81_FR_83941 81 FR 83716 - Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Inseason Adjustment to the 2016 Gulf of Alaska Pollock Seasonal Apportionments

81 FR 83716 - Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Inseason Adjustment to the 2016 Gulf of Alaska Pollock Seasonal Apportionments

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 225 (November 22, 2016)

Page Range83716-83717
FR Document2016-28056

NMFS is adjusting the 2016 D seasonal apportionments of the total allowable catch (TAC) for pollock in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) by re-apportioning unharvested pollock TAC in Statistical Areas 610, 620, and 630 of the GOA. This action is necessary to provide opportunity for harvest of the 2016 pollock TAC, consistent with the goals and objectives of the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 225 (Tuesday, November 22, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 225 (Tuesday, November 22, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 83716-83717]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-28056]



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

50 CFR Part 679

[Docket No. 150818742-6210-02]
RIN 0648-XE958

Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Inseason 
Adjustment to the 2016 Gulf of Alaska Pollock Seasonal Apportionments

AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

ACTION: Temporary rule; inseason adjustment.


SUMMARY: NMFS is adjusting the 2016 D seasonal apportionments of the 
total allowable catch (TAC) for pollock in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) by 
re-apportioning unharvested pollock TAC in Statistical Areas 610, 620, 
and 630 of the GOA. This action is necessary to provide opportunity for 
harvest of the 2016 pollock TAC, consistent with the goals and 
objectives of the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of 

DATES: Effective 1200 hours, Alaska local time (A.l.t.), November 17, 
2016, until 2400 hours A.l.t., December 31, 2016.


SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: NMFS manages the groundfish fishery in the 
GOA exclusive economic zone according to the Fishery Management Plan 
for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (FMP) prepared by the North 
Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) under authority of the 
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Regulations 
governing fishing by U.S. vessels in accordance with the FMP appear at 
subpart H of 50 CFR part 600 and 50 CFR part 679.
    The annual pollock TACs in Statistical Areas 610, 620, and 630 of 
the GOA are apportioned among four seasons, in accordance with Sec.  
679.23(d)(2). Regulations at Sec.  679.20(a)(5)(iv)(B) allow the 
underharvest of a seasonal apportionment to be added to subsequent 
seasonal apportionments, provided that any revised seasonal 
apportionment does not exceed 20 percent of the seasonal apportionment 
for a given statistical area. Therefore, NMFS is increasing the D 

[[Page 83717]]

apportionment of pollock in Statistical Areas 620 and 630 of the GOA to 
reflect the underharvest of pollock in those areas during the B season. 
In addition, any underharvest remaining beyond 20 percent of the 
originally specified seasonal apportionment in a particular area may be 
further apportioned to other statistical areas. Therefore, NMFS also is 
increasing the D season apportionment of pollock to Statistical Areas 
610 and 630 based on the underharvest of pollock in Statistical Areas 
620 of the GOA. These adjustments are described below.
    The D seasonal apportionment of the 2016 pollock TAC in Statistical 
Area 610 of the GOA is 24,421 metric tons (mt) as established by the 
final 2016 and 2017 harvest specifications for groundfish of the GOA 
(81 FR 14740, March 18, 2016). In accordance with Sec.  
679.20(a)(5)(iv)(B), the Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS (Regional 
Administrator), hereby increases the D season apportionment for 
Statistical Area 610 by 3,508 mt to account for both the Statistical 
Area 610 C season overharvest of 1,376 mt and the Statistical Areas 620 
C season TAC underharvest. This increase is in proportion to the 
estimated pollock biomass and is not greater than 20 percent of the D 
seasonal apportionment of the TAC in Statistical Area 610. Therefore, 
the revised D seasonal apportionment of the pollock TAC in Statistical 
Area 610 is 27,929 mt (24,421 mt plus 3,508 mt).
    The D seasonal apportionment of the pollock TAC in Statistical Area 
620 of the GOA is 15,402 mt as established by the final 2016 and 2017 
harvest specifications for groundfish of the GOA (81 FR 14740, March 
18, 2016). In accordance with Sec.  679.20(a)(5)(iv)(B), the Regional 
Administrator hereby increases the D seasonal apportionment for 
Statistical Area 620 by 3,080 mt to account for the underharvest of the 
TAC in Statistical Areas 620 in the C season. This increase is not 
greater than 20 percent of the D seasonal apportionment of the TAC in 
Statistical Area 620. Therefore, the revised D seasonal apportionment 
of the pollock TAC in Statistical Area 620 is 18,482 mt (15,402 mt plus 
3,080 mt).
    The D seasonal apportionment of pollock TAC in Statistical Area 630 
of the GOA is 19,822 mt as established by the final 2016 and 2017 
harvest specifications for groundfish of the GOA (81 FR 14740, March 
18, 2016). In accordance with Sec.  679.20(a)(5)(iv)(B), the Regional 
Administrator hereby increases the D seasonal apportionment for 
Statistical Area 630 by 3,964 mt to account for the underharvest of the 
TAC in Statistical Areas 620 and 630 in the C season. This increase is 
in proportion to the estimated pollock biomass and is not greater than 
20 percent of the D seasonal apportionment of the TAC in Statistical 
Area 630. Therefore, the revised D seasonal apportionment of pollock 
TAC in Statistical Area 630 is 23,786 mt (19,822 mt plus 3,964 mt).


    This action responds to the best available information recently 
obtained from the fishery. The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, 
NOAA (AA), finds good cause to waive the requirement to provide prior 
notice and opportunity for public comment pursuant to the authority set 
forth at 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) as such requirement is impracticable and 
contrary to the public interest. This requirement is impracticable and 
contrary to the public interest as it would prevent NMFS from 
responding to the most recent fisheries data in a timely fashion and 
would provide opportunity to harvest increased pollock seasonal 
apportionments. NMFS was unable to publish a notice providing time for 
public comment because the most recent, relevant data only became 
available as of November 16, 2016.
    The AA also finds good cause to waive the 30-day delay in the 
effective date of this action under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). This finding is 
based upon the reasons provided above for waiver of prior notice and 
opportunity for public comment.
    This action is required by Sec.  679.20 and is exempt from review 
under Executive Order 12866.

    Authority:  16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

    Dated: November 16, 2016.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine 
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2016-28056 Filed 11-17-16; 11:15 am]

                                              83716            Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 225 / Tuesday, November 22, 2016 / Rules and Regulations

                                              CNMI territorial allocation limit of 1,000              reaching the bigeye tuna allocation limit             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                              mt will be reached by December 1, 2016,                 established by the 2016 specification for
                                              and is, as an accountability measure,                   catch and allocation limits of bigeye                 National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                              prohibiting the catch and retention of                  tuna for the CNMI, and the specified                  Administration
                                              longline-caught bigeye tuna by vessels                  fishing agreement between the
                                              in the CNMI/QMI agreement.                              Government of the CNMI and QMI                        50 CFR Part 679
                                              Notice of Closure and Temporary Rule                    dated April 14, 2016.                                 [Docket No. 150818742–6210–02]
                                                 Effective 12:01 a.m. local time                         NMFS forecasted that the fishery
                                                                                                                                                            RIN 0648–XE958
                                              December 1, 2016, through December                      would reach the 2016 CNMI allocation
                                              31, 2016, NMFS closes the U.S. pelagic                  limit by December 1, 2016. Fishermen                  Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
                                              longline fishery for bigeye tuna in the                 have been subject to longline bigeye                  Zone Off Alaska; Inseason Adjustment
                                              western and central Pacific Ocean as a                  tuna limits in the western and central                to the 2016 Gulf of Alaska Pollock
                                              result of the fishery reaching the 2016                 Pacific since 2009. They have received                Seasonal Apportionments
                                              allocation limit of 1,000 mt for the                    ongoing, updated information about the
                                              CNMI.                                                   2016 catch and progress of the fishery                AGENCY:  National Marine Fisheries
                                                 During the closure, a U.S. fishing                   in reaching the U.S. bigeye tuna limit                Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
                                              vessel operating under the CNMI/QMI                                                                           Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
                                                                                                      via the NMFS Web site, social media,
                                              agreement may not retain on board,                                                                            Commerce.
                                                                                                      and other means. The publication
                                              transship, or land bigeye tuna captured                 timing of this rule, moreover, provides               ACTION: Temporary rule; inseason
                                              by longline gear in the WCPO, except                                                                          adjustment.
                                                                                                      longline fishermen with seven days’
                                              that any bigeye tuna already on board a
                                                                                                      advance notice of the closure date, and               SUMMARY:   NMFS is adjusting the 2016 D
                                              fishing vessel upon the effective date of
                                              the restrictions may be retained on                     allows two weeks to return to port and                seasonal apportionments of the total
                                              board, transshipped, and landed,                        land their catch of bigeye tuna. This                 allowable catch (TAC) for pollock in the
                                              provided that they are landed within 14                 action is intended to comply with                     Gulf of Alaska (GOA) by re-apportioning
                                              days of the start of the closure; that is,              regulations managing this stock, and,                 unharvested pollock TAC in Statistical
                                              by December 15, 2016. Additionally,                     accordingly NMFS finds it                             Areas 610, 620, and 630 of the GOA.
                                              U.S. fishing vessels operating under the                impracticable and contrary to the public              This action is necessary to provide
                                              CNMI/QMI agreement are also                             interest to have prior notice and public              opportunity for harvest of the 2016
                                              prohibited from transshipping bigeye                    comment.                                              pollock TAC, consistent with the goals
                                              tuna caught in the WCPO by longline                        For the reasons stated above, there is             and objectives of the Fishery
                                              gear to any vessel other than a U.S.                    also good cause under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3)              Management Plan for Groundfish of the
                                              fishing vessel with a valid permit issued               to waive the 30-day delay in                          Gulf of Alaska.
                                              under 50 CFR 660.707 or 665.801.                        effectiveness for this temporary rule.                DATES: Effective 1200 hours, Alaska
                                                 During the closure, all other                        NMFS must close the fishery to ensure                 local time (A.l.t.), November 17, 2016,
                                              restrictions and requirements NMFS                      that fishery does not exceed the                      until 2400 hours A.l.t., December 31,
                                              established on July 22, 2016, as a result                                                                     2016.
                                                                                                      allocation limit. NMFS implemented the
                                              of the U.S. longline fishery reaching the
                                                                                                      catch and allocation limits for the CNMI              FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:     Josh
                                              2016 U.S. bigeye tuna limit of 3,554 mt
                                                                                                      consistent with management objectives                 Keaton, 907–586–7228.
                                              (81 FR 45982, July 15, 2016) shall
                                              remain valid and effective.                             to sustainable manage the bigeye tuna                 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:      NMFS
                                                 If, prior to December 1, 2016, NMFS                  stock and restore the stock to levels                 manages the groundfish fishery in the
                                              receives a valid specified fishing                      capable of producing maximum                          GOA exclusive economic zone
                                              agreement between a U.S. longline                       sustainable yield on a continuing basis.              according to the Fishery Management
                                              fishing vessel(s) and another U.S.                      Failure to close the fishery before the               Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of
                                              territory, any vessel included in the                   limit is reached would be inconsistent                Alaska (FMP) prepared by the North
                                              CNMI/QMI agreement that is also                         with bigeye tuna management                           Pacific Fishery Management Council
                                              included in the subsequent agreement                    objections and in violation of Federal                (Council) under authority of the
                                              may continue to transship, retain, and                  law.                                                  Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
                                              land bigeye tuna caught by longline gear                                                                      Conservation and Management Act.
                                                                                                         This action is required by 50 CFR
                                              in the WCPO. Additionally, if any such                                                                        Regulations governing fishing by U.S.
                                                                                                      665.819(d), and is exempt from review                 vessels in accordance with the FMP
                                              vessel is engaged in a longline fishing                 under Executive Order 12866.
                                              trip in the WCPO on December 1, 2016,                                                                         appear at subpart H of 50 CFR part 600
                                              that vessel would not need to return to                   Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.                   and 50 CFR part 679.
                                              port before December 15, 2016. NMFS                       Dated: November 17, 2016.                             The annual pollock TACs in
                                              would announce any valid specified                                                                            Statistical Areas 610, 620, and 630 of
                                                                                                      Emily H. Menashes,
                                              fishing agreement in the Federal                                                                              the GOA are apportioned among four
                                                                                                      Acting Director, Office of Sustainable                seasons, in accordance with
                                                                                                      Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.         § 679.23(d)(2). Regulations at
                                              Classification                                          [FR Doc. 2016–28061 Filed 11–17–16; 11:15 am]         § 679.20(a)(5)(iv)(B) allow the
                                                There is good cause under 5 U.S.C.                    BILLING CODE 3510–22–P                                underharvest of a seasonal
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with RULES

                                              553(b)(B) to waive prior notice and the                                                                       apportionment to be added to
                                              opportunity for public comment on this                                                                        subsequent seasonal apportionments,
                                              action, because it would be                                                                                   provided that any revised seasonal
                                              impracticable and contrary to public                                                                          apportionment does not exceed 20
                                              interest, as discussed below. This rule                                                                       percent of the seasonal apportionment
                                              closes the U.S. longline fishery for                                                                          for a given statistical area. Therefore,
                                              bigeye tuna in the WCPO as a result of                                                                        NMFS is increasing the D season

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                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 225 / Tuesday, November 22, 2016 / Rules and Regulations                                            83717

                                              apportionment of pollock in Statistical                 the GOA is 15,402 mt as established by                from the fishery. The Assistant
                                              Areas 620 and 630 of the GOA to reflect                 the final 2016 and 2017 harvest                       Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA
                                              the underharvest of pollock in those                    specifications for groundfish of the GOA              (AA), finds good cause to waive the
                                              areas during the B season. In addition,                 (81 FR 14740, March 18, 2016). In                     requirement to provide prior notice and
                                              any underharvest remaining beyond 20                    accordance with § 679.20(a)(5)(iv)(B),                opportunity for public comment
                                              percent of the originally specified                     the Regional Administrator hereby                     pursuant to the authority set forth at 5
                                              seasonal apportionment in a particular                  increases the D seasonal apportionment                U.S.C. 553(b)(B) as such requirement is
                                              area may be further apportioned to other                for Statistical Area 620 by 3,080 mt to               impracticable and contrary to the public
                                              statistical areas. Therefore, NMFS also is              account for the underharvest of the TAC               interest. This requirement is
                                              increasing the D season apportionment                   in Statistical Areas 620 in the C season.
                                                                                                                                                            impracticable and contrary to the public
                                              of pollock to Statistical Areas 610 and                 This increase is not greater than 20
                                                                                                                                                            interest as it would prevent NMFS from
                                              630 based on the underharvest of                        percent of the D seasonal apportionment
                                              pollock in Statistical Areas 620 of the                 of the TAC in Statistical Area 620.                   responding to the most recent fisheries
                                              GOA. These adjustments are described                    Therefore, the revised D seasonal                     data in a timely fashion and would
                                              below.                                                  apportionment of the pollock TAC in                   provide opportunity to harvest
                                                The D seasonal apportionment of the                   Statistical Area 620 is 18,482 mt (15,402             increased pollock seasonal
                                              2016 pollock TAC in Statistical Area                    mt plus 3,080 mt).                                    apportionments. NMFS was unable to
                                              610 of the GOA is 24,421 metric tons                      The D seasonal apportionment of                     publish a notice providing time for
                                              (mt) as established by the final 2016 and               pollock TAC in Statistical Area 630 of                public comment because the most
                                              2017 harvest specifications for                         the GOA is 19,822 mt as established by                recent, relevant data only became
                                              groundfish of the GOA (81 FR 14740,                     the final 2016 and 2017 harvest                       available as of November 16, 2016.
                                              March 18, 2016). In accordance with                     specifications for groundfish of the GOA                 The AA also finds good cause to
                                              § 679.20(a)(5)(iv)(B), the Administrator,               (81 FR 14740, March 18, 2016). In                     waive the 30-day delay in the effective
                                              Alaska Region, NMFS (Regional                           accordance with § 679.20(a)(5)(iv)(B),
                                                                                                                                                            date of this action under 5 U.S.C.
                                              Administrator), hereby increases the D                  the Regional Administrator hereby
                                                                                                                                                            553(d)(3). This finding is based upon
                                              season apportionment for Statistical                    increases the D seasonal apportionment
                                              Area 610 by 3,508 mt to account for                     for Statistical Area 630 by 3,964 mt to               the reasons provided above for waiver of
                                              both the Statistical Area 610 C season                  account for the underharvest of the TAC               prior notice and opportunity for public
                                              overharvest of 1,376 mt and the                         in Statistical Areas 620 and 630 in the               comment.
                                              Statistical Areas 620 C season TAC                      C season. This increase is in proportion                 This action is required by § 679.20
                                              underharvest. This increase is in                       to the estimated pollock biomass and is               and is exempt from review under
                                              proportion to the estimated pollock                     not greater than 20 percent of the D                  Executive Order 12866.
                                              biomass and is not greater than 20                      seasonal apportionment of the TAC in                    Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
                                              percent of the D seasonal apportionment                 Statistical Area 630. Therefore, the
                                              of the TAC in Statistical Area 610.                     revised D seasonal apportionment of                     Dated: November 16, 2016.
                                              Therefore, the revised D seasonal                       pollock TAC in Statistical Area 630 is                Emily H. Menashes,
                                              apportionment of the pollock TAC in                     23,786 mt (19,822 mt plus 3,964 mt).                  Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
                                              Statistical Area 610 is 27,929 mt (24,421                                                                     Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
                                              mt plus 3,508 mt).                                      Classification
                                                                                                                                                            [FR Doc. 2016–28056 Filed 11–17–16; 11:15 am]
                                                The D seasonal apportionment of the                     This action responds to the best
                                                                                                                                                            BILLING CODE 3510–22–P
                                              pollock TAC in Statistical Area 620 of                  available information recently obtained
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Document Created: 2018-02-14 08:28:59
Document Modified: 2018-02-14 08:28:59
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionTemporary rule; inseason adjustment.
DatesEffective 1200 hours, Alaska local time (A.l.t.), November 17, 2016, until 2400 hours A.l.t., December 31, 2016.
ContactJosh Keaton, 907-586-7228.
FR Citation81 FR 83716 
RIN Number0648-XE95

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