81_FR_85264 81 FR 85038 - Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Arizona; Revised Format for Materials Incorporated by Reference

81 FR 85038 - Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Arizona; Revised Format for Materials Incorporated by Reference


Federal Register Volume 81, Issue 226 (November 23, 2016)

Page Range85038-85098
FR Document2016-27685

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is revising the format for materials submitted by the State of Arizona that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the Arizona State Implementation Plan (SIP). The regulations affected by this format change have all been previously submitted by the State of Arizona and approved by the EPA. This format revision will primarily affect the ``Identification of plan'' section, as well as the format of the SIP materials that will be available for public inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the EPA Regional Office. The EPA is also adding a table in the ``Identification of plan'' section which summarizes the approval actions that the EPA has taken on the non- regulatory and quasi-regulatory portions of the Arizona SIP.

Federal Register, Volume 81 Issue 226 (Wednesday, November 23, 2016)
[Federal Register Volume 81, Number 226 (Wednesday, November 23, 2016)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 85038-85098]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2016-27685]

[[Page 85037]]

Vol. 81


No. 226

November 23, 2016

Part III

 Environmental Protection Agency


40 CFR Part 52

Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Arizona; 
Revised Format for Materials Incorporated by Reference; Final Rule

Federal Register / Vol. 81 , No. 226 / Wednesday, November 23, 2016 / 
Rules and Regulations

[[Page 85038]]



40 CFR Part 52

[AZ-127-NBK; FRL-9948-55-Region 9]

Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of 
Arizona; Revised Format for Materials Incorporated by Reference

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Final rule; notice of administrative change.


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is revising the 
format for materials submitted by the State of Arizona that are 
incorporated by reference (IBR) into the Arizona State Implementation 
Plan (SIP). The regulations affected by this format change have all 
been previously submitted by the State of Arizona and approved by the 
EPA. This format revision will primarily affect the ``Identification of 
plan'' section, as well as the format of the SIP materials that will be 
available for public inspection at the National Archives and Records 
Administration (NARA) and the EPA Regional Office. The EPA is also 
adding a table in the ``Identification of plan'' section which 
summarizes the approval actions that the EPA has taken on the non-
regulatory and quasi-regulatory portions of the Arizona SIP.

DATES: Effective Date: This rule is effective on November 23, 2016.

ADDRESSES: SIP materials which are incorporated by reference into 40 
CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the following locations:

Air Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, 75 
Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-3901; and
National Archives and Records Administration.

    For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 
202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.

3073, gong.kevin@epa.gov.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Throughout this document, wherever ``we'', 
``us'' or ``our'' are used, we mean the EPA. Information is organized 
as follows:

Table of Contents

I. Background
    A. What a SIP Is
    B. How the EPA Enforces SIPs
    C. How the State and the EPA Update the SIP
    D. How the EPA Compiles the SIPs
    E. How the EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation
    F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation
    G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section
    H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Federally Enforceable
    I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals
II. What the EPA Is Doing in This Action
III. Incorporation by Reference
IV. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

I. Background

A. What a SIP Is

    Each State has a SIP containing the control measures and strategies 
used to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standards 
(NAAQS). The SIP is extensive, containing such elements as air 
pollution control regulations, emission inventories, monitoring 
network, attainment demonstrations, and enforcement mechanisms.

B. How the EPA Enforces SIPs

    Each state must formally adopt the control measures and strategies 
in the SIP after the public has had an opportunity to comment on them. 
They are then submitted to the EPA as SIP revisions upon which the EPA 
must formally act. Once these control measures and strategies are 
approved by the EPA, after notice and comment, they are incorporated 
into the Federally approved SIP and are identified in part 52 (Approval 
and Promulgation of Implementation Plans), title 40 of the Code of 
Federal Regulations (40 CFR part 52). The actual state regulations 
approved by the EPA are not reproduced in their entirety in 40 CFR part 
52, but are ``incorporated by reference'' (IBR'd) which means that the 
EPA has approved a given state regulation with a specific effective 
date. This format allows both the EPA and the public to know which 
measures are contained in a given SIP and ensures that the state is 
enforcing the regulations. It also allows the EPA and the public to 
take enforcement action, should a state not enforce its SIP-approved 

C. How the State and the EPA Update the SIP

    The SIP is a living document that the state can revise as necessary 
to address the unique air pollution problems in the state. Therefore, 
the EPA must, from time to time, take action on SIP revisions 
containing new and/or revised regulations in order to make them part of 
the SIP. On May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), the EPA revised the procedures 
for IBR'ing Federally-approved SIPs, as a result of consultations 
between the EPA and the Office of the Federal Register (OFR).
    The EPA began the process of developing: (1) A revised SIP document 
for each state that would be IBR'd under the provisions of title 1 CFR 
part 51; (2) a revised mechanism for announcing the EPA's approval of 
revisions to an applicable SIP and updating both the IBR document and 
the CFR; and (3) a revised format of the ``Identification of Plan'' 
sections for each applicable subpart to reflect these revised IBR 
procedures. The description of the revised SIP document, IBR 
procedures, and ``Identification of Plan'' format are discussed in 
further detail in the May 22, 1997, Federal Register document.

D. How the EPA Compiles the SIPs

    The Federally-approved regulations, source-specific requirements, 
and nonregulatory provisions (entirely or portions of) submitted by 
each state agency have been compiled by the EPA into a ``SIP 
compilation.'' The SIP compilation contains the updated regulations, 
source-specific requirements, and nonregulatory provisions approved by 
the EPA through previous rulemaking actions in the Federal Register.

E. How the EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation

    Each compilation contains three parts. Part one contains the 
regulations, part two contains the source-specific requirements that 
have been approved as part of the SIP, and part three contains 
nonregulatory provisions that have been EPA-approved. Each part 
consists of a table of identifying information for each SIP-approved 
regulation, each SIP-approved source-specific requirement, and each 
nonregulatory SIP provision. In this action, the EPA is publishing the 
tables summarizing the applicable SIP requirements for Arizona. The EPA 
Regional Offices have the primary responsibility for updating the 
compilations and ensuring their accuracy.

F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation

    EPA Region IX developed and will maintain the compilation for 
Arizona. A copy of the full text of Arizona's regulatory and source-
specific SIP compilation will also be maintained at NARA.

[[Page 85039]]

G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section

    In order to better serve the public, the EPA revised the 
organization of the ``Identification of Plan'' section and included 
additional information to clarify the enforceable elements of the SIP. 
The revised Identification of Plan section contains five subsections:
    1. Purpose and scope.
    2. Incorporation by reference.
    3. EPA-approved regulations.
    4. EPA-approved source-specific requirements.
    5. EPA-approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions such 
as air quality attainment plans, rate of progress plans, maintenance 
plans, monitoring networks, and small business assistance programs.

H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Federally Enforceable

    All revisions to the applicable SIP become Federally enforceable as 
of the effective date of the revisions to paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) 
of the applicable Identification of Plan section found in each subpart 
of 40 CFR part 52.

I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals

    To facilitate enforcement of previously approved SIP provisions and 
provide a smooth transition to the new SIP processing system, the EPA 
retains the original Identification of Plan section, previously 
appearing in the CFR as the first or second section of part 52 for each 
state subpart. After an initial two-year period, the EPA will review 
its experience with the new system and enforceability of previously-
approved SIP measures and will decide whether or not to retain the 
Identification of Plan appendices for some further period.

II. What the EPA Is Doing in This Action

    Today's rule constitutes a ``housekeeping'' exercise to ensure that 
all revisions to the state programs that have occurred are accurately 
reflected in 40 CFR part 52. State SIP revisions are controlled by the 
EPA's regulations at 40 CFR part 51. When the EPA receives a formal SIP 
revision request, the Agency must publish the proposed revision in the 
Federal Register and provide for public comment before approval.
    The EPA has determined that today's rule falls under the ``good 
cause'' exemption in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative 
Procedures Act (APA) which, upon finding ``good cause,'' authorizes 
agencies to dispense with public participation and section 553(d)(3) 
which allows an agency to make a rule effective immediately (thereby 
avoiding the 30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in 
the APA). Today's rule simply codifies provisions which are already in 
effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved state programs. Under 
section 553 of the APA, an agency may find good cause where procedures 
are ``impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.'' 
Public comment is ``unnecessary'' and ``contrary to the public 
interest'' since the codification only reflects existing law. Immediate 
notice in the CFR benefits the public by removing outdated citations.

III. Incorporation by Reference

    In this rule, the EPA is finalizing regulatory text that includes 
incorporation by reference. In accordance with requirements of 1 CFR 
51.5, the EPA is reformatting the materials incorporated by reference 
in previous rulemakings on submittal of the Arizona SIP and SIP 
revisions. The EPA has made, and will continue to make, these documents 
generally available at the appropriate EPA office (see the ADDRESSES 
section of this preamble for more information).

IV. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

A. General Requirements

    Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), this 
action is not a ``significant regulatory action'' and is therefore not 
subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget. This rule is 
not subject to Executive Order 13211, ``Actions Concerning Regulations 
That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR 
28355, May 22, 2001) because it is not a significant regulatory action 
under Executive Order 12866. Because the agency has made a ``good 
cause'' finding that this action is not subject to notice-and-comment 
requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act or any other 
statute as indicated in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section above, it 
is not subject to the regulatory flexibility provisions of the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), or to sections 202 
and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Public Law 
104-4). In addition, this action does not significantly or uniquely 
affect small governments or impose a significant intergovernmental 
mandate, as described in sections 203 and 204 of UMRA. This rule also 
does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, 
on the relationship between the Federal government and Indian tribes, 
or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the 
Federal government and Indian tribes, as specified by Executive Order 
13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), nor will it have substantial 
direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government, as specified 
in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999). This rule also 
is not subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), 
because it is not economically significant. This rule does not involve 
technical standards; thus the requirements of section 12(d) of the 
National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 
note) do not apply. The rule also does not involve special 
consideration of environmental justice related issues as required by 
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In issuing this 
rule, the EPA has taken the necessary steps to eliminate drafting 
errors and ambiguity, minimize potential litigation, and provide a 
clear legal standard for affected conduct, as required by section 3 of 
Executive Order 12988 (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996). The EPA has 
complied with Executive Order 12630 (63 FR 8859, March 15, 1998) by 
examining the takings implications of the rule in accordance with the 
``Attorney General's Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Risk 
and Avoidance of Unanticipated Takings'' issued under the executive 
order. This rule does not impose an information collection burden under 
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The EPA's 
compliance with these statutes and Executive Orders for the underlying 
rules are discussed in previous actions taken on the State's rules.

B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General

    The Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), as added by 
the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, 
generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency 
promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy 
of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller 
General of the United States. Section 808 allows the issuing agency to 
make a rule effective sooner than otherwise provided by the CRA if the 
agency makes a good cause finding that notice and public procedure is 
impracticable, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest. Today's 
action simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a 
matter of law in Federal and approved

[[Page 85040]]

State programs. 5 U.S.C. 802(2). As stated previously, the EPA has made 
such a good cause finding, including the reasons therefore, and 
established an effective of November 23, 2016. The EPA will submit a 
report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. 
Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General 
of the United States prior to publication of the rule in the Federal 
Register. The change in format to the ``Identification of plan'' 
section for the State of Arizona are not a `major rule' as defined by 5 
U.S.C. 804(2).

C. Petitions for Judicial Review

    The EPA has also determined that the provisions of section 
307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for judicial 
review are not applicable to this action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions 
for each individual component of the Arizona SIP compilations had 
previously afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a 
petition for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for 
the appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus, 
the EPA sees no need in this action to reopen the 60-day period for 
filing such petitions for judicial review for these ``Identification of 
plan'' reorganization actions for Arizona.

List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, 
Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Nitrogen 
dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Sulfur dioxide, Volatile organic compounds.

    Dated: June 15, 2016.
Alexis Strauss,
Acting Regional Administrator, Region IX.

    Note: This document was received by the Office of the Federal 
Register on November 14, 2016.

    Part 52, chapter I, title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations are 
amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

Subpart D--Arizona

2. Section 52.120 is redesignated as Sec.  52.152 and the section 
heading and paragraph (a) are revised to read as follows:

Sec.  52.152  Original identification of plan.

    (a) This section identified the original ``The State of Arizona Air 
Pollution Control Implementation Plan'' and all revisions submitted by 
the State of Arizona that were federally approved prior to June 30, 

3. A new Sec.  52.120 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  52.120  Identification of plan.

    (a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State 
implementation plan for the State of Arizona under section 110 of the 
Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national 
ambient air quality standards.
    (b) Incorporation by reference.
    (1) Material listed in in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section 
with an EPA approval date prior to June 30, 2016, was approved for 
incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in 
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Entries in 
paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with the EPA approval dates 
after June 30, 2016 have been approved by EPA for inclusion in the 
State implementation plan and for incorporation by reference into the 
plan as it is contained in this section, and will be considered by the 
Director of the Federal Register for approval in the next update to the 
SIP compilation.
    (2) EPA Region IX certifies that the materials provided by EPA at 
the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact 
duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which 
have been approved as part of the state implementation plan as of the 
dates referenced in paragraph (b)(1).
    (3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference into the 
state implementation plan may be inspected at the Region IX EPA Office 
at 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105; or the National 
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). To obtain the material, 
please call the Regional Office. You may also inspect the material with 
an EPA approval date prior to June 30, 2016 at the National Archives 
and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability 
of this material at NARA, go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.
    (c) EPA-approved regulations.

                                     Table 1--EPA-Approved Arizona Statutes
                                                        State effective                           Additional
         State citation              Title/subject           date          EPA approval date      explanation
                                          ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES \1\
                                           Title 9 (Cities and Towns)
                                           Chapter 4 (General Powers)
                                            Article 8 (Miscellaneous)
9-500.03........................  Air quality         May 22, 1987......  August 10, 1988,    Approval only
                                   control.                                53 FR 30224;        included
                                                                           vacated; restored   subsection A,
                                                                           on January 29,      paragraphs 1 and
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   2, subsection B.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               March 23, 1988.
                                                                                               Senate Bill 1360,
9-500.04, excluding paragraphs    Air quality         September 19, 2007  December 3, 2013,   Arizona Revised
 A.1, A.2, A.4, and A.10;          control;                                78 FR 72579.        Statutes (Thomson/
 paragraphs B through G; and       definitions.                                                West, 2008).
 paragraph I..                                                                                 Submitted on May
                                                                                               25, 2012. ADEQ
                                                                                               clarified and
                                                                                               revised the May
                                                                                               25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
9-500.27, excluding paragraphs D  Off-road vehicle    September 19, 2007  March 31, 2014, 79  Arizona Revised
 and E. =.                         ordinance;                              FR 17878.           Statutes (Thomson/
                                   applicability;                                              West, 2008).
                                   violation;                                                  Submitted on May
                                   classification.                                             25, 2012. ADEQ
                                                                                               clarified and
                                                                                               revised the May
                                                                                               25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,

[[Page 85041]]

                                               Title 11 (Counties)
                                     Chapter 6 (County Planning and Zoning)
                                             Article 6 (Air Quality)
11-871, excluding paragraphs C    Emissions control;  September 19, 2007  March 31, 2014, 79  Arizona Revised
 through E..                       no burn;                                FR 17878.           Statutes (West,
                                   exemptions;                                                 2012). Submitted
                                   penalty.                                                    on May 25, 2012.
                                                                                               ADEQ clarified
                                                                                               and revised the
                                                                                               May 25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
11-877..........................  Air quality         September 19, 2007  December 3, 2013,   Arizona Revised
                                   control measures.                       78 FR 72579.        Statutes (West,
                                                                                               2012). Submitted
                                                                                               on May 25, 2012.
                                                                                               ADEQ clarified
                                                                                               and revised the
                                                                                               May 25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
                                            Title 28 (Transportation)
                                   Chapter 3 (Traffic and Vehicle Regulation)
                                   Article 18 (Vehicle Size, Weight and Load)
28-1098, excluding paragraphs B   Vehicle loads;      September 19, 2007  March 31, 2014, 79  Arizona Revised
 and C.                            restrictions;                           FR 17878.           Statutes (West,
                                   civil penalties.                                            2012). Submitted
                                                                                               on May 25, 2012.
                                                                                               ADEQ clarified
                                                                                               and revised the
                                                                                               May 25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
                                       Title 36 (Public Health and Safety)
                                           Chapter 14 (Air Pollution)
                            Article 3 (Annual Emissions Inspection of Motor Vehicles)
36-1776.........................  Fleet Emissions     January 1, 1981...  June 18, 1982, 47   Submitted on
                                   Inspection                              FR 26382.           August 5, 1981.
                                   Certificates of
                                   Revocation of
36-1777.........................  Authority of        January 1, 1981...  June 18, 1982, 47   Submitted on
                                   Director to                             FR 26382.           August 5, 1981.
                                   Equipment; Random
                                   Vehicle Tests..
36-1778.........................  Improper            January 1, 1981...  June 18, 1982, 47   Submitted on
                                   Representation..                        FR 26382.           August 5, 1981.
36-1779.........................  False Certificates  January 1, 1981...  June 18, 1982, 47   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 26382.           August 5, 1981.
                                           Title 41 (State Government)
                                 Chapter 15 (Department of Weights and Measures)
                                         Article 1 (General Provisions)
41-2051 (6), (10), (11), (12),    Definitions--``Cer  September 26, 2008  June 13, 2012, 77   Laws 2008, Ch.
 and (13).                         tification,''                           FR 35279.           254, Sec.   2.
                                   ``Department,''                                             Submitted on
                                   ``Diesel fuel,''                                            September 21,
                                   ``Director,'' and                                           2009.
                             Article 3 (Method of Sale of Commodities and Services)
41-2083.........................  Standards for       July 18, 1996.....  June 8, 2000, 65    Senate Bill 1002,
                                   liquid fuels;                           FR 36353;           section 26. In
                                   exceptions.                             corrected March     connection with
                                                                           18, 2004, 69 FR     approval of 1996
                                                                           12802.              Carbon Monoxide
                                                                                               Maintenance Plan
                                                                                               for the Tucson
                                                                                               Air Planning Area
                                                                                               (as updated
                                                                                               August 1997).
                                                                                               Previous versions
                                                                                               approved in
                                                                                               connection with
                                                                                               the Maricopa
                                                                                               County Ozone
                                             Article 5 (Regulation)
41-2113(B)(4)...................  Violation;          August 21, 1998...  March 4, 2004, 69   Last amended Laws
                                   classification;                         FR 10161..          1998, Ch. 146,
                                   jurisdiction.                                               Sec.   16.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               January 22, 2004.
41-2115.........................  Civil Penalties...  July 18, 2000.....  March 4, 2004, 69   Last amended Laws
                                                                           FR 10161..          2000, Ch. 193,
                                                                                               Sec.   463.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               January 22, 2004.
                                             Article 6 (Motor Fuel)
41-2121.........................  Definitions.......  May 18, 1999......  June 8, 2000, 65    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 36353..          September 1,
                                                                                               1999. House Bill
                                                                                               2189, section 9.
                                                                                               The definition of
                                                                                               ``gasoline'' was
                                                                                               superseded at 77
                                                                                               FR 35279
                                                                                               (September 19,

[[Page 85042]]

41-2121(5)......................  Definitions         September 19, 2007  June 13, 2012, 77   Laws 2007, Ch.
                                   [``Gasoline''].                         FR 35279.           292, Sec.   11.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               September 21,
41-2122.........................  Standards for       July 18, 1996.....  June 8, 2000, 65    Senate Bill 1002,
                                   oxygenated fuel;                        FR 36353;           section 27. In
                                   volatility                              corrected March     connection with
                                   exceptions.                             18, 2004, 69 FR     approval of 1996
                                                                           12802.              Carbon Monoxide
                                                                                               Maintenance Plan
                                                                                               for the Tucson
                                                                                               Air Planning Area
                                                                                               (as updated
                                                                                               August 1997).
41-2123.........................  Area A; sale of     August 6, 1999....  March 4, 2004, 69   Last amended Laws
                                   gasoline; oxygen                        FR 10161.           1999, Ch. 295,
                                   content.                                                    Sec.   11.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               January 22, 2004.
41-2124.........................  Area A; fuel        July 18, 2000.....  March 4, 2004, 69   Last amended Laws
                                   formulation;                            FR 10161.           2000, Ch. 405,
                                   rules.                                                      Sec.   21.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               January 22, 2004.
41-2125.........................  Area B; sale of     July 18, 1996.....  June 8, 2000, 65    Senate Bill 1002,
                                   gasoline; oxygen                        FR 36353;           section 28. In
                                   content.                                corrected March     connection with
                                                                           18, 2004, 69 FR     approval of 1996
                                                                           12802.              Carbon Monoxide
                                                                                               Maintenance Plan
                                                                                               for the Tucson
                                                                                               Air Planning Area
                                                                                               (as updated
                                                                                               August 1997).
                                       Article 7 (Gasoline Vapor Control)
41-2131.........................  Definitions.......  April 22, 2014....  November 16, 2015,  House Bill 2128,
                                                                           80 FR 70689.        section 5,
                                                                                               effective through
                                                                                               September 29,
                                                                                               2018. Includes
                                                                                               the text that
                                                                                               appears in all
                                                                                               capital letters
                                                                                               and excludes the
                                                                                               text that appears
                                                                                               in strikethrough.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               September 2,
41-2131.........................  Definitions.......  April 22, 2014....  November 16, 2015,  House Bill 2128,
                                                                           80 FR 70689.        section 6,
                                                                                               effective from
                                                                                               and after
                                                                                               September 30,
                                                                                               2018. Includes
                                                                                               the text that
                                                                                               appears in all
                                                                                               capital letters
                                                                                               and excludes the
                                                                                               text that appears
                                                                                               in strikethrough.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               September 2,
41-2132.........................  Stage I vapor       April 22, 2014....  November 16, 2015,  House Bill 2128,
                                   recovery systems.                       80 FR 70689.        section 7.
                                                                                               Includes the text
                                                                                               that appears in
                                                                                               all capital
                                                                                               letters and
                                                                                               excludes the text
                                                                                               that appears in
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               September 2,
41-2133.........................  Compliance          April 22, 2014....  November 16, 2015,  House Bill 2128,
                                   schedules.                              80 FR 70689.        section 8.
                                                                                               Includes the text
                                                                                               that appears in
                                                                                               all capital
                                                                                               letters and
                                                                                               excludes the text
                                                                                               that appears in
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               September 2,
41-2135.........................  Stage II vapor      April 22, 2014....  November 16, 2015,  House Bill 2128,
                                   recovery systems.                       80 FR 70689.        section 10.
                                                                                               Includes the text
                                                                                               that appears in
                                                                                               all capital
                                                                                               letters and
                                                                                               excludes the text
                                                                                               that appears in
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               September 2,
                                                                                               2014. ARS 41-2135
                                                                                               is repealed from
                                                                                               and after
                                                                                               September 30,
                                                                                               2018 pursuant to
                                                                                               section 11 of
                                                                                               House Bill 2128.
                                           Title 49 (The Environment)
                                         Chapter 1 (General Provisions)
49-107..........................  Local delegation    July 1, 1987......  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   of state                                80 FR 67319.        October 29, and
                                   authority.                                                  supplemented on
                                                                                               September 6, 2013
                                                                                               and July 2, 2014.
                                             Chapter 3 (Air Quality)
                                         Article 1 (General Provisions)
49-401.01.......................  Definitions.......  May 18, 1999......  June 8, 2000, 65    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 36353.           September 1,
                                                                                               1999. House Bill
                                                                                               2189, section 40.

[[Page 85043]]

                                     Article 2 (State Air Pollution Control)
49-454..........................  Adjusted work       May 18, 1999......  June 8, 2000, 65    Submitted on
                                   hours.                                  FR 36353.           September 1,
                                                                                               1999. House Bill
                                                                                               2189, section 43.
49-457..........................  Agricultural best   May 29, 1998......  June 29, 1999, 64   Submitted on
                                   management                              FR 34726.           September 4,
                                   practices                                                   1998.
                                   members; powers;
49-457.01.......................  Leaf blower use     September 19, 2007  December 3, 2013,   Arizona Revised
                                   restrictions and                        78 FR 72579.        Statutes (Thomson/
                                   training; leaf                                              West, 2005 mail
                                   blowers equipment                                           volume, 2012
                                   sellers;                                                    cumulative pocket
                                   informational                                               part). Submitted
                                   material;                                                   on May 25, 2012.
                                   outreach;                                                   ADEQ clarified
                                   applicability.                                              and revised the
                                                                                               May 25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
49-457.03, excluding paragraphs   Off-road vehicles;  September 19, 2007  March 31, 2014, 79  Arizona Revised
 C and D.                          pollution                               FR 17878.           Statutes (West,
                                   advisory days;                                              2012 Cumulative
                                   applicability;                                              Pocket Part).
                                   penalties.                                                  Submitted on May
                                                                                               25, 2012. ADEQ
                                                                                               clarified and
                                                                                               revised the May
                                                                                               25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
49-457.04.......................  Off-highway         September 19, 2007  March 31, 2014, 79  Arizona Revised
                                   vehicle and all-                        FR 17878.           Statutes (West,
                                   terrain vehicle                                             2012 Cumulative
                                   dealers;                                                    Pocket Part).
                                   informational                                               Submitted on May
                                   material;                                                   25, 2012. ADEQ
                                   outreach;                                                   clarified and
                                   applicability.                                              revised the May
                                                                                               25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
49-457.05, excluding paragraph C  Dust action         July 20, 2011.....  March 31, 2014, 79  Arizona Revised
 and paragraphs E, F, G, and H.    general permit;                         FR 17879.           Statutes (West,
                                   best management                                             2012 Cumulative
                                   practices;                                                  Pocket Part).
                                   applicability;                                              Submitted on May
                                   definitions.                                                25, 2012. ADEQ
                                                                                               clarified and
                                                                                               revised the May
                                                                                               25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
                                    Article 3 (County Air Pollution Control)
49-474.01.......................  Additional board    May 22, 1987......  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on March
                                   duties in                               53 FR 30224;        23, 1988. Senate
                                   nonattainment                           vacated; restored   Bill 1360,
                                   areas.                                  on January 29,      section
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   18.[dagger]
49-474.01, excluding paragraphs   Additional board    September 19, 2007  December 3, 2013,   Arizona Revised
 A.1 through A.3, A.9, A.10;       duties in vehicle                       78 FR 72579.        Statutes (Thomson/
 paragraphs C through G, and       emissions control                                           West, 2005 mail
 paragraph I.                      areas;                                                      volume, 2012
                                   definitions.                                                cumulative pocket
                                                                                               part). Submitted
                                                                                               on May 25, 2012.
                                                                                               ADEQ clarified
                                                                                               and revised the
                                                                                               May 25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
49-474.05.......................  Dust control;       September 19, 2007  December 3, 2013,   Arizona Revised
                                   training; site                          78 FR 72579.        Statutes (Thomson/
                                   coordinators.                                               West, 2005 mail
                                                                                               volume, 2012
                                                                                               cumulative pocket
                                                                                               part). Submitted
                                                                                               on May 25, 2012.
                                                                                               ADEQ clarified
                                                                                               and revised the
                                                                                               May 25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
49-474.06.......................  Dust control;       September 19, 2007  December 3, 2013,   Arizona Revised
                                   subcontractor                           78 FR 72579.        Statutes (Thomson/
                                   registration; fee.                                          West, 2005 mail
                                                                                               volume, 2012
                                                                                               cumulative pocket
                                                                                               part). Submitted
                                                                                               on May 25, 2012.
                                                                                               ADEQ clarified
                                                                                               and revised the
                                                                                               May 25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,
49-501, excluding paragraph A.1,  Unlawful open       September 19, 2007  March 31, 2014, 79  Arizona Revised
 paragraphs B.2 through B.6, and   burning;                                FR 17878.           Statutes (West,
 paragraphs D, E, G, and H.        exceptions; civil                                           2012 Cumulative
                                   penalty;                                                    Pocket Part).
                                   definition.                                                 Submitted on May
                                                                                               25, 2012. ADEQ
                                                                                               clarified and
                                                                                               revised the May
                                                                                               25, 2012
                                                                                               submittal by
                                                                                               letter dated
                                                                                               September 26,

[[Page 85044]]

49-506..........................  Voluntary No-drive  June 28, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   Days.                                   53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   17.[dagger]
                            Article 5 (Annual Emissions Inspection of Motor Vehicles)
49-541..........................  Definitions.......  May 18, 1999......  June 8, 2000, 65    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 36353 and also   September 1,
                                                                           January 22, 2003,   1999. House Bill
                                                                           68 FR 2912.         2189, 44th
                                                                                               Legislature, 1st
                                                                                               Regular Session
                                                                                               (1999), section
                                                                                               44. Approved in
                                                                                               related to the
                                                                                               Tucson carbon
                                                                                               monoxide plan and
                                                                                               Arizona VEI
49-541, subsection (1)..........  Definitions         August 9, 2001....  May 22, 2013, 78    Submitted on May
                                   [``Area A''].                           FR 30209.           25, 2012. Arizona
                                                                                               Revised Statutes
                                                                                               (West Group, 2001
                                                                                               Cumulative Pocket
                                                                                               Part). Supported
                                                                                               by an affidavit
                                                                                               signed by Barbara
                                                                                               Howe, Law
                                                                                               Arizona State
                                                                                               Library, Archives
                                                                                               and Public
                                                                                               Records on May 3,
                                                                                               2012, certifying
                                                                                               authenticity of
                                                                                               reproduction of
                                                                                               A.R.S. Sec.   49-
                                                                                               to Sec.   49-541
                                                                                               (2001 pocket
49-541.01, paragraphs D and E...  Vehicle emissions   May 18, 1999......  March 9, 2005, 70   Submitted on April
                                   inspection                              FR 11553.           18, 2001 as part
                                   program; constant                                           of the Revised
                                   four wheel drive                                            MAG 1999 Serious
                                   vehicles;                                                   Area Carbon
                                   requirements;                                               Monoxide Plan for
                                   location;                                                   the Maricopa
                                   violation;                                                  County
                                   classification;                                             Nonattainment
                                   penalties; new                                              Area, dated March
                                   program                                                     2001. Submitted
                                   termination.                                                as section 2 of
                                                                                               H.B. 2254 (1999).
49-542..........................  Emissions           June 21, 2013.....  May 22, 2013, 78    Submitted on
                                   inspection                              FR 30209.           November 6, 2009.
                                   program; powers                                             Arizona Revised
                                   and duties of                                               Statutes (Thomson
                                   director;                                                   West, 2008
                                   administration;                                             Cumulative Pocket
                                   periodic                                                    Part). Supported
                                   inspection;                                                 by an affidavit
                                   minimum standards                                           signed by Efrem
                                   and rules;                                                  K. Sepulveda, Law
                                   exceptions;                                                 Librarian,
                                   definition.                                                 Arizona State
                                                                                               Library, Archives
                                                                                               and Public
                                                                                               Records on
                                                                                               January 11, 2013,
                                                                                               authenticity of
                                                                                               reproduction of
                                                                                               A.R.S. Sec.   49-
                                                                                               542 (2008
                                                                                               edition) plus
                                                                                               title page to
                                                                                               pocket part of
                                                                                               Title 49 (2008
49-542.05.......................  Alternative fuel    December 14, 2000.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   vehicles.                               68 FR 2912.         6, 2001. Senate
                                                                                               Bill 1004, 44th
                                                                                               Legislature, 7th
                                                                                               Special Session
                                                                                               (2000), section
                                                                                               23. Related to
                                                                                               VEI Program.
49-543..........................  Emissions           May 7, 2001.......  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on April
                                   inspection costs;                       68 FR 2912.         10, 2002. House
                                   disposition;                                                Bill 2538, 45th
                                   fleet inspection;                                           Legislature, 1st
                                   certificates.                                               Regular Session
                                                                                               (2001), section
                                                                                               11. Related to
                                                                                               VEI Program.
49-544..........................  Emissions           May 20, 1998......  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   inspection fund;                        68 FR 2912.         6, 2001. Senate
                                   composition;                                                Bill 1007, 43rd
                                   authorized                                                  Legislature, 4th
                                   expenditures;                                               Special Session
                                   exemptions;                                                 (1998), section
                                   investment.                                                 15. Related to
                                                                                               VEI Program.
49-545..........................  Agreement with      April 28, 2000....  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   independent                             68 FR 2912.         6, 2001. House
                                   contractor;                                                 Bill 2104, 44th
                                   qualifications of                                           Legislature, 2nd
                                   contractor;                                                 Regular session
                                   agreement                                                   (2000), section
                                   provisions.                                                 5. Related to VEI
49-550..........................  Violation;          June 28, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   Classification;                         53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                   Civil Penalty.                          vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   19.[dagger]
49-551..........................  Air quality fee;    May 29, 1998......  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   air quality fund;                       68 FR 2912.         6, 2001. Senate
                                   purpose.                                                    Bill 1427, 43rd
                                                                                               Legislature, 2nd
                                                                                               Regular Session
                                                                                               (1998), section
                                                                                               27. Related to
                                                                                               VEI Program.

[[Page 85045]]

49-552..........................  Enforcement on      June 1, 1998......  March 9, 2005, 70   Submitted on April
                                   city, town,                             FR 11553.           18, 2001 as part
                                   county, school                                              of the Revised
                                   district or                                                 MAG 1999 Serious
                                   special district                                            Area Carbon
                                   property.                                                   Monoxide Plan for
                                                                                               the Maricopa
                                                                                               Area, dated March
                                                                                               2001. Submitted
                                                                                               as amended in
                                                                                               section 28 of
                                                                                               S.B. 1427 (1998).
49-553..........................  Reports to the      June 28, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   Legislature by                          53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                   Department of                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                   Environmental                           on January 29,      section
                                   Quality.                                1991, 56 FR 3219.   21.[dagger]
49-557..........................  Government          January 1, 2002...  June 8, 2000, 65    Submitted on
                                   vehicles;                               FR 36353.           September 1,
                                   emissions                                                   1999. House Bill
                                   inspections;                                                2254, section 5.
                                   noncompliance;                                              Effective date
                                   vehicle operation                                           set in section 8
                                   privilege                                                   of House Bill
                                   suspension.                                                 2254.
                                          Article 7 (Emissions Control)
49-571..........................  Clean burning       May 18, 1999......  June 8, 2000, 65    Submitted on
                                   alternative fuel                        FR 36353.           September 1,
                                   requirements for                                            1999. House Bill
                                   new buses;                                                  2189, section 46.
49-573..........................  Emissions           January 1, 2002...  June 8, 2000, 65    Submitted on
                                   controls; federal                       FR 36353.           September 1,
                                   vehicles;                                                   1999. House Bill
                                   definition.                                                 2254, section 6.
                                                                                               Effective date
                                                                                               set in section 8
                                                                                               of House Bill
                                      Article 8 (Travel Reduction Programs)
49-581..........................  Definitions.......  December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                                                           53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section 23. House
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   Bill section 25
                                                                                               lowered the
                                                                                               defining ``major
                                                                                               employer'' from
                                                                                               500 or more
                                                                                               employers between
                                                                                               December 31, 1988-
                                                                                               September 30,
                                                                                               1989, to 200 or
                                                                                               more from
                                                                                               September 30,
                                                                                               1989-December 31,
                                                                                               1989, to 100 or
                                                                                               more thereafter.
                                                                                               Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB
49-582..........................  Travel Reduction    December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   Program Regional                        53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                   Task Force;                             vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                   Composition.                            on January 29,      section 23.
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB
49-583..........................  Duties and Powers   December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   of the Task Force.                      53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section 23.
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB
49-584..........................  Staff Duties......  December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                                                           53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section 23.
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB
49-585..........................  Powers and Duties   December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   of the Board.                           53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section 23.
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB
49-586..........................  Enforcement by      December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   Cities or Towns.                        53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section 23.
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB
49-588..........................  Requirements for    December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   Major Employers.                        53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section 23.
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB
49-590..........................  Requirements for    December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   High Schools.                           53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   23.[dagger]
49-593..........................  Violations; Civil   December 31, 1988.  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on July
                                   Penalties.                              53 FR 30224;        18, 1988. House
                                                                           vacated; restored   Bill 2206,
                                                                           on January 29,      section 23.
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB
\1\ The statutory provisions listed in table 1 of paragraph (c) are considered regulatory. Other statutory
  provisions are considered nonregulatory and are listed in table 3 of paragraph (e).
[dagger] Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA, 898 F.2d 687 (9th Cir.
  1990). Restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219.

[[Page 85046]]

                                    Table 2--EPA-Approved Arizona Regulations
                                                        State effective                           Additional
         State citation              Title/subject           date          EPA approval date      explanation
                                           ARIZONA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE
                                            Title 9 (Health Services)
                                                    Chapter 3
                                                    Article 1
R9-3-101........................  Definitions         May 28, 1982......  May 3, 1983, 48 FR  Included 36
                                   [``Begin actual                         19878.              defined terms.
                                   construction''].                                            All but one
                                                                                               (``Begin actual
                                                                                               have been
                                                                                               superseded by
                                                                                               approvals of R18-
                                                                                               2-101, R18-2-217,
                                                                                               R18-2-218, R18-2-
                                                                                               301, R18-2-401,
                                                                                               and R18-2-701.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               3, 1982.
7-1-1.1 (R9-3-101)..............  Policy and Legal    August 20, 1973...  July 31, 1978, 43   Submitted on
                                   Authority.                              FR 33245.           August 20, 1973.
7-1-1.3 (R9-3-103, excluding      Air Pollution       August 20, 1973...  July 31, 1978, 43   Submitted on
 paragraph E).                     Prohibited.                             FR 33245.           August 20, 1973.
                                                                                               EPA disapproved
                                                                                               Paragraph E--see
                                                                                               40 CFR 52.133(b).
7-1-1.5 (R9-3-105)..............  Enforcement.......  August 20, 1973...  July 31, 1978, 43   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 33245.           August 20, 1973.
                                                    Article 2
      R9-3-217, paragraph A       Attainment Areas;   May 14, 1979......  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Classification                          FR 17483.           January 4, 1979.
                                   and Standards.                                              Paragraph B was
                                                                                               deleted at 80 FR
                                                                                               67319 (November
                                                                                               2, 2015).
                                                    Article 3
R9-3-301, paragraphs I and K....  Installation        July 25, 1979.....  May 5, 1982, 47 FR  Submitted on July
                                   Permits: General.                       19326.              17, 1980. All of
                                                                                               R9-3-301 (except
                                                                                               for Paragraphs I
                                                                                               (Requirement for
                                                                                               and K (Degree of
                                                                                               consumption)) was
                                                                                               deleted at 80 FR
                                                                                               67319 (November
                                                                                               2, 2015).
R9-3-304, paragraph H...........  Installation        May 28, 1982......  May 3, 1983, 48 FR  Paragraph H is
                                   Permit                                  19878.              untitled but sets
                                   Requirements for                                            forth special
                                   Sources located                                             rules applicable
                                   in Attainment and                                           to Federal land
                                   Unclassifiable                                              managers
                                   Areas.                                                      regarding
                                                                                               impacts. Relates
                                                                                               to State PSD
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               3, 1982. All of
                                                                                               R9-3-304 (except
                                                                                               for paragraph H
                                                                                               was deleted at 80
                                                                                               FR 67319
                                                                                               (November 2,
                                                    Article 4
7-1-4.5 (R9-3-405)..............  Sulfur Emissions:   August 20, 1973...  July 31, 1978, 43   Submitted on
                                   Other Industries.                       FR 33245.           August 20, 1973.
R9-3-409........................  Agricultural        May 14, 1979......  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Practices.                              FR 17483.           January 4, 1979.
                                                    Article 5
R9-3-505, paragraphs B to B.1,    Standards of        May 28, 1982......  September 28,       Submitted on June
 B.2, B.3 and B.4.                 Performance for                         1982, 47 FR 42572.  3, 1982.
                                   Existing Portland
                                   Cement Plants.
R9-3-505, paragraphs B.1.a and    Standards of        July 25, 1979.....  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on July
 B.2.a.                            Performance for                         FR 17483.           17, 1980.
                                   Existing Portland
                                   Cement Plants.
R9-3-505, paragraphs A, B.1.b,    Standards of        May 14, 1979......  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 B.2.b, and B.3 to D.              Performance for                         FR 17483.           January 4, 1979.
                                   Existing Portland
                                   Cement Plants.
R9-3-508, paragraphs B to B.1,    Standards of        May 28, 1982......  September 28,       Submitted on June
 B.2, and B.5.                     Performance for                         1982, 47 FR 42572.  3, 1982.
                                   Existing Asphalt
                                   Concrete Plants.
R9-3-508, paragraphs B.1 to B.6.  Standards of        July 25, 1979.....  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on April
                                   Performance for                         FR 17483.           1, 1980.
                                   Existing Asphalt
                                   Concrete Plants.
R9-3-508, paragraphs A and C....  Standards of        May 14, 1979......  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Performance for                         FR 17483.           January 4, 1979.
                                   Existing Asphalt
                                   Concrete Plants.
R9-3-516, paragraphs A to A.1     Standards of        May 28, 1982......  September 28,       Submitted on June
 and A.2.                          Performance for                         1982, 47 FR 42572.  3, 1982.
                                   Existing Coal
R9-3-516, paragraphs A.1 to A.6.  Standards of        July 25, 1979.....  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on April
                                   Performance for                         FR 17483.           1, 1980.
                                   Existing Coal

[[Page 85047]]

R9-3-516, paragraph B...........  Standards of        May 14, 1979......  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Performance for                         FR 17483.           January 4, 1979.
                                   Existing Coal
R9-3-521, paragraphs A to A.1     Standards of        May 28, 1982......  September 28,       Submitted on June
 and A.2.                          Performance for                         1982, 47 FR 42572.  3, 1982.
                                   Nonferrous Metals
                                   Industry Sources.
R9-3-521, paragraphs A.1 to A.5.  Standards of        July 25, 1979.....  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on April
                                   Performance for                         FR 17483.           1, 1980.
                                   Nonferrous Metals
                                   Industry Sources.
R9-3-521, paragraphs B to D.....  Standards of        May 14, 1979......  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Performance for                         FR 17483.           January 4, 1979.
                                   Nonferrous Metals
                                   Industry Sources.
R9-3-522, paragraphs A to A.1     Standards of        May 28, 1982......  September 28,       Submitted on June
 and A.2.                          Performance for                         1982, 47 FR 42572.  3, 1982.
                                   Existing Gravel
                                   or Crushed Stone
                                   Processing Plants.
R9-3-522, paragraphs A.1 to A.5,  Standards of        May 14, 1979......  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 B, and C.                         Performance for                         FR 17483.           January 4, 1979.
                                   Existing Gravel
                                   or Crushed Stone
                                   Processing Plants.
                                        Title 18 (Environmental Quality)
                      Chapter 2 (Department of Environmental Quality Air Pollution Control)
                                               Article 1 (General)
R18-2-101, definitions (2),       Definitions.......  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Includes
 (32), (87), (109), and (122).                                             80 FR 67319.        definitions for
                                                                                               ``Net emissions
                                                                                               ``Potential to
                                                                                               emit,'' and
                                                                                               ``Regulated NSR
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-101 excluding definitions   Definitions.......  August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Includes 147 of
 (2), (20), (32), (87), (109),                                             2014, 79 FR 56655.  the 153 total
 and (122).                                                                                    number of defined
                                                                                               terms. Does not
                                                                                               include ``Actual
                                                                                               ``Begin actual
                                                                                               ``Net emissions
                                                                                               ``Potential to
                                                                                               emit,'' and
                                                                                               ``Regulated NSR
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-102.......................  Incorporated        August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                   materials.                              2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
                  Article 2 (Ambient Air Quality Standards; Area Designations; Classifications)
R18-2-201.......................  Particulate         August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                   Matter: PM10 and                        2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                   PM2.5.                                                      and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-202.......................  Sulfur Oxides       August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                   (Sulfur Dioxide).                       2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-203.......................  Ozone: One-hour     August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                   Standard and                            2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                   Eight-hour                                                  and supplemented
                                   Averaged Standard.                                          on September 6,
                                                                                               2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-204.......................  Carbon monoxide...  September 26, 1990  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                                                           2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                                                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-205.......................  Nitrogen Oxides     August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                   (Nitrogen                               2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                   Dioxide).                                                   and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.

[[Page 85048]]

R18-2-206.......................  Lead..............  August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                                                           2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-210.......................  Attainment,         August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                   Nonattainment,                          2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012
                                   and                                                         and supplemented
                                   Unclassifiable                                              on September 6,
                                   Area Designations.                                          2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-215.......................  Ambient air         September 26, 1990  September 23,       Submitted on
                                   quality                                 2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                   monitoring                                                  and supplemented
                                   methods and                                                 on September 6,
                                   procedures.                                                 2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-216.......................  Interpretation of   March 7, 2009.....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                   Ambient Air                             2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                   Quality Standards                                           and supplemented
                                   and Evaluation of                                           on September 6,
                                   Air Quality Data.                                           2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-217.......................  Designation and     November 15, 1993.  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Classification of                       80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Attainment Areas.                                           and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-218.......................  Limitation of       August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Pollutants in                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Classified                                                  and supplemented
                                   Attainment Areas.                                           on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-220.......................  Air pollution       September 26, 1990  October 15, 2012,   Submitted on
                                   emergency                               77 FR 62452.        August 15, 1994.
                                   Department of
                                   Pollution Control.
                                    Article 3 (Permits and Permit Revisions)
R18-2-301.......................  Definitions.......  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-302.......................  Applicability;      August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Registration;                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Classes of                                                  and supplemented
                                   Permits.                                                    on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-302.01....................  Source              August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Registration                            80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Requirements.                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-303.......................  Transition from     August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Installation and                        80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Operating Permit                                            and supplemented
                                   Program to                                                  on September 6,
                                   Unitary Permit                                              2013 and July 2,
                                   Program;                                                    2014.
                                   Transition; Minor
                                   NSR Transition.
R18-2-304.......................  Permit Application  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Processing                              80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Procedures.                                                 and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-306.......................  Permit Contents...  December 20, 1999.  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-306.01....................  Permits Containing  January 1, 2007...  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Voluntarily                             80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Accepted Emission                                           and supplemented
                                   Limitations and                                             on September 6,
                                   Standards.                                                  2013 and July 2,
R18-2-306.02....................  Establishment of    September 22, 1999  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   an Emissions Cap.                       80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-310.......................  Affirmative         February 15, 2001.  September 18,       Submitted on March
                                   Defenses for                            2001, 66 FR 48087.  26, 2001.
                                   Excess Emissions
                                   Due to
                                   Startup, and
R18-2-310.01....................  Reporting           February 15, 2001.  September 18,       Submitted on March
                                   Requirements.                           2001, 66 FR 48087.  26, 2001.
R18-2-311.......................  Test Methods and    November 15, 1993.  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on July
                                   Procedures.                             80 FR 67319.        28, 2011.
R18-2-312.......................  Performance Tests.  November 15, 1993.  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on July
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        28, 2011.
R18-2-313.......................  Existing Source     February 15, 2001.  November 5, 2012,   Submitted on
                                   Emission                                77 FR 66405.        August 24, 2012.

[[Page 85049]]

R18-2-315.......................  Posting of Permit.  November 15, 1993.  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-316.......................  Notice by Building  May 14, 1979......  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Permit Agencies.                        80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-319.......................  Minor Permit        August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Revisions.                              80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-320.......................  Significant Permit  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Revisions.                              80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-321.......................  Permit Reopenings;  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Revocation and                          80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Reissuance;                                                 and supplemented
                                   Termination.                                                on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-323.......................  Permit Transfers..  February 3, 2007..  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-327.......................  Annual Emissions    December 7, 1995..  November 5, 2012,   Submitted on
                                   inventory                               77 FR 66405.        August 24, 2012.
R18-2-330.......................  Public              August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Participation.                          80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-332.......................  Stack Height        November 15, 1993.  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Limitation.                             80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-334.......................  Minor New Source    August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Review.                                 80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
     Article 4 (Permit Requirements for New Major Sources and Major Modifications to Existing Major Sources)
R18-2-401.......................  Definitions.......  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-402.......................  General...........  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-403.......................  Permits for         August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Sources Located                         80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   in Nonattainment                                            and supplemented
                                   Areas.                                                      on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-404.......................  Offset Standards..  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-405.......................  Special Rule for    August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Major Sources of                        80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   VOC or Nitrogen                                             and supplemented
                                   Oxides in Ozone                                             on September 6,
                                   Nonattainment                                               2013 and July 2,
                                   Areas Classified                                            2014.
                                   as Serious or
R18-2-406.......................  Permit              August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                   Requirements for                        80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Sources Located                                             and supplemented
                                   in Attainment and                                           on September 6,
                                   Unclassifiable                                              2013 and July 2,
                                   Areas.                                                      2014.
R18-2-407, excluding subsection   Air Quality Impact  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
 (H)(1)(c).                        Analysis and                            80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                   Monitoring                                                  and supplemented
                                   Requirements.                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-409.......................  Air Quality Models  November 15, 1993.  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,
R18-2-412.......................  PALs..............  August 7, 2012....  November 2, 2015,   Submitted on
                                                                           80 FR 67319.        October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013 and July 2,

[[Page 85050]]

                          Article 6 (Emissions from Existing and New Nonpoint Sources)
R18-2-601.......................  General...........  November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                                                           2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                                                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-602.......................  Unlawful Open       March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Burning.                                FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-604.......................  Open Areas, Dry     November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Washes or                               2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                   Riverbeds.                                                  supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-605.......................  Roadways and        November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Streets.                                2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                                                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-606.......................  Material Handling.  November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                                                           2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                                                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-607.......................  Storage Piles.....  November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                                                           2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                                                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-608.......................  Mineral Tailings..  March 7, 2009.....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                                                           2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                                                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               09-1, March 31,
R18-2-610.......................  [Definitions for    May 12, 2000......  October 11, 2001,   Submitted on July
                                   R18-2-611].                             66 FR 51869.        11, 2000.
R18-2-611.......................  Agricultural PM10   May 12, 2000......  October 11, 2001,   Submitted on July
                                   General Permit;                         66 FR 51869.        11, 2000.
                                   Maricopa PM10
R18-2-614.......................  Evaluation of       August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   nonpoint source                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                   emissions.                                                  supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
                          Article 7 (Existing Stationary Source Performance Standards)
R18-2-701.......................  Definitions.......  August 7, 2012....  September 23,       Submitted on
                                                                           2014, 79 FR 56655.  October 29, 2012,
                                                                                               and supplemented
                                                                                               on September 6,
                                                                                               2013. AAC, title
                                                                                               18, chapter 2,
                                                                                               supp. 12-2, June
                                                                                               30, 2012.
R18-2-702.......................  General Provisions  February 3, 2004..  August 24, 2004,    Establishes
                                                                           69 FR 51952.        opacity
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               January 16, 2004.
R18-2-703.......................  Standards of        March 7, 2009.....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Existing Fossil-                                            supplemented on
                                   Fuel Fired Steam                                            May 16, 2014.
                                   Generators and                                              AAC, title 18,
                                   General Fuel                                                chapter 2, supp.
                                   Burning Equipment.                                          09-1, March 31,
R18-2-704.......................  Standards of        August 4, 2007....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Incineration.                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               09-1, March 31,
R18-2-706.......................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                   Existing Nitric                                             supplemented on
                                   Acid Plants.                                                May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-707.......................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                   Existing Sulfuric                                           supplemented on
                                   Acid Plants.                                                May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-710.......................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  March 24, 2003, 68  Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         FR 14151.           15, 1998.
                                   Existing Vessels
                                   for Petroleum

[[Page 85051]]

R18-2-714.......................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                   Existing Sewage                                             supplemented on
                                   Treatment Plants.                                           May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-715, sections F, G, and H.  Standards of        March 7, 2009.....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Existing Primary                                            supplemented on
                                   Copper Smelters:                                            May 16, 2014.
                                   Site-Specific                                               AAC, title 18,
                                   Requirements.                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               09-1, March 31,
R18-2-715.01....................  Standards of        July 18, 2002.....  November 1, 2004,   Submitted on
                                   Performance for                         69 FR 63321.        September 12,
                                   Existing Primary                                            2003.
                                   Copper Smelters,
                                   Compliance and
R18-2-715.02....................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  November 1, 2004,   Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         69 FR 63321.        15, 1998.
                                   Existing Primary
                                   Copper Smelters,
R18-2-719.......................  Standards of        March 7, 2009.....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Existing                                                    supplemented on
                                   Stationary                                                  May 16, 2014.
                                   Rotating                                                    AAC, title 18,
                                   Machinery.                                                  chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-720.......................  Standards of        March 7, 2009.....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Existing Lime                                               supplemented on
                                   Manufacturing                                               May 16, 2014.
                                   Plants.                                                     AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               09-1, March 31,
R18-2-723.......................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                   Existing Concrete                                           supplemented on
                                   Batch Plants.                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-724.......................  Standards of        March 7, 2009.....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Existing Fossil-                                            supplemented on
                                   Fuel Fired                                                  May 16, 2014.
                                   Industrial and                                              AAC, title 18,
                                   Commercial                                                  chapter 2, supp.
                                   Equipment.                                                  09-1, March 31,
R18-2-725.......................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  March 24, 2003, 68  Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         FR 14151.           15, 1998.
                                   Existing Dry
                                   Cleaning Plants.
R18-2-726.......................  Sandblasting        November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Operations.                             2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                                                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-727.......................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  March 24, 2003, 68  Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         FR 14151.           15, 1998.
                                   Spray Painting
R18-2-728.......................  Standards of        November 15, 1993.  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  15, 1998, and
                                   Existing Ammonium                                           supplemented on
                                   Sulfide                                                     May 16, 2014.
                                   Manufacturing                                               AAC, title 18,
                                   Plants.                                                     chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
R18-2-729.......................  Standards of        August 4, 2007....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Cotton Gins.                                                supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               09-1, March 31,
R18-2-730.......................  Standards of        March 7, 2009.....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Unclassified                                                supplemented on
                                   Sources.                                                    May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               09-1, March 31,
R18-2-732.......................  Standards of        August 4, 2007....  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Performance for                         2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                   Existing Hospital/                                          supplemented on
                                   Medical/                                                    May 16, 2014.
                                   Infectious Waste                                            AAC, title 18,
                                   Incinerators.                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               09-2, June 30,
                          Article 8 (Emissions from Mobile Sources (New and Existing))
R18-2-801.......................  Classification of   November 15, 1993.  March 24, 2003, 68  Submitted on July
                                   Mobile Sources.                         FR 14151.           15, 1998.
R18-2-802.......................  Off-Road Machinery  November 15, 1993.  March 24, 2003, 68  Submitted on July
                                                                           FR 14151.           15, 1998.
R18-2-803.......................  Heater-Planer       November 15, 1993.  March 24, 2003, 68  Submitted on July
                                   Units.                                  FR 14151.           15, 1998.
R18-2-804.......................  Roadway and Site    November 15, 1993.  March 24, 2003, 68  Submitted on July
                                   Cleaning                                FR 14151.           15, 1998.
R18-2-805.......................  Asphalt and Tar     November 15, 1993.  March 24, 2003, 68  Submitted on July
                                   Kettles.                                FR 14151.           15, 1998.
                            Article 10 (Motor Vehicles; Inspections and Maintenance)
R18-2-1001......................  Definitions.......  December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                                                           68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.

[[Page 85052]]

R18-2-1003......................  Vehicles to be      June 28, 2000.....  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Inspected by the                        68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   Mandatory Vehicle
R18-2-1005......................  Time of Inspection  December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                                                           68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1006......................  Emissions Test      January 1, 2002...  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on April
                                   Procedures.                             68 FR 2912.         10, 2002.
R18-2-1007......................  Evidence of         December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Meeting State                           68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1008......................  Procedure for       December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Issuing                                 68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   Certificates of
R18-2-1009......................  Tampering Repair    December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Requirements.                           68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1010......................  Low Emissions Tune- December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   up, Emissions and                       68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   System Repair.
R18-2-1011......................  Vehicle Inspection  December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Report.                                 68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1012......................  Inspection          December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Procedures and                          68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1013......................  Reinspections.....  December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                                                           68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1016......................  Licensing of        January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Inspectors.                             68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1017......................  Inspection of       January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Government                              68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1018......................  Certificate of      January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Inspection.                             68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1019......................  Fleet Station       January 1, 2002...  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on April
                                   Procedures and                          68 FR 2912.         10, 2002.
R18-2-1022......................  Procedure for       January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Waiving                                 68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   Inspections Due
                                   to Technical
R18-2-1023......................  Certificate of      January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Exemption for Out-                      68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   of-State Vehicles.
R18-2-1025......................  Inspection of       January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Contractor's                            68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   Equipment and
R18-2-1026......................  Inspection of       January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Fleet Stations.                         68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1027......................  Registration and    January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Inspection of                           68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   Analyzers and
                                   Opacity Meters.
R18-2-1028......................  Certification of    January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Users of                                68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   Analyzers and
                                   Analyzer Repair
R18-2-1029......................  Vehicle Emission    January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Control Devices.                        68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1030......................  Visible Emissions;  January 14, 2000..  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Mobile Sources.                         68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
R18-2-1031......................  Standards for       December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Submitted on July
                                   Evaluating the                          68 FR 2912.         6, 2001.
                                   Efficiency of a
Table 1.........................  Dynamometer         November 14, 1994.  January 22, 2003,   Table 1 is cited
                                   Loading Table--                         68 FR 2912.         in R18-2-1006.
                                   Annual Tests.                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               6, 2001.
Table 2.........................  Emissions           June 21, 1995.....  January 22, 2003,   Table 2 is cited
                                   Standards--Annual                       68 FR 2912.         in R18-2-1006 and
                                   Tests, Maximum                                              R18-2-1019.
                                   Allowable.                                                  Submitted on July
                                                                                               6, 2001.
Table 3.........................  Emissions           December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Table 3 is cited
                                   Standards--Bienni                       68 FR 2912.         in R18-2-1006.
                                   al Tests.                                                   Submitted on July
                                                                                               6, 2001.
Table 4.........................  Transient Driving   December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Table 4 is cited
                                   Cycle.                                  68 FR 2912.         in R18-2-1006 and
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               6, 2001.
Table 5.........................  Tolerances........  November 14, 1994.  January 22, 2003,   Table 5 is cited
                                                                           68 FR 2912.         in R18-2-1006.
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               6, 2001.
Table 6.........................  Emissions           December 20, 1999.  January 22, 2003,   Table 6 is cited
                                   Standards--Remote                       68 FR 2912.         in the VEI
                                   Sensing                                                     regulations.
                                   Identification.                                             Submitted on July
                                                                                               6, 2001.
                                     Article 14 (Conformity Determinations)
R18-2-1438......................  General Conformity  January 31, 1995..  April 23, 1999, 64  Submitted on March
                                   for Federal                             FR 19916.           3, 1995.
                                 Article 15 (Forest and Range Management Burns)
R18-2-1501......................  Definitions.......  March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-1502......................  Applicability.....  March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-1503......................  Annual              March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Registration.                           FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-1504......................  Prescribed Burn     March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Plan.                                   FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-1505......................  Prescribed Burn     March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Requests and                            FR 28270.           December 30,
                                   Authorization.                                              2004.
R18-2-1506......................  Smoke Dispersion    March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   and Evaluation.                         FR 28270.           December 30,

[[Page 85053]]

R18-2-1507......................  Prescribed Burn     March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Accomplishment;                         FR 28270.           December 30,
                                   Wildlife                                                    2004.
R18-2-1508......................  Wildland Fire Use:  March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Plan,                                   FR 28270.           December 30,
                                   Authorization,                                              2004.
                                   Monitoring; Inter-
                                   Status Reporting.
R18-2-1509......................  Emission Reduction  March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Techniques.                             FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-1510......................  Smoke Management    March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Techniques.                             FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-1511......................  Monitoring........  March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-1512......................  Burner              March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Qualifications.                         FR 28270.           December 30,
R18-2-1513......................  Public              March 16, 2004....  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   Notification                            FR 28270.           December 30,
                                   Program; Regional                                           2004.
  Appendices to Title 18 (Environmental Quality), Chapter 2 (Department of Environmental Quality Air Pollution
Appendix 1......................  Filing              July 25, 1979.....  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on April
                                   Instructions for                        FR 17483.           1, 1980. Appendix
                                   Installation                                                1 in its entirety
                                   Permit                                                      was approved at
                                   Application.                                                47 FR 17483
                                                                                               (April 23, 1982).
                                                                                               subsections of
                                                                                               appendix 1 were
                                                                                               superseded by
                                                                                               approval of
                                                                                               revisions at 48
                                                                                               FR 19878 (May 3,
                                                                                               1983) and at 49
                                                                                               FR 41026 (October
                                                                                               19, 1984. The
                                                                                               latter rule was
                                                                                               corrected 69 FR
                                                                                               2509 (January 16,
Appendix 1, subsections A1.4,     Filing              May 28, 1982......  May 3, 1983, 48 FR  Relates to State
 A1.4.1, A1.4.3 (added), A1.4.3    Instructions for                        19878.              PSD regulations.
 (renumbered only), A1.5, A1.6.1   Installation                                                Submitted on June
 (deleted), A1.6.2 and A1.6.3      Permit                                                      3, 1982.
 (renumbered only), A1.6.4 and     Application.
 A1.6.5 (deleted), A1.6.6
 (renumbered only), A1.6.6.1,
 A1.6.6.2 and A1.6.6.3
 (renumbered only), A1.6.6.4
 (deleted), A1.6.6.5 (renumbered
 only) A1.6.6.6, A1.6.6.7
 (Renumbered), A1.6.7.1,
 A1.6.7.2, A1.6.7.3 and Form
 ADHS/EHS Air Quality 100A (rev
Appendix 1, subsections A1.5.6,   Filing              September 22, 1983  October 19, 1984,   Submitted on
 and A1.9 (added).                 Instructions for                        49 FR 41026;        February 3, 1984.
                                   Installation                            corrected on
                                   Permit                                  January 16, 2004,
                                   Application.                            69 FR 2509.
Appendix 2......................  Test Methods and    October 3, 2005...  September 23,       Submitted on July
                                   Protocols.                              2014, 79 FR 56655.  28, 2011, and
                                                                                               supplemented on
                                                                                               May 16, 2014.
                                                                                               AAC, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2, supp.
                                                                                               12-2, June 30,
Appendix 2......................  Filing              July 25, 1979.....  April 23, 1982, 47  Submitted on April
                                   Instructions for                        FR 17483.           1, 1980. Appendix
                                   Operating Permit                                            2 in its entirety
                                   Application.                                                was approved at
                                                                                               47 FR 17483
                                                                                               (April 23, 1982).
                                                                                               subsections of
                                                                                               appendix 2 were
                                                                                               superseded by
                                                                                               approval of
                                                                                               revisions at 48
                                                                                               FR 19878 (May 3,
Appendix 2, subsections A2.2.5,   Filing              May 28, 1982......  May 3, 1983, 48 FR  Relates to State
 A2.3, A2.3.8.                     Instructions for                        19878.              PSD regulations.
                                   Operating Permit                                            Submitted on June
                                   Application.                                                3, 1982.
Appendix 8......................  Procedures for      July 18, 2005.....  April 12, 2006, 71  Cited in Arizona
                                   Utilizing the                           FR 18624.           Administrative
                                   Sulfur Balance                                              Code rule R18-2-
                                   Method for                                                  715.01. Submitted
                                   Determining                                                 on March 1, 2006.
                                   Sulfur Emissions.

[[Page 85054]]

                     Materials Incorporated By Reference in Title 18 (Environmental Quality)
                      Chapter 2 (Department of Environmental Quality Air Pollution Control)
[Incorporated by reference        Arizona Testing     March 1992........  September 23,       Approval includes
 through R18-2-102].               Manual for Air                          2014, 79 FR 56655.  section 1 only.
                                   Pollutant                                                   Submitted on July
                                   Emissions,                                                  28, 2011, and
                                   Revision F,                                                 supplemented on
                                   excluding                                                   May 16, 2014.
                                   sections 2                                                  Relates to
                                   through 7.                                                  various
                                                                                               provisions in
                                                                                               Code, title 18,
                                                                                               chapter 2,
                                                                                               articles 4, 6,
                                                                                               and 7.
[Incorporated by reference        Procedures for      1988 Edition......  October 15, 2012,   Submitted on
 through R18-2-220].               Prevention of                           77 FR 62452.        August 15, 1994.
                           Title 20 (Commerce, Financial Institutions, and Insurance)
                                 Chapter 2 (Department of Weights and Measures)
                                    Article 1 (Administration and Procedures)
R20-2-101.......................  Definitions.......  June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 35279.           September 21,
                                 Article 7 (Motor Fuels and Petroleum Products)
R20-2-701.......................  Definitions.......  February 9, 2001..  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                                                                               Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-716.......................  Sampling and        October 18, 1999..  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Access to Records.                      FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                                                                               Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-750.......................  Registration        September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Relating to                             FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   Arizona CBG or                                              Relates to the
                                   AZR-BOB.                                                    Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-751.......................  Arizona CBG         February 9, 2001..  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Requirements.                           FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                                                                               Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-752.......................  General             September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Requirements for                        FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   Registered                                                  Relates to the
                                   Suppliers.                                                  Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-753.......................  General             September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Requirements for                        FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   Pipelines and 3rd-                                          Relates to the
                                   party Terminals.                                            Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-754.......................  Downstream          September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Blending                                FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   Exceptions for                                              Relates to the
                                   Transmix.                                                   Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-755.......................  Additional          September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Requirements for                        FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   AZRBOB and                                                  Relates to the
                                   Downstream                                                  Arizona Cleaner
                                   Oxygenate                                                   Burning Gasoline
                                   Blending.                                                   (CBG) program.
R20-2-756.......................  Downstream          September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Blending of                             FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   Arizona CBG with                                            Relates to the
                                   Nonoxygenate                                                Arizona Cleaner
                                   Blendstocks.                                                Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-757.......................  Product Transfer    September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Documentation;                          FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   Records;                                                    Relates to the
                                   Retention.                                                  Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-758.......................  Adoption of Fuel    September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Certification                           FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   Models.                                                     Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-759.......................  Testing             February 9, 2001..  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Methodologies.                          FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                                                                               Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-760.......................  Compliance Surveys  February 9, 2001..  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 10161..          August 15, 2001.
                                                                                               Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
R20-2-761.......................  Liability for       September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                   Noncompliant                            FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                   Arizona CBG or                                              Relates to the
                                   AZRBOB.                                                     Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.

[[Page 85055]]

R20-2-762.......................  Penalties.........  September 22, 1999  March 4, 2004, 69   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 10161.           August 15, 2001.
                                                                                               Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
Table 1.........................  Type 1 Gasoline     February 9, 2001..  March 4, 2004, 69   Table 1 is cited
                                   Standards.                              FR 10161.           in R20-2-751
                                                                                               (``Arizona CBG
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               August 15, 2001.
                                                                                               Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
Table 2.........................  Type 2 Gasoline     February 9, 2001..  March 4, 2004, 69   Table 2 is cited
                                   Standards.                              FR 10161.           in R20-2-751
                                                                                               (``Arizona CBG
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               August 15, 2001.
                                                                                               Relates to the
                                                                                               Arizona Cleaner
                                                                                               Burning Gasoline
                                                                                               (CBG) program.
                                       Article 9 (Gasoline Vapor Control)
R20-2-901.......................  Material            June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                   Incorporated by                         FR 35279.           September 21,
                                   Reference.                                                  2009.
R20-2-902.......................  Exemptions........  June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 35279.           September 21,
R20-2-903.......................  Equipment and       June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                   Installation.                           FR 35279.           September 21,
R20-2-904.......................  Application         June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                   Requirements and                        FR 35279.           September 21,
                                   Process for                                                 2009.
                                   Authority to
                                   Construct Plan
R20-2-905.......................  Initial Inspection  June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                   and Testing.                            FR 35279.           September 21,
R20-2-907.......................  Operation.........  October 8, 1998...  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 35279.           September 21,
R20-2-908.......................  Training and        October 8, 1998...  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                   Public Education.                       FR 35279.           September 21,
R20-2-909.......................  Recordkeeping and   October 8, 1998...  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                   Reporting.                              FR 35279.           September 21,
R20-2-910.......................  Annual Inspection   June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                   and Testing.                            FR 35279.           September 21,
R20-2-911.......................  Compliance          June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                   Inspections.                            FR 35279.           September 21,
R20-2-912.......................  Enforcement.......  June 5, 2004......  June 13, 2012, 77   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 35279.           September 21,

                                  Table 3--EPA-Approved Arizona General Permits
                Title                    State effective date      EPA approval date      Additional explanation
Dust Action General Permit, including  December 30, 2011......  March 31, 2014, 79 FR    Issued by Arizona
 the general permit itself, and                                  17881.                   Department of
 attachments A, B, and C.                                                                 Environmental Quality
                                                                                          pursuant to ARS 49-
                                                                                          457.05. Applies to
                                                                                          certain types of dust
                                                                                          sources in a county
                                                                                          with a population of
                                                                                          two million or more
                                                                                          persons or any portion
                                                                                          of a county within an
                                                                                          area designated by EPA
                                                                                          as a serious PM-10
                                                                                          nonattainment area or
                                                                                          a maintenance area
                                                                                          that was designated as
                                                                                          a serious PM-10
                                                                                          nonattainment area.
                                                                                          Submitted on May 25,

                     Table 4--EPA-Approved Maricopa County Air Pollution Control Regulations
                                                        State effective                           Additional
         County citation             Title/subject           date          EPA approval date      explanation
                                         Pre-July 1988 Rule Codification
                                        Regulation I--General Provisions
Rule 1..........................  Emissions           August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   Regulated;                              FR 15080.           26, 1972.
                                   Policy; Legal
Rule 2, No. 11 ``Alteration or    Definitions.......  June 23, 1980.....  June 18, 1982, 47   Submitted on March
 Modification'' and No. 33                                                 FR 26382.           8, 1982.
 ``Existing Source''.

[[Page 85056]]

Rule 2, except Nos. 18, 49, 50,   Definitions.......  June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
 52, 54 and 57.                                                            FR 15579.           23, 1980.
Rule 3..........................  Air pollution       June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   prohibited.                             FR 15579.           23, 1980.
                                             Regulation II--Permits
Rule 21.0 (paragraphs A-C;        Procedures for      October 25, 1982..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on March
 subparagraphs D.l.a-d; and        obtaining an                            53 FR 30224;        4, 1983.[dagger]
 paragraph E only).                installation                            vacated; restored
                                   permit.                                 on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Rule 21.0 (subparagraph D.1, and  Procedures for      July 9, 1984......  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on March
 subparagraphs D.1.e, f, and g     obtaining an                            53 FR 30224;        4, 1983.
 only).                            installation                            vacated; restored   Submitted on
                                   permit.                                 on January 29,      April 17,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   1985.[dagger]
Rule 21 (paragraph G)...........  Permit Conditions.  October 2, 1978...  April 12, 1982, 47  Relates to public
                                                                           FR 15579.           comment period.
Rule 22 (paragraphs A, C, D, F,   Permit Denial-      August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Paragraphs B and E
 G, and H).                        Action-Transfer-                        FR 15080.           have been
                                   Expiration-                                                 superseded.
Rule 23.........................  Permit Classes....  August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                                                           FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 25.........................  Emissions test      June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   methods and                             FR 15579.           23, 1980.
Rule 26.........................  Portable Equipment  August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                                                           FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 26.........................  Air quality models  June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                                                           FR 15579.           23, 1980.
Rule 27.........................  Performance tests.  June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                                                           FR 15579.           23, 1980.
Rule 28.........................  Permit Fees.......  March 8, 1982.....  June 18, 1982, 47   Submitted on March
                                                                           FR 26382.           8, 1982.
                                   Regulation III--Control of Air Contaminants
Rule 32, Paragraph G............  Other Industries..  October 1, 1975...  April 12, 1982, 47  Paragraph G of
                                                                           FR 15579.           Rule 32 (``Odors
                                                                                               and Gaseous
                                                                                               Emissions'') is
                                                                                               titled ``Other
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               23, 1980.
Rule 32, Paragraph H............  Fuel Burning        October 1, 1975...  April 12, 1982, 47  Paragraph H of
                                   Equipment for                           FR 15579.           Rule 32 (``Odors
                                   Producing                                                   and Gaseous
                                   Electric Power                                              Emissions'') is
                                   (Sulfur Dioxide).                                           titled ``Fuel
                                                                                               Burning Equipment
                                                                                               for Producing
                                                                                               Electric Power
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               23, 1980.
Rule 32, Paragraph J............  Operating           June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Paragraph J of
                                   Requirements for                        FR 15579.           Rule 32 (``Odors
                                   an Asphalt Kettle.                                          and Gaseous
                                                                                               Emissions'') is
                                                                                               Requirements for
                                                                                               an Asphalt
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               23, 1980.
Rule 32, Paragraph K............  Emissions of        June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Paragraph K of
                                   Carbon Monoxide.                        FR 15579.           Rule 32 (``Odors
                                                                                               and Gaseous
                                                                                               Emissions'') is
                                                                                               ``Emissions of
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               23, 1980.
Rule 32 (Paragraphs A through F   Odors and Gaseous   August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Paragraph G was
 only).                            Emissions.                              FR 15080.           superseded by
                                                                                               approval of
                                                                                               paragraph J of
                                                                                               amended Rule 32.
                                                                                               Submitted on May
                                                                                               26, 1972.

[[Page 85057]]

Rule 35.........................  Incinerators......  August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Superseded by
                                                                           FR 15080.           approval of
                                                                                               Maricopa Rule 313
                                                                                               at 79 FR 57445
                                                                                               (September 25,
                                                                                               2014) except for
                                                                                               Infectious Waste
                                                                                               Submitted on May
                                                                                               26, 1972.
                Regulation IV--Production of Records; Monitoring; Testing and Sampling Facilities
Rule 40.........................  Recordkeeping and   June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   Reporting.                              FR 15579.           23, 1980.
Rule 41, paragraph A............  Monitoring........  August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                                                           FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 41, paragraph B............  Monitoring........  October 2, 1978...  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15579.           January 18, 1979.
Rule 42.........................  Testing and         August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   Sampling.                               FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 43.........................  Right of            August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   inspection.                             FR 15080.           26, 1972.
                                      Regulation VII--Emergency Procedures
Rule 71.........................  Anti-degradation..  October 1, 1975...  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                                                           FR 15579.           23, 1980.
Rule 74, paragraph C............  Public              June 23, 1980.....  April 12, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   Notification.                           FR 15579.           23, 1980.
                                                                                               Paragraphs A, B,
                                                                                               and D superseded
                                                                                               by approval of
                                                                                               Rule 510 at 74 FR
                                                                                               57612 (November
                                                                                               9, 2009).
                                     Regulation VIII--Validity and Operation
Rule 80.........................  Validity..........  August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                                                           FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 81.........................  Operation.........  August 12, 1971...  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                                                           FR 15080.           26, 1972.
                                        Post-July 1988 Rule Codification
                                        Regulation I--General Provisions
Rule 100, Section 100,            Hearing Board.....  September 25, 2013  August 10, 2015,    Subsection 108 is
 Subsection 108.                                                           80 FR 47859.        a subsection
                                                                                               within section
                                                                                               100 (``General'')
                                                                                               of Rule 100
                                                                                               Provisions and
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               December 6, 2013.
Rule 100, Section 500...........  Monitoring and      March 15, 2006....  November 5, 2012,   Section 500 is a
                                   Records.                                77 FR 66405.        section within
                                                                                               Rule 100
                                                                                               Provisions and
                                                                                               subsections 501
                                                                                               502 (Data
                                                                                               reporting), 503
                                                                                               required as
                                                                                               stated in the
                                                                                               Act), 504
                                                                                               (Retention of
                                                                                               records); and 505
                                                                                               (Annual emissions
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               August 24, 2012.
Rule 140........................  Excess Emissions..  Revised September   August 27, 2002,    Submitted on
                                                       5, 2001.            67 FR 54957.        February 22,
                                         Regulation II--Permits and Fees
Rule 220........................  Permits to Operate  July 13, 1988.....  January 6, 1992,    Submitted on
                                                                           57 FR 354.          January 4, 1990.

[[Page 85058]]

Rule 242........................  Emissions Offsets   June 20, 2007.....  August 6, 2007, 72  Submitted on July
                                   Generated by the                        FR 43538.           5, 2007.
                                   Voluntary Paving
                                   of Unpaved Roads.
                                   Regulation III--Control of Air Contaminants
Rule 300........................  Visible Emissions.  March 12, 2008....  July 28, 2010, 75   Submitted on July
                                                                           FR 44141.           10, 2008.
Rule 310........................  Fugitive Dust From  January 27, 2010..  December 15, 2010,  Submitted on April
                                   Dust-Generating                         75 FR 78167.        12, 2010. Cites
                                   Operations.                                                 appendices C and
                                                                                               F, which are
                                                                                               listed separately
                                                                                               in this table.
Rule 310.01.....................  Fugitive Dust From  January 27, 2010..  December 15, 2010,  Submitted on April
                                   Non-Traditional                         75 FR 78167.        12, 2010. Cites
                                   Sources of                                                  appendix C, which
                                   Fugitive Dust.                                              is listed
                                                                                               separately in
                                                                                               this table.
Rule 311........................  Particulate matter  August 2, 1993....  April 10, 1995, 60  Submitted on March
                                   from process                            FR 18010. Vacated   3, 1994.
                                   industries.                             by Ober decision.
                                                                           Restored August
                                                                           4, 1997, 62 FR
Rule 312........................  Abrasive Blasting.  July 13, 1988.....  January 4, 2001,    Submitted on
                                                                           66 FR 730.          January 4, 1990.
Rule 313........................  Incinerators, Burn- May 9, 2012.......  September 25,       Submitted on
                                   Off Ovens and                           2014, 79 FR 57445.  August 27, 2012.
Rule 314........................  Open Outdoor Fires  March 12, 2008....  November 9, 2009,   Submitted on July
                                   and Indoor                              74 FR 57612.        10, 2008.
                                   Fireplaces at
                                   Commercial and
Rule 316........................  Nonmetallic         March 12, 2008....  November 13, 2009,  Submitted on July
                                   Mineral                                 74 FR 58553.        10, 2008.
Rule 318........................  Approval of         April 21, 1999....  November 8, 1999,   Submitted on
                                   Residential                             64 FR 60678.        August 4, 1999.
Rule 322........................  Power Plant         October 17, 2007..  October 14, 2009,   Submitted on
                                   Operations.                             74 FR 52693.        January 9, 2008.
Rule 323........................  Fuel Burning        October 17, 2007..  October 14, 2009,   Submitted on
                                   Equipment from                          74 FR 52693.        January 9, 2008.
                                   (ICI) Sources.
Rule 324........................  Stationary          October 17, 2007..  October 14, 2009,   Submitted on
                                   Internal                                74 FR 52693.        January 9, 2008.
                                   Combustion (IC)
Rule 325........................  Brick and           August 10, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Element of the
                                   Structural Clay                         72 FR 46564.        Revised PM-10
                                   Products (BSCP)                                             State
                                   Manufacturing.                                              Implementation
                                                                                               Plan for the Salt
                                                                                               River Area,
                                                                                               September 2005.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               October 7, 2005.
Rule 331........................  Solvent Cleaning..  April 21, 2004....  December 21, 2004,  Submitted on July
                                                                           69 FR 76417.        28, 2004.
Rule 333........................  Petroleum Solvent   June 19, 1996.....  February 9, 1998,   Submitted on
                                   Dry Cleaning.                           63 FR 6489.         February 26,
Rule 334........................  Rubber Sports Ball  June 19, 1996.....  February 9, 1998,   Submitted on
                                   Manufacturing.                          63 FR 6489.         February 26,
Rule 335........................  Architectural       July 13, 1988.....  January 6, 1992,    Submitted on
                                   Coatings.                               57 FR 354.          January 4, 1990.
Rule 336........................  Surface Coating     April 7, 1999.....  September 20,       Submitted on
                                   Operations.                             1999, 64 FR 50759.  August 4, 1999.
Rule 337........................  Graphic Arts......  November 20, 1996.  February 9, 1998,   Submitted on March
                                                                           63 FR 6489.         4, 1997.
Rule 338........................  Semiconductor       June 19, 1996.....  February 9, 1998,   Submitted on
                                   Manufacturing.                          63 FR 6489.         February 26,
Rule 339........................  Vegetable Oil       November 16, 1992.  February 9, 1998,   Submitted on
                                   Extract Processes.                      63 FR 6489.         February 4, 1993.
Rule 340........................  Cutback and         September 21, 1992  February 1, 1996,   Submitted on
                                   Emulsified                              61 FR 3578.         November 13,
                                   Asphalt.                                                    1992.
Rule 341........................  Metal Casting.....  August 5, 1994....  February 12, 1996,  Submitted on
                                                                           61 FR 5287.         August 16, 1994.
Rule 342........................  Coating Wood        November 20, 1996.  February 9, 1998,   Submitted on March
                                   Furniture and                           63 FR 6489.         4, 1997.

[[Page 85059]]

Rule 343........................  Commercial Bread    February 15, 1995.  March 17, 1997, 62  Submitted on
                                   Bakeries.                               FR 12544.           August 31, 1995.
Rule 344........................  Automobile          April 7, 1999.....  November 30, 2001,  Submitted on
                                   Windshield Washer                       66 FR 59699.        August 4, 1999.
Rule 346........................  Coating Wood        November 20, 1996.  February 9, 1998,   Submitted on March
                                   Millwork.                               63 FR 6489.         4, 1997.
Rule 347........................  Ferrous Sand        March 4, 1998.....  June 12, 2000, 65   Submitted on
                                   Casting.                                FR 36788.           August 4, 1999.
Rule 348........................  Aerospace           April 7, 1999.....  September 20,       Submitted on
                                   Manufacturing and                       1999, 64 FR 50759.  August 4, 1999.
                                   Rework Operations.
Rule 349........................  Pharmaceutical,     April 7, 1999.....  June 8, 2001, 66    Submitted on
                                   Cosmetic, and                           FR 30815.           August 4, 1999.
Rule 350........................  Storage of Organic  April 6, 1992.....  September 5, 1995,  Submitted on June
                                   Liquids at Bulk                         60 FR 46024.        29, 1992.
                                   Plants and
Rule 351........................  Loading of Organic  February 15, 1995.  February 9, 1998,   Submitted on
                                   Liquids.                                63 FR 6489.         August 31, 1995.
Rule 352........................  Gasoline Delivery   November 16, 1992.  September 5, 1995,  Submitted on
                                   Vessels.                                60 FR 46024.        February 4, 1993.
Rule 353........................  Transfer of         April 6, 1992.....  February 1, 1996,   Submitted on June
                                   Gasoline into                           61 FR 3578.         29, 1992.
                                   Dispensing Tanks.
Rule 358........................  Polystyrene Foam    April 20, 2005....  May 26, 2005, 70    Submitted on April
                                   Operations.                             FR 30370.           25, 2005.
                           Regulation V--Air Quality Standards and Area Classification
Rule 510, excluding Appendix G    Air Quality         November 1, 2006..  November 9, 2009,   Submitted on June
 to the Maricopa County Air        Standards.                              74 FR 57612.        7, 2007.
 Pollution Control Regulations.
                                        Regulation VI--Emergency Episodes
Rule 600........................  Emergency Episodes  July 13, 1988.....  March 18, 1999, 64  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 13351.           January 4, 1990.
                    Appendices to Maricopa County Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations
Appendix C......................  Fugitive Dust Test  March 26, 2008....  December 15, 2010,  Cited in Rules 310
                                   Methods.                                75 FR 78167.        and 310.01.
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               10, 2008.
Appendix F......................  Soil Designations.  April 7, 2004.....  August 21, 2007,    Cited in Rule 310.
                                                                           72 FR 46564.        Submitted on
                                                                                               October 7, 2005.
[dagger] Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA, 898 F.2d 687 (9th Cir.
  1990). Restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219.

        Table 5--EPA-Approved Maricopa County Documents Related to Applications for Dust Control Permits
                Title                    State effective date      EPA approval date      Additional explanation
Application for Dust Control Permit..  June 22, 2005..........  August 21, 2007, 72 FR   Relates to Rule 310
                                                                 46564.                   (``Fugitive Dust from
                                                                                          Operations''). Element
                                                                                          of the Revised PM-10
                                                                                          State Implementation
                                                                                          Plan for the Salt
                                                                                          River Area, Additional
                                                                                          Materials, September
                                                                                          2005. Submitted on
                                                                                          November 29, 2005.
Guidance for Application for Dust      June 22, 2005..........  August 21, 2007, 72 FR   Relates to Rule 310
 Control Permit.                                                 46564.                   (``Fugitive Dust from
                                                                                          Operations''). Element
                                                                                          of the Revised PM-10
                                                                                          State Implementation
                                                                                          Plan for the Salt
                                                                                          River Area, Additional
                                                                                          Materials, September
                                                                                          2005. Submitted on
                                                                                          November 29, 2005.

[[Page 85060]]

Table 6--EPA-Approved Ordinances Adopted by Maricopa County and Other Local Jurisdictions Within Maricopa County
                                                        State effective                           Additional
         County citation             Title/subject           date          EPA approval date      explanation
Maricopa County Ordinance P-26..  Residential         March 26, 2008....  November 9, 2009,   Submitted on July
                                   Woodburning                             74 FR 57612.        10, 2008.
Maricopa County, Ordinance P-7..  Trip Reduction      Adopted May 26,     May 4, 1998, 63 FR  Submitted on
                                   Ordinance.          1994.               24434.              August 31, 1995.
Town of Carefree Ordinance No.    An Ordinance of     Adopted September   July 25, 2002, 67   Submitted on
 98-14.                            the Town of         1, 1998.            FR 48718.           February 16,
                                   Carefree,                                                   2000.
                                   Maricopa County,
                                   Arizona, Adding
                                   Section 10-4 to
                                   the Town Code
                                   Relating to Clean-
                                   Penalties for
                                   Violations (3
Town of Gilbert Ordinance 1066..  An Ordinance of     January 1, 1999...  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
                                   the Common                              FR 48718.           Town of Gilbert
                                   Council of the                                              on November 25,
                                   Town of Gilbert,                                            1997. Submitted
                                   Arizona Amending                                            on February 16,
                                   the Code of                                                 2000.
                                   Gilbert by
                                   Amending Chapter
                                   30 Environment,
                                   by adding New
                                   Article II
                                   Standards for
                                   Woodstoves, and
                                   Other Solid-Fuel
                                   Burning Devices
                                   in New
                                   Providing for an
                                   Effective Date of
                                   January 1, 1999;
                                   Providing for
                                   Repeal of
                                   Providing for
                                   Severability (3
City of Mesa Ordinance No. 3434.  An Ordinance of     December 31, 1998.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
                                   the City Council                        FR 48718.           City of Mesa on
                                   of the City of                                              February 2, 1998.
                                   Mesa, Maricopa                                              Submitted on
                                   County, Arizona,                                            February 16,
                                   Relating to                                                 2000.
                                   Amending Title 4,
                                   Chapter 1,
                                   Section 2
                                   Establishing a
                                   Delayed Effective
                                   Date; and
                                   Penalties for
                                   Violations (3
Town of Paradise Valley           An Ordinance of     January 22, 1998..  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Ordinance Number 454.             the Town of                             FR 48718.           Town of Paradise
                                   Paradise Valley,                                            Valley on January
                                   Arizona, Relating                                           22, 1998.
                                   to Grading and                                              Submitted on
                                   Dust Control,                                               February 16,
                                   Amending Article                                            2000.
                                   5-13 of the Town                                            [Incorporation
                                   Code and Sections                                           Note: There is an
                                   5-13-1 Through 5-                                           error in the
                                   13-5, Providing                                             ordinance's
                                   Penalties for                                               title, ordinance
                                   Violations and                                              amended only
                                   Severability (5                                             sections 5-13-1
                                   pages).                                                     to 5-13-4; see
                                                                                               section 1 of the
Town of Paradise Valley           An Ordinance of     December 18, 1997.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Ordinance Number 450.             the Town of                             FR 48718.           Town of Paradise
                                   Paradise Valley,                                            Valley on
                                   Arizona, Adding                                             December 18,
                                   Section 5-1-7 to                                            1997. Submitted
                                   the Town Code                                               on February 16,
                                   Relating to Clean-                                          2000.
                                   Penalties for
                                   Violations (3

[[Page 85061]]

City of Phoenix Ordinance No.     An Ordinance        December 31, 1998.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 G4062.                            Amending the                            FR 48718.           City of Phoenix
                                   Phoenix City Code                                           on December 10,
                                   By Adding A New                                             1997. Submitted
                                   Chapter 40                                                  on February 16,
                                   ``Environmental                                             2000.
                                   Protections,'' By
                                   Fireplaces, Wood
                                   Stoves and Other
                                   Burning Devices
                                   and Providing
                                   that the
                                   Provisions of
                                   this Ordinance
                                   Shall Take Effect
                                   on December 31,
                                   1998 (5 pages).
City of Phoenix Ordinance No.     An Ordinance        Adopted July 2,     July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 G4037.                            Amending Chapter    1997.               FR 48718.           City of Phoenix
                                   39, Article 2,                                              on July 2, 1997.
                                   Section 39-7 of                                             Submitted on
                                   the Phoenix City                                            February 16,
                                   Code by Adding                                              2000.
                                   Subsection G
                                   Relating to Dust
                                   Free Parking
                                   Areas; and
                                   Amending Chapter
                                   36, Article XI,
                                   Division I,
                                   Section 36-145 of
                                   the Phoenix City
                                   Code Relating to
                                   Parking on Non-
                                   Dust Free Lots (5
City of Tolleson Ordinance No.    An Ordinance of     Adopted December    July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 376, N.S..                        the City of         8, 1998.            FR 48718.           City of Tolleson
                                   Tolleson,                                                   on December 8,
                                   Maricopa County,                                            1998. Submitted
                                   Arizona, Amending                                           on February 16,
                                   Chapter 7 of the                                            2000.
                                   Tolleson City
                                   Code by Adding a
                                   New Section 7-9,
                                   Prohibiting the
                                   Installation or
                                   Construction of a
                                   Fireplace or Wood
                                   Stove Unless It
                                   Meets the
                                   Standards Set
                                   Forth Herein
                                   Exhibit A, 4

                       Table 7--EPA-Approved Pima County Air Pollution Control Regulations
                                                        State effective                           Additional
         County citation             Title/subject           date          EPA approval date      explanation
                                           Pre-1976 Rule Codification
                                        Regulation I--General Provisions
Rule 2..........................  Definitions.......  February 20, 1975.  May 11, 1977, 42    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 23802.           February 20,
Rule 3..........................  Standard            December 20, 1971.  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   Conditions.                             FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 19.........................  Decisions of        December 20, 1971.  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   Hearing Board;                          FR 15080.           26, 1972.
                                   Effective Date.
Rule 20.........................  Judicial Review;    December 20, 1971.  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   Grounds;                                FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 21.........................  Notice of Hearing;  December 20, 1971.  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   Publication;                            FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 22.........................  Hearing Board Fees  December 20, 1971.  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                                                           FR 15080.           26, 1972.
                                       Regulation II--Emissions Prohibited
Rule 2B.........................  Emissions of        March 19, 1974....  September 19,       Submitted on March
                                   Particulate                             1977, 42 FR 46926.  19, 1974.
Rule 3..........................  Emissions of        December 20, 1971.  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   Gases, Vapors,                          FR 15080.           26, 1972.
                                   Fumes or Odors.
Rule 5..........................  Organic Solvents..  December 20, 1971.  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                                                           FR 15080.           26, 1972.
Rule 7..........................  Emissions of        December 20, 1971.  July 27, 1972, 37   Submitted on May
                                   Certain Sulfur                          FR 15080.           26, 1972.

[[Page 85062]]

                                           1976-1978 Rule Codification
                                        Regulation I--General Provisions
Rule 2, paragraphs uu-yy........  Definitions.......  June 21, 1976.....  July 19, 1977, 42   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 36998.           September 30,
                                      Regulation II--Fuel Burning Equipment
Rule 2G (Paragraphs 1-4c).......  Particulate         June 21, 1976.....  July 19, 1977, 42   Submitted on
                                   Emissions.                              FR 36998.           September 30,
Rule 7A (Paragraph 1)...........  Sulfur Dioxide      June 21, 1976.....  July 19, 1977, 42   Submitted on
                                   Emissions.                              FR 36998.           September 30,
                                                                                               1976. Paragraphs
                                                                                               2 to 5 were
                                                                                               disapproved. See
                                                                                               42 FR 36998 (July
                                                                                               19, 1977).
Rule 7B (Paragraph 1)...........  Nitrogen Oxide      June 21, 1976.....  July 19, 1977, 42   Submitted on
                                   Emissions.                              FR 36998.           September 30,
                                Regulation VII--New Source Performance Standards
Regulation VII (Paragraphs A-D).  Standards of        June 21, 1976.....  July 19, 1977, 42   Submitted on
                                   Performance for                         FR 36998.           September 30,
                                   New Stationary                                              1976.
                    Regulation VIII--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
Regulation VIII (Paragraphs A-C)  Emissions           June 21, 1976.....  July 19, 1977, 42   Submitted on
                                   Standards for                           FR 36998.           September 30,
                                   Hazardous Air                                               1976.
                                           1979-1993 Rule Codification
                                          Chapter I: General Provisions
Rule 101........................  Declaration of      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Policy.                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 102........................  Purpose...........  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 103........................  Authority.........  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 111........................  General             August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Applicability.                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 112........................  State and/or        August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   County.                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 113........................  Limitations.......  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 121........................  Air Quality         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Control District.                       FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 122........................  Executive Head....  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 123........................  Governing Body....  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 151........................  Severability        August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Clause.                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 161........................  Format............  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 162........................  Headings and        August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Special Type.                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 163........................  Use of Number and   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Gender.                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 165........................  Effective Date....  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 166........................  Adoption by         December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                   Reference.                              53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                                                           vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Rule 171........................  Words, Phrases,     December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                   and Terms.                              53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                                                           vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Rule 171 [paragraphs B.1 (``Air   Words, Phrases,     August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on
 Contaminant or Air Pollutant'',   and Terms.                              FR 29532.           October 9, 1979.
 B.1.a (``Common Air
 Pollutant''), B.7 (``Emission
 or Emissions''), B.8 (``Source
 or Existing Source''), C.1.a
 (``Existing Source''), C.1.b
 (``New Source''), C.2.a
 (``Major Source''), C.2.c
 (``New Major Source''), C.2.d
 (``Modification or
 Alteration''), C.3.a
 (``Stationary Source''), E.1.b
 (``Lowest Achievable Emission
 Rate'' )].
Rule 172........................  Meanings of         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Mathematical                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 173........................  Chemical Symbols    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   and Abbreviations.                      FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 174........................  Scientific Units..  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 175........................  Acronyms..........  December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                                                           53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                                                           vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
                                               Chapter II: Permits
Rule 201........................  Statutory           August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Authority.                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.

[[Page 85063]]

Rule 202, paragraph D only......  Installation        December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                   Permits.                                53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                                                           vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Rule 202........................  Installation        August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Permits.                                FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 203........................  Operating Permits.  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 211........................  Permit Application  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 212........................  Sampling, Testing,  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   and Analysis                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 213........................  Public              August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Notification/                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Public Comments.
Rule 215........................  Permit Revocation.  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 221........................  General Control...  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 222........................  Permit Display or   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Posting.                                FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 223........................  Permit              August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Transferability.                        FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 224........................  Fugitive Dust       August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Producing                               FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 225........................  Open Burning        August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Permit Conditions.                      FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 226........................  Permits for State-  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Delegated                               FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Emission Sources.
Rule 231........................  Non-Compliance....  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 232........................  Notification of     August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Denial.                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 241........................  General Provisions  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 242........................  Installation        June 1, 1981......  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   Permit Fees/Non-                        FR 16326.           1, 1981.
                                   Fee Requirements.
Rule 243........................  Open Burning        August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Permit Fees.                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 244........................  Operating Permit    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Fees.                                   FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 251........................  Permit Fee Studies  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Related to                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 252........................  Periodic Review of  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Individual Fee                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 261........................  Compliance          June 1, 1981......  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   Inspections.                            FR 16326.           1, 1981.
                                       Tables Cited by Rules in Chapter II
Table 242.......................  Activity            August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Installation                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Requirements for
Table 243.......................  Open Burning        June 1, 1981......  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   Permit Fee                              FR 16326.           1, 1981.
Table 244-A.....................  Equipment           June 1, 1981......  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   Operating Permit                        FR 16326.           1, 1981.
                                   Fee Schedules for
Table 244-B.....................  Equipment           June 1, 1981......  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
                                   Operating Permit                        FR 16326.           1, 1981.
                                   Fee Schedules for
Table 244-C.....................  Activity Operating  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Permit Fee                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                    Chapter III: Universal Control Standards
Rule 301........................  Planning,           August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Constructing, or                        FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Operating Without
                                   a Permit.
Rule 302........................  Non-Compliance      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   with Applicable                         FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 312........................  Asphalt Kettles...  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 313........................  Incinerators......  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 314........................  Petroleum Liquids.  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 315........................  Roads and Streets.  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 316........................  Particulate         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Materials.                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 318........................  Vacant Lots and     August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Open Spaces.                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 321........................  Standards and       August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Applicability.                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 331........................  Applicability.....  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 332........................  Compilation of      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Mass Rates and                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 341........................  Applicability.....  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 342........................  Mass--Concentratio  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   n Ceilings.                             FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 343........................  Visibility          August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Limiting                                FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 344........................  Odor Limiting       August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Standards.                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 371........................  Tucson              December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                   Nonattainment                           53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                   Areas.                                  vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Rule 372........................  Ajo Area..........  December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                                                           53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                                                           vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Rule 373........................  General County      December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                   Areas.                                  53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                                                           vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.

[[Page 85064]]

Figure 371-A....................  Tucson              December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                   Nonattainment                           53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                   Area for Total                          vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                   Suspended                               on January 29,
                                   Particulates.                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Figure 371-C....................  Tucson              December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                   Nonattainment                           53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                   Area for Carbon                         vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                   Monoxide.                               on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Figure 372......................  Approximate         December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
                                   Boundaries of Ajo                       53 FR 30220;        October 18,
                                   Area.                                   vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
Rule 381, paragraph A,            ADHS Nonattainment- December 6, 1983..  August 10, 1988,    Submitted on
 subparagraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, and     Area Standards.                         53 FR 30220;        October 18,
 5, and paragraph B only.                                                  vacated; restored   1985.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
                                      Tables Cited by Rules in Chapter III
Table 321, excluding the          Emissions-          August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Approval excludes
 ``Asbestos-Containing             Discharge Opacity                       FR 16326.           the ``Asbestos-
 Operation'' standards.            Limiting                                                    Containing
                                   Standards.                                                  Operation''
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               October 9, 1979.
Table 332, excluding lines (h)-   Emissions-          August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Approval excludes
 (m).                              Discharge Mass                          FR 16326.           lines (h)-(m).
                                   Limiting                                                    Submitted on
                                   Standards.                                                  October 9, 1979.
Table 341, excluding the          Maximum Allowable   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Approval excludes
 Beryllium ceilings.               Pollutant-                              FR 16326.           the beryllium
                                   Concentration                                               ceilings.
                                   Ceilings in                                                 Submitted on
                                   Ambient Air.                                                October 9, 1979.
                             Chapter IV: Performance Standards for New Major Sources
Rule 402........................  Stack and Shop      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Emissions.                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 403........................  Applicability of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   More Than One                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 411........................  Tucson Area.......  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 412........................  Ajo Area..........  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 413........................  General County      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Areas.                                  FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 421........................  Applicability.....  August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 29532.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 422........................  TSP Clean Air Plan  August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on
                                                                           FR 29532.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 423........................  TSP Emission Data   August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on
                                   Bank.                                   FR 29532.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 424........................  Emission Offset     August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on
                                   Requirement.                            FR 29532.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 425........................  Lowest Achievable   August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on
                                   Emission Rate.                          FR 29532.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 426........................  Existing Sources    August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on
                                   in Compliance.                          FR 29532.           October 9, 1979.
                                        Chapter V: Testing and Monitoring
Rule 501........................  Applicability of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Methodology.                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 502........................  Testing             August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Frequencies.                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 503........................  Notification; Fees  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 504, part E, paragraph 2...  Pre-Installation    August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on June
                                   Testing or                              FR 29532.           1, 1981.
Rule 504........................  Pre-Installation    August 17, 1979...  July 7, 1982, 47    Submitted on
                                   Testing or                              FR 29532.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 505........................  Sampling and        August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Testing                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 506........................  Stack Sampling....  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 507........................  Waiver of Test      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Requirements.                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 511........................  General             August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Requirements.                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 512........................  In-Stack            August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Monitoring.                             FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                     Chapter VI: Recordkeeping and Reporting
Regulation 60 (``Classification   Classification of   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 of Pollutants''), Rule 601.       Common and                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Hazardous Air
Rule 611, paragraph A only......  Recordkeeping for   June 1, 1981......  April 16, 1982, 47  Approval included
                                   Compliance                              FR 16326.           paragraph A only.
                                   Determinations.                                             Submitted on June
                                                                                               1, 1981.
Rule 611, paragraphs A.1 to A.3   Recordkeeping for   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Approval included
 only.                             Compliance                              FR 16326.           paragraphs A.1 to
                                   Determinations.                                             A.3 only.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               October 9, 1979.
Rule 612........................  Recordkeeping for   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Emissions                               FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 621........................  Reporting for       August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Compliance                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 622........................  Reporting as a      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Permit                                  FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 623........................  Reporting for       August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Emissions                               FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 624........................  Reporting for TSP   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Emission Data                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.

[[Page 85065]]

Rule 631........................  Confidentiality of  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Trade Secrets,                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Sales Data, and
Rule 641........................  Suppression; False  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Information.                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                       Tables Cited by Rules in Chapter VI
Table 603.......................  Methodology for     August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Entering Records                        FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   of Emissions into
                                   TSP Data Bank.
                                 Chapter VII: Violations and Judicial Procedures
Rule 701........................  Criminal Complaint  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 703........................  Injunction........  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 704........................  Precedence of       August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Actions.                                FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 705........................  Penalties.........  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 706, paragraphs D.1 and D.2  Reviews for         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Approval included
 only.                             Startup,                                FR 16326.           paragraphs D.1
                                   Shutdown, or                                                and D.2 only.
                                   Malfunctions.                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               1, 1981.
Rule 706, paragraphs A to C,      Reviews for         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Approval included
 D.3, D.4, and E only.             Startup,                                FR 16326.           paragraphs A to
                                   Shutdown, or                                                C, D.3, D.4, and
                                   Malfunctions.                                               E only. Submitted
                                                                                               on October 9,
Rule 721........................  Evasion of Basic    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Requirements.                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 722........................  Concealment of      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Emissions.                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                              Chapter VIII: Emergency Episodes and Public Awareness
Rule 801........................  State Jurisdiction  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                                                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 802........................  Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Emergency                               FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 803........................  Emergency Episode   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Reporting.                              FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 804........................  Enforcement         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Actions.                                FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 811........................  Continuous          August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Monitoring of                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Ambient Air
Rule 821........................  Reports to the      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Public.                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 822........................  General             August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Information.                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 823........................  Public              August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Participation in                        FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                      Tables Cited by Rules in Chapter VIII
Table 802.......................  Air Pollution       August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Episode Criteria.                       FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Table 804.......................  Possible Control    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Actions During                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Various Stages of
                                   an Air Pollution
                                              Chapter IX: Appendix
Rule 901........................  General Affidavit   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   of Delegation.                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 902........................  Political Sub-      August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Divisions                               FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 903........................  Large Power Plants  August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Delegation.                             FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 904........................  Unpaved Roads       August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Delegation.                             FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Sample and          August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Velocity                                FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 1.          Traverses for
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Stack Gas                               FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 2.          Velocity and
                                   Volumetric Flow
                                   Rate (Type S
                                   Pitot Tube).
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Gas Analysis for    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Carbon Dioxide,                         FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 3.          Excess Air, and
                                   Dry Molecular
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Moisture in Stack                       FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 4.          Gases.
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Particulate                             FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 5.          Emissions from
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Sulfur Dioxide                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 6.          Emissions from
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Nitrogen Oxide                          FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 7.          Emissions from
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Sulfuric Acid                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 8.          Mist and Sulfur
                                   Dioxide Emissions
                                   from Stationary

[[Page 85066]]

Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Visual              August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Determination of                        FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 9.          the Opacity of
                                   Emissions from
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Carbon Monoxide                         FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 10.         Emissions from
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Hydrogen Sulfide                        FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 11.         Emissions from
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Semi-Continuous     August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Determination of                        FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 16.         Sulfur Emissions
                                   from Stationary
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 Testing for Common Air            Particulate                             FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Pollutants''), Method 17.         Emissions from
                                   Sources (In-Stack
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    June 1, 1981......  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
 Testing for Common Air            Sulfur Dioxide                          FR 16326.           1, 1981.
 Pollutants''), Method 19.         Removal
                                   Efficiency and
                                   Sulfur Dioxide
                                   and Nitrogen
                                   Oxides Emission
                                   Rates from
                                   Electric Utility
                                   Steam Generators.
Rule 911 (``Emissions Discharge   Determination of    June 1, 1981......  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on June
 Testing for Common Air            Nitrogen Oxides,                        FR 16326.           1, 1981.
 Pollutants''), Method 20.         Sulfur Dioxide
                                   and Oxygen
                                   Emissions from
                                   Stationary Gas
Rule 913 (``Ambient Air Testing   Reference Method    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 for Common Air Pollutants''),     for the                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Method A.                         Determination of
                                   Sulfur Dioxide in
                                   the Atmosphere
Rule 913 (``Ambient Air Testing   Reference Method    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 for Common Air Pollutants''),     for the                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Method B.                         Determination of
                                   Particulates in
                                   the Atmosphere
                                   (High Volume
Rule 913 (``Ambient Air Testing   Measurement         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 for Common Air Pollutants''),     Principle and                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Method C.                         Calibration
                                   Procedure for the
                                   Measurement of
                                   Carbon Monoxide
                                   in the Atmosphere
Rule 913 (``Ambient Air Testing   Measurement         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 for Common Air Pollutants''),     Principle and                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Method D.                         Calibration
                                   Procedure for the
                                   Measurement of
                                   Ozone in the
Rule 913 (``Ambient Air Testing   Reference Method    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 for Common Air Pollutants''),     for Determination                       FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Method E.                         of Hydrocarbons
                                   Corrected for
Rule 913 (``Ambient Air Testing   Measurement         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 for Common Air Pollutants''),     Principle and                           FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Method F.                         Calibration
                                   Procedure for the
                                   Measurement of
                                   Nitrogen Dioxide
                                   in the Atmosphere
                                   (Gas Phase
Rule 913 (``Ambient Air Testing   Reference Method    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 for Common Air Pollutants''),     for the                                 FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Method G.                         Determination of
                                   Lead in Suspended
                                   Matter collected
                                   from Ambient Air.
Rule 913 (``Ambient Air Testing   Interpretation of   August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
 for Common Air Pollutants''),     the National                            FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
 Method H.                         Ambient Air
                                   Quality Standards
                                   for Ozone.
Rule 921........................  General             August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Specifications.                         FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 922........................  Performance         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Specification 1                         FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 923........................  Performance         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Specification 2                         FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   (SO2 and NOX).
Rule 924........................  Performance         August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Specification 3                         FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   (CO2 and O2).
Rule 931........................  Guideline on Air    August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Quality Models.                         FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
Rule 932........................  Workbook for        August 17, 1979...  April 16, 1982, 47  Submitted on
                                   Comparison of Air                       FR 16326.           October 9, 1979.
                                   Quality Models.
                                           Post-1993 Rule Codification
                                                Pima County Code
                                          Title 17. Air Quality Control
                                    Chapter 12. Permits and Permit Revisions
                                         Article V. Open Burning Permits
17.12.480.......................  Open burning        October 19, 2004..  May 16, 2006, 71    Submitted on
                                   permits.                                FR 28270.           December 30,
[dagger] Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA, 898 F.2d 687 (9th Cir.
  1990). Restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219.

[[Page 85067]]

    Table 8--EPA-Approved Ordinances Adopted by Pima County and Other Local Jurisdictions Within Pima County
                                                        State effective                           Additional
         County citation             Title/subject           date          EPA approval date      explanation
Pima County Ordinance No. 1988-   Travel Reduction    April 18, 1988....  January 29, 1991,   Submitted on May
 72.                               Ordinance.                              56 FR 3219.         26, 1988.
City of Tucson Ordinance No.      Travel Reduction    April 18, 1988....  January 29, 1991,   Submitted on May
 6914.                             Ordinance.                              56 FR 3219.         26, 1988.
City of South Tucson Ordinance    Travel Reduction    April 18, 1988....  January 29, 1991,   Adopted through
 88-01.                            Code.                                   56 FR 3219.         Resolutions No.
                                                                                               88-01 and 88-05.
Town of Marana Ordinance No. 88-  Travel Reduction    April 18, 1988....  January 29, 1991,   Adopted through
 06.                               Code.                                   56 FR 3219.         Resolutions No.
                                                                                               88-06 and 88-07.
                                                                                               Submitted on May
                                                                                               26, 1988.
Town of Oro Valley Ordinance No.  Travel Reduction    April 18, 1988....  January 29, 1991,   Adopted through
 162.                              Code.                                   56 FR 3219.         Resolutions No.
                                                                                               162, 326 and 327.

                      Table 9--EPA-Approved Pinal County Air Pollution Control Regulations
                                                        State effective                           Additional
         County citation             Title/subject           date          EPA approval date      explanation
                         Pinal-Gila Counties Air Pollution Control District Regulations
7-3-1.4(C)......................  Incineration......  August 7, 1980....  April 12, 1982, 47  Adopted by Pinal-
                                                                           FR 15579.           Gila Counties Air
                                                                                               Quality Control
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               August 7, 1980.
                                                                                               Deleted with
                                                                                               respect to Gila
                                                                                               County only July
                                                                                               25, 2001, 66 FR
7-3-1.4 (Excluding Paragraph C).  Particulate         March 19, 1974....  November 15, 1978,  Adopted by Pinal-
                                   Emissions--Incine                       43 FR 53031.        Gila Counties Air
                                   ration.                                                     Quality Control
                                                                                               District. EPA
                                                                                               paragraph C.
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               1, 1975. Deleted
                                                                                               with respect to
                                                                                               Gila County only
                                                                                               July 25, 2001, 66
                                                                                               FR 38565.
7-3-1.5.........................  Particulate         March 19, 1974....  November 15, 1978,  Adopted by Pinal-
                                   Emissions--Wood                         43 FR 53031.        Gila Counties Air
                                   Waste Burners.                                              Quality Control
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               1, 1975. Deleted
                                                                                               with respect to
                                                                                               Gila County only
                                                                                               July 25, 2001, 66
                                                                                               FR 38565.
7-3-1.7(F)......................  Fuel burning        August 7, 1980....  April 12, 1982, 47  Adopted by Pinal-
                                   equipment.                              FR 15579.           Gila Counties Air
                                                                                               Quality Control
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               August 7, 1980.
                                                                                               Deleted with
                                                                                               respect to Gila
                                                                                               County only July
                                                                                               25, 2001, 66 FR
7-3-1.7 (Excluding Paragraph F).  Particulate         March 19, 1974....  November 15, 1978,  Adopted by Pinal-
                                   Emissions--Fuel                         43 FR 53031.        Gila Counties Air
                                   Burning Equipment.                                          Quality Control
                                                                                               District. EPA
                                                                                               paragraph F.
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               1, 1975. Deleted
                                                                                               with respect to
                                                                                               Gila County only
                                                                                               July 25, 2001, 66
                                                                                               FR 38565.
7-3-2.4.........................  SO2 Emissions--     March 19, 1974....  November 15, 1978,  Adopted by Pinal-
                                   Sulfuric Acid                           43 FR 53031.        Gila Counties Air
                                   Plants.                                                     Quality Control
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               1, 1975. Deleted
                                                                                               with respect to
                                                                                               Gila County only
                                                                                               July 25, 2001, 66
                                                                                               FR 38565.
7-3-5.1.........................  NO2 Emissions--     March 19, 1974....  November 15, 1978,  Adopted by Pinal-
                                   Fuel Burning                            43 FR 53031.        Gila Counties Air
                                   Equipment.                                                  Quality Control
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               1, 1975. Deleted
                                                                                               with respect to
                                                                                               Gila County only
                                                                                               July 25, 2001, 66
                                                                                               FR 38565.
7-3-5.2.........................  NO2 Emissions--     March 19, 1974....  November 15, 1978,  Adopted by Pinal-
                                   Nitric Acid                             43 FR 53031.        Gila Counties Air
                                   Plants.                                                     Quality Control
                                                                                               Submitted on July
                                                                                               1, 1975. Deleted
                                                                                               with respect to
                                                                                               Gila County only
                                                                                               July 25, 2001, 66
                                                                                               FR 38565.

[[Page 85068]]

                              Pinal County Air Quality Control District Regulations
                                  Chapter 1. General Provisions and Definitions
1-1-010.........................  Declaration of      February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   policy.                                 FR 15717.           November 27,
1-1-020.........................  Air Quality         June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   Control District.                       FR 15717.           November 27,
1-1-030.........................  Executive head....  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
1-1-040.........................  Investigative       June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   authority.                              FR 15717.           November 27,
1-1-060.........................  Authority to        June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   study, cooperate                        FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   and hold public                                             1995.
1-1-070.........................  Severability        June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   clause.                                 FR 15717.           November 27,
1-1-080.........................  Preservation of     June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   rights.                                 FR 15717.           November 27,
1-1-090.........................  Copies and          November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   effective date.                         FR 15717.           November 27,
1-1-100.........................  Selecting           June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   interpretations.                        FR 15717.           November 27,
1-1-106.........................  Jurisdictional      February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   Statement.                              FR 15717.           November 27,
1-2-110.........................  Adopted             June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   document(s).                            FR 15717.           November 27,
1-2-120.........................  Adoptions by        November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   reference.                              FR 15717.           November 27,
1-3-140.........................  Definitions, 74,    July 23, 2014.....  August 10, 2015,    Adopted by the
                                   Hearing Board.                          80 FR 47859.        Pinal County
                                                                                               Board of
                                                                                               Resolution No.
                                                                                               Includes new text
                                                                                               that is
                                                                                               underlined and
                                                                                               excludes removed
                                                                                               text which was
                                                                                               struck by the
                                                                                               board. Submitted
                                                                                               by ADEQ on
                                                                                               September 4,
1-3-140.........................  Definitions.......  July 29, 1998.....  November 13, 2002,  Submitted on
                                                                           67 FR 68764.        October 7, 1998.
                                    Chapter 2. Ambient Air Quality Standards
2-1-010.........................  Purpose...........  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-1-020.........................  Particulate matter  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-1-030.........................  Sulfur oxide        June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   (sulfur dioxide).                       FR 15717.           November 27,
2-1-040.........................  Ozone.............  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-1-050.........................  Carbon monoxide...  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-1-060.........................  Nitrogen dioxide..  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-1-070.........................  Lead..............  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-2-080.........................  Air quality         June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   monitoring                              FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   methods.                                                    1995.
2-2-090.........................  Air quality         June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   monitoring                              FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   procedures.                                                 1995.
2-3-100.........................  Interpretation of   June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   ambient air                             FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   quality standards.                                          1995.
2-3-110.........................  Evaluation of air   June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   quality data.                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-4-120.........................  Purpose...........  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to
                                                                           FR 15717.           attainment area
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
2-4-130.........................  Adopted             June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   document(s).                            FR 15717.           November 27,
2-4-140.........................  Area                June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   classifications                         FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   within Pinal                                                1995.
2-4-150.........................  Attainment status   June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   in Pinal County.                        FR 15717.           November 27,
2-5-160.........................  Ambient air         October 12, 1995..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   increment                               FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   ceilings.                                                   1995.
2-5-170.........................  Baseline            June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   concentration.                          FR 15717.           November 27,
2-5-180.........................  Baseline date.....  October 12, 1995..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-5-190.........................  Baseline area.....  February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,

[[Page 85069]]

2-5-200.........................  Exemptions........  February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
2-5-210.........................  Violations of       June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   maximum allowable                       FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   increases.                                                  1995.
2-6-220.........................  Violations of       June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   national ambient                        FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   air quality                                                 1995.
2-7-230.........................  Purpose...........  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to air
                                                                           FR 15717.           pollution
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
2-7-240.........................  Episode procedures  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   guidelines.                             FR 15717.           November 27,
2-7-250.........................  Definitions.......  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to air
                                                                           FR 15717.           pollution
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
2-7-260.........................  Standards.........  June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to air
                                                                           FR 15717.           pollution
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
2-7-270.........................  Administrative      June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to air
                                   requirements.                           FR 15717.           pollution
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
2-8-280.........................  General...........  June 29, 1993.....  April 28, 2004, 69  Relates to limits
                                                                           FR 23103.           on visible
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
2-8-290.........................  Definitions.......  June 29, 1993.....  April 28, 2004, 69  Relates to limits
                                                                           FR 23103.           on visible
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
2-8-300.........................  Performance         May 18, 2005......  March 27, 2006, 71  Relates to limits
                                   Standards.                              FR 15043.           on visible
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               September 12,
2-8-302.........................  Performance         January 7, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Submitted on June
                                   Standards--Hayden                       FR 17307.           12, 2009.
2-8-310.........................  Exemptions........  June 29, 1993.....  April 28, 2004, 69  Relates to limits
                                                                           FR 23103.           on visible
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
2-8-320.........................  Monitoring and      June 29, 1993.....  April 28, 2004, 69  Relates to limits
                                   records.                                FR 23103.           on visible
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
                                     Chapter 3. Permits and Permit Revisions
3-1-010.........................  Purpose...........  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-030.........................  Definitions.......  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-040.........................  Applicability and   October 12, 1995..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   classes of                              FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   permits.                                                    1995.
3-1-042.........................  Operating           February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   authority and                           FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   obligations for a                                           1995.
                                   source subject to
                                   permit reopening.
3-1-050.........................  Permit application  October 12, 1995..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   requirements.                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-055.........................  Completeness        November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   determination.                          FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-060.........................  Permit application  February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   review process.                         FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-065.........................  Permit review by    November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   the EPA and                             FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   affected states.                                            1995.
3-1-070.........................  Permit application  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   grant or denial.                        FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-081.........................  Permit conditions.  February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-082.........................  Emission standards  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   and limitations.                        FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-083.........................  Compliance          February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   provisions.                             FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-084.........................  Voluntarily         February 22, 1995.  December 20, 2000,  Submitted on
                                   Accepted Federal                        65 FR 79742.        November 27,
                                   Enforceable                                                 1995.
                                   Effective Date.
3-1-085.........................  Notice by building  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   permit agencies.                        FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-087.........................  Permit reopening,   November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   reissuance and                          FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   termination.                                                1995.
3-1-089.........................  Permit term,        February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   renewal and                             FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   expiration.                                                 1995.
3-1-090.........................  Permit transfer...  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-102.........................  Permit shields....  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,

[[Page 85070]]

3-1-103.........................  Annual emissions    February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   inventory                               FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   questionnaire.                                              1995.
3-1-105.........................  Permits containing  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   the terms and                           FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   conditions of                                               1995.
                                   federal delayed
                                   compliance orders
                                   (DCO) or consent
3-1-107.........................  Public notice and   February 22, 1995.  December 20, 2000,  Submitted on
                                   participation.                          65 FR 79742.        November 27,
3-1-109.........................  Material permit     February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   condition.                              FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-110.........................  Investigative       November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   authority.                              FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-120.........................  Confidentiality of  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   records.                                FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-132.........................  Permit imposed      June 29, 1993.....  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   right of entry.                         FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-140.........................  Permit revocation.  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-150.........................  Monitoring........  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-160.........................  Test methods and    November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   procedures.                             FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-170.........................  Performance tests.  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-173.........................  Quality assurance.  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                                                           FR 15717.           November 27,
3-1-175.........................  Certification of    November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   truth, accuracy                         FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   and completeness.                                           1995.
3-1-177.........................  Stack height        November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   limitation.                             FR 15717.           November 27,
3-2-180.........................  Facility changes    November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   allowed without                         FR 15717.           November 27,
                                   permit revisions.                                           1995.
3-2-185.........................  Administrative      November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   permit amendments.                      FR 15717.           November 27,
3-2-190.........................  Minor permit        November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   revisions.                              FR 15717.           November 27,
3-2-195.........................  Significant permit  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Submitted on
                                   revisions.                              FR 15717.           November 27,
3-3-200.........................  Purpose...........  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                                                           FR 15717.           requirements for
                                                                                               new major sources
                                                                                               and major
                                                                                               modifications to
                                                                                               existing major
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
3-3-203.........................  Definitions.......  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                                                           FR 15717.           requirements for
                                                                                               new major sources
                                                                                               and major
                                                                                               modifications to
                                                                                               existing major
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
3-3-205.........................  Application         November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                   requirements.                           FR 15717.           requirements for
                                                                                               new major sources
                                                                                               and major
                                                                                               modifications to
                                                                                               existing major
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
3-3-210.........................  Application review  February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                   process.                                FR 15717.           requirements for
                                                                                               new major sources
                                                                                               and major
                                                                                               modifications to
                                                                                               existing major
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
3-3-250.........................  Permit and permit   February 22, 1995.  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                   revision                                FR 15717.           requirements for
                                   requirements for                                            new major sources
                                   sources located                                             and major
                                   in attainment and                                           modifications to
                                   unclassifiable                                              existing major
                                   areas.                                                      sources.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
3-3-260.........................  Air quality impact  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                   analysis and                            FR 15717.           requirements for
                                   monitoring                                                  new major sources
                                   requirements.                                               and major
                                                                                               modifications to
                                                                                               existing major
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
3-3-270.........................  Innovative control  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                   technology.                             FR 15717.           requirements for
                                                                                               new major sources
                                                                                               and major
                                                                                               modifications to
                                                                                               existing major
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,

[[Page 85071]]

3-3-275.........................  Air quality models  November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                                                           FR 15717.           requirements for
                                                                                               new major sources
                                                                                               and major
                                                                                               modifications to
                                                                                               existing major
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
3-3-280.........................  Visibility          November 3, 1993..  April 9, 1996, 61   Relates to permit
                                   protection.                             FR 15717.           requirements for
                                                                                               new major sources
                                                                                               and major
                                                                                               modifications to
                                                                                               existing major
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
3-8-700.........................  General Provisions  October 27, 2004..  May 16, 2006, 71    Relates to open
                                                                           FR 28270.           burning.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               December 30,
3-8-710.........................  Permit Provisions   October 27, 2004..  May 16, 2006, 71    Relates to open
                                   and                                     FR 28270.           burning.
                                   Administration.                                             Submitted on
                                                                                               December 30,
                          Chapter 4. Emissions from Existing and New Non-Point Sources
4-2-020.........................  Fugitive Dust--     December 4, 2002..  April 6, 2010, 75   Submitted on June
                                   General.                                FR 17307.           12, 2009.
4-2-030.........................  Fugitive Dust--     December 4, 2002..  April 6, 2010, 75   Submitted on June
                                   Definitions.                            FR 17307.           12, 2009.
4-2-040.........................  Standards.........  June 29, 1993.....  August 1, 2007, 72  Relates to
                                                                           FR 41896.           fugitive dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
4-2-050.........................  Monitoring and      May 14, 1997......  August 1, 2007, 72  Relates to
                                   Records.                                FR 41896.           fugitive dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               October 7, 1998.
4-4-100.........................  General Provisions  October 1, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to PM-10
                                                                           FR 17307.           Non-attainment
                                                                                               Area Rules;
                                                                                               Dustproofing and
                                                                                               Stabilization for
                                                                                               Unpaved Parking,
                                                                                               Drive and Working
                                                                                               Yards. Submitted
                                                                                               on June 12, 2009.
4-4-110.........................  Definitions.......  October 1, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to PM-10
                                                                           FR 17307.           Non-attainment
                                                                                               Area Rules;
                                                                                               Dustproofing and
                                                                                               Stabilization for
                                                                                               Unpaved Parking,
                                                                                               Drive and Working
                                                                                               Yards. Submitted
                                                                                               on June 12, 2009.
4-4-120.........................  Objective           October 1, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to PM-10
                                   Standards.                              FR 17307.           Non-attainment
                                                                                               Area Rules;
                                                                                               Dustproofing and
                                                                                               Stabilization for
                                                                                               Unpaved Parking,
                                                                                               Drive and Working
                                                                                               Yards. Submitted
                                                                                               on June 12, 2009.
4-4-130.........................  Work Practice       October 1, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to PM-10
                                   Standards.                              FR 17307.           Non-attainment
                                                                                               Area Rules;
                                                                                               Dustproofing and
                                                                                               Stabilization for
                                                                                               Unpaved Parking,
                                                                                               Drive and Working
                                                                                               Yards. Submitted
                                                                                               on June 12, 2009.
4-4-140.........................  Recordkeeping and   October 1, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to PM-10
                                   Records Retention.                      FR 17307.           Non-attainment
                                                                                               Area Rules;
                                                                                               Dustproofing and
                                                                                               Stabilization for
                                                                                               Unpaved Parking,
                                                                                               Drive and Working
                                                                                               Yards. Submitted
                                                                                               on June 12, 2009.
4-5-150.........................  Stabilization for   October 1, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to PM-10
                                   Residential                             FR 17307.           Non-attainment
                                   Parking and                                                 Area Rules;
                                   Drives;                                                     Stabilization for
                                   Applicability.                                              Residential
                                                                                               Parking and
                                                                                               Drives. Submitted
                                                                                               on June 12, 2009.
4-5-160.........................  Residential         October 1, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to PM-10
                                   Parking Control                         FR 17307.           Non-attainment
                                   Requirement.                                                Area Rules;
                                                                                               Stabilization for
                                                                                               Parking and
                                                                                               Drives. Submitted
                                                                                               on June 12, 2009.
4-5-170.........................  Deferred            October 1, 2009...  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to PM-10
                                   enforcement date.                       FR 17307.           Non-attainment
                                                                                               Area Rules;
                                                                                               Stabilization for
                                                                                               Parking and
                                                                                               Drives. Submitted
                                                                                               on June 12, 2009.

[[Page 85072]]

4-7-210.........................  Definitions.......  June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                                                           FR 17307.           Construction
                                                                                               Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-214.........................  General Provisions  June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                                                           FR 17307.           Construction
                                                                                               Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-218.........................  Applicability;      June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                   Development                             FR 17307.           Construction
                                   Activity.                                                   Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-222.........................  Owner and/or        June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                   Operator                                FR 17307.           Construction
                                   Liability.                                                  Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-226.........................  Objective           June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                   Standards; Sites.                       FR 17307.           Construction
                                                                                               Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-230.........................  Obligatory Work     June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                   Practice                                FR 17307.           Construction
                                   Standards; Sites.                                           Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-234.........................  Nonattainment-Area  June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                   Dust Permit                             FR 17307.           Construction
                                   Program; General                                            Sites in Non-
                                   Provisions.                                                 Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-238.........................  Nonattainment Area  June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                   Site Permits.                           FR 17307.           Construction
                                                                                               Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-242.........................  Nonattainment Area  June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                   Block Permits.                          FR 17307.           Construction
                                                                                               Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-7-246.........................  Recordkeeping and   June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Relates to
                                   Records Retention.                      FR 17307.           Construction
                                                                                               Sites in Non-
                                                                                               Attainment Areas--
                                                                                               Fugitive Dust.
                                                                                               Submitted on June
                                                                                               12, 2009.
4-9-320.........................  Test Methods for    June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Submitted on June
                                   Stabilization for                       FR 17307.           12, 2009.
                                   Unpaved Roads and
                                   Unpaved Parking
4-9-340.........................  Visual Opacity      June 3, 2009......  April 6, 2010, 75   Submitted on June
                                   Test Methods.                           FR 17307.           12, 2009.
                               Chapter 5. Stationary Source Performance Standards
5-18-740........................  Storage of          February 22, 1995.  December 26, 2000,  Submitted on
                                   Volatile Organic                        65 FR 81371.        November 27,
                                   Compounds--Organi                                           1995.
                                   c Compound
5-19-800........................  General...........  February 22, 1995.  December 26, 2000,  Relates to loading
                                                                           65 FR 81371.        of organic
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               November 27,
5-22-950........................  Fossil Fuel Fired   February 22, 1995.  September 29,       Submitted on
                                   Steam Generator                         2000, 65 FR 58359.  November 27,
                                   Standard                                                    1995.
5-22-960........................  Fossil Fuel Fired   February 22, 1995.  September 29,       Submitted on
                                   Steam Generator                         2000, 65 FR 58359.  November 27,
                                   Sulfur Dioxide                                              1995.
5-24-1032.......................  Federally           February 22, 1995.  April 17, 2012, 77  Submitted on
                                   Enforceable                             FR 22676.           November 27,
                                   Minimum Standard                                            1995.
                                   of Performance--
5-24-1040.......................  Carbon Monoxide     February 22, 1995.  April 28, 2004, 69  Submitted on
                                   Emissions--Indust                       FR 23103.           November 27,
                                   rial Processes.                                             1995.
5-24-1045.......................  Sulfite Pulp        February 22, 1995.  September 29,       Submitted on
                                   Mills--Sulfur                           2000, 65 FR 58359.  November 27,
                                   Compound                                                    1995.
5-24-1055.......................  Pumps and           February 22, 1995.  December 26, 2000,  Submitted on
                                   Compressors--Orga                       65 FR 81371.        November 27,
                                   nic Compound                                                1995.

    (d) EPA-approved source-specific requirements.

[[Page 85073]]

                                    EPA-Approved Source-Specific Requirements
         Name of source            Order/permit No.     Effective date     EPA approval date      Explanation
                                   Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Arizona Electric Power            Significant         May 13, 2014......  April 10, 2015, 80  Permit issued by
 Cooperative's Apache Generating   Revision No.                            FR 19220.           the Arizona
 Station.                          59195 to Air                                                Department of
                                   Quality Control                                             Environmental
                                   Permit No. 55412,                                           Quality.
                                   excluding section                                           Submitted on May
                                   V.D.                                                        13, 2014.
                                     Maricopa County Air Quality Department
W.R. Meadows of Arizona, Inc.,    V98-0004,           February 17, 2005.  June 14, 2005, 70   Permit issued by
 Goodyear, Arizona.                condition 23.                           FR 34357.           the Maricopa
                                                                                               County Air
                                                                                               Submitted on
                                                                                               April 20, 2005.

    (e) EPA-approved Arizona nonregulatory provisions and quasi-
regulatory measures.

                       Table 1--EPA-Approved Non-Regulatory and Quasi-Regulatory Measures
       [Excluding certain resolutions and statutes, which are listed in tables 2 and 3, respectively] \1\
                                     geographic or      State submittal
      Name of SIP provision       nonattainment area         date          EPA approval date      Explanation
                                   or title/subject
                         The State of Arizona Air Pollution Control Implementation Plan
    Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) State Implementation Plan Elements (Excluding Part D Elements and Plans)
Chapter 1--Introduction.........  State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
                                                                           FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Appendix G--Policy Statement on   State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
 Air Pollution Control.                                                    FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Chapter 2--Legal Authority,       State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
 excluding section 2.9                                                     FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
 (``Jurisdiction over Indian                                                                   1972; received by
 Lands'').                                                                                     EPA on May 30,
                                                                                               1972. See table 1
                                                                                               of subsection (c)
                                                                                               and table 3 of
                                                                                               subsection (e).
                                                                                               Section 2.9 was
                                                                                               deleted without
                                                                                               replacement at 81
                                                                                               FR 7209 (February
                                                                                               11, 2016).
Assertion of State Jurisdiction   Apache, Navajo,     February 3, 1975..  July 31, 1978, 43   ..................
 over Apache, Navajo, Santa        Santa Cruz,                             FR 33245.
 Cruz, and Yavapai Counties;       Yavapai, Cochise,
 Assertion of State Jurisdiction   and Mohave
 over Cochise County; and          Counties.
 Assertion of State Jurisdiction
 over specific sources in Mohave
Chapter 3--Air Quality Data.....  State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
                                                                           FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Chapter 4--Emission Data........  State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
                                                                           FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Chapter 5--Air Quality            State-wide........  February 15, 1980.  August 10, 1981,    ..................
 Surveillance Network (February                                            46 FR 40512.
Chapter 6--Control Strategy.....  State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   SIP elements
                                                                           FR 15080.           developed to
                                                                                               address CAA
                                                                                               requirements in
                                                                                               areas as well as
                                                                                               maintenance plans
                                                                                               are listed at the
                                                                                               end of this
Chapter 7--Compliance Schedules.  State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
                                                                           FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Chapter 8--Emergency Episode      State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
 Prevention.                                                               FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Appendix E--Emergency Episode     State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
 Communications Manual.                                                    FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Chapter 9--Review of New Sources  State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
 and Modifications.                                                        FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,

[[Page 85074]]

Setting Applicability             State-wide........  Submitted on        November 2, 2015,   ..................
 Thresholds, pages 1547-1549 in                        October 29, 2012,   80 FR 67319.
 Appendix A to ``State                                 and supplemented
 Implementation Plan Revision:                         on September 6,
 New Source Review'' adopted on                        2013 and July 2,
 October 29, 2012.                                     2014.
Memorandum, ``Proposed Final      State-wide........  Submitted on        November 2, 2015,   ..................
 Permits to be Treated as                              October 29, 2012,   80 FR 67319.
 Appealable Agency Actions,''                          and supplemented
 dated February 10, 2015, from                         on September 6,
 Eric Massey, Air Quality                              2013 and July 2,
 Division Director to Balaji                           2014.
 Vaidyanathan, Permit Section
 Manager, submitted on February
 23, 2015..
``State Implementation Plan       State-wide........  Submitted on        November 2, 2015,   ..................
 Revision: New Source Review--                         October 29, 2012,   80 FR 67319.
 Supplement,'' relating to the                         and supplemented
 division of jurisdiction for                          on September 6,
 New Source Review in Arizona,                         2013 and July 2,
 adopted on July 2, 2014.                              2014.
Letter from the Arizona           State-wide........  June 1, 1988......  August 10, 1988,    The commitments
 Department of Environmental                                               53 FR 30220;        apply to the
 Quality, dated June 1, 1988,                                              vacated; restored   issuance of, or
 committing to administer the                                              on January 29,      revision to,
 provisions of the Federal New                                             1991, 56 FR 3219.   permits for any
 Source Review regulations                                                                     source which is a
 consistent with EPA's                                                                         major stationary
 requirements.                                                                                 source or major
                                                                                               modification as
                                                                                               defined in 40
                                                                                               CFR, part 51,
Letter from Maricopa County       Maricopa County...  July 25, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    The commitments
 Department of Health Services,                                            53 FR 30224;        apply to the
 Division of Public Health,                                                vacated; restored   issuance of, or
 dated April 28, 1988,                                                     on January 29,      revision to,
 committing to administer the                                              1991, 56 FR 3219.   permits for any
 New Source Review provisions of                                                               source which is a
 their regulations consistent                                                                  major stationary
 with EPA's requirements.                                                                      source or major
                                                                                               modification as
                                                                                               defined in 40
                                                                                               CFR, part 51,
Letter from the Pima County       Pima County.......  July 22, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    The commitments
 Health Department, Office of                                              53 FR 30220;        apply to the
 Environmental Quality, dated                                              vacated; restored   issuance of, or
 April 24, 1988 committing to                                              on January 29,      revision to,
 administer the New Source                                                 1991, 56 FR 3219.   permits for any
 Review provisions of their                                                                    source which is a
 regulations consistent with                                                                   major stationary
 EPA's requirements.                                                                           source or major
                                                                                               modification as
                                                                                               defined in 40
                                                                                               CFR, part 51,
State Implementation Plan         Gila County         September 20, 1979  January 14, 1983,   Issued by Arizona
 Determination of ``Good           (Hayden Copper                          48 FR 1717.         Department of
 Engineering Practice'' Stack      Smelter).                                                   Health Services.
Technical Basis of New Source     Pima County.......  February 28, 1980.  July 7, 1982, 47    ..................
 Review Regulations, Pima                                                  FR 29532.
 County, Arizona, February 6,
 1980 (AQ-125-a).
Chapter 10--Source Surveillance.  State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
                                                                           FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Chapter 11--Rules and             State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Also, see tables 1
 Regulations.                                                              FR 15080.           through 6 in
                                                                                               section 40 CFR
Chapter 12--Intergovernmental     State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
 Cooperation.                                                              FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Chapter 13--Resources...........  State-wide........  May 26, 1972......  July 27, 1972, 37   Submittal letter
                                                                           FR 15080.           is dated May 26,
                                                                                               1972; received by
                                                                                               EPA on May 30,
Small Business Stationary Source  State-wide........  February 1, 1995..  June 15, 1995, 60   Adopted by the
 Technical and Environmental                                               FR 31411.           Arizona
 Compliance Assistance Program.                                                                Department of
                                                                                               Quality on
                                                                                               February 1, 1995.
Small Business Stationary Source  State-wide........  November 13, 1992.  June 15, 1995, 60   Adopted by the
 Technical and Environmental                                               FR 31411.           Arizona
 Compliance Assistance Program.                                                                Department of
                                                                                               Quality on
                                                                                               November 13,
A Revised Analysis of Lead        Pima County.......  September 26, 1980  June 30, 1982, 47   ..................
 Emissions and Ambient-Air                                                 FR 28374.
 Concentrations in Pima County,
Arizona Lead SIP Revision.......  State-wide........  April 1, 1980.....  June 30, 1982, 47   ..................
                                                                           FR 28374.

[[Page 85075]]

Arizona State Implementation      Source-Specific...  May 13, 2014......  April 10, 2015, 80  Submitted on May
 Plan, Revision to the Arizona                                             FR 19220.           13, 2014.
 Regional Haze Plan for Arizona
 Electric Power Cooperative,
 Incorporated, Apache Generating
 Station, excluding the
Arizona State Implementation      Source-Specific...  May 3, 2013.......  July 30, 2013, 78   ..................
 Plan Revision, Regional Haze                                              FR 46142.
 Under Section 308 of the
 Federal Regional Haze Rule (May
 2013), excluding:.
    (i) Chapter 10, section 10.7
     (regarding ASARCO Hayden
     Smelter (PM10 emissions)
     and Chemical Lime Company--
     Nelson Lime Plant);
    (ii) Chapter 11, except
     subsection 11.3.1(3)
     (``Focus on SO2 and NOX
    (iii) Appendix D: chapter I,
     except for the footnotes in
     tables 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 to
     the entries for AEPCO
     [Apache], and the entry in
     table 1.2 for Freeport-
     McMoRan Miami Smelter;
     chapter VI, section C
     (regarding PM10 emissions
     from ASARCO Hayden
     smelter); chapter XII,
     section C, and chapter
     XIII, subsection D; and
    (iv) Appendix E.
Arizona State Implementation      Source-Specific...  February 28, 2011.  July 30, 2013, 78   ..................
 Plan, Regional Haze Under                                                 FR 46142.
 Section 308 of the Federal
 Regional Haze Rule (January
 2011), excluding:.
    (i) Chapter 6: table 6.1;
     chapter 10: sections 10.4,
     10.6 (regarding Unit I4 at
     the Irvington (Sundt)
     Generating Station), 10.7,
     and 10.8; chapter 11;
     chapter 12: sections 12.7.3
     (``Emission Limitation and
     Schedules of Compliance'')
     and 12.7.6
     (``Enforceability of
     Arizona's Measures''); and
     chapter 13: section 13.2.3
     (``Arizona and Other State
     Emission Reductions
    (ii) Appendix D: chapter I;
     chapter V (regarding Unit
     I4 at the Irvington (Sundt)
     Generating Station);
     chapter VI, sections C and
     D; chapter VII; chapter IX;
     chapter X, section E.1;
     chapter XI, section D;
     chapter XII, sections B and
     C; chapter XIII, sections
     B, C, and D; and chapter
     XIV, section D; and
    (iii) Appendix E.

[[Page 85076]]

Arizona State Implementation      Source-Specific...  February 28, 2011.  December 5, 2012,   Certain source-
 Plan, Regional Haze Under                                                 77 FR 72512.        specific Best
 Section 308 of the Federal                                                                    Available
 Regional Haze Rule: Appendix D,                                                               Retrofit
 Arizona BART--Supplemental                                                                    Technology (BART)
 Information:.                                                                                 limits at three
    (i) Table 1.1--NOX BART,
     entry for AEPCO [Apache],
     ST1 [Unit 1] only.
    (ii) Table 1.2--PM10 BART,
     entries for AEPCO [Apache],
     APS Cholla Power Plant and
     SRP Coronado Generating
    (iii) Table 1.3--SO2 BART,
     entries for AEPCO, APS
     Cholla Power Plant and SRP
     Coronado Generating
Arizona State Implementation      State-wide........  October 14, 2011..  August 10, 2015,    Adopted by the
 Plan Revision under Clean Air                                             80 FR 47859.        Arizona
 Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2);                                                                Department of
 Implementation of the 2008 Lead                                                               Environmental
 National Ambient Air Quality                                                                  Quality on
 Standards, excluding the                                                                      October 14, 2011.
SIP Revision: Clean Air Act       State-wide........  December 3, 2015..  May 19, 2016, 81    Adopted by the
 Section 110(a)(2)(D), 2008                                                FR 31513;           Arizona
 Ozone National Ambient Air                                                correcting          Department of
 Quality Standards (December 3,                                            amendment on June   Environmental
 2015).                                                                    6, 2016, 81 FR      Quality on
                                                                           31679.              December 3, 2015.
Arizona State Implementation      State-wide........  December 27, 2012.  August 10, 2015,    Adopted by the
 Plan Revision under Clean Air                                             80 FR 47859.        Arizona
 Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2);                                                                Department of
 2008 8-hour Ozone NAAQS,                                                                      Environmental
 excluding the appendices.                                                                     Quality on
                                                                                               December 27,
Ordinance No. 1993-128, Section   Pima County.......  December 19, 2013.  August 10, 2015,    Adopted by the
 1, 17.040.190 ``Composition''                                             80 FR 47859.        Board of
 Section 6, 17.24.040                                                                          Supervisors of
 ``Reporting for compliance                                                                    Pima County,
 evaluations''.                                                                                Arizona on
                                                                                               September 28,
Ordinance 2005-43, Chapter        Pima County.......  December 19, 2013.  August 10, 2015,    Adopted by the
 17.12, Permits and Permit                                                 80 FR 47859.        Board of
 Revisions, section 2, 17.12.040                                                               Supervisors of
 ``Reporting Requirements''.                                                                   Pima County,
                                                                                               Arizona on April
                                                                                               19, 2005.
Arizona State Implementation      State-wide........  October 14, 2009..  November 5, 2012,   Adopted by the
 Plan Revision under Clean Air                                             77 FR 66398.        Arizona
 Act Section 110(a)(1) and (2):                                                                Department of
 Implementation of 2006 PM2.5                                                                  Environmental
 National Ambient Air Quality                                                                  Quality on
 Standards, 1997 PM2.5 National                                                                October 14, 2009.
 Ambient Air Quality Standards,
 and 1997 8-Hour Ozone National
 Ambient Air Quality Standards,
 September 2009, excluding the
Final Supplement to the Arizona   State-wide........  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Adopted by the
 State Implementation Plan under                                           77 FR 66398.        Arizona
 Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(1)                                                               Department of
 and (2): Implementation of 2006                                                               Environmental
 PM2.5 National Ambient Air                                                                    Quality on August
 Quality Standards, 1997 PM2.5                                                                 24, 2012.
 National Ambient Air Quality
 Standards, and 1997 8-Hour
 Ozone National Ambient Air
 Quality Standards, August 2012,
 excluding the appendices.

[[Page 85077]]

Revision to the Arizona State     Statewide.........  May 24, 2007......  July 31, 2007, 72   Interstate
 Implementation Plan Under Clean                                           FR 41629.           Transport SIP
 Air Act Section                                                                               adopted by the
 110(a)(2)(D)(i)--Regional                                                                     Arizona
 Transport (May 2007).                                                                         Department of
                                                                                               Quality on May
                                                                                               24, 2007.
               Part D Elements and Plans (Other than for the Metropolitan Phoenix or Tucson Areas)
Ajo Sulfur Dioxide State          Ajo Sulfur Dioxide  June 18, 2002.....  November 3, 2003,   Adopted by the
 Implementation and Maintenance    Air Quality                             68 FR 62239.        Arizona
 Plan.                             Planning Area.                                              Department of
                                                                                               Quality on June
                                                                                               18, 2002.
Bullhead City Moderate Area PM10  Bullhead City PM10  February 7, 2002..  June 26, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Maintenance Plan and Request      Air Quality                             FR 43020.           Arizona
 for Redesignation to Attainment.  Planning Area.                                              Department of
                                                                                               Quality on
                                                                                               February 7, 2002.
Douglas Sulfur Dioxide            Douglas Sulfur      December 14, 2001.  February 28, 2006,  Adopted by the
 Nonattainment Area State          Dioxide Air                             71 FR 9941.         Arizona
 Implementation and Maintenance    Quality Planning                                            Department of
 Plan, dated November 29, 2001.    Area.                                                       Environmental
                                                                                               Quality on
                                                                                               December 14,
Modeling Supplement-Douglas       Douglas Sulfur      April 2, 2004.....  February 28, 2006,  Adopted by the
 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) State        Dioxide Air                             71 FR 9941.         Arizona
 Implementation and Maintenance    Quality Planning                                            Department of
 Plan.                             Area.                                                       Environmental
                                                                                               Quality on April
                                                                                               2, 2004.
Modeling and Emissions Inventory  Douglas Sulfur      September 16, 2005  February 28, 2006,  Adopted by the
 Supplement for the Douglas        Dioxide Air                             71 FR 9941.         Arizona
 Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment      Quality Planning                                            Department of
 Area State Implementation and     Area.                                                       Environmental
 Maintenance Plan and                                                                          Quality on
 Redesignation Request, dated                                                                  September 16,
 September 2005.                                                                               2005.
Final Miami Sulfur Dioxide        Miami Sulfur        June 26, 2002.....  January 24, 2007,   Adopted by ADEQ on
 Nonattainment Area State          Dioxide Air                             72 FR 3061.         June 26, 2002.
 Implementation and Maintenance    Quality Planning                                            Incorporates
 Plan (June 2002) (revised May     Area.                                                       replacement pages
 26, 2004), excluding appendix A                                                               for the cover
 (``SIP Support Information''),                                                                page and pages
 sections A.1 (``Pertinent                                                                     iii, 2, 3, 4 and
 Sections of the Arizona                                                                       49 enclosed with
 Administrative Code'') and A.2                                                                letter from ADEQ
 (``Information Regarding                                                                      dated June 30,
 Revisions to AAC R18-2-715 and                                                                2004. Includes a
 R18-2-715.01, `Standards of                                                                   letter from
 Performance for Primary Copper                                                                Stephen A. Owens,
 Smelters: Site Specific                                                                       Director, Arizona
 Requirements; Compliance and                                                                  Department of
 Monitoring' ''); and appendix D                                                               Environmental
 (``SIP Public Hearing                                                                         Quality, dated
 Documentation'').                                                                             June 20, 2006,
                                                                                               withdrawing a
                                                                                               request included
                                                                                               in the Miami
                                                                                               Sulfur Dioxide
                                                                                               Area State
                                                                                               and Maintenance
                                                                                               Plan and
                                                                                               requesting a
                                                                                               section 110(k)(6)
                                                                                               error correction.
Morenci Sulfur Dioxide            Morenci Sulfur      June 21, 2002.....  April 26, 2004, 69  Adopted by the
 Nonattainment Area State          Dioxide Air                             FR 22447.           Arizona
 Implementation and Maintenance    Quality Planning                                            Department of
 Plan.                             Area.                                                       Environmental
                                                                                               Quality on June
                                                                                               21, 2002.
Final Update of the Limited       Payson PM10 Air     January 23, 2012..  March 19, 2014, 79  Adopted by the
 Maintenance Plan for the Payson   Quality Planning                        FR 15227.           Arizona
 PM10 Maintenance Area (December   Area.                                                       Department of
 2011).                                                                                        Environmental
                                                                                               Quality on
                                                                                               January 23, 2012.
Payson Moderate Area PM10         Payson PM10 Air     March 29, 2002....  June 26, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Maintenance Plan and Request      Quality Planning                        FR 43013.           Arizona
 for Redesignation to Attainment.  Area.                                                       Department of
                                                                                               Quality on March
                                                                                               29, 2002.
Arizona State Implementation      Nogales PM2.5       September 6, 2013.  February 9, 2015,   Adopted by the
 Plan Revision for the Nogales     Nonattainment                           80 FR 6907.         Arizona
 PM2.5 Nonattainment Area          Area.                                                       Department of
 (September 2013), including                                                                   Environmental
 appendices A and B.                                                                           Quality on
                                                                                               September 6.
Final 2012 State Implementation   Nogales PM10        August 24, 2012...  September 25,       ..................
 Plan Nogales PM10 Nonattainment   Nonattainment                           2012, 77 FR 58962.
 Area.                             Area.
Final Arizona State               San Manuel Sulfur   June 7, 2007......  January 18, 2008,   ..................
 Implementation Plan Revision,     Dioxide                                 73 FR 3396.
 San Manuel Sulfur Dioxide         Nonattainment
 Nonattainment Area, March 2007.   Area.

[[Page 85078]]

                     Part D Elements and Plans for the Metropolitan Phoenix and Tucson Areas
MAG 2014 State Implementation     Maricopa Eight-     September 2, 2014.  November 16, 2015,  Adopted by the
 Plan Revision for the Removal     Hour Ozone                              80 FR 70689.        Regional Council
 of Stage II Vapor Recovery        Nonattainment                                               of the Maricopa
 Controls in the Maricopa Eight-   Area.                                                       Association of
 Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area                                                                 Governments on
 (August 2014), excluding                                                                      August 27, 2014.
 appendix A, exhibit 2
 (``Arizona Revised Statutes
 Listed in Table 1-1'').
Final Addendum to the Arizona     Area A--i.e.,       January 11, 2011..  May 22, 2013, 78    Adopted by the
 State Implementation Plan         Phoenix                                 FR 30209.           Arizona
 Revision, Exemption of            metropolitan area.                                          Department of
 Motorcycles from Vehicle                                                                      Environmental
 Emissions Inspections and                                                                     Quality on
 Maintenance Program                                                                           January 11, 2011.
 Requirements in Area A, October
 2009 (December 2010).
Final Arizona State               Area A--i.e.,       November 6, 2009..  May 22, 2013, 78    Adopted by the
 Implementation Plan Revision,     Phoenix                                 FR 30209.           Arizona
 Exemption of Motorcycles from     metropolitan area.                                          Department of
 Vehicle Emissions Inspections                                                                 Environmental
 and Maintenance Program                                                                       Quality on
 Requirements in Area A (October                                                               November 6, 2009.
 2009), excluding appendices A
 and C.
September 2006 Supplement to      Areas A and B--     October 3, 2006...  March 30, 2007, 72  Adopted by the
 Final Arizona State               i.e., Phoenix and                       FR 15046.           Arizona
 Implementation Plan Revision,     Tucson                                                      Department of
 Basic and Enhanced Vehicle        metropolitan                                                Environmental
 Emissions Inspection/             areas.                                                      Quality on
 Maintenance Programs, December                                                                October 3, 2006.
 2005, excluding appendices.
Final Arizona State               Areas A and B--     December 23, 2005.  March 30, 2007, 72  Adopted by the
 Implementation Plan Revision,     i.e., Phoenix and                       FR 15046.           Arizona
 Basic and Enhanced Vehicle        Tucson                                                      Department of
 Emissions Inspection/             metropolitan                                                Environmental
 Maintenance Programs (December    areas.                                                      Quality on
 2005), excluding appendices.                                                                  December 23,
MAG 2013 Carbon Monoxide          Maricopa County     April 2, 2013.....  March 3, 2016, 81   Adopted by the
 Maintenance Plan for the          Carbon Monoxide                         FR 11120.           Arizona
 Maricopa County Area, March       Air Quality                                                 Department of
 2013.                             Planning Area.                                              Environmental
                                                                                               Quality on April
                                                                                               2, 2013.
MAG Carbon Monoxide               Maricopa County     June 16, 2003.....  March 9, 2005, 70   Adopted by the
 Redesignation Request and         Carbon Monoxide                         FR 11553.           Arizona
 Maintenance Plan for the          Air Quality                                                 Department of
 Maricopa County Nonattainment     Planning Area.                                              Environmental
 Area and Appendices, dated May                                                                Quality on June
 2003.                                                                                         16, 2003.
Revised MAG 1999 Serious Area     Maricopa County     April 18, 2001....  March 9, 2005, 70   Adopted by the
 Carbon Monoxide Plan for the      Carbon Monoxide                         FR 11553.           Maricopa
 Maricopa County Nonattainment     Air Quality                                                 Association of
 Area, dated March 2001.           Planning Area.                                              Governments on
                                                                                               March 28, 2001
                                                                                               and by the
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on April
                                                                                               18, 2001. March
                                                                                               9, 2005 final
                                                                                               rule was
                                                                                               corrected at
                                                                                               September 6,
                                                                                               2005, 70 FR
Addendum to MAG 1987 Carbon       Maricopa County...  July 22, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    Supplemental
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa                                            53 FR 30224;        information
 County Nonattainment Area, July                                           vacated; restored   related to the
 21, 1988.                                                                 on January 29,      SIP revision of
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   July 18, 1988.
                                                                                               Vacated by the
                                                                                               U.S. Court of
                                                                                               Appeals for the
                                                                                               Ninth Circuit in
                                                                                               Delaney v. EPA.
                                                                                               Control and
                                                                                               measures were
                                                                                               restored on
                                                                                               January 29, 1991,
                                                                                               56 FR 3219. EPA
                                                                                               disapproved the
                                                                                               conformity and
                                                                                               portions of the
                                                                                               1988 Addendum at
                                                                                               40 CFR
                                                                                               52.124(a)(1). See
                                                                                               56 FR 5458
                                                                                               (February 11,

[[Page 85079]]

Maricopa Association of           Maricopa County     October 5, 1987...  August 10, 1988,    Adopted on July
 Governments (MAG) 1987 Carbon     Carbon Monoxide                         53 FR 30224;        10, 1987. Vacated
 Monoxide (CO) Plan for the        Air Quality                             vacated; restored   by the U.S. Court
 Maricopa County Area, MAG CO      Planning Area.                          on January 29,      of Appeals for
 Plan Commitments for                                                      1991, 56 FR 3219.   the Ninth Circuit
 Implementation, and Appendix A                                                                in Delaney v.
 through E, Exhibit 4, Exhibit D.                                                              EPA. Control and
                                                                                               measures were
                                                                                               restored on
                                                                                               January 29, 1991,
                                                                                               56 FR 3219. EPA
                                                                                               disapproved the
                                                                                               conformity and
                                                                                               portions of the
                                                                                               1987 MAG CO Plan
                                                                                               at 40 CFR
                                                                                               52.124(a)(1). See
                                                                                               56 FR 5458
                                                                                               (February 11,
MAG 2014 Eight-Hour Ozone Plan--  Phoenix-Mesa 2008   July 2, 2014......  October 16, 2015,   ..................
 Submittal of Marginal Area        8-hour ozone                            80 FR 62457.
 Requirements for the Maricopa     nonattainment
 Nonattainment Area (June 2014),   area.
    (i) Sections titled ``A
     Nonattainment Area
     Preconstruction Permit
     Program--CAA section
     182(a)(2)(C),'' ``New
     Source Review--CAA, Title
     I, Part D,'' and ``Offset
     Requirements: 1:1 to 1
     (Ratio of Total Emission
     Reductions of Volatile
     Organic Compounds to Total
     Increased Emissions)--CAA
     Section 182(a)(4)'' on
     pages 8 and 9 and section
     titled ``Meet
     Transportation Conformity
     Requirements--CAA Section
     176(c)'' on pages 10 and 11.
    (ii) Appendices A and B.....
MAG Eight-Hour Ozone              Phoenix-Mesa 1997   March 23, 2009....  September 17,       Adopted by the
 Redesignation Request and         8-hour ozone                            2014, 79 FR 55645.  Arizona
 Maintenance Plan for the          maintenance area.                                           Department of
 Maricopa Nonattainment Area                                                                   Environmental
 (February 2009), excluding the                                                                Quality on March
 appendices.                                                                                   23, 2009.
Letter dated June 13, 2007 from   Phoenix-Mesa 1997   June 13, 2007.....  June 13, 2012, 77   Transmittal letter
 Stephen A. Owens, Director,       8-hour ozone                            FR 35285.           for Eight-Hour
 ADEQ to Wayne Nastri, Regional    nonattainment                                               Ozone Plan for
 Administrator, United States      area.                                                       the Maricopa
 Environmental Protection                                                                      Nonattainment
 Agency, Region IX.                                                                            Area (June 2007).
Eight-Hour Ozone Plan for the     Phoenix-Mesa 1997   June 13, 2007.....  June 13, 2012, 77   ..................
 Maricopa Nonattainment Area       8-hour ozone                            FR 35285.
 (June 2007), including            nonattainment
 Appendices, Volumes One and Two.  area.
One-Hour Ozone Redesignation      Maricopa County 1-  April 21, 2004....  June 14, 2005, 70   Adopted by the
 Request and Maintenance Plan      Hour Ozone Air                          FR 34362.           Maricopa
 for the Maricopa County           Quality Planning                                            Association of
 Nonattainment Area, dated March   Area.                                                       Governments
 2004.                                                                                         Regional Council
                                                                                               on March 26, 2004
                                                                                               and adopted by
                                                                                               the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on April
                                                                                               21, 2004.
Final Serious Area Ozone State    Maricopa County 1-  December 14, 2000.  June 14, 2005, 70   Adopted by the
 Implementation Plan for           Hour Ozone Air                          FR 34362.           Arizona
 Maricopa County, dated December   Quality Planning                                            Department of
 2000.                             Area.                                                       Environmental
                                                                                               Quality on
                                                                                               December 14,
Letter and enclosures regarding   Maricopa County 1-  December 7, 1998..  June 14, 2005, 70   Adopted by the
 Arizona's Intent to ``Opt-out''   Hour Ozone Air                          FR 34362.           Arizona
 of the Clean Fuel Fleet Program.  Quality Planning                                            Department of
                                   Area.                                                       Environmental
                                                                                               Quality on
                                                                                               December 7, 1998.

[[Page 85080]]

2012 Five Percent Plan for PM-10  Maricopa County PM- May 25, 2012......  June 10, 2014, 79   Adopted May 23,
 for the Maricopa County           10 Nonattainment                        FR 33107.           2012.
 Nonattainment Area, and           Area.
 Appendices Volume One and
 Volume Two.
2012 Five Percent Plan for PM-10  Pinal County        May 25, 2012......  June 10, 2014, 79   Adopted May 25,
 for the Pinal County Township 1   Township 1 North,                       FR 33107.           2012.
 North, Range 8 East               Range 8 East
 Nonattainment Area.               Nonattainment
Nonattainment Area Plan for       Maricopa County     November 8, 1979..  May 5, 1982, 47 FR  ..................
 Total Suspended Particulates,     Urban Planning                          19326.
 Maricopa County Urban Planning    Area.
Revision to the Nonattainment     Maricopa County     July 3, 1979......  May 5, 1982, 47 FR  ..................
 Area Plan for Carbon Monoxide     Urban Planning                          19326.
 and Photochemical Oxidants,       Area.
 Maricopa County Urban Planning
Nonattainment Area Plan for       Maricopa County     February 23, 1979.  May 5, 1982, 47 FR  ..................
 Carbon Monoxide and               Urban Planning                          19326.
 Photochemical Oxidants,           Area.
 Maricopa County Urban Planning
Letter supplementing the revised  Phoenix-Tucson      October 2, 1973...  December 3, 1973,   ..................
 transportation control plan.      Intrastate Air                          38 FR 33368.
                                   quality Control
Letter supplementing the revised  Phoenix-Tucson      September 21, 1973  December 3, 1973,   ..................
 transportation control plan.      Intrastate Air                          38 FR 33368.
                                   quality Control
Revised transportation control    Phoenix-Tucson      September 11, 1973  December 3, 1973,   EPA approved
 plan.                             Intrastate Air                          38 FR 33368.        various
                                   quality Control                                             transportation
                                   Region.                                                     control
                                                                                               including certain
                                                                                               elements of an
                                                                                               program, but
                                                                                               disapproved other
                                                                                               elements, and
                                                                                               approved certain
                                                                                               strategies with
2008 Revision to the Carbon       Tucson Air          July 10, 2008.....  December 21, 2009,  Adopted by the
 Monoxide Limited Maintenance      Planning Area.                          74 FR 67819.        Pima Association
 Plan for the Tucson Air                                                                       of Governments on
 Planning Area (for 2010),                                                                     June 26, 2008.
 excluding appendix D.
Appendix D (Revised)--Supplement  Tucson Air          June 22, 2009.....  December 21, 2009,  Letter from
 to the Carbon Monoxide Limited    Planning Area.                          74 FR 67819.        Arizona
 Maintenance Plan for the Tucson                                                               Department of
 Air Planning Area (for 2010).                                                                 Environmental
                                                                                               Quality re:
                                                                                               Vehicle Emissions
                                                                                               Program (VEIP),
                                                                                               Revised to
                                                                                               authorizing the
                                                                                               VEIP from 2009 to
                                                                                               2017. Adopted by
                                                                                               the Pima
                                                                                               Association of
                                                                                               Governments on
                                                                                               May 28, 2009.
1996 Carbon Monoxide Limited      Tucson Air          October 6, 1997...  June 8, 2000, 65    Approval includes
 Maintenance Plan for the Tucson   Planning Area.                          FR 36353;           base year (1994)
 Air Planning Area (as updated                                             corrected March     emissions
 August, 1997).                                                            18, 2004, 69 FR     inventory;
                                                                           12802.              contingency plan,
                                                                                               commitments to
                                                                                               maintenance plan
                                                                                               procedures by the
                                                                                               Pima Association
                                                                                               of Governments
                                                                                               and by the member
                                                                                               the town of Oro
                                                                                               Valley, Arizona
                                                                                               (Resolution No.
                                                                                               (R) 96-38,
                                                                                               adopted June 5,
                                                                                               1996), the City
                                                                                               of South Tucson
                                                                                               (Resolution No.
                                                                                               96-16, adopted on
                                                                                               June 10, 1996),
                                                                                               Pima County
                                                                                               (Resolution and
                                                                                               Order No. 1996-
                                                                                               120, adopted June
                                                                                               18, 1996), the
                                                                                               City of Tucson
                                                                                               (Resolution No.
                                                                                               17319, adopted
                                                                                               June 24, 1996),
                                                                                               and the town of
                                                                                               Marana, Arizona
                                                                                               (Resolution No.
                                                                                               96-55, adopted
                                                                                               June 18, 1996).

[[Page 85081]]

Commitment in the July 22, 1988   Pima County.......  July 22, 1988.....  January 29, 1991,   ..................
 submittal letter to apply the                                             56 FR 3219.
 oxygenated fuels program of the
 July 18, 1988 submittal to Pima
1987 Carbon Monoxide State        Tucson Air          January 6, 1988...  August 10, 1988,    Adopted on October
 Implementation Plan Revision      Planning Area.                          53 FR 30220;        21, 1987. Vacated
 for the Tucson Air Planning                                               vacated; restored   by the U.S. Court
 Area.                                                                     on January 29,      of Appeals for
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   the Ninth Circuit
                                                                                               in Delaney v.
                                                                                               EPA. Control and
                                                                                               measures were
                                                                                               restored on
                                                                                               January 29, 1991,
                                                                                               56 FR 3219.
Improvement Schedules for         Metropolitan Pima   March 8, 1982.....  July 7, 1982, 47    Adopted on October
 Transit System and Rideshare      County.                                 FR 29532.           21, 1987.
 Program in Metropolitan Pima
Metropolitan Pima County          Metropolitan Pima   March 27, 1979....  July 7, 1982, 47    ..................
 Nonattainment Area Plan for TSP.  County.                                 FR 29532.
Metropolitan Pima County          Metropolitan Pima   March 20, 1979....  July 7, 1982, 47    ..................
 Nonattainment Area Plan for CO.   County.                                 FR 29532.
Intergovernmental Agreement       Pima County.......  May 26, 1988......  January 29, 1991..  Related to motor
 (IGA) between Pima County, City                                                               vehicle trip
 of Tucson, City of South                                                                      reduction.
 Tucson, Town of Oro Valley and
 Town of Marana, April 18, 1988.
\1\ Table 1 is divided into three parts: Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) State Implementation Plan Elements
  (excluding Part D Elements and Plans), Part D Elements and Plans (other than for the Metropolitan Phoenix or
  Tucson Areas), and Part D Elements and Plans for the Metropolitan Phoenix and Tucson Areas.
[dagger] Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA, 898 F.2d 687 (9th Cir.
  1990). Restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219.

 Table 2--EPA-Approved Resolutions Adopted by Jurisdictions in Maricopa and Pinal Counties To Implement Measures
                             in PM-10 and Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plans
      Name of SIP provision          geographic or      State submittal    EPA approval date      Explanation
                                  nonattainment area         date
Resolution to Implement Measures  Maricopa County...  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted by the
 to Reduce Reentrained Dust                                                72 FR 46564.        Arizona
 Emissions from Targeted Paved                                                                 Department of
 Roads in the Revised PM-10                                                                    Transportation on
 State Implementation Plan for                                                                 September 17,
 the Salt River Area (including                                                                2004.
 Exhibit A and Arizona
 Department of Transportation
 Plan to Reduce Reentrained Dust
 Emissions from Targeted Paved
Resolution to Implement Measures  Maricopa County...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 in the MAG 1998 Serious Area                                              FR 48718.           Arizona
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for                                                                Department of
 the Maricopa County Area                                                                      Transportation on
 (including Exhibit A, 8 pages).                                                               July 17, 1998.
Resolution to Implement Measures  Maricopa County...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area                                              FR 48718.           Arizona
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and                                                                Department of
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon                                                                  Transportation on
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa                                                                June 20, 1997.
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 24 pages plus index page).
Resolution No. C-85-05-005-0-00:  Maricopa County...  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on January
 Resolution to Implement                                                   72 FR 46564.        19, 2005.
 Additional Measures for the
 Maricopa County, Arizona
 Serious PM-10 Nonattainment
 Area (including Exhibit A).

[[Page 85082]]

Resolution to Adopt the Revised   Maricopa County...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 MAG 1999 Serious Area                                                     FR 48718.           Maricopa
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for                                                                Association of
 the Maricopa County                                                                           Governments on
 Nonattainment Area (including                                                                 February 14,
 Exhibit A, 2 pages).                                                                          2000.
Resolution #9701: Resolution to   Maricopa County...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Implement Measures in the MAG                                             FR 48718.           Regional Public
 1997 Serious Area Particulate                                                                 Transportation
 Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998                                                                   Authority on June
 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide                                                                  12, 1997.
 Plan for the Maricopa County
 Area (including Exhibit A, 23
Resolution to Update Control      Maricopa County...  January 8, 2002...  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by
 Measure 6 in the Revised MAG                                              FR 48718.           Maricopa County
 1999 Serious Area Particulate                                                                 on December 19,
 Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa                                                               2001.
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 2 pages).
Resolution to Implement Measures  Maricopa County...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by
 in the MAG 1999 Serious Area                                              FR 48718.           Maricopa County
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for                                                                on December 15,
 the Maricopa County Area                                                                      1999.
 (including Exhibit A, 10 pages).
Resolution to Implement Measures  Maricopa County...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by
 in the MAG 1998 Serious Area                                              FR 48718.           Maricopa County
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for                                                                on February 17,
 the Maricopa County Area                                                                      1999.
 (including Exhibit A, 10 pages).
Resolution to Implement Measures  Maricopa County...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area                                              FR 48718.           Maricopa County
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for                                                                on November 19,
 the Maricopa County Area                                                                      1997.
 (including Exhibit A, 9 pages).
Resolution to Implement Measures  Maricopa County...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area                                              FR 48718.           Maricopa County
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and                                                                on June 25, 1997.
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon                                                                  Transcription
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa                                                                error ``1A998''
 County Area (including Exhibit                                                                in the original.
 A, 16 pages).
Resolution To Improve the         Maricopa County...  May 7, 1997.......  August 4, 1997, 62  Adopted by
 Administration of Maricopa                                                FR 41856.           Maricopa County
 County's Fugitive Dust Program                                                                on May 14, 1997.
 and to Foster Interagency
Resolution No. 04-24: A           City of Apache      October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 Resolution of the Mayor and       Junction.                               72 FR 46564.        September 21,
 City Council of the City of                                                                   2004.
 Apache Junction, Arizona,
 Implementing Measures to Reduce
 Reentrained Dust Emissions from
 Targeted Paved Roads in the
 Revised PM-10 State
 Implementation Plan for the
 Salt River Area (including
 Exhibit A).
Resolution No. 2448-04: A         City of Avondale..  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 Resolution of the Council of                                              72 FR 46564.        September 20,
 the City of Avondale, Arizona,                                                                2004.
 Implementing Measures to Reduce
 Reentrained Dust Emissions from
 Targeted Paved Roads in the
 Revised PM-10 State
 Implementation Plan for the
 Salt River Area (including
 Exhibit A).

[[Page 85083]]

Resolution No. 1949-99; A         City of Avondale..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Council of                                              FR 48718.           City of Avondale
 the City of Avondale, Maricopa                                                                on February 16,
 County, Arizona, Implementing                                                                 1999.
 Measures in the MAG 1998
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 7 pages).
Resolution No. 1711-97; A         City of Avondale..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the City Council                                            FR 48718.           City of Avondale
 of the City of Avondale,                                                                      on September 15,
 Maricopa County, Arizona, To                                                                  1997.
 Implement Measures in the MAG
 1997 Serious Area Particulate
 Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998
 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide
 Plan for the Maricopa County
 Area (including Exhibit A, 14
Resolution No. 58-04: A           Town of Buckeye...  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               72 FR 46564.        November 16,
 Town Council of the Town of                                                                   2004.
 Buckeye, Arizona, Implementing
 Measures to Reduce Reentrained
 Dust Emission from Targeted
 Paved Roads in the Revised PM-
 10 State Implementation Plan
 for the Salt River Area
 (including Exhibit A).
Resolution No. 15-97; A           Town of Buckeye...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Town Council                                            FR 48718.           Town of Buckeye
 of the Town of Buckeye,                                                                       on October 7,
 Maricopa County, Arizona, To                                                                  1997.
 Implement Measures in the MAG
 1997 Serious Area Carbon
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 5 pages).
Town of Carefree Resolution No.   Town of Carefree..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 98-24; A Resolution of the                                                FR 48718.           Town of Carefree
 Mayor and Common Council of the                                                               on September 1,
 Town of Carefree, Arizona, To                                                                 1998.
 Implement Measures in the MAG
 1998 Serious Area Particulate
 Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 4 pages).
Town of Carefree Resolution No.   Town of Carefree..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 97-16; A Resolution of the                                                FR 48718.           Town of Carefree
 Mayor and Common Council of the                                                               on September 2,
 Town of Carefree, Arizona, To                                                                 1997.
 Implement Measures in the MAG
 1997 Serious Area Particulate
 Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998
 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide
 Plan for the Maricopa County
 Area (including Exhibit A, 3
Resolution R98-14; A Resolution   Town of Cave Creek  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Mayor and Town Council                                             FR 48718.           Town of Cave
 of the Town of Cave Creek,                                                                    Creek on December
 Maricopa County, Arizona, To                                                                  8, 1998.
 Implement Measures in the MAG
 1998 Serious Area Particulate
 Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 1 page).

[[Page 85084]]

Resolution R97-28; A Resolution   Town of Cave Creek  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Mayor and Town Council                                             FR 48718.           Town of Cave
 of the Town of Cave Creek,                                                                    Creek on
 Maricopa County, Arizona,                                                                     September 2,
 Implementing Measures in the                                                                  1997.
 MAG 1997 Serious Area
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 4 pages).
Resolution No. 3782: Resolution   City of Chandler..  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on October
 to Implement Measures to Reduce                                           72 FR 46564.        14, 2004.
 Re-entrained Dust Emissions
 from Identified Paved Roads in
 Chandler As Part of the Revised
 PM-10 State Implementation Plan
 for Air Quality (including
 Exhibit A and Exhibit B).
Resolution No. 2929; A            City of Chandler..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the City Council                                            FR 48718.           City of Chandler
 of the City of Chandler,                                                                      on October 8,
 Arizona, To Implement Measures                                                                1998.
 in the MAG 1998 Serious Area
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 9 pages).
Resolution No. 2672; A            City of Chandler..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the City Council                                            FR 48718.           City of Chandler
 of the City of Chandler,                                                                      on August 14,
 Arizona To Implement Measures                                                                 1997.
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 16 pages).
A Resolution of the City Council  City of Chandler..  May 7, 1997.......  August 4, 1997, 62  Adopted by the
 of the City of Chandler,                                                  FR 41856.           City of Chandler
 Arizona, Stating the City's                                                                   on March 27,
 Intent to Work Cooperatively                                                                  1997.
 with Maricopa County to Control
 the Generation of Fugitive Dust
Resolution No. R04-10-54: A       City of El Mirage.  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on October
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               72 FR 46564.        28, 2004.
 City Council of the City of El
 Mirage, Maricopa County,
 Arizona, Implementing Measures
 to Reduce Re-entrained Dust
 Emissions from Targeted Paved
 Roads in the Revised PM-10
 State Implementation Plan for
 the Salt River Area (including
 Exhibit A).
Resolution No. R98-08-22; A       City of El Mirage.  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               FR 48718.           City of El Mirage
 Common Council of the City of                                                                 on August 27,
 El Mirage, Arizona, Amending                                                                  1998.
 Resolution No. R98-02-04 To
 Implement Measures in the MAG
 1997 Serious Area Particulate
 Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 5 pages).
Resolution No. R98-02-04; A       City of El Mirage.  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution To Implement                                                   FR 48718.           City of El Mirage
 Measures in the MAG 1997                                                                      on February 12,
 Serious Area Particulate Plan                                                                 1998.
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 5 pages).

[[Page 85085]]

Resolution No. R97-08-20;         City of El Mirage.  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution To Implement                                                   FR 48718.           City of El Mirage
 Measures in the MAG 1997                                                                      on August 28,
 Serious Area Particulate Plan                                                                 1997.
 for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious
 Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 8 pages).
Resolution No. 2004-63: A         Town of Fountain    October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 Resolution of the Mayor and       Hills.                                  72 FR 46564.        November 18,
 Council of the Town of Fountain                                                               2004.
 Hills, Arizona, Implementing
 Measures to Reduce Reentrained
 Dust Emissions from Targeted
 Paved Roads in the Revised PM-
 10 State Implementation Plan
 for the Salt River Area
 (including Exhibit A and
 Protocol to Reduce Reentrained
 Dust Emissions from Targeted
 Paved Roads).
Resolution No. 1998-49;           Town of Fountain    February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution To Implement           Hills.                                  FR 48718.           Town of Fountain
 Measures in the MAG 1998                                                                      Hills on October
 Serious Area Particulate Plan                                                                 1, 1998.
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa                                                                    Incorporated
 County Area (including Exhibit                                                                materials are
 A, 7 pages), adopted on October                                                               pages 4 to 10 of
 1, 1998.                                                                                      the 11-page
                                                                                               package; pages 1
                                                                                               and 2 are cover
                                                                                               sheets with no
                                                                                               content and page
                                                                                               11 is a summary
                                                                                               of measures
                                                                                               adopted by the
                                                                                               Town of Fountain
Resolution No. 1997-49; A         Town of Fountain    February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Common          Hills.                                  FR 48718.           Town of Fountain
 Council of the Town of Fountain                                                               Hills on October
 Hills, Arizona, Adopting the                                                                  2, 1997.
 MAG 1997 Particulate Plan for
 PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious Area
 Carbon Monoxide Plan for the
 Maricopa County Area and
 Committing to Certain
 Implementation Programs
 (including Exhibit B, 5 pages
 and cover).
Resolution No. 2575: A            Town of Gilbert...  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on March
 Resolution of the Common                                                  72 FR 46564.        29, 2005.
 Council of the Town of Gilbert,
 Arizona to Implement Measures
 to Reduce Reentrained Dust
 Emissions from Targeted Paved
 Roads in the Revised PM-10
 State Implementation Plan for
 the Salt River Area (including
 Exhibit A and Town of Gilbert
 Protocol for Reducing PM-10
 Emissions from ``High Dust''
 Paved Roads).
Resolution No. 1939: A            Town of Gilbert...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Common                                                  FR 48718.           Town of Gilbert
 Council of the Town of Gilbert,                                                               on July 21, 1998.
 Arizona, Expressing its                                                                       Attachment A is
 Commitment to Implement                                                                       referred to as
 Measures in the Maricopa                                                                      Exhibit A in the
 Association of Governments                                                                    text of the
 (MAG) 1998 Serious Area                                                                       Resolution.
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Attachment A, 5

[[Page 85086]]

Resolution No. 1864; A            Town of Gilbert...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Common                                                  FR 48718.           Town of Gilbert
 Council of the Town of Gilbert,                                                               on November 25,
 Arizona, Implementing Measures                                                                1997. Attachment
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area                                                                  A is referred to
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for                                                                as Exhibit A in
 the Maricopa County Area                                                                      the text of the
 (including Attachment A, 5                                                                    Resolution.
Resolution No. 1817; A            Town of Gilbert...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Common                                                  FR 48718.           Town of Gilbert
 Council of the Town of Gilbert,                                                               on June 10, 1997.
 Maricopa County, Arizona,
 Authorizing the Implementation
 of the MAG 1997 Serious Area
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and
 the MAG Serious Area Carbon
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa
 County Area (including 15 pages
 of attached material).
A Resolution of the Mayor and     Town of Gilbert...  May 7, 1997.......  August 4, 1997, 62  Adopted by the
 the Common Council of the Town                                            FR 41856.           Town of Gilbert
 of Gilbert, Maricopa County,                                                                  on April 15,
 Arizona, Providing for the                                                                    1997.
 Town's Intent to Work
 Cooperatively with Maricopa
 County, Arizona, to Control the
 Generation of Fugitive Dust
Resolution No. 3796 New Series:   City of Glendale..  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 A Resolution of the Council of                                            72 FR 46564.        September 14,
 the City of Glendale, Maricopa                                                                2004.
 County, Arizona, Implementing
 Measures to Reduce Reentrained
 Dust Emissions from Targeted
 Paved Roads in the Revised PM-
 10 State Implementation Plan
 for the Salt River Area
 (including Exhibit A and
 Glendale Targeted Street
 Sweeping Protocol to Reduce
 Dust Emissions).
Resolution No. 3225 New Series;   City of Glendale..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 A Resolution of the Council of                                            FR 48718.           City of Glendale
 the City of Glendale, Maricopa                                                                on July 28, 1998.
 County, Arizona, Implementing
 Measures in the MAG 1998
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 9 pages).
Resolution No. 3161 New Series;   City of Glendale..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 A Resolution of the Council of                                            FR 48718.           City of Glendale
 the City of Glendale, Maricopa                                                                on October 28,
 County, Arizona, Implementing                                                                 1997.
 Measures in the MAG 1997
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 6 pages).
Resolution No. 3123 New Series;   City of Glendale..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 A Resolution of the Council of                                            FR 48718.           City of Glendale
 the City of Glendale, Maricopa                                                                on June 10, 1997.
 County, Arizona, Implementing
 Measures in the MAG 1997
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious
 Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 20 pages).

[[Page 85087]]

A Resolution of the Council of    City of Glendale..  May 7, 1997.......  August 4, 1997, 62  Adopted by the
 the City of Chandler, Maricopa                                            FR 41856.           City of Glendale
 County, Arizona, Stating Its                                                                  on March 25,
 Intent to Work Cooperatively                                                                  1997.
 with Maricopa County to Control
 the Generation of Fugitive Dust
Resolution No. 04-941: A          City of Goodyear..  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on October
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               72 FR 46564.        25, 2004.
 Council of the City of
 Goodyear, Maricopa County,
 Arizona, to Authorize the City
 Manager to Implement Measures
 to Reduce Reentrained Dust
 Emissions from Targeted Paved
 Roads in the Revised PM-10
 State Implementation Plan for
 the Salt River Area (including
 Exhibit A and Protocol for
 Reducing Reentrained Dust
 Emissions from Targeted Paved
Resolution No. 98-645; A          City of Goodyear..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Council of                                              FR 48718.           City of Goodyear
 the City of Goodyear, Maricopa                                                                on July 27, 1998.
 County, Arizona, Implementing
 Measures in the MAG 1998
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including
 Attachment III, 7 pages).
Resolution No. 97-604 Carbon      City of Goodyear..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Monoxide Plan; A Resolution of                                            FR 48718.           City of Goodyear
 the Council of the City of                                                                    on September 9,
 Goodyear, Maricopa County,                                                                    1997. Adoption
 Arizona, Implementing Measures                                                                year not given on
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area                                                                  the resolution
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and                                                                but is understood
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon                                                                  to be 1997 based
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa                                                                on resolution
 County Area (including Exhibit                                                                number.
 A, 21 pages).
Resolution No. 8344: A            City of Mesa......  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on October
 Resolution of the City Council                                            72 FR 46564.        4, 2004.
 of the City of Mesa, Maricopa
 County, Arizona, Stating the
 City's Intent to Implement
 Measures to Reduce Particulate
 Pollution (including Exhibit A).
Resolution No. 7360; A            City of Mesa......  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the City Council                                            FR 48718.           City of Mesa on
 of the City of Mesa, Maricopa                                                                 May 3, 1999.
 County, Arizona, to Implement
 Measures in the MAG Serious
 Area Particulate Plan for PM-10
 for the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 8 pages).
Resolution No. 7123; A            City of Mesa......  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the City Council                                            FR 48718.           City of Mesa on
 of the City of Mesa, Maricopa                                                                 December 1, 1997.
 County, Arizona, to Implement
 Measures in the MAG 1997
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 10 pages).

[[Page 85088]]

Resolution No. 7061; A            City of Mesa......  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the City Council                                            FR 48718.           City of Mesa on
 of the City of Mesa, Maricopa                                                                 June 23, 1997.
 County, Arizona, to Implement
 Measures in the MAG 1997
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious
 Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 13 pages
 plus index page).
A Resolution of the Mesa City     City of Mesa......  May 7, 1997.......  August 4, 1997, 62  Adopted by the
 Council Stating the City's                                                FR 41856.           City of Mesa on
 Intent to Work Cooperatively                                                                  April 23, 1997.
 with Maricopa County to Control
 the Generation of Particulate
 Air Pollution and Directing
 City Staff to Develop a
 Particulate Pollution Control
 Ordinance Supported by Adequate
 Staffing Levels to Address Air
Resolution Number 1084:           Town of Paradise    October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 Resolution to Implement           Valley.                                 72 FR 46564.        September 23,
 Measures to Reduce Reentrained                                                                2004.
 Dust Emissions from Targeted
 Paved Roads in the Revised PM-
 10 State Implementation Plan
 for the Salt River Area
 (including Exhibit A).
Resolution Number 945; A          Town of Paradise    February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Mayor and       Valley.                                 FR 48718.           Town of Paradise
 Town Council of the Town of                                                                   Valley on July
 Paradise Valley, Arizona, to                                                                  23, 1998.
 Implement Measures in the MAG
 1998 Serious Area Particulate
 Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 5 pages).
Resolution Number 913; A          Town of Paradise    February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Town of         Valley.                                 FR 48718.           Town of Paradise
 Paradise Valley, to Implement                                                                 Valley on October
 Measures in the MAG 1997                                                                      9, 1997.
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious
 Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 9 pages).
Resolution No. 04-235: A          City of Peoria....  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on October
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               72 FR 46564.        5, 2004.
 City Council of the City of
 Peoria, Maricopa County,
 Arizona, Implementing Measures
 to Reduce Reentrained Dust
 Emissions from Targeted Paved
 Roads in the Revised PM-10
 State Implementation Plan for
 the Salt River Area (including
 Exhibit A and City of Peoria
 Targeted Paved Roadways Dust
 Control Protocol, September 24,
Resolution No. 98-107; A          City of Peoria....  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               FR 48718.           City of Peoria on
 Council of the City of Peoria,                                                                July 21, 1998.
 Arizona, to Approve and
 Authorize the Acceptance to
 Implement Measures in the MAG
 1998 Serious Area Particulate
 Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 7 pages).

[[Page 85089]]

Resolution No. 97-113; A          City of Peoria....  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               FR 48718.           City of Peoria on
 Council of the City of Peoria,                                                                October 21, 1997.
 Arizona, to Implement Measures
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for
 the Maricopa County Area and
 Directing the Recording of This
 Resolution with the Maricopa
 County Recorder and Declaring
 an Emergency (including Exhibit
 A, 8 pages plus index page).
Resolution No. 97-37; A           City of Peoria....  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               FR 48718.           City of Peoria on
 Council of the City of Peoria,                                                                June 17, 1997.
 Arizona, to Implement Measures
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibits
 A, 5 pages, and B, 19 pages).
Resolution No. 20114: A           City of Phoenix...  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on June
 Resolution Stating the City's                                             72 FR 46564.        16, 2004.
 Intent to Implement Measures to
 Reduce Air Pollution (including
 Exhibit A, City of Phoenix 2004
 Protocol and Implementation
 Plan for Paved Streets with
 Potential for Dust Emissions,
 and Attachment A).
Resolution No. 19141; A           City of Phoenix...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution Stating the City's                                             FR 48718.           City of Phoenix
 Intent to Implement Measures to                                                               on September 9,
 Reduce Particulate Air                                                                        1998.
 Pollution (including Exhibit A,
 10 pages).
Resolution No. 19006; A           City of Phoenix...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution Stating the City's                                             FR 48718.           City of Phoenix
 Intent to Implement Measures to                                                               on November 19,
 Reduce Air Pollution (including                                                               1997.
 Exhibit A, 13 pages).
Resolution No. 18949; A           City of Phoenix...  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution Stating the City's                                             FR 48718.           City of Phoenix
 Intent to Implement Measures to                                                               on July 2, 1997.
 Reduce Air Pollution (including
 Exhibit A, 19 pages).
Resolution 1889A Resolution of    City of Phoenix...  May 7, 1997.......  August 4, 1997, 62  Adopted by the
 the Phoenix City Council                                                  FR 41856.           City of Phoenix
 Stating the City's Intent to                                                                  on April 9, 1997.
 Work Cooperatively with
 Maricopa County to Control the
 Generation of Fugitive Dust
Resolution 175-98; A Resolution   Town of Queen       February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Town Council of the Town   Creek.                                  FR 48718.           Town of Queen
 of Queen Creek, Maricopa                                                                      Creek on
 County, Arizona to Implement                                                                  September 16,
 Measures in the MAG 1998                                                                      1998.
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 9 pages).
Resolution 145-97; A Resolution   Town of Queen       February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Town Council of the Town   Creek.                                  FR 48718.           Town of Queen
 of Queen Creek, Maricopa                                                                      Creek on November
 County, Arizona to Implement                                                                  5, 1997.
 Measures in the MAG 1997
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 1 page).

[[Page 85090]]

Resolution 129-97; A Resolution   Town of Queen       February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Town Council of the Town   Creek.                                  FR 48718.           Town of Queen
 of Queen Creek, Maricopa                                                                      Creek on June 4,
 County, Arizona to Implement                                                                  1997.
 Measures in the MAG 1997
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious
 Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 3 pages).
Resolution No. 6588: A            City of Scottsdale  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 Resolution of the Council of                                              72 FR 46564.        December 6, 2004.
 the City of Scottsdale,
 Maricopa County Arizona,
 Authorizing Implementation of
 Measures to Reduce Reentrained
 Dust Emissions from Targeted
 Paved Roads in the Revised PM-
 10 State Implementation Plan
 for the Salt River Area
 (including Exhibit A and
 Attachment #1--Protocol to
 Reduce Reentrained Dust
 Emissions from Targeted Paved
Resolution No. 5100; A            City of Scottsdale  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the City of                                                 FR 48718.           City of
 Scottsdale, Maricopa County,                                                                  Scottsdale on
 Arizona, To Strengthen                                                                        December 1, 1998.
 Particulate Dust Control and
 Air Pollution Measures in the
 Maricopa County Area (including
 Exhibit A, 10 pages).
Resolution No. 4942; Resolution   City of Scottsdale  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Scottsdale City Council                                            FR 48718.           City of
 To Implement Measures in the                                                                  Scottsdale on
 MAG 1997 Serious Area                                                                         December 1, 1997.
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 13 pages).
Resolution No. 4864; A            City of Scottsdale  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution of the City of                                                 FR 48718.           City of
 Scottsdale, Maricopa County,                                                                  Scottsdale on
 Arizona, To Implement Measures                                                                August 4, 1997.
 in the MAG 1997 Serious Area
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa
 County Area: Stating the
 Council's Intent to Implement
 Certain Control Measures
 Contained in that Plan
 (including Exhibit A, 21 pages).
A Resolution of the Scottsdale    City of Scottsdale  May 7, 1997.......  August 4, 1997, 62  Adopted by the
 City Council Stating the City's                                           FR 41856.           City of
 Intent to Work Cooperatively                                                                  Scottsdale on
 with Maricopa County to Control                                                               March 31, 1997.
 the Generation of Fugitive Dust
Resolution No. 04-163: A          City of Surprise..  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               72 FR 46564.        September 23,
 Council of the City of                                                                        2004.
 Surprise, Arizona, to Implement
 Measures to Reduce Reentrained
 Dust Emissions from Targeted
 Paved Roads in the Revised PM-
 10 State Implementation Plan
 for the Salt River Area
 (including Exhibit A and

[[Page 85091]]

Resolution No. 98-51; A           City of Surprise..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution to Implement                                                   FR 48718.           City of Surprise
 Measures in the MAG 1997                                                                      on September 10,
 Serious Area Particulate Plan                                                                 1998.
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 6 pages).
Resolution No. 97-67; A           City of Surprise..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution to Implement                                                   FR 48718.           City of Surprise
 Measures in the MAG 1997                                                                      on October 23,
 Serious Area Particulate Plan                                                                 1997.
 for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 3 pages).
Resolution No. 97-29; A           City of Surprise..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Resolution to Implement                                                   FR 48718.           City of Surprise
 Measures in the MAG 1997                                                                      on June 12, 1997.
 Serious Area Particulate Plan
 for PM-10 and MAG 1998 Serious
 Area Carbon Monoxide Plan for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 4 pages).
Resolution No. 2004.84: A         City of Tempe.....  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 Resolution of the Mayor and                                               72 FR 46564.        September 30,
 City Council of the City of                                                                   2004.
 Tempe, Arizona, to Implement
 Measures to Reduce Reentrained
 Dust Emissions from Targeted
 Paved Roads in the Revised PM-
 10 State Implementation Plan
 for the Salt River Area
 (including Exhibit A and
 Protocol for Reducing
 Reentrained Dust Emissions from
 Targeted Paved Roads, September
 30, 2004).
Resolution No. 98.42, Resolution  City of Tempe.....  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Council of the City of                                             FR 48718.           City of Tempe on
 Tempe Implementing Measures in                                                                September 10,
 the MAG 1998 Serious Area                                                                     1998.
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 8 pages).
Resolution No. 97.71, Resolution  City of Tempe.....  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Council of the City of                                             FR 48718.           City of Tempe on
 Tempe Stating Its Intent to                                                                   November 13,
 Implement Measures in the MAG                                                                 1997.
 1997 Serious Area Particulate
 Plan for PM-10 for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 6 pages).
Resolution No. 97.39; Resolution  City of Tempe.....  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 to Implement Measures in the                                              FR 48718.           City of Tempe on
 MAG 1997 Serious Area                                                                         June 12, 1997.
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 18 pages).
A Resolution of the Council of    City of Tempe.....  May 7, 1997.......  August 4, 1997, 62  Adopted by the
 the City of Tempe, Arizona,                                               FR 41856.           City of Tempe on
 Stating Its Intent to Work                                                                    March 27, 1997.
 Cooperatively with Maricopa
 County to Control the
 Generation of Fugitive Dust

[[Page 85092]]

Resolution No. 947: A Resolution  City of Tolleson..  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on
 of the Mayor and City Council                                             72 FR 46564.        September 28,
 of the City of Tolleson,                                                                      2004.
 Maricopa County, Arizona,
 Implementing Measures to Reduce
 Reentrained Dust Emissions from
 Targeted Paved Roads in the
 Revised PM-10 State
 Implementation Plan for the
 Salt River Area (including
 Exhibit A), adopted on
 September 28, 2004.
Resolution No. 808, A Resolution  City of Tolleson..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Mayor and City Council                                             FR 48718.           City of Tolleson
 of the City of Tolleson,                                                                      on July 28, 1998.
 Maricopa County, Arizona,
 Implementing Measures in the
 Maricopa Association of
 Governments (MAG) 1998 Serious
 Area Particulate Plan for PM-10
 for the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A).
Resolution No. 788, A Resolution  City of Tolleson..  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 of the Mayor and City Council                                             FR 48718.           City of Tolleson
 of the City of Tolleson,                                                                      on June 10, 1997.
 Maricopa County, Arizona,
 Implementing Measures in the
 Maricopa Association of
 Governments (MAG) 1997 Serious
 Area Particulate Plan for PM-10
 and MAG 1998 Serious Area
 Carbon Monoxide Plan for the
 Maricopa County Area (including
 Exhibit A, 12 pages).
Resolution No. 1308, Resolution   Town of Wickenburg  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 To Implement Measures in the                                              FR 48718.           Town of
 MAG 1997 Serious Area                                                                         Wickenburg on
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 and                                                                August 18, 1997.
 MAG 1998 Serious Area Carbon
 Monoxide Plan for the Maricopa
 County Area (including Exhibit
 A, 4 pages).
Resolution No. 05-01: Resolution  Town of Youngtown.  October 7, 2005...  August 21, 2007,    Adopted on January
 to Implement Measures to Reduce                                           72 FR 46564.        20, 2005.
 Reentrained Dust Emissions from
 Targeted Paved Roads in the
 Revised PM-10 State
 Implementation Plan for the
 Salt River Area (including
 Exhibit A).
Resolution No. 98-15: Resolution  Town of Youngtown.  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 To Implement Measures in the                                              FR 48718.           Town of Youngtown
 MAG 1998 Serious Area                                                                         on August 20,
 Particulate Plan for PM-10 for                                                                1998.
 the Maricopa County Area
 (including Exhibit A, 8 pages).
Resolution No 98-05: Resolution   Town of Youngtown.  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 Stating Intent to Work                                                    FR 48718.           Town of Youngtown
 Cooperatively with Maricopa                                                                   on February 19,
 County to Control the                                                                         1998.
 Generation of Fugitive Dust
 Pollution (including Exhibit A,
 2 pages).
Resolution No. 97-15, Resolution  Town of Youngtown.  February 16, 2000.  July 25, 2002, 67   Adopted by the
 To Implement Measures in the                                              FR 48718.           Town of Youngtown
 MAG 1997 Serious Particulate                                                                  on September 18,
 Plan for PM-10 and MAG 1998                                                                   1997.
 Serious Area Carbon Monoxide
 Plan for the Maricopa County
 Area (including Exhibit A, 4

[[Page 85093]]

                             Table 3--EPA-Approved Arizona Statutes--Non-Regulatory
                                                        State submittal
         State citation              Title/subject           date          EPA approval date      Explanation
                                            ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES
                                              Title 15 (Education)
                                         Chapter 12 (Community Colleges)
                                  Article 3 (Community College District Boards)
15-1444.........................  Powers and duties.  March 23, 1988....  August 10, 1988,    Subsection C only.
                                                                           53 FR 30220;        Senate Bill 1360,
                                                                           vacated; restored   section
                                                                           on January 29,      6.[dagger]
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
                               Chapter 13 (Universities and Related Institutions)
                                      Article 2 (Arizona Board of Regents)
15-1627.........................  Control of          July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   vehicles and                            53 FR 30224;        section
                                   nonpedestrian                           vacated; restored   2.[dagger]
                                   devices on                              on January 29,
                                   property of                             1991, 56 FR 3219.
                                   jurisdiction of
                                   board; sanctions;
                                   compliance with
                                            Title 28 (Transportation)
                                           Chapter 2 (Administration)
                                  Article 6 (Unblended Gasoline Shortages) \1\
28-2701.........................  Definitions.......  July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                                                           53 FR 30224;        section
                                                                           vacated; restored   6.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,      Delayed effective
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB 2206.
28-2702.........................  Department Survey   July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   of Availability                         53 FR 30224;        section
                                   of Unblended                            vacated; restored   6.[dagger]
                                   Gasoline.                               on January 29,      Delayed effective
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB 2206.
28-2703.........................  Determination of    July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   Shortage:                               53 FR 30224;        section
                                   Declaration.                            vacated; restored   6.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,      Delayed effective
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB 2206.
28-2704.........................  State Set-aside     July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   Volume.                                 53 FR 30224;        section
                                                                           vacated; restored   6.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,      Delayed effective
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB 2206.
28-2705.........................  Assignment of Set-  July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   aside.                                  53 FR 30224;        section
                                                                           vacated; restored   6.[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,      Delayed effective
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.   date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB 2206.
28-2706.........................  Price.............  July 18, 1988.....  January 29, 1991,   House Bill 2206,
                                                                           56 FR 3219.         section 6.
                                                                                               Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB 2206.
28-2707.........................  Application.......  July 18, 1988.....  January 29, 1991,   House Bill 2206,
                                                                           56 FR 3219.         section 6.
                                                                                               Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB 2206.
28-2708.........................  Appeals...........  July 18, 1988.....  January 29, 1991,   House Bill 2206,
                                                                           56 FR 3219.         section 6.
                                                                                               Delayed effective
                                                                                               date per section
                                                                                               29 of HB 2206.
                               Chapter 7 (Certification of Title and Registration)
                                 Article 5 (Registration Requirements Generally)
28-2153.........................  Registration        August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   requirement;                            77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   exceptions;                                                 2011-2012 Compact
                                   assessment;                                                 Edition). Adopted
                                   violation;                                                  by the Arizona
                                   classification.                                             Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
                                           Title 35 (Public Finances)
                                      Chapter 2 (Handling of Public Funds)
                                  Article 2 (State Management of Public Monies)
35-313..........................  Investment of       August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   trust and                               77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   treasury monies;                                            2011-2012 Compact
                                   loan of                                                     Edition). Adopted
                                   securities.                                                 by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
                                       Title 36 (Public Health and Safety)
                                                    Chapter 6
                                            Article 8 (Air Pollution)
36-772..........................  Department of       July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Health Services;                        FR 26382.
36-775..........................  Powers and Duties.  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                                                           FR 26382.

[[Page 85094]]

36-779.01.......................  Permits;            July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Exceptions;                             FR 26382.
36-779.02.......................  Grant or Denial of  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Applications.                           FR 26382.
36-779.04.......................  Permit              July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Nontransferable.                        FR 26382.
36-779.05.......................  Expiration of       July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Permit.                                 FR 26382.
36-779.06.......................  Posting of Permit.  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                                                           FR 26382.
36-779.07.......................  Notice by Building  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Permit Agencies.                        FR 26382.
36-780..........................  Classification and  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Reporting:                              FR 26382.
                                   Production of
                                   of Records;
36-789..........................  Unlawful Open       July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Burning;                                FR 26382.
36-789.02.......................  Defenses..........  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                                                           FR 26382.
36-790..........................  Limitations.......  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                                                           FR 26382.
36-791..........................  Preservation of     July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Rights.                                 FR 26382.
                                           Chapter 14 (Air Pollution)
                                     Article 1 (State Air Pollution Control)
36-1704.........................  Hearing Board.....  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                                                           FR 26382.
36-1707.02......................  Grant or Denial of  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Application.                            FR 26382.
36-1707.03......................  Appeals to Hearing  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Board.                                  FR 26382.
36-1707.04......................  Permit              July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Nontransferable;                        FR 26382.
36-1707.05......................  Posting of Permit.  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                                                           FR 26382.
36-1707.06......................  Notice by Building  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Permit Agencies.                        FR 26382.
36-1708.........................  Classification and  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Reporting;                              FR 26382.
                                   Production of
                                   of Records;
36-1717.........................  Motor Vehicle and   August 5, 1981....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Combustion Engine                       FR 26382.
36-1718.........................  Limitations.......  August 5, 1981....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                                                           FR 26382.
36-1718.01......................  Preservation of     August 5, 1981....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Rights.                                 FR 26382.
36-1720.........................  Violation;          August 5, 1981....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                   Classification;                         FR 26382.
36-1720.01......................  Defenses..........  July 13, 1981.....  June 18, 1982, 47
                                                                           FR 26382.
                                    Title 38 (Public Officers and Employees)
                                         Chapter 1 (General Provisions)
                                             Article 1 (Definitions)
38-101..........................  Definitions.......  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
                           Article 8 (Conflict of Interest of Officers and Employees)
38-501..........................  Application of      August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   article.                                77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-502..........................  Definitions.......  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-503..........................  Conflict of         August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   interest;                               77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   exemptions;                                                 2011-2012 Compact
                                   employment                                                  Edition). Adopted
                                   prohibition.                                                by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-504..........................  Prohibited acts...  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.

[[Page 85095]]

38-505..........................  Additional income   August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   prohibited for                          77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   services.                                                   2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-506..........................  Remedies..........  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-507..........................  Opinions of the     August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   attorney general,                       77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   county attorneys,                                           2011-2012 Compact
                                   city or town                                                Edition). Adopted
                                   attorneys and                                               by the Arizona
                                   house and senate                                            Department of
                                   ethics committee.                                           Environmental
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-508..........................  Authority of        August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   public officers                         77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   and employees to                                            2011-2012 Compact
                                   act.                                                        Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-509..........................  Filing of           August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   disclosures.                            77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-510..........................  Penalties.........  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
38-511..........................  Cancellation of     August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   political                               77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   subdivision and                                             2011-2012 Compact
                                   state contracts;                                            Edition). Adopted
                                   definition.                                                 by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
                                           Title 41 (State Government)
                                         Chapter 1 (Executive Officers)
                                            Article 1 (The Governor)
41-101.03.......................  State Employee      July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   Ride Sharing                            53 FR 30224;        section 7.
                                   Program;                                vacated; restored
                                   Designated State                        on January 29,
                                   Agency; Fund.                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
                          Chapter 4 (Department of Administration and Personnel Board)
                                   Article 7 (Management of State Properties)
41-796.01.......................  Adjusted work       September 1, 1999.  June 8, 2000, 65    House Bill 2189,
                                   hours.                                  FR 36353.           section 3.
                                 Chapter 15 (Department of Weights and Measures)
                            Article 2 (State Administration of Weights and Measures)
41-2065.........................  Powers and Duties.  June 11, 1991.....  March 9, 1992, 57   House Bill 2181,
                                                                           FR 8268.            section 1.
41-2066.........................  Enforcement powers  July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   of the director                         53 FR 30224;        section
                                   and inspectors.                         vacated; restored   10.>[dagger]
                                                                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
41-2066(A)(2)...................  Enforcement powers  January 22, 2004..  March 4, 2004, 69   Included in
                                   of the director                         FR 10161.           submittal
                                   and inspectors.                                             entitled
                                                                                               ``Supplement to
                                                                                               Cleaner Burning
                                                                                               Gasoline Program
                                                                                               Plan Revision.''
                                           Title 49 (The Environment)
                                         Chapter 1 (General Provisions)
                                 Article 1 (Department of Environmental Quality)
49-103..........................  Department          August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   employees; legal                        77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   counsel.                                                    2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.

[[Page 85096]]

49-104, subsections (A)(2),       Powers and duties   August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
 (A)(4), (B)(3), and (B)(5) only.  of the department                       77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   and director.                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-106..........................  Statewide           August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   application of                          77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   rules.                                                      2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
                                             Chapter 3 (Air Quality)
                                         Article 1 (General Provisions)
49-402..........................  State and county    October 29, 2012,   September 23,       West's Arizona
                                   control.            and supplemented    2014, 79 FR 56655.  Revised Statutes,
                                                       on September 6,                         2012-2013 Compact
                                                       2013.                                   Edition.
49-403..........................  Air Quality         July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   Compliance                              53 FR 30224;        section
                                   Advisory                                vacated; restored   15.[dagger]
                                   Committee.                              on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
49-404..........................  State               September 1, 1999.  June 8, 2000, 65    House Bill 2189,
                                   implementation                          FR 36353.           section 42.
49-404..........................  Department of       July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   transportation                          53 FR 30224;        section
                                   pilot project on                        vacated; restored   15.[dagger]
                                   oxygenated fuels,                       on January 29,
                                   compressed                              1991, 56 FR 3219.
                                   natural gas and
                                   liquid propane
                                   gas; reports.
49-405..........................  Attainment area     August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   designations.                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-405..........................  Oxygenated Fuel     July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   Fleet Studies                           53 FR 30224;        section
                                   Reporting                               vacated; restored   15.>[dagger]
                                   Requirements.                           on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
49-406..........................  Nonattainment area  August 11, 1998...  June 8, 2000, 65    Senate Bill 1427,
                                   plan.                                   FR 36353.           section 15.
49-406..........................  Clean burning       July 18, 1988.....  August 10, 1988,    House Bill 2206,
                                   reporting                               53 FR 30224;        section
                                   requirements;                           vacated; restored   15.[dagger]
                                   definitions.                            on January 29,
                                                                           1991, 56 FR 3219.
                                     Article 2 (State Air Pollution Control)
49-421..........................  Definitions.......  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-422..........................  Powers and duties.  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-424..........................  Duties of           August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   department.                             77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-425..........................  Rules; hearing....  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-426, excluding paragraphs D,   Permits; duties of  July 28, 2011, and  September 23,       West's Arizona
 E.1, F, I, J, and M.              director;           supplemented on     2014, 79 FR 56655.  Revised Statutes,
                                   exceptions;         May 16, 2014.                           2012-2013 Compact
                                   applications;                                               Edition.
                                   objections; fees.
49-433..........................  Special inspection  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   warrant.                                77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.

[[Page 85097]]

49-435..........................  Hearings on orders  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   of abatement.                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-441..........................  Suspension and      August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   revocation of                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   conditional order.                                          2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-455, subsections (A) and       Permit              August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
 (B)(2) only.                      administration                          77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   fund.                                                       2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-460..........................  Violations;         August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   production of                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   records.                                                    2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-461..........................  Violations; order   August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   of abatement.                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-462..........................  Violations;         August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   injunctive relief.                      77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-463..........................  Violations; civil   August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   penalties.                              77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-465..........................  Air pollution       August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   emergency.                              77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
                                    Article 3 (County Air Pollution Control)
49-471..........................  Definitions.......  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-473..........................  Board of            August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   supervisors.                            77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-474..........................  County control      August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   boards.                                 77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-476.01.......................  Monitoring........  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-478..........................  Hearing board.....  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.

[[Page 85098]]

49-479..........................  Rules; hearing....  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                                                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-480.02.......................  Appeals of permit   August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   actions.                                77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-482..........................  Appeals to hearing  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   board.                                  77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-488..........................  Special inspection  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   warrant.                                77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-490..........................  Hearings on orders  August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   of abatement.                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-495..........................  Suspension and      August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   revocation of                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   conditional order.                                          2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-502..........................  Violation;          August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   classification.                         77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-510..........................  Violations;         August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   production of                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                   records.                                                    2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-511..........................  Violations; order   August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   of abatement.                           77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-512..........................  Violations;         August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   injunctive relief.                      77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
49-513..........................  Violations; civil   August 24, 2012...  November 5, 2012,   Arizona Revised
                                   penalties.                              77 FR 66398.        Statutes (West's,
                                                                                               2011-2012 Compact
                                                                                               Edition). Adopted
                                                                                               by the Arizona
                                                                                               Department of
                                                                                               Quality on August
                                                                                               24, 2012.
[dagger] Vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Delaney v. EPA, 898 F.2d 687 (9th Cir.
  1990). Restored on January 29, 1991, 56 FR 3219.
\1\ Approved as Chapter 22 (Unblended Gasoline Shortages), Article 1 (General Provisions).

[FR Doc. 2016-27685 Filed 11-22-16; 8:45 am]

Current View
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionRules and Regulations
ActionFinal rule; notice of administrative change.
ContactKevin Gong, EPA Region IX, (415) 972- 3073, [email protected]
FR Citation81 FR 85038 
CFR AssociatedEnvironmental Protection; Air Pollution Control; Carbon Monoxide; Incorporation by Reference; Intergovernmental Relations; Nitrogen Dioxide; Ozone; Particulate Matter; Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements; Sulfur Dioxide and Volatile Organic Compounds

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