81_FR_70283 81 FR 70087 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

81 FR 70087 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

Agricultural Research Service

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 196 (October 11, 2016)

Page Range70087-70088
FR Document2016-24440

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 196 (Tuesday, October 11, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 196 (Tuesday, October 11, 2016)]
[Pages 70087-70088]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-24440]



Agricultural Research Service

Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request

October 5, 2016.
    The Department of Agriculture has submitted the following 
information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance 
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. Comments 
are requested regarding (1) whether the

[[Page 70088]]

collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of 
the functions of the agency, including whether the information will 
have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of 
burden including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; 
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information 
to be collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the collection 
of information on those who are to respond, including through the use 
of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other 
technological collection techniques or other forms of information 
    Comments regarding this information collection received by November 
10, 2016 will be considered. Written comments should be addressed to: 
Desk Officer for Agriculture, Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), New Executive Office 
Building, 725 17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20502. Commenters are 
encouraged to submit their comments to OMB via email to: 
[email protected] or fax (202) 395-5806 and to Departmental 
Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250-
7602. Copies of the submission(s) may be obtained by calling (202) 720-
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information 
unless the collection of information displays a currently valid OMB 
control number and the agency informs potential persons who are to 
respond to the collection of information that such persons are not 
required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays 
a currently valid OMB control number.

Agricultural Research Service

    Title: Evaluation of User Satisfaction with NAL Internet Sites.
    OMB Control Number: 0518-0040.
    Summary of Collection: There is a need to measure user satisfaction 
with the National Agricultural Library (NAL) Internet sites in order 
for NAL to comply with Executive Order 12862, which directs federal 
agencies that provide significant services directly to the public to 
survey customers to determine the kind and quality of services they 
want and their level of satisfaction with existing services. NAL 
Internet sites are a vast collection of Web pages created and 
maintained by component organizations of NAL, and are visited by 8.6 
million people per month on average. The information generated from 
this research will enable NAL to evaluate the success of this new 
modality in response to fulfilling its legislative mandate to 
disseminate vital agricultural information and truly become the 
national digital library of agriculture.
    Need and Use of the Information: The purpose of the research is to 
ensure that intended audiences find the information provided on the 
Internet sites easy to access, clear, informative, and useful. The 
research will provide a means by which to classify visitors to the NAL 
Internet sites, to better understand how to serve them. If the 
information is not collected, NAL will be limited in its ability to 
provide accurate, timely information to its user community.
    Description of Respondents: Individuals or households; Business or 
other for-profit; Not-for-profit institutions; Farms; State, Local or 
Tribal Government.
    Number of Respondents: 12,000.
    Frequency of Responses: Reporting: Annually.
    Total Burden Hours: 720.

Ruth Brown,
Departmental Information Collection Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2016-24440 Filed 10-7-16; 8:45 am]

                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 196 / Tuesday, October 11, 2016 / Notices                                                70087

                                                    RETRIEVABILITY:                                          usaid.gov; (4) on the USAID Web site at               international or domestic terrorism (as
                                                      Records are retrieved by the names of                  www.usaid.gov/foia-requests; or (5) in                defined in section 2331), imprisonment
                                                    the individuals about whom they are                      person during regular business hours at               of not more than eight years, or both;
                                                    maintained and/or the number assigned                    USAID, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue                       and that requesting or obtaining records
                                                    to the accommodation request. In the                     NW., Washington, DC 20523–2701, or at                 under false pretenses is punishable
                                                    case of electronic databases, information                USAID overseas missions.                              under the provisions of 5 U.S.C.
                                                    may be retrieved by other identifying                       Requesters using 1 through 4 may                   552a(i)(3) as a misdemeanor and by a
                                                    search terms.                                            provide a written statement or may                    fine of not more than $5,000.
                                                                                                             complete and submit USAID Form 507–                      Requesters using 5 must provide such
                                                    SAFEGUARDS:                                              1, Freedom of Information/Privacy Act                 personal identification as is reasonable
                                                      Information in this system is                          Record Request Form, which can be                     under the circumstances to verify the
                                                    safeguarded in accordance with                           obtained: (a) On the USAID Web site at                requester’s identity, including the
                                                    applicable laws, rules and policies,                     www.usaid.gov/foia-requests; (b) by                   following: An unexpired United States
                                                    including the Agency’s automated                         email request to foia@usaid.gov; or (c)               passport; Social Security Card;
                                                    directive system (ADS). In general,                      by writing to the USAID FOIA Office,                  unexpired United States Government
                                                    records are maintained in buildings                      Bureau for Management, Office of                      employee identity card; unexpired
                                                    with restricted access. The required use                 Management Services, Information and                  driver’s license or identification card
                                                    of password protection identification                    Records Division, 1300 Pennsylvania                   issued by a state or United States
                                                    features and other system protection                     Avenue NW., Room 2.07C–RRB,                           possession, provided that it contain a
                                                    methods also restrict access. Access to                  Washington, DC 20523–2701, and                        photograph; certificate of United States
                                                    records is restricted to those authorized                provide information that is necessary to              citizenship; certificate of naturalization;
                                                    USAID personnel and authorized                           identify the records, including the                   card showing permanent residence in
                                                    contractors who have an official need in                 following: Requester’s full name;                     the United States; United States alien
                                                    the performance of their official duties.                present mailing address; home                         registration receipt card with
                                                                                                             telephone; work telephone; name of                    photograph; United States military card
                                                    RETENTION AND DISPOSAL:
                                                                                                             subject, if other than requester;                     or draft record; or United States military
                                                      Records are retained and disposed of                   requester relationship to subject;
                                                    in accordance with the Equal                                                                                   dependent’s identification card.
                                                                                                             description of type of information or
                                                    Employment Opportunity Commission’s                      specific records; and purpose of                      CONTESTING RECORDS PROCEDURES:
                                                    Policy Guidance on Executive Order                       requesting information. Requesters                       Individuals seeking to contest or
                                                    13164: Establishing Procedures to                        should provide the system of record                   amend records maintained on himself or
                                                    Facilitate the Provision of Reasonable                   identification name and number, if                    herself must clearly and concisely state
                                                    Accommodation, Directives Transmittal                    known; and, to facilitate the retrieval of            that information is being contested, and
                                                    Number 915.003, October 20, 2000; and                    records contained in those systems of                 the proposed amendment to the
                                                    in accordance with the National                          records which are retrieved by Social                 information sought. Requests to amend
                                                    Archives and Records Administration                      Security Numbers, the Social Security                 a record must follow the Record Access
                                                    (NARA) General Records Schedule 1,                       Number of the individual to whom the                  Procedures above.
                                                    Civilian Personnel Records, Item 24,                     record pertains.
                                                    Reasonable Accommodation Request                            In addition, requesters using 1                    RECORDS SOURCE CATEGORIES:
                                                    Records.                                                 through 4 must include proof of identity                Sources of records include
                                                    SYSTEM MANAGER(S) AND ADDRESS:
                                                                                                             information by providing copies of two                individuals who have requested
                                                                                                             (2) source documents that must be                     reasonable accommodation and
                                                      Reasonable Accommodation Program
                                                                                                             notarized by a valid (un-expired) notary              supporting documentation from USAID
                                                    Manager, Office of Civil Rights and
                                                                                                             public. Acceptable proof-of-identity                  officials, employees, and agents, and/or
                                                    Diversity, United States Agency for
                                                                                                             source documents include: An                          healthcare professionals involved in the
                                                    International Development, 1300
                                                                                                             unexpired United States passport;                     reasonable accommodation request,
                                                    Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,                     Social Security Card (both sides);
                                                    DC 20523–2120.                                                                                                 response, and implementation process.
                                                                                                             unexpired United States Government
                                                    NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE:                                  employee identity card; unexpired                     EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED FOR THE SYSTEM:

                                                       Same as Record Access Procedures.                     driver’s license or identification card                  None.
                                                                                                             issued by a state or United States                    [FR Doc. 2016–24509 Filed 10–7–16; 8:45 am]
                                                    RECORDS ACCESS PROCEDURES:                               possession, provided that it contain a                BILLING CODE 6116–02–P
                                                      Under the Privacy Act, individuals                     photograph; certificate of United States
                                                    may request access to records about                      citizenship; certificate of naturalization;
                                                    themselves. If an agency or a person,                    card showing permanent residence in
                                                    who is not the individual who is the                     the United States; United States alien                DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
                                                    subject of the records, requests access to               registration receipt card with                        Agricultural Research Service
                                                    records about an individual, the written                 photograph; United States military card
                                                    consent of the individual who is the                     or draft record; or United States military            Submission for OMB Review;
                                                    subject of the records is required.                      dependent’s identification card.                      Comment Request
                                                      Requesters may submit requests for                        Requesters using 1 through 4 must
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    records under the Privacy Act: (1) By                    also provide a signed and notarized                   October 5, 2016.
                                                    mail to the USAID FOIA Office, Bureau                    statement that they are the person                      The Department of Agriculture has
                                                    for Management, Office of Management                     named in the request; that they                       submitted the following information
                                                    Services, Information and Records                        understand that any falsification of their            collection requirement(s) to OMB for
                                                    Division, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue                       statement is punishable under the                     review and clearance under the
                                                    NW., Room 2.07C–RRB, Washington,                         provision of 18 U.S.C. 1001 by a fine, or             Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
                                                    DC 20523–2701; (2) via Facsimile to                      by imprisonment of not more than five                 Public Law 104–13. Comments are
                                                    202–216–3070; (3) via email to foia@                     years or, if the offense involves                     requested regarding (1) whether the

                                               VerDate Sep<11>2014    20:12 Oct 07, 2016   Jkt 241001   PO 00000   Frm 00003   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\11OCN1.SGM   11OCN1

                                                    70088                        Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 196 / Tuesday, October 11, 2016 / Notices

                                                    collection of information is necessary                  modality in response to fulfilling its                via email to rosemarie.downer@
                                                    for the proper performance of the                       legislative mandate to disseminate vital              fns.usda.gov. Comments will also be
                                                    functions of the agency, including                      agricultural information and truly                    accepted through the Federal
                                                    whether the information will have                       become the national digital library of                eRulemaking Portal. Go to http://
                                                    practical utility; (2) the accuracy of the              agriculture.                                          www.regulations.gov and follow the
                                                    agency’s estimate of burden including                     Need and Use of the Information: The                online instructions for submitting
                                                    the validity of the methodology and                     purpose of the research is to ensure that             comments electronically.
                                                    assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance                   intended audiences find the information                  All written comments will be open for
                                                    the quality, utility and clarity of the                 provided on the Internet sites easy to                public inspection at the Office of the
                                                    information to be collected; and (4)                    access, clear, informative, and useful.               Food and Nutrition Service during
                                                    ways to minimize the burden of the                      The research will provide a means by                  regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5
                                                    collection of information on those who                  which to classify visitors to the NAL                 p.m. Monday through Friday) at 3101
                                                    are to respond, including through the                   Internet sites, to better understand how              Park Center Drive, Room 1014,
                                                    use of appropriate automated,                           to serve them. If the information is not              Alexandria, Virginia 22302.
                                                    electronic, mechanical, or other                        collected, NAL will be limited in its                    All responses to this notice will be
                                                    technological collection techniques or                  ability to provide accurate, timely                   summarized and included in the request
                                                    other forms of information technology.                  information to its user community.                    for Office of Management and Budget
                                                      Comments regarding this information                     Description of Respondents:                         approval. All comments will be a matter
                                                    collection received by November 10,                     Individuals or households; Business or                of public record.
                                                    2016 will be considered. Written                        other for-profit; Not-for-profit                      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
                                                    comments should be addressed to: Desk                   institutions; Farms; State, Local or                  Requests for additional information or
                                                    Officer for Agriculture, Office of                      Tribal Government.                                    copies of this information collected
                                                    Information and Regulatory Affairs,                       Number of Respondents: 12,000.                      should be directed to Rosemarie Downer
                                                    Office of Management and Budget                           Frequency of Responses: Reporting:                  at (703) 305–2129.
                                                    (OMB), New Executive Office Building,                   Annually.                                             SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments
                                                    725 17th Street NW., Washington, DC                       Total Burden Hours: 720.
                                                    20502. Commenters are encouraged to                                                                           are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed
                                                    submit their comments to OMB via                        Ruth Brown,                                           collection of information is necessary
                                                    email to: OIRA_Submission@                              Departmental Information Collection                   for the proper performance of the
                                                    OMB.EOP.GOV or fax (202) 395–5806                       Clearance Officer.                                    functions of the agency, including
                                                    and to Departmental Clearance Office,                   [FR Doc. 2016–24440 Filed 10–7–16; 8:45 am]           whether the information shall have
                                                    USDA, OCIO, Mail Stop 7602,                             BILLING CODE 3410–03–P
                                                                                                                                                                  practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
                                                    Washington, DC 20250–7602. Copies of                                                                          agency’s estimate of the burden on the
                                                    the submission(s) may be obtained by                                                                          proposed collection of information,
                                                    calling (202) 720–8958.                                 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                             including the validity of the
                                                      An agency may not conduct or                                                                                methodology and assumptions that were
                                                    sponsor a collection of information                     Food and Nutrition Service                            used; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
                                                    unless the collection of information                                                                          utility, and clarity of the information
                                                                                                            Agency Information Collection                         collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
                                                    displays a currently valid OMB control
                                                                                                            Activities: Proposed Collection;                      burden of the collection of information
                                                    number and the agency informs
                                                                                                            Comments Request—Assessment of                        on those who are to respond, including
                                                    potential persons who are to respond to
                                                                                                            the Barriers That Constrain the                       use of appropriate automated,
                                                    the collection of information that such
                                                                                                            Adequacy of Supplemental Nutrition                    electronic, mechanical, or other
                                                    persons are not required to respond to
                                                                                                            Assistance Program (SNAP)                             technological collection techniques or
                                                    the collection of information unless it
                                                                                                            Allotments                                            other forms of information technology.
                                                    displays a currently valid OMB control
                                                    number.                                                 AGENCY: Food and Nutrition Service                       Title: Assessment of the Barriers that
                                                                                                            (FNS), USDA.                                          Constrain the Adequacy of
                                                    Agricultural Research Service                                                                                 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
                                                                                                            ACTION: Notice.
                                                      Title: Evaluation of User Satisfaction                                                                      Program (SNAP) Allotments.
                                                    with NAL Internet Sites.                                SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                        OMB Number: 0584—NEW.
                                                      OMB Control Number: 0518–0040.                        Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this                    Expiration Date: Not Yet Determined.
                                                      Summary of Collection: There is a                     notice invites the public and other                      Type of Request: New collection.
                                                    need to measure user satisfaction with                  public agencies to comment on this                       Abstract: The Supplemental Nutrition
                                                    the National Agricultural Library (NAL)                 proposed information collection. This is              Assistance Program (SNAP) is intended
                                                    Internet sites in order for NAL to                      a new collection for the purpose of                   to alleviate food insecurity among low-
                                                    comply with Executive Order 12862,                      assessing the individual, household,                  income households. Towards this end,
                                                    which directs federal agencies that                     and the environmental factors that limit              it provides eligible low-income
                                                    provide significant services directly to                the adequacy of the SNAP allotment.                   households with a monthly benefit
                                                    the public to survey customers to                                                                             amount (SNAP allotment) based on
                                                                                                            DATES: Written comments must be
                                                    determine the kind and quality of                                                                             household size and net income to
                                                    services they want and their level of                   received on or before December 12,                    purchase foods from authorized retailers
asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

                                                    satisfaction with existing services. NAL                2016.                                                 that can be prepared and eaten at home.
                                                    Internet sites are a vast collection of                 ADDRESSES:  Comments may be sent to:                  SNAP benefits are based on the Thrifty
                                                    Web pages created and maintained by                     Rosemarie Downer, Food and Nutrition                  Food Plan, which is intended to be a
                                                    component organizations of NAL, and                     Service/U.S. Department of Agriculture,               minimal-cost nutritionally adequate
                                                    are visited by 8.6 million people per                   3101 Park Center Drive, Room 1014,                    diet, but has been the subject of
                                                    month on average. The information                       Alexandria, VA 22302. Comments may                    significant criticism for being
                                                    generated from this research will enable                also be submitted via fax to the attention            inadequate. In 2015, about 53 percent of
                                                    NAL to evaluate the success of this new                 of (703) 305–2576 at (703) 305–2129 or                SNAP households experienced food

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Document Created: 2018-02-13 16:33:59
Document Modified: 2018-02-13 16:33:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation81 FR 70087 

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