82 FR 24570 - National Environmental Policy Act Regulations.


Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 102 (May 30, 2017)

Page Range24570-24582
FR Document2017-10940

The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC or Commission) proposes to adopt new regulations governing NCPC's implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and regulations promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Federal agencies and NCPC on behalf of non-federal agencies must comply with the requirements of NEPA and CEQ regulations for projects submitted to the Commission for review and approval.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 102 (Tuesday, May 30, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 102 (Tuesday, May 30, 2017)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 24570-24582]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-10940]

Proposed Rules
                                                Federal Register

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.


Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 102 / Tuesday, May 30, 2017 / 
Proposed Rules

[[Page 24570]]


1 CFR Chapter VI

National Environmental Policy Act Regulations.

AGENCY: National Capital Planning Commission

ACTION: Proposed rule; public meetings.


SUMMARY: The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC or Commission) 
proposes to adopt new regulations governing NCPC's implementation of 
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and regulations 
promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Federal 
agencies and NCPC on behalf of non-federal agencies must comply with 
the requirements of NEPA and CEQ regulations for projects submitted to 
the Commission for review and approval.

DATES: Submit comments on or before July 14, 2017. Public meetings to 
discuss the proposed Policies and Procedures will be held on Tuesday, 
June 13, 2017 from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. and Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 
9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Both meetings will be held at the National Capital 
Planning Commission, 401 9th Street NW., Suite 500, Washington, DC 

ADDRESSES: You may submit written comments on the proposed Policies and 
Procedures by either of the methods listed below.
    1. U.S. mail, courier, or hand delivery: Anne R. Schuyler, General 
Counsel/National Capital Planning Commission, 401 9th Street NW., Suite 
500, Washington, DC 20004.
    2. Electronically: [email protected].

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anne R. Schuyler, General Counsel at 
202-482-7223 or [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The current regulation are published on the 
NCPC Web site at the following location: https://www.ncpc.gov/ncpc/Main(T2)/ProjectReview(Tr2)/ProjectReview(Tr3)/
SubmissionGuidelines.html?sgpage=3. These regulations lay out the 
process federal agencies and NCPC on behalf of non-federal agencies 
must follow to ensure NEPA compliance. While the subject regulations 
are critical to the Commission's ability to carry out its review 
authorities, they have not been updated since 2004. As such, NCPC 
proposes revisions to its Environmental Policies and Procedures to 
simplify the regulations and streamline the agency's NEPA process. In 
this proposal, NCPC is also proposing to establish a new chapter 
(chapter VI) in title 1 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to 
promote orderly codification. As the NCPC updates its regulations 
currently found in 1 CFR parts 455, 456 and 457 it will move them to 
its new chapter VI in title 1.

Key Changes Incorporated Into NCPC's Proposed Environmental Policies 
and Procedures

    NCPC's current NEPA procedures were adopted in 2004 and generally 
remain appropriate and effective. However certain portions of the 
existing policies and procedures require revision to simplify, 
streamline, and improve the effectiveness of NCPC's process for 
complying with NEPA.
    One of the most significant changes incorporated into the proposed 
Environmental Policies and Procedures (Policies and Procedures) is the 
elimination of procedures for complying with Section 106 of the 
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). In 2004, when it adopted its 
current regulations, NCPC opted to issue combined NEPA and the NHPA 
regulations to ensure coordinated implementation of both procedures. 
However, regulations promulgated by the ACHP do not require agencies to 
adopt agency specific processes and procedures. Instead ACHP 
regulations establish the processes and procedures all federal agencies 
must follow. This resulted in the inclusion of duplicative information 
in NCPC's current policies and procedures. While this information 
proved helpful, it diverted attention away from NCPC's agency specific 
NEPA policies and procedures mandated by CEQ. Accordingly, the proposed 
Policies and Procedures delete detailed references to Section 106 
consultation procedures. They do retain references to coordination 
between NEPA and NHPA and consideration of historic resources in the 
NEPA process.
    To clarify roles and responsibilities, the proposed Policies and 
Procedures distinguish between federal agency applicants and non-
federal agency applicants. Federal agency applicants include cabinet 
level departments and executive agencies such as the U.S. General 
Services Administration (GSA). Non-federal agency applicants include, 
without limitation, the Smithsonian Institution, the John F. Kennedy 
Center for the Performing Arts, the National Gallery of Art, the US 
Institute of Peace, the Government of the District of Columbia, the 
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) and 
private parties implementing projects on federal land. NCPC's 
jurisdiction extends to non-federal agency applicants when they 
undertake projects on federally-owned land. Under the proposed Policies 
and Procedures, NCPC serves as lead agency when the applicant is a non-
federal agency. While this deviates from current practice, the proposal 
ensures NCPC a prominent role in the NEPA process and the ability to 
ensure consideration of its views.
    The proposed Policies and Procedures also alter the timing and 
sequencing of an applicant's submission of NEPA documentation for 
applications governed by the National Capital Planning Act and the 
Commemorative Works Act. Under the current regulations, an applicant 
must complete the NEPA process at the time of preliminary review. Under 
the proposed regulations, an applicant must complete its NEPA process 
at the time of final review. This revised approach allows the 
Commission an opportunity to provide input on a project when it is 
still in the developmental phase. It also provides a NEPA sequencing 
consistent with federal agency project development schedules. This 
eliminates the pressure on federal agency applicants to expedite its 
NEPA process to meet NCPC's current sequencing policies.
    NCPC also proposes several changes to its list of projects eligible 
for application of a CATEX. NCPC proposes to eliminate three existing 
CATEXs because they are based on old, antiquated authorities which have 
little to no relationship to NCPC's present day review roles. NCPC 
proposes to add four

[[Page 24571]]

new CATEXs and to increase the number of extraordinary circumstances 
with the potential to negate application of CATEXs. The new CATEXs and 
extraordinary circumstances reflect matters addressed in federal, state 
and local laws and regulations and Executive Orders applicable to 
projects that come before NCPC.

Section by Section Analysis of NCPC's Proposed Environmental Policies 
and Procedures

    Subpart A--General. This subpart contains three subsections 
addressing purpose, policy and definitions.
    Sec.  601.1 Purpose. This section presents a clear, succinct 
statement of purpose.
    Sec.  601.2 Policies. This section states NCPC's policies 
implementing NEPA. The content is similar to that of the existing 
policies and procedures, but the proposed Policies and Procedures 
consolidate all policies into one section. The existing Policies and 
Procedures disperse NCPC's NEPA policies throughout multiple sections.
    Sec.  601.3 Definitions. This section defines terms frequently used 
in the document. It deletes definitions from the existing regulations 
that are infrequently or no longer used in the proposed regulations.
    Subpart B--Lead and Cooperating Agencies. This subpart assigns lead 
and cooperating agency status and states the obligations required of an 
applicant depending on their assigned status.
    Sec.  601.4 Designation of Lead Agency. This section confers lead 
agency status on federal agency applicants and upon NCPC when the 
applicant is a non-federal agency. By definition, a federal agency 
means the executive agencies defined in 5 U.S.C. 105. A non-federal 
agency applicant means those applicants outside the statutory 
definition of federal agency that undertake projects on federal land 
and include, without limitation, the Smithsonian Institution, the John 
F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the National Gallery of Art, 
the U.S. Institute of Peace, the Government of the District of 
Columbia, MNCPPC, and private parties undertaking development on 
federal land.
    Sec.  601.5 Lead Agency obligations. This section lists the general 
obligations of a lead agency.
    Sec.  601.6 Resolving disputes over Lead Agency status. The section 
includes a dispute resolution provision for circumstances when there is 
a disagreement over which agency serves as the lead.
    Sec.  601.7 Cooperating Agencies. This section lists the 
obligations of NCPC when it serves as a cooperating agency and requires 
non-federal agencies to comply with the same obligations when NCPC 
serves as lead agency.
    Subpart C--NEPA Submission Schedules. This subpart establishes the 
NEPA submission schedule for applications reviewed by the Commission 
pursuant to the Planning Act and the Commemorative Works Act.
    Sec.  601.8 NEPA Submission schedule for applications governed by 
the National Capital Planning Act. This section establishes a revised 
NEPA submission schedule as follows: Initiation of scoping at the time 
of concept review; issuance of a draft environmental document (EA or 
EIS) at the time of preliminary review; and issuance of a final 
environmental document and final determination (FONSI or ROD) at the 
time of final review. The section also addresses the NEPA process to be 
undertaken by NCPC as the lead agency when emergency circumstances 
exist and application of a CATEX is not possible.
    Sec.  601.9 NEPA submission schedule for applications governed by 
the Commemorative Works Act. This section establishes a new NEPA 
submission schedule as follows: Commencement of the NEPA process at the 
time of concept site and concept design review; issuance of a draft 
environmental document for public review at the time of preliminary 
approval of a site and design; and issuance of a final environmental 
document and a final determination (FONSI or ROD) at the time of final 
site and design review.
    Subpart D--Initiating the NEPA Process. This subpart describes the 
characteristics of Commission actions eligible for a CATX, lists the 
extraordinary circumstances that may negate the application of a CATEX, 
and lists NCPC's CATEXs.
    Sec.  601.10 Characteristics of Commission actions eligible for a 
Categorical Exclusion. This section lists four types of actions the 
generally qualify for application of a CATEX:
    Sec.  601.11 Extraordinary Circumstances. This section list ten 
extraordinary circumstances that may negate NCPC's application of a 
CATEX. Current regulations specify only five extraordinary 
    Sec.  601.12 National Capital Planning Commission Categorical 
Exclusions. This section lists ten categorical exclusions available for 
use by NCPC. It includes a few new, but minor types of projects 
eligible for categorical exclusion and removes some existing CATEX 
based on old, antiquated authorities.
    Subpart E--Environmental Assessments. This subpart identifies the 
characteristics of Commission actions eligible for an EA; the specific 
types of Commission actions eligible for an EA; the contents, process 
for preparing, and process for adopting an EA; the process for closing 
out the EA process; and the requirements for determining when a 
supplemental EA should be prepared.
    Sec.  601.13 Characteristics of Commission actions eligible for and 
Environmental Assessment. This section lists four characteristics that 
generally render a Commission action eligible for an EA.
    Sec.  601.14 Commission actions generally eligible for an 
Environmental Assessment. This section lists five specific actions of 
the Commission which comply with the criteria listed in Sec.  601.13 
above and, therefore, qualify for preparation of an EA.
    Sec.  601.15 Preparing an Environmental Assessment. This section 
provides general guidance on the contents of an EA and the entities to 
be involved in the preparation of the document. The section also 
authorizes NCPC's Executive Director to undertake a public scoping 
process for an EA if he/she determines it to be appropriate, outlines 
the public scoping process, and authorizes NCPC in its discretion to 
solicit public comment on a draft EA.
    Sec.  601.16 Finding of No Significant Impact. This section directs 
NCPC as the lead agency to prepare a FONSI, if warranted, at the 
conclusion of the EA process. It also provides NCPC the option of 
either co-signing the lead agency's FONSI or preparing its own FONSI 
when NCPC serves as a cooperating agency. The section also specifies 
remedies the Commission can pursue when a lead agency's EA fails to 
support a FONSI.
    Sec.  601.17 Supplemental Environmental Assessments. This section 
establishes when a supplemental EA may be warranted.
    Subpart F--Environmental Impact Statements. This subpart 
establishes the requirement for and timing of an EIS; links the 
requirement for an EIS to the context and intensity of impacts; 
requires use of techniques that minimize the length of an EIS; 
authorizes use of programmatic EISs and tiering; lists the contents of 
an EIS; sets forth the process for preparing an EIS; addresses 
preparation and issuance of a Final EIS; and addresses the preparation, 
and issuance of a ROD.
    Sec.  601.18 Requirement and timing of an Environmental Impact 
Statement. This section requires NCPC preparation of an EIS on behalf 
on non-federal agency applicants, prior to the

[[Page 24572]]

Commission's approval of a major federal action that has the potential 
to significantly affect the quality of the human environment.
    Sec.  601.19 Context, intensity and significance of impacts. This 
section requires the determination on whether an EIS is necessary and 
whether an impact is significant based on the context and intensity of 
a project's impacts. The section discusses the meaning of context and 
intensity and lists the characteristics that render projects 
    Sec.  601.20 Streamlining Environmental Impact Statements. This 
section requires NCPC to minimize the length of an EIS when NCPC serves 
as the lead agency and lists techniques that can achieve this result.
    Sec.  601.21 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statements and 
tiering. This section authorizes use of a PEA and PEIS to assess the 
impacts of proposed plans and projects when there is uncertainty 
regarding the timing, the location, and the environmental impacts of 
subsequent implementing actions. When NCPC proceeds with a specific 
action, it authorizes the use of tiering or working from where the PEA 
or PEIS left off to define specific issues associated with the proposed 
    Sec.  601.22 Contents of an Environmental Impact Statement. This 
section enumerates the specific sections and contents that must be 
included in an EIS when NCPC is lead agency.
    Sec.  601.23 The Environmental Impact Statement process. This 
section specifies the parties that must be included in the draft EIS 
preparation process, the process to follow for determining the scope of 
an EIS, and the process for obtaining public comment when NCPC is lead 
    Sec.  601.24 Final Environmental Impact Statement. This section 
provides for the preparation of a final EIS responsive to public 
comments and provides for a forty five-day Commission-sponsored review 
period of the final EIS before the Commission takes action when NCPC is 
lead agency.
    Sec.  601.25 Record of Decision. This section requires the 
preparation of a ROD stating the Commission's decision and any 
conservation or mitigation measures required by the Commission when 
NCPC is lead agency. It also lists the required contents of a ROD. This 
section enables NCPC to co-sign the ROD of the lead agency if NCPC 
serves as a cooperating agency and concurs with the applicant's ROD.
    Sec.  601.26 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. This 
section specifies a supplemental EIS may be warranted if the original 
document is more than five years old and changed project specifications 
or new circumstances or information exist.
    Sec.  601.27 Legislative Environmental Impact Statement. This 
sections requires NCPC to prepare an EIS when initiating the submission 
of draft legislation to Congress.
    Subpart G--Dispute Resolution. This subpart sets forth a mechanism 
for dispute resolution.
    Sec.  601.28 Dispute resolution. Unless a specific dispute 
resolution is invoked elsewhere in the Policies and Procedures, this 
section requires disputes arising under the Policies and Procedures to 
be resolved through interagency negotiations starting at the working 
levels and rising to the level necessary to resolve the dispute. If 
disputes cannot besettled through interagency negotiations, the parties 
are required to engage in mediation.

Compliance With Laws and Executive Orders

1. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563

    By Memorandum dated October 12, 1993 from Sally Katzen, 
Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) to 
Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, and Independent Agencies, 
OMB rendered the NCPC exempt from the requirements of Executive Order 
12866 (See, Appendix A of cited Memorandum). Nonetheless, NCPC 
endeavors to adhere to the provisions of Executive Orders and developed 
this proposed rule in a manner consistent with the requirements of 
Executive Order 13563. NCPC worked closely with CEQ on the derivation 
of the proposed Policies and Procedures and intends to work with the 
land-holding agencies and certain non-federal agencies impacted by 
these during the public comment period.

2. Executive Order 13771

    By virtue of its exemption from the requirements of EO 12866, NCPC 
is exemption from this executive order. NCPC confirmed this fact with 

3. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et 
seq.), the NCPC certifies that the proposed rule will not have a 
significant economic effect on a substantialnumber of small entities.

4. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

    This is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2), the Small Business 
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. It does not have an annual effect 
on the economy of $100 million or more; will not cause a major increase 
in costs for individuals, various levels of governments or various 
regions; and does not have a significant adverse effect on completion, 
employment, investment, productivity, innovation or the competitiveness 
of US enterprises with foreign enterprises.

5. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)

    A statement regarding the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act is not 
required. The proposed rule neither imposes an unfunded mandate of more 
than $100 million per year nor imposes a significant or unique effect 
on State, local or tribal governments or the private sector.

6. Federalism (Executive Order 13132)

    In accordance with Executive Order 13132, the proposed rule does 
not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation 
of a Federalism Assessment. The proposed rule does not substantially 
and directly affect the relationship between the Federal and state 

7. Civil Justice Reform (Executive Order 12988)

    The General Counsel of NCPC has determined that the proposed rule 
does not unduly burden the judicial system and meets the requirements 
of Executive Order 12988 3(a) and 3(b)(2).

8. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The proposed rule does not contain information collection 
requirements, and it does not require a submission to the Office of 
Management and Budget under the Paperwork Reduction Act.

9. National Environmental Policy Act

    The proposed rule is of an administrative nature, and its adoption 
does not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the 
quality of the human environment. NCPC's adoption of the proposed rule 
will have minimal or no effect on the environment; impose no 
significant change to existing environmental conditions; and will have 
no cumulative environmental impacts.

10. Clarity of the Regulation

    Executive Order 12866, Executive Order 12988, and the Presidential 
Memorandum of June 1, 1998 requires the NCPC to write all rules in 
plain language. NCPC maintains the proposed rule meets this 
requirement. Those individuals reviewing the proposed rule who believe 
otherwise should submit specific comments to the addresses noted above 
recommending revised language for those provision or portions

[[Page 24573]]

thereof where they believe compliance is lacking.

11. Public Availability of Comments

    Be advised that personal information such as name, address, phone 
number electronic address, or other identifying personal information 
contained in a comment may be made publically available. Individuals 
may ask NCPC to withhold the personal information in their comment, but 
there is no guarantee the agency can do so.

List of Subjects in 1 CFR Part 601

    Environmental Policies and Procedures.

    For the reasons stated in the preamble, the National Capital 
Planning Commission proposes to establish 1 CFR chapter VI, consisting 
of part 601, to read as follows:



Subpart A--General
601.1 Purpose.
601.2 Policies.
601.3 Definitions.
Subpart B--Lead and Cooperating Agencies
601.4 Designation of Lead Agency.
601.5 Lead Agency obligations.
601.6 Resolving disputes over Lead Agency status.
601.7 Cooperating Agencies.
Subpart C--NEPA Submission Schedules
601.8 NEPA submission schedule for applications governed by the 
National Capital Planning Act.
601.9 NEPA submission schedule for applications governed by the 
Commemorative Works Act.
Subpart D--Initiating the NEPA Process
601.10 Characteristics of Commission actions eligible for a 
Categorical Exclusion.
601.11 Extraordinary Circumstances.
601.12 National Capital Planning Commission Categorical Exclusions.
Subpart E--Environmental Assessments
601.13 Characteristics of Commission actions eligible for an 
Environmental Assessment.
601.14 Commission actions generally eligible for an Environmental 
601.15 Process for preparing an Environmental Assessment.
601.16 Finding of No Significant Impact.
601.17 Supplemental Environmental Assessments.
Subpart F--Environmental Impact Statements
601.18 Requirement for and timing of an Environmental Impact 
601.19 Context, intensity, and significance of impacts.
601.20 Streamlining Environmental Impact Statements.
601.21 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statements and tiering.
601.22 Contents of an Environmental Impact Statement.
601.23 The Environmental Impact Statement process.
601.24 Final Environmental Impact Statement.
601.25 Record of Decision.
601.26 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
601.27 Legislative Environmental Impact Statement.
Subpart G--Dispute Resolution
601.28 Dispute resolution.
601.29 [Reserved]

    Authority:  40 CFR 1507.3.

Subpart A--General

Sec.  601.1   Purpose.

    This part establishes rules that supplement the Council on 
Environmental Quality's (CEQ) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 
regulations that the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC or 
Commission) and its applicants shall follow to ensure:
    (a) Compliance with NEPA, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and 
CEQ regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of NEPA (40 
CFR parts 1501through 1508).
    (b) Compliance with other laws, regulations, and Executive Orders 
identified by NCPC as applicable to a particular application.

Sec.  601.2   Policies.

    Consistent with 40 CFR 1500.1 and 1500.2, it shall be the policy of 
the NCPC to:
    (a) Comply with the procedures and policies of NEPA and other 
related laws, regulations, and orders applicable to Commission actions.
    (b) Provide applicants sufficient guidance to ensure plans and 
projects comply with the rules of this part and other laws, 
regulations, and orders applicable to Commission actions.
    (c) Integrate NEPA into its decision-making process at the earliest 
possible stage.
    (d) Integrate the requirements of NEPA and other planning and 
environmental reviews required by law including, without limitation, 
the National Historic Preservation Act, 54U.S.C. 306108 (NHPA), to 
ensure all such procedures run concurrently.
    (e) Use the NEPA process to identify and assess the reasonable 
alternatives to proposed actions that will avoid or minimize adverse 
effects on the quality of the human environment in the National Capital 
    (f) Use all practicable means to protect, restore, and enhance the 
quality of the human environment including built and socioeconomic 
environments and historic properties within the National Capital 
    (g) Streamline the NEPA process and Environmental Impact Statements 
(EIS) to the maximum extent possible.
    (h) Use the NEPA process to foster meaningful public involvement in 
NCPC decisions.

Sec.  601.3   Definitions.

    For purposes of this part, the following definitions shall apply:
    Administrative Record means a compilation of all materials (written 
and electronic) that were before the agency at the time it made its 
final decision. An Administrative Record documents an agency's 
decision-making process and the basis for the decision.
    Categorical Exclusion or CATEX means, as defined by 40 CFR 1508.4, 
a category of actions which do not individually or cumulatively have a 
significant effect on the human environment and which have been found 
to have no such effect in procedures adopted by a federal agency (NCPC) 
in implementation of CEQ's regulations and for which, therefore, 
neither an Environmental Assessment (EA) nor an EIS is required.
    Central Area means the geographic area in the District of Columbia 
comprised of the Shaw School and Downtown Urban Renewal Areas or such 
other area as the Districtof Columbia and NCPC shall subsequently 
jointly determine.
    Chairman means the Chairman of the National Capital Planning 
Commission appointed by the President, pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 8711(c).
    Commemorative Works Act or CWA means the federal law codified at 40 
U.S.C. 8901 et seq. that sets forth the requirements for the location 
and development of new memorials and monuments on land under the 
jurisdiction of the National Park Service (NPS) or the General Services 
Administration (GSA) in the District of Columbia and its environs.
    Commission means the National Capital Planning Commission created 
by 40 U.S.C. 8711.
    Comprehensive Plan means The Comprehensive Plan for the National 
Capital: Federal Elements prepared and

[[Page 24574]]

adopted by the Commission pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 8721(a).
    Cooperating Agency means, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.5, any Federal 
Agency other than a Lead Agency and a Non-federal Agency that has 
jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to a proposal (or 
reasonable alternative) for legislation or other major action 
significantly affecting the quality of the human environment; a state 
or local agency of similar qualifications; or when the effects are on a 
reservation, an Indian Tribe when agreed to by the Lead Agency.
    Cumulative Impact means, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.7, the impact on 
the environment that results from the incremental impact of an action 
when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future 
actions regardless of what agency (federal or non-federal) or person 
undertakes such other actions. Cumulative impacts can result from 
individually minor, but collectively significant, actions taking place 
over a period of time.
    Emergency Circumstances means an unexpected, serious occurrence or 
situation requiring immediate attention to protect the lives and safety 
of the public and protect property and ecological resources and 
functions from imminent harm.
    Environmental Assessment or EA means, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.9, 
a concise document for which a federal agency is responsible that 
serves to briefly provide sufficient evidence and analysis for 
determining whether to prepare an EIS or FONSI; aid an agency's 
compliance with NEPA when no EIS is necessary; facilitate preparation 
of an EIS when one is necessary; and includes a brief discussion of the 
need for the proposal, alternatives as required by section 102(2)(E) of 
NEPA, the environmental impacts of the proposed action and 
alternatives, and a listing of agencies and persons consulted.
    Environmental Impact Statement or EIS means, as defined in 40 CFR 
1508.11, a detailed written statement as required by 42 U.S.C. 
    Environs means the territory surrounding the District of Columbia 
included in the National Capital Region pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 
    Executive Director means the Executive Director employed by the 
National Capital Planning Commission pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 8711(d).
    Executive Director's Recommendation or EDR means a concise written 
report and recommendation prepared by NCPC staff under the direction of 
NCPC's Executive Director regarding a proposed action and transmitted 
to the Commission for its consideration.
    Extraordinary Circumstances means special circumstances that when 
present may negate an agency's ability to categorically exclude a 
project and may require an agency to undertake further NEPA review.
    Federal Agency means the executive agencies of the federal 
government as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105.
    Finding of No Significant Impact or FONSI means, as defined at 40 
CFR 1508.13, a document prepared by NCPC or a Federal Agency applicant 
that briefly presents the reasons why an action, not otherwise excluded 
(40 CFR 1508.4), will not have a significant effect on the human 
environment and for which an EIS will not be prepared. It shall include 
the EA or a summary of it and shall note any other EAs or EISs related 
to it (40 CFR 1501.7(a)(5)). If the EA is included in the FONSI, the 
FONSI need not repeat any of the discussion in the EA but may be 
incorporated by reference.
    Lead Agency means, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.16, the agency or 
agencies preparing or having primary responsibility for preparing an EA 
or an EIS.
    Memorandum of Understanding or MOU means for purposes of 
implementing NEPA, a written agreement entered into between a Lead, Co-
lead and a Cooperating Agency to facilitate implementation of NEPA and 
preparation of the requisite environmental documentation. A MOU can be 
written at a programmatic level to apply to all projects involving NCPC 
and a Federal or Non-Federal Agency applicant or on a project-by-
project basis. A MOU as defined here shall be in addition to and not 
preclude MOUs prepared by NCPC and Federal agencies for other purposes.
    Mitigation means, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.20, avoiding an impact 
altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action; 
minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action 
and its implementation; rectifying the impact by repairing, 
rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment; reducing or 
eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance 
operations during the life of the action; and compensating for the 
impact by replacing or providing substitute resources or environments.
    Monumental Core means the general area encompassed by the Capitol 
grounds, the Mall, the Washington Monument grounds, the White House 
grounds, the Ellipse, West Potomac Park, East Potomac Park, the 
Southwest Federal Center, the Federal Triangle area, President's Park, 
the Northwest Rectangle, Arlington Cemetery and the Pentagon area, and 
Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall.
    National Capital Planning Act means the July 1952 legislative 
enactment, codified at 40 U.S.C. 8701 et seq., that created the present 
day National Capital Planning Commission and conferred authority upon 
it to serve as the planning and zoning authority for the federal 
    National Capital Region means, as defined in 40 U.S.C. 8702(2), the 
District of Columbia; Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties in 
Maryland; Arlington, Fairfax, Loudon, and Prince William Counties in 
Virginia; and all cities in Maryland or Virginia in the geographic area 
bounded by the outer boundaries of the combined area of the counties 
    NEPA Document or Document means a Categorical Exclusion 
determination, an EA, or an EIS.
    Non-federal Agency means those applicants outside the definition of 
Federal Agency that prepare plans for or undertake projects on federal 
land and include, without limitation, the Smithsonian Institution, the 
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the National Gallery of 
Art, the United States Institute of Peace, the Government of the 
District of Columbia, the Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning 
Commission; and private parties undertaking development on federal 
    Notice of Availability or NOA means a public notice or other means 
of public communication that announces the availability of an EA or an 
EIS for public review.
    Notice of Intent or NOI means, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.22, a 
notice published in the Federal Register that an EIS will be prepared 
and considered. The notice shall briefly describe the proposed action 
and possible alternatives; describe the agency's proposed Public 
Scoping process including whether, when, and where any Public Scoping 
meeting will be held; and state the name and address of a person within 
the agency who can answer questions about the proposed action and the 
EIS. For purposes of NCPC implementation of NEPA, NCPC may determine, 
at its sole discretion, to publish an NOI that an EA will be prepared 
and considered.
    Programmatic NEPA Review means a broad or high level NEPA review 
that assesses the environmental impacts of proposed policies, plans or 
programs, or projects for which subsequent project or site-specific 
NEPA analysis will be

[[Page 24575]]

conducted. A Programmatic NEPA Review utilizes a tiering approach.
    Record of Decision or ROD means a concise public record of an 
agency's decision in cases requiring an EIS that is prepared in 
accordance with 40 CFR 1505.2.
    Scope means, as defined in 40 U.S.C. 1508.25, the range of actions 
(connected, cumulative and similar); alternatives (no action, other 
reasonable courses of action; and mitigation measures not included in 
the proposed action); and impacts (direct, indirect and cumulative) 
considered in an EIS or an EA. The process of defining and determining 
the scope of issues to be addressed in an EIS or EA with public 
involvement shall be referred to as Public Scoping. Internal scoping 
activities shall be referred to by the word scoping without 
    Submission Guidelines means the formally-adopted document which 
describes the application process and application requirements for 
projects requiring review by the Commission.
    Tiering means, as defined in 40 CFR 1508.28, an approach where 
Federal Agency applicants, NCPC on behalf of Non-federal Agency 
applicants, or NCPC for its own projects initially consider the broad, 
general impacts of a proposed program, plan, policy, or large scale 
project--or at the early stage of a phased proposal--and then conduct 
subsequent narrower, decision focused reviews.

Subpart B--Lead and Cooperating Agencies

Sec.  601.4   Designation of Lead Agency.

    (a) A Federal Agency applicant shall serve as the Lead Agency and 
prepare an EA or an EIS for:
    (1) An application that requires Commission approval; and
    (2) An application submitted for action on a master plan that 
includes future projects that require Commission approval; provided 
    (i) The applicant intends to submit individual projects covered by 
the master plan to the Commission within five years of the date of 
Commission action on the master plan; and
    (ii) The applicant intends to use the master plan EA or EIS to 
satisfy its NEPA obligation for specific projects referenced in the 
master plan.
    (b) At the sole discretion of the Executive Director, and unless 
determined otherwise, NCPC shall serve as Lead Agency and prepare and 
EA or and EIS for:
    (1) An application submitted by a Non-federal Agency that requires 
Commission approval;
    (2) An application submitted by a Non-federal Agency for action on 
a master plan that includes future projects that require Commission 
approval; provided that:
    (i) The Non-federal Agency applicant intends to submit individual 
projects covered by the master plan to the Commission within five years 
of the date of Commission action on the master plan; and
    (ii) The Non-federal Agency applicant intends to use the master 
plan EA or EIS to satisfy its NEPA obligation for a specific project 
referenced in the master plan; and
    (3) An application for approval of land acquisitions undertaken 
pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 8731-8732.

Sec.  601.5   Lead Agency obligations.

    (a) The obligations of a Federal Agency applicant designated as the 
Lead Agency in accordance with Sec.  601.4(a) shall include, without 
limitation, the following:
    (1) Act as Lead Agency as defined in 40 CFR 1501.5 for the NEPA 
    (2) Designate NCPC to participate as a Co-lead or Cooperating 
Agency and consult with Commission staff as early as possible in the 
planning process to obtain guidance with respect to the goals, 
objectives, standards, purpose, need, and alternatives for the NEPA 
    (3) Invite affected federal, state, regional and local agencies, 
and other potentially interested parties to participate as a 
Cooperating Agency in the NEPA process.
    (4) Consult with the affected agencies and entities as early as 
possible in the planning process to obtain guidance on the goals, 
objectives, standards, purpose, need, and alternatives for the NEPA 
    (5) Work with Cooperating Agencies and stakeholders, e.g., those 
with a direct stake in the outcome, in the following manner:
    (i) Keep them informed on the project schedule and substantive 
matters; and
    (ii) Allow them an opportunity to review and comment within 
reasonable time frames on, without limitation, Public Scoping notices; 
technical reports; public materials (including responses to comments 
received from the public); potential mitigation measures; the draft EA 
or EIS; and the draft FONSI or ROD.
    (6) Prepare the appropriate NEPA Document consistent with the 
applicant's NEPA regulations, the requirements of this part, and CEQ 
    (7) Determine in its NEPA Document whether an action will have an 
adverse environmental impact or would limit the choice of reasonable 
alternatives under 40 CFR 1505.1(e) and take appropriate action to 
ensure that the objectives and procedures of NEPA are achieved.
    (8) Prepare, make available for public review, and issue a FONSI or 
    (9) Ensure that the draft and final EIS comply with the 
requirements of 40 CFR 1506.5(c) and include a disclosure statement 
executed by any contractor (or subcontractor) under contract to prepare 
the EIS document and that the disclosure appears as an appendix to the 
    (10) Compile, maintain, and produce the Administrative Record.
    (11) Provide periodic reports on implementation of Mitigation 
measures to NCPC and other Cooperating Parties consistent with a 
schedule established in the NEPA Document.
    (12) Re-evaluate and update NEPA documents that are five or more 
years old as measured from the time of their adoption when either or 
both of the following criteria apply:
    (i) There are substantial changes to the proposed action that are 
relevant to environmental concerns; and
    (ii) There are significant new circumstances or information that 
are relevant to environmental concerns and have a bearing on the 
proposed action or its impacts.
    (13) Consult with NCPC on the outcome of the re-evaluation of its 
NEPA Document; provided that the NCPC reserves the right to make the 
final determination as to whether a Lead Agency's NEPA document 
requires updating.
    (b) When NCPC serves as Lead Agency in accordance with Sec.  
601.4(b), in addition to the obligations listed in paragraphs (a)(1) 
through (12) of this section, NCPC may:
    (1) Ask applicants, at its sole discretion, to enter into a MOU. 
The MOU may be prepared as a programmatic MOU that addresses a uniform 
approach for the treatment of all applications from a particular 
applicant or address a specific application. The request to enter into 
a project specific MOU shall be made after a determination is made as 
to theinability to utilize a CATEX. A MOU shall specify, without 
limitation, project information; roles and responsibilities; project 
timelines and schedules; principal contacts and contact information; 
and a mechanism for resolving disputes.
    (2) Request assistance from a Non-federal Agency applicant with the 
preparation of a NEPA Document. If requested by NCPC, the assistance 

[[Page 24576]]

include the provision of funding for a contractor retained by NCPC to 
prepare the requisite NEPA document. When Non-federal Agency financial 
assistance is requested, NCPC shall invite the Non-federal Agency 
applicant to participate in the procurement process to select the 
    (3) Require Non-federal Agency applicants to submit periodic 
reports on implementation of Mitigation measures to NCPC consistent 
with a schedule established in the NEPA Document.

Sec.  601.6   Resolving disputes over Lead Agency status.

    (a) In the event of a dispute with a Federal Agency applicant or a 
Non-federal Agency applicant over Lead Agency status, the parties shall 
use their best efforts to cooperatively resolve disputes at the working 
levels of their respective agencies and, if necessary, by escalating 
such disputes within their respective agencies.
    (b) If internal resolution at higher agency levels proves 
unsuccessful, at NCPC's sole discretion, one of the following actions 
shall be pursued: the parties shall request CEQ's determination on 
which agency shall serve as Lead, NCPC shall prepare its own NEPA 
Document, or NCPC shall decline to take action on the underlying 
    (c) Disputes other than those relating to the designation of Lead 
Agency status or Cooperating Status as described in Sec.  601.7(b), 
shall be governed by the requirements of subpart G of this part.

Sec.  601.7   Cooperating Agencies.

    (a) When a Federal Agency applicant serves as the Lead Agency, NCPC 
shall act as a Cooperating Agency. As a Cooperating Agency, NCPC shall, 
without limitation, undertake the following:
    (1) Act as a Cooperating Agency as described in 40 CFR 1501.6.
    (2) Assist in the preparation of and sign a MOU if requested by the 
Lead Agency. At the lead agency's discretion, the MOU may be prepared 
as a programmatic MOU that addresses a uniform approach for the 
treatment of all applications where NCPC serves as a cooperating agency 
or address a specific application. The request to enter into a project 
specific MOU shall be made after a determination is made as to the 
inability to utilize a CATEX.
    (3) Participate in the NEPA process by providing comprehensive, 
timely reviews of and comments on key NEPA materials including, without 
limitation, Public Scoping notices; technical reports; documents 
(including responses to comments received from the public); the draft 
and final EA or EIS; and the FONSI or ROD.
    (4) Supply available data, assessments, and other information that 
may be helpful in the preparation of the NEPA Document or the 
Administrative Record in a timely manner.
    (5) Make an independent evaluation of the Federal Agency 
applicant's NEPA Document and take responsibility for the scope and 
contents of the EIS or EA when it is sufficient as required by 40 CFR 
    (6) Prepare and sign a ROD or FONSI or, if NCPC concurs with the 
contents of the document, co-sign the Federal Agency's ROD or FONSI.
    (7) Provide documentation as requested and as needed by the Lead 
Agency for the Administrative Record.
    (b) In the event a Federal Agency applicant fails to allow NCPC to 
participate in a meaningful manner as a Cooperating Agency, the parties 
shall agree to use their best efforts to cooperatively resolve the 
issue at the working levels of their respective agencies, and, if 
necessary, by escalating the issue within their respective agencies. If 
internal resolution at higher agency levels is unsuccessful, NCPC at 
its sole discretion shall either require the parties to seek mediation, 
prepare its own NEPA Document either as a stand-alone document or a 
supplement to the Federal Agency applicant's NEPA Document, or take no 
action on the underlying application.
    (c) When NCPC serves as Lead Agency on behalf of Non-federal Agency 
applicant, the Non-federal Agency applicant shall serve as a 
Cooperating Agency and comply with the requirements of paragraphs 
(a)(1) through (4) and (7) of this section. Non-federal Agency 
applicants shall extend all assistance necessary to facilitate NCPC's 
compliance with NEPA including the provision of funding for consultant 
services if requested.

Subpart C--NEPA Submission Schedules

Sec.  601.8   NEPA submission schedule for applications governed by the 
National Capital Planning Act.

    (a) Federal Agency and Non-federal Agency applicants shall comply 
with NEPA for the following types of projects:
    (1) Projects requiring Commission approval; and
    (2) Master plans requiring Commission action with future projects 
requiring subsequent Commission approval; provided that:
    (i) The applicant intends to submit individual projects depicted in 
the master plan to the Commission within five years of the date of 
Commission action on the master plan; and
    (ii) The applicant intends to use the master plan EA or EIS to 
satisfy its NEPA obligation for specific projects referenced in the 
master plan.
    (b) When Federal Agency and Non-federal Agency applicants submit 
projects of the type described in paragraph (a) of this section, the 
applicant shall submit the NEPA documentation timed to coincide with 
the Commission's review stages as set forth in paragraphs (c) through 
(f) of this section.
    (c) Concept review. If NCPC's Submission Guidelines require review 
at the concept stage, the NEPA Public Scoping process shall have been 
initiated before the applicant submits an application for concept 
review. Available NEPA documentation, including a CATEX determination, 
shall be included in the application to facilitate effective Commission 
concept review.
    (d) Preliminary review. An applicant shall have issued or published 
its Draft NEPA Document before the applicant submits an application for 
preliminary review. The NEPA information shall be provided to the 
Commission to facilitate the Commission's preliminary review and the 
provision of meaningful Commission comments and direction.
    (e) Final review. The responsible Lead Agency shall complete and 
sign the final determination ROD or a FONSI) resulting from the NEPA 
Document before the applicant submits an application for final review. 
If NCPC is not the Lead Agency for NEPA, it shall at the time of final 
review undertake the steps outlined in Sec.  601.7(a)(5) and (6). If 
applicable, the Section 106 consultation process required by the NHPA 
shall also be complete at this stage.
    (f) Deviations from the submission schedule for emergency 
circumstances. (1) This paragraph (f) applies when the following three 
conditions exist:
    (i) NCPC is the Lead Agency;
    (ii) Emergency Circumstances exist; and
    (iii) An Extraordinary Circumstance as set forth in Sec.  601.11 is 
present that precludes use of a CATEX.
    (2) When the three conditions described in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) 
through (iii) of this section exist, the Executive Director shall make 
a determination as to whether the CATEX can or cannot be applied as 
soon as practicable. If the Executive Director determines a CATEX may 
not be applied, he/she shall take one of the steps indicated in 
paragraph (f)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section.

[[Page 24577]]

    (i) When Emergency Circumstances render it necessary to take an 
action that requires an EA before the EA can be competed, the Executive 
Director shall develop alternative arrangements focused on minimizing 
environmental impacts of the proposed action. These steps shall follow 
those normally undertaken for an EA, to include, to the maximum extent 
practicable, preparation of a document with appropriate content, 
interagency coordination, and public notification and involvement. The 
Commission shall grant approval for the alternative arrangement. At the 
earliest opportunity, the Executive Director shall advise CEQ of the 
alternative arrangement.
    (ii) Where Emergency Circumstances make it necessary for the 
Commission to take an action with significant environmental impacts 
without observing the rules of this part and CEQ's regulations, the 
Executive Director shall advise the Commission of the situation. 
Thereafter, as soon as practicable, the Executive director shall 
consult with CEQ regarding alternative arrangements for complying with 

Sec.  601.9   NEPA submission schedule for applications governed by the 
Commemorative Works Act.

    (a) When, pursuant to the Commemorative Works Act, NPS or GSA 
submits an application to the Commission for approval of a site and 
design for a commemorative work, the applicant shall be required to 
comply with NEPA and submit the NEPA documentation timed to coincide 
with the Commission's review stages as set forth in paragraphs (b) 
through (e) of this section.
    (b) Concept site review. (1) If NCPC's Submission Guidelines 
require concept site review, the NEPA Scoping Process shall have been 
initiated before NPS or GSA submits an application to the Commission 
for concept site review. Available NEPA documentation for all concept 
sites shall be included in the application to facilitate effective 
Commission concept review.
    (2) The Commission shall provide comments to NPS or GSA on the 
multiple sites to assist the applicant in selecting a preferred site.
    (c) Concept design review for preferred sites. (1) If NCPC's 
Submission Guidelines require concept design review, the NEPA Public 
Scoping Process shall have been initiated before NPS or GSA submits an 
application to the Commission for a concept design review. Available 
NEPA documentation shall be included in the application to facilitate 
effective Commission concept review.
    (2) The Commission shall provide comments to NPS or GSA on the 
preferred site(s) and the concept designs for each site to facilitate 
selection of a preferred site and refinement of the memorial design for 
that site. The Commission may impose conditions on or establish 
guidelines for the applicant to follow in preparing its preliminary and 
final commemorative work design to avoid, minimize or mitigate 
environmental impacts including adverse effects on historic properties.
    (d) Preliminary site and design review. (1) NPS or GSA shall have 
issued or published its Draft NEPA Document for the site selection 
process and the memorial design and shall have initiated the requisite 
public comment period before the applicant submits an application for 
preliminary site and design approval. The NEPA information shall be 
provided to the Commission to facilitate the Commission's preliminary 
review and the provision of meaningful Commission comments and 
    (2) The Commission shall take an appropriate action on the 
preferred site and preliminary design and provide comments to the 
applicant on the preliminary design to assist the applicant's 
preparation of a final design.
    (e) Final site and design review. The final environmental 
determination (ROD or FONSI) applicable to both the site selection and 
memorial design shall be completed and signed by NPS or GSA before the 
applicant submits an application for final review. NCPC shall have 
either co-signed the NPS or GSA ROD or FONSI or prepared and signed its 
own independent document. If applicable, the Section 106 consultation 
process required by the NHPA shall also be complete at this stage.

Subpart D--Initiating the NEPA Process

Sec.  601.10   Characteristics of Commission actions eligible for a 
Categorical Exclusion.

    (a) A categorical exclusion is a type of action that does not 
individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human 
environment and which has been found to have no such effect by NCPC.
    (b) Actions that generally qualify for application of a categorical 
exclusion and do not require either an EA or an EIS exhibit the 
following characteristics:
    (1) Minimal or no effect on the human environment;
    (2) No significant change to existing environmental conditions;
    (3) No significant cumulative environmental impacts; and
    (4) Similarity to actions previously assessed in an EA concluding 
in a FONSI and monitored to confirm the FONSI.

Sec.  601.11   Extraordinary Circumstances.

    (a) Before applying a CATEX listed in Sec.  601.12, the Executive 
Director shall consider whether a project or plan requires additional 
environmental review or analysis due to the existence of Extraordinary 
Circumstances. If any of the Extraordinary Circumstances listed in 
paragraphs (b)(1) through (10) of this section are present, the 
Executive Director shall direct staff to undertake a preliminary 
analysis to determine if the presence of the Extraordinary 
Circumstances negates the application of a CATEX. If the preliminary 
analysis determines application of a CATEX is not appropriate, the 
Executive Director shall see that the proper NEPA Document is prepared 
and made available to the Commission before the Commission takes action 
on the matter. If the Extraordinary Circumstance does not negate 
application of a CATEX, the appropriate CATEX shall be applied and its 
application documented for the record.
    (b) Extraordinary Circumstances that may negate the application of 
a CATEX include:
    (1) A reasonable likelihood of significant impact on public health 
or safety.
    (2) A reasonable likelihood of significant environmental impacts on 
sensitive resources unless the impact has been resolved through another 
processes to include, without limitation, Section 106 of the NHPA. 
Environmentally sensitive resources include without limitation:
    (i) Proposed federally listed, threatened or endangered species or 
their designated critical habitats.
    (ii) Properties listed or eligible for listing on the National 
Register of Historic Places.
    (iii) Areas having special designation or recognition based on 
federal law or an Executive Order, to include without limitation, 
National Historic Landmarks, floodplains, wetlands, and National Parks.
    (iv) Cultural, scientific or historic resources.
    (3) A reasonable likelihood of effects on the environment that are 
risky, highly uncertain, or unique.
    (4) A reasonable likelihood of violating an Executive Order, or 
federal, state or local law or requirements imposed for the protection 
of the environment.
    (5) A reasonable likelihood of causing a significant increase in 

[[Page 24578]]

transportation congestion, disruption of mass transit, and interference 
with pedestrian and bicycle movements.
    (6) A reasonable likelihood of significantly degrading air quality 
or violating air quality control standards under the Clean Air Act (42 
U.S.C. 7401-7671q).
    (7) A reasonable likelihood of significantly impacting water 
quality, public water supply systems, or state or local water quality 
control standards under the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) 
and the Safe Drinking Act (42 U.S.C. 300f).
    (8) A reasonable likelihood of a disproportional high and adverse 
effect on low income and minority populations.
    (9) A reasonable likelihood of degrading existing unsatisfactory 
environmental conditions.
    (10) A reasonable likelihood of establishing a precedent for future 
action or making a decision in principle about future actions with 
potentially significant environmental effects.
    (c) The Executive Director shall include in his EDR, or the 
documentation of a Delegated Action, his/her decision to apply or not 
apply a Categorical Exclusion because of Extraordinary Circumstances 
and the rationale for this decision.

Sec.  601.12   National Capital Planning Commission Categorical 

    Commission actions that may be categorically excluded and normally 
do not require either an EA or an EIS include:
    (a) Approval of the installation or restoration of onsite primary 
or secondary electrical distribution systems including minor solar 
panel arrays.
    (b) Approval of the installation or restoration of minor site 
elements, such as but not limited to identification signs, sidewalks, 
patios, fences, curbs, retaining walls, landscaping, and trail or 
stream improvements. Additional features include water distribution 
lines and sewer lines which involve work that is essentially 
replacement in kind.
    (c) Approval of the installation or restoration of minor building 
elements, such as, but not limited to windows, doors, roofs, building 
signs, and rooftop equipment and green roofs.
    (d) Adoption of a Federal Element of the Comprehensive Plan or 
amendment thereto or broad based policy or feasibility plans prepared 
and adopted by the Commission in response to the Comprehensive Plan.
    (e) Approval of an action proposed by a District of Columbia agency 
which the agency has determined is not a major action significantly 
affecting the quality of the human environment or is designated an 
exclusion in accordance with the requirements and procedures of DC 
Code. 8-109.06 and any regulations adopted to implement the referenced 
statutory provision.
    (f) Approval of changes to highway plans for portions of the 
District of Columbia prepared by the Mayor, pursuant to D.C Code. 9-
103.02, subject to documentation by the District that such plans 
involve no major traffic volume increase, have minimal or no effect on 
the environment, result in no significant change to existing 
environmental conditions, and impose no significant cumulative 
environmental impact associated with the action associated with the 
action as demonstrated in accordance with the requirements and 
procedures of DC Code. 8-109.01 et seq. and any regulations adopted to 
implement the referenced statutory provisions.
    (g) Approval of the sale by the Secretary of the Interior of 
parcels of real estate held by the United States in the District of 
Columbia under the jurisdiction of NPS that are no longer needed for 
public purposes pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 8735. Such an action shall be 
accompanied by a NPS NEPA determination that demonstrates minimal or no 
effect on the environment, no significant change to existing 
environmental conditions, and no significant cumulative environmental 
impact associated with the action.
    (h) Approval of the exchange of parcels of District-owned land, or 
part thereof, for an abutting lot or parcel of land, or part thereof 
pursuant to DC Code. 10-901, when such plans involve minimal or no 
effect on the environment, no significant change to existing 
environmental conditions, and no significant cumulative environmental 
impact associated with the action as demonstrated in accordance with 
the requirements and procedures of DC Code 8-109.01 et seq. and any 
regulations adopted to implement the referenced statutory provisions.
    (i) Approval of the installation of communication antennae on 
federal buildings and co-location of communication antennae on federal 
property consistent with GSA Bulletin FMR D-242, Placement of 
Commercial Antennas on Federal Property.
    (j) Approval of new construction, building expansion, or 
improvements to existing facilities, when:
    (1) The new structure and proposed use are in compliance with local 
planning and zoning and any applicable District of Columbia, state, or 
federal requirements.
    (2) The site and the scale of construction are consistent with 
those of existing adjacent or nearby buildings.
    (3) The proposed use will not substantially increase the number of 
motor vehicles at the Facility.
    (4) There is no evidence of community controversy or other 
environmental issues.
    (k) Approval of transfers of jurisdiction pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 
8421(a) that will not lead to anticipated changes in the use of land 
and that have no potential for environmental impact.
    (l) Approval of a minor modification to a General Development Plan 
applicable to lands acquired pursuant to the Capper-Cramton Act, 46 
Stat. 482 (1930), as amended, when no or minimal environmental impacts 
are anticipated.
    (m) Approval of an action proposed by a Federal Agency applicant 
when such applicant has determined a categorical exclusion set forth in 
its NEPA-implementing procedures applies to the proposed action; 
provided the Executive Director shall review the determination as to 
both the applicability of the exclusion and the absence of any 
extraordinary circumstances.
    (n) Reorganization of NCPC.
    (o) Personnel actions, including, but not limited to, 
investigations; performance reviews; award of personal service 
contracts, promotions, and awards; reductions in force, reassignments 
and relocations; and employee supervision and training.
    (p) Legal activities including, but not limited to, legal advice 
and opinions; litigation or other methods of dispute resolution; and 
procurement of outside legal services.
    (q) Procurement of goods and services, transactions, and other 
types of activities related to the routine and continuing 
administration, management, maintenance and operations of the 
Commission or its facilities.
    (r) Adoption and issuance of rules, directives, official policies, 
guidelines, and publications or recommendations of an educational, 
financial, informational, legal, technical or procedural nature.

Subpart E--Environmental Assessments

Sec.  601.13   Characteristics of Commission actions eligible for an 
Environmental Assessment.

    (a) An EA is a concise document with sufficient information and 
analysis to enable the Executive Director to

[[Page 24579]]

determine whether to issue a FONSI or prepare an EIS.
    (b) Commission actions that generally require an EA exhibit the 
following characteristics:
    (1) Minor but likely insignificant degradation of environmental 
    (2) Minor but likely insignificant cumulative impact on 
environmental quality; and
    (3) Minor but likely insignificant impact on protected resources.

Sec.  601.14   Commission actions generally eligible for an 
Environmental Assessment.

    Commission actions that typically require preparation of an EA 
include without limitation:
    (a) Approval of final plans for Federal public buildings in the 
District of Columbia, and the provisions for open space in and around 
the same, pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 8722(d) and DC Code 2-1004(c), unless 
such plans meet the criteria of Sec.  601.12(j).
    (b) Approval of final plans for District of Columbia public 
buildings and the open space around them within the Central Area 
pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 8722(e) and DC Code 2-1004(d) unless such plans 
meet the criteria of Sec.  601.12(e) or (j).
    (c) Recommendations to a Federal or District of Columbia agency on 
any master plan or master plan modification submitted to the Commission 
that include proposed future projects that require Commission approval 
pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 8722(d)-(e) and DC Code 2-1004(c)-(d) within a 
five-year timeframe.
    (d) Approval of a final site and design for a commemorative work 
authorized under the Commemorative Works Act pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 
    (e) Approval of transfers of jurisdiction over properties within 
the District of Columbia owned by the United States or the District 
among or between federal and District authorities, pursuant to 40 
U.S.C. 8124(a), unless such transfers met the criteria of Sec.  

Sec.  601.15   Process for preparing an Environmental Assessment.

    An EA prepared by NCPC as the Lead Agency for a project requiring 
Commission approval shall comply with the following requirements:
    (a) The EA shall include, without limitation, a brief discussion of 
the proposed action; the need for the proposed action; the 
environmental impacts of the proposed action; the environmental impacts 
of the alternatives considered; Mitigation measures, if necessary; and 
a list of agencies and persons consulted in preparation of the 
    (b) The NCPC shall involve, as appropriate, applicants; Federal and 
District of Columbia agencies; the public; and stakeholders (those with 
an economic, cultural, social, or environmental ``stake'' in the 
action) in the preparation of an EA.
    (c) The NCPC, at the sole discretion of the Executive Director, may 
undertake Public Scoping for an action requiring an EA. The Public 
Scoping shall commence thirty calendar days after issuance of a public 
notice of NCPC's intent to prepare an EA. The notice shall include the 
date, time and location of the Public Scoping meeting.
    (d) The NCPC may solicit public review and comment of a Draft EA. 
The public comment period shall be a minimum of thirty calendar days. 
The public comment period shall begin when the Executive Director 
announces the availability of the Draft EA on the NCPC Web site 
(www.ncpc.gov). The NCPC, at its sole discretion, may decline to 
circulate a draft EA for non-controversial projects.

Sec.  601.16   Finding of No Significant Impact.

    (a) If NCPC is the Lead Agency and the final EA supports a FONSI, 
NCPC shall prepare and execute a FONSI. The FONSI shall be prepared 
following closure of the discretionary public comment period on a Draft 
EA, or if no circulation is deemed necessary, at the conclusion of the 
preparation of an EA. The FONSI shall briefly state the reasons why the 
proposed action will not have a significant effect on the environment 
and include the EA or a summary thereof, any Mitigation commitments, 
and a schedule for implementing the Mitigation commitments.
    (b) If NCPC is not the Lead Agency, it shall evaluate the adequacy 
of the Lead Agency's FONSI, and if determined adequate, NCPC may co-
sign the Lead Agency's FONSI. Alternatively, NCPC may prepare and 
execute its own FONSI consistent with the requirements of paragraph (a) 
of this section.
    (c) A FONSI prepared by NCPC shall be available for public review 
seven calendar days before the Commission takes action on the 
underlying application.
    (d) If the Commission determines a Lead Agency's EA does not 
support a FONSI, either the Lead Agency shall prepare an EIS, or the 
Commission shall not approve or consider further the underlying 

Sec.  601.17   Supplemental Environmental Assessments.

    (a) The NCPC shall prepare a supplemental EA if five or more years 
have elapsed since adoption of the EA and:
    (1) There are substantial changes to the proposed action that are 
relevant to environmental concerns; and
    (2) There are significant new circumstances or information that are 
relevant to environmental concerns and have a bearing on the proposed 
action or its impacts.
    (b) The NCPC may supplement a Draft or Final EA at any time to 
further the purposes of NEPA.
    (c) The NCPC shall prepare, circulate, and file a supplement to a 
Draft or Final EA, and adopt a FONSI in accordance with the 
requirements of Sec. Sec.  601.15 and 601.16. If NCPC is not the Lead 
Agency, it shall proceed as outlined in Sec.  601.16(b) and (c).

Subpart F--Environmental Impact Statements

Sec.  601.18   Requirement for and timing of an Environmental Impact 

    Prior to the Commission's approval of a major federal action 
significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, the 
Executive Director shall prepare an EIS on behalf of a Non-federal 
Agency applicant.

Sec.  601.19   Context, intensity, and significance of impacts.

    (a) As required by 40 CFR 1508.27(a) and (b), the determination of 
whether an EIS is required and whether impacts are significant shall be 
made with consideration to the context and intensity of the impacts 
associated with a proposed action.
    (b) The significance of an action is determined in the context of 
its effects on society as a whole, the National Capital Region and its 
environs, the particular interests affected, and the specific locality 
or area within which the proposed action is located. The context will 
vary from project to project and will be based on the type, attributes, 
and characteristics of a particular proposal.
    (c) The significance of an action is also determined based on the 
severity of impacts imposed by the proposal. Severity shall be 
determined based on an evaluation of a proposal in the manner outlined 
in 40 CFR1508.27(b)(1) through (10). The evaluation shall also be 
informed by the relevant policies of ``The Comprehensive Plan for the 
National Capital: Federal Elements'' and other applicable Commission 
plans and programs. Proposed actions that conflict

[[Page 24580]]

with or delay achievement of the goals and objectives of Commission 
plans and programs are generally more likely to be found to have 
significant impacts than proposals that are consistent with Commission 
plans and programs.
    (d) Proposed actions shall also be deemed significant and require 
and EIS if they exhibit the following characteristics:
    (1) The proposed action results in extensive change to the 
Monumental Core.
    (2) The proposed action causes substantial alteration to the 
important historical, cultural, and natural features of the National 
Capital and its Environs.
    (3) The proposed action is likely to be controversial because of 
its impacts on the human environment.

Sec.  601.20   Streamlining Environmental Impact Statements.

    The NCPC as Lead Agency shall use all available techniques to 
minimize the length of an EIS. Such techniques include, without 
limitation, drafting an EIS in clear, concise language; preparing an 
analytic vs. encyclopedic EIS; reducing emphasis on background 
information; using the scoping process to emphasize significant issues 
and de-emphasize non-significant issues; incorporating relevant 
information by reference; using a programmatic EIS and tiering to 
eliminate duplication in subsequent EISs; and following the format 
guidelines of Sec.  601.22.

Sec.  601.21   Programmatic Environmental Impact Statements and 

    (a) The NCPC shall prepare a programmatic NEPA Document 
(Programmatic EA or PEA or Programmatic EIS or PEIS) to assess the 
impacts of proposed projects and plans when there is uncertainty 
regarding the timing, location and environmental impacts of subsequent 
implementing actions. At the time NCPC undertakes a site or project 
specific action within the parameters of the PEA or PEIS, NCPC shall 
tier its NEPA Document by summarizing information in the PEIS or PEA, 
as applicable, and concentrate on the issues applicable to the specific 
    (b) A PEIS or PEA prepared by NCPC shall be governed by the CEQ 
regulations and the rules of this part.

Sec.  601.22   Contents of an Environmental Impact Statement.

    When NCPC serves as Lead Agency for an EIS, the following 
information shall be included in the EIS:
    (a) A cover sheet. The cover sheet shall be one-page and include a 
list of responsible and Cooperating Agencies; the title of the proposed 
action that is the subject of the EIS; the name, address, and telephone 
number of the NCPC point of contact; the designation as to whether the 
statement is draft, final, or draft or final supplement; a one 
paragraph abstract of the EIS; and the date by which comments must be 
    (b) A summary. The summary shall accurately summarize the 
information presented in the EIS. The summary shall focus on the main 
conclusions, areas of controversy, and the issues to be resolved. The 
summary shall not exceed fifteen pages.
    (c) A table of contents. The table of contents shall allow a reader 
to quickly locate subject matter in the EIS--either by topic area and/
or alternatives analyzed.
    (d) The purpose and need. A statement of the purpose of and need 
for the action briefly stating the underlying purpose and need to which 
the agency is responding.
    (e) The identification of alternatives including the proposed 
action. This section shall provide a brief description and supporting 
documentation for all alternatives including the proposed action; the 
no action alternative; all reasonable alternatives including those not 
within the jurisdiction of the agency; alternatives considered but 
eliminated and the reason for their elimination; the agency's preferred 
alternative, if one exists; the environmentally preferred alternative; 
and Mitigation measures not already included in the proposed action.
    (f) The identification of the affected environment. This section 
shall provide a succinct description of the environment to be affected 
by the proposed action and the alternatives considered. This section 
shall include, if applicable, other activities in the area affected by 
or related to the proposed action.
    (g) The identification of environmental consequences. This section 
shall focus on the environmental impacts of the alternatives including 
the proposed action, any adverse environmental effects which cannot be 
avoided should the proposal be implemented, the relationship between 
short-term uses of the environment and the maintenance and enhancement 
of long-term productivity, and any irreversible commitments of 
resources which would be involved if the proposal is implemented. The 
impacts shall be discussed in terms of direct, indirect and cumulative 
effects and their significance, as well as any appropriate means to 
mitigate adverse impacts. The discussion shall also include issues and 
impact topics considered but dismissed to reveal non-impacted 
resources. Resource areas and issues requiring consideration shall 
include those identified in the scoping process, and, without 
limitation, the following:
    (1) Possible conflicts between the proposed action and the land use 
plans, policies, or controls (local, state, or Indian tribe) for the 
area concerned.
    (2) Natural and biological resources including topography, 
hydrology, soils, flora, fauna, floodplains, wetlands, and endangered 
    (3) Air quality.
    (4) Noise.
    (5) Water resources including wastewater treatment and storm water 
    (6) Utilities including energy requirements and conservation.
    (7) Solid waste and hazardous waste generation/removal.
    (8) Community facilities.
    (9) Housing.
    (10) Transportation network.
    (11) Socio-cultural and economic environments.
    (12) Environmental Justice and the requirements of Executive Order 
12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority 
    (13) Urban quality and design of the built environment including 
visual resources and aesthetics.
    (14) Historic and cultural resources to include documentation of 
the results of the Section 106 Consultation process.
    (15) Public health and safety.
    (h) A list of preparers. This list shall include all pertinent 
organizations, agencies, individuals, and government representatives 
primarily responsible for the preparation of the EIS and their 
    (i) An index. The index shall be structured to reasonably assist 
the reader of the Draft or Final EIS in identifying and locating major 
topic areas or elements of the EIS information. The level of detail of 
the index shall provide sufficient focus on areas of interest to any 
reader not just the most important topics.
    (j) An appendix. The appendix shall consist of material prepared in 
connection with an EIS (as distinct from material which is incorporated 
by reference) and material which substantiates any analysis fundamental 
to the EIS. The material in the appendix shall be analytical and 
relevant to the decision to be made. The appendix shall be circulated 
with the EIS or be readily available upon request.

[[Page 24581]]

Sec.  601.23   The Environmental Impact Statement process.

    (a) The NCPC shall involve the applicant, Federal and District of 
Columbia agencies, members of the public and stakeholders in the 
preparation of an EIS. Public participation shall be required as part 
of Public Scoping process and review of the Draft EIS. The NCPC shall 
also consult with agencies having jurisdiction by law or expertise. 
Agencies with ``jurisdiction by law'' are those with ultimate 
jurisdiction over a project and whose assistance may be required on 
certain issues and those with other kinds of regulatory or advisory 
authority with respect to the action or its effects on particular 
environmental resources.
    (b) To determine the scope of an EIS through a Public Scoping 
process, NCPC shall proceed as follows:
    (1) Disseminate a NOI in accordance with 40 CFR 1506.6.
    (2) Publish a NOI in the Federal Register which shall begin the 
Public Scoping process.
    (3) Include the date, time, and location of a Public Scoping 
meeting in the NOI. The public meeting shall be announced at least 
thirty calendar days in advance of its scheduled date.
    (4) Hold Public Scoping meeting(s) in facilities that are 
accessible to the disabled; include Translators requested in advance; 
include signers or interpreters for the hearing impaired if requested 
in advance; and allow special arrangements for consultation with 
affected Indian tribes or other Native American groups who have 
environmental concerns that cannot be shared in a public forum.
    (5) Consider all comments received during the announced comment 
period regarding the analysis of alternatives, the affected 
environment, and identification of potential impacts.
    (6) Apply the provisions of this section to a Supplemental EIS if 
the Executive Director of NCPC, in his/her sole discretion, determines 
a Public Scoping process is required for a Supplemental EIS.
    (c) A Draft EIS shall be available to the public for their review 
and comment, for a period of not less than forty-five calendar days. 
The public comment period shall begin when EPA publishes a NOA of the 
document in the Federal Register. The NCPC shall hold at least one 
public meeting during the public comment period on a Draft EIS. The 
public meeting shall be announced at least thirty calendar days in 
advance of its scheduled occurrence. The announcement shall identify 
the subject of the Draft EIS and include the public meeting date, time, 
and location.

Sec.  601.24   Final Environmental Impact Statement.

    (a) The NCPC shall prepare a Final EIS following the public comment 
period and the public meeting(s) on the Draft EIS. The Final EIS shall 
respond to oral and written comments received during the Draft EIS 
public comment period.
    (b) The Commission shall take final action on an application 
following a thirty-day Commission-sponsored review period of the Final 
EIS. The thirty-day period shall start when the EPA publishes a NOA for 
the Final EIS in the Federal Register.

Sec.  601.25  Record of Decision.

    (a) If NCPC as the Lead Agency decides to recommend approval of a 
proposed action covered by an EIS, it shall prepare and sign a ROD 
stating the Commission's decision and any conservation or Mitigation 
measures required by the Commission. The ROD shall include among 
    (1) A statement of the decision.
    (2) The identification of alternatives considered in reaching a 
decision specifying the alternatives that were considered to be 
environmentally preferable. The ROD shall discuss preferences among 
alternatives based on relevant factors including economic and technical 
planning considerations and the Commission's statutory mission. The ROD 
s shall identify those factors balanced to reach a decision and the 
influence of various factors on the decision.
    (3) A statement as to whether all practicable means to avoid or 
minimize environmental harm from the alternative selected has been 
adopted, and if not, why they are not.
    (4) A monitoring and enforcement program that summarizes Mitigation 
    (5) Date of issuance.
    (6) Signature of the Chairman.
    (b) The contents of the ROD proposed for Commission adoption shall 
be summarized in the EDR and a full version of the document shall be 
included as an Appendix to the EDR. The proposed ROD, independently of 
the EDR, shall be made available to the public for review fourteen 
calendar days prior to the Commission's consideration of the proposed 
action for which the EIS was prepared.
    (c) The Commission shall arrive at its decision about the proposed 
action and it's environmental effects in a public meeting of record as 
identified by the Commission's monthly agenda.
    (d) If NCPC is not the Lead Agency, it shall either co-sign the 
Lead Agency's ROD if it agrees with its contents and conclusions or it 
shall prepare and sign its own ROD consistent with the requirements of 
paragraph (a) of this section.
    (e) If the Commission determines a Lead Agency's EIS fails to 
support a ROD, the Lead Agency shall revise its EIS, or, alternatively, 
the Commission shall not approve or give any further consideration to 
the underlying application.

Sec.  601.26   Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.

    (a) The NCPC shall prepare a supplemental EIS if five or more years 
has elapsed since adoption of the EIS and:
    (1) There are substantial changes to the proposed action that are 
relevant to environmental concerns; and
    (2) There are significant new circumstances or information that are 
relevant to environmental concerns and have a bearing on the proposed 
action or its impacts.
    (b) The NCPC may supplement a Draft or Final EIS at any time, to 
further the purposes of NEPA.
    (c) The NCPC shall prepare, circulate, and file a supplement to a 
Draft or Final EIS in accordance with the requirements of Sec. Sec.  
601.22 through 601.24 of this part except that Public Scoping is 
optional for a supplemental EIS.
    (d) The NCPC shall prepare a ROD for a Supplemental EIS. The ROD's 
contents, the procedure for public review, and the manner in which it 
shall be adopted shall be as set forth in Sec.  601.25.

Sec.  601.27   Legislative Environmental Impact Statement.

    (a) Consistent with 40 CFR 1506.8, the Executive Director shall 
prepare an EIS for draft legislation initiated by NCPC for submission 
to Congress. The EIS for the proposed legislation shall be included as 
part of the formal transmittal of NCPC's legislative proposal to 
    (b) The requirements of this section shall not apply to legislation 
Congress directs NCPC to prepare.

Subpart G--Dispute Resolution

Sec.  601.28   Dispute resolution.

    Any disputes arising under this part, shall be resolved, unless 
otherwise stated, by the parties through interagency, good faith 
negotiations starting at the working levels of each agency, and if 
necessary, by escalating such disputes within the respective agencies. 
If resolution at higher levels is

[[Page 24582]]

unsuccessful, the parties shall resort to mediation.

Sec.  601.29   [Reserved]

    Dated: May 23, 2017.
Anne R. Schuyler,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2017-10940 Filed 5-26-17; 8:45 am]

Current View
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
SectionProposed Rules
ActionProposed rule; public meetings.
DatesSubmit comments on or before July 14, 2017. Public meetings to discuss the proposed Policies and Procedures will be held on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. and Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Both meetings will be held at the National Capital Planning Commission, 401 9th Street NW., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20004.
ContactAnne R. Schuyler, General Counsel at 202-482-7223 or [email protected]
FR Citation82 FR 24570 

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