82 FR 43249 - U.S. Endangered Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Applications

Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Register Volume 82, Issue 177 (September 14, 2017)

Page Range43249-43250
FR Document2017-19401

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to comment on applications for permits to conduct activities intended to enhance the propagation or survival of endangered species. With some exceptions, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) prohibits certain activities that constitute take of listed species unless a Federal permit is issued that allows such activity. The ESA also requires that we invite public comment before issuing these permits.

Federal Register, Volume 82 Issue 177 (Thursday, September 14, 2017)
[Federal Register Volume 82, Number 177 (Thursday, September 14, 2017)]
[Pages 43249-43250]
From the Federal Register Online  [www.thefederalregister.org]
[FR Doc No: 2017-19401]



Fish and Wildlife Service

[FWS-R6-ES-2017-N066; FXES11130600000-178-FF06E00000]

U.S. Endangered Species; Receipt of Recovery Permit Applications

AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit applications; request for comments.


SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to 
comment on applications for permits to conduct activities intended to 
enhance the propagation or survival of endangered species. With some 
exceptions, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) prohibits certain 
activities that constitute take of listed species unless a Federal 
permit is issued that allows such activity. The ESA also requires that 
we invite public comment before issuing these permits.

DATES: To ensure consideration, we must receive your written comments 
by October 16, 2017.

ADDRESSES: Requesting Copies of Applications or Public Comments: Copies 
of applications or public comments concerning any of the applications 
in this notice may be obtained by any party who submits a written 
request for a copy of such documents to the following office within 30 
days of the date of publication of this notice, subject to the 
requirements of the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) and the Freedom of 
Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552): Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 25486-DFC, Denver, CO 80225.
    Submitting Comments: You may submit comments by one of the 
following methods. Please specify applicant name(s) and application 
number(s) to which your comments pertain (e.g., TE-XXXXXX).
     Email: [email protected]. Please refer to the respective 
permit number (e.g., Application No. TE-XXXXXX) in the subject line of 
your email message.
     U.S. Mail: Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, P.O. Box 25486-DFC, Denver, CO 80225.
     In-Person Drop-off, Viewing, or Pickup: Call (719) 628-
2670 to make an appointment during regular business hours at 134 Union 
Blvd., Suite 645, Lakewood, CO 80228.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kathy Konishi, Recovery Permits 
Coordinator, Ecological Services, (719) 628-2670 (phone); 
[email protected] (email).

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
(Service), invite the public to comment on applications for permits to 
conduct activities intended to promote recovery of endangered species. 
With some exceptions, the ESA prohibits certain activities with 
endangered species unless a Federal permit allows such activity. The 
ESA also requires that we invite public comment before issuing these 


    The ESA prohibits certain activities with endangered and threatened 
species unless authorized by a Federal permit. The ESA and our 
implementing regulations in part 17 of title 50 of the Code of Federal 
Regulations (CFR) provide for the issuance of such permits and require 
that we invite public comment before issuing permits for activities 
involving endangered species.
    A recovery permit issued by us under section 10(a)(1)(A) of the ESA 
authorizes the permittee to conduct activities with endangered or 
threatened species for scientific purposes that promote recovery or for 
enhancement of propagation or survival of the species. Our regulations 
implementing section 10(a)(1)(A) for these permits are found

[[Page 43250]]

at 50 CFR 17.22 for endangered wildlife species, 50 CFR 17.32 for 
threatened wildlife species, 50 CFR 17.62 for endangered plant species, 
and 50 CFR 17.72 for threatened plant species.

Permit Applications Available for Review and Comment

    We invite local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies and the public 
to comment on the following applications.

       Application  number             Applicant            Species            Location            Activity          Type of take       Permit  action
TE077684-1......................  Memphis Zoological  Wyoming toad        TN................  Captive             Capture, handle,    Renew
                                   Society, Memphis,   (Anaxyrus                               propagation,        captive
                                   TN.                 baxteri).                               educational         propagation, and
                                                                                               display.            release.
TE6556C-2.......................  Bowen Collins and   (Spiranthes         UT................  Survey and monitor  Collect and handle  Amend
                                   Associates,         diluvialis) Ute                                             Ute ladies'-
                                   Draper, UT.         ladies'- tresses,                                           tresses; playback
                                                       Southwestern                                                calls and
                                                       willow flycatcher                                           disturbance of
                                                       (Empidonax                                                  Southwestern
                                                       traillii extimus).                                          willow flycatcher.
TE26583C-0......................  Chicago Botanic     (Sclerocactus       UT................  Survey, monitor,    Collection of       New
                                   Garden, Glencoe,    wrightiae) Wright                       sample.             tissue to
                                   IL.                 fishhook cactus.                                            investigate
                                                                                                                   genetic diversity
                                                                                                                   and gene flow.
TE054317-0......................  InterWest Wildlife  Southwestern        UT, WY............  Survey and monitor  Playback calls and  New
                                   and Ecological      willow flycatcher                                           disturbance.
                                   Services, Inc.,     (Empidonax
                                   Richmond, UT.       traillii extimus).
TE121914-8......................  U.S. Geological     Least tern          CO, NE, ND, SD, MT  Survey and monitor  Capture, handle,    Amend
                                   Survey,             (Sternula                                                   band.
                                   Jamestown, ND.      antillarum
TE26580C-0......................  Milu Velardi,       New Mexico meadow   CO, NM for the New  Survey and monitor  Capture, handle,    New
                                   Denver, CO.         jumping mouse       Mexico meadow       for all species;    band, radio tag,
                                                       (Zapus hudsonius    jumping mouse;      radio tag and       and release for
                                                       luteus), gray bat   AL, AR, AZ, CO,     band for bats.      bats; capture,
                                                       (Myotis             CT, DC, DE, FL,                         handle for
                                                       grisescens),        GA, IA, IL, IN,                         measurements,
                                                       Indiana bat         KS, KY, LA, MA,                         release for New
                                                       (Myotis sodalis),   MD, ME, MI, MN,                         Mexico meadow
                                                       Virginia big-       MO, MS, MT, NC,                         jumping mouse.
                                                       eared bat           ND, NE, NH, NJ,
                                                       (Corynorhinus       NM, NY, OH, OK,
                                                       (=plecotus)         PA, RI, SC, SD,
                                                       townsendii          TN, TX, VA, VT,
                                                       virginianus).       WI, WV, WY for
                                                                           the bats.
TE09941B-2......................  Felsburg Holt and   American burying    NE, SD, KS, OK,     Survey and monitor  Capture, handle,    Amend
                                   Ullevig, Inc.,      beetle              TX, MO, AR for                          mark of American
                                   Lincoln, NE.        (Nicrophorus        American burying                        burying beetle;
                                                       americanus),        beetle; IA, NE                          capture, handle,
                                                       Indiana bat         for the Indiana                         band of Indiana
                                                       (Myotis sodalis).   bat.                                    bat.
TE32974C-0......................  Central Utah Water  June sucker         UT................  Carp removal in     Capture, immediate  New
                                   Conservancy         (Chasmistes                             Utah Lake to        release.
                                   District, Orem,     liorus).                                restore
                                   UT.                                                         vegetative refuge
                                                                                               habitat for the
                                                                                               June sucker.
TE67018A-1......................  National Park       Least tern          NE................  Survey and monitor  Capture, handle,    Renew
                                   Service, Missouri   (Sternula                                                   band.
                                   River National      antillarum
                                   Recreational        athalassos).
                                   River, Yankton,
TE210754-1......................  Lincoln Children's  Salt Creek tiger    NE................  Captive             Capture, handle,    Renew
                                   Zoo, Lincoln, NE.   beetle (Cicindeoa                       propagation.        captive
                                                       nevadica                                                    propagation, and
                                                       lincolniana).                                               release.
TE040510-1......................  ERO Resources,      Southwestern        CO................  Survey and monitor  Playback calls and  Renew
                                   Denver, CO.         willow flycatcher                                           disturbance.
                                                       traillii extimus).

Public Availability of Comments

    Before including your address, phone number, email address, or 
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be 
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying 
information--may be made publicly available at any time. If you submit 
a hardcopy comment that includes personal identifying information, you 
may request at the top of your document that we withhold this 
information from public review; however, we cannot guarantee that we 
will be able to do so.

Contents of Public Comments

    Please make your comments as specific as possible. Please confine 
your comments to issues for which we seek comments in this notice, and 
explain the basis for your comments. Include sufficient information 
with your comments to allow us to authenticate any scientific or 
commercial data you include.
    The comments and recommendations that will be most useful and 
likely to influence agency decisions are: (1) Those supported by 
quantitative information or studies; and (2) Those that include 
citations to, and analyses of, the applicable laws and regulations.
Next Steps
    If the Service decides to issue permits to any of the applicants 
listed in this notice, we will publish a notice in the Federal 

    Section 10(c) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)

Michael Thabault,
Assistant Regional Director, Mountain-Prairie Region.
[FR Doc. 2017-19401 Filed 9-13-17; 8:45 am]

Current View
CategoryRegulatory Information
CollectionFederal Register
sudoc ClassAE 2.7:
GS 4.107:
AE 2.106:
PublisherOffice of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration
ActionNotice of receipt of permit applications; request for comments.
DatesTo ensure consideration, we must receive your written comments by October 16, 2017.
ContactKathy Konishi, Recovery Permits Coordinator, Ecological Services, (719) 628-2670 (phone); [email protected] (email).
FR Citation82 FR 43249 

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