82_FR_21596 82 FR 21508 - Notice of Request for Revision to and Extension of Approval of an Information Collection; Importation of Fresh Baby Kiwi From Chile

82 FR 21508 - Notice of Request for Revision to and Extension of Approval of an Information Collection; Importation of Fresh Baby Kiwi From Chile

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 88 (May 9, 2017)

Page Range21508-21509
FR Document2017-09352

In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's intention to request a revision to and extension of approval of an information collection associated with the regulations for the importation of fresh baby kiwi from Chile into the continental United States.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 88 (Tuesday, May 9, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 88 (Tuesday, May 9, 2017)]
[Pages 21508-21509]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-09352]



Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

[Docket No. APHIS-2017-0035]

Notice of Request for Revision to and Extension of Approval of an 
Information Collection; Importation of Fresh Baby Kiwi From Chile

AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.

ACTION: Revision to and extension of approval of an information 
collection; comment request.


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this 
notice announces the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's 
intention to request a revision to and extension of approval of an 
information collection associated with the regulations for the 
importation of fresh baby kiwi from Chile into the continental United 

DATES: We will consider all comments that we receive on or before July 
10, 2017.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by either of the following methods:
     Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=APHIS-2017-0035.
     Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery: Send your comment to 
Docket No. APHIS-2017-0035, Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD, 
APHIS, Station 3A-03.8, 4700 River Road, Unit 118, Riverdale, MD 20737-
    Supporting documents and any comments we receive on this docket may 
be viewed at http://www.regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=APHIS-2017-
0035 or in our reading room, which is located in Room 1141 of the USDA 
South Building, 14th Street and Independence Avenue SW., Washington, 
DC. Normal reading room hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through 
Friday, except holidays. To be sure someone is there to help you, 
please call (202) 799-7039 before coming.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information on the importation of 
fresh baby kiwi from Chile, contact Dr. Robert Baca, Assistant 
Director, Permitting and Compliance Coordination, Compliance and 
Environmental Coordination Branch, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road, Unit 
150, Riverdale, MD 20737; (301) 851-2292. For copies of more detailed 
information on the information collection, contact Ms. Kimberly Hardy, 
APHIS' Information Collection Coordinator, at (301) 851-2483.

    Title: Importation of Fresh Baby Kiwi From Chile.
    OMB Control Number: 0579-0374.
    Type of Request: Revision to and extension of approval of an 
information collection.
    Abstract: The Plant Protection Act (PPA, 7 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.) 
authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to restrict the importation, 
entry, or interstate movement of plants, plant products, and other 
articles to prevent the introduction of plant pests into the United 
States or their dissemination within the United States. As authorized 
by the PPA, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service regulates 
the importation of certain fruits and vegetables in accordance with the 
regulations in ``Subpart--Fruits and Vegetables'' (7 CFR 319.56-1 
through 319.56-76).
    Under these regulations, fresh baby kiwi from Chile may be imported 
into the continental United States under certain conditions, as listed 
in 7 CFR 319.56-53, to prevent the introduction of plant pests into the 
United States. The regulations require information collection 
activities, including an operational workplan, low prevalence 
production site certification, production site registration, 
phytosanitary inspections, labeling of containers, identification of 
fruit in shipping documentation to specify production sites and packing 
sheds where fruit was processed, and a phytosanitary certificate.
    We are asking the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to approve 
our use of these information collection activities, as described, for 
an additional 3 years.
    The purpose of this notice is to solicit comments from the public 
(as well as affected agencies) concerning our information collection. 
These comments will help us:
    (1) Evaluate whether the collection of information is necessary for 
the proper performance of the functions of the Agency, including 
whether the information will have practical utility;
    (2) Evaluate the accuracy of our estimate of the burden of the 
collection of information, including the validity of the methodology 
and assumptions used;
    (3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 
be collected; and
    (4) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those 
who are to respond, through use, as appropriate, of automated, 
electronic, mechanical, and other collection technologies; e.g., 
permitting electronic submission of responses.
    Estimate of burden: The public reporting burden for this collection 
of information is estimated to average 0.02 hours per response.
    Respondents: Growers and shippers of fresh baby kiwi from Chile and 
the national plant protection organization of Chile.
    Estimated annual number of respondents: 5.
    Estimated annual number of responses per respondent: 8,243.6.
    Estimated annual number of responses: 41,218.
    Estimated total annual burden on respondents: 849 hours. (Due to 
averaging, the total annual burden hours may not equal the product of 
the annual number of responses multiplied by the reporting burden per 
    All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the 
request for OMB approval. All comments will also become a matter of 
public record.

[[Page 21509]]

    Done in Washington, DC, this 4th day of May 2017.
Michael C. Gregoire,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 2017-09352 Filed 5-8-17; 8:45 am]

                                                  21508                           Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 88 / Tuesday, May 9, 2017 / Notices

                                                     Summary of Collection: A Christmas                   importation of fresh baby kiwi from                   the continental United States under
                                                  Tree Promotion, Research and                            Chile into the continental United States.             certain conditions, as listed in 7 CFR
                                                  Information Order created under the                     DATES: We will consider all comments                  319.56–53, to prevent the introduction
                                                  Commodity Promotion, Research, and                      that we receive on or before July 10,                 of plant pests into the United States.
                                                  Information Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–                   2017.                                                 The regulations require information
                                                  127, 110 Stat. 1032, April 4, 1996, 7                   ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                                                                                                                                collection activities, including an
                                                  U.S.C. 744–7425) requires collection of                 by either of the following methods:                   operational workplan, low prevalence
                                                  information to carry out the program.                     • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to                 production site certification, production
                                                  The program includes projects relating                  http://www.regulations.gov/#!docket                   site registration, phytosanitary
                                                  to research, information, advertising,                  Detail;D=APHIS-2017-0035.                             inspections, labeling of containers,
                                                  sales promotion, market development                       • Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery:                  identification of fruit in shipping
                                                  and production research to assist,                      Send your comment to Docket No.                       documentation to specify production
                                                  improve, or promote the marketing,                      APHIS–2017–0035, Regulatory Analysis                  sites and packing sheds where fruit was
                                                  distribution, competitive position and                  and Development, PPD, APHIS, Station                  processed, and a phytosanitary
                                                  stimulate sales of Christmas trees.                     3A–03.8, 4700 River Road, Unit 118,                   certificate.
                                                     Need and Use of the Information: The                 Riverdale, MD 20737–1238.                                We are asking the Office of
                                                  Christmas tree program will be                            Supporting documents and any                        Management and Budget (OMB) to
                                                  administered by the Christmas Tree                      comments we receive on this docket                    approve our use of these information
                                                  Promotion Board appointed by the                        may be viewed at http://www.                          collection activities, as described, for an
                                                  Secretary of Agriculture and financed by                regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=                     additional 3 years.
                                                  a mandatory assessment on producers                     APHIS-2017-0035 or in our reading                        The purpose of this notice is to solicit
                                                  and importers of fresh cut Christmas                    room, which is located in Room 1141 of                comments from the public (as well as
                                                  trees. The program will provide for an                  the USDA South Building, 14th Street                  affected agencies) concerning our
                                                  exemption for producers and importers                   and Independence Avenue SW.,                          information collection. These comments
                                                  that cut and sell or import fewer than                  Washington, DC. Normal reading room                   will help us:
                                                  500 Christmas trees annually. The forms                 hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday                    (1) Evaluate whether the collection of
                                                  covered under this collection require                   through Friday, except holidays. To be                information is necessary for the proper
                                                  the minimum information necessary to                    sure someone is there to help you,                    performance of the functions of the
                                                  effectively carry out the requirements of               please call (202) 799–7039 before                     Agency, including whether the
                                                  the program, and their use is essential                 coming.                                               information will have practical utility;
                                                  to carry out the intent of the Order.                                                                            (2) Evaluate the accuracy of our
                                                                                                          FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For
                                                     Description of Respondents:                                                                                estimate of the burden of the collection
                                                                                                          information on the importation of fresh
                                                  Producers and Importers.                                                                                      of information, including the validity of
                                                                                                          baby kiwi from Chile, contact Dr. Robert
                                                     Number of Respondents: 12,455.                                                                             the methodology and assumptions used;
                                                                                                          Baca, Assistant Director, Permitting and
                                                     Frequency of Responses: Reporting:                                                                            (3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                                                                          Compliance Coordination, Compliance
                                                  Annually; Recordkeeping.                                                                                      clarity of the information to be
                                                                                                          and Environmental Coordination
                                                     Total Burden Hours: 10,700.                                                                                collected; and
                                                                                                          Branch, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road,
                                                  Charlene Parker,                                        Unit 150, Riverdale, MD 20737; (301)                     (4) Minimize the burden of the
                                                                                                          851–2292. For copies of more detailed                 collection of information on those who
                                                  Departmental Information Collection
                                                  Clearance Officer.                                      information on the information                        are to respond, through use, as
                                                                                                          collection, contact Ms. Kimberly Hardy,               appropriate, of automated, electronic,
                                                  [FR Doc. 2017–09313 Filed 5–8–17; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                          APHIS’ Information Collection                         mechanical, and other collection
                                                  BILLING CODE 3410–02–P
                                                                                                          Coordinator, at (301) 851–2483.                       technologies; e.g., permitting electronic
                                                                                                                                                                submission of responses.
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                                 Title: Importation of Fresh Baby Kiwi                  Estimate of burden: The public
                                                                                                          From Chile.                                           reporting burden for this collection of
                                                  Animal and Plant Health Inspection                        OMB Control Number: 0579–0374.                      information is estimated to average 0.02
                                                  Service                                                   Type of Request: Revision to and                    hours per response.
                                                                                                          extension of approval of an information                  Respondents: Growers and shippers of
                                                  [Docket No. APHIS–2017–0035]                                                                                  fresh baby kiwi from Chile and the
                                                                                                            Abstract: The Plant Protection Act                  national plant protection organization of
                                                  Notice of Request for Revision to and
                                                                                                          (PPA, 7 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.) authorizes               Chile.
                                                  Extension of Approval of an
                                                                                                          the Secretary of Agriculture to restrict                 Estimated annual number of
                                                  Information Collection; Importation of
                                                                                                          the importation, entry, or interstate                 respondents: 5.
                                                  Fresh Baby Kiwi From Chile
                                                                                                          movement of plants, plant products, and                  Estimated annual number of
                                                  AGENCY:  Animal and Plant Health                        other articles to prevent the                         responses per respondent: 8,243.6.
                                                  Inspection Service, USDA.                               introduction of plant pests into the                     Estimated annual number of
                                                  ACTION: Revision to and extension of                    United States or their dissemination                  responses: 41,218.
                                                  approval of an information collection;                  within the United States. As authorized                  Estimated total annual burden on
                                                  comment request.                                        by the PPA, the Animal and Plant                      respondents: 849 hours. (Due to
                                                                                                          Health Inspection Service regulates the               averaging, the total annual burden hours
mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                       importation of certain fruits and                     may not equal the product of the annual
                                                  Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this                   vegetables in accordance with the                     number of responses multiplied by the
                                                  notice announces the Animal and Plant                   regulations in ‘‘Subpart—Fruits and                   reporting burden per response.)
                                                  Health Inspection Service’s intention to                Vegetables’’ (7 CFR 319.56–1 through                     All responses to this notice will be
                                                  request a revision to and extension of                  319.56–76).                                           summarized and included in the request
                                                  approval of an information collection                     Under these regulations, fresh baby                 for OMB approval. All comments will
                                                  associated with the regulations for the                 kiwi from Chile may be imported into                  also become a matter of public record.

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:19 May 08, 2017   Jkt 241001   PO 00000   Frm 00007   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\09MYN1.SGM   09MYN1

                                                                                  Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 88 / Tuesday, May 9, 2017 / Notices                                                   21509

                                                   Done in Washington, DC, this 4th day of                Robert Baca, Assistant Director,                        (3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                  May 2017.                                               Permitting and Compliance                             clarity of the information to be
                                                  Michael C. Gregoire,                                    Coordination, Compliance and                          collected; and
                                                  Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant                  Environmental Coordination Branch,                      (4) Minimize the burden of the
                                                  Health Inspection Service.                              PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road, Unit 150,                collection of information on those who
                                                  [FR Doc. 2017–09352 Filed 5–8–17; 8:45 am]              Riverdale, MD 20737; (301) 851–2292.                  are to respond, through use, as
                                                  BILLING CODE 3410–34–P                                  For copies of more detailed information               appropriate, of automated, electronic,
                                                                                                          on the information collection, contact                mechanical, and other collection
                                                                                                          Ms. Kimberly Hardy, APHIS’                            technologies; e.g., permitting electronic
                                                  DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE                               Information Collection Coordinator, at                submission of responses.
                                                                                                          (301) 851–2483.                                         Estimate of burden: The public
                                                  Animal and Plant Health Inspection                                                                            reporting burden for this collection of
                                                                                                          SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
                                                  Service                                                                                                       information is estimated to average
                                                                                                             Title: Importation of Tomatoes With
                                                  [Docket No. APHIS–2017–0036]                                                                                  0.589 hours per response.
                                                                                                          Stems From the Republic of Korea.                       Respondents: Growers, importers, and
                                                                                                             OMB Control Number: 0579–0371.                     exporters of tomatoes with stems from
                                                  Notice of Request for Revision to and
                                                  Extension of Approval of an                                Type of Request: Revision to and                   the Republic of Korea; and the national
                                                  Information Collection; Importation of                  extension of approval of an information               plant protection organization of the
                                                  Tomatoes With Stems From the                            collection.                                           Republic of Korea.
                                                  Republic of Korea                                          Abstract: Under the Plant Protection                 Estimated annual number of
                                                                                                          Act (PPA, 7 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.), the                 respondents: 3.
                                                  AGENCY:  Animal and Plant Health                        Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to               Estimated annual number of
                                                  Inspection Service, USDA.                               prohibit or restrict the importation,                 responses per respondent: 31.7.
                                                  ACTION: Revision to and extension of                    entry, or interstate movement of plants,                Estimated annual number of
                                                  approval of an information collection;                  plant products, and other articles to                 responses: 95.
                                                  comment request.                                        prevent the introduction of plant pests                 Estimated total annual burden on
                                                                                                          into the United States or their                       respondents: 56 hours. (Due to
                                                  SUMMARY:   In accordance with the                       dissemination within the United States.               averaging, the total annual burden hours
                                                  Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this                   As authorized by the PPA, the Animal                  may not equal the product of the annual
                                                  notice announces the Animal and Plant                   and Plant Health Inspection Service                   number of responses multiplied by the
                                                  Health Inspection Service’s intention to                regulates the importation of certain                  reporting burden per response.)
                                                  request a revision to and extension of                  fruits and vegetables in accordance with                All responses to this notice will be
                                                  approval of an information collection                   the regulations contained in ‘‘Subpart—               summarized and included in the request
                                                  associated with the regulations for the                 Fruits and Vegetables’’ (7 CFR 319.56                 for OMB approval. All comments will
                                                  importation of tomatoes with stems                      through 319.56–76).                                   also become a matter of public record.
                                                  from the Republic of Korea.                                Under the regulations, tomatoes with                Done in Washington, DC, this 4th day of
                                                  DATES: We will consider all comments                    stems from the Republic of Korea may                  May 2017.
                                                  that we receive on or before July 10,                   be imported into the United States                    Michael C. Gregoire,
                                                  2017.                                                   under certain conditions, as listed in 7              Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
                                                  ADDRESSES:   You may submit comments                    CFR 319.56–52, to prevent the                         Health Inspection Service.
                                                  by either of the following methods:                     introduction of plant pests into the                  [FR Doc. 2017–09353 Filed 5–8–17; 8:45 am]
                                                    • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to                   United States. These regulations require              BILLING CODE 3410–34–P
                                                  http://www.regulations.gov/#!docket                     information collection activities
                                                  Detail;D=APHIS-2017-0036.                               including inspection, registered pest-
                                                    • Postal Mail/Commercial Delivery:                    exclusionary structures, recordkeeping,               DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                  Send your comment to Docket No.                         trapping, and a phytosanitary certificate
                                                  APHIS–2017–0036, Regulatory Analysis                    with an additional declaration stating                Bureau of Industry and Security
                                                  and Development, PPD, APHIS, Station                    that the tomatoes were produced in
                                                  3A–03.8, 4700 River Road, Unit 118,                     accordance with the regulations.                      Notice of Request for Public
                                                  Riverdale, MD 20737–1238.                                  We are asking the Office of                        Comments and Public Hearing on
                                                    Supporting documents and any                          Management and Budget (OMB) to                        Section 232 National Security
                                                  comments we receive on this docket                      approve our use of these information                  Investigation of Imports of Aluminum
                                                  may be viewed at http://www.                            collection activities, as described, for an
                                                  regulations.gov/#!docketDetail;D=                                                                             AGENCY:  Bureau of Industry and
                                                                                                          additional 3 years.
                                                  APHIS-2017-0036 or in our reading                                                                             Security, Office of Technology
                                                                                                             The purpose of this notice is to solicit           Evaluation, U.S. Department of
                                                  room, which is located in room 1141 of                  comments from the public (as well as
                                                  the USDA South Building, 14th Street                                                                          Commerce.
                                                                                                          affected agencies) concerning our
                                                  and Independence Avenue SW.,                                                                                  ACTION: Notice of request for public
                                                                                                          information collection. These comments
                                                  Washington, DC. Normal reading room                     will help us:                                         comments and public hearing.
                                                  hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday                      (1) Evaluate whether the collection of             SUMMARY:   The Secretary of Commerce
                                                  through Friday, except holidays. To be                  information is necessary for the proper               initiated an investigation to determine
mstockstill on DSK30JT082PROD with NOTICES

                                                  sure someone is there to help you,                      performance of the functions of the                   the effects on the national security of
                                                  please call (202) 799–7039 before                       Agency, including whether the                         imports of aluminum. This investigation
                                                  coming.                                                 information will have practical utility;              has been initiated under section 232 of
                                                  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:     For                   (2) Evaluate the accuracy of our                   the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as
                                                  information on the regulations for the                  estimate of the burden of the collection              amended.
                                                  importation of tomatoes with stems                      of information, including the validity of               Interested parties are invited to
                                                  from the Republic of Korea, contact Dr.                 the methodology and assumptions used;                 submit written comments, data,

                                             VerDate Sep<11>2014   18:19 May 08, 2017   Jkt 241001   PO 00000   Frm 00008   Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703   E:\FR\FM\09MYN1.SGM   09MYN1

Document Created: 2018-11-08 08:41:36
Document Modified: 2018-11-08 08:41:36
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionRevision to and extension of approval of an information collection; comment request.
DatesWe will consider all comments that we receive on or before July 10, 2017.
ContactFor information on the importation of fresh baby kiwi from Chile, contact Dr. Robert Baca, Assistant Director, Permitting and Compliance Coordination, Compliance and Environmental Coordination Branch, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road, Unit 150, Riverdale, MD 20737; (301) 851-2292. For copies of more detailed information on the information collection, contact Ms. Kimberly Hardy, APHIS' Information Collection Coordinator, at (301) 851-2483.
FR Citation82 FR 21508 

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