82 FR 12926 - Notice of Intent To Request Approval To Establish a New Information Collection and Record Keeping Requirement

National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 44 (March 8, 2017)

Page Range12926-12928
FR Document2017-04547

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations, that implement the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the National Institute of Food and Agriculture's (NIFA) intention to request approval to establish a new information collection and record keeping requirement for the National 4-H Conference (N4HC).

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 44 (Wednesday, March 8, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 44 (Wednesday, March 8, 2017)]
[Pages 12926-12928]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-04547]



National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Notice of Intent To Request Approval To Establish a New 
Information Collection and Record Keeping Requirement

AGENCY: National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA.

ACTION: Notice and request for comments.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations, that implement the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the National 
Institute of Food and Agriculture's (NIFA) intention to request 
approval to establish a new information collection and record keeping 
requirement for the National 4-H Conference (N4HC).

DATES: Written comments on this notice must be received by May 8, 2017, 
to be assured of consideration. Comments received after that date will 
be considered to the extent practicable.

ADDRESSES: Written comments may be submitted by any of the following 
methods: Email: [email protected]; Mail: Office of Information 
Technology (OIT), NIFA, USDA, STOP 2216, 1400 Independence Avenue SW., 
Washington, DC 20250-2216.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Martin, Records Officer; Email: 
[email protected].

    Title: National 4-H Conference applications and forms.
    OMB Number: 0524-new.
    Type of Request: Intent to request approval to establish a new 
information collection and record keeping requirement for three years.
    Abstract: In 1927, USDA began sponsoring the ``National 4-H Club 
Camp''. The camp was held on the grounds of the National Mall in front 
of the USDA in Washington, DC and served to develop the next generation 
of leaders. Delegates attended training workshops, became acquainted 
with government and had the opportunity to meet with state leaders.
    In 1958, the event name was changed to National 4-H Conference and, 
in 1959, the meeting moved from the National Mall to the newly founded 
National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, MD, where it is still held today.
    Currently, the annual National 4-H Conference brings youth 
delegates together to accomplish three goals:
    (1) Learn--Provide youth a broad- based learning experience in 
which they will acquire practical knowledge and skills to reinforce the 
attitudes and motivation that will give them a heightened sense of 
responsibility and capacity to connect as active members of their 
communities, nation and world.
    (2) Practice--Engage youth in hands-on educational activities in 
which they explore, practice and master existing and newly developed 
skills/knowledge in civic engagement, civic education and personal 
    (3) Apply--Facilitate direct opportunities for youth to apply what 
was learned in real world experiences in which they develop leadership 
skills using their voices, work, ideas and/or behavior to make a 
difference in their community, country and world.
    The National 4-H Conference organizers propose an information 
collection and record keeping requirement for adult and youth 
conference leadership team applicants, program evaluation of conference 
participants, and health forms for youth delegates. The records to be 
maintained and the information collected will allow for better 
oversight and assessment of the program. Each new requirement is 
described in detail below.

(1) Youth Leadership Team Application

    Need and Use of the Records: Approximately six former National 4-H 
Conference delegates who are still in high school and 18 years of age 
or under at the time of the National 4-H Conference are selected to be 
Youth Leadership Team members prior to and during National 4-H 
Conference. These Youth Leadership Team members plan and facilitate 
major components of the conference. The members must be skilled and 
prepared. An application for this volunteer position is required to 
assure the selection of qualified applicants. Up to two Youth 
Leadership Team adult advisors will also be chosen.
    Components of the Record: The Youth Leadership Team application 
form includes: First and last name, grade in school, age, city and 
state, email, cell phone, home phone, 4-H Land Grant University 
associated with, years in 4-H, year attended National 4-H Conference, 
and other national 4-H teams served on. The form will have relevant 
questions to explain applicant qualifications and skills for the 
    Method of Collection: The application forms will be collected via 
email attachment.
    Frequency of Response: This is a voluntary application process.
    Affected Public: High schools students who are former National 4-H 
Conference delegates and interested Cooperative Extension State 4-H 
Office personnel.
    Type of Respondents: High schools students who are former National 
4-H Conference delegates and interested Cooperative Extension State 4-H 
Office personnel.
    Estimate of Burden:

[[Page 12927]]

                                                                  number of     Average  burden   Annual  burden
                    Number of respondents                       responses per      hours  per         hours
                                                                  respondent        response        requested
50...........................................................               1                2              100

(2) Roundtable Facilitator Application

    Need and Use of the Records: Approximately sixteen college students 
are selected to be roundtable facilitators prior to and during National 
4-H Conference. These facilitators are responsible for leading a group 
of youth delegates through the development and presentation of a thirty 
minute briefing to a federal agency. Facilitators must be skilled and 
prepared. An application for this volunteer position is required to 
assure the selection of qualified applicants. There are four levels of 
roundtable facilitators: (1) Lead facilitator, (2) returning 
facilitators, (3) new facilitators, and (4) facilitator advisor.
    Components of the Record: Applications for all four levels of 
facilitators will include: First and last name, college or university, 
gender, age, languages spoken, race, home phone, cell phone, email, 
mailing address, and home state or territory. Each level of facilitator 
applications will have relevant application questions to explain 
applicant qualifications and skills for the position.
    Method of Collection: The application forms will be collected via 
email attachment.
    Frequency of Response: The lead and returning facilitator positions 
are open to any college student age 19-25 whom has served as a National 
4-H Conference facilitator in the past. New facilitator positions are 
open to any college student age 19-25. The facilitator advisor position 
is open to any Cooperative Extension State 4-H Office personnel. This 
is a volunteer application process for all levels.
    Affected Public: Interested college students and State 4-H Office 
    Type of Respondents: College students and State 4-H Office 
    Estimate of Burden:

                                                                  number of     Average  burden   Annual  burden
                    Number of respondents                       responses per      hours  per         hours
                                                                  respondent        response        requested
50...........................................................               1                2              100

(3) National 4-H Conference Program Evaluations

    Need and Use of the Records: In order for continuous improvement of 
program implementation and keeping the conference relevant with current 
youth and issues, the conference planners will conduct program 
evaluations with the involved parties. There will be separate 
evaluation forms for the four audiences: (1) Youth Leadership Team 
Members, (2) Roundtable Facilitators, (3) Conference Delegates, and (4) 
Conference Chaperones.
    Components of the Record: The evaluation forms will include 
quantitative questions ranking the success of each component of the 
conference. There will also be open ended questions to address future 
ideas and program areas to improve upon.
    Method of Collection: Each member of each audience will receive a 
link via email to an online survey.
    Frequency of Response: Each person will respond to one survey 
request. There will be up to 19 facilitator respondents, 8 youth 
leadership team respondents, 270 delegate respondents, and 70 chaperone 
    Affected Public: Participants in the National 4-H Conference.
    Type of Respondents: Youth Delegates, Adult Chaperones, Youth 
Leadership Team Members (High School students) and Roundtable 
Facilitators (college students).
    Estimate of Burden:

                                                                  number of     Average  burden   Annual  burden
                    Number of respondents                       responses per      hours  per         hours
                                                                  respondent        response        requested
367..........................................................               1              .25            91.75

(4) National 4-H Conference Youth Delegate Health Form

    Need and Use of the Records: Youth delegates attend National 4-H 
Conference in Chevy Chase, MD. The youth delegates are accompanied by 
adult chaperones from their state. Medical histories are to be 
completed by the parent of each youth delegate to assist with medical 
emergencies of their children.
    Components of the Record: The health form consists of sections on 
(1) current health conditions, allergies, special needs, tetanus and 
influenza vaccination, emergency contact information, and parental/
guardian consent to medical treatment.
    Method of Collection: The forms are completed by the parent and 
delivered in person to the conference by the delegates' chaperone.
    Frequency of Response: Each delegate (approximately 270) and the 
roundtable facilitators (approximately 17) and youth leadership team 
members (approximately 6) fill out and submit a form.
    Affected Public: Conference delegates, facilitators, and youth 
leadership team members.
    Type of Respondents: Parents of High school students, college 
    Estimate of Burden:

[[Page 12928]]

                                                                  number of     Average  burden   Annual  burden
                    Number of respondents                       responses per      hours  per         hours
                                                                  respondent        response        requested
1............................................................             293              .25            73.25

(5) Conference Registration Form

    Need and Use of the Records: Approximately 250 4-H youth and 75 
adult chaperones attend National 4-H Conference on an annual basis. 
They need to complete a registration form to attend.
    Components of the Record: The form consists of name, date of birth, 
address, phone number, email address, race and ethnicity, gender, 
emergency contact, Land Grant University affiliation, roundtable 
preferences, special accommodations, food requests.
    Method of Collection: The delegates and chaperones will complete 
the registration form electronically and return it via email.
    Frequency of Response: Approximately 250 youth and 75 adult 
chaperones will complete the registration form.
    Affected Public: 4-H youth and adult chaperones who have applied 
and been selected to attend National 4-H Conference.
    Type of Respondents: 4-H members and adult chaperones.
    Estimate of Burden:

                                                                  number of     Average  burden   Annual  burden
                    Number of respondents                       responses per      hours  per         hours
                                                                  respondent        response        requested
325..........................................................               1              .25            81.25

    Total Estimate of Burden: The estimated annual reporting burden for 
all National 4-H Conference collection is as follows:

                                                     Number of       number of        Average     Annual  burden
               Type of respondents                  respondents    responses per   burden hours        hours
                                                                    respondent     per response      requested
Youth Leadership Team Applicants................              50               1               2             100
Facilitator Applicants..........................              50               1               2             100
Program Participant Evaluations.................             367               1             .25           91.75
Delegate Health Forms...........................             293               1             .25           73.25
Conference Registration Forms...................             325               1             .25           81.25
    Grand Total.................................            1085  ..............  ..............          446.25

    Comments: Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed record 
keeping requirement and collection of information are necessary for the 
proper performance of the functions of the Agency, including whether 
the information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the 
Agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of 
the collection of information on those who are to respond, including 
through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or 
other technological collection techniques or other forms of information 
    All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the 
request to OMB for approval. All comments will become a matter of 
public record.
    Obtaining a Copy of the Information Collection: A copy of the 
information collection and related instructions may be obtained free of 
charge by contacting Robert Martin as directed above.

    Done at Washington, DC, this 2 day of March 2017.
Ann Bartuska,
Acting Under Secretary, Research, Education, and Economics.
[FR Doc. 2017-04547 Filed 3-7-17; 8:45 am]

Current View
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice and request for comments.
DatesWritten comments on this notice must be received by May 8, 2017, to be assured of consideration. Comments received after that date will be considered to the extent practicable.
ContactRobert Martin, Records Officer; Email: [email protected]
FR Citation82 FR 12926 

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