunting 
on the refuge, regardless of whether the payment is for guiding, 
outfitting, lodging, or club membership.
    10. We allow ATVs only on trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter) 
designated for their use and marked by signs. ATV trails are closed 
March 1 through August 31. An ATV is an off-road vehicle with factory 
specifications not to exceed the following: Weight 750 lbs. (337.5 
kilograms), length 85 inches (212.5 centimeters (cm)), and width 48 
inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV tires to those no larger than 25 
inches by 12 inches (62.5 cm by 30 cm) with a maximum of 1-inch (2.5-
cm) lug height and a maximum allowable tire pressure of 7 psi (48 kPa) 
as indicated on the tire by the manufacturer.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of certain species of 
upland game on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A5, A8, A9, and A10 apply.
    2. Specific open dates and open areas to hunt small game will 
appear in the annual Public Use Regulations brochure.
    3. We prohibit taking small game with firearms larger than .22 
caliber rimfire, shotgun slugs, and buckshot.
    4. You may enter the refuge no earlier than 4 a.m. and must exit no 
later than 2 hours after legal shooting hours.
    5. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)). This requirement only applies to the use of shotgun 
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of certain species of big 
game on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A5, A8, A9, A10, and B4 apply.
    2. Specific open dates and open areas will appear in the Annual 
Public Use Regulations Brochure.
    3. We prohibit leaving deer stands, blinds, cameras, and other 
equipment unattended.
    4. Deer hunters must wear hunter orange in accordance with State 
deer hunting regulations in Wildlife Management Areas.
    5. We prohibit hunters from placing stands or hunting from stands 
on pine trees with white-painted bands and/or rings.
    6. We prohibit possession or distribution of bait or hunting with 
the aid of bait, including any grain, salt, minerals, or other feed or 
nonnaturally occurring attractant, on the refuge (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    7. We prohibit the use of dogs for hog hunting.
    D. * * *
    2. We prohibit outboard motors in the Wigeon Ponds (only trolling 
motors allowed).
* * * * *
    4. We prohibit leaving boats and other personal property on the 
refuge overnight (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter).
* * * * *

17. Amend Sec.  32.38 by:
a. Revising paragraph C.15 under the entry Moosehorn National Wildlife 
Refuge; and
b. Revising paragraphs B.3 and C.3 under the entry Umbagog National 
Wildlife Refuge.
    The revisions read as follows:

[[Page 68904]]

Sec.  32.38  Maine.

* * * * *

Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    15. We prohibit hunting in the following areas:
    i. The South Magurrewock Area: The boundary of this area begins at 
the intersection of the Charlotte Road and U.S. Route 1; it follows the 
Charlotte Road in a southerly direction to a point just south of the 
fishing pier and observation blind, where it turns in an easterly 
direction, crossing the East Branch of the Magurrewock Stream, and 
proceeds in a northerly direction along the upland edge of the Upper 
and Middle Magurrewock Marshes to U.S. Route 1 where it follows Route 1 
in a southerly direction to the point of origin.
    ii. The North Magurrewock Area: The boundary of this area begins 
where the northern exterior boundary of the refuge and Route 1 
intersect; it follows the boundary line in a westerly direction to the 
railroad grade where it follows the main railroad grade and refuge 
boundary in a southwest direction to the upland edge of the Lower Barn 
Meadow Marsh; then it follows the upland edge of the marsh in a 
southerly direction to U.S. Route 1 where it follows Route 1 to the 
point of origin.
    iii. The posted safety zone around the refuge headquarters: The 
boundary of this area starts where the snowmobile trail intersects with 
Charlotte Road. The boundary follows the southern edge of the field, 
across the abandoned Maine Central Railroad grade, where it follows the 
snowmobile trail in a northwesterly direction to Barn Meadow Road. It 
proceeds across Barn Meadow Road to the South Fireline, where it 
follows the South Fireline to the Headquarters Road. It follows the 
Headquarters Road in a southerly direction to Two Mile Meadow Road. It 
follows the westerly side of Two Mile Meadow Road to the intersection 
with Mile Bridge Road. It then follows Mile Bridge Road to the 
intersection with Hanson Pit Road, then along Hanson Pit Road leaving 
the road in an easterly direction at the site of the old crossing, 
across the abandoned Maine Central Railroad grade to Charlotte Road 
(directly across from the Moosehorn Ridge Road gate). The line follows 
Charlotte Road in a northerly direction to the point of origin.
    iv. The Southern Gravel Pit: The boundary of this area starts at a 
point where Cranberry Brook crosses the Charlotte Road and proceeds 
south along the Charlotte Road to the Baring/Charlotte Town Line, east 
along the Town Line to a point where it intersects the railroad grade 
where it turns in a northerly direction, and follows the railroad grade 
to Cranberry Brook, following Cranberry Brook in a westerly direction 
to the point of origin.
* * * * *

Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *
    3. We open the refuge to hunting during the hours stipulated under 
State hunting regulations. You must unload all hunting firearms (see 
Sec.  27.42 of this chapter) and nock no arrows outside of legal 
hunting hours.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    3. We allow prehunt scouting of the refuge; however, we prohibit 
dogs and hunting firearms (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter) during 
prehunt scouting.
* * * * *

 18. Amend Sec.  32.39 by:
a. Revising paragraphs A.1, A.3, and C.13 under the entry Blackwater 
National Wildlife Refuge;
b. Revising paragraph C.12 under the entry Eastern Neck National 
Wildlife Refuge; and
c. Under the entry Patuxent Research Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.12, B.2, C.6, C.7, and C.8;
ii. Removing paragraph C.16;
iii. Redesignating paragraphs C.17 through C.20 as C.16 through C.19, 
iv. Revising newly redesignated paragraphs C.17, C.18, and C.19; and
v. Revising paragraphs D.15.iv and D.15.v.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.39  Maryland.

* * * * *

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. We require you to obtain a refuge waterfowl hunting permit using 
the Waterfowl Lottery Application (FWS Form 3-2355) or a signed refuge 
permit (signed brochure) while hunting on refuge property.
* * * * *
    3. We allow only hunters possessing a valid refuge waterfowl 
hunting permit issued by the refuge to participate in the waterfowl 
hunt during designated days.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    13. Disabled persons may have an assistant during the hunt in 
designated areas of the refuge. Persons assisting disabled hunters must 
be at least age 18 and obey all refuge, State, and Federal laws and 
regulations. Non-hunting assistants assisting disabled hunters must not 
be afield with a hunting firearm, bow, or other hunting device. 
Assistants who wish to hunt must abide by the conditions in C1 and C3. 
Assistants may not enter a designated disabled hunting area unless they 
are accompanied by a certified disabled hunter. All refuge-provided 
hunt blinds are reserved for disabled hunters only; however, when a 
certified disabled hunter and their assistant occupy the same blind, 
both may take game.
* * * * *

Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    12. Disabled persons may have an assistant during the hunt on 
designated areas of the refuge. Persons assisting disabled hunters must 
be at least age 18 and obey all refuge, State, and Federal laws and 
regulations. Non-hunting assistants assisting disabled hunters must not 
be afield with a hunting firearm, bow, or other hunting device. 
Assistants who wish to hunt must abide by the conditions in C1 and C3. 
Assistants participating in a disabled hunt must be accompanied by a 
hunter certified by the State as being disabled.
* * * * *

Patuxent Research Refuge

    A. * * *
    12. Goose, duck, and dove hunting is suspended during the 
muzzleloader and firearms seasons, with the exceptions that waterfowl 
hunting will remain open during the 2-day January firearms season, 
during the early muzzleloader season, and waterfowl hunters are 
restricted to hunting only Blue Heron Pond, Lake Allen, and Area Z.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while hunting in the 
field (see Sec.  32.2(k)), except for the use of .22-caliber rimfire 
rifles during the months of December and January only to hunt squirrel.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    6. We require turkey hunters to pattern their hunting weapons prior 
to going afield. Contact refuge headquarters for more information.
    7. Prior to issuing a hunt permit, we require you to pass a yearly 
proficiency test with each hunting weapon used. See A1 for issuing 
    8. We only allow the use of a hunting shotgun, muzzleloader, or bow 

[[Page 68905]]

arrow according to refuge hunting regulations.
* * * * *
    17. North Tract: We allow shotgun, muzzleloader, and bow hunting in 
accordance with the following: Conditions C1 through C16 apply.
    18. Central Tract: Headquarters/Mills Race (MR) Lottery Hunt: We 
only allow shotgun and bow hunting in accordance with the following: 
Conditions C1 through C15 apply (except C8).
    19. South Tract: We allow shotgun, muzzleloader, and bow hunting in 
accordance with the following: Conditions C1 through C16 apply.
    D. * * *
    15. * * *
    iv. Anglers may fish from April 1 until mid-October, as posted. We 
also reserve the right to close Cash Lake at any time.
    v. We allow fishing from legal sunrise to legal sunset.
* * * * *

19. Amend Sec.  32.40 by:
a. Revising paragraphs A.4, A.5, A.9, C.9, and D.1 under the entry 
Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge;
b. Revising paragraphs A.5, A.10, and C.8 under the entry Great Meadows 
National Wildlife Refuge;
c. Revising paragraphs D.1 and D.3 under the entry Nantucket National 
Wildlife Refuge; and
d. Revising the heading of paragraph A, and paragraphs A.6, A.11, C.7, 
and C.9 under the entry Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.40  Massachusetts.

* * * * *

Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    4. We prohibit use of motorized vehicles on the refuge. The refuge 
will provide designated parking areas for hunters. You must display 
issued hunter parking permits (generated from the Migratory Bird Hunt 
Application, FWS Form 3-2357) on their dashboards when parked in 
designated hunter parking areas.
    5. During any season when it is legal to hunt deer with a shotgun 
or muzzleloader, we require all hunters, including archers and small 
game hunters, to wear a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square 
centimeters) of solid-orange clothing or material in a conspicuous 
manner on their chest, back, and head. During all other times, if you 
are engaged in woodcock hunting on the refuge, you must wear a minimum 
of a solid-orange hat.
* * * * *
    9. You may begin scouting hunting areas 1 month prior to the 
opening day of your permitted season. We require possession of refuge 
permits (Migratory Bird Hunt Application, FWS Form 3-2357) while 
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    9. We prohibit construction or use of permanent structures while 
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    1. We allow fishing from designated locations on the banks of 
Puffer Pond. We prohibit the use of motorized and non-motorized boats 
on Puffer Pond.
* * * * *

Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    5. We prohibit use of motorized vehicles on the refuge. The refuge 
will provide designated parking areas for hunters. You must display 
issued hunter parking permits (generated from the Migratory Bird Hunt 
Application, FWS Form 3-2357) on their dashboards when parked in 
designated hunter parking areas.
* * * * *
    10. You may begin scouting hunting areas beginning 1 month prior to 
the opening day of your permitted season. We require possession of 
refuge permits (FWS Form 3-2357) while scouting. We prohibit the use of 
dogs during scouting.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    8. We prohibit construction or use of permanent structures while 
* * * * *

Nantucket National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    D. * * *
    1. We reserve the right to close the refuge shoreline and beach 
area to surf fishing and over-sand vehicle use during the period of 
April 1 through mid-September annually, based on biological needs and 
beach conditions. Seasonal closures are delineated with posted signs. A 
portion of the northernmost area of the shoreline, commonly referred to 
as the point, is posted closed from April 1 through mid-September.
* * * * *
    3. We require a permit obtained from the Trustees of Reservations 
for the use of over-sand, surf-fishing vehicles on the refuge.
* * * * *

Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. * * *
    6. We prohibit use of motorized vehicles on the refuge. The refuge 
will provide designated parking areas for hunters. You must display 
issued hunter parking permits (generated from the Migratory Bird Hunt 
Application, FWS Form 3-2357) on their dashboards when parked in 
designated hunter parking areas.
* * * * *
    11. You may begin scouting hunting areas 1 month prior to the 
opening day of your permitted season. We require possession of refuge 
permits while scouting. We prohibit the use of dogs during scouting.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    7. You may use decoys to hunt turkey.
* * * * *
    9. We prohibit construction or use of permanent structures while 
* * * * *

20. Amend Sec.  32.41, the entry for Detroit River International 
Wildlife Refuge, by revising paragraphs A.4, B.1, B.2, and C to read as 

Sec.  32.41  Michigan.

* * * * *

Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    4. For hunting, you may possess only approved nontoxic shot while 
in the field, including shot shells used for hunting wild turkey (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)). Discarded shells are considered litter.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    1. Conditions A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, and A9 apply.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot (see Sec.  32.2(k)) 
while in the field with the following exception: While hunting fox, 
coyotes, and raccoons in units where we allow it, you may use single 
projectile shot such as bullets, slugs, or muzzleloader bullets 
containing lead. We prohibit the use of buckshot for any hunting on the 
refuge. Discarded shells are considered litter.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of deer and turkey on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A8, and A9 apply.
    2. We prohibit the distribution of bait or hunting with the aid of 
bait, salt, minerals, or other ingestible attractant (see Sec.  
    3. For deer hunting, you may use only single projectile shot. We 
prohibit the use of buckshot for any hunting on the refuge. Discarded 
shells are considered litter.

[[Page 68906]]

    4. We allow portable tree stands for deer hunting.
    5. We allow only one tree stand per hunter per refuge unit.
    6. We do not require hunters to remove tree stands at the end of 
each day's hunt, but we strictly enforce State rules on tree stands.
    7. For Humbug Marsh Only:
    i. You must obtain State-issued permits for this unit by entering 
the Michigan Department of Natural Resources annual drawing.
    ii. You must possess a valid State-issued permit for the date you 
are hunting in the Humbug Marsh Unit.
    iii. We will provide fixed hunting platforms and blinds for 
selected hunters.
    8. The Fix Unit is closed to firearm deer hunting. We allow only 
archery deer hunting in the Fix Unit.
* * * * *

21. Amend Sec.  32.43 by:
a. Revising paragraphs A, D.1, D.2, and D.8 under the entry Coldwater 
River National Wildlife Refuge;
b. Revising paragraphs A, B, C, D.1, D.2, and D.7 under the entry 
Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge;
c. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.3, A.13, and A.14 under the entry 
Hillside National Wildlife Refuge;
d. Revising paragraphs B.2, B.3, and B.9 under the entry Holt Collier 
National Wildlife Refuge;
e. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.3, and A.12 under the entry Mathews Brake 
National Wildlife Refuge;
f. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.3, A.13, and A.14 under the entry Morgan 
Brake National Wildlife Refuge;
g. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.3, and A.13 under the entry Panther Swamp 
National Wildlife Refuge;
h. Revising the entry for Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife 
i. Under the entry St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.1, A.9, A.11, A.12, and A.14;
ii. Revising paragraphs B.3.iii and B.6;
iii. Revising paragraphs C.3, C.4, C.7, and C.9;
iv. Adding paragraph C.13; and
v. Revising paragraph D introductory text and paragraphs D.1 and D.5;
j. Revising the entry for Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge; and
k. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.3, A.10, and A.13 under the entry Yazoo 
National Wildlife Refuge.
    The addition and revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.43  Mississippi.

* * * * *

Coldwater River National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory 
waterfowl, coots, snipe, and woodcock on designated areas of the refuge 
in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. All hunters must comply with all State hunter education 
requirements. All hunters age 16 and older must possess and carry a 
valid, signed refuge hunting permit (Visitor Check-In Permit and 
Report, FWS Form 3-2405). While hunting on the refuge, all persons 
younger than age 16 (``youth hunter'') must be in the presence and 
under the direct supervision of a licensed or exempt hunter at least 
age 21 (``licensed hunter''). A hunter supervising a youth hunter must 
hold all required licenses and permits.
    2. General refuge hours are legal sunrise to legal sunset. During 
hunting season, hunters may enter the refuge at 4 a.m. and must exit 
the refuge no later than 2 hours after legal sunset except during 
raccoon and frog hunts.
    3. We allow hunting of migratory game birds, including under the 
Light Goose Conservation Order, only on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and 
Sundays ending at 12 p.m. (noon).
    4. Each hunter must obtain a daily Big Game Harvest Report (FWS 
Form 3-2359), available at each refuge information station, and follow 
the printed instructions on the card. You must display the card in 
plain view on the dashboard of your vehicle so that the personal 
information is readable. Prior to leaving the refuge, you must complete 
the reverse side of the card and deposit it at one of the refuge 
information stations. Include all game harvested, and if you harvest no 
game, report ``0.'' We prohibit hunters possessing more than one Big 
Game Harvest Report at a time.
    5. We may close certain areas of the refuge for sanctuary or 
administrative purposes. We will mark those areas with ``No Hunting'' 
or ``Area Closed'' signs.
    6. We restrict motor vehicle use to roads designated as vehicle 
access roads on the refuge map (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter). We 
prohibit blocking access to any road or trail entering the refuge (see 
Sec.  27.31(h) of this chapter). It is unlawful to hunt from or shoot 
into the 100-foot (30.5-meter) zone along either side of designated 
roads and parking lots.
    7. During the refuge deer firearm season (to include primitive 
weapons and youth gun hunt) all hunters and visitors on the refuge 
except waterfowl hunters and nighttime raccoon hunters must wear in 
full view a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square centimeters 
(cm)) of solid, unbroken, fluorescent orange. Deer archery hunters on 
the refuge must also wear in full view a minimum of 500 square inches 
(3,226 square cm) of solid, unbroken, fluorescent orange when there is 
a State gun season on private land. When hunting quail or rabbit on a 
refuge outside the refuge's general gun and primitive weapon season, 
hunters must wear a fluorescent orange vest or cap.
    8. We only allow dogs on the refuge when specifically authorized 
for hunting. We encourage the use of dogs to retrieve dead or wounded 
waterfowl. Dogs must remain in the immediate control of their handlers 
at all times (see Sec.  26.21(b) of this chapter).
    9. You must remove decoys, blinds, boats, other personal property, 
and litter (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter) from the 
hunting area following each morning's hunt. We prohibit cutting or 
removing trees and other vegetation (see Sec.  27.51 of this chapter). 
We prohibit the use of flagging, paint, blazes, tacks, or other types 
of markers.
    10. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles (ATVs, see Sec.  27.31(f) of 
this chapter), horses, and mules on the refuge. We prohibit the 
overnight storage of boats on the refuge.
    11. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting on the refuge (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
    12. We prohibit all commercial activities, including guiding or 
participating in a paid guided hunt.
    13. We prohibit possession of bait in the field, placement of bait, 
and hunting over bait (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    14. You are allowed no more than 25 shotshells per person in the 
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    1. Condition A12 applies.
    2. All anglers must carry a valid refuge permit (Visitor Check-In 
Permit and Report, FWS Form 3-2405), certifying that they understand 
and will comply with all regulations.
* * * * *
    8. We allow take of frog only with a Special Use Permit (FWS Form 

Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory 
waterfowl, coots, snipe, and woodcock on designated areas of the refuge 
in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. All hunters must comply with all State hunter education 
requirements. All hunters age 16 and older must carry a valid, signed 
refuge hunting permit

[[Page 68907]]

(Visitor Check-In Permit and Report, FWS Form 3-2405). While hunting on 
the refuge, all persons younger than age 16 (``youth hunter'') must be 
in the presence and under the direct supervision of a licensed or 
exempt hunter at least age 21 (``licensed hunter''). A hunter 
supervising a youth hunter must hold all required licenses and permits.
    2. General refuge hours are legal sunrise to legal sunset. During 
hunting season, hunters may enter the refuge at 4 a.m. and must exit 
the refuge no later than 2 hours after legal sunset except during 
raccoon and frog hunts.
    3. We allow hunting of migratory game birds, including under the 
Light Goose Conservation Order, only on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and 
Sundays ending at 12 p.m. (noon).
    4. Each hunter must obtain a daily Big Game Harvest Report (FWS 
Form 3-2359), available at each refuge information station, and follow 
the printed instructions on the card. You must display the card in 
plain view on the dashboard of your vehicle so that the personal 
information is readable. Prior to leaving the refuge, you must complete 
the card and deposit it at one of the refuge information stations. 
Include all game harvested, and if you harvest no game, report ``0.'' 
We prohibit hunters possessing more than one Big Game Harvest Report 
(FWS Form 3-2359) at a time.
    5. We may close certain areas of the refuge for sanctuary or 
administrative purposes. We will mark those areas with ``No Hunting'' 
or ``Area Closed'' signs.
    6. We restrict motor vehicle use to roads designated as vehicle 
access roads on the refuge map (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter). We 
prohibit blocking access to any road or trail entering the refuge (see 
Sec.  27.31(h) of this chapter). It is unlawful to hunt from or shoot 
into the 100-foot (30.5-meter) zone along either side of designated 
roads and parking lots.
    7. During the refuge deer firearm season (to include primitive 
weapons and youth gun hunt) all hunters and visitors on the refuge 
except waterfowl hunters and nighttime raccoon hunters must wear in 
full view a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square centimeters 
(cm)) of solid, unbroken, fluorescent orange. Deer archery hunters on 
the refuge must also wear in full view a minimum of 500 square inches 
(3,226 square cm) of solid, unbroken, fluorescent orange when there is 
a State gun season on private land. When hunting quail or rabbit on a 
refuge outside the refuge's general gun and primitive weapon season, 
hunters must wear a fluorescent orange vest or cap.
    8. We only allow dogs on the refuge when specifically authorized 
for hunting. We encourage the use of dogs to retrieve dead or wounded 
waterfowl. Dogs must remain in the immediate control of their handlers 
at all times (see Sec.  26.21(b) of this chapter).
    9. You must remove decoys, blinds, boats, other personal property, 
and litter (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter) from the 
hunting area following each morning's hunt. We prohibit cutting or 
removing trees and other vegetation (see Sec.  27.51 of this chapter). 
We prohibit the use of flagging, paint, blazes, tacks, or other types 
of markers.
    10. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type 
vehicles (UTVs) (see Sec.  27.31(f) of this chapter), horses, and mules 
on the refuge.
    11. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting on the refuge (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
    12. We prohibit all commercial activities, including guiding or 
participating in a paid guided hunt.
    13. We prohibit possession of bait in the field, placement of bait, 
and hunting over bait (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    14. You are allowed no more than 25 shotshells per person in the 
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of quail, squirrel, 
rabbit, and raccoon (raccoon by general Special Use Permit [FWS Form 3-
1383-G] only) on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with 
State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A2, A4 through A7, and A10 through A13 apply.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)) while in the field if hunting small game with a shotgun. 
Small game also may be hunted with .22 magnums, .17 calibers, and .22 
caliber rimfire rifles and archery equipment using arrows with points 
other than broadheads.
    3. You may use dogs, but dogs must remain under the immediate 
control of their handlers at all times (see Sec.  26.21(b) of this 
    4. We prohibit the cutting or removal of trees and other vegetation 
(see Sec.  27.51 of this chapter).
    5. We prohibit the use of flagging, paint, blazes, tacks, or other 
types of markers.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and 
feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A2, A4 through A7, and A10 through A13 apply.
    2. We prohibit dogs for any big game hunt.
    3. We prohibit possession of any drug on any arrow for bow hunting 
(see Sec.  32.2(g)).
    4. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
    5. We prohibit hunting or shooting across any open, fallow, or 
planted field from ground level.
    6. We prohibit the construction of, and hunting from, any permanent 
stands or blinds on the refuge. We allow valid permit holders to 
possess and hunt from one portable stand or blind on the refuge. You 
must permanently and legibly write your name and phone number on all 
stands on the refuge. Stands left in the area do not reserve the 
hunting locations. You may place stands up to 2 days prior to the hunt, 
and you must remove them no more than 2 days after the refuge's deer 
season closes. We may confiscate and dispose of stands not in 
compliance with these regulations. Ground blinds must display a minimum 
400 square inches (2,581 square centimeters) of fluorescent orange that 
is visible from all sides. We prohibit nailing deer stands and/or steps 
to trees and attaching any blind or stand to a tree by any metal object 
inserted into the tree (see Sec.  32.2(i)).
    7. Hunters using a climbing tree stand must use a fall-arrest 
system manufactured to Treestand Manufacturers Association standards.
    8. We prohibit cutting or removing trees and other vegetation (see 
Sec.  27.51 of this chapter).
    9. We prohibit the use of flagging, paint, blazes, tacks, or other 
types of markers.
    10. We prohibit the use of buckshot on the refuge.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. Condition A11 applies.
    2. All anglers must carry a valid refuge permit (Visitor Check-In 
Permit and Report, FWS Form 3-2405), certifying that they understand 
and will comply with all regulations.
* * * * *
    7. We allow take of frog only by Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-
* * * * *

Hillside National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. All youth hunters age 15 and younger must be in the presence and 
direct supervision of a Mississippi licensed or exempt hunter, age 21 
or older. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
    3. Before hunting or fishing, all participants must display their 
Daily Visitor Information/Harvest Report Card (Big Game Harvest Report, 
FWS Form

[[Page 68908]]

3-2359) in plain view in their vehicle so that the required information 
is readable. All cards must be returned upon completion of the activity 
and before leaving the refuge.
* * * * *
    13. Valid permit holders may incidentally take opossum, coyote, 
beaver, bobcat, nutria, and feral hog in any refuge hunt season with 
weapons legal for that hunt.
    14. We allow all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type vehicles 
(UTVs) only on designated trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter; see 
refuge brochure map) from September 15 through February 28. We prohibit 
horses and mules.
* * * * *

Holt Collier National Wildlife Refuge

    B. * * *
    2. All youth hunters age 15 and younger must be in the presence and 
direct supervision of a Mississippi licensed or exempt hunter, age 21 
or older. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
    3. Before hunting or fishing, all participants must display their 
Daily Visitor Information/Harvest Report Card (Big Game Harvest Report, 
FWS Form 3-2359) in plain view in their vehicle so that the required 
information is readable. All cards must be returned upon completion of 
the activity and before leaving the refuge.
* * * * *
    9. Valid permit holders may incidentally take opossum, coyote, 
beaver, bobcat, nutria, and feral hog in any refuge hunt season with 
weapons legal for that hunt.
* * * * *

Mathews Brake National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. All youth hunters age 15 and younger must be in the presence and 
direct supervision of a Mississippi licensed or exempt hunter, age 21 
or older. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
    3. Before hunting or fishing, all participants must display their 
Daily Visitor Information/Harvest Report Card (Big Game Harvest Report, 
FWS Form 3-2359) in plain view in their vehicle so that the required 
information is readable. All cards must be returned upon completion of 
the activity and before leaving the refuge.
* * * * *
    12. Valid permit holders may incidentally take opossum, coyote, 
beaver, bobcat, nutria, and feral hog in any refuge hunt season with 
weapons legal for that hunt.
* * * * *

Morgan Brake National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. All youth hunters age 15 and younger must be in the presence and 
direct supervision of a Mississippi licensed or exempt hunter, age 21 
or older. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
    3. Before hunting or fishing, all participants must display their 
Daily Visitor Information/Harvest Report Card (Big Game Harvest Report, 
FWS Form 3-2359) in plain view in their vehicle so that the required 
information is readable. All cards must be returned upon completion of 
the activity and before leaving the refuge.
* * * * *
    13. Valid permit holders may incidentally take opossum, coyote, 
beaver, bobcat, nutria, and feral hog in any refuge hunt season with 
weapons legal for that hunt.
    14. We allow all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type vehicles 
(UTVs) only on designated trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter; see 
refuge brochure map) from September 15 through February 28. We prohibit 
horses and mules.
* * * * *

Panther Swamp National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. All youth hunters age 15 and younger must be in the presence and 
direct supervision of a Mississippi licensed or exempt hunter, age 21 
or older. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
    3. Before hunting or fishing, all participants must display their 
Daily Visitor Information/Harvest Report Card (Big Game Harvest Report, 
FWS Form 3-2359) in plain view in their vehicle so that the required 
information is readable. All cards must be returned upon completion of 
the activity and before leaving the refuge.
* * * * *
    13. Valid T R Complex Annual Public Use Permit (name/address/phone 
number)holders may incidentally take opossum, coyote, beaver, bobcat, 
nutria, and feral hog in any refuge hunt season with weapons legal for 
that hunt.
* * * * *

Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of duck, woodcock, 
and coot on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. You must purchase a refuge waterfowl permit (Waterfowl Lottery 
Application; FWS Form 3-2355) for waterfowl hunting in addition to 
meeting other applicable State and Federal requirements. No more than 
two companions may accompany each permitted hunter, and we do not 
require these companions to purchase permits. Permits are 
nontransferable and only issued to hunters ages 16 and older. Permit 
holders can hunt as standby hunters for any date for which waterfowl 
hunting is open. Youth age 15 or younger are not required to obtain a 
refuge waterfowl permit and can obtain a free permit from the refuge's 
    2. Information on hunts and hunt dates are available at refuge 
headquarters, on the refuge Web site, and as specified in the refuge 
    3. You must remove all decoys, blind material, and harvested game 
and return to the check station by 1 p.m. each day (see Sec. Sec.  
27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
    4. All youth hunters age 15 and younger must remain within sight 
and normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or older. One adult may 
supervise not more than two youth hunters.
    5. All waterfowl hunters must check-in and check-out at the 
refuge's duck check station both before and after a day's hunt.
    6. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
    7. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on the 
refuge must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons 
may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations 
(see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in 
this part 32).
    8. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while hunting within 
wetlands and green-tree reservoirs (see Sec.  32.2(k)). Waterfowl 
hunters are limited to 25 shotshells per person.
    9. We prohibit leaving any personal property, including, but not 
limited to, boats or vehicles of any type, geocaches, and cameras, 
overnight on the refuge (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter). You may not 
bring any mechanized equipment into the Noxubee Wilderness Area, and 
you must remove all personal property daily from the Noxubee Wilderness 
Area. Outside the Noxubee Wilderness Area, you may leave properly 
labeled tree stands used for deer hunting and trotlines and jugs used 
for fishing overnight.
    10. During the deer firearm (primitive or modern gun) hunts, any 
person hunting species other than waterfowl,

[[Page 68909]]

accompanying another person hunting species other than waterfowl, or 
walking off-trail within areas open to deer hunting must wear at least 
500 square inches (3,226 square centimeters (cm)) of unbroken 
fluorescent-orange material visible above the waistline as an outer 
garment at all times. Ground blinds when occupied must display a 
minimum of 400 square inches (2,581 square cm) of unbroken fluorescent-
orange material.
    11. We allow unleashed dogs for retrieval of migratory and upland 
game only. Livestock is prohibited, and pets must remained restrained 
and under the owner's control.
    12. We prohibit marking trees and using flagging tape, reflective 
tacks, and other similar marking devices.
    13. We require all hunters and anglers to record hours active and 
game harvested using the Visitor Check-In Permit and Report (FWS Form 
    14. We require all users to possess and display a valid Entrance 
Pass. You may use a current Federal Recreational Lands Pass or valid 
Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Federal Duck 
Stamp) as the Entrance Pass.
    15. Waterfowl hunters must stay within 100 feet (30.5 meters (m)) 
of the assigned hunt location. You may exceed 100 feet (30.5 m) when 
retrieving downed birds.
    16. We prohibit using real or artificial agricultural grain baits, 
salts and other minerals, scents, and other food-like attractants (see 
Sec.  32.2(h)). We allow you to use baited lines for fishing on the 
    17. We prohibit off-road vehicle use including the use of all-
terrain vehicles (ATVs), utility-type vehicles (UTVs), and livestock, 
including horses and mules.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of squirrel, rabbit, 
quail, opossum, and raccoon on designated areas of the refuge in 
accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. When waterfowl hunting is actively taking place, we prohibit all 
public use other than waterfowl hunting within the designated areas for 
waterfowl hunting.
    2. We allow hunting of squirrel, raccoon, rabbit, quail, and 
opossum with unleashed dogs during designated hunts. All pets must 
remain restrained and within the immediate control of the owner.
    3. We allow raccoon and opossum hunting between the hours of legal 
sunset and legal sunrise.
    4. Conditions A2, A4, A6 through A14, A16, and A17 apply.
    5. We prohibit hunting or entry into areas designated as being 
``closed'' (see refuge brochure map).
    6. You may take incidental species (coyote, beaver, nutria, and 
feral hog) during any hunt with those weapons legal during those hunts.
    7. Bobwhite quail and rabbit hunters are required to wear at least 
a solid hunter orange vest or cap.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and 
turkey on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A2, A4, A6 through A14, A16, A17, B1, B2, B5 and B6 
    2. You must purchase a refuge quota deer permit (Quota Deer Hunt 
Application; FWS Form 3-2354) in addition to meeting State requirements 
for all refuge deer hunts. Permits are nontransferable. Youth age 15 or 
younger are not required to a purchase a refuge quota deer permit and 
can obtain a free permit from the refuge's office.
    3. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
    4. You may place one portable tree stand or ground blind for deer 
hunting on the refuge only during the open deer season. You must 
clearly label the stand or blind with the name, address, and phone 
number of the hunter. When not in use and left on the refuge, you must 
place stands in a non-hunting position at ground level.
    5. While climbing a tree, installing a tree stand that uses 
climbing aids, or hunting from a tree stand on the refuge, you must use 
a fall-arrest system (full body harness) that is manufactured to the 
Treestand Manufacturer's Association's standards.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. The general sport fishing, boating, and bow fishing season 
extends from March 1 through October 31, except for the shoreline of 
Bluff Lake from the Bluff Lake Boardwalk to the visitor center, the 
entire Noxubee River, and all borrow pit areas along Highway 25 that 
are open year-round to fishing.
    2. Conditions A2, A6, A7, A9 through A14, A16, A17, B1, and B5 
    3. Anglers must keep boat travel at idle speed, and they must not 
create a wake when moving.
    4. We prohibit limb lines, jug fishing, trotlines, snag lines, and 
hand grappling in Ross Branch, Bluff, and Loakfoma Lakes as well as 
areas within 100 yards of refuge water and transportation structures.
    5. When left unattended, anglers must tag fishing gear with their 
name, address, and phone number. Anglers must check all gear within 24 
hours each day or remove these devices.
    6. Trotlining:
    i. Anglers must label each end of the trotline floats with the 
owner's name, address, and phone number.
    ii. We limit trotlines to one line per person, and we allow no more 
than two trotlines per boat.
    iii. Anglers must tend all trotlines every 24 hours and remove them 
when not in use.
    iv. Trotlines must possess at least 6-inch (15.2-centimeter) cotton 
string leads.
    7. Jug fishing:
    i. Anglers must label each jug with their name, address, and phone 
    ii. Anglers must check all jugs every 24 hours and remove them when 
not in use.
    8. We prohibit nighttime bow fishing.
    9. We prohibit fishing tournaments on all refuge waters.
    10. We prohibit the taking of frogs, turtles, and crawfish (see 
Sec.  27.21 of this chapter).
    11. We prohibit the use of airboats, sailboats, hovercrafts, and 
inboard-water-thrust boats such as, but not limited to, personal 
watercraft, watercycles, and waterbikes.
    12. We prohibit using nets of any type to capture free-roaming fish 
or wildlife. Fishing nets can be used to recover fish caught by hook 
and line.

St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. We allow hunting in Butler Lake, Salt Lake, and Gillard Lake 
from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until 12 p.m. (noon) on 
Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
* * * * *
    9. Waterfowl hunters are allowed no more than 25 shotshells per 
* * * * *
    11. We allow all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type vehicles 
(UTVs) in accordance with State WMA regulations and size specifications 
on designated trails (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter) from scouting 
season until February 28. An ATV is an off-road vehicle with factory 
specifications not to exceed the following: Weight 750 pounds (337.5 
kilograms), length 85 inches (212.5 centimeters (cm)), and width 48 
inches (120 cm). We restrict ATV tires to those no larger than 26 
inches (66 cm) by 12 inches (30 cm) with a maximum 1-inch (2.5-cm) lug 
height and a maximum allowable tire

[[Page 68910]]

pressure of 7 psi (48 kPa) as indicated on the tire by the 
    12. You must be age 16 or older to operate an ATV or UTV on the 
* * * * *
    14. We prohibit the following acts: Use or possession of alcohol 
while hunting (see Sec.  32.2(j)); entering the refuge from private 
property; hunters entering the refuge from public waterways; overnight 
parking; parking or hunting within 150 feet (45 meters) of any 
petroleum facility or equipment, or refuge residences and buildings; 
parking by hunters in refuge headquarters parking lot; and use of 
handguns for hunting on the refuge.
    B. * * *
    3. * * *
    iii. We prohibit the use of boats, ATVs, and UTVs.
* * * * *
    6. We prohibit the following acts: Target practice; and the 
possession of any trail-marking material.
    C. * * *
    3. You must wear a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square 
centimeters) of unbroken hunter orange as the outermost layer of 
clothing on the chest and back, and a hat or cap of unbroken hunter 
orange. You must wear the solid-hunter-orange items while in the field.
    4. While hunting, all persons under age 16 must be in the presence 
and under direct supervision of a licensed or exempt hunter at least 
age 21.
* * * * *
    7. We prohibit nailing deer stands and/or steps to trees. We 
prohibit attaching any blind or stand to a tree by any metal object 
inserted into the tree (see Sec.  32.2(i)).
* * * * *
    9. You may place stands up to 2 days prior to established hunting 
season dates, and you must remove them no more than 2 days after the 
hunting season closes. You must mark your stand with your name and 
phone number. We allow each hunter one portable stand or blind on the 
* * * * *
    13. We prohibit the use of trail cameras.
    D. * * *. We allow fishing during daylight hours only from February 
1-November 15 in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. We prohibit the use of ATVs and UTVs (see Sec.  27.31(f) of this 
* * * * *
    5. We prohibit taking alligator gar.
* * * * *

Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of migratory 
waterfowl, coots, snipe, and woodcock on designated areas of the refuge 
in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. All hunters must comply with all State hunter education 
requirements. All hunters age 16 and older must possess and carry a 
signed North Mississippi NWR hunting permit (code 606, available from 
the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks). While 
hunting on the refuge, all persons younger than age 16 (``youth 
hunter'') must be in the presence and under the direct supervision of a 
licensed or exempt hunter at least age 21 (``licensed hunter''). A 
licensed hunter supervising a youth hunter must hold all required 
licenses and permits.
    2. General refuge hours are legal sunrise to legal sunset. During 
hunting season, hunters may enter the refuge at 4 a.m. and must exit 
the refuge no later than 2 hours after legal sunset except during 
raccoon and frog hunts.
    3. We allow hunting of migratory game birds, including under the 
Light Goose Conservation Order, only on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and 
Sundays ending at 12 p.m. (noon).
    4. We prohibit public hunting north of Mississippi Highway 8.
    5. Each hunter must obtain a daily Big Game Harvest Report (FWS 
Form 3-2359) available at each refuge information station and follow 
the printed instructions on the card. You must display the card in 
plain view on the dashboard of your vehicle so that the personal 
information is readable. Prior to leaving the refuge, you must complete 
the card and deposit it at one of the refuge information stations. 
Include all game harvested, and if you harvest no game, report ``0.'' 
We prohibit hunters possessing more than one Big Game Harvest Report at 
a time.
    6. We may close certain areas of the refuge for sanctuary or 
administrative purposes. We will mark those areas with ``No Hunting'' 
or ``Area Closed'' signs.
    7. We restrict motor vehicle use to roads designated as vehicle 
access roads on the refuge map (see Sec.  27.31 of this chapter). We 
prohibit blocking access to any road or trail entering the refuge (see 
Sec.  27.31(h) of this chapter). It is unlawful to hunt from or shoot 
into the 100-foot (30.5-meter) zone along either side of designated 
roads and parking lots.
    8. During the refuge deer firearm season (to include primitive 
weapons and youth gun hunt), all hunters and visitors on the refuge 
except waterfowl hunters and nighttime raccoon hunters must wear in 
full view a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square centimeters 
(cm)) of solid, unbroken, fluorescent orange. Deer archery hunters on 
the refuge must also wear in full view a minimum of 500 square inches 
(3,226 square cm) of solid, unbroken, fluorescent orange when there is 
a State gun season on private land. When hunting quail or rabbit on a 
refuge outside the refuge's general gun and primitive weapon season, 
hunters must wear a fluorescent orange vest or cap.
    9. We only allow dogs on the refuge when specifically authorized 
for hunting. We encourage the use of dogs to retrieve dead or wounded 
waterfowl. Dogs must remain in the immediate control of their handlers 
at all times (see Sec.  26.21(b) of this chapter).
    10. You must remove decoys, blinds, boats, other personal property, 
and litter (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 and 27.94) from the hunting area 
following each morning's hunt. We prohibit cutting or removing trees 
and other vegetation (see Sec.  27.51 of this chapter). We prohibit the 
use of flagging, paint, blazes, tacks, or other types of markers.
    11. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type 
vehicles (UTVs) (see Sec.  27.31(f) of this chapter), horses, and mules 
on the refuge.
    12. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting on the refuge (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
    13. We prohibit all commercial activities, including guiding or 
participating in a paid guided hunt.
    14. We prohibit possession of bait in the field, placement of bait, 
and hunting over bait (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    15. You are allowed no more than 25 shotshells per person in the 
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of quail, squirrel, 
rabbit, and raccoon (raccoon by general Special Use Permit [FWS Form 3-
1383-G] only) on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with 
State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A2, A4 through A8, and A10 through A14 apply.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)) while in the field if hunting for small game with a 
shotgun. Small game also may be hunted with .22 magnums, .17 calibers, 
and .22 caliber rimfire rifles and archery equipment using arrows with 
points other than broadheads.
    3. You may use dogs, but they must remain under the immediate 
control of their handlers at all times (see Sec.  26.21(b) of this 
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer and 
feral hog on designated areas of the refuge in

[[Page 68911]]

accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. Conditions A1, A2, A4 through A8, and A10 through A13 apply.
    2. We prohibit dogs for any big game hunt.
    3. We prohibit possession of any drug on any arrow for bow hunting 
(see Sec.  32.2(g)).
    4. We prohibit organized drives for deer.
    5. We prohibit hunting or shooting across any open, fallow, or 
planted field from ground level.
    6. We prohibit the construction of, and hunting from, any permanent 
stands or blinds on the refuge. We allow valid permit holders to 
possess and hunt from one portable stand or blind on the refuge. You 
must permanently and legibly write your name and phone number on all 
stands on the refuge. Stands left on the area do not reserve the 
hunting locations. You may place stands up to 2 days prior to the hunt, 
and you must remove them no more than 2 days after the refuge's deer 
season closes. We may confiscate and dispose of stands not in 
compliance with these regulations. Ground blinds must display a minimum 
400 square inches (2,581 square centimeters) of fluorescent orange that 
is visible from all sides. We prohibit nailing deer stands and/or steps 
to trees and attaching any blind or stand to a tree by any metal object 
inserted into the tree (see Sec.  32.2(i)).
    7. Hunters using a climbing tree stand must use a fall-arrest 
system manufactured to Treestand Manufacturers Association standards.
    8. We prohibit cutting or removing trees and other vegetation (see 
Sec.  27.51 of this chapter). We prohibit the use of flagging, paint, 
blazes, tacks, or other types of markers.
    9. We prohibit the use of buckshot on the refuge.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. Condition A12 applies.
    2. All anglers must carry a valid refuge permit (Visitor Check-In 
Permit and Report, FWS Form 3-2405), certifying that they understand 
and will comply with all regulations.
    3. We only allow bank or boat sport fishing south of Mississippi 
Highway 8.
    4. We prohibit possession or use of jugs, seines, nets, hand-grab 
baskets, slat traps/baskets, or any other similar devices and 
commercial fishing of any kind.
    5. We only allow trotlines, yo-yos, limb lines, crawfish traps, or 
any other similar devices for recreational use. You must tag or mark 
them with the angler's full name and full residence address, including 
zip code written with waterproof ink, legibly inscribed or legibly 
stamped on the tag, and you must attend the devices a minimum of once 
daily. When not attended, you must remove these devices (see Sec.  
27.93 of this chapter) from the refuge.
    6. We prohibit snagging or attempting to snag fish.
    7. We allow crawfishing.
    8. We allow take of frog only with a Special Use Permit (FWS Form 

Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. All youth hunters age 15 and younger must be in the presence and 
direct supervision of a Mississippi licensed or exempt hunter, age 21 
or older. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
    3. Before hunting or fishing, all participants must display their 
Daily Visitor Information/Harvest Report Card (Big Game Harvest Report, 
FWS Form 3-2359) in plain view in their vehicle so that the required 
information is readable. All cards must be returned upon completion of 
the activity and before leaving the refuge.
* * * * *
    10. For hunting, you may possess only approved nontoxic shot (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)).
* * * * *
    13. Valid T R Complex Annual Public Use Permit (name/address/phone 
number) holders may incidentally take opossum, coyote, beaver, bobcat, 
nutria, and feral hog in any refuge hunt season with weapons legal for 
that hunt.
* * * * *

22. Amend Sec.  32.44 by:
a. Revising the entry for Great River National Wildlife Refuge; and
b. Revising the entry for Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife 
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.44  Missouri.

* * * * *

Great River National Wildlife Refuge

    Refer to Sec.  32.32 (Illinois) for regulations.

Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge

    Refer to Sec.  32.32 (Illinois) for regulations.
* * * * *

23. Amend Sec.  32.46 by revising paragraphs C.1, C.2, C.4, and C.9 
under the entry Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge to read as 

Sec.  32.46  Nebraska.

* * * * *

Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. We require the submission of a Big/Upland Game Hunt Application 
(FWS Form 3-2356). You must possess and carry a signed refuge hunt 
permit (signed brochure) when hunting. We require hunters to complete a 
Big Game Harvest Report (FWS Form 3-2359) and return it to the refuge 
at the conclusion of the hunting season.
    2. We allow hunting with muzzleloader and archery equipment. We 
prohibit hunting with firearms capable of firing cartridge ammunition.
* * * * *
    4. We allow hunting in the area defined as those refuge lands 
situated north and west of the Niobrara River. We allow access to this 
area only from designated refuge parking areas and the Niobrara River.
* * * * *
    9. We prohibit permanent tree stands, nails, screw-in steps, or 
other items that penetrate the outer bark of a tree (see Sec.  
32.2(i)). We prohibit leaving tree stands and ground blinds in the same 
location for more than 7 consecutive days. You must label unattended 
tree stands, elevated platforms, and ground blinds with your name and 
address; the label must be legible from the ground. You may put up tree 
stands, elevated platforms, and ground blinds, but no earlier than 
opening day of deer season; you must remove them by the last day of 
deer season.
* * * * *

24. Amend Sec.  32.48, the entry for Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, 
by revising paragraphs A.1 and C.3 to read as follows:

Sec.  32.48  New Hampshire.

* * * * *

Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. You must wear hunter-orange clothing or material in accordance 
with State of Maine regulations for the season and/or species you are 
hunting; one article of hunter-orange clothing is required during moose 
season, and two articles are required during firearm and muzzleloader 
season for deer.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    3. We allow prehunt scouting of the refuge; however, we prohibit 
dogs and hunting firearms during prehunt scouting.
* * * * *

[[Page 68912]]

25. Amend Sec.  32.51, the entry for Montezuma National Wildlife 
Refuge, by revising paragraphs A, B, and C.11 to read as follows:

Sec.  32.51  New York.

* * * * *

Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow waterfowl, Canada goose, 
and snow goose hunting on designated areas of the refuge in accordance 
with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. For the regular waterfowl season:
    i. We require daily refuge permits (Migratory Bird Hunt Report, FWS 
Form 3-2361) and reservations. You must possess and carry refuge 
permits while in the field and present them upon request to any law-
enforcement officer.
    ii. We allow hunting only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 
during the established refuge season set within the State western zone 
season. We allow a youth waterfowl hunt during the Saturday of the 
State's established youth waterfowl hunt dates each year.
    iii. Except for opening day, we take telephone reservations from 
8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for the next 
hunt day.
    iv. We take opening day reservations between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. 
on the Thursday of the week before the season opener (Note: This is not 
the Thursday directly before the opener). We take youth hunt 
reservations between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. on the Thursday of the week 
before the youth hunt (Note: This is not the Thursday directly before 
the youth hunt.).
    v. The reservation telephone number is 315-568-4136.
    vi. All telephone reservations are on a first-come, first-served 
    vii. If you have a reservation for Tschache Pool, you may bring one 
companion; we will determine party limits for other areas annually.
    viii. You may request the parking area of your choice when making 
reservations; parking areas are given on a first-come, first-served 
    ix. Only refuge personnel may move parking signs and blinds.
    x. All hunters with reservations and their hunting companions must 
check-in at the Route 89 Hunter Check Station area at least 1 hour 
before legal shooting time or forfeit their reservation.
    xi. You must set up in your chosen hunting spot before legal 
shooting time.
    xii. Forfeited reservations become available on a first-come, 
first-served basis to standby hunters at the Route 89 Hunter Check 
    xiii. In Tschache Pool, you must use motorless boats to hunt, and 
we limit hunters to one boat per reservation. We also limit hunters to 
one motor vehicle in the Tschache Pool area per reservation.
    xiv. We prohibit shooting from any dike or within 50 feet (15.2 
meters) of any dike or road, or from within 500 feet (152.4 meters) of 
the Tschache Pool observation tower. We do not limit hunting to 
specific blind sites.
    xv. We will announce selection procedures for hunting sites on 
areas other than Tschache Pool annually.
    xvi. You may possess a maximum of 15 nontoxic shot shells for 
hunting while in the field (see Sec.  32.2(k)); you may not take more 
than 15 shot shells per hunter into the hunting area.
    xvii. You must stop hunting at 12 p.m. (noon), and you must check-
out and be out of the hunting area by 1 p.m.
    xviii. We require proof of successful completion of the New York 
State Waterfowl Identification Course, the Montezuma Nonresident 
Waterfowl Identification Course, or a suitable nonresident State 
Waterfowl Identification Course to hunt in the refuge; all hunters must 
show proof each time they hunt, in addition to showing their valid 
hunting license and signed Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and 
Conservation Stamp (Federal Duck Stamp).
    xix. You must possess, carry, and present upon request to any law 
enforcement officer a valid daily hunt permit card (Migratory Bird Hunt 
Report, FWS Form 3-2361). We also require you to return the daily hunt 
permit card at the end of hunting. You can obtain a permit at the 
Hunter Check Station during the check-in process, and you can return it 
to the Hunter Check Station or at the box located at the north end of 
the Tschache Pool dike.
    2. For Canada goose and snow goose hunting:
    i. We allow hunting of Canada goose during the New York State 
September (or ``early'') season and of snow goose during portions of 
the New York State snow goose season and portions of the period covered 
by the Light Goose Conservation Order according to New York State 
regulations and any special postings or publications set forth by the 
refuge manager.
    ii. Canada goose and snow goose hunting will be permitted 7 days 
per week during the refuge's set hunting dates. Hunting hours are in 
accordance with New York State regulations for Canada goose and snow 
goose seasons.
    iii. You must possess, carry, and present upon request to any law 
enforcement officer a valid daily hunt permit card (Migratory Bird Hunt 
Report, FWS Form 3-2361). We also require you to return the daily hunt 
permit card at the end of hunting or at the end of the day. You can 
obtain a permit at the Hunter Check Station on State Route 89 and 
return it to the same location; obtaining a permit will be on a first-
come, first-served basis each hunt day until the day's permits are all 
    3. We allow hunting with dogs.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of wild turkey on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. You must carry and present upon request to any law-enforcement 
officer a valid daily hunt permit card (Big/Upland Game Hunt 
Application, FWS Form 3-2356). We also require you to return the daily 
hunt permit card at the end of hunting or at the end of the day. You 
can obtain a permit at the Hunter Check Station on State Route 89 and 
return it to the same location; obtaining a permit during the fall 
season will be on a first-come, first-served basis each hunt day until 
the day's permits are all taken.
    2. We only allow hunting from legal sunrise to legal sunset during 
the fall season and from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise to noon during 
the youth hunt weekend. We prohibit night hunting.
    3. We allow hunting within the New York State fall turkey season. 
We prohibit hunting during the New York State spring turkey season.
    4. We allow youth hunting during the New York State youth wild 
turkey hunt weekend, depending on whether mentors for youth hunters are 
available. Participants must make a reservation to hunt; each year, the 
refuge manager will set the date and time that we will accept 
reservations by phone. The reservation phone number is (315) 568-4136.
    5. Youth hunters and their mentors must attend an orientation 
program conducted by refuge staff.
    6. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot for hunting (see 
Sec.  32.2(k)) while in the field if hunting with a shotgun. The refuge 
manager reserves the right to restrict hunting implements beyond State 
restrictions (e.g., based on visitor safety).
    7. We prohibit hunting with dogs.
    8. You may use portable blinds and decoys, but you must remove all 
equipment (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter) at the conclusion of each 
    9. We prohibit parking and walking along the Wildlife Drive for the 
purpose of hunting, unless otherwise posted by refuge personnel.
    10. We prohibit use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) (see Sec.  
27.31(f) of this

[[Page 68913]]

chapter), dirt bikes, bicycles, snowmobiles, and watercraft for the 
purpose of turkey hunting.
    C. * * *
    11. Hunting weapon restrictions follow New York State regulations; 
successful harvest with a bow or other hunting weapon during firearms 
season requires use of a State-issued firearms season tag. The refuge 
manager reserves the right to restrict hunting implements beyond State 
restrictions (e.g., based on visitor safety).
* * * * *

26. Amend Sec.  32.52, the entry for Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife 
Refuge, by:
a. Revising paragraphs A.4 and A.9;
b. Removing paragraphs A.12 and B.9;
c. Revising paragraphs C.2 and C.5;
d. Removing paragraph C.8; and
e. Redesignating paragraph C.9 as C.8.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.52  North Carolina.

* * * * *

Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    4. We open the refuge for daylight use only (\1/2\ hour before 
legal sunrise to \1/2\ hour after legal sunset), except that we allow 
hunters to enter and remain in hunting areas from 2 hours before legal 
sunrise until 2 hours after legal sunset when we allow hunting in those 
* * * * *
    9. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot (see Sec.  32.2(k)) 
while migratory game bird hunting.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    2. You may hunt turkey only if you carry a valid permit (General 
Activities Special Use Permit Application, FWS Form 3-1383-G). These 
permits are valid only for the dates and areas shown on the permit. We 
require an application and a fee for those permits and hold a drawing, 
when necessary, to select the permittees. You may possess only approved 
nontoxic shot (see Sec.  32.2(k)) while hunting turkeys west of Evans 
Road and on the Pungo Unit.
* * * * *
    5. We allow hunters to take feral hogs in any area that is open to 
hunting deer using only those weapons authorized for taking deer. On 
the Frying Pan tracts, we also allow hunters to take feral hogs, using 
only those weapons authorized for taking deer, whenever we open those 
tracts to hunting any game species with firearms.
* * * * *

27. Amend Sec.  32.53 by:
a. Under the entry Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs C.2, C.5, D.2, and D.3;
ii. Removing paragraphs D.4, D.5, and D.6; and
iii. Redesignating paragraphs D.7 through D.9 as D.4 through D.6, 
b. Revising paragraph B introductory text and paragraphs B.3 and C.6 
under the entry Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge;
c. Revising paragraphs B and C under the entry Lake Zahl National 
Wildlife Refuge; and
d. Revising paragraphs B and C under the entry Lostwood National 
Wildlife Refuge.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.53  North Dakota.

* * * * *

Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    2. We allow deer hunting on the refuge during the State Youth Deer 
Season except in select closed areas as posted.
* * * * *
    5. We prohibit permanent tree stands. We allow temporary tree 
stands, blinds, and game cameras for daily use; you must remove them by 
the end of the day. You may clamp, rope, or chain stands, steps, and 
cameras to trees; you may not nail, wire, screw, or bolt them to trees 
(see Sec.  32.2(i)).
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    2. We allow shore fishing, archery, and spearfishing along major 
road rights-of-way and interior portions of the refuge and by-pass 
channel during the entire State fishing season. We only allow walk-in 
access, except in designated areas.
    3. We allow ice fishing and dark house spearfishing. We allow fish 
houses, cars, and trucks on the ice as conditions allow. You may leave 
fish houses on the ice overnight until March 15; after March 15 you 
must remove fish houses from the refuge before leaving for the day.
* * * * *

Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *. You may hunt sharp-tailed grouse, Hungarian partridge, 
turkey, and ring-necked pheasant on designated areas of the refuge in 
accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
* * * * *
    3. Upland game bird season opens on the day following the close of 
the regular deer gun season through the end of the State season.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    6. Conditions B6 through B9 apply.
* * * * *

Lake Zahl National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of sharp-tailed grouse, 
Hungarian partridge, and ring-necked pheasant on designated areas of 
the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. We open the refuge daily from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field 
(see Sec.  32.2(k)).
    3. Upland game bird season opens on the day following the close of 
the regular deer gun season through the end of the State season.
    4. You may use hunting dogs to retrieve upland game. Dogs must be 
under your direct control at all times.
    5. You may only enter the refuge by foot.
    6. We prohibit the use of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), 
off-highway vehicles (OHVs), utility-type vehicles (UTVs), bicycles, or 
similar vehicles on the refuge.
    7. We prohibit the use of horses, mules, or similar livestock on 
the refuge during all hunting seasons.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer hunting on designated areas of 
the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. Conditions B1 and B5 through B7 apply.
    2. You may only use portable tree stands and ground blinds. We 
prohibit leaving stands and blinds overnight (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
chapter). We prohibit driving nails, screws, spikes, or other objects 
into a tree or otherwise injuring a tree (see Sec.  32.2(i)).
    3. We prohibit entry to the refuge before 12 p.m. (noon) on the 
first day of the respective archery, gun, or muzzleloader deer hunting 
    4. We prohibit the use of flagging, trail markers, paint, 
reflective tacks, or other types of markers (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
    5. We prohibit the use of trail cameras.
* * * * *

Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of sharp-tailed grouse,

[[Page 68914]]

Hungarian partridge, and ring-necked pheasant on designated areas of 
the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. We open the refuge daily from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
    2. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field 
(see Sec.  32.2(k)).
    3. We prohibit upland game hunting on the portion of the refuge 
south of Highway 50 during regular deer gun season.
    4. We allow upland game hunting on the portion of the refuge north 
of Highway 50 on the day following the close of the regular deer gun 
season through the end of the State season.
    5. You may use hunting dogs to retrieve upland game. Dogs must be 
under your direct control at all times.
    6. You must comply with all ``Closed to Hunting'' signs.
    7. You may only enter the refuge by foot.
    8. We prohibit the use of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), 
off-highway vehicles (OHVs), utility-type vehicles (UTVs), bicycles, or 
similar vehicles on the refuge.
    9. We prohibit the use of horses, mules, or similar livestock on 
the refuge during all hunting seasons.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow deer hunting on designated areas of 
the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. Conditions B1 and B6 through B9 apply.
    2. You may only use portable tree stands and ground blinds. We 
prohibit leaving stands and blinds overnight (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
chapter). We prohibit driving nails, screws, spikes, or other objects 
into a tree or otherwise injuring a tree (see Sec.  32.2(i)).
    3. We prohibit entry to the refuge before 12 p.m. (noon) on the 
first day of the respective archery, gun, or muzzleloader deer hunting 
    4. We prohibit the use of flagging, trail markers, paint, 
reflective tacks, or other types of markers (see Sec.  27.93 of this 
    5. We prohibit the use of trail cameras.
* * * * *

28. Amend Sec.  32.55, the entry for Washita National Wildlife Refuge, 
by revising paragraphs A.1, A.2, and C to read as follows:

Sec.  32.55  Oklahoma.

* * * * *

Washita National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. We require permits (signed brochure) and payment of a fee to 
hunt goose, duck, and sandhill crane.
    2. Goose, duck, and sandhill crane hunters must hunt from 
designated pit blinds.
* * * * *
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer, feral 
hog, and Rio Grande wild turkey on designated areas of the refuge in 
accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. We allow deer and feral hog hunting during the special refuge 
season in accordance with the refuge hunt information sheet. We will 
hold turkey hunts during the State spring turkey season.
    2. We allow shotguns and lawful archery equipment for turkey 
    3. You must obtain a refuge hunt permit from the State and pay a 
fee (fee waived for youth hunters and mentors during the youth hunt).
    4. You must check in and out of hunt areas daily at the refuge 
office or check station.
    5. You must take bagged deer, hog, and/or turkey to the refuge 
check station.
    6. We will determine bag limits on deer and turkey annually.
    7. We prohibit the use of bait (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    8. A non-hunting mentor age 21 or older must accompany, and be in 
the immediate presence of, youth hunters participating in the youth 
hunt. Youth hunters must be age 17 or younger. Both youth hunters and 
mentors must wear hunter orange clothing meeting or exceeding the 
minimum State requirements.
    9. We prohibit using handguns for hunting.
* * * * *

29. Amend Sec.  32.56 by:
a. Revising paragraph A.8 under the entry Bandon Marsh National 
Wildlife Refuge;
b. Revising paragraphs A.5, A.6, and A.7 under the entry Lower Klamath 
National Wildlife Refuge;
c. Removing paragraph A.6 under the entry Nestucca Bay National 
Wildlife Refuge; and
d. Adding paragraph A.8 under the entry Siletz Bay National Wildlife 
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  32.56  Oregon.

* * * * *

Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    8. You may enter posted retrieval zones while retrieving downed 
birds and when traveling to and from the hunting areas. We prohibit 
discharging firearms while in a retrieval zone.
* * * * *

Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    5. You may not set decoys in retrieving zones.
    6. We prohibit the use of air-thrust and water-thrust boats.
    7. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot while in the field 
(see Sec.  32.2(k)).
* * * * *

Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    8. You may enter posted retrieval zones while retrieving downed 
birds and when traveling to and from the hunting areas. We prohibit 
discharging firearms while in a retrieval zone.
* * * * *

30. Amend Sec.  32.60 by:
a. Under the entry Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs B.11, B.15, D.11, and D.12; and
ii. Adding paragraphs D.14, D.15, and D.16;
b. Under the entry Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.1, A.3, and A.5 through A.9;
ii. Adding paragraph A.10;
iii. Revising paragraph B.1 and C.1;
iv. Removing paragraph C.11;
v. Redesignating paragraphs C.13 through C.19 as C.11 through C.17, 
respectively; and
vi. Revising paragraph D.9;
c. Revising paragraphs B, C, and D under the entry Santee National 
Wildlife Refuge; and
d. Revising the entry for Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge.
    The additions and revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.60  South Carolina.

* * * * *

Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *
    11. We prohibit camping on the refuge except for designated archery 
hunters on Bulls Island and individuals obtaining a Special Use Permit 
(FWS Form 3-1383-G) from the refuge manager.
* * * * *
    15. We prohibit overnight parking at Garris Landing, except for 

[[Page 68915]]

hunters during the designated refuge archery white-tailed deer season 
and individuals obtaining a Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-1383-G) from 
the refuge manager. We require individuals parking vehicles at Garris 
Landing to obey all posted signs.
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    11. We prohibit the commercial transport of passengers to any 
refuge island for any purpose without a Special Use Permit (FWS Form 3-
1383-C) from the refuge manager.
    12. We prohibit feeding or harassing any marine mammal.
* * * * *
    14. We prohibit any amphibious vehicle, hovercraft, airboat, or 
vessel from landing upon refuge islands.
    15. We prohibit the use of any amphibious vehicle or vessel upon 
refuge lands or waters.
    16. We prohibit any personal watercraft, as defined at 33 CFR 
174.3, from landing upon refuge islands.

Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    1. All hunters must carry a signed refuge General Hunt Permit 
(signed brochure) and government-issued picture identification.
* * * * *
    3. Each youth hunter (younger than age 16) must remain within sight 
and normal voice contact and under supervision of an adult age 21 or 
older with a valid license and General Hunt Permit (signed brochure). 
Each adult may supervise no more than two youth hunters. Each youth 
hunter must carry evidence of successful completion of a State-approved 
hunter-education course.
* * * * *
    5. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting on the refuge (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
    6. We prohibit discharge of weapons for any purpose other than to 
take or attempt to take legal game animals during established hunting 
    7. We prohibit the use of outdoor recreational vehicles (ORVs) 
except by mobility-impaired hunters with a Special Use Permit (FWS Form 
3-1383-G) to use ORV in designated areas during specified hunts. 
Mobility-impaired hunters must have a State Disabled Hunting license in 
order to receive the Special Use Permit. Companions assisting disabled 
hunters must possess required State license(s) and refuge permit(s) and 
be listed on the Special Use Permit.
    8. For hunting, you may possess shotguns with shot no larger than 
No. 5.
    9. Legal shooting hours for September dove hunts are 12 p.m. (noon) 
to 6 p.m.
    10. We prohibit the possession of more than 50 shotgun shells 
during the September dove hunts.
    B. * * *
    1. Conditions A1 through A7 apply.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. Conditions A1 through A7 apply (with the following exception for 
condition A3: Each adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter).
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    9. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
fishing on the refuge (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
* * * * *

Santee National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of raccoon and opossum on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. We allow hunters to use only weapons, firearms, and ammunition 
specifically authorized for each hunt.
    2. All refuge hunters under age 16 must show proof of successfully 
completing a hunter-education/safety course. A properly licensed adult 
at least age 21 must directly supervise (within sight and normal voice 
contact) hunters under age 16. An adult may supervise only one youth.
    3. We require hunters to possess a refuge hunt permit (signed 
refuge hunt brochure), a valid State hunting license, and government-
issued picture identification while hunting. The refuge hunt permit is 
not valid until signed by the hunter.
    4. Before hunting, each individual participant must obtain from a 
designated check station and display their completed User Information/
Harvest Report Card (Big Game Harvest Report, FWS Form 3-2359) in plain 
view in their vehicle so that the required information is readable. 
After checking a harvested animal at a check station, the hunter must 
record species harvest information on reporting card. You must return 
all cards upon completion of the activity and before leaving the 
    5. You must check all animals taken on the refuge before removing 
the animal from the refuge and prior to 8:30 p.m. at the check station.
    6. We require hunters to make a reasonable effort to retrieve 
wounded game. You must obtain permission from refuge personnel to enter 
a ``No Hunting Zone'' or ``Closed Area'' for any purpose.
    7. We allow vehicles only on established roads marked open for 
vehicular traffic. You may travel roads marked ``Closed to all 
vehicles'' on foot or by bicycle. The speed limit for all roads is 15 
mph. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility-type vehicles 
(UTVs) or other off-road vehicles. You may park vehicles alongside 
roads but only in a manner that will not block gates, roads, or fire 
lanes or interfere with the normal flow of traffic.
    8. Hunting firearms being transported in vehicles and boats during 
refuge hunts must be unloaded and cased or locked in a secure 
compartment (e.g., toolbox or trunk). We define a loaded firearm as 
having ammunition in the chamber or magazine. Muzzleloaders will be 
considered unloaded if the percussion cap is not seated in the chamber.
    9. We prohibit hunting with poison tip arrows (pods), exploding 
arrows, center fire rifles, and handguns (see Sec.  32.2(g)).
    10. We prohibit possession of bait, baiting, and/or hunting in the 
vicinity of bait (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    11. We prohibit camping, overnight parking, fires, and littering 
(see Sec. Sec.  27.95(a) and 27.94 of this chapter).
    12. We prohibit the possession of remote photography, videography, 
or any other remote device and trail-monitoring/counting devices.
    13. We prohibit entry beyond ``Closed Area'' or ``No Hunting Zone'' 
signs. We prohibit discharging weapons within, into, or across a ``No 
Hunting Zone'' or ``Closed Area.''
    14. We prohibit discharging a firearm from, on, or across any 
refuge road, or designated refuge foot trail.
    15. We prohibit hunting from within 100 feet (30 meters (m)) of any 
roadway, whether open or closed to vehicular traffic, or from or within 
300 yards (270 m) of any designated hunter check station or residence.
    16. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
    17. We prohibit man or dog drives, stalk hunting, and/or hunting 
from artificially pruned trees for deer and feral hogs.
    18. We allow hunting on each refuge unit only within specified hunt 
periods and only for raccoon or opossum, and white-tailed deer (see 
paragraph C, Big Game Hunting, of this entry).
    19. We allow unlimited harvest of feral hog as an incidental take 
while hunting during the day.
    20. We will open hunting areas from 5 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. during 
designated hunt periods.

[[Page 68916]]

    21. We allow use of dogs only for raccoon and opossum hunting. The 
dogs must wear a collar displaying the owner's name, address, and 
telephone number.
    22. We allow take of raccoon and opossum only during night hunting 
from the hours of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. We prohibit hunting on Saturday 
nights and Sunday nights. Special State regulations apply for night 
    23. We allow take of raccoon and opossum with a shotgun using 
nontoxic shot size no larger than #4 or a .22-caliber rimfire rifle. We 
prohibit possession of buckshot or slugs. We prohibit the use of all 
other weapons for hunting.
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer on 
designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and 
subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions B1 through B20 apply.
    2. We prohibit the use of dogs during deer hunts.
    3. We prohibit night hunting of deer and feral hogs. On the refuge, 
nighttime is defined from \1/2\ hour after legal sunset to \1/2\ hour 
before legal sunrise.
    4. We prohibit driving nails, screws, spikes, or other metal 
objects into a tree, and we prohibit hunting from a tree into which 
those objects have been driven (see Sec.  32.2(i)).
    5. We prohibit destroying or cutting vegetation (see Sec.  27.51 of 
this chapter). We prohibit the possession of axes, saws, machetes, or 
other tools used for cutting vegetation on the refuge while scouting or 
    6. We prohibit trail flagging. You may use clothes pins with 
reflective tape/tack or commercially made reflective orange glow or 
trail clips to mark the path to the tree. You must mark all clips and 
pins with your full name, and you must remove them at the end of the 
hunt period. We will consider any clips or pins found without a 
hunter's name or any found after the end of a hunt period to be 
littering (see Sec.  27.94 of this chapter), and we will remove them 
    7. We require hunters to wear an outer garment visible above the 
waist that contains a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square 
centimeters) of unbroken, solid fluorescent orange (hunter orange) 
material at all times during firearms and muzzleloader hunts. This does 
not apply to dove, raccoon, and turkey hunts.
    8. Deer and feral hog hunting must occur from portable elevated 
hunting stands. A safety belt or harness must be used while using a 
hunting stand. We prohibit ground blinds. We allow only one stand per 
hunter, and each hunter must clearly mark stands with his or her full 
name, date, and phone number. We will confiscate any stands found 
without the hunter's name, date, and phone number marked on them.
    9. We allow scouting on both the Pine Island and Cuddo Units during 
periods when these units are open to general public access. We allow 
vehicles only on roads designated as open for vehicular traffic. All 
other roads and trails are open to walk-in or bicycle traffic. We 
prohibit hunting weapons and dogs during scouting activities.
    10. We will open access roads, closed to the general public for 
driving, only during each deer hunt and on the Friday, Saturday, and 
Sunday prior to each hunt.
    11. You may place stands, clothes pins, or clips, only on open hunt 
areas on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday immediately prior to each 
hunt (from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.) and must remove them by 8:30 p.m. on 
the last day of each hunt period. We will confiscate any stands found 
outside of allowed periods.
    12. We open the Plantation Islands (Cuddo Unit) to deer and feral 
hog hunting only from 5 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.
    13. Shooting hours are from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise until 
\1/2\ hour after legal sunset.
    14. The refuge conducts one lottery draw hunt (Quota Deer Hunt 
Application, FWS Form 3-2354) for the Family, Friends, and Kids (Family 
Friendly) hunts conducted on the Bluff Unit of the refuge. Contact the 
refuge office for dates, application information, and more information 
about this special hunt opportunity.
    15. We allow the use of non-motorized boats for accessing the 
unit's interior canals to inland areas open to hunting.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on the refuge in accordance with 
State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. A valid State fishing license, a signed refuge fishing permit 
(signed brochure), and government-issued picture identification must be 
in each angler's possession while fishing on the refuge. A signed 
refuge permit must be in each fisherman's possession while fishing on 
the refuge, except all recreational fishing boat operators are only 
required to have one refuge fishing permit per boat. A refuge fishing 
permit is not valid until signed.
    2. We allow public fishing on all four refuge units. We open waters 
of Lake Marion within refuge boundaries for fishing 24 hours a day, 
except in areas posted as ``Closed Areas'' or closed for migratory bird 
management (sanctuaries). We allow fishing only on the inland ponds and 
canals during times the refuge units are open for general public access 
or as posted. We prohibit fishing at night, to include bank fishing, 
except by boat in Lake Marion.
    3. Cantey Bay (Bluff Unit), Black Bottom (Cuddo Unit), and Savannah 
Branch (Pine Island Unit) are only open to public access, including 
boating and fishing, from March 1 through October 31.
    4. We limit access to the interior freshwater canals and ponds to 
canoes or kayaks, or by foot or bicycle travel only. We prohibit use of 
internal combustion engines on interior ponds and canals.
    5. We prohibit littering, camping and/or overnight parking, open 
fires, swimming or wading, collecting or searching for or taking of any 
items of antiquity, and overnight mooring of boats (see Sec. Sec.  
27.62, 27.94, and 27.95(a) of this chapter). We allow pets only in 
designated areas, and they must remain on a leash or within vehicles/
    6. We prohibit fishing or boating within 100 feet (30 meters) of 
any nesting bird or bird rookeries within refuge boundaries.
    7. We prohibit nighttime access to boat-launching areas.
    8. We prohibit commercial fishing.
    9. We prohibit attaching trotlines, bush/limb lines, fishing 
devices, signs, or any other objects to trees, posts, or markers within 
refuge boundaries.
    10. We prohibit shellfishing of all mollusks, including Asian 
    11. We prohibit mooring or attaching boats to any refuge boundary 
marker, post, or navigational post within refuge waters.
    12. We prohibit air-thrust boats, hovercraft, airboats, and 
personal watercraft (jet skis) within the waters of and/or boundary of 
the refuge.
* * * * *

Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge

    A. Migratory Game Bird Hunting. We allow hunting of duck, goose, 
dove, woodcock, and snipe on designated areas of the refuge in 
accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. You must possess and carry at all times while hunting a signed, 
current refuge hunting regulations brochure, which serves as the hunt 
permit. The hunt permit is invalid until signed by the hunter.
    2. Each youth hunter age 15 and younger must remain within sight, 
within normal voice contact, and under the supervision of an adult age 
21 or older, except when participating in the Federal Youth Days 
waterfowl hunt,

[[Page 68917]]

when the youth hunter must be under the supervision of an adult age 18 
or older. We do not require youth hunters to have a hunter-education 
card for migratory gamebird hunting, but they must possess a signed 
refuge hunting regulations brochure. The supervising adult must comply 
with all State and Federal hunting license requirements and also 
possess a signed refuge hunting regulations brochure. Each supervising 
adult may supervise no more than two youths.
    3. We allow waterfowl hunting only until 12 p.m. (noon) each 
Saturday and Wednesday during the State waterfowl season. Hunters may 
enter the refuge no earlier than 5 a.m. on hunt days and must be off 
the refuge by 2 p.m.
    4. We allow scouting Monday through Friday during the waterfowl 
season. Hunters must be off the refuge by 2 p.m.
    5. You may possess only approved nontoxic shot (see Sec.  32.2(k)) 
while hunting all species of migratory birds on the refuge.
    6. We prohibit permanent blinds (see Sec.  27.93 of this chapter). 
Hunters must remove portable blinds and decoys at the end of each day's 
    7. We allow use of dogs only while hunting. We require dogs to wear 
a collar displaying the owner's name, address, and phone number.
    8. We do not require hunter check-in and check-out, with the 
exception of special lottery hunts. There is no quota on the number of 
hunters for general hunting.
    9. We prohibit discharge of weapons for any purpose other than to 
take or attempt to take legal game animals during established hunting 
seasons (see Sec.  27.42(a) of this chapter).
    10. We prohibit hunting on any unit for wildlife species not 
officially opened to hunting or posted as ``No Hunting Zones.'' We 
prohibit entering any unit or area posted as ``Closed.''
    11. We require individuals parking vehicles in the refuge to obey 
all posted signs.
    12. Access into all refuge hunt areas for hunting and scouting is 
by foot, bicycle, or boat. We prohibit ATVs (see Sec.  27.31(f) of this 
chapter) and air boats on the refuge.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of gray squirrel, raccoon, 
and opossum on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A2, and A8 through A12 apply.
    2. We allow hunting only in designated areas and only on days 
designated annually by the refuge within the State season.
    3. You may possess only nontoxic shot no larger than #2 in shotguns 
for hunting. We allow .22-caliber rimfire rifles.
    4. We prohibit shooting any game from a boat except waterfowl.
    5. We require the use of dogs for hunting raccoon and opossum.
    6. The refuge prohibits upland game hunting during refuge Big Game 
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer, feral 
hog, and turkey on designated areas of the refuge. The State of South 
Carolina does not classify feral hog as big game; however, for the 
purpose of these regulations, we include feral hog in the big game 
category. We allow big game hunting on the refuge in accordance with 
State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. Conditions A1, A8 through A12, B2 and B4 apply.
    2. We only allow hunting for designated species on days designated 
annually by the refuge, within the State season and limits, and 
according to refuge unit-specific regulations annually listed in the 
refuge hunting regulations brochure.
    3. We close areas open to hunting to the general public during big 
game hunts.
    4. We allow archery, muzzleloading (black powder), rifles 
(centerfire larger than .22 caliber), and shotguns according to refuge 
unit-specific regulations.
    5. We prohibit blow guns and drugged arrows (see Sec.  32.2(g)). We 
allow muzzleloading rifles that use only a single projectile on the 
muzzleloader hunts. We prohibit buckshot, rimfire ammunition, and full-
metal-jacketed military ammunition.
    6. Access into all refuge hunt areas for hunting and scouting is by 
foot or boat. We may open some refuge roads on hunt days. We prohibit 
ATVs (see Sec.  27.31(f) of this chapter) and air boats on the refuge.
    7. We allow scouting all year during daylight hours except during 
the State waterfowl season. During the waterfowl season, the same 
regulations that apply to scouting for waterfowl (see condition A4) 
apply to scouting for big game species. We prohibit the use of trail 
cameras and other scouting devices.
    8. Hunters may enter the refuge no earlier than 5 a.m. on hunt days 
and must leave the refuge no later than 1 hour after legal sunset.
    9. We do not require hunter check-in and check-out, with the 
exception of special lottery hunts.
    10. The refuge limit on antlered deer is one antlered buck per hunt 
session that must have at least three antler points on one side. We 
define a ``point'' as an antler projection of at least 1 inch (2.5 
centimeters) or more in length. Hunters can harvest two antlerless deer 
per year during coinciding State doe days or by using personal doe 
    11. You may take feral hogs during refuge deer hunts. There is no 
size or bag limit on hogs. We may offer special hog hunts during and 
after deer season to further control this invasive species. You must 
dispatch all feral hogs before removing them from the refuge.
    12. We prohibit hunting on or within 100 feet (30 meters) of all 
routes marked as roads or trails on the hunt brochure map.
    13. You must hunt deer and feral hog from an elevated hunting 
    14. We allow only one portable tree stand per hunter, and you must 
clearly mark it with your full name and phone number. We prohibit 
placing deer stands on the refuge more than 3 days prior to the opening 
day of a hunting session. Hunters must remove stands from the refuge no 
later than 3 days after each refuge big game hunt (see Sec.  27.93 of 
this chapter).
    15. We allow hunters to use flagging to mark the site of hunter 
entry from roads or trails and again at the stand site. We allow 
hunters to use clothes pins with reflective tape between entry and 
stand sites to mark the route to the stand. You must label all pins 
with your full name and remove them at the end of the hunt.
    16. We require hunters to wear an outer garment visible above the 
waist that contains a minimum of 500 square inches (3,226 square 
centimeters) of solid, fluorescent-orange material at all times during 
big game hunts except for wild turkey.
    17. We prohibit the use of organized drives, including the use of 
boats, as an aid in the taking or attempting to take big game species.
    18. We prohibit possession of bait, distribution of bait, or 
hunting over a baited area (see Sec.  32.2(h)).
    19. We allow crossbows only during the big game hunting sessions, 
when we allow muzzleloaders and modern weapons. We may also allow 
crossbows during special hunts if determined to be appropriate.
    20. Each youth hunter age 15 and younger must remain within sight, 
within normal voice contact, and under supervision of an adult age 21 
or older, and must possess a signed refuge hunting regulations 
brochure. We do not require youth hunters who are sitting in the same 
hunting stand as the supervising adult to possess a hunter-education 
card. We require youth hunters who are sitting in a hunting

[[Page 68918]]

stand by themselves to possess a valid hunter-education card. The 
supervising adult must comply with all State and Federal hunting 
license requirements and possess a signed refuge hunting regulations 
brochure. Each supervising adult may supervise a maximum of one youth.
    21. We only allow deer and hog hunting on the uplands of Sandy 
Island during a special archery-only lottery hunt. Hunters must apply 
for lottery entry (name/address/phone number) and are chosen by a 
random selection process. There is a quota on the number of hunters 
selected for this hunt.
    22. We have special hunts for youth and mobility-impaired hunters 
on the Normandy Tract. You may obtain information about the drawing 
from the refuge office or Web site.
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing in accordance with State 

31. Amend Sec.  32.61, the entry for Lake Andes National Wildlife 
Refuge, by revising paragraph D to read as follows:

Sec.  32.61  South Dakota.

* * * * *

Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow sport fishing on designated areas of the 
refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to the 
following conditions:
    1. You must remove all boats, motor vehicles, fishing equipment, 
and other personal property, excluding ice houses, by the end of each 
day (see Sec. Sec.  27.93 and 27.94 of this chapter).
    2. We allow fishing on the Center and South units of Lake Andes.
* * * * *

32. Amend Sec.  32.62 by:
a. Under the entry Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.3, A.8, B.2, B.3, and B.8;
ii. Removing paragraph B.9; and
iii. Revising paragraphs C.4. and D.1;
b. Revising paragraphs A.6, B.1, B.4, and D.8 under the entry Hatchie 
National Wildlife Refuge; and
c. Under the entry Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.2, A.8, B.2, and B.9;
ii. Removing paragraph B.10; and
iii. Redesignating paragraph B.11 as B.10.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.62  Tennessee.

* * * * *

Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. We require a refuge hunt permit (name and address) for all 
hunters age 17 and older. We charge a fee for all hunt permits. You 
must carry a valid refuge permit while hunting on the refuge.
    3. We set and publish season dates and bag limits annually in the 
Refuge Hunting and Fishing Regulations available at the refuge office.
* * * * *
    8. Youth hunters under age 17 must remain in sight and normal voice 
contact with an adult hunter age 21 or older. One adult hunter may 
supervise no more than two youth hunters.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    2. We require a refuge hunt permit (name and address) for all 
hunters age 17 and older. We charge a fee for all hunt permits. You 
must carry a valid refuge permit while hunting on the refuge.
    3. We set and publish season dates and bag limits annually in the 
Refuge Hunting and Fishing Regulations available at the refuge office.
* * * * *
    8. Each youth hunter under age 17 must remain within sight and 
normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or older. One adult hunter may 
supervise no more than two youth hunters.
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    4. Each youth hunter younger than age 17 must remain within sight 
and normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or older. One adult hunter 
may supervise no more than one youth hunter.
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    1. We allow fishing on the refuge pools and reservoirs from March 
16 through November 14 from \1/2\ hour before legal sunrise to \1/2\ 
hour after legal sunset.
* * * * *

Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    6. Mourning dove, woodcock, and snipe seasons close during all deer 
archery, quota deer gun, and youth deer gun hunts. In the area west of 
Interstate 40 we follow the State seasons, except we close during youth 
deer gun and quota deer gun hunts.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    1. Conditions A1 through A4, A6, and A8 through A12 apply.
* * * * *
    4. We close all small game hunts during the refuge deer archery, 
quota, and youth gun hunts, except in the area west of Interstate 40, 
where small game reopens after the second quota deer gun hunt in 
accordance with State seasons.
* * * * *
    D. * * *
    8. We allow the use of nonmotorized boats and boats with electric 
motors only; we prohibit the use of gas and diesel motors on refuge 
lakes except in the waterfowl hunting area.
* * * * *

Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    2. We require a refuge hunt permit (name and address) for all 
hunters age 17 and older. We charge a fee for all hunt permits. You 
must carry a valid refuge permit while hunting on the refuge.
* * * * *
    8. Youth hunters under age 17 must remain in sight and normal voice 
contact with an adult hunter age 21 or older. One adult hunter may 
supervise no more than two youth hunters.
* * * * *
    B. * * *
    2. We require a refuge hunt permit (name and address) for all 
hunters age 17 and older. We charge a fee for all hunt permits. You 
must possess and carry a valid refuge hunt permit while hunting on the 
* * * * *
    9. Each youth hunter (under age 17) must remain within sight and 
normal voice contact and under supervision of an adult age 21 or older. 
One adult may supervise no more than two youth hunters.
* * * * *

33. Amend Sec.  32.63 by:
a. Revising paragraph A introductory text and paragraphs A.1 through 
A.4 under the entry Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge;
b. Revising paragraphs B.1 and C under the entry Buffalo Lake National 
Wildlife Refuge;
c. Under the entry Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.10, A.12, A.13, and A.14;
ii. Removing paragraphs A.15 through A.17; and
iii. Revising paragraphs B, C.1 through C.4, C.6, and D;
d. Under the entry Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraph C.7; and
ii. Adding paragraph C.19; and
e. Under the entry Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraph A.6;
ii. Adding paragraph A.23; and
iii. Revising paragraphs C.1 and C.4.
    The revisions and additions read as follows:

[[Page 68919]]

Sec.  32.63  Texas.

* * * * *

Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *. We allow hunting of goose, duck, coot, white-winged dove, 
mourning dove, Eurasian collared-dove, and rock pigeon on designated 
areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to 
the following conditions:
    1. You must carry a current signed refuge hunting permit (signed 
brochure) while waterfowl hunting on all refuge hunt units.
    2. Season dates for waterfowl will be concurrent with the State, 
except as specified in the refuge hunting permit (signed brochure).
    3. For waterfowl hunting, you may enter the refuge hunt units no 
earlier than 4 a.m. Hunting starts at the designated legal shooting 
time and ends at 12 p.m. (noon). You must leave refuge hunt units by 
12:30 p.m. For dove hunting, you may enter the refuge an hour before 
legal sunrise and must leave the refuge by \1/2\ hour after legal 
sunset. We close refuge hunt units on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New 
Year's Day.
    4. For waterfowl hunting, we allow hunting in portions of the East 
Unit on Saturdays, Sundays, and Tuesdays during the regular waterfowl 
seasons. We require payment of a $10 per day or $40 per year to hunt on 
the East Unit. All hunters must check in and out through the check 
station when accessing the East Unit by vehicle. We will allow a 
limited number of parties to access the East Unit by vehicle. All 
hunters entering the East Unit through the check station will designate 
a hunt area on a first-come, first-served basis (special duck hunt 
areas will be assigned through a random drawing). We will require 
hunters to remain in an assigned area for that day's hunt. We allow 
hunters to access designated areas of the East Unit by boat from 
Jackson Ditch, East Bay Bayou, or Onion Bayou. We require hunters 
accessing the East Unit by boat from Jackson Ditch, East Bay Bayou, or 
Onion Bayou to pay the $40 annual fee. We prohibit access to the East 
Unit Reservoirs from Onion Bayou via boat. We prohibit the use of 
motorized boats on the East Unit, except on ponds accessed from Jackson 
Ditch via Onion Bayou. We prohibit motorized boats launching from the 
East Unit. For dove hunting, you are allowed to access and hunt the 
designated areas on the East Unit by vehicles via Farm Market Road 1985 
only. Hunters are required to follow rules published annually by TPWD 
relating to the TPWD AHP.
* * * * *

Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *
    1. We require hunters to pay a fee and obtain a Special Use Permit 
(FWS Form 3-1383-G).
* * * * *
    C. Big Game Hunting. We allow hunting of white-tailed deer, mule 
deer, and feral hogs on designated areas of the refuge in accordance 
with State regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. We prohibit recreational shooting and target practice or any 
non-hunting discharge.
    2. We prohibit shooting or hunting of all animals except deer and 
feral hogs during the hunt.
    3. We prohibit any use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).
    4. We prohibit the use of dogs for big game hunting.
    5. We prohibit the use of horses.
    6. We prohibit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages while 
hunting on refuge lands (see Sec.  32.2(j)).
    7. We prohibit the use of tree stands or any devices such as nails, 
tacks, and scaffolding used to climb trees, tripod types of blinds, or 
other elevated blinds.
    8. You are not allowed on the refuge after dark except in 
designated camping areas.
    9. Youth hunt:
    i. We define youth hunters as ages 9 to 16 years of age. To 
participate in the youth hunt, youth hunters must be no younger than 
age 9 and no older than age 16 at the time they apply for a permit to 
hunt (see condition A.10.iv) and when the hunt occurs.
    ii. A Texas-licensed, adult supervisor age 18 or older who has 
successfully completed a Hunter Education Certification Course (``adult 
supervisor'') must accompany youth hunters. Adult supervisors born 
prior to September 2, 1971, are exempt from the hunter-education 
    iii. When hunting, each adult supervisor may supervise only one 
youth hunter. A youth hunter may have up to two supervisors.
    iv. All youth hunters must carry a valid Special Use Permit (FWS 
Form 3-1383-G) when hunting. Special Use Permits are available at the 
refuge office.
    v. You must provide proof of the youth hunter's or supervisor's 
successful completion of a State hunter-safety course to refuge staff 
at the time of the hunt or the youth hunter will not be allowed to 
hunt. Adult supervisors born prior to September 2, 1971, are exempt 
from the hunter-safety course requirement.
    vi. When hunting, the adult supervisor must be within normal voice 
control of the youth hunter at all times.
    vii. Adult supervisors are not allowed to hunt during the youth 
    10. We may close hunting areas at any time due to fire dangers, 
inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstances.
* * * * *

Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge

    A. * * *
    10. We prohibit airboats, hovercraft, and personal watercraft (Jet 
Skis, wave runner, jet boats, etc.) year-round on refuge waters.
* * * * *
    12. We prohibit all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).
    13. We prohibit horses.
    14. We prohibit glass containers.
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of squirrel and rabbit in 
the months of February and September on designated areas of the refuge 
in accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
conditions: Conditions A1 through A14 apply.
    C. * * *
    1. We require a limited hunt permit (name) for archery deer, feral 
hog, and spring turkey hunts. In partnership with Texas Parks and 
Wildlife Department, we allow a special youth hunt as listed on the 
refuge hunt information sheet. For additional information on how to 
apply, contact the refuge headquarters at 903-786-2826.
    2. Conditions A2, A5 through A7, and A10 through A14 apply.
    3. We restrict hunt participants for limited hunts to those drawn 
for and in possession of a limited hunt permit (name). The permits are 
nontransferable. Hunt dates and application procedures will be 
available annually at the refuge headquarters.
    4. We allow limited hunts for feral hog, archery deer, and spring 
turkey. We allow muzzleloaders, bow and arrow, and shotguns for feral 
hog and spring turkey hunts. You may possess only lead-free, nontoxic 
(steel, bismuth, copper, or tungsten) bullets, slugs, and shot (00 buck 
for hogs, no shell larger than No. 4 shot size for turkey).
* * * * *
    6. We limit each hunter to one stand, which the hunter may place on 
the refuge during the day preceding each hunt. You must remove all 
stands by legal sunset on the last day of each hunt.
* * * * *
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing on designated areas of the 
refuge in

[[Page 68920]]

accordance with State regulations and subject to the following 
    1. Lake Texoma and connected streams are open to fishing year-
round. We require a valid State of Texas or Lake Texoma fishing license 
in accordance with State regulations.
    2. Conditions A10, and A12 through A14 apply.
    3. You may bank fish on Lake Texoma with pole and line, rod and 
reel, or hand line year-round.
    4. We allow wade fishing in refuge ponds March 15 through October 1 
annually from all areas except Refuge Road, Wildlife Drive, Plover 
Road, Tern Road, and Egret Road.
    5. We allow fishing in refuge ponds March 15 through September 30 
annually. We require a valid State of Texas or Lake Texoma fishing 
license in accordance with State regulations.
    6. Anglers may not use any glass containers, plastic jugs, or 
plastic bottles as floats.
    7. We prohibit discarding any type of fishing line.
    8. You may only take bait for personal use while fishing in refuge 
waters in accordance with Texas State law. We prohibit removal of bait 
from the refuge for commercial sales or use.
    9. We prohibit fishing from bridges.
    10. We allow the use of bow and arrow to take nongame fish on 
refuge waters except from Refuge Road, Wildlife Drive, Plover Road, 
Tern Road, and Egret Road.
    11. We prohibit limb line, throw lines, jug lines, seine nets, 
noodling, and yo-yos.
    12. We prohibit taking frog, turtle, and mussel from refuge lands 
and waters (see Sec.  27.21 of this chapter).
    13. We prohibit taking any fish or bait for any purpose from refuge 
impoundments year-round.
    14. We prohibit entry into refuge impoundments and ponds by any 
means (i.e., foot, boat, other floating device) for any purpose year-

Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    7. Hunting means and methods, including use of firearms, archery, 
and crossbows, will be in accordance with State regulations unless 
otherwise designated. We publish this information in the refuge hunting 
* * * * *
    19. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on 
National Wildlife Refuges must comply with all provisions of State and 
local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with 
refuge regulations (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge 
regulations in this part 32).
* * * * *

Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    A. * * *
    6. We require hunters to pay a fee to obtain a refuge hunt permit 
(signed brochure) and to possess and carry that permit at all times 
during your designated hunt period. Hunters must also display the 
refuge-issued vehicle placard (part of the hunt permit) while 
participating in the designated hunt period. Hunters, including youth 
hunters, must also have a valid hunting license, proof of hunter's 
education certification, and picture identification in order to obtain 
a refuge hunt permit and must possess the items listed in this 
condition (A6) while on the refuge hunt.
* * * * *
    23. Persons, possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on 
National Wildlife Refuges must comply with all provisions of State and 
local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with 
refuge regulations (see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge 
regulations in this part 32).
* * * * *
    C. * * *
    1. Conditions A4 through A13, and A16 through A23 apply.
* * * * *
    4. Hunters must follow the Hunting Means and Methods of Firearms, 
Archery and Crossbows outlined in the Texas Wildlife and Parks 
Department's (TPWD's) regulations unless otherwise designated. We will 
publish changes from the TPWD regulations that are applicable to 
hunting on the refuge in the refuge hunting tear sheet, which is 
available at the refuge office.
* * * * *

34. Amend Sec.  32.64 by revising paragraph B.4 under the entry Ouray 
National Wildlife Refuge to read as follows:

Sec.  32.64  Utah.

* * * * *

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    B. * * *
    4. We allow turkey hunting for youth hunters only.
* * * * *

35. Amend Sec.  32.66 by:
a. Revising paragraph C.15 under the entry Back Bay National Wildlife 
Refuge; and
b. Under the entry Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraph C.6;
ii. Removing paragraph C.7;
iii. Redesignating paragraph C.8 as C.7;
iv. Removing paragraph C.9;
v. Redesignating paragraphs C.10 and C.11 as C.8 and C.9, respectively; 
vi. Revising paragraph D.1.
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.66  Virginia.

* * * * *

Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    C. * * *
    15. We prohibit use of tree stands except on Long Island (Zone 1).
* * * * *

Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge

    C.* * *
    6. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on the 
refuge must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons 
may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations 
(see Sec.  27.42 of this chapter and specific refuge regulations in 
this part 32).
* * * * *
    D.* * *
    1. During daylight hours, we allow fishing in Lake Drummond and in 
the Feeder Ditch from boat, and from the piers at Washington Ditch and 
Interior Ditch.
* * * * *

36. Amend Sec.  32.67 by:
a. Under the entry Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge:
i. Revising paragraphs A.2 and B; and
ii. Removing paragraph C.3;
b. Revising the entry Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge to read, 
``Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge'', moving the 
entry into alphabetical order within the section, and revising 
paragraph D; and
c. Revising paragraph A.3 under the entry Ridgefield National Wildlife 
    The revisions read as follows:

Sec.  32.67  Washington.

* * * * *

Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    D. Sport Fishing. We allow fishing and shellfishing on designated 
areas of the refuge in accordance with State regulations and subject to 
the following conditions:
    1. In concurrence with the State, we allow fishing from boats 
outside the

[[Page 68921]]

Sanctuary Area and outside the Research Natural Area.
    2. We prohibit bank fishing within the refuge along the Nisqually 
River and McAllister Creek.
    3. We prohibit shellfishing (clams, oysters, mussels) on the 
    4. We prohibit boat launching on the refuge.
    5. We prohibit tidal flat and marsh access from refuge trails.
* * * * *

Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge

* * * * *
    A.* * *
    2. We allow hunting during approved State hunting seasons occurring 
from September through December. We prohibit hunting and discharging 
firearms during all other periods.
* * * * *
    B. Upland Game Hunting. We allow hunting of upland game and other 
small game on designated areas of the refuge in accordance with State 
regulations and subject to the following conditions:
    1. We allow hunting during approved State hunting seasons occurring 
September through December, and during the State spring wild turkey 
season. We prohibit hunting and discharge of firearms during all other 
    2. During the State spring turkey season, we prohibit hunting of 
all species except wild turkey.
    3. We prohibit raccoon hunting with dogs.
    4. Condition A3 applies.
* * * * *

Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge

    A.* * *
    3. We limit or prohibit hunting of dusky Canada goose in accordance 
with State regulations. The State defines dusky Canada goose as a dark-
breasted Canada goose, as determined by a Munsell color chart 10 YR, 5 
or less, with a culmen (bill) length of 40 to 50 millimeters (1.6 to 2 
inches). In addition, we will close the refuge goose season early if 
the dusky Canada goose harvest reaches a quota adopted by the refuge.
* * * * *

Michael J. Bean
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
[FR Doc. 2016-23190 Filed 10-3-16; 8:45 am]

Current View
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule.
DatesThis rule is effective October 4, 2016.
ContactJillian Cohen, (703) 358-1764.
FR Citation81 FR 68874 
RIN Number1018-BB31
CFR AssociatedFishing; Hunting; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Wildlife and Wildlife Refuges

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