81 FR 78610 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 216 (November 8, 2016)

Page Range78610-78613
FR Document2016-26968

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 216 (Tuesday, November 8, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 216 (Tuesday, November 8, 2016)]
[Pages 78610-78613]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-26968]



Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; 
Comment Request

    In compliance with Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork

[[Page 78611]]

Reduction Act of 1995 concerning opportunity for public comment on 
proposed collections of information, the Substance Abuse and Mental 
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will publish periodic summaries 
of proposed projects. To request more information on the proposed 
projects or to obtain a copy of the information collection plans, call 
the SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer at (240) 276-1243.
    Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collections of 
information are necessary for the proper performance of the functions 
of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical 
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways 
to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, 
including through the use of automated collection techniques or other 
forms of information technology.

Proposed Project: Assessment of the Communities Talk: Town Hall 
Meetings To Prevent Underage Drinking--(OMB No. 0930-0288)--Revision

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration/
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (SAMHSA/CSAP) is requesting a 
revision from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of the 
information collection regarding the Assessment of the Communities 
Talk: Town Hall Meetings to Prevent Underage Drinking. The current data 
collection has approval under OMB No. 0930-0288, Assessment of the Town 
Hall Meetings on Underage Drinking Prevention, which expires on January 
31, 2017. Revisions were made to the two existing data collection 
instruments: The Organizer Survey and the Participant Form (English and 
Spanish versions). SAMHSA is requesting to add a new data collection 
instrument titled the Organizer Survey--6 month Follow-up, in which 
hosts of the Communities Talk events will opt in to provide information 
on any actions that were taken as result of the Communities Talk event.


    Under the current approval, the Organizer Survey consists of 30 
items. Under this revision, the Organizer Survey includes 20 items 
about the Communities Talk event. The following table provides a 
summary of the proposed changes to the instrument.

         Current question/item                       Changes
Wording change for THM.................  Changed throughout to
                                          `Communities Talk'.
q2--Location of event..................  Added Zip Code as a response
                                          option (new q2).
q4--Length of event....................  Question updated and entry
                                          field [(fill in)] (new q3).
q8--Other topics discussed (fill in)...  Slight wording change of
                                          question; added the words `non-
                                          alcohol-related . . . (What
                                          non-alcohol-related topics);
                                          added as a secondary question
                                          to new q12.
q9--Promotion of the event.............  Dropped `in the community' from
                                          the question and updated the
                                          response options (new q8).
q10--Number of event attendees.........  Provided clarification for
                                          physical and virtual attendees
                                          (new q9).
q13--Topics discussed at the event.....  Slight wording change of
                                          question; added the words
                                          `alcohol-related' (. . .
                                          following alcohol-related
                                          topics . . .); response
                                          options updated (new q13).
q14--Use of materials from               Updated website address (new
 www.stopalcoholabuse.gov.                q17).
q16--Planned activities as a result of   Updated question and response
 the event.                               options (new q15).
q17--Satisfaction with event...........  Question deleted.
q18/q19--Participation in event-related  Question deleted.
 webinar and identification of that
q20/q21--Viewing of online training and  Question deleted.
 identification of that training.
q22--Utility of training to              Updated lead-in to statements;
 organization's prevention work.          updated wording to be properly
                                          aligned with the training and
                                          technical assistance
                                          performance measures for
                                          science and service activities
                                          (changed from . . . my
                                          organization's . . . [to] . .
                                          . your organization's. . .)
                                          (new q18).
q23--Improved capacity due to the        Updated wording to be properly
 training received.                       aligned with the training and
                                          technical assistance
                                          performance measures for
                                          science and service activities
                                          (added the word `that' to . .
                                          .training that I received . .
                                          . ) (new q18).
q24/q25--Technical assistance (TA)       Question deleted.
 received and how submitted request for
q26--Utility of TA to organization's     Updated lead-in to statements;
 prevention work.                         wording to be properly aligned
                                          with the training and
                                          technical assistance
                                          performance measures for
                                          science and service activities
                                          (changed from . . . my
                                          organization's . . . [to] . .
                                          . your organization's) (new
q27--Improved capacity due to the TA     Updated wording to be properly
 received.                                aligned with the training and
                                          technical assistance
                                          performance measures for
                                          science and service activities
                                          (added the word `that' to . .
                                          . TA that I received . . .)
                                          (new q18).
q28--Share additional information about  Removed the word `us' (. . .
 event.                                   share with any other . . .)
                                          (new q19).
q29/q30--Data collected about event and  Updated questions and mailing
 sharing of data with SAMHSA, including   information (new q20 and
 information on where to send the data.   secondary question to new

    Three new questions were added pertaining to what influenced the 
decision to host an event (new q5), perception of how important UAD and 
its consequences is to the community (new q14), and agreement with 
mobilization actions statements (new q16).
    The revisions were necessary to better align the data gathered to 
the short-term and long-term outcomes of the Communities Talk for event 
hosts, specifically--


     Increase utility of training.
     Increase utility of technical assistance.

[[Page 78612]]


     Increase national conversations about UAD.
     Increase youth involvement in UAD.
     Increase community mobilization for UAD prevention.
     Increase organization capacity for prevention.
     Increase use of evidence-based approaches to UAD 
    Changes were also made to the Participant Form. Under the current 
approval, the Participant Form consists of 14 items. Under this 
revision, the Participant Form includes 17 items about the Communities 
Talk event. The following table provides a summary of the proposed 
changes to the instrument, in English and Spanish.

           Current question/item                       Changes
Wording change for THM....................  Changed throughout to
                                             `Communities Talk'.
q2--Location of event.....................  Added Zip Code as a response
                                             option (new q2).
q3--Most important UAD issues facing        Question wording change and
 community.                                  response options updated
                                             (new q3).
q5--Learn anything about UAD and its        Slight wording change of
 associated problems before attending the    question, added the word
 event.                                      `new' (. . . learn anything
                                             new . . .) (new q5).
q7--Sharing of materials or lessons         Response options updated
 learned from the event.                     (new q8).
q9--How will become more involved in        Question wording change and
 decreasing UAD in community.                response options updated
                                             (new q11).
q10--Gender...............................  Updated to say `sex' (new
q13--Race.................................  Updated order of response
                                             options (new q16).

    Three new questions were added surrounding how often respondents 
are involved in UAD prevention in the community (new q9), likelihood 
will become more involved in UAD prevention in the community (new q10), 
and agreement with mobilization actions statements (new q12).
    The revisions were necessary to better align the data gathered to 
the short-term and long-term outcomes of the Communities Talk, 


     Increase knowledge of UAD prevention.
     Increase intentions to share information on UAD 


     Increase national conversations about UAD.
     Increase youth involvement in UAD.
     Increase community mobilization for UAD prevention.
    CBOs that opt in to be contacted 6 months after completing the 
Organizer Survey for SAMHSA to follow up on any actions that were taken 
as a result of the Communities Talk event in their community will be 
provided with the Organizer Survey--6 month Follow-up. This survey will 
allow SAMHSA to measure progress towards the short- and long-term 
outcomes of the Communities Talk, specifically--


     Increase utility of training.
     Increase utility of technical assistance.


     Increase national conversations about UAD.
     Increase youth involvement in UAD prevention.
     Increase community mobilization for UAD prevention.
     Increase capacity for prevention organizers.
     Increase use of evidence-based approaches to UAD 
    The Organizer Survey--6 month Follow-up consists of 13 items and 
captures information on--
     Where the Communities Talk event was held;
     Awareness of UAD activities that have taken place as a 
result of the event;
     Community mobilization and collaboration efforts;
     Perception of the importance of UAD and its consequences 
to the community; and
     Increase in youth involvement in UAD prevention activities 
in the community.
    SAMHSA supports nationwide Communities Talk events every other 
year. Collecting data on each round of Communities Talk events, and 
using this information to inform policy and measure impact, supports 
SAMHSA's strategic initiative number 1: Prevention of substance use and 
mental illness. A specific goal under this initiative is to prevent or 
reduce the consequences of UAD and adult problem drinking; a specific 
objective is to establish the prevention of UAD as a priority issue for 
states, territories, tribal entities, colleges and universities, and 
    SAMHSA will use the information collected to document the 
implementation efforts of this nationwide initiative, determine if the 
federally sponsored Communities Talk events lead to additional 
activities within the community that are aimed at preventing and 
reducing UAD, identify what these activities may possibly include, and 
help plan for future rounds of Communities Talk events. SAMHSA intends 
to post online a summary document of each round of Communities Talk 
events and present findings at national conferences attended by CBOs 
that have hosted these events and might host future events. Similarly, 
SAMHSA plans to share findings with the Interagency Coordinating 
Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking. Agencies within this 
committee encourage their grantees to participate as the event hosts.
    Additionally, the information collected will support performance 
measurement for SAMHSA programs under the Government Performance 
Results Act (GPRA).

Data Collection Component

    SAMHSA/CSAP will use a web-based method to collect data through the 
Organizer Survey and Organizer Survey--6 month Follow-up, and a paper-
and-pencil approach to collect data through the Participant Form. The 
web-based application will comply with the requirements of Section 508 
of the Rehabilitation Act to permit accessibility to people with 
    Every 2 years, the Organizer Survey will be completed by an 
estimated 500 Communities Talk event organizers and will require only 
one response per respondent. It will take an average of 10 minutes 
(0.167 hours) to review the instructions and complete the survey. 
Similarly, the Organizer Survey--6 month Follow-up will be completed by 
an estimated 500 Communities Talk event organizers and will require 
only one response per respondent. It will take an average of 15 minutes 
(0.25 hours) to review the instructions and complete the survey. This 
burden estimate is based on comments from three 2016 Communities Talk 
even hosts who reviewed the survey and

[[Page 78613]]

provided comments on how long it would take them to complete it.
    The Participant Form will be completed by an average of 30 
participants per sampled community-based organization (n = 400) and 
will require only one response per respondent. It will take an average 
of 5 minutes (0.083 hours) to review the instructions and complete the 

                                        Estimated Annualized Burden Table
                                     Number of     Responses per       Total         Hours per      Total hour
            Form name               respondents     respondent       responses       response         burden
Organizer Survey................             500               1             500           0.167           83.50
Organizer Survey--6 month Follow-            500               1             500            0.25          125.00
Participant Form................           4,500               1           4,500           0.083          373.50
    Total.......................           5,500  ..............           5,500  ..............          582.00

    Send comments to Summer King, SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, 
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 15E57-B, Rockville, Maryland 20857, OR email a 
copy to [email protected]. Written comments should be received 
by January 9, 2017.

Summer King,
[FR Doc. 2016-26968 Filed 11-7-16; 8:45 am]

Current View
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
FR Citation81 FR 78610 

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