82_FR_23703 82 FR 23605 - Comment Request: Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of People With Disabilities

82 FR 23605 - Comment Request: Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of People With Disabilities


Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 98 (May 23, 2017)

Page Range23605-23607
FR Document2017-10503

The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a preclearance consultation program to provide the general public and federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This program helps to ensure that requested data can be provided in the desired format, reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized, collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of collection requirements on respondents is properly assessed. Currently, the Department of Labor is soliciting comments concerning the collection of data about the Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of People with Disabilities. A copy of the proposed Information Collection Request (ICR) can be obtained by contacting the office listed in the addressee section of this notice.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 98 (Tuesday, May 23, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 98 (Tuesday, May 23, 2017)]
[Pages 23605-23607]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-10503]



Comment Request: Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of 
People With Disabilities

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Chief Evaluation 
Office, Department of Labor.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to 
reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a preclearance 
consultation program to provide the general public and federal agencies 
with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing 
collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction 
Act of 1995. This program helps to ensure that requested data can be 
provided in the desired format, reporting burden (time and financial 
resources) is minimized,

[[Page 23606]]

collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of 
collection requirements on respondents is properly assessed. Currently, 
the Department of Labor is soliciting comments concerning the 
collection of data about the Survey of Employer Policies on the 
Employment of People with Disabilities. A copy of the proposed 
Information Collection Request (ICR) can be obtained by contacting the 
office listed in the addressee section of this notice.

DATES: The OMB will consider all written comments that the agency 
receives on or before July 24, 2017.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by either one of the following 
methods: Email: ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov; Mail or Courier: Juston 
Locks, Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of 
Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Room S-1303 Washington, DC 20210. 
Instructions: Please submit one copy of your comments by only one 
method. All submissions received must include the agency name and OMB 
Control Number identified above for this information collection. 
Because we continue to experience delays in receiving mail in the 
Washington, DC area, commenters are strongly encouraged to transmit 
their comments electronically via email or to submit them by mail 
early. Comments, including any personal information provided, become a 
matter of public record. They will also be summarized and/or included 
in the request for OMB approval of the information collection request.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Juston Locks by email at 


I. Background

    The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) of the U.S. Department of Labor 
in partnership with the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) 
seeks to conduct a Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of 
People with Disabilities to examine employer perceptions of their 
efforts to employ individuals with disabilities. Knowing this 
information will enhance the ability of ODEP to engage employers on how 
to hire, retain and promote individuals with disabilities. ODEP has the 
ability to reach out to employers through its public education 
campaigns and technical assistance centers, as well as engage the 
business community directly. Assessing employer attitudes towards 
hiring and retaining individuals with disabilities will allow ODEP to 
better understand employer successes and concerns, as well as more 
effectively share best practices in hiring, retaining, and promoting 
individuals with disabilities. This study will answer research 
questions with regard to current employer practices and attitudes 
towards employment of people with disabilities (`disability 
employment'); barriers and facilitators of disability employment; the 
impact of accommodations and technology on employer perceptions and 
attitudes towards disability employment; and sources of disability 
employment-related information for employers.
    To answer the research questions, the study will include three data 
collection strategies: (1) A telephone survey with employers; (2) case 
studies with representatives of six companies; and (3) qualitative 
interviews with supervisors from companies with disability employment 
    This Federal Register Notice provides the opportunity to comment on 
proposed data collection instruments that will be used in the study:
     Employer Survey (n=4,800). Westat will contact each 
sampled HR managers to complete a 20-minute computer-assisted telephone 
interview (CATI). This survey will cover topics such as company 
policies and practices on disability employment, successes and 
challenges of disability employment, information on employment policies 
and best practices, and the use of technology and accommodations.
     Case Studies (n=120). Westat will conduct six site visits 
at companies demonstrating experience with disability employment. 
Westat will interview individuals from a sample across the spectrum of 
involvement in disability employment, including: Human Resource (HR) 
managers, hiring managers, disabled employees, colleagues of disabled 
employees, and senior leadership tasked with creating diversity and 
inclusion policy. Westat will conduct approximately 20 interviews per 
case study, with each interview lasting between 20-30 minutes.
     Qualitative Interviews with HR Managers (n=90). Westat 
will purposefully select a subsample of employers with significant 
experience with disability employment and interview mid-level managers 
from those companies to collect more in-depth information. These 
interviews will cover questions about the employer's current practices 
and attitudes towards employment of people with disabilities; barriers 
and facilitators towards disability employment; accommodations and 
technology available for employees with disabilities; and information 
flow about disability employment. These interviews will last 
approximately 30 minutes.

II. Review Focus

    Currently, the Department of Labor is soliciting comments 
concerning the above data collection for a study of employer policies 
and practices on the employment of people with disabilities. DOL is 
particularly interested in comments that:
     Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is 
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
including whether the information will have practical utility;
     Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the 
burden of the proposed collection of information, including the 
validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
     Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
information to be collected; and
     Minimize the burden of the collection of information on 
those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate 
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection 
techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting 
electronic submissions of responses.

III. Current Action

    At this time, DOL is requesting clearance for the SEED 
Implementation Evaluation Survey.
    Type of Review: New Information Collection.
    OMB Control Number: 1230-0NEW.
    Title: Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of People with 

[[Page 23607]]

     Estimated Total Burden Hours--Survey of Employer Policies on the Employment of People With Disabilities
                                                     Number of                        Average
           Respondents             Total number    responses per   Total  annual   burden hours    Total annual
                                  of respondents    respondent       responses     per response    burden hours
Telephone Survey................           4,800               1           1,600             .33          533.33
Case Study......................             120               1              40             .50              20
Qualitative Interviews..........              90               1              30             .50              15
    Total.......................           5,010  ..............           1,670  ..............          568.33

    Affected Public: Approximately 5,010 respondents will be contacted 
to participate in this data collection, including hiring managers; HR 
managers; employees with disabilities; colleagues of employees with 
disabilities; and diversity/inclusion officers.
    Annual Frequency: One time.
    Comments submitted in response to this comment request will be 
summarized and/or included in the request for Office of Management and 
Budget approval of the information collection request; they will also 
become a matter of public record.

    Dated: April 28, 2017.
Molly Irwin,
Chief Evaluation Officer, U.S. Department of Labor.
[FR Doc. 2017-10503 Filed 5-22-17; 8:45 am]

                                                                               Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 98 / Tuesday, May 23, 2017 / Notices                                                   23605

                                                effectiveness, monitor compliance with                  potential impact on individual states                 are to respond, including through the
                                                statutory requirements, and analyze                     and local areas of this and all other                 use of appropriate automated,
                                                participant activity and grantee                        items discussed in this package.                      electronic, mechanical, or other
                                                performance while complying with                           As mentioned above, as part of its                 technological collection techniques or
                                                OMB efforts to streamline Federal                       effort to streamline program                          other forms of information technology
                                                performance reporting.                                  performance reporting, the Department                 (e.g., permitting electronic submissions
                                                   Under WIOA section 116(d)(6), the                    added the performance information                     of responses).
                                                Secretary of Labor is required to                       collection requirements for the SCSEP
                                                annually make available (including by                   to this information collection. The Older             III. Current Actions
                                                electronic means), in an easily                         Americans Act Reauthorization Act of                     Type of Review: Revision.
                                                understandable format, (a) the State                    2016 (OAA–2016) amended the SCSEP                        Title: Workforce Performance
                                                Annual Performance Reports containing                   core indicators of performance, and it                Accountability, Information, and
                                                the information described in WIOA                       requires those amended indicators to be               Reporting System.
                                                section 116 (d)(2) and (b) a summary of                 implemented by regulation by December                    OMB Number: 1205–0521.
                                                the reports, and the reports required                   31, 2017. SCSEP will retain its current                  Affected Public: State, Local, and
                                                under WIOA section 116 (d)(6) (the                      ICR (under OMB Control Number 1205–                   Tribal Governments; Individuals or
                                                State Performance, Local Area, and                      0040) for non-performance data                        Households; and Private Sector—
                                                Eligible Training Provider Reports), to                 elements and will implement the OAA–                  businesses or other for-profits and not-
                                                the Committee on Education and the                      2016 performance measures’                            for-profit institutions.
                                                Workforce of the House of                               information collection under this ICR                    Frequency: Quarterly, Annually.
                                                Representatives and the Committee on                    upon completion of rulemaking. This                      Estimated Total Annual Respondents:
                                                Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions                  ICR may receive OMB approval before                   947.
                                                of the Senate.                                          Final Rules implementing the OAA–                        Estimated Total Annual Responses:
                                                   The reports and other analyses of the                2016 SCSEP measures are published. If                 17,360,446.
                                                data will be made available to the public               this occurs, the Department will submit                  Estimated Total Annual Burden
                                                through publication and other                           another ICR for this collection to OMB                Hours: 4,495,212.
                                                appropriate methods and to the                          to incorporate the Final Rule citations,                 Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
                                                appropriate congressional committees                    as required by 5 CFR 1320.11(h). Those                Burden: $17,100,000.
                                                through copies of such reports. In                      citations currently do not exist and,                    Approval of this information
                                                addition, information obtained through                  therefore, cannot be included at this                 collection request is required so that the
                                                the Workforce Performance                               time. The Department plans to review                  states, locals, and other entities can
                                                Accountability, Information, and                        and analyze any comments received in                  begin programming their management
                                                Reporting System will be used at the                    response to this Federal Register Notice              information systems in order to enable
                                                national level during budget and                        in order to finalize the substantive                  them to collect the necessary data to
                                                allocation hearings for DOL compliance                  information collection requirements to                implement the data collection and
                                                with the Government Performance and                     the extent legally possible.                          reporting requirements of section 116 in
                                                Results Act and other legislative                                                                             accordance with the WIOA statute.
                                                requirements, and during legislative                    II. Review Focus
                                                                                                                                                              Byron Zuidema,
                                                authorization proceedings.                                 The Department as part of its effort to
                                                   Under this collection, participation                                                                       Deputy Assistant Secretary for Employment
                                                                                                        streamline program performance                        and Training Administration, Labor.
                                                will be measured based on the count of                  reporting is (1) making grammar edits,
                                                individuals who meet the definition of                                                                        [FR Doc. 2017–10500 Filed 5–22–17; 8:45 am]
                                                                                                        code fields, and instructions revisions;
                                                a ‘‘participant’’—e.g., those who have                  (2) deleting data elements no longer
                                                                                                                                                              BILLING CODE 4510–FN–P
                                                received staff-level services within the                required by ETA, (3) adding data
                                                program year. An individual should be                   elements needed by ETA, and (4) adding
                                                considered to have exited after they                                                                          DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
                                                                                                        the performance information collection
                                                have gone 90 days without service, and                  requirements for the Senior Community                 Comment Request: Survey of
                                                with no future services scheduled.                      Service Employment Program (SCSEP).                   Employer Policies on the Employment
                                                Should they return for additional                          The Department is particularly                     of People With Disabilities
                                                services after the 90 days—within the                   interested in comments that:
                                                same program year and exit in that same                    • Evaluate whether the proposed                    AGENCY:  Office of the Assistant
                                                program year—the individual’s exit date                 collection of information is necessary                Secretary for Policy, Chief Evaluation
                                                will be changed to reflect only the last                for the proper performance of the                     Office, Department of Labor.
                                                exit date in that program year. If the                  functions of the agency, including                    ACTION: Notice.
                                                individual exits in a subsequent                        whether the information will have
                                                program year, they would be counted as                  practical utility;                                    SUMMARY:    The Department of Labor, as
                                                a new participant for purposes of that                     • evaluate the accuracy of the                     part of its continuing effort to reduce
                                                subsequent program year. Counting                       agency’s estimate of the burden of the                paperwork and respondent burden,
                                                unique individuals in this manner will                  proposed collection of information,                   conducts a preclearance consultation
                                                allow an unduplicated count of                          including the validity of the                         program to provide the general public
                                                participants in the accountability and                  methodology and assumptions used;                     and federal agencies with an
                                                reporting system. The Department                           • can further help to create an                    opportunity to comment on proposed
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                understands that this may affect                        integrated data element layout between                and/or continuing collections of
                                                quarterly reporting results and counts of               ETA-funded programs;                                  information in accordance with the
                                                services rendered early in the program                     • enhance the quality, utility, and                Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This
                                                year, particularly for programs whose                   clarity of the information to be                      program helps to ensure that requested
                                                current reporting practices differ from                 collected; and                                        data can be provided in the desired
                                                what is described above. As such, we                       • minimize the burden of the                       format, reporting burden (time and
                                                greatly encourage your comments on the                  collection of information on those who                financial resources) is minimized,

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                                                23606                          Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 98 / Tuesday, May 23, 2017 / Notices

                                                collection instruments are clearly                      technical assistance centers, as well as              purposefully select a subsample of
                                                understood, and the impact of collection                engage the business community                         employers with significant experience
                                                requirements on respondents is properly                 directly. Assessing employer attitudes                with disability employment and
                                                assessed. Currently, the Department of                  towards hiring and retaining individuals              interview mid-level managers from
                                                Labor is soliciting comments concerning                 with disabilities will allow ODEP to                  those companies to collect more in-
                                                the collection of data about the Survey                 better understand employer successes                  depth information. These interviews
                                                of Employer Policies on the                             and concerns, as well as more                         will cover questions about the
                                                Employment of People with Disabilities.                 effectively share best practices in hiring,           employer’s current practices and
                                                A copy of the proposed Information                      retaining, and promoting individuals                  attitudes towards employment of people
                                                Collection Request (ICR) can be                         with disabilities. This study will answer             with disabilities; barriers and facilitators
                                                obtained by contacting the office listed                research questions with regard to                     towards disability employment;
                                                in the addressee section of this notice.                current employer practices and attitudes              accommodations and technology
                                                DATES: The OMB will consider all                        towards employment of people with                     available for employees with
                                                written comments that the agency                        disabilities (‘disability employment’);               disabilities; and information flow about
                                                receives on or before July 24, 2017.                    barriers and facilitators of disability               disability employment. These
                                                ADDRESSES: You may submit comments                      employment; the impact of                             interviews will last approximately 30
                                                by either one of the following methods:                 accommodations and technology on                      minutes.
                                                Email: ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov;                   employer perceptions and attitudes
                                                                                                        towards disability employment; and                    II. Review Focus
                                                Mail or Courier: Juston Locks, Office of
                                                Disability Employment Policy, U.S.                      sources of disability employment-                       Currently, the Department of Labor is
                                                Department of Labor, 200 Constitution                   related information for employers.                    soliciting comments concerning the
                                                Avenue NW., Room S–1303                                    To answer the research questions, the              above data collection for a study of
                                                Washington, DC 20210. Instructions:                     study will include three data collection              employer policies and practices on the
                                                Please submit one copy of your                          strategies: (1) A telephone survey with               employment of people with disabilities.
                                                comments by only one method. All                        employers; (2) case studies with                      DOL is particularly interested in
                                                submissions received must include the                   representatives of six companies; and                 comments that:
                                                                                                        (3) qualitative interviews with
                                                agency name and OMB Control Number
                                                                                                        supervisors from companies with                         • Evaluate whether the proposed
                                                identified above for this information                                                                         collection of information is necessary
                                                collection. Because we continue to                      disability employment experience.
                                                                                                           This Federal Register Notice provides              for the proper performance of the
                                                experience delays in receiving mail in                                                                        functions of the agency, including
                                                the Washington, DC area, commenters                     the opportunity to comment on
                                                                                                        proposed data collection instruments                  whether the information will have
                                                are strongly encouraged to transmit their                                                                     practical utility;
                                                                                                        that will be used in the study:
                                                comments electronically via email or to                                                                         • Evaluate the accuracy of the
                                                                                                           • Employer Survey (n=4,800). Westat
                                                submit them by mail early. Comments,                                                                          agency’s estimate of the burden of the
                                                                                                        will contact each sampled HR managers
                                                including any personal information                      to complete a 20-minute computer-                     proposed collection of information,
                                                provided, become a matter of public                     assisted telephone interview (CATI).                  including the validity of the
                                                record. They will also be summarized                    This survey will cover topics such as                 methodology and assumptions used;
                                                and/or included in the request for OMB                  company policies and practices on                       • Enhance the quality, utility, and
                                                approval of the information collection                  disability employment, successes and                  clarity of the information to be
                                                request.                                                challenges of disability employment,                  collected; and
                                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact                        information on employment policies                      • Minimize the burden of the
                                                Juston Locks by email at                                and best practices, and the use of                    collection of information on those who
                                                chiefevaluationoffice@dol.gov.                          technology and accommodations.                        are to respond, including through the
                                                SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                 • Case Studies (n=120). Westat will                use of appropriate automated,
                                                                                                        conduct six site visits at companies                  electronic, mechanical, or other
                                                I. Background                                           demonstrating experience with                         technological collection techniques or
                                                   The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) of                 disability employment. Westat will                    other forms of information technology,
                                                the U.S. Department of Labor in                         interview individuals from a sample                   e.g., permitting electronic submissions
                                                partnership with the Office of Disability               across the spectrum of involvement in                 of responses.
                                                Employment Policy (ODEP) seeks to                       disability employment, including:
                                                conduct a Survey of Employer Policies                   Human Resource (HR) managers, hiring                  III. Current Action
                                                on the Employment of People with                        managers, disabled employees,                           At this time, DOL is requesting
                                                Disabilities to examine employer                        colleagues of disabled employees, and                 clearance for the SEED Implementation
                                                perceptions of their efforts to employ                  senior leadership tasked with creating                Evaluation Survey.
                                                individuals with disabilities. Knowing                  diversity and inclusion policy. Westat
                                                this information will enhance the ability               will conduct approximately 20                           Type of Review: New Information
                                                of ODEP to engage employers on how to                   interviews per case study, with each                  Collection.
                                                hire, retain and promote individuals                    interview lasting between 20–30                         OMB Control Number: 1230–0NEW.
                                                with disabilities. ODEP has the ability to              minutes.                                                Title: Survey of Employer Policies on
                                                reach out to employers through its                         • Qualitative Interviews with HR                   the Employment of People with
                                                                                                        Managers (n=90). Westat will                          Disabilities.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                public education campaigns and

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                                                                                           Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 98 / Tuesday, May 23, 2017 / Notices                                                                        23607

                                                                                                                                             Total number       Number of                   Total          Average                Total annual
                                                                                  Respondents                                                      of         responses per                annual        burden hours             burden hours
                                                                                                                                             respondents        respondent               responses       per response

                                                Telephone Survey ................................................................                   4,800                           1          1,600                     .33            533.33
                                                Case Study ..........................................................................                 120                           1             40                     .50                20
                                                Qualitative Interviews ...........................................................                     90                           1             30                     .50                15

                                                      Total ..............................................................................          5,010     ........................         1,670   ........................         568.33

                                                  Affected Public: Approximately 5,010                                     Policies on the Employment of People                          public education campaigns and
                                                respondents will be contacted to                                           with Disabilities. A copy of the                              technical assistance centers, as well as
                                                participate in this data collection,                                       proposed Information Collection                               engage the business community
                                                including hiring managers; HR                                              Request (ICR) can be obtained by                              directly. Assessing employer attitudes
                                                managers; employees with disabilities;                                     contacting the office listed in the                           towards hiring and retaining individuals
                                                colleagues of employees with                                               addressee section of this notice.                             with disabilities will allow ODEP to
                                                disabilities; and diversity/inclusion                                      DATES: The OMB will consider all                              better understand employer successes
                                                officers.                                                                  written comments that the agency                              and concerns, as well as more
                                                  Annual Frequency: One time.                                              receives on or before July 24, 2017.                          effectively share best practices in hiring,
                                                  Comments submitted in response to                                                                                                      retaining, and promoting individuals
                                                this comment request will be                                               ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
                                                                                                                           by either one of the following methods:                       with disabilities. This study will answer
                                                summarized and/or included in the                                                                                                        research questions with regard to
                                                request for Office of Management and                                       Email: ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov;
                                                                                                                           Mail or Courier: Juston Locks, Office of                      current employer practices and attitudes
                                                Budget approval of the information                                                                                                       towards employment of people with
                                                collection request; they will also                                         Disability Employment Policy, U.S.
                                                                                                                           Department of Labor, 200 Constitution                         disabilities (‘disability employment’);
                                                become a matter of public record.                                                                                                        barriers and facilitators of disability
                                                                                                                           Avenue NW., Room S–1303,
                                                  Dated: April 28, 2017.
                                                                                                                           Washington, DC 20210. Instructions:                           employment; the impact of
                                                Molly Irwin,                                                               Please submit one copy of your                                accommodations and technology on
                                                Chief Evaluation Officer, U.S. Department of                               comments by only one method. All                              employer perceptions and attitudes
                                                Labor.                                                                     submissions received must include the                         towards disability employment; and
                                                [FR Doc. 2017–10503 Filed 5–22–17; 8:45 am]                                agency name and OMB Control Number                            sources of disability employment-
                                                BILLING CODE 4510–HX–P                                                     identified above for this information                         related information for employers.
                                                                                                                           collection. Because we continue to                               To answer the research questions, the
                                                                                                                           experience delays in receiving mail in                        study will include three data collection
                                                DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                                        the Washington, DC area, commenters                           strategies: (1) A telephone survey with
                                                                                                                           are strongly encouraged to transmit their                     employers; (2) case studies with
                                                Comment Request: Survey of                                                                                                               representatives of six companies; and
                                                Employer Policies on the Employment                                        comments electronically via email or to
                                                                                                                           submit them by mail early. Comments,                          (3) qualitative interviews with
                                                of People With Disabilities                                                                                                              supervisors from companies with
                                                                                                                           including any personal information
                                                AGENCY:  Office of the Assistant                                           provided, become a matter of public                           disability employment experience.
                                                Secretary for Policy, Chief Evaluation                                                                                                      This Federal Register Notice provides
                                                                                                                           record. They will also be summarized
                                                Office, Department of Labor.                                                                                                             the opportunity to comment on
                                                                                                                           and/or included in the request for OMB
                                                                                                                                                                                         proposed data collection instruments
                                                ACTION: Notice.                                                            approval of the information collection
                                                                                                                                                                                         that will be used in the study:
                                                SUMMARY:    The Department of Labor, as                                                                                                     • Employer Survey (n=4,800). Westat
                                                part of its continuing effort to reduce                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:                              will contact each sampled HR managers
                                                paperwork and respondent burden,                                           Juston Locks by email at                                      to complete a 20-minute computer-
                                                conducts a preclearance consultation                                       chiefevaluationoffice@dol.gov.                                assisted telephone interview (CATI).
                                                program to provide the general public                                      SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:                                    This survey will cover topics such as
                                                and federal agencies with an                                                                                                             company policies and practices on
                                                opportunity to comment on proposed                                         I. Background                                                 disability employment, successes and
                                                and/or continuing collections of                                             The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) of                        challenges of disability employment,
                                                information in accordance with the                                         the U.S. Department of Labor in                               information on employment policies
                                                Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995                                            partnership with the Office of Disability                     and best practices, and the use of
                                                (PRA95). This program helps to ensure                                      Employment Policy (ODEP) seeks to                             technology and accommodations.
                                                that requested data can be provided in                                     conduct a Survey of Employer Policies                            • Case Studies (n=120). Westat will
                                                the desired format, reporting burden                                       on the Employment of People with                              conduct six site visits at companies
                                                (time and financial resources) is                                          Disabilities to examine employer                              demonstrating experience with
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

                                                minimized, collection instruments are                                      perceptions of their efforts to employ                        disability employment. Westat will
                                                clearly understood, and the impact of                                      individuals with disabilities. Knowing                        interview individuals from a sample
                                                collection requirements on respondents                                     this information will enhance the ability                     across the spectrum of involvement in
                                                is properly assessed. Currently, the                                       of ODEP to engage employers on how to                         disability employment, including:
                                                Department of Labor is soliciting                                          hire, retain and promote individuals                          Human Resource (HR) managers, hiring
                                                comments concerning the collection of                                      with disabilities. ODEP has the ability to                    managers, disabled employees,
                                                data about the Survey of Employer                                          reach out to employers through its                            colleagues of disabled employees, and

                                           VerDate Sep<11>2014        21:15 May 22, 2017          Jkt 241001       PO 00000       Frm 00087    Fmt 4703   Sfmt 4703    E:\FR\FM\23MYN1.SGM      23MYN1

Document Created: 2017-05-23 02:14:46
Document Modified: 2017-05-23 02:14:46
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
DatesThe OMB will consider all written comments that the agency receives on or before July 24, 2017.
FR Citation82 FR 23605 

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